HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-06-24, Page 4• 4 r ammunimmommannima NEW AIDVEi TISEMENTS. New Slimmer Goods— Boots and Shoes—Wm. Farmers, Take Notice— Clearing Sale—Duncan Challenge—J. J. Duuca� Mortgage Sale—A. H. lY Denied—Mrs. H. Tyern Boy Wanted—EXPOSITOI offman Bros. Logan. T. Mellis. Duncan.. alining.. an. Officio. HE HURON E%POST Inr�nt9100ittit. SEAFORTH,,PRIDAY, JUNE 24,1881 Commencing to' Show Them- selves. The City of Winnipeg, am ng other good things, have a railway e : citemens on hand'ja.st now. The Sout. Western Railway Company, which wa: charter- ed by the Dominion Parlia •• ent last session to construct a' rail , ay south west of Winnipeg, have appli:d to the Winnipeg Council for a bonusE of 5200,- 000 to assist them intheir nterprise. This road,if constructed,woul. tie of im- mense benefit to the people of i anitoba, and particularly- those of Winnipeg. The proposition of the Corn . any was consequently very favorably r ceived by the Winnipeg Council,' and a by-law granting the bonus was read :,first time preparatory to having it sub.•itted for a vote of the ratepayers, and he further proceedings would doubtless ave been taken before this, but the; • osition of affairs came to the ears of the magnates of the Pacific Railway Synd tate, and they determined not to have their special preserve poached upn in this way. They according) communicated with the Winnipeg Council,asking them to stay proceedings ith the South Western Company as they ha e a much more favorable offer to make to the city. This offer has at length been made. It is, in short, that the Syndicate will construct a road over the same route for the same bonus in money and ex- emption from taxation for their property for all�time to come. As a bribe to in- duce the Connell to accept this offer they further agree to locate t eir work- shops and stock yards for Loth their main line and this branch in Winnipeg. This offer is made, however way that it is evident that r� abandon their,project they content with a very mach smaller bonus from the city. In the' meantime they have accomplished their obj:eet.: They have created a division among the peo- ple and in the Council, and have delay- ed further proceedings towards aiding their rival, at least until they get a chance to look aroundithem and recon- oitre. That they will ultimately kill. out the South Western Company, there is no doubt. The solicitude of the Syndicate will be filly understood' when we explain that this South -Western Company's Road is the only independent road that can be constructed in Manitoba at least for the next twenty years to come, as their charter was granted. previous to the closing of the bargain between the Canadian Government and the Syndi- cate. If this road were --built it would in a very short time secure a connection with an American railway and would be a strong competitor with the Syndi- cate road, andavould destroy, at least to some extent, the monopoly of the carry- ing trade of the North-West. If the Syndicate can prevent the construction or commencement of this road for a year, when the charter expires, they will have their monopoly complete, and have sure possessign of the whole carrying: trade for 'the next twenty years. Hence their anxiety. If the people of Winnipeg and Manitoba are wise' they will hold the ver Cage ground they now possess, but th re is .-little prospect they will do so, s the Syn_ dicate is already all 'powerful in Mani- toba, and this selfish action on their part is but the beginning. What the end- ing will be it is very difficult to pre- dict. We fear nothing short of the ab- solute possession of the whole Dominion will satisfy them, and if we mistake not the people will soon find themselves powerless to check them once they get going. THE POLITICIANS of North Waterloo are having a hot time of it this week. The nomination to select a representa- tive to fill the vacancy ca; sed by the appointment of Mr. Sprin er stile repre- sentative of the constituency in the Local Legislature, to the hrievalty of the County, took place ou onday last. Judging by the reports here was a regular old fashioned field day. Some twenty or more candidates were pro- posed; but after airing their eloquence they all withdrew with the exception of Mr. Snyder on the Reform side and Mr. Walter on the Conservative. Mr. Hardy, the Provincial Secretary, was present, and delivered an address in which it is said he jtcstfiecl the action of the Government in appointing Messrs, emolu- ment and Springer to offices of in their own constituencies while they were yet met rs-of the Legisla- ture. Mr. Hardy is a pretty clever fel- low, but we are much afraid his so call- - ed justification would not' be