HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-06-10, Page 710, 188I. CT SALE ON AT TI.J'117s PROVISION keFORTH. is directed to. tock stock of Tetts-,.the er offered ; you 0E4 ea for $1, taa tour for $1. AU other being sold at "EST RATES we stock of Sugere, runes. Dried Apples, . Sardines. Salmon, Currant Jelly, pia() yU one rowed tens, or Gauon----aiso PROVISIONS, le, SUCH AS Jaren, Shorts, Chore er Cured Hanes, Pe- ele Molassee, &c. NO GLASSWARE Jogst sizes of stock of Glass Gein ird and some of the ip S. eed in Stock. • arida seaforae 7'iAX MILLS tie late fire and the ad by the deetraction. Linty oamateriel, the o go late the Flex u more exteasively -a- applications froni this profitable erop, in, and. will give the t- to secure this 8m- l:eau Bea on hand. multi make e.pplica.. to a suite -We pe sou, .N BEATTIE. ) LOAN. ? Loan on reasonable- irna. security, t of Commerce Build, EN BEATTIE. !'01.1,TH LAND AGENCY. -.$TRONG !rat -Clegg Stock, Fire •paniee, and is prepar- e favorable terra& the best Lome So - ed Purchase of Farm First -Class 18 for Sale. 4evert per cent. 41. Steamship Tickets, arison*s Store, Main 646 'RICH HARNESS BUSHMENT! L, Proprietor. is of all kinds always .11 everything else he - which will be sold NITURE. sa to newly married • Call and flee my heeing elsewhere, a . RI U. N WELL, Zariele LIVERY kB L E S, fr'AFORTN. aid established Lie - [arid most stylish riga in the 1>T:wit:wee. handsome and cone- d este heracta always Sleigh for one or two ptly attended to. ht and sold. pE - Opposite 0. C. brooms,, Seaforth. RTHOR FORBES. THROAT! RYERSON, aecturer on the Eye edical College, Toren- aer Eye and Ear In- t and Atariet to th3 Brantford, and for ele, Ont. Late Mini- '. Ophthalmic Hospi- tal Throat and; Bee ET1 TORONTO. d at the STRATFORD, ilk and on last ereafter. 703 UNBAR, UNSMITH RTH, reporter of all kind% can Gene, Ilitlea,Re. Sporting Goods is e public that he hes op in Mr. Roberts" mite Carclao's Halt, bueinese. All kinds iey Gat1srRew- 1bjez Plate, &I. ifir.g of Sawing 1.ts- Rnivete Skates, ened and repeared. Id and Silver. 014 as new. All work eeptly attended to on. VNBAR, Seaforth. FON:01E R el for epurpoaof bz Cenade, is now' a the ret.03t favorable a. M P. HAYES, esforth. 699 3 • JUNE 10, 1881. 1 • * THE HURON EXPOS' TOR. • A Human Monster. The Sarnia observer of last week gives - the following.horrible and almost in- ared.ible story of inhuman cruelty and brutality. It says : "One of the most brutal whippings ever administered to a human, being was inflicted on a little girl, seven years old, at Clyde one day last week. The inhuman parent ie _Filo B. Eames, an a.dventist, who used to live in Sarnia. He has a reputation for a violent and ungovernable temper, and stories are told in this town of his ruelty to his wife and children.: The Fort Huron Times tells the following 13tofy of his latest act of inhumanity: A Times reporter paid. a visit to the Nelson House in this city on. Thursday afternoon, where he was shown the little sufferer. Her limbs and body covered are very ace also T9. It is lity 'that mmitted following, present a ghastly sight, bein with cuts and braises, and muoh swollen, while her shows evidence of severe blo the most horrible case of brut can be conceived, and was c without any provocation. The particulars were learned by t e repor- ter : Tuesday afternoon the l'ttle girl was allowed to leave sohool half •an hour before the nsual time. On her way home she stopped at the house of Mr. Henry Kingsley to play with his