HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-08, Page 5I gelitleman 01 . otiguoua to the gleaned the fd that Mrs. • authorities of sway, came and the village, azid o a. atauta had `ung on traffic Troublesome, our ►int against t&OM B of the towash and his worthy onstable, repaired a. majestic. and Bred the innaatft ,luevale dust fro, to next forty-eight being performek aw and authority the expiration of Bite was piteously weeping widow a. hearts of the days longer Wfte a. new difficulty abitanta of the she happy posse as ascertained, by ormed (no doubt. case the occu. r township would offspring.. Here, tIs Turnberry g a few dollars to 1. supports o>1e Q- wshah shouse ggle is between Which will win? DU another beer, pinion, which We aption- Send the rid the youngsters ley are twenty.- 18 to work, when mucil by mending roads, or, if well. 4awuship officers `aY they slid in China, Australia, �s 1 have been. T_P-x Er imps. Lop. - - .-4e, the 30th ;hers, assisted by pupils of Roxboro Bp, on the various - ` the forenoon the was examined, iss Clarissa Hays} pupils were dia- torily- given; the I quickly and cor- ee who was, beat w closely contest `ter a long list of i; it could be de - of the pupils was ise is ane to Miss in which the pu selves. The work isted in the ex iinior department,. 'Mr. Duff. It was welve o'clock and. •e. The drawing, adds. Dickson and fie,&lid it waB only I examination that apils could be de- Aose a spelling a seee who would ,an, to the surprise Dickson., of the ;cee€led in keeping . Throughout the Bre sung by the vhich aided great-- nt of the visitors'. by some Of the s present, after their homes well mination. fx MATTERS AND —Sir: I noticed a ,ers and Things," Iur issue of the i contained very s I am about to ariance with the to state that I nost of the people concessions per- ounced that letter i, aad seem well +ropriation of the sure me that none to its and several r would give five. o forged the letter. ted for wing YOU t before I give you not to judge my y give my version I wish to state, .e to satisfy the I who wrote 4'mat- ist me, but for the who don't know it of the public. a noticed 70 or 80 `1 on side lines 10 as told I managed Ad.. He also says price for hauling tiling, and for a - ryne dollar a day, be put on the an In One day ad all the gravel s, and wishes me for trifling with `w, sir, let me all-- reasons I deter - this year to draw Ison-is, if I let it d come and bid A and would never rrience taught me road to 'be grav- �---in some places four yards to the Aces two were sof-, Rs the repairing, e a heavy Coat ; T oversee tide work hire teams, offer Its per yard for the dump, three '6 pit. I spoke to the many I asked red two good meet ,Lr a day each, wind p for the same- rlcrl, and knowing tot last long, the rnigLt, late at night." with first-class r thus, made good But take all the not ayeraged'6188 t- iemselves. We As. The dumper' :and second dhy9 est days the team: ey got about sm d of him,: That a! I will. no,w ' Tad to dye .ar a day for a'r- : o hitt S, 1881. . , I - �.l , ,, . I I 1 ; i HU1ON �OSITO .' i !_ • or for good, honest labor, satisfac- crowd went to the cricket e ! ,ty s e, and 1 THE Mg;R1 MA -I i 1 N I N E EDUCT O N. S 1 MPORTANl" NOTIG . armed. Also it was a nnani- la ed a oo A S T Q U barfly performed. , p y g d game before di nor. The J Mons vote of the Conrail that gave me � ternoon was oeoupied in ru i g, put- � ; SEAFOBT11 Jalr 7, is81r � . $� for the use of that road, passed at ng the atone, and quoit pita n . Geo; a' 1 he t.,4............ti.. .. 120 to 1122 ? the st me time that $500 were voted to Newton came out best in run n John l0' in W e life, per btx■hef ... 