very con- sistent or convincing. He - had better leave that alone, own up that the Government has done wrong,' and pro- mise to avoid a similar error for the future. The constituency is largely Reform, and if the party is united the election of Mr. Snyder s ed. without difficulty. takes place on 'Month/. material upon which th` have to work is .night charges of extravagance expenditure were so tho ed at the general eleo years ago, that when it li bring them up again, tl they have to be aband only accusation the Opp have' to plead is the app Springer the previoue� This, in itself, is a very but it is not sufficient weight. The people of are not likely to be so I get how much good thei done;and condemn the one bad act, unless, lik1 North Ontario, they arl adopt the most forcibe' disposal of showing disi act and permit their 1 However it may go, the materially affect the they are now so stron, that they can very we two or three seats. Ir! know but what an adve Waterloo would have a upon the Government.; them more careful in f, quently if it were not and blowing that our b make over such a resat be sorry if North Wato low the example of No in such a ther than would be . db the nex Cons+ scan Ond i oughly expl ton only i t attempted o y. fall so St ed, and he ition spouters intro e nt of Mr. repreients.Ove. good complaint o: carry I mach orth Waterloo cllish as to fOr- o vernment in-.vo a for rhe eople deter ined Mean at the pprovl of ibis to be beaten. iiesult will not overnmeiit, as in t Iaffor sled w' e foto in Ncir a beneficial effect Ott wouIld make re, and, corse the blasteri;ng onezts would we `qo Id not seciiI- electien. IT4 rvati' icz`ea ed c�- ea e 8 of to IT James Mrs. 'S. widows remains died N { Binney on passing from n Th nrsda ' , Friday, the t fe to death exactly the same inte val as betwe the de: %h of their hus ands. nd Ivo• at i Agri s icees tem is in any atrang; neceas the ea being tion Of frons t pecili tally r of ole of a re To his fa farms beet" t c.rcu howe adapt most deside and 'i f is in sight voted princi syste fall ay not h many thing and t tion'; o the :i study every M stematio A ricultur '111rR1TTEN FOIL !TA -B fniture is a buss ess, and. fillmust be sy tematized. he one great es ential to s c business. In riculture a d system of ro ation of or This shoo d be based abilities of ,the soil, certain culiarly adapted to the -pro ertain crops. B each crop t e soil elementB of plant to itself,whiclT if not syste urned must end in the depl eats necessary n erative oro $xroskTou.] he ho d. tot do se of t ;o sl Ont THAT good old Tory] Reporter, in referring t a couple of weeks ago Ontario election, acme of "speaking right o Well, we don't deny th went. We believe in line, let the chips fall c If onr political friends. opinion is.wrong,. we c+ kindly act to tell the than to try and cover a the wrong. If the reps 'of its Conservative "speak out in meeting" more frequently, the Ci would be none the wok .. country would be gre It is not very honest; however, for the Repo remarks objecting t Government appoints • g m Parliament to office in county, approvingly, and n s otld fp rio. aper,the ur r at t] the in soft ewin ere o whip side of of tl i sm ger aal�I djut( norel serve for i ly a nd ✓ to th r make capital out of it Waterloo. election, a • time justify, or excuse Donald, a member o,f the Cabinet, for appointing his iso lucrative and honorable ife When the Reporter has the c.ui independence to reprove act this, done by its own f r• ends entitled to some credit for when it finds fault with done by Reformers, but rot for d at Mr.. J ati emarl f ie North iposialon eetil ." impea� g by;] hey w1 )ser 4 'iv. d 1a+rty Ie, d. Lt, lir • io of s rt in it a i ieir f �otih id a rsi wii freely ai tive t an want oasis quote quote{ sc Onto, tuber$ heir c() trying th? the 1. r e mess D,omru THE two elections wb. Nova Scotia last Satin favor of the -Govern men ter Mr. McLellan wa majority of over 400, sr McDougall's majority They are both extensi and iron manufacturing 3 ch t lay I el 111 if 'to Mice 944 ;an !mob a it w,11 b crisis bee imila{ Ct ill the . ok pl esult Co acted ijto over al' icts. Wi e1. to th e ionca • d s e. 9: was e c dist News of t. » Too: HIS SEAT. -}- took his seat in the II+ Monday as Duke of A. THE CENSUS Of IRE census shows.a popul being a decrease of 26 MAIL STEAMER Los mail steamer has 1a New- Zealand and Mb lives. Pri e L use of o i cue in a r in es - a r. 00. ing old s on 'aUJ NO —T,he' Irish ion of 5,1519,500, 71. lian ween 100 DISTURBERS TO BE 1 large employers of le,,• pool district, threat- • Irishmen if more dist I60Hsiena.i.