HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-29, Page 1y 22, 1881,
dIed and firreay ade
-Se hack, which wale
/aye by this croces,s.
interest to serve 34
hies only to benefit
nalady referred -to.
iontoka Post Office, -
• who cures. by this
ured my wife. yours
arena ConserVa-
Liberal Conserve.
on was held at Wines
ust. Delegates froee
eipalities were pees.
eessful meeting wee
were: Turnberry,
trton, J. Farrow, se
essgroe-e, ETiudai
Leech. Howick,—
T. Roddy, B. 8.
J. Perkins, R. Ala.
Wroxeter,---ste pees
shi—R. Beiiyle
lune, R. Buchalaae.
-R. Ellis, \Vila. Ellis,
wens. Motris,—G.
J. Gardner, Thos.
te. Ashfleld,--A. 0„
..ow—Dr. Gardner,
Grundy. Blythe—
l'horne, P. Kelly.
-,gers, C. R. Cooper,
-WM. Holmes, Jas.
—H. Meyer, Dr,
a, W. 'Watson, Dr.
ivniont, C. T. Scott,
— I)a.vis, T.
The followires
Dr. Tennant,t'Vicee
• INfeyer, Secretary.
ee appointed Presi-
t Municipalities:
ewe; Howick, Hy.
ry. Jos. Johnston;
Iton ; Morris, Geo.
13. Willson'East
; West Wrawan-
4cknow, Dr. Gard -
lege ; Ashfield, A. C.
ns endorsing the
vernment in their
N. P.; also the ac-.
entative, Mr. Fer-
ried. The meeting
`sin Kansas.
'1 Two Alut Shot --
Ea ptricnce.
41g- last an express'
land. Itailsva,y, con -
rid baggage cars, six
rid one eleeping
Ica.ving Kausas
by thirteen armed
train left Kan-,
• the eveniug, atict-
eitiou at 9.30. The
traiu at Cameron,
1 at Winstou they
es with drawn re -
• bandits advanced
tach hand toward
• and ordered him to
The couductor bes
ug was shot through
✓ robber shot one
e cutter, of Wilton
ed outward in his
:lieu went through
ress ear, overpower -
:y, and intimitlated
d safe, from which
etates that the rob -
of confederates on
y boarded it, and at
the conductor, and
-cutter for the 611-
tu rushed out
u which they fell
ecured possession of
robbers ran to the
applied, and the-
e track at a furlong
ae of the robbers
express Messenger,
Etaxted for the cars,
given to the pas-
hauds and give
Let valuables. The
ress car "took the
red all the money
iterated. The naes-
down because there
1.1s.e- to eatisfy the
,ateued to kill him,
tlien he told them
t in his possession.
ucceeded in robbing
brakemen pulled
Lie train stopped.
robbers, who left
-or the woods. The
pirteen. Two had
about their face&
cured le not de-
ft is between two
liars. It is believed
profeseion els. One
e since the robbery,
e identified. Men
Ilbbers found where
a 'nes in the wOoc18.
away they cut the
• hauging to the
foot, of I3russel5,
su robbed at Wins-
• exit from etkeees,
lie conductor. He
that after he
he lowered his
rubber who had
g him off his feet.
;heir flight reached
. same illetan t, and
you the platform
• euette is said to
200 miles
:_laerto the head of
'and a dwelling-
-t en the 10th con-
e•er Duriegai, this
eke prosperity.
• and Scrimgeour,
Listowel High
iu order to coin-
- course. Two
.ertised for.
• River has risen -
the seasou. The
the heavy rains
i nut the case in
ract of land along
ecouuted for by the
having turn
he Aseihiboine
nnipeg. tl 8 "r•
eealbridge was the
n re 2d uu dent, wiliah
erepertions thau
e there had beeo.
nguishing it.
hut happilY
I have received instructions from the
proprietors, Messrs. Smith & West (at
present in Winnipeg), to rednce the
stock as speedily as possible, and in
order to do so, mark down goods to
such a low figure, that our customers
from the surrounding country will avail
themselves of the opportunity of pur-
chasing goods BA priceidower than they
have ever been offered before. The
stock is new and first-class ; no old rub-
bish that has been lying in stock ifor ten
, or more years. You will find ' it 831
fresh and fashionable, and consisting
of everything required_ in a first-class
Dry Goods House, and will be sold for
• CASH ONLY, and to every person the
Barae. Bantering discouraged. , A call
is respectfally solicited, when the goods
will be showu to you with pleasure, and
we will not impertinently insist on sell-
ing you goods that you do not want,
but will give you au opportunity of com-
paring prices and quality with any other
house in the trade, and purchasing only
what pleases you. Call early end often.
. —AT—
• --IN—
REGATTA SHIRTS—all prices,
Campbell's Block, No11, Seaforth.
