HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-08, Page 1, 1881.
Re 'II
STO14E 1
St Price -
Me .Mcnith.
imp will be harged
GoodswW e sold
s to Cash astern,-
ropq.re. Pric3s with
tk e z:ece
cents pc.r yard.
the Tr asurer
:u the To nahip
: accrued on the
aly, 1081—Gar-
Aikerthe d. sec -
at the t aches
bate the ohooIs
ly, the 7t July,
gaan on t a 8th
13- Board then
n at BrT cefield
smber a 2 p.
:engaging teach-
-Geo. PEWIT,.
-A great sense -
village oi. Wed -
f aUege4 chit
The facts are
earned Iebecca
before rtr. F,
ealment f
ged the f ct, and
'found b4riea in
reads fr re. her
table au4 an as -
arch, dis overed
ches be ow the
lbox wi hout a
rhael at nce em -
an est waa
L Dr. M Solvay,
post ?nor ent ex -
said in bia opin-
born alive. He
its mouth, which
oath by atrangri-
elerice upon the
were examined,
t no evidence of
Iced, aa kl pro-
of the matter,
Same house with
r made a state -
the child was
the 10th ult.,
that tha infant
Ue of olOth was
keep the pirt out,
f body Out and
assistanee. The
st to the effect
its death by *le
alio was immeciia
ecellan.ce and re-
ol in charge of a
iree-vear-old SQ.11
ell, of Stra,tiord,
nce enclosing a
horse, was amas-
s about. Seeing
it reached over
and a half feet
ttle one by the
ng for a three -
lifted over the
away the horse
k.outih the field,
y and it dropped
rrse commenced
tic mother who
rrence hastened
.1ii1d. With Clio
arra and. BOZO
of this extraor-
pla7 was not
j uteri .
Mc1.1EAN BROS., Publishers.
$1,50 a Year, in Advaaace.
X have received instructions trim the
proprietors, Messrs. Smith & West (at
present in. Winnipeg), to reduce the
stock as speedily as possible, and in
order to do so, mark down goods to
snob, a low figure, that our customers
from the surrounding country will avail
themselves of the opportunity of pur-
chasing goods at prices lower than they
have ever been offered before. The
stock is new and first-class ; no old ru b-
bish that has been lying in stock for ten
or more years. Yon will find it all
fresh and fashionable, and consisting
of everything required in a firet-clas s
Dry Goods Home, and will be Gold f or
CASH ONLY, and to every per on th e
same. Bantering discouraged. A call
is respectfully solicited, when the goods
will be shown to yon with pleastLe, and
we will not impertinently insist on s ell-
ing you goods
but will give yo
hat you do not want,
an opportunity of com-
paring prices anit quality with any ot her
house in the tra e, and purchasing only
what pleases you. Call early and often.
1881 SEAFORTH. 1881
HAS Just Received a Fall Stock of Spring
and Summer Goode, so Varied and Well
Assorted eh any one can be suited.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds
in Full Lines.
As these were all bought strictly for CASH
DOWN, they were consequently
bought at
the Ldweet Figures, and my customers will get
the Lowest Quotations.
Ia Hats and Gents' Furnishings] have double
the stock of any former season. Also a Fall
Stock of
Gegitl'e•uten contemplating Matrimony are par-
‘lattl:ally invited to inspect the Stock, as every
PtevISion is made for their wants.
&magas for Boys' Suits.
Ladles W Jing;temnants for Boys' nits can
and them ehattP •
}hick Bieck No.1, Main Street, Seaforth.
TEIREE STORES, nowi,in course of ere ction
"*". in. the 'thriving and -business Town of Olin
sitt4ted on the junction of the 0 rand
• A sod London Huron itBsnoe Dikihray, e, 012
%tiller of the lest baiiness street in the
,whewe successfalbusiness has beenc arried
years. No.1 Store, 103x21; No. 11 Store,
• ; 8 Store, 771Q1 ; atone sellars the
hole size of the building. Stores to be corn •
Piet etabout the lst 04 Septemb er . For farther
particulars apply to WILLIAM COATS. 708
Th6Exeter Races
The races On the Exeter Dri
on Friday last,Dominion Day,
successful. The attendance o
tors was not nearly so large as
seen on former occasions, but
races were well filled, and mos
tolerably evenly contested.
was very pleasant and the tr
splendid order. Exeter has,wi
ception, the best track in the
The first raoe was a
Open to horses owned
miles of Exeter ; half mil
best three in five. For
there were only three entries
two started. The starters
Carey's la m., Lady Brown,
Bieset's s. m., May Morning.
not much of a race. May Mo
things pretty much her own
won the race easily in three
heats. The second race was
Open to horses owned withi • 2 miles
of Exeter, and that never com ted for
pablic money; mile heats, best hree in_
five. In this race there re four
entries and four horses sta ted, viz :
E. Bisset's b. m. Little Nell; W. Bis -
set's b. m. Little Netty ; G. :Mace's
b. m. Daisey, std W. C. Charts g. h.
