HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-22, Page 8r
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. 1� — III I ,it I 11 . . THE 1HURON EXPOSITOR. � . : 14,AIY 001. 1
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are 80016et of gooA how; I I e 1 does no bee, Arch 6 k, saving a few -dollars annually.—The 1 the so iool.—The 4th . .
I IRUVOU trXV001"toro consider this . 4) Govenlool re i right. Bab the e� of coming 6 4th August is to be piece was p!%rtly killed and, firmly,04. ! � -
a suf icient q mti , an Grace Eh . . . ,
, � . t5, 61 L ghlin.. Re- � to,be a cheap excursion to Toronto I -home proved too In ohi for, a few min- the cNio holiday here.—The annual boring to the lady's back) which .
. 41 1 '
urges the Council 1) give lie mat served for eon Rera on— tha Bur- on Thursday, July 28th. Return tick 1 tuder the auspi 3es of the Hallett reWoved ina fewdays by this W44 �
_ tl . 'tee after her arri ,al she took ill, lid how � � proolft 1
. I . . - I u a a I ;
. ' their early CQnsid ation', %� that a gess, John MoLeod, , Rich ' -Huglips. (t from Beaforth station are 61 75 , now lies at the - 1 of death in Mr. Agriet Itural Society will be held in I bave no earthly -interest to serve in ,
I ,it . part a I . � t I �
� Those who ha . The excttrs�on 113 1 ' Moffatt'B residence Ion ' the B. line of � ClintOtl, ., �
I . .
DISTRICT MATTERS. severalplaces in Vid Conti a paosed 'ih honors If -,,otten up all- i .1 : on Tuesday I mud Wednesday, writing these few lines anly to ben6fit ;
� .
� 0 an 0 ry I . September 20 and 21; couple of the sufferers by � the malady re �, � ;
the town where I Ery dangeious fires will join I he nior ivisi of the in - dis the auspices of A for the benefit ' Turnb r . : I . ferrea to .... -
. I . , ..
1 May occur that Could not c properly 'termediate el 8,01, thip rest the junior Of he Mitchell Presbyterian Church.— I' � I - I , atran s of the West .ud Cheese Fac- Henry Edwiards Romaka '. ogt 40M * i t . �
with the V181,011 C I i P ' P 00, * � 1
Stock of Dry Goods and*Qroceries at Hill . M -. ,'Geori � . Bel�aore. , Tuckeramith, were before our Ontario, is the by t1ais , - w
� CHEAP GOODS. --There is yet a large managed luounto: aose, novy di * * f th t cla . Piomoted from ,ye Sproat, -of Tuckeramith, 1 i tory man who Cures I
cla; to
i I LaIder 'Jom firat to second .or " A- BIGBEAT.—Mr. Isaiah Smith, of local 34. F.'s . I
on hand; the Hoo I anc 1J �vith I . .
Brothers old stand. These goods. must I . onors—Mag- bE d a narrow escape froth a Severe ac- on a chaq p of sending skim process, and-whocured my wile. Y . � I
, ':
having . e disorl anized or gie S litli, I in, I , O.Uri i . � .
. I be Bold, and in order to clear out the pally beco at at Ba Grace Elliott, oii lent a few days ago.:' Ile was un- W&Iton,has, asked a4 a favor that any one milk to the factory, and were each truly, TiaoxAs COBVIRS. �
7 -
Stock we have made still Further Redu account of so In ly of. ft 1) weriben Anns, Brow 1, . dice rev'illf , Jessie Case. 1�4ding hay in the barn: I-Vith a horse who can saw morel4mber than he can fined $2 and costs.—I he Public School E ter-, Ont-, July, 1,881. I -
C_ xe . � �
I � . I � �
tions in all the stock left. For instance having l'aft town th a brancl (if the fin Passed Can Ii ionally'— D miel Dever;. fork,! when be was thrown backwards in -ten and one half 1 hours, should Poke as in Clinton fa r the present ye . . .
i I I experts ar ; _*� .... �� L
has bee amalg A i ated ;
: We are selling Dress Goods for 15 to 48.. The North B:Uion con,43erva�. :
. � department witl eanx, Charlotte 00,press ell, Sarah ciff. the load to the floor, severely injur. their head out of thbir shell and say so. are estimated by the Board at $4,0 � . I
: 20 Cents a Yard, worth 25 to 35 cents the other, ' I , .J , ! I . . .
and the rholels bow.iindoi Wright, Kate'?ashley as Lennall, V Ill- b ok and shaking him up gen- Well, now, 1 would *ke to inform this I The amount to be raised by taxation' : tilves. LLL
. ; :
. Per YlLrd, and tweedB at $1 a yaJrd,,worth the direction of the fire lbrih�de- Mr, Wrn. Bethunl, Ma � - u I Z I I
$1.50 to $1.75 and any �, iiis � age, Maria allye. Nad he fallen between the gentleman that we ave in our little � will be 0,000,41tere b 3ing a balance of -A meeting. of 'the Liberal ,CoUseirv.. - i . - `7_��
� goods we have we Cline's report was receive d' and the Hills, Ra ie (nderdon, Th a. Coleman, hairses and the Wagon, which he came iWa a of Belmore young. man'by the 11 $6,10 carried over from last year. . tives of North Huron was held �ut- � - ,
, 1: I?)&- �
. W-JU sell you'below the wholesale cost. Fire and' W � 9 . � 7 6 wilig. � . I �
. ater C mmitteee war � in Francis C 'Nei'. 1. Re,eerve for consid- veTy near doing, he would have been naine of Thomas ohneton, who has I 1 . hum on thjQ 14th inat. Delegates ircra :
� - ' �
Will sell at one half the original cost. . I ggle Ballan ell more seriously injured. -The pokea his head out f his shell, and we ,! I ,Hensa J1. the different Municipalitie's - �
I I The balance of our Stock 'of Millinery we structed to report i the urggef tionE oration- Aa t3 no, Charles roti I � � *were I
I - pre& I I
. .
I Also! readymade clothing cheaper than contained therein.; After 1pasaln,,,i ac. Plunkett. . W who 61'Icceed at th gregation of Duff's Church, 3ra con- wish to announce tc M -r. Smith, that in COMMENCED' HAlavZOT115G.-The far- en� and a vety suceessfal meeting via ; .-&.�_�
. counts to the amoun't of 4 �::��
1 63 4 and.31OME termediat � examin I at "' . . I
. you 4n buy the cloth, to make it with. other -formal, busiliess Of no . partiyu;lar moted to "' on v rill be pro- C ion of � McKillop, have erected a one working day of ton hours last miprs in this 'neighborhood have earn- held. Delegates were : Turn -berry � .
sold no matter what they fetch. You i jOUrDE . I . I T)
and must be t le unive?Sity class. The 6b Emodious and comfortable now shed m ' enced harveSting. Fall wheat will 1 I ':
9 y . .- onth Mr. J-ohu$Wn sawed nineteen rn� * J. Johnston,� G. Barton, J. Fa:rrow 4-- �
the regular interest the Couu&�l ad' ,d for one achoolop(risagrain oz. Thursday, Be f' the accommodation of their horses thousand one hundred 'mud thirty-f!vo prove a much bettercrop, than was at Mulvey, A- H. Musgrove, E. Ti�& -: ON . .
, ! I I I - O,yn � -.1.1 ; I
neednotpay anything like week. , tember 1A, When old pupils who are .0 Sunday. The shed is erected on feet of lumber, one inch pine.. it being hx� 1 ' .
