HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-01, Page 88 116•111111111111E11.111250110. "11021W_ THE HURON , I homes ad Waft by no !filtV011, elPfnittOL ese cornforeable. Mee. her husband abont 8 attained the untalual ag DISRICT MATTERS. and retained fall poss T faculties uotil the end. .Notwithatanding anything that may be said to the contrary, DAVIDSON & MORRISON are selling goods cheaper than they have ever been sold in Sea - forth. The crowds which daily attend this sale proves the assertion. If the stock had j been purchased in the re- gulanway they could not do so, but the fact that It has been purchased at a very low ,rate in the dollar, enables them to give the public the bargains they are getting. Remember, Hill Brothers old stand i opposite the Commercial Hotel. DAVIDSON & MORRISON. • • DUNCAN'S CLEARING SALE.— Special tly Bousekeepers—Great Re- duction in all classes of 'louse Fur- nishings .;` everything in this class of goods marked down to wholesale prices. Dress goods, prints, and all kinds of fancy dry goods at sweeping reductions. Every Lady should ex- amine our stock before purchasimg. Balance of millinery to be cleared out at half price. • NEW ATTRACTION. --Great Sale at the Ontario House. We have commenced our semi- annual Clearing Sale, and offer bargains in Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, Readymade Clothing and Small Wares,„ Boots and Shoes below cost; many lines of merIS and boys'; Felt and Straw Hats at • balf price; see our ten cent table ; parasols from 20c up. Customers may depend on getting the beat wine in town, at SMITH & WnsT's. 707 BOY WANTED.—Wanted immediately I at THE EXPOSITOR Office Searforth, a stout in- telligent boy, either to work by the week or to ticularly strong, robu woman, but for the pea very rapidly, and since had been confined to be time. She had a tam dren, but only three Messrs. George MoCla and James McClure, b Mrs. Graham, of McKii particularly kind and g and was sincerely estee knew her. She was bu hey cemetery on Wed by side with him whos rows, successes and r shared for so many yea eans the. least Clure survived eaors. Sheharsad f84ye, sion of . all Iher She was a Par - and vigorous y , ear she ifailed midwinter she •most of the y of six ehil- rvive her, viz: e, of McKillop, Colborne, and op. She Was a nerous woman ied in esday last, side larpurS joys and sot; verses, she had s. ed by a 1 whO, THE COURT OP REVI ION.—Th he labor Made ssment of Revision completed quiring into the appeal Coleman from the ass Thursday at noon., T on Monday night and sittings each evening a forenoon. They had task, and the members tee are ent te • oa assiduity and patien the evidence of all from that and their , they made the followin roll. The following a reduced: Dennis Hoge estate; Dr. Coleman, $ G-oninlock's survey; Court of en -1 y Dr, ll op ey commenced continued their, d on ThursdaY a pretty heavy of the co nait* redid for thei e. They hear ho offered, an own knowledge , changes in th sessments were , $100 on real 50 on lots i . Dawson, $10 on real estate ; John Killoran, $100 a learn the printing bu;iness. Must be a good rooms; John A. Wilson, $1,000 on reader and not afraid to work. Ono who can real estate; A. W. Ogilvie, $500 on sal board at home preferred. Good wages far a good block ; John Crawford $100 on re bop. estate ; Gra-v, Yonn &J Sperling, $500 A. G. MCDol7GALL & Co.'s Great Sale on salt block and cooperage; Jas. Beat - farm property; farm prepertY, n lots sinailarly increases were $2,000 on read sonal property; n real ', estate; on residence; on real estate ; on real estste ; esidence t Alex. tate; M. Duna, m. Campbell West, $200 en on store; Wm: particulars next week. 708 . Logan., $100 on store Jas, Mc uffie, EXTRA_ quantity of Strawberries order- $200 on store; W. S. RobertsOn $100 ed. for Saturday. Guarantee eaoh box to Contain on store; John S. Porter, $100 011 sto e; an Imperial Quart at 8 Cents per box. D. D. Killoran dellyan, $200 on store; Ro t. ; Geo. E. He John MoInty e, onstable, $1 , ; n Ward, 8100; see the preparatory ar otel ; R. Girdle- . we hope io will be c A. W. Ogilvie, by many others who School at 15 minutes to 9 next Times- $3,00 on ini an • , 00 on personal Institute in this way. property; M. R. Canter, 5200 on I Domini° day, busine 0 on residence; . pended, and things wi store; Hoffman , as no amusements ha e: McDougall & Duncan & D n- s store and $ 00 'son & Young, & Wilson, $10() f a pound and $200 on rolms were du on the , 28th a100 on store ; should c unt one for re and 5300' on prepaid rs of the sev 0 on reside ce ; town have agreed to on salt block: at 7 o'elock each eve d $800 o f , $200 on Sperling, James B ea, department of his business, and is one ; Thos., Adams,; reaeon of the most steady, reliable and agree- 5851 on farm property. All thole:a ap-1 close pealed against and th t are not en- fro i 1 tioned above, the orig'nal asses manta place in i her Icoo are confirmed. , I now aw The sittinge o r. pened here; o Ha ret lmson, of Geider Co ntr t often t aa the voyage. create nai ted th Go eric ted odd, the third n eived. The little sheet, politics., We not room for h, and if the ck of filthy 1 of Dry Goods, before moving into their new build- ing, will continue for two weeks longer. Buyers who have not yet attended this sale should call early and see the bargains. Butter taken in ex- change at the highest market price. 