HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-06-24, Page 6• r ••• • • • t • . • • • I • • • HE HURON EXPOSI Orgairiaing the First Home.. BY MRS. HENRY WARD BENUMB. However carefully our daughters may ha-ve been, instructed by the best of mothers all through their girlhood, when they marry and go to preside over a home where they are to reign supreme, they m.nst of necessity find some rough places at first, arra will • naturally, for a few weeks, lais over anxious until they become f miliar with their new . duties—new, 1ecause for the first time they feel the all re- sponsibility of their strange p sition. However well instructed and fioient they may have been as daughte s, their mothers were always near to ru to for advice or direction when anyt ing of importance was to be done. Th y had the deciding voice. To th m the daughters turned, or should ha e turn- ed, if servants were insubordin te, or questions arose involving extra •are or work, or any important change was to be effected. But once removed from the n other's guardianship, the young wife fii ds that she roust begin to act alone. Sie must frame the laws that she decidei are to govern her new honae, and see that they are distinctly understood by tho e that are to be guided by them. It re ts with • the young mistress to assign o each her appropriate place and duti s, and thus prepare the way by whi h her work can be done to the best ady ntage, and most for the comfort of the em- ployees and the interest of the em- • ployer. It is for her to decide ' if her • new home is to be one of misrnle and disorder, or if there shall be not only a place for everything, and everything kept scrupulously in its place, b t that . the time for every duty shall be s me- thcslically and definitely decide and carried into active every d&3 There are housekeepers that distressing neatness and precis the torment of their 'friends ai terror of all in their employ. not what we would,wish young keepers to aim at, for all rul tend to real systematic labor fair margin for accidents, oas unforeseen interruptions and t takes of igiaorance—not indiffe but at the same time they do Flight of well -digested regulatio laws that aim at order and metli labor. The young mistress must al member that with her employees as well as with the children of a family obedience to the regalationelhat lare to govern the household must be s cured if there is to be regularity or e ciency in the labor to be performed. But ii while aiming to secure a ju t and proper compliance with htr rea onable requirements, she should be na. •d and. gentle, yet at the same time trictly firrn.. giving her orders with the pleas- ant tones and manners of a friend, but with the fir •• Gess of one in wadi authority. In every family, large or small is a certain routine that must be through each day. To secure this there should be no slothful onesha the family. Early rising, prompt at ention to the duties of the hour, are in ispen- • sable; and in. the end it iighteilis the mistress's cares if she takes the initia- - tive in this matter, and teach s her family and domestics early rising and promptness by example as well as by precept. No drones should be a owed. If one alights or neglects her p t of household service, some one else 1 must than' is un- ve in l uponife. I y their on are id the hat is house- s that eave a adties, e mis- once— eta ot lose is and odical 0 ra- catch up with hina. And so it ith every letter until he gets up or! C. And then there are two o threoi pir ndi more letters to be (mug up wit then he says, "I am as able a u anasi either of them ; and ople are oa ingl upon us. They want to see whi h will succeed first, and hold out long st."i There is this Widespre d spirit of rival- ry among men. They are not Bee ng. wealth for any legitmate end for themselves, for their 1 households,: for' the community, and fo Gro ; but they, have given way' to aspirit of almost unrestrained ambition. T ey are , not. self-controlled in -any s nee. is where the iminoraditv co Our Public • The following are th Public School Inspec omitted from the r Council proceedings week To the members of the the Countof _Huron. GENTLEMEN,—I enc of the receipts and p trustees of rural sect of the town of Seafort of Wingham and Clint mitted their reports to unable to give their fig I shall, however, try