HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-08, Page 78) 1881. LAX M1LL$. he late fire aaa aha ed by the deetrucUon ratty of raabsrial, the :o go into the Flen on more extensively ve applications frorn this profitable erisp, en and will OA% the s t'o secure tatle se. clean seed on hand. ,houtd make &poen, to a suitsblepe sod EN BEATTIE, )LOAN e Loan on reasonable trm security. a of Commerce Banat IN BE ATTIR. FORTH LAND AGENCY. G irst-Class Stock, Fire parties, and is proper. a favorable terms, the best Loan so. aed Purchase of Fare, First -Class ns for Sale. t *eine* per cent. !let: Steamship Tieketal crrison's Stere, Alain 616 iFi C H HARNESS, e_ l'ABLISHMENT! Li„ Proprietor.. ess of all kiude always ith everything else be - which will be sold URNITURE. ven to newly married .re. Call and see my ,rchasing. elsewhere, as )tree' so. :ON WELL, Zurich.. LIVERY 4)— 'AB LES, EA FORTH. he old established Liv- st and most stylish rigs ;ea in the business. rs„ handsome and com- e nd eaf home always Jy sleigh for one or two inaptly attended to. aght and sold. — Opposite 0. C. arerooms„ Seaforth. - ARTHUR FORMS. SEAFORTH. ,f!o Clear Out my Furniture regard - will pay them to &Seer- archasing elsewhere. I those paying cash4 es - couples. ighly finished chairs, for vitcans Spring Bed, the be market ; warranted posite M. R. Counter's ; Main Street, Seafortn, JOEN S. P BTER. THROAT. S. RYERSCIN, „Lecturer on the Eye Medical College, Torun- ercer Eye and Eta.- lu- tist and Auriat tea the 1. Brantford, and ter eville, Ont. Ilene Clint - a Ophthalmic Hospi- teal Throat and Ear EET; TORONTO. silted at the S TRAIT ORDa NE 2Stii, and on last thereafter. 703. DUNBAR GUNSMITH RTH, d, Importer at all kinds erican Guns, Rides, Re - and Sporting Goods in the public that he has Shop in Mr.iltaberts' epposite Cardno's Hall, on business. All kictis inks, Keys, Guns, Reva- lies. Table, Plate, &I. pairing of Sewim; Ma- 'Assors, Knives, Skates, arpened and repaired. Gold and Silver. Old ,oerl as new. All work • promptlyattended to on DUNBAR, Seaforth. R LINE. MAIL STEAMERS Sail float NEW YORK and onderry) and LONDON ool, Londonderry, Glee- •lurope. Fares as tow as ideates issued to persons eir friends. modation of Anchor Litt cd for elegance and cora- CKSON, the Post Office, Seaforth TisT Gt- _ to annou.oce to the people t he has purchased the d by Mr. Wm. H-adden, eon a commodious shoal' -„etotte orders for Waving FLANNEL, Plain and Specsialty. 411 work action an 1 terms reason - mile east of Egnionde Mrs. Gemmell on the pectfnlly solioited. J. S. IIADDEN. F014.01ER rmed for the parpciee of spite in Canada, is new nay on the most favorable (Males. M P. HAYS% n, Seeforth. 699 JULY 8, 1881. Grey. COUNCIL MEETING.—Connoil met at ' Bager,s Hotel, Oranbrook, June 24th, pennant to adjournment, members all . present except M. Leckie, the Reeve fu the chair, minutes of last meeting . read, and approved. Petition of John. Robertson and 16 others praying for a grant of money to repair road opposite lot 13, concession. 14. Moved by J. His- lop, seconded by E. Bryans, that $35 be granted, Mr. Hislop to let contract.— Carried. Petition of Robt. Bowen and tae others asking a grant of money to gravel side road between lots 30 and 31, concession 14. _Moved by W. Oliver, seconded by J. Hislop, that $35 be granted, Mr. Oliver to let contract. -- Carried. Petition of W. L.. Wells and, 38 others praying for a grant - of money to gravel bonn- aary Grey and Elena between con- cession 10 and 12, as it is in a very bad. state. Moved by John islop, seconded by W. Oliver, that this council grant $25 providing the Elma council grant an equal sum.