HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-06-03, Page 5(NE 31 1881. Both these ladies and held in the eery s r • they were metes sc,dist Church. The red a profound senate the parents of all the eartfelt sympathy of The bodies of the 1)na Master Whaley linton, and were met , number of friends. 7 OH the night before, lay, Mr. J. P. Martin, lading at an upstaie ten awakened by the ?ing carried on, whets • a crash of broken ple of inches of hjm. what was wrong, he t had pa,ssed through then shattered two is, and glinted the wall ie the room, the bal- loon Mr. Ma.rtin. coll- ar on his narrow may. z were the successful le athletic sports at E*118 Birthday: Stand- , Scott, Brussels, 12 r. Fowler, 11 feet 10 • jump—A. Scott; 20 (avell, Ripley, 18 feet rang hop Step—_A. Ocheo ; A. Powell, 40 limning high jump— , J. Ross, L,ucknow, 4 ltanding high jump -- inches ; J. Rees, riting atone—A- Scott, ; D. McLean, 32f feet. sal railway agitation it and about Exeter., the Exeter committee ?ening, the Secretary • conanannicate with of the different sur- ips with the -view of t amount ean be raised, • the construction of and appointing cem_ (ipon Mr. Hickson, the Grand Trunk. The eh of the Grand Trunk LI/Ca11 to Exeter, to Bayfield by way of Birthday was celebrat- of Manchester this r never equalled before. the areaaements of the ,eneed by the calithum- -by the games, races, ed by the strains, of our !hide, considering the -aotinds very wait. In concert in aid of the - ly attended, and viatt -.Tess, about $30 being einging of the Misses r well done, and the el in a masterly styleby formerly Miss Mutch, e prize of a, coucertina, at playing on the organ. ectipiecl by Mr. A. Me- e -formed his part in a ly manner. n road not many miles sge in this county, two "re out drivireg in a cov- t on the road. were ex - 5 merits of a certain gen- Tan gli ng —in fan—over Aare hire. While the raa at its height, one of iglat that she heard a behind. Leaning out la she met a sight that her to draw in her head. /I all was driving behind, a conversation, and con- paroxysnas of laughter a roll him out of his car - their horse a quick out the fair wranglers were ,t and hearing, and the left to smile alone. doh Star of last week llamas McGillieuddy, of has for some time been. list a trio of bachelor injustice to the married Goderich, broke the .on Tuesday last, and celebrate his wedding 1 the Queen's Birthday -ips to Stratford have frequent of late, but as ded in carrying • off a john Dutton, druggiat, is absence from Goder- lotted. He has the best press gang" for his future ire say that the "other Dfit by the good example ir fellow, and go and do e little delay as Possible. enetary Times of last 1he following: Mr. Wm. . L to be a well-to-do far - la, grew tired of that upation and its hum- ving, and sold the farm e. He then went to purchased the grocery ller as he would a prize 5 sam of $1,500, an un - section to commence le career in merchan- is character. He dis- o freely to a. poor class - ci lost heavily thereby. It the city, and is not ex. arm -When will men iep Aare so as to make teeds business training s ago, while a Clinton T. Cooper was in Sea - :5 he thought, eight dol - in the inside pocket of tly after his- arrival in iscoyered that he was ry„ and concluding/ that it in Seaforth, he t'drove muoJi to his joy found t exactly -where he sup- - tit them in his pocket. 11 had blown about 12 liers. They were droper at Carmichael's Ho - SA, and, the wonder is ould have lain there • hours without having an one, especially as eople must have paesed probably trampled upon time. In future Mr. kr be more careful a ii•ot handle it so care - ;nay not be SO lucky the tikes a loss. Ado instance of animal Oe Under the observe - an of Port Albert, ill Ashfield, a few days en.eaged in building a e hire were seine post had lately dug. While 1 his attention was at -- ea -eller aotiona and still noise of a ewe standing 'ts post holes. On going juNE 3, 1881. THE HUROi4 EXPOSITOR. ••••• over he saw what was the matter with the creature; he found her gazing steadily into the hole, and still uttering plaintive and almost intelligible ories. On further examination he found there -was a lamb in the hole, and on his re- moving it, the ewe eeemed by her ac- tions to testify her gratitude and satis- faction in the most lively manner. Such actions on the part of animals of the lower order, if they do not go far towards proving the theory that they are endowed with certain glimmering rays of reason, at least establieh beyond dispute the fact that they possess aifeo- tions almost human in their nature. —The Goderich Signal, which is a recognized authority on such matters, gets off the following "sarcasm," which is too good to be lost, on a prevalent, but absurd, and often