707 SOMETHING TO KNOW.—We call apecial attention to the great discount sale now going on at HorlmAN Bnos., Seaforth. For particulars see their advertisement in another column of this paper. All are cordially 9avited to call and see for themselves if they do what they say. 708 tie, 5200 on lots used a Thos. Adams, $510 on and Dr. Coleman $500 used. The following made: D. D. Wilson, estate and 5500 on pe John Williams, $100 Wm. Campbell, 5100 James McMulkin, $100 FRUIT JARS, Fruit Jan, Frtlit Jars.— Whitney Brothers, $30 Wilson & Young have received this week, direct M. Morrison, $50 on from the manufacturers, 125 dozen of Gem Jars, which they aro offering at factory prices. 707 Wilson, $150 on real e $25 on real estate; To FARMERS.—The Cheapest Place $200 on store; Smith & for Harvest Tools of All Kinds, is WHITNEY, BROS Seaforth. Come and see them. See full StfOre ; A. G. Ault, $20 BOSE, Next door to the Post Office. 703 WANTED.—A Good General Servant. Apply at the Church of England Parsonage, Sea - forth. 7031 • Jamieson, $200 on stor derson, 5100 on store; 5100 on store; John ENTRANCE EXAMINATION.— Intending M. Morrison, 8100; Jo Candidates must remember that the A. Davidson, 52,000 on above examination begins in the Public stone, $200 on income; liaire received sympathy on all sides. , His ad experience and fa* should be a terrible warning to Other young men lentering npon business to eschew all diehonest and evil practices. Whatever I maybe the immediate result, honesty land open e honorable dealing in all bus- ' ii4ss matters tell best in the end. In ' this instance the miter unate young 1 m n has not only ruined himself and hi prospects, but also theprospects and po itiona of those most nearly connected wth hirti, and as is, alm st invariably the case with wrong dom the inndoent is made to suffer for the misdeeds • of the culprit. . OCAL BRIEFS. —1 The McNaughton °Kill° , was Old by a ction at the fa m, sirted on the 8th Concession of C namercial Hotel in t is town, on Tuesdaylast. The pure aser was Mr. • Hyman Tyerraan, mad th price $4,500. The fezn'l contains 100 ac es audio good value for the money.—Atthe regular edonthlY naeeting of the Directors of McKillop Insurance Co pany, held on Saturday last, 128 Eippli atiotua for in - serene° were examined and passed. Fifty of these were ' new members and tile remainder renewal .— Mr. C. L. Papst has had a hands° e sign in the shape of 'a large clock, p aced in front of his shop door.—The 1 rge plate glass light -a have been pieced in the front , eindowis of A. G •McD ugall • & Co.'s store. They look well, and are the first used, in Seeforth. r. Kidd and Mr. Jaraieson intend to follow suit.— The Haym akers' Cant ta, under the leadership of Professor olmes, will be held in Oardno's Hall o Friday •next. The elate be under the auspices a At of tbeCricket Club. weather for hay making spring crops.—An exen tainina 15 cars, all c here for Goderich on train was made up at the excursion party wit the Sabbath School ch. to the Episcopal claurc Mitchell and Seafort friends. The little folk joy themaelves immense tainment to be gotten n Mech allies' Institute is "Floral Garden and It will be opened on th will probably continue There will be rray of flowers, a mi ails, land a croquet la enade oncert, for w ivided the best of ureic, of other already Papst ha 11 • the evening of i ainment will ' d for the bene- 1 This is bad ' but good for ion train con- wded, passed uesday. The Stratford, and composed of diem belonging es of Stratford, with their: seemed,to en- ly.—Tbe enter - p in aid of the, to be termed a rystal Palace." llth inst., and or several even, most profuse iature Niagara n, also a , proa ich will be pro; esides a variety ttractio s. The skating rink is i% eing put 'n shape. Mr. C. L. kindly , ndertaken to ,over- angements, and eerfully aseisted ish to aid the To -day being s in town is sue - 1 be dull enough o been provided. —Mr. !Comber, of Haepurhey, has new potatoes of this year's growth which are now fit fOr table uee. They are f good; size, four weerag ' ones will weigh are-niceand dry. They •of June. This arpurhey.The rad -drug stores in lose their stores ng except Satnr- • ement comes in nday next. The s of business are , and We ftee no tores should not bee has returned • as resumed her day morning, July 7th. • PERSONAL.—Mr. Robert Campbell, who has beeu connected with THE Ex- POSITOR office for ten years, and who has had nearly sole control of the mechanic- can, 5200 on fancy goo w al departnaent for about six years, left on dry oods store; 'W here on Saturday evening last for Win- $100 on store; Lurnede nipeg, whither he goes to take a good on store; 'Dios. Kidd situation in an office there. A large over store; D. D. Rose o namber of his friends assembled at the S. Dickson, $100 n at income • A. Strong, $1 Dr. Coleman, $1,000 $1,000 on personalty, a property; John Scobi block; Gray, Young on salt block on lot 73 $210 on farm property toe; Miss Biggar, $1 4. S. Roberts, $100 on Brothers, 5100 on sto Rally, $200 on store; railway station to see him off and wish him well, and as the train moved, off they gave him three hearty cheers. He intended going from Goderich to Duluth by boat. Mr. Campbell is a good work- man and thoroughly understands every rm day.: The new arran alt force on and after M • [ 300 j other t res and plac tie, l all Olor at this hon hy the drug o.