HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-27, Page 6,`- 1. PiliE HURON EXPOSI OR. T-CnoWledge is Power. To the Editor of the Moon Expositor. Six.: Will you permit me to endeavor to explain an injustice which the peo- ple of and immediately surrounding Henfryn consider themselves under, in the hope that some suggestion may be made to facilitate its removal. Hen- fryn is now a station on the Welling- ton,Grey and Bruce Railway, and sit- uaton the east side of the township of Grey, the nearest school house being miles dietant. Now sir, I ask you, if this is a reasonable distance for chil- dren to walk twice a day and. compatible with the statute laws of the country ? (which law, I believe, subjects parent liable to be fined for the non-attendance of their children. Is it justice? considering that we have contributed towards the govern- ment of the township and county for the last 25 years, by paying taxes towards the erection of school houses, and their maintenance, (receiving little or no benefit), and other- improvements, besides assisting in their development with capital and labor; to be debarred from the privileges of that means of education, which Canada's excellent system has intended. for our benefit. While we do not repine if we have been the means of contributing to the learning of ourneighbors, still we favor recipro- city, and would like a little knowledge ourselves. What has been the consequence? Our boys and girls have grown up into young men and young women, devoid. of all principles of obedience, knowledge of right and wrong, and suffering for the rest of their lives for the want of simple education, denied them in their youth. And now another generation is growing up to follow, if -nothing is done, in the footsteps of their parents ; although, to the credit of their parents they are actually not only paying the township taxes, but ill as they can afford it, sub- scribing towards the support of a female teacher (of course this cannot be, per- manent), without a cent's assistance from the township or government. Is this not an injustice ? I think, sir, the ratepayers of Grey should rise as a body and insist on. restitution being made. Who has been to blame ? While it is true that at the earlier settlement of the township the school houses were placed. to suit the greater number of voters, (not in the centre of the sections,) still with the increase of population and when accommodation was wanted, ap- plication was made to the Minister of Education, the Inspector of Schools and the Township Council, but as yet with no result. What is the remedy ? I would suggest that the township refund with compound interest all the money we ha,ve'lent the different sections for the last 25 years,and collect no more school taxes from us, then we could put np a school house and support a teacher, or form a very strong union school on the boundary with Elms,. It would only be adding insult to injury to make a weak section, by which our taxes would be our rum. Or let the township as a whole make a special grant for a separ- ate school and a yearly allowance for the teacher, which would not im- merse the different sections into a sea of animosity; but distribute the costs proportionally according ,,to the indi- vidual assessment. Any suggestion you or your readers may feel disposed to make, which may bring about a beneficial result, I feel sure the parents of the uneducated children. of Henfryn will be thankful for; and excusing the length of my letter by the gravity of this subject, and thanking you for your courtesy in pub- lishing it, I am, yours truly, DELTA. The Linen Closet. much less money toward winter than they do earl son, because the meroh make space for his new which always occupy mo do the goods for other p Ladies are not always p sometimes fail to take to their minds with s gence. If a lady cats per cent. interest for considers herself exceed If she seeures the n c house at ten per cent eduction Of thei usual cost it is equal t a ten per cen investment, and is gate worthy Id he careful consideration. the e d of er in th 'wa- nt desires to spring goods, e room than its of the year. actical. They' ese matters in dent. intelli ecure a eeve er money sh ngly fortunate ssaries bf he • — Household GRAHAM PANCAKES a— for bread. In the na heaping tablespoonful teaspoonful of soda, sweet milk. BLACK CAKE.