HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-08, Page 24 2. 1 THE HURO MRS. MILLINGTON AND 1 him Jerry, once fora FfF',R LIBRARIAN. )'the second interview l 'But "'don't love A LOVE AND BUSINESS STORY. i don't even know yon yy "You do not love If he had known at that moment that ! plied Wilfrid Beddoe there was nobody in the world whom If Jerry had a tr this ideal girl of his liked better than i ism about her, she this very "insufferable shop -woman," 1ed this ; but she sal that they called each other "Nelly" 1 «'And you never. and "Jerry," and were as familiar as I strange lover, only sisters, his idealizing passion might, deals/.perhaps, have been killed on the spot, I "No, indeed, nev: and he would have enjoyed his trip ,indubitable fervor. round the world better. I "Then yon will But he did not know it ; neither I Wilfrid Beddoes, could he find anything in his trip round f looking into Jerry's the world — motion, places, people— 1 which she felt co which `would kill or banish that strange 1 soul au inexplica idealizing passion. ' Wherever he went, 1 make you love m whatever he saw, he :saw all the time, I you will let me try with greater or less distinctness, thee Jerry was silent. little black walnut writing desk in "You will love «� - "Pettengill's" library, and a fair, seri- i frid Beddoes. "I ous., honest face bent over it. He did you will love me." not think it a beautiful face—nobody 1 Jerry was silent ever had. People usually did not aid ' the floor, her han« mire Jerry. Sne had not one really lap, her whole.fig beautiful feature in her countenance ; quiet which wa but there could not . be a face telling I Wilfrid Beddoes t:� more clearly the story of a straight- I in his; she did no forward, strong, loyal, affectionate na- € he had taken it. tare than did Jerry's. Sunny, too, it ' his lips ; -:she did was, with the radiance of health, con- that he had do: tentment and energy, and there was in her -in silence for her blue -gray eyes' a certain look of last he said, "Do quiet determination, which was the 1 you cell love me?' -most individual look on her face. It "I do not knot haunted Wilfrid Beddoes like a far-off stay.' "I'm thin _ sound in the air which he could never 1 One month 1 wholly hear, and never ,wholly escape. 1 does, younger bro He made a good fight with himself and 1 Beddoes, of Bedd with it, bat it was of .no use. to Mrs. Millingto At the foot of the sacred mountain in I ried her off trip Japan, in the ivory courts of old tem- world -the same plea in India, on the Mount of Olives,•on the banks of the Nile, in Rome, St. Petersburg, Paris—the same. The face was before him, the thought was in his mind, the desire was in his soul, the love was in his heart ; the fight with it, with himself, was of no use—was of as little. Ilse on the last day as on the first of the year for which he kept it up. A whole year, and around the world; what more could a man do ? Would it not have been.a folly, as well as a sort of blasphemy, to have kept it up longer? So thought Wilfrid Beddoes, and he sailed back to America one year and e month from the day on which he had set his face toward San Francisco. Azaleas were at the last of their bloom- - ing when he went away, and on the morning when he first went into "Pet- tingill'a" after his return, there stood one of the last pink azaieas of the sea- son on the table at which he had writ- ten that letter to Bir Renwick. As he took his seat, he scarce dared raise his eyes to look into the other room. Had she gone away ? 