little gine, which she had frequently done before. After she had played a few minutes, her father, who was in Mr. Kingsley's garden, saw her and, ordered her to go home, at the same time telling her that he would whip her when he carne home in the evening. The little girl immediately started for her henae. The father did not reach home until late at night, and the child had gone to sleep. He, however, told his wife that he should whip her in the morning, and then retired te rest. Early Wednesday morning he arose ' nd went out to do some work. Ills wi e got, up and made preparations for reakfast. Aboub half past five the little , girl got cat of bed. Just at this point the father came in, and the mother knowing full well that if she interfered the child would fare worse, took her infant and went out to the barn, as She could net bear to witness the whippiug. The father closed the doors and windows to that the neighbors should not hear the child's screams. He then took down a large rawhide whip and ordered the little helpless child to lay down upon its face upon the floor, having nothing but a short shirt to eover it. The wretch then commenced to beat his innocent daughter as recorded above, the castiga- tion lasting about ten minutes. The little sufferer then dressed herself. After he had got through the mother returned to the house. The family ate their break- fast, after which the .father got his Bible, read. a chapter and offered a prayer to Almighty God. Previous to going to his day's work, he ordered. his daughter to go to school. The mother told him she was unfit for school, but he made her go. When she reached school the teacher learned that she had been ill-treated by her father, and. ex- amined her. She was covered with blood, and was suffering terribly, btit she bore the pain heroically. The teacher then sent her to Mrs. Feingsley's who took the child in and washed and dressed her wounds. When her hus- band came home at 12 o'clock she told him of the affair; and he at once secur- ed the services of officer J. W. Gilbert and had the wretch arrested.. Eames was taken to Port Huron and placed in Sheriff Hilton's charge, who locked him up. We learn that this pious parent has since been sentenced. to three months' imprisonment and a fine of $100 -the severest punishment unfortunately,that United 'States law allows for such an offence. • Epps's Occoa. Grateful and comforting. -"By thorough knowledge of the natural laws whieh govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong euough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a. weak point. We. may escape many a fatal sbaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- vice elazette. Sold only in packets labelled-".Tarnes Epps & Co., itomceo- pathic ( %enlists, London, Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Mothers! Mothers! Mothers ! Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately -de- pend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will , not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest aucl best female physicians and nurses in the United Sta es. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottl . 692-52. Do Not be Deceiv d. In these times of quack me eine ad- vertisements everywhere, it 1 truly gratifyiug to find one remed that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters, we can vouch for as being a true and re- liable remedy, and one that ill do as recommended. They inveri bly cure. Stomach -and Liver Compl ints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Uri ary Diffi- culties. We know whereof e speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by all drug- gists. 