12o to 1 ] 22 1 the north gravel road. This road beim Smith in putting the stone n Wm, W 'e it:BedChaff,peibnah. i 19 to 1 So r■ or i el..... ...... a .... O 88 t o 0 87 g 9 p. g p ; rife eastern outlet of the township and Walters in soft itahin . ianio e ■ or n■ el..... � ....i .G.... 0 60 to 0 66 �,.1 . oaoupy ng the same geographical poli- was held in the beaver mead , which O le pe gib, �.hel.....,....i ..... 0 60 to o 65 AT tion to the east that the north road was well. attended, and rybody Atte ,N .1,1,!Looee........ .►... o is to osis to the west I divided it as I do all seemed to be satisfied. In venin tate , T b .... •.• • • a: • • o is to o .i4 does g gg ■ .... ......... 1..: 0 18 to 0118 l . other moneys, where think it is most another game of cricket was 1 yed.- lt�ar De ,1 ib■.. .t...1 1 2 75 to 2'es needed and where it will do the great- New Era. - y, ew ,.a I....... • . .... s oo to 09 0o I I est amount of good to the greatest num- i $I, ped >�o0 lb.... . 5 OO to 7 00 '. G R E A ..0 D I S C O U lY T SALE her, and I shall be able and willing to . Hensall. li a aYiq■it°h ... ... .,...: 0 60 t o 1 b0 , 0 t( et 1) or barrel,,... }.. 1 00 I ;, let the ratepayers know how and where VACATION.—Our Pnblia Se s close a!t( ho � e. le)perberrei.} t... 0 90 I ' I Q , ' DUNCAN & DUNCAN S SEA17QRTH. at os p .r bu■her, pebv. . .. 0 25 to 0 80 ]spent it at the end of the year. Your this. week for a vacation of lei eeks. , •, o so to 0 40 I correspondent can not deny that I took PERSONAL.—Peter McDermi M. D. 1e ' J -17b ag "" h 1 5 0o to 5 50 > > * m aiT1lb ...... + ..� ;y fv...yN... the initiative in that and I am the only of Fontanelle Iowa has be isiting to p,D.........'.... i o os to 0 06 AT o y fSed per bushel.:.. ... 2 60 to 8 $6 -- I , one who read out the different lobs. At his brother, Dr. McDermid of this ` INV Seedier bashelt......}... 4 60 to 00 the north end of the township, lace. �� use concessions more than side Toads . p SHIPPING CHEESE.—Mr. T o 1 er i ,.: .. . •........ y•• 1... 0 22 to 0 24 I u F , s. Bal- ,�°' i , , ! ; but nevertheless, after spending on sev- lantyne, of Stratford, is shipping -a car ! ; J `' ! ' eral, jobs all along the line I spent $25 load of cheese from this eta i ti. Th ` I L:is E1j, ; July G.E-=Spring wheat ' 4d ; red winter 9s 4d to 9s ► on the next mile to the north bdnn- 'cheese is the product- of the dgervill , der About flattering promises, that factory. d , w{�ite, 9s 0 d club, 9s 7d; ; _ H O FFM Ai � BROTHERS ! SEA FOR- � y _ _ te, 6Is 2d ; barley, 5 3d ; peas, 6s 1 I , is also a falsehood so far as I am don LAaIIis. Messrs. Coughlin rothers,� d p }'� 74s 0d; be f,` 92s 6d; cheese, I ! corned. I have made it my motto of Stephen, have lately been r basin a d. Ir - j , through life not to promise much lest I a large number of lambs int this neigh, I + caaid not perform. I think my con- boyhood. We believe they in d ship= ! ise Stock axkets. I attnents don't forget how I same out ping them from here this wee We ,will offer this moot , in order to maks oom for our Fall importations, at the nomination. I don't promise to DOarINION Day. - Domi i Da. 1' Mitilnh, July 5. The receipts of i drain people's cellars by sinking ditches p y quietly in i place alive so k; at the mar ets to -day were i passed off ver Die t e. l Prices for rime beef ranged more than is necessary for the road, as Nearly all our. villagers spenthe d:� I I ; (- from home in ie a 50 5c • aeco d cissa, 4c to 5c, others,have done. And about letting pleasure seeking. rclf olass,'3Jc to 3 c per lb., live ' number left bt4id 4h obs privately, it is something I never y -the morning train t i 1 T witness the sports ib Exeter n Lon" ei t:'A$. McSha- land N. Kerne- do, except an nnderdrsin, or a bridge or ly rt r hosed about 5 ,head each for culvert that suddenly goes down and don, while many others seen he day `p r at, prices ranging from 5c, to 5416 AST 0 N I S H I N G B A R E INS ! requires immediate repairing. Never in a pleasant manner at different points I I ! - r b + ,! Calves . of inferior quality ; in my career did I give an -exorbitant along the lake shore. i . ! I o h from $2 to $4 and superior price for job. AbMt the ex-Cocin- CriHANGE.