'Had she died ? Had he lost her ? as he deserved to, 'he' thought to himself. No. With a sud- den heat, and a, sudden quickening in his veins, he saw her ; still fair, still serious, still calm and busy, bending in the old way over the old desk, which he saw—and smiled a little triumphantly to himself --had been moved back to the place where he had first seen it, There she was, and looking upon her once more, Wilfrid Beddoes knew that he had not come back for nought ; that it was right, that it was inevitable,that he should at least try to win this wo- man for his wife. A reverent misgiv- ing whether he could, grew strong - within him as he watched her _once more, and, saw that the twelve months had left apparently untouched the cheeks, the lips, the; contented brave eyes, and the forceful expression. Jerry did not see him, but Nelly did ; knew him "the minute he walked in," she afterward said ; but she "wasn't goin' to let on that she'd ever taken any notice of him." So she returned Mr. Beddoes' slight bow with a curtail- ed nod, which she fancied was as digni- fied as his ; and she would have been mightily surprised to know -how well he read her, and how like an eternity the time had -appeared to him while he was waiting for her to leave the shop that he might have a little conversa- tion with the grave -faced woman at the stationery counter, from whom, and not -upon any account from Nelly, he had . resolved to ask the address of the young lady who sat in the librarian's desk. Mr. Beddoes was a resulnte and prompt man, and it took him a very few hours -to arrange his plan of proceeding. Through a business acquaintance he easily procured an introduction to Mrs. Shepherd, and told' her, without . cir- cumlocution or reserve, his purpose- in wishing to make Miss `Williams' ac- quaintance. He did not tell Mrs.' Shepherd that he had spent a year in Kenning around the entire globe trying to drive this purpose out of his mind. That he kept to tell Jerry. Neither didhe ask Mrs. Shepherdto ask Jerry if he might come and see her; he simply appointed -an houesat which he would call. On seeing her once, he was fully resolved. If he had known what a hair -breadth escape he had from being authoritatively refused this permission by Jerry herself, he would have suffered an agony of apprehension. Of Jerry's refusing to see him at all,_.he never so much as thought. - Yet, except for Mrs. Shepherd's influence, she would probably have done so. "I think it is impertinent in him," said Jerry, hotly. "He doesn't know the time he me at all. He can't want to marry handful of br tae." up the pictur "But he does," said Mrs. Shepherd. "You just see him, Jerry." "I don't want to," said Jerry. - "Never mind," said Mrs. Shepherd. who was al •, "You needn't ever see him again, if you picture, re ain't a mind to, you ku:ow." sure he bong "I should think not," said Jerry ; I in that sense "nor this time either. I won't go and far high down." ways will be "Please do, Jerry," sdid Mrs. Shep- • important the herd, who had faith in Wilfrid Bed- 1 it should sui does from the outset — "please do, , incident whi just to please me. I'll go down with home and po you.'' taken alone, the forget her. How grew in the new and the new deli ury and culture, Beddoes died in Wilfrid's marria ton's librarian Beddoes, of Be told in few word as well to add, f for any reason w up to fight again forces of a true love, to despoil it a usurper in its permitted to Wi that he had lost year's happiness Nelly never c own mind exact Jerry's marrieg edly and disint but Mr. Beddoe ling thorn in N so much 's a ci fust to last," s brought himse don't you see, t reason for his 1 more'n on her" was thoroughly inine. Howev her grievances t connection. M within one yea proposed marri cepted by her. acquiescence, result of bewil thing else. Sh ed for is measu looked -for trib 'br,other; for, a one of her old how 'twas. George's wife much 's speak used to get rea times he woui for a long spel with 'em. Bu if I've said it o dred times, l -'you never «« when they'll b some notice thought o' its bnt I'm glad t nese, though : gallon of fust that cellar sin the color that settlin's ; an' Dye, what the', can't imagip. got 80 strea,. ashamed to s streets lookin' she was a re;, My ! I wonde all! Iexpec always sayin', knowin' wha you, see, they in the Englis 'n gone, 'n liv that, 'n alway ried to Geo. this world, 'n old