—Carried. John Hodges applied for gravelling between lots 30 and 31, concessions 10 and 11, the sum of $30 was granted. J. N. Knechtel ap- plied to have a ditch dug on side road. between lots 10 and 11, concession 12 and 13, Mr. Hislop to attend to it. Ap- I)Heaton of Malcolm McNichol to have work done on the hill between lots 25 and 26, concessions 3 and 4, to prevent stones and gravel falling down and fill- ing up roadwhy. Reeve to attend to the matter. Moved by E. Bryaus, sec- onded by W. Oliver, that this council grant the sum of $200, to be expended on boundary line between Grey and Morris, providing the Morris council grant an equal sum, Clerk to forward a copy of this resolution to the Reeve of Morris.—Carried. The following ten- ders were received and opened for the Ethel bridge :—John Harbottle $349, John Dunbar $209, Chas. Greve $208, Robt. Lang 227, David Dunbar $224, Robt. Bowen $800, Win. Milne $235. Charles Greve's tender was accepted and the necessary security given, con- tract to be completed by the 15th of August, next. Jas. Calder applied for repairs on road between lots 5 and 6, concessions 14 and 15, Mr. Hislop to attend to it. Adjourned Court. of Revision re- opened, Andrew W. G-ovenlock was as- sessed for lots 17, 18 and 19, concession 18 ; Wm. Straith was assessed for lot 17, concession 16, instead of Archibald McIntos ; John Heapy's, assessment was red. ced $200 on account of his barn beiu burned. • Moved by W. Oli- ver, seconded by E. Bryans, that the assessment roll as revised be adopted, and that the Court of Revision be now closed.—Carried. A notice from D. Stewart regarding the unsafe state of the bridge between lots 50 and 51, con- • cession 1, Messrs. Strachan And Bryans to attend to the, matter. Moved by Edward Bryans, seconded by W. Oliver, that Samuel Slemmon be inspector on new bridge at Cranbrook, John Stewart, inspector on new bridge at lot 11, con- cession 16, and the Clerk', inspector on new bridge at Ethel.—Carried. Moved by .3. Hislop, seconded by E. Bryans, that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow from the Bank of Ontario, Brussels, the , sum of $1,000 for township purposes.—Carried. On motion the council adjourned to meet again at Tuck's Hotel, Oranbrook, on the first Friday in August, next, for the purpose of receiving Trustees estimates and general business. of double the strength elixir or liniment in the be in every family hand wanted, as it really is the the world for 'cramps in and pains and. aches of a. for sale by all druggists bottle. 692-52 of any other world, should for 'use 'hen best remedy in the stomach, 1 kinds, and is at 25 cents a Given Up by the DoctbrS. Where doctors have ft4 ed th cure and have given their patierits un to die, Electric bitters have ofen been ulsed, and a. cure effected, grelOy to to the astonishment of all. I! seases of the stomach, liver, kidneyand uri ary organs are positively cud by Elc tric Bitters. They invariab] cure co pation, headache and tacks. Try them, and that they are. the best used. Sold by E. Hickson & Co. a 11 billiouti at - be coavi ced nediine ver 50c a bottle. 662-26 • ----— A Great C cago • The Laboratorifor th of Electric Bitters is one greatest. enterprises, givi to a large number of ha tensive sale already att wonderful remedy is Wherever once introduced known, it is almost impo ply the demand, because merit—curing where all and at a reasonable price Sold by E. Hickson & Co. nterpri e. manufac ure of Chicago's g employMent dsa Tee ex- ined for this astonis ing. siabnle4bee ' tol tees up - of their rue others f il— (50o.)