HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-22, Page 1I I & 00.1
ER. , U 1-3: 2
t Priceik
Dne Month,
,time will be charged
_6 Good.q will be sold
..;,ks, 009,91i,castom-
7 -
I., -rml,,4,re Pricas with
in caaads
t bw the P116ce
; -
7 .
ad 9 ceats p,:r yard.
3FALL & Co.
.; portion of her
and on reaching
I it, throwing her
ahich entered her
it - dread -fully an d
t3, and otherwise
;o received some
I wounds, on other
Medical aid wag
ands dressed, but
Aher her, leg- can
it is it will be apt
. We are glad to
3ets she is daing as
.ted.—Xeir Era..
ilasgow, McPlier-
i.e sold and last
shirog machines to
an candidates for 1
rtificates- occupied . -
iveek writing for
were under tha
. Duff , teacher, Me- -
. (if -very fine fat .
rom, here on Mon-
intan has not a
. consequence the .
Is are raided and
ry night. Mr. W.
t -victim .—Chaton
) of having a Port
. here.—Mr. John 11
had applicationSl
t several of the
"Be of erection by
ting, up and getting
LI It willbe the hub
Mr.' W. 11. Rams- -
Eugia, d to visit
10f Blyth, refuses to
, ,the money he re,
7 horse, and there,
1. it over the atffair-
u I
on our market. for
the Gore Farm, re- -
John .'Middlaton, of
. tii couple .of verY
horoughbred heifers, .
. gnm .of U50 each.
trs to be an exorb-i-
3 of 'tbiB age"those
I animals, as wall as
If, appear to think .
realized d-pon them
, but havina, a very
emincy the offer a
hilot an equivalent -
.1 lie thought it 01-
.. Glenn is an exten-
ughbred cattle, and .1
v one of the' finest
i. Huron, and, has
line arlimaja several
,111)t attain 9, very
tt the various, fall
, intend.,.3 exhibiting',
Ue reputation which
'. won and retained
. I
_ —
leidcmt occurred on
ant Pleassint to S:- J.
Al of Georae JaMia'
Ig a team -
s unhitchin
I Lichille the horses bO-
and ran away, olrg-
iiekniveafor over Of -
Strange ta say I'll
,t with twolarge cuts,
A the other on his I
dx inc:Les in length,
,ad bruises. Ile IIO` 7 .
P""" "'. now im- .
d Under the Coar0ioa
I 1, a. priest, a member
i magistr&te, and *
)ta'bilitiea. .
- __
- _
. I , "% - I - I '! . I -qtwz _:n-,--- -_- _ ,% I - I J — .11 I I I
. 2 i . , i . .
I : _1 1
I i 1. I t . .
. . i . 1 I t ! I S Plablisheris. 1 .1
: I 1 i I - -1 1 . I i .
i __ — __ - I - i McLEAN BRO' - I -
! - t — — - . I I ; .
I i $1.50 a Year, i -u Advance. , I
. i . ; - 'i ,
i - I I 4 i
. I i i I I — . . i
; I
. I ; JULY 22) 1881. ' : - .
! . I 1! I : ) I i
*110LE NUMBER, 711. 9 . ; : I ; I I I
., — I : I
I . i q
- I i p
- k' . F I _ . 1 3 might be abolit5hea from th a I
; _ . ft J th ec I i - I
i i —1 1 -- I t - I
__ . - __ I - I le and a quarter', J om. the ' ' -u:' a the earth without harmirl ` -
— - . ----7 1 1 L the f all facturing pulp from saw-d-ust has ro. about a rrl WV'!Bettling, f &c of g, the - I .
I I t ill ubjec Of emigra- church, he was made to Pay -,ht kept 810 lit
Canada. i , I gr a terest in the 3 ec 3 turned from the west, having secured shore. The yai Christians, whoa -re only -a few. PeOP18 - ,
. I the cnill ( I ,
. tion, aild expregsed d O'Bire that Bri dsh amount. ff he defendant pleaded that I and ex- spea- - . . . I q
ONTARIO HOUSES H.on. Mr. - Mowat Bails f 'I home Oil judge held the necessary machinery .. There is a and every moment k of missions and mlssionarl"Bal b'ct .
British color ies. he was a 'lackslider, but the u of hausted men were in momentary danger - ' t
emigra ntB should go I o': . robability of the early erectio hope is i the coming Of jot T
Aug. 11. i . LILIA SUnd . the Bteamer I that the excuse was not valid- P ng swept off into the debp. One the only ome at any timf) I S .14,
t . —Longfellow, the poet, is I 1pected in — I ay! orning . esent buildings and beginning iof the manu- of bei . . I
. - )rsic u of the Mai Ine E truck in the I —Mr. John McLean , who,is at pr facture of paper from saw --dust. of them inade an attempt to SWIM Lord, who may c . I
. .
- Toronto in September. I C( . be intends presenting - terly ex- suddenly as the comet or the motin", 9 Z I
S:E.1q,_:PC)1RrT1_3: rapid ad to be beached. in Hamilton says ho escaped ashore, but:had to return P . his Lordsh .p I
Galop F3 and L - Louise —A girl named Gorman, w in I star, and Jupiter, which , , . I
- . —The manufacture of p. per fro m i I 1. the Princess Be at hausted. After being forty m inutes . .
. SILO n W lies in f,"r ebn feet of water. an axe ha dle to I I n the South between 4 86 4 .
I mm-enced Bhortly, a I Ca,iladiarl from the Waterloo Poor Hou ey were! saw when i I . I .
saw -dust is to be co the water, and j . . 11 I
. pa ienger were t ken b ecaufAe, in all her sketches of ust when , I I
I Ottawa. " f 71 f bight an4 in the habit of re- Berlin on Sunday night, 10th inst., was ing sav, a another 5 in the morning, about a -mouth ag), I I
. I
I I Or, forest scenes she is at'y afternoon. sunrise . I .