cellar, m them tanks a= Mr. M. was a Harper's Ma it nearly di on," she sai y other mai confidently of sentilm ulcj have ran ab once, "O o acre ?" aske h. little less ecin: 1 r „ r said Jerry vblth e me," owly, sol a with. ening. f o lel assent. I know • cain, received a call from ne of the ladies of the family, who ca a to say that while the picture was in cry respect satis- factory, one thi g ad been forgotten. ' What is that as ed M. " Why," re- plied his calla , "yo neglected to sign it." "By no can ," answered M., in his blunt way. „"I isn't my picture, you know ; it' ou picture. If you're Proud of it yo ld b ter put your name to it. ; I wouldn't s gn it for a thousand 'dollars." And he owed the lady out of his studio. 1 tined Proposed Scot ly, ai aze When the Queer eri August it is fully 'I • ill :tay at Holyro'od v if tion than onmost The exact length c has not yet b en i the informal an t t at justify the apect from V lunte on be a good the many cL timewhile t e Co rood, and negotiat all• contemplaticin in hatds the presence of th with two oil b events. ,Then, it Queen will visit t Dalmeny, and Ba has recently -bee tounl. When i years ago the' Qu ° visit Broom all, Agin family, an in the old Ab Scottish k mark the gr whom Her ,' reiterate+ ear to yo her eyes- ifi lying quie e motionlets almost u �k one of seem to k oq lifted th «sit seem It so. He lo some minn ou not bel : ' Laid Jerry, nee" er, Mr. Wilf er of Sir en s Hall, was pa s librarian, nd «hantly aro iio d' urney whips he had ar before, t:�yiu: to erry gladde Ted an tniosphere f " ove, is of travel, : ud luxr :d how Sir i -ii •ick o second y ar fter and Mrs. 'MI ing- ame Lady 1 Te sh oes Hall, is as many. a warningt Meyer, set t t the uric° d great p f its kingd' ace, that it rid Beddoes to forget ut of his life hat he migt ld make on how she t She was g od-natur stedly glad or Jerry ; himself was a ranki. y's soul. ' eve :had; word out o hinu from' said. "An' wh:n he'ci to marry ipg Jerey re .wasn't a y ort 0' kin' down o + Do any a bit of to:ic which haracteristi: a, 41i. fame- Nelly soon; for-'ot it a new of u tri . George' lil after his wi e's e to Nelly, : nd ith a slow , , he ich was !fee m red delight the might well be -of triump « in e from her; h she said, coufid .ntly, t cronies : Yo l kn en Mr. al we ali e wouldn' h r idly o me; an • j M l M. mad about ',t, ' BO «'t go near is l rot .er nor have . j th is' to d o I always sae $ I him ce, I've sal« it hu guess—'Po «py,' sa 8 I, nd• ladthe t enough ' 1 dio ome .f g 'us.' B t I never �omin' this wa get back in o t b Bi - here hain't ee s wile ate Restor °,r lade in I leis it. ca; tell by she tanks ar:: al f 1 of for the roti air' 've been d«in' t t I Miss M : ' tin a 's , .I declar: I e b n. her goin a ut he :o, an' every' ody o k ow I, lar custo «« :r io ours. what Mr. 'd Eley to it e'd say, je he as Little wom n, there' no 11 happen.' Nv, d n't Jerry mar ' ed, aero Ili in' nobility, 'n r. ,M. dad «' in heaven I' sure o'� have been i'n a «« ar lillington, o" al ':me -sittin' up igh a in in' Dye a e' R More in, jest 's I se Ito wl e i e. Don't it be t all zine. t1 0 • 11 •• id i • a to n OKv at At hat • er- ed- ick. fedi car -4 ey, gs, yea Ma the 1 warmest friends Elgi Vn at ,and �ircu sit t th nay hive le o of i I spe Roy ap eth ale 8 bars of the sonaily kuo' their Queen devotion. made the v possible ; b1 the Queen 1 autumn to , stay at a fi we'll all student t It 18 peculiar au all who, bele of the emtielves Queen be i e • « qua °able the autumn i ai0n of day will b- Cr sit militar di lay as never For;the V Hint: ments are rogr- indication • are will not. 0 1y be en soldie s b• Oleobe-in aged Parts of t a 'n been moo e t Holyrood, a d Scotch pep e Queenn,'s orth natio al Bathe style of he held. « a whole ave had. in her It about « h Tour of Her esty. visits Edinburgh in expected that: the • ill be of longer aura - previous occa dons. f the Royal residence efinitely settled, but - e authorities