The Huron Expositor, 1881-06-03, Page 4TH HURON E%POkTOR, INtW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lawn Mowers—James Watson. Lardine—McColl Brothers & Co. Farm for Sale—John Pollock.. Farms for Sale—William Smith. Farm for Sale—George Caldwell. Farm for Sale— Thomas Oliver. Estray Calves—Thomas O'Rourke. Pasture—John Thorpe. Notice to Contractors—Geo. Stewart. - Tenders Wanted—Andrew Morrison. Dry Goods—Hoffman Brothers. - Selling at Cost—A. G. McDougall & Co. Sale Postponed—A. Strong. 1ixa Yxpoifoi'. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JUNE 3,1881. The London Disaster.. There are no new developments to note in connection with the - terrible ac- cident which happened on, the River Thames at London on the Queen's Birthday. The number who perished is now definitely fixed at 175. Various theories have been propounded as to the cause of the accident, but until an in- vestigation is held it is not likely that definite information can be had on this point. There is one thing, however, which has been established beyond a doubt, and .that is that the boat was greatly over -crowded, and that, in all human probability, had this over- crowding not been permitted the acci- dent would not have taken place. The proper parties really, to blame for this, it is difficult yet to decide. We notice thatsome are Ioud in their denuncia- tions of the captain and proprietors. of the boat, and demand that' the most severe punishments be meted' out to them ; that in fact they be made an example of, and that their punishment be such as will be a warning to others in the future. We are inclined to think that those who make this de- mand are overly hasty in their judg- ment. That much responsibility rested upon the captain and proprietors of the boat, no person will deny, and for any degree of guilt that rests upon them, so far as we can yet see, they have al- ready been terribly punished. - The re- morse and grief that they have had to endure is no slight punishment for any person to bear. But, if after careful and due investigation, it is proven that they or any of them were culpably or wilfully negligent, or that through care- lessness or avarice they permitted their boat to be so over -loaded as to endanger its safety, even in such a safe stream as that which the Thames was suppos- ed to be, then no sentimental feeling should be permitted to prevent their being fittingly punished. There are always, however, two sides to• a ques- tion, and so far as matters have yet been developed, there are very many extenuating circumstances in favor of those who are now so loudly and so universally condemned. Whatever dame may attach to them, the people on board the boat and the authorities of the country are not by any means blameless. Over -crowding on boats is not at all an uncommon practice, even on waters much more dangerous than where this accident took place. It is said upon the best authority that scarcely an excursion boat, especially on holidays, leaves Toronto or Hamil- ton that is not as much over -crowded, proportionately, as was the unfortunate Victoria. This has been going on for years. No accidents having happened, nothing was said about it, the danger- ous practice was scarcely ever noticed or condemned, and no attempt was made by the authorities to prevent it. No person will say that the officers and . managers of these Toronto and Hamil- ton boats are not equally as culpable as are those of the ill-fated Victoria, and would it be right to punish the latter, simply because it so happened that the - accident occurred with them, and per- mit all similar transgressors to go free? We are sure no just person would hold for a moment that it would. The managers of the over -crowded Hamil- ton and Toronto boats are even more censurable than those of the Victoria, because the waters they navigate are much more dangerous. Indeed, it is said that many times it is neat to im- possible to prevent over -crowding. The people are so impetuous and impa- tient, and withal so reckless, that it is impossible to keep them from the boat. Very recently the manager of one of the ferry boats plying between Toronto and the Island \was roughly handled and oonsiderably injured when attempting to prevent an impatient crowd. from over -loading his vessel, and all his ef- forts would have been ineffectual had he not been sufficiently convenient to the policemen to summon and secure their aid. So it was in the case of the Victoria. The captain made the most strenuous efforts to prevent the people from over -crowding his boat, but they would be on in spite of all efforts and remonstrances to prevent them, and at length he eefased to 'start the boat until some -would get off. A few of the more sensible did listen to reason and left the boat, but others would not. The captain relying, no doubt, on the safety of the stream, started out, although he knew