—E ch. 602-26c -Do Not be De ived. In these times of gnat quackf medicin ad- vertisements everywher it is truly gratifying to find one re edy that is worthy of praise, and w ch really does as recommended. Electl4c Bitters, we can vouch for as being tiue and re- liable remedy, and one t will do as recommended. They i4ariably -cure Stomach and Liver C plaints, is - eases of the KidLeys and Hilary Ififfi. culties. We know wher pf we speak, and can readily say, give thane. a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottl ' by all ctrug- gists. 696-26-2. True to Her ust. Too much cannot be sai of the civer- faithful wife and motMr, constantly watching and caring for bier deg ones, never neglecting a singl duty in their. behalf. When they are sailed by dis- ease, and. the system should have a thorough cleansing, th stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified, ma- larial poison extermina d, she must know that Electric Bitte are the only sure remedy. - They are e 'best and purest medicine in the rid, and only cost fifty cents. Sold by 11 tdrugists. —Peter Gillie, Jr., employed at Gillie & Morrissette's foundry, at Corn- wall, was instantly killed Wednesday afternoon, by the bursting of an emery stone, while engaged polishing castings. His body was shockingly mangled. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of ' diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to , )esist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well, fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"Jarcies Epps & Co., 11 omeeo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 • Zopesa. Zopesa, from Brazil, is now come into Canada. It is a mild purgative, acting as a wonder upon and giving strength and energy to the Digestive Apparatus of the human stomach, cor- recting and increasing the acids. It is strongly anti -bilious and carries off all surplus bile, tones up the Liver, gives 'sound digestion and speedy health, to the dyspeptic and the bilious. Ask J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth and Bayfield, for a 10 cent bottle and test Zopesa, the new compound. Large eight ounce bot- tles 75 cents. 679.52b • Mothers ! Mothers ! Mothers ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cuttinubteeth ? If so, gol at once and get abottle of Mrs. -Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- pend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will -not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to UBSin all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and. nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. Rest and. Comfort to the Suffering. •rown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and: external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind Opam or ache. It will most surely quicken bhe blood and heal, as its act - /lag power is wonderful. Brown's Household, Panacea, being a,cknow- 1-edged as the great pain reliever, and 696-26-2. Stop That Co If you are suffering wit asthma, bronchitis, hay fe tion, loss of voice, tickling or any affection ef the th use Dr. King's New Disc gumption. This is the that is causing.so much ex wonderful cures, curing hopeless cases. Over one of Dr. King's Itevg. Discov used within the last year,, perfect satisfaction in e We can unhesitatingly sa really the only sure cure lung affections, and can ch mend it to all. Cali and tie free of cost, or a regnl For'saleby E. Hickson & • gh• a cough, -old, er, Constimp- n the throat, at and 1.4ngs, ery for Con - eat remedy ternent by its housand 8 of illion bottles y have been 4 have given r6e ingtance. that this is or throat and rfully recom- t a trial hot - size for $1. io. 657 -2 - Salve. rid for cuts, rheum, fever s, ohilblains, n eruptions. give perfect money re - )X. For sale pta. Bucklen's Arnic The best salve in the bruises, sores, ulcers, salt sores, totter, chapped han corns, and all kinds of a This salve is guaranteed t satisfaction in every cage funded. Price, 25c per by E. Hickson & Co. 70 p PQR EGMONDVILLE. FL egs a On term A. 3-411-1M7S RINOAD SAW MILLS. tTAMES KYLE Id infornr his f ends and entity that his W SA the public gen- MILL! eV in fu 1 working order, and he is pre- pared tb do ' 8011I SAWING shortest notice and most reasonable He has also on hand and for sale KIIIIS OF SAWN LUMBER. Bills Promptly Filled. I' o I H o FLOURING MILL Is lir carge 41 a Fitst-Claee Miller, and he prepp.red to do G ISTIINIIG ND CHOPPING On tihe Shortest No ce. Good Work and full on guaranteed. 