HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-22, Page 7• 22 1881. CiRCULAR SAW AA do sunvnc z m co tt cio ca nt co 0 )* Z rn -13 rn o f= -'i 0 0)0 4=- 0 71- > t-7.1 CS 0) Z an 0 rri 1.1 0) -4. 0 0 WORKS. SONS1 this e inh trona, d imp th :fore t at 1. h sea d bav . the t and Blues opportunity of re- bitanta of Brussels and, beg to state 'cements in their y are now in a bet - supply the pub - cents cash at the an of our business g given publie can rely on a first-class article la Lime Worke. OWN & SONS. M 0 d 0 tli td tzi ti FC 1:4 tri r12 - P -3 0 171 0 0 t/2 tri tri tri 0 171 0 ra -u r0 0 1 rri 0 1 0 0 rn 0 - rt Fri r20 ---6 0 rn 9, JULY 22, 1881. News Item. Dees got in among Mr. E. Roy's sheep at Ravenswood, the latter part of last week, and destroyed seventeen of them. —Mellville FoWler, a well known writer on sporting matters , was drowned yesterday morning at Rockaway Beach, i IT. Y. while bathing. —ill the storekeepers o Barrie have agreed to close their placet! of business every Wednesday at 1 o'clock till Sep - S ena—bAer 7ntilmn. number of Great Western 1 1 Engines and oars are reported to have been seized by the Custorna authorities at Windsor, Ont., for undervaluation!. —The great Brooklyn bridge is a costly affair. Thus far nearly $13,000,- 000 have been expended en it, and it will take another year and, some more millions of dollars to complete it. —It is asserted that Krupp cannot meet his big gun orders, viz : Roma- nia 100, Greece 700, Sweden 50, Hol- land 120, Italy 400. Such are Europe's peace prospects. • —The New Testament has just been translated into the Corean language, and a Glasgow lady promises to provide half the salary for five year's of the first Corean evangelist. —The average daily production of petroleum during the past year in the United States were 75,000 barrels. The estimated daily consumption of crnde oil throughout the world is 45,000 bar- rels. —The Lord Mayor of London has in- vited LienteCol. Gibson, captain of the Canadian team, and Capt. A. E. Cur- ran, to meet the Prince of Wales at' a banquet at the Mansion House on Sat- urday. —The Rev. Mr. Hannon, of the Can- ada Methodist Church, St. Marys, haa been made the recipient of an address, accompanied by a purse containing $100, previous to his departure for England to spend his vacation. _ —D. P. Todd, of the Nautical Alma- nac office at Washington, has just com- pleted the comparison of individual measures of the American photographs taken of the last transit of Venus. The result is 92,028,000 miles for. the mean distance of the earth from the sin, tak- ing as the base Clark's value of the earth's equatorial radius. —Howard. University, Washington, D. C., graduating five colored students from its Law School and seven from its College Department. To these add twelve medical and ten theological graduates, and we have a total of thir- ty-four sent out this year to become educated leaders of their race. —M. Ganabetta is a firm believer in the eligibility of woman as teacher. He declares himself convinced that in the educational work of the future the wo- men of France will honorably bear their share as soon as the legislation of the country enables them to assert their competency and authority. —Ex -President Guillermo, of San Domingo, has arrived at St. Thomas with General Perez, and is purchasing an armament and preparing for an in- vasion of San Domingo. He has two schooners and 400 men ready to start early in Angust. Reports from San Domingo say that the greatest commo- tion prevails there over the threatened invasion. ..-The Pennsylvania normal schools are all in debt, and have been asking the legislature for $260,000, with which to liquidate their indebtedness. They also ask for an appropriation of $100,- 000, to help them through their work for the next two years. One of the tampers of the Legislature claims that these schools have failed in the purpose for which they were esta,blished, and that the number of pupils who have subsequently become teachers is small. —Beecher preached on "Political Corruption," last Sunday. He said : "Many man who have been raised to high places were of a mushroom char- acter. The great vice of politics was lying and whiskey. If the lures spread for our legislators were known to the pablic, they would