HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-27, Page 5AY .3 it is noted for leo. ,reserroe on the -human lather'. Time alone call man who thus victim. now be distinguiehea ry other 'meanie thee na.rk." arranged to hold a Ashfield about the ne, in connection wait limb. of Cada, which aided by Rev. Dr. Wia of the Goderich dire Lon, a clever young i in the township ee ,y. intends locating in lei, where he will praee ion. As people Nthi he will have icits et Fair,. of Clinton, j )aru on his farm, ad., a size 100e56. He in. ehles. &c., beneath, fee feeding eatt le, which fis going into on an ex... '. of the Brussels flax ring let out over 70.0 0 150 persons. This than last year. Re 100 bushels more hed he was afrai1 he could eh. ., of West Wawangsla oor step on Monday of :located her shoulder, ;-eritive-Mrs. Jas. 00; block,. Hullett, Hallett, fell into r house iaat week, and vere bruises. of Blyth /mule it nidor, Mr. J. Tennant, eseselue him 25 and withodit a transient ie. The costa ia the case .75 ; total, $35.75. The i appealed against. ksou, of Morris, and apa,nied by their soi wife, started off on a L Country last week. ie new Allan steam- ' A safe voyage and. 3 our wish for them. tsou, the deputy -reeve '-ds leaving for the old tit•sta of a few weeks, of purchasing some and an entire horse. [less te say that what a be first class stook. dy in Goderich, of a ate turn of mind, s, put a piece of wedding r pillow, so that in her it see her future hue - ening she declared that than marry the fellow !imam that night. .;_ Meyer, barrister, of ids opening a, branch Lew, and until further Lueknow on Wedries- k. The good people d IC` 1 find in Mr. Meyer le, and a thoroughly potent professional ' t cattle shipped from day of last week was* Durham bull belonging rtice, of Goderieh town- '. J. W. Biggina, of Stan - ;very fine animal, and it pity to let it go to the was found best sato- do Maths Methodist minis- ait, has been urgently • people to remain as r another year. Mr. preacher and a good ople of Walton circuit S as we as pleased Imre his continuance 1r another year. ick Baker, who lives. I weat of Dashwood, in Fay, owns a caw which Er,ave birth to a calf The 08,1f at last w- and doing well. Mr. ttiviseci him to keep it, there is a small for enterprising indi- EcNaughton, pastor of byteriart church, Wal - rutted leave of absence e by his people. The doubt, ultimately_ re - to both pastor •and LI return to his duties entally and physically d eaergy. The pulpit during his absence by J. Livingstcme, of Lis- fiax mills, a few days Scott, of Gait, 70 bead ' cattle. The average vas 1,500 pounds, mak- e about $6,000. These. lased by A. Webster, xey and Morris town - good iarmers and grow !8e townships. -e be&n raised by sub - I and vicinity for the ng a new sidewalk in that village to the As this is a public red, the Grey Council -he private subscrip- _bored grant from the y, We are sure the ild Oa object to this iv rate. . a Govenlock, of &m- over fifty head of fat . Josiah Murphy, of . Ile shipped them, forty others, from the on Monday. The .ged $75 a head. They 'the European markets. etch, of Rostock, also /dock eight head of fat Arial averaged 1,400 others slightly under of the five referred to rids. The price paid der re: apound. Sev- thie county have and larger sales than Mage of Zuricli is still wering. Mr. Nicholas lthe Babe -Ion Line, is rick residence in the L;vtoigelical Metlaodists [leir church property a ugo for their pastor. much better this spring INIr. II. Moritz has en- nd shoe store, and has Is constantly employ - extensive tannery in tarns out a large ;rids of leather, which, uperior quality, meets e Mr. II. Cook has. MAY 27, eleamensesegee. taken poteession of his grist mill, and is carrying on the milling in connection with his saw mill. Mr. Holtzman is doing an extensive business at his sash and door faetory. He manufactures all kinds of furniture, a large quantity of which he wholesales: Mr. H. Hopple, of the flax mill, has gone extensively into flax groveling this season. He intends to employ a large number of hands. -One evening last week, as some elm timber was being sawn in planks at Mr. Kyle's mill, in Egmondville, when gigging back, a plank fell on the saw, in full motion and was thrown through the end of the mill and over the river, a distance of ten rods, and stuck into the ground, fortunately with- out doing much injury. Had it struck against the cross beam it would have given the mill a good shaking. ---The annual meeting of the Presby- terian Sabbath School at Ethel, Grey township, was held on Tuesday evening of last week, when the following, offiCers were elected for the ensuing year : Superintendent, A. • Panaba.ker ; Secre- tary -Treasurer, H. Warner; Librarian, Wm. Spence. The‘ Secrets,ry'S report was read, showing the school to be in a very prosperous eiyadition, with an av- erage attendance of 43 for the year. It was decided to hold the anniversary pic-nio on Dominion Day. --One morning last week the son of Mr. P. Cole, Sr., of Clinton, a mere in- fant almost, was accidentally poisoned, and had it not. been that medical aid was quickly summoned and proper remedies adnairdstered, the accident would no doubt have proved. fatal. The little fell -5w had gone into a neighbor's, as was his avont, said seeing some bread • and sound in Mina, prised to meet on his the gpeater part of the of the Burgh on the hig a season of the year. soon enlightened on t1 went home happy, bit sheep was found or' whie it was we have not leayine uncharitable enough' to stray sheep of the hon'se -The last District; Conference year of th1e odist Church was held i week. The attendance large.