—Miss M routo and able men. we have ever had to dead with, and we hope that his most san- gaine expectations will be more than realized. in the great and growing city of the North-West. FORESTRY.—The High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters met in session last week in Toronto. The gathering was one of the largest and best annual meetings ever held in Can- ada, and we are glad to learn that this excellent order is flourishing, and its membership rapidly increasing. The jurisdiction of - the order covers 75 courts with a membership of about two thousand. in Canada alone, and the en- dowment fund on hand has accumulat- ed to over 83000.,, The session lasted or four days, and the proceedins°s,•were most harmonious, and a great deal of busiuess calculated to advance the in- terests of the order transacted. Mr. R.N. Brett represented Seaforth, Messrs. Robb and Shepherd, Clinton; and. D. Stewart, Bluevale, aud besides this the following towns in the county were represented : Goderich, Exeter, Brus- sels, Wingliam, Belgrave and other places. We are glad to learn that the lodge in this town is doing well, and is increasing in membership as rapidly as can be done with safety. RETuItNED.—Mr. Dalgetty, of McKillop, returned from Dakota last Monday. He had been gone about three weeks. He was much pleased with the country and took up 320 acres in. the New Buffalo settlement. He does not intend leaving McKillop, how- ever, for a while at any rate. He brought home with him a sample of sienna wheat grown on the farm of Mr. Wm. Ray, near Fargo. The stalks are about three feet in length and very strong -and healthy looking, and Mr. Dalgetty assures us that the grain is glowing as thick as it cen stand. The heads, however, are short, and the wheat does not appear to be of such a good quality, nor would it yield as natrich as that grown here. Mr. Ray has a three hundred acre field of wheat the same as the sample referred to. Upon the whole, Mr. Dalgetty thinks very highly of the country, and he says that in. many places the older settlers are ,getting up good buildings and are making their surrouudings look very comfortable. Oarrueee.—Another pioneer, in the person of Mrs. Mary McClure, widow of ?he late J'oleta McClure, Sr., of McKil- lop, died at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Graham, on Tuesday morning last. Mrs. McClure was a native of County faonegal, Ireland, and came to this country with her husband over 50 yeaas ago. They first settlad in the county of Grenaille, where they resided for several years. Thirty-four years ago they removed to McKillop and set- tled on the 4th concession, and here beth Mr. and Mrs. McClure spent the remainder of their lives. When they came here the whole country was one vast wilderness, and they were both spEered to see it transformed into one cf the most beautiful and fertile see- tiens in the Province, and their own 1 THE DIVISION COURT. the Division Court Wednesday, Mr. Male ich, presiding. It is u ratings of our Division Court much interest, but on his occasion hall was well filled b spectaters suitors during the day. The Bar represented by Messre Helinest d Benson. The cause of this unusual hit 116 terest was the trial of number of ectsee1 de familiarly known as, t e Hill an sta wae & and bee Cases, the particular which are of the most ter. Hitherto out of ' ings of the friends o young man who was g geries we have refrai any mention of the r afloat or of the supp gave rise to these repo the matter has come before the courts, farth part is needless. Ab ago the Canadian Ba being poesessed of a which had been disco of Hill Brothers, then fied several of the en held this paper. Tho notified denied all kno per, and at once pro dorsements forgeries. came known that m similarly implicated. whom the forgeries we all respectable, well - the neighborhood, and MoKillop. The mai lead been customers at the notes had been d bank by Mr. Wm. Hil represented by him as the signatures of the supposed to be those o notes were reedit rec fi or ery th • E?I.POSITOP.. dm. A vote of thanks was tendered to the writerj for her instructive essay, with a repeat that it should be read at the West Huron Teache's' Association. Alter a few remarks on uperannuation by Mr. Baird Sr., a ery profitable meeting was brought to a close. The next meeting to take pia e on the second Saturday in September. Harloc • SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is 94 of pupils in ett :—Senior Robert Muter lbert McGregor teport of the standing School Section No. 6, Third—Robert Reid 220 215, Simina Wells 165, 151, Hugh Dunlop 146,1 George Amos 130, John Bowan 113, 'Lizzie Trewin 108 David Reid 108, 'Llavid Torrance 78, Flora Atkinson 71, Thomas Neilane 54, Ja 50, Joseph Stevens 43 38. Secend Class— John Bef4 83, George Wilson 72, Blaneh‘To Rapson 66, Katy Ilan Mills 54, Henry Best 5 49, Maggie Fairservic Nolan 24. Jane Watt 59, et Pal/service Agnes Smith nie Knox 133 att 75, Bella mice 70, James ery 66, Calry, , James Reid 29, Timothy Bruseiel BUTTER PRIZES.