Tommie Murdock. This wa1 a very
interesting race, the horses bei g pretty
evenly matched.
First Heat.—Little Netty ok the
lead and kept an easy first t oughout
the heat, making -it without a skip ;
Daisy took second place and lept' her
position well the first half mile,1 with
Tommie Murdock third and L tle Nell
last. On the last round Little Nell
11 came
lea and
ion the
d heat.
pt an
n her
e into
m Mur -
ed with
re being
any of
k the
a e one
hb first
1r nice
ell and
ing Park
ere fairly
e have
all the
of them
he day
k *as in
Belot ex -
thin 12
d only
re Pat.
nd W.
his was
Mg had
ay and
commenced to show herself, a
up to second place in good s
kept this position. Daisy fel
taking last place, in which pos
heat was ended, the horses
under the home wire in a stri
Second Heat.—This was a g
Netty took the lead again and
easy first all round. Nell ke
place until the home stretch
driver pulled her up, permitti
who was following close to c
second place, which position
and crossed the ecore a good n
of Nell, who was third with T
dock fourth. This heat was cl
the horses all well together, t
not over half a length betwee
them when they crossed the s
Third fleat.—This was a ve
trotted heat. Netty again
the lead and kept it througho
the' entire race she never
break, and she web earned
money. She is a remark
working little mare. Both
Murdock showed better burst
but they did not keep at their
Well. Daisy is a neat little m
very light stepper, but seems
high strung and nervous,
driver had a good deal of t
keeping her at her work.
dock is a good style of a horse,
ed to have the most speed
_them when he liked to use • it
needs training. They are all
green ones. In this heat Nel
good second with Murdock t
entering the home stretch,
f speed,.
rk so
and a
be too
ble in
Mur -
d seem -
any of,
I but he
ird until;
hen the
horse increased his speed and passed
the linare, and bid fare to tak9 second,if
not 'first place in the heat, but I just as
he was at his best he went upland Nell
took her place, leaving him third and
Daiey a good fourth. This closed the
race. The following summary shows(
the positions:
Little Netty, • 1 41 --let.
Little Nell, 2 3 12 -2nd.
Tom Murdock, 3 4 13
Daisy, 4
This race was open to all ;
best two in throe. Five hor
and. started, viz : John Bo
Sam Willard; H. McLean's
Jack ; R. Grundy's s. m. Litt
S. Fairbairn's r. g. Beacon ;
ham's b. g. Antelope. Barri
horse this was a good race.
mal was evidently what is
"ringer," and understood his
while the others were mostly
had not seen ranch, seririce on
but: were all very evenly
There was no contest for
money, Sam Willard having
but the second and third pl
closely contested for by Bay
tle Mand and Beacon, and th
well togetherThe race final
as follows!:
Sam Willard,
Bay Jack,
Little Maud,
This race was open to he
had no better record than thr
mile heats, best three in fl'
horses started, viz :_ Joh
berry's b. s. Dexter ; E. A. M
b. g. Brown Prince ; A. R. No
Marquis of Lorne.
First Reat.—This was a
heat. Prince got the first
ter second and the Grey third,
kept this order throughout
Deter made a good second,
quis who did not seem to b;
working trim came in sever
Second Heat.- Prince a.n
made this an interesting hsl
bay horse got the lead, and th
although he tried hard could
haul him. The three horses c
in good form in the same or
lest heat.