OFFICE—In the premises forilner-
k occupied by the Bank of Com-
merce, and under the Commercial
Hotel, Main, Street.
English and Foreign Exchange
Purchased and Sold.
Purchased at Reasonable Rates,
31-00eY Lenten Collateral Securities.
Drafts Issued, payable at par at all
Branches of the Bank of Commerce.
INTEREST Allowed on" Deposits
Money to Loan on Mortgages.
M. ID: la ACY MS,
Manager and Proprietor.
IticLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
Canada. •
Rev. Dr. Bonar, of Ednburgh, hes
arrived in Toronto.
—St. Thomas now has a populati
of about 9,000. Eight year ago it h
only 2,100.
—Five car loads of butte were shi
ed from London the other d y for G1 8-
gow by Heath & Fiunemor
—Upwards of $18,000 have be�u
spent on St. Andrew's Chu ch, Sarni
by the Building Committee.
—There will be a graud •rofessiou
regatta in Toronto on the 7 h and 8th
of September, during the ft st week f
the Fair.
—Mr. Milner, a gold medalist, of T
selected as
llegiate i -1
etter fro
a thousau
Ross thee
t Edwar
e for tie
alance f r
iver is t
t, and the
who a e
power atfe
ronto University, has been
a teacher in the London c
stitute at $800 a year.
—Hanlan has received a
Erie, Pennsylvania, offering
dollars to be added to the
$2,000 a side if be would row
it —Over 1,000 European
Went over the river at Poi
last week. About 800 we
Western States and the
Manitoba. .
i —The water - in Grand
present at a very low poi
prospects for manufacturer
dependent upon it for their
not good.
—The new comet has bee
the naked eye. It will mak
helion passage about August
]twill be 'twenty-five times brighter
than when first seen.
—Mr. Amos Hill, of Pari, died on
Thursday, 21st inst., aged inety-two
years. He was one of the oldest set-
tlers of the town, having li ed wher
he died over sixty years.
1 —David Smith, of Townse d Centre,
While drawing out manure, nearthed
live hen and fourteen eggs n a hole,
where she had been buried withoutfood
or water for two months.
—Winnipeg has voted $1,5
Manitoba Government $500
the expenses of receiving the
General. Private subscript
believed, will be liberal.
—The Nottawa.saga aerie
ciety has done away with mo
and will hereafter give only
the best exhibits at its fairs.
new departure. How will it
seen wit
its per -
0 and thit
to defri4
Governor -
ons, it ida
itural SQ-
ey prizes,
edals for
This is it,
ork ?
—Alex. McWilliams, Esq, of Buil-
lord, has sold his homestead if 92 acres',
one mile from the village of Burford
for $7,500 to Alex. Mclrvine,i n. Thi
is a good price for a fine prop rty.
—Eighteen buildings were burned i
the little village of Chippew on Sun
day afternoon. The fire was caused b
a spark from a locomotive ring th
freight house. Loss about $12,000.
—Thomas Gegen, of Gri sby, mad
the first shipment of pea hes from
Grimsby on the 20th inst. T e sampl
is as fine as was ever shipped Peache
this year are going to be -Of good siz
and flavor.
I—The first child born in
Northwest Territory, now a
two weeks old, has been
William Scott Brandon Coll
a grandson of the laee Si
Colles, of Blyth.
—On Tuesday night last d ring th
thunder and lightning storm two chil-
dren belonging to Mr. White of Otta-
wa, were so seriously injure; by th
electric fluid that they died o ) the fol
lowing day.
—Messrs. John Jaycox nd Will
Ward are making a bicycle our froin
Ann Arbor to Niagara, via Amherst
bmg. On an average they avel from
fifty to sixty miles per day. The tri
is 'pronounced most enjoyable
—On Thursday of last eek Mrs.
Rippen, wife of a Brockton st rekeeper,
was struck by lightning whil standing
at' theestove in her kitchen. The elec-
tric fluid scorched her chee and in-
jured her clothing. She was not seri-
ously hurt. .
!--A little boy at Smithville
a ehocking accident the other
child, who is a son of Mrs. S
ittle ove
s. He
met with
ay. The
ah Hew-
son, had his head neatly cut off by a
scythe in the hands of a you g woman
teeing to cut grain. He died t e follow -
in day.
Mrs. Grey, of Drummon ville, ob-
seeved a large snake at ber ittle girl
and promptly crushed the l'fe out of
the reptile with the heel of he boot. It
preyed to be a rattlesnake fon feet in
length, with ten rattles. The hild was
not bitten.
1—Last Sunday morning
bound. Grand Trunk freight -
off the track at the Nort
Nerthwestern junction, near
town. Two cars area total w
the Northern and Northweste
was injured.