order to fill up the tw statement. -You will amount paid for buildi is small compared wi been in the past. to be, gentlemen, yo vant, An es i chOols. oris rs, vhioi port j of Jo pa t ere 1. ; of the I ere nty lished last 02/72 GO in il of 08e yme ns, sta tst i1agi he t n h ving Tor nto, res at p o g t th bl nks beer g se w ha ✓ 0 ROBE ent y the staendes trans - 1 am- esent. m in in the e t at the ool honses • at it has e the henor edient ser- . DEWArt. teftrfelteiRelOWil%9 e P00 o p_ 0 et g? Pp?: Procrii ``•'• : c'165 P .ss • ":" • •• • : , : 7 0 • • 0 • • 0303 Qs )--• 03 0)03 co co WgM06:•EMM mm m cit 03 V 01 CO Cra 031-4(0060066001 0113 40001V0V013 Of- N1,401. g • 01, ib2Igtotdg.100 •-iw113WW4-.03V671 1.-tmc,030101V0VW 0)0)0C001-.113000 0 P CVO CO ° ed i • 11 i --67T5gE5n03003 0)03 ge--,MV61,28,128 (.) O (5 0. 0 2 puted 00CID 00: 00 00 there --- — assed make up the deficiency by mor her own share of labor, and that just and not to be tolerated, s case of illness, for an hour. Time should never be wastel , and ti early rising and prompt oversi ht of household affairs will do more to aeon- onaize time than anything else e n ; so much mord can be accomplished in the early morning hours than in any other . part of the day. If in health, on finds planning for or performing any i edful work so touch easier after a good ight's rest. The mind acts more clearl and rapidly, the body is more vigoro , s and elastic, and one is lesa liable to inter- ruptions from outside disturbanc s and calls. These early hours are olden, and if their value is rightly unde stood, they enable the sensible houBe-ke per to find. many leisure hours for men al im- provement, for works of benevolence, and the few friendly calls that are in- dispensable if the social nature is to be cultivated. We give but a faint outline 4f the first steps toward laying the f unda- tions of that which should be a per- manently happy home ; but thee few notes may serve to rouse the mud to the importance of training younggirls . so that they will see the importsa ce of these suggeptiOns, and be ready t adopt them when called to accept the Proud- est and most responsible position that et woman can hold—the mistress of her husband's house and the queen of a well organized home. Seeking Wealth. BY HENRY WARD BEEgIER. Ninety-six per cent. of all the men that go into business fail once in their life. A good deal of that may be set down to inexperience, it is said. Yes, but inexperience- is itself immorality, even when it is coupled with disaster. The root of commercial disaster is the want of the moral element in men, however many , exceptions you may take to it. One:Part of men, instead of being contented, are greedy. They have a business that would give , them all the support they need to educate their children and place them comfort- ably in life ; but that is not enough. They step out into adventure; they invest in that scheme ; they mus have stock in this silver mine and the, gold mine, or in this iron mine. Th y are greedy. They could have got along with driving one horse, but the have six horses ; and the result is th t they are run away with. I will not a tempt to say how many men go over th dam on account of having too many i ons in • the fire, as it is said. They a e not. content to take some line that would give them a co-mpetence, and they fail. They say, "Well, I was honest ; I never : would lie nor cheat." Ab! but you were greedy. There is where your im- morality came in. You were greedy; you met God in the way and he over- threw you, as Administrator of (Sternal moral justice. A man may be i busi- , ness and not be specially greedy. IThere are men who find that they are ble to conduct large and larger affair; but they have a spirit of rivalry, and that is their ruin. They are in the alphabet down along in the neighborhood, of 0 i or P, and they say, "There is N above me, and I will catch up with him." Then M is above him, and he must , • 3- eeWM)e-We..== 010.00305(000 0:00:h4M1130CP V:1-4=0:MOIM VVWF.4VOMV WCOM01-,MW : 4.1 0114 bop%Mta C"'" csgs"aggo top eeeepolcemolee 122-9 R-12 aaege.e,acsam afi.274Tann-g2 aaa P H 00 r• 5 Ca" td co 0. 0 0 68 0 1, 0 'et• a e . . : 5 Q.