. I — I tanticipated G.'Stev.ens, Joe. Leech,. 11. 'oi: , . I
price for goods so - I present w 11 have sea th farm of Mr. Ge6rge Murdie.-The all i6, 8, 10 and 12 inch stock, that mak- . * are pleased to � r- � i
-loixg as thesearer for I * . to aisigned, and hi P. Keriting, � D. Weir, T. B �
sale. Call and see THE HJ,R�EST AN T11M I I OPS.-TItE sI OUR: SALT WELL, -We oddy, ]3 S . I .
I us and we will be -, . new pupi il be ortrolled. It is ex. b�rick work on Mr. MdMillan's new ingan excess ov � .
happy to show you goods and quote you ,uay in this section i now I ') ty lq'uob or 1 Mr. Smith's day's, I state that Messrs. MdEw,en Bras., salt I Cook H. Perking, ,T. Perkins, it. � S:15�
� I : Ma_ - �
l �
all housed. It is no ,80 � tremelyclosiralletha all vho propose residence in Egmondville ie about fin- work by 3,466 feet. In conclusion 'I contiaetors, have been successfa hood' Jas. -Leech. Wroxater � ..
prices. It will be to �your interest to do not do heE v, r W Or Dp as to .. . . � . I I -1, after 1 JI . 1-A. P&t. ; ?_ �
I attend � d, ri ig th cot Ang session ished. When completed this is going. would,add that Mr. Johnston is not a ast Waw-anoi3h,-R. ! 11
. so if you want anything we have for . last, yea.r, but -still j,t is ve ' 2 fair, .and . ang man conaidotable labor, in getting the &ill - ton'. E . ,Reilly T , :
. . , -
the most of it has . of very great crowing pow- .
sale., Don't forget the place, opposite $I )an a should Le. prow nt fro . th 3' first day. to be one of the handsomest resi- yo out of the well, and ard once more mak- -A.gfiew, J. McCallum, R. Buch ' ' � C
� Commercial Hotel and first door north order. The fall ""' "' good Septembei is the ing of the dolices in town. -The cricket match era,, but if it comes down to n work, g good he w I analal. I I �
. ginti � 11 0 in ad, ay. Wast Wawanosh,-R. Ellis, Wra ]E . .
wh t and bi L By har- . Ilis '
, I . T. I Wallace, J. Owens. I , :
of the Post Offices, Hill Brothers Old . , school year, wl ten no Classes ire or- 4tween the New Harnburg and Sea- he can crow to the tune of 25,000 feet. I Marti . ;
vest is now generali The w' 3 t eri for - PEnsoNAL.-Mr. R. Reynolds,'ot the is,�G. � .
. :
. Stand. Davidson & Morrison. the past two months has beed mosj!' fa- ganized and n 3w Btu dies oominenced. for 1 cInbs did not come off on Monday -ONE WHO KNOWS. . - _i� Mansi�n House., is po f recovereaus to For' syth, J. Pardue, J. -Gard,ner 'Thos. � " . .
0 1 � I � Thus, pupilf vQ ho pas �, '. V - . I
_. a- ble for the growth and m E turil ig of I atten- a 'a; a i . be able to walk around a little. W -e Kelly, D. Vanalatine. ABlifteid L I
, vor pone their � nnounced. The Hamburg club I i --' .0, .
� dance for several I � . , A I MAN.
I In �ntba find 1 them- failed to come to time. -Mr. Derby- Br -us ho -Dr. Gar . I
AN AuCTION SALE. -Mr. J. P. Brine the fall wheat. Althougli n some � , sels Hawking. Lucknow, I .. ;
Will Sell by Public -Auction at the Commercial selves at so g at �t disadva - I -Pe he will soon regain his wonted I arier.1 I . I .
- �
places it is light patc h, r on the - nt a. This is s�ire, dentist, of this town, wishes us LION ALExAwDER beats Toronto lle,alth�,-Mr. J. Grassick, of-. this plade D41 Tennant, F. Grundy. Blyth,_ I .
Hotel, $eiforth, on Saturday,'July 30, at I . especially tri of stud )nts ii i the inter- to state that the rarno r- -circulated to the prices for butter, and distribats prizes for best is Away on a plea - - �
I o'clock,slotof Horses, Harness, Wagons,.new ground, the I "Id large , a fnd - *ell - - snTe I rip, and we wish Win. Clegg,. F. Tharno, -P. Kelly. ... . . I
a. � lag , : n regard to Fron: 6h and e:ffcct that he intends giving up busi- �� much pleas Bri 88 ,7 1
* �
and second-hand Bu gies, Household Furniture filled, and the grain is plunip and of mediate clas 10 tabs in every 100 delivered. � 71.0. hi ure. 1618 --F4. C. Rogers, C.� R�. �C&Oper .
. 1. .
Bud a lot 4 other tra'ps. Terms cash. Parties excellent quality. I . . I Science. A] N 1ho pr(pose, I �o joil� that no'so here is false. He has no such in- Nzw Wiaz.&T.-Tho first load of new . =RsioN.-The excursion train for Jag. Drewe,' Dr. Wm. Holmes, ;
i I . �
desiring to enter stuff for this sale should see "a crop 'a k 'ng class are urg d to do 3to on, the Ist of tontion and will be on hand as usual to wh es, S12. -00'
Mr. Brine about it at once. 711. to turn out very mu better than any I � oat was brought into !nlarket on the H , iit'on, which passed over the line on Knox., Winghain'-H. Meyer, 1)'r. . I have r �
. I Ih atson, W. . - . I
� Septembe , E 8 i � is ut! erly iinpossible to a tend to the wants of his customers.- 19th inst., by Mr. Hutchison, of the 8th odnesday, was not very largely Pat- , Watf'On- Dr �
� ---------------- *_ person expecteid it N73uld two mo iths g � b over the sm a war i twice f6 . r the Sara, James 1. Carter and Arthur concession� of Morris. It was. a v Bet une, D. W I �
I ago, arid some are now sorry ,fliat ibey erY ronized by this station, It is evidently Dowsley, W�- MOC13`111,01it) C. T I 1. * rwiletow !
, . Bottl r
GOOD WHEiT. -Mr.L.Meyer has an his benefit of these who a!e absent during ,tkiuson, of Toronto', two former SeaL find sample, and was � B. Wilson, *m. 'Elliott, - Davis, T. . � a
farm a twelve acre field of fall whe A- plowedupsomuchi theslriog. -31 ., I : purchased by tocillbusy atimefor our friends hereto I I
M &r- the first m:)n bh i of the seasion. fo,rthites, have been in town for several Varistone Brothers at 61,.20 per bushe do �much E I I
� which he says is as good as he ever had.' ley has not;been sue a :goo d crop �ai . __� 1 1 1. excursioning.. Mott, H.:Guest. The follow- present: in'. :
� 4
' , Oats -,p re I shor� in the : - - . I . days. They both look as if city air Mr � Hutchiqon also received the half - cars were elected : Ing. offi. . �
, . It was cut on Saturday last and will many years. - !i I I � 4 __ � Dr. Tennant Vice. : - -
. �
k, yield over 40 bushels per acre. The straw, but are thick :2 the 3,,mand and T iaE LI S COOK ASSOCUTION.-At a agrees with them. -Mr. Brine has out ton of bran offered by that firm to the * . W:rioxet er. President, H. W. :0, M eyer, 8, . e I . Ao6k M MI
� I � I . I cr��. � . , �
straw is short but thick on th well headed, ,;iihile -)3 . meeting of tbe*.')ireetcrs of the Huroll apd thrashed his peas of this season's person bringing the first load of no w- The following were appointed Pr,ej. a
. a ground, . I as pro isb all . . ,SALT WELL. -A mee �ing of the Share- - I order to .
