HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-01, Page 3LILY 1, 1881. RT} ND SFI03 • M LOGA BA RG A _TN t FOR r•TOi.\1-1111"ei PS AND MISSES' HOUSE SUPPERS. M WORK .EP AIRING lATISFACTION. L 0 GAN, 711, ONTARIO. LY: EMPORIUM _LVD SURROUND- ,'() LTA -TRY. C;:tUNTER AND PROPRIETOR. THE PLACE ind Reliable Goods in .0 HES, NATOH ES PLAT E D WARE, `-ELRY, -OOKS, &O., &O. is very elsoice and complete. Or yeurscO es. No trouble to 1 Gorda sold on their own red eerreuted. enerneutr wi th a First -Class 'See71 erre till all orderor of Jr.wsloy on the Shortest ition given to the Be - Watches, Clocks,. and ine Wetchee always a nted fo give Satisfactioe. -id and S11ver. E•STAND—Tree of Silver- Wintiow, rind directly oppo- heap CriAt Furniture Store. 'OUNTER, Seaforth. AFORTH GE ACENCY. _As:CSC-DINT 0 Tit, SEAFORTH, ,1arii e.•Life and Accident, ent, Ceeveyarmer, tte. Risks perty cf"o cted at lowest cur- aojnstr tl promptly and Badg- e t tree class reliable Com- . Est€e. r. nally low rates oa pros erts. Only 5Ct cents to years ie the Gore District frr ovtr 41.1 years. The fa- n, c•11' trjntO, al, of Glaemw, Sootlaerie Etoshind, f Gail, ototario, 1 Marie: tf Hamilton, Onte uf Morareal, P. Q.; Q., Ilion. t intario, and Ac ident 1, a Hartford, f Toes tzte Ontario. AGENT FOR THE PERMANENT AIMS COMPANY. iZeal Kotate at 6 and & GEN1 FOR THE STEAMSHIP GOA ork t ire every ThursdaY• tO Ti(.w- issued from here -nit le: _es ser. First Cabin, 1. Sr ere 1 Cabin, .4...A40 to $75 roi.n. 1 • :dee going to the Si. .iJ LINE, as it iR the F, t aud Safest Steam' ling to est New York. WATSON, SE.A.FORTH, Ontario. Campbell's Block, oppoeits efuLy 1, 1881. The Devil. gen don't believe in the devil now,as their fathers. Tiled to do; They'll toned the, door of the broadest creed to let his MaiustY through. These isn't a print of his cloven foot, or a fiery dart fromhis bow, To be found in the earth or air to -day, for the world has Toted it so . B1tc ho is miring the fatal draught that palsies heart and brain, Lad loads the bier of each passing year with ten hundred thousand slain? Who blights the bloom of tho land to -day with the fiery breath of Hell, /foe Deeil hail and never was? Won't some- body rise and tell ? Who dogs the steps of the toiling saint and digs h .0the0WIttares in sforhisfeet 8the the field of time wherever orrtiesdwnhoeat to be, and, of course, the IheGyVvilsoiNlifiv Britthragwho iiss trudoie4 the kind of -work the Devil alone should do I We aro told he does not go about as a roaring BatEwohnoranoswhai; 1 we )oold responsible for the ever- lasting sow To be heard in home, in church and state, to earth's remotest bound, Utile Devil, by unanimous vote, is no w here to be found? Won't somebody step to tho front forthwith, and make his bow and show riow thetrands and crimes of a single day spring up ? We want to know. TheDevil was fairly voted out, and, of course, the Devil's gone ; Bat simple people would like to know who carrie0 his business on. —A. J. _Hough. When I know a man to be w know how to take him. s When a man to be a goody-goody m only safety am to let him alone. you meet a man who am distres de gmeral wickedness of de worl you lend him money widout goo ity. When yon meet a man w an' um,' an' rubs his h gether, an' rolls up his eyes, do lenge him to trade horses. Fi man who weeps bekase de wor better, an' I will show you a m makes his own home .unhappy. de belief ob a man who has put y'ars of life on dis planet dat it to be too good dan it am wicked. De law will soon get de too wicked, but -de too good cached. Gin me a man who debts, speaks de truf in his lets whiskey alone, ABM hi right, an' takes de side ob de poo' an' de young an' weak in of life. -He's a man to tie to, doan' reach heaben, all odder men will sten' a mighty slim I • 1• : Gaieties. "Oh, give me, anything made of beans," exclaimed a Boston man taken siok in the West, when asked what he would have to eat. They obeyed his request. They gave him castor ell. "Henry," said his wife with Chilling severity, saw you coming out of a saloon this afternoon." "Well, my darling," replied the heartless