—Thre ter, one quart of saga flour, half a pint of pint of .brandy, half a teaspoonful of Baler each of all kinds of spi pounds of raisins, two a pound of citron. B in a moderate oven, b four hours. This is o rich cakes. GRAHAM BREAD WIT quart of warm water, of salt, one large tabl yeast, Graham flour eeipes. atter same riling add o hite eugar, o and thin wit cupfuls ofibu , three pints bile a doctor vliras 'being procured, Sir eorge meanti e looking on in his non- professional c acity. —Dr. Coelar ne, of Zion Ch oh, rantford, preaChed his twentiet an - iversary:serm —The by -la Northwestern Winnipeg by a n. on Sunday night. giving $70,000 t the ailway was c ri at overwhelnaing a ority. — . loghlan, of Lo d n, in- tends to ente - an action for $ 0,000 damagefeagain t Dr. McCulloc , f St. Marys, who has defamed his oh acter. —The Princeof Wales, having been bitterly accuse of sligating Wal s, has promised to vita Swansea in 0 tober, when the new docks at that port are to be opene . , —Mr. J. R. essee, of Barto 8 geese which 1 y eggs weighing ounces. Some of his .nens have aught the fever too, and lay eggs Of` three ounces is weight. —Mists Idal Joy, of Tilsonburg, has been suecessfill in placing a portrait in fl oil in the great salon exhibition of art - inparis. Chatleaddian artists ar r aking olasses,; half a 't , has welve e int of wine, o tus, one oun es, 12 eggs, thr f currants, half ke in deep panis,, tween three and of the. best of e; e' e YEA.8Te -- 01A one teaf3poonfti spoonful' of gee o make a thi41 batter. Set in a warm place 4o n until morning, then stir in one Iialf c of white sugar, an even teaspoonful soda, one tablespoonfal melted. butt and thicken with fine flour until st with a soo t it rise about a oven. One cupful Of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter, ohn egg, one cupful of milk, three teaspoo - fals of baking powder, two cupfuls 9f flour ; bake in three round tin3; filling for the above, six tablespOonfuls grated chocolate, one cupful of sugar, one cap- nd one teaspoOn- k as can be stirred easil Put in the pans and 1 hour; bake in a quici CHOCOLATE CARP. p r, ful of milk, one egg, fal of vanilla; cook until very thi and stir constantly , o keep it smoot spread between the layers an ou p of the cake ; this is an expensi e receipt and always good. The rule for cake e. ne-fou 'ngs crum s, ur eggs," oda, One lks v4th. nailk,1 in aked for oth palate d soda; ake near- er sho ld Eat ot iso stem Sheetings for double beds should be 2i yards wide at -the very least, and their length when fuaished, net less than al yards. A sheet of niggardly size is an abomination to the tidy house- wife, who loves to see the edges of her precious matresses safely tucked. away from the hands of the restless sleepers. The hems of sheets are broad. at the top and narrow at the bottom., for reasons unnecessary to mention. Fine sheets sometimes have a wrought hem or a hem that is hem -stitched, or may be a cluster of tiny tucks is added to a sheet close to its widest hem. If the latter ornamentation be selected, a provision for its tucks must be made when plan- ning its length. The decoration of the sheet makes turn -overs or sheet -shams quite unnecessary, and there is some- thing in the very word "shams" that gives an unpleasant look to such bed or- naments, be they ever so elegant. Some- times, however, they appear to be requisite to the agreeable appearance of the.sleeping room, but they might have a pleasanter name without injury to their elegance. A practical housewife has found out by experience that the handsomest cot- ton sheeting, and by far the most durable variety, is unbleached. Such of her family as once insisted upon