. and will give an abui Ldant yie. . if lot Live Stop, i A sociat on, It Id at Me - gtowth and has re -sown the same wheat to the, I . I e
� and the heads are unusually long and ' 11 I market This is the holders of the Farmers' Joint dents of the different M - - , . �
� ,
� Laren's hol iel, ( Unton Stock u-niciph-lities - I I I �
.�st destroyed by the bug Thoe I as I cien on Friday last, &onnd, and expecte to reap a seciand earliest receipt of new, 1wheat on this -Salt Well Co Brissels, 'Jas. Drewe; fl-owick . Hy . ;� . I SO& a low 1.
well filled, and the graill is of the 4D . mpany .of Wroxeter was . 9 - I �
I ituality. Fields su'ch as this are - v . ery very little spring wh ,t sown, b it v hat it was decii led 1 ' ) hold another Bile fair, 04. Two crops in- one season from market that was ever known. held in the Town 11�ii oilf'we Parking; TurDb6r-rY,, J --os. Johnston: _. �
scarce hereabouts this year. there i' Ro 1 ma w � ere thoroughbrBd and irrproved sto6k in the Isame ground is doing pre' - ; dries"y" Wroxeter, .A. Patton w III .. s f rom the Ban
� .
a looks. well so far tty WOII-- LOCALITES. - A number of 'Parties 13th inst., to appoint directors and de- Morris, Geo, T . .
l �
Forsyth; Wingliatil - � �
. � nevek better or furthe], advancei [ attibis the town a ' 'I ton ),bout the same The managers of the Seaforth Choose weiit'to the Hamilton regatta on'Wed- cide upon the letting of I 1 13' Willson; East �' b
season th ' V. r the contract of I
� . wawaliogh,R.Reilly West W wama- themselves I
- CLINTOa HiGir SCHOOL. -The follow- time of the the� I a D aw. I timeasforme 3 -ears. Th6dayllasnot Factory are now prepared to buy milk nesday last.-�-Arch. SccItt attendedthe boring. The following persons were ;, , U-wa�_- ' .
I fi iftely ffli a, but it I;Vi � .
e ing are the names of the candidates Upon the whole we a 3 likel� tc: ha4e a �yet been d) 11 be for 8 cents per quart from those who do Caledonian games at Toronto on Thurs- appointed directors: 'Robt. Miller, osh! C. Durnion; Lucknow D,r. .Ggrj_ - , good!
. . . - paying harvest �] ,is year. It , ' ly a; I oi i ible t. � not AeBire to supply their milk to be dayl. It is expected he ,'will give a good Turnberry; Robt. n . etasinj �
-who have provpionally passed the an_ good, Vill As near ie same time as er! :
I , Evans,, Turnberry;- ,; Blyth, Wm - Clegg; As'llfiald, A. C - - . I :
trance examination for admission to beverymuchinadvaice of hat any I lastyear. W3 I thattliC a whoare. nian,ufactured oil the commission prin- account of hims�lf and 1 make some of Wm,. Thompson, How*::: k; Win. Doug- ki ndorsing -t * ever -1�
. �� 'a a ., i
person ,expecited eaA r in It 3 season. intereSted i a t - ag ibred stock will I -We are requested to Btate thAt � he � haTe .
I - �
t 17 h
. q
11 Tolin S%nderson, Thos. vernmerib in their t
the High School in Clinton. Thirty- ,ted ear, ,10 ra - � the'champions put in t�eir best efforts. lag, Turnberry; , action of the Go �
The weather is now a ost IaN a .,i t,ble for ' ]low their al p: 1 � ciatic n of � this r!nove- a tembers of the Hose Company I � Aock is new I
five, candidates presented -themselves � Policy and N. . I
� I -A combined reaper d binder of �ailder.a:, and Alex� L,, Gibson, Wrox.- Railway R. ; also the w, � .
harvesting *hat is, J. 1 ant by giving it th3ir eciante I -will meet for practice on Monday even- .
for examination. Twenty have passed -? r1i a and inaturing . ance. , �n U _.
7 tt . I I Kirby make was tested, tions of. their represe .
I �Iln the farm of etiet. - Mr. Gibson was then appointed , ritativ,e, 9,.
the later grains, and 4 ur fain. rs g an- ,1 he sale is gct, n, up largely in . _ r. par. - fliat, has
Annie Weir, James Weir, � . I I a in- lag 4ext at seven o'clock. A full turn . Carried. Th - . Fish I . :
. I . 118 re � an, , . W19 .1 - I
erall 'are in good spi its and'"I )pe 'd t and MI
- Cocily J. y Mr, Win. Armstrong. 4. large number by the'directors as P . row, Esq-, were.- .a Ineat .
Jackson, Jane Weir, Elizabeth A. for rest of stock owno�s and'bre ders, out ' desired, and don't you forget it. of farmers were present.i The machine Jos, Cowan as Secret . and Treasurer. then adjourii6L .
. .
Evitt, Elizabeth M. Lindsay, Isabella reasonable remunera on for th(ir Boa- - d itisto'th)m thil) directors � look' -Mr. Hugh Robb has this season dis- was operated by th6 . r t . .— � �or �Mre yvls�
- i
I � i 14cal agent, Mr. Mr. Jamea Brown. of Petrolia, has I . - .
son's labor. This i I it spler d'A thi agi, I ain.1y for sa.)?ort: I The.� exp d Of an immense amount of his Bu- Kirkby, of Morris, wh' Ith gh he taken the co, . , Road Agents, in E:an.8 - � � .
L. Roe, Clarissa JeWitt, R. S. �Swan, I . Be of Pas() ,
for in this country &�.d esp c i� My in keepingup he x!socia�,�?n r ntract of loring and 'will � � M. 'frissh ajid. la
I .
4 rankie E. I ;
W. J. Roe, Lizzie Frazer, r this section, almost e,Vg . ng, and all 8,, very . trifl - ga cured hams and bacon. Mr. Robb never handled any' Of ttesae m0auelhines, commence operations ' � - .
it,: I is rFqu re has attained an excellent leoutati ' . I asil soon as A- 1 T -rain Robbed ani Two -Men Slwt-- - -u
. WO18h, Jas. -M. Armstrong Nellie ry inte rE 8 b is a- I I dl for took on as did.very well. The machine in itself possible. 1. �, * I - f everyt-h-1- g
41, � . . : . 0
. I
pendent directly I )wners who I 'I t� "disp se of a packer, and his cured meats are . I A Zluror,ite'8 L?x . % I
. Moore, Adelinis L. Roe,Robt. ClLurchill ti�(n. the farme a. I . am a 11 I now did- very good work.-Th'o pumping at CATTLE STEALING.- . -perience, - :
�' When they are prospet(us We &.1 sh, re , o take SO [ lot inte est in it to bring in great demand both at home and �. C usidbrable-viork On F.riaay evening last an exprBas Dry Goo" H1
JOBie Scott, Bertie Fisher, Ludlow and " a I Ism _- . the� salt wall has been going on regularly is being done by some ief 'or thieves, � I :
� . �
13-artt, Ella Maxwell. their prosperity, forwa �e pensb of making at)roa,�. Pork packing is rapidly b - I train on the Rook Island Rtdlway, con. .
I n fo U 3ie g as , . a- up � to Wednesday, when the pump in the neighborin 7nahips,, ill the
� .
