HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-06-24, Page 3:TNE 24, 1881. LRY EMPORIUM :4D STJiJIJ UNA, COt TATTIZ Y. )0UNTER AND PROPRIETOR. THE pzAce and Reliable Goods in rot-tEs, WATCHES, PLATED WAREt rELRY, LOOKS. 40., &O. very choice and complete, for yt urseIves. No trouble ta ll Goods sold on their ova tett as represented. angemt rits with a First•Ciaot use, I can fill all ordera for of Jewelry on the Shorten -?:tion given to the:Re. -Watches, Clocks, and rine atehes always a, ranted to give Satisfaction. rold and Silver. ME STAND—Tree of Silvm indow, and directly oppe.. heap Citi -b, Furniture Store. COUNTER, Sea.fOrth. AyonTir - t4GE AGENCY. ,NORTH, H:RAPORTH,. E, Marine, Life and Accident • nt, Conveyeaaaer, &a. Risks, city (Meted at lowest cur- s acjasted promptly and satis- :out first-ell:tea reliable COni- I. Exceptionally low rates OS propert:. Only 50 cults to y -ear s in the Gore District Afi r over 40 yeas.. The fol. represented : ean, et Toronto, tal, of Glasgow, Scotland, :Alm -ton, England, of Gait. Ontario, pd Marine, of tramilton„ Ont., kit, of Montreal, P. Q., P. mailton. tatario, !e and Accident), of Hartford, of Toronto, Ontario. AGENT FOR TTFI PERMANENT Imams C.OMP' Atlit i on Real Estate at 6 and m. AGENT FORTth, STEAMSHIP CO 'Y • I - "York City every Thursday, ta Ticketa loaned from her . r- suit purchaser. First Cabin, rria, Secotd Cabin, $40 to$7 ,ge, $26. Parties going to Eu - the STATE LINE, filf it is of the Best and Safeat Steam - ailing from l'iew TOrk‘ ATSON, SEAFORTH, Ontario. a Campbell's Bloak, oppeaita "n Hotel. MA:OHNE:SI • WATSON, kinds of First.CIasa D MANLVFACTUR- tING MACHINES. chines. Lawn Mowers, L &wing Machine Re - dies, Oils Attachments, Lgf nt in this part of the Cotmty F the Celebrated WLNG nfi-OW-HilgE red irt taktng the First Prize ,ectssiott at the Seaforth Fair, tuns, :he Wheeler &- Wiison, Howe, Wanzer C, and any Machine aut f Sewing' Machines epaired. itchior d taken in exchange le New M achines, and Maohines Itly payments. (feu th`r ti a ranijteed. WATSON T1tEFT, iEAFO1lTH. tttpiielPs Blockoppoe:te the 668 VERY ACHINE•• OIL it, .rlanufactUred by .(..e;.(..`!k Co., Toronto, ta1ezs Azk your Merchant for no othur. 'this oil, under the most art competition, Waal duht list Exhibition,. awarded alto the gold, medal at the • iticu I! s milt on , and the high 1't ruinion Exhibition, Ottawas 1. Faithers and all who use Eiint ry,mil; save money ending' x;r•i e lret Lardine. 704.26 .AIIEAD. LIME WORKS. NBit SON& • ts take this opportunity of re. tr ti.r trthabitan•ts of Brussels • Patronage, and beg to state orevr z al improvementa in their t hey are noir itt a bet - r befure to supply the pub' at El cents cash at the oa vent t. 1,e0,40-4/1 of our busirteee oh ahd I•ir•.:ing given nnqueli` r far. the public can rely on Iatrat rt rt U a first.class article u Bela Liras Works. TOWN & SONS. JUNE 24, 1881. 0114100. HURON EXPOSITsZi 44, 41.4 4r • is Work was Done. bates on hearing of the Deatk of the Late H. D. Watson, Seaforth. swift 68- the lightning's flash owe the gad, sad despatch. Form dear comrade's death We hourly watch. struck down, ah 1 me, bow sudden, lehe but Te8ted:1,y Was with as all, eo full of life Death now resolves to claim him as his prey. Mirk! One again the electrie fluid speaks. Those eyes are closed for ever; That tougae is silent now in death. iinesilver cord isloosed, the heartstrings sever No more thathand that used to traae those lines With lessons to the yornag, Shell lifted be in that his pleasing task. Ms work is done, the Master he has corner Andcall'd him toa rieh reward. alai down," Ilesays,"your armor here, come home with me to mansions fair, and in ray Father's house appear. Take now your place before the throne; your work shall now be praise. The day of trial has passed sway; Your roie..e shall now the victor's anthem raise.' Deir fellow-workera in a noble cause, Gird on afresh our armor for the strife; oar day of trial and probation lasts To aid the young to find eternal life. Look np 'mid all that