man, epee wouldn't have your husband stay- ing in a saloon all day, would you ?" "Man, John, wasna yon preaching ? Yon's something for a body to bring away wi' him. Nine heads, an' twenty particulars to ilka head—an' sic mouth- fa's o' grand words ! Ou, man ! it was fine. If ane could just mind onything he said, it wad. do ane guid." "Men often jump at conclusions, says a proverb. So do'dogs. We saw a dog jump at th p conclusion of a cat which was sticking through the open- ing of a partly closed door, and t made more disturbance than a ; church A young lady who had ,ordered home scandal. a pair of unusually high heeled boots, was flushed by the announcement by Bridget fresh from answering the door bell, "If ye plaza, miss, there's a man in the hall below with a pair of shtilts . for yez." A minister, while marrying a couple recently, was rather disconcerted on asking the bridegroom if he was willing to take the young lady for his wedded wife, by his scratching his head and saying : "Yes I'm willing ; !but I'd. much rather have her sister." ' Choice Bits From Fl Drawer. —At New Brighton, State are three Episcopal churche rectors, it is said, • entertain different views as to ritual. man who happens to belong t denomination one day asks of copal neighbor how be des three churches. "Well" re Churchman, "At Christ's Church they are Low and At St. Mary's they are High and Orazy At the Apeeneion they are Broad an This definition possesses should. be incorporated into edition of the Church Diction • —The faculty of one of o theological seminaries recei time since a letter, in which t itarits of a small town in Kane to them for a 'young clergyma charge of their spiritual The long and formidable arra ifications whi3h the minis possess, and the extremel salary attached to the positi the good doctors of the fee something akin to despai much thought, one suggested reply shduld run thus : "The of whom we know who co you is our reverend college now dead some few years, having accustomed himself t feed (air), could perhaps eke subsistence upon the salary propose." This, after due de was rejected, and the next listened to : "We.know of ni cepting the Apostle Paul, proaches to your standard of might preach of a Sunday, a living by sail -making on w This was at length also reje the following reply finally hi despatched :• "We know of earth good. enough for you, or possibly live on the salary yo .1 ked, 1 know ', !DV when dbbei , doan sePur- ' 4itaoi! o say , me hai n 9 nb.' n Vvt.autths •It e top la ole a 't bis e his MS; I inil d, an battle if he sorts o' 7 I -*apes i Island, ,1 whose is ightly 1 gentle - another is Epi ed the iecl t e i ; ELBazy .' rit, t ne largest cid some •' h e in alb- s applied •' -4 take dtleati I of qu n. r ,na st • meagre S, threw lty into i t a At Illth° er y, man satisfy • r sident, nd who, heavenly ut a bare inch e on, berati n, i roposal I one, exel iwlib tsp., f iety ; he d get his els-days," intept,n and a e I, man on Who could I mention. I make an tie' who , ,. me down 1 tfeank esu t r c led Ij)O1 on of hil ren d h use 1 fel ow esu ed u red, "le o sir,' ra- t r se t ai. I cal - did tell , innIeso in din ited n ng ,c9un- econae a 't was tied e) and , the !answered you charge, i,v 11 Wfl me a •1 I • #1 I • f the commun eholery has bio mike from her awakening on the ,falls nabor boil made to, k Misa Nancy twins twin day the is Rupp 'a poor scraggy hall its day& to report the p respects to li;f1 scribe myself, P. Unfai THE reememsesame ty is only tolerable, and eorit about 2 and one half . There is a powerful e subject of religion in ood, and many soals are ow their sins forgiven. ith a nere naber, had re yesterday. i One of d to be a seven naonther, thing, and vspn't live his is about atvl I have esent quarter. -Give my s.. Buchanan, and sub - Yours truly, -f-- —, at—, Fulton po.,111. Advantages. , finding his cash at a ed to adopt "the road" al means of refreshing and having -.provided huge horse -pistol, pro- ith to the conventional on" and lay ' in wait. onventional "farmer re - market with a bag of arse soon aprared, to at with the egnlation