Friday morning about 8
son, aged 3, of Mr. McGee
ne0.r Whitby, wandered fro
andeeas found dead in a fiel
No. -Inquest was considered
Thenloctor says the child, finding him-
self lost, was terrified to death
n east -
rain ran
ern and
eck, and
n bridge
o'clock a
, farmer,
n home,
of oats.
—Farm labor in the vicinit
and other parts of Waterloo
rate exceedingly high. In a
stances as high as $3 per day
offered and refused for harv
and many farmers- Were co
give from $2 to 2.50 per day.
Mr. Ephriam Stauffer, .fo
Blenheim township, but now
toba, is so well pleased with t
trythat he has taken up one
tion of land between Turtle
and Pelican Lake. ,This is but
in hundreds who do likewise.
—Mr. Robert Bernard W
Winnipeg contractor, is going
a three run of stones steam g
and saw mill at Pembina
Th p Pembina Crossing people
Watson, 5200 cash, 200 cords
and 4,000 bushels of wheat, as
forlsaid mills.
-L-Arrangements are being m
the Commissioner of Indian A
the transfer of the Oka Indi
the Twol Mountains locality i
cif Galt
•s said to
few in -
has been
st work,
celled to
merly of
f Mani-
alf sec-
one case
tson, a
o put up
ist mill
ve Mr.
f wood,
a bonus
de with
airs for
ns from
Pr MC , to Muskoka. It is under-
sto th t the removal of the Indians
'will shoetly be made. Ten thousand
acz1es of F land have been secured in
Mit koke as a reser e, and the Indiens
will be lecated upoi4 t is and suppLed
wit)il provisions, farn implernents, etc.
4 -On ISaturday. ilarge a large New-
foun la d dog brok into a sheep yard
in 1ontieal where 1ep w re kept or
HhiPping to Britain, ud when caught
at four o clock on S nday 'peening, had
killpd se en and s4oi11nded seventeen
oth es. 111
It is stated up -di good, authority
tha the crops betjwen Quebec and
'Xiciiii rea will fall m h short of what
they hay yielded n ordinary years.
Ha has been so badl , burnt up by the
drought hat the tot 1 crop will not
amo nt o more thaii 0 per cent. of the
aver ge.
— c trapany has been formed in
Edi bur h, Scotian , by capitalists in
tha i y and in Du ee and Montre 1,
for , the purpose 1 of promoti g
emig atiOu to Manit ba, where th y
hay bdught four hundred thou-
san acres of laud om the Paci c
Rai Way Company.
—The storm on Mo day night di a
vas1 amonut of dam e in Western On-
tari The crops i many, sectio s
wer seriously iujur , and barns a d
farm outbuildings we 0 etruok in t e
vicie ty of London, undas, Ingers 11
and other places by i htning, and wi h
their contents destro d.
--1married wome
ton, residing in A
named Joh s-
hburnham no:r
Petetiboro, tried to ,comniit suici e
twice on Thursday nie t of last week,
by throwing herself i , the river. S e
was pulled out eadh time, and look d
after eo as to prevent or putting an e d
to her existence.
, —Mr. D. Muchwaeg r, of Bright, hs
two cows which he el inas cermet ee ,
beatee by any other b cows in t e
Province for giving fk. They ave
aged f or the last mo t i over 100 pounils
each day, and he got a theque from t e
cheese factory for $2 , 6 for the mon ih
of Jure°. I
—On the day of t a ,egatta at Ha
ilton, Mr. Angus Mo neon, of Toront
while:asleep on a s a in feont of t e
Oce tte House, at the ;aoh, was robb d
of a valuable gold N a h, with chai
lockets, and seals, th hief ne doubt b
ing one of the many 4rpers1who wee
about, on that day. , 1
n Wednesday f last week M
Sanc1rson, of Peterb y, aftee making a
shipnaent of cheese, t to the facto y
to give the proceeds, 0, to the for
man :but the latter 0 being on han ,
he g Ye it to Sam M , cheese -make ,
to h rid laim. Moor "sappeared, and
he 'I r the money ha not been hea d
of si ce. ,
—i few days ago young strang r
entered the Toron • Youog Men s
Chrittian Associatio eadinn room o
.1 look ever the paper. He placed h s
luncleon 4 cbair unt e should finis
his reading, but wha as his surpri e
when the Was prepar n to leave to find
that lit had been "ho k d."
—The Galt Report r Says: The Doo
flax redhe under the b 0 management f
the 4essrs. Perrino, re rapidly d
] velo ing into a very xtensive ente
prise Additions aaie yeerly bee
mad ;of late to the iuldings and m
chin ry, and at prose upwards of ono
1 hun red end twenty h nds Bale emplo
1 ed On the premises.
he thee day rear Pertage lIa
hors ft att °hod to a Wagon along t e
Prai ie a armee was delving a team f
edge 10f the river, wh n the bank san ,
precipttating the whele outfit into the
water.1 After a little' loub1e the ma
succ4ectedl in fishing Ilie animals an
vehi le out, apparent none the woes
for their Unexpected th.
