HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-01, Page 51881. roP. bert Hannah a it to their friend* g at present at the ribbins, Mr. Han, owns the village now a resident ,and appears as a in the days of r. Frederick Hornt ving a handsome k milk hoose erect_ Mr., John Caatee ter work. The etre - Er, William Cook movea across the erected in the rear top.—Mr. Dougan r putting a erica vete residence of ro FeatrEa.---Sete o in your issue of uramicatien from tne of the 3rd. He statements about te from the Grange e night hideous - cat calls and dog • I- a Previous C0111- trtess of this, and tend my ground. he refera and on disturbance, took of the Grange rop village witht e or making any excepting the few dously referred to, ige in atone throw - been thrown by a, Farmer states stones might be loors and buildings en challenged to ss of this he en. pointing to a spot taxa vilfage black - e attempt was a ie impression had 6e1 running heavily facts of which were cine of the employ- ty if he would en - me marks on other he would. as igno- suppose the stone )k place, haw could re a stone struck a ildiog was struck? d to as being struck again, and how can atiOn OE a door or e done by a stone spectator of what. defy him to do so. that all these an- y Farmer to have he night time. Then lents as regards the rogrananae7he refers Luals—who would B. 1 will .now say -me ef the five pos- Le heard no noisy er in the yelling dling or dog bark - ;one throwing bug - ✓ falls in his own t is impossible for himself. Again, states he heard certain hour, ad- taiieved it to have Grangers. The tat- arglx the village nn - Here is how the are two of the in - Fainter referred me ise evidence would cm and prate the her admits he heard. through the night, tot tell 'whether it man or women ✓ individuaL This' es one of the five to tally refers me for aas if the remaining ted on the subject I from them would mental to the state - that of the three t Further on he depredations have young men said to age. He does not Pith his statements he has good reason kindly says he need here. Giving him cy, however at the m to prove a depre- ex committed, by a is it also to be un - ranger's have never bras. The manner to thete at times, t speech and their keen through. his Sift, his statements '4‘triess of my asser- ten convenient it is t man to say differ..., ;As when cornered rer in the following when he says the ✓ done or attempted and I praise him it he again wanders, n he says he does :amity towards the ou a par with . his 3 trampling on his dually untrue: • He a intend to act the for the Grange to the black sheep tindly to inform him essity either for him Anal assuming this the members, both oohing whatever to heat of a detective, (..e shepherds of the [tv with their flock. fur Ho doing the ge are quite qualified 'alit did occasion re - it promptitude and etion, he says that t`e;rarnge do not act t:ea he complains of :wok the aid of lave already proven, (..-esity for this, and iaatred he willhave t any of the members tgistrate for unla,w- tpoloeizins for tres- your va_ua11 8 space 1 give this an Riser- irs &Q.—GRANGER. 1.eite, gr., one of the 1 the township of ay a few -days ago: tE, was; born in Fife - Lt in 1842 emigrated led in Downie, mak- few years one of the te wuship. JuLif 1, 1881. ; - ' Exeter. LecaossE.—Our lacrosse club Meets for practice twice a week on the Agri- cultural grounds. Their gam s are generally witnessed by a good cro d of spectators. The members of the club take a lively interedt in practic , and many of them are becoming reall ex- pert players. With a httle more praca gee our lacrosse club will soon b able to hold its own with the best clu s in the county. . Passceree.—Mr. Wolper, of the orth End Betel, who had his foot so adly Mashed as to necessitate am.pu ation some time ago is now able to go a ound with the aid of crutches, but his eg is not healing up so quickly as it s ould. It was at one time feared that a, other portion would heve to be ampu ated, but we are glad to learn that his nedi- cal attendant has decided that thi will not now be necessary. THE NEW RAILWAY.