make the oheeks of every virtuous household blush for shame. The foundations of morality I were shaken in order that ;gamblers politics might succeed, for it was considered disgraceful to fail. He referred to bribe takers and. said there were not many but would take bribes. They were like the Aldermen in some cities, who only took office to make money ; but it was grati- fying that in all history no line of kings ever stood higher for morality than the American President." —The arrangements for the great Conference of the Methodist e of the world, to be held in London in Septem- ber, are made. The opening sermon is to be preached by Dr. Simpscln, one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and -on the first day there is to be a reception at the Mansion House, the Lord Mayor being a Wesleyan. The chief business of the Conference will be the reading and discussion of papers on the history and results of Methodism, the perils of the demonstration, the home and foreign missions, and allied topics. The great importance attached to the Conference may be judged from the fact that its deliberations are to ex- tend over twelve days, and that the cost of holding the meetings and of the arrangements for the reception of the delegates is estimated at $25,000. unprincipled dealers, purchas see that each wrapper bears s m es gnatnre of S. N. Th the firm name Northrop pend upon it ; there about it. There is n earth who has ever u not tell yon at once th the bowels, and give r and relief and health to sting like magic. It is use is no naistak m 0 t a other o ed it, whe w t it will regnla at to the moths the child, oper erfectly safe in all cases and lem taste, and is the presonptionallotf toth oneo the oldest and best female physicians! and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 62-52. Rest and. Coraf rt to Sufferin. Brown's • Household anacea equal for relieving pal , both i and external. It cures jam in t back, or bowels, sore throat, r ham, toothache, lumbago and a of pain or ache. It wi 1 most quicken the blood and eal, as ing power is woiidei ful. Household Panacea, eing ledged as the great pan reliev of double the strength of an elixir or liniment in the world, be in every family hand for us wanted, as it really is the est re the worldfor cramps inj the st and pains and -aches of a1 kinds, for sale by all druggists at 25 bottle. 692-52 Ought Not to Be. How often do we see t 1 e hard ing father straining ever • nery muscle, and doing his nt Host t port his family. Imagin his f when returning home fro 1 k a har labor, to find his family orostrat disease, conscious of un.aid d bills and debts on eve .' him must be enough to drive o fie cra this unhappiness could b avoid using Electric Bitters, ' hiela every disease from the system, br joy and happiness to thou ands. at fifty cents a bottle, by all dru 696-26-4 11 e hs no ternal e side, eirma- y lkind t8s rely r wn's k ow - r, and ther s ould hen y in ach, d is ts a 11 e el • ork- and up- ngs ay's ith ors' It All by pel ing old sts. Worthy of Pr se. As a rule we do not rec mmen pa- tent medicines, but when e kno» of one that really is a public benef c or, and does positively cure, th9n we on- sider it our duty to impai the n or- mation to all. Electric 3itte are truly a most valuable m dioine, nd will surely cure Biliousness Fever nd Ague, Stomach, Liver, a d d ey Complaints, even where all ther ense- dies fail. Weknow whereo we s eak, and can freely recommend t ern t ll. —Exch. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by all druggists. 696-26-4 Rheumatism, Neural *a, B s. Jeddiah, Bellanger, of Cape May County, New je that Peruvian Syrup cur Rheumatism and Neuralgia, he had suffered so long that think he could be cured. years since he took the Syr has been free from the above ever since. Aaron Leami same place, writes that he w fifteen years with boils, and afflicted with rheumatism, ties of Peruvian Syrup comp ld Sp g, •sey writes el hira of from wjh4ch he didi not It iI ten p, an4 he omplints g, of the s affii tied lso -b dly Six b4- etly c red him. Sold by all druggists. 710.5 Zopesa. Zopesa, from Brazil — Its affinity to the digeistive a the human stomach, its mo ing effect upon a torpid livi r, an cleansing and toiling the systisna;ca tested with a 10 cent samplelbottle. 