HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-01, Page 11881.
kL.L. & CO.,
(fforsE OF THEIR
st Price.
, One tont1L
time will be charged
le Goods will be sold
as to Cash Custom -
,s-mpare Prices with
in Canada.
hy _the Piece
ad 9 cents per yard.
}ALL & Co.
rily resided near -
in Ilullett. We
en's many friends
learn that he is
ly settled, and so
he country. We
erity and happi-
m.-On Thursday
, the barn of Me.
smith, was struck
leotric fluid came
ratre of the roof,
over two feet in.
llowed. the centre
II, shivering it to
d into the ground
er injury. The
tained four horses.
Ingram on his
rhat came so mear-
is hire.
Et meeting of the
on the 15th inst.,
was transacted:
Xpend $40 on the
band 17, lot 11;
and the Reeve
amine the road
re given out for
r. Weir were in -
a outlet for Albert
' concession B. A
t. he Clerk of Minto
ring of a bonndary
leolded that $50 be
ovenaents on the
,Minto appropriate
Weir was author -
a Turnberry bourt-
[berry will expend
eteeve was empow-
a improvements on
Ld 1 and 2, and on
;ession C. it WELB
13 ou, the Carriek
LB 29 and 30-, pro -
u equivalent. Mr.
led for a bridge on
site let 18, and
Johnston were ap-
the bridge and re -
y. :Messrs. Weir,
Ai were appointed
Et /, and 11, maces
t if necessary. It
r. Ketchum receive
O Council at pres-
instructed to no -
et to take any ma-
re for filling the
( u concession 6, so
poii the road or be-
es. It was decided
..(1.field $6 extra for
on the assessment-
_ a number of ac -
adjourned to meet
iird Weduesday in
ULY 1, 18$1.
MoLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
pHESE GOODS are the Newest Styles of both
Cut and Finish. ThEy look as well, Wear as
veil, and come Much Cheaper than Ordered
Clothing. See our
and $14.
$10, and $12.
and $10.
YOUTHS' SUITS -$5, $6, and $7.
BOYS' SUITS -$4, $5, and $6.
We offer a Job Lot of COATS, PANTS and
TESTS at about half price. If you want Bar-
gains see them.
• Campbell's Block, Seaforth.
1881 SEAFORTH. 1881
HAS Just Received a Full Stock of Spring
and -Suminer Goods, so Varied and Well
Assorted CIt any one can be suited.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds
in Full Lines.
As these were all bought strictly for CASH
DOWN, they were consequently bought at
the Lowest Figures, and my oustdmers will get
thie Lowest Quotations.
Is Efts and Gents' Fluniabings 1 have double
the stock of any former season. Also a Full
Steck of
Gentlemen contemplating Matrimony are par-
ticularly invited to inspect the Stook, as ever
prov.ision is made for their wants.
Remna-nts for Boys' Suits,
Ladies wanting Remnants for Boys' Snits can
tlnd them here cheap.
Brick Block No. 1, Main Street, Seaforth.
PARMFRS, if you want your reaping and mow-
' ing machines of all kinds repaired, go to T.
hlellis, Kippen, for he is the boy that under-
stands the business. Old boxes refilled with
DOW metal, and all tinkering jobs done on short
notice. Give me a trial, and you will save
Threshing Cylinders and Concaves
Filled With New Spikes,
Or the old ones laid with the best of iron.
SPecial attlation paid to all work entrusted to
A Lane Stock of Farm Hinges on hand.
Plows, Harrows and Sc4lers Al-
ways on. Eland and Sold Cheap.
Blacksmithing of all Kinds Done
on the Shortest Notice.
Parties wanting castings or repairs kora the
BRO,THE TM' Manufacturing Company,
Ingersoll, itr Reapers and Mowers, can get
theta at rtrY Shop, as I have been 'appointed by
that Company to keep all these repairs on ha d
Remember the sign.
707-8 THOMAS 11ELLIS, Kippe
THREE BrOFIES, now in coarse of erection
in the thriving and business Tewa of CH n-
tim, situated on the junction of the Grand
nuk anti London, linron & Bruce Railways, on
the corner of the best business street in the
bovrh,where a suocessfulbusiness has been carried
r yeara. No. 1 Store, 105z21; No. _e Store,
; No. 3 Store, 'Mal • stone cellars the
oleAsize of the building. 'Stores to be corn •
Pidtedi.bodt the let of September. For further
particulate a p pl y to WILLI AM 00 ATS. 709
1") v
(From Our Own Correspo? ent.)