• ' I altos IV tt10.1j 0 . t ' in 18 were than child 1879, The bette educ ing 1 The ducti 44.33 1879. thro $5.06 Fr be s 60011 ber o creas isfact the s oreas as SO: to m far muo sever enabl of as has b made E due muo natio by ye and t • leas f to a syste larity ;pils ; :teach tions. Ibut it !goner !the p ling f tions, and condi Iplete that place ohan tiona has b In cellen t Scho • 1 , 24; 1880, en 216 days, string 1879 ; xi entered on 4116; 1880, 9, verage attenda than that of 1 jon throughou 79 was 44.80 p 00 during 1880 g the grant 11 e,s compare Illpon a simil: but the Pro m the foregoin that our ally manag ined teache and that fin It willhe ol populati This must b ny families lie for themse at. . These C give us the sections,.and UR to dispen i tants. The en most pleas y the Honore, ion in many o popularize o as well as to difficulties Machinery i i aim. Thet' uceessful work still exist, tattendance 2. IThe- very f rs'in the grea Progress is b is Slow. I ha compliance t'of truatees er years. lir school hon tjher premises i n. I have en years in y itne many ch t rougho.ut the el has been m ppliances an n done, much Delusion I be work done and Teacher I 1 Ev ' in su be he It do ;then Ever with has b brain study moth to be maki from will 1 34. The so • ools De -half day b tter total nu b r of ohool regit: in 87 ; deorea e, 229. ce was somewhat 79. The cost of the district idur- ✓ pupil 'en.r•lled. was 44.75 ;I o , de - from Legiala ure, with 409 in r basis the cost ince in 1879 was statistics it will chools are eing d, that the um - s is' somevib. t in- nces are very -sat- noticed, also, that n is on the de - the case eo eave us wan ves homes]i anges hate required r at the sa e with the ork of th nt. The •le the Min oases hav r systein f mprove' it. e being re made to ru o great hin r ng of any s amely : 1. Ir n the part of equent chin majority Of ing made in e found, a ith requirexple more so than "ith few le see, play pro are in eXoe LOW almost ur service. nges have t district. A long • ally the done in time • oes year nges :r of • one edu- ear ved, ith noes hool egn- pu- e of seca oth, very • t on dur- cep- nds lent om- ring ken reat 1' 11. de in our edupa- d results. Much Model remainsto be one. to report th ex- • by our s' Institutes. J. ROBERTSOlki MILLEIt, Public School Inspector. he Evening at Home y home ought to be adnai et way that the evening sacred to ret and rec Iv a not pay to ork all tempt to -fill the evem g ody knows hat • sleep c eat reluctance when the 9v on. spent in hard ' labor. worker who exhausts hfinse er abstract thinking, a d ,ho, after 'Bonding the c i as devoted • ier spare t g a suit of clo hes for' her 02 ne worn garm tit of his f oth wake from nrestful s in whnh, one has gon _over and knott •Iproblem whin occupied 1 work'nig thoughts, d the ot • • felt h , self surround din vision night bY small b ys' garment Ealph ells mild M donna Is On passe With ,cherula ; and both • agree at they do not begin the • with whic 18 Oa ee 4-3 00 ;` cE. 0 ,0 5'• 1'3 ee oe•5454 or, a rt....••4 "ea; :te' 7 :i 0. ;01 0 54 te • ▪ 003vi4.036 t0 -01-7m 0--410 010-.03 01 1003030)01.-.01 00000.6..VCOWm03 te,nttIZEV-1c9Eg- 8) 1.1 0 C't-0: V WI-. WOD 0100:0 OW; sv 000= mw... oAC3 =1-4C00 00 • C00010 00 5.3 0- fe• teiceeei-e-.wa,• M.aI6,030tVxM ve-,070,e0:° 014.0We:100; 11 0 110113 ,aaaaa -50)05-3430.)-' 1000) • ,2T cowc00, coci, -a▪ w0wwww0.a.. 117"`""Z;321 0-3 1:•-• W1-4 01.P.V011t.MM-1 "0,0300100)501301015.1(3 - 54 ae. M ee -61tF-12t2g2KZT520. -4- t 11 ve 0 untro Then that wort our lose is in pied child ful t sugge, teroi meta fact One upon of D patie tions tieso twee the f: Most col•-' fire coo• event .1 each about and i inner the ti rnpte "mak one times and h story sion. the c the b °sting °iota° ered hall tion. and also. Ines ning The f in the dren e to boy er's, ber, • the last has the as; ; 0132-1 will i day be vigor required for its d ties they would have had if sound,: Ihled sleep had blessed them. too many things are left one SPECIFIC TICLES. 10ASTURE-80 agree J- single neorith, oe $ season: Yeerlingnattle for the seasen. All past removal of animals. 0 poneble for estraye or lo a limited number wa Canceeeion 2,H. R. S. • farm hand yeanted for a to above. I or cattle ; $1 50 for 25 per month for taa at 75 &lite per moixt veto be paid for beto neva of stook to be re ses. Anply early. On y ted. JOHN THOR , irneiretemita. A good rm of months. App 704.t y FO SALE R TO LET. FOR SALE — Splendi Dwelling House a d Lot. with stable, on John Street. Apply o JOHN KIDD, Sadth. 