Third Heat.--Fsom the
the horses ire the former he
tie general impression that
the raoe, and he did not disa
orowd. They did not get a
send off, and Dexter was
when passing under the first
thus Lost time at . the very
went of the race. He
work bad for the first roun
quently made good bursts of
that he was ne'Ver long far in
leader. Marquis also br
b. g,
Maud ;
as. Bays
g the first
his ani -
ailed it
een and
thhe track
he first
at sur
EiS Wer
apk, Li4
all ran
Bee that
. Three
r's g. g.
y fair
e, Dex-
4id they
nd Mar-
na good
,'nt the
stallion ee
t over;
in the Ofun
a a
fet a
fi t
by Pr
P ciPI
fe, in
thl 1r
lar e
A' -811
`of 1
✓ .rY.
n eC iia•t
• aye
tave eas
ing t
ea • ci
the s
C fat
p Ysi
E ;ot
entering the home etre
up for the first titue iij
e is a bad breake
auled him and the
ade in grand style,
eck and teck tle
way, but Dexter ' gai
d Prince got ahead an
ith Dexter a dos
is third. The race wit
nce in three straight
by the following ettra
wn Prinee,... ....... . .. 1
te,r, 2
quis of Lorne, L 3
ended the daysIspor
left the ground all
that they had got goo
oney. The folio* ng
as judges: J. J. es
Jas. Flanagan, C
rp, Seaforth, and
London, starter.
he forenoon of the sa
nteresting lacros e
on the .Agricu tural, Grounds
n picked teams o the Bxeter ani
n clubs. The match was wit-
ople, most
and prob-
has show-
eople and
ke ba this
, a
ch Prince
the race,
d Dexter
ie stretch
wo horses
greater part
i lost his
came in
s cond and
thus won
eats, as is
2 -2nd.
3 -3rd.
, and the
value for
tcott, Us -
an obey ; T.
. McCor-
e day a
atch was
by a large crowd of p
m were from the town
he larger part ladies,
e interest the towns
alf t
ally the fairest h
id, manly game - 1 Tjhe Exeter
took the first i genie, tie Clinton
cond and Exeter the third. The
n players can not [ compare either
ally or in point of skill with their
r competiters. The Exeter team
mproVecl Wonderfully ince their
atch, and if they kee on they
ery la BO be iu good ha
the b st team in the
not excepted.
, .
ensiv 1 btish fires
e to chal-
c unty, Sea -
7 ihrueeithlecycheac crop
boi rg to -day (Friday.)
p Ln unnlyceodilteo bbeeear splileeenusied
has been
te e • out in Toronto. The cost is $600.
e- he Quebec i Legislature was pro -
✓ gu d on the 30th nit lw th the usual
f ran liti s.
i ea- on. Mr. Mowat, Attorney -General
f t 0 ta io, leaves Englaad on August
1 th or Quebec.; 1 ,
i — he Canada Meth distS are erect.
i $ t e fir t church itt West Lynne,
kianitoba. 1 ,
he estate of tho late Hon. D.
hritie, n ar Paris, has been sold for
,0 O. 1 I
4- wo thousand dollars a iay is now
any.' yet produced iu Canada
nouncee it a lubricating oil
first quality, almost identica
famous lubricating oil of W
--The Kingston and Pem
Way is advertising for 300
on their extension. Men ca
in. Kingston, altnough $1.50
-a-The crops in the county
never looked better, and
splendid harvest. They
look better in this county t
other in Ontario.
--Manitoba has an °title
950; and for disbursing this
pays this year $56,685 besid
ernor's salary., This is pa
fpr the whistle,
-a-The Internatiohal Ch stian Tem-
ierence Camp'Meeting will be held at
rimsby Camp Ground fro Sunday,
uly 24th, to Sunday, ,J ly 31st, in-
e-Streetsville, a hamlet rear Alvins-
ton, has a stave factory whi h employs
23 hands and turns out ,3 ,000 staves
per day, besides a large qua tity of bar-
rel hoops.
—Mr. John Finley, an ag d farmer of
Colborne, while watching the circus
procession, was relieved o $1,000 itt
bills, which he had but a f w minutes
efere drawn from the ban .
-a-A hot period has set in about Win-
iipeg, with the thermometer over 80
egrees in the shade. he nights,
iow'er, are cool. The er ps in conse-
uence are looking splendid
---Mr. Charles: Simmon , of Lobo,
old a shorthorn bull a, Jew days ago,
or beef, which crowded 1, • 00 pounds.
?ire cents per pound, live weight, was
he price paid.
—The 'members of t e Women's
hristian Association and the City
onncil of Belleville are end eavoring to
rrange for the erection of a combined
oapital and house for the rieudless.
-f-.A.' number of young la. ies bave or-
aUlZed an archery club in Guelph.
hey enter with great spi it into the
pert, and certainly a mor interesting
aetithe for ladies could no be fooled.