—A. raging at Lion Alexander's for Bottle Cut Glass Cruet, as firs dairy butter in 100, and 10 ot ' ready entered, so hurry up lad for Butter' and bargains in D THE OENTENCE.--J68 was sent tp Goderich 3 his trial ter stealing m Dunsforde was sente Toms_oh Saturday las in jail With hard labor. PERSONAL.—Mr. A. the Division Court, has week's trip to the sea —Alethe sittings of the here on Saturday last acted as Judge. The business that the Cour until half -past eleven through without taki day. the school. . She has concluded 80 at the , N rmal School, a,nd its her second class certificate. obert Hawt orn, of McKillop, rued from bus trip to the Old . He looks well after his sea . We have inadvertently om- to notice tilte advent of the News; a nev paper recently n Goderich ly Messrs. Whiteley mber of which has ewe is a neat end and is indepen- ear, however, that a third paper in proprietors have a• cre they are in a of getting relieved of some of regret to lealrn that Mr. C. J. maformerly f this town but , of oderich, ha his hand injured w d ys ago in So bie's saw mill. It jell med betwee a saw log and the ag: .—The fire b 'ode are getting unlornas, and ill come out in good st le shortly. Who hasn't seen the, co li dt 7—BUsine s in town for the pat fe « 'days has b en unusually good for thi time of yea . Seaforth holds its ow with the be t of the towns.— Messrs Thomas Co entry, A. G. Mc- Dongal and Cherie Wilson, start for M nito la to-morro . They all go to sp out theland and. make money if they cal , b t neither of t ern has any inten- tio of settling an t e lone land. --The Re . r. Robertso , of Woronto, will pr ach in the Presb terian Church on Sunda_ next at the anal hours.—Miss Kate °even, who h s been teaching in the, Pu lic [School h re as a substitute for Mi:s Mabee, sev red her connection with t i e scho 1 or ThursdaY night. Miss Cowan is an e cellent teaelaereand w are sorry e c n not retain' her se vi en as there is no vabancy.— L&ia :riots ate scarce and hard to caJch hese da' s. ' , le re sy t in e is connected vith Cao eri painful characl• good st wa 6 sped to Oae feel fel the miegaide ilty of the for 1 Th d from makin ors that wer a f wa car • r 11 • as security for m-oney turns out that the end if not all, of these not and the • forgery had by William Hill, Jr., country and has not b these facts were first bank sued several of these ootes, and the c the present sittings nearly every instauee t positively that they h such notes, and tha therefore were not g court consequently dee There are some tarty• notes ranging in amou : five hundred dollaas, a the bank. The total forgeries is variously e: • four to six tboaeand d geries in most instance good imitations of th tures. It is lamentabl respectable, clever, and man should thus blast pects forever just at th manhood by commitn must have known wonl lead to exposure. It w honorable had. he his difficulties at once; ed facts s, but n BO pro r silenc ut two k of Com umber of ti3d by the firin merohanteenott rsers that they who were thue ledge of the paJ• ounced the ttL ery soen t bef ny others er he parties aommitt -do farme est of ity, if ill's 'st counte whic w tha inentl ou nth ero ote 0 11 1 111, a : 61 1 ala r:, and iti thte d were ood .oeteS,, and endorsers being good1 Tfl0ii .tha ved in the bank vanced I no sations n fflost, were forgeries. een Com itted o hae left the n heard of i ince iscovered. 1 The O oiid,ssrs of s were tried t the eclat' e parties awore never Ogne lthe siguat-nres • nine, aud the ed adoord ugly. fifty af from fit eto8e d all held by mount ofil I the iniatal at froth lars. The foe - are remaratabl genuine sittri to think that remising euna is life and roe- pening of lie acts which Sooner Or later ld have anfully fsoetl e would titen le • 1 0 81 • 10 1 10 Ile eo • ontest is now a massive Silver 6 prize for best tub her prizes. 22 al- es'. Fancy figures Goods. Whiting, who t week to stand. ney from Mr. ced by Judge to six months outer, Clerk of gone on a three ard to rusticate. Division Court r. B. L. Doyle was so much was kept open in order to get g up another Wirib A Moore SOIBEE.—T burn intend having Soiree in the Temper village on the evem July 7th. The Presb Templars' intend unit Bien. Addresses and programme, and the ing in good hands a pl able evening may b will also be served f o'clock. The proceed to liquidate the debt hall which belongs to piers, but which is ve them for church an This neat and comf credit to the place pendently of the ente ple of the village country should turn mite' to a sist in freei n. e people of Kin - grand. Union ce Hall in that g of Thursday terians and Good ng for the occa- asks will form the rrangements be- asant and profit - expected. Tea om 6:30 until 8 will go to help n the handsome the Good Tem - y kindly given by other purposes. rtable hall is a and quite lade- tainmeut the peo- and durrounding at and give their g it from debt. ox ater. ACCIDENT.