have ation stated. Apart ✓ .review, there will lls on Her Majlesty's art remains at Holy - ions are at. present iu she hope of securing e Queen in connection ree important local. is fully expected the' e Buccleu « estate, ubougle Castle, which restored, and Hope - Edinburgh se,veral en had arrangled to •e residence Of the Dunfermline, where, place of in»ments i,uley, for fined the ler mein - were per - ho served untiring se which time im- ility that EXPOSIT BEAL ESTA E FOR SALE. PROPERTY FOR ALE—For Sale, on easy arms, that des ble;residence on Jame Street owned by Mr. eorge Dent. Enquire lof J. S. 'ORTEB, Seiler h. FO` BALE.—For S le a first class P1ani g 11, nearly new a i d in good running order, situs ed in the flouri • hing Town of Seaforth, Will be sold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of HECORD,COSSENS CO., Goderich, Ont. • FARM O Being part of Lot 22, n- 1: 5, Stanley. containing 761 acres, of which are cleared an • in a high state of culti a - tion ; a good frame h use, frame- barn with et ti- ling underneath;; a large orchard and a neer fail g spring on; the place ; 4 miles from Br ce- fiel and 6 from :Olin on ; terms easy. Apply to TH MAS MILLS, C • . stance P. 0. 702 - is the burial elegant m of Lady St esty entertf ip ; and otl family who Court, and country wit stances ar Fife at that e is a probe e «in a position this to and make a short d town interesting to . istory, but having a sal interest for mem- 1 Family. ho ild the sition to vi it Fife in expectation is that a ted subsequent; to the in the Queeen'a Park., er review the arrange sling satisfactorily, and abundant 1 that there a large muster of citi- t that Edinbu gh will with'strangers from all dome. A proposal has at while the "Queen is at he City is 1 filled with rom all quarter of the rn dominions, : a great ing, something after the raem,ar fete, should be 11 Ge ting Ahead. Jos Billin-s says it is only a step a, from black b ead to pound ;oak°, but onial that it is'_ a mile back by the shortest ngtol, cut. Josh is a philosopher and never Ideath, said a better thing. But it islthat step as' a0- ahea whichl�others us all. Anybody rating can go b` ck, rfs everything seems greas- re the ed for t e oc '` any- to a er you Fargo extent. The hisfu long on an Eban s mo tai s • to •w e, so fie Anec• It is said made so grea painter, was studio of a c himself no a til, where hu Whistler's o owner of t will not like • picture," ob A Boston ar "Well, if you'll go down too," said received a Jerry, "that wouldn't be so bad. He portrait of a couldn'tsay anything then." sittings he h "No," said Mrs. Shepherd ; only just without inte get a little acquainted." , when the pi« This was not what Wilfrid Beddoes there came wanted. When he saw Mrs. Shep- i gestions, wh herd's partly figure entering the room, ; After Conten and Jerry's slender form in a species of ; effect, he de aye:altat on behind her, the gratification 3. every one of which this arrangement gave to his to suit the 1: Englishman's sense of propriety was ; than himself. entirely outweighed by the lover's sense l do it, but at of embarrassment. He had been au- = suggestions dations enough to plan telling Jerry the admitted th Widie truth then and there in the first ► tory. It was minute. It was well for him that Mrs. ' home, and t Shepherd stood in the way of his car- ceived his lying oat this plan. It would have lost s :mount. Al tea -of P hat Whis a name in Ile day w= tain Engli ateur in Ilan it eirs er, h nglid tin h « lin g upon the gra 1 n producti ills: o ked up a .alet a shes and b:gan otcSin which he had d tallth house, "His ord hi your meddling ith 'hi rved anoth: a taenia waiting. "It i nit hi rted Willis' ler. ."Ta b it and pa df. , t is his. B «t i ai oth sense it is lain 1 and i al enditisve yin ph rnor, t it shoal suit ane the him." ' is ecallb a happen d mu if AE are is a very s mil:'lare . ist, whom .