tends to repress Our earnest wishes and ouraime sincere. They who do feed the iambi of of Jean's flock e,rown receive when the Chief Shepherd does appear. ' Go forward, then, in faith, add prayer to work ;1 The call is God's, ours is to east tlae net; The Master points the place to let it down. Hie promise leaves no room fore= regret. If Gaieties. Hysterics is defined by an old bak elor as a disease peculiar to wornn, which may usually be considered as a sign that the system requires a n w 1 bonnet. __n Englisii merchant lately receiv- ed a package labeled, " 1 box tom cat." it required some time to decipher the fact that the inscription meant a box of tonasto catsup. -L-When a young lady asked to look at a parasol the clerk said: "Will you lease give the shade you want?" "1 eipect the parasol to give the shade I want," quoth-the young lady. -The son of a clergyman was .de- livering a college valedictory, when, in palling oat his handkerchief, he pulled out, a pack of cards. "Maim!" he said, "I've got on my father's coat." -George Eliot was once greatly • Amuseft to see one of her books adver- tised in connection with a book by John Stuart Mill, thus: " Mill on the Floss; Ditto on Political Economy." say, Paddy, that is the worst looking horse that I ever saw in harness. Why don't you. fatten him up?" "fat him up, is it? Faix, the poor baste an scarcely carry the little mate that's on him now!" replied Paddy. -An aged. negro, the other day, was showing the scars of the wounds inflict- t ed by the lash when he was a slave. I " What & picture!" exclaimed a looker- on. " Yes." responded the colored brother, " dat's de work of de old mas- 1 tem', -A. lecturer once prefaced his dis- 1 course upon the rhinoceros with, " I , must beg you to give me your undivid- ed attention. Indeed, it is absolutely ; impossible that you can form a true ' idea of the hideous animal of whica we araabout to speak unless yOU-keep your eyes fixed on me!" -"Job, my dear," said his wife, wreathed in smiles, "1 wish you had been at church this morning. Mr. Goodwill was very interesting; and then he prayed for the absent ones "- "Well that accounts for it then. I haven't caught such a string of fish for a year as I did. this morning!" -"I never saw such tenderness in life. Whenever De Smith 008168 h • me his wife meets him at the door rid kisses him." "Tenderness, in a hor !" responded a friend of the family; she . dam tha to see how hie temper nee pledge is coming on this cold weat 'er. Whenever she kisses him it mac s of hypocrisy. -A man of tact always manage to get out of a difficulty. The clerk of a parish, whose businesawas to read the "first lesson," came across the cha • ter in Daniel in which the names Shadr h, fdeshach and Abednego occur thir -een times, and finding it extremely diffi•ult to pronounce these names he ent through the chapter referringto t ern. es the aforesaid gentlemen.', smaller, ones oome higher, made of a little more limber rubber for lamb chops. 0 from the genuine by the All you have to do is to gre both sides, warm 'ern up a serve them mixed in with the same as usual." "Seems like they are about as as the regulation kind," said the r anter, jabbing one with a fork. they ever get eaten by mistake." "No—no—that is, not no . Jose a few that way when jintrc but now tve make the mater'al t it don't happen any more nle will aVireallOw them whole. specimen that's been use inin a eating saloon there for years, nig day; and you can't see the firs print in it yet." "That settles it," said the r "Fll take a gross." "I thought you would," s agent, as he took down the emphatically declined an in some lunch. "I will drop few days and show you som soft white rubber lobsters w up especially for the corm .make the beat article of in salad ever known," and he his box and walked off in th of the next hotel. thy aro arViole of int be told. iakeI eye. Be 111 , , and the others tender stuar- 'Don't • New Kind of Chop. While the proprietor of a New restaurant was standing behind e did duced, ugher, they ere's