HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-01, Page 211 • = fi # „V ••4.. :71 7. 71 . f ' 2 4 1, MRS. MILLING -TON AND 1=T -FIR LIBRARIAN. A LOVE AND BUSINESS STORY. "Then you have not engaged any one ?" said Jerry, eagerly. "Well, yes,I suppose I ought to say I have," replied Nelly ; "but I'm think - in' if I can't work her in some other way. I've got to keeP her, poor down - spirited thing. She wa'n't no ways fit for the place; but she kind o' worked on my feelin's, sc I jest had to tell her she could conic), au' I'd. got all wore out, too,' with the, lot I'd seen. My 1 such a lot ! I was gettin' sick o' the sight o' women, and 'most eddy to advertise for a man ; but they do bully yon so. If a man's good for an thing, he's sure to bully, sooner or late ; they're all alike about that ; an' I'v made up my mind to run my own 1 redness. Yon jest come in here now az' take your hat off, 'n we'll talk it all over. I'll tell you what I'm a-fixin' to do.. I expect it'll all come out right, for this woman that I've got—I only engaged her late last night—she'd been twice before, 'n I -bid her she wouldn't do. I didn't tell her the reason, but, yon see, the fact is, she's one o' the kind that makes you feel real sorrowful th minute you look. at her—you know t ere are some folks jest that way—an' I old her I didn't think she was stropg enough ; except •for that she'd do. She's a real lady, you can see that to look at her ; but, says she,. 'I've never had a sick day in ray life ; I promise you I won't be sick.' So, don't you see, what could I say then? So- I told her she could come, an' ehe'll be - here to -morrow. Poor thing, she's had som awfal trouble, I'm jest sure of it ; hu I think it'll be queer if you 'n me t ether can't get it all straightened out. I think she'll do lots- better to sell th stationery—don't you? 'Twoulde't m -ke- so ranch differ- ence about that, if a arson was melan- choly, would it ? Now come right along and we'll talk t all over. I ex- pect you're a master and for plannin', with them eyebrow . Mr. M. alwaye said, 'Look at the eyebrows, little wo- man, look at the eye rows,' an' I always do. Now, come ri ht along." And. Nelly led the elf -amused, half - alarmed, but alt geth.er interested Jerry into her little b ck parlor, where, amid the sound of f iling plaster and blows of hammers, tl4ey sat down and discussed all the arrangements for the new L'Yettengill's." They agreed admitably. Each was, in truth, the neturd complement of the other, "My-! what a piece of luck it was, my findin' you !" e;claimed Nellyetat last. "Why didn't yon have sense enough to sign your i4ame out Jerusha in that letter ? Did 't you know no- body but a man was ver called Jerry ? My! but that was a &ose call, 's Mr. M. used to say, but what I'cl ha' missed you, 'n you'd ha' mi sed me, jest by your bein' called Je y, which is no kind of a name for a woman, not but what I should kind o' hate Jerusha my- self. I'll own to tha much." A very quaint a d inviting ,'-little place was "Pettengill' ," three months later, when Nelly's 8,r engements were all perfected. A stati•nery shop at the front opened. into the ibrary and read- ing room beyond ; to he right of them was Nelly's little par or, and back of that again a small klchen, where at all hours of the day the best of coffee sent out its delicious f agrance. A cup of good coffee and a r 11 anybody could have who came to rea his newspapers in the reading room. It was a novel feature, and it drew as only a novelty and comfort combined could. Jerry as librarian was instate ovth er e library cit and reading room. T e "poor down - spirited thing," who h d so appealed to Nelly's sympathies at he outset, turned out to be a more trn rtworthy person, and mucb less melanc oly, than they feared. She presided ery efficiently at the counters where hey sold news- papers, magazines, an all swell sta- tionery wares ; and as Nelly remarked to Jerry, confidentially, "If .folks come to buy writin'-pa,per, 'hy, it's writin'- paper they want, 8.n' t ere ain't much persuadin' or choosin about it, an' it don't make much odd- whether _a per- son's lookin' glum or I ot ; they'll buy %her writire-paper if yo-, 've got it to sell to 'em. 