679.b wond parat t stir • .1 ul s iof ris- 30 Vegetable Discov ry. When the blood become imp re, disease, its contamination y bile, or either from the developmentcf inh rit- ed other causes, serious mala. follow. A highly accredited theseeevils is Northrop st Vegetable Discovery and Cure, which eradicates imp the blood and fertilizes it by digestion and assimilation. McCaw, Custom House, writes : "My wife has been with Dyspepsia and Rheu some time past, and has tr many different things to help got no relief until she tried N Lyman's Vegetable Discove peptic Cnre. She has taken ties, and has not been in as gc for years. This testimonial use as you like for the relief more who are sufferers from t ble disease, Dyspepsia. 710.4 11 Thomas' Eclectric Not a half way cure, but permanent relief, soon experi lows the nee of Thomas' Ecl for coughs, colds, sore throat rheumatism, neuralgia, piles, diseases of horses and cattle. by professional men of emine pensive and popular, it in proves itself worthy of the ge fidence reposed in it. The i which compose it are the p most effective medicinal oils ; hob impairs its strength b es su erred Lym Y8Pe ities TOMO r. 11 Toro trou atism ed a g her, rthro IP • 11/ ely for n's tie iIig gh to, ed for od nt • and D ys- two ot- od he th you lo ay of many hat terri- posit' need, °trio nd chi ores Indor ce, in ve, ol- Jil st, nd ed very case eral cOnl gredie te rest and no al °- causing evaporation, and it can be usqd as Ian outward application or an internal medicine. No lotion or on uent can compare with it either in effijoacy er purity. As it is sometimes it4itated by rs should the f Dias, an Lynia Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Corafortinge—"By 9. thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Islre Epps has .provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may I save us - many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of 'diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until stroiag, euough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood. and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"James Epps & Co., letonaceo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 4S2-52 • __ Mothers ! Mothers ! Mothers ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth f If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Vitinslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- blown in the bottles. Sold by all drug-' gists. Prepared by Northrop & Ly- man, Toronto, Ont. 710.b Teaberry. "Must say it's the nicest thi g I eve used for the teeth and bre th," say every one having tried "Teab rry," the new toilet gem. Get a 5 cen sample 679.52 THE SEAFORTH F R U T S AND R ESTAURA MAIN STREET, SEA 11IRAM DAGON keeps constantl full supply of all kinds of SEASONABLE VEGET Fresh and Good. Also the Choicest PLANTS, Direct from the 0 COOLING DR R T. ORT: on hand BLES 110 U den ers. N Of all kinds on draft, and Confect ionery tti Nick-Nacks. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Mu hy's B1ck fir st door north of Robertson's Hard are Stoe. 702 111.1FLA.111 .16 GO • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. PIANOS AND ORGAINISa , TL V(ry Latest and Most Important AUnouneement yet . made is the fact that We have E.3 UCED THE P RICES In Pianos and Organs, o that au may have an opportunity of enjoying the pleasures al d benefit.. of a Musical Instrument. Through our Iarge and i creasing trade we are in a position to supply PIANOS 4 1 1 m tie Best Canadian and Anaarian Factories, including I _ EINWAY' CHICKERINC. DECKER, WEBER, 5 t a BI 11 0 nd others too numerous to mention, at prices and terms at cannot fail to give satisfaction. The fabulous prices arged for Pianos and Organs in thIa locality, previous to our pearince on the scene, have been. swept away, and not only w prices but genuine quality in instruments have been in- oduced.. We make a Specialty of the °MINION ORGANS AND eying they are equal, if not superior in trament in the market. PIANOS, quality, to any d Instruments taken in golehang and Organs to 1?ent., e. ;P" - —7108 SEWING MACHINES. We are Agents for the Raymond Saving Machines, whin h are ket in stook and reduced in price. We iaave a number of good etond-band Machine/1, which will be soh]. cheap. 