He pro- twen
f the very boat:
with the Mc
st Virginia. ago i
roke Rail- of th
en to work —
not be got town
per day is pure
of Victoria are
promise a Lon
re said to speal
an in any —
a fe
y of $186, -
amount she
s the Gov-
ing dearly
.re raging
sneaks at
lleville is
paid out for wages on :he Coteau
ay ,
elleville merehants haai e all agreed
se every Fria s; during July
ugust. I
rei R. Gibson, of he township of
tob, exhibits fallwheat five feet
inches high.
ory thousand Orangemen will
t their banners in Toro to on the
of l" ly.
ing complains o profanity
kenness, since the repeal of
e cott Act in that county.
r.1 Morris Williams, _ of Forest,
id three year old steer recently for
200 to 4 Toronto dealer.'
Others in the Belleville district
he barley will hav More smut
usual this year.
Vo,odstock did noble thity by sub -
sing $800 toward e pill. McKay's
• ing college in ForinoSa.
. bench show is tai ta1Ie4 of among
aae cog breeders of the nigbborhood of
• on for the Provincia Flair. -
gilyie & Company, o Montreal,
debided to erect a mill with twen-
o ran of stones in Men toba.
anguine people say that the
it Velley Railway wi1 le) graded to
honsas within five weeks..
he pounty Counoil of Oxford has
ed by 16 to 14 votes that a Poor
e is not necessary in t at county.
ive car loads of !fine iorses, pur-
based in Kent and eastern counties,
er lately shipped to anitoba from
,k w
• ter
• the
to t
d i
t fur
t is
e de
Annie. Beau oin,
Beaudoin, of Maid
a quilt which co
is agitated 'ler t
orks, and there i
omething definite
ody Of a riewly
on the roadside
other day. o fa
e matter.
Fekeeley oro
ram Detroit to
jail on Friday 1
her proceedipge.
stated that the rc
nd Ottawa railtv
t from Peterborc
of Perth.. ,
Toronto ebultetors
f Sir George E. C
for the statute to
aughter ef
n, has just
tains 4,756
e question
fair pres-
being done
born infant
near Hes-
there is no
hers were
ondon and
st, there to
ute of the
has been
to within
are to send
n b tier for ac -
pt be erected
e t easedetatesman.
The excursion business en the St.
••rerie is very light ths summer.
he steer boat men attribfite this to
the ece London disaster
—Th friends of Hon. Al x. Macken -
and. Mrs. Mackenzie wil be pleased
kao that their trip to S otland has
great advantage phsically.
M utreal merchaats w
erit to assume control
h lnes, to preven thei
ked nri ' 37, the American
The v. Mr.' S ill ith,
ly, 1 ft on Monde of 1
otta y of Grey, w scire
ding their BRIXIME) liCji
Mr . F. Taylo , ; of
tl o ny, of Sarnia,
t e 11 produced a
11 on tLo Mauve
11. o a y of last ve
by the analyst of
ks. The analyst
fferiig in many
I , !
1 i
king of
it was
oe had
it the
us feet
re and
i21101100 -
tied to
ut fre-
ed so
of hie
---The body of Thomas
armer who lived about tw
f str etsville, was found
mad a road on Saturday
t is s pposed he had falle
--A company has been
ostou for the purpose of
railway from Duluth t
ie millions of dollars ha
cribed in that city to the
a -During the past twent
han 13,000 Indians in B
tnerica have been receiv
ombership of the Chu
aid. They report the nu
unicants in 1879 at 11,62
—The effort made to int
aw in the Winnipeg Cou
9th to grant a bonus to t
o build the Southweste
ailed for want of a two-
uspend the rule.
—At Grand Valley, Nor
ory, oats are selling at $1.
1, and wheat brings fr
1.25. The crops in that
n the vicinity of Big Plai
o looking superb.
—One hundred and
gents belonging to the United States bn
nd Canada are holding a onference at pre
ontreal, in order to perf et arrange- eve
ents for expediting fast f eight all over can
he contineut.
—The Elora High Scho
• ecided to reduce the Fri
rom $1,000 to $900 at the
r. Field's engagement, a
Mr. MacPherson, the assis
at the close of the current
—From the assessment
ord county it appears tha
tion of the following towns
has diminished. since th
1880: Ingersoll, Tilsonbur
oodstock and Norwich s
—The farmers a4Kazub
Gatineau, are in despair
crops. Only a few shower
ed that region during the
summer months ; the eri
burnt and in a very bac
—The Sombre townshi
port shows that the sum
was lost by the departure
Ma,ybee, and that a fur
of a791.12 is either in the
defaulting treasurer or the collector for
—The work of putting n poles for
the telephone line betwe n Hamilton
and Toronto has commenc d. It is ex -
Tooted. that the two citie will be in
telephonic communicatio with each
other by several wires by he middle of
—The receipts at the Halifax Cus-
tom -House during the yea ending Rule
30th, amounted to al„176, an in-
crease over the preceding ear's receipts
of $230,400. The Inland Revenhe re-
ceipts for the year were
increase of $23,162.