—Mr. : ood, who left on Saturday last for Wi • nipeg with a car load of horses, had the misfortune to have two of them kil ed and one serious- ly injured by the rain having been thrown off the track It is not known whether the load w: insured. insured. j Ursee.—Last S turday afternooh While driviug along he dam Mr. Drew, hardware merchan , of Brussels, was upset with his little boy into the pond, owing to his horse t king sudden fright at something. The accident was seen from two of the adjoining mills, and they were helped cnt before anything more serious than 4 thorough wetting happened. - HEAVY: STORM.— very heavy thun- der1 storria passed o er here on Tuesday last. Itwasfeared that the Fell wheat would be injured b the violence of the storm, but it passet over without doing any serious damage G ey. WEI° CAN BEAT IT? — Mr. Henry Wilbee, of the 16th concession, has flax whichneasures 30 inches in length. The lon est we har heard of yet. RAISIi G.—The r wing of a large shed. 15 by 31 feet (sto : e foundation), took place on Weduesdal of last week on the farm of Mr. J. S • Me; concession 17. The training was d•ne by Mr. j. Mo- Farlaneland gaug graud style. This gang is 1 ard to bea, in putting up a solid and neat fra 6. e, and we think that when the building s completed it will be the largest and II eatest frame in the township. May u r. - Smillie always have plenty to fill . —In the erectio of the above build- ings, two accideuta occurred, one to Mr. II. McMillan, a be t falling on his foqt and era hing it pre ty badly; the other to Mr. J. Turnbull, who received a ver bad cru h on the f ot by the plate roll ing on it. It is fe red he will be ltd' up all slimmer, ent s.—A p c-nie' is announced t° be- d at Sunshine on the 1st of July, in • e n ction with th Sabbath -School. ted.—Mr. F. Whit - himself as being ohing. Thinks 'he k on the farm, as A • ocid time is expe ti I gham expressea tir.• of echo 1 tot winld rher le be, he was former y. Vd*aa• 1 EACHERS", INSTITUTE.—The regular ma eting Of the Valeria , Teachers' Insti- tu e was 'held itt the, school house on Saturday, Jun 25th, at half -past two in the alternoo ne s, Mr. How the "lead p aruess orde 1. These c object lesso e his riaetho • • a junior clas subjeet to children. INEsse McQuarrie then read an excellent eseay "Men and manners," th 011 ta an ga to th • fter routine lanai- th g ve an object lesson ncilj" characterized by and j minutenees of de- netititte the essenc,e of . Mr. McAndrew then teaching grp.mrnar , izk which he simplified nit the capacity of young easay was written in es;s, chetste yet elegantj la • gnag , and the writer • shewed a clear i-nsight into tke different characters Of as en as peen, in their soCial life and nesame s, describing very skil- fully the true ,:entlemen, pedant, hop, ; sold, and we expect many more build- % in s to -go up before loag. AD Aeon:MM.—A very painful ami- de t betel a young lad about 14 years of age named Jacob Brooks, on Thurs- day of last week. He was employed in Bell's saw mill cutting strips with a mien circular saw. The saw caught a strip and pulled his left hand in con- tait with it. His thumb and one fin- ge± were badly out and mangled, and hie right hand also, was considerably injured. Medical aid was procured and hie wounds were dreseed, and the brave little fellow is now doing as well as coald be expected. St ay. Usborne. i PERSONAL. — Although Rev. Mr etcher, of the Thames Road, is not et able to attend to his pastoral duties, e is slowly recovering from his M- ess, and his many friends hoe to see in all right again soon. THE NEW CHURCEf. — Workmen are dw busily engaged at the new church nilding on the Thames Road. The tonework of the basement is com- plete& and the building of the brick walls is being pushed forward rapidly. The site is a beautiful one, and the edi- nee when completed will not only be a credit to the congregation, but an orna- ment to the township. 1THE CnoPs.—Farrners are now busy with their haying. This crop, although n the light side, will give a fair average yield. Spring crops of all kinds are Well advanced and give good promise. The fall wheat will not be so good as at year, but this crop in this township j 11 not be a failure by any means, as it,is in some of the neighboring town - hips. There are many good. fields, and he entire crop in the southeast part of lie township will give a good yield. The recent hail storm did some damage io the west part of the township. There is a strip of about a mile in width Where the devastating effects are quite visible, some of the ferneere having lost early their entire crop. Whalen. . NoTEs.--Fall wheat in this section ill be far below an average crop. pring crops look well—thistles too.— rack frost visited us two or three nights tely, beans, cucumbers, melons, pota- es, &c., suffered considerably.— The um" of the mowing machine is heard. the land. ANNIVERSA_RY.