OPPOSITE THE —Rev. Dr.. Ormiston, of Ow ' OTIkl oft "by nother steam xe handle as straight, found on Wedne8d She losing all hope of be ey y ; vere res- (after ; i in Canada..) His Lori L- - -
I ng 'seem 1
I man named presenting the a , ki - ,
. '. . isfriends I ,_O Salurday ' o1c was lying beside a trea aBleepi and yacht came in sight and th . ship .a mailiner of spea . 8 11 _', j
is spending his holidays with I , - " ' owa it has the ortho- d. . I w
. __ Brow - ,while ,&.j ng the shop of when everyone hn hadn't eaten or drallk anything since cue 7 d sometimes, ultr i-
I tensely earnest, an I . "
about Whitby. Ma , grocerjIll )udon, ,wag seized dox crook. hardly have lived —The Guleph Mercury i Bays:— Painfully sov - "I I I
I —Rev. Dr. Cochrane, of I rantfoid, 0 lieville, im- she left, and would li about this time last summer'Ir. Hom- Boanergetic, to some Y! S .
Z 3g to the place and —H6u. Robt. Raid of Be as so weak that I nd .
ELI. by a b ll dog b6longi I els of Scotch another day. She w anied by a onewho heard Edrn Irving 50 I .
preached in Knox church, 1'Kinuipag' ll oliirribjy toru. Legii. meadures-will be ported,thiS spring 100 bush ited on like an er Watson, of Doon, accompi I M - I .
last Sabbath. I I as to the she had to be wa few friend$ made a, ago would be reminded Of him in .
— during taken,'against the oOnor of the dog. barley, weighing 56 poun Berlin and Guelph though il ,ot I I
— The Montreal long8horeinen _&r. Joseph Oro . a, of Arkoua, bushel. Ilia object isto experiment in infant. day at Georgetown a trip clown the Grand River f toM a point nerandatyle of speaking, . J i _. I .
three weeks idleness, on Etrike, lqst growing barley for the English market, —Last Satur . Lake. 'Mr. Watson. at all in appearance. . I . I
I ter rec i d uch inj ries — - 1.
$50 000 in wages. I . I I to- and he invites all interested who can do spark from a passing engine set fire to near Berlid to the 1 .4 . i
whoset daughter rec 1 3 scenery along
I ming ma hine accident ood containing about 300 wasdelightled with tho Perth Items. I
, . i
I have received inatructions from the - —The Canada, Southern oil rrie lalp from a mc so to examine the crop as now growing I a pile of W ilton and the river and in those moMents that,: - Croley, M. A_ of . I
ic I -
. 1 14e_ cantly, is most unf4t Luat 31y affli ted, cords, belonging to the :Ham T. E. - -
quantities of walnut lumber f rom now I up on his farm, and when harvested. ! i
I . .
i ha,ving another daligttor now lai near the june- were not devoted to mie4j'a and the! The Rev , I
Messrs. Smith & West (at town to foreign markets. , —Mr. William Hamilton, an old Northwestern Railway,. itted,j to calilivaBI Millbank, has gone on a tour to t1he I
proprietors, . . ut vith B broken leg, the eBu, t of .a f II. The whole ilewas oonsumed. lively misqfiIito, he comin i i
- ab of Trafalgar, tion. a t presented! north for a few weeks' recreation. -
—A brother of Lord Lor quite a fe,W, of the, scenes th "
. I
. _Rrockville! was,Asited ay a dreadful resident in the township ; y jammed ..
sent in Winnipeg), to reauce the o d? I driving a Nearly one thousand . cords would have to his eye. ! . with . - .
now fina! —Listowel was fairl, .
pre to be married to Miss Gertrude B I il h rrioane last Saturday afternoon. was killeq on Friday while took been burned aa well as the platform and themselves' I . . 8 and. children il I
. I - . I His horses Orangemen, their vIve - I : .
I ble, and in an Irish heireBs . ',ailstiones fell with t ' "Ei f ce doing reaperon,his farm. . ction station house but for the Mr. Watson down at the HAdfax Artsl on the glorious Twelfth. _ .
I Y 4 a t Jun . I .
-1 an - emen and hook and lad- Exhibition w ! . 11 -1 .
stock as Bpeedil as POBBI —The Rideau lakes, are I ast becom- ;();erullls Ord fright t an umbrella which bewas ' ith two pict6res,01160f and friends
I . A P.amagd to gar to win . fortB of the -fir r,i —Mr. A. Melville, of Ruaseldalle I
ing a favorite resort for pleasure-Bedher99 9'el . . . arted off, throwing him of I W 1. 110 he G nd Rive I I . I
n goods to i dows, many of which ,in hurcheA and holding, and at hich is er titlec a t has gone! .
order to do so, mark dow knife. His skull was fractur- der company. - tel business sad to
t u. ! I
red to before the 'Ont.,11 and the Aher "'The sold his ho
both from Ottawa and Kingst . chon Satur- near Doou.,, -a the W 10ca- . . . - I
L .' obher ilargo buildings Ver Bliatte ' led. —Between 8 and 9 O'ClO . a, ly o the North-west to look out a tie
igure, that our customers —Two hundred Royal Arch Masons I rribly mang of thd drouthl'—a Bt
such. & low f . I I i t OM$1 : 1 ad, and he was to day evening, 9th inBt., Richard, young- last . 3st stage of the tion. i : . ,I . S
, . :
attended the annual con rocation a ti L of the c oeso Death was instantaneous. ,tit, Burford Grand River at the low( , I I
nding count Y will avail Hamilton on Friday. I —The rapid' grow . aicht in Toronto, in eSt son of Mr. James Ru ork, have. been —Knox. church, Mitchell, has ;
. I
water. Both of these w 8 I h - I
from the surrou t service. It .1.
nadian Press I ssociation I lid Ory in the , jesl Way be eatin ated —Last S ant out to be barn to at- : - as
- —The Ca I . tae Con ty of Igin the abBonc of the police, at a little township, W urebased by Lord Lorn6j who has re -open 'ad for Divine I
- a fact that . t. While he -was at the p I
excursi (in On 0he f om r 'h terld to a col I 1L, ill , a thorough ,repair and is talrell I .
- I I . - .
nity of pur I . about sixteen fancy to the roducts of underadil
themselves Qf the opportu start on their yearly ri B, -jambton nine, hree lads of taken a g at Oi - I .
. conta ns 36 fact Ling barn those at the house heard a noise, . I -
! 2nd of August from Port Hope. ; I d received a good thrasb I %-rr 7B brush. The I ,at named improvedi, ' .
chasinia goods at prices lower than they d ,iesex 4 and Ker t I , Has ings, years of ag an out to find the lad lying dead Mr. Watso — eople of Knox cbu,rch:A[A- I .
t —A New York firm is iiegotiat ng Ki n, one a clergyman, and r The p I .