— t street car d i er in Londo
nam4c Collins, ran s v ral blocks aft r
a lad passenger, on turday and gav
her a jurse contain' g 13 which sh
had dropped. -He 8 o id be coalmen
ed for his honest, as en of his oc
patiog are not usuall t oubled in thi
way. But there are fter all, hones
men, even in every ran of life.
—While Joseph ckard, son o
Mr. Alex. Crockard, OL Sarnia town
ship, was holding a c for a momen
at M .1Cole's barn, t other evenin
the taimal kicked h m in the le
beea i g it below t • knee. Dr. Mc
Lean, , as called and • t the fracture
lirub, lalnd the boy i ow recoverin
. Father S z of St. Ise':
College, ,thirty-two Ls from Mon
trealekindly lent a E3 ranger whom h
met at the ferry dock Detroit, and wh
was going to the same pace as the rev
erend father, $44, all had, upon se
curite Of 0. $1,000 G vernment bond
which Was valueless. either man no
moue ehave been see spice. -_
Monday mor i g- a brakema
, --
frorn f,ratford name ames Redman
While Standing on the b mpers betwee
wo c ts,a6cidenta1ly li ped and got hi
oot b dly 'crushed. e rotests agains
eying it amputated It is said h
ried td pn 1 the pin o t f the coupling
ith 1s et, which es a very fool
ardy action.
4 the 8th of J ly, 1880, Mrs
proule, who reside near Arnprior
ost a son by a stroke f lightning. 0
he 1 repent annivers r5 of the lad'
eath the body of er son Thomas,
aged q, wo.8 found in t e Madawaska,
' -her he 1ad been b t ing. Her hus-
)and a fei years ag Was frozen to
e-LathA yo ng lady w 11 ng Hyde
ark, Lon on, the ot day, had a
I .1
artoW;escape. Her r es wae ignited
by a sPelrk ' from a aseing teain, and
he firea made co s ders.ble head -
ay wlaen it was not cd by her com-
aniota: By their u ited efforts the
re WaS extinguished ithout serious
onBecjllen es.
—Af you g lady in o onto was pass -
ng al rig ti lug street is thatcity a few
veni ge :.i,o when she •as approached
y a y tug man who e to her. She
told him to native on, but he persisted in
talking to her, whereupon she dealt
him a vtgorouS blow in the face with
the ivory -handle of a short walking -
cane tyllich See had concealed about her
person. , The young man has not ap-
peared en thietreet since as, he wear
the mark of "ane" in his face.
—T. G. S.. evills, the runaway Ailsa
Craig merchant, abandoned the 'frail
woman, the wife of an Ailsa Craig man,
who had agreed to share his fortunes
with hina, at 1Sault Ste. Marie. The
unfortunate woman, who was almost
pennilees, was obliged to work her way
as best she coeld to Lucknow, where, it
is said, she has some distant relations.
—Robert McElroy, long a resident
and muCh reepected citizen of Hamil-
ton, died at hie residence in that city
on Thutsday of last week. The de-
ceased Was seventy-ooe years of age,
and wae Mayor of the city in 1862, '63
and '64, and for a great many years a
memberl of theCivic Corporation. The
dreecn.easedi leaveS a wife and five chil-
—The Rev. Robert Wallace, of the
West Presbyterian Church, Toronto,
met with an accident on Saturday
night which] Will prevent hint from
doing aey sertrice for Berne tiMe. He
was walking altnag the street, when he
slipped off the,sidewalk to a depth of
about twenty inches, breaking the small
bone of pile of his legs.
—Abotit five o'clock Wednesday
morning of last week lightning struck
Ur. Robt. Millory's barn, about half a
mile north of the village of Queensville.
The buildingWere totally destroyed,
with 30 tons of hay and 260 buehels of
grain, a new drill aud other imple-
ments. Ineurance, $1,000.
—Mr. J. Y,. Shautz, the enterprizing
button manufaeturer of Berlin, has 200
or more e,irls employed in his extensive
factory. To previde suitable accommo-
detiou for those who are boardtng in
the towie, he has erected an elegant ho-
tel just opposite the factory, which will
be surrounded with garden, &c., and be
a naost attractiVe place of residence.
,A. daring robbery was perpetrated
in Port Hope on Saturday night The
residence of tate W. Quay was entered,
and his gold Watch and chain, ivalued
at $150, and a considerable stim of
money, Were taken from his peckets.
The thief must have been veryi quiet
about hie work, as no one in the! house
heard the slightest noise during the
—Last sunarrier Mr. Walbank, land
surveyor in Montreal, in mapping out
the Indian Iteeerve at Caughnawaga,
discovered EL boundary stone bearing
date 176 and the arms of King George.