In addition to its other se briquets,
Toronto ought now to take tb4 nartie of
"City of Conventions." Lest ear,
among other gatherings, we had t at of
the Supreme Ledge of the In4epertdeut
Order of Oddfellows, when all quarters
of the globe sent up their quota of Odd -
fellows to legislate for the goqd of that
order, and this year we have, eo fan had
the International Typographical Union,
the meeting of the euperintepdenIts of
American and Canadian Insane Asy-
lums, and last week-greateet of them
all -the International Sanday Sohool
Convention. No pleasanter place of
meeting could be found for such an as-
semblage than the cool, well -lighted and
commodious pavilion in the Horticul-
tural Gardens, lavishly decorated, as
befitted the occasion, with rei) manner
of mottoes, devices and butting and
the gardens themselves, just fnaiShing
the putting on of their attran 'ye sum-
mer dress, and lit up at night with
Chineselanterns, dcc., afforde pleasant
opportunities of a quiet wa to spell
delegates as might wish to snatch a
,few minutes from the bustle and rush,
and business of the Convert ion. Sel-
dom or never has a meeting of any kina
in Toronto called forth such ndiences.
The evening sessions were especially
crowded; ground floor and gal eries were
filled to their utmost extent, aud erch4
ed on the backs of seats, on the window
sills, on the narrow ledges otitsid the
building, fifty feet from the rourid, iri
fact on every apot where it vas possi7
ble to hang on and hear or se, , the more
adventurous spirits took uptheir
carious pcsition. But in spi e of
utilization to the utmost o
duty, make up what most people, if
they had to und rgo it, would call a
hard day's work which is no made
lighter because i is done in a red coat
and a uniform hich requires constant
polishing and b ightening to leek re-
spectable. Ada to this the Sleeping
undee a canvas t ntsWith a Government
blanget for a co er and the bare earth
for alsed, and 61 ill of fare apparently
copied from the of a prison or peniten-
tiary, and the co elusion will Probably
be ae hied at th t even "playing at sol-
diers' es not the fun some people would
make it out to b. Those Men Who give
twelVe days of t eir time 'for etually
nothing are wor hy of all praise for the
patrietic spirit hich prompts hem to
do so e There a e things in co nection
with this year' Niagara Cam Which
Will leave unP1 asant rec011ec ions in
some quaxtereHand official pri gisna is
f them b t in the main object,
of the volunteers' drill,
have been attained.
ery light this season.
uced by the 1
f the swimmin
the i
prove ee
all res lte lar box a
tra O has been On Frida
amboa o ners say the e cursion
nd the Braneptou, during the storm' on Tues- 1 inthestraw,
CauSes-un ettl d weather,
te Lon- day afternoon, a house was Struck by 1 ola straw
nervensness pro
lightning. Two brothers earned Lowe
don 4isaster
I T e erect onbaths, were sleeping together. bal7i1a was in-
whi4b Mr. Winaan,Remedy a resident stautly killed, while his companion
of TOronto, sut now '\,,of New ,York, is escaped unhurt.
goin ' to put up and grant to the city, -The closing exercises of the half-
stpned until the winter, yearly term at the Whitby Lathes' Col-
rk d
the disagreercent will who essisted in saving life at the wreck
Court House and City Principal Hare, a number of Clergymen
ialso in abeyange. The and gentlemen of the tow, apd also a
aenplboerambolerelaecaksiloyfdcoonner _lleagrgeetenouknapblearceofltahst week,a r ene6 pn
f i
sbaefidorefriends s
ty, and declines to act of the students from a distancle.
ith the latter. The lin- -Wm. Clark, of Hamiltori, teacher,
pre I probably bel that the unsightly and ma- of the schooner Belle Sheridan in No-
thiS healthy striictues which now do duty vember last, near Weller's Ieach, has
lere-i for dourt ous4 and City Hal will be received from the Minister of Marine a
sourees of the pavilion, the crowd could I 'alloWed to stan1 for some time yet. complimentary letter, acdompanied
not be all accommodated, and the Jar t I Understand that the demand for with a valuable binocular ghts.
vis street Baptist and Sherboirne Street copies of the A ricultural Commission -A few days ago a hard -he rted res
Methodist Churches were accordinglY report is very eat, and that a great ideut of Grafton named Leslie, turned
thrown open to large `Soverfiew" naeet; mealy more th:u the number printed his mother, who is over eighty years of
hags, at which precisely the 'eame pro. could have be d up the
t the diffioulty. forced to
rderi Toronto, Juio 2
boot on
BOTO4 med. Mrs.
and an, of Toronto, is off Prudhomme died the other night from
1 the effects of injuries received through
led from 1 the explosion of gunpowder whieli she
d. carried in ' her pocket. The accident
was wised by a spark from a mosquito
smnd le being blown into icr ,pocket
end igniting the powder. ..,
I -L-Mayor Mackintosh, of 0 tawa, has
+ unseated, and a new eliection or -
• 0 11 the ground that tie assess-
ment of certain leasehold property held
by the county respondent had been
made in one year for the nex , and had
not finally been reversed- at ti
the nomination.