—The census of the 0
has been announced. It
increase in the populati
now about 800. There
slight decrease in the
serve, whiah now has onl
nt the Gov- tants.
—Miss Mary J. McCo
f the tele- Mr. Evan McColl, and an
being gob- a Wee" and other poems,
onopolists. i at Kingston on Monday
1 Schulte, of Hasbruck Ins
f Galt, and City, New Jersey. Bot
t 'week for i groom have been for year
hey purpose i literary and edaoational p
das. —A correspondent of
the Boy'a , Times makes the rather
a sample , nouncetaent that the wa
1 the Company's 1 Simooe are gradually rl
farm to London ! croaeluing on the land.
k,: fcbr examine- ! which was a footpath in
the Victor Oil i boa es now run in deep
spotted the oil 1 writer says that in anoth
partibulars from ' water ha si risen, to his ow
yifeet within thirty years, so that
cen pass across the butt end of
nes' point now, where thirty years
Wes and and tree* The cause
rise is a myetery.
r. Richard Gibson, of London
hip, the noted cattle breeder, has
aged three Oxford' bulls and a
er of ; heifers in England. They
11 high priced aniraals, and the
on, England, Agricttltural Gazette
s vera highly of his purchases.
n Oshawa lady wa badly scared
days' ago, while Sitting in her
he sudden appearance of a
ees in the roam. They had
parler, by
mar of
ted o the chimney On the top of rested the prisoner. On the road. to
oase, and entered the room by the the city the prisoner managed to slip
pie hole. A gentlenaan appeared the detective, and has not been seen
e ecene and. quieted matters by since.
g the !swarm. —Roert Griffin, the defaultina book -
he Weather being delightful, one keeper employed by Messrs. °H. B.
largest gathering :that ever as- Rathburn & Son, of Nttpanee and Des -
led op the lacrosse grounds were eronto, who absconded on. the 20th
n together in Toronto on the lat June, was arrested the other day in
he match betweeps the Toronto Montreal. The deficit .at both places,
ntreal lacrosse clnbs, which was as far as is known, is in the neighbor -
more, as the books have net been all
gone through. Griffin had been stop-
ping in Montreal about a
• —A young lady was d
the pleasure grounds in 0
laid before Walter Sage, J. P., and a
warrant issued for their arrest. They
appeared on Tuesday evening at Mr.
Sage's -residence, before W. Sage and
ties and telegraph i poles along the
route are being rapidly shipped, princi
ally to Chicago and Fairport, Ohio.
The lumber mills at Spanish River are
Wm. Edmonson, J. P:ii, and were re- working Overtime and turning out
spectively fined. and bound over to keep great quantities of i limber, which is
the peace. Lowe was fined on one being conveyed by veesel to Buffalo and
charge, and Watson and Johnson on otherpoints.
three charges each. ; •
, —At the Ottawa regatta on Dominion
—On Friday last a Warrant was is- Day, Edward Hanka, who was referee,
sued. against one of the male attendants was presented by Mayor McIntosh on
at the London Asyl , for criminal as- behalf of the citizens with an addrees
sault upon one of t e female attend- and a massive gold chain. The pro -
ants. The warrant Was placed In the ceedings were witneSsed by about 12, -
hands of County , Detective Schram, 000 people. For the regatta there were
who proceeded to the Asylum and ar- 9 entries, viz : Trickett, , Riley, Gatts
deur, Hosmer, Teneye, Schaefer,Ross,
Smith and McDonald. The race was
won by Wallace Resit, one of Hanlan'a
lold antagonists, by; iabont two boat
lengths. his time being 27 minutes.
