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The Huron Expositor, 