-The horse stolen from
B011, of London township,
founa in the possession of a h
named - Reeves, of Parkhill
traded off to him a few days
man named John Draper, whp has been
arreeted along with John Mullin. Both
these men belong to London
-A woman named Han
narrow escape from drown
days ago at Belleville. She
jam of logs in the river abov
dam picking bark from the
evlien the jam broke, and she
over the dam. Her cries
and assistance was rendered,
being effected with difficulty
I -A peculiar case of a st
:science occurred a day or tw
Markham. On the 1st July
,Lodge, Odd Fellows, celebra
versary, and at the evening p
a gentleman occupied are
without having paid for th
After nearly a year he re
Ledge twenty-five cents IID
vietlen of injustice done.
--Huether's hotel, in W
burglarized the other n
thieves entered through th
w ndow, and proceeding to
ee's,bodroom, ransacked la. s clothing,
a sd the cash box and safe They se-
c rod about* $60. A wallet containing
$ 50 lay on the beneau, but happily the
bin -Wars overlooked -it.
-A lady of Toronto has written to
Mayor Mackintosh, of Ott wa, asking
hini on her behalf to, prose t Edward
Haialan at the regatta o • Dominion
DaY with a set of embroi ered table
b einem with inscription a d the acros-
tic of his name aud agnate victories.
he Mayor has consented t make the
4-A fire broke out in Peri about three
o cleck last Sunday mornin , and total -
1 destroyed the carpenter nd machine
s op, one of a number f buildings
o nad by Mr. John Pen an, at the
✓ ar of hie lenge factory in that town.
he loss is $3,500 ; no insu ance. The
fi e is supposed to have bee the work
, .
an incendiary. I
-We regret to learn at Mr. A.
ell, who a number of yeaes ago t car-
✓ ed on the drug business n Ayr and
a terwarde in Paris, was rowned at
ninth a Short time ago,by ladling out of
a boat while out fishing.
b en a resident of Ohicago
y ars. His remains were
a 's for interment.
The imnaigrants who nded from
e steamer Parisian on hair last trip
o two special trains to ring them
o Quebec through on t eir way to
e Western States. They were fol -
Wed by ern -other sped with the
oklyn's passengers, and lay a. fourth
itlh those of the Cana ian-in all
a nt 500 souls. The majority were
ndinavians, but there
u ber of English, Scotch
The extensive boiler w
txivenson at Petrolia were
sr*yed by fire on Satur
alt ne o'cloek. The loss is
o one, not onlw to Mr. S
boe. large number of peopl
t Or orders partially com
works we ee situseed in the
lot of frame buildings, but
the Formosa brass band and also the
girls of the convent, who were dressed
in white, and strewed flowers in front
of the altars. Rev. Fathers Maddigan
and Elena conducted the eervice.
-A large number of laborers are be-
ing engaged at Glasgow and Liverpool
to work on the Montreal wharves, and
250 left the latter port on Saturday by
the Allan line for Montreal. Two hun-
dred and fifty more are leaVing this
-The wife of Benjamin 04rporang,
of Meteghan, Nova Scotia, gave birth a
few disys since to two boys and!one girl,
weighing respectively three, four and
five pounds. All are doing well. The
woman has had five children in eleven
- A young farmer named Peter Mo-
Tavish, while putting up a swing Mon-
day afternoon to be used at a pic-nio in
the town of Perth on the following day,
fell to the ground and MO both legs
brokeia The doctors say the injuries
will likely prove fatal. '
- At Edmonton, four miles from
beiler works. The loss will probably
reach ten thousand dollars, on which
there was uo insurance.
;-A lad nareed Lawrence Cannolly,
n Gilmour's saw mill at
as caught in a cog -wheel.
wn between the floor and
e was dr
.the shaft, his back and arms were
broken, ana he was crushed to death
in an inetant before the •machinery
cOuld be stopped. The mill did not re -
until six the net morning.
derville correspdedent of the
role Press says a fracas oc-
slime wor
-A Sto
cerred in township 1, range 5, between
the settler
nenites ea
upon the r
oett en Ina
and took
they pees
Were glad
and Mennonites. The Merl-
e to dispossess the settlers
serve, and the settlers turned
e and beat them with sticks
me gune from them which
ssed, and the Mennonites
o return home.