—At the i vita - tion of Mr. Hickson, the G-eneral Man- ager of the Grand Trunk Railwa , Mr. Hardy, Reeve, and Mr. Fenwick, isited Montreal a couple of weeks ago Ilo see about the proposed new railway from St. Mary's to Exeter. Although the deputations were received most cordially the result of their mission was not very satisfactory. Mr. Hickson announced that the Directors and Share-hol ers of his Company are opposed to exp riding any more money in the construct -i on of branch lines and gave them to nder- atand that the only conditions upon which the company could think of run- ning such a branch. would be if the people would build it at their on ex- pense. This information had, of coarse, a disappointing effect upon our ci izeras, but they have not yet abandon d all hope of having railway competiti n. TRE TWELETELL-11113 "gioriou and immortal memory &c." will b cele- brated here on Tuesday next in grand style, and great preparations are being Made for the proper reception apd en- tertainment of visitors. The various Orange *Lodges of South Huroi and North Middlesex will assemble h re in full force. There will be a gran pro- cession and grove meeting, at which speeehes will be delivered by. pro4iinent members of the order and cleat men. There will doubtless be a grand. Tally, and it is expected that those wh ta,ke part in the proceedings and those who cone as spectators will form the largest crowd ever assembled in Exeter at one time. Oen - MILL.—The Exeter Flouring Mill, the property of Mr. jas. Pickard, is earning for itself a most enviable reputation for good work. The mill is running night and. day, and still Mr. Pickard finds it impossible to keep up with the orders received. He is also doing an immense local business, and customers come from long distances to exchange their wheat for his flour. This is gratifying to the proprietor, a d has besides a most beneficial effect upon the trade of the village, as few of those who are induced to visit the pl ce to get good flour, leave without pa ing a visit to other business men, and leaving some of their loose change, and. being well used w 11, no doubt, become regular customers n the village. shortly afterwards won eral minor casualties occurred, but none of serious account. Mr Jamee.Dowkee has the contract of th building, and the mannerin which th frame 'went to- gether reflects much cr as a workman. It sta of a hill, which affords When Mr. Dowkes has Smith will Own a large barn, and our wish is th filled each and every y dance. —Mr. John Wright, o cession, had. a bank barfarmfaron the 25th nit. assembled in the foreno to erect the foundation it commenced to drizzl and r the prospect for a wet d y see the day. Sev- Marriage • . meetraE aeaeconeoNT--On the 16th ult., by Bev. hivingstone, at -the esidence of the bride's father, Mr. Robt. Mc ey, of Dakota, to Mis ,Agnes IlleClymont, third daughter of Wm. eOlymont,EsqL of Stp.nley. oREE-At the•reside ea of the bride's Howie*, on the llth t., by Rev. Ta. [misted by Rev. M-. Williams, Mr. ce, of Gorrie, to Mi s Maggie, daugh- bert McKee, Esq. *MASER -In Gerrie, on the 22nd ult., by Rev Jas. Broley, Mr. A1ox Carson, of Gor- rie, to iss Clarissa Fraser, f Toronto. 'ELLIOT EID-011 the 15thult., at the resi- , dewier' i the bride's mother by Rev. John Loche d, M. A., Mr. Andrew Elliot, to Miss . Annie cid, all of Hallett. BAKER-, ALL -At the r aiden e of the bride's , father, Grey, on the 22 d ult, by Rev. G. H. Thorn Ron, of Peel, Re . Geo Baker, of Col - Husby', MissiMary J c, dost daughter of ! Mr. 