ridiculous cus- tom_ It is as follows,: The town swells say that the manner of lifting the hat when a gentleman meets a lady on the street, will be different from that of last year. The gentleman's art of corning the drum major. business With his right hand, grasping the hat, throw - big it aterm's length, at an angle of 45 degrees, then letting the hand fall down slowly till -it rests on a level with the lower button of his vest, then re- placing it, accomplishing the difficult feat when the lady is already a quarter of a mile behind him, will be entire- ly done away with. In reference to this aot, the style for the ensuing ...year will be, on meeting a lady—a yonng lady especially= -throw the head for.. ; grin so that all the front teeth are visible; elevate the right, or left hand, as the ease may be; reach around to the back of the head; clasp the head gear at that vicinity and gent- ly pull it down over the face, and quietly place the hat -again in its for- mer position. This must be done gracefully, or the effect will be dis- heartening. ' Perth Items. Fall wheat will only be -about half a crop around St. Marys. 1 —J. Moore, a- Dublin man, while in- toxicated, was robbed of $50. No trace of the thief has been discovered. , —Mr. R. Collie, of Fullerton, is reek- ing improvements to the extent of $1,000 in his brick and tile yards. —Mr. R. Moffatt, of Mitchell, has gone to spend a month in the State of Virginia for the benefit of his health. --,The Stratford Horticultural So- eitity held a meeting on Wednesday, for the discussion of insects injueions to trees and plants. —Mr. ja•mes Morrison, a former re- sident of Stratford, lost three children by the steamboat accident, at London, on Queen's Birthday. —A horse belouging to Mr. Henry Smith, of Elma, ran away the other day, and completely wrecked a new buggy to which it was attached. —A valuable ranch cow, belonging to Mr. Henry Metcalf, of Mitchell, was run over and killed bsea freight train on the Grand Trunk, a few days ago. —On the afternoon of the 24th, Bethel church., Fullerton, held a most success- ful tea meeting, the proceeds of which amounted to $55, clear of expense. • —The Knox chureh congregation of St. Marys have wiped the debt entirely off their church, and are now making efforts to enclose the beautiful edifice with an iron fence. —Professor Gregg, of Knox College, Toronto, occupied the pulPit in Mr. Stewart's church, North Easthope, on ;Sabbath, 22nd May. He preached a powerful sermon frorn the text, "I know -that my Redeemer liveth.!' —The mules attached to a Listowel .egg ea.rrier's wagon ran away going down the hill into Mitchell, the other day., The driver fell to the ground and the wagon passed over him, but fortun- ately he sustained no injury. .—The Elma Butter and Cheese xanufacturing Company made their first sale last week, amounting to 14,042 pounds, for which $1,355 63 was realiz- ed. this is doing well for the short time since the factory began operations. —The concert got up under the auspices of the young men of Knox church, Mitchell, on the evening of the 24th elt., was well attended, and passed off successfully. The proceeds amount- ed to $90, and will be applied to the debt on the church. — Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of St. Marys, left home on Saturday and did -not re- turn until Monday morning. Daring their absence their house was entered by burettes and $70 worth of 'jewellery stolen, hichnling Mrs. Carter's engage- ment and wedding rings. —A number of regardless yonng men from Listowel, have been spending Sun- day fishing in the creek that crosses the second concession of Elnaa. It the offelace is repea•ted the residents in that section intend reporting them to the proper authorities to be prosecuted for Sabbath desecration. — It is stated- by a local paper, that a few days ago every hotel keeper and i -shop keeper in Stratford. received by re- gistered letter a circular issued and signed by George S. Ohm* License In- spector for North Perth, containing a list of 72 persous, Men and women, who were accused of being in the habit of drinking intoxicating liquor to excess, and warning licensed dealers not to sell_ them liquor. —The first meeting of the Dairy Board of Trade and the cheese fair, were held at Stratford, on the 26th ult. There was a large representation of buyers and sellers. Mr. James Pickard, of St. Marys, was eleeted President, and Mr. John Brown, Sectetary. The mar- ket will be free to members Of other markets who present their certificates. The offerings were 1,865 boxes, and no sales reported.. 