I . ty in; the from two g3utleme a I
the reatest cbeei e cou . . . . The imprint work brought $100 and the other pie- chell, have in de arrangepients fol
for ,he L -! rl as she bebind the vicious brute a I
with the Canadian governu ent I for in8ultitig and stopping a gi as sold for 5300. 1 1 .
have- ever been offered. before. The 0,000 postal ards. rov lice, has 148 f adta -ies. ! . . home from church along of the colt's foot was plainly discernible ture w narried WM. W—a rd, ashoe- monster excursiOu to Toronto-, 114atail- I
- supply of 10,00 . --"I 't temple, which ''was crush- —A map , , 8th inst. L
. T,he earliest wlie4t eu A1119 we havO was going I upon the lef I a has been ar- ton and Niagara on the 2
. 8 ; no old rub- —four hundred excursi,ionists fr)m r BtlielEt. maker, re4ding at Spart , "
stock- is now and first-clas earal of was that of M. r'. George Parke ' r, Rive e& in, and without doubt he was killed I n charging him I _So ,eral of thecitiZel[13 Of MiVIOR I .
I Kentruck' arxived in Toron 6 the ot ier la —The eople of Elsinore, Bruce . informatio I _ . 1.
y . 1th0puceasion,Ad ide-Townsfilp,in antly. He was only about 12 years rested on He are having the roofs of their buildings
tock for t I . I - i
bish that has beenlying in B "' day. It takes the Americans totravel commiQnced COVDty,C era a Dominion Dayby inBt with being! a , dangerous I natic I " - f I I
- i Lucknow, -diddlie'SeX Coupty.1 He t. They succeeded in cap.- of age, and was very ii telligent and a edi with fire -proof paint In 11' '.-' I
Mr G. F. Tweed, late inst., irid dra a bear huU - made a (a assault u -on a man cover ' I _, ',
or more years. You will 'find it all , — - P lot urittirlIg on'the 11th I ad been frd- great favorite. aed Ha non, at the vill i of Union, i any other -fire protection in the tOW11. . 11 ;
is opening a boarding 4ou 3 at' I n on the 16tti. Tjr,. Pa ker's =. turing a large bear which h . - —Mr. Robert Baird, of Kinciardine, nan I I I , r a z
d consisting Mound, Manitoba. . top iiverage8 35 b isb6ls tb the a( I ire. quenting the locality, and, having diB ad from an exteljE3ive I and threa4ned to kill two d1lildren, one i —Mri, Wm. MeKellzie, fO 20 years - . .
I . I
ah and fashionable, an i I ase il tri- has just return t mood,,be ' - all, has to I . I
fre It, gone Wes . 1. z
- . . .
, —There were 41 births, 11 marriages -; 1 1 ca4es of small arried. the care - hen in his ratioll Ll i resident of M i ch to 1.
. I —.6prile five or ix patched him, c )ugh Dakota and the North I of whom, V - I
I in a first-CIABB aud. 55 deaths recorded in Toronto t", e village to the lively strains tour thric a is a Odafellow, 'I Ow,ahaand possibly to. Gal _11 t
thing requirec 4 e Baid to hava broken out ill thE UMPh to t Territory. He made several was very ilPrid. of. 11 pi ' io his little ' better busin 11 _ I I
during the week ending Ist noon on PDX I rfife nd drum band. weB es making ap- and havinq given his 11 i' I seek for a ess location, : I
f the ownship of oftb( and, besid I I I
uortli rn - 'part 0 IdaVL morning 3rd iri-st., a purchases of I - ,ards charg- ' I t
I Dry Goods House, and will be sold for I I T b on SOA girl to take, care of, he af ter , I —A, party of gentlemen left Listc Vol ._.. .,c . -
Saturday. an eff or - I I -
Braill, , near Malcolm, and I J .
I - —Twenty-four persons have been . L named John Me.Millanwas I lication to the Pacific Syndicate for a , 0, well. He I on a fishing excursiot- to ; , .
- every personthe ,,', g in ade to a the arpoint- young IlItt lake large tract of land. lie speaks highly ad her witt throwing it i I last week I -
is be I I It Ru I I
. ke abo I seventeen a islands in Lake I U. . _
SH ONLY and to ile bathlug in a small ad u sunstro - I some of th 1 I
01 I summoned to appear befor the Ottawa i ,,ldrowrled N711 . - I .
. . men lof a Board ol, lElrtl to 100 - after _ la of the prospects of the Canadian cowatlry. , receiv , I - ' . ovoured . w i ;,
unlicer Bed I tt of em , t s alped by Indians or d - 1, I
p lice magistrate for havin Ping Creek, west of Portage was not years ago, lad has had a I kB t If no c I
me. Banteri -aged. A call 0 the i; blatiou of the 4 icte I parti6s and 012_ 0 he went tit C3 1 - .;
Ba ng discour I B, I No matter where insanity at a ' si nee then I by mosquitos, they will return in a',)Out :1 I
. I .
dogs on their premises. : iliar poraryl . ;.1 I
I to adj)pt othex prol ac ive r aeasurilis. Prairia.! Deceased was from Halton bt right of fam interva i 1. .. -
. I -
—Mr. James Ferries has old his fine - county, Optario, and had only- been two long before he caug 7 i n the O Igin couut, , ten days. I i I - - _j ,. "_
an the goods past r of Qhaim In tho far He has been placed i . i
is respectfully Bolicited, wh , I —t,ev. W. McKay, . - af6 keeping until such time" —The entire horse' Waterloo Cliarn- ,-!, ,, z
I .
farm in Beverly, of 100 aCrEs for $5,500, . has been weeks In! Manitoba He was of a fades from Bruce county the I jail for a I . I z
, .
' I oral b, Woodstoc , 4 obliging disposition and bore west he met Rev. Mr. Andrews, ,,, _% :
'to you with pleasure, and and intends removing to Texas. We 1! 0 1 1
, will be shown au t I - ri'zl all P -by " a a i a the 0 nty genial an the Princess Street Metho- I phypiciansi decide whether 4e should b I pion," travelled. by Mr. Peter Mepon" , - I: I
I . _1 poo t of all with whom he came minister of i . .; -
the ii Sent to thd Lunatic Asylulm1 or not. oncesaion Fullarton, -died the ; ; .