'W »Hall. ", LAING-if ORSON- At he eeidence of the bride's ether, on the '1st tilt., by Rev. A Stew assisted by y. . Cameron, of Rippe :111r. W. B. La g,Fo du Lac, Wis- consin to Miss! Lizzie Jack on, daughter ot Thos. aekson, Esq., m rcha t, of Clinton. „JARDINE JARD4NE-B Rev. Thos. Cobb, on the 27 mt., at the res denc of the bride's lather, eaforth, Mr. J hn rdine, of Alpena, Mich' , to Miss Elie eth ardine. ORsNeEafLo ' v. homes Cdbb, on 3of the 28 ult., Mr. Gei E gar Cornell, of • Thedf rd, to M ss Mar Eli abeth Willis; TH dit on his skill BRUCE - as by the face rnt i. toma3 natural bank. vt,l nished i , Mr. " ter of nd comin dioas CA -1413°N t he may se it ar with b n - the llth erected His nig n toftarisd A in ed con- )n ais hbors him inner , and good,, but in the afternoon it rightened and cleared off, though leavi g the timbers somewhat slippery an wet. Before putting the bents tog ther it was thought prudent to c (rose Captains, and after some slight difficutty, Mr. Robert Adams and ter. Holmes took the officesethe former ta. ing the south and the latter the nort • side. Wiien each had chosen their r specti e, si work was commenced in basin sei at every one doing his duty and i credibly short space of me t were all together. Mr.' ames acted the part of comma• der a erection of the first beidi The latent now was great, an men reckless as to danger. aising seemed no trouble what ver, aid they were all erected a were being raised and p the wildest excitement p nerve was strained to it sion and every. effort put the day. The struggle victory seemed to hang but eventually the south pulling up their rafters, a moment or two later victory theirs; -. There et row escapes, but no one ly hurt, though quite a wounds and. bruises. A were present and assiste, After the bnilding was u to where the tables we with the choicest of vianl ing served out and their ministered to by a large young damsels, whom Itt, chosen to assist her on, After the inner man watt after a few minutes' res clined indulged in diff amusement. After so agreeably spent, all p their different ways, well that day's programme Grimoldby has the contr up the building, and is factory job. All will jot wishing Mr. and Mrs. prosperity and happines es, le, e bets D w es t r the Kbits s erned bent when d the tin teposition,as evailed. Every utmost tent forth to ' in as fiec, nd 'teen the ble la ce, men e nd th ir cheers nnou ced the re son nar- as nar- as d *rens- mber received out 15'. Men. at the raising. all repaired e set, loaded s, their tea be - other 'wants • umber s. Wrig this occ satisfie those ent kir f fair t had. aaion. and o in - ds of, e time thus epared to go pleased with dtMorf.,Tpanotnatinage .Pa I Whe sling a satis- Sp Ins W 07i.th as in BP ing W right Mt101 Oa 8 per Pe eperb , and th t they Ba leype long may be spared to re p the b nefits B tter,N B to be derived from their it w barn. 1 utter, TEggs.... Flour, pe A Terrible Storm. Hay, new e 11* Local Notic B. __ -,-1- WOOL IOEINI35, -GLIDES ND SKINS. - 1 will pay belightst cash price for any quantity of woobpi kings, Hides, sheep aid calf skins de- livered at y furniture stn e. N trunk or trade, cash for ev eything. Jog S. p Irmo. fee PARIS BERN and on on Purple for destroyin 1)otatd Bugs.J Hel °bore for killing Ferlieo Mollurbo destroyed grubs on arrant nalipeosw.i by ng gsoinugt Soligi000 F jyy PoiSon Paper, or easier by Sticky Fly Paper. E WKS NI% CO. Dru gists. 706 A. ,G., op:anomie & O. have made up their minds to give e pulblie some Cheap Dy Goode for the next to th. !They have mark- ed. down a 1 their Summ Dr e Goods, Prints, 1 Ccittons, &e. to wholes le -co t price. Buyers would do • ell to call and 1 ee t em and judge for tliemselv s, for they meEt whit they advertise. 70 AWN weas.—A full supply of the C lebrate hiladelphia awn Mowers jest to h nd, in u ng all the cliffere I sizes, 12,14 and 1 inch, h eh will be sold at P riles r Taring a good rent. s ould p irehase a Philad 1phi plc and rable. Sold b JA Ont. 704 in Sewin Machirtee, &c., RECE ED T x 'Yonne's, lot of a hargain for c sh. Any party buying ither in small dr 1 ge quantities, we n tee as good or etter value than can be h any range cr Pedlar -in the Dornine us a tr al. It ill not be much trouble one ]ot 1 we c ot se as we say. We ge lot o Granul ted 131 ight Refined and rs in stock, light before the recent Oall and scour what you will require vi*g before we advance our prices, as go up. 705 fbrooutag huts ,a guart had thro ion. Giv to retur have a la Raw Sng alodrvapnrceeee they mus 'xtra C $7, $8 and $9. le Lawn Mower , as they ars sim- s WATSON, dealer ain Street, Seaforth, EEK AT WILSON & oice oung Hyson 'Tea, A terrible storm passed over pe tlons Hides, p Sheep ski ning11atJ, and Salt(ret ate in Many Salt(who Potatoes, lsevere in Apples, p nd near St. Oatmeal y r township it TallOwIP of Ontario on Monday ev did a great deal of da places. It was particul the County of Oxford. Catharines. In the for succeeded in. sweeping fo ote. in width everything befor Mzesees.