1 on evanta gristground oir a o to the Egmoridville Mills. I . ES KYLE, groprietor. Hetisfact nacmbe , when f lurob sawn JA _,_,.., ....„.,..1 NAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS IERPbOL, LONDONDERRY, 1 AND GLASGOW, T. 4 SHORTEST SEAROUTE C bin, Intermedia e and Steerage Tickets at Lan est Ratei. Stee3[age Passengers are booked to L n,don, ardiff, Bristol, Queenstown, Berry, Beki en Galw4ty and !Glasgow, at same rates as to )1, v rpool, i S FROM QUEBEC :: i 4th JUNE • 11th JUNE 18th JUNE • 25th JUNE 2nd JULY 9th JULY 16th JULY • 28rd JULY 80th JULY • 6th AUG. 18th AUG. 20th AUG. 27th AUG. INT SA. LIN MCI' AVIAN SA'i ATIAN CI ASSIAN POL ESTAN , PAB1SIAN SAIEIIRINIAN MC! • AVIAN SA: ti A.T C PO NESL4N IP'1• SIANNI 3A MO AVIAN. e he last Wein connecting at Quebec with the A0 n Mail1 Steamer will leave Toronto every Fr ay at 7:02 A. la.. Passengers can -also 1 eejv a Toronto by the F:52 P. M. teain on Fridays, a connect with the Steamer at Rimouski, (pen ing the extra. fare, $4 46, Quebec to Ri- me ,ki.) BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL DIRECT Hine Steamship Peruvian, 4,000 tons, Captain J. • iehie, will be despatched from Boston to Li -y rpool, direct, at 8 A. M., Jniae 24th. For t ie t s and everyinformation applto 708 A. SilIONG, Agent, Sentorth. B OADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH,' UNDERTAKERS; &C. FIVIERAiS ATTENDED UN THE • 6 SHORTEST NOTIOE. CAN •I. "The Dc It." To beautify nd prese i7e the teeth and give fragran e to th breath, use "Tee.berry," the iw toileI gem. Sam- ple package, 5 cents. ,6791- 2 MANITOBA EXC RSIONS: THOMAS 'GREEN WAY 'Who returns to Ontario early in July, will take charge c f any parties desiring tc accompany him on his return trip, on WEDNESDAY, JU Freight and stock on Monday efore. A first - ala es chance for prospectors. For full informa- tion apply to THOMAS GREEn WAY, Centralia, Or to 'WILL J. 'WHITE, Expo.: Agent, 691 • Exeter. Y 27TH. STILL AHEAD BRUSSELS LIME WORK& 0_ ee TowN THE Subscribers take this 6 tuining thanks to the inha i and vicinity for past patronag that having made sever al impr kiln and mode of burning, they ter position than ever before to lie with first-class Lime at 13 kiln, or 15 cents -delivered. 1 his being the seventh scar dealings in Brussels, and havi fled satisfaction so far; the ji receiving good treatment and from us. pertunity of re -1 to ts of trussela d beg to state' encs in their re now in a bet -r supply the pub -1 tIa cash at thd of our business. given lunquali, blic can rely on first- clasa article Remember the Spot—Brussela Lime Works. 699 TOWN & SONS. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTH, ON TARIO. ,NO WITNESSES REQUIRED ESTRAY STO ESTRAY CALYES—Strayed tees of the undersigned, Tei c Killop, abcuLthe First of M C elves —throe stems and two h steers were all red with the eXc s tar on the face of each; one ( w hite with red neck and alittl face and head, and the cther and white. Anypereon giving a a wil I lead to the recovery of w ill be suitably rewarded. T Beechwood P. 0. STOCK FOR SE T 0 CITTLE BREEDERS- -4- win keep en his farni,Let H ullett, clueing th coming se T horoughbred Burl "Honest ft