1: i .
hope he will not regret the change. ,wbo was look- I d nell, _ 8th c ' , .
, - 11 I : - - dist church, Killeardine r - . .1 .
ord" to pledge `200 f ' year to Re to a
-not impertinently irlsist on sell —There'is a hu mail monoter repor I ! .
11 d Vi Aoria Teresa Of 00 I othei day. The animal hall been! 'ail
. I Dr. i a -
Nye will —A young girl name eath
I I icKay for t . rosecutiou of his in coutac . vious. Its : A I
" hU to storm the house of ing for a favorable location for his sons.
I Wilkins, was drowned the iver i. rific a la k place last in Ingerso 1, a father who ains up hi i ing some months pre i s w
k Ih. al is interid- D ui 0 t
wan., wor . in Formosa. I The E3u — I ! ; .
10' not : I , i
other's' esi-i I d children I O a po in a barn, aw l - I .
0 While Dathing near her I Mr. JDhu1 Boy , on Rice Lake Road, —A dari, will be a heavy loss to the owner.
ing you goods that you c I : I t) -manant endow -men".. -ag ,robbery too i i
. . .
. deil-Lee, in Owen Sound, af3w days go. ad to The a pei I was bodily carried over I Saturday night at the house of Laurence I n laBlies them till ' _M r. Robt. Jones of Logaill 4ely . Z I _I; :
10 . . .
I . that posit' i ,j ..
- he Laokno vi Sentinel says:— near Bewdley, while in A . .
but will give you aa oppoFt nity of com I —1 T1 i barn some distance &Way, the floor Goswell, a wealthy farmer living in the i their shrieks are heard y the neigh- steers which ' ' 41- -, -
I - —A $20,000 station is p c posed, t i be purchased thlAee'n .
. I .
An j ier victim !to Dakota)s limate, is - . ell, from MX. -0. i,_f
. To this cir- townihip of Howard, county of Lamb -' t I M I averaged 1412 lbs. ea I . _
i Trunk at - rourid. Af er boating the ) :.I .
. 1 ,,, I
' I rrl' d home on last, in the and 0 .lea, ana Of D unii, of D . . s - - I
aring prices and quality w h any other constructed on, tile Grw 3aturda foun4atiou beirlic, left : a mau'who I bors all a, A I -
, d I I M B d the brute I 1 z
p 11 . Port Hope. A mile of ouble track a eat CUMStalld owes without ton. The thief was a hire Ileaves them c I'll owrde The price w six .61, 1,
I , . -i . `
- pers of Mr. Rot art Somerville, eld I I shipp _ I -
- .1
houBe in the ll in new ille, of t11il3 doubt th a r. O?co.n Of the lives Of had been working for Mr. Goswell Te shiVP ,, to -
hasing only w I be ran westward fr the , preserva late the njighborB are -in the habit of I cents per pound. They We
trade, and pur I I i -
. (sl Som ry .
- Bon Mr. .Jam - ri, who were alone in the about one mouth. He is E-UPPOSed to slipping i4i and loosening- Ithe unfortun- Engla,' d. ll -1 , 1.
. a two nildre - I -1
building.: lug , suff6rina from a severe cold hi I his name a I Ues-, I .
Ou. Call early P'n a often. ner3 of vi hail from near Petrolia, and ate child. i A few daysfg) he ordere —Daring the thunder storm On . i- --- ,
I .i 1,
. -. I
what pleases y . —The total number of priso contr cted in" I that unwholesome house at the time. l, dark . _,R ruck . - 2,
i both sexes at present in he pen'Lten- I —The Syndicate has -commenced the is Win. Thompson. lie wor(? his daughter to Btrip that i he might ad- day evening, 12th inst., lightnings. 7... i ,
'13'. 1 11-
, I railway to run south pants and Coat and a blue checked th' mother r lou0b. on the residence .of Mr. -
' 706. 'rho number cOu, Istructiou of -a an the eavett g 1- 1,
ii gersoll, 001 O _
tiary at Kiugston4s . - , minister tl e lash and ,a illage I The " I i
_ _,Mrs. Lyman hofield, of I With a scar . 1,_
MITH, teamsters I'B hen both she an t
. A. St t at the shirt. He is a Bruall Man the Win. Woodley Fullarton v I 4 i
i -'- from , IV— I I w.i i
of officials, guards, and I stolen ou W ,,iriuipeg to conu0c between t am, w , .
I had"G ; of. her I edrooin a few I `1 were be with great flu " . I I
I ! eventy-three. ! ut boundary line with the Grand Forks on the back of his head, and is ag daughter aten . id p sod down the pipe conadeting :
. I a . . It was afterwaTola fo a O . The i . . i I
I . da go. I neapoli8 club- to the orn, and entered the Iiiiii ter- I I -
. anaqer. —R. W. Prittie, of Tor to, is saow bee tak n tmion of the St. Paul, Min about nineteen or twenty years. Che neighbors are now cist It ; -
. - -
. I tb t he money' 600. 550 is offered cruelty. ' . I I :,
ad, bee , i -
.. : _2 '.' 1
- 4 __ ing new potatoes brought froid Po..-tage I ; , house, Af t ,r some a6d Manitoba road. This line is to amount stolen is 5 bing together with a viev of laying.in- Not much damagedone. . ! i -,. _.
zz , . girl b arding in tl e1i ding il!i El. . .
I the Mennonite settlemen't, for his arrest and- recovery of the -
. q S la Pr9drie. The seed WO plautdol on . I formation 1 against him. !!he man is a _Jo eph Henderson, resi I _
I I cor V ,rsatioh witl 6, polic9mall he girl run through I . a I - -
- kind of a i -war hor lice, adjoin ' I I
L :
. ATTR i CTIOT ed to touch the boundary money. 3e" in ihe neighbor
GREAT A - the 25th April, and;: the potatoeB t were ing Stratford, committed . . 1 I
- - . : I are u the I noney. and is expect - y, iorriing by ah6oting - .. e
! cor fe0sed and del v Jeffrey, of Newbuy
I . he 6th July. i . , .f d . ow at a point 18 miles west from Emerson. —A man named hoodi anoi. one man is at -aid to tackle suicide Saturday n. r) . Z4 -
. . I
. - -- -
L dug on t The ceremony ,0 bles icnhg tie n laship Of had a narrow ese pe on Thursday .1 -
I _-, d himself in the abaom,en with a re'volvei*117- I .
i gade na eea_ I I sholli d unite an s, --
0 0 —A . . I
. —The Brantford fire bti ( h .t . Lunn, of the tow a .