-'he ✓ iu the iver- to discha p{ all ban eesnoc FOUL PLAY SUSPEG of bodies found in tb. City recently, has ar that there is an orga • i at some point above) HATOHING DYNAMI outrages and rumors have given rise to g at the impunity wit spiracies are said ,to' York. A BAD BRUISE.— for which Lorillard been severely bruise, being brought to a Yovk, on the cars. 1I jury may extend to ANOTHER DYNAMIT day two rubber bag pounds of dynamite under the bridge ' Canal, in Russia. with fuses and recen DESTRUCTIVE STO swept over a portion on the night of the were uprooted, buil; unroofed, and horse Considerable dam lightning and water THE SITUATION It spatch of Satnnday in Ireland grows hour and the Gover preparing somethi To -day the War 0 five ambulance was ers and other appl in time of war to b spatched from W Accounts received; commander in Irel doleful in the ext)* r. To th DE state whit signe inst. dies o in on lay it with said call weig told diti sots and shop it at as I He g wool ha aske aske Marr wool and state reali only not t as ;h the ter out saga tion he; fro he` stea not is in will I or' h full Sa is ber auras Sed is sub icion ed hand ofthugs 1#QDent )Fenian dya 'mit t d ssatis hie Sue hat hod i e inane id l $12,0 the hea y' ;island : is feared annual's LOT.—T containi were dis 'the Caj ey were pi made. —A sever f Norther 7th inst. gs blown plots action • con - New ranza, 0, ha: whil Ne he in- brain e othe 15 overe ;harin Ovide 1 Stor Obi Tree own 0 8.pd cattle, killed IRE AND. 4 de ker wit ever like civil war. e ordered s; 150field iminediat wich to are aaa 111 singular co' Halifax last wee died several years; witnessed the dee Binney, both well Halifax. During h weuty trete eervic d nelan ilitar to deuce hap coed go, an the aext d See o Stephen now cit"zens • /. to the produ • ep up the producing powe of m hould be th study of e ery wi o desires t succeed. : ow d this may v ry accordin :, to etanoes. • In mixed far e; ng, Or, !such as this section ie� • d for, it is quit evident tO the anal obseiver, that the g eat athim to th t e d, the bree• ing dijng of sto'k o the' right k lid, many sec 'ion altogether . ost Had th 't a ebtion been de - o stock wh oh it deserves as the al factor in a I well dig:.ted of farming, th failure of the east, so pal ab e this year, « . uld e been sue a taggering bio to s ender the xisting stat: of t is. A char fie is neces ry, the thoughtful mind the dig ec- the change will clearly poi. t •to provement of sock, and to the f their proper-managem¢ • , in etail.- QBsER . . en be ye- ees yell is ion ils nc- kes od ti- on ion orter': ,' eply to iyrt P•ck. d. Eiilitor of the ironExposi or. R e a b IR : Allow • e to make al few is in ans �• er to the l�tter peared in yo • r issue of t a 7th James Pic ard. On tib 4th r. Pickard bro • ght me t �• o' un- ool. At;the time I was to ing ther lot. 1 as . ed .him ci' ill to at the door' un it I got t • r ugh be lot on hand. He did :o and e had to go up town and uld- g in. Sh�irtly after he a; e I ed�the wool and examin: • i I ma I could hot sake it in t i it being very d rty,fnll of b tted,but if he would take t lea it and put 't in merch n I or some oth r buyer wo • id n price, but I could not b • y d get plenty of that for i of ut of temper and packet u i self. 1 did not touch it after ermined. it. Before lea i . g he is -what I )lad a man o the 't for. I answered him t• buy not dirt. He ook his wo 1 : way Fething more as said. . now that he took t to Mitchel and ed one cent pe pound more with no pound doe . How is it • e did kei the same uantity to NIL cliell brought rhe ? - -What be a.. e of her 18 pound' ? During t le in - of four days a must ha a aken e, dirt, &c. ad he tals: • the gdantity, and in the same •ondi- O brought it t•_me, I am cIrtain nik1 have got a different curt �• tate his Mitchell b .yer•than t one bIished. As o detectin a in i.. gl a fleece of . is wool, I h 11 say glfurther abo • t that.mat as it 11 usual way, and all went home with joy and gladness. The behavior in general was as good as could be expected t such a meeting, with the exception; of some young men with their sweethear s, who drove a hind of race along the road in front of the ground on Sundas afternoon, while service was being he d, showing their good manners and im•rals (?). In ftiture snch conduct will be prevented. H.D. con - and way able take dirt, ing" can now get from te the From the Gre To the Editor of the DE SIR : As your visite here, as well of Hu on and Perth it wo ld not be out o a few nes couoerni country of ours. Th good time for the fa crops n. Some of t ing o the -10th of M of cou se, were a fe whea looks well at ers ar building on The g ass ia growing leave in the woods a on t e prairie are whic adds beauty this t me of the year variet and better qu on th ppen prairie saw i the best rept in Oa county of ..opene ,on the Asian' runni g at present and ort Ellice load of all kinds and em effect . No quay is situat Rang 10, Section the C press River, 16 Landing, on the A .named by Mr. Petch -Co:, 13rantford, Ont. SEM, ithingle and gri land Ss Pentland ha and commodious s smith shop is exp short time. Land -1 allY on the road pa in search °flan& ship 7, Range 11, ar house, which is gre are also holding s school at the far school house is fi there are a few who and get discouraged some parts of the c home and give Ma there are five times and become actual doing -well. Sever the comity of Bra yeara ago with very pockets when they up half a section e s in many art °unties, I th ugh place to write yo s spring opened i men to get ithei em linisheNseed days later. F Th resent, and iarm ig crops thin fall very rapidly.1 Th d the wild flOwer 11 in full bloom There are me eor ere than 1 eve ted flower ga den tine River 'n th here are five oat d with mac iner 'grants with tbei d, in TownshiP 6, 7, ou the bank o of Watt, Pee, who bas b ilt t mill here. Ho ore, and a lac cted to star in .okers are co tin sing throng her he people of ow come from Outer o with the looks untry and go ba k itoba a hard nom as many that st ettlers and. are to 1 young men fro little money in. the r oh, for which th y to fifteen handr d ch better than th y e here this 13pring, he wet seasoka as a have not haa mu h done here this a d hose who dolbre get from $3 25 1 Formerly of CJebor R. Hingston, 4-.,Ellio t, David Dobson and others, and the ompany were much Town, E. E. Wad and other gentle- men whose names we did not learn for their excellent so gs rendered during the evening. In ntroducing the toast of 'the evening the chairman glowingly eulogized Mr. Rogers for his public spiritedness and enterprise, aud pre - dieted that he would yet be the Balt king of Canada, and that Brussels might be the great salt entre or hub. r. Rogers made a ery happy reply, in orde ed the tubin and pumps for his whih he stated hat he bad already well, and that he intended proceeding and that salt wo d be manufactured as soo as it was pos ible to have it. The eve ing, upon t whole, was most pleasantly spent. The speeches were short, pithy and tO the point, and the Ben s were goad, nd all seemed to vie with each other make things as plea- sant and agreea le !as posSible. Mr. Rogers may well eel I pleased with the handsome manne in ,which the citizens of Brussels have shewn their appreci- ation of his enter rise. —As we state last week, salt was struck in Mr. ogers' test well on Thursday at a de th of 1,000 feet. The bed has now bee bored through and has been found t be of a depth of 20 feet of solid salt. This, although not SO deep a, strata as in Seaforth and some other places, is as much as is re- quired, and for all practical purposes is as good as a depth of lone hundred feet. As will be rem mbered, a company consposed of lead ng citizens of Brus- sels sunk a _test well -in that village about nine years goi. Boring was then prosecuted to a d pt of 1,400 feet, and although indicati us ef a saline deposit were observable, et no bed was found sufficient to justi y the supposition that salt could be pro ured in paying quan- tities, and the p ject was abandoned. This well was BA ated to the north of the village OD the Grey side. . The present well, wh re salt has been found, is about three -g enters of a mile fur - mi e west of the Id one, and. is on the M rris side of th village. The princi- pa drawback to 'its lecation is its dies ta es from the railway station, nearly a mile, which will (coupe a considerable itional expo se in shipping, and petition has ow cut the profits on t so low that urrent prices will not mit of superfluous extras. How - r there will he 5 very considerable SI cong ciati Stat ing they pea ca.• belt h al 7 fa 8 ti fro ing; y9u ing; low p: ter Chi Sat the on Go' S'o• by Co wh bn th th no m: dr: 8C Su bl: ars w• da T, r Co m V. ha no n• th til dr be 0 h: th Pr a. � it w he Hay Cainp Meet g. m the 8th to the llth of ju e the n of Hay Circuit and diton n held their annual cam meet - n the old camp groun here have held cam meetings r the 21 years. Por y -one fami were ed in 22 ba: ps. 