Last wee M. Walbank on examining
papers in connection therewith, found
a prodessl verbal, i dated 1815, describing
the stone referred to, and referring to
the same line as far back as 1673.,
was slig
home fro
n named Robert Hewitt, who
tly intoxicated, was returning
rn the vtllage of Cookstown, in
Simcoe !county, on Saturday evening
last, when his horse became unmanage-
able and tossed him. quickly eto the
ground. His bead struck on it stone,
which caused a fracture of the , skull.
He survived till two o'clock on Sun-
day, when death ensued.
— The Great Western Railway] Com-
pany objected to the assessment made
upon its ;Windsor property for taxes,
and Mayer Coventry had a survey made
of its lauds. It was discovered tha.t the
Company had been paying taXes on
thirty acres, when in reality it owned
twice that amount of land, and has
been encroaching fifteen to twenty-five
feet on Sandwich street. The matter
will be settled, in the courts.
— A singular scene is reported to
have happened on the steamer Montreal.
Au old gentle en from Quebec dr amed
that he was a out to die, and o1mored
for a notery to make his will. e did
not want a doctor, as he felt certain as
to death's visit. A notary was p educ-
ed, the will made, and the old entle•
man recovered. Perhaps had he been
provided with a, doctor this case 'would
have turn d oet differently.
—The uelph Herald protests againet
the cruel of using for horses, especi-
ally in h t weather, the patent doable
bit with
heck rein. When horses are
left standing for any length of tine in
the sun, pestered by flies, and uneble to
move their heads without irritating
their months, the use of the pate? bit
is simply atroaious and should c 11 for
the intervention of a law officer tb pre-,
vent cruelty to' animals.
—It is said that this season the bass,
except those cseight in the lakes and in
running teams with gravelly beds, are
full of wo ms end are entirely unfit for
human feod. ; The worm is located
down the back of the fish, and is of a
bright yellow color, the shape of pea.
When the outer covering is brok n the
small yellow worm crawls out. No
cause can be aesigned for its a,ppeerance
iu the fish. 1
—The international band coinpeti-
tion at Ingersoll on the 31st of August
and 1st of September will, it is thought,
eclipse ahything ever attempted in
Western Ontario. One thousand two
hundred dollars will be offered m cash
prizes, and bandsfrom all parts of Can-
ada and also froth the United States
have signified their intention of com-
peting. There will be a contest for
military bands, the three prize e for 0
which will a,mourit to $500.
—Last Monday morning near Luck- d
now, while a sou 9f Mr. L. McQUeens,
aged 17, wee engaged fixing a neck yoke 1
prior to cittting fall wheat, the horses o
attached t9 thelreaper ran away, knock- b
ing him dotvn and bruising him severely, s
and breaking his right arm near the
shoulder, while the cutting bar gashed y
his leg seyerely. . Several doctora were t
promptly 'summoned, and on arrival s
found it necessary to amputate the now
at the joint! The yoting man is
postmaster, who has only one arm, was
badly beaten and his face potinded to a
jelly in one of the Lucan hotels by two
men named Keefe and Brahain. Later
in the evening Braham had his harness
out to pieces. Ancither Lucanite has
got into trouble. Frank Quigley used
abusive and insulting language towards
a young son of Dr. J.11. Flock, for
which he was mulcted in $8.30.
—The other evening in Galt as a
lady in the northern part of the town
was sitting in her room sewing about
half past nine o'clock, she was surprised
and alarmed on looking up to discover
a man peering through the open win-
dow. She instantly demanded what
he wanted, when with a quizzical ex-
pression be replied—"I'm Woking for
my wife, darn her. She's always gali-
vanting round somewhere so es a fellah
can't find her. But I see she adn't here"
—and he walked off. It is needless to
say that that window was closed in a
—Rev. Dr. Boner, the distinguished
Scotch Divine, spent last Sabbath in
Toronto. He preached in Knox
Church in the morning and in St.
James' Square (Mr. King's) in the even-
ing. Dr. Boner is now about 71 years
of age, though still vigorous. He minis-
ters to one of the most influential
churches in his city, and is widely
known as a worker among the poorer
classes, with whom he is exceedingly
popular. He was on his way to attend
Mr. Moody's Conference at Northfield,
—Notwithstanding the . semi-official
statement made that the Governor-
General is to pay the expenses of his
trip to the Northwest as an excuse for
the shutting ont of Canadian and
American correspondents, it is firmly
believed that the G-overnment will foot
the bill. in proof thereof it may be
seated that a box or two ,of silver
watches, meerschaum pipes and other
articles, intended for gifts, were fel--
weeded from the Department of the
I4terior to Toronto, addressed to the
G-overnor-General, in -time to be taken
hi charge by his attendants just prior to
his starting from that point.