cm the best stock on both sid a rid is a sure stcck-getter. Te p a yable at the ttime io; servicO, o f returning if necesIary. CHAEL. OK. from the premt Lot No. 4, Con. ay, Five Yearlin ifers. The thre option of a mad the litifere wan e red ground the was spotted red each informanion he above animala OS. O'ROURKEp 704-4 The 'undersigne 2 ConCession sent that superio Sandy." He es, is 2 years of ras—$1 per co with the privilege C134RT McM 690 Re:t Th FINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. EARSE FOR HIRE. THE DIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. EAD OFFICE, TORONTO. p CapitnI, - $6,000,000. - - - - 1,400,000. siden Hon. Wm. McMaster. SE FORTH, BRANCH. Seafor h Branch of this Bank continues to reeei 'e deposits, on which interest is allowed on oat favotable terms, ts on all the principal towns and cities in a, on Great Britain, and on the United , bought and sold. e—First door South of the Commeeeial A H. IRELAND, Manager. AFORTH PLANING MILL, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY the, Or Cana Sta 0 Hot 689 SAIS TH hi tru of t P hit lar subacribembegsleave to thank his numeron tomers Or the liberal patronage extended to nce commencing business in Seaforth,and ts hat he May be favored with a continuartee pe same. Lk iesintending to build would do well to give 4. eall,as he will continue to keep on hand s tock of allkinds ef Pine Lumter, ashes, Doors. Het wild butifi 20 linds and' hingles, th, &C. elseonfident df givingsatisfaction to thost ayfavotir him with theirpatronage,as none st- else sWorknien are employed, icular attention paid to Custom Plan,ine JOHNIL BROADFOOT. - NEY TO LEND. r arge or Small Sums, at reason- ' able rates of interest. NOTES AND MORTGAGES IDURC.qASD. APPLY' no W. 6. GOITINLOCK, Or at the Office of Jell:Benson, Seaforth. 681 R N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, W! olleeale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER a 5 HOE FINDINGS of Every Deseription. one but the Very Best Stock kept. TexnI modtaate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by risIl or oWierwice promptly filled. • 491 E. N. i3Filefr , i MISCELLANEOUS. SICO THE p to $20 PER DAY at home. Samples 4.• worth $5 free. Address SIN. SON & Co., Portland, Maine. 692xS2 ? A WEEK.$12 a day at: home easily end made, Costly outfit free. Address TRUE , A tigiista, Maine. 6x2 A 'WEEK in your awn town. Terms and I. 0 rti5nad,mfiait frvete.e. Address H. HALLETT & 692x52 G THE ONLY GENUINE FOUR -BARB STEEL FENCING WIRE, r0 C H Cl) 0 (INV CIV3-1 r m -m 0 0 rn tt m y co m > -z H 0 trj 0 M > O "0 • CD O Cl) CD --I 'Ct 0 z 0 "r1 td 0 0 < —I o THE CELEBRATED STALLION, CANADIAN pOOTCHMAN 'Aro WILL Standlor Ma es at his own stable, on the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, throughout the 'Beason, excepting' Saturdays, when he will go bY the 4th Conceesicin to James Sproat's, for noon ; and from thenie he will return by the 2nd Concession to his dwn stable. TERMS—$12 to insure. 700 J. & S. BROADFOOT, Broprietors. CHROMOS, tame in new nepe, 10 cents, by mail; 40 Agents' samplee, 10 cents ; O. S. Co., Noeilford, Ct. 695-52 _ , All Lithographed Chr mo Cards, no two alike, le cents; Agents, big outfit, 10 cents 1;1)1101S CABD Co., Northfo d, Ct. 695-52 i ! , -I 1 1 , • -n SIIVM If1D 1-3 111 tr1 b t.l tri U2 1-3 ter 1-3 0 1-3 III tzl tri rn D-3 gc) tia tx1 -tet P -i rj tei tyl 171 ni ti ci (-2 ci Ce 0-3 0 td • G 0 z 0 CO z CD m0 CO z0 m CO 0 22 m 0 0 0 rri cz 0 CD 4 CC OD DM INT — I 0 1\T { • OD VALUE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Good Value Good Value Good Value Good. Value Good Value Good Value Good Value Good Value Good Value Good Value Good Value in Black Silks at the Golden Lion. in Black