HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-06-03, Page 7E 3, 1881.. aMONDVILLE . *7S S+ W PULLS KYLE cis and the public gen.: that his W MILLI f order, and he ig gra.. to do SAl i G and most reasonable land and for sale SAWN LUMBER. aptly Filled.. - RING MILT,: -Class Miller, and. he, ecltlldo ID CHOPPING Good Work and tali t guaranteed. want a grist ground or a a the Egraon•iviile aftlis. ES KYLE, Proprietor. F MILLS. :G the lata are and the 'shied by the destruction quantity of material, the zed to go into the Flax tatison more extensively eceive applications from: t., thio profitable crop, re ton,and will give the sires to secure this we- al l clean seed on hand. av should make apgiiea- kill to a saitablepe sone. OHN BEATTIE. TO LOAN. ev to Loan on reasonable cd farm security. lank of Commerce Build, f OHN BEATTIE.. 1AFORTH C LAND AGENCY. STRONG F rat -CI R a rtotr ,Dire t,onpanies, and is prepar- mcl,=t €'avora•bie terms- ci of the beat Loan Boa :ale and Purchase of Farm :of _ rst-C •ass streets for Sale. zr at stevea per cella. terga t. :Ocean Steamship Tickets, Morrison's Store, Main 645 HARNESS, AND- :SI.ARLISMET ' EL; Proprietor. :crues:r of all kinds always cr with everything' alae he- iess, which Will be sold FURNITURE. given to newly marded titure. Call and gee nay purchasing el.•€ewhere, as doins,* t10. AEON WELL, Mrttich- S LIVERY AND -- TABLES, SEAFORT. the old establihhed Liv- !best and moat atyiieh riga c,rsoa in the business.. tern, handsome and coa- t and sate horses alwsye fly sleigh for one or two romptly attended to. •ought and sold. 'laaGE -- Opposite 0. C. \Farerooms, Seaforth. ARTHUR FOBBES. SEAFORTH. to Clear Out my Furniture regard - will pay them to awes- purchasing elsewhere. Z to those paying cash, es- ed couples.. highly finished. ahaire for (.wlton's Spring Bed, the the market ; warranted opposite M. B. Couater'a • e, Main Street,. Seaforth„ JOHN S. POSTER. LANING MILL, ,EJ BLIND FACTORY to thank his aamerea :uralpatranage extended to business in Seaforth,and vored with a continuance. =.lila would do well to gine rtinue to keep on head. r her, Sashes, Doors,, oul(li11ys, Shingles, vita gaatiefaction tothoita t h their patronage,ag nen* are employed .. pail to Custom Planing 11. 13RO ADFOOT. LIAMS & OO- ERS; &c., ONTARIO afta L ii epi. ney Laid: et Lowest Rates. 'flip WILLIAMS & Co. ;NCLER unseal for -the .ptarpoeaof spital itt Gana,t, ig ao:w aey on the moat favorable aunties. AI P.H&YgS, n., Seatorth. 699 0. 1 JUNE 3, 1881, Soot in Horticulture. i The Chicago Times places the fol- lowing estimates upon soot as a ff! ertil- iser' : "Soot is a despised thing, at vahich everyone lifts up his or • her hands in ' holy horror. Yet it is one of our moat valuable fertilizers, and for boosting in- sects it stands very high. The soot from soft coal is the best, and any one who wastes it wastes wealth ; fo?• we need every ounce of it in the gardens and fields of the country, This is no whim or theory ; its uses are well known .to every practical gardener. Our cab- bage fields and gardens are all visited with oomroon whitish -yellow butterflies each year, yet this insect is easily driven to seek its food in some other place if soot is sprinkled over the planta on dewy mornings, or when they ate wet. Thewriter had ouce charge of a garden which had been unfortunate in thei pro- ductionjof any of the cabbage fatiaily,irom cauliflowers to Brussels sprouts. Soot solved the