—The Rev. N. Sm hof this o $ to $8. Spee 'sold from: $3 to cillor spoken of, I need Bay nothing; place, Canada Methodist in sten of. i verdict has been given. And the Kippen, Faneville and ethesda•5nd lambs from $2 to $3.50. the people's o s sere in demand at, 61.c to 7c. ! Circuit has been a o' . ! i about putting the township out of wards, pp anted t olstei '' I + (I -+- -- T on h the entire Establishment. I'd say nothing against it if the people cot my of Grey. While we gree t !1 l g a ,; ; ;Cheese M4rkets- o lose Mr. Smith from our raids w ! world. all act unselfishly. Brit the ., artier who advocate it are those who wish him all prosperity and ppines' Izy E ROLL, July 5 —Nineteen fac- a p in his new field tri' '1. 1 boxes, being ast part of ! noted ere now for selfish acts. I w d of labor. a believe P t J Were the Rev. H. Hill has been appointed to J4nn� make; ; 3,431 boxes sold as fol- I o fear they would have the rams object in, view that the rich man had for marry- Mt, Smith's late charge. W hope h� 1; w 3( ', boxes at 9 c, 278 boxes at i I t ing his rich relative: "Oh, they wanted m&y find his sojourn among u • leasant. 9 c, , 0( boxes at 91c, and 1,353 boxes . keepto the money in the family." Now, a!` 9 i l in conclusion, I say to the writer of i Clinton. ; UiT a I,'N. Y ,July 5.-6,400 boxes of I "lllatter8 and Things" that he reminds [> arca. THE N>;tv >;i�A.l cllte� a sold at 9�}c. 2,400 bones of cheese me of the man who would come up in ACCIDENT.—While returni from T sold t 9 c. 500 boxes of cheeBe sold at � 9,c. ' I boxes consigned. F NCY� DRESS MA RIAL— UITE NEW—AT a crowd,like a cowardly assassin, strike picnic at Benmiller, on the t Miss � � . SEE OUR, A Q you from behind and run.; But a J.; Rowell, of this place, ju a from a Lb Q t Ont:, July l4.� -At the cheese manly man will come rip, say .what he buggy, in consequence of the a eking of za�9 4 Dere on Satrday sales were 81 9, 1 , 12i, 15, 17 A p• 18 CENTS, has to say to your face, or, if he wants th' horse, and sustained a s e e sprain W8, : ; 55 boxes at. 8 c ; 905 at 9e ; . to write, he will write over his own of�her right leg,, which has c Zed her $15i t �9 ; 370 at 9�c ; 800 at 91c. To - signature. Now, sir, I challenge your to the house. : t I s 1 -3,145 boxes!comes ondent to snbstantia,�te the8e WHEAT.—On WednMr. o 'soca, July. -- The market p charges, or one of them, over 'his own Allison left with us a few s lk8 of fall we, 1'v ,ly, enc every cheese offered waB_1 i i Sol . 266 boxes were sold at 10c, prices. signature, and recommend him to try wheat, nearly ripe, well own; an� s � Those Goods we are offering at 1 sp -than importers p in the future some better means of filled, taken from a small teff on his 138p b xe8 at Ole, 155E boxes at 9&c. I , raising himself to the level than by un- farm that he says will yield t the rate of 40 bushels to the acre. I will � be t gratefully tr in to ull another down. p{ y g p to cut this week. IM a R T AGE SALE; 1 Hoping you will excuse me for the I 1 1 and give itinsertion 'FIRE.—The people of intoe had ! J I i % length of this letter a gI p P , 1 I :-! I —oF ! in your next issue, I remain, yours, &c., another fire on Wed ay nigh. 1 ; GEO. HoLLaND, Councillor for Ward No. About 11 o'clock the cabin factor ,of ! R Nr[ E XT R l VA L U I N ' B LAC ;CAS H M E RS FROM 2 McKillop. Mr. Diehl was 'discovered t be on fire. t i p INT E— I 25 CENTS O $1. rPicmc.