• wi 1 ca M , «mmission to ret' the dy. Duli «g t ea fi st few • things a 1 his wn l,va , option ora no • ane but nre begs t o ta,. e: p:, serious'criti is a and u h drove hi «' ne: rly filo° ing against he i wit o t ded to acus o t each : n hem ; in a or ,to ® eau y and her ie cis, r: th It took a - Ong twhi o t ngth their kriti isms an ere exhaus ed, end he the picture wa I sati: a cordingly fr medlandse«t e painter Promptly r «eck for t 'ie stipul t: :ut a month afterkvar h • • 0 1• « say o you save mo you av oug t tc talking. ting eigl est boa and litt le ext and the wh t is if you odds a couple knoirvs • too couple snit of have hi He and similar he van unC and ma Ma, asion and; yon don't have self to any Very great step ahead is generally a a high one besides, for ay lie in th yvay. You fig man, "Wh You are r n y yourself to Say lots of it." Th; young man t dol ars a week 1 d ' c' sts .$3 per w as make an e ' is $4 gone 'ate ight. Now, the se in living in this world on't enjoy some df it? Little d ends will foot up another of dollars a week, before he here he is, 'and he has a couple dollars left for the bank. In a of months again he wants a new lothes, for his ,employer won't «« around if he don't look spruce. s ; his bank account for this, nt' the time he' has piled up a amount it is getting cold, and s i,n ulster and overshoes and .thing, and'heaven knows what, re lie is st4ick'again. Then he sick, or he may get hurt, or he se hila situation; and a thousand mayhappeii to him to draw on the pittance' which he may aved. There are thousands of ellews in this city who are living find to mouth on their little) $8 a nd people want to knows why n t save money: ' is a nut to crack. There are i thi city who only get from 0 $4 week, and 'save 'money ; no onl that, but the manage to ss ell; a d respectably, and' held up ir heads' before the world. • There gir. s in this city who not; only do that, but ou of there slender means manage to contribute to the support of ag d waren s and little brothers and sis era Seine of them have paid heavy fins 1 r rascally brothers, nd bought th m suit of clothes__ to�start with again. How is this ? These girls deny ! th4ms Ives. Some of them rent a room for se • enty-five cents a week, midi board heinselves 'on another seventy-: five, a•. d you will see thein of a fine; morni g ;dawn at the wharf ,in their clean freshly ironed linen dresses ands Batley straw hats, awaiting the boat to; spend he day at the park. Now—but' th 1«ng'and the short of it is this is 'too much for us, and we will t tight here. Toronto' Evening don't you keep. you It is easy may be get— The cheap - eek, washing other dollar, •, RM FOR SALE West half of Lot 6, t ay - P1 field Road Noit ,Stanley, County of Hn on, codtaining 100 acres first-class soil, brickha se, irajmo barns, very superior orchard and g.od fruit ; 80 acres of fa cedar ir rear og lot ; nom school, church, . nd m rket; on gaol road. For terms appl to JOHN PECK, Propr etor, on the premiees, o to JOHN ESSON, Bayfi=ld. 692-1j8 T ARM FOR S: 1E—For Sale, a first ass Farm, being th south half of Lot 17, ke R, ad, East, Kant, y ; the farm contains 661 acres .Of land, 50 acs es of which are cleared, nd the bgiance good ha 4d -wood bush ; there is on the pl ce a good, boa tin orchai el, a first-class we 1, a good flame barn, st ' ble, shed and driving ho se; t o place is well fen ,ed and in first-class or ler. F 'r further psalieu! ars apply to ROBERT POL- L CI{, Gc•shcn Lin , Stanley, or to JOHN P L- L ; CK, Proprietor, S Iver Springs, Manitoba. 7 4-8 OUSE AND L T FOR SALE — For ale, 1 that flesh able p operty on North Main St eet, foimerly owned end occupied by the late J es Sp ailing ; there is I frame house containin six r ems and kitchen with pantry, bedroom and w odahed; a goo cellar, also hard and soft w ter; there 1g one acre of land with a fronta e of l' rods ; there is a good young. bearing (arch rd; it is one of the mo t desirable properties in ea - forth. Apply to MES SPARLING, Blytb,.or JOHN S.'WALSH •r A. STRONG, Scaforth. 