—Measels is prevalent in on Mr. Spears' farm, ta Section No. 4. shed and. driving barn, a A CLOSE CONTEST.—Mr. A. Cavanagh into a thousand pieces a had a splendid logging bee on Saturday, ing sheep, hogs and hors June 25tIa. The fallow was finished about 5 o'clock, and. the remainder of the time was occupied in playing hall at which there was a.severe cbiatest, neither side winuing. FENCING.—Messrs. A. & J. Beattie, of the 7th concession, have erected a, board fence along the front of Eskdale Grove, which gives their residence a most fascinating appearance. Mr. Donald McGregor, of the 6th conces- sion, has also had erected 100 rods of a similar fence. The work was done by Messrs. Bullard & Walton, who are ex- perts at the business. PICNIC.—A Sabbath School Picnic will be held in Davidson's Grove near the school house in School Section No. 9, McKillop, on Saturday, July 2nd. Eating, singing, swinging and. speechify- ing will be the order of the occasion. Several excellent speakers are expected to be present, and all preparations are being made for an enjoyable time. All are invited to come and spend a happy day. VISITORS. — Mr. Charles Anderson, brother of Jacob R. Anderson, of the 14th concession of McKillop, and Mr. G. Townsend, his son-in-law, who re- sides in the township of Fenelon, On- taeio, near Lindsay, were up visiting their friends during last week. They report crops as looking well in their part of the country. They think Hur- on is the finest comity they were ever in, and were much pleased with what they saw of Seaforth. LoeontG BEE.—Mr. Wm. Trew arth a, of the 9th concession, had a logging bee on his farm. on the 27th tilt A large number of his neighbors, with teams, turned out to assist him. Early in the forenoon it commenced to rain and fore- boded bad for the bee, but towards one o'clock it commenced to clear off, and turned. out a good. day, and Me. Trew- artlaa succeeded in having a number of acres logged. All present seem d to be in the best of humor and app axed to enjoy the day's proceedings. BARN RAISINGS.—Mr. Samuel Smith had. a large bank barn erected farm, on the 10th concession 24th ult. A number of his fri :ambled in the forenoon to assi. erect the, foundation, and the r on his on the nds as- thim to ising of the sills, &o., was greatly facil toted by the use of a crane which Mr. S4nith had specially made for the (mash) . When the majority of the hands ha4 assem- bled in the afternoon, Mr.' j lin Mor- rison, of the 11th concession, nd Mr. Wm. Morrison, were selected as cap::: t tains, the former taking the est end tb,e latter the east side. After choosing their respective sides, the Word was given to commence, and the beats were rapidly put together, but before their erection commenced, supper was called, and. all repaired to where he tables were set, covered with the dercacies 6f the season. All the gentlemei present did ample justice to the goo things, and were in the meantime well waited on by the female beauty of the neigh- borhood, who were assisting Mrs.Smith. After slipper was Over, work Iwas once mole resumed, Mr. James Do kes tak- ing1, the office of 'Comma -lade -in-Chief. ;IChe bents were now rapidly r ised, and the struggle began in dead ea, nest with the etacticon of the last bent a d of the •main and purloin plates, but et last the ,ea.st tide gained the advantage, and a loss to Mr. Spears of and $2,000. It then ent and the next building those of Street. Of the barn, and cheese factor left but the frames. A damage was also done