—Some time ago a Miss Brent, o
,Toronto, was induced to sign a docu
ment which she supposed was pai agree
ment to accept the sole agency fo
patterns sold by A. M. Tbeal, 13
r Yonge street. Some time afterwards
much to her surprise, she received
demand for the payment of severe
notes which, as it transpired, were Oa
real documents signed. She resisted
the claim, and on the matter coming up
at the division court judgment was
given in her favor. Several other
parties in the city are in a' similar
position. . 1
—A few days before the Gov. -General
left Quebec, en route to the Northwest,
the city newspapers noticed. the arrival
at the St. Louis Hotel of a couple of
distinguished visitors, "Lord and Lady
Belper," and the Governor-General sent
his card from the Citadel. In the af-
ternoon "Lord Belper" drove up to the
Citadel in princely style and net His
Excellency. The Governor extended
his hand, but suddenly something in
the alleged nobleman's appearance
caused him to suspect that he was a
fraud. Very slight investigation proved
the suspicion to be correot. The fellow
was ordered to leave the city fcirthwith,
which he did.
—A school section in the vieinity of
Arkwright has been greatly moved by
the recent birth of an illegitimate child,
and the announcement that the father
is a school teacher named S. M. Monk -
man. The Tara Leader says the girl,
under intimidation, made a declaration
clearing the teacher and implicating
another Person, but afterwards in an
affidavit placed the paternity of the in-
fant upon Monkman, and set forth the
circumstances under which she had
been induced to state otherwise. The
trustees have referred the whole matter
to the Minister of Education.
—We learn from an exchange that
one D. McKinnon, who has been carry-
ing on business in his wife's name in
Dlount Forest, Ontario, sold out his
business some few days ago, settled
with some of his creditors at 50 cents
on the dollar,then decamped for Duluth
with the balance of proceeds of sale in
his pocket. Messrs. Macmahon, Boult-
bee, Dickson and Jeffrey, of London,
acting on behalf of some Montreal
creditors, caused his apprehension at
Southampton,as he was leaving the Pro-
vince, and brought him to Owen Sound;
and on his being arraigned before the
police magistrate there he compromised
by paying the full amount due the
creditors for whom they were acting.
—Mr. John Wark, of Ayran, lost a
son about two years and six months
old, a few days ago, under peculiar cir-
cumstances. The little fellow, with a
brother of six or seven, was walking
through the fields, and as the younger
lad attempted to crawl through a fence
he got stuck fast. -The elder boy called
to his father, who was working at some
little distance away, but he could not
make him hear. He then attempted
his brother's rescue by the removal of
the fence, but the breaking of a rotten '
rail let the whole weight of the fence
down upon the fastened boy, and his '
ender life was crushed out ere relief
ould reach him. i
—The store and dwelling, with stock
f goods, of P. Duncan & Company,
Camden East, and the office and reelence of Benjamin Clark, postmaster,
were destroyed by fire about 11 o'clock
est Saturday night. It was feared at
ne time the whole village would go,
ut there being no wind, the fire was
ubdued. After a time the charred re-
mains of Mr. Seth Duncan, about 35'
ears of age, were taken' out of one of
he buildings, burned to a crisea He is
npposed to have gone back f r cash
id papers left in the store. he fire
supposed to have originated by the
xplosion of a lamp.
—The funeral of the late James Pat-
ullo, of Brampton, was what an ex-
hange calls a "model funeral." It
was larely attended. There was no
pomp, Vanity, or extravagance about it.
No crape was used, not eve a hat
band. The 1n1 of the ceffin was thickly
covered with flowers, among th m two
flower lacro,sees sent by the a.crosse
club, of whiich the young depart d wasa
prominent i- member. Twelve young
friends as rneurners 'wore whi scarfs
on their arrne, who carried the emains
to the cemetery, six relieving t e other
six when tired. Everything bout it
looked very sympathetic, to see so
young a citizen whose robust - a few
months ago ooked so hill of pr mise.
—A Park -ill grocer named D tton is
suspected of i piling upl tea ch sts and
.old barrels att the rear of la' shop,
thereby forming what is known as "the
crow's nest." Here the able bodied
West Williams farmer, and ,so etimes
his wife, are Supposed to drop ack be-
hind and sample the' old r . The
charge was kr selling liquor by the
glass, but the prosecution fai ed, and
the case lwas dismissed. Man of the
witnesses stated that they had bought
and drank lietuor at defendant1s store,
but none of them wonld Ewe*r that
they had got liquor at I the p rticular
so the case f iled to be made ,ou .
time specifie in the informati n, and
—One evening lately, while Mr. D.
Patterson, Photographer, of L °know,
was visiting With his sister in Bruce
township, hewas hastily sum 10 oned to
a neighbor's, 'where an accident :ad be-
fallen the man of the house. T e man
had been out mowing, and in climbing
a fence, slipped and fell on the scythe,
inflicting a BOvere cut on his f rearm.