694 • a ab ere th ge lo things heavily have young Her girls $3. an dr ar ABM FOR SAL Lot 7, on the 6 H; R. S., containin tl !e place is n finbearing orchard; g fell wheat sown, ab 4 t miles from. the g • rvel road. This i t wnship, and wil p rticualrs appl p anises, or it by 1 >tter to Seaforth F'. 0. 9NK. 674x4- ARM FOR SA E—Fcr Sale, Lct ;No. 1, on - cession 10, En lett, containing 50 acres, = bont 4 of which ate c oared, under -drained, free from tumpe, well fere d and in every respect in iret- cilaes order. The elance is well drab•red,h; ring lets asplendid f : ncing timber. The re is a goo tog house and log barn, an orchard just co •• enc ng to bear, and good springwell. The fa • i Within eight toile of Seafoi th, near a good rave± toad, and conve.ient to churches,-' school. an post office. ;Wil be sold cheap. Apply t. th prop ietor on the premises or to -Constance . 0 `ALTER CAMP : ELL. 04 .—For sale the west ha:f of Concession of Tuckersni t -h, 50 acres of choice land ;"one barn nearly new, a young tu od well and pump ; 18 ac sof ut 8 of of bush; is w'thin town of Seaforth on a :ood' one of the b est properties i the be sold cheap. or f. ther to the proprieto , on the E0. f R. IN D t - IR, EAZ' 1.4 T..7 HT R GOODS IS STILL GOING ON AT HILL BROTHERS' OLD STAND, OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIA_L HOTEL, SEA.FORTH. THE ST FAR K HAS TO BE SOLD, AND WE ARE SELLING 'GOODS BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES. WE WILL GUARANTEE TO SELL YOU MORE ° GO DS FOR LESS MONEY THAN ANY THER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. -Le ARV: *FOR S LE—The north half of L t 26 12 Lot 27, and the east half of Lot 28,C flees- sion 4, L. B. S., uckersroith ; 200 acres fo sale in one parcel, o two of 150 acres and 50 acres and orchard ; th land is in a good state of culti;• roads,'&c. Any person wanting a good fa , in vation is well w tered, and is well situated as t good locality, wi 1 do well to look at this o e bee fore bu3ing else here. For particulars and mile su dr jec The Am in the acque axtific • comm the U mime this d erum th de CO Bt pl er sea ou pi w ich mente the en copaes years obtai aping • ulti-Seation of the Sponge for the Market. ng the more recent enterprises way of artificial propagation of lc animals is that relating to the al -propagation of tho sponge of iversity of Gratz, has been so sful in his preliminary efforts in rectiot that the Austrian Gov- t has authorized him. to attempt elopuient of this industry on the f Dalmatia.. The process is Very , con isting in selecting the prop - on i the spring and, dividieg a mar etable eponge into roamer - es nd fastening them to stakes, are riven into the sea bottom o au merge them. These feag- at o ce begin to grow out, and at of eertain time each one be- an e tire sponge. rdin to Dr. Schmidt, three frena very small fragmerits s of morketable value. 461 fficient length of time to FARM FOR Proprieior Lot 1, Conce a cres, all clear tion, being nee firet class frame barn and other necess water ; it is te miles from Seafoith, on g ravel road, o d convenient to Behead, chti p bst office ; th land is equal to any in 0 'Also the sout part of the south half of Concession 12, Hullett, containing 25 ac ell tirabeted These two places -will ,separately ar t AIME FA 1,M FOR SALE—For Sale Lot 3 ?..-4 and east b ilf of Lot 4, Coneeesion 13, ullett, Containing 22 acres ; 190 acres cleared, under - drained, and early clear from stumps ; he b l- ance is heearil timbered with beech, ma le, el and basswo,od ; there ate 50 acres in fal und 60 aciehi 'n grass ; the land is of t quality, being a rich clay loam ; this farm little rolling, ut not hilly ; a never failin creek runs th ()ugh the barn yard ; thie is c lass grain or dairy farm ; theie are 6 ac young oreba d, with apples, pears, plums and th rriee, just beginning to be buildings ate sage and commodious; th large bank b rn 58x60, and is nearly n