he carried too many, and there is no doubt, also, but had the passengers behaved themselves and kept still on the boat, he would have landed them safely, and we would never have heard a word about over -crowding or reokless• ness, but on the cont would even have been, his skill and obliging unfortunately, a large sengers, even after s warned of their dang still, but kept rushin the boat to the oth them paid the penalt nese and disobedience and, as is always the circumstances, the with the guilty. We therefore, that the Victoria were them blame for the terrible any other person or the accident was on could not have been person expected, and accidental, or Provid to consider it. Profi however, the Govern deavor to devise 'som people could be on sti from their own rec .1 vented from daringly e own lives and the liv this will be done, or there is little doubt. 111 ii �r y the captain mmende4. for But, pas- �eing keep leo of position. mber of ing and efused to • m one si w' :• • 11 h I and ,mailjy of their rec less th their Lives, ch ed n, he 'to an • at ch no ely se under ocent su of the op sengers . o 1 •es far mare tastrophe t1 sons, and t of those $vl eseen, wh4h hich is Pu ial, as yoji Ike g by expel ent shoul means w] occasions esness an dangering s others. least atte a e 111 The Toronto Gx Rail w It has been well kid tions have been pend: between the Toronto Railway Company Trunk Company with proving the condition former company, an latter for a term of in connection with Railway system. with this 'end in vie and it was generally interested that the not actually entered binding upon both t ties. Large addilt granted by the mum on the distinct undefi arrangement woul• good faith. At th Northern Railway u and made an offer f and for some time, credit, the Toronto coquetting with thi: never thought, h would go so far as i now gone . Many wil prised to learn that bond holders of the Bruce Company, he land, on Tuesday lel: by a vote of fourtee • the Grand Trunk and to accept the off Railway Company. and certainly not ct the part of the Tont is said to bedue tos in bonds, by which Northern road got jority. The following sen the Toronto World view that we can quote them in full. that the offer of the from the Toronto, bondholders themsel the first approach t and the Grand Tru the road at a rental The Northern comp. made until several) under oircumstanci open to suspicion. is not only censuija point of business . h make the last : staff e 0 10 t ce, n - by ed re- eir . at pled, and Br4c Y• fully protected. The Tavish being at the he 30epartment is a. guars he people who have t of in the great lend b who contemplate pin� that everything which cr .n devise will -ile done oping the count y. It to note that the directs dian Pacific hav: clios eeii, Nor e tho • n that liege ia- for som time rey and Bruce ud the rand lodged in Lond developments. a view tb lira- : n saes, residen the road of the ! easing it to t James Feehley ears to e Grand 1 arrang ere com sidered b ement, al to, was place who has say, raised in th must therefore ed with every welfare. As Nen anticip rounding the Bi likely to be exp the two young who left that to States a few we said had made whole affair bef They were arre act of a of t itee, nc hrown It -,also there huma towal is plei rs of 1 n a m e ma )11 west, oughly drta' 1 aff ted, t dulp ained men nhil ksag a ere; re le[ ted ii IN Mer h Lan t only to in their to those to livE n ageno da deve icing alio he Cani .n for th y almo and who acquaint- eeting',its 8 e my'teries sub trage y a e not by th., a est of nameF:.ehley, for ti• a fi nited , and -ho it was n bre ' st of the vino t •• nutty. 1` the es and 00 Sta at the past week. T to fy be taken to Detroit, and the ,.r has been tinder inv etigati n by coui is there wrocrering the • e ob- jest oft this env. °� 11 stigati swou prison es, on muted, hay and they ghf beak to n pail to a th on was d just rs. the orders ure'; th justibe crime JUNE 3, 1881. inse- k, and jut of AGE O THE Foremen Aoreess. ignited until it blazed, when it was let down by the chain, but immediately smothered to blackness. I repeated the operation but with the same result. I then dropped down enough to cover the The marriage of Sara Bernhardt with bottom to a depth of possibly 18 inches, Angelo, who accompanied heir dur- and threw, down some light kindling Il ng her : merican tour, is anuou feed to wood and a quantity of hard wood coals ekee, pia e on paturday. , of fire, when we observed the . jets of KLee • BY WHISKEY. - Last ridgy gas to blow the fire at intervals, until it eight in Chic go Henry Graft rank a at length ignited. A crackling sound pint' of hiske in a saloon, an then followed but no explosion ensued. When On a w ger ith the saloon keeper the straw was lantern and form consumed tcontinned t �bnrn drank a quart! more without supping. d the i p t the I instructed gg e died soon quart! igger h did. and one suicide. Life i, e police deplorably slat halts in the punishm ttleuet LAND LEAGIE TO BE SIIPPRESSED.