696-26-2. A' Wonderful Disco ery. For the speedy cure of co sumption and all diseases that lead to i , such as stubborn coughs, ueglectea es ids, Bron- chitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, p4iu in the side and chest, dry, hacking c. ugh, tick- ling in the throanhoarseness,ssre throat, and. lungs, and all chronic or lingering diseases of the the throat and 1 ngs, King's New Discovery has no equal and has established for itself a w rld wide reputation. Many leading • hysicians recommend and use it in- their 717 practice. The formul prepared is highly recto medical journals. Th press have compliinent gloating terms. Go to get .a trial bottle fie regular -size for $L es Hickson & Op., Seafoti oma which it is mended hy all ergy and the it in the most ur druggiat and f cost, or a ✓ sale by B. 657-52-5 Rest and Com Suffer Brown's Household, equal for relieving pa and external. • It cure back, or bowels, sore .tism, toothache lumb of pain or ache. It w quicken the blood anI ing power is won Household Panacea, ledged. as the great of double the streng elixir or liniment in be in every family ha wanted, as it yeally is t the world for cramps and pains and aches of for sale by all druggie, bottle. 692-52 0 t 1 e t to the • tutees has no both inOrnal in in thesid‘, roat, rheuMa- and any kind most surely eal, as it e act- ful. Brown's eing acknow- reliever, and of any other world, should for use when best remedy in the stomach, 1 kinds, ad is at 25 cents a Zopes I have secured. the a new compound for Dye troubles. It comes to favorable auspiees, be endorsed and. recomme derful affinity to the and the Liver, increas juices, correcting the ing off impurities of t regulating the Liver, se securing a sample bott 10 cents, or large eight cents. J. S. ROBER Bayfield. 679-52a a ncy for this psia and liver e under most g very highly ed. Its won- estive Orgams the dissolving ds and carry - Stomach and be tested by which sells at nce bottle, 75 Seaforth and ; 11 1 Given Up by t Doctors. Where doctors have ft Ilea to cure,and have given their pati nts up to die, Electric bitters have f en been used, and a cure effected, g41y ly to to, the astonishment of all. Iiseases of the stomach, liver, kidney and. urinary organs are positively ,dcure cdnsti- r u ed by Electric Bitters. They invarial pation, headache and ,all billions at- tacks. Try them, MIAbe convinced that they are the bes medicine ever udsed. Sold by E. Hid1s n & .tio. at 50c a bottle. 662-26c True to He rust. • Too much cannot b id of the ,ever - f aithful wife and o er, constantly' watching -and caring fr1 her dear °nee, never neglecting a sin 0 duty in their behalf. When they a}ieh ssailed by dis- ease, and the systn should have a thorough cleansing, h stomach and bowels regulated, blo. purified ma- larial poison exterrri n bed, she nust know that Electric Bitt s are the, only sure remedy. They ate the best and purest medicine in t e orld, and only cost fifty cents. Sol by all druggist. 