-A Gretineau Point man, named
Vaivre, kept his money in e paper col-
ongst the • straw 'M his bed.
his wife emptied out the old
g the tick, with new straw,
ence of her husband. The
as set on fire and burned up
the hard-earned $175 stored
een p
the w
e corn
Hall Bebe m
Cornaty sho
fidelice in t
in conjunct
mediate res
gramme was gene through !as
main Convention, but in rev' rse
The delegates themselves, c iefly
the States and Canada, though
hailed from the mother cotintry
such far off lands as India a d japanl,
numbered somewhere betwee six ana
seven hundred, and inclii ed many
notabilities. Gen. Colquitt, G-overnor 1
of Georgia, and a confeder e soldier!, 1
delivered an address immedi tely after
a speech -an extremely goo ana e1o1-
quent one, too -by Rev. W.1 . Arnett
a colored minister from tie -*outh.
Professors, D. D.'s and Reve ends; were
to be expected, and they wer there in
almost unlimited supply ; so, too, ever
merchants and professional en lof al
kinds, and strange to say, e en news
paper men and politicians ere epre
43ented—the latter in the p rso of
former candidate for the Pr sideiacy o
the United States. A numer of th
delegates were ladies, and m ny of th
others had brought their wiV s and ins,
ters with them s and though: the Y di
not take any prominent part in th
speaking, the ladies contributed greatl
to the success of the Con*entien iii
numerous ways, as ladies :onlyi c
Delegates who have attendeld all t
previous Conventions -this !being th
third -are unanimous in Haying tha
the one just closed has been! thei most
largely attended and in all respects the
best of the series. Thel viSitora wee
pleased, as all visitors ,4,re with th
city, and many of them prolonged thole
stay for -a few days after the a 1-
journnaent of the Convention. Ie not
few city churches last Sunday the pu
pits were occupied at the morning an
evening services by nainisters from th
other side. The feature of the Conve
tion was the enthusiasm of ithe mid
ences. Apart from the natuke df th
business transacted and subject i di
cussed, there is something in the ver
presence of a vast crowd, all anirnate
with one mind and filled to a greater o
less degree with the same feelingS, tha
of itself begets enthuaiasme And th
able and practised speakers: who ad-
dressed the meetings knew !their busi-
ness. They camel to the convention
charged with their subjects, asattl being
limited as to time, they wasted no pre-
cious minutes on prelimipariee, but
went direct to the point. They knew
what they wanted to say, and -the ID9f-
jority of them, at least -howl to say it,
and how to send it home to their hear-
ers with the pointedness and precision
which are peculiar to Americian orator.
One incident of the ConvenOon was the
receipt of a letter from Pres dent Gar-
field, stating the interest he eltin Sun-
day School work, and another was the
reading of a previously unpu lished let-
ter of Robt. Raikes, the founder of Sun-
day Schools. The honor of IPresideney
of the Convention was conferred upon
Hon. S. H. Blake, who thr w himself
into the work with oharacte
The "glorious twelith" is
breted in Toronto in a more
ly glorious way. All the Or
ties from 'Prentice Boys u
Knights in all the country w
of Toronto are to be here
two counties and a host of'
towns have been heard fro
expectation is that about 40,
men will march to the fifes
that day to the honor of t
ions, and immortal memo
William III. The processio
formed in the Queen's Park
ceed thende to the Exhibitio
n distributed without
G. ,
age, into the street, -and lock
house. The poor woman wa
walk the street with only on
until taken in by a neighbor.
-A. woman in Ottawa n
o be cele -
hale usual -
'age Sergi -
to Black
thin reaclh
• Twent. -
cities and
, and the
00 Orange-
nd drurris
e gloriOne,
y of Ki g
is to I e
and to pr
u ground,
the use of which has been granted f r
the occasion. The Orangeneen are g
ing to have a bid time.
Friday and Slturday of last we
saw the break -tip of the volunteer camp
at Niagara, and the paseage through To-
ronto on their way home of a.number of
the battalions. People may talk as
-thay like about "playing at soldier,"
,hut putting in twelve days a volun-
teer camp under the usual cOnditions rs
not my ideal of play. in the
morning, drill in the forenoon, and
drill in the afternoog, with, an OCCOr-
sional turn at sentry, fatigul or picket
Rev. Dr. Ce
on *trip to En,
---The Wj
Quebec on at
- The h y cr
will he even re
- Atrain loa.
252 liead of cat
left Toront oe
s eclinens of gold, si
copper ore have been found
vicinity of he ake of the Wo
-a-The B ant ord Young La
lege closed vent') session
under the ost favorable ausp
-Miss ishe e who shot her
hatoote: at M ntr al, has been ta
to New York b her friends.
Crai te the Model
Guelph, 1 at veek, number
-1-The Gra • genii' excursi.