neighborhood, but fortun were lost. In Niagara it Catharines along the lak it seemed to gather stre Eight Mile Creek, and t with fearful violence. A Mr. W. Ryckman, lot N COBBi011. of G-rantham, the to burst with full his orchard fully t trees were uprooted distance of 200 yards. trees were very large, an 60 years old. The wind gable end of • the barn whole of the -roof and ti or 600 yards away. The Donaldson's barn was and rail and board f ed in almost every d storm struck the plat o'clock at night. Mr. his loss at between $ What the losses of amount to he does not storm never before visite within the recollection living there- Great da done in several parts of aboot t. It fir ng hie thro ad of i 00 feet t burst it THEMARKETS. SEAFORTH, tine 80, 1881. 1 20 to 1 22 ea ,Fife,per bushel. - 1 20 to 1 22 ,RedOliaff,perbu h. 1 19 to 1 20 si4el.....-. ..f0 83 to 087 . 0 60 to 0 65 el..• 0 60 to 0 55 b.111, r "0%1 e ..0 18 to 0 18 0 14 to 014 b. 10a) lbs ..• • . • • . ...... . • • • .t it • 8 00 to 09 00 0 12 to 012 . ..... 2 75 to 285 100 lb .. 4. 'seach. il)per b rrel,• 5 00 to 700 . 0 50 t o 1 50 1.00 osale)perbarrel.....1 O. 90 er bushel, new.... 0 25 to' 080 ,r 0 30 to 0 40 •bri... 5 00 bo 5 50 0 05,to, 0 06 r 2 50 to 3 25 Timothy Seed per bushel 4 50 to 5 00 CwiouvpeirpSere per 'Aloha] , • OLINTort June 30, 1881. ib 0 22 to 0 24 , Pall.Whe and oeteene SpringW g (17-1 Oata,per t"," Barley,p woods: Peas,pet were Batter. Potatoee Eggs Hay•per Clover Timothy Wool Liv 98 5 tween ed the attic arn, driving nothing was eat deal of n the Same Lely no lives eased by, St. shore, where •th near the e wind blew the farm of 1, 1St con- torm 'seemed fury In enty -1 apple d ' blown at any of 'these: some f then ext str blowi tiers so -oft/ of a —The election 'whicl East Durham on Wedne the return of DreBereto vative candidate, by a Like the North Waterlo causes no change in strength of parties in th lature, and as the chart offsets the one in Nort House will divide as meanwhile other vacancy Buffing in other amigos. —Mr. John Cole, of Fullerton, lost two horse during a recent storm. ck the g the: me 50 Mr. C' o blown off ces scattor- ection. Th about ebeveti ckma, place 0 and $600 s neighbor ow. ' Such that locality any person age was als e stet's. caine off itit ay resulted i the Consert. jority of 22 caot st, thii heLocal mericad Legid- e in Frescott Ontario, th, e orel unles occur r itt by.isedale, y ghtnirig Births .1 JOH NSTON-z-In McKillop. o wife of Mr. Thos. johnsto ADA. MS -In McRillop, on th of Mr. Wni. Adams of a SO BRI GHAM-In Seaforth, on wife of Mr. John Brigham McKAY-At Newbridge, on the of Mr. Alex -McKay of a so BEAN --In Gorrie, on the 13t Mr. W. S. Bean of eedaugh McOLOY-In Bayfield, on the of Mr. T. K. Meeloy of as STURGEON -In Bayfidd, o wife of Mr. Jas. Sturgeon PHILLIPS -In Alliston, on t .of Mr. B. S. PhiRips, for daughter. tho of a so 3rI ult ifil25a jas2ota7ntl.rul . , t tit: wt:eu Lt ma. ea , tihe , wife Of 8c t r.' • i 4 18c 6th ult., the wOe th tii -15t ult., tlie tori a !soil. last e 113t fil ., the yip decl curly of i Hay, er , a elle slo HURON E POSITO RTANIf NOTICE. toper bushel....... .. .. 1 20 c 1 28 eat, perbushel ..... 1 15 ( 1 20 ..• 08 040 lluibliglIbiehlie 0 65 @ 0 70 ..... 0 65 ee 0 70 4 .. . 0 16 @ 017 .... 0 25 0:25 ew ' o11 0 12 ............ . ....i...10 00 @ 10, 00 ed .......... 4 50 egl 500 Seed .. ...... 2 75 @ 8 00 • 0 23 @ _0 25 • " • Ir 'aeope, June 9. Spring wheat ; I red wijiterj 9s 10d to Os 00d ; vfrhite, 9s 09d club, 9s 11d; oats, Is I 2d; barley, 5e 3d: peas, 68 07d • 14r, 74s 4d; beef, 92s 6d; the se, 51s b • 1 TOR NTo;:Tnne 30. -Fall wheat, $1.20 to $1.,2; spring, $1.22 to $1.24; oats, 41c peas, 050 to 730 ; b rley, 55c to 60o; hay, per tont 0S 00 to $10 00 ; butter 14a to 18c ;' poiatoes per bag, 60c to 65-; eggs, pe doz., 16c to 17c.; • dresse hogs, per 100 bee$8.00 to $8.50 ; wool, Se lb., 22c t 22�. Bu — No light choic heav and broug good, medi tom Pigs, Mo cattl not s Was er, fi 5o; third The S. P mall per 1 per 1 ply, and Calv Hog a Live Stock Markets. i'ALO; June 28.