'Tain't 's 'tis n the hair busi- ness, where you wouldn't never sell nothin' if you didn't kind o' draw the customers on, 'n be real pleasant spoken to 'em, an' divert 'em 's you went along. Mr. M. he alway s taid I'd sell three bottles o' Grecian Dye to- any other girl's one ; 'n as for the switches, well, he used to say to me sometimes, 'Little woman, you did pile the hair up on that women's head, didn't you now ? Hain't you got any conscience?' 'No, poppy,' I used to say ; 'I had a first-rate one, but I wore it all out a-usin' it too hard." -Business poured in a ''Pettengill's." The very oddity of its s n made every- body stop and look at it twice. REIDIN0-R00141 AND CIRCIfLATING LIBRAIIY. COFFEE AND ROLLS. Nobody went in 01200 without return- ing. There was a home -like air about the place which was very restful to strangerietarrying in the city for a few days. The windows were filled with flowers—Jerry had ins stecl on this ; one fine plant in bloom 4tooa always in the centre of each of the long tables in the reading room ; ink and pens ready for use ; paper and stamped. envelopes to be bought at the counter ; and. it was really surprising how big a mail sometimes went out of letters bearing in one corner the odd dat "At Petten- gill's." These letters foilnd their way to many quarters of the g obe, and one of them, which was rea with great consternation one su mer morn- ing at the breakfast ta.b14 of a famous old house in England, ha so direct a bearing on this narrative in fact, em- bodies so much of it—th t it is worth while to give it entire. 11 was written by Wilfrid Beddoes to liis elder brother, Sir Renwick Beddoes, of JSeddoes Hall, and ran as follows: "DEAR OLD REN,—I am going to California, instead of coming home next month, as I expected. You won't see me for a year. I shall come round. by &Van. At first I thought I'd let you set this down as another of my freaks, but I believe I'll make a clean breast of the thing to you, old. fellow, on premising that you tell nobody, least of all, Ethel. Women ' don't un- derstand such thing,. Ren, I'm hard bit, and with a girl I can't marry, and Ibn going to clear out before I make a fool of myself; that is, if I don't do it before I go out of this room. I've never spoken a word to her yet, and I never mean to, and I but, by Jove, Re Of course you such a thing con men in the wori had more to do alwsys been te but it is all u nothing will ev from before my around the wori morrow, and I till I reach San ry about me. I' can shake this better in my life the boys. Your On reading t Beddoes perceis would necessari greatest perplex "That is, if I do of this room." mad," he thong writing a letter I'd never spoken with ? I must t I'll put a postscr more at ease to Then he'll know myself free from So the letter w clear by the fo postscript: "The girl is th in this circulratin been taking m Wouldn't see suc ea, you know ; b could see her. seen a woman her." When Sir Ren ; postscript, he ejaculation—"Go "What is it, Ethel, alarmed. "Oh, nothing," "nothing only an frid's. He's star be back for a year letter into his poc "How tireSom wanted him to go this winter. The ing on Wilfrid." n't know her , it goes hard n't understam happen to m Perhps if "th!wo •• :n, ng measi t w with men take t is gir - eyes, u • less ki will.: o. rm all nor *rite ranbisc.. Dat all rig t assc hing o ; ner Love • Eti ving hr thee; 'STIri Larne ; th me. how of all I had you've ldn't ; iv, and s face °eking off • to - again t wor- 11 as I r was' lel and Th." letter over, Wilfrid d that his brother y by the sentence, be throwninto the 't do it before X go out 11 think I am stark "How could I be with a girl et was: in love tter u. No, will set him Wholst truth. got tel shake led, ani made extrar8rdinary keeper I have noni rnings. out meri- wi h you I've never empar with t e rcx o, and ✓ the 1 t; it_ ow the I'v 1.12011 o ing olerk cir hoo library, she coff la thin , Ren awe to Be e a eav ick lied er for An d "Gad, no," rant he left the table. been. The Lord next—or the devil breath, as he wal the shrubbery, an to read it again. somewhat allayed ings. He saw tha fully alive as he c possibility of any but every drop of veins boiled wit should have been "Confound those "A WOMMII ia a c must be stark ma her a second time. this very next mai letter which, wh read it, three wee cisco, made him's dozen minds to Ja,pan, ge back, an to marry him. 