-Mr. D vid.
field Mills, ha
the Mecha
handsome euni
- J lin.
favored wi
of Wales. He
and a sense of
-4The Welli
to Loudon thi
two of guns, o
60 Men-7al fi
Iowa. \ I
ledon team sa
rday for Engle
p in the Otte a Valley
re abundant +a.0 last
ed with 277 sheep and
le, destined for England,
ver and
in the
i's' Col-
ast week
elf in a
eu back
to, for th
ty, Was blew
n from
arm, at
d about
Goldie, of th Green-
nated to
Ayr the
s been
e Prince
generously d
Institute at
of $100.
McDonald h
eception from t
still suffers fro
prostration .' „
gton field bat ery sent
year three cared horses.
e of stores and about
e, soldierly-loeking fel-
rological Officelat Toron-
fit of the fanning com-
ssue daily forecasts at
g the next two (harvest)
f the Hamilton Powder
u4iminsville, Halton Coun-
up Friday morning at
one O'cloc14 , Fortunately there was no
peeeon in the ill at the time.
' -4The We
tion have i4ra
Indiestrial IE
prizes at the
Teronto this
The barn
po t, near Br
fir ! on Situ
0700. The fi
beep caused b
-Mr. Willi
of the Jeabu
acres, near A
building lots
street. The p ice paid was $310 per acre.
4Ari old m n in St. Thomas, named
WM. McNaan ra, died on Supday after-
noon, and hie wife died ten heurs later,
the lungs carrying off
d been married 45 years.
. Coe has discovered a new
deposit of iron ore on his
the 13th coneession of
gs county. It is 1,200
feet wide, and the ore is
E3B. .
-i-Rev. John Brady, for over fifty
peep Catholi
died Thursda
aged 83. Fif
rn Dairymen% Associa-
ted $250 to the Toronto
hibition, to be used for
xhibition td be held in
oming autumn.
of Colin Milloy, at New-
ntford, were delstroyed by
day night. Less about
e is supposed to have
drunken Indians.
on has bough
gh property, a
r. There is so
n this propert
the most
out forty
e choice
on Hall
congestion of
bath. They la
and exteesive
property on
Tiador, Hasti
feet long by 7
of !great eichn
priest in Ottawa Valley,
morning at Theckingham,
y years ago he was the
ople Roman Catholic missienery be-
tween Grenville and Pembroke.
4A saw -mill at Stayuer ;owned by
JODieB Bros. .0 McKesizie; of Toronto,
and occupied by Henry Allen, was de-
strdyed by fire on the night of the 24th
uftj A number of hands were thrown
out Of employenent. No insnrance.
Miller and D
by Capt. Lon
yeetigate all,
to e and the
-'There w
sion consisting of Judges
bac, of Winnipeg, aeeisted
, of the Department of
as been appointed to in -
staked claims" in Mani-
a grand Cornus Christi
oellebration at Formosa, Br e County,
on Thursday, 16th June. *gh mass
was oelebrated at eight o'clock, and, at
nate o'clock the procession was formed.
There is said to have been 3,000 people in
it,and it took 25 minutes to pass a given
point. The
fields, and al
various point
route wads through the
ars had been erected at tree and good management lot the fire
. In the proceesion were cOmpisnies, the fire was oorOned to the
aiiong wit
in bank blls in the box. Served him
ht for not telling his wife where he
ept his money.
-The two fast horses, "Factory Boy':
and "Liz4e D," while hitched together,
exercising in the race teack at St.
Thomas, en Wednesday morning, be-
came unmanageable and ran away.
The pole elip gave way, arid the ani-
mals ran twice around the track at a
break -nee rate of speed, before they
were stoped. Neither of them receiv-
ed any demage by their mad freak.
-The 1Counties' Connell of the
TJnited C
which ad
ing, deci
'ember s
ipg of ab
ing Com
during the audit of the late Treasurer's
books a present of $150 and a watch. ,
i -Less than one year age, Mr. J. M.
Clement, of Niagara, bought a grocery
business from his mother. This store
had been eeveral times trarisferred from
Qne member of the family to another as
circumstances demanded. The busi-
toss appeara to have always been a
failure M their hands, none of the fam-
ily succeeding, and the latest member
to attempt the task, owing to his he,bits,
could not make ends meet..