- -
. — hard with them it is 4( by -7 me a ,;ales at a u: i. c: I We a, this' kind I -will coming one of the most important and had to be lifted. Up t6i th - � g tol slating of express and baggage cars - - WH OXL,v
. I I at time the wa of lif all I . ;
easy with people of oth r c ot.be a tiffid ci�f 1 wha a � ting cattle an I horses. I I
Or COURSE, .-The Goderich Signal of allin o, . I prxate'aale v&11114�le industries bt Seaforth. . y Mr. Passenger coaches and one ' -
0— : I J � . � � ing -
� � �
b � . � - � :3 I i brine was with steady pumping stand- R ' sleeP same. � BantA
list -week says : . . ..j.1111, ,I vould cost,, v b lle� the a,ce(fpuriShas i obt. Linton, of Turiberry, had a coa,,b, shortly after �
! . U � ,�
� I � ;
. ... J= xanssi,i i
E WE ExxaruiAtiox-At the -a- Ingg,od prices isivery � � Henfryn. ing:at 65. When the: pump stands young horse taken out (t the pasture City was boarded by .
The return match, played at Seaforth on Fri- NTRAIN . � ' 1. ,,, rs and of r(a iz' I . still for Bix hours and starts again, the about two weeks ago, 1, n armed I
day last by the club of that town and an eleven cent examination for iti, mission , ell greatoi -. I The 4ales ii -a always � : -ad has never � I is respectfuns
froni Godericb, resulted in an oasy victory for the extensively M - found any trace of it yet Diff . i
to t a I'lu : C.RdRcir or ENGLIND.�Divine 86rvice brine will stand 100. -Mr. John Broad man and robbed. The train jeft Rail.
. ; �
Seaforth High SchooLl sixty-fiva earn i- E rtiseo I ancl, are much w:ill be held here every Sunday by the f t r ,erent far- �
Se&forthp;ayers, Thegamowasa fair one,and . � I I .Orria, was a passenger on the mers have had one or two of their fat. sas'City at 6.30 in the ay.aitipg, ,and ; will be -shown
the splen dates presented themFelves. Of-thEse Xnare large][5 ti ende than ordinary Rev. Mr. Badstone, .
dideonductof the Seaforth mert took 4� . commencing on the 00 " a' reached Wins � �
. I train goi g from K6 usas City to Wins ton Station at &30, The 1 - -
away All sting of defeat. Onr cricketer ing twenty-8even have been private ones, 9,1 d - test cattle taken within the last few � i �
"' !
8 are loud 'Ile follow I � I thq far many good 17th �uly at 11 a. In. .. : ad the train at Cittiorou; 2 I ve win uot ili
. . -
. It a train Was attacked by 13 --weeks,1 and have never been able to and �
in their praises of their opponents I treatment of Successful. The nam�a are ilL ) der of sales have eac' year I 1 , I I ton when robbers"board
them bo . been - inade, and � � — I. I when it Et'Opped at W.-Ington i .
th in the field anA in the more sociable . desperado , and thepa1iisengers robbed. discov�r their where&boi its. It is high stood they
means ot enjoyment. litiany &ttim . - - 1 . good]
. . 1� - 1� - m ing YOU -
They wer-0 treated like merit. Required to P.. ga, 28( marks: AIE ave been well'sold I I Hibbert 1, Mr. Broad act was Btanaing close beside ti ! 4 Up in the aisles with drawn re. -
Jane Bawtillhammel, Brasses, 49: . mainly througl he I Ime hat stock ow! 4 � I
� so ,R.- 1. I 1 4
gentlemen by gentlemen. . i atramontali y of -A little girl, daugh. Conductor Westfall when the latt r . � v-, I
. .11 LET FEVF 2 were doing vOlvers. On6bbsbie bandits ad,ve,need i ; but
Certahily. That'sthe way we al- Eliza Wright, Brussels, 424 the association Sale of thi charleter ? 6 somet ing to protect the ir property and vra I .
. . S"ewton 4 8 , ter 0 , Mr. Michael Miller, of the 14th was shot. The scene was very exciting. uneart - the scoundrels. with a revolvet iia -each hand , towad . � ,-give y
, J
. .
ways d )l thinas in Seaforth. The Seaa Gibson, Wroxeter, 407; Dludlevllolm(s, have been v(r, uccep f I )real con .
__. , . I
c . In ' Bev' ceQ with scarlet - -Cotiductor Westfall, and orderedhim to , rXing pnees a,
,sion, hag been ill I ___r_ . .
forth cricket Club is composed of gen- *Brassels, 402;.Percy J Ckson Br - (Ounties, both'n ithe alited1c tates and fever, but is now expected to recover. Hlanett. _. —7 --- 0-- - bold up his hands. The Conductor be. w
t a - � . � . c
.tlemeu and nothing could be expected sels, 396 ; James Harr is, ruS3 - old counbr3, and no good Blyth. . ��
,39 1 � I , D -CR :?s. -Haying is completed. It EARLY. -Mr. Sidney " ink slow in- complying Was -shot through hom .in the �ti
reason why 1, 11 . . . .
of them than that they would treat Robert Reid, No. -,� tan] B , 38( , no �l,,trhea1,-)6Sb stock is a Nlorton, of the SC?Z' OL EXAMINATION. The Public �
1 ; . ; boat an average crop, but owing to 2ad c, the heart. An -other robber shot 'one .
gentleman manner. . roducing oncession Of Hull0t, cut his fall Scb6a Examination held in Blyth McCullough- a stone cutter, 0 , ; 'what -9
their guests i n a ly Flora McClure, No. 21 cKil o ; 38" ; F Court, ib in anadaldhoul -not the INA weather at the commencement, -wheat on the 13th I I f Wilton � I piess�a : �.
In fact, with one or two exceptions, the Ernest Gerry, BrUBS 38( �- Dani I have a saccegBf I rill al sale: All that inst.,1 and -had it all . prove, one of the most successful ever Junction, who turned outward in his I _r
� I 11 it ha�,, not been so well secured as bound and Btooked soon' after. I
whole populace of the towli, * barring the McFadzean, Winthr 385 ; B il required to a, c9pp'l It thi held tl ere A great nu mber of visi- seat. The robbers then went . -
P, etf y . mp a 'a resu: t is mig I
Ki ' . I der ibtb desired. Some have begun AccIDEIN'T.-On Sunday, as Mr. Isaac - to I ' � .
ladi-es and Ghildren, a!ra go Dodds, No. 2, Me I for each one IV 0 . erested to rail ,, rs 1v re present, and th a scholars a . J ,
atlemen �p, 38a Jess .a f � �0�t if tL through
I � Ile I air barley and fall wheat. Lawience, of the 13th concessi . c- the train to the express -car, overpower. .
. I -
I .
and as a consequence all who come Bennett, Brusaels, 3 1) ; Wr A. For, 1, b is aid &lid 4) �oBll by brin ing 11 wheat is not over a third of a ON of quide themselves with great profi- ed messenger M urray, and intimidatea , 11
11 Frail, Arm � . I
� t
her� and act the part No. 1,, Tuckersmith, 3 3 3 - forward the i i 'I -,k; he Hallett, was driving to church -viith his cienc'y'owing to the effici3nt � drilling of him into opeum'g I
of gentlemen are i I ay,b&:Ve to sell, crop, but the spring grains and- roots wife atid mother, the horse the safe, from which .I
treited accordingly. tage, Seaforth C' E ;I .,Vaol, 3 61 and altbou bei m became un- Mr. H nderson and his a asistants. All K000 was taken- .