'Servic were ily worship i every ca from g; from quarte past 2 to each - front 6' to half est 7 prayer d fel- ago, who arriv d on the gro nd on e "Tree of Lif in the Par dise of four or five a res of th round, e for all time to come. erefore ne need expec that th camp etings will soon die out. e blin- d and sixty -on dbliars e imb- ed. at once fo the pur o e. On day, which as a day o great sings for all ho served it Lord. t, and nodolbt, for so e a day i h will come gainst the ori the of judgment, between 0 and 0 people were resent. T Bishop inthians, xv„ 56, 57. great s listened wit attention. ev. S. oyer, of Cred ton, held a rvice in only -come to muse them yes and raber of Englis friends enjoy service, which wan only eld on sses to the youbg will not y soon forgotten, as Rev. G. Bro spoke temperance and took his te t from °verbs xx., 1. The you g people 4 to tell him w at liquor i d ing for se who use it, nd the ans s came tty good. Bis op Esher a e some ple of a, very lever artis n Chi-' go who; throng liquor, li e a great ily others, rui ed himself and fam- , and said that at present til e poor fe, with two bo s, has bro 1 t a law - it against the s loon ikeepe nr 525,- 0 damages, an it is to be °fed that 6.1 Will win the case. After Rev. J. anbach had pre ched, $100 •1 mission oney was co ected. The same ople have sine New Year's, t least, vet $300 for t e same pur se. On anday the Lo d's Supper as ode- ated by about 50 guests. n Tues - le y noon farewe was tak in the 11 • dollars. This is m con have done in er has been very and as this is iaoSv general thing, yet w rain so far. The amount of breakin the next month. ing for other peopl Jac NoaftuAT, June 6, 188 11 • Bru daughter of Mr. just returned home session at the Bra College. We are p in the closing exa bell has distinguis branches, and ha clever scholar, an NEARLY AN Acox Wade, of this pl escape from a seve _nesday evening driving in the cou turned and was dr yard, the front axl ped in two', and t down upon the ho ately the animal Wade had gained could control him, age was done. Et pened sooner, th been more serious. I14 a r. • 11 1 111 11 f b Maggie Canapb after h eying 'Bison eased to notipe t ed herself in iseve proven, beeides accomplished m e accident on W ast. He had b try, and wheia he ving into his o of his buggy sn ae's heels. ort tood still until his equilibriam and no further d d the accident h t result might h 11 Mayor and defendanit acquitted ; it then came before the Grand Jdry at the spring assize, who found no bill. It was again brought up for jury trial. Verdict for plaintiff for 575. J Hutchinson v. Blake. '''' Action for work and labor. Undefended issue with jury. Verdict 1or plaintiff ,for $141.36 ; immediate etecution granted. Cooper v. Ronald. -Undefended issue with jury. Action Cn a promissory note. Verdict for plai tiff for $151.44. Haslam v. Stubbs. n appeal from Blyth, in a case of assault. Conviction ad co sa pe ev demand here f r salt for -agricultural purposes, as it convenience to our fa mers will ind ce them to use more of it han has for rly been done. In t s way the industry will be of par- tieular benefit, an it will draw trade to th village that now 'goes elsewhere. In t, we are inclined to the opinion, as business no goes, the salt works 1 be vastly m re profitable to Brus- s anclathe surrounding country than Mr. Rogers hlmself, but we hope it fa th w. Be tO Huron Isiaten- , A couple of chaps in Goderich the ether day while trolling in the lake for sh;caught a cat -fish which weighed pounds. —Rev. Mr. McNaughton, pastor of Walton Presbyterian Church, returned home from his holiday tour on Thurs- day of last week. —Mrs. McManus, of Ashfield, who was so severely injured by being thrown from a wagon -on the 24th of ay last, is recoverm rietor of the Royal 1 st week for Palmers oses going into the h td business. , —It is stated that he census enum- erators for North. Hur n have made the ng 27,134, which 5,000 within the otel, Exeter, left on,where he pur- ALEXANDER'S t UTTER PRIZE.—A.8hort to time ago Mr. John Alexander announc- ed that he woul give a prize of a gold. w tch for the best sample of butter for s ipment delivered at his store within a ertain time. ' The competition was clired and the wards given the other Scott. There were 106 competitornand the judges annonnced that 90 per cent. was very superior dairy butter. The prize was awarded to Mrs. R. L. Scott, o the 13th Conpession of Grey, and it is no trifling Merit to win such a prize i g is the orderiof merit according to the decision of the judges : 1st Mrs. R. w Mrs. I. Cardiff, tth Mrs. Andrew Mit- d- obeli, 5th Mrs. D. McQuarrie, 6th Miss en ameron, 7th Mrs. John McIntosh, 8th e- Mrs. Wm. Pollard, 9th Mrs. Geo. Mc - all, 10 Mrs. Ritchie, 11 Mrs. Htitchia- s n, 12 Mrs. Menders, and fifty more t at would halve taken first at any dinary exhilition. The butter has een shipped ta Aberdeen, Scotland. 6. 