706 o' 1-2 • T° LET—Six rooms ov a. A. O. Ault's Groh. y Store, penforth. 8 itable for dress make, s l or private divelliG. AULT, P oprietor.ng, with rout and rear entrance. Apply to 693 TWO HOUSES TO B3 NT—To Rent, a co Portable dwelling h use adjoining the '0 Temperance Hall, in the nicest part of the to also the house adjoin[nl the Dominion Curli and Skating Rink; posse sion at nano ; rent to sonable. Apply to L. MURPHY, Seaforth. 800 STOREH9USE TO BENT.—To rent a go grain storehouse on the south side of t railway track in Seaforth, with two sets of Beale trucks and jiggers all complete; possession gibe immediately. Apply to SOU Brothers, Seafort or to the proprietor, "BERT SCOTT, Ro 1---- 67 TORE TO RENT—T4 rent a large ana modious store in Whitney's block, Ma n Street, Seaforth, in the 1esL baldness part of t e town. The stem is 60 Met long with a sto e room 30 feet in length 14 the rear. Rent reaso able and possession give on 5th January, 1138 Apply to WHITNEY Bh THREW. d • FARM F It SALE OR 12, Concession 6, at acres, 55 lure imbe cleared en bored with orchard, boil:: and tram miles from • burn, 71 Seaforth. or terms ap Constance P. 0., or a plaee. TO RENT—Being Leh allett, containing 1 0 the balance well ti. r•'soil good clay lo i barn on-- the place ". om Clinton, and 9 fr o Lyto THOMAS MILL his residence on t He 100 A.Crrib FARM FOR SAt'E—The Si scriber offer for sale a first -cies farm, consisting of 100 : ores of excellent la -o• being Lot 18, Con. 4, L.1'• S., Tuckersmith; 8 acres cleared, 74 clear o stamps, and the re t timbered with beech a vl maple; comfortab hewed log house, frame b. n and log etables ; we I fenced, well anderdrainet , two wells and a goo bearing orchard; is 2 ,, les from Kippen, 5 frO Brucefield and 6 from eaforth; convenient' schools and charches; wi 1 be sold °heap, with without crop. Apply to ' OBERT GRIEVE, o the promisee or to Egmo dville P. 0. 796 AUCTIO SALES. • A UCTION SALE 01 J- 1- PROPERTY IN • ton vs. McNaughton. P • VALUABLE FA M HANCERY.—MoNan - reliant to the decree al order issued in this cans , and bearing date it e 31st day of May, 1881, there will be sold. y Public Auction with the approbation of H. Dermott, Esq., Master o this Court at Goderic , at the COMMERCIAL 11 TEL in the town • f SEAFORTH in the Co • ter of Heron, on TUE DAY, the 28th day of JAI • E, 1881, at 2 o'clock n. the afternoon by Joseph P. Brine, Auctiorm r, the following lands and. remises, that is to sa Lob No. 19 in the 8th Concession of the tow ship of McKillop, in the county of Hu` Oh, 00 i taining 100 acres. Of th Ei Property 80 ores e cleared. and under a goo state of cu tivatio • and thd bale.nce is timbe ed with maple, befce hemlock, eel. elm and • asswood. There is• the premises a frame h. • se, size 26x22, she • st new, also a good frame ::arn size 5040, bead.s some wooden ontbuildi gs. There is also • n orchard on the premises containing a' numb4r .1 good fault growing tree - The soil is of b y loam apapted for oroppi g and grazing parpos s, and in a very fair state • cultivation. The Had lot is sitnated about 61 I, iles from the tow If ficaforth, is readily aoce sible thereto by • Id roads, which said town 11 Seaforth offers a oid market for the sale of pr duce. On the said ot there is a good well of w ter, and water can, e readily obtained at a de th of from 9 to 15 te t. The property will be off ed for sale subject t a reservedbid, which has eon fixed by the e id master. TERMS OF 8 LE— One-tenth of t e purchatte money to be p id do vn at the time f sale, and the balance to e paidicto court Wi in one month thereafter thout interest. Otti conditions to ba the eta ding conditions of see f the Court of Chancery, xcept that possession f lands will not be given ntil let Ootober ne b. For further particulars pply to Mesers.Camek a, Holt & Cameron, Barris re, Goderich, or toJo a Cowan, Vendors Solid •r, Watford. Dated It is 7th day of June A. D. 1 81. IL MACDER ACT # Master at Godekch; J HN COVVAN, Vend rs • 701 OR. • ' • worth doing. It is ays Solicitor. al while to be ion good ter with hildren. Fathers and mo hers mORTGAGE SALE. 1-V-1- the power of sale • great deal of tile very best here Indenture of Mortgage ife when they are too much mu- taetzlst,bytb jeoreez observe the unfolding Of heir en s minds. 