a hicago t and I toothIl stuairanter, d th chop ordclr, and itat o.n for ounl in a samples of are getting ry rade— estr ctible aho dared I dijreotion A Mistake. Mistakes will happen in t e est of families. A person with a basket Q1 h s arm stepped into one of our shop an asked the man: "What is the price of sp ng chick- ens ?" “Three shillings for a good "Do you know, my fine you made a mistake this) mo I was trading with you ?" "A mistake ?" "Yea, sir, a very.serious m sta "Why, I don't remembe was." "A mistake, sir, that your e would not tolerate for a mo is en "Well, sir, what was it ?" "A mistake, sir, that wo siderable, if it had happen d other man; but, sir, I've al «ay it a rule to correct mistak s, they are made in my favor." "For goodness' sake, What' t ter ?" "I have been put to cons tronble to rectify it; labor ha called upon to perform as a dut the principle that honesty is' t policy; and I hope that you; lesson from this event and no in future." "What is the ;nistake ?" "Yon know I purchased th s one dozen eggs." "For which I paid yon on s "Well; sir, when I arrive discovered that you had. ma e take." "Well, what was it?" "Instead of a dozen eggs, you up a dozen spring chickens n a basket and showing a doz u eggs in various stages of de 1 and as the price of young chic shillings, and eggs only one makes a difference of lld apa not wishing to cheat your empl having any desire to go into ie .business, I have brought th and will gladly change them f as I consider it only a mistak part." . The man took the basket tied the contents in the stress dozen eggs, and handed the cigar, The man winked o t right eye "Don't say anything about, is." Customer winked out of hisl 1:ft- "Oh, that's all right." (Ext) t ) The Tichborne Busin New Light. 11 on 110 v, th t in wh n , e.,, .hat Nloyer 11 1 II 8 0011- o any made yen, if O mat- deral!)le I ani under. e best take a peat it Id • orningi ad put overing broken pment) las ie 3 enny; it h; and yer, nor poul ry bak, ✓ e gs, n y ur 1) d °tota- l:it in a omer of hie The Liverpool Mercury of date says; Among the personae who figured promine Tichborne imposture was on Gibbes; who had formerly, business as a solicitor at Syd South Wales. It was he wh ork Lady Tichborne in reply to o the numerous advertisements for counter the other day, catclsing flie for tion as to her missing a currant ca.ke, and wishing that a little- that "Sir Roger" was of the business wave that the Eastern South Wales, and he ve, • recen ra,mati4 he am in rew ote of Iher nforma- , statin tot en, ure spe ted e fraud. a by a, n NOW n made ho iva WiUJ been • • papers say so much about would slop over into his restaurant, as it were, a. young man with a beaming smile on his face and a big box under his arm entered. 11 1 : 61 IS circumstantial as to admit of ; contradiction if it be not tru:' the whole conspiracy, and sho 1 quently instructed by her la send her eupposed son to Ewa the exposure of the wretched took place, it was strongly that Giblie was a party to t "Don't want any sleeve buttons, nor, This suspicion is strength° uothin," growled. the dyspeptic distribta statement recently published, tor, glancing at the box. York newspaper as having b "No, nor I," said the stranger affably, by a Mr. Wm. Stapleford, depositing the box on the counter and formerly in partnerehip with removing the lid. But what you do Sydney. His story, if true -a want is the greatest invention of record- ed time -the restaurant keeper's friend -the boarding house keeper's s lva- tiour very few people now doubt, t "Roach poison ?" said the s eak Orton and the claimant is or stretcher couternp tously. "No sir," retorted the yo taking a handful of singular objects out of the box. " that beats the plionogra,ph 1 and tele- told him all about his fam phone all hollow. I refer to the Skid- and gave him his photograph more chop!" he wrote to Stapleford froun "What's that?" Janeiro, stating that he had t "Why it's the most economical device sage for New York in the Bel of modern times, and I'll prove it right