11, as 8' at p- al 81 - population of that Rid its an increase of over last ten years. —Mr. John Laut, o_ the 2nd conces- sion of Stanley, recently sold. three horses for something 'over $400. One team, a pair of four year olds, he sold for $300. his leg bandaged. fle is a 1311a7 well up in years, and it will take a lIeng tiese Rbefle htheeisbaarteratiesinb; anuarerntags :inialli °thee_eyurowinolletialadaYmyeataiaksewtaw"t)::hrueeePnktrawywnwiati:eryangt. e4i lasivrT moo, rill .ut ryilli n gias! Rudd, of Goderich township, *as p' up a load of lumber at Fairi annozi Clinton, his team ef colts tOok fright pnaesastehatohveerwaguiosn,ie,gth,e BeWhveerCellylofbruisvihiingek the same, but inflicting no 'other ha. - juries. ; —Dominion Day in Wroxe celebrated on a grand scale his yet% A large fund has heen subsc 'bed Ina '9, programme laid out that mint prove attractive to all who come. If report ubeotwrineckWforromaeatnery itWillyeahr.aveinasadaitio: crowd that day as lasts been gathered in btooatther Fa ctiseusa,lagLamaceartmstehniervabliangbartgbotw,01: War, etc. Extra ;accommodation aaill and when near the village, hi horse be- et ua gms e hf reiignhgt e ni ee an gIntdah cear afa mttn eu ernagiwu Ilea: ee. u if T ha itt 0 ne e hww ar anam.cpialoniesetth,°eatintte'd the occuvlants were thrown out. Mr.' Irwin haa two ribs broken, and his Vife and siSter-halaw received some severei8i8nij,urfioerS. Brussels. —The following is a sumMary of the aTBOBtear V aelnUte rollrefoalr property,f, $283,775; total value of per nal property, $40,- 275 ; total amoun of taxable incomS, ber of children between the lag° of 5 and 16 years, 30. Total iaopulation, about 1,635. Nunaber of horses 132, cattle 130, hogs 55; sheep 14 dogs 58, with two of the female sex. 1 r. will ba I —The Goderich poUnd is kept crowd- ed with vagrant cows. Good for the it eows and better for he town. It's a good. deal better for t em to be in the pound than in people' gardens. lEfill. township of Colborne, a one-time horse man, has m a trip to the f Harriston, and has accepted the ill's Church, Clin- ton, and will remove o that town in a few weeks. a —Drs. Sloan, of Blyth, and Yourig, of Londesboro, recently performed a skil- ful operation on Mr. Alex. MaCreight, removing a tumor from his neck of 20 years standing. He ; now doing well. —It is reported hat Mr. Palmer, who drives Lucy, the - celebrated God- erich trotter, has got her speed down to 2:17, and that the strm of $10,000 has been offered for her and been. refused. for having the vanced pupils and and most dilapi- the county. ing of the Centre votive Association een's Hotel, Sea - e 27th inst. A interested is de - celebrated cattle and just returned home fr old country. —Rev. Mr. Craig, formerly of Seaforth, incumbency of St. P School is notorious smartest and most a . the poorest, smallest I dated play ground in ; —The annual nese ' Huron Liberal Conse ' will be held at the Q „ forth, on Monday, t I full attendance of a i sired and expected. 1 1B. Swenerton, Wm Pickard and. A. • Lake, of Exeter, le last week on a prospecting tour thr ugh Manitoba and. the Northwest. If he country suits bly locate there. r. nd Ve 11 Ban BALL.—T e Brussels Base all Club visited Blyt on Wednesday last and played a ma oh with th Bl th Club, beating the i by a score f 31 to 8. On their way lome they stappe at with the club of t at town, comin 21 off victorious with a core of 35 to 10. wo such ' decisive •Gqctoriee in one I ay agaiost crack teas) 13 induces our boy to think that they ca. play ball some, rid if there are any o (her clubs in the t ree counties that wa t to get the con eit taken out of the SI , just. let them s nd along a challenge Club will play Brussels on Domi n ion day.—J. E. Smit n and. Mr. Mann, left for Manitoba wi b 17 horses. hey took boat from oderich.—Drillin: at the test well for s lt was stoppod S ur- day last at a dep h of 1075 feet ha mg ' goae 50 feet belays the salt bed.— as. Whiting and Tho •• as Monsen wer al': rested on Mondaa night for s eali pocket book cont ining $60, fr m Dunsford of this lace. The m pey was nearly all found n the person of J mes Whiting. He w s sent to Godbric on Tuesday afterno n to await hiS tri 1. THE SALT SU PER.—The citize 13 of Brussels enterta ned Mr. F. C. Ro the proprietor of the new salt Well, complimentary s pper at the Qu hotel on Wednes ay evening last. spread was all t at could be des and was credita le to the caterer Roe, the genial groprietor bf this nificent hostelry Althouglis the character, no fora al invitations h been issued and only a conpl of allowed for prep ration, it WaS erni ly successful in very respect. A appointed hour about seventy g men sat down to supper, including of the leading b siness and pr fess men of the village and a good prin of the neighboring farmers. he was occupied by Mr. E. E. ade rister, and. the 1, ice -chair by r. Alexander, merchant, and bo h g men performed their parts m t a ably and to•the entire satisfactio itt pleasure of the audience. 