0/10T7RAPHINC AND PICTURE FRAMING CARRIED ON EXTEl!iTSIVELY. iv WADE BROTHERS, Seaforth. .111TNE II'S BLOCH. .7 P‘MAN THEY 1311, to gate to me a eollecti WBN 01 v ions designs b themselves, Priomptly attend CARR' GE WORKS, SEAFORTH. RE A AIN TO TH E FORE. L A -1\T Oz CO. t Dee in want of B ggies that they have now on hand as good and hand - r d 111 d QGIE I NEky BUGGIES!! Lyles as can be found in any shop west of Toronto. They a re all made they can consequently warrant them as to workmanship and material.- EPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. to and neatly and substantially executed, and sa tisfnotion guaranteed. We e also preps to take lase 1 b at reasons)) e rices: - . QAL And be convinced that la en d 111--tirinvriz4G. rders for TrimmingVehieles of all kinds, and can guarantee a firet- AND GIVE US A TRIAL better for you than most other firms in bhe Trade. PILLMAN & Co., Seaforth. N. B.—Buggiesand Li*t Vu 'n t to to order if desired. IM RTANT NoTicE! GRE T DISCOUNT SALE HOFFMAN BROTHERS', SEAFORTH. al 0 a 0 te 9— Haying decided to offer the whole of our stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, &c.., a 9,R EAT DIISC0UN for the NEXT TWO WEEKS, in der1 o make ro n for the large i oportation tiq Fall Goods, which our buyer is l pr t sent purch m gein the foreimarkets •' also for the Canadian Goods, for hieiwe have al e y/placed orde , as we find unless we clear out at least half onepresent sto k we will be stn k for roona,6,nd, therefore, we have decided give the followi i LrIBERA DISCOUNTS: ± 1 N ,fALL Ar4CNTS OF $1 TO $2, 10 PER CENT.; 9V $2 T AM UNT AND A Pri ts and Cott n i one of the grea es a d v cinity. On wjeek, and are of ents especially C oth , Ulstering T able Linens, To F rilli gs, Fringes Dant Oil, Bonnets Splen id Assortm It Will be seen U INESS L IN FIG hcjuse ; then in t discount, and. you QN 'Y $8. woat *e can afford s $5, 15 PER CENT.; ABOVE .$5, 20 PER CENT. s are excoptioi4 to discounts, but will be sold at cost. This offeri gs, we phink, ever Made to the people of Seaforth tock is all newJ Some of the goods are only in stock one he 1atest styles. This stock is well assorted in all depart - o 'n Dr ss Goo s, Dress Moline, Prints, Cottons, Tweeds, lannels, Unde clothing, Shirting, Denims, Ducks, Hollands, ls, Towellings Coverlets, Hoeiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ties, Laces, Ribbons, Parasols, Umbrellas, Embroideries, Buttons, ats, tine, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, also a n of M n'a and. Boys Felt and Straw Hats. otici g the liberal discounts THAT WE MEAN In t e first place the goods are MARKED IN RES and t prices that have to compete with other e Isecond place, t ke for instance a purchase of $10, deduct the ill see t at you get FULL. SIO WORTH FOR or may ay that we cannot afford to do that, but never mind long s we o' 0 WHAT WE SAY. Remember ON JIY FOR TWO WE KS. we.alt as the terrns re cash. So come along early and bring your REMEMisER THE 0 LY CHEAP CASH STORE 4.)A.R;iN0'S 1 LJR. TIOF MAN BROTHERS, Seaforth. R F4MERS, TAKE N9TICE! EAI5ING AND • MOWI G MAC I "E . • EPAI1RED. IfAR ERS, if you w nt rcachines of Kippen, for hp 11 in ean& the business. 01 new roi.t..0, and all tin er4 notice. Give me a t4 money, Thres ing Cylin 'illed Wit) Or the old ones la Sp ecia: attention pai m F R M ler our reaping and nds repaired, go the- boy that u boxes refilled g jobs done on 1, and you will and Conc w Spikes, d kWh the best of to till work entrust 1 N G ES ow - o T. der - with hort save ver ron. d to 41 A liarge Stock of Farm Hinges on hand. 0:ivs Harrows ,and SGT. ers ways on Hand and Sold Chea B ack smithing of all Kinds D • on the Shortest Notice. artiet wanting Casting or repairs from N X011/4, BROTHERS' Man ufacttiring Com of Ingersoll, for Reapers ' and Mowers, ea th m at my Shop, as I have been eppoin. that Com pany to keep 111 these repass on. Relmember the sign. /07-8 THOVA 8 'MILLIS, Kip L REDIT FONCIE HIS ew Company, orme forthe purpo Inv eting French Capital in Camtda, is pre pa;e41 k advance mcney on the most favor ter ms o good landed securities. M P. HA Ag ent f County of Erma., eaforth 1 ne ANCHOR LINE. -UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Diroot. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glas• now, and ell parts of Europe. Fares as low as any other 1rst-class line. Prepaid' Passage Certitleates issued to persona wishing t� bring out their friends. The Pessenger accommodation of Anchor Line Steamers arelunsurpassed for eleganee and com• fort. Apply te 1 S. DICKSON, 593 At the Post Office,Seaforth 1\T a- J[ S. HADDEN begs to announce to the people . of this vicinity that he has purchased the property fernterly owned by Mr. Wm. Hadden, and having erected thereon a commodious shop, be is now Prepared to execute orders for Weaving in all its beanehes. FLANNEL, Plain and Veined, and 'CARPETS a Specialty. All work warranted to give satisfaction and terms reason- able. Residence, half al mile east of Egmond- ville, adjoining the farm of Mrs. Gemmell on the west sioe. A trial is respectfully solicited. 703-13 I J. S. HADDEN. MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, LAW; CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING the OFFICE, "Y' Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. get d by nd OLICITOIRS for the Consolidated Rank of kJ Canada and the Canadian Bank ef Commerce in Seaforth., Farm and Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the bheii.etlmnmaotocrergi7; RsecEtiim.A. riytleo,withotit any expense to S F. HOLMESTED • e of now bie 8, --0E---- ROYAL MAIL STOAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND GLASGOW. TBE SHORTEST SEX ROUTE Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at Lowest Rateie Steerage Plissengers are booked to Lbndon, Cardiff, Bristol, Qtkeenetown, Derry, Belfast. Galway and Glasgow, at same rates to Liverpool, SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC MORAVIAN 4th JUNE SARMATIAN • 11th JUNE CIRCASSIAN .18th JUNE POLYNESIAN 25th JUNE PARISIAN 2r1d JULY SARDINIAN 9th JULY MORAVIAN 16th JULY SABMATIAN 23rd JULY CERCASSIAN 30th JULY POLYNESIAN • 6th AUG. PARISIAN 18th AUG. SARDINIAN .; 20th AUG. MORAVIAN • 27th AUG. The lad train connecting at Quebec with the Allan Mail Steamer will leave Toronto every Friday at 7:02 A. Paeyengers can also 1 eave Toronto by the 6:52 P. M. rain on Fridays, and connect with the Steamer at Rimouski, (paying the extra fare, $4 45, Quebec to Ri- m onski.) BOSTON TO L1VEEPOOL DIRECT —The Steamship Peruvian, 4,00 tons, Captain J. Richie, will be despatched from Boston to L iverpool, direct. at 8 A. M., June 24th. For tickets and every information apily to 706 A. STRONG, Agent, Seaford'. HO.! FOR EGMONDVILLE. 1.Js FLOURING AND SA MILLS. JAMES K LE Begs to inform his friends and erally that his NEW SAW Is now in full working order, eared to do the public gen- MILL! nd he is pre - CUSTOM SAWING On the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. He has also on hand and for sale ALL KINDS OF SAWN LUMBER. Bills Promptly .Filled. • HIS FLOURING MILL Is in charge of a First-Clasa llirer, and he prepared to do GRISTING AND CLOPPING On the Shortest Notice: Good Work and full Satisfaction guaranteed. Remo mber, when You wants gristground or a bill of lumber eawn go to the Egmondville Mills. 691 JAMES KYLE, Proprietor. MONEY TO LEND. In Large or Small Staits„ at reason- able rates of ifftterest. NOTES AND MORTGAGES PUROEIASEI1. APPLY TO W. C. GO LOCK, Or at the Office of J. H. Benson, Seaforth. 681 R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH,. • Wholesale and RetailDeaier in LEATHER and SHOE .FINDINGS of Every Description., None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terme moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by mall or otherwise promptly filled. ese R. . I.311F.ITP ROBERT WILLIS' THE PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER. no,r td tai .0 1-3 tsi H ri) 11. I. 0 cl ria I-3 rJ ri) 0 H 171 0 101 0 0 0 111 0 0 c 0 2 0 0 0 0 to 0 c0 2 0 m rti 2 C) m F 00rr 9a40 7Thi11 the' Best Value for Your Money. .uogdad9cr 012 m 0 1 O rt O 0 m c Z O 0 O > m r 03 ro O (1) O -I 0) z 0 GROCERY NEXT BOOR TO THE POST oFficpunimi TEAS. TAS. TEAS. IN GYM NS, JAPANS .AND FAIR YOUNG HVON TEA, 30 CENTS l*R 'POUND. GOOD YOUNG H SON TEA, 35 CENTS i PER POUND. OHOICE YOUNG HYSON TEA, 40 OENTig PER POUND. EXTRA CHOICE, 0 CENTS PER POUND. VERY FINE, 30 0 fs!ITS PER POUND. THE BEST lrylPORTED, 65 CENTS PER POUND. VERY FINE JAPAN TEA DUST, 30 CENTS:PER POUND. Gi-EI0TTND At 26 cents, 80 -can s, 85 cents, 40 cents, and 45 cents per pound. I WHITE SUGARS LIGHT AND YE FIELD AND GAR 9 and 9i pounds for LOW SUGARS -lo, 11,12 and 18 pounds for $L EN SEEDS—AD D. ROSE, SEAFORTH. D. 70-Eltook. "AND DON b KILL THE OLDES They have al' do likewise." to sell the V GRO ave. paid 100 They do not RY BEST 'T YOU FORGET IT," —THAT_ R A N & RyAN 0 FIRM 1N SEAFORTH, ents on he dollar, and they expect their customers to go arid do pretend t� sell Goode at Cost, or even below it; but they are prepared ERIES, 6ROCKERY, AND LIQUORS 1 IN HE MAEKET, AT A FAIR LIVING PROPIl„ The Very Finest BRAND.iE.S` from, our Resident Buyer in France, and WINES from our Agents in Spain and Porpugal. FINE TEAS A SPECU.kLTY. SUGARS, TOBACCOS, SLO., AT THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES. ; I , GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. N. B.—We ar KILLORAN & RYAN, Seaforth also Agents for the Ceebra ted" Marsala )) Sacramental Wine. Warranted_ Pure. THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL 'IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. a C. WILLSON 1 0. C. WILLSON 1 FARM -PLOW S A_meri son's Plows them REAPER the se the M Binde they a • HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS, OF NG IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, CONSISTING OF TI:rm FOLLOWING : The Mcesey No. 13 Th stle Cutter; the Three Roll Beam Chilled Plow; the Gent. ine an Oliver Chilled Piaw, No. 40, manufactured at -South Bend, India'ne ; also V' se- e. 40 Chilled and the 13 antford Chilled Plows, and a number of other G-eneral Purpose This is certainly the est selected stock of Plows ever kept in Seaforth; eari and see zfore purchasing elsewh re. AND MOW RS t—hoThe R:aPerana consi Mowerstingbilof theineg8isseyHst is Mitgaainto aharvnedferot son, and as usual I hae agheliablestook, ssey Mower and Sharp's Sulky Horse Bake; also Millet's BuCkeye Twine and Vi/ir.!: . These Machines ar too well krown to require any comment, suffice it to say that e fully up to the improvements for the saloon. of 1881. • SMALL IrPLEMENTS—A full stock of small implemental. such • as Horse Hoes* Weed s and Seuffiets, Cern Planters and Com Cultivators. Iron Harrows at a reduced price - SEWING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. The Wanzer F, Wanzer C, D and E, Wilson 33, Louie.) and other machir es. Those are standard machines, and parties parch ing can rely on getting value for their money. Machine Neledles, Oils and Repairs Repairing done on the shortest notice, and. work guaran- teed. Also Agent for Abin's Patent Portable team Thre3h,eri a nd Engines. I • 0. WILLSON, Main -St„ Seaforth, ii,- N. 13.—A few horses taken in cxe1o.ngc for machines. 1 SOMETHING NEW 1 _ Has taken a new pais er into his business, in the person of MR.ISAMUEL McC SEAN, a gentleman who thoroughly un- derstands his busines , having had fourteen years' experience. Froni. the enormous i crease in the business it became neces- sary to take in a live partner to assist in meeting the wants of the increasing numbe of customers. The customers will find Mr. McClean courteoes and obliging, and from the many ad- vantages he has had, he is the man for the tittles. They have now a delivery rig, whkch will be on hand ai all times to de- liver goods anywhere iri the corporation. N. B.—From my 1 e -long experience, added to our Mr me - moor an's fourteen y ars' experience, both: ip the vslaolesale and r tail business, weplaim to be in a position to offer better inane ments than ever before. Give us a call and be con- vinced. No trouble to show goods. All we ask is a fair trial. We ' tend to make T AS a speciality, and all things will be kept it stock that are found in a first-class grocery and pro, vision store. The folllowing aro some of th 9 articles kept in stocRI: : FLOU OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CHOPPED FEED, CRACKED WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, SHORTS, OATS, PEAS, BEANS, &C. TEAS, -Ncr GARS, TOBilCCOS, PICKLES, CANNED FRUIT, i_ FOREIGN ND DOMESTIC F.RUITS 11,7 THEIR SEASON. BA9ON, HAMS, CROCKERYWARE. CHINA STS OF THE MOST MODERN DESIGNS; BED 00M SETS, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, C LASS CFM QUART AND–HALF CALLON FRUIT JARS. AULT & McCLEAN. a •••••••••••c•••••• • •