-- experiment in the com- ewe say that wellIg prevent su oca 1 with a hat, us he Im erial k overnment is said to be He then resumed th well • without rating measures for th presson ofthe Iris Thej split inthe ranks er to repe orning,w ich e i . digging and com leted urther trouble. may plete d' ers find it poss.ble to Mete su League. li k ff t' n by fanning r pidly League s is daily growing wider. h t th enerating'a cur eat of MORE TANNERISM.— One John Gris- fresh air, which forces up` the g ,aeons com, of Nework, commenced fil, forty- air so as not to be inhaled, at least an five' days' fast at Chicago on . Saturday. experienced well digger so informed. The ex erime t is said to be 'ander- me. Yours respectfully, D. MCP1reIL. taken iT M 81 1881. will be ber; of p S weitMALe fo party three'g • last we diseove taken o IMME Twent she seventy-eight immigrants arri such evidence : ex- we k a New York. This is tradition of the 1 nited rec rd yet fpr a single wee States authorit •th of probab e record for the month the evidence au • ceed th : total for the year 187 h 80,000. givethem up THE quently, be bro 1 It,i';s ru made t of R u point t turban zation all we • Land of the the naterests of science, and CHELL, ay , Somebody's Darling. nder the supervision .ofd a num- ominent medical men. -PDX AMONG EMIGRANTS. ----There ✓ cases of small -pox a' ong a f 1,700 emigrants who passed Bu.ffelo on Wednesday ight of k, going west. They ere not ed until too late, and w re only the train at Cleveland l' SE ARRIVAL OP IMMIGR NTS.— thousand one hundr d and led last he best L- The! will ex - nearly NEW CZAR'S LIFE ATTEAkCPTED.— ored that an attempt 1.11.13 been • take the life of the n w Czar sia. Telegraphic reports still the ekistence of a gen `ral dis- t in the Empire, and th oigani- •f a Socialistic movemen against lthy landed proprietors. ARLIE jRoss CASE.—Ea ly �• Sat- orning the residence of Gugen- Hoboken, was brok n into five year old son stolen. When on awoke he missed t e child, peotir{g that his moth r -in-law napped him, informed the po- cers, who found the child locked dark room in the woman's a ren dec'ded to the run Tr nk nts m Meted, t'080 ' ie a put up jo h ugh and these two all are intimate y 1 Moreover, the •.ar- of the two you - etre :tad ;court to prove this I ly swore that t in at home in th the ' of the tragedy, din ' bre they coal+ cad, short time, w dia., and thus the 3 eat. In the cion to them, s last week. OI Feehleys posit done so, and a q contracting o al bonuses i alities intere s anding that be carried o last momen loiripany steep. the Toron o ,• Leh to th1ir pmpany have • new offer. It wa Elver, that the I seems th y ave that even al be not a little stir- have :been m: t a meeting of th such a noto Toronto, Gre ! actor that no d ' London, statements th t • ,At 8 0 ha in ch ai the ively er tha • betw itipes friend • otherL sister g mere were u alibi, and ,otl the prix n house that it v left, t l their tests f( me, th ccasioki any ddulpiiers, P the he Feehl� disrep e will make is tris [ ican, mad,I; that dtate Other ha deny ver the Sen th yes, who, t of t ill, an sit tea a hol D it o an ee • • not seem to •i among the B • an in on on, ng it was �ecidec , o four to throve � S0ME OF T angements aside, ! again started of the ort�ern ! Poor' Honbe, a This is tr' ngeL ! sion are now table con,du t o� : the County o Compa�nyj ani 1 Honse businei scent trat saetioii 1 airing and she e friends o th f Council next • session of ai ma ! by any means 1 before the {{ ; times,'and ea 3 •le remarks �rol�. s fully meet on • do better than t correctly say rand Trunk - am rey and ] es. They e Grand T agreed to ed by thetas y's offer wa ,Onths later s that ' ar j acceptance e from a s', esty, bu it of the worse nnot be • y ' other ud Tru notice the Gov rnor-ie- as been. notice b lities wh ch haves d. The mount Of �f a million dollars, tits have l qu to as aucoes o th!e ders. ] t i we 1 11 but unani on -- tho atter •• eant av hong de, iou re y ly en a • tie and iron ;hey one on t lRS ve• kn jr t a • un co yb ta, Grey and Bruce ro' • first. That road is the Northern, or to a company than the r out the consent c council, obtained 4 given to the municip voted aid to the roe this aid is upwards and the municip much interest in road as the b and known that they "a ly in favor- of the Trunk. Will th gard their voice in not believe that it ment's first duty i este of the pnbli themselves the be:t tens to their voi bargain with the must fall to the will be the posi Grey and Bruce than a year ago.; era . may find the wiser than that of dropped the meat rucP �eaSe ad un lve no an std novp an ma Co ntd, ha the eased t 1 railway k, vith- i• se to the 1. ran overnm nt • isr h matter ? ' e do 11. Th G•vern- protect the -nter- • t