- I ' . . - � Publi ,; � I ; W131. ; Y not In %ke 5 ttis- are looking splendi(I and will be more manageable breaking the shafts. Both three eachers being young and single A later despatch states that the rob- -
, I , I i
_t I
no 6
I 6n a,
� teJ
ell ,
, ,
0 a 11
6 t
f th
�1 " '
I 41(
I �h �
i a
�t vil �
I a
, I in
1 6 �
q. a Vol
� A
�ec 1i
I i . I m
i I
8 ii I t4f i
, , , �jj,� �
u 9� L r e
7 an. I .
t b y �] n I 01
_ r 0� ,
ON ,._ ,
ruts )�i 'I -O" or,
I " )1ig
, 10 I
)I , I ? -
-) - i t " 0
. I (
b , ( ;lIe
.- � Sloan, Seaforth Pablin Schob 360; f ctory sal3s one year, his mock than an average yield if the weather ladies jump, d out, his, wif6 escaping 11 -
NE ARLY A SEnious, ACCIDENT' on Bat- Helen Gomm ill stand ui� I 6 �
ell, Edr iOndvil h 359; xcellent chance 0 ritinnes favorable. . no do bt one- of t � -
� I 0 1 hem ME . e back bers.had a number of colifed' GREAT =
, coin �
� urilay morning last as t a next yeai ,. unhurt, but big mother! had her a eratea on f
Mr. Jas.-Arohi- John Meldrew, Blah:0,,� town I k lip of W,e'h pe thepeforei hat . rm b.ringi g a fair dame with him. the train before they. boarded it, and st i
bald, of Taiakers,mith and big wife, were Hay,'Mq ; Goo. Logie, 1, - �, Ickel - ` t a sale will fl , I badly fractured. ' �
� . a yte a receiv6 i ihe li )er- k I Morris. SUR;IcAL OPEItAmox.-A successfu 11 I . _'�
driving int . ,I a given Signal shot �hei Conductor �
.a town with a horse and amitb, 30-7 ; Birdie Me �'- I�in: 6 I �,fort � countanan a c)f!tho a stock bree, Lers I I FARm, SoLD.-Mr. Thomas Atki , and � I
� I A �4 neon operqt ion wasperformed by, Dr. Sloani a - I
I .
0 - Public School 319; �ibbie ... Ilsoli, a have sto,' i : I ad of .his large farm of 225 on MF jag. H. Gowin, -
buggy and when approaching the rail TowLip CouNcIL.-At the last has dispos mistook "ffi46 tone -cutter for the -6u.
1 ; .
a engine and . I . 't , to! dis age of. : Thai a is meeting of the Morris Township Coun- acres, on the l3th concession 9, of Hallett, last gineer. The t-wo, men shot rushed. ,Out � - I I
a ery reaso I �
way track a train' befo tio Seaforth Pubfic Bello a)), 330 1 Frail. nt believ of Hallett, weak. For some ti '
I that thoro, gb- Cil +31""Pan"n. ; 4. 11 ,�_ AT T me past U cancer theplatform frr%rn �
unoba---,' 11., I � 11 ! 'D 1, I I I I . on 1�1 11 7
. 19 . ,
cu., a up -111 trout. at the cbm ey, beaforrin rubici School 327 - . V ea Bria" wi I I lie i reater do "C1,15 LLD Move to nave 11 L. all1lCelOb __UaStier, Or IYLOrris, for had I � 5,11ey ieu I
. .
barge, frightening it . I I - .&tell 6ht on Side road between lots 25 the sum of I bi ion growing on his under lip and together.. Ha�ing secured possession of
. � and causing it to Francis Wood, No. 1, Ti i4eran ii �', 2 31 11 .and this fall ban it has ever been . 013,0000 This is R had assumed an -ugly . ap earance and the train One or the rob -be I . - I
turn Suddenly around. Aggie a . rg,
i�d 21
1 - a - Seaforth b' fore, and th% cons tiently'Eale ivill nstra�t concession 4. Mr. Wr pendid farm. Mr.! Atkinson 'has ran to the . M. .. --I
It became quite MeIntyr , ubli bet 9 " which necessitated the operation of engine, steam was appl W, 1
L ad to examine side road be. also purchased Mr. T Bkor's farm of C 4 .
unmanageable and ran off -the road to. School, 306 - Jessie Caild6r, % bro , No more easily mad nd t9r t� uttin it out. I e a an, d the
. ) in ,
. pri ces veen ,�
wards the oatmeal mill. Ultims,ta�l 300 ; Margaret Delaney ' ill be I � . I lots five and 1 six, con- .100 acres, on the 4th concession of in I train started over the trackat a furious i
y the Y N, a. 5 : cKi - realiz e - . . - I Pici -ic.—A picnic was held the rate of ,speed.' Some of � .
buggy was upset, and both Mr. and lop, 300; Duncan oo, , �No. _. - __ __--_� i cossioA six, and repoit at next Morris, near Sunshine, I for the sum of the robbers -
. I
- .
- .
11 � I Ile ILOCA I meeting as to repairB necessary. Moved 84,000. Each party w)[11 take posses- grove 11djoining the villag 3 on Wed -nes. 1 than started for the express messenger, - . _. -
I p:: I _
1 - I
ibald escaped . I . and another squad ,a " . . -
" I
a ITIna, ' K. Anderson: on sion of arm �n March next. large i .umber of visitors war p'reseat., I when, the order. was give ' I � .�
; , I
Mrs. Archibald thrown out. - Mr. Arch- eramith,, 295; Georg Jacks, E,. L BR: 3.—Mlessrs. day -18 3t by the Episcopi I church. A I I
injur ; bat Mrs. Archi. mondville, 296. Th ' - 083 Jsmes H- byJ.R.Miller,secondedbyH.Mo ey, big new f tarted for the cars, -
y ority 6! th Bengali and T %.ttel 1 . 13 a I . I 11 to the pas. P, . �
bald was thrown on a pile Of stotteE and who failed were defaicie' t i ar it b in eti I tlie annual 'it � ' ded that H' Gas' man be instrpeted to have Both gentlemen are w911 pleased with and a] I seemed to enjoy f, lemsel 1. . I -
iy injured. Il , ., ... etlng� of the Hasmic ' - . ;
� I ves ex. ) sengers to hold tip tbeir hands and . - .
. give � I
a 13 L Punsbine bridge put in a Vroper state of the exchange and w4l, no doubt, be ceedingly well. . .
She soon re. Or gramlhar. Spelling - 8 mo:t fatal , odge . w1cl. at Hamiltion last ri up their � - q
covered Sufficiently, however, to justify a great maily 11- at oni� epair.-L-Carried. movea1by Mr. Gas- better suited than they erb before. PmI� � 1M '1110-neY and valuables, The - t
il� fai ina on the as de e a :Rrif.n.r vi4a
I . I
I .
- er removal liame. he horse got dio6ation, but also , I dg� Du . nlop ,Man, qeconded by Mr. Wray, that Mr. E p.Nr,,.—',Ve VXNAJU.— as %aarrit Seatter, who .men Sent to the express car 'took the . . .
� xhibitin the t, Seafor 1 — Ill ded - have has-fo. .- some months past been a visitor a I
. I
. freed from the buggy and af ter running phonetic me ug Gemmill be notified to ibave Millers thiB we'ek to recordthe 8 fe keys and secured OUIDY I ;
. . I he captur at drain completed on or before the last Sloani Esq., one of thel er's, of this ph �ce will take and valuables it contained. The .
I - The only Papers. W. Reinhart it B�yth to his r gli,t0fraF31 1 ' ,a -
a Short distance, was ciLught thei - I a stole]. , death of Thos. at Dr. Card
. 0 bhod t1i a '� i* e,ll �
ou o4er - ,all the in
damage done wa ' :: ati , E'vans " owner, who C ,er settlers her dE Darture for home � a� -I - I .