—The annual picnic in con- The engine we, promptly o hand fan I , -f— ! TI E7— School was the fire' was extinguished be re a ret I , rection with Zion Sabbath l g g p F C MC I L L O P held in Mr. Davidson's grove, on the deal ofd mage 'was done, . � "t M N S HII P O M a��l , concession, on Saturda last under SUDDEN DEATH.—We re' et to! learn I ' 3 13th co , y the 1 County of Buron. the supervision of Mr, Glass, the sniper- that Mr. Charles Dayment, f Sco'tlangl, i intendent. As the day was exceedingly Dakota, anc� late of G nton, died , —r fine, there was a large number of peo- suddenly on the 23rd ult. Up to the R,the power of sale contained in a regis- time of his death he was '1 the en o 4 i e edimortgage, which will be produced at pte present, all seemingly bent on a ] � tiia ti df sale, and is made by one John day's pleasure. At about half -past 12 a ment of good health, and s,d the ap- *cG , Will be sold by Public Atletion by y p earance of living man ears.; Its *r, m ,s 11owsbn, Auetio, eor, at the — ,000 yards O riots, a]1 I1e� patterns, sumptuous spread was prepared by the p g y i r i PR T d 0 ladieB, which was done justice to by all Supposed'he died of heart isease'. He i , 100 Rem - resent, When the eatables were dis- was aged 64 years and 3 m ths. Q ! E fN S HOTEL , redluced t0 less than wholesale sale prices. present. with, Mr. A. Cavanagh was RUNAWAY.—Last There y a horse i — T naIlt prints t a great ba ln. - then called to the chair, who, after a few beilonging to a Mr. Woods of Bayfiel - , N O F S A F O R T H , ? +. pointed remarks, called on the several was tied in front of ` . Dowsle 's I _ 1 I Speakers to address the audience. The . office, when -a boy on a' v ocipede pa ON 1 i . sed aloe frightening t horse. P --,t 1 e rs. Ban h g Y 30TH 1881 -11 _ apeaker8 were Rev. Mss. g g g � � � R DAY. JU � � PARASOL —Balance Of Otlr large'. stock Wl Sanderson and McNaughton, Mr. John broke its fastening, and shed down At 1 . rM., the following freehold'property, ■ ! Ane,us, of Brussels; and Mr. Kerr, of street, scattering in all directions a ... z : T e''west-half of t e south half of Lot no be offe ed at less th n' Wholesale prices. the Brussels Post, all Of whom gave ex- quantity of strawberries ontained in70. s , i> concession 1 of the Township of + Gellert addresses. Music was furnished the wagon. It was brou t to a stand lt%zc 11 p s7 acres mo%e or loss, of wtuah ; g � c e a e classed, balanpe wooded with Beech, by the children of the school and 6th= on the Bayfield Road, ter slightly , sip e, Back Ash, &c. Soil a good clay loam.. A — ' who also resided breaking the conveyance. -d welling ious418s26feet, ne and one-half stories,WH ' '+■ E G ODS■ � ite Dress MhslinS, P. K. erg, led by Mr. 'Kerr, p we might here re- i 4nd barn 118x2$ feet, on the premises. Good well. Muslin fro mt 10e u at the organ. And g itantfom y�eaiorth 10!miles, and from Brie- La 'e Mllsli S, SWISS Ch Gk pI mark that the good order and attention Births. ` se 13 11 Milea.l Terms and F conditions will 'be . of the youngsters was in no small de- BLANCHARD—In McKillop, o be 1st Inst: thein on at time of sae,prmay be ascertained (io�jored DreCS Mullins. P, pn a p icationl to , + gree due to Mr. Kerr, whose music and wife of Mr. H. R. Blanche: f a son.l AI�RIS, MAGEE & CO., droll speeches had a telling effect on the McMULKIN—In,Bedforth, on t)a '30th nit., the i ! Vendor's Solicitors London, Out. OAn rtliird. At the conclusion Of the wise of Mr. Jas. sl CMniktn f a son. . , , y taken n iii PORTER—In Egntundville, on - to 25th ult., the Or I JAMES] AOWSON, STAKE OOIDS.