* Rev. Dr. Willi man of the District p Financial Secretary,Rev performed the duties of D. G. Sutherland was Secretary. The report loos circuits and stats notwithstanding the la removals; to Dakota an the membership has in over last year. The District were also sho condition, in many case tributions to the varion church being encouragi last year. Some chair the District circuits, being the formation of With Manchester as its The Blyth circuit has little, in order that one the future suffice. Re was elected to the Stat tee from a number of n -The death is ann Donald Janor, of the BI y sion, Goderich township, place:oa the 13th inst. an invalid. for twenty-tw migitil 4em le ti • , Weyer, h pointa whde fhae .5 say it o Israel. eeting anode, inglut as uhue , the C ed, an ro.freeeD. o • ectad M om the showed e numb e North sed fift ante o o be a e yearly fund ti of g y in exc were ma 21 3 r- aid lon r t re t 11 1 ongst new ead n oh iste r. M ing 1 natio unced eld whi he yea able on the floor, ate of it ; the bread had teen of which she was nbt been covered with arsenic, to poison one foot before the o rats, and it being somewhEil early, had was born in the parish not been swept up. Very fortunately Ross -shire, Scotland, ori the action was observed and the child's and married February, life saved. Canada two years aftet, traveller, whose occupation re- her husband and fathe quires him to travel on almost oevery road andconcession. in the townships of Grey and. Morris; says that most bf the bridges in the latter township are in a dangerous condition, and notably on the second concession, crossing the Maitland; on Wheeler's line, 4th con- cession, and at Armstrong's, on the 5th concession. This state of things, if as averred, is not creditable to the care of the Council, who, if they do not mend their ways, will have the township stuck befor a heavy bill of damages some of these days. -The Goderich Star of last week says of- an iraportant industry in that town: ; The Seegmiller plow is attain- ing greet popularity, orders being re- ceived as fast as shipments can be made. The success of the works is very gratifying to the firm, and a de- served recognition af inventive skill and business enterprise. Mr. Fred.Seeg- miller superintends the work, and Mr. Alfred Meek is shipping clerk. Mr. James B. Thompson looks after the agencies. This relieves Mr. S. Seeg- miller, the patentee and proprietor, allowing him opportunity to attend to the outside business, which is in- creasing rapidly with the development of the trade. -Mr. A. MoXibbin, of East Wawa - nosh, met with a serious accident one day gest week. He was coming to Winghana with a young lady, Miss Joyce, in his light wagon, and when a short distance north of Belgrave met a 1 buggy in which was a lady holding a 2,080; W. Maks, Hu11i parasol. Mr. McKibbon was driving a Carnochan, Tuckersmit colt, and when they met the buggy the Sheppazd, Goderich town . colt appears to have taken fright at the RWaites, Hallett, 5, parasol, jumped to one side, and over- Hullett( 10, 14,950; A turned the wagon in the ditch. The lett, 1, 1,345 • H. itadf gentleman was thrown into a ditch con- 5,660 ; Jas. Manning, Hu 2' taining water with Miss Joyce on top of W. Morris, Hullett, 2, 7 him, and the wagon on top of I both. ton, Hallett, 4, 6,270; J When rescued the lady appeared very I erich township, 2, 2,57q; little the worse, but Mr. McItibbin was I borne, 5, 5,835 ; Mr. Brig 1 found to have two ribs broken and was 2, 2,805 ; Mr. Crossnaa otherwise braised and. injured.; He is ' 4,155; J. Lyons, Halle te ! now recovering under medical treat - Knox, Hallett, 3, 5,065 ,, , Hallett, 1, 1,435. The ro.ent. • . i --One day last; week, a number of the rete of from 5c to young men from the 12th concession. of i weight. Ashfield, started out on what they' termed a fishing excursion, and on their A Big Show way home came through the village of 1 elesrs Shelby, Pul Araberley-minus any fish -and set to 1 informs ti' ethat their work to make "mullet heads" of thorn- 1 Shows will visit us on selves by imbibingSincelast season, Pull thing stronger than cold water. This ; have associated thema done,they then began to disturb the quiet- 1 Dan Shelby, of Buffalo nese of the village, by insulting every ' expmenced manager one with whom they came in contact. Finding, however, that the villagers were disposed to resist their unmanly Mr. and Mrs. Mustard, 2nd concession, Stanley, 1849, where she and hr mained. till 1875, when 't Goderich township. By she was