offer of choice, "Your life 1" a remark fortified neons exhibition of the usual way. e Tle fanner, er, essayed tp temper - not have thee stain thy friend ; and didst thou y gold, it wonbe theft ; kill me, it woad be mur- 1 A bargain is no sin, ce between tvyo honest ve thee this bag of gold hioh thou holtest at my suspecting amateur Mac - perhaps to the Quaker's citude for Ulf spiritual the exchange without a itation. "No'v, friend," y Ephraim, leveling• the me back my Oold, or 1'11 'ns out 1" "Blaze away, " said Pat. "Sure, there's of powther in it !" The old Quaker. An Irishii lovs [ebb, res as s; profess the exoheq hirolself wit cesided f rt "lonely Th no tu mg meney" of whom elate highwayma meney or y by the sim firearm t whef was ize.I "I sou wit rob me and dids der, B but a co men. I for:the ear." heath, logic an welfare, mcimen cried t•e w‘pon, "giv bldw t y br thin, da niter a reeult Almo seine ti red pec cnc1ud little a ienaid at;the ladicro spectac Who ha eabh ot i evlery d tee any soarer e napes dibate tat h chosen (alecor tc; c the hu faul work c ideas, that is and so While hOrsel to tails o he 4 1 We therefore advise you t Waiter—"Don't you wish to be called effort to secure the angel Ga in the rooming, sir ?" "Yes sir." could board in heaven, and c Walter—"When will you be called, Sundays to preach. sir?" G-uest--"That depends on how —Nothing like the simple I feel in the morning. I am very tired of youth. A Pennsylvania now. I'll ring for you when I desire to rather early in the morning to be called." , his parishioners. One of th 'What's the difference between a saw him coming, and ran int man going to Plymouth Church and a to tell his mother. The li lover about to propose ?" asks the Boa- , soon returned to the front, a ton Courier. Don't know—Boston his play. The clergyman in Post. Then you had better go to school. your mother at home ?" ' One is going to see Beecher and the plied the child : "she is out other to beseech her. I "Tell her, when she returns, "Can a man see without eyes ?" aelt- led," said the clergyman. '. the . professor. "Yes sir," was the her," replied the little boy. prompt answer. "Pray sir, how can —A rich and catchpenny you make that out ?" cried the astonish- justice, newly elected—a de ed professor. "He can see with one eye, and. of laughing habit—was sir," replied the ready witted youth,and on by a long favored, unasst the whole class shouted with delight at try swain, who was about t his triumph over metaphysics. Two countrymen went into a hatter's to buy one of them a hat. They Were delighted with the sample, inside the crown of which was inserted a looking glass. "What is the glass for ?" said one of the men. The other impatient I • • It "happy Benedict." The kn in the most approved mann "charge" was called fcr an as follows: "How much d squire ?" Well, the law dollar and a half ; you m what you please." "All ri ;e)w a 1 pay e let' Her 's at such a display of rural ignorance, ex- fifty cents; that'll make y a two d 1 - claimed : "What for ? why, for the men lars." The squire tang ed—and, who buys the hat to see how it fits." did the town, when it became public.' A small daughter of a friend of ours who had been accustomed to the simplicity of the nursery table, when first allowed to take a meal with the family was specially charmed with the mystery of the castor. After watching her father peppering something, she passed her own plate, Baying politely : "Please put a little dirt on mine, too, Papa." 4 A Highland m an's Prayer. Rutnading the Mull of Kintyre, in a storm. "Keep her head up, Tuncan, keep her head up, man ; we'll mayba be able to make Campbleton or Carradale yet before the daylicht goes oot." Duncan—"Keep your own head tips Tonald, and not sit in the pows there greetin' like a pubbly jock. If we get to Canapbelton, I doot it'll be by crawl- ing along the bottom. Och, och, thia is what I got by sailing wi' a whisky cask like you aboard ; 0 Lord, I wish it was yesterday." Duncan—"Stop fecht- jag ; we're Daudet doon." Tonald— "You micht pray, I'll watch if -you • pray." Duncan—"Yes. 0 mighty for gracious