he did so sail is certain, audit here." certain that the Bella, whic "Suppose you are serving dinner to, Liverpool ship, was never hea say adozen persons, how many chops the day she left Rio, nor did do you generally put on the table ?" relatives of the crew ever re "Well, about two apiece, slightest tidings of their fate twelve." time the Bella was reported "And how many are eaten ?" been lost with all hands, t "Hum about four." writers paid the ineurance "Exact,ly, that is about the av from that day to this nobody as our restuarant statistics show. with the vessel,or who had an a matter of course, however, yon on her, have had any reason, compelled to cook three times as that -the unfortunate ship di es you need to make -a show. No you could save six chops every di for a year it would amount to-" "A. fortune,' 'said the man" of cutlets eagerly. "All we can do with 'am now is to work 'ern into hashes," "Peace to your hashes," said agent; "all this ruinaus waste is prevented by the introduction of dish of the patent Skidmore Indistruc- ale Rubber Chop, put up in packages et one dozen and warranted for five years," and the food economizer ex - some life like imitations of cooked mutton chops. "Looks like a good scheme," say _conductor of etewa thoughtfully; don't the custoro.er ever-" "Ever tumble.? Not in the 1 He only notices that one cho tougher than the other, and finally hie fork in and chews &head. 1 same person. Stapleford sa ung man and the veritable Sir Boge y shaped acquainted in South America, omething the) beca,me so intimate that say rage As are uch if down with all on board. III ner announcement that the Bella, lost appeared in the newspii, Mr. Stapleford concluded tha friend had been drowned. I partner, Gibbes, went to Eu the Stapleford gave him the port now Roger, suggesting that he a nine lady Tic,chborne in Paris and. her the riews of her son's dea him at the'same time what about the young heir. In 1 Gibbes returned to Sydney, went to New York on busine of his clients, and while ther a letter from G-ibbes, stating' tion of settling in London.; aided him to give up the bi Sydney, and accordingly h`e, 1858 and went to Europe., arrived at London he could Gibbes, and consequently he, the 'but- ast. i8 gets The 8t1 ship . pos ibbs d it i tiosi Oxpl e, What t Arthur and the that he ibecame iad that he latter afllaiiis 854 de as- . That s equally weja of froth tiae the due mg der - and business for himself at -No. 125, Queen street, London, where he remained till 1870. hill:tat year he first heard of the discovery of Sir Roger Ti hborne, I and says he was much plemed at the neWs. Having a suspicion of the matter, how- ever, , he weiit Ito see the d1aimant.I At first he did not think he was the real Sir Roger, but afterwards changed his opinion, and in 1872 he was among the witnesses Who identified him. Subse- quently, however, he had eason to sup- pose that he had been deceived, and he threatened 0 expose the conspiracy. The claim nti then admit was Arthur Orton, and been induced to personate I IP ted that he aid he had. Tiohborne by Gibbes, who had first conceived the fraud. Taking advantag& of the infor- mation given. him by Stap1eford, Gibbes, had, instead of returning the -papers to Lady Tichbo. written i to her that her son was ve and we 1 at Wagga Wagga, irtl3nding to get money from her to semi 14m home. 4fter conaider- able correspondence, Lac y Tichborne had_sent inatructions for Ler son to go to Sydney to be identified by an a.ttor - ney !lamed Cribbitt, whonolk she had em- ployed as herl agent. As Gibbes was known to qopitt, he got Orton into the scheme; p omising hin a share of t to Sydney who, sending y Tichborne, money from a share. At Bays, Orteni mad proje t o to Engla ronet. W In Rio 0/1 of eive In $ ha nn ey, onne bed relatives suppose not go 855 the ad been ere, and is young 1856 his pe, and it of Sir ould see break to , telling Ii.e knew 9 before tapleford for one received iritena This' de- einesis at old t he find d in the spoils, an Orton we and brought o