1 is more wo der- at the COMMERCIAL • on SATURDAY, the 25t itti the opening of a fiovver ; • ore . i weleea in the afternoo a as viz : Parcel No 1, com tive than the discovery of sus 124 and that part o more helpful to the situde t of tret, i'n Jaryis survey Ityiaics than an other study. The peat of Blot* F in the ea • realized by rave great en. ehe shove mentioned Lo • he and occupied by Le 0! he most i IlTeB parcel is erected a brie which the min that stories high, 45x22, f ram rWin watching lees . grounds are well plants • 11 #8 teresting p can dwell with his ma ic is tc e and noting down the in ica- Ti=1,17:=1:1 f dawning int lligence in h s lit- cribed ashaving a fronta ii, To give at least the hou be- north side of Isaebielola Sita to Upon this pare 'the dark an the dayli h " 0 I hone° 22x22, at present ily is within the powera-- hire. McLeod. Parcel N • verybody. T sit arou the of block F in Jarvis' Sur d tell stories to talk o the of the day; to find out hat e of the family has tho ght .most that day is all enio able tructive. In;ne home of hose •orking I kno something 't is al practice, and unless i ter - by visitors, each one in turn tip" a story' ; sometimels aoh purchase money without interest, within kes the same subject. 5 me- • month after the day of sa e. Upon payment the purchase money the urchaser shall be e limited time is given' to ach, mtist fill that time with the titledftg possession of P reel No. 1 on the fir e manufact4es for 'the ma- and day of receipts noefx thoef • P rot /pi a200fleolsratite No. This Further particulars and oncliions This is not only pure fun, but rept use of lan nage is tanght in t riossible Wft . Another' i ter- musement is to have the sso- Under and by virtue of contained in a certain 'eh will be produced t 11 be offered for sale, P. Brine, Auctiode OTEL in SEAFOR dsy of JUNE, 188 the following prop osed of Lae num ers Lot 125 east of Will a m h t ot Id 18 of Seaforth, and O survey in the roar s, as at present fe c i Mabee. Upon dwelling horise barn 20x30, and with flint and o . 2, camposed of a ey, whieh may be e of 61 feet on set by 54 feet in de d is erected a fr in the occupatio . 3, composed of a y, lying to the note the last mentioned par el of land, havin frontage of54 feet on the east side of Will Street, by a depth of 61 f of land is erected a tram TERMS OF SALE—The sale shall pay to the ven posit in the proportion o his purchase money, and as to pareel No 1 s pay the balance of his p interest on the lst day of parcel No. 2 and 3, shall et. Upon this pa dwelling house 22 nrchaser at the ti er °rine solicitor a $ 10 for every $10 rckase money wit October next, and a ay the balance of a t a a 2 a- 1. rt be obtained on applicatio to McCAUGHEr I HOLMESTED, Vendor Solicitors. Seaf rth, Jane 76h, 1881. ^05 of ideas • it h a a fakination. for childr:n, and after a I very little prac- tice t • gy will tell with accuracy land deligh how they came to think and speak If this thing and that. fancy that c • ildren who g� put of homei in which' hey have been 'made intellec ual compa, ions of father and mother ill not on y be better pr pared to exP ess their houghts, but ill really have somet ing to expres -The will be less ea ily influenced nd carried abut by div rs strange doctrines. E. W, 1. To the Warden and CoUn$il Of II Ton. GENTLEAIEN,—I have t1 laono port most favorably of the work the West Huron Publicchools the year 1880. As a fall i) mitted a year ago, and tition is not desirable, I ring to only a few poi receipts during 1880 w total receipts during 18 Decrease in favor of 188 tal expenditure during 243.25; total expenditu 547,690.74l; decrease or o 52,447.49-; the balance la 1879 was $4,809•14l; ba4n e o in 1880, 56,524.93; incr in 1880, 41,715.784- ; the am m t lof 1879 was S1,494.51 ; for 0 no were reported. Salaries The average salary of m 1879 was 5443.52; avei male teachers iu1880, $4619. salary of female teachel 5229.27; 'average ()Mary teachers in 1880, 4241.11. of teachers—First class, 1 ; second class, 1879, third class, 1879, 85; County Board, 1879, 2; ber who had att nd d to e.- one i ii n duris lag: ports a iXier retie - propose ref s : Th total 9; .:3 857$58211,: 96198:Sitio. 8 wa $4 urin 187 188 nd it; hand.. vor Of ebt in debt4 leteachers iii t - 31; average1.! 1879 wag,. of female; Certificateg 373, 1 ;I 1880, 61881 ; '5o°1d; 80 8 , 1 ; niim- al School! 