- s the breaking of some failed by only a f me day of July, otherwise that council ,%ill of this township. Mr.'Pio' ext we8k.— 86uger was knocked down because t1hnos
I I ew In, J83 � t ,6 total. after him fro n Waterloo county on Sloa died at 'Rev. I' ere � I I
of the harness. ' ,; I . � . F be obliged to relet the completion of the tho residence of big - .McLean left yesterday morning was not enough money to Satisfy tho � PUR HATS
i fiday last.— I III a Son and' d4ugh f . ill son-in-law, Mr. for at )ur through the W istern States� robbers I 1)
------ 4--- A HuRoN BusiNEss AN's Op :N I DN C , Mr. Donald B ess of t is town, wl r 0 a& a. Tho'council then . - They threatened to kill him, .
adjourned to Win. Snell, on Sunday last. He was .
AxOTECER —Wo notice by a6 th here some dav I ttlef th at 73 years of age. Havin ir been granted A t iree months' bultapareahis life when he tiOld -them .
. � LucKy. MAN. WINNIPE6.—We extr L t ripeot again on , a 29th day of AuguL I I I
� a f lowing 'Par Abilene an next. He was a-, native le&v- i ,
I . � . It I : I of 6 )f absence the rev. f entleman in. therei was .,no money in his possessio , ,
9, r8celit issue of the Winnipeg Free from 9, private letter. r contly. ecelv& ffaS a 6:1. . Ian , and came to � IIAI�
. � I
Presa, that Mr. 1. M. McGregor, an from a; business 1. h " rrivkd at their d iti- I I -----------L Dumfriesshire, Scot tendis to take due adVants:r -of it.. We Before the bandits: u c ad d b n I .
ii t ve saf . � , . MEM
. :
. man i "I_ cou I h%tion. We f Wage 188 OBB, as ell i ! . I Canada and settled. it, Toronto, then ha�rtil�wish him 0e 13 � c a ,a tin to bbig �
� . ' . : a pleasant trip., an the passengers' the brakemun ailed PRF,88E3 I
� Old Seafortbite, recently had a very 1.8 now on a visit to i ahitol � � Hif as' bar brothe v, will now beco a a , I V,Thalen. I known as 11,N21 uddy Little York," in the enjoys I I p .
SUCCeSSfUl Sale opinion i � . WAGES—Wages are verl, high in this year 1831. He resided there a number a time and a safe return. the air brake, arid the train stopped.
. .
Of ` real estate in that is - somewhat!��differer. i fron: permanent res: dent .f Ransal h , -
city. HE) sold"three lots on one street . those gqnprally publiBliTd, but s - Ire if the best of go( a fo ; 1. 'Lt � vicinity, So -me are ref usin� �45 a month of years, during which -ime he married Fon oi;DEsBoRo.—Qait 3 a number of This friglitened the robbers,: who left .
little'doubt it is � - . a may a end " . :
very j� early d) . and asking �50. . a .
a i - th of tb r rnian� fr nds Margaret Williamson our y)ung people-, are going-- out to t?h - train and Made for the woods. The I � REGNT
for the total sum of $10,000, or an avar .
rect � am is ihe w, i h i I 2
400 price of $130 per foot frontage Bu - ely I — , 1 i ho died about .
, and . Biness here'Snot 11 - on(li tc It ere. Mr. Rc ba: -t Me i TERRIBLE.—Horrible m4 13 years, ago. He Londeaboro on Friday eve ling to attend robbers, numberea thirteen. Two had
I 0 . I I
I . I
make me Aesir�e to lea a . occurring a I a concert under the bandkerchiefs, tied abouit their &M, I
a lot On. another street for $3,500, or at - Ilan,i of ul- : left Toronto and au i ices
. . Hur A anc liett, returned - (Me lr�aos� every iday ; potato came to St. Marys, in : the county of f the
am his via I ; 0
the'rate, of $80 perfoot. i i to bugs are -the victims. . I LoridEsboro Cricket The amount they seen . � UHAI
His entire come to Minnipeg. ! There NIE to( Sduthwestern 'I : Perth, where he Club, and purpose ,red is not de- :
. i waas on Th U�Isda f ' regi ad for several i I -
sales On these two streets figured up the many in business hei, now, atild th( la4t week. 1'. was mu � ANOT�Elt STEAMER.—Mr . C. Cook has years. In 1842 he I . stayin cy for -the assernhily ia Delps Hall -finitely known, but it is between two %
I I I - 0 .: ved to Hal . � .
� -b busin, "he 4 ountry and the - r and purchased an and settled on t . t Ile CO; Sio and dollars. Itig, . I
snug sum of $13 goo. TheZ lots are rents and expenses whi ell delig ted sold his horse-powe raim lett, after ' I and ten t-bous'
. 3 8 iner with big trip. � I he 5th concession, and W " n of it. believed I
- siriess sitesp I . . r `
not bu ,but are intended for have to pay a.re an A: . a . —_ . . the robbers were professionals. One . ALL F1
orm� a. al 0.-� I lik( Or . rigine �o run his threshing machine. continued to reside in this township I . - MST
I If ; �
private residences. Mr. McGregar has one of those in Scott,&� I a look wfl ,but a terrible hall ' LON&BARLEY.—Mr. Lingard - has a most of the time un i Cander Our d. was 866R in'C4meron si-nee the robber
� bloc I I)rth, storm passed I) or a, section of . til his death. He y -
. won . the i I I
ty in Winnipeg 1 3000 ai: ear, an AerkE country, ta strip ibaut gix, . to hedth fo Po the and � men .-
9. large &mount of proper b Id rent for'o .. 1. field of �arley some of the stalks of had been in delica I L 'tor of the Ruron Ekxpositor. Could. ba easily identified . I
and if he can realize -proportiouX receive salaries of abo' . . t which measure over five feet in length.. years, and his r several I . I I searching for tib a robbers found' where . -1
It 61000 1, �i � an- miles in widtl, _d6ing great demiso wasnot at all un- DE' -1
num each, and t I I 1J I, la lage. , Who ( , . A Eat in,—My feeling of gratitude 001A1
Prices for the rest of it he had bet axes ake up a ; a )and -,ih beat it? . they had tied their horses iti the woods. - I
ter let The grain or)]) expected. Mr. Sloan as, in his day, and :y . 4rin .
re � . . s. were completely I I RECO�E RING.—Mr. King pathy for si - . I
it slide and come back here and live nt. The rate on th dollar A ,not hreshed out a ella, who has quite a prominent , IT i 9 ha�- In the hurry to get a"Y t4ey cut thQ-
, �
.. I
. I
and � . r d destroyed.—Mr. C. L man and took a marlitir. impelB me to I nate known halters and Ieft them haugi,u I - .
eaBme t I L
-spend his 'fortune in a civilize� high but the ass - been laid up for three or four months lively interest in ub'Lic affairs. He 4h your valuable paper the trees. I . : AND'you W-1
cauntrv. ' arty is enormous. Sto value c J, ] ,top. d,be�rtson retit -tied to town on g to the '
- .
— - .
__ . . . - - �
—, - f 'd � I . .