er Cubbitt, a favorable r ply to. La received a lax e sum of her, of which they all got this point, Mr. Staplefor Cubbitt formed the that Orton should really to personate the young b followed is 7611 known tracted litigation in ohm trial of the claimant for imPosture Was proved be soriable d ubt, and some had aided in it met wit serVed p nishment. Mr story, as have said, for, the co spiracy from end-. BI , nufortunate hailds are to his own frond was fore, to s crinabli8. luatance t tr able ; now dea for For- tunately, t the tr shsrld ho m ny fro borne imp nail, and t id at • After p o- cery, and the oPnedrinalrY1' rtr- f those who richly de- , Stapleford'a ould account beginning to far from clea Y.' Ahiescordictgn admissions, he knew that a being perpetrated, and there - me extent he was particer e explains his silence )::ty e - get his old partner into at as he believes that dribbes is , he has no loriger any mo- tive oneealing the4 truth. For- th ere is no necessity for test- ingth of his story), otherwise we itate before acceptingtesti- such a source The I Tidh-I stare is as dead as a I doOr- I eFtory is only interesting as ' being a ve y plausible_arid, it naay be, a very cor oct----oxplanatic1n of h w To groat frau' was coucocted. 11 • Ge i eral News Items. Lyman Hill, of Davison, had a ; fifteen mi rites' battle with two angry ' black sna .es. ' One of them measured seven feet rn length. Hill I killed the, snakes, ba was laid up for some time by he exe tion and excite amt. A gen ine Raphael p iuting, abo t eight inc es square ana nearly 400 yoars old, as been discovered in pos- session of French family named Mal- lierd, livin in the village of Avon, Fiui- ton county Illinois. It is s id that in Paris false ears are now man featured for the toilette. L1.dies whp think they have ugly ears place thee auricular novelties under iuknriant tresses of false' hair, fasten thn to t e natural ears and wear them for s ow. , 1 , The sad intelligence has come f Dakota, that Joseph i Weninger, who rerno •ed thither from Stratford a few weeks • • , was drowned on Sunday 5th inst. : is wife, to whom he was oimarred last , winter, was about leaving Stir: tiord to join him, when the sad intelli ence reached her. - -Nearl the whole busliness portion of the villa e of Ludington was burned Jibe other ight. Loss, $200,000. This i same villa e has had a diphtheria epi- demic. 0 e hundred and twenty chil- dren died ecently in a pOpulation of 4,000. Th schools were 4osed,and po- lieemen at: tioned at houses where the sickness ex sts. The fire will perhaps burn out t e infection. 4-Eleve pars ago the Medical super- intendents of the asylums of tho United S ates and -nada held ther annual , i 1 seesion in Tc,ronto. They again a sembled in Torouto a few 1ays ago, ,tand contin ed the session:for a week. I' Tie associ tion is compos d af medical I eaperinten e ts of all state asylums in the United States and Canada, includ- ing the ins ector of asylu s1and pra- ms of Ont r o. 1 dstone, the daughter of the shortly to be married to e. London society, the es reports, believes that cement causes much grief eopold, the Queen's young - he Prince has -been accu ow marked preference -for of the young lady, and. a very fond of I Music, they ont to practice together by IC 0 Wh not tart 1 I 11 SE &SON OF 1881. SEEDS, SEEDS • I --Miss G IPremier, i 'Dean liti draphie Ti this annou to Prince eat son. Itemed to s Ithe comptin ;the two art have been ithe hour. ° j --The wi Olaon has b estate being W. Hirst, Smith are ictures, an e given t house is left 1 e, and is e benefit Percy He leg.;____a °Li easd to o iSir Rowlan 1 , at her r don, in he and Lady very early, 1'History f published. earoperati Utmost NI 1 struggle to With whiela i -Affairs rowing w tout prevail icularly in Brit that r been postpo d them fu executive h rob and mu that their but the cry ' tots have a ther sout nildings h robbed. L ing thro •yuetryitwisherree lment is rap • a 1 ' 1 ofthe late Rev. Dr. Pa/li- en --proved; the personal under £14,000. The