'This seas wha, Wilfred Beddoes. into "Pettengill's' mere curiosity, to was like. He had licious, the readi fragrant with the and he had gone morning he had gnage and age a meaningless word, to take his seat at he could look direc desk in the library Something in the and neck arrested looked at her stea conscious of some lifted her "leaden ing no one near writing without reading room. T lifted face smote o fri.d Beddoes with thrill, almost like pause to analyze simply gazed, and he was roused b crisp voice, with a it, "Your coffee's sal ith ne red Si i"trhere oiy3ss h a ha took 0 B does r ad this untary ns I" saidi Lady ir Re wick— e k qf Wil - Japan won't he thlust the Ethll. "I e t4! Rome er any count- • 41 de til co iis disturbed feel - is brother was as d wish to the im- rtiage in the case, od in ange ten eric eerc o hE '11- A W.** ater, ngry e ui ask J enWick, as neer has t he'll do , under his nit into letter out d *eliding • "I always take plied' Wilfrid Be glance at Nelly. "My ! whet a and trotted away, go and tell Jerry b was Oaring at her checked her steps. myself a bit," she" what he does. He a heap ;" and Mr her little parlor, be seen, and wa went on with 1.1 Beddoes drank hi newspaper, and h would conceal his intently for half - rose, and walked like a man in a dr reach the threshol4 she intercepted h "I beg your pardo gotten to pay for y Without a chan ed on and. out into not heard her. a v had liel one wi and ro gran ain. ance %To han tabl acr Jerr toni tt ly, till s *Stur bin • 1: 3 4I 1 11 Sir Renwick's • that. there ptation to it. ns !" he said. ! Wilfrid ve thought of rite to him d I he did—a ✓ id Beddoes in Sae -Fran- that be had a his trip to rry Williams happened to ad sauntered online, from at theplace he coffee de - m cooi, and e of azaleas; The isecond —what lan- Bible for the ?"—chanced from which ss at Jerry's as Writing. of her head ntio . He e, probably influence, ooked around.. Find- , she restuq' d her king toward the p.t one sight Of her the heart of Wil - strange and Sudden pang. He did not to combat Iit. Ho ontin ed to gaze,till Nelly clear and malice in 1, sir." adam," re- th an icy • '4 '8 ash , f tting Col cold, does, w , 4 1" thoi1igbtNeUy, 11 of t e imphlse to w th Englishman A s cond thought "N9, I'll keep it to thou ht, ";an' see looke ail stuck of Nell st down in here she donad not hed W ilyt; Jerry ilfrid up a at it. Jerry r. Ten he e shop Slowly, ellly liit him e doo*1 before ilinglyi with, 'ot hate for - eel" sole, he walk- eet. JO had • r writing. coffee,[ took lding it so I ace, watcIie n ho t of t na. of t BIT sir, ✓ cof of m he st • "I'll run after him," e claimed the errand boy, snatch li g his cap fr6zia the window sill ; "I'Il tch ' "Never mind, eter he'll! be in again. He's been ere be ore. e's in a brown study -ab ut sor hingl," said. Nelly, carelessly, d weii bad into her parlor to have er lap out With singular wi dom, ly held her tongue and kept er ob herself for many da s, as morning, regularly as th shine, the English an ca his coffee, and sat, silen behind his newspa er, w This went pn for t o or when, one morning, Nelly, the library a little 1 te, fot had moved her deaL near library windows. "There, I alway told y corn 1• • 411 0 see better up in tha Nelly. Jerry colored, a lighter here." In instinctive honesty her, and she each enough where it to get out of the w man. I do think rudest people in the at me so I can't be wish he wouldn't seems to have take • d ai et rh e servatipns to orning after i day, in or me back for , abstfacted, tching Jerry. three Weeks, coming intc d