—The anniversary ser- • ces in connection with the Zion Bible ristian Sabbath Sohool, were held on. Siinday and Monday, 19th and 20th one. On Sunday Mrs. Mason, of Lam- th preached two sermons, and each ime the church was too small to accom- odateD the audience, many having to re- ain outside. • On onday the tea and • atform meeting wa held in Mr. Brock's g ove, and were a grand success, al- though in the morning the weather 'Oohed very unfavorable. The proceeds amounted to about $80. Gouache—Ace° ding to notice 'tile Council met on Saturday, 25th ef June, at two o' dock p. m., set la Court of Revisio • . Wm. Graha.re, Reeve, John Tor ance, Peter Douglas and John McKiney, Councillors, prea- ent, Mutes of previous Meeting read and pa sed. As n appeals had been made aid there was nothing that re. quired Iconsideratin under that head, it was inoved. by Jahn Torrance, second- ed by Ieter Douglas, that the Court Of Revisi n be now filially closed, and that general business b: taken up.—Carried. The subject of exeenditure of motley on the various oads and bridgea throng out the to nship was takenup and diecussed at considerable length, after %Inch it was moved by J. McKin- ley, seconded by 19. Douglas, that this couacil do now ad ourn to meet again ou the kat Saturd y in August, at one o'clock p.m.—Carr ed. Bel rave. • Oun TowN.—It •• ay not be generally I known. but it is a fact nevertheless, that Belgrave is go•ng ahead very rapid- ly, and if it keeps c4ti long enough it- will some day rival is more pretenttous neighbars — Blytbu and Wingham. Amon other im rovements we ay mentio 1:1 m the large new hotel now; in course of ereetioiji for Mr. Morley. This bailding, wheu completed, will be one of the best ho sea in the comity, and will be an orn ment to the village. Mr. T. Nixon is 84180 erecting a large and handsome dwe1ing house on a very pretty site, and Mr. H. Bell has 1 ree moved his hotel stebles to the front of the street, which Will be a convenience to tlaose requiring to use them. A large riamber of building lots have also been ACCIDENT.—A serious accident hap - p ned to John Peart, of Usborne, on tilte 21st ult., by being thrown from his Wagon and being run over by two wag- oas following. He was so severly cut atid bruised that the doctor could not, first, ascertain the full extent of his a juries. One rib or more were broken, It is with feeling4 of the deepest regret aid. his head and face were badly cut for, and sympathy with the bereaved aid bruised. A little nonsense among family, that we this week have to re - the young men as they went for gravel, was the cause of the accident. IMPROVEMENTS STILL GO ON.—Messrs. . Cook, M. Carroll,,J. Heenan and D. Jones, are each Putting up brick houses this summer, and J. Morley, J. Kelly, 4. Quigley-, frame btildings—barns and JULY la 1881. E. J. .Robinson, of Christ Church, aial was pronounced by the brethren to have been an excellent and instructiae service. } SIGNS.—We notice our townsmen,' A.. McPherson and M'r. J. II. Burk, have erected handsome signs in front of tiiir respective places elf business. 13Iyth. I , A FEAuD.—A travelling troop under the designation of "Prof. Box BroWO's Jugglers," made its appearance in the hall last Monday evening before a very slim house. The entertainment in ,4 - self amounted to nothing. DIED.—In WaWanosh on Monday last, Mr. Wm. Hamlin, an old and respected resident, aged 74 years. STREET IMPROVE1LENTS.Drummod — street in the village is undergoinga total metamorphosis. Mr. George Rand is grading the hill in front of Mr. Elder's residence, and has at last got it in ship-shape. A side walk -will be laid shortly, which will supply a want mach needed. Picenc.—The Catholic Picnic held on Wednesday at Higginbotham's grove in Wawanosh, was pronounced by all who attended, the grandest affair of the sea- son. The lads and lasses tripped.' the light fantastic fro in early morn tilllate at night. BRIEFS.—Mr. T. E. Harriston preaeh- ed his farewell sermon in the Wesleyan Church last Sunday evening. He m - tends shortly removing to BerVie, Bruce County.—A, billiard parlour has been opened by Mr. Jas. Tucker.— Mr. Thomas Combs has sold out his property, and intends going to Mich'. gan.—Mr. Emigh, our good natured landldrd at the railway, intends going to Michigan on a visit next month.— Mr. W. Clegg andJohn Kelly have re- turned from Manitoba'looking well af- ter their travels and liardships.--Mr. Senior has disposed of his photogreph gallery to Mrs. Fey, so there will only be the one gallery in Blyth hereafter.— Mr. L. H. Shane was married, last Wednesday in Brecon to Miss M. Orr, sister of Mrs. D. Erwin, of the Central Hotel, Blyth. On his arrivathome he was escorted up town by the Blyth brass band, followed by a. goodly pro- cession of well wishing friends. * Rodgerville. MISCHIEF TO PROPERTY.—Your corres- pondent has been informed that it has been the custom Of some young men or boys to amuse themselves on their re- turn from either church or Sunday - school in Sexsmith by throwing stoaes through the windows, into the scheol- hoase io Section No. 2, Hay, to the great dab:lege of the building. A cere- ful watch, we understand, will be ob- served for the futlire upon those, an if again detected, they will .be punis , ed by the strong arm of the law, as that is the only way of dealing with such mis- creants. Those 'to whom this applies would do well ti take notice, as such may save them ,from extremely disa- greeable results., OBITUA RY.