Lord, Tonald's an eau feef ; he stole McQuilim's nets and hens, and promised me the hauf, but niffer did :I get a broon bapee. It's twenty years since socht a favor from you, an' if you'll trek' Us safe intae Campbelion it'll he as ling again afore I'll ask anither." The too Good. Man. Our friend of the "Limekiln Club," in Detroit, seems inclined to the belief that the Pecksniffs of the world are not, ou the whole, the best, and he ex- presees his sentiments in the quaint and philosophic style for which he is so widely known. "Doan' be too good," said the old man, as he crossed his hanns 'under his coat tails. -I advise you to be good, but not goody -good. When a man re-a4ies a sartin line of goodness, he will havf/de respect an' esteem of all who rneethim ; orfuns will bless hir4, an' widders will pray for him. Wh n he crosses ober dat line, he will pay fur de poo' wid one hand„ an' lend bioney at fifteen per cent. wid de odder. He wil ailed tears fur his naybur's -woes, hilt leave six inches of snow on his side - Walk liar de people togwade frew. His chili wilt quiver when lae weeks of de poe:.heathen in Africa, but his own boys vstirplay base-ballin de alley on Sun- day. He will weep ober de need of more ortun asylums, but he wont put down a in money. I doan' want unffin to do wid a too good man. —Perhaps some of our cl will appreciate the level I. orical friends Pad nese of a Western minister, who bee een so ranch troubled about mar/lege Mist th t he issued the following irctilar\aiiid ( price list : One marriag , ,plain, $2. Ditto, kissing the bride, ;$3. Ditto, trimmed with one groomsbnan and one bridesmaid, $4 ; 50 cents eitra for each additional groomsman or ! bridesmaid. Bachelors past forty will ebe oharged extra.' Maids of same ageeiten'per cent. off. Mileage will be charged in long distance matches. Liberal reduction to clubs. Payments cash no notes or securities accepted. No money refund- ed or rebates made for , poor goods. Come early,- and come often. phone. tably dressed he other day and thickly inquired if he could have the use of their telephone for i a few moments. As a matter of fact, the office had none, but the clerk in 1 charge placed an old chaitapagne'bottle on the desk, month toward the stranger, and told him to go ahead. H3 drew up his chair, eyed the bottle long and cllesely, and finally put his mouth to the open- ing and called out: "Hello 1 hello 1 Shay, hello 1" - After waiting half a minute for an answer, he{ lifted 'tip the bottle, snuffed at it, and then tarned to the clerk and said: "Ca 't raise 'em." "Can't "No shut I can't get a Borrowing a Tel; A middle aged respe stranger entered au office • • t e It ple o ed ho thy le am WURON EXPOSIT' OR. SEASON OF 1881. EEDS, SEEDS OESOT Having purchased a Large Stock of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS ife Partnership. ry one has had occasion wonder how certain mar - their acquaintance ever go through life together, Bo appear to have in common It is pathetic and yet time there is something ut it. It is truly a curious ee a husband and wife itively nothing to say to who comeaumeate, to be tete d to the comnkonplaces of y , but who are ilumb so far ea nterchange of, thought is ed vho sit through an even. ter a•liment or ride a hundred ide byside with no hing to in. ey nd the fact of the r proximity re are two people who have ea*h other out of al the world mg to the common uperstition itt panions. If they drift apart hal d is almost alw ys blamed, he ife is in many c ses the one hile her hush nd in his m s in contact w'th men of nd becomes a part of the life pu.hing on into a different plane, is • tightened and. broadened even e ixwearied by it, she allows thong te While he and d ell dilkii8eidis 81 ee being all WOME1 w We of the r perf:ct :t need f f t ampl 8. �liph fort, lerran :Pave '40paaame Wor Ohaz in a twee a h you?' sound." The clerk went on with his writing, and by-and-by the man arose, heaved a deep sigh, and said as he moved off : "You didn't fool me 'tall. I knew all the time th 't it Was me who was full instead of that bottle." I A _Valuable eport, An