having woollen sheets upon their beds rnid-winter are likely to take more than kindly to unbleached goods. They are soft, fuzzy and clinging, and every- body knows that white, as white is no longer admired for anything. Un- bleached cottons are among the elegau- cies of a lady's wardrobe, and why not for the linen closet ? If unbleached sheets are not pleasing to the eye, they certainly will be to the touch. There- fore the unbleached materials, in fine, smooth texture, is -neatly hemmed and brought into use in the chambers of domestics until they are perfectly white, 'when they are promoted to the best shelves of the closet and a new supply of unbleached articles takes the place they have occupied. Pillow slips of unbleached cotton are treated iu the same manner. The table cloths of the kitchen, if they threaten to break, should be cut up, hemmed and devoted to the dish- washine department, and new ones of unbleachedblinen damask made to take their places. Glass -wiping cloths should not be made of elderly linen, because of its tell-tale fibres, and because there is a Utley. provided for glass, sufficiently inexpensive for the purse of even the most economical housewife. A plenti- ful supply of kitchen napery is a marked incentive to housewifely tidiness in the busy part of one's establishment. From the dining room table linen choose such table cloths as are very nearly worn out, out them into large towels, hem them nicely, and keep them to lay over accidents that befall a fresh table cloth, or devote them to the uses of the children, who require almost unlimited supplies of clean ..wipes.,, Counterpanes and bed blankets may be used for any layer cak CRACKER SUET PUDDING.— pound beef suet, freed from st powdered, one cupful cracke two tablespoonfuls o three cupfuls milk, teaspoonful salt; b sugar, f inch of at the y the sugar ; add to these th which the cracker his been s half an hour ; work [into a sm before putting in the suet a whip the whites liast, and ly if not quite ad 'hour ; co' the crust form too rapidly. with -wine sauce. ou may or boil this pudding th a their way a oa . —Tho Chinless parasols are ening to be the rage in London East. When the ladies get on their new prin and carry one of the Chinese they look cool and pr'm. --Mr, F. X. Perron t, the Fr in 0 ttaw me for th vessels between • MiseelaaTi eous. Twenty students of Co nell ni- vorsity, New York, are on a tlisit of in- spection to the Agricultural College] at G-uelph. —The twenty-forirth birthday of 11 trice Mary Viet ria, the yours daughter of Qum:J. Victoria, has been celebrated. —Rev. H. M. Poynter, t e Pre by- terian Evangelit,' has or anized a church at the Chicago Stock Yards, and is meeting with good success —The statement that the Marquis of Lorne would resign, the GoVernor-Gen- eralship of Canada on his r turn f orn the Northwest is denied on o dal authority. —Mrs. Abraham Lincoln., who is staying at the home of her law, N. W. Edwards, at Ill., is in a very delicate stat being confined to her bed ne time. —A young man named G- coneul Mo nection with' lishment of France and this dorm --There is such the French and. In Ottawa separate sch very probable there and that each natio its own. schools. atent h on. M. McEac treal, i. he Bch line o ea - est ust —Letters corporating Walker, D. W. Browning as "Th Company" (limited), stock of $500000. —.Daring two day: car loads of cattle Waterloo Station. ized to the sellers th $19,000. Two car I also shipped to New —It has been deci gauge of the Toro Railway from its pr: feet six inches to th feet eight and one -1 laying of a third ra been ordered from England. ---Tlae annual me ting and of the ,Cana ian. Pr E38 Associ I take place i Angus is the place hosen excursion will . take region back lof Lind, as Parry Soand aia —The manly Chancellor Blake i tion and returning he was long am orn to allowing his fre moral and hilant curtailed, hs won admiration of all good citize —The ev. Henry Willi Dundee, in la lectu e, at Ben Tweed, updn Unit rian Theo Is, and ring the, x