injured in t of the body, and n every effort to reli became so far disabled chair on castors to move only way for the last fo going from one part of th other. This long peri and confinement she boy most degree of patience an and although all know h happy relief to her, it is 4, her friends. She leaves three children, three brot sisters. -Messrs. Watson & dealers, last week shipp for the Old Country m very fine animals. The by and purchased from Ta, townships of Hullett, 'rue Goderich. The following of the feeders, the mina from each, and their cern J. Sheppard, Goderioh weighing 1,295 pounds'; Goderich township, 2, 6, Allister, Goderieh towns J. Hunking, Hallett, bul Brown, Hullett,.3, 4,33$ Hulled, 4, 5,365 ; W. 6,870 ; H. Snell, Hallett Courtice, Goderich to e d 1 1,/ d cir Lla ng Do s. of CO h as s, to Ro ay 1, 47, c mi ogether nd too tlingj on thej fa husb nd y remov me mi lowpr with tan e h to r er ab teen ouse of s with 1 th resi na ✓ death great lo a hies]) ere and t t ooney, c from 101i et al lo • ad bee mere in 't ere ith re th n er rotor ined'weigh own hip . Co along 5.; A.. ip, 21, 2J39 , 1, 2 320 ; T. M mita iIJl, H llett, , , 3,27; T. ship, bull, t 2, 2;77q; hj 4,- 5,0101; hip, 5, 6e 60 ; E. e mieson, 11 , Hull*, lett, 2, 2 74 0; J. j h arquis, L Baer,IC am, Mille , Hullett, , 4,535 ; jo oseph Lo s, ere sold. at er pound l've r t t f I/ r : tion has been largely inic addition of a large M seam containing man actions, they decided to start for home large and talented °ire -having with them a span of horses Marine Aquarium, and tractions, making it th4 largest and best shows tin It will travel entirely Pullmans have establish reputation, and their us Mr. Shelby insures au for the present season every way wordy of order that our readers opinion as to the intrin mastodon show, we su ing extracts London Free Pres& keeps faith with the pe ing all they advertise." Sarnia Ceriadian.-" Shelby, Pullman &' were packed by fashio ciative audiences. T was fully up to the et say 'come again.' " Guelph Herald. -"T by, Pullman & Hamil reason to be proud of have achieved as man cus and menagerie is t seen in Gaelph." Belleville Ontario.- worth doubleThe pric Advertites what they all they advertise." and a wagon without a box -and used language along the road which was any- thing but a credit to them, ineulting every one they met with abusive lan- guage. When within a few rods of Rev. Mr. Grant's church, they net a specimen of the genus ‘(tramp,";whom they abused in a shameful and cOward- ly manner, stripping him of Dearly all i his clothing, and beating him in a very unmanly way; but in the act relieved him of an innumerable number of "backbiters," of which a goodly num- ber must have followed those who carne in contact with him. May they teach them a lesson to let tramps and all other persons pass by unmolested when next they meet them on the public road. correspondent says there was great excitement in the village of Mar- noch one clay last week. On.the pre- vious morning Mr. Thomas Agnew, _Sr., having lost some sheep thought it de- sirable to go end seek thera, purposing to return that night which was very good and proper. But as every one knows who has tried it, seeking a stray animal is like going on a fool's errand. the further you go the further. people . will direct you to go and so it proved. in Mr. Agnew's case, as he made the com- plete journey to Zetland via Winghara where he took lodgings for the night, which perhaps was very acceptable af- ter so long a constitutional, and. we have no doubt he would have been wel- come to both if he had just! said so. But as it was, on his 11011 arrival the good lady, Mrs. Agnew, became very anxious nor slept any all night and when .morning came she informed her neigh- bors of the state of things as far as she knew, who immediately fortned them - &Ives into an exploring party and as in` the former so in the latter the farther ,they went the farther sent, until some arrived at Whigham and telegraphed to Toronto to Mr. Thomas Agnew, Jr., who was sent on R. R. business to re- turn, and help to seek his father. Hap- pily this order was countermanded before it had.done any damage, as the old gentleman turned up all safe in body r, 4, 8- od- 1- t, 3, 11 ming. & Ha,mil ted Mastod dnesday ne t. & Efarailtin es with if r. wealthy a • d the exhi @l- eased by he agerie, a 34 u- curiositie, a is company, a any other:t- equal of he the con -tine t. y rail. .e d n exeell nt °elation w th entertamm nt *eh will be in In an is w- 11 1 11 atronage. ay form worth of it the foll A show tl le, by perfdr e tents of milton sh ble and; app performs, dard, and Messrs. S have ev e fa e eir eh 11 rs. T best A good eh Of adnaissi show, and sh Auction St,1es. at 11 he We e- ce ry ey ir- ve w, n. w Tuesday, June 21, 1881, at urn r's Hotel, Brucefield, a Splendid. Fa m. Sale to commence at 1 °Woo' P. M. Donald McDougall, prdprieto ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Friday, June 3, 1881, en Lot j8, Gin - cession 8, H. R. S., Tucersmit1h, Fa m Stock, Implements and Hens° old niture. Sale to corammice o'clIck P. M. Will be sold without re erve as the proprietor is. going to Dalro a.m. 11 H. Grieve, proprietor ; J. P. B me, tioneer. 