old friend and val ed correspond- ent at Washington sendii the following : A recently appointed poetmaster under Buchanan, finding by hee"instrections that he was to report qularterly, addres- sed the following official communica ion to the President : .1 July 9;1 Mr. James ilveltanan resident of • e absorbed i▪ n t work, and at o not rise above rehearses her litt Ripon them, she m annoyance one great tronb a failure. Th re are many know no more of the real husbands than they do of anger. That there is no ist is shown by countless ex - Picture Mrs. Carlisle, as Mrs. nt escribes her, incessantly oc ev'tle the little care of a house neshe was not on y Obliged tc4 ings for her huslband's • cona leo to invent contrivances tb 11 e little de - length her them, and e vexations, fancies that , unless in - e worthy of 4 From the Well -Known Boase of OHN A. BRUC & Co., prepared to offer, either in B lk or by the Paper, Good, Fresh and Be table EEDS OF ALL INDS, the Lowest Possible Price, co sisting of a Variety of Swede Turnip,Field and Garden Carrots, Mangel Wurtzel, Millet and Hunga n Grass, Clover and Timothy And All Kinds of arden and Rower Seeds. GROCERIES, OR AND PROVISI CKERY, )NS. SOMETHING iNEW- ! SOMETHING *EW A cOMPLETE 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENT We have a Full Stook of Gioeeri Crookery, and Previsions, and would cell spool -1 attention to cur Large Stock of • NEW 111 S ponsisting of Moynne, Ping Sney Young Hyson , Gunpowder, Congos, Unoolore , and Japans, 411 Fresh and Nei Arid Better Value than ever bele pnblia. Also EXTRA GOOD VALUE Give us a Call and be eonvlre1 that M. Mor- rison's is the right place to buy fom. wh et ut •m little troubles, and yet at th time was possessed of a min le of appreciating his greater and of correctly estimating hi ctee, and wee withal eo interests that oncerned him that the hal tiours spon Billclosuitebteutift a la k *n tehxahmepr'lehsel'r husband id lares to have been the moat delightful omenta of his life 1 There need be no greater disproportion b sband and wife whose circ e is smaller and whose abiliy is fax lee oras, of them devoted a eotion and complete compa ionehip er not told -of in Inagazine ticles, the are going on before our ve eyes in Ina II ble homes, and the truth there appr iated that in, order to all that On ought to be there needs he ;that 'renewing of Oae mind" avhieh Eta • erton speaks ip the "Int lectnal Lib." No man or woman w gives then tht to this matter can c# elude that it is wise to draw continn upOn the c pital with whibh they st: ed, but will try to increase it by fr: thoughts, and by _making themsel constant]. interesting and helpful to e other. I VA' Ag Foot Fo emost. Moth4r times 1 t morning do not cause fo An uric the hes dered sto by the a these ev11 in a chi d ' — thatS°nId' 2 and sisters knew that so e children get up in "wrong foot foreMost, but t ays realize that there is s t. #0 1 mfortable• Posi ion in bed— Oo high or too low—a di or- ach or the, irifitation ca sed eful little itScrides—an of furnish cause or ill te per is useless s ridicule is w rse omething that I children an - of milk, orev4a warm w tle cuddling, and a ivert the eland's mind fort of the moinent, and d be, a ennile and. a ply repay Ilt3 fo- five, min r - is to of 1- 0 y rt- sh es ch 10 e - he ey me Season, e offered to the Thle Pop, atest In •- Mu TET 3D Ca...T_;_A.P.S eution for the Production of is Automatically is TH N SUGARS. United States : DEAR SI11,—Be454 required by the in- structions of the Post offiee to Ireport quarterly, I know heerWith foolfel that pleasin duty by reportin as fellows. The harvestin has been egoin on peerty, and -most of the naborcl' have got their cuttin dun. Wheat is ardly a averag6 crop ; on rolen land corn is yallerish, and •wont urn out more than ten Ot fifteen buithels to the a er. The health 7. th4 not be A dri with a Ili story to the discjo is rewe. d which petiole() IS South Side of Main AS site Market Ss' eet, If lef to the mercy df servant oiderdiuliren, the little bne, wa an uncc1rIfortable frame of mind body, is sjy likely. to remain ero instead