1 —A serious accident recently befell Miss Hamilton, of Donegal. Th,e young lady and her mallet were returning from Listowel in a buggy, and when apposite the Dominion cheese factory their horse ran away, throwing the occupants of the buggy out and serions- H deavored to get him when crossing the s Metcalf's residence, he go west, and threw daughter Rome distan while Miss Rankin h under the buggy'. g •the animal's head, w plunged so as to rai ground, and by so 4 doubt she saved her f men who, saw the tr their assistance and when it was found th a miraculous escape.1 —A shocking acoi Stratford, at 6 &clod noon. A man name ployed as a yarderne Trunk. Railway yard killed., It appears t coupled the engine when stepping away rail, falling across it ly cut in two. His o shocking iipectaele, h ing ed. The deceased yardmaster Moir, and spected, he being az He was 37 years a wife and four small c his loss. 1 General Ne The. Hon. J. C Edward Island, Miri Fisheries, is reporte ill that his recovery, — The nomination the representation Pictou in 'the House been fixed for the 1 polling for the i8th.1 stituency was mad McLellan, the new! and the_latter by ti Mr. James McDonal —The jury �n the Sarah Jane Potte horribly outraged at time ago, after alai deliberation, brought in . R , J er control, bub north f Mri turned short tell la : egg and her oe m the buggsa ell n to the reine rs egg_ sprang td L : ilhe reseed and se • her frota the oi ig I there , is no s life. , Some rll'Illia ay ,w nt to iag et d the buggy, e !a ies had made : ti occurred all turday, after a n Mott., em -i the rGran ae acoidentall he had jest mil la tram, and t ipped en the d comp1ete-1 , presented Di uch disfigurl e brother of es much rei ustrious mani 03, end leave ren to mourrj tems. po ster tg`P 8 1:10 Of - f C Of th Ob el a e, of Princ of Marine an e so seriousl expected. 1 andidetes foil lchester andl ommons hall nst., and th 0 former con ant for Mr net Minister• pointment of to a jiidgeship. body of the girl who w1as se t iMerriton short t helf an hour' a ver ict b Monaghan dgersand th . The firs 41 • wilful murder againe Richard Powell, Tho prisoner, John Rile three mentioned jaa,ve absconded an cannot be found just now — In the Court -of Queen's Bench a Toronto on Wednesday, Mr. iJustio Armour - held t Temperance Act, been in force in Latnbton, was in re polling for it took pl apart for the nomin tario Legislature, w to the provisions of t election being allowd to take p at the Caned uppo ed tp hay th county o lity void, las th ce o the day se tion for t e On hich was ontrar he et, n othe ace 0 or thi the same day a8 th polling Act. —The Manitoba Free Press says!: „Mr. Looby, an Ontario harness, makei, had a magnificent set of ingle harries which took the firstprizE ern Fair. It was BO goo the bloated aristocr ts o money enough to , buy t, so he east brought it out her:, and along came Mr. Ovens, of the I orfolk ,House, and took it in for every - Looby could get up thousand dollar s would fill a want country. at the Wes that none f Ontario ha ay arnesa, If M*. • n mber of te ts f harness, e bon felt in tWa He sall[. ORDER OF THE Des.—Painting, whit • g axe now the ord r washing and paperi of the day. TRA.DE.—Busines trade very good. finding its way to PERSONAL.—Mr. ville, formerly a m was here on busin' looks hale and heti DRILLING.—Meseis. M,cEwen Broth- , bay° commenced e everything now in rder and we wish 1 mes Laing, of Tuck- om this station ia tobal, a car load f ell, of Hibbert, s nts from here for late 113ad di River Thames one absorbin the past wee .expressione ere heard f d relatives. ,. ii APPROPRIATE AND IMP ESSIVE SERMO --The Rev. A. Y. , artley, of this vi lege, and pastor oif the Presbyteri Church at Rodgerville, delivered a ve eloquent and appropriate sermon Sabbath last, in re eren0e to the late sad disaster at Lot on, Itaking for his text the 13th chapter of f.lrike, :4th a d 5th verses. The reverend;gentleman very feelingly alluded to that sed even ecio s lives, in t and pleasiar into ,eternit /dwelt upon t the fact of o hands of G-od, , spiritually, of trust and hope , appealed to t wandering and worldly race Christ, as to theta in the en be Well with ey might, like fated vessel, be ent's ne- n The an able - g to the se who ain, im- taking than the Lae onsi arke .Ha rcha ss t ty. here report erable grain is gh, of Thamee- t of this place, is week. 14e ere, salt contractor drilling. They, ha, splendid working them much success SHIPPED.—Mr. J ersmith, shipped f Thursday, for Man cattle.