Cashmeres' at the Golden Lion. in Dress Goods at the Golden Lion. in Prints at the Golden Lion. in Table Linens at the Golden Lion. in Table Napkins at the Golden Lion in Carpets at tihe Goldoni Lion. in Lace Curtains at the Golden Lion in Counterpanes at the Golden Lion in Gloves at the Golden Lion. in Hosiery a't the Golden Lion. CHALLENGE. B unable to make a gam e with any team, the Sego rth Lacwsee Club am now open for a match'th any picked team of the three counties of HunpnePerth and Thetce, to be played in Seaforth, efot later than the 81st Jnly,188L 707-2 J. J. DUNCAN, Secretexy. 0 PIANOS AND ORGANS. The Very Latest, and Most Important Announcement yet made is the fact that we have REDUCED THE PRICES In Pianos and Organs,. So that all may have an opportunity of enjoying the pleasures and benefits of a Musical Instrument. Through our large and increasing trade we are in a position to supply PIANOS from the Best Canadian and American Factories, including STEINWAY, CHICKERING; DECKER, WEBER, And others too numerous to mention, at prices and terms that cannot fail to give satisfaction. The fabulous prices charged for Pianos and Organs in this locality, previous to our appearance on the Beene, have been swept away, and not only low prices bet genuine quell ty in instruments have been in- troduced. We make a Specialty of the DOMINION ORGANS AND PIANOS, Believing they are equal, i/ not superior in quality to any Instrument in the market. Old Instruments taken in, Exchange. Pianos and Organs to Rent. SEWING MACHINES. We are Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. whic hare kept in steck and reduced in price. We have a number of good second-hand Machines, which will be sold cheap. PHOTOCRAPHiNG AND PICTURE FRAMING CARRIED ON EXTENSIVELY. WADE BROTHERS, Seaforth. WHITEY'S BLOCK. PILLMAN'S CARRIAGE WORKS, SEAFORTH. THEY ARE AGAIN TO THE FOR E. •PI11_1\./IA_14 8z CO. BEG to state to those io Want of Buggies that they have now on hand as good and hand some a collectior of NEW BUGGIES! NEW BUGGIES! Of ivarions designs and styles to can be found in any shop west of Toronto. They a re all mad by themselves, and they can consequently warrant, them as to workmanship and material. Promptly REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. attended to and neatly and substantially executed, and ea, tiefaction guaranteed. ITITT of. ir° are also prepared to take orders for Trimming Vehicles of all kinds, ,and can guarantee a first clams job at reasonable prices. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL be convinced that we can do better for you than most other firms in the Trade. PILLMAN & Co., Seaforth . B.—Buggiesatel Light %V: f ) 111,1: tc. naler if lseircd. flu pri co A ADDRESS. TO THE ELECTORS. MITH.—" Good morning Jones, where are you going to 2" ONES.—" I am going don to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new itttre, you see mine is getting played out and I want to get some first rate furniture at very low es. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say that he has the very best and cheapest in the nty." DRESS.—o the Free and Independent People of Huron ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises lately oecopied by Mr. Joh Kidd, as a Hardware store,end that he is now prepared to furnish everything in the Furniture lin at remarkably low prices. Iotending purchasers will flail it greatly to their advantage to call an examine his stock before puachttsing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture mad tolorder on very short notice. Picture framing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Farm produce feathers, wood and lumber token in exabange. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, under his own supervision, and will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, &c., will be found complete, and at the very lowest ra e. Fnnerals attended in the country. A Hearse for hire. Remember the plate. TEE SEAFORTEC FRUIT STORE: AND RESTAURANT MAIN STR$ET, SEAFOSTE,; 11reaat DAdON keeps constantly ern bland it •full supply of all kinds of S EASONA13..E VEGETABLiES Fresh and Goo& Also the Choicest IfOrSit Direct from the Gandenea. C 0 OLIG DRINKS, Of all kinds <in draft, and Confectioner and Nick -Necks. I RE MEMBEB THE PLACE—Murhy's Bloce first d'aor north of Eobertson'sHar-dare Store., 702 HIRAM DAGON., RECORD OF THE LYMAN BARL , /, __. • _.„---.5g•-w 71- -...,..„,:4, • i, \ FIRST PRIZES AWARDED " LYMAN " 4 -BARB WIRE FENCING At ilntreal. (Quebec,) Hamilton, (Ontario), Cincinnati. (Ohio), Syracuse, (New 'York), Davenpoit, (Iowa), Exhibitions, for Excellence and beneriority ever all Competitcaa. Cheapest ard Been Fencing in the Adopted and in use on 39 Railway Lines United States and gertoia. Ste that our mark, " Lyman Barb," is etencillecl reel. Buy rid other. I Send for prices and Jars to WM.; BOBERTSON •& Co., Merchants, Staforth., Sign of the Circul or to the DOMINION BARB WIRE Co, Montral.' on Hardware 6 The mankind one so asAnnnie conned to Wise iti THE and me Worm.. in the trade each circa - r Salt, ENO/ 2-26 of tho tinge an in nebitie Con- few -which twill - hous among but must win a the for it a by any most a the these a great from if the should prompt and • The will affoeds by by tell 2 -11. AYER'S • .. .• 's., , •r • ..1 , •••• CHERRY PECTORAL/ For Disease Throat and •- such as Cough , efiri Colds, Whop . lin... .,.., Co ugh; Bro t :: .-. "Z''''.. .... Asthma, and _ sumption. I compositions r have won teal dance of and become hold -words, .11 not only ft many nationa, have extracirdimary aps no one ever secured maintained it BO long, It bas been knownto folly years, ney a long cuies, that have won its virtues, never equalled A still makes the of Coughs, Colds, Consninption, by medical skill. Indeed, has really robbed of their terrors given a feeling of immunity effects, that is well founde, in sea Fen . Every family elceet kr the ready slid Sickness, suffeling, by this timely protectidu not neglect it, and the yin kr the protection se ii etia in n attacks. Preefared A X fl It EN; CO., Lowell,Mak, Anely i el ; Cl enlists. Staid d. Dc-! edicine.._:16)-5. virtue s. Pe 1, reputation, 'r CHERRY PECITOBAL4 public about mite of roatvelens con_fidnce in other medicne. feeble.' cures that can be made CHEERY PEdTORAT, dangerous diseases extent, and their painful remed be taken have it in their relief of its infrobeis. even :ile is mired prudent t 1 ciild not. Keepill,..be bv its early u bit: .11- . C. Practical CL( Druggistsan. Cl N1LDEsPERANDUM 1 S ‘ . " 1 TRADE MAK. c4 TRADE • , - Qs TZ '''i ,..., z., .......) qb C;..' ....., -'. t..• lya Q....1 ...'(::11 '41m..............V..... Blfore Taking ...:cz &tie," • t • rp HE G BEAT ENGLISH BEMEDY J- Nous Debility and all Nertons Affctons; cluding Spethrattrthea, Seminal weatnei results of ',Soil -abuse, indiscretion, • GI: AY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Thiel only remedy which has -ever been known manently en se Palpitation and other of the Heart, ,CC,Xer.reption in its : earlier- Rushing of Wood to the head, wind stomach, lrodgestin, Loss of Memory, entre y, Ba 0)11)33 -EF, Desire for e oi inae, position -to le hor on eccemit of wepinee, • vreal Isfff ill,(1e, }If in in tae tack, dimness v isi c ?a , Pi t n. tun e old age, set. Full in cur pa nu hi e t, lair h we send eteueela on receipt of a tbine ceat etatep. The is now told by all liroggiets at $1 per or 6 10- ,cf, (Is -Atilt be sent free by receipt of *Moey, by addressing I THE GRAY MEDICINE CO„ ' . T section ''ant particulars TOrontO, A • for Ner- in- s ect., 4,. ie le the to per- staes, in the of 7andis- Ui- of sealed Specific package, Mail on , i dE9 1 To BREEbERS ... • „..