0 the of the chairman was seated t e gu the evening, and on the left r. Livingstone, Esq., of Mitchell, a f esteemed and. enteeprising rasid ponse to the toasts by Messr Holmes, N. M. Livingston , The 00uuty Court. i The County Court and Quarter Ses- •Sions were held in Goderich last week. he following entleman composed the rand and Pe it Juries: GRAND JURORS.—Thos. Agnew, Jr., has. Cruiks anis Clinton; Richard ast Wawanoit ; John Craib, Clinton ; qas. Hawkins, !Jr., Port Albert ; Joseph xeter ; Jas. Kyle? Jr., Seaforth ; Jas. owick ; John Medd, Hallett ; Arthur °lanes, Grey ; George McKee, Grey ; obson, Bayfield, ; Alex. Robertson, as. Saundersy Stephen ; Wm. Thom; East Wawanosh. them they may prob —Tenders for the Presbyterian Chum rection of the new at Wingham were oPened last week, but one were accepted, all being much above the figure contem- plated by the committee. Tenders will again be asked for in a few days. —Mr. Robert Nessimarsh, of Clinton, after a very short illness. He. took died on Tuesday evring of last week, sick on the previous Friday evening with water on the brain, and was un- conscious from that time until his death. —Mr. L. Hardy *Reeve, and. MT. Wm. Fenwick, of Eneter, visited Mon- treal last week at the solicitation of Mr. Hickson, Manager :f the Grand Trunk Railway, for the p rpose of interview- ing him in referen branch railway to t —On Friday of Thos. McCracken, sels, was applying , PETIT JURORS.—WID. Andrews, Wa- Wanosh ; Robert Douglas, Blyth . Ed,. win, Ashfield ; James Louth, Goder- Archibald McLean, Morris ; John NaY, red, Rutledge, Goderich ; Thomas Smith, Mr. Grey ; W. Stinson, Stephen ; Andrew ern- Stephen ; Robert Weir, Turnberry ; day ent: th 11 111 111 Upon the Grand Jurors being sworn in they were addressed by Judge Toms, who inaparted to us the pleasing infor- mation that the 'High Constable had ost presented him with a pair of white kids, onal and consequently he was in a position ling to inform them that there *as no busi- hair ness to come before them. They were bar., accordingly ismissed. The following ohn civil cases w re disposed of : nair• sue without jury. Verdiet for plaintiff and for 576.77 immediate execution right granted. st of Ross v. Johnston. Undefended issue . M, without jury. Action on promissory rmer note for $57. Verdict for plaintiff for nt of 570.45 ; immediate execution granted. res. McKowen v. Thompson.- Action for . Dr. damages for biting plaintiff's nose. G. This case Was unlit tried before the —Mr. P. Moore, of Brussels, changed a four -dollar bill1 at the Commercial Hotel in Blida 4 short tinie age, and part of the change he received consist- ed of -a two -dollar Zimmerman -bank bill. He shOrtly afterwarda was pay- ing the bill to, the hank in Brussels, when he was niformed that it Vaii worthless. Alfr. Moore at Once hada -warrant issued qainst jilawkshaw for passing bad money. It cost Mr, aware that the Money was bad. —One day last week a tramp, while on his travels through Ged°rich tovna ship, procured sonne soap and a needle and thread at a farmer's house, and wending his wayi to Rapson's creek, di- vested himeeif of his -clothing, and gave it a thoroughi waShing in nature's -wash tab, mending one portionj while the - other was drying. As soonlas all WU in order he dressed himself and pm- ceeded onward clean as a. new pin, and apparently as happy US if he were a enTatin-ziel Jackson,jof °Mite; was made the renipient of sJ very hand- some present in the shape of a -solid silver pitcher, bY the members of Wil- lis Church' ahof . Miss Jacki3ori had been a leading a long time, an made on the ember of the eheir for the preaentation was asion of er severing her connection with it. IT e presenta- tion was made at the residence o1 Mr. Thos. Jackson, and a very pleasant evening was !spent by those present. —A: young man - named RX4chard Green met *MI a very painful acbident in Wingham a few days ago. He was working on -the top story -of the jaddi, tion to Brenna 4 tt Company's tannery, when he fell into one of the vats be - feet. He was taken out and conveyed. to the residFence of his brother, Walter Green, -where, upon ;examination, titwali found that two of his ribs were 1-diske cated from the backbone, and he WAS otherwise internally injured. lie is likely to recover. —One night recently, as Ma. R Lea - thorn, of Exeter, was returning home, and while crossing the raiilWay track, a short distance south of that place, his horse was struck by the down train. ana instantly F killed. When the animal. first noticed th. train it stopped, and 41 on turning aro ; d came in contactwith a colt which . s being diiven along with it. This ausedthe horse to jump back, when !it was ran into by the lora- motive witli the above result. Thecolt was throwa about two rods by the ;concession ef Grey, gave the