that Jerry ✓ bne of the u you could r," exclaimed 'YesL it is moment more her ie !Setter of sans well re! I. Moved at gnglish- lish are the . He istares it auy 'longer. I ome here ;i but he it up so regularly I got t : "Bu s bef.c of t e En world 1 thought I'd just move my # esk 6nt of his sight." "You can't get where he can't see you from the -ading room," replied Nelly. "Oh, he alway sits, in that one seat," .sail Jerry, inuoc ntly. "He never Bali anywhere else." 1-I wonder wh t he's staying about here so long for ? ' said Nelly, as indif- ' fer ntly as she co ld ; "he's a st anger, I know. He wri es- heaps an' heaps of letters to Engla d." ' 'Woes he ?" :aid Jerry. "Well, I wish he'd go bac. where he came from. Efeh the rudest GI an I ever saw.' 1,I think he's t: ken a fancy to you," said Nelly, miso i ievously. "Pshaw, Nelly " repliedJerr don't be it simpleton. He just likes tiQ Btare, that'e all. II su .pose he never aw a gerl at a desk b:fore. He 'thinks he can stare as muc as he likes be ause we are Americana. But he won't get a cliance to stare t me any more."- Simple Jerry When Wilfrid Bed- doeshis came in t • at morning, 1took usual seat, lifted his eyes to feast on , their usual banq et, and loo ed over to I the vacant spa e where Jerry's desk had stood the e_ y before, hel gave a - sudden start, 'w ich Mrs. Nqlly, , that mischievous spid r, watchiug rom her parlor door, saw, and clauckl d' to ' her- self. "I do wonder what he'llt do now? I'll bet he don't • rink his coffee cold this morning." And he did • ot. Neve dreaming that he was wat hed, and boipg alone in the reading ro m, he BW I owed, the to walk up n. aid down Coffee hastily, aid down is news -,i paper, and bega the room, with is hands clasped be- - hnd his back, occasionallylooking across into the 1 brary. Very soon he reached a point f om which aerry's new station was in si ht. An expression of relief crossed his face. She ad not gone, then. He ook a chair,crew it to hs pew point of bservation) sat down, made a few ent les in his note -book; and then went way. Jerry did , net look up during al this time; and went o with her wor calmly nnconscioua u i her besieger's it auk movement. Not A. Nelly, who, at Wilfrid's first Move-. ,lent to leave is seat, had skipped r• to the outside s op, and watohed his e ery movement. "Begins to loo serious," fa iight the d hearted littlo woman. ' y ! but uldn't it be a' ark,,thougli, 'if he was propose to Jerry? I wish he'd jest e me a chancej o talk to him about r. I wouldn't dare begin it, though, t for the life o' me. He looks fierce a bull pup. I ain't forgot that fust y the way he said, 'I always take it ( ldimadani.' big lie that I was an' no sort of occasion. 1 l 1 , ' By an almost preternatural effort, N11withheld hr tongue from telling J. rry of this inti incidlent, and waited im- p ti ntly for the pext day. The next day Mr. Beddow came late fo his coffee. He had overslept, felt ill, a d was out of h mor. As he walked. t • rough the shop to the reading room, hohanced to c tch Nelly's eye A gIarn of barely suppressed mirth in it st ndk upon his guilty self -conscious - n ss, and irrita ed him exceedingly. P ting the ends of his metistache fi rc ly, as was his habit when any - t I ing annoyed him, he strode 'past iher wit out his usnal courteous bow, :and s id to himself as he took his usual ts:at "By Jove ! I won't come here ail. more. Ha g that woman I! she's ben spying on mo, I do believ al As he seated liimself at t e table, J:rry chanced to look up. He had in- volu tarily Tooke1ookeI in her direction to is aka sure that he had not been mis- t:j rryflushed to er forehead, and an ke in his selection of his n/ew seat. e pression of, a ger passed •over 'her f:oe. In 'a twin ling the expression of al ger died, tebut flush did I not, A tiought—no, the ghost of a thought— h;d crossed Jerry's mind. Wilfrid B:d oes, with th instinct of a subtle a 1 -- gi lin a it n w traction; read i all. "ghe has sen me," he Eoe1d, and, it of himself, EL sort of joy _11 led aim she has seen ne, and moved her dtsk. I re