—A lady teacher in one of the public
schools in the city of Winnipeg profit-
ed the other day by 4 ale of real estate
to the extent of $9,00€. The property
consists of a house an lot situated on
the east side of Maia treet; j-ust south
b of the Canada Pacific Railway passen-
ger station. It was ought about a
year ago for $2,000, and it was sold for
$11,000. This is making inoney a little
more rapidly then is cnstomary among
school teachers, pa#icalarly among
Dominion Day, in company with a the lady members of the profession.
gentleman, witnessing the games. The —The Inspector of County Schools
young man appears to have been mole- will hereafter send :to the trustees of
ing a cigar, when a spark, it ia thought, each section a report en the condition
must have fallen on the lady's dress, of the school and blinding immediately
setting it on fire. She frantically .after inspection. Parents desirous of
jumped from the buggy, and ran a short ,knowing the exact state of the school
distance, thin; assisting the flame to in- can. thus obtaih the information by ask -
crease. After considereble exertion the ing the trustees for. the report. The
fire was smothered out but not until form is to contain the following par -
she was seriously burped. The acci- tioulars : As to schoel-1. State of re -
dent may yet prove fatal. pair of building, its Windws, walls and
—A Tilsonburg despatch says : The ;cleanliness. 2. Condition of desks,
largest delivery of harvesting machines seats, blackboards, lighting, heating
ever made in this part of the country and ventilation. B. iState .of 'school.,
took place here the ether day. The yard, fences, closets or: privies, outte:
Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company houses, well or other -water supply,
shipped and delivered through their drainage, tree planting and other inci-
London agency over -$7,000 worth of dentals. 4. Whether the extent of the
8 Champion reapers and mowers. The accommodation is adequate to the num-
farmers fell in procession at the Air bet_ of pupils. As t� the pupils -1.
Line station, headed by the Springford Standing of pupils exmined. 2. State
Band, and drove to thie place for din- of discipline, order and management in
ing. One of the burglars awoke ner. When under Way the procession schools 3. Whether the school is mak-
Young, telling her h wanted her was nearly half a mile long. ing satisfactory progress er not. Should
ey.1 She escaped though a pas- —The lumber yards; rains, factories further information be required in re -
sage and called a nihbor. In the and residence of E. B. Eddy, of Hull, gard to the efficiency ,lf yonr teacher,
mea e her mute srter forcibly Quebec, has been lighted by electric it will be readily furntshed on applies-
ejec the scoundrel, ret ining posses- light. The Ottawa papers speak of the tion. , 1
sion a part of his cloths. experiment as being e complete suc-
—Amongst self-tauht ' linguists, Mr.
Samuel Lyle, rettiding near the cess. Forty lights are used, each of John Lupton Lister, of Elniwood,Bruce
lea mnes of Galway wnship, killed these lamps has an 1 ammating power county, Ontario, is ttracting notice.
a she bar and three cub a few days equal to two thousa d candles, and He is a young man o ; about thirty-five
ago. he cubs ran up st tree, and Mr. sheds a brilliant light, with strongly years of age, and is said to be wellread
Lyl nt up after them. It was a
hig u
in t
the r
on t
of th
to se
ed a
t least 3,000 pe Bois were on
rand istand.
young lady in Ingersoll was at
's door, a day or tw ago, by chok-
She was eating a. piece of bread,
something stuck in. her throat,
h, upon removal by a doctor, turn -
t to be a piece of broom straw,
t two inches long.
meeting of th , Consolidated
• hareholders will Ise held on the
J ly, to decide up° accepting or
ti g the offer of t e Exchange
• to pay 12-a per cat. of the re-
d Par value of the s tick for the re-
ing aasets, or any o her offer that
be made meantime.
Tcgonto arcbitec
of Ayr on Tuesday
g neasurements,
new and extensiv
he Ayr Agriculture
Watson purposes
(A.. The building
feet wide, an
a d built of brick.
orrissey, a T e dwelling of th
miles east of B aohville, was brok
ead on the mor
*as in the vit
Of last week,
for the pro -
Works, which
erecting next
will be 400 feet
four storeys
ving around
n Sound. on
f last week. mis
out of the mo
farmed in
e been sub-
apital of the
years more
itish North
d into the
ch of Eng-
ber of COM.-
cduce a by -
oil on June
e Syndicate
n Railway,
hirds vote to
hwest Terri -
0 per bush -
m $1.10 to
vicinity and
are said to We
fty freight exP
Misses Young,
into the other
I Board have
cipal's salary a "v
expiring of
d to increase
ant's salary
roll of Ox -
the popula-
and- villages
returns of
and Embro.