driving hods and stable is 40x60, and new ; the house is a large two stery frft kitchen ood shed attached, and goo cellars nn e the whole buulding, and between stral in g with lime and gravel fr tom to top ; ere is a good school, po store and bla kemith shop within half a !farm is situa ed 10 miles from Seafoith, Clinton, and from Londesboro ; there is gravel road fx om the place to all the abo kets. A goo part of the purchase mo ey c remain on m rtgege long enough to mak it of the place. For particulars apply to T 0 ATKINSON, on the premises, or to Harl ck p at office. A smaller property would be taken in p rt payment of la ve. 6 MONEY. SALE—For Sale Cheap, a the 'Rion 13, Hallett, contai ng 75 TO those who not visited US yet, we woiald sa,y COME AT ONCE, and is goirg to Dakota, south ialf of I THE BALANCE OF OUR •STOCK OF 1,1 WILL BE SOLD AT LESS THAN HALF THE ORIGINAL COS41. BOO have a and in a good state of c get some of the BARGAINS now going, and don't be deceived by what others in ly free from stumps, unde drain- the same business may say, for we can sell you Goods cheaper than you ever ccd ; there le good log owe, I bought them for before. Come and see for youreelf, and be convinced that this out - Ley of is a REAL GENUINE BANKRUPT SALE. good hand toatrit es, ali e sold 0. WILLIAM SMITH, P opri 704 1111 la• ys a spri g a fir t- eac• h s, r; t e re is a is • al o 2 from a gond 8 mea- n ut 1- money f r immediate investment on firat m ortgages o foam property. Seven and a half p er cent. int rest yearly ; principal as may be a greed upo . J. H. BENSON, Solicitor, Sea - forth. lend in eat charged 63 . G. McDOUGALL is anth nee to ney at si per cent. on mort age, or and for any number of year commission tberged. Apply at the Sto ; inter - al. teo $100, of years n t principal in giving six in in g one -four year witheu time of pa OFFICE 0.00 TO LOAN on Se Linty of xceeding twenty, at 6 per ent. er li time on exceed - of each rom .he esb ey may be repaid at any nths' notice, or any sum no may be paid at the close notice, intereet ceasing 'tient ; Loans effected p Victoria Square, Seaforth JOHN WILLIAMS CO. Bills Disco: nted. Drafts Iseuetl. Mo on 1 eal Estate at Lowest Rates 653-52 "FOR A.TAr the NS a Gramie, on 1--hereaf ter ca ey JOHN 'WILLIAMS & C AND LEAR LIAM RUD Years of Egmondville, has re gon Shop belonging to Mr. Wi Market Street, Seaforth, and iy on the nd Carriage Makin .81 ne in rt// its Branches iHe can guda ntee4oed work, and : that none but 1 the best of aterial will be used.. RE PA Gr DAVIDSON & MORRISON. eTuLY 8, 1881. AND SHOE SPECIAL SPECIAL ! SPECIAL . TUiVIBLE DOWN FOR to r4tn, e•the Balance of TA 1Summer Stock or Dry Goolds at the Very Lowest P ssible Figure tor Cash. MI LLINERY ! THE LEADING FEATURE OF MY HOUSE. IN WOMEN'S AND M1SSES' STREET ASO HOUSE SUPPERS. CUSTOM WORK In this department I will sacrifice the Goo s. See the bargains and be con- vinced. FiNie hundred Lovely Silk Parasols, superior in quality and style, at very much reduced prices. TH ENTIRE BALA1VCi OF MY ST6CK Of Dress G ods, Black and Colored Grenadines, White and Colored Muslins, Black and olored Cashmeres, Black and Colored Lustres, some beaittiful things in Prints, himense ,assortment of White Muslin Embroideries—must be sold Within the next thirty days. THE READYMADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Partict4ar attention is caned to my immense stock of Readyma e Clothing. In this department I have everything that may ;be required for the oming sea- son. Sonael very nobby things in light Summer Suits. Special value in Skelton Coats and Woreted Snits. Canadian Tweed Sias, all prices, very 1 est cut and finish. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Dress liirts—In :White, Oxford, Freneh and English Canabrics. Collars and Cuffs— all the leadine styles, Ties and Scarfs—Loudon and Paris shapes. Silk Handk rchiefs—A complete assortment. Shirts and Drawerse—In Merino, Cotton, and Balbriggan, at all prices—beet goods. Rubber Tweed 'Coats—The largest stock in the County, from the lowest price to the best Scotch. snake. HAT'S AND CAPS,AND STRAW GOODS. AND REPAIRING TO IGIVE SATISFACTION. jA I AM LO GAN, PEAFORTH, ONTARIO. THE JEWELRY EMPORIUM SEAFORTI-1 AND SURROUND- ING COUNTRY. !MANAGER AND PROPBXEML THIS IS THE PLACE i To get Good and Itelishie 0.0ede in GOLD WATCHES, Mi Stock of which is very choke and compld4. Call anlb examine tor yourselves. No frontlet!) sapsi Geode. All Goods sold on their °tell merits and warrented te represented. ! pt ving made arrangements withs First -Mil tii Man facturinglionse, I can fill all enders Ide any Sneeial Piece of Jewelry -en the Shorielt Per$onal Attention given to the- _Et- piziring Trat6hes, Clocks, 011 :jewelry.. Fine Watch,es alvaysitt A11 Wor k Warranted to give Satisfactier. Caph paid I or Old Gold :and Silver. I REMEMBER TBE STAND—Tree --of Flitted NV are in the Window, and directly oligt• ted A.11 ENTIRE NEW STOCK. I have now an entirely new stock of the am above maned Goods for this season, and which Comprises, Canadian, English and American Manufactures. The styles are the newest and the prices bottom C au a di an Pelts, English Stiff and Soft Felts, Anaerican Felts. Caps in Canadian 1 si- and American, all fresh, particularly good styleis, and prices low. BOOTS AND SilOES. FiVe ea es -just to hand, which completes one of the largest st e,ks in 4.118 branch that I hove ever held, coniprising Laslies' Finest French Kid Shoes, Ladies' Fine Oiled Goat Shoee, Lathes' Fine Pebble Boots, Ladies' Extra Button Ond Lace P! unella Boots and. Shoes Ladies' and Misses' Kid Sendai Shoes, L.adiee', Mi see' and Children's Button and Lace Slippers, Boys'', Misses' and Child en's Boots, all sizes and kinds, Men's Boots and Shoes in every style and 1 at extr mely low figures. ur inroite _Examination by the Public needing Goods; befo,re rushing anil buying from injerior stocks, bought at a large per c,entage too dear in the first place. All I ask is fo,r people to lixai4ine Goods, ; use JUDGM_ENT, and Compare Quality, Price,and Style. s tended to, and neat* an RS' GATES—Hewie od Stock of Farmers' Gates che ply lso UD nd Trunk Railw tions as e Seafoeth rind Clinton St ! follows: i Express, I 4:15 A. P. P. A. "" Corner of Main and Market Sti eete. M. R. COUNTER, Beater& THE SEAFORTH i NISI) RANCE AefliC MAIN -ST., NORTH., SEAFOItTE, Inetrrance Agent, Conveyancer, to. OS on all kinds of eroperty effected at lowest eta' fa• ctarily. Nome but first -elites relisble -• cilasets of Team ptOperty. Only 50 tents 40 $1 Per $1-00 for three years in the Gore Disti14 of Glalt, 'established for over 40 yeas. The for Oompaniee represented British Arnericankied Toronto, !Scottish Imperia4 of Ghtegow, Scotland, 1Noribein, of London, England, ,Gere District, of G tilt, Ontario, -Canada Fire and Marine, ef 13ataillon. -0,13t4 !Royal Canadian, of Montreal, P. - Mame, of IfsanUton. Ontario; Conn., loranto Life, el Toronto, Ontario. 1 I AM ALSO AGENT FOR THE CANADA PERMA.NE. LOAN AND SAKS COMPANY. ALSO AGOT FOlt THE 'TATE UNE. STEAMSHIP SO Sailing from New 'York City every Tharada0: of New- York, to spit purchaser. Bizet 0ibiT4 seat° elle—return. Second Cabin. S40 WO erraturn- St eerage, $26. Pin ties geing to Or repa should try the STATE LINE, as itS Undoubtedly one of the Best and Safeet 8100' slaip Companies sailing frora New York.- 'SS/4 N WATS() Main Street, SEAFORTH„ Ontario. • do ra top of th frouti back glA 0(1 rs at Picl eat do-lve have MI elatein it pecan reecebhaail"liki3: of that 1 low nu6 as if a I Doodle your vig one's T you ku42 screwed awflillY -at t• he e Pe,e, Pie scionab script PaPera his PiP anus g her frig oiled tb gin nits and al them, g other ought what 't got ra asked 1 and ep on the+ that the he a with asked crawl the fo best 1 to kex MOM the ee ed wantl so we asked wadi h dim nese got arou to le ding othe the ece very eigh aro got the ban t lat had et a Whi fai WO Sati