21 THE GROCERY STORE • NEXT DOOR Tim POST OFEICE.-Swede Turnip Seed, ranted fresh and true to name: Ito al Nor Marquis of Lorne, Fine Imp: oved We tbtay, ter's 'imperial, Skirving's Improved, a 20 pound, and 9, reduction to parties p chaain pounds and over. D. D. RosE, 0 deer, forth. 702 t THE HURON EXPOLT2R. • Births. RYAN ----in Brussels, on tLe /6th inst:, the wife of Rev.,F. Ryan of son. MoCRAGEEN-In Banes° s, on the lfith in t., the Wife ief Ma. W. McCracken of a daughte • eLENNAN---In Motesworth, ott the 10th Ind , the wife of Mr. John McLane= of aeon. AGE --In Stapleton, on the 17tat inst., th 3 wife of Mr. George Sage of a daughter. ADLEIteeIn Dublin, on thel5th instethe•vife of Mr. jamee Sadler of a daughter. nyLORa-In Mullett, on tlie 23rd inst.,the wife of Mr. Wm. Taylor of a daughter. 1 Marriages. MADDER--M1TIR-In Grand Valley, Manitoba on the 29th ult., by Rev. J, R. Hall, at the residence of the bado's father, Mr. W. Mad- der, to Min Minnie Muir, former y of Ribbed, „county of Perth. AleadJAW-CARMICHAEL -In Brucefie d, at tho ,manse, by Rev. Taos. Thomson, oi the ego anat., Mr. P.obet Laidlaw, to H nah, Eyosiing.,ateastdsaenagthortt.erhof Robert Caa. heel, ,of aGILLIUL:DY-DUTT 3N- At tho res dence of the bide" father, atratfOrd, on the 24th inst., lay Bev. D. A. McGregor,11 Thos Mo. sGillicadda, Dog., of tLe Huron ignal, God- erieh, to Sarah t.ambriige, secon au, er of John Dutton,. Es4l. Sti atford. OICE-WILLIAIIi On the 18th ilnst., the Methodist Church Gaaerich, by tev. D nald G. Sutherland, 3. L. L. 13., 0 nton, at3eisted by Rev. Jhn C. William4, Roch eter, New York, brothe of tete bride, 4r. Ed and A. Boicee of Lon' ville, iientndy, to elle, daughter of Rev. Jobe A. Wil hone, 1 . D., Goderich, Chairm not tbe Distric J CRSON-WINGAT Iu Loncben, jon ▪ th; llth inst., iirer Rev. Mr. Philp, Mr. ]dwn C. ack- son, lam of Mr. I mar Jackson, o Olin Mies Bertha Wing ter ot London. EWHLBST-RUIVIallILL-On Febr4ary 16 h, at the residence of I the bride's nother, Poet Augueta, South Anstielie, Edw d N collo Dewhirst, Manage National Bax4, Po Au- gusta, to Annie R sien , daughte of th late George Rnmball,j Gocerich, an1 nie e of Megan. F., B. andj S. Rumball, CI ton. L-BROWNLEE In Clinton; on the 16th inst., by Rev. Mr. MatLiews, Mr. Hiram Hill, to Mies Sarah Br wnlee, allof ett. D6an.s. UNCANe-In Stanle4, on :he lith st., th be- loved wife of Mr. James Dune ,, age 69 years. S OTT S --In Stanley on tae 15th i t., Ma thew Stotts, aged 65 years. AY -In Stanley, ofi the 17th ins ., Mar area Hay, aged 75 years J NOR -In Goderich township, on the 1Stb mb., Mary 'wife of Mr.. Donald June, aged 65m ears. S LF -In Howick, on tae 10th 'inst., 01 daughter of Mr. Robert Self, sged 4 year. FOXTON--, WHALEY--Drowned, at London, on the 24th inst., Jane Elizabeth Foxton, aged 26 pato and 5 menthe. Mary Anna Foxton, aged 22 years and 1,0 months. William Henry 'Whaley, aged 7 years and 11 months. All of Clinton. THE MARKETS. ,. 8EA.8ORTH, May 26, 18E1. ' Fan Whe4 1 07 to 1 JO Spring Wheat,Fife,p4 bushel... 1 Q5 to 1 12 String Wheat,RedChaff,perbueb. 1 1j173 :o 0 5o 1 808 Oats per b shot 0 • . . .. 0 to 0 66 Pewterer b libel B rleyper bushel...; 1... ..... . 00 !..85 too 00 -L5 1 B tter,No 1,Lowie.1.• 00 ri tt oo 00 1811 B tter, Tu E gs Fl wearer 100 lbs . .. 82 05 eto° 102 0805 H y, new. . • 0 des, pe 100 lb.... 05 00 ttoo 17 0500 8 eepskin each $ lt(retail)per barre ; . 1 00 8 lt(whol Welter b rrel........1 0 90 P tatoes, er bushel hew 0 6 to 0 80 A plan pe bag........ 0 30 to 0 40 5 O tmeal 0 to 5 50 brl , T llow, per lb 0 5 to 0 06 T anothy Seed per b shot 2 50 to 3 25 Cover Seed per bush 14 50 to 5 00 ool per lb . 0 2 to 0 23 • CLIB TON, F 11Wheat,per bush 1....... 8 ringWateat,perbu hel 1 08 @ 1 10 O ts,per bushel • • • 07 @ 0 40 B rley,pea bushel 1 0 5 t 0 70, . P &raper anoint 0 0 @ 0 65 13 tter... • • • • 0 35 aa 0 16 P tatoefettew 0 05 (al 0 85 E go ' 1 ' 0 n @ 0 n H y,pertOn. 10 90 0 12 00 0 over SeI3d 4 50 © 5 00 T mothy Seed 2 5 @I 8 00 D las 7 0 @I 750 Ma 26,1881. 110 TO ar- olk, ar- a • 10 Sea - eased /togs per 100 LIVERPOOL, M S to 9s ; red 6d ; White, 9 8d to Qs 09d ; de pews, 6s 07 78 Od ; cheese, y 25 - Spring wheat wirter, 9a Od. to 9s to 9s 05d ; club, 9i3 ate, 6s 2d; barley, 5s ; pork, 72s 6d; peel, 5s Od. 1 Wee nunedii Loc 1Notices. ED.- H mess Make tely. Appl to E. J. HANDY GOOD EATING. -- Try the SON & YOUNG' the market. 7 sect a on you hes, and use He Co.'s Drug Stoi NG are sellin agar atla very sm II advance on Moi ale price. Cnn andj see ample an ourselveS. 699 REV. F. G. otthiGt Divine Ser 11, Seeforth, on 1, evening at 7 x nem 702-2 00E PIOKIN ill pia the high ool pickings, H iv red at rny furnit - kiim, fox sale at W t nd swee est meat i Looe out for i nd Goo ale att WILS eeberry bu HICKSON N & Yo as IDDOWS, Ex- ce ar d Preach unday May 29t 'cloak Collecti El, HIDES IND st caeh pricee for des, sheep and c ere sto e. No t wanted -.Zurich. 