f which! th •y are judges. If t e, the bondh•lder ' orthern Co 88 par�y o • nd. ` hat, thee, of th ' To onto, ? Per aps • orse greedy bon • hold - hey ha e be:n o • og of th fabl:, w o its sha ow. 0 a e 0 THE CANADA P+ pang have appo Tavish, of Win Land Commissio the Company in t appointment is those acqu ainted The Winnipeg F>. give universal sats and the Northwe.. known business trative ability is affairs of the Co land is conoerne way that will co the country, wh' :. interests of the 0• •• 1 is Rai way Co ,ed Mr J. eg, M 'nitoIa, • ep for t e lads of e North est. T is hly spleen of y h this l gentl man. fee Press ays .t will f etion ilia Ma itoCba , and than hi well p city and ad iryis- guarantee th t the Jany, so far the will be manage in a tee to th w$1 are of at the sakne ti e the 11 be faith- ! II 1 i pay I. 01 • eg E county ape an : gilration f r a nd s Subject: fo sec ming pretty on cikk, the ou likely get s will eking veek. a nev pati em The. ubj one. t , ounce prob bly h tim the she nipped at about the same tag velopment. a be occasion, if we r Clerk adverti ed for a committee as a these sites a d rep of which was done, cal result wa the able valuable time port, and the'payin siderable sum - o expenses of the mittees. Depute frequently }been to v isit the ater other similajr irs ieve t collect offers pointe rt up but th acting ictus out of mon nveati ions ppoint oo, We itutioni potations h ve i • variabl thei duty f ithfel y, but m ming a report pf what 1 learned, nothing de • nite w the Council do to . Oho time, we hope thy will h age to act decisiv 1 . Let resolveto go ah:ad witl once and make a roper a it is. or let it rest ing of inve delegations least shoulc "played out people now the subject there are at very easily county -ar former com stored. Ne TOSTPON physicians, ported inde England. BATHING falo is abo ing houses use, to be gen street. SYNDICA Pacific R= chased for lara the liI ja tween Vic BOER 0 accounts disturbed the Trans of a natio ARREST of counter whet e tigai and d be, t ." leave tha y w ecnr hive Witte • iiit ari or s Ito ti hav flg hey att the th Pr his • C01186 - da and urther o it- ified to conf s- • by us d, the having thing nnellys ey say, former. had ki AC urday son, i and hi Gagen and an brother (i uicie n l house. A There betwe U it ht into actual- s were 1 e night New mpossi- Stone: for a "i used ; wledge, and a h them e'pres-1 fifty ote 1 none essl troubl say1 e - Last air d asit ey'. fessi •� • ns ofair Sprin watt • same Sprin hold to to The 1 Allis• • Conej SHS —' If t in Gr he went be co only Roya le char - yen any B Lave County diacuse came inl ty Poor ariother et n as, bee tarent 6 was oni the tes, anti 1 17 hem, all Thor onsident fishe 11 of IVELY FIGHT AT A 1IC-NIC.— was an outbreak the other - day n two excursion, part es from ork city, on the River Hudson. , canes, clubs and pis is were women and girls were insulted :sanited ; coats were t rn from n, dresses from the wo en, and en �ed, but angerd women e re ] r onsly. Thecams the • was too much liquor. is WAY ROBBERY IN CO ORADO.— 1• en ridayin tha canon e wnear Ponchas r bbed a s, Colorado, of $3,800 besides es and valuable jewe ry' The obbers entered a store at Poncha s and compelled everybody to p their hands, and the roprietor n over the contents of the safe. ader is recognized a Charles n, a former deputy heriff of s county. i EP MIIRRAIN IN GREAT BRITAIN. • e present murrain am ng sheep • at Britain continues, m tton will e so scarce, unless plen iful ship - arrive from abroad, th t it will sidered a luxury to b enjoyed .y the rich. Some tim ago the Agricultural Society ppointed issioners to investigate the dis- which has ravaged t e woolly and they have just hist ed their , in which it is estimated that 000 sheep died during 1879 in nd and Wales. In 1880!it is esti- that the loss was equally great. ITED STATES FISHERMEN ' INDEMNI- Mr. Blaine and Sir, Edward. • ton, the British Milliliter, have • ded prolonged negotiations rela- o the outrages upon American .men at Fortune Bay, Newfound - in January, 1878, and et a later t Aspoo Bay, Cape Breton. The ican claims for losses y fisher - aggregated $103,000. '.I he agree - between Blaine and T ornton is the British Government shall pay 00 sterling, and the Ame ican Gov- ent will give a receipt in ull. The y will probably be paid week and promptly g its rightful owners, w e at Gloucester, Mass. 11 corn flock TOpor 3,000 Engl mate 111 this t in for g com also nd ori hes con date th Ame land, men men that 415, ern mon del this an sa 11134 one. It he cour ithet work a g commit ees an lly-dall hag is, or a e Con cil an th they esir:, and if have not, th y can it by se rchiigg in thp where re o ts of and d put ti ns are 10 • prin niter Hou t to e and t recte E Pu ilway two e of oria a TBREA how t eelin outbi OF Co feiters and in France. francs of false E cur a tion Mueee LET Isthmus at present, murd rs frequent end sotne of theta In thirty dap; there have the h,7 the a ss Loui her de froM s.