—Ticking, Shirting, Sheet - speaking a collection was p wife of fur. J. S. Porter of a son. Fac - aid of the new library which was pair- DREVGE- Zn Brussels, on the th ult., t-ife x09'3 1 AjncticnEer, Clinton, out In�r TOWeI . Denims ujCkS, Table Linens, Fac- chaeed afew weeks ago, when the sum of Mr. James Drewe of a ziau hter. b ; MODELAND—In Granton on�1'rd ie 23rd alt., the Mp RTANT NOTICES. for and White Cottons 4nd all classes of Staple of $5 vas realized. There is still a wife of Mr. G. Modelann of daughter. debt of about $5 ac,ainst it yet, but we WILLIS-=In Usborne, on the ult., the �if9 E ARD—Whereas the Grange Hall on Gods at a 'reat redueti n} b of Mr. John Willis of a den t(". trust this will be wiped off before the HOLMES—In �Vin�ham on a 25th nit. the l th Concession of McKtgllop, was summer closes. Another featnre,which wife of Mr. Wm. Holmes of son. ' . E bre a open on or about the 1st of July and rob - We must not omit to mentiOn, waB a BUCHANAN—In Wingham, ori the 28th ult., the bed o a'larFe quantity of goods, including the wife of Mr. hank Bnchana of a son. i [OR) o the Grange, the members of the said rich treat given the children in the k Gia a hereby offer a reword of $25 for such - I )MURPHY—Iii Seaforth on th rd ult.. the wife form of a quantity of candies, which of Mr. L. Murphy of a son ' F il3f r at,onjae will lead to;the arrest end con - Was donated by Mrs. �. Neal, Of Wal- I t vi ct o of this guilty par fes JAS. DAVIDSON, i 1 ton, after which the young people re- J x' 1 � I Mas e , I 709x4 _ J paired to the swings, where they enjoy- Menage' T; oz` The public are hereby captioned ed themselves until the sun began to BISHOP—SQUIER—On the �? tl ult., by evEmine purrhasing;ornegotiatinganote of g Cbas. Fletcher, Mr. Geo. B shop, of Otta' I h d i En y John B. ]Ifo er is favor of Dtim- .., disappear behind the western hills and to Miss Elizabeth Sgnier, f Godeiich. .met Klo p, for the sum of $3.61, bearing date roachin ni ht. � LUSK—SMITH — At the anada Methodist, A p1il ;18 0, a> d paye�ile 3 months after date _ warn them of app g g ACT.—On the eVeiliII Church, Gerrie, by Rev. J Broley, on th© ,, b ming 8 per cent. interest until paid, as the THE FINEST ANGE OF CC)TCH AND CANA- A DIaBOLIaaI. g 29th ult., Mr. Davit Lusk', of Mea.ford, to - e i a;te iF to be "paid only to the undersigned. of the Ist of July some evil disposed Miss Emma Catherine Smit , of Gerrie. U R & KLOPP. Zulich, June 24, 189E DIAN TWEEDS IN T E TRADE. $EE . ran a Hall On LAIRD—HARRIS—At the sank time and place, _ ___ 7o8i�4. I persons brake Into the G g - - J OU STYLES NDS PRICES. ! _ , the 12th concession of McKillop and de- by the same minister, r. W. H. Lair c� of TTIOE �0 MASON S—Sealed Tenders will Wilmot, to Miss Phoebe 14 nis, daughte of ' be reeeived by tho' undersigned until the sero ed and carried off a considerable l ! y :Mr. Daniel Harris, of How k. si c. Sept ymber, for bpIlding stone foundations I amount of property, including the • Beal STE WART—WAUDBY—At sse1s, on the 6th I � n e fhe E'chool Hons' s iif Section No 4, Stan- i of the lodge. As will be noticed b ad- Inst., by Rev. John Boo, B. A., Mr. D T, 1py Viereure two bui•Jdfnga, and the contract y the S tewart, of Morris, to bZisElizabeth Mauc byt J � il e')et for both or eQch 6eparately. The Ccn- vertsement in another column,of Wingham. } Grange authorities offer a reward for I I bra t r to supply all t}iematerial. Further in- for don can be bad, on application to the l such information as will lead to the de- •1e re alryo# the School. Board, on Lot 8, Concea- CLOTHIN MADE TO OR CUA INTEE WELL. -MADE AND STYLISH` taction and conviction of the offending Death. l io 2, Stanley. Tenders to be addressed to the parties. We hope they will secure BE T TS—In Clinton, on dire 28th nit.,, AgneA ,IS rcr t signed, Blake ;P. 0. JOHN D$ NN, p p Betts, relict -of the late Ge ge Bette, aged 6o + � CLOTHI Cl■ them, and that the scoundrels will be ; - years. - fittingly punished. BROCK—In Brucefieid, on th 3rd inst., Ro� ert ( EAL ESTATE FOR SALE, • Brock, Sr., aged 90 