Lazarus to Beacons sed by s the na ause the else b r the pas dresses arasols, oh vice - in con- estab- C. L. PAPS ssension. among members of the ol board' that it is 11 soon a split, ality w' 1 manage ve beensued M- EL Cochrane, Jas. d John • 1 WV ow brothe -in- pringheld, of health, Hy all the orge Reid, haling from Watford, was arrested in London the other day as n amiable lunatic. His mania was shdwn in ask- ing every woman he met to Marry him, offering her a trip to England for the honeymoon. ---Mr. Plummer, of Toronto, has been appointed Superintendent of Indian ern, an , Cochrane Ranch with a capital last vele fifteen were alai pea at hese cattle real - total araount of ads of hores were York Sta . ed. to broaden the to and ipissing sent widt of three standar of four alf inches by the . The ± is have • Agencies in the Provinces of On Quebec, Nova Sbdtia, and. New B wick, at a salary 6f $2,800 per an This is another new office and an fat salary. —Moses Oates predicts that in very short time Ontario will be visited by a very severe frost for three or four nights. The season between now at be made up of rapid alt cold and heat. The hottes the summer will be in predicts a fall of snow duri —Mr. James D senting the farm who has been (A tario and the W ritories, with th which is best adapted for a large of wealthy Scotch farmers to set states that he wql. recommend W Ontario. —When the Rev. Mr. Slyer, ario, uns- ura. ether • next. P or the start. The place in the lake ay and as far north. Penetanguishene. ction of ex-Vice- resiguin his posi- o the Baij, of which ment, 'preference dom of Speech on ropic que itiODS to be the sym athy and maga of ickrupon- c)gylcalled xcursion tion will ort Hope SEAFORTI1, ONTARIO. forth, hiss "Shanae," Dive, wh tongtie, to a slip of th curred to been full o en ased nob A Moig Minneapol Angus & d July! will mations of weather of ugust He ig Jun odds, a de egate rs of East Lo mining riarts o stern States an View of !deter • • s, ho y comp wishe. Lord apolo tongn im be' nothin eman f „*. 3 • ticeessor to Messrs. Duncan & Duncan, late E. Hickson & Co. 741,VATCH ES, CLOCKS, cries of icli. man cool his eld Mr. ng it was h d oc- ap r had the de - eek. ing to ft: e, Messrs. Railway, a mill ,oivrpoinhiaarei agnitude pear by TER MI S corn. ill, of t a L.—A000 ercial pa e Manito are bout tiia erect n that c ip with the g inding apacity o rels f lain • per da'. "The of the pro osed mil," says o sy, "will . apolis 3011terapora, considerin that t to be as m ch as six stories high, b elevator w th roo bushels of wheat. barrels of flour p per hour, ba 000 barrel per y 10,000,000 bushel: to supply t, and t e value dif its annual product w'll be at the least $14,000,000.' It will m heat cro eqtires a he work AND JEWELRY all their branches, kept constantly on hand. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Engraving Neatly Executed. 0. L. PAPST, Se taforth Io FLOURING AND SAW MILLS. JAMESKYLI FOR EGMONDVILLE. MAY 27, 1.881„ 0 (I THE MASTODON 1)0 COMING 1 -LOOK FOR IT 1 EE IT 11 RS.- Es WHITNEY1 THE BEST GIEATEST, THE MOST IltELIABL,E_ CAANGE BUT$INESS • 7:-...13_Pi.:XEReTTT, - she:eetastodivp toec:d irljalheerrgTallinaat EjE :ELT Vt1 a tal • SGtovoeaGREaswialinessTNtoB717wr lasoonbsa,ve011A.aletteEpSrine ilea! MOST ATTRACT1VESHOW ON EARTH AND `TII be pa eho.ege of the businees tor several years and ex nded to them thatbas been. secordelto her- sh hopes the same liberal patronage mu e for so many years. WILL EXHIBIT AT • I connection. j.hcisitlittihneericue4h'sn.te.toiniatrsitogukteepd. EA F 0 RT H, WE DN ES DAY i JUNE '1 1teatato.,ttee AFTERNOON AND EVTOVES ALL KINDS SHELBY, PULLMAN & HAMILTON'S aware of Every De_script GRAND 0 ion. are ' also prep' ared r -do .01'210m Work of 'Every Description on -the ITT\TITT) SI-10WS Beg to inform his ' friends and the public gen- erally that his N EW SAW MILL.! ls now in fall working order, and he is pre- pared to do ▪ UST0111- SAWING On the shortest _notice and most reasonable berme. He has also on hand and for sale; ALL KINDS OF SAWN LUMBER. Bill Promptly Filled. IS FL9URING MILL Is in charge of a First -Class Miller, and he prepared to do GRISTING AND CHOPPING On the Shortest Notice. Good Work and fall Satisfaction guaranteed. Remember, when you want a grist ground ar a bill of lumber sawn go to the Egmondville Mills. 