—The city o Buf- o office fir publilc undred thou: and dol - d Puget Son .4. ak again toe BoerS. at Gene- lexandria on y in ciee NTERFEITERS was.arres ed mplices t They put LOOSE ev S in the eing very onamittea been ten. • The Goderich Signal of last week says : One of these little incidents which have a tendency to create a great com- motion in the community m which it occurs happened in Goderich on Friday night about 9:40 'clock. At that time the servant girl employed in the house of Mr. Robert Henderson, was startled by a knock at the door. As Mr. Hen- derson was away attending to his duties of Deputy gaoler,, and Mrs Henderson was absent on a visit to friends in the country, the girl was greatly su erised at the rapping, aid was undecided for a few minutes as to whether she would open the door, which was locked I at the time. Finally ahwent to the dolor and ome time istribnted o mostly guilty of tye theft, erit sentence was not pissed upon him His companion. Perry Berme, w week. —Brussels is no clergymen and fiv ple of that burg s healthy condition physically, unless traries R8 they so remanded for a blessed with six doctors. The peo- ould be in a very th spiritually and things go by con- etimes do. —Miss Morns, organist in the Metho- dist Church, Bru ls, was, one evening last week, presen with a *ell filled purse by the mem rs of the congrega- tion. The presentation was a complete utand agreeable s rise to the young —A few days ag, a mother goose be- longing to Mr. H that was sitting o carried off by a f marauder resulted nest, and the cap —The general ing to Mr. James exhibition, died a Walker, of Clinton, a neat of eggs, was x. Search for the in the discovery of a ture of eight young wenerton, of Exeter, e at the Centennial ew days since. The* loss will be felt by Mr. Swenerton, as it will 136 loiag time before he can get littl boy allong. Both these ladies were well kiainwn , and held in the very highest est ation ; they were mem. bars of the 1Methodist Church. The sad affair hae caused a profonud seem, tion in town, and the parents of all the es have the heartfelt synapathy the community. The bodies of the Mi es Foxton and Master Whaley wer brought to Clinton, ana were met At a late hour on the night before the tieen's pirthday, Mr. J. P. Martin, of intern, was standing at an npstair w ow, having been awakened by the rac et that was being carried on, when as startled by a crash of broken. he glass within e. couple of inches of him. Looking to ! see what was wrong, he found that albullet had passed through the outside shutter, then shattered two lar e panes Of glass, and dinted the well thi teen feet across the room, the bul- let ailing to ithe floor. Mr, Martin. eon- eratulates himself on his narrow escape, as well he may. -e-The following were the successful competitors lat the athletic sports at Wingham on Queen's Birthday: Stand- in jum —Arch. Scott, Brussels 12 her equal. fee 101inches ; T. Fowler, 13 feet 10 —The Rev. J. Rofis, Methoaist minis- Mc es. Running jump—A. Scott, 20 C it ho is about fee inch; :A. Powell, Ripley, 18 feet ter of Brussels iron , w leaving that placel was presented by his 9 inches. 1 Running hop step__A. Brussels congrega ion a few evenings Se tt, 43 feet 9 inches ; A. Powell, 40 ago with a purse o $27, as a mark of fee 11 inches. Running high jump__ the esteem in evhi h they held. himself A. cott, 5ilfeet ; J. Ross, Lucknow, i and. his labors while amongst them as fee 10 inches. Standing high jump-- their pastor. A. Scott, 5 feet 2 inches ; J. ROSB, 4, . —A gentleman Who recently return- ed from Winnipeg informs the New Era that a young Man who a few aears ago went there froten this county, with nothing but a few tinsmith's tools, was a few days since offered the enormous sum of $100 an inela for his business asked "Who's reply she went to the side doot, and —on Queen's irthday night some persons entered the shop of Mr. John Smith, tailor,. at Clinton, and took therefrom some fifteen snits of clothes, together with a quantity of cloth. The party obtained an entrance through the cellar window, wh.ch had been left open again asked if an ,one was there. There was still no answer, and seeing nobody, the girl went around the verandah, and approaching the ftont door, diseovered an infant lying ()lathe door step. The child was apparently about a month old, and exceedingly well dressed. during the day to larow M wood. No With the child wa,s a quantity of night clue tO the party cell be obtained. bottle, a flask of condensed milk, and a $10 bill enclosed in the following note : MRS. HENDERBQN,-1138.86 take this little waif of mine, and make her your own. Enclosed. i11 only part of what I will send, if you take her and do not make any endeav mother. I have —A well known and highly esteemed