Revi. r. j. B. Ingle, and Mr. q e executors. The plate other household! effecte • his wife absollutelY. to Mrs. Punshion for her be sold at her death fo f his 80118, Morley an y. He left a umber o h peisons. ill, the widow of the lat Hill, K. C. B, aiod Ma ti sidence at Ham pstead,Lo& .; 85th year. Rowlan '11 were playfel OW8 from il e, and, as sh wn in th Penny Postag recentl ✓ earnest an intelligen and assistanc vv'ere of th le to her hueb ni in hi laffect the po tai reform bie name is as ociated. lni Russia ar 'graduall eL The grea est discon 1i:tong the pe Bantry, par he south. Th announce 01:61R1IS01T H v' g purchased a Lare Stock of FIELD NO CAPDEN SEEDS Fronk the Well -Eno House of JOHN A. BRUCE & Co • / Is prepared to offer, either iri Bulk or by the Paper, Good, Fresh an1 Reliable SEEDS OF:ALL KINDS, At the Lowest Possible Price, consisting Variety of cf a &ude TurniP• Pied and Gard n Carrots, M gel; Wurtzel, • Millet and Hwngarian Grass, Clo er and Timothy, An All Kinds of Ga./Men and Flower SeedS. GROCERIES, CIrCKERY, A D PROVIIONS. - We have a Full Stock of Grooeriee, Crockery, and Provisions, anti would call special attention to our Large took of 1\T "ViT S • Consiating Moyetie, Ping Suey, Young Hyson , Gunpowder, Congos, UnooloXed, and Japans, AlFr sh and N w Season REAT ROSH 1 FOLLOW THE CROWD! VERYBODY IS GOING TO HILL BROS.' OLD STAND Opposite the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, here Lots of Money is being Made by those Purchasing Goods. OREAT SALE NOW GOING ON EVERYDAY. VER $12,000 WORTH OF G-OODS TO BE SOLD wrruourr RESERVE, AT ONCE. he 'Undersigned vin,yr purchased the BANKRUPT STOCK, [belonging to the _Estate f Hill Brothers are bound to sell it, and they WILL and CAN d to give purc'hasers Goods at PRICES BELOW THE ORIG NAL COST. TI---= $100 rrOCIE CONSISa s OF I DRY GOODS, ; - MILLiINERY, . GENTS' FURNISHINGS, 't READYMADE CLO KING, GROCERIE , &C. I. : It pi all in first -lass order, Most of, it nearly new, and was all purchased for the reg ar custom trade of the Bankrupt firm, consequently parties buying can rely up n getting ' A GOOD ARTICLE AT LESS THAN CCU iqirst Come First Served, and those who Come Early will And 113etter Value than ever before offered to the publi Also -EXTRA _COUD VALUE ; 1 Give us a Call and be convir rison's is the right place to bay from. IN SUGARS. d that M. Mor - South, Side ;of kain .*eet, Oppo- ; Site Market treet, I • M. MORRISON, - - SEAFORTH. — NOTICE N TICE I 1-1 PAPST Has 4ow on Hand a Will Assorted Stock of Silverware. DESIGNS ARE SECON AI PRICES LOOK AT C. L. I/ TO NONE, LOW. PAPST'S GOLD WATCHES, GOLD CH INS, GOL) English Colored and A 1 rican Gold - Sets, Silver Watches ncl Chains VERY CHEAP AT C. 1Vato . PAPST'S ker, Jeweler and Engraver, MAIN STREET, lief measures have bee ed indefinitely has rende us. It is said the Russia permitted th peasants t er the Jews n the hop age would 'ex aust itsel e for more blo d. Agrari: pken out in harkoff an rn districts. G�vernme • t ve been fired anl amen s rge bodies cd troops a e into the diatuirbed regio Orted that the jeasants e rising, and tha the mov idly spreading. 1 EAFORTH, P4.1=eavtize,s7 BANKING HOUSE SEAFORTH. OFFICE -7.-1n the premises former.4 ly occuped by the Bank of Com- - merce, cid under the Commercial Hotel; Main Street. NOTES AND BILLS DliCOUNTED, English and Foreigr Exchange Purchased and Sold. FARMFRS'SAL NOTES P atchased at Reasonab e Rates. Honey Lent on Collater 1 Securities. Drafts Issued, payable t par at all Branches of the Bank o Commerce. INTEREST Allowed- Jon Deposits Money to Loan on fd rtgages. Manager and Proprietor. — hate the Bost -67/ace. 1;1/E ARE GIVING THE CHEAPEST GOODS, uality considered, elver offered to the public. Call and see and judge for your - lyes. No trouble t show Goods. DAVIDSON & MORRISON. 3 THE GREAT SALE IS NOW GOING ON ,AT . S ROCERY AND PROVISION 1 4 STORE, SEAFORTH.-4 CIMETHING :NEW! .ETHING NEW ! ! COMPLErTE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT POP, T E1T 3:3• he Latest nvention for the Production o usic Automatically is 1 41•44444.4.