696-26-2. A Great Chicag nterprise. The Laboratory for th of Electric Bitters is on greatest enterprises, g to a large number of ha tensive sale already at wonderful remedy s Wherever once inttod ce known, it is almost i po ply the demand, beca se merit -curing where II and at a reasonable pr ce Sold by E. Hickson & Co • manufacture of Chieggo'e g employment ds. The ex- ined for this astonishing. and becomes sible to , sup, of their true °there fail - (50c.) -Exch. 662-26c Bucklen's Ar The best salve in t bruises, sores, ulcers, sores, tetter, chapped corns, and all kinds This salve is guaranteed satisfaction in every care funded. Price, 25c per .byE. Hickson & Co. 70: 's sal ha fs Save. orld.' for cuts, rheum, fever ds, chilblains, in eruptions,. o give perfect or money re - ox., Foi sale -"They All To beautify and p ease and give fragrance to t "Teaberry," the new oil ple package, 5 cents. 67 • it." ve the 'teeth e breath, use t gem. Sam -52 - Auction Tuesday, June 21, J188 Hotel, Brucefield, a 5 Sale to commence at 1 Donald McDougall, Brine, auctioneer. es. at Turner's lendid Farm. o'clock P. Az. rietor ; J. P. London, Hum 8. GOING NORTH- Express. A. London, depart 7 io Centralia 8 40 Exeter 8 52 Hensall 9 05 Kippen • 9 11 Brucefield .. 9 21 Clinton • 9 89 Loud esboro. 4 58 Blyth 1 06 Balgrave 10 24 Wingham, arrive 10 45 GOING BORTH-- M il. A. . Wingbara, depart. '7 00 Belgrave 7 18 Blyth 7 85 Londesboro '7 44 Clinton 02 larneefield 20 Kippen 80 Hensall 86 Exeter. • , 52 Centralia .9 02 London, arrivo11 05 d Bruoe. Mail. Express P.M. A.M. 2 20 6 25 825 728 388 , 740 8°62 753 367 .759 4 07 8 08 4 28 8 25 4 41 4 60 5 06 5 25 peeress P. M 2 66 8 13 6 38 328 6 65 8 86 • 7 04 8 54 • 7 24 407 748 415 aa 59 4 20 .8 06 482 8 25 4411 84' 5M0 10 10 8 45 • 8 62 9 09 9 25 Expres El 620 • Grand Trun Trainsleave Seaforth a follows : Railway: d C4nton Stations as s CLINTON. 240 P.M. 9:16 Ep. M. 10:00 A. M. 6:15P. M. CLINTON. '7:80 A.M. 12:46 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 10:00 A. M. GOING WEST- SEAFO TH. Express 2-17 . M. Express 8 65 . M. ' Mixed Train......9:15 • . M. Mixed Train. 5-40 GOING EAST- SEAFO TH• Express .....„....7:50 M. Express Train.._ .1:10 . Mixed Train......4:45 . Mixed Train... .10:50 . M. Local otiOes. GOOD EATING. - ry the Magnolia, Ham, for sale at Wresoir & YpUNG'S. ' The best and sweetest meat in the maikete 701 WILSON & YOUNG re selling Tea and Sugar at a very small adv neo 100 Montreal whole- sale price. Call and see,' sample and jedge. fo yourselves. 699 I-10 FOR :EGMONDVILLE. 4K-Iirr_.4m7s - ulliNo AND IsAW MILLS. jAMES kYLE to inform his friends and the pubic gen- ' orally that hie NW SAWMILL,! W MILL! n W in full working order, and he is pre. pared totlfci C S 011i AWING on the ehortest notice nd most reaeonable terme. Ile has also on ha d and for sale FL Pegs AL KINDS OF S VIN LUMBER. Bills Pr�mptik Filled. gis FLOURING MILL Is in cha go of a First-01ass Miller, and he prepared to do GRISTING AND OHOPPIF G On the Shortest Notice: ood Work and ull Satisfaction gut ranteed. Rene thber, when yon went a grist grotmd bi 11 of ltImber sawn go to the Egmondvill Mills. 691 E JAMES I KYLE, Proproo. AH FOA WOOL 20,000 POUN S WANTED • - AT T SEAFORTH WOOLEN MILLS. • 708-t.k G. VAI\TEGMO ND. 1-1OriSES WANTE D, 'GIHAI HOUGHTON Is now prepared to buy any nnmbe of - GOOD SOUND MORE Weighing from 1,100poundsI and up ards. - 1 WILL BE AT SHARP'S II A.FORTH, EVERY D TE Y. 688 G. A. 110 UG1 TO T71-1=t1\TIT'T_TEZ, J. S. PORTER ISEAFO T / am d termined to Clear 0 t Bnti .6 Stock of Furniture egar •lesS f Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it Will pay them to aB -1- tain prices before purchasing else lame. 1 I give a large discount to those paying °sale te p.e daily tb newly married Couples. I am selling six highly finished el. ire or $ 2. ,1 [1,1E0 keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the