problem. _ The operations were to first scatter a thin: coat of , soot on the soil, where the seed had to be• sown. This was worked in so as nbt to touoli the seed, either with a rake or fork, for itis fatal, to seed if touched when germinatieg, but after the leaves begin to spread they like it. The •wire worm that makes all the cabbage tribe form a club shape at the bottom of the stem and stops thein from forming 1pro- per roots, rarely ever does this mischief. Our professors have been trying to make.'club root" in the cabbage tribe a disease, but if soot is usedas described the disease is seldom or never seen. After cabbage plants of any kind are raised and ready to plant out for head- ing, if their roots and sterns, right up to the leaves., are dipped in a paint made of soot, soil and water just thick enough to stick to them., few ground insects will attack them. A gond many•can be dipped at one time. Laud where car- rots, turnips or onions have to be sown is always benefited if a good dressing of. soot is applied. The turnip crop is an I important one in England, and were it not for a free use of soot it could not be grown; nor coilld wheat ; and it is a common thing to see a train of soot leaving the large towns for the market gardening and farming dibtricts. "A gentleman at Indianapolis who was advised to use soot to drive insects from his planta, reports that his wife thought that he bad killed her pets, and after a few days he thought the plants grew so fast that the insects could not catch them, and now he gets a bar- rel of soot from a round house, to use on his garden every week. "The pretty yellow -striped bug that attacks our squashes and cucumbers has no affinity for soot or ashes,and soon leaves for other places, where it don't get such seasoning at its meals. -The lumber trade of Toronto is as- suming surprising dimensions. Among the leading firms engaged in the lumber business this season in.Toronto, are the following : O. F. Wright, of Barrie, is getting out about 75,000 feet of rock elm, 100,000 feet of pine, and 16,000 feet of oak. Most of Mr. Wright's tim- ber comes from the county of • Grey. The Cook Brothers, of Toronto, are get- ting out about 450,000 feet, chiefly pine, with some elm and oak. Some of this timber comes from Michigan, but the larger portion of it is .from different points in Northern and Northwestern Ontario. Burton Brothers, of Barrie, are operating on Manitoulin Island and Northern Ontario as well as in Michi- gan. Some of their timber will be ship- ped by schooners to Collin's Bay before being rafted, but a large number of their drams will be put together at Toronto. They will get out alto- gether about 600,000 feet, chiefly of pine, but their .product will also include oak, elm and ash. McArthur Brothers, of Toronto, who are operating on Geor- gian Bay and in Western Ontario and Michigan, will move not less than 600,- 000 feet of pine, elm and oak. Mr. Stinson and Mr. John Lattimer, bcth of Toronto, will handle some 75,000 or 80,000 feet each this season. Their sup- plies are chiefly made up along the different lines of railway centering in Toronto. . Epps's Cocoa. -i Grateful and comforting. -(`By thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and. nutrition, and by "a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of- well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be -gradually built up until strong euough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of ,sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wt may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.." --Civil Ser- vice Crazette. Sold only in packets labelled -"James Epps & Co. , h omceo- pathic (:hemists, London, Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 • moving dandruff, • pres ereaiaing th6 growth of t storing its natural o druggist says he sells times as much of Hall's; -Hampshire Express, A a• •e •Itr - t ing and 4 - hair and 4- r. Another ree or- fodr of all otherr;5. erst, Ma8d Enterprising D! Messrs. E. Hickson druggists of the town, as the times and ready to of their many customer just received a supply of ;•eraedy that is astot,iahii its marvellous cures. 1) Discovery for Consumptio Colds, Asthma, 'Bronchia' Phthisic, Croup, W hoopi#z ling in the Chroat, Loss of ness, or any Affection of t Lungs. This remedy p as thousands can testify. believe it call as Messrs. Co.'s Drug -Store, and get free of cost, or a regular s $1. As you value your li trial and be convinced, already have been. { 657 ggists. 4, o, the live always. up to e the demen;ds 3 They hale' t at wondertujl he world b King's Nev Coughs and $ Hay Fever ough, Tic i oice,Iloar e Throat afi4 tively cures f you do nbt Hickson trial bott{l ze bottle fir) e, give iti s thousand .4 8 Rest and Co for Suffering Brown's Household P equal for relieving pain, and external. It cures pe back, or bowels, sore tbi tism, toothache, lumbago of pain or ache. It wil quicken the blood • aDd h ing power-- is wonder `Household Panacea, 14' ledged as the great pain of double the strength elixir or liniment in the be in every family handy wanted, as it really is the the world for cramps in{ and pains and aches of al for sale by all druggists bottle. 692.52 • Mothers ! Mothers 1 Mothers 1 Are you disturbed. at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup. It. will relieve, the poor little sufferer immediately. -de- pend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, whd will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child,] oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and lust female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 092-52. H air Renewer. The market is full of preparations for the hair, some of them good, and many of them good for nothing R. P. Hall & Co., of Nashua, N. H., manufacture and sell an article of regal merit, which has been advertised in the Express for the past year, and we have taken no little -pains to inquire how it has been liked by the public. One of our drug- gists informs us that he has sold more than double the amount of Renewer than of all other hair preparations combined, and when a person once uses it, lie will use no other ; that it is not only bought by the 'young people as a dressing, but by older persons for re Gray's Syrup of R Gum. Persons who are very sudden changes of weat well to keep a supply of of Red Spruce Gum in tlt?. Syrup is a scientific prep. Gumwhich exudes from tree, and holds a large q gum in perfect solution, ing. Its remarkable pow certain forms of :Bronehit obstinate, hacking coughs known to the public at 1 edy can equal it as a safe ly reliable Dough- medicirt chemists. Price 25 and bottle. 