—Mr: Cald also makieg shipba the same place. ALL THE Terateet•The )flth th for , anc rYW ds a aster that occurred at London, has be, topic of conversatio among our villager sympathy are eve those bereft of frie 11 where so many p full enjoyment of 1 weie so suddenly h The reverend genti uncertainty of life, and being at all times i the it and th perfect se urit all tho e who put , heir in hirn. He ear• esti those who wer y in -the- paths of ' sin pleasure to at once ern he was:so freely o ered Gospel, and all wo ld t 'them, even thou h t those on board th t ill summoned at scare ly tice to appear befo e th reverend gentlema con and earnest addres , by responsibility resti g u would, through me e gr peril so many prec 0118 on board a numbe , far boat was able or de ign els° referred to the or who, through acts, f fo daring, frequently mpe their own lives, bet tho address was listene to rept attention. irt rrie man ly. injuring Miss Hatiailton. Her con- dition is gradually improving, and hopes are uow entertained of her re- covery. Mrs. Hamilton escaped. with- out serious injury. —An exciting runaway took place near Mitchell, on the morning of the 25th ult., which came near being of serious couseqnence. A Miss Rankils, from the township of Mornington, was visiting her relations in Mitchell, the family of Mr. John Begg, and on the morning of the 24th started for Russel - dale, accompanied by Mrs. Begg and her daughter. The horse driven by the young woman was young and spirited, and just as he crossed the railway bridge he ran away. Miss Rankin en- e mom .r Mak luded. referri •on th ed of live, b reater d toes ry. He Malt of thoee ly and heedless Wed, not only e of other& The hroughout with Butter, Ttib... . I . Flggs Flour, per 100 Ibt Hay, new Ride,per 1001 Salt retail )per b arrel, filhelr a kiwi each Eialt(wholesale)rier herr Potatoes, per bnshen w . 0 2 0 3 Births. TIMMON—In BI h, bn the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. Thomas ammon of a daughter. MoMITRCHIE—Ii Clinton, on the 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. W MeMutchie of a dattgbter. 31, DEVINE—In Cli ton, on the 18th ult., the wife of Mr. W. evine of twins — ion and daughter. I WONNACOTT.— n 0olborne, oli the $th ult., the wife of . R. Wonnacott of a dtaighter. HAYOROFT—In Brussels on thp 16th. ' t., the * wife of Mr, Thomas Haycrof of a es , gh r. 1 , Marri ges BLEASDELL—WILSON At t e red en the bride's father, Sil er Creek, See. orth Rev. J. Hill, M. A ,o • the let inet. ' Mr W. BleasdelL of Ha ilton, Ont, 1. N youngest daughter of Alexander Wil oen, TODD—LEE—In St. Th mas' Church, :O'eaf by Rev. Mr. Craig, for erly Of Seaf rth, . *Philip Todd, 1 Toron o, to Mimi ' osa of Seaforth, a d form ly of London. jOHNSTON—ST 0171) On the 24t. nit Rev. J. T. S ith, at the residen of bride's father, Mr. Jo n Johnston, o Mo to Miss Eliza Sane, Oa dest daughte of Dayid Stroud, of Ashfi ld. TAYLOR--FRIED--At th residence of their father, Hay, bisiRev. . C. Watson, M. the 18th nit-, r. I.,esi e Rees Taylor - to Lanra Freid, f Dash ood. * BUNSON—MAC ONALD In Clifford, by ; Brinson, to Wes Mar aret Ann Micdo, Wm, Savage, on the 28rd ult., Mr. . Thou. both of Le.kel . YOUNG — SIMP. ON — . the Presbyt Church, Dungannon, n the llth ult, by R. W. Leitch, Mr. J: u es Young, of Port herb, to Miss Sarah S' I. peon, of Ashfield. PENFOUND—POLLOCK At the manse, Kip .,, on the 25th 'ult, by Rev. H. Cameron, ‘ Thomas Penfound, 1 Kincardine, to - Maggie Pollock, of Ha . SEARLES—BRIOHAki In Kincardin on 10th ult., by Rev. 44 . Hilliard, 1. Searles, of Morris, to :i ss Jane Ellen, se daughter of tie late r. Richard Brigh Hallett, 8 M. de'l3 , on. is0 ea .an ev. Al - 11, M. • Dea hs. HEFFERNAN-s-In Ethel, on the 23rd arinep., wife of Mr. John C. Heffe nen, 24 years and 14 months. MUIR—In Rent:inn, on he 25th ult., Jam Muir, aged 25 years. TH M RKETS. SEAF RTII, Jane 2, 18:1. 1 07 eo 10 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Fi e, per b ahel,1 10 to 13 Spring Whetit,R dChaff, erbush01 8073 ttioo 8140 Oats per bnahel Peas per b ushel......... 00 5600 1111 00 5) 64 Barley per bash° ..... 0 18 to 0 13 B(tter,Neol,Loose 0 14 to 14 0 11 o . ....... 27o .. 8 00 o 5 00 o .. 50 ...... • Oatinealrbrl Apples, per bag.' 1 . 6 0 Tallow, per lb 0 0 Timothy Seed per bush 1 25 Clover Seed per millet 4 5 Wool per' ib o 11 otrrow, nine Fal1Wheat,per netted I 1 Spring Wheat, p rbushe 1 0 Clatioper bushel I 0 8 Barloy,per bushel....... ...... 0 6 Peas,per bushel , 0 6 Batter 0 1 Potatoee,new 0 2 Ego 1 01 Hay,perton.....i... J., ......... . . 10 0 Clover Seed. .1. .. - 4,5 Timothy Seed... 2 7 ' Wool, 4 . Dressed Hogs per 10? lb o 7 • LIVERPOOL, June 1. — Spri 9s 3d; red ' w.nter, 98 00d ; white, 9s 06d; oln oats, 6s 2d; barl y, 5s 3d; 07d; pork, 72s 6d ; beef, 870 6 550 6d. 411 Mc A BAD Gesei.--Alfre of Mr. Abraham 'Oava, concession of MoKillop, tune to cut himse f w Tuesday last. He was of wood when t to a striking above Us: a a nasty gash thr He will not be abh to jiired limb for so ee e ti 'very pleasant this ear 1 13. • Cavanagh, s n egh, of the 14th had the misf asplittirlg xe btolonk e slipped, aiad kb, inflicted' a :6 inches lotig. alk on the in - e, whieh is not weath er. 1 (.4 EI AND; DIMS 'cee for any quan and calf skins No truOk or tr .PoRTElt. 