market; arranged p erfeetly noiseless. Warerooms directly opposite M. R. ourittnas Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Ieaforh, East Side. 625 •OHIsl S. PO TER BRO DFOOT & SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, 0 FUNERALS ATTENDED UN TJfl • SHORTEST .NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HE D OFFICE, TORONTO. - Paid a Capital, - - $0,0 0,004. .Best, = 1,401,000. Preai ent, Hon. Firrn. Mc aster The Se receive d theanost Drafts Canada, EAFORTH BRANC forth Branch ofl this Bank co thanes to posits, on whicla interest is owed �n avorable terms. n all the prinei al to*ns an cities in . n Great Britain, and on t e United States, bought and sold. Office---IFirst door So th of the C mmere al 11o9 tell. 63 A. H. /RELA.ND, i anager MONEY T Lar OL 6 or Small ble rates o Sums, at reaso interest. NOTES.AND ORTG PURCHASED. 'APLY TO' W. •C GOUIN 1 Or at the �fflce of J. FL B nsou, Seafo WOOL PICIUNG5, H will pay the highest eas of wool pickings, Hides, s livered at my furniture st cash for everything. Jo 3i ES AND SHINS.-- pricse for any 'quantity eep end calf ekins de - re. ace truck er trade, N S. ORTER. 654 1 1 THE GROCERY ST RE THE POST OFFICE. -S ede ranted fresh and true t. narr 'Marquis of Lorne, Fine •rap 0 ter's Imperial, Skirving' Impr pound, and a reduction o par pounds and over. D. D. R forth. 702 BARBED FENCE the Washburn & Moen Fencing Wire is at pr expect to reveive a carl. we will be able to sell at a rediced Exara- ine the Wire and be con inced it has no rival in the market. Before p cha ing ask Or price. Jou-emote BROTITFES• 7(3 EXT ElOOR TO turnip Seed, War- e: Royal, Norfolk, ed Westaary, Car- ved, at 20 cents a tee purchasing 10 SE, Groper, Sea - BE. --Our stock of al vanazed Steel Barbed sent exhausted, bat we ad eaxiy next weekawhich GES OCK, h. 681 IVIARRIAGE LICE SES ISSUEAT I THE H RON EXPOSITOR FFICE SEAFORTH, ONTA 10. NO VIITNESSLS REQ IRE. JOH WILLIAMS 00. BANKERS, (to., 'VR Or ETiR, - ON ARI 11111s Die 0 6.52 onnted. Draf s Issued. oney Real Estate t Lowest Rat s. JOHN WILLIAMS & Co. I 7 7 ,•,,, _den SI N THE OF CIRCUL SAW 11 t-4 01 tri i0 )-‹ 0 tx1 C") H trl r , rj 0 Ixi tri o:3 cn 0 C) X 2 re Pt cp 0 lad 1-t cs' 0 cr. • 0 P4. 0 a. 0 p, 0 tze cD 0 mts- 13" tA" 0 -1 2 0 m :0 10 .11 m -1 2 -Z 0 - 1 m 3 r • n at ao 0 C C 11 .ca ^'t^^ ~, uosmoduco.aus_� wag ~ ~ g��gV __=-_ m 0N ffJi CELEBRATED STALLIOIN, DIAN SCOTC14MA IL Stand for Mares at his ovM stabi , on t e Mill Road, Tuekersmith, throe g out the sea on, excepting Saturday°, when he will go 1?y th 4th Concession to James Spro t for noon ; id from thence he will return b the 2nd Con ()salon to his own stable. TRMS-$12 to insure. 7'pol J. & S. 13ROADFOOT, Propriete -s. Z 0 0, (51 --- IT GOIDEJT o GOOD VALUE IN ALL DEPA TMENTS Good Value Good Valu Good Yalu Good Valli Good Yalne Good Value Good Value • Good Value Good Value Good Value Good Value in Black Silks at the Golden Lion; in Black Cashmeres at the Golden Lion. in Dress GoOds at the Go den Lion. in Prints at the Golden Lin. in Table Linens Lat the Go den Lion. in Table Napkins at the Golden Lion. in Carpets at the Golden Lion. in Lace Curtains at the Gldn Lion. in Counterpanes at the GOden Lion. in Gloves at the Golden Lion. in, Hosiery at the Golden _fion. Al\./IIS 0 1T, si--; 0 _Ft 1--I _ CENTRAL DOM STORE, EXETER, 011TARIO . Nil .1, A COMPLETE and Full Stock of -Le"- Drugs and Chereicels constantly on hand and warranted of the Best Quality and at Moderate Prices., • ededicalWines and Liquors can be re- lied on