o being soothe4 end comfo it is ofte4. made more and more table by Weide or harsh words. Five minutes in a moher's lap set the child right. I know, for I experim+ted. —Hnailton Deson, a pro Philadelphia manufacturer, hap four million acres of land fro State di Florida. This is said the ler' eet purchase, ever needle single is nea price to set on the erson in the world. ! The as large as Nev Jersey. aid is unknown. Deson e large number of immi° nd. reet, Oppo- M. MORRISON, - NOTICE! NCITICE ! ter, nny rota ctie ug, tes' Or g in and for ted irris RGUIN AN TTE. THE ORGUINETTE. CHILD CAN PLAY THEM. " The Mechanical 0rgt1Inet4e is certainly a musical wonder—there is nothing composed that it cannot per1rm, and the low lice at which they are sold should fill every house in the land with its harmed ofmeet soande. '—Ners York Tribune. EAFORTH. 0. L. P vsjil haee PST Has now on Hand a We Assort° d Stock of Sil erware. ESIGNS ARE SECOND TO NONE, AND PRICES LOW. LOOK AT O. L. PAPST'S ent ught th! be' by a tractij T1ee! tends ants:l SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. The Musical Instrument Emporium. GOLD WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD RINGS, Rnglish Colored and American Gold Sets, Silver Watches nd Chains VERY CHEAP AT 0. Watchmaker, Jeweler an AIN STREET, - 1881 1881 1-1 CENTRAL GROCERY, SEAFORTH 3 INIZZUCEMIZEth2;Y5INVCIIIMININI THE GREAT SALE IS NOW GOL.NO ON AT . G. A.TT '1'7 GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, SEAFORTH. SPECIAL ATTENTION is directed to my I.- large and well assorted stock of Tess—the best value for your money ever offered; you 01111 get three pounds of Good Tea for Si, e.na for pounds of the best Tea Dust for $1. All other Goods are cut down and cre beteg sold at THE OROCERY DEPARTMENT. L mere Shipments oi T4n;#, Sugar, Tobaccos, and Generai Groceries, which we at4 selling at plias that ca not be beat; 9 pounds of Standard Granulated Sugar for $1; 11 pon ds of Bright Yellow Re ed Sugar for $1; Teas from 35 cents up to 80 lents per potmd, and eve package sold warranted to give the purchaser satisfaction or cash refanped—No 11unabug. Fal 8t.0031t in Pickles, Sauces, Canned Meats, Canned Fruits, &c. PROWION S—Flotur, Oat and Corn Meal, Granulaterkl Wheat, Buck- wheat Flow, Hams, Bacon, Potatoes, &c. L. PAPST'S Engraver, SEAFORTH. THE VERY LOWEST RATES All kinds of Groceries, a large istock -of .augars, Cheap Currants, Raisins,: Prunes, Dried Aples, Canned Peaches, Lobstere, Sardines, Salmon, Black -Currant jelly, Red Currant Jelly, Pine Apple, Orange, Lemon, Honey in one ound. tin, ixedPrckles by the Qns.rt or Gallon—ale° in bottles. ese ALL KINDS OF 1-ROVISIONSI FRESH AND GOOD, SUCH AS Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Bran, Shorts, Chop Stuff, Seed Corn, Pork, Sugar Cured Hams, Po- tatces, Cheese, Syrups, 4ap1e Molassee, &AI. A New Lot of C OoKERY AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT. This Department is unisnally well Resorted; We sell Plain and Decorated China by the dozen or i sets • Large Assortment of China Tea Sets, from $5 to 820; Granite Tea Sets, Plain and De °rated, from 82 andanis • Dinner Sets; Bedroom Sets, from $2 50: up to 812; Stook of lassunre is 'immense ; Call arid see it; We have a large stook of Bar Goods, and would call spe4ial attention to our stock of Cgars. PA.R#1.1 ANKING izs7 OUSE. THE SEED DEPARTMENT,: Full Stock in Clovers, Common Bed, Large Late, Alsike arid White Dutch ; Timothy, Htmgarian Gritss, illet, White and Golden, Orchard Gress, Tares, Carrots, Mengel and Turnip eeds ; Gar- de Sees by the paper or in bulk; Seed Potatoes in Early Rose, Late Rose; Snow Flake, Beauty of Heron and White Elephant; Top Onions, Dutch Set Onions and English Potato Onions. in 'te inspection of our Large Assortment of Goods, Note the fact ano remember t1u4 we sell the best Goods that the Market contins. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, Main Street, Seaforth. FREE DELIVERY. Under the Cloak, Ctirdno's Block. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE Cream Crocks, Milk Pans, Jugs, all sires of Flower Pots, and a large stock of Giese Gem Fruit jars. • Butter, Eggs and Lard, and some of the best varieties of Sweet Turnip eeed in Stook. 73 A. G. AULT, Seaforth. SEAFORTH. OFFICE—in the pr ly occupied by the merce, and under t Hotel, Man Street raises former- ecnk of Com- Cammercial NOTES AND BILLS ISCOUNTED. English and Forel. • Exchange Purchased a d Sold. FARIVIERS'SA E NOTES Rarchased at Reaso able Rates. Honey Lent on Colin eral Securities. Drafts lamed, paab1x at par at all of Coiuneroe. Branehee o tne B: 1NTE1rEST Allow d on Deposita Money to Loan mortgages - Al„ M 8; Manager and •roprietor. THE LEADING DRUG HOUSE. HICKSON & 00. SEAFORTH. USED ALL -THE YEAR ROUND 40HNSTONIS SARSAPARILLA! ONSTANTLY ON HAND AND RECEIVING BATH SPONGES AND BATH TOWELS. BATH GLOVES AND BATH BRUSHES. BATH SOPS AND TOILET SOAPS. PERFUMERY AND OOMBS. BRUSHES AND PURSES. PIPES AND SMELLING BOTTLES. SHOULDER BRACES AND CHEST PROTECTORS. PUFF BOSES AND PUFF POWDER, &C. For Liver Complaint, Dyspvga, and for Putihing the Blood. TT has been in use for 20 year, and has proved to be the best preparationin the marketior • Sick Headache, Pain in the Side or Back, Liver Complaint, Pimples on tbe Face, Dyspeptis, pilee, a r dell Diseases that axle° from a, Disorder- ed Liver or an impure bloed. Thousands of our best people take it and give it to their children: hy8i018:138 prescribe it daily. 'Those who use it once recommend it to -others. It is made from allow Doclr, Honduras SarsaparillasWild-Cherry, tillingia, Dandelion, Sassaras, Wintergreen, and other well-known valuable Roots and Herbs. lit is -Strictly vegetable, ,and cannot hurt themost elicate constitution. It is one of the best med- cines in use for regulating the bowels. It is sold by all responsible artiggists at one dollar for quart bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Those who cannot obtain a bottle of this medi- cine from their &ingest may send ns one -della; and we will deliver it to them free of any charges. W. JOHNSTON & Co., Manufacturrs, 161 jeff- arson Avenue, Detroi, Mich. For sale by J. S. 110BERTS, Seaforth. 7064 n Hand, Lots of that Beautiful and Heal- thy Summer Beverag, "THE MONTSERRAT FRUIT LIME JUICE," The Meet Healthysnd Delicious Drink in the Market. Small and Large Bottles at CHRYSTAL & BLACK, ICKrON & CO.'S DRUG STORE, SEAFORTH. • ADDRESS. TO THE ELECTORS. SMI H.—" Good morning Jones, where are you going to ?" JON F3.—" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warezooins, to get some new irniture, you see mine is getting played out and I want to get some firsttrate furniture at very low rices. Otir baby wants a new cradle, and they say that he hoe the very b st and cheapest in the °IinDLY.' I?) ESS.—o the Free and Independent People of Huron: M. OBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises lately oeoupied by Mr. John ldd, s a Hardware store, and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in the Furniture line at retutably low prices. Intending parehseers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and warn e his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notie. Picture framing a specialty. All work gunnteed. Farm produc, withers, wood and lumber taken in exchange. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT rmerly, under his own eupervision, and will be conducted with the giustest care and atten - His Ertook of Caekta, Coffins, Shrouds &o., will be found complete 4 and at the very lows t Funerals attended In the country. A:Hearse for hike. Remember he plaze. PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. T HE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately carried.on by the Gods erichFoandry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experienoe of over eight years in that shop, are n ow prepared to carry on the trade ID all its 'blanches. Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-elss work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilermade and repaired, also Sinoke Stacks and Sheet Iron 'Work, tic., at rea- sonable rates. New Salt Pans lamas and old ones repeated on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy corn- , petition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, 686-52 Box 103, Goderiia; M. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTH. T H E OLD FAVORITE GALLERY. ANDREW CALDER, THE Pioneer PhotOgrapher of Seaforth, having gone through the fiery ordeal, is mown:inning again in full blast, innate new and commodious premises in Scott's 'Block. This is the oldest Gallery in this sectiOn, and has been thoroughly refitted and equipped with all the latest appli- ances and scenic effete specially for the &worn- modation of Mr. Calder's large and increasing trade: Having now got into one of tho hand- somest and most completely furnished galleries in the west, he is now in & better position than at any previous time to tarn out all work in the Photgyaph10 line entrusted to him in *superior manxj, at the lowest living profit,and on the shortet possible noire. A call is cordially so- licited from all. 692 A. CALDER, Soott'e Block, Scatoeth. ' s EGG EMPORIUM. THE HURON. FOUNDRY, SAFORTH a 1.1A*APE1 put an Engine into the Fitting • Shop to drive IAethos, Plane* and Drills, independent of e Plow Grinding and Polishing Machine ry, pasties wanting *ork done can have it at y titoe, es stesin will be up every working day. ALL REPAIRS ON ENGINES, MILLS AND OTHER MACHINERY • A t. to on short not oe. On hana and made to order, Horse Powes, Grain Craslies, S Oa land Bollers,Gaig Plow, Grate Bars, &a. Plow Slautinge made to order pat ns by pprties wanling thesame.' Plow Pointe aajioiaIty, made bola Genuine ' cir P onL irom • and 1rwaned hardJand tettg,h. Wal also Fit, Grind aid Polish PlOw Casfings , sa atop la fitted with Grinding Stones and Emery Wheels Idt each work. 11M11 also take .ntraes4c#: Boilers, Gliat and Morning Mills, Saw Hills and other Machingy. WIE make Plane nd tions for Mills, Ae. All Alteratkms en Nab or Engines albenW to. Will also make al - on all ldnds of Machinery. J. S. RUNCIMAN Seaforth. J. S. itinciman has gone aw ay for the winter, the bushiess will be carried oz bW . . likingicen until his return. THE Subscriber hereby thanks 11111 1M1111111101111 -I- customer& (merchants and. kyfor -their liberal patronagt durins the Areas, ss* hopes by strict integrity and clellit #10,0mt1Ost to business to merit their confidence stat ma* the future. Having greatly enlerged *I! prelle• lees during the winter, be is now serepae4t011417 THE HIGHEST CASH PRIOE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORH. Wanted by the subscriber,25 tons a good dry clean wheat straw. D. D. WILSON THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY, HESS & HABERER IJAVE always On hand, and make to Order, Waons!, Sleighs, Carrinee,lag., glee, Cutters, and every otherettklein their ane. T bey peroonally, superintend their own bd- ness, and can guarantee a good article both as to material and wokmanship. For Style and Finish their work cannot be surpassed by the large city esteblishments. Repairing promptly attended to. Give re a trial and be convinced that we 13$11 satisfy youse to quality and 1prieel. Mr. Hess is well known to the public, having been in business hi Zurich for over12 years. 636 E HESS it HABEIIB. THE RIGHT SIDE UP. • JOHN WILLIAMS, KINBURN. HAVING secured the services of Mr. 11 Stinson, w1 ID well known hi. this • e • as a first-olass orse-shoen and as a workman second no man In the County, we therefore feel ce dent in being able to give entire satisfaction in all kinds of work, an& to shoe all kinds of 1 t in the bestpossible roamer. Buggis, Ca ' gas. Waggons, Sleighs, Cut- ters, Land Rolles, Flows and Harrows kept on, hank' and made tO order on short Thedfier Plices as low as those of Nay other A call solicited end satisfaction a.ned ee no pay demanded. 63 JOHN WILLiMS. MORE HORSES WANTED GROSSMAN & STIARt AlliOLL be at SHARP'S HOTEL, SEAFOATE, T v every Saturday, for the purpose of buying Heavy Dntught Horses from 8107 Youla 688 GROSSMAN P c.AaRa..3.0 T S. CIA16.PBEL, Provinsial !mit Surma • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mallytoroyi ly attended to. 79 D. S. CAMEELI#, Mitchell 1.1-1