624.26 to thei :nacea has 15 .loth interna in the side t rheums a d any kin most sure 1, as its apti u � Brownie fog acknowyv reliever,. and of any oth 4 wprld,• shoul for use whe est remedy the stomach winds, and 1ti t 25- cents Spruce at ;ceptible t• r would c• ray's Syrtl • ouse, T•i• inion of e red apru tity of c e • .ver separa ✓ in relievi ,'and curi is now w.l e. No re• d thoroug Sold by sl 5, cents pe :• Woman's True i A friend in need is a fri. This atone can deny, eiip. assistance is rendered '• sorely afflicted with diseaa titularly those complaint nesses so common to our f lation. Every woman, that Electic Bitters are friend, an • will positively r health, even when all c,1J fail. A single trial alway assertion. They are pl a,: taste, and only cost 50 de • Sold by all druggists. 60 • riend. :nd indeed. cially Where hen onef3 more pair and weak :male popx- i ould knOw oman's ti '` $ store her er remedi proves 0 ant to t ts a bott a� 26-1 1 • . Zopesa. Zopesa, from Brazil, 's into Canada. It is a it acting as a wonder ups strength and energy to Apparatus of the human, recting and increasing th strongly anti -bilious and surplus bile, tones up th sound digestion and spe the dyspeptic and the hi S. ROBERTS, Seaforth an• a 10 cent bottle and to new compound. Large ei. ties 75 cents. 679.52b r• ) s c now co d purgati and giv•. �e Digesti tomach, c• acids. It i arries off Liver, gi ' e: dy health t. ions. Ask Bayfield, o t Zopesa, t•: ht ounce bot Fanners and. Mechanics. If you wish- to avoid fit+ at danger ant trouble, besides a no small bill of 'pense, at this -season 0i the year,. y should•take prompt steps to keep dings from your household.{ The syst should be cleansed, 1p ood purifi , stomach -and bowels reg.* ated r - and P vent -and cure disease§ arising fre Spring malaria. We kow of nothil� that will so perfectly and surely do t as Electric Bitters, audj t the tri 'p cost of fifty cents a bottle -i-Exch.-S by all druggists. 696-26 Astonishing th For a perfect renovati and enfeebled constitutio ness and general decl surely and speedily pros nent cure as does Electric wonderful cures are raj world. Far Kidney and plaints they are a perfec not give up in despair, f ters will positively cure, everything else fails. So son & Co., at 50c. a bottle. How_ to Get The gi eat secret of obi first to practice econorm old Deacon Snyder say: worry the life out of met r doctors' bills, but now I rich. Health and hap preme in our little ho simply because we use nq but Electric Bitters, and! cents a bottle. Soli. by! Co. 662-26b orld. f .'exhausted , female week e, nothing s ces a perp . itters. The t nishing trinary Co specific. • Electric d that whp d by E' Hid 1 662-26b d•• I!• I ictt. icing riches ,and, as gdo " It used!!t• pay enorm t s avc struck •t ness reign e - s hold, and a o her medic o • y costs fi t Erickson .l • •. • Bucklen's A rnio . Salve. The best salve in the. ..• •rld for • c t bruises, sores, ulcers, sa t rheum, fe' :r sores, tetter, chapped -he • l s, chilblai' », corns, and all kinds of i:kin. eriiptioln; This salve is guaranteed t0 give perf{e•t satisfaction in every cas= car money r funded. Price, 25c per box. For sale by E. Hickson &r Co. 7i3' r' "They All To beautify and pres and give fragrance to t "Teaberry," the new tot ple package, 5 cents. 6t o It." ve the to breath, e gem. Sr: 952 t m - TO BREEDER OF. PIG THE nodersigned will keep season, on his premises, H. Ii. S.,for Tuckerrmith, stock, a Thoroughbred Berke has lately purchased from 4c Edmonton, importers of !i Terms $1, to be paid at the 1 the privilege of returning {i MUNDELL, Proprietor. T co c GOOD V • L RO ,EXPOSITOR. 