702 kagoolia, .' The beat 11' r currant lebore. For e. 702 Tea and. treat whole - judge for Honk will in Caedno's , morning at n to defray ny qu entity if skins de- ck or trade, for everything Join S. PonTE . 654 EEDS. - W tSON & You a- have a are etc:telt of field nd Garden Seeds, all new, and ought flora the ost re iable seed neen iu the ominiop. In sel cling seds we al ays buy the est we clan get, in epende at of price, considering nor seeds dear at any p ace. We ave all the eat varieties of *T mips, Mangolds nd Garrote, hick we will sell a low as any h muse Li the ra.ae, quality cone • ered. 699 • NAr S. IIADDEN • of this vicini rqpe1ly forrr erly n8 ha virg quite e as now prepare n all i s brant willed, and CA arrant4d to give ble. Iesjdenoe, ad oining th st side. Abele 0 13 'NT I INT CI - begs t y that owned thereo announce he hae p by Mr. a comm to the eeople deistic d the m. Hadden, diora shop, to eae ute orders for Weaving es. LANNEL, Plain and PETS satisfa half a farm is resp Specialt ion and t mile east Mre. (t61 otfully sol J. S. ▪ All work es rcasOfl- )f Egatond- melt en the ci Led. ADD EN. IMPOR NOTIC s. t IRE AN -A thilnediaicI e subeeriber. CTIGE-All bynote or eon, ofiStanley, nes MeClymo in for Ijokota. need Fire linton Mil FAIR, Clii nan wanted e. Apply to ton. 701 arties w ook ace are req t at. Onc M. JO o are ind unt, to Mi ired to ee as he pi STON. ofriaE-The Council th County of Huro ouse in the 1 nn of G 7th dayl of, Ju.e next. nty Clerk. 140TICIE-The parties t ships from tm e orchor HalletteLare well known o too them ; if not re t o issue of thi paper p t ken to bring t •e parties GEORGE ADD ON. of the C -will meet dericb, on PETER bted, either Wm. John- tle with Mr. irpoees leav- 700x4 rporation of in the Court Tuesd y,the ADAi SON, 08-2 at took t of Mr. Ge him and urned in oceedings to justice e fo rge A e ca en da imine ahem disort, prove s from en be •ately. 700 4 01 0 TICE-If of Shingle acksnlith Sho ea riot re rthwith, he w' LO 'Arta who nen 'J. H. OWiSHIP R ision f held at Crib ay, th le 31st d o'clook A. M., deciding appe s frOM t ties interested will pleas themseivee ac brdingly. Clerk. he party from- th belong ran or be pros ok the HITM OF Me r the To on's If y of May or the 1, who took three yard of o r. g to the untie pay for th cubed an exp is well now SH. ILLOP- ship of tel, Wint next, at t urpose of e Assess take noti JOHN -- - he cRi op, o e h hea nt. O an .5 unchee arton'e signed, same sed, as to the 7034 ourt of op will Tues - 11101 10 ng and All par - govern IVAN, 702-2 11 -I THE GREAT SALE1 IS NOW 60124d ON AT . LA. TT S OCERYiND PROVI ION STORE, SEAFORT GIAL ATTENTION is directed to my large ahd Well assorted stock of Te s -the es value far your money ever offered ;yeteari at three pounds of Good Tea for $1, a d four on• de of the best Tea Dust for $1. other Go de are cut down and are being sold at El VERY li.OWEST RA ES e All inds of Grocerhis, a large stook of upgpaiiernese: O 'mad Peaches,dietrs, Sardines, 13 mon, eap Currants, Rai ins Prunes, Dried pp laek Currant Jell Red Currant Jell , .4Ip le, Orange, Leni n, Honey in one po .d tins, Mix d Pickles by th Quart or Gallon -also in bottl s. A L KINDS OF PROVISIONS, FRESH AND1 GOOD, SUCH AS Flb a, Cornmeal, Oitmeal, Bran, Shorts Chop Sitallt, Seed Corn,Pok, Sugar Cured Haris, Po- ' s, Cheese, Syrups!, Maple Molassee, to. A ot of CHERI!'1 CHINA AND CLASSWARE • Clearn Greek, Milk Pans, Jugs, all BI S(n! • Flower Pots, and a large stook of Glase Vaunt Jars, I I 1.asa Butter, Eggs and Lard, and some of the 4st varieties of aweet Turnip Feed in Sto k. •- A. G. AULT,. Seal Me. AUCTION SALE. OF VLUABLE DILL POPERTY AND EXTENSIVE dRAIN STOREHOU El • IN THE WN OF SEAFOR H. 1 . H. BURCE GORDON will sell by Publi Ane -- tion, on tae Premises, on THURSDAY,! JUNE 9, I 81,, Ett 8 o'clock P. M., the following valuabl prop- erty known as the RI D ILL, in the Town of EA - FORTH, County of Huro? • T e Mill tea three story frame building 80x50, on stone foundation' with brick engine house 2x20, and 40 horse to ower engine; four nn of 41 feet 4 inch stone; Eureka Elmutter, j Silver Ckeek Bran Duster, Dominion Purffie , two dcluble reels of Merchant bolts and flour acker. The thriving and rapidly increasing T wn of • 8 aforth is situated in the centre of one 1 the fi est wheat growing sections of Wes Ou- t rie, and the Mill is capable of doing a 4ry ex- t naive gristing business in addition to me chant w rk Also at the same time and place, a jFramne El °rehouse, close to the mill and alongside the treck of the Grand Trunk Railway, 86x45, two stories; capacity 80,000 buehols, two elevators. One of the meet complete storehouses in the weet. The whole property preeents an exhalent opening to any person wishing to engage in the Milling and grain buSiness. T ERMS EASY. For further t articultire aps ply to E.; F. HEBDEN, Oto .P. O. Bolx. 28, Stratford. a. BRUCE GOIlbON, Auctioneer1 Stratford. 708 1 451. 1...i .: A IJ I 1t --OF-- ijYAL MAIL STEAMS IPS RP LIVEOOL, LONDONDER Y, 1 , AND GLASGOW. 