-The other day two young men
named. Gavin Webster and Wm. Mc-
Pherson Were taking sand out of a pit
in the side of a hill in Aneaster town -
e time of 1 ehip, when the pit caved ire smothering
' McPherson and covering L Webster up
r. A. Wil- to his eheulders. The latter soon got
has been out and , ran for assistaece. It was
tel -keeper found that the earth to the extent of
It was eleout a ton's weight had ' fallen over
ago by a McPheraon, likely killing ihim instan-
unties of Leeds and' Grenville
owned last Saturday morn -
ed to dispense with their No-
ssion. This will make a say-
ut $800. They also passed a
granting each of the Audit-
ittee for eerviees rendered
a had a
ng a few
was on a
saw logs,
as swept
ere heard
her rescue
cken con-
• since at
ast Naomi
ed its anni-
erved seat
nrned the
er a con-
terloo, was
ght. The
bar room
r. aueth-
r. Bell has
for several
brought to
• «
ere quite a
les of Wm.
entirely de- -
y moxning,
a very seri-
venson, but
who have
leted. The
ntre of a
y the exer-
-Mr. Neil McPherson, of the Centre
Road, West Williams, died a few days
ago. Hei was 85 years of , age. When
questioned about his age his usual an -
ewer was,, that he was 19 et the battle
of Waterloo, that he was in the Militia
in Inverneses at the time, and that his
company was undergoing drill when the
news of the victory reached them. De -
*eased. was a native of Nortla`Uist.
-Mr. Isaac-Nattrass, seeoed Deputy
peeve ofIthetownship of Iratighan, met
with an accident on his farm on Friday
which resulted fatally. He was en-
gaged in !milking a cow, tvhen one of
the horses, liberated froni the stable,
made a run at the animal, and the lat-
ter becoming frightened bolted, throw-
ing Mr. 4r‘ttrass to the ground. While
in that position the horse stepped on
him, cruShing in his chest and ribs.
-On faturday night last ' when the
Mixed train on the Torbuto, Grey sit
Bruce Railway was on its iway from
Toronto ao OWEill Sound it tan over a
couple o e3W13 that were On the track
near Be kely Station, killing the ani-
mals an throwieg a number of freight
cars off tte track. The passenger coach
escaped eing thrown off. In one of
the oars there were severateen horses,
two of w ich were killed and others
badly in tired. ,
-The barn, shed and other outbuild-
ings, with farm implements, of Mr.
Chas, C
and Del
by fire a
ing last
house w
been on
he hes b`rn to a great d
and toil n I making impr
will feel . the loss seve
retell, townline of Westminster
Ware, were totally destroyed
obit midnight Theeday even -
eek. It was wi h difficulty the
s saved. Mr. omen has only
h farm about hree years, and
al of expense
vements. He
ely, as it will
reach at least $1,000. &OW of fire un -
I 1
knocen. i 1 ' .
-The:Sarnia Observer, reporting on
the fruit crop in that Vicinity, says:
Apples premise to be a splendid crop in
this eonety. Pears give promise of a
large aggregate yield, t
the more tender variet
killed. Peaches have
killed by the frost, and
ture their own caps, boots and jackets.
They buy fence -wire and agricultural
implements because they cannot get
along without them. They raise grain
and sell it, but they hoard the proceeds.
- The Model Farm seems to be the
grand point of interest for farmer ex-
cursionists this season. On Monday
upwards of 1,000 persons arrived at
Guelph by special train on the Grand
Trunk Railway. The excnrsionists
were principally off the line of the
Northern and Northwestern Railways.
They visited the Model Farm, and after
an extended inspection returned home
by special train, leaving at six o'clook.
-Society in Montreal has been fur-
nished with another scandal as, a theme
for gossip. A gallant but unprincipled
young fellow made love to three young
ladies residing in Montreal and its vi-
cinity. He married one on the quiet,
and was necessarily compelled to de-
sert the others. It seems he now re-
pents of his choice, as he wishes to re-
pudiate the marriage on the ground
that the friends of the bride made him
intoxicated, and while in that etate in-
duced him to get married. _
- Augusta Chambers, known a few
years ago as an actress of 'considerable
ability, but more extensively as a
writer of poetry, has been arrested in
Buffalo for drunkenness on the street.
Four policemen found it diffienit to
subdue her, she fought so deeperately,
and it was necessary to draw her to the
station in a cart. It is said that she is
the daughter of a former Governor of
Nova Scotia. Beauty and talent gave
her an auspicious start on the Stage.
-St. James' Cathedral (Episcopal)
Sunday School, in Toronto, is the
largest in the Dominion. The roll in-
cludes the -names of 1,325 children and
60 teachers. The average attendance
is 600. This does not include the in-
fant class, which has an average at-
tendance of over 300, and a roll number
of several hundred more. The young
ladies' Bible Class, under the Charge of
Hon. S. H. Blake, and Rev. Mr. Rains -
ford's yonng men's class are largely at-
tended and very interesting.