654 WOOL 'PICKINGS, I will pay the highest of wool pickings, Hil livered at my turiai , - oath for everything. HID ash p , shee store OHN tY de - deo. TORONTO, atii1i3 to $1.14; spring,$1. peas, 90o to 76c 75c; hay, per to butter, 13c to 20c 40c to 45 ; eggs, p dressed hogs,iper 10 wool, per lb.,1 22c 22c. Cheese LITTLE FALLS, N ket dull,; factory c signed et 8-ic to 10 dairy 8c, to 9-0. Uncer, N. Y„ M sold at 9c ta ; 1,900 boxes epmmis .41111 Wt. Oto $1.18; , $10 00 potatoes r doz., 13 lbs.„$8.00 o 23o; wo arjKets; Y., May peso told , bulk at y ceding pr ioned. • Live, Stock Market MoNTREAL, May 31.—prices beef ranged from 5c to 5.ic, sec from 4c to 41c, and third-class so 3/c per lb., live weight. T pal buyer was James McShane, perchased 50 head of fine c ttl shipment to England, at 51.0 p r Nicholson bought 14 head of 0 steers, at 5.i -c per lb, J. Ryan, of bed, sold 20 head of small es ranging 4.1c to go per s sold freely from $30 to yes were higher in price, $2.50 t $8 each. Shee $3.50 to $7 each, and lambs o $4 each. Hogs brongbt $ per 100 BUFFALO, May 31 .—Sheep —The supply was- heavy', num of rul on 10 0 0 0 0 11 86 00 00 150 00 90 0 80 40 6 iO 0 el6 8 25 5 00 , 18$1. O 1.12 O 1 10 O 040 • o 70 • 070 @ O4 O 0 30 • op • 12 O 500 O 800 @ 75° O 025 g heat d to Os , 9 9d; peas, 68 • ascot's? at, $14i0 oat, 400 65e to o$12 00; per beg, to 1o.; to . 0 ; 1, 2 o to 1. r- nd c n - *c, fa4m 0 bo ese 9 08 ; for best nd-class from 3c princi- wt.() for B. tad° Que- teers at 50 each. id field , ranged pn CO Ca fro fro bbs $2 0 cars of sale stock., Th d very dell and dra gy, ade prices West oice, 5.40. o $5. he few transactions lower than closing .1 ek. Common to fair $4-0 to $5 ; good to c $5. 0 ; if veey choice, rarabs quotable at $5.25 a lambs ering all market a prides ere fully of last n sheep, $5.15 to Western 5. Hogs —Trade ruled dull and slow, with Sheets 28 cars of sale stock on bane. There watt 110 demand from New Yo k beyers, very little inquiry 4om s ipp rs at Sales of fair to good Yorkers ged from $5.90 to $6.05, a few choice rk weights bringing i6.10 o 6.15;$ d to choice medium $6.20 to $6.30, a g $6.35. Pigs • 91 141 ESTRAY STOCK. VST3AY CALVES—Strayed from the prem- -'-' Ikea of the undereigned, Lot No. 4, Con. 6, MeKilioposbout the First of May, Five Yearling Calves—three steers and two heifers. The three steers were allred with the exception of a small efar on the face of each; one of the heifers was white with red neck and a little red around the falce and head, and the cther was spottid red and white. Any person giving snob information es' will lead to the recovery of the shove animals will be suitably rewatded. THOS. O'ROURKE, Bereehwood P. 0. , 704-4 • IMPORTANT NOTICES. VOTICE—The Connell of the Corpora ion of -1-1 tie County of Huron will meet in the Court House in the Town of Godericto on Tumid y, the 7th day of June next. PETER ADA SON, CoUnty Clerk. 71' 2 M'1ETHODIST PARSONAGE AT WAL ' Tenders will be received for the erec a 'Par.onage at the Village of Walton, Jbne iltb, at II °Week P. M. The lowest tender will not be accepted unless eatiefac the building Committee. BRIM and Sp tions can be seen at the residence of Morrieon, rear Walton, after the 6th of ANDREW MORRISON, Segretary. - see ASTUISE— 60 acre,' for cattle; $1 50 for a -a- eingle month, or $1 26 per month r the Beaton, Year,ipg cattle at 75 cents per •onth fot the ecason. All pa.ture to be paid for afore rarnov 1 of animale. Owners of stock to lie reo- pen eible for est rays or lo Pees. Apply early.: Only a limited number wanted. JOHN THORP, donce Dion 2,11. R. EL, Tuckeismith. 4 good bora hand wanted for a term of months. Apply -totabove. 1 7J4x4 'N ()TICE TO CONTRACTORS—Tender for a Stone Culvert and Cm ting Down th Em- benkreents on the 6th and 7th Centre alone, shout ons -half mile north .of Varna, will be re- • c ived by the under signed up till the 18th day of ti re ]81.at2o'cIookP.M. Plans and eyed- fications to be seen at the Clerk's ofl1oi. For f tir i b er info) maticn apply to any of the C tuacil- 10re o to William Graham, Reeve. The lloweet ot any tender not netesearily accepted. GEORGE STEW ART, Clerk, Varna. 104-2 ON— ionof U1) to 1 any ory to cities - drew June. 704 all ra go fekr very fa,ncy hringi quOtable at $5 to $5.50. I Local Notices. 600D EATING. — Try the Magnolia, Hem, for sale at Winspo & ouNG' .1 The best and sweetest nreat in the ma et. 7 Loox out for insects n you 'currant and Gooseberry bashe r, and se He ebore. For sale at E. Hicitsoti & Co.'s Drag Stor 7Q2 WILSON cYoth& are eelling Te and Sugar at a very small alvance on Mo treall whole- sale price. Call and sea sam le an jn ge for yoorselves. 699 . THE GROCERY, STORE NEXT POOR TO TiiE POST OFFICE.