6 as such at � I hose a� after Spending a hree wee] :B, was considerable of a controversialist wond&fal cure lately pedorm� i I
S�tur- f am a very small cut in big knee with p throu
I On Mai street, Seafori, , would ])(I as. a viewing the 401i_ a idraw-knife, is able to be out again. -and possessed good Ii I I k HURONITE ��. I
� � I ON I �
, durioEitiibs in Ito aryability, and upon � my wife by the removal lo,f Mr. John B to& ;
TI1EFi.saiNG PA11TY.—The Lake Su_ sess ,d suL . rl the ; hipago. AcCMRNT.—While assisting at a rais- was the author of one - � . -9
t from 450,000' ,75,OOC i' dfoot, of Brus I
Periar Fishing party leave here to -day. b,uile I $ o eBsrs-. James and John: at two published a very large Sebirrus Malignant Ca�� I
dings alone, _�ohy - 1 0 , elat -
; ibis aSS6 dieut ard and T. 1). Ryan left I f 4 rk I wil!180 I
- with a rate of , or . Out student, an,, car, of I over four inches in length, being � I
The party will be composed of the fol and'i IAgiu Blausbard, Nathan Nixon got we s. He was an ard' Out., was On the train -robbed at
4 Oeuts' on th' is".11 It a hand smashed with a commander. extonsive reader ton.' He made his exi 1 from ths
� a all&', ota on Satur&q. r,c I A -
� r . T. ley left C- - t� : -
. f oblong, on the loft breast outer edge . ,
'GW'60 ` atlerben: Mr Lee, bring� the. taxes to a � pretty fig- y boat on Sk i lay � d tern' , smokingearwith the cond�ucto. i
wu�" "a - George ad li.,� a will not be able I , and *as possessed o ,r. lie � WAL
I ,,
Bo c W ,to do much this much more than ordinary intelligence. and extending through the large artery: told a Chicago reporter tha-t ,after be . �
Gon, � hey ; - I
0 111: xpected ,a be � � I I
� I I � Aftpbelpg
I in k Ecne i - Hel had a family of a* children—four - hori.ic tally, of three and a half inches
� a DOut five w eks. - . ix" I
. .
. �
ham; Mr. J. B. Thompson,- Orillia; that business men hjre a harvest.' I . I x0ek,
lanville ; Mr. A. McAllister, Dar. are. From all I can le� -n I d Di h
Mr. re Lking h 3y were a,, 3110 pa: i had been shot at once, he lowered Iiii; . � I
W. H. Bleasdell, Toronto - Messrs. money now. Compet� *on * . tied iby Master ; � . sods and- two daughter 1 : � ,
y i , Bluevale. . 9, all of whom in der, ih. The whole of f lie large mass head and butted the robber- who a 1_____
is ver ieten, o)ext Byrnes on of Mr, Henry : I survive him, and are well and comfort- conei- I � had � ___
R. L. Sharp, W. 0. Reid., A. glimmon, and prices are out fin .1 . I FARM !SOLD.—rvir. Harry Raines has � a I ing of cancer calls, was fired, nearly knocking him
M. R. Counter, Henry Cameron, J. S. e�, consider, , the .ties, who . . I abl success- � � off h__,i-a feat. � . .- �
, Y' lbef Settled in life. HO was father of i f ally I � )moved by applica tiona of .. .
. . 5 1,0' Winnipeg to Sold his irm on the boundary conafat-- Dr � - He: and Westfall in th ' fli . - � I ��
Porter, C. W burden Of expense that ha6 to bi all! his � . can . air ty. � . - I
� orne, fatl (r.—Mr. C. : W, papst Sloan and Andrew ,fit reached - I
. I IO&D, Of I pa ' . I .
* P&P -9t, Robert Fulton and and they are now I ing of 9 , acres, to Mr. John Di' Blyth, car pI sters, of not a very infal i pro- I th 1
c0m Wring c f busi. ai purchased t:i mart, Sr., rear door at the same illStltllt, and : 4.
13 I .. . Wm. Snell, of Hullet.t, and Cogs. This system f a in out can- , I 1
3 handsornii and - foIr the si'am of 83,500. . rs dr- t
- S. Hickii, Sea,fortli. They intended ness being dull. , Wh ' I r. Ge6rae COM . 0 hdo' ,_
. d .1 upon the platform . 111 I
I 1w . TERS6NAL.—We notice with pleasure Ki op. Owt I if' & certain and he stumblea over him. : I �
- going by one of . money i i being "or able residei ii a a G6uin- i Mr -, cars � all morbid gr 9 . Conductor fe ISAN
in ,the Beatty Line Stea,_ made here no ' M . John Dickson, of � Roxboro, me I at __ � .
mers as in farmer years, but there I .00 C, on Goder ot E treat, -ali d_� Will re- t He was' buried on Tuesday last spec' I., and never failing of sure cure a I
is-_,b� speculation. . I at Mepsrs. ' , i K
---- I--------#.-- �
Si R 3id, of !this village, red or 4 . I , I a
I 11 many ". as as Latin' ersta,rid Mr. a i .4 Ile 6 is I , w
ut - ..-r. - I �Theatewuer Mar tt , a& ;
I �,
" aria 2t is )pinlon iding in Tarot; v rr . � I 1 ' 611Y, 200 02iliNi -
.XCUiElook intends re ' argest that has ' tional,dt being gen i . id to,
' " 'have Succeeded in fun' ral was One* of the � i . orally iinder .
being aul Sure that the Inet hants hE)m do 4d) in it after ,�a 3 13t Septembor.' We W. H. Stewart and Thop. in t1he Harpurhey cem'ptery, and the . if take i, before - scatte 8i
no opposition to this line this Year, it not get as good �pro.fits.;, � "Onstita- E
havinar swallowed lip all the others, the they do in Ontario ..1. - pv aging 'the , professional examination takon place in the tow have rea.cheX Fort I
: my � I I x - J, I- i -
rates were raiscd from $25 to $36 per that a good ma -R - Mr. G aharLl fa. co � . . ,ship for some . this p ' t of the county, cancers of these I- i 0, rp, 0 - — �
, mandville,went I timb. I I i � U_
S istand that the ! I gnancy- - _r
head. TL --e Company considered this an he ny of t a busine., s men ind Mrs. Grabs, lax , f . P , so nd-class cortificateB. i dinter ions and type ol mali ' above Fort Ellice, hitherto thellead of I �
re will drop instead, f make .ETTLED.—We unde I I I "
atoney, Jo Pari I . i i I ittayigation. � .
and charbered the Jose hine and - y la t to 4ttind the d � -AV oftt�pw
I mposition L a On Tuos('a i erences which existed between i Clinto I . , all eyou of much less in gize were in. �
I p any person who is doing 3ood, Aln . . . - .
i!) .an ral of Mi. a t I ) —Eight new baxas and 1
Vidd for the trip. They will be gone living business at_holl�' would be 0,11111110C , an E die's congregation, Turnberry-,and the I curabl), as I know of several parties 1 ho I . . . - - �p - " -
- . I I
-D deal ld and promInwit BRIEFS.—The G j use have boen built on th,4 loth con- . Ah I., ��
. I
I oderic'h Cricket Club ' who L i A them cut out an� [ they are all � .
about 10 days. We wish them fair wiser t a siden't of that P esbytery have been amicably settled, bea Clinton on Friday last by 12 runs. ! cepsion of El I I
we&tbdr,a good catch and a td keep- ' th, 11 Bell Out and OW and brothe - If rs. Graham dead�d-iu a dying,-condit I wa, near Donegal, thig J&ioi
. � I
. ;
I pleasant come -here. This, at l� .— sold that, all is now harmonious. This —Mr. A. S. Fisher has taken out a ' ion having I' season.. Tbbi looks like pro§.Perity. - 7 : :
trip. � east iS the vin -, ]Ph( Rev'o Mr. (lidnero of klippail, will their ( Lneer scattered by the cutting I — 7 . -
. . ion I have formed af bar is a it should be. I patent for a new and improved shovel. ; proces , and I never knew of - . Messrs. . rancis and �crimgeonr, �
_�_ ga careful i I Iresti. :)reach in the''Pres yt . : I .