ow a slight
zua, up the
as to their
have favor -
spring and
ps are Sun-
ward condi-
auditors' re -
of $1,219.46
of Treasurer
her sum of
ands of the
3 3
t a
interesting st
ught one of the
ranches of a tr
marked shadows, over an area of sn fourteen languages, exelusive of Eng-
ggle, for Mr. 12,000 square feet, tho whole of the lista namely, ancient ; and. modern
cnbs whilst up lamps having an illutainating power Greek, Latin, French. German, Span -
fifty feet from equal to 80,000 candle* and lighting a ish, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Ice -
combined area of 480,000 square feet. landic, Swedish, Dutch. Gaelic and
—The returns for the month of June, Ojibway, and with these ca -n converfie
reported at the Iminigration Depot, To- with more or less fluency. in German,
ronto, show the arrivals via the St. Spanish, Italian, Danish, Swedish,
Lawrence and Halifax to have been Dutch, Ojibway and French. For four
2,486. Of these 1,314 were for Ontario, years, from 18751 Mr. Lister labored
35 for Manitoba, and 1,137 for the among the Ojibways in the Cortgrega-
Western States. There were 573 Eng- Collet Indian mission o and more recent-
lish, 463 Irish, 311 Scotch, 52 German, ly has acted as professor of Greek in
and 1,087 Scandinavian. Of those the Berean College, Brooklyn, New
coming to Ontario, there were reported York., from the duties of which office
692 farm laborers, 97 ,mechanics, 14 he was hastily summoned a short time
clerks, traders, etc- and 60 female ser- ago to attend the sick -bed of his wife in
vents. Farmers coming in looking for Hanover, Grey county. His desire is
help are giving from $20 to $25 a to use his talents as a teacher of 1= -
month and board for men for the next guages to any who may -with to se -
two months. quire any of these languages with which
—A savage assault, which will prob. he is familiar, with a, view to mission
ably prove to be a murder, took place in work.
Tpronto the other day. An old man —It is not very generally known that
natned Bard, a blacksmith, had been the work of building ; the double track
drinking rather freely, and laid down in on the Grand Trunk between Montreal
his shop in a haltdrunken stupor. and the west is now, and has been for
Some man then played a trick on him some time past, progressing very quiet-
ly pouring oil over his head, which ly. The sidings between the different
caused him to jump up and threaten stations have been extended from time
the person who had done so. J. Nelson, to time, thus ultiniately connecting
a scissors grinder, who is said to have each with the much 'ranted double line.
played the trick, heard the threat, and Between Belleville and: Toronto will
after knocking him down twice, stabbed likely be the firet complete double
him with a large knife. Two doctors track, as that section is looked. upon as
who examined him think Board can likely to require the itaprovement first.
not recover. That portion of the roadbetween Strat-
-An Emerson correspondent to the ford and Sarnia will be the second sec -
Free Press says : "The reports of the tion to be completed witb tb.e doable
existence of coal east Of here seemed at track, and before long the relief afford -
first to be too good to be believed, but ed by these improvements will have
it ia now beyond any doubt that there given quicker despatch to both freight
is a sufficient quantity of coal in that and passengers. The ultimate comples
region to remunerate -investments. A tion of the whole double- track line is
credible eye witness informed your something looked forward to by every
correspondent that Mr. Sifton so merchant in Montreal, Toronto and
well pleased with the ;discovery that he elsewhere, and the Conapany is to be
has decided to bay a steam borinf sp. congratulated that their financial SRC
paratua, and has ordered one from On- cess in England lately Warrants them.
tario. That there is good coal is now a in carrying on the double track im-
positive fact, and imaltes everybody here provem.eist.
feel good. —A few days ago lawny Luka,s, of
• —Mr. John O'Brien, of Motint For- Grimsby township, committed suicide
est, while going home Monday night, by cutting his throat With a razor. It
purchased a fruit :cake, which, of appears that Smith Lukas, his son, had
course, he took home. It was partaken occasion to visit soine friends in Taplye
of by all the inmates Of the house. The ton, leaving his sister Alice an an
youngest of the family, very soon after adopted son to watch over the old man.