He grasped the arm around the ut,and
walked to the house, some dist nee off
reachingit atmost in a faintin condi
tion. M. Patterson dressed th wound
and bandaged it, and says that man i
the luckiest man he ever s w, for
though the wound extends h it way
around his terra; and laid bare 11 five
cords of thefingers, yet none o these
were cut, nor was the artery se ered.
—A Buffalo Sunday paper, s :taking
of the Buddie McCrae case, say it is
s expected that the trial will tak place
1 in September next, until whichtime
- it is probable the prisener, B own, of
- Chatham, wild remain in jail. Among
r the quips and quirks of the la,w o
1 of which advantage , may be taken
i the -District Attorney may find it
a not so easy a task to Secure a comic
1 tion as some persons mey thin . The
e opinion is thet should I indict ent for
murder be persisted in, a w ak case
'11 b th ult, and should t e trial
curing abortion, t e Can-
ment may interfer on the
the prisoner ca t b
noyed, as incidents are cited. where 25
bushels to the acre will be taken from.
fields that were thought would have to
be seeded with other grains. Spring
wheat also looks well in York and. On-
tario Counties, and is said to be very
even in height. The straw of oats is
rather short.
—The old„ adage that "murder will
our is fairly exemplified in the circum-
stances here related : On the,27thJune,
1870, a logging bee 'was held in Mnlmur
township, Simcoe county. On the
evening of that a SOME) young men
engaged M jumpin , and a quarrel en
seed. A quiet, ino ensive man, named
Sohn Bengman, e deavored to qfiiet
the trouble betwee two of the young
men, when he was Struck on the head.
with a sled roller, in the hands of
Henry McCormaek, fracturing, his
skull, from which death resulted on the
following day. McCormick flea the
country, and not a word was heard of
him until three Weeks ago, when J.
Murray, a Government detective at
Toronto, learned that McCormick was
ha the vicinity of East Saginaw. De-
teetive Murray, attoompanied by an-
other officer, at °nee proceeded to East
Saginaw and traced out his man, whom
he found on a farm- some 40 miles dis-
tant. They arrested him, and brought
him to Toronto, and he is now in the
county gaol, awaiting the necessary ex-
t dition papers to be obtained! Mc-
Ormick has lived for eight years in
that vicinity, and has a family of eight
—The gentlemen doing business on
Saturday in the London Cheese 'Mar-
1t—now :an important institution to
s the city—felt incensed and insulted by
an alleged! practical joke. As is well
s known, the Saturday's business is trans-
acted upstairs in the City Hall or below
hi the Arcade. teeters and sellers
naturally :spend considerable time in
telling over the points of trade. These
cOnversattons sometinaes occur on Rich -
Mond Street near the Arcade. On Sat-
urday an ettempt was made by some
person or persons to hold the cheese
Men up tg ridicule on one of the main
streets of the city—Richmond. An
uneightly object, in the shape of a
bench, was placed just to the North of
the Arcade, in front of a store window.
Back, front, sides and ends were pasted
oVer with such expressions as these :
‘‘Pree seat for cheese speculators,"
"Take a glass of crank," "Pkeete do not
slt on the signs," "Cheese Al" "Keep
pour brognes off our signs, "Do you
know anything about points? if not,
take a seat," "Part of this to let,"
"Don't crOwd the ladies off the walk,"
"Take a seat," etc., etc. After being
, on the street for a time, the object was
' picked up' and thrown out on the Mar-
ket Square. Buyers and sellers took
the mattq as a personal insult, and
ptotested egainst it. °tithe °thee hand
the business men, who occupy stores in
the Arcade, say that the cheese men
lounge about their premises unneces-
sarily and id isturb btasiness.
progressino favorably.
—It appears that things are still
lively in iddulph. On Thursday of t
last week George Porte, son of the c
be one for pr
adieu Goveri
ground that
tried after being extradited for an
offence which, under the treaty, is not
—A few nights since several e:luable
sheep w t len from the farm of Mr.
Samuel Long ord, orBiddulph. It was
ascertained t at the sheep ha been
sold. to Mr. le anigan, of the 5th °netts-
sion, London township. Mr. Fl nigan,
when informed that the sheep h d been
stolen, set out with the officers Ibo cap-
ture the thieves. They drove to Bryan -
ton, and thence to St. Mar's and
Mitchell, where the thieves se .arated,
one continning his road in their agon,
the other purchasing a ticket t the
railway station. He was seen boarding
the train, and was soon arres ed. A
stern chaBel again commence: after
Little, the other man, and he w:
taken not fea. from Seaforth.