I i L fbr the Cathol , C a Mild- le him alone! Several 1.
, I . _ s
. ner aw larded bel Coniter) of the afternoon. Ile was about crossing the , I ,
I milar punishMiE tit to what Ile Two weeks 990 he attempted to `dr`OW.IX . , 7
. 11 -
% .
! k b . I 11 give him ; .
. I —AT— i - ad in obtaining the ail the I may, took placeoa Sunda last. Service Stanhope, and Hugh railroad to his barn with a load of hay; ldreu, Temporary in- - I
. Windsor compOtitiOn,.t6 y Rev. Father Miller. townihip of Minden, Victoria County, I administer -B to his helplqss. chi himsel in the potd. - _. -
I 1- ..
48 % . -
I at the 11 was 'onducted b I a on the difficulties. " a
. r'geF best unif6 rmed I I as farmers, were on Friday committed for the forefeet of the horses wer only it shoUld be mail y times more sanity,1 caused by fluaricis-1 2.1 - -
la it number and q8pounds, and w i ..
. I .I- .. TEO ell Weighs 1C . to hiB*horror, he saw an an- exceeds I :. I
. 1; . I -
I : I ? by the stip - diary magistrate, OR rail, when, 1. I I his age and strength -
- . on severe as —Some of the peculiarities of the ,- _
! firbmen. C lai -a Smith, of trial along, at. full I esO aided. r
: a Han- pre6e ted by WiLlow, C n I are truly astioni- -
'ELL'S' , —Wallace Ross has c4 Ilerige ., . I i I a chairge of burning a barn in the town- gine and tender cOml 9 theirs, &Is) with inter Dominion mail service _
. WM. CAMPI . k i I 0 mind he ' onetar TiM a regre 11
. ; [ d61- Carri . speed With great presene of I its to i
, —The M I .ig.1 IfaresiaeutolLiatowiel farili - 1;
lan to roW him, for two' bhousan, . I p of Hindon, about the first of April ; y ishii , . _-
11 . . _,ritish Co imbiahas a source of Bhi i horses with all his n. J. G. Pope, I 1 _ -
I larB a sidevi four or five miles W h a . an pleaded guilty to the jerked back the have to n to that the H shes to send -a letter to Dork- 1 .
. . - 4 Lai - , starlce,' WI i __
L I - . ,o ,s trouble at hand it the shape of last- : instigated might; this drew up their I ince Edwara is-
' .
. ome c,ff ori.7 one f the i B6110 . but urged that he was of Chax,loptietown, Pr ing, a distance of twelve 'miles, It goes ,-
- . turn, th6 race to 0 ew Chinese emigrams. Thos&re- char uck the end of sbip owner and . .
I I I tbe r . ` .
I reat by utTer Darties. I engine at that instant str I extensive 6 a anc 1:
I 'United States lakes. i L land, an by stag dist ; a of twenty-two mileg . I
a th .
S of Bland ord te.ak hers, f use ;O pay taxe B, and oi horwiBe t —Vennor predicts anoth r period of a wagon tongue, breaking off about d at present Minister of Ma- ail to Stratford.!, .
-OLOTH I —A couple , I wB with coat inpt. Yale police- I brewer, ai - . to Mitchell, thence by r i -
! th At I I a d i six inches as if the iron and wood were . , m_ I
Campbell and J 11'miason ' have isheries in- ithe Dominion -age to El- '
Messrs. l . i who 'went to colle t-, the school excessive beat on way with it the rine and! F thencell to Berlin, thence by at ' r.- : 1
the M U . rmB; also a clay, and carrying a in a positio of financial I
with severe wind sto Cabinet, iii. t Mira, Glenallen, and ultimately to itS .
gone to spend their, h6lidays it I . T .
. I . I I L .:
I L - -. I from "John" w a innocently 25th,, * y.k. outtbe i
ther ta I PIP" and breast straps with embarraSE'Ment. His .,to ,,its hava no I L
I IsL ! decided cool to cold change on the ileek alee, five mile$
i Northwest. They * mayl remain , a or destination- MAiIS to Tr __
I -_1
. I ou -iced."i I I th, with showery slightest injury to either' horse . 4 3everal years Listowel, are conveyed , "-.-. I
_IN_ I I under favorable eucoural ment., I The oxplor nd part :a 27th 28th, and 29 f been in asy, shape for 1 -appoint eastiof by stage - . . . .
I L I __ . ant by the t W . 1
11. - and tL 13 .1
—The other d n Nolan, an i weat' er and severe Btbrms, chiefly in driver. as hoped At hi _ 1 1 . o - .,
I . I S3,ndicat sea. -ch for'a oute through and train about Iixty miles round by -
lum, attg,ckec a oral a utherly than the West. This cold wave may carry —A determined attempt at suicide Past, an I ment I
I meut to 9, osition in th Govern
mate of the Orillia Asy' Bfiti3h 01 1 bi i. , both in Was made about a njile-north of Camp- , P Stra*rd. i 'Stratford I, I
Z I-
. f -
- . - HIDuffy I Btern sections I
.. ., M. t a allrwhea PasB, have frostl4 in the we might h ,ve told in his favor; but -
. I i _
- oil6of the attendants,,M: dounty of Northumberland —The other morning, 9, 1
tb at o . I . his , - -
1 inflicted ii wound whicil the United States. bellford, g to is enforced al i ience -from
with a hoe and owin boy fishing in t. I - , 4
find a p girl V. I
; ; so far failed to actic ble pass Caua;da, and Rumney last Sunday morning by a young doubt acted he Avon caught a P8011 --,
2 01. , I —Ur' James White, of the eaB, it has n a footi long, .1 .
. i it is feared will prove fat: I thioligh tie SelkirkRange, and have . 1' own busi n d. ere is 'now no liar looking animal about !1 .., I;
, : —There are two centenarians in Ty : I settlement, Victoria County, has some- named Johnston, who jumped from a rather the reverse, an and ,&a ugly as ould be imagined. it .
I 1. I n6 h I I .
pas of firiffing one. i es I ..