-Mr. Henry Hart, a respectable bar-
rister in Paris, Out., not being satisfied
with the profits derived from his pro-
fession, some time ago invested about
$8,000 in the oil cloth mannfacturing lately purchased 640 acres in Trail
firm of A. J. Stephens & • Company. County, Dakota. He in company with
His partners were supposed to be prac- his brother and another gentleman
tical men, but at no time did the busie located a town on the property Which
ness appear to be a success. ' Indeed,
in this Province, so far as we know, it
has been a failure. Nearly a year ago
the work was suspended, an. a short
time since the man of law appears to
have become disgusted and retired
across the border, leaving liabilities of
-A most cowardly and dastardly act
was cominitted near the village of
Kingsville, Essex County, one evening
lately. An inhuman monster named
Knight went home disgustingly drunk,
and commenced to quarrel With his
fatally, and not being content with
using all the foul language hel could re-
member, commenced beating his wife,
who had an infant in her arrne. In en-
deavoring to protect the child she held
her left arm over it, and. the brute
struck her, breaking the arm just above
the elbow. Upon medical investiga-
tion, it was shown that he had broken
her arm, knocked out two of her teeth
and bruised, her internallyi. She is
unlikely to recover. A dose lof cat -o -
nine -tails would be administered to
some purpose on such a specimen of
-Veunor is out with Ms sueamer pre-
dictions. He says: "I believe that
the present summer is one in a triad of
similar summers, probably the middle
one. It is likely to resemble that of
1880, and to differ in some of Iits minor
details. The approaching Month of
July will give a great deal Of ram, as
in 1880, over a large portion of the
United States and Canada, i while in
Great Britain the weather will in all
probability be likewise stormy and wet.
The storms of wind, thuisder, and
lightning are likely to be severe and
frequent. Between the 10th and 15th
days an exceedingly hot termi is likely
to be experienced. Within a few days
from the close of the month, prob-
ably about the 27th or 28th, a cool wave
will occur, carrying frosts in Canada
and cool weather generally. The be-
ginning of July will be cool and showery.
-Capt. Lang, of th%Department of
the Interior, leftOttavsa a fevv days ago
for Manitoba for the purpose Of settling
"staked claims" disputes. Before the
North-West became a portion of the
Dominion there were no very stringent
regulations about taking up land, and
a number of persons Staked of large
claims when the land was being laid -off
into townships by the Dominion Gov-
ernment. The lines run by the survey-
ors in many cases interfered. with these
"staked claims," and in consequence
of this a nrimber of vexatious disputes
aroee. Capt. Lang was sent out last
year to endeavor to arrange the mabter
satisfactorily, but was obliged to return
without havieg effected anything.
During last BOBBiOD Mr. Royal and other
Manitoba members interested them-
selves in the matter and it is said that
Sir John Macdonald promised that a
commission should be appointed to en-
quire into and settle the matters in dis-
pute.* This has not been done and
Capt. Lang has been sent back again
to see what he can do this year. -
ough some of
es have been
early all been
Mms are as
usual suffering severely rom the rav-
ages of the curculio. G-tpes will De a
short orris, as the less exay varieties
were ba,dly damaged y the winter
-Thellsody of Tho Morrisey, a
farmer living at Port Cr was found
on Satneday, morning o roadside, a
village of
Islington, about ten mil s om Toron-
to. An inquest was held n Saturday
night, when it was learned, that he had
been drinking, and in all Likelihood had
fallen orit of his wagon and was killed.
A verdict of accidental &lath was re-
shoot diatence west of th
-The Mennonites in Manitoba are
not held; in snoh favor as they were.
Mennonites help trade very little. They
are sober, industrious esed peaceable,
but their bay next to nothing in the
shape o dry wads, and just as little in
the y line. The women wear no
bonnets, and very little clothes of any
kind. The men appareatly manufac-
School Missionary 'Norsk in the West,"
by , Rev. Arthur Mitchell, D. D. of
Cleveland, was a splendid effort. “Sun-
daY School Work in the North,'! , by
Re*. Mr. Sutherland, D. D., of Mont-
real, was also well delivered. Rev. 'Dr.
Vincent, of Chatanqua, closed the
session in a brilliant speech, referring
to he Raikes Centenary Convention,
and the time he visited the room where
Rakes held his first Sunday school.
The evening session opened with a
Bi le reading and e service of song con-
du ted by Prof. Sheridan. Mr. Arnontt
(co ored freeduaan from the - Soath),
de the address of the evening, it was
far the beet oratorical effort Made
ing the Convention. He was cheered
ag in and again, the vast building fair-
ly et eking with the applause. Dr. Vine
ceet then proposed the Chautauqua sa-
lute to the President, and the vast aud-
ience; rising to their feet and. waving
handkerchiefs, again made the building
ring. Hon. S. H. Blake then made a
short address, after which the third. In-
ternational Convention was brought to
a close by singing eThere is a Fountain
Filled with Blood."
Perth Items.