any mOr I would n r for the world. What a no at a pure atmosphere ! whit , what calm, w at sweetnesis ilfrid Beddoes sighed deepl Ws face on his h lid, and rein' ome time. owly, lingeri usua, but ce more look owards Jer he had,the chances were re 1p ti the thought—' was for that sh list not come h t. Dear girl! in da ee.d If 11 • it of ? • 11 lo fo it fil la ought for k his coffee s his paper, a ight have glanpes w turning tow ook. His s soon as ffee, he wrot et one of ill ich- Jerry rd,hirp. En ind was Ili he ha.d fin:i the lead other which we have tares: e wrote it rapidly, read it os" and tossed it to one side, wi relief. _ Already the satisfac urse of conduct decided upon ; I will t hp.rm le face! hones- !" And , leaned inedilost hen, he gly, land did ;not '8 tieat. a that two or uld not he did de up; lied his to his read. r,sealed h a sigh ion of a began to thought. hink of ass of And Mr. With a 1. 4. Ire eal. into his mi "Of course—of hat a &Al I s ything else self already, that's plain." ddoes walked ut of the sh k loftier and c lder than tis ?1 d. course," he ould be to have made As Nelly stretc ed. out her ort -fingered ha d to take th his coffee, he xperienced urrence of av rsion to he trayed itself in "My !" said op, "looks as i this morning. Wonder -w tter now?" a d she walk or and looked fter him as le ared in the cro d. An evil into Mr. Bedd es mind to t ve one more lo k at the littl ed windows b hind which man whose c untena,nce h ch hold of him. He saw Ne ghing round face steetche e door, evidentl gazing 0,0 ened his r steps. of an in man. I beli ad before lo fined girl b h a vulgari elf. "The insupporta, Continued.) at little money sudden , which - every line of his face. elly, as he left the he'd bite your head at's the to the • disap ngl put rn and - flower - sat the d taken y's pert out at ✓ him; cantons Ikerable a she'd . How in the he relation 4. • • 0 the sight _strngt d quickened hi "The very ty erican show w ve driven Me that nobl, ploy of I su nght to him st be well -nig (To be a. A ca th 69 se 0 sit VV ..., 0 5 • Mr. James o has served t vice of the Gr mpany, having ation on the ye will shortly Bt.: hittaker, of enty-one ye al Wester secured a ada Pac eave for th ondon, s in the ailway crative O Rail- North - N EX osprroR, REAL ESI ATE FOR SALE. , 1 pitOPERTY FO ' SALE—For bale, on e ey terms, that ueIrab1e residence on J es Street owned by r. George pent. Enquire) of J. S. PORTER, Se forth. 1 68 --1— FOR SALE.—Fo Sale a first dlaos Plan ng Millnearly n w and in good rtuaning or r, situated In the II ("risking Town of Seafor h, Will be Hold chea Terme easy, Enquire of SECORD,COSSE 8 & CO.,Goderieh, Ont. ARM FOR El E—Being part of Lot 22, °oion 5; Sta ey, containing Nacres. & of w hi& are cleared d in a high stete of eulti a- tiona a good fram house, frame barn with st b - ling underneath; a large orchard and a ne er failing spring on he place; 4 miles from 13r ice - field and 6 from C •uton ; terms ()toy. Applyl to THOMAS MILLS, Constance P 0. 702- FARM F,OR E—West half of Lot 6, B ill, Stanley, County of Hur s; first-clase soil, brick ho frame )arns, vexy superior orchard end g fruit ; 80 acres of tall wheat; large quantity cedar it ' rear of ot; neat schoo, chnrch, m arket ; on gra's el road. For terms apply JOHN PECK, Pro rietor, on the premises, or JOHN EBSON, Ba field. 692-1 Road No co ntainipg 100 acr fieldi se, od of nd to to W ABM FOR S E—For Sale) a first-class Farm, beii3g be south ball of Lot 17, Lek° Bond, East, bta ley ; the hum contains 66i acres of land, 50 Gres of which aro cleared, and the balance good ardwood bush; there is on the place a good beari g °Jebel d, a first-class well, a good freme barn, •table, abed and driving houae; the place is well I need and in -fizst-class order. For further pat tic ars apply to ROBEBT P L - LOCK, Geshcn Li e, Stanley, or to .1001 P L - LOCK, Proprietor, Silver Springs, Manitoba. 