• e PECIAL ATTENTION As fdirected to my large and well assorted :stock of Tete -the le st value for your money ever offered; yoi. can g4t three pounds -of Good Tea for Si, and four undo of the best Tee Dust for 81. All.other 0 As are cht down and ,are being vadat . 1 kinds of Groceriere a large stock of Sugars, HbeIttleEs. v r ERY LOWEST RATES Cheap Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Dried Apples, C ed Peaches, Lobster, Sardines, Salmon, 13 ack Cnixant Jelly, Red Currant 7ellye Pine ..k ple, Orange, Lemon, Honey in one pound tine, xed Pickles by the i Quart or Gallon-aiso in LL KINDS OF PItOVISIONS / FRESH AND GOOD, SUCH AS lieut., Cornmeal, Oatmeal, an, Sheets, Chop Stuff, -Seed Cora, Pork, Sugar Cured Mime, Po- tatces, Cheese, Syreps, Maple Molasses, tfee. A Npw Lot of CiROCKERY, CHINA AND CLASSWARE deem Crocks, Milli Pans, Jugs, all sines of Flower Pots, 11124 a 'large Stook of Glasse Gem Fruit Jars. 1" Butter, Eggsand Lard, and some ef the best varieties of Sweet Trinalp Seed itt Stock. 7 A. 04 ATILT, Seaforth. SED ALL THE YEAR ROUND OHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA 1 or Liver Complaint, Dyspepsta,' and for Pulifyinp th.,e T has been in n se for 20 Years, and has proved to be the beet Preparation in the market for Sir* Headache. Painifil the , Side or Beck, Liver Cnmplaint, Pimples, on the Face, Dyspepsia P les sedan Diseases that Arise from a Diserdere ed Liver or an impurb blood,. Thousands of our be t people take it and give it to their thildreni Pily sicians prescribeit daily. Those who me it on e recommend it to others. is made from Y Dew Dock, Honduras SarSaparillaWild Cherry, Str$fllngia, Dandelion, Saeirafrate Wintergreen, and other well known. valuable Roots andHerhs. It is strictly vegetable, and. eannot hurt themost de icate constitution, It is one of the best Med- ici ee itt 13.813 for regulating, the bowels, It in o sd by all responsible druggists at one driller for a ,qtratt bettle, or biz bottles for live dollars. Those who cannot Obtaln a bottle of tide mean! eine from their ditt ist May send us one -dollar, and we will deliver i , to thernfree of any -charges, W JOHNSTON & Po., Manufact-urers, 161 astf- et on Avenue. Detroit, Moir. For sale by.7. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 7064 CHRYSTAL 4 E31ACKI 0ILE11.' ; AKERS. ; ---,—,— rr HE Subscribers have. bought the Toots and -I- BeEer Business lately Carried on by the ea. erichlosmAry and Mannlaaturing Company, and having had an experience 4 over eight yeare in that shop, are n ow prepared to carryon theteade in all its biattches. = Any -work entruetOd tra nit will receive prompt at e /Aloe. First-class viorignaranteed. . II kinds of Boilers Marie and repaired, also S eke Sr acks and Sheet lion Work, &a., et retie peth, so able rat es. itte sil'ol .eai salt Pans naide oral o'd ones repaired on , cnaRysTAL .!tz BLAOlt. test iaotiee, and at rieee thkt defy yam- s c--- . aska T 0 E Bea 103, Goderiele. --I--- -- PRAOVAL HE ORGUINETTE. THE ORGUINETTE. ANY CHILD CAN PLAY THEM. "Tha Mechanical Orgr4notto is certainly a musical wonder -there is nothing composed that it ot perform, and the low price at which they are sold should fill every home in the land with t harmony of sweet eorinds.”-Neur York Tribune. SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. The lifusical Instrum,ent Emporium. 1881 1881 THE CEN11RAL GROCERY SEAFORTH THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT. L erg() Shipments of Teas, Sugars, Tobaccos, and General Groceries, which we 'a e selling at prices that eatnot be beat ; 9 pounds of teltandat d Granulated Sugar for $1; 11 , pn nds of, Bright Yellew *lined Sugar for $1, Teas from 85 cents up to E0 cents 'Der pound, and f et ry package sold ai warrant1 d to give the purchaser satisfaction or Iitsh reftmped—No Ilweabstla. Ii4Stock in Pickles, San e, Canned Meats, Canned Fruits, rte.. f ' OVISION S—Flour, Oat and Corn Meal,Granulated Wheat, Buck- tch,eat Flow, Hams, Bacon, Potatoes, &c. , . ROCKERY 