FELT' HATS, county. , I . while in cows.. This is bridge, into a flume., Fortunately she a lizard, of la, d's,Tk. . - I .
endingaga townshi $6 lDg8 , . I ing worth urse I ut suspension - pla ing like I
.P, I n Petr ia, t a th . J
. I
-- Yo `g Inflid. . ion did in was observed and rescued, but not reco 10 was ao,meth dentified by a I z
Mrs. Frank Engl sh a&p 101, and Mrs. -t , 1L P, a cow in. his possess mortgage and local b nks are ced browni color, ana was i I
otheii evening, a (Iressed a lady i prop- what . I
I old lastDo-, , . I She gave 632 lbs. of until life had be,-ome nearly extinct. oil 'lich be owes , 1 1
TS, 0 yeat ! eal- ) - besides W 'hell -bonder," iia
DR SBED WHITE SHIR Lucas, who was al ly, she resented !the of 'once stri - fourte days: u one (lay 52 lbs., She was a stranger in the -place, having at 6138,( , i local -riatural.W as a , -
- ; . lities. His . I
I : I I it g him a gill a also gave i I about 61 .,400 general 4 bi . I—;
I camber. arp blow in the Ilead, at milk; BEL a from the species commicip enough in the Ohio .
11 MOB 1 I . a 33 lba.. I the da;y previoti . 66 is scheduled I . I
A little son Of Mr.4 T omp . his and at one milking she gav only arrivec it a Mr. property ander mortg , Rua 14ississippi,rivers., but seldom met 11
I I fi ),,aEh in agia a subject to it " .." ,
4GATTA SHIRTS—all prices, son fell into EL, pot of thictened ir ilk a b: 1ger ring maki glan ug y f - :Iilked; at 7 a. in. and at 7 p. in. Mr.B. north, and asked for lodgi at $102,6(0, aterial , aepre- wit , 11 ielsewhere. I It died soon after . .__ _. I
I I -- day,l f(tehead. A g)od lesson-, which the n is. Some little timb after her ! .1 '
- I
. Sikestown, Lambton, the othe White italso made 111 lbs. of butter in Smith ciation if brought to fo, ced sale, other capture., and wa; 9 preserved in alcoho-1. . -.1
. thel f ( lio,v will'be lij iely to rei nembet. . a and twOyouug father came and 'Wanted her to -go I -1 .
' I
from the !-effects () f ys from two cow assets $700, also subjed to shrinkage- ' I
. READY-MADE SUITS. and died 7 . Con- 18 da y re- . A, poor f ri aless old, man who -.-gave
, rhe other eiening Thoi as an - _.
I in - A ; .
I . 'I t the Is- heiferW a John Hutchinson, died ' w.
. scalding., . I - home with Iiial, but this she stoutl We belie e a proposition bas been made —
- I
St. Tlloma n)r, o,f B61lovil, e,,foll aEleep A —Th. a' fastest foot race on record is fused to a 'leaving I instructions with that the" secured creolibora take the his name a found _.., .
. —The Presbyterians Of with $25 in his pocket. d. to . I I I .
6 O" Stratford jail last week. He was a
land, Toronto, to watch I her closely an - 1-1-
. are ii aking arrangements to build fl, a 4 to have taken place at Wood- Mr. Smith - ,a him a discharge. but weak and penniless I
, .
SS GOODS. I WhEn h:n awol li the money, his hat, claim( I ay last week, between keep her door lockod at night. The property land giv y of on the Btreet in a . 1 1
-ALL FIRST -CLAS - will b3 h iii -a detialt in the wa ,
new church, the cost of which I * Thomas stock on WedneBd ' thus far tiothi . on, and there being no house of . .
I A -
W , (I pme were gone. i tending to return conditi
ite for tho new 1) ildin g w! unrier McIvor and an un- father went home, n ved at -
$20,000. Thes I 3 ! his when the er ck r a Bettlemiant has been ri where the deStitute .-1 L.
had better keer'awake after ad to be next day with the 'girl's mother, but I :3id in Perth -,- -
; . L I ie of wife -beating oc- reful . . - .
'. 1. cost 2,000. - ('amp I I I , stranger i. known from the States, BuppoB . on —A br tal Oat I alielter the pio.or man -_ L
- oat oose amon, itakes in the morning she,escaped observ%ti the farm poor may finc -
. COME AND SEEI —Mr. James , b ll, 011ie of Me I dscn, of Toronto, young Clark or M cLeary, the E3 carted I the 14th of J#ne,-On Ill 1-1.
I --Mr. Josepil lbavi Lnee I long enough to make the attempt Upon El evir townahip, was . ustled to jail, where he died from. i
I Gillivray's oldest pioneers, die& on the . 1 $400 a side, and the disti of Micha, I Langley, . mga His *-as a 11%m -
I I I 'Iy 25 000 ac McIvor won- bar life. Family matters appear ears Langle tionof the lt I I
2 . B)ld recent res of 14nd at the bein ' to be y,s conges --
L .. as buri in Nairn cem. Ids,Bcratch start. 4 Hastingsi c a . I L , .
i 6th inst., and w , veral 150 N the North of Ireland and his age . .
I L e I ead of Lake Superior, and, Be i L Aistrip" the tive of I I M -1 I
; . 1) to *.
L 80 yea f age, and waE I wife went in the eveni I.- I 1
GET , situated I a on exhibi- but was about 65. -
I AND YOU WILL BARGAINS- etery. He waS I r1ill3 and dwe[litig houses at Time i4i seconds. good . the cause. 1 -
liked by all who knew him. ! . I : --,,Waterloo county shows a —A remarkable quilt wa cup of milk f the child I O
. I , cows for , f Dublin, came near I
. . I I Thunder Bay, to Mr. H Ca6r,penterill of nolustries, many of tion at Knox chur h bazaar, Kinear- ie! objected and —John Meyers !
Il Chief lid A I I _ * I . - ., _
i —D. A. MaeCtimmO 1 I- 11 y of Ori lia. The exhibit of local i husband se,,ing h his earthly ,career a . I -
. I a 1 lickno ardine, formqrl kat dine, Dominion Day. It was six her I h putting an end ito I - I -
McPherson 2nd Chief,lof th L1.`r I
. paid for Bev 3ral propert as which help towards providing a mar breast with a ', ,
I N; struck h r across t the 11ottest day]13 '-,"- L
the if preparation, and hand. When few a ys ago. Prie of
pric in course 0 It r I
' Caledonian Sociat at es at UILO . - -at 10hu . i
L WM. C MPBLELL.' . ,y, are! leleg ein2ullnted to upwards of 690, )0. for agricultural produbts. Therd are months' I which he held in eason (Sat ay, 9 th in .J , - 5-.