. . . . VT . �
. ONE.— any per- I a I
� ... r. George Askwith of as4stalit teachers in Listowel )3�gh �
� -
j -0 if pass i ) a, at lox i Sunday.—, Oull against he Syndicate by the Council tea or cutred by cuttina, School, have 68igned in order to '001111- : . AND a
� -
DoixGs INCOUNCIL.—At the . tion, and with a dem., �ian Church on When all hope of redress —
m0et"Ic' ame time, t Hallett, son b ing benefited
. L , the a 0 tak6 the most E, . . boys" wish to ten- I . , t13 .
. 2 w
by, Market Clark, 11 ' . .:. 1. el plasters -are easily borne, safe-, ple . :
. ---#-- I ty courge. T I . . . .
I , and the � � lkgl�tsh and
Of -Council on Monday night, Mr. us I I ara. lor their most Aireere thanks -to their a gopf, the villagers clubbed together day J I . to their U'lliversi I ,
_ ble view of things '
from Scotland on Tues- � Thes
- anded in. a state. - - � Id iend, Mr. .'N. COE ' with a fine two year old Clyd, - � are, ai�id alwayg ,success ful
— u as 8 , UFO'.
roe -'tit BhONVing the receipts from the . 8118, of T cher- ano raised sufficient to hire two convey- dale stallion of the ' new teachers .
HIG mi Z, who i r I . . . n IN I :-are advertisedifor. , -
. . I
. ��
It: Sciro'OL.-T& never fails a bea; . - Prince of Wales me o are the authors 1Lt1d inventors —T oine R . �
a in cherry titne.' His is ., I � iver 1 has -risen I
School I I . -
omotions at -the Close of the I � an- "rOugheaBt," loaded on the furniture.. eXtEDSiVOI I
the first six months of the year to be year ua. don' tions are dah appreciated by I I in the bree,ding of heavy ; tury, assure me they n(ver r U US 11 the season,. 'The
I . I t1em in ances, w th which they repaired, to the W. W. Faitow is engaging ,1 of th' great cure of the ni aeLeenth Can- n Ua y hi h for
town hall, pound and weigh scales for of pr 'O low�ugis t ,E) list era 3mbranc breed.—Mr. he Assibib
1880-81. The rear its are a . i y I 8 �, �Ajmm.
. ba so on WI woul . cc pelle I the inmates to firap aboard, � mistake iia a hake a rains � IP � -
0132,78, A report from Mr. J. A. Cline, the age of the pupil,, Ie, gth of iti hem.—TheTown council J1 draAght horses. He his a number 6f ' c&t11Se is thou,&bt to be the7 heav —110WIE1
Chief En - " act all tot thi ,matter after 44 yea;113 in �he we& ,-Out thial- - y w - � .� � I .
9111-'er Of the Fire Bri ade, the class, a - 01 in I WiSEly to retai th 4-4 all away to Wroxbter. Other very fine breading margis; on his I -g-not the ,caseill V
. 9 ad stand' 0 services :)f I farm in � practio, � from the father to the son. the: urah"ed
I 9 I Mr. pi ces a uld imitate Our worthy citi- Hullett.—Ther - _ flooding o.t � wehksed
� �. a are 2 4 persons in ' There edy contain
was &ISO . t the fill,, ex. "'lark as wat rwor�s eugineE r. 'He zelis. T a vi . . s 110 Cauatics, ar- the'river, whii h is accounted for by the t4ola
re8-d. Ila this report Mr. t* : Promotlin ` . the tract Of Is
amina ion X asks for an iner a a of 1i � 11age now pursues the Clinton qualified to ger - : C , Lnd alorig � :ftip"Or ILI.,.,
Cline states that the hand engine is in intermediate form,'with bon if to 5 per'.mouth in � even tenoo'r cf its way. . ve as jurors.— , sonic, A)X other eating poisonous sub- I keg north of Fort Ellice having turn, . I
ng order, but req - L zie hiS Ealary, and e ha I I . ; It ig currently reported �hat Mr. D. B, ' stance . . The reme . I I& I
worki uires" Cleaning McKay and Tho ors-- � 8 provein .11imseif : . _ I I
-very badly; mas Lockhart I ETURR, ED dy simply kills, and ad their wate' I. I . �
17 into the Ass iboine in:- 7A __ -
. . . ue4l
.—Miss Lizzie A. Magee, Str4thy, formerly a me�chant of Clin- glough off quickly in a few -days, then stead of intoLaka win.nipat --m-9 , . ranches Of t --
(bead of IL � ndustrious, Zufts
the hOS8 reels - and hook the form, equal), Gave 11 I . areful and 6; fficien t who for t tee years taught. school in ton,!but latterly residing: in I - las
, good.order; Minnie Cobb, Ma . Ock,, public Servant ai d crouoh]3 : under- � the North- - repeat I and the cancer ill falls out, I + Ila 3
and ladder wagon are ir Mary .
a ggi!B� Wilson, flt'� - ' at fall went to the United west I � --The villa�, � .? - �
U the cotton hose except 250 fe at are , ,li§e , Holwick,
; . -
J Hill, Aggie Scott, Robert H 1� I ktatti a his baEi esE, and`� ,. died a few d s and in i L few weeks a perfeet cu re is of oe Of Woodbridge wmtlie xv -
out of repair, and this i- . end I the - town St' ays ap w the
a very little a on. �tes an there continued. her voca- way to ()Dtario. - I . -tis �. .
use Passed conditioually----i K Inia t lose very t ncb niore . —Mr. W. H. dy wh o Scelleof a disastrous -fire Alaiiday,which I RIESIV � -
as it has repeatedly broken �. ate MCE, an b . I by �Igetting tiop, acci entally failing, she sprained Jackson, * fected.1 I saw a l,a had been � - �
� under a George.De'war. J I I c It a., ew hand. t' is � of Wingham has been engaged as I reached far greater it
a bad po�l I I than I _4
sre of from 401 to 60 pounds; there , ohn Henderson 11 g- i i rivitte as well ap in pu ' 1 cy in bet ankle and since that tim: a has been assistant teacher I at"' I upon for four and a half would have d..,S p"port"Ong xbyley to I
. lie business to ver ill in 1 Clinton High " r .
gie Killoran, Lavina MaI)ee, bell' t, ope'ath� by a plaster known R 1 if there� had be611 .
Ir. . 6 a- I lose I . olne ten days ago she starte as Yall 8 I proper means of extinguishing it. Bev- .
. .11 . I � .1 I F : - d Witigham all Mr. Jackson was form ut Oil I I
. - 01cient selli, eE for the� Sake a am d School, in place of Mr.! Weir, resigned 1 mo Stott, before coming for treatment, eral people ic _P
. 1: I . . I i . : , f for ; 6, and reacbe erly a stude . Pla Were injured, but happill - VA - Z
; or ,
i � 48 1
. I � . wh ny wife was cured, and'& large no lives were lost. ; i �
! � ! � I i i h . . I
� ; . . : . t
I I . I . � .. � .
� . . I . . I i I ; I . . I
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IiQoI [ I _ . . _ LI I__ _.._._- -i-.-- �-,-i-=-,.-,�...--..�..�,�,-..-,�,.�-1. I...--1111 - - - - � �_ . I ____ ... - '1� _ ___ 1-1-1— I I— ___1-_---_____.------ __ - -
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