years formerly of 11�on + J $ullett. treal and late of her Majeai 's Cnstoma. ��"" I BELL—At the residence of }i•s son•in-law, �vtr 1 �j 1k1 FOR SALE IN STANLEY -100 acres in ARRIVED SAFELY. — Information has Alfred Haslem, Bosman, to nsbip of Morns, ff�j hie Township of tjtan'ey, Lot 18, 1st Conces- been received Of the safe arrival Of on the 26th nit., William $ all, late of Guelph,io ; 0 acres cleared and in a good state of i aged about 67 years, I : cis ti •:tion; well drained, good well and a creek Deputy -reeve Mallon III England; the BRUCE—In East'W anosb,i n the 28th tit., ', n nig through the farm; good brick house, fru arn'and frame, sheds, large orchard of ocean voyage occupied twelve days, Mrs. E. Bruce, aged 56 yea s. p p TEMPLETON—In Tuckers , on the 2nd inst., oourinj trees. It is within ,� mile of Bruce- . . owing to the prevalence of fogs. Mrs. Templeton, aged 5ars. fel miles from SeAforth and the same cis- n MIL INERY WILL BE GEARED 08T A HALF PRICE. R Ds BROKEN.—On Saturday last Mr. MORGAN --In Exeter, on the 27th nit., Cifaxl�s fan a Stam Clintcn. Apply to MRS. MARGARET BALANCE OF Iiobart Carter, of the 8tll concession, Dorgan, aged 15 years and months. I BEAD on the remises, Brncefield Post while gathering tan bark from the bush, HORTOr.—In Usborne, on the 26th ult , Sam*l . 708x4 j I g g Horton, aged 67 years. l had the misfortune to fall over alog lei IN MORRIS FOR SALE.—For sale ' WELSH—In Exeter, on the 7th alt., the infait p lF heap, the south halt of Lot 9, Concession 4, J and break two of his ribs. We are glad daughter of Mr. Thos. `Fe sb. I to state that Ile is progressing towards NEWCOMBE—In , eter, onj he 26th -nit., Edith �o rhi h state of ul acres . choice land, in a i Newcombe, ague 2 Sears d 9 months. Ver: high state of Gel#ivation, There is a good recover favorably. , Ialt am tyith stone stabling underneath good y y HOTHAM—At Hi�ls Green, in the township of ��- g g r ; Hay, at the residence of he father, Mr. �9n. ,en —board across the front. Tho Maitland . . ro. Hill, Ann, • the beloved wife of Richaird Riv ;bins through part of the lot, and there are I LO)1C10SbO ,, tw n er•fdilin wells'. convenient to the build- . , ' Hotha,m, of the Northwest Ttrritory, aged 27 g . I. �—Men B and B' Straw Hata at half rice. Feld STEAM POWER.—Mr. Huber has fitted ears and 11 months: so, at the s J e i;ing :. It is within easy distance of fans geed HATS . H"A $i .y p y � ! mak is and conveni `nt to schools and churches. Hats in all the new apes. up the steam power in his grist mill, place, and on the same day, Margaret, dau h . , ' , so that there will be no stoppages On ter of Richard Hotham, ag d 5 pionths and 11 f 1t s ise of the Choi est farms in the townshi , i an illbe'sold cheap. Apply to thenndersigneI days. on i o premises or to Bel ave P. 0. LANCE'- acconn.t of low water. • SICKNESS.—There is a great deal of Lo ASKiER, Propr'etor. 709-4 ; i sickness around Here now, diphtheria Local Notices. F 1�III FOR SALE THE TOWNSHIP OF being very prevalent. We are glad to Wool PICKINGS, $AY,—The undersigned has been authoriz- I HIDE, AND ,SI{IN8 �-- be a e to state that Mrs. T. Manning ed mYd instiuctedby jbe owners thereof, to sell j r 1 g I will pay the highest cash psi ee for any yuan ty I b y wiy of tender, Loi Na. 27 and the North- , 1 and Mr. Backwell are improving. of wool ppickings, Hidea, sheep and cat skins de- f h a , i Lot; No. 26, in the 7th Concession of the i + + he 5th inst. a livered at my iurnituse sacro. No truck or tired©, w smu of Ra in the Count of Huron Ont.- I FIxE --On Tuesday, t ' ash fo-r everything.JOHr( S.PoaT>u. 654 i To � p y, f y , f��( fire br0#ke out iii rile wood pile at the c LAWN 1es.