'RE SHORTEST SEA RO TE Cabin'Intermediate and Steerage Tic ets at b I LF est Bates. Steerage Paesengers are •ooked tc London, Cardiff, Bristol, Queenstown, Derry, B Ifast. Galway and Glasgow, at same rites as to Liverpool. ILINGS FROM QUEB 0; Pp IIVIAl7th MAY s; P ' YNESLaN ,14th MAY P ISIAN 218t MAY S DINIAN 28th MAY IJQRAYIAN 4th JUNE llth JUNE 18th JUNE 25th JUNE 2nd JULY SI 9th JULY 16th JULY 28rd JULY 30th JULY MATIAN RCASSIAN aLYNESIAN RISIAN jRDINIAN ORAVIAN SIU3MA.TIAN CjLROA.SSIAN The Wit train connecting at Quebec w th the A Ian Mail Steamer will leave Toronta every Iteid ay at 7:02 A. ?o. For ticket s and eery in- failmation apply to 7Qt A. STRONG, Agent, Senfokth. T - ASH FR WO9L 20,000 POUNDS WAN'IrED A T THE SEAFORTH WOOLEN MILS. A. G. VANEGMO D. YE, EAR AND THRO T DR: CEORCE S. RYERSON B.C. P., L. R.C. S. E., Lecturer on me Eye liar and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Torer o , and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and ar L. rmary, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the stitutions for the Blind. Brantford, nd for he Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont. Lt Glare - al Arsistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi- tal, Moolaelds, and Central Throat a d Ear (mead. iI7 CHURCH ¶iTREET, TORO TO. May be 4onsnited at the LBION Ho EL, STRATF TUESDAY, JUNE 28th, and on last nesday of every mo tit thereafter. 703 600D VALUE IN ALL DEPA, Good Value in Black Silks at the Gold Good Value in Black Cashmeres at the Good Value In Press Goods at the Gol Good Value in T)rints at the Golden Lio Good Value in Table Linens at the Gol Good Value in Table Napkins at the Go Good Value in Carpets at the Golden L. Good Value in Lace Curtains at the Gol Good Value in 0ounterpanes at the Gol Good Value in Uloves at the Golden Li Good Value in 111. -sr- • olden L. en Lim •en Lion. den Lon.. on. en Lion. en Lion. n. osiery at the Golden L'on, R. JtIESOIT, SAE' 11 NEW GROCERY IN S EAFO RTHE II TT GI- II IR/ 0 )3 I3 AVING Reeseerea to the Comer/odious Store in Seturkae Bleak, betwe n Megaroy's and Rebeeteon's Seed Store, andh eying more room at hie disposal than is qulred for his Gated Mat Business, was adtled Pi. STOCK OF Nphi. AND FRESH GR e found as Complete and Varied as any in the Trad , and CERIES, VERYTHINq I -S FRESH AN NEW is determined to sell strictly for cash, and will eorseguently g•ve his eustoere the benefit of Liberal Disc omit from ordinary trade prices. Siyine of the Best Teasr in the Market for 12,e Money. CURED MEATS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ALWAYS ON HAND AS USUAL. Goods .Delivered tn any pa/rt of the Town Free of 4marge. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN FOR GOODS AS GASH. R emember the Place and Give Me a Trial. HUGH ROBB, Main Street, Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL -IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. O. C. WILLSON 1 0.0. WI: LSON HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF ALL RIND ARJVIING IMPLEMENTS AND MAi HINERY, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: PLOWS -The Massey No. 18 Thistle Cutter;.the Three Roll Beam Chilled American Oliver Chilled Plow, No. 40, manufactured at South Bend, son's No. 40 Chilled and the Btantford Chilled Plows, and a number of o Plovis. This is certainly the best selected stock a Plows ever kept in Se them before purchasing elsewhere. b.. -r-,-- EAPERS AND MOWERS -The Reaper and Mower businese s again to hand for the season, and as usual I have a thorough reliable stock, consisting oe 40 Massey Harvester, the Massey Mower and Sharp's Sulky Hone Rake; also Miller's Busk:re Twine and Wire Binders. These Macbines ars too well known to require any comment stiffice it to say that they are fully up to the improvements for the season of 1881. SMALL IMPLEMENTS- frill stock of small implements, s eh as Horse floesj Weeders and Scuffles, Ctern Planters and Corn Cultivators. Iron arrows at a rcduoedr Plpwa tho Genuine ndiana; ale° Wate:', her General Pmposee • forth; teal arid see price • SEWING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. The Wanzer Wanzer C, D and E,. Wilson 33. Louise and other meehines. Those are standard machines, and parties parcbasing can rely on getting value for their meney. LA a Machine Needles, Oils and Reairs. Repairing done on the ebottest notate, and work guazart writ teed. Also Agent for Abell's..Patent Pbrtable Steam Threshers snd Engines. 0. C. WILLSON, Main -St, Seaforth AUCTION SALES. Quee 2.nd, ing TO.D.O whol one and can b milli celle belon brick conn well antra with -fruit a d Mental trees; and t ere is every necess convenience ill eofl-. necti n with tbe reside 'ee. This is a meSt desir ftle property for a goo prortical roan, and w11b sold oheap and on ay, tering The mill and r if des TER os th roake on ti ticu LENDID CHANCE FOR *118.