8 of teacher sa1ry o Ho The times only d weathe speak bright wind; grey c in the the eve meani soft, • weathe hard, foul. unusu while io bespealiF • tol Judge t e Weathe • olors of the ky at difOr nt e a •wonderfu guidance. Not a a clear sun et presagefair • but there are tints whnh ith clearness a d accuracy. A allow in the e ening indica, 88 pale yellow, wet; a nent al r Constitutes a favorable sin 61: 4. • orning—an unfavorable one itt ing. The clouds are full i f g in themselves. If they are defined and I feathery,• theI ill be fine ; if I the edges 4 e rp and definite, it will I .1 e erierally speaking, any dei ) ues betoken ind and tali e quiet a,ad moderate tint . ir weather. imple as thee maximS late, the Brit sh Board. I Trade ha thought fit to publish th fortbeusp of seafaring n4en. 1 1It, • MEDI T G. SCOTT, M. D. do ti • Accoucheur, See() donee south side of Gode emit of Presbyterian Char AL. Physician,Surgeon and th, Ont. Office and mat- ch Street, second door h. 842 TT L. VERCOE, M. D., " • geoia, etc.,Coroner Office and Reeidenee, o directly opposite Seafort C. M.. Physician, Sur r the County of Hukon Jarvis street northl, • Public School. • C W • • • • GROCERY NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE SEAFORTH TEAS. TEAS. • • TEAS. tN GASENS, JAPANS AND BLAOKS,I 4IR YOUNG HYSON TEA, 3? GENTS PER 00UND. GOD YC UNG HYSON TEA, 35 CENTS PEO POUND. C OICE 'OUNG HYSON TEA, 40 CENTS PER POUND. E TRA C CE, 50 CENTS FER POUND. ✓ RYFIr E, 30 CENTS PER POUND.. T E BES IMPORTED, 65 CENTS PER POUND. V RY FINE JA)AN TEA DUST, 30 CENTS PR POUND. CFRib-CTIT) COFiEJ At 25 cents, 80 cents, 85 cents, 40 cents, and 45 cents per pound. WHITE SU ARS -9 and 94 pounds for $1. LIGHT AND YELLOW SU GARS -10, 11,12 and 13 pounds for $1. FIELD AND GARDEN SEE DS—A Full Stock. 15. D. ROSE, SEAOR'. • A NEW EaROCERY IN SEAORT • • • • • • HA Meat G Removed to d Robertson' e See mimes, was edded TT 0- 11 Po 0 13 e Commodious Store in Stark's Block, between Megarey's Bak Store, and having more room at his dispose than is reqtdred for his Cu A TOCK OF NEW AND FRESH GROCERIE Which will befound as C °replete an d Varied as any in the Trade; and 1. ry ed EVERYTHING IS FRESH AN1 NE i . • , Hale determinedto sell et •etly for csh, and will consequently give his customers the benefit f iberai Diseount from ordinary trade prices. S1116 of the est Teas in the Market for the Mon C R[11 MEATS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ALWAYS ON HAND AS USU L. Goods Del ered in any part of the Town Free of CiLarge. BUTTER 4ID EGGS TAKEN FOR GOODS AS CAS . Remember the Place and Give Me a Trial. EUGH ROBB, Main Street, Seaforth. “AND DON'T YOU FORGT 11-`" • 0 LI_ORAN OICIDEST FIRM IN SEAF,01?Tff, • They]saye always ped 10C cents on the dollar, and the y expect their eustomers to " go and !do the VERY BST do liekiwise:" They do n t.paetend to sell Goods at Cost, or even below it; but they are preps d to 8 00Eql SI CROCKERY, AND LIQUORS IN TIlt MARKET, AT A FAIR LIVING PROFIT. TheVery Finest TITTN- JUNE 24,1881.. THE SEAORTH FLA* Milli \T0TWITH8T ANDING the lige fire and iboi consegtfent lose:sustained bythadestruCtioal of his buns 1414:t a large quantity 4>1 materal, thal undersigned its determined to go into ithe Flax' business thili ; earning seatou more extern**, receive thHaneevisiertepacrd toeceive applications e parties deeienne to grow this profitable elepjl either by the acre or the ton, and will give tha very best tennis. He desir-es to secure thee -a*, son about 500! acres. Any. quantity of good -clean -aeed ozhank! Parties intending to sow should make applies„i. tion as soon is iposiblea. He will still hts 'mill to a etaitablepe eon on reasonable:terms. oHN BEAT.E„ MONEY TO LOAN. Any amount of =imy to Loan 011 ressontbla rates of interst, on good farm sedurity. OFFICE—Oanadhen Bank of ComenereelinliC logs, Seaforth. 1 JOHN B,EATTIE. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE MM LAN� AGENCY , I I A L 0 NZ 0 STRONG Sa nAdGLEiNf eTixiostrl3ae4er e.clo zoF ipraco Cie stt:aen d'S items pkir apple: -ed to take risksrn the most favorable terms. • Also Agent to several ;of the best Loan ge! cletiesse. AlAgent dor theSele and Purchase of Faux and Village Pr: ope rty. A 1u*er I of Firt-Clan lm-predrarms for Sale. $50,000 to Lona at fgevom pet' cet: tterest. Agent for the sale ot Ocean -Steamship Ticket; OFFICE — Over M. MOrriSOD'S Store, Main Street, Seaforth. THE ZURICH SADDL RY, HARNESS, FURNITU E ESTABLISHMENT! HERk0 WELL Propri,etor. A 0.001) stek Harnese of all kinde always L-3•- on hand, together with everything else be- longing to the bneines s, which will be sold cheaper than ever. FURNITURE, FURNITURE. specially low prices given to newly -married couples requiring furniture. csi and ace my Stock and priges befere purchasing elsewheressa you will save Money by doing so. 893 HERMON WLL, Zurich. FO ROE!Si LIVERY SA Lg STAB,LES4-- .SEAFORTH. A RTIIUR FORBES, the old eetablished Lir- eryman, keeps the best and most stylish lige and the best titivirtg horses in the busines. Neat and Nobby Cutters, handsome and cora- fortable Robes, and last and sat horses 'always On hand. .A very han some ;aerlily sleigh fo neer two horses. • Day and night, calls promptly attended to. Good driving horses bought and sold. RMF.MBER TWO; PL0E — Opposite 0. 0. Willson's Agi icultural Wareroome, Seaforth. 689 - ;• • ARTIIU.R FORREll. FT_TStINTITr..TIM.., J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. ! ; _I am determined to Clear Out my Entire Stock of _Furniture regard- less of Oost. frirosE INWANT, it willay themtussesr- tain priees before purchasing elsewhere. give a large discount to those paying 01111/1, al. pecially to wiwly married couples. I am etill {tellig six highly finished them ler $ 2 . I aleo !keep Inowiton's Spring Bed, the best and clies.pest in the market; warranted perfectly oieoonmsedlieles.etiy opposite tf. M amomoth Jeivelry Store, Main Street, Sesta* East Side. 625 JOHN R. PORTER. EYE, EAR AND THROAT I DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L, R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to-, and Surgebn to the Mercer Eyeand Es r In- firmary, Congulting Oculist and Lurid to the Institutions 1 or the, Blind, Brantford, and for •: the Deaf and Dumb. Belleviiie, Ont. Late -Clini- cal Assistant yal London Ophthalmic Ilospi- RA...VD/ES from our Resident Buyer in France, and nta01,8pMitalCHrfields, and Central Throat and Ea S /ram our Agents in Spain and Portugal. 317 URCH 'STREET, TototiTe. Ilay be Consulted at the FitE TEAS' A SPECIALTY. SUGARS, TOBAfiCOS, & THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES.1 - GIVE US A OALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. KILLORAN & RYAN. Seaforth. N. B.—We are also igents for the Celebrated" Ma reale" Sacramental Wine. Warranted Pure; THE SE4OR WIld. HANOVER, M.D. C. ' M, Graduate of 1' Y McGill University, hytecian,Sargeontand Acconeheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residenic e, North side Goderich Sire t, first Brick Ho ese east of the Methodist Chu ch. - 408 FARMI NG; Til ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EiPORIUM. LSON 1 0. C. WILLSON I HS OW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF ALT, KINDS OF D11. HUTCHINSON, G Mduate of McGill lo• lege, Montreal, Licen late of the Royal o- ege of Physicians, Edin urgh, and, late House 8 argeon of Craiglookhart Hospitale Edinburgh. Office—Bluevale, Ont. 686-52 TT DER TSHIRE#, • •L. PJ S., .1-ele Surgen Dentist, Gradbate of the Ro al College of Dental Surgeons f Ontario. Office ours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in iir e. Whitney's new brie block. Main Street ee.forth, C CA.R11 tta•eie.e:i jit of Dental Office—India ' Stratford, Ont. hes now ; o Seaforth at theQueen's Hot prepared to perform all de tal operations With ease and skill. Officio open first Tuesday in eVery mouth. 663-52 • Membe RIGHT, L. D. S., of the Roy al College urgeons of Can da. block, Market St., ned out an Office in I, whore he will be 1 1 • centennial of the birth George ajtephenson, the originator the railW y locomotive, as celebrate the other ay in various arts of Eng land, and'also among th railway eci ployeee of variOus parts f the cont ent. • AUCTIONEERS. P. BRLNE, Licenced uctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All o dere left at the Ex- soerron Office will be prom tlyettended to.i A LEXANDERDELOBTTY eer,McRillop. Special sales of Landed Property, Implements. .All orders lef signed at Walton P. 0, cession 14, will be promptly bills, notes and stamps in A TAX. DELGETTY, Walton .4, 4.4 • • Lieen Fed Auction - attention given to Farm Stook knd with the under - r Lot 14, ecu- attended- to. Sale lobed if required. 