—Sheep and lar decided change fresh arri' soles ranged at $4 25 to $4 5 at $4 75 to $5 00; a few ex at $5 25. Hogs decidedly dull at ; a few light York weights t $5 45 to $5 85 ; a few pretty $5 9() to $6 00 ; good to choice ra. and heavy, SO 10 to $620; an to fair heavy, $5 25 to $5 75. 5100 to $5 40. TREAT:, June 28.—The supply at the markets here to -day was- 0.arge as usu 1, and the quality; ot good. Prices were a shade low S -class beef ranged from 5i -c to cond class, from; 4c to 5c ; andi , from 31-c to ellowing sale ice : -5 carloa at prices rang J • to Mr. Ken 1 GREAT HOFFMAN' • ....,•••Lampim • DISC AT BROTHERS', 111,T SALE CO 31111-ZNCES Having decided to offe t a GREAT DISC Order to make room for t a present' purchasing in which we have already of out present stock We to give the following !LI ON ALL AMOU , • ABO - I . AND ALL Ott Prints and Cottons ar is one of the greatest o and vicinity. Our etoc week, and are of the la menta, especially so i Cloths, Ulsterings, Flan Table Linens, ToWels, Frillings,, Fringes, Lace Mantles, Bonnets, Hats Splendid Assortment of It will be seen by no BUSINESS. I PLAIN FIGURI houses ; then in the sec be! als ; I rad of c per lb. live weight.' were reported to s of cattle for s ing from. 4i -c to ned , 8 head at J Sheep andilam s were in he former selling St $3 to $5 6 5IC np- ch„ atter from $3 to fii4 for the- besti ; et sold from $ 50 to $5 50 e chi br ught 7c p r lb. . 1 Cheese Markets. t aa., tat U tat, N. Y., June 7.-8,500 b • ' s: chee e sold to -day at 9c to 9c; 2 ., the WITe cons'gned ; leading pride no. LE FALLS, June 27.—Cheese m 111 ' sales 12,000 - boxes - factory e sold at 9q; farmers' dairy at 84c. Butter! 60 packages sold at o 22cL i 11 1 SEAFORTH. Vp-11.41ORROTV. the whole o oi OUNT foi thl 18 large impoitat he foreign m rk aced orders, s ill be stuck f ERAL DIS TS OF $1 E $2 TO $5, r sto k of Dry Goods, Millinery, &c., 4 N XT TWO1WEEKS, in on of Fall Goods, which our buyer is s; also for the Canadian Goods, for oom, .nd, therefore, We have decided findless we clear out at least half OYNTS: TO $2, 10 PER CENT • .1 5 PER CENT.; 0 UNTS ABOVE exceptions t d scoun erings, we think, ver is all new. So e of est styles. This stock Dress Goods, D ess • els, Underclothi g, Sh Towelliegs, Cov rlets ., Ribbons, Pates is, U Silks, Satins, F owerl Men's and Boys elt a sting the liberal the first pl.ce Si and at pric nd place, take fo discount„ and youi wil see that you ge oNLy *8. t on inay say that we what we can afford. so long as we DO ONLY_FOR TWO WEEKS wealth, as the terms are cash. xes 606 ar- Death McOLTJRK-In McKillop, on Mary McClure, relict of t °lure, aged 84 years. HODGES-In Grey, on the 2 daughter of Mr. Gco. Hoc WILSON -In East Wawano Margaret Wilson, aged 7 County Down, Ireland. Hear.—at Goderich townshi Margaret, Wife of Mr. JACKSON-Inars. Hullett, on t daughter of ere Richard and 8 months'. CURRLE-In 'Osborne, on renidence of her son -in -I: er, Sr., Christina, relict rie, a native of Dumb= the 79th year of her,,age. 4. ed he 28th ult., /die. I late Mr. john.111e- tori '' ha telt., Essie, el cist nua es, in her 6th ye ' . , theyosnars,a luSathtive tut., _ fat • on. the igh Ha e 21st ckson, aged 8 yea.rs 26th alt., at the , Mr. Wm. Gar1n- the late Neil PX- nshire, Seoblan - in j 22nd 4., U _1, aged ,.72 cep • ing tilt., Nellie, a I :4 cab the 9 39 1 T OODSTOCX, Jun 28. — Thirteen s regiatered 3,e10 boxee cheese, half of the Julie makel. Owin ipg oable and hameturity of s, both buyers and isellers . operate. Only $00 boxes ch Wads at 9c per pon d. ' rOERSOLL, June 2.—Nineteen 8 offered 5,320 boxes, being the Of, June make. Three hun sixty boxes of the st twenty , Mae shake soI4 at th, most of ories having s ld the first ha make previ nsly. With the Cli- n of the above saile no cheese be- not the ade 93, e of ea*d fact the g t the ver fad. laat fired lays the f of '--IREMENIBEFt THE ONLY HOFFATAN 13RoTFTEIS, Seaforth. CARDIVWS BLOC.!