II 10
s over -
pritioners were brought back an taken
before Squirel Peters, who re ended
—The other day in Montreal well
dressed, respectable looking in n was
walking along the street with a rather
gaily dressed woman, when a thi d per-
son appeared Upon the ecene a n d de-
manded an explanation why t e first
woman was in company with h r hus-
band. Without waiting for t she
pounced upon her rival, and fe there,
parasols and ribbons flew in all direc-
tions, while the guilty husband 1 ft the
scene as fast as his legs could carry
him, leaving the female combat nts to
fight it out. This they proceed to do
until the arrival of a detecti , who
separated the enraged women The
husband is a Man regarded as highly
respectable, a Iresident of the Ea t End,
a president of a charitable socie y, and
certainly kncivts better than to k p the
company in which his indIgnan wife
found him. he affair, it is be 'eyed,
will end in a separation.
—The law respecting the taki 11 g and
paying for newspapers is very strict,
and delinquents would do well no-
tice the following : The Welland Tele-
graph lately spruced up some of ts de-
linquent subscribers by bringing them
before the judge of the Division ourt,
and we copy its remarks anent th case :
"In one of the defended snits b ought
by the proprietor of this !paper gainst
one in arrear e for subscription, t e de- I
fondant clainted that he had no sub-
scribed to theM, for the Telegrap . He
had paid Mr. Dewhurst one do lar to
January, 1874, after which time e had
not subscribed, The paper came along,
however, and he took some out f the
post office. ge afterwards mov his
residence, and. for over ttvo yea s had
not had it. The judge Fnled t at he
was liable for the amount, $1 50 per
year, it not being paid in I advance, and
gave aid 'the law ie very plain o
soint.7accordingly. His
—A corres ndent who has t
most of the country around, T
and made extensive enquiries co
ing the crops,states that the crop
in a radius of fifty miles ,of T
*ere never better. A great d -al of
barley has been cut, and , in malI y sec-
tions it will thrash out 40 to 60 bus i els to
the acre. The color iS ex :• ngly
bright and the; kernel wig/ fill: Al-
though fall wheat is ratler late than
usual; it has urned out better th • the
most sang ne anticipated. Many
farmers who plowed tip their ft.ids of
fall wheat in the spring are mu
—A very heartless desertion of a
Guelph girl has recently came to light.
The girl iS a daughter of Mr. John
Thompson', of Guelph, who is manager
of a large 'Cabinet factory there. She
is young, handsome and accomphshed.
Aenong the hands in the factory was a
fine, smart and handsome young man
named James Allan. He got acquaint -
64 with the young lady and professed to
have fallen in love with her. He pro-
posed to her and was accepted, but Mr.
Thompson would not hear of the ar-
rangement. Affairs went on in this
way for sotne time when the lather was
again appealed to but being still inex-
orable the young couple took matters
into their Own halide and started off for
Oswego, R. Y., she taking with her ail
the money and clothes she possessed.
Here they were married by a Justice
of the Peace and lived happily at an
liotel for a week. The week over,
Allan, having heard thathe was wanted
by a woman who was then in town
looking forihim, became excited, and
confessed to Miss Thompson, or Mrs.
Allan, as she thought, that he had an-
other wife living. The scene that fol-
lowed was an exciting one, and when
the injured and outraged girl found
herself deceived by the man upon whom
she had lavished her love, and for whore
she had &Sorted her home and her
friends, Allan rushed out of the room
to escape her reproaches and did not
return till night, when he found. the
woman he had so shamefully betrayed
hick from the excitement and grief
through which she lead. passed. He
persuaded lier to take something he
called medicine, and in a few momenta
she was in a dead stupor. The villian
had drugged her, and during the night
robbed the girl of $54 which she had in
her pocket book, took all her jewellery,
except that, which she wore, and left
by the 4 a. m. train. The next day -
she awoke with a terrible sensation
of sickness, ° and it was not long before
she discoveked the loss of her jewellery
and xnoneyi Sick and faint, she craw-
led to the hotel office and learned that
Allan had gone away by the last train.
She comprehended that she had been
robbed, as Well as deceived and deserted.
With four dollars, which the rapacious
Allan over14)oked, she came to Buffalo
to look for Work, not daring to go home,
Honor and saw mil advertisement from a lady
this on Prospect Avenue for a domestic.
She went alert?), and finding that she
yelled could not sgree with the lady, she
ronto, sought a new place in the family of Mr.
cern- R. Stafford' there. After a short time
with- she fell seriOusly ill, and itt her anguish
ronto told Mrs. Stafford the whole story of
her wrongs,' Her father was telegraph-
ed ,for, and he came as soon as a train
could bringlhim, and his joy at discov-
ering the de.ughter, for whose recovery
the family had almost ceased to hope,
was beyondlthe powers of description.
He at once took her back to her home,
and has instituted measures both here
and in Canida to bring Allan to jus7
h au- tice.