resident of the toWnship of Grey, near Ethel, in the person of Mrs. John Hef- fernan, died last week in the 25th year of' her age. The fimeral was on the following Wednesday after her death. The corpse was taken to Hespeler, in the county of Wa rloo, her Old home, r to find who is her and interred in th Catholic Cemetery. oney, but like manv - —A number of large and beautiful more got led astray. I have heard of loons were caught in the neighborhood your goodness of heart, and believe you of Centralia,in the township of Stephen, will take the deat little one and make 1 some time ago. They apoar VI' have her your own. Sri° will bring ablessing. got 'astray from this lake, and as they Go to the express office to -morrow for parcel." can not rise off drY ' land to fly, they are easily caught if oace they alight. The girl was very -much flustered on . Several also were shot on the river. making the discovery, and locking the doors, ran off to inform the neighbor - a. hood of the arriv of the little stranger. Mr. Henderson w a at once eurcimoned, and he ordered the wee one to lie taken into the house and cared. for. He then went up town to enquire if night watch- man Sturdy had, noticed any strange woman and child on his beat, but could discover no clue to the mystery., He al- so attended the departure of the morn- ing train on Saturday, but without see- thrown on his head on the hard gravel road, receiving several cuts ,that had to ing any sign of any person upon whom he could. fix suspicion. Enquiring of Cond-actor McKnight if any woman and child had come up on the 7 o'clock train the evening before, he learned t at such an one had got oa at Clinton,an bought her ticket on the coach, paying for it with an American 50c. piece. hifievres all the informatidm he could gle;n. . Mrs. Henderson, on coming ome on Saturday at woe, was made ware of the arrival of the little cherub and at once decided to *dopt it. Th infant is a pretty little hing, with a good share of dark hair, cunning little n pretty dimples. Some movement of the ice on the lake probably caused them to get astray. —One day last week Rev. Mr. Well - wood, now of Huron township, met with a very painful accident. He was visiting at hie father's place near St. Helens, and while there his sisten took ill. He went in i;iaste for the doctor, and while returni g drove full speed iato a newly dug culvert, and was ne dark -blue se, and a full She has had eyes, a crop of a large number of calle s during the past week, ' and all who have seen her greatly praise her good looks and winning ways. The child will be called Agnes MAY Hender- son, the first name after the foster mother, the sec nd in remembrance of the month in w ich she helped, to ewell the ranks of the, Goderich girls,1 and the third to identify' her with the family of which, though nbidden, she .,has be- come a member Mrs. Hendetson told ad already wormed it - rt, and says she would with it. n called at the express to the direction of the there a parcel containieg Foul Air in We othes made and ,unmade, le baby carriage, which Le Editor of the _Huron Ex propriated to the use of us the wee one self into her he not like to part Mr. Renders office, accordin note and found a quantity of ol and a serviceab were at once a Miss "May." mystery, and t sexes) in town ositor. ' Sin.—In your issue of the 24th ult., app ars an account of the dea h of two me from Oae above cause, th the elamity being the farm 'able suppoee that any sane con ere life it dig his of kn pa sa at let or dl ai th th of la fr Da a t re lavas sent for to see t and consulted as to the adv g out, and a large sheaf of 111 scene of of Wm. reason - an, seeing omrade overcome by the gas in the , would see the propriety of cover - is mo th and nostrils and abstain - from r spiration, on going to the ue, until he was elevated ensed foul air ; and that windlass would see the p ating the one who jeopa as quickly as possible. Moreover, onld be known that many a well- er is eeposed to the risk of , losing above the parties at topriety of rdized his 11 life in the same way, and essening the risk should b ers sonde similar cages re it advised as wisdom t ny means generally paw in the prted, and test the y of the bairn is still a e old ladies (of both nd vicinity have a little problem before, them which they can- not solve, altheugh they itch for its so- lution. be sewed up. —Mr. George S a curiosity in the sented to him thi breeding mares. prong, of Hullett, had shape of 'a colt pre - s spring by one of his One of its legs was divided into two, from the knee joint down, and the hobf turned' up so that it had to walk **the fetlock joint. Al- though the colt Was well formed in all other respects, and quite ilively, Mr. Sprung knew that it would1 be a crip- ple, and had it killed. —Messrs. Maze & Baw4n, who are engaged in the hay packing industry in Exeter, are doing a large business. There is a large quantity of hay coming into that town eiery day, for which $9 per ton is paid. 