(.. I SEA SHELLSI- disco $5, 20 PER CENT. • ts, but will be seld at cost. This ade to the people of Seaforth he goods are hnly in stock one is well assortl3d in all depart- uslins, Prints, Cottons, Tweeds, Tting, Denims, Ducks, Hollands, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ties, brellaa, Embr Belies, Buttons, , .Feathers, 0 aments, also a d Straw Hats. nts goodsTare HAT WE ME/INN theMARKED. a that have to compete with other instance a purchase of $10, deduct the - FULL SIO WORTH FOR ,nnot afford to do th t, but never mind HAT WE SAY. Remember So come along ea ly and bring your HIAP CASH STORE : SEA Si1ELLS1 ARGE LOT OF SE SHELLS JUST TO HAND FROM s01-113CIIi ready to ship, and isms to sell in q dropping to 51s arket dull. d 9e offered.. erket 200 boxes factory men dvance, and o -day, has e hear of ince the clo sold at 9c es sold at 9 3-10c. FLORI 1 CONCH SHELLS 251 CENTS PER PAIR. 1 C. W. PAFST, SEAFORTH. MANITOBA E THOMAS G Who returns to Ontario earl charge of any parties desiri on his return trip, on WEDNESDAY, J Fr eight and stock on Mond cla as chance for prospector tion apply to THOMAS GR Or to WILL J. WHITE, E 601 CURSIONS. EENWAY in July, will take g to accompany hhit ULY 27TH. y before. A first- . For full informs- ENWAY, Centralia, press Agent, Exeter. IMPORTANT OTICES. CAUTION -The public re hereby cautioned against purchasing or egotiating a,note of hand eiven by John B. Mo er in favor of Duni- m ei t & Klopp, for the sum of $3.61, bearing date April 18, 1380, ard payable months after date and be aring 8 per cent. inte est until paid, as the bid d i_cte is to be paid onl to the undersigned. DUMMERT & RLOPP. Zu 'cla, June 24, 1881. 708x4. NOTICE TO MASONS- eale en ere ‚wili be i eceived by the u dersigned nntil the t (1 Sptembr, for buil ng stone foundations u nder the School Houses ir Section No 4, Stan - le y. There are two buildin a and the contract Will be let for both or each eparately. The Ccn- tr actor to stir ply all the m aterial. Further in- fo imation can be ,hod cr application to the ecretary of the School Board, on Lot 8, Conces- si on 12, Starley. Tendeis to be addressed to the undersigned, Blake P. p. JOHN DUNN, Speretary. 708x4 ARM FOB SALE IN ST LEY -100 acres in the Township of Stan' sion ; 60 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation; well drained, ood well and a creek running through the farm ; good brick house, flame barn and frame sheds, large oichard of good bearing trees. It is 'within mile of Brace - field, 6 miles from Seaforth and the Berne dis- tance from ellinten. Apply to MRS. MARGARET AINTINBEAD on the preMises, Brucelleld Post Office. 7084 VIRM FOR SALT', IN TAIE TOWNSHIP OF HAL -The undersign d has been authoriz- ed andlnetructedby the olvners thereof, to sell by way of tender, Lot No 27 end the hall of of Lot No. 26, in the 7th Concession of the Township of Hay, in the C unty of Enron, Ont. Comprising 150 acres of lan4I. more or less, being a portion of the estate of th late Henry Shaffer, deceased. Sealed offers 'w14 be received for the same addressed to the rind rigned, Hugh Love, Sr., and Wm. curry, Bibs lreen, P. 0. on and up till 12 o'clock noon, on iday, the 2nd day of September, next. Intei4ling purchasers may offer for each 60 acres sepaantely, or any two 50 acres separately,or for the whole 150 acres in bulk. The undersigned Iv accept the highest or any good quality and nearly t cleared and fenced; it is c schools and chnrahes, bein Heneall and Kippen, on th y, Lot 18, 1st Conees- 11 not be bound to ffer. The land is of e one half of it is nvenient to searkets, about 5 miles from London, Huron & Bruce Railroad. Purchase swill have the liberty te plow and sow on the 51,11 of September, and full possession on the,nd of vember, next. TERMS. -One half cash, and the b lance in 4 years With interest at 6 per cent., se d by mortgage. HVGH LOVE, $R„ WM. CUBRY, Attorneys for ;ilea Shatter, Charles Shager a d George Shaffer. Hille Green, Hay, Dane , 1881. 70-9 STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO CATTLE BREEDE 'L will keep on his fant H u nett, during the conn Thoroughbred Ball. "If f rom the best stock on b and i a sure steck-gette payable at the time of s of returning if necesea CHAEL. 