70t-8 jal OUSE AND that desirable formerly owned a Sperling; there i rooms and kitche woodshed; a go water; there is on Pi rods ; there is it is one of the m forth. Apply to JOHN S. WALSH 11 11 VARM FOR SAL Lot 7, on the 6 H. R. S., containi the placci is a fr bearing orchard; f all wheat sown, a 4i miles from the gravel road. This i township, and wil p articualrs appl premisesi or if by 1 MONK. OT FOR SALE — For ble, ropeity on. North Main Staa4et, d occupied by the late Janos a frame hottse contaming ix 1, with panty, bedroom a d d cellar, also hard and s ft acre of landawith a ironing of good young bearing orchar ; at desirable properties in S a- AMES SPABLING, Blyth, or 'rA. STRONG, beaforth. 6194 .—For sale the west -half of h Concession of Tuakersmi h, g 50 acres of choice land; t n rne barn nearly new, a young ad well and pump; 18 acresof out 8 acres of bush; is within town of Sea,folth ou a good one of the beet p ropertiesin the be sold cheap For further to the proprietor, on the tter to Seaforth P. O. GEO. 674x4- t WARM FOB SA ceetien 10, Pin 40 of which are c tumpe, Well fence elan order. The lots of o plendid fe log house and log ing to bear, and a within eight miles road, and conveni post office. Will pro' let or on the WALTER CAMPB 'ABM FOB SA g-• Lot '27, and t sion 4, L. R. S., T in one parcel, or t respectively; first and orchard; the vation, is well wat roads, &e. Any p good locality, will fore buying elsewh apply to JAMES the premise', or t HOLMESTED, Ba WARM FOR 8 Proprieior is Lot 1, Concessi a ores, all cleared tion, beiog nearly e, d and well fence first class frame buildings:; a good water; it is ten m g ravelroad, end c p ost office ; the 1: Also the South p: Concession 12, H well timbered. separately or toge to Harlock P. 0. tor. E—For Sale, Lot No.1, Cdn- ltt, containing 50 sexes, about eared, under -drained, free fr in I and in every respect in fir t- alance is well thbered,havi g eing timber. There is a god 11113, an orchard just cornme G- ood spring well The farm is of Seafox th, near a good grael nt to churebe, schools a d be sold cheap. Apply to the remises or to COnatante P. b. LL. 704 E—The north alf pf Lot 26, e east half of ot 28, Cancers- ckersmith ; 200 acres for sale o of 150 acre and 60 acres class buildings good feneds, and is ill ft goo( state of =L1 - red, and is we# situated as to rson 'wanting a ood farm, ix a o well to look t this one e- re. For partie lars axadter s AWBENCE & BROTHER n. MESSRS. MeCAUGHEY & risters,Seaforth. 672 E—For Sale Cheap, as te going to Dakota, south half f n 13, Hullett, containing 75 nd in a good state of =Myh- re° from stomps; maderdra• - there is a god log bon4e, ern and other ecessary ot4b. bearing orchar and plenty 01 les from Seafeath, on a go4d nvenicat to sehonl,chtirchaxttd d is equal to 'My in Ontario. t of the south half of Lot 1, nett, containing 25 acres, 4.11 hese two places will be sod her. Apply on the premises r WILLIAM SMITH, Prop9r- 704 'LARGE FARM FOR SALE—Fpr Salo, Lai 3 -1-4 and east half • Lot 4, Concesfoon 18, Huljet, containing 225 ac es ; 190 acres Cleared, un- drained, and nea y clear from stamps ; the bal- ance is heavily • bered with beech, maple, el and basswcod ; th re are 50 acres in fall 'whe t and 60 acres in gaass ; the land is of the bet/ quality, being a ri • clay loam ; th_ s farm lays a little rolling, but ot hilly ; a never failing spriiig creek runs tbroug the barn yard; this ie a fir t - lass grain or dair farm ; there are 6 acres of a young orchard, ith apples, pears, peach s, plums ancl cherrie , just beginning to bear; tie buildings are large and commodidus ; there is a large bank barn 8x60, and is nearly new; th driving house and stable is 40x60, and is alto new; the house is a large txvo stary fratue, wi kitchen and wood bed attached, mad good stone, cellars under th whole building, and is filled between studding ith lime and gavel from bot- tom to top; there is a good school, poat offie, store and blackemi h shop within half a niile ; tkie arm is situated 1 miles from Seafortli, 12 fro Clinton, and 6 fro 1 Londesboro ; there it a go4d gravel road from t a e place to all the above ma kets. A good par of the purchase money cr.n roman on mortga le long enough to make it out of the place. For ,articulars apply to THOMAS ATKINSONi on th premises, or te Harlock pot ofticet A smaller p operty would es taken in peat payment of above. 