691 JAMES KYLE, Pro rider. HOHSES WAN E D e building will have 1 50 feet SqUare and sides haying a storage for half a 'million It will tram out 51 ✓ minute, 333 barrels rels per day, 2,400,- ar. It will require' of wheat per annum w PurrTi ereverrsraaildEt ynamite n the bu eria al na he outsi hav a d. t o A GRE luau, EV''. The cent birth wil Tr- at ' New -"" June. ining party le in, stern actor of the Church of the Nev'Jeru alem, in Boston Hight uds was drowned re- cently, he had i his pocket a sermon prepared for t e next 'Sunday. On that day this sermon was read to the congregation fro the author's Water - stained. manusc ipt. —The Prince4s Augusta Victo '2,, the bride of the young German rince, drives through the streets of Berlin in a great glass co ch, within vvhi h she sits enrobed in white wrap sur ount- ed with maned wn, and with beautiful hair, white roses fast ned hei brow making a very pretty picture. —Town Talk, a paper Ipublis Loudon, England, whose edit imprisoned. for libelling _Mrs. L re -appears iu Vieet streeti with statements t into trouble utterances is Baroness Bu clothes too snaall for her ladys too large for a doll. —According to the recent census MCCIALICH Ottawa has a population of 27,000. The suburbs of RochestervillCHANCE Edinburgh,. Stewarton, Mouni wood, and Janeville will incre by fully 3,000, making a total po for the city and suburbs of 30, 0 souls. Can —Sir George Owens, M. D., ently, ie Seater during a trial at the Dullin ommie- Farm and sold. sion, refused to attend a young lady. who was taken dangerously itn court, on the ground that he Nails thee only as High Sheriff of the city of Dublin. The young lady was handed over to the cost tender mercios of a medical student at may bring the again. Among its one to the effect t rdett-Coutte is ed in r was ngtry, foolish editor recent at the making ip and ke one-third of he present of Mi nesota into flour, and army f men. to carry on rowing out of its operations." G MIS HIEF.— he Fellie.1114 be en savoring to blow up glish i onclads, 'y means of booms laced among the coal kers. Several Of these id - chines, which are coated. on e so as to resemble lumps of been found. NTENARY. tephenson'e h great ea:4 on 9th1cif 1 • 'T INVENTOR'S C nary of George be celebrated wi Castle -on -Tyne G. A. HOUGH ON Is now prepared to buy any numb r of GOOD SOUND HORSES, EG -AL DFOOT, Birrristers, Bonet Ontaric —J. T. Garrey/ . 686 feeARRO & PRO \-ft tors, 0., Gode Wm. Peon foot. Weighing from 1,100 pounds and np wards. 68 (el AMER'''''N, HOL \-1 Solid ors in M. C. Cam ron, Q. 82011. & CAME ON, Barristets, hancery, Goderioh, Ont. ., Philip Hblt, M. G. Cat:n.- 506 WILLIAM SMA Bien* in B. R. Appraiser. Accoun reesonableiterms. 11 W . C MEYE • Law, Solicit° foe taking ftidavite Solicitor f r the 13 Private fn ds to 10. Shortest Notiee, and Cite*. COMPRISING: SIX FULL DEPARTMENTS, WITH THE Having a thorough Practical knowledge of the benfinese in all its branches, they hope to con- tinue the large patronage -which has bean given EGYPTIAN CARAVANAND ORIENTAL MENAGERIE. ylatrhz old and well-known hoase for so many WHITNEY BROTHERS. L BE AT SHARP'S OTEL, SEAFORTH, EVERY DAY. G. A. HO IU IITO N. THE ZURICH SADDLERY, ITARi ESS, —AND— FURNITURE ESTABLISH ENT ! L, Conveyancer and Commis- , Wroxeter. Auctioneer and s and no ee collected en 366 , Barrister • in Chaucer in the Provi nk of Ha nat64 toe nd Attorney tt Commissionr ce of Meeitobe illon„Winghae per cent. 633 TIENSO & MEYER, Barrist " at Lae, Solicit rain Chanc Conveyancers, Not ries Public, fotthande3re89els. $23,000 of ce,atE ghtpercent ner for ta Manitoba . ineestato eearly. nee in the JAB. H. The ab mutual c be paid t item Nov. 2 ommissi Courts o ENBON. ve firm n