- ,erewiibesoldbyi s Hotel, Seaforth, et 1, et 2 teclock ills Property. effh stones, with eegine in good everting or-th the best agricubura /Alio Anotion, at the THUR1eDAY, JUNE , The Ratxboro Flour - 'mill neatens three And hailer, and the . It ie sit rated in countriee in Cenada, splendid gristing nd ilonriag business done by a, good mare Connected with the a good water ptivil e, also El Scree al 51 - land. Liimediately -ppoilfla ibis eenland ing to the property, is a etplendid htrge house, used ss a. Teta .enee for the miller, in tionwith which is •e fifth =of an acre, sidenc,e will be sold s parately, or tcgetber able; and both wi positively be sold. S. --Ten per cent. o the pur hese metey day of sale; enough of th, 3 balance to lap $1,060 within 30 13538, and the 'erneballet e to suit purchase _ For further par- s apply to the Ancti neer or thernlesign- . STRONG, Agent. 3. P. BRIE, Action - 702 '4 nust.T.JhnET:E S STATTI-FOR sai,on RSAeLE 7easy wuRTeta b; 3,1.1..esi7e residene ce on Jams George Dent. Engaire a neeEn,.a.eaeoatAa _ _ _ SALE - For Sale ll." John the lot VOR aitnate Mit h Frg talon 13 ing 14 school a good proprie further JOHN E AND LOT. AI, eap, a house ana o d Sperling Streets; Apply to E. GRIM, Sealaia --- issFiT M e. -eanet,r, AT -For Sale a fleet c Pan 1, nearly new and in good running &ale in the floaeishing Town of Beafoillte sold cheap. Term easy. Enquire or ), COSSENS & CO., (3-oaeriehaOnt. Fan SALE IN GREY -For! Sale that tendal Wheat fame being Lot 12; eonees- Grey township, Euion County, eentain- acres ; is conveniently situated to chorale, nd post office, andasa Shin easy distanee of 'elect ; will be eu A reasoneble, as the or is desirous a giring 'up fareabig.For particulars apply n the Trent -lees to it OBEETSON, Prop etora l 703x4' • on the corner of kee a stable on note. 41. 696 VA It FOR SALE--Bebig !Vest lethal Lot 35e, cession 1, McKillop, cents/alba; 60 novel. Is situ on the Herron Road, Melt:allot, lt miles •est of Staforth. This is or/ Of the be• farms the meaty. It mall Mattredovell fenced. and draned, also good buildixer -and splendid Terms easy. Foil farther partictuare the proprietor on tile pniees. T. E. ; 698 or chat applyt DENN PAR co ntai Ir a me fr nit; cedar i in exile JOHN JOHN • FOR SALE-Weethalf of Lot ,6, By - Road No,th, 'Staalay,'Coentlef Huron, ing 100 owes ; firstecates soil, hrickbouse, bens,eery superior :orals* and •good 0 ;acres fall 'wheat, largo'"queatity of rear of ' lot; neat ischool, ttoreh, and on grmel reset. For term* apply to PECR, Proprietor, oi the prenaises, or to SSON, Byfield. 692-16 V Alt FOR lSAL-Reing Lot 26,Sienereattion 11 Ribbert. -containing 1100 -acresetaeof wiibmh ar e ,cle Ted, underamined, Well fencei and in s Ai, at -el' ss state Of ,etritiantion; the belance ia ti Miler d enth hardwood a there is s -f/Ana bone, Ir ame ' ;arn and detain; plenta-of good water anie orchard; 10 es a miles from•,,Ilensaal, 10 ale th„ eraca2a front Cromarty i. er a Fot taxes r tellers appiy to the proprietor on the a you from p s, or if by letter- te 'Cromarty postofflae.. THOM 8; ativER. 6112 fl 0 SE AND LOT FOB SALE t t dab ableproperty on North Main Street for me ly owned and occupied by the late James Spar g; there lea frame house enitainingain, ro ores La kitche, with pantry, beilroom and w °ode ed ; a go? cellsea also hard and sett ater there is on acre ellandwith airontageof E1 red ; theo is al -good young beaxhig orchard le, it is e c,f tte meat desirable rm:reties in Bea - forth. Apply to J ES SPARLI'N0, 331yile:or JOHN fa WALSH 1rA. STItObleSeslortli. fiat FAr FOR SALle-For eel° the nest half of Lo 7, on the Gtjb aouce aion of Tuckersrarth. H. R. , containin 50 seep of °betel) land; on the pll is a baene bona nearly new, a young benrin .orchard, g od and pump 18 acre -of fall ni at 0V11, about 8 acres of ha , in within 41 nail from the town of Seater% on a good gravel octet This ie one of thebtatprotetiesinfea towns ip, and will be sold theape For further partie sirs apply to the proprietor on the - premi 5, or if by letter to Beaforth MMIC4x4-t f FtBMS FO SALE -For Fa e, in the ship -of Ttl nberry, Lot 25, COIOOESIONC, 60,11tAi ing 94 acre 88 acres cleared and free of stump, well fenced and -well waterta;hank barn 40x60 J good house two -sores off oaelkard ; eau - at ed o eguarter of a mile north of the Village of Wrox er, on a, goo graven -03C Alio Lot 26, east h 11, Concensio 0, sante township, tontain- ing 44 eree, 40 acr s cleared and 'well fenced; rtew b 'nk nem 50 ,4,a new triek house 24130, • and a ood ombard ablated within half a mile of M 1 Street, Wroeter. Every einevertience will b found on both places. Terms o suit par - obese For further ieffentation iply to the propei tor on Lot 26, or if by le addross Wrox er P. 0. ROBERT J. EVAN84 a08.4 Tw° To thole stilt!) fall w un der fen ee of eh stable and'w 118 wel from and 1 way; apply 0.13. FOR SAL -South half of, Lot 26, Cone salon 6, Monis containing 100 acres of clay loam land; 85 clewed, /0 elate of , and balance good hardweod ; .20aeres of eat eel 15 notes of fall plowin; 50 acres grass; the waoleis ivali ondexclrained and and welt waered; a goodebearbig orchard ee f mb, tbete is a keine bank futin 44:h60, below and otheroutbuildings;#smehottse ode. ed, and hard and eoftaaster ; thole= situated 95 to rosekets, being only 2 mike Brussels, on the Great Neaten Railway, from Settfoetb, en the Gland Jaunt Rail- posseseion at once, Forfnithergnatie•ulare to B. BROAlaFOOT, on the preialses, or to 'DOPER, Leal Agent, Br.useels.1 791 ltSe' N. B. -A few horses taken in exchange for =chsms. 