1r Good Va Good Val Good Va Good Val G?od Va Good Val Good Val God Val Good Va Good Val 'Good Val L E IN ue i e i e i e i ue i e i e i e i. ue i e i 1e' i Alit D : PAflTMEN' E Black Silks at the Golden Lion. at tI4e Golden Li e Golden Lion. en . Lion. he Golden Lion. the Golden Lio ld en Lion. the Golden Lion he golden Lion olden ion. Iden Lion. A1r'OIVT lack Cas Dress Go rints , at Table Lin en s at Table Natkans at the G nsf,t mares csatt the Gol' i Carpets acre Cur Counter loves a Hosiery a es the the G .1 1\rl4 I S n. ' IDENTICAL NORMAN'S For almost M_ CHEST LU SP: THROAT NECKLETS, KNEE CORSETS, BACK INSOLES, SCIATICA GENTS' Inspection • ET all ' GNETO PRO G iNVI NAL CAP C BEL ANCES, Invited, M. HS(PICSi oil= ; IT Mune in part' W RS, BANDS, A 'ST UMA DS, VE on a i and Druggists, LIFE. • PPLIANCES Nature IST DS ETHLTS, IC -A TS, plication CO-, !y is sub- ' BELTS; PLI- &C. to Seaforth. {CT CURATIVE wl B HE RItl List , ich g IC RS, CARS, LETS, NDS, D S' 'vin is LECTRO Diseases to ject .compris' LECT ECT ORAT BANDS, P OTEC WRIS , ANKTS, EG CHILDR AND RM AN LAD nd ' Chemi CENTRAL DRUG STOR EXETER, ONTARIO. d ring the pr sent L t 7, Concessi n8, h improveme . t .of .h re Boar, whd h e ilin Snell & So it, of horougbbred Etc k. gime of•service, w th f necessary. • W. S. 10 ACOMPLETE and Fall Drugs and Chemidala oon hand and warranted of the Be and at Moderate Prima MedicalWines and Liquors lied on asbest quality. ' A Dom of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, tectors, &c., always on hand. hand. tionery, School Booke,,Faney The Central Drng. Store, (." stand,) directly opposite the C tel. 662 l3.. LETZ,.., fa Stook of "' antly on: 0 Quality,' ahen! bestPro- re- lete stook l Also Ste- ' odds, & int�n'o oi&' antral Ho - 1 , zeter. LUMBER • HEMLOCK, First Quality, °. > pea M. PINE from $tip. - BILLS OUT TO OR II I+ F•, ! i All Length,, from 10 t, 5O Fe t, at the. PONY MILL, Meg iL OP.. The Subscriber has els, s LUMBER YARD IN SE FORT Where all kinds of Lumber can be o issued. • 479 THOMAS DOWNEI, plL Cifreat Ameriean Remedy ,for GO T O -IIS; COLDS, A817.11111 1, 33Bo�lZ.IZITL&. LUSS OF v , T I' ITOAPSEN ,,SiAS7.1 t�I) T./T.40A.1' 2IFFEU _1rIOHE; Prepared from. fhe,1inestRod Spruce Gum. ( cioits Flavor.) ialsarnic, .SoothingKris clot ant and 1 r$ tic. "Superior to cane medicine offered for all the above cont•plaints. dt scientific combirla ion of the. 61071. u•hi exudes from. the Red Spruce ree, -,ritholiSt doubt tt%te most valuable riatit•e Gum for • Medzei11'4 t paarplYses. Mary 'ate has ha fr r•ti • ' of the ra'oa- ferI.: f- fecf. of the S T1s es a 74dl tlLe • Pi n ' s in Cas s hf Iiun, ori east In r t h f,lr cl n.4rt ia1li( $ tIidil (•1 Bump patient thei pr wooer ort r t, t o �4l i a tett m fro rt( .5 ru tot, t,.(. lilt - -nil 0it- f t'r• • 10 n e end 4('311 ',r k tele the G I tr t /,rr•,) fait t f rl alt Ti L1.S Pa- the •t•er SEAFORTH BOOT AND SHO o SIGN OF TH SHOPS SfOH TN BIG BOOT. o TZ, TT 1\1" ON .P UNE ALAS FOR ONE Bo'LTIT T 0 FIRST-CL.AS .6 MONTH. S -ALL 0 -I AP cusTo Ask Our .Pie M WORK BY MR. E. GRIEVE. �s and Be Convinced. . M. LOGAN, Seaforth; \B00TS ANE) SHOES. ROBERT HAVING commenced bnsinr the Store in Sting's Biot ASV,AFORTIN, N xt door t now prepared to furpieh all their patronage with a first-ola1 She. cf any }non -n demfinl '` the Best, er,d his p long xprrience in the bneirte8s such a way as can not fail to ILLIS, es on his own account' in k, i?IAIN alTB.EE7', o M. Morrison's Grocery, is who ill favor him with is article in Boots and iption. He will Keep act -hail knowledge of and enables him to purchase in be beneficial to customers. '1zVE HIM iA TRIAL.. EllhaiT0.31 WHO t K of very Kind Promptly At- tended to. Reir.emb •r the 8t zed and the Name : R BER WILLIS, Seaforth. rn mamma • �1. t G (Wire., 1 i<' e(l (7 41.14 't lr. . r „at 1 late • t 1 ''enl,arkable l)t)7/'el' l ! '.1.' .91X. c ta'n, ''or17Ls "of' . 