!Phe St. Mary's wool m.erchants
have got themselves into bad repute by
practising too libetally the "docking"
-The sum of $30,000 was paid out at
Stratford, to Grand Trunk employees,
on Thursday of last week.
-One night lately a daughter of Mrs.
Louis Weber, of Ellice, while :engaged
in milking,was run over by a frightened
cow and had her collar bone broken.
-Last week the young ladies ofKli, ox
Church, Mitchell, gave a strawberry
and ice cream festival, which was very
successful, the proceeds amounting to
-A new post office is to be opened
on -the 9th Concession of Fullerton, to
be called Gowrie. It will be supplied
with a tri -weekly mail from Mitchell.
-Miss Agnes J. Douglas, of St. Pearl,
Downie Township, was awarded the
junior naathematical prize at the recent
closing exercises in the Brantford
Young Ladies' College.
John Morgan, Of Hibbert ,1 has
they christened. Edinburgh.
-The Listowel glove factory seems
to be doing a rushing business. The
Banner says: During the past month
over 54,000 worth of orders for gloves
have been received at the tactory.1 The
firm with 21 hands, can scarcely fill
the orders as fast as they are sent lila.
-A young man named Wm. ,Hill,
belonging to Stratford,- got his arm bad-
ly broken, while coupling cars on de;
&itched train a few miles west of Bright.
The young man was only on his seeoni3.
trip, and the accident was owing to ins
-The new band of the 28th batt4ion,
St. Marys, now nunabers 26 men, i with
an immediate prospect of an inorease
to 40. The baud has been served ; with
the regimental uniforms, and will Short-
ly have a new set of instruments, which
have been ordered from England;
-A few nights ago the house of Mr.
James Atkinson, of Anderson, had a
narrow escape from being destroyed by
fire. A coal oil_lames was accidentally
upset, and it was with much difqculty
that the blaze was extinguished.
-The Advocate says: No many days
ago a farmer dispoised of 146 pounds of
wool to a St. llarysi merchant, at 26
cents per pound. He thought hei had
received a good price being 2 cents a
pound more than he, could get ire Mit-
chell, but when he delivered it at the
- storehouse he was 1 d.ocked just 46
pounds! Comment ;is tmnecessary.
-The morals of some of the Mitchell
young men must be at a pretty lo* ebb.
A local paper says a;young man * the
town who is strongly given to liquor
threw a large ham through the garret
window of his mother's house the ,other
'day, then went out of the front idoor,
picked up the ham and sold it for 'whis-
key. His mother was on a sick bed,
and could ill afford her loss.
, -The Perth County Prohibitory As-
sociation intend. holding a meeting in
Mitchell, on the 19th July. The fellow-
ing ministers were appointed to lead off
on the varioua topics to be brought
before the Association: Rev. Messrs.
Wright, Hughes, Walker and. Macgre-
gor, of Stratford ; Kay of Milverton,
and Hannon of St. Marys. The !after-
noon session will be held at 3, o'Clock.
A mass meeting in the evening at 8.
-On Monday night the citizens of
Stratford were somewhat surprised to
see what appeared to be a falling star
pass directly over the town in a north-
easterly direction. When nearly out
of sight it appeared again quite dietinct-
lee going in a westerly direction, till lost
to view. Many thiek it was 4a, helloon,
and its appearance, seemed somewhat
brighter than a star. Its passage was
very quick, and altogether too feet to
be any considerable distance away. A
person standing on the street could ordy
Observe it for a few seconds without mov-
ing shout the buildings obstructing the
-Listowel clainae to have a greater
nunaber of religioue denominaticeas to
the square fait than any other town of
nal size in the Doeninion, The Pres-
-The International Sunday school byterian body, standing highest on the
Convention held in Toronto during last list, numbers 542; closely followed by
week was brought to a close on B• tur-
day night. The meetinge were well at-
tended throughout, but the Saturday
afternoon meeting was very largely at-
tended, many having to be turned front
the doors. An address was delivered
by J. W. Jones, of Richmond, on "Sun-
day Schools Among the Freied-men of the
South." Jones is a thorough African.
He delivered a splendid oratiOn. Gov-.
ernor Colquit, of Georgia, and Rev. Mr.
Cook Smith also addressed the Conten-
tion on the same subject. "Sunday
the Canada Methodists with 540. NeXt
in number is the Church of England
with 38, Congregationalists 207,
Lutherans 197, Episcopal Methodists
128; Primitive Methodists; 112;
Roman Catholic 44 ; German Metho-
dists 38; Brethren 37; Baptiste 31;
Ohristaelphians 17; Children of, rim
; Adventists 8; New jeruselemites 7;
ampbellites 5; Tnrikers 5; Iktenice
; Disciples 2 ; Universalists 2, and a
tanbee of others that have as yet no