-, sato • eea -see ee .,.. OF Cie .1:.;;fiet • . vs. . -..- ...,-.-7 ^, , ....., ..."-•-:( "4" s' . - a '-- '' a asesae • re w4p 4. PIGS. • prtstnt 2, of Which he &1Sors8, (3.1 ittek with W. S. 1 702 _ rr BE ur dol.; •-i- season, H. B. S., 'I in et oak, a T ho • h as lately purthased EitioLtoi), Tone $ 1 , 1.0 the privilege • 3ITJNDELL, cmii ke rc irbroltus 1 of Proliprieor. gra will kcep during the biA lac Thif CP, Lot 7, C(lecssien i smith, for the improvement a hlo Ed Beikehire Boar. from John Snell of tborenehaend Ie paie at the time of service, ramming If necessary, t 4 LEGAL. ,aARBOW & •-fi tom's, &c.,Goderith,Ontano.—J. Wm. Proudfoot. CAMERON, HOLT aeneners M. C. Cameron, eron. '110T.IDF0OT, Banisters, Solid- T. -fa arrow, 686 & CAMERON, Barrietera in Chancery, &c.,Goderich, Out. Q. C., Philip Holt, M. 0. Cam- 1 506 yer HAJAR SMALL, Conveyancer amid -01MI:dift-, " eioliCT in B. R.,I Wroxeter, Auctioneer end Appraieen Accounts and notes collected on reasenabicterma. ; 36'6 M. ROBERTSON SEAFORTH. HUR FOUNDRY, SAFORTH. flAVING itt in Engine into the Pittipy Shop to drive Lathes, Planes and Drills, independent oi the Plow G indir g and Polishing Machinery, parties wanting wk done can have it at any tim e, as steam will be up every working day. AL REPAIRS OH ENGINES, MILLS AND OTHER MACHINERY W C. 32EYT.T, Banister and .Mtoiruey at • • Law. andicitker in Chancery. Conmelissioner for taking s fndaits'in the Province of .liaitoirs, Solicitor :or the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. Private funds to loan :Una tea/ per tent 638 i_zEN ON& MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and inaelveney Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. ()Zees—Sees tort -hand Brussels. $23,000 of BT.:wit:tee, RxEttroyEdato inves t a t once, at Eightpereent. Interest..payable • yearly. Cora missiciner for takinbegenAt:teedfobey USC Thine tahheoCveorthrtaits heal. eMealniiistodheaye ,mutual conr:Bn71. 'All accounts due the firm to • Neflov. 27, 1876. be paid to Mr. Beneon wujhAmo. w;€11.npliaRByyza;Eslo.ixah.1- A. tended to on short notice, On hand and made to order, Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Steam C ttersLand Bollers,Gang Plows, Grate Barg, &c. Plow Casbi lee made to order from -Patterns furnished by parties wanting the same. Plow Pointe nepeeialty, ,a.de Won Genuine low Point Iron; and warranted hardiand tough. Will also Fit, Grind and Polish Plo y Castngs ch p, as the shop is fitted with Grinding Stems and,,Emnery Wheels for such work. Will also take Cont cts for Engines, Boilers, Grist and Floaring kflhls, Saw Mitts and other Machinery. Will make P steamed S ecificalions for Mills, &c. All Alterations =Mills or Engines attended to. Will also make val- uations cai all kinds of machinery. J. S. RUNCIMAN, Seaorth. P. S.—As Mr. J. S. Ravn:Ian has gone away for the -winter, the bue-iness will be carried otelry r. 1 Runciman until lais'Mtna. - - - - MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTEIY LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVErAtIWING OFFICE, Scott's Block, iain Street Seaforth. CZOLICITORS for the Conaolliated Bank a "--/ Canada and the Canadian Bank of Cammerce in Seaforth. Fano and Town ed Village Propett4 hought and sold. Money (private fands)loaned on mortgage se- qnrities, at reasonable rates of interest. Obarges oderate. Money invested Per private persons einem the beet mortgage securities, without any expense to the -lender. S. G. n.leCAUGHY, M.A. P. liarmESTED. • • •