— Swede Turni Seed, War- ranted fresh and true to n e : Bo 1Norfollr, Mar quiz of Lorne, Fine Imp: Ned Weirtbuty, Car- ter's IniperialoSkirvin es Imp wool, at 20 cents a pound, and a reductio to patties parchaain 10 pounds and tVer. D. D. Bosn, Grocer, a - forth. 702 1 BARBED 'ENCE W1BE.-0u1 stock Of the Washburn & Moen Gal've.pized tool Barbed Fe neing Wird is at present exha t d, but we e xpect to receive a ear load early nex4 week,hioh we will be able to sell at a redneed p i e. Eiam- ine the Wire and be co ovinced it has1 o rival in the market. Before purchasing a4' our price. JoRNSON )3RoTHERs. 703 SEEDS. --- WILSoN & You et1 have a large stock of field and Garden Seeds, all new, and bought from the most reh'able see ' en in, the best we can get, independent o price, Iconsidering Dominion. In selecting see)we alwaYe huo' the poor seeds dear at any price We have kill the best varieties of Turnips, Matgolds and Carrots, whieh we will sell as low as any hones in the trade, quality considered. 699 . 1! VAR C acres dwelli Orcha cherri 0 nes ft out the a letter Poop F A . 1 eiir-e al lirst• /rem yo from tiler pre m THO EAL ESTATE FOR SA E. FOR SALE—Being west half of lEot 28, ncestion 8, Etbbeit, containing 50 ares, 46 leered and 40 acres free from stum ; good g house an4 well; fine young bearing d, containi g apples, plums, per8 end s ; log barn ind stable: the land i of the quality; 3 miles frem Staffa and miles Se alorth and Dublin; good gravel rads to ove places. 4pply on the premises, r if by to Staffa P. ,O. GEORGE CALD VELL, tor. 704 M FOR SALE—Being Lot 26, Concession , Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 80 ol which •ared, underdrained, well fenced and in a la- s state of cultivation; the berm is red with hardwocd ; there is a fram house, barn and stable ; plenty of good water and g oi chard; it is 6 miles from Henson, 10 Seaforth and 21 from Cromarty. liar fur - articulate apply to the proprietor on the see, or if by letter to Cromarty pos office. AS 0L1VEB I704 FA M FOR SALE—For Sale, a t- class arm, being the soath half of Lot 17, Lake toad, East, Stanley ; the farm cont ins 681 acres of land, 60 acres of which are cleated, and the h lance good hardwood bush; there Os on the plac a g000 beariog Orchard, a first -alas!, wt11, a good it ame barn, stable, shed and driving house; the p ace is well fenced and in first-clas order. For • rther partictilars apply to ROBEI4T POL- LOC , Goshen Line, Stanley, or to J0H POL- LOC , Proprietor, Silver Springs, Manito .704-8 FA Lot *ere tion, Gd a Ant - buil wate gray post .Also Pone 'iv ell Fein io tor. 1 • M FOR S4E—For Salo Cheap,f as the roprieior is gcing to Dakota, south half of 1, Concession 18, Hullett, containing 75 , all cleared ahd in a good state of cultiva- • eing nearly free from stumps, underdrain- d well fenced; there is a good log house, lass frame llaru and other necessary out- ings; a good bearipg orchard and plenty of ; it -is ten miles from Se aforth, on, a good is equal to any in Ontario. d l road, cm d riven lee t t o school, church and the la the soPth part of the south half or Lot 1, • salon 12, H llett, contararag 25 acres, all timbered. hese two places will' be sold ately or tc ge her. Apply on the proraises or tifko P. 0, WILLIAM SDITTH,'Pr9.1/19- 704 ....f....7.......... AUCTION SALES PLENDID CHANCE FOR MIL ERB— her e will be sold by Public Ancto4i, at the Quve 's Hotel, Seeforth. on THURpA , JUNE 2nd, 1881, at 2 o'Clook P. M, the Boxboxlo Flour- ing l Ills Pr °peat. The Mill contains t ee ion Of 'Tines, with engine ard boiler, and t 0 whole In g od working order. It is situated ii one of he est a gricultur al countries in Canada., and a p le did gristing,ard flouring busineesean be dote by a good man. Connected with he mill s a gcod 'ater privilege, also 8 acres of xeellent and Immediately Apposite this mill, and be- orig ng to the property, is a splendid la go brick onse, used as a residence for the mille in con- ect on with which is orofifth of an a re, well Jan ed with fruit and ornamental tr es; and ther is every netessary convenience in oonnec- , tion with the residence. This is a mos desire - le property for a gcod practical man, nd will e s ld-cteap and on easy terms. The ill and : . 1 es 'demo will be sold separately, or to ether if TE MS—Ten re cent. ot the porches money ; eel ble ; and rth will positively e sold. ' on ti e day of . sole ; enough of the bo ance to . ma k up $1,060 within 80 days, end the remain- der n time to snit purchaser. ;For fur her par - tic niers apply to the auctioneer or th under - Signe . A. STRONG, Agent. 3. P. RINE, Ancti neer.- 702 L The above'Sale has been, Post- , on d until bursday, June 9, at 4 I /el i ck P. 1111. at the same place. 