— " There is no friend, howsoe'er defended, But has one vacant chair; The air is full of farewells to the dying, And mourning for the dead." port the death of Mrs. J. Whiteford, beloved wife of Mr. Adam Whitef of Hay, who departed this life a o'clock a. m., on Tuesday last, June 28th, in the glorious hope of a bleesed immortality. The deceased lady ( leo was the daughter of Mr. Logie of the rd, 2 stables. Rodgerville, and sister to the Rev. John Logie, of Tilbury), was in the 43rd Zurich. year of her age. She was belovedby BusINEss.--Basiness in this village all who knew her for her neighborly has been very fair this season, and our kindness, but more especially so for her lively town holds its own fully as well noble christian. character and life, ae any of its rivals, notwithstanding the f4.ct that they enjoy the benefits of rail- , ay facilities. Our business men are all enterprising, pushing men, and hav- ing established a eeputation for fair dealing, their old customers do not leave them for new fields. THE FLAX CROP.—The flax crop jia this vicinity looks well. Mr. H. Hap - these latter being a speaking, liVing example of the power of the religion of the Gospel of Christ. It was by the slowly wasting hand. of consunaption that life's brittle thread was severed on earth, to be for her fastened firmly and eternally in the skies. The be- reaved family have the undivided sYm- pathy of the entire neighborhood in Ple, the enterprising proprietor of the their severe affliction, and though for nrich flax mill, ha P a large area of the present prostrated through geief, thid tinder this crop, and we are glad at the loss which oia earth can never be that the prospepts now indicate that he replaced, for the fondly loved form upon will h,ave a good return for his labor. e did well Last year and he expects to o better this season. The flax business a most valuable industry in this vii - as Mr. Happle employs a large riumber of hands and distributes a con- siderable sum of money annually, the Most of which i Besides runnin about 300 acres ll'Paips a very la Sheep. He ha 1,500 to 2,000 s s e nTdui. g Ft Lo tijhe HEAT.—The fall wheat in this vicinity is looking very fair. While there are some poor fields, there ere many very good. Most of the crop along the lake hore looks well and will give a fair retiirn. Spring crops, also, are looking we 1. spent in the village. the flax mill, he works of land and buys and ge number of cattle and now on hand between eep, which he intends Id country markets. REMOVAL REMOVAL A. C. McDOUCALL & CO„ MAIN STREET, 'IR BEFOBE: IVET11017ING- INTO THEIR NEW STORE 1 WILL SELL OFF THE WHOLE OP THEIR SUMNER STOCK AT Wholesale Cost Price,, SALE TO COMMENCE THIS DAY And Coniinue for One Month. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH AT COST PRICE. Any buying at this Sale on tem will be -charged Ten Per Cent. Extra, but the Goods will be sold at Wholesale Cost the same as to Cash Custom- erS. • THIS IS A GENUINE SALE, And all we ask is a Call to "Comi..are Prices with any other Dry Goods House in Canada. which their eyes shall never again est until, like her, they cross the cold, icy river of death, and enter "the bri ht, - bright forever," they are able to c eer themselves with the sure and comfOrt- ing testimony of her glorious immortal- ity, which her early life and triumphant death have left them. Death's dealings towards the sons of men are mysterians- ly strange. He snatches rudely from our midst those whom we can the most poorly spare, and. sometimes causes us in rebellions grief to question the geode nese of the Hand which chastises, hut still— Though at times impetuous with emotion, I And anguish long suppressed; The swelling heart beats moaning like the ocean That cannot be a rest. Let us be patient and assuage the feeling We cannot wholly stay, By silence, sanctifying, not concealing, The grief that must have way, And with resigiaation kiss the rod by COMMENCED 1HASING. — Farmers in which we receive chastisement at a this neighborhood, have commenced Father's hand.—Coet, eying. The 7op, we believe, will be Tuckersraith. atleer light. SPORTING NE S.-1-013. Friday last Mr. "Bacon" to E eter, to have him train-- E- . Fairbairn es.--On his running horse d and accustomed to the course.—Mr. W. C. Charters Ease sent on the same ay and for the i same purpose, his oItrottingopp"Jack.' Ts.LThe crops in this iaeighborhood resent a very promising appearance, with the exception of fall Wheat, which ill be rather below the 1 vThaveriabe,geocfrHopa, shipped from this station.y I SHIPMENT 0 EfoRSEs.—Mr. James on Tuesday a car load of very fine h, orRrsEess. otTAL.— r. E. Ramsay, of Lon - Ion, formerly resident of this village, 's here visiting friends. SACRAMENT.—,Thp Sacrament of the ord's Supperiv, ill be dispensed in the Presbyterian Church at Rodgertaille, on abbath first. [ HOLIDAY.