aelrest quality. A complete stock of Trusses, Shoulder Eracs, Chest Pro- tectors, &e., always on hand. Also Sta. tioecry, Sohool Book, Fancy Goods, &o. The Central Drug Stor, (Winena, old stand,) directly opposite Ihe Central Ho- tel. 662 C. 1,11, _Exeter. LUMBER Poit SALE HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. • PINE front $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, McKILLOP, The Subscriber bete also a LUMBER YARD IN= SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Lumber Jan be ob- tained. • 479 TuOlAS DOWNIM . (Ireat A71,te.tikctn, Bemetly UOlT C 0 L118, B I?, 0 _17- TT1TTh L0&Sfivil TTR.;37:51, NESTS .11 R 0 A. 71 -IFPJWTI0.ZViSf • Prieererri.froin the finest Rot Spruce Gum. cioru Flar0-.) ,nothitia Ea-ptcforat and Tonic. Superior toon mediczne -otrered far al/ the abore complaits. „A cfont11h ctmaiatton. of' the (41101which exudes fro n, ittothe Red Speue,, tree -it1(1,1frutirp t1tiltmtbtustleu;et vat a).'( native erttnt /0 ar has lz.4I..e hard°ri of the won - Teets .of the Spruces a 717 a the ler, tnl ss 0 00- yui eeig 1(1 s- fr patit0tts to •••••. their 5 11 p t ire e-, rranee PRL woods and ordde Mem to rink a tea made from the Stoi1).):' u o! Caeiriz(:si):1607,7Jf 7(;21cti, • . jt reinarkable, ft fir stinate .Aceloi92,g Co41hs.14 lciipiP,n to the public at 1(z.rle. Sabi by all respectable canifsts. irea 50 teth; a bottle. alie reords " Sp -up of Re,: Spruce Gum". ee neti tute otr Registet-ed Trade 1.ark, aria CW.1- ie.' .;.er anal abets are also register(' 1. GRAY'S SYR P RE GL , Ti, this 1 p ee ,.., ra-. the (llA 114.rer ••• pe I'll es, -7.7'' all ils 1 nt de, '.r- 4, retttrilai, ..,ie, nail r5 71.szt sic! . 7.7 rtt1.1,•77lie:1 I 1...• 1 ' C- r .....rrei . ; .7: bj ; . y u•„. e• te i' 4- * Ill.1 y I. l' a, tee? ot (1, -7 1.7- 7. 7 .7 7) • •7" c7, --.75' 7- 7.i .; ' 7Z i US i II 7 • g e q 0 a •> i e, • ee de II nest ; i t,7.', e (I t, t t- , i 0 . • : ..7-7rte 7( E1U-11-, 1-1, A Y.S0,..V. (f; • 1 1r7toles te Druggf r, Sole Proprietors tad .31o1zla.neeee., gentle, al. ell BIC Istfl 0 8 res' - es • ,e sod' 5'09 r')E; P17 ce 03 FP. /i 12e cr, td 121 P o tt* 0 g. a :5 a7 0 P. cn eD CD et - 50 P3 P P .-771 0 0 rt td r• r• P-7 eb ee 1•1... 19 re5 fa, 55 c:14 00 4,74 sa, P aa " Ulf,* it cr. P1'cl.• 4747 P rt '-731 7.75 ; 544 1:11' a tri Ar .0 re. 0 P P3 ,4 0 0 P.70- 177 7r* 0 0• 1 0 r -n rn ET1 0 it 0 WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW BLIN -TAIT LUMSDEN & WILSON, SCOTT'S BLOCK, - SEAF9RTII, 0 SUBSTITUTESie Ag The public are cautioned a hist a custoin which is growing quite common of late a 0110- a certain of Medicine deelers. and which is tI is : When asked for lass a bottle of Ptin-Riller„ they suddenly discoverithat they are sold out." "but have atiother article ii.)1st as good, if not btter." which thy will supply at the tame price. The object of this deception is transparent. These substitutes and made up to sell on the great reputation of mncieti of t he Vilest and cheapest drugs, are bought by the dealer at about the Pain-Killr ; and being corm half what he pays for the genuine NIL DESPERANDUM. TRADE MARK. TRADE cin res onl GP. After Taking. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for Net. yowl Debility andel] Nervous Afftetiortit, in- ing Sperinatrrhea, Serainee walinee, eat., ts of Self-abuse, indiscreton. I'S SPECIFIC mF,DIersE. Thiii J.,- the en3edy which has ever been known to per - ma erstly euxe Palpitation nue other affeetions of he Heart, Cotentraption in its :earlier stagee, laa Meg 01 blood to the bead, wind in the sto with, Indigestion, Lost of Memery, Want of en egy, Basbfulness, Desire for eolitude„ Trulas- po :Ilion to labor on Bement of Weanss', tall. vis i70a131,1..pile:swiltePoslizItelbeett via.mrnti..moisAV in ar pamphlet, -which, we send tecureie, sealed on receipt -of a three cent etamp. Specifie h ow P -old by ell Dengeiste et $1 per paetge, for $6, or will be sent free ky maiIon pt of Money, by addreseing • re 1589 THE GRAY :MEDICINE CO, Toronto. • = t • :11 ECO'IlD OF THE LYMAN RABB. . , Flid,ST PRIZES AWARDED THE BARB WIRE FENCING At Montreal, (Qnebee,) Hamilton, (Ontatio), Ci einnati. (Ohio), Syracue, (ew 'York), and Daenport, (Iowa), Exhibitions, for Extellence and fieperiority over all Competitors. The Obes.pest and Best Fer3eing in the Wwarla. Adopted and in nse on 19 Railway Lines in the United Statesad Canaa. tete that our trade mark, "Lyman Barba' is steteilled on -each reel. Bay no otber. Send for jukes and cireu. la re to WM. ROBERTSON & Co., Hardware Merchants, Seaforth, Sign of the Circular Saw, or to the DOMINION BARB WIRE FENCE Co., Montreal. 602.20 ITAirdrEif VEGETABLE swaENEWERPm Ifd I pills STANDARD ARTICLE is compounded -I- with the greatest eare; its effects ere ae wonderful and eatiefactory as eer; it restores gra y or faded hair to its youthfel color; it re- moves all eri Optiors, itching god attedruff; and the P clap by its 'use becomes 'white and clean; by its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to theie normal vigor, preventing bald- ness, and making the hair grow thiek and strong; as a dress% g nothirg has been found 40 effect- ual or dsirelale. Dr. A. A.1113.3s, State Assayer of Massachuetts, says of it 1 "1 consider it the best prep oration, for its intended purposes. Buckingham's Dye for the Whisker. This elegant preparation may be relied DILI° change the culor of the beard from gray or any other rindevirabIe shade to browo or black at discrtion: it is easily applie.d, being in one prep arairt, arei Tackle, end effectually pro- duces a permar eel eceer neither rob nor wash oral 14Isnufa etu) t! byR 1'.14A.T, Co., Nasbn, aTi II. sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. • 669.525 TO BREEDERS OF PIGS. TEE rot derbigned will Istep during t he present st ason, on his premises, Lot 7, Coneesaion 31. R. S., Tuckrmith, for the improvement of stcek, a Thsrcughbred Berkshire Boar, which he ban lately purchased from John Snell a Son, -of Edmontn, inn or tcis of thcncughbred i•tcck. Terms $3, to be paid at the time of srvice, with the privilege of teturning if necessary. W. S. MUNDELL, Proprietor. 702 EAFORTH PLANING, MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY subscrib crbegs lea.ve to thank his rtumerou vide]) cuptomers for the liberalpatronage extendedto enables him therefore to realize a him since commencing business in Seafortb,and few cents more ,5yo1it Inlivts kat he rrtay he favored with, a contineanee per bottle upon the imitation article than he can oti the genuine. 441•777mmommo FOR CHOLERA MORBUS .AND ALL SUMMER, OR BOWEL PERIY DAVIS' PAI IS UNEQUALLED. IT CURES ALMOST IN CRAMPS, COMPLAINTS -KILLER TANT The PAIN -Kamm. is put tie in 02 and 5 oz. bottles. retaijing at 25 and so cents respeetively,-large bottles are therefore ch apeet. SOLO BY ALL MEI:ACME, DEALERS. 7.7..r....,, , -53 0 - 0 7+3 . 03 °°;.11:1-F. 2 f* --1 E.1701 I (° .e ' cc F“24s ..I-9`.° w I .47 Ls. to elm =.1:1 :6.11ti ri-G:f1::::.ri!...!;ll litrAgitd:14.. P.EiP',4..5.5 4- . 0°0 i ere. a .