—A fu supply of C ompriaing 15o acres of land more or less, being a . ( O R A M M O TH STOOK rl�' station, Which would lfava destroyed a PP y J p ortiun of the estate of the late Henry Shaffer, i I Celebrated Philadelphia Lan Mowers just to l deceased. Sealed offers will be received for the I j large quantity of wood, had it not been band, ir.eluding all the diffe ent sizes, 12,14 rd i aazae;addre'ssed to the undersigned, Hugh Love, , ' . fO,T`tlle timely assistance Of the vii- N rncb, wplcb will be sold at : 58 and X49. S r',,-4nd Wxn. Curry, l$il-s Green, P. O., on and J i y Parties re iris a good re '.able Lawn Mo�er ,_ a lagers, who worked with a will moved' g g +. n p till 1� o clock noel], on Friday, the 2nd day of I ,ti ! should puichaso a Philadelphia, as they are aim !'! S epo,mber nest. IIntending purchasers may is fres , and ` o� Our U4=chases ` ado late it thy'+ tr'lre wood On ;:Moth sides Of the fire, and ple and durable. Sold by Ja s NVATsoN, dealer `ti; o ffer.for each 50 acres separately, or any two 50 .l ; Carried water from the station pump, in Sewing MR nes, &c., Ma' Street, Seai�olrth, a cies'Eeparntely, or or the whole 160 acres in Seaso thus ng the a gtage of a large pmawt- ani when that kve out it had to be Ont. 704.4 i ,: b n k' The nndersigr ed will not be bound to I g er. DECEIVED SIS WEEK AT WILSO & a c alt thehighest oil any offer. The lana is of a e rices rid s y ov the, Homes. We have brought from the rvt3r, on the jigg g r,� Youllo s, a lot oi�Extra Choi'a Young Hyson ea, 1 god quality and nearly the one half of it is � five Or Sas aOrda - rt bis' . of w! d and fenced • it is onvevient to markets, l d a S StOc S nearly a` the fpr S Isr18T8 were iibOiit bought at a bargain for cal . Any Pa y g : e no of I Goo �"'b burnt. from ue, either in small or large gnantitie , we !- sc 1s and chnrcho, being about 5 miles fro € — OminiOn Da was will guarantee as good or bet er value than cbe;1 H n all and Kipper] on the London. Herron i -Ons. FIRST, D y had through any Gr,pnge or Pedlar in the popin-• t Pr' c Reilioad. Pgchasers will have the liberty . : s 4pent here in a very enjoyable manner, ion. Give us a trial. It will not be much trouble;• f;o w and sew on tbe.{i�th of September, and full i i though not advertised as a gala (lay- to return one lot if we canno do as we say. We polls sion pn the 2n$ of -November, TEAMS; 1 The $rat amusement Of the day was a have a large lot of C-rranulate Blight F fine4 and, r1 half ;bash, end+the balance in 4 years _ f tug of was aides bean chosen by Wm. Racy Sugars in stock, bong t before the recent in s1a�tl6perec+nt',securd'bymortgtge. HUGH 11 i g advance, Call and secure 'w at yon will rreepqairs L , B VPS• CRRY Attorneys for Noah Anderson and J`os. Reveille, reaniting for,prekerving befo �a we a8 ante our priee.8o as • Sh , C1 ,les 8ha$er and George BhaSeT. 1Y ORT6RS $�AFORTH. in favor of the former' B side. Then the they must go up. 705 I 4 Graeo, Hay, rune 25,' 1681. 7x8-9 DUN iiA l�l t L D A N, s . + E + . i 1 - i I ` . ; 7,� i FOR T WO WEEKS 0NL Y. Having decided to offer the whole of our stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, &c.,. t aG;EEAT DISCOUNT for the NEXT TWO SIVEEKS, in rder to make room for the large importation of Fall Goods, which our buyer is t present purchasing', in the foreign markets; also for the ,Canadian Goods,;for - which we have already placed orders, as we find unless we clear out at least half f our present stock we will be stuck for room, and, therefore, we have decided o give the following LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL AMOUNTS OF $1 TO $2, 10 PER CENT.; ABOVE $2 TO $5, 15 PER, OE'NT., . I AND ALL .A.2OUNTS ALO YE Sia, 20 PE.R CENT; - , but will �e. soldat cost, hisPrints and'Cottons; are exceptions to diacoun ii,' s one of the greatest ' offerings, we think, ever made to tb� people of Seaft. -h and vicinity. Our