688 EY.—The money for i m ortgages on far p er cant. intereet a greed upon. J. forth. mONEY-A. G. lend Money a any amount, and f est charged or) commission &erg G. McDougell & Co 81 SI ONEY. dersigned has a large sqra Of mediate investment on firSt property. Seven and a half yearly; principal as may 1e H. BENSON , S elicitor, Se 683 cDOUGALL 18 authorized 6.1 per cent. on mortgage, 14r r any number of years; intc - n the unpaid principal. fo d. Apply at the Stote of 4. 678 • $100,00� of years not excee annum; No Co principal money re giving six months' ing one-fouxth ma. year witheat not time of paymen OFFICE — Victo HILL. fi TO LOAN on Secarity Beal Estate for any te Ing twenty, at 6 per e,ent. pr y be repaid at any ime n ALL AT MILL PRCES. OUR STOCK IS LARGE. miesions ; The' whol of t' e notice, or any sam not emcee - be paid at the close •of ea h cc, interest eeaeing from t e Loans effected prompt]. ia Square, Seforth. W 700 THE, CAMPAIGN FAIRLY OPENED. SEAFORj Hsi , UNCIAN & DUNCAN'S SEAFOPTH. BOOT AT'4D THE LARGEST. STOCK OF EMBROIDERY 300 pleb es in all widths, from: 3 cents per yard up, im , ported direct. White Goods—P. K. in 2, 3 and 4 cord. Marseilles Sties and Fancy Muslins. Just Received, another lot rof New Dress Muslin, from 10 cents per yard up. 200 pieces Print, all new patterns, from 5 cents to 12 -1 - cents per yard. WILLIA 1 SPECIAL BI4R4 Corsetsi--hTwo cases just opened out, the best value in 02-4 MiblT TR Canada. Another Lot of Lace Curtains, which will be sold at half price. Black 1.4iistres at 15 cents, worth 25 cents per Ord. IN worENs AbD 1118SZ'S' STREET AND HOUSE SUMO, THE ORESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. c uoi have the Largest Dress Goods Depart - pent in the County. DRESS .GOODS—At 10 cents, 12i oents, 15 cents, 20 cents and 25 cents —all hew and 20 per cent. cheaper than ever offered. Black Buntings; also Lace Checked Buntings in Greys, Browns, Navy and Black. All Wool DeBeiges at 25 cents per yard. Black and Colored Satin, from 60 cents to $1. Silks at' 50 cents, in Black, Navy Blue, Prune and Brown, worth 75. cents. HOSthleEitYstANoNveDltie? iLnOthyseSp Department Themen ti rgest stock in town. We have all HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Tidings, for Feathers or Straw. Sheetings, Bleached and Brown, in 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4, twill and plain. Pillow Cotton, all widths. W ite Quilts, from $1 25 to $2 50. Ta le Napkins, at all prices. Ta le Linen, in Unbleached, from 25 cents to 75 cents. Bl rached Table Linen, from 50 cents to $1 25. T ese Goods were all imported direct and will be sold cheap. SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, DUCKS, COTTONADES, LINEN, DULL, BLEACHED ANIPBOWN COTTON, JOHN' W BA WROXETE Bills Discounted. on Real E 658-52 READ WILLI LLIAMS &CO. KERS, &b, - ONTARIO, 1 to Drafts Isue. Money Lent tate at Lowest Rates. JOHN WILLIAMS & Co. ND LEARN M RU6, OR MANY Yea -g- the Waggon S Grassie, on Mark he re.after carz y on Waggon and ness in He c an guaraotee the b est of materia KE PALKIN promptly att =de exe'euted. FxnmE14, on hand a Goo ol Sto him a mint 710423 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Our SU0k is very complete at present, and we will offer special inducements customerSI to clear the balance. -• I 7 For Stylish Millinery and New Goods See our S,ock. s of Egmontiville, ha rentd. op belonging tO Mr. illiana . t Street, Seaorth, e d wili MN'S SUMMER COATS IN LUSTRE RU,SS,EL CORD AND LINEN. he 1 V arriage Making usf- zll its Branches. ood work, and that none bit, will be used. lPFCIALTY,and to, and neatly and OheaPY ATE—Hewill alSo keep k of Farmers' Gates. Gia0 WM. BUDD. Grand Trains leave Seaf folows: runk Railwa rth and Clinton Stations GOING WEST—, EA_FORT H. Express 2-17 P. M. Express..........8.55 P. M. Illixed Train- 9:15 A. M. Mixed Train..... GOING EAST— Express Express Trait.