ent. Mr. B 1876.. as thi3 day • I account 118011 who New Sher - se this ulation LAW, cott's Block, OLIO TORS da and t h. nd Tow Money (private purities, at reaeo aoderat Money beet mor t e lend invested gage sec r. AUG • :NO Y & Y, AND C OFFICE, Main St IIER310117 WELL, Pro rietor. AGOOD Stook of Harness of all ki ds always on hand, together with everyth g elect be- longing to the business, which wi be sold cheaper than ever. k.JRN• ITURE FURNI URE. pecially low prices given to nevAy married eo ples requiring furniture; Call and 888 my St ck and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as ydn will save money by doine BO. 893 HERMON WELL Zurich. BROADVOOT & BOX, ere and Attorney ryandInsolvency etc. Offices—ea. Private Funde to Interet,paebie ing A flidavite for .w. 0. mnva. been dissolved by due the firm to ill pay all Habil- 8 H. BENSON . C. MEYER. - - 0 LMESTED V7ANCI1G eet, Seaforh. ✓ the Con olidaeed Bank of e Canadian Bank of Commerce and Village Property bought made) loaned on mortgage se. ablerates o interest. Charges for private] persons upon the tie, vritheat any expeneeto Y, M. A. HOLDIESTED. SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS &C. 'Wee elecelrameoe • eir:.-3-rkig dlIs 110 0 0 ) 3 5 WHEN THE FUNERALS ATTENDED ON THE SHORTEST NOTI E. THE COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND HEARSE FOR ORE. °IVEY TO LEND. In Large or Small Sums, at reason- able rates of inter t. NOTES AND MOR PURCHASE APPLY TO W. C. GOU Or at the Office of J. H. Benson, El MASTODON COM Yon will see, among our Monopoly of Special Feattires, SEVEN WONDERS OF -THE WOR 1SEVEN BEAUTIFUL SISTERS, polIcippca uv N.B.—All parties indebted to Mrs. Whitney an please settle their indebtedoess with her at once, as the new firm open neve books and the olid business must be closed. Patties d.esiringto eiettle can do so at the store a Whitney Bros:. nntil the first of October- After that date the tm accots will be put into other hands for (role 1 eetion. d65 MRS. E WHINKY. SEWING MACHINES I AMES WATSON, Dealer in all kinds of leirst-Olass FAMILY AND NI AN U FACTUlt• NG SEWING MACHINES. Knitting Machines, Lawn Mowers, Sad Irons, Sewing Machine Re- pairs, Needles, Oils, Attachments, thc. I am the ONLY Agent in this part of theConnty for the Celehreted H I TE SEWING I MACHINE ea Which s succeeded in takig the Vint Prize for two years in succession at the Seaforth Fir, over all its competitors. • Also Agent for the Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Osborne A, Wilson, Weimer CI, and any Alsehine a customer may want. bi VI All Kinds of Sevei-bg Tiladhine8 Repaired. Second-hand Machines taken in exchange aa part payment for New Machines, and Maclainee sold on easy monthly paymeats. Satisfaction Gaa-n arteed. Whose SrLeCTIN TRESSES fall in a Massive Veil from their Heads to their Feet. eee z,e"-qee, You will see the Sensation of th(1 Age, GAGES LOCK, JAMES WATSON MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIl. OFFICE—In Campbell's :Block, opposite the Mansion Hotel. 1368 THE SEAFORTH IAZEL: THE FEARLESS i INSURANCE AND LAND MERCY. In her Terrific Acs, in the course of which sh.e crosses the Pevilion 100 feet above the heada of the audience. You will s PROF NIEIL SMITHS GREATEST . DOG SHOW ON EARTH And Troupe of Canine Comedians y You will see the Finest Lady Rider in the WOrld, ar- efk ,keet((oeveN M' L LE A M From thePrincipal Circuses of Europe. who has no equal for Betnety, Grace and S1111, MR. FRANK BROWN, IN HIS PRINCIPAL IACT, In which he executes a Double Backw ard and Forward. Somersult. You will see THE WONDERFUL CARLOS In their Feats of EgtilibriM, Posturing, Clas- sic Scenes, and the YOUNG CARLOS in their Great Four Pony Bareback Act. And THE FAMED BRONCHO STEEDS. You will see the Poaderons Centenarian WAR ELEPHANT, "EMPEROR," One Hnndred and Two Years old, and aforth. 681 R. N. BRE T, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every D scription. None lentthe Very Best Stock moderate. A Trial Solicited. All or otherwi we promptly filled. 