8- The undersignect ,Lot 2, Concession 8 g season, ttat superio nest Sandy." He th sides, is 2 years ol Terms -Si per eo rvice, with the privileg •. ROBERT Mc ION SICtl OF tHE 1%111• 1 0 rn co CIRCULAR SAW THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE, rr IN DRY GOODS IS TILL GO*G ON AT HILL BROTHERS' OLD STAND, OPPOSIT.* THE commElearAL NOTE SEAFORTH. VTR STOCK HAS TO BE SOLD, AND W1 ARE rELLING GOODS roLl FAR & BELOW WIHOLESALiE PRIQESs —1 m MILLINERY" THE LEADING FEATURE OF MY HOUSE r • • [r In this department I will sacrifice the Goods. See the bargains an be Con - O vinced. Five hendred. Lovely Silk Parasols, superior rna qn ity andstyle, at CD , very much reduced prices. , .., THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF /WY ST06i.' co 1 fil Of Dress GoodstBlack and Colored Grenadines, White and Colored. Xuelinei, CD Black and Colored Cashmeres, Black and Colored Lustree, sem% heautithl thinga —1 in Prints, immense assortment of White Maslin Ertabroideries—rout be Bola , I .within the next thirty days. . . THE REApYMADE CLOTHING DPARTIViENT 0 Particular attention is called to my immense stock of Readymade Clothing. • In this departm rat I have everything that inay be required. for the col:lei-rag sea - 171 son. Some ver; nobby things in light Sunamer Suits. Special value in i Skelton > Coats arid Woreted Suits. Canadian Tweed Suits, all prices, very latest eat and [ 13 finish. . co GENTS' FURNISHINGS. WE WILL GUARANT TO SELL YOU MORE GOODS FOR LES ONEY TITAN ANY OTUER HOUSE p THE COUNTY. Amummt....•••ime• • '{ THE BALANCE F OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY AND READY-MADE CLOT WILL BE SOLD AT LESS THAN HALF THE 0 IaiNAi To those who have not visited us Yet, we would say CME AT ONCE, and get some of the BARGAINS now going,' and don't be deceiee d by what Others in: the same businese may say, for we an sell you Goodeeeheaper than youever bought them for before. Come and. Seel for yourself, and be convinced that thia is a REAL GENUINE BANKRUPT -SALE. . i ! DAVIDSON -4& ,SORRISPN. SPECIAL! SPE IAL SPECIAL TREMENDOUS TUMBLE DOWN °IN PRICES!o To make my Clearing Sale a Success I have determined to run off the Balance Lof my Summer Stock of Dry Goods at the Very Lowest Possible Figure tor Cask Dress Shits—In White, Oxford, French and English Carabricet Collars (121. and Cuffs—In all the leading styles. Ties and Scarfs—London and Feats Shapes. O I Silk Handkerc efs—A complete asortment. Shirts and Drawers—Tia Merino, O Cotton, and Ba briggan, at all prices—best goodsBlabber Tweed. -Coats—The. • largest stack in the Couty, from the lowest price to the best Scotch make. HATS AND CAPS 4ND STRAW G000S44 4 , I -. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK,- I have now an entirely new stock of the > above named Goode for this season, andewhich coraprieeS Canadian, English and American maufactures. The styles are the newest ' and the prices bottom. I- Canadian Felts, English Stiff and Soft Felts, Amerizan Felts. Caps ill Canadian Z and -American, all fresh, particularly good styles, and prices low. 0 ; ; BOOTS AND SHOES. Z Ii O ; Five cases just to hand, whicb completes one of the largest zto3n3. in .,s branch that I have ever held, comprising Ladies' Finest French Kid Shoo, • Ladies' Fine Oiled Goat Shoes, Ladies' Fine Pebble Boots, Ladies' Extra Button a„, and Lace Prunella, Roots and Shoes, Ladies' and Mies' Kid sarta.a Shoes, '..7.1 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Bt..: and Lace Slippers, Boys', MiEses' and :- ' . • Children's Boots, all sizes and kinds, Men's Boots and Shoes mevery style and m at extremely lolvt figures Ir3- 1 invite Examination by the Public needing Goods, before rushing and buying from inferior- stocks, bought at a large per eentage too 0 d • ' the st lace All 1 ask is for people iv Examine Goods, 'U88 JUDGMENT, awl Compare Qualiy,rie mid Style. co . • Corner it Mg:in and Market Streets. TITOMAS KIDD, Seaforth. i - 1;1