'Those gentlemen pack fifty tons a wee give employmen, a new line of bt. will, no doubt, p mers in the fee 34 ha At he th , on an average, and to eight men. This is siness in Exeter, and ove a boon to the far- ity. —The Winnipeg Free Press of Mon- day last sayg : Mr. A. Fisher, fornaerly dent of the n w town of Brandon, where he has established a Inrciber ii Yard and is erec ing a large grist mill, arrived in the Oty yesterday. . He pur- poses going east on Monday, and will be aVeay about t ree weeks. Mr. Gard- ner will have charge of his business at Branaon durin his absence. me ago the town of ased a large and costly e time it has been a where the said bell At the last meeting uncil it was resolved to —A short t Wiugham, pure bell, and for so disputed point should be hun of the Town C eet 2i inches ; D. McLean, 321. feet, The periodical railway agitation again revived in and about Exeter, a miieting of the Exeter committee the other evening, the Secretary atithoritiee of the different 811r - rounding townships with the view of aseertaining what a-monnt can be raised toward supporting the construction of . the proposed line, and a.ppointing cora. m ttees to wait upon Mr. Hickson, the nigger of the Grand Trunk. The erne is al branch of the Grand. Trmik ro. St. Marys or Lucan to Exeter, The Qneen's Birthday was celebrat- in the Village of Manchester this y ex in a manner never equalled before. In the morning the amneements of the d illy were Commenced by the calithume P i vi c t b fi r erect a new to er on the Town Hall building and have the bell placed there- in. This will entail a cost of about WO. The peop e of the northern me- Helron Notes: tropolis never e things by halves. —A couple o men in Clinton, named The people of Gorrie are thinking Stevenson an& Hamilton, had a nar- about offering a bonus for the estab- row escape lastrweek from a very seriOus lishment of a -Woollen factory in their accident. The!tr were engaged in fixing a drain in the cellar of Stevenson's —It is now definitely knolwn that house, when jOst as a log had been Rev. Charles Lavelle will not be sta- placed in pOsition, the earth caved in, tioned at Gorrie, as he is to e placed burying Hamilton -firmly up to• the upon the superannuated list o account waist, but he was quickly released from of failing health. his position. ,A • moment before the —On Mondity of last week r. Alek. earth fell Mra Stevenson had been Fisher, son of Mr. John Fisher of Col- borne, while riding a horse nto the barnyard, was kicked by a Yo ng, colt, osuhet in the well by odeasionally and had his leg broken above t e ankle. ing do n a lantern with. a tallow --One day last week, as a nng lad ax candle burning, and if the can - was hunting rats in a barn in Clintoci, was put out bv the deneity of the one ran up the inside of his ants leg, to trv the experiment of bUrning out and gave him a nip which in de hirn gas so accumulating. I had neVer seen dance round atter the Highl nd fli g experiment tried until the antumn 1855, when a well was being eng en style. t No. 6, West Mitchell. Road, in Full- —Lot 15, on the 14th cone Howiek, was sold by auction ton, Coenty of Perth. The digger is one day last week, and was w resident in Hibbert, near Staffa. by Mr. Wm. 11nLebard for the wiselY demanded to bp removed aeon_ $2,800. This pace is kno m the well on finding the gas half a centurylago. Peace to his ashesi hundreds of people must have passed nt at what they, in their ignorance, —Messrs. S. Oke, H. J. W shington —The Clinton New Era of last wee over them and probably trampled upeli , and J. Buchanan, Jae of Colb rne, near in referring to the terrible accident a them ha that time. future W- iled his- cowardice, and a of the I Carlow, left me Tuesday, 24th inst., for London, says :1Among the number wa Cooper had better be more earefed of oprietor Would wager $10 to $1 that a visit to the Prairie PTOVill0 Messrs. Mr.W.Glass, of London, only son of M his wealth and not handle it so care - could go down _without risk of acci- nt. He was lowered, bu had only Oke and Washington intend eturning GeGlass,fornaerlyof Clinton,a very pro lessly, else he may not be so lucky the ruck a few strokes of the ick when in about a month. ising young men, who was to have bee next time he makes a loss. —Mr. Thomas Yearly, of Stephen, married in a Month to a Miss Coope —A remarkable instance of animal was seen to reel, and o being re - has left for a trip to England. -He will niece of Mr. J.,T. Wilkie, also of Cli intelligence came under the observe-. ested to get into the bucket he seem - not to hear. Another brother slid probably reviVe many old as ociations ton, who was drowned with him. tion of a gentleman of Port Albert, in wn the rope and secured Pim in the in the land of is birth. We ish our T. Whaley, of