1881 tHE CENTRAL GROCERY/ SE THE GROCERY DEPARTMEN Large Shipments of Ten, Sugars, Tobacco*, and Generni G le eelling at tikes tbat culanot be beat; 9 pennds of Standat d taranulat made of Brigbt Yellcw ItcfinedSugarfor $1; Teas from 85 cents up to E0 c ery package sola warrented to give the purchaser satisfaction or cash refunp 11 Stock in Pickles, Sauces, Canned Meats, Canned Fruits, &c. PROVISIONSFlour, Oat and Corn, Meal, Granulate wheat Flour, Hams, Bacon, Potatoes, &c. FROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DEP This Department 18 nnusually well assorted; We sell Plain and Decorate of in sets; Large Assortment of China Tea Sets, from $D to 820; Granite Decorated, from $2 and upwards • Dinner Sets; Bedroom Sets, from $2 50 a Glassware is immerse ; Call and see it; We have a large stock of Bar special attention to our stook of Cigars. THE SEED DEPARTMENT. 81 FORTH oceries, which we d Sugar for $1; 11. nts per pound, and d -No Humbu. GE FARM)EaOR SALE -For 40.1e, Lot 3 el es st bah o Lot 4, Coneession 78,11vilett, nieg 225 seas ; 120 acres cur -cd, tuider , drai d, and /leerily eles.r from saunas ; the bale 1 ance s heavily timaered -with bee* Maple, elm and sswcod ; thre are 50 fames befall wheat and 1t am es in grass; the land is af the beet quali y, being a ride day loam ; this film lays littls rolling, but not billy ; a never hang pring cree rune through tbe barn ytenie thia is a firste class grain or dairy fall° ; there ere 6 acres of youn orchard, with apples, petal, peaches, plum and eller-ries, just beginning to bear; the build lags are large and commodious; there is i&rgif bank barn 58'60, and :la moiety new; the drivi g house and stable is 40x60, and is also new the boese is a hage two story frame, -with katem n and wood Bleed attached, and good stone cella s under the wbole brlaing, and is filled an studding with lime sad grave' from. hot - top ; there is a good. school, post -Ceo, s tor an 1 blacksmith shcp within half a mile the f as is Sitrleted 10 eniles from Seafoilla 12 limn 0110 n, and 6 from Londeeboro - there 10 e good gray 1 read from the three to al the ttbove mar- kets A gool part of tbe purchase money c.an rem in on mortgage long enough to make it out of t plate. For particulars apply to THOMAS AT IlSON, on tbe prenizesaor to Belo* post oft 688 • ° Wheat, Buck - or p App • FOR SALE clE TO LET: ET -Six rooms ovoi A. 0. Ault's- sarocary Store, Seaforta. SaUable /Or area, makers ivate dwelling, :'with front and rear entranee. to A. Ca AULT, PrOprietor. 698 HOUSES TO RENT -To Beat, a the eons- RTMENT. -also the bouse adjoining the Dominion Curling Te eraortabie dwelling bouse adjoinaag the Old. ire,e Hall, io the nicest pet 01town es, and -kating Rink; toesession at eaee ; Tent rea- s • 1e. Apply to ji. MURPHY, Saaforth BOO 13 China by the dozen Tea Sete, Plain and Q up to 12; Our Stock Ki oda, and would call • atr tow ANITOgFull Stock in Gloeere, Comm cn Red, Large Late, Alsike and White Datob EXCURSIONS rase, Millet, White and 0 eld ot Orchard areas, Tares, Carrot, Mengel an en Seeda by tbe paper or in hall; Seed Potatoes inelt OnionsarlyBone, do.ea,nLat_gli Late Rose, bron and White Elepbarit ; Top °mann Dutch e • 8h HOMAS GREENWAY Will start another Excursion Train ion 1 Li We invite inspection of v.,r _Large Assortment of Good and remember th.at Wosell the best aoods that the Ma tonneeting with the one over the Great eetern ailway the same fay. ' Concentrate Fijeight at xetar or CenTtraliaHO MAosndGaitymbyzettnewe.Ay? loytralisto Or to WILL j. W 1T, ExreseAgeait, ; Exetee, F R EE DELIVERY. EDNESD Y, JUNE LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, Main Str Under ; ; f Timo-thy,Iltmgarisa Turnip reeds; Gan now YiakenBeauty tf Potato Onions. .Note the fat ket contans. et, Seafortiii.. the Clock, Cerdno's 3314:41.. ; T TOO abl Ap ser ber )RE TO RENT -To xent a large and com- modious; store in Whitney'a bleek, Main et, Seaforth, hi tbe best br.oineopart of the . The store ie 6-; feet long wish a store - BO feet in length lathe rear. "knit ;roe "an - and poseeseolgreett era 5th jaatuary, 1881. to WIIITNE Blitilltaate, I eng Id F 41 SALE OR TO RENT--Bting Loa 12, Concession 6, Thalett, to s, 55 Beres cleared azid the balm well Wel- d with valuable tit:boe; *oil gm eiay1im, ore rel, bottee an frame barn on bbs piacce li mil from Binburzi,71 from Clintonani 9 from B forth. For tenos apply to T-HOMJIS MLLLS, Co stauce P. 0, or at iris xeala nee on tbe . 702-8 - - - - RM F033 8 E -Being part of Lot A CM. cession 5, Strinleyeontaitimg 76 Acne, 60. of w 1ch aro eleared4 and 10 it high stat4 Of oativa- • ; a gooa fra4e house, framebafn with ;ta- g underneath a large orchard lima a never ling spring on the place; 4 mill trout Brricee d. &flat from lintena ; terms ea y• Apply_to 011AS MILL , Conitapco Z. O. I , - i s.......4 ..e.....k..r.....#1,,,....,......-....., ,i........3.• >,,,Mn..e........1,,,,,,,-.........m. . • a 702 4 44 -