4)ro-nehit'i , and ?ts al 4 t :specific B eet in CU?•i)t.g ()b- sti is ?Lacking ( � utghs, is ol() 'r(,ll 1 kn n/ IL tc the pu is at large. id by all respectab?d .-r (t chemists. 'frit,, In 50eesrlt4 a bottle. The 1 or(11 " S /rup of Reel Spruce Gum" erp tsti" tote of r Registered Trr,019 stark, and our •!v,:;,, r . ant-10 rein dire a so refristered. A BRIT-, WATSON- cu t '(L, ifitlodesale Drll(/grist.$, :Sole Probe-iet008 and llailuf(rct,t141.4, j I rt WALL SUESTITtJ9'ES! 0 A' he public are cauticmed a tains is grow ing quite common of late amo of medicine dealers. and which is this a custom wW.ch 'ta a certain ci:iss ii .'ii -11N discover that' l \Vhen asked a bottl of Pain --filler. they surcle they are "sold. out," "hut have :moth good; if -not be ter." which they will xi. price. Theobicct cif this deception is tr< er article fust as 1p1v at the swine nsoarent. These suhstit tes are ,r -lade app to sell on the great reputation of the Pa n -Willer: and being million' tied (,f the vilea- and ch apest drugs, are bought bv the dealer at alien; half w: at he a ys for the genuine. Pai wh•di per bo le upon the imitation article th n he can on th-e. genuine. FOR sumUER ERR HOLER A MORBUS, CRAMPS; arm ALI. OR BOWEL TIPLAINTS IS Pls. EQUALLED. IT URES ALMOST INSTAINTLY: 25 and 5{3 cents r pectively,-iarge bottles or SOL .,BY ALL- MEDICINE DE PAPER OVER 600 PATTERNS, FR m m 0 OF 1 7 i.. who 1 ve used both kinds, m 2].LNV?JdnD .1 2 0 z m 2 1 Z Q •3 m 3 7 CIRCULAR SAW 4-3 p tate rA Mg' PI/7 tiq (14.6( puv `svaivAr 03 133 oo 0 HE CEL BRITED STAT.T.ION, WIL Stand for Mares at his own stable, on the sea on, exaeptang • Saturdays, when he will go by th 4th Corteeision to James Sproat 's, for noon ; tad from tbente he will aeturn by the 2nd Con ession to lis own ateble. 700 J. ez S. KOAEFOOT, Proprietors. l'aatlas. retailing at therefore cheapeat. 1! b,BORDERS M 5 CENTS PER ROLL ?WARDS. WINDOW 43L1N WALL PAPERS SCOTT'S B OCK, IWINDOW BLINQ THE OLD ESTAE3LIS ton' Milk Cans, lk Pails Everythi g Bel'onging to .trie Chee or Corr ectriesit and Quality. AR First -0 AFS Go ds and sold lb Grangers in comp -1 itio of Quali JOHN Et: HOUSE' 1\T'1F tock of Cheese and pishes; e and Butter Bus ess. NN6T BE B and Pnce. dc - Always on Hand. ain Street, Seaf AND FIX NOSiVHOP 03 URES. zvonta 3'4 :7. 1:7' CAW .7%; .12 q:1)7Dti). o o CC • its 0 al rs DO td r EW 1140. int _74 ▪ ce CO 173 tat 1. AT raid 0f !THE PEOP14E POF'UL give ny mitt rt Li, tia 1 tat fa, tad tactile thcm to d other mak( s supplied at BOttom Figures. nnection with this brane of ray business, I can procure an Inatrument at reasonable price. I A. CALDER, Over ilson & Young's Stcre, Seaforth, Ont. ' 50 N. I.. -I Lc I:Lt.:411-1E1C GI mu...tie given ith each Orgar, and will b endorsed by Ine. i GLOB 03 Cf - CD 0 41 • 0 ti Nig 0 PO MP 22 a ei 0 in 0 tat a. Pr to 1.01 • 0 0 CD 0 0 let 0 0 411 Ct 0 0 ca 127 433 14.4 Dtt cralr3 11121-114 0 Piaais INIOd 1-3 >1001 ClVd o Ct 43) tri 121> 5 191 ct ED -10112 CARD Northford, Ct. ti05-62.