Clinton, loses two ste the thwriship of Aslafield, a few dayg cket, when both were raised in an ' genial, whole- onled friend a pleasant daughters, MisSes Jane E. and Mary . ago. He was engaged in building most breathless ccndition, but were time and safe return. Foxton., and his only son also, Miss . fence, -and -near him were sonae stored by the fresh air. At this junc- , —Isaac Eraigh was tried last week E. Foxton had been teaching school t , holes which he had lately dug. ,ee parties ' by Mr. O'Lotene, police magistrate, of Westminster, end on Saturday last h r working away his attention was Or" sability of Stratford, for stealing a watch from younger sisterewho holds a division in 1 tracted,by the peculiar actions and still sted burn- Mr. Adam M -Donald, St. tfelens, as the Blyth school, went down to spe more peculiar noise_ of a ewe standing' traw was . mentioned laet week. He Was found Queen's Birthday with her, taking t e ' near one of the post holes. On going Id ens, follOwed by the games, mete; ., and enlivened by the strains of our nage baud, which, tonsia.ering the ance it had, sounds very web. In e evening the concert in aid of the n d was fairly attended, and WM ancially a success, about $30 being alized. The singing of the Misses Mutch wae very well done, and the Mrs. Bennett, formerly Miss Mutch, Who received the prize of a concertina, given for the best playing on the organ. Tillie chair was occupied by Mr. A. l'ele. ronald, who perfortned his part in a v ry gentlemanly manner. —On a pertain road not many miles y ung ladies were out driviiag in a rove e ed buggy, and on the road were ex- petiating on the merits of a certain gen- t eman, and wrangling—in fun—over ho ehould capture him. While the Mode dispute was at its height, one of the ladies thought that. Brae heard A sipund of wheels behind. Leaning Out 'ad looking back, she met a, sight that i., uickly caused her to draw in her head. young gentleman was driving behind, Is threateaea to roll him out of his Olt- mge. Giving their home a quick eut "th the whip, the fair wranglers WOT6 Efpon out of sight and hearing, and the entleman was left to smile alone. —The G-oderich Star of last week ,ays "Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy, of he Signal, who has for some time been of the opinion that a trio of bachelor editors was an injustice to the married Community in Goderieli, broke the triple alliance on Tuesda,y- last, and enceforth -will -celebrate his wedding nniversary and the Queen's Birthday one. Ilia trips to Stratford have een somewhat frequent of late, but as e has succeeded in carrying -off a aughter of Mr. John Dutton, druggist, f that town, his absence from Goder- ich will be pardoiaed. has the best wishes of the "press gang" for hisfuture happiness." We say th.at the "other two ' should profit by the good example set them by their fellow, and go and do likewise with as little delay as possible. , —In the Monetary Times of last Week we find the follovving: Mr. Wm. :Proud-, who used to be a well-to-do far- mer near )3russels, grew tired of that monotonous occupation and its hum- drum style of living, and sold the farm for a good pric,e. He then went to , Hamilton and purchased the grocery stock of one Miller as Jae would a prize bull, for a lump sum Of $1,590, an mee- t business -like transaction to cominenee with. His whole career in merehan- dieing was of this character. He dis- pensed credit too freely to a poor class of customers and lost heavily thereby. Now he has left the city, and is not ex- pected to return. 'When will men learn -that to keep store so ES to- make - 'money by it, needs bosiness training and experience. —A few days ago, while a Clinton - baker named J. T. Cooper was in Seta' forth, he put, as he thought, eight dol - stooping over, and had he been caught, lars in four bills in the inside pocket of, then, in all probability his back would' his coat. Shortly after his arrival ine have been broken. Clinton, he discovered that he was _ewr. John: Stewart, formerly of minus the money, and concluding that, Goderich, dielin Chicago on the 16th. he had dropped. it in Seaforth, he drove!, ult., aged 90 years. Mr. Stewart- was back, and very much to his joy found well known in !western Canada, havin the bills, almost exactly where he sup - practised law for years in several of th posed he had put them in his pocket towns and cities. He was a thoroug A four dollar bill ha,a blown about 12 classical scholar, and a gentleman o feet from the others, They were deep - culture withal.; For many years he wa ped. on the corner at CarmichaePs Ho- tel on the street, and the wonder is . that the bills could. have lain there some four or five hours without having been noticed by any one, especially as nrchased pal journals ofl the country, over th41 sum of nom de phonel "Hibernicus,” and hi { n as the name was wen known to politicians o • 1