— ,1:10 P. M. Mixed Train.,... 4:46 P. M. Mixed Train. . 0:50 A. M. .5:40 p.m. ELFORTH. 7:56 A M. cx.ntoN. 2:4b *'.hL 915 P. M. 10:00 4.M. CLIZOON. 716Q A. M. 12;45 P. M. 4:15 P:M, f000 • 11 • abn.'s and Boys' Straw Hats at half price. Ve InviteExamination by the P raze of our Imwensi! Bargains. Trouble to Shew Goods. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, IMPORTERS, SEAFIDRTH We take BUTTER and EGGS atl Market Prices. TO AND REPAIRING OWE SATSFACTION. WilLLIAM LOGA SEAFORTH, ONTAIO. THE JEWELRY EMPORA ---0E— SEAPORTT-1- AND SURROUN ING COUNTRY. " M. R, COUNTER DIANMER AND PROPRIETOIL THIS IS THE pLita To get Good and Reliable eoc;ds in GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, S I LV E R P LAT ED WARE, JEWELRY, °LOOKS, &C., &O. My Stock of -which is very choice and complete. Call and examine for yourselves. No trontleia show -Goods. Ail Goode sold on their own -merits and warranted as represented. Saving made arrangements wth& First00 Manufacturing House, 1 ean fill all orders for any Special Piece of Jewelry on the Shorted Notice. Personal Attention given to the Re, pairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. Pine Watches alleays a Specalty. Ail Work 'Wrranted to give Satisfactiot Cash paid for Old Gold and Siler. REMEMBER THE STAND—Tree 01 Bilgto Plated 'Ware in the Window, and directly -oar site J. S aPorter's Cheap Cash Furniture Store. M. R COUNTER, Seafortle THE SEAFORTII INSURANCEACENP. • • 1T_ WTSON NORIA BEAFORIS, G"EBAL IRE, Marialle, Life and Make! Ineurance Agent, Conveyancer &e. on all kinds of property eficeted aelowest egr rent rates. Losses adjusted promptly and alit factorily. - Noine but firs -class reliable *V patties represented. Excentknally low rata ag all classee of farm propert;v. Only 50 tents t. $1 per $1C0 for three years -in the Gore DiFftriet of Galt; established for over 40 years. That* lowing Companies represented: Britit3h Axaerioan, oi Tronto, Secit tish of Glasgow, Sotland, Northern, of Ltandon, England, Gore Ditrict, of Gali Ontario, Canada Fire and IVEarine, of IlanaiItoz3, 02t..? Royal Canadian of Montreal, P. Q, Quebec, of Quebec, P. Alliaaac, of Hamilton.. Ontario, Travellers (Life and _Accident), of Ha Conn., Tozonto Life, of Toronto, Ontarita. I AM ALSO AGENT FOR CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINO COMPANY. Money adianted on Real ;Etste at 6 and per cent. Per annum. ALSO AGENT FOIL IfffE STATE LINE STEAMSHIP WEI Sailing from New 'York City every ThuratigLasl° all points in Europe. Tickats issued fro= oF.F or New York, to eta pnrchaer. First CILIA 560 to 8110—return. Second Cabin, 840 10 —return- Storage, 526. Parties going 14. rope should try the STATE LINE, ag undoubtedly One of the &tand Safest St ship Companies sailing from New York. W M N.HWATSON • • Main Street, SEAFORTH, Ontaii0. OFFICE In Campbell's Biock, ofTegati the Mansion Xfotel. = v be fatthdl world But who is begat . Ahd 10°46 bunared who Weal° III if tbe Peva WY ilnao dogs t the Ow W0 Bows t 1 •• -Goa Ex?,,31 vie Devil 0 tbing.i.g Bat who is aiwie E.: Woaro tO h'on IA 33taW1em lasting. To he heal earn& ; Tithe DevlB found.2, Woht sorilei in sire hi finw :i1e up 2" VI The Devil 14; Devil's' But simple his bus] "011a l ta3S118;14, isick itt ti would request. .3143 severity saloon ariu'Ag, 4•you woi iiigin 44111122.1 YOU'S SO away wil artioul,' fuls o' •g ,- fine. It howia,,, '411en: says a .p' 19. dog lu: which lug of ii.i more scan& -Ayo. a pair 0: was II Bridget bell, in the for yz. se' recent]. asking to take. e, b. saying t• much r in the Waiter sir ?" 1 feel i' now. to be o 44 WII Lae, go lover a ton Co Post. One is other AAca. th.e . p • promp you m led prof sir," r 'the wh his t Two to buy: deligh crown glass. ; ,otte of at su claim 'who b AB who simpli first famil,• myste. her f pass "Pie papa.: A Ro stor keep able t yet Dun Tons; greetl to Ca bag al what like y was ing; "Yon pray. . - gram he et prom get a - since you'l be a 1 0 Detr that not, Pre p hil wi Matt, ooat • but reac have mee "cros de p rat wil ay nao vIow, wan.