partaking of the cake ooramenced yore- Alice watched ditigeatly over her
iting, and inside of ten Minutes all the father, who was quite oat of his mind
family were in the same fix. At &bent nearly all the day. He bad tried say -
three o'clock Tuesday' morning the ma- eral times to precipitate himself owtr
jority were relieved of the vomiting, but the mountain since he was brouet
felt very weak. TWO of the family home from the Himilton lunatic asys-
were given to reaching and vomiting -at lum, but was prevented by his ail. -
times al night and a ,considerable pot- dren. This time, laoWever, he in Bone
tion of Tuesday. Mr. O'Brien says he way seemed a razor and steed to the
never experienced snail a :strange feel- centre of the rocaa. , Alice heard his
ing, 'being unable to do anything. He footsteps and ran to the , door, but was
proposes hawing a portion of the cake, too late to prevent the dieed. With the
still in his poesesatoia, analyzed, as he exclamation, "My Cacid. I'll do it this
thinks some poisonous substance has time 1" he drew the razor acroas
got mixed up in it. throat from ear to ear. Alice sprang
—Business is brisk on the Manitou- forward, caught her bleeding father in
lin Islands. The Morehants and her arms, and seated herself with him
traders at tle different ports report on a chair, holding one hand over tile
doing a largey increaised trade as corn- wound and wiping awa.y her tears with
pared with former years while the far- the other. When her neighbors came
mers are actively preParing for haying, in she was completely saturated with
the crop of which premises well. The blood. Dr. Alway was . called in, but
general prospects for the harvest are could do nothing, ana Lukas died in an
much in advanee of the section of On- hour after committing the act. By -
d. The fall isipelas in the head ill said to have neen
the cause of his inanity. Mr. •Iiikitre
was a wealthy farmer, and WILS high*
respected by all with whom he as ac
quainted. He 'DAVIN a 90n and
e Warden of the County of
memorial to the Minister of Ed -
re has named. al 'committee to
io praying that the matter of ag-
tatal instruction lia schools be
ght before the Legialature with a
of having this subjeet included in
programme of our public and high
Wbrk on the new liridge for the
and Railway cross* Mariatt
d is progressing favrably, and is
cted to be finished next week. The
ge 's built nearly steel. From
en appearance, if e unlooked for
t he occur, it probable the
1 ay be opened arseut the latter
of t month.
Mr. ames McClur Watford,made
ry ge sa.le of flo barrel hoops
ntly. He sold 2, ,000 to a But
firm and 600,000 to a Michigan
ad has still on h ad 400,000. For
y deli ery, he is o ering 1,000,000
e. The hoop indu try in that see-
d country is takin a boom and as -
in hhge proportions,
Truancy in North Chatham was
deal t With some two y ars ago, and so
effe tually, by the apointment of a
tru nt officer, thafthe vil ceased, and
lat ier1Y it is stated bhatl, owing to want
of school accommodation, it is not
tho ght desirable to stimulate an in -
ere sed attendance, which would tend
to till greater over-° cavding of the
sc. • ol kcom.
A daughter of iir. Joseph Crone,
to ns ip of Warwick, aged ten years,
wh w nted to try the management of
a owr, was placed On the seat by
he brcther. As semi as the horses
sta ted she was thrown off in front, and
th knives cut her ants in a fearful
m ner. From the ctushing of some
of he bones, the surgeon was appre-
he sive that he would eventually have
to esort to amputation.
doii m
th6 riv
e little steamer Dodge at Lon-
de several trip il up and down
er on Dominion Day, each time
gas tsell loaded with excursiomsts.
bought the renlembrance of the
n' Birthday ditsaSter would deter
crOwd, but it seem ia to have had no
t in preventing pleasure seeking in
t direction. Had the large steamers
$202,610, an be4n rPnning they would have been
cowded as usual.
eida Reserve Temperance people of Kent are
hows a small rising to action .again. Thursday of
n, which fit last week s. county convention was held
re and important business transact -
e the coming camaign. An ad-
eonvention wars called a few
ter, which had More temperance
it than any held, for the lest few
The prohibitionists may be said
y organied, and awaiting the
er time to put tiheir plans into
A most disgraceful and oovrardly
oec trance took place near Weaver's
hotel, TranquIlity asighborhood, OIL
day evening, 23th Ult. About 9 p.
1:, Xr. John 8
erobheieHenry and
eburning from
been spendin
brutally at
ng on named Jcsh
hot, without any
banied. A
has been a th
Muncey Re- ed
400 inhabi- jou
,daughter of to
hor of "Bide
was married to
Mr. Otto H. pr
itute, Jersey
bride and
engaged in
the Orillia
starthn an-
ing and en -
one plaoe,
1823, steam -
water. This
r place the
s 1
ulling and two
Thomas Sopr,
• • Park, where
the afternoon,
died by three
# son, Lowe and
! • • ocation, and
complaint was
t,ario about Owe
wheat, which s
tion from the recent
vicinity, promisee;
yield on the islands,
ant root crops. The
such destrac-
te in the latter
be an average
also the differ-
ge quantities of