11 I h n n stitch pai aira L -
. the orth twe t grist, three linen and flax, one on it are wrong it i 1 silk—chai
I A annual meeting of ,NMerics,. h tobac- I 0 12 he attain pted to str.ikel her a second Of the I 8 ; antity of cold water ,
I An absent minded Guelt , waive saw, one — 0 headings. drank a large 1 qu, I 1 A
! — . 2,160 names, besides I 1'.. i
. I i6n, beiik . 1, ten woollen, t L a the head if he raised her 1 7 ; -
. United Caledonian A i.iociat day sent his I a inseed oi centre time aerbs L erwards fell dowu L 1,
. - t the' othe rge I an al ew ' I *
I I '%. c on] L wo oatmeal and barley On each side is a , as a shield, and. the result r con , --I
Campbell's B forth. hold in Toronto. I t ,d, in a pqcket of which Beutching, and t . . embroid- right ar 1 j ust above i unconscious - at -ate. Afte _J .
lock, No 1, Sea e tit 183 i the in an;
— some scoundrel sh)wed hi3 spibe 0 seven foundries; six stave, one i pice of magnift 0 was he troke her armi ;
. — edical. effort he r,ecoveried, i4-
. t Oinbills. lAfterwardsihe millB; was workel ictea. sidertible in . ,
i . - 1 ary, one of . which - r na ' -i
_... — ivipgf a, file tie' wrist, so'severe Was the blow i i a
I -ilia, by dr 4 y, but di,1 not last, one cabinet, one children's carri 1 -1
L :
. at Tait's mill, Ori 1 13,w jok E, Iveri o the Mollie Henry, Hamilton, and the and now ,says: water ia too strong N -,
o the L eight cheese factories ; four k hei on the head
. I I by Miss . ; theilipail struc 6
. and three iron spikes int . I ass i lad agd, auc I n, -Kincardine. Ha" 4 ibeen more aeri- I driuk for him, -he thinks he will have, to i
ERS! FARMERS! tp it till he ent to his laundr a . i ,
. 1:
FARM . 0 8, of dbEtroyin I , two breweriess thr e cream- I other by MrB. D. Rohertso I _
i , time to I: pre- tann lea B disposed of at auction for 1 the result might have . j ! .
, with the object doubtl I drew it from tl e'pocket in a cigar box The quilt W& ous. Tie authorities i it Madec Were try something else. 1
, , . .
. i ontact wi 'I I j- one butter factory, on . I . 7
the saw when it came lin, c 8, present- —On Friday last, a man Xumeid - I
! i -"enb the.,.,filthy lucre" being' leaused. oil . 0 to Elder Rich0irdsciiii, who I -; i
'' 1610 .
- - I and some cigar factories. of the facts of 1, ihe case, and at Stratforalf was on I
(I LAND PLASTER 11 8. i I rantford, fac y, apprizedl belon
the obstructio . I Ir I ging to
- t
it i of I ed it to Mrs. J. P. Murray. Besides It o
TSE ly.c man of for Langley's; Green. z
. No thwest'- mGU Rev. Df. Iyp —We lately noticed the Bhipment I once ias!'kied a warra in on the Camads -,
—A recruit of the 1 -50 ni - an excursion; tra i I
_ ev . I . r_
. ',' leld of,!Hamilton, and . ;The human bell .at was arraign I i _. ; ..
. ad police has m1ade his! - ,vay,.to Ottavia, . Mr. WakAf I d bulla of the Hereford and 1 the $100 realized by the sale 6255 arrest. i I . bile pas through I .1 .
, I sing ': .
- - Ar. , Jam:B H. Beatty (laymai i) of Thor- fift-Y are bre .1 ction with the ' I on a Southern, and w - . -1 I
hat went3 I , I a ' I in oonne 1P . -L
FOR YOUR TURNIPS- .ha -vine deserted. He Says t dole- Polle Augua breed for the'Cochrane i was receivec . I ed befor a bench of aagistrates and stocia on the platform Of the
. sail for land this WOE k as n a bodily Well. V_X7
- E at the foot of the : names marked upo it. 18 iof inflicting f 5,rievou -
' left Jollir .. M he, . in Barrie' I charg , . nd leaned out to look back, -while
I . six out of the ninety 'v 10 a arada Methohat church pensation i his wife. He car 9
U0 trea - I 4 I a just added 1 —There was a . V1
J, o i to ,,b ab "Is f ro . lk on the I, J -
wood deserted, owing . I tains. They hav ad harm oi4 the person a Vas strue -
ounc l at Roek Moun I it was discover I
LIKE IT iiien. , ier day wheilif tted for tri , and is lodged in th g position h 1 ;.,
I) NOTHING I tile great I oabumenical , the otl as coild [pe and knocked I
. raeut and the bad foodt ! I - over ,000 head of cattle to their previous , . mi
I , , Itich d okolon. I I i . I Of pi, cow that had died, W ` - 8`1 i
TO KE . —Last Saturday M rining, Rich king in all about 12,0W , that the carease E should be well, heaa by the stand Pi I
,EP THE FLY OFF nBelleVille gaol. . con iderably - -
I t a at the pure aBO, ma sold to 1-1 at,
' . I I - aYlively I m
wnBh L Theta was Be , I logged -every moril,r r for six months., fro the c - He was ;
I . THEM - orses, of which they I of puerperal feverl had been f g I I,out the head. and .
AN D MAKE - Weddis, a farmer of ,ftollvel tionstan f; I - E t a North orchester head besides h dingtwo meat Aealersof .,thetown. T en and Cut at .
. truck by lightnitI J1 I -asp meeting oE t number,- inclu No ordinary punishradrt cin affect such, bruised be seriously - .. I
. GROW' WaB B - I ad 'V rorth havel quite a as and Sizer: bad =n7eln- I fac ,; I believed to
. L, killed while riding on lereapercuttirigi Ito cil b u alwidow na ilions, sent up about named Hay I a brute. a but is not I
I I .