4.. /STRONG, Agent. : RRIA E LICEN ES fSSUED AT H HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE I SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. , I WITNESSES REQUIRED. NEW AND HANDSOME GOODS HOFFMAN BROTHERS', SEAFORTH. SPLIENDID VALUE IN DRESS GOODS. SPLENDID VALUE IN FINE PRINTS. SPLENDID VALUE IN HOLLANDS. SPLENDID VALUE IN SHIRT1NGS. SPL NDID VALUE IN DUCKS. SPL NDID VALUE IN DENIMS. SPLNDID VALUE IN CORDS. SPLENDID VALUE IN 'TASSELS. SPLENDID VALUE IN TRIMMING. SPLENDID V4UE IN EVERYTHIOG. REMEMBER THE ONLY CHEAP CASH SI'ORE CARDNO'S BLOCK. I HOFFMAN BROTITEliS, Seaforth. A NEW GROCERY IN SEA4FORTH. 1-1 IT CI- I—I SEASON OF 4'881. EES, SEEDS M. ieloR,paso Having purchased a Large Stook of ELD AND CAPDEN SEEDS From the Well-EnOWn House of jJ$HN A. BRUCE 'Si Co., Is repared to offer, either in I:011k or by the Paper, Good, Flesh and .eliable S EDS OF ALL 11 AVIIG and Reber teen's Se Rerroved to the Commodious Store in Stark's Block, beto!men Megarey's Bakery Seed Store, and havirg more r om at his disposal than ie required for his Cured Meat Business, was adde A STOCK OF NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES cll Which will be found as Coreplete an Varied as any in the Trade, and , EVERYT4ING IS FAgsH AISiD NEW. He is deteimined to sell strictly for cash, and will c4vseqnently give his customers the belief t of Liberal Discount from o inary trade prices. Some of the Best Teas in t e Market for the Abney. CURED MEATS 1;i1ALLDESCRIPTIO;S ALWAYS ON HAND AS US AL Goods D4ivered n an part the Town Free of Chartge, 1 BUTTER ANP EGGS TAKEN FOR GOOOS AS CASH, Rel4em4er the Place Eind Give Me a Trial. HUG -H OBB; Main Street, Seaforth. THE SEAF4TH ACRICU LTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, 0. C. WILLSON HAS FARMING PLOWS—The American Olive son's No. 40 0 Plows. This i them Were p REAPERS AN - theseason,afl the Massey M Binders. Th they are fully 0. C. \A/ILLS° NO* ON HAND a FULL sTock OF ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMN S AND MACHINE CONSISTINtfr OF T ii, a ..q..: ii 44_ 4 F sey es 0.. 11111E14e tuber • i Ch led low, No. 40, man lied nd the Brantf rd Chill certainly the best leeted sti chairing elsewhere. D MOWERS d as usual I have a wer and Sharp's S Se Machines are up to the improvem - S M A LWLe ediel and rSreftlitN ere, Tc Bre— Pita price The R borough lky Hors well kr nte fort 1 stock tere an E FOLLOWING: e Three Roll Beam Chilled Plow; the Et featured at South Bend, Indiana; als d Plows, and,a number of other General P ck of Plows ever kept in Seaforth; call a aper and Mower business is again to eliable stock, consisting Of the Massey lia Rake, also Millet's Buckeye Twine an wn to require any comment, suffice it to e season of 1881. Y, mine Wat- ose d see Tidier ester, Wire y that of small implements, such as Horse Hoes, Corn Cultivators. Iran Harrows at a r duced SEWING MAC The Wanzer F, standard =trainee, a Machine Needles, teed. Also Agent for Waltzer 0, D and d parties purchasin Oils and Repairs. ill 1 Abell's Patent INS A SPECIALTY. E, Wils can rely pairing n B, Louise and other machines. These are n getting -value for their money. done on the shortest notice, and work graaran- , O. C. N. 130-:-A few horses taken in exchang At the Lewes Possible Price, donsisting of a Variety of Swede Turnip,. Field and Garden Carrots, Mangiel TiTurtzel, Millet and Hungaiian Grass, Clover and Timothy, And All :Kinds of Gevrden and Plbwer ;Seeds. ROCERIES, ORPOKERY, AND PROVIS16NS. le have a Full Stodk :Of Grocertee,Crockeryoand P1. visions, and would call speCial attention to Large Steck of V s, C nei sting of Moonine, Ping Suey, Young Hyson, G- =powder, Congos, Uncolored, and. japans, 1 11 Fresh and New Season, d Better Valtie than ever befpre offered to the e leis. Also E IRA C000 VALUE IN SUGARS. 'Give us a -Cell and be eonviteed that M. Mor- ri on's is the right place to buy Orono ruth Bide of Main Street, Oppo- site Market preet, . BpoRuisoN - - SEAFORTR, AUCTION SALE OF VALUABIA ILL PROPERTY AND EXTENS RAIN STOREHOUSE I/4 THE OWN OF SEAFOBTH. . BUIICE GORDON will sell by Public Ana - tion, on the Premises, 'on HURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1281, t 8 o'clock P. M., the following 'valuable prop- erty known as the ED MILL, in rtlie Town of SEA - PORTA County of Huron. he MM les three story frame building 80150, stone foundation, -with brick engine house x20, and 40 horse power engine; lour run of feet; 4 inch. stones; Eureka Snautter, Silver (reek Bran Duster, Dominion Purifier, two nide' reels of Merchant -bolts and flour nacker. he thrivirg and rapidly increasing Town of sieaforth is situated in the eentre o/ one of the nest wheat growing eections of Western -On- t brio, and the Millis capable cd doing a very ex- ensiv e gristingbusinees in addition to merchant ork. Also at the Paine time and place, a Frani° torehouse, close to the mill end alongside the t rack of the Grand Txunk Reilway, 36x45, two tortes' • capacity 80,000 bushel' s two :elevators. ne Ofthe meet complet,e storehouses in the ( est. Thowhole,property presents an excellent oP ening to any person *wishing to engage in the rii Ding and grain business. IT ERMS EASY. For further partienlars ap. ply to " E. F. IIEBDEN,. Or to P. O. I3ox 28, Stratford. H. BRUCE GORDON., Auctioneer, 8 tratfoOd. 