stock is all new. Some of the goods are only in stocklone week, and are of the'latest latest styles. This stock is well a>arted in all depart- ments, especially so, in Dress Goods, Dress Muslin, Prints, Cottons, Tweieds, Cloths, Ulsterings, Flannels, Underclothing, Shirting, Dentins, Ducks, Holiands, Table Linens, Towls, Towellings, Coverlets, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, 'lies, Frillings, Fringes, Laces, Ribbons, Parasols, Umbrellas, Ellnbroiaeries, ButtonE, Mantles, Bonnets, Hats, Silks, Satins; Flowers, Feathera; Ornaments, also a Splendid Assortment? of Men's and Boys Felt and Straw Hata. r _ . It will be seen by noticing the liberal discounts THAT WE MEAN . BUSINESS. In the first place the goods are,'IVI.ARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, and at prices that have to compete -wits111.11 I ; then in the second place, take for instance a purchase of $1, basil discount, and you will see that You get FULL S10,WORT You may say that we ca isnot afford to do that, but never DNLY S8. what we can afford so long as we DO W 'HAT WE!SAY. Remember ONLY FOR TWO WEEKS. So came along early and bring your wealth, as the terms are cash. f REMEMBER THE ONLY CHEAP CASH STORE t)ARDPTO's BROTHERS, Seaforth. BLOCK. } TIOFFMAN B10 , ON EXHIBITIONI THE Grand Plknetory Wonder which i W causes so much excitement is yet ■ . visible to the going millions, and the I 26th of June having come and gone O _� with every prospect of several .anuiver- m s aries of this eventful time. The well. m z known firm of , - Pi � ,� , WHITNEY BROTH ERSs tr M 'G C - %Stove.:. nd Tinware Merchants, , �'W C ; � n a ^— MAIN STREET, SEAEQRT13. . ,-. H Z 1 y, Respectfully Sollcit the Inspection and 5•. M -� ` Patronage of the ,Publio of Seaforth and oa Q R vicinity to their Splendid • STOC$ of o r 0 ; STOVES, &c. Don't pass the SIGN of " 1 -J THE BIC COFFEE POT! � t� O - ;4 V o _ � You can see at the Sign of the Big m H � Coffee Pot that Whitney Bros., keep Stovbs and what+ not. Why? Harvest Pi Z m Tools, Binding Mitts, and ala Kinds of I H M � En'; Tinware as cheap and as good as any c C ` ^ 1. store elsewhere. W `'� Some think 'tea riot true, but only a -I y ..< �. M M ' rhyme, But come and inspect' our C;1 Stoves t'wont take much time, C co.tLi �"3 We mill Sell Qtst as Cheap as TVA, o t' —i �ossil�l Can td 2' ir-t 0 From a Fine P61ished. Stove to a Bird W Z j Cage or Can. ' PLEASE EXQU,IRE r I FOR co C1 p � � � >' W HI THE ( BE�OTHERS'L, H O H � A. m � MAIN -ST., SEAFORRTH:. td m - M n .,Q � r I"ARMERS TAKE NOTI E 1. t b o m C � (� >� , . f j REAPING .;AND MOWING -� .. 1 MACHIN S REPA1Rf:D. W _ R }" , M W 9. O Z o . � as F9B;ilI III S, if yctz want your reaping and mow- j ing machines Of all kinds repaired, go T. C1 I Mell y, Hippen, icr he ij° the boy that ouder- �+� stands the busi>;Es. Old boxes refilled'_th 11 new metal, and all, tinkering jobs dono on short r t-� '� notice. Give me: a trial, and yes will; save r W m 1 . WI money, O �, V Threshing Cffl nde;rs and Con�aves _ Z Filledit mew -Saks, : t M '� M Or the old encqlz�; laid with the beet of iron. j t1i�%! l' ap ecial -att ntion:laid tt0 all works ted to m )0 � �. 1 O P> � FARO HINGE 1 -0 t -t C 4, � , 11 R A Large Stock iof Farm Hinges on hand. j w (p N '� ways on Rand and Sold C _ , � M 'I 'I C ,HmacksmithipiI ;$ cif all Kinds Done . MI .. *9 . a Ioma. the horteet 1�Totlee , Parties tvaritingl �stings or repaf>ta frim i Obi 8807 E13S'. 3"nufatGttL�lnlg COSSS ' 0 ersoll, for, € Reapexs and Movers, 8 i them at my Shs� ' ,1 ss I - leve been #j �Az�Pang eP these zeptcirs ail ememEer the sign 707.8 iHo MEL�l3, l . i I . r ! I I f I __ _ - 1 ._ . _ - ... _. _- - - _ _ d... _ _,- .,.. I ' i � . - ,�- I • 11 J4- i ' ` f� i. . i l . : 1 s I I __.__. I- i --:-.- a — ' — !! —. - I1 . a