49C '11 kept. Term, ordere by mail N. 13RETT LE CREDIT FOSCIER ! HIS new Company, formed for the parp ose of inveeting French Capital in 0 nada, is now prepated to advance money on the ijuost 1ST orbic terms on good landed sesurities. 1 P . HAYES, Agent for County of Huron, Seat° h. -699 CAD D CAMPBELL, Provincial • and Ova Engineer. Orders ly attended to. 79 , D. S. CADIPBE ,and Surveyor y mail prompt.T1tobe 1. The Babies, Jenny and Topsey. YOU WILL SEE THE LARGEST TRAVEtLIN MENAGERIE EVER COLLECTED. And the Wonderful Cynocephalus, the Zulu. Band, The Collection of Moving Musical Aullomata, an Musctim- of Historical and Natural Cariosities. You will see —0 FIVE CLOWNS, LED BY DAN SHELBY, The Versatile Histrioeic Clown and Impersonator, in his Songs, Oha.racter Scenes,' and type:of Peculiar People. When the Mastodon Comes You will See all JlJTe ha e 4fentioned and a Great Deal More. ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. ADMISIQN, 50 CENT CHILDREN UNDER 9 YEARS, 25 CENTS. Reserved Upholstered Arm Chairs at a SlightAdvance. Dcors open il.t 1 and 7 ocloek P. M. p formances commence at 2 and 8 P. M. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THE CRAND STREET PACiANTThe moet beatjtj- ful sight ever witnesed. A Grand Free Show of Surpassing Splendor, which will page through the principal streets at 9 o'clock A. M. Excursion Trains on all Railroads at Greatly Reduced Raes. ALONZO STRONG S AGENT for Several Firsteelass Steak, Fire and Life Ineuranee Companies, and is peeper. ed to take risks on the moat favorable terms. Also Agent for sevetal of 'the best 'Loan So. Also Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Fano and Village Property. A Number of First-C-14 _Imroved Farms for Sale. $0,000 to Loan nit Seven per cent, Interest. Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tickets., OFFICE — Over M. Morrison's Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 646 THE SEAFORTH FLAX MILLS. NOTWITHSTANDING the late fire and the LI consequent less sustained by the deetrnetion of his barns and a large qdantity of material, the undersigned is determined to go into the Flax business this toming season more extensively than ever. He is prepared to receive applications from parties desirous to grow this profitable -crop, either by the acre or the ton, and will give the very best terms. He desiees to secure this sea- son about -600 acres. Any quantity of good clean seed on hand. Parties intending to sow should make applies - tion as soon as possible. He will still Bell his mill to a saitablepe son on reasonable terms. JOHN BEATTIE. MONEY TO LOAN. Any amount a monee" to Loan ou ressionable rates of interest on good fann security. OFFICE—Canadian Bank of Commeren Build= ings, Seaforth. jOHN BEATTI.., F0RBES:33-4zIVERY SALE STABLES. SEAFORTH. A RTHUR FORBES, the old eatablishedLie. etyman, keeps the best and Inost stylisheigs and the best driving horses in the business. Neat and Nobby Cuttrs, handsome and ten- fortable Robes, and fast and safe horses always on hand. A very hata some faniily sleigh for oneor tito horses. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Good driving horses benght and sold. _ REMEMBER THE PLACE — Opposite O. p. Willson's Agricultural Warerooras, Sesforthe 689 ART1d.tell FRBS. CHARLES DUNBAF4 LOCK AND GUNSMITH SEAFORTH, MANUFACTURER and Reporter of all kb& of Englieh and Almerican G118,Bifle414- volvers, Fishing Tackle! and Sporting Goods be general, evishee to inform the public that he has opeted teGeneral Repair Shop in Mr. Robr) (Druggist) old stand, opposite Cardao's HOW where he intends to cazty on business. Allkinde of Repairing done in Locks, Keys, Gems, Rend. vets, Parasols, Umbrellas. Table Plate, rt.. Grinding Done. The Repairing of Sewing ehines a Specialty. Scissors, 'Knives, Stat and Lawn Mowers sharpened and repired. Electro Plating done en Gold and Siler. Old Jewelry made ;just as •good as new. Ail Terig entrusted to him will bepromptlyattended toOn the shortest notice. 683 dECABLi1f3 DIJNBille Seifert**