youths el the vicinity an evening's amusement in the shape of a dance one night last week. At 9 o'dock the oweet strains of music 6 begaia to flow, and the house, though large, was rather contracted when a crowd to the waniber of about 70 gathered Within its *alls. At 12 o'clock they partook of a bountiful re- past prepared by the inmates of the house in a very creditable manner. The cravings of the inner man being were rendelred'by several of the com- pany in a very' pleasing manner, after which the Conapany* dispersed, wiShing the Douglas family a long and 1mM —One 'day 1 Fst Week Mr. Isaac Mar- tin, landlord 1 the hotel at Smith's Rill, lit the e in the kitchen, aild shortly after discovered the place to be on fire. The lsuilding was a wooden. one, and. withlthe stable and outbuild- ings was coMpletely Fdestroyed. Mr. Martin saved. & portion of his furniture, &c., but :the loss is considerable. The furniture, liquors, cigars . ete., were ilk' Bared in the Citizen's for $700. The building, owned by Mr. M-cDenagh, was valued. a,t Ffrona $2,500 to $3,000, with the ou;tbuildings, and was insured in. the Gore Mutual for 52,000. Mr. Mar- tin received's, painful cat on the nose by a piece of falling furniture during : the fire. The Town Hall was bay scorched, and had a narrow akar from destra4tion. Mr. Martin and - family, *ill, We understand, remove te Godericia, 'in the meantime. —One evening last week as Tar. J. A. McMichael vias driving across the rail- way track, at Gerrie, acconapamied by Miss Clara Broley, the; horse became frightened at a car which was earelesslY left standing almost on; the centre 01 the crossing. Mr. MeMiehael -did svlist he could to cOntrol the terrified anin2t,us but in leas tinae than it takes to fiell 0 hedimvsioelifernattlyaclitiaatyocnotiathpealisiirewalwirke,Pwitb-u4ili the baggy Wag literally sinashed awl the freed hoe° ran away till he became , entangledaarnong the saw -logs at Cos son's. ,The aancupants of the buggi e to the proposed at village. last week, vshile f Morris, near Brute - liniment to the Ieg of a horse, through some mishap the horse stumbled and fell completely on him. He received such injuries that he was incapazitated for a few days. —Goderieh District Camp Meeting commenced on Thursday last at 2 p: ra., in Ashfield, near Lucknow, and will continue a _ eek. Services each Every arrangemen has been made for the.accommodatio of all who may at- -Mr. John McLennan moved a barn for Mr. R. Jenkins, of the 16th conces- sion, Goderich township, last week. He commenced on Friday at noon, and on Saturday night the job was com- pleted, the building having been moved 333 yards and tur ed three times • in that distance. i —Donald .111cD nald, living on the 2nd concession of rey, had raised his barn for the purpo e of building a stone foundation underneath. The heavy storm of last week came on and the building was upset by the force of the storm, completely demolishing the structure. —Last week n. Wm. Craig, of the Bayfield concessi n, Goderich town- ship, purchased a eavy draught horse from Mr. Chas. esbitt, of the same township, for $16 , and. another from Mr. Walter Hines!, of Hullet. for $171, making $331 for t e span. They ought to be pretty good ones for that money. —A car load of ld bones passed east on the Grand T nk Railway a few rii, days ago. The c ma was said to be worth over $200. They were destined. for 'New Jersey, a d were intended. for use in a sugar refi ery there. Who will eat sugar after th. when they know it is partly compose of old. bones?' —A savage figh took place in Bel - more a few nights ago between two so- called men name Mehan and McGaw. They were taking it. rough and tumble, worst of it, when friend of his stepped up and kicked M Gaw, injuring him so badly that he wail confined to bed for several days. —A very bid accident happened while the preparations for the erection of Mr. Wm. Wise s new barn were in progress, on. the ayfteld Road, Goder- ich township, 071 nesday. One of the lower sills was being put in position, when by sofne eans it slipped and swung arormd, striking Mr. Henry Cook, :, of the liOth concessioia, and crushing him against a wall. His leg I was badly smashed above the knee, and ' he was innneditgely taken home and ere bo sot asp se "Ida ti as way 00, vrituge last w agegs ate eau for tile -when a sale Or vary lo low f her of 't mast las aortae ConntY Walker rooeter Rue said ir dear to Tom Turn aline 0 a th soul Ili the 8 ick - took p the re Fon St. Id to the fell off ingw severe -of Pe Fulla versa The •p Presb WOD about river the 8 tend inati of D tala west Re pion eatI ing Rep Avo neit grea age at the is a not Log the to ho 0311 'wit the ho ta the ly Re to the ab ly Po the ne le an te th fo