I ,
— . grain. ' He,waB about 24ty-eid Lit ye ra I n the counc Iloi -s. A bab in a has- thoroughbred sta i gaged by the owner of ' the animal to 1. Lord cecil,who is a genuine English i injured. H-6 had a ilaxrOw escape
. -
I 0 d months ago with a lot of mareH "I I
. . .
1 7 er door, and she thre ed it en- — ores, caste I from, instant death. . I I I
_A_ T_J S (D , I .: eti had been leftj ELt h skin and bury it, b t they deem I ho ign . .
of age. . . I pure ased in Ontario. aristoer A by birth,but , I -Stratford, - I
I - 11 the co incil to adopt it. That isinc, to B I th, carrion instead, and I —Last Friday evening'. In
I it had the 24tb of terpr , al I I if teen years
The people of K Ox: churc a, AY 9 I . I _1rhe terrible disaster of I and has spent the lalit ton or f about nine oclock, a burglar was seeu - w -
— I r I
Sale. The venj a, i she placed it in the wiU have to alls*er fo' ' the crime at' preach- ' 1,
- Fo? .ti n O( y ref 6sed, hen , I has left an endurb - i -place . I - oux .
-wheat - May 1 f M ;
, a about to proceed * Ith the' eree 1, g from place to
Bitel . I . 3g shadow of - . nlikely some o travellil -p united himself 11 - I [ng, near the I I
a A d left. . I . n I I
of the ree - ng the 9 a WS,
astor, .RBV. ap , city of London. Its the assizes. 4t is DOt u fospel, havi a gallantly seized bY I
of a now manse for ill, he p ound, who 9100111 Over the I must have known the 1
' Th o14, mansO ll s I _W[r. Wils n I of 0 on alers, who I
pson. ,4 1 1 til - effect is noticeable in this that although the do L with the Br.ethren " preached last station, an I Long before he I
I . , r .- . has just retu tie from M%nitol)4, re stuff they were pur- ng in Simon'
Best Fertilizer John Thom' son. Th the , &I History 1 Mr.]
been sold to a retired h rme , IV r. B. I . Id t rs advertised for nearly I character of Natur 1 - had ]! time to get out of -the house, but
. I 1 ort t he o rade in his line tonde have been ' iBh. Sund& , eveui tit, al. Th( .
THAT GAN BE USED FOR PLOWINC H61well, for $1,500. I . a that he , nth for the purchase of the boats chasing, Will also. Ireceite the pun Society B room I MO 3witness ' r. L ng he es- I
I ; roloilea,.; ildhUndreis of wag- amO I nt they deset e. Several persons few verses from 1 being too mu _-h for M o i
. —Mrs. Springert of London, f teac aler ,, milch ove cess Louise and Forest City on a me t were sickened says: Having read a caped. Efforts axe being made to find I
n , . 8 of agricultural Prial mea I -
! D i 1 ,,go I a and vast W .
I . - I qu utitiE I i I I .
UIN' ER- an a i ho partook of th i
C, of w I a expire( the Revelation, he said that man from I I
of twenty yeare expen nee an I theBe are mor gage Bale, when the tim I I The previous night the roomill Of
I lino: plemonts'a Very'where, . . Adain in I biria.
reputation, has assum, d the pysiti0i Of .. . vening not a single tender i by it.
. 11 ies than are ob- the other el first to last was a fl lure .
I .
I I uting, ol:, cor' Molson's Bank is ! —Last Sunday party of ten gentle- 1; Mr.' Duricarii, 'coal oil refiner, were en-
ative 1b ng solid at lower pm 0 and his desoaudants, down W ' . . Y,ht -and
wingi was I -eon , eIg I
. , teacher of dra . aln- I same articles in Ontario, forthcoming. 11 ( dle for Toronto Paradil I had to be swept ' tered by burglairs, betw
All to be bad at ' art &c. at the canai,jolian LitBrary t ad for thE I a mortgage from the I men started from, Oakvi Noah were so bad th63 eleven o'clock. The tbtaves sacz4 d
I I the vendor under 0 I . ee miles , . I eede .
I a I igal method .
i I ion Camparly. In a yacht ud his Posterity, .
ate, Woodstock. . I I —Bacilialid no is not Navigat . Noah bimself EL Mr. Dunciau's entive
st't I ! - omiBed. A ahville, 1 the little craft -was away- i i in 0 - Ly
1 iof payme Thames River s descei5antiov arrying %we
I —On Friday last thi Prince'of Wa dt seems now a Be i
THE GREAT NORTHWES T SEED : avoidirig the ning a c urch, ttled fact that.' from 0 % squaill and instantly upset. then ,kbraham and pro ffising wardrobe, together with a gold Watch I
I the Royal Agricul ! sorarito, joi struck by ii ' allied a. No clue
I I % visit to - ,mELn in De use will be made of the saw -dust 4 and il ,ow the so- ther trinket ,
AND FEED STORE, while on i , t- ion of som'P Some of the capsized menwere unable ,,luding th Eastern Ch h Rua chain and. 0 been dis-
! a BELOW at Derby,, vigi 'piomised 75 towards ,the. erect
I tural Society' xP as- lbe edifice. Ele fell from 9 Sea a to lumber products so plentiful but by:the exertions of those Church, iuc to the perpetrators has so far .
. j od the Canadian exh bits.. He a t1h I nd re- aiii listricts in the Ottawa to swim? the Roman Catholic, the Aug u,%. ,.: I .
' H3 wais they w
'. SEAFORTH. 1 1 e. in the milling ( , ere dragged on to the d. - :-
i I Bed himself as highlyj pleased with a Ifused to fu his pioralls I ne of the gentlemen who has I who were, . I
I .
I - __ rt at Na 3anee, vallOy. 0 he upset took Pl&cO Presb'terian, Meth ; I
anito a, wheat. 3 ivision Cou .. . the enterprise of Mann- ' sinking yacht. T I - i . .
. I display of the M . , grai as sued in the - romoting . ! : .
id avor of the beell p I I . i .
copos a4d the jtiage', deciding ill . I
W.. S. ROBERTSON. and photographic 8 .- . H( eviii Ce . 1` i . I - __1 __ -
. I
.1 : 11 I 1, ; I I
. . . : I I - In. ! :
I i 'I:. . I I . . ! .
i I t . t :
i : . . I ; .
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..-.— I I I --------- f__r__
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