—D minion day will be ob- aerved here as 9 general holiday, and as oo sports or amusements have been pro- Vided for the alba our villagers will likely spend the day feom home in pleasure seeking. , Mese/tic SER*ICE.-041 Sabbath last quite a number of the "Free Masons" ot this place, reipaind to Exeter to join their brethren there on the occasion of their anniversary service. The service eVas conducted hroughout by the Rev. SCHOOL BOARD meeting ce the School Board was held on Saturday last in the village of Brucefield, at two o'clock p. m. All the members present. Mr.Sproat,in referring to the late melan- choly accident, said as soon as he heated of Mr. Cosens being drowned he took upon himself to dismiss some of the schools through respect to the deceased and his parents, eight of which were dismissed in the afternoon, he not being; able to get notice to the other three. Moved by M. Manson,- seconded by Mr. Brett, that the Secretary be au- thorized to convey to Mr. and Mrs. Cosens the condolence of this Boar& anent their affliction in the losing of their son by liowning, and also to Mrs. Whaley, who lost her daughter, Miss Foxton, in the London catastrophe, both having taught under this Board for some length of time—Carried. Moved by Mr. Dobson, seconded Mr. Wallace, that Messrs. Doig and Wood. be authorized to have the floor repaired in No. 1, during the vacation —Carried. Moved by Mr. Dobson, seconded by Mr. Wood, that the Secre- tary procure jmaps for No. 10, viz: Asia, Africa and Australia—Carried. Moved by Mr. Aikenhead, seconded by Mr. Dobson, that Henry Hudson be paid the sum of 85 for digging new pits and moving the offices et No. 3—Car- ried. Moved by Mn. Wallace, seconded Factory Ootton by the Piece At 6 cents, Old Prize 8 and 9 cents per yard. A G. g DOUGALL &Co. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. by Mr. Aikenhead, that the Treasurer be author4ed to apply to the Township Council for the interest scorned on the school fund up to lst July, 1881 --Car- ried. MoVed by Mr. A iketihead, sec- onded by M. Brett, that the teachers be hereby nOtified to vacate the schools at the legal time, namely, the 7th July, and commence duties again on the 8th of Augusti Caraied. The Board then adjourned te meet again at Brucefield on the 10th lay of September at 2 p. m., for the Impose of engaging teach- ers and other business.—Gao. Semea, Secretary), 1 For clavioh. A GBEAt SENSATION. —A great BERM - tion was Ore ted in this village on Wed- nesday laat y a case of alleged. chilh murder coming to light. The facts are as follows -:j,—.A. girl named Rebecca McMinn, was charged, before Mr,. F, Wilson, J'il), with concealment of birth, and the glrl 'acknowledged. the fact, and said the child would be found buried in. Et graveyard a few yards from her father's heuee. A constable and an as- sistant, ma Making Be search, discovered the body Maly eight inches below the surface, ia a wooden box without a cover. dorOner McMichael at once em- panelled a jury, and an - inquest was held, in Iltischert's Hall. Dr, McKelvey, after havm ' made a post mortem ex- amination o the body, said in his opin- ion the cliil4 had. been born alive, He found a hall lof 'cloth in its mouth,which was sufficient to causedeath by strangu- lation, alito naexks of violence upon the body. Sm e witnessee were examined, relatives of the girl, but no evidence of any moMent Was adduced, as all pro- fessed to knOwi nothing of the matter, although living in the same house with the girl ' The prisoner made a state- ment to the effect that the child wius born on the morning of the 10th ult., that she tvaei alone, and that the infant was born alive—the plug of cloth was put into its mouth to keep the dirt out, and that he took the body out and buried itiwithout any assistance. The jury retaaned a verdict to the effect that the ahild came to its d-eath by *he hands of its mother, who Was Mime* ately plaOed under surveillance and re- moved tO Gderich gaol in charge of a ccnstable„ i —One day lately a three-year-old sea of Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Stratford, was playing ; near a fence' encloaing pasture where a young horse wasamus- hag himeelf cantering shout. Seeing the childion the street, it reached Ora the fencelwhich is four and a half feet high, and seized the little one by tho hair, which is quite long for a three- year-old. I The child was lifted over Vie fence in a secoiad, and away the hotse seam -leered with it through the field, when the hair gave way and it dropped to the grotaid and the horse 0°11221060.a to paw The frantic mother who had witnessed the ocourrence hastened to the reScue of her child. With erg, EIRception: of a broken arm and same bruises the little victim of this extraor- dinary inetance of horse paw was not found to be seriously injured. e FO WH ON1 hav propri present stock order such s. from th therasel chasing have e stock is bish the IllOr fresh of ever Dry Cr CASH same. is TeS will be we will ing you bat will paring p house in what pi : I •1 HATS Eats the stock Block of REA tiqVatlY ProviSion hansktis, (*facts Inittri.otasts