705 Portable Steam Thresheil and Engines. EYE; EAR AND THROAT I SON, Main-Sti, Seaforth. IL for ma hinee. E G EAT SALE 1881 1_881 is NOP GOING ON AT THE CENTRAL OROCERY SAF0RTI-1 GROCERYAND PROVISION ISTORE,ISEAFORTH. IQP CIAL ATT NTION is directed to my tOO arge and we 1 assorted stock of Teas—the best valne for your money ever offered; you can get laree pounds [of Good Tea for $1, and four pou de of the be.* Tea Dust for $1. OH other Goo 15 are cut dolvn and are being sold at 1THE VERY LOWEST RATES AD Che Can Bla Ap Mix rottl A Flo Stu tat es, Cheese, Syrups, Maple Molass New Lot of kinds of Groc ries, a large stock oi Sugars, p Currants, 1asins, Prunes, Drieid Appea, ed Peaches, Lobsters, Sardines, Salmon, k Currant Jelly, Red Currant j411y, Pine mon, Roney in one p 'and tins, the Quart or Gallo —alsq in le, Orange, L d Pickles by ' I 1 L KINDS OF PROVAIONS, FRESH AND GOOD, SUCH Ai , Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Bran, Sho , Seed Corn, Pork, Sugar Cured THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Large Shipmente of TPII89 Saga are selling at price e that cannot be beat pounds of Bright Yellow Refined Sugarfo every package sold warranted to give the Full Stock in Pickles, iSauces, Canned Me PROVISIONS-1—.Flour, Oat 'that Flour, ; s, Tobaccos, and General: Groceries, NVeilwe 9 ponds of Standat d Granplated Sugar for 'I; 11 ia • $1; Teas from 85 cents np to 80 cents peropo d,nd urchaser satisfaction or cash retemped—No Hu bug. s, Canned Fruits, &e. uck- d Corn Meal, Granulated Tfleat, aims, Bacon, Potatoes, cac. • CROCKERY AND G ASSWARE DEPARTME This Department unuenally well 4.ssortied ; We sell Plain and Deeorated China by tit or in sets ea Sets, from $5 to 320; Granite Tea Sets, P • kr Sets • Bedroom Sets, from $2 'BO up to $12; 0 DoE pfeecocolreatiaEtsaeldte'Large Asortment of China a, fromS eis izn2reaid Pweell;Caalria and psemenit ; We have a large stock of Bar Goode, and w0 r ntion to mitr stook of Cigars. Ir HE SEE:) DEPARTMENT. Full Stock in Cl te, Chop Grass Millet, White ams, Po- den Grass, by the pe e, &c. A- Hebron and White E CROCKERY, CHINA AND CLASSWARE I' Cie m Crocks, ilk PansJugs, a sizes of We invite inspe tion of OUT Lige Assortment of Goads. Note t t , Flo er Pots, an a large stock of llass gem a nd rememb r that we sell the best Goods that the Xfarket cont Butter, Eggs and Lard, and s me of the LAIDAW & F IRLEY Main Street Seaforth. / , F t Jam • be t varieties of Sweet Turnip Seed in took. '708 A. G. AULT, Seaforth. . FR EE- DELIVERY. Un der the Clock, Cardno'is Block. , • vers, Common Red LargeLate, Alsike andWhiteDatich; Timothy,H0 end Golden, Orchaxd Grass, Tares, Carrots, Mengel and Turnip Seed er or in bulk; Seed Potatoes in Early Rose, Late Rope, Snow Flake, B ephant ; Top Onions, Dutch Set Onions and English Potato Onio T. dozen n and r Stock • d eall garian ; Gar- rity of 1 1 DR. CEORO S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. LC.S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Thtoat,T1i3Jity/diditalCollege, Toren - 142., and Em geon to the Mercer Eyeand Ear Th- nrnaur, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the I netitutions for the Blind. Brantford, and for t he Deaf spa Duinb, Belleville, Ont. Leto Card - 3 el Assistant Boys.). London 04phthabnie t al, Mcmfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. ay be consulted et the AL]3io1f HOTEL, STRATFORD, n TUEPt AV, JUNE 4tith, and Am last nesday of very month thereafter., 703 THE VER7 ft3EST MACHINE OIL In the -World, is Marailectured by VcColl Bros. 4 Co., Toronto, nd for ea* by dealers. Ask your Merehmat for ardine and take no other. This oil, under the : everestte t and rnost active -competition, wee, t t the Tor -rite InEnstrial E011ibitionoawareled he highest prize ; also the geld medal at the reviricial thibition, Oranailtoroend the high. , at a-wardt the Dornntion Exhibition, Ottawa, . beiermtalFaTuersat've gritatnramaiinery,wilIsaTralyati zrfr h : inexy by sing none but Lardine. 704,26 ' ANI HO 011A EXCURSIONS. AS GREENWAY Will start another Exenzoion Train on EDNESDAY, JUNE fITI-f, Onneet in with the one over the amat 'western enmity the /same -day. Coneentrate /height at xeter Or Centralia Monday before- Apply to • TTIOMAS GREENWAY, Ventral* Or to Willi, J. WHITE, Express Agent, 691 Exeter.