6$9 • PL�W Ampsoinowe'Sersi—N.caolnT.h4Ohis°eliv them before p REAPERS A • the season, a the Massey M Binders. The they are fully MPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: ey No. 13 Thistle Cntter ; the Three Roll Beam Chilled Plow; the Genuine hilled Plow, No. 40, manufactured at South Bend, Indiana; also Wat- d and the Brantford Chilled Plows, and a number of other General Purpose rtainly the best selected stock of Plows ever. kept in Seafbrth ; call and see c aging elsewhere. 13MOWERS—The Reaper and Mower business ie again to hand for d s usual I have a thorough reliable stock, coneisting of the Massey Harvester, wer and Sharp's Sulky Hone Bake; also Miller's Buckeye Twine and Wire 8 :eMachines are too well known to require any comment, suffice it to say that to the improvements for the Beason of 1881. 11.111ENTS—. fall stock of small implements, such as Hoe° Hoes SMiLL IMPL Weeders and telumers, Corn Planters and Corn Cultivators. Iron Harrows at a reduced priee stall teed. SEWING MACHINES . A SPECIALTY. 1! ; e Wanzer F, e rd machin e s, and achin e Needles, 0 anzer C, D and E, Wilson B, Lonise and other maehines. . Those are arties purchasing can rely on getting value for their money. Is and Repairs. Repairing done on the shortest notice, and work guaran Also Agent /Or 4bell's Patent .Portable Stem Threshers a9;id Engines. 0. C. WILLSON, Main -St; Seaforth. B.—A few horses taken in exchange for machines. ALBION lomL, STRATFO-RDI On T SBA: ,.111fITE 2Stk, *mien last Tuesday of ev ry month thereafter.. • 708 •CHARLES DUNBAR, LOCK AsT,D GUNSMITH SEkOORTH, MANUFACTURER and Importer of all kinds .1 -T -L- of English and, American Gaits Rifles Re volvers, Fishing Rackle and Sportitig Goods ill general, wisheet4 inform the public that he has °pee ed a Genera Belisle. Shop in tle. Roberts' (Druggist) old tand, opposite Cardetos Hall, where he intends o eery on busines. All kinde of Repairing don in ;Locks, Keys, Gans, Revd. vers, Foresee, Umbrellas.. Table, Plate, do. ie Grinding Done. The Repairing of , Sewing Ma chines a Specisty. : Scissors, Knives, -Sate, and Lawn MOW rs aharpened and repaired. Electro Plating done in Gold and Silvr. Old Jewelry made 'jutst as good as new. All work entetisted to him will he promptlyattended to on the shortest notiee. 588 OXIARLrIS DUNBAR., Seafrth. ANOHOR LINE. - NIETvEerDy SsTaAtaTrEdaSy MfroAmIL filrgie,y111E;01K8ji and GLASGOW (via! Loodonelerty) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS fot Liveirpool, Londonderry -Glee now, and all parte of Europe. Fates as lows* any other first-class iinc. Prepaid Passage Certificates issued to persons wishing to bring ont theirfriends. The Passenger aocommodation of 'Amber Line Steamers are nosurpassed for elegance and com- fort. Apply to S. DIKSON, 593 At the Post 0tie,Sea1orth NAT .A.. -Nr I 1\1- CA' e• r S. HADDEN. begs to announceto the people t' • of this vicinity that he has pirrehased the property formerly owned by Mr. Win. Midden, and having erected thereon a certnnortione shop, he is now prepared to execute orders tor Weaving in all its branches FLANNEL, Plain end Twilled, and CARPETS a Specialt. Ali work warranted to give 4atifaction and teems reason- able. Residence alf a mile east of Egraond- ville, adjoining theffarm of Mrs. Oeunnell on the west side. A trial is respeotfally solieted. 703-13 J. S. r..ADDEN. 1111E CREDIT FONOIER THIS new Company, formed for thepurpose inveeting French Coital. in Canada, is now preparedto advance money on the inoat favorable • terms on good landed senrrities. M P. HAYS, 1 Agent for County of 'Hums, Seaforth. 1P99 • • • •• • po ef of 30 sta • de, but the • the of Drier suit (iv Wa'S trea cien the sta 0011 Wh' agai call thin on') bast Iie 13on he 66 the won bo d with of as a The Fot Boe neig the they take IY a. naals hold hay line were rush USIA Itear juna ed the I The well ably stee the at a thes. ryin Duto and right Lo has a mere, mer with his h dog, • gent and was abou cia t final bird, The a. and sta the his horn drop and horn to 6 6 4. Gr thor whic tion plic sele our ilave man a -co up le tend tie read is a roan prop vice labe path mak afte 14 new trou avo en& derf and 3111 hag regu sec 10e cent Bay brok erin pain once Soot poor pen abou eart not