4ND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT. D FAVORITg CALLER • NDREWCALDER This Department is unnenally well assorted; We sell Plain and Decorated China by the dozen or in sets • Large Assortment tif China Tea Sets, from $5 to 2Q;$Granite Tea i Seta, Plain and I/Oersted, from $2 and upwards ; Dinner Sets; Bedroom' Sets, from $2 50 up to $12; Our Stock of Glassware is immense ,• Call and see it; We have a large stock of Bar Goodieand would call epCcial SttMntiOfl to our stOck of. Cigars. - THE .EED DEPARTMENT. i Full Stock in Cloven; Conimon Bed, LargeLate, Aleike and WhiteDutch; Timothy,Hungarian G see et, White an Golden, Orchard Gress, Tares, Carrots, Mengel and Turnip tieeds ; Gar. d n gee d by the paper GIr in bulk, Seed Petatoes in Early Rose, Late Bose, Snow Flake, Beauty of H bron rnd White Elephent ; Top Onions, Dutch Set Onions and English Pettit° Onion -a-. ' I e invte inspection o/ aux Large Assortment of Goods. Note the fact and remember that we sell the best Goods that the Market contains. LAIDL W & FAIRLEY, Main Street, Seaforth. FREE DELIVERY1. Under the Clock, cardne's Block. rIIHE Pioneer Photographer of Seaforth,lnaving gone through the fiery ordeal, is new running again in full blast, inhis new and commodious pr rubies in Scott's 'Block.' This is the eldest Gallery in this section, and has been thoroteghly re tted and equipped -with all the latest appli- ances and scenic effects Speinally for the aereem- net dation of Mr. Calder's large and inereeedng trade. Having now got:lute one of the hand- • somest and most comphitel furniehed galleries in the west, he is now in abetter 'position then at any previous time to tern out -all work lia the Phothic line entruetedito him Ina superior men trap ist the lowest living prollt,and. en the shOrte t Possible notice. A call is cordially -80- netted from. all. 692 A. CALDEE, SeoU's Block, Seaforth. i f EGG 'EMPOR THE' Subscriber hereby thanks hie numinous customers (merehants and others) for their liberal patronage durin‘ the poet 7 Testi, and h opes by strict integrity enil dove attentben to b usiness to merit their tonildenee and tr*a the future. Having ,greetlj enlarged his pease ises during the vintrV, he lanoW prepared ohm THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE 'For any quantity of Good Fresh Egg'', &growl at the Egg Emporium I MAIN STREET, SEAFOR114. Wanted by the subscriber,I5 tone of good dry clean wheat draw. i D. D. WILSON THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. HESS & HABER,ER AVE always on band, and make to Order, -1-2- Wagons, Sleighs, VarriageetalIuag. gies, emitters, and every Other article in: their T hey penonally superintend their own bald- ness, and can guarantee' a good :article both :as to material and workmanship. For Style and Finish their work esmilot b. surpassed by the large city establishment. Repairing promptly Attended to. Alive as tor ial and be convineeA that We can eatlifyyoula to quality and price. ' , MT. Hess is well known to , the public, baying been in business in zurieb ler over12 year!. 686 0;EEi8 & HABERE.B. THE RIGHT $1DE tipD. JOHN WILLIAMS KINBUEN. flAVENG secured the setirices of Mr- HesnrY ' Stinson, who is well knownin tbie Viainity as a first-class Iforse-shoer, and as a general workman second to no Man, m the Comity, we therefore feel confident in beirg able to give entire satisfaction in all kinds of work, and to *thee all kinds of feet in tiae best pondblemanner. Buggies, Carriages. Waggons, Sleighs Cut- ters, Land Rollers, PlOwe and Harrows kept on band and made to order on short notice. Prices as low as theSe of any other shop. ,A. °all solicited and satiefsetion gnerenteee or Z no pay demanded. • ORN IVILLIA3- ; MORE THOIR§-E;S! WANTD. GROSSMAN 'WILL be at 13114P13 TE HOTEL, SEAT B, " elan' Saturday,for the rupee° et Lin* Heavy Draught Heroes ircroni to 7 years tddr :6fi8 9-74oatotrAN ;*; sups S. CAMPBELLiProvinelal Laud liltrveyeit • andOivilEnginiser. Orders by meilnompt h attended to. , 711 D. IA. CAMPBELL, Mitebeil