-. rn )4 e. 0 .;,. - e lei .. ..., ., , .:-_, c..1 0 ......; 0 CO .7771 eie 77 JJ ao ,„.; -. (7,ti-...24,.. r, ,....--,-,. g. a 1 ,... ,,,1 - P ,.'",4,,c. .,23_,-.10- 0 ee (...e.e. er el e, 0 ..., y4,1'2'505 eoi- 2e -z 0 Mil 1 -,rel.e.,113 :--:17,0ca oe eir.,111-°,510;1754),ale ICC ee- 2 Pee d•It' a d ' le --d,I. '-'.. CC ' 'Z '-'' a - SO ,...„(:):: P.: -:„,: ,.,. o 0 0 al ...,_ 1,4 E.1 • .... _ r., 0 , 544 ° '-' :''-;L.<3P.4,-- :(2.7r9.1e°73.4 I' p.. PTIrtiesnliniending to build 'would de well to itha h*i a calaas he will continue to keep on hand lirge stock of all kinds el Dry Pine Lumber, Sshes, Doors, Blind$ and ;loadings, a,ingles, Lath, ci.c. lIefeelseenfident of givin atisfact ion to t !no% who inay favour hire with theirpatronageete none but firt-clepworkinenareemloyed. articu her attention paid to Custom muint, 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. R N BR.ETT, SEAFORTH,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ',BATTIER antl SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Steck kept. Terme -1- moderate. A Trial Solitited. All order)) by Meal or etherwiee promptly filled. een 7Z -.11,1,-.1.1. LOB Lithographed Chrome, bards, like 10 cent t ; Agents, big outfit, E CARD Co, No rthford, Ct. NT. C I 4 - A - - - P 9r Pj C4 - A - S THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PHOTO. GALLE E XCEL1013, I C a TIN IC N, PI 1, & Q.'S, arid other mak( s suppli d at Bottom gures. ON: Bevirg 16 ht75(Pirg or t) pEeee a in connection with this brarich of my bnsine s, I can give my mut c n ( i thi hEt. t, ar d er 81 le thcni teeprcoare an Iurtrurnentsjt a reasonable pr ce. cents ; A. CALDER, Over ilson & Young's S re, Seafort , 95-62 ' N. B. -- Thc aaLi e tietui e IS' Gem setee given with each Organ, and will be endorsed by • LEGAL. (2.1.m301,T & PROUDFOOT, Barrister, Solid tisrfi,cdc., Goderich, On1aro.-3. T. Garrow Wm. Protia foot. 686 riAMERON, Kola & CAMERON, Barriatelei ‘--) Itlicitors in Chancery, t4e.. GorierIch, Ont. M. 0. camron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. , 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Cornirnie- IF I sionq in 13. IL, Wrose ter . Anetioneer ;and Appraieere Aecounts and notes reflected on rea,r,nableterms. 3Pc W.C. MEYER, Barrieter and Attorney at Law, Solicitor hi Chancery. Commissioner for tsking affidavits in the Provinee of Meniteba So)ieitor for the Bank of Heinilton, Wieghisen. l'rie ate fugatIN to loan ate.4 Wiil. per cent, 4$3 PENSON & MEYER, Barristerii and Attorney -P Id La, Solicitorain Chancery andInsolvency Conveyncers, Notaries Public, etc. Office -See forth and Brussel e. S26,000of Private Fumls to Invest a t(mc ,s. t Eight pert wati. Interest payable Ont. 0. yearly. Coramissioner for taking Affidavits for use in the Courts of Manitoba JAB. I. BENSON. )1.W. 0. MEYER. The above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the fteirto be paid to Mr. BIN:1130U who Will pay -all MOS. ities. Nov, 27, 1876. JAMES PI. BENSON H. W. C. MEYER. MCCAUCHEY & AotmEsTED LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCIaata ).FF ICE , Scott's Meek, Main Steet, ',..3eafo1 Ch. caOLICI'l'OItS ler the Coneelidatea Bank of " Caeuela and the Canadian Bank of Commerce „ in Seaforth. Farm ana Town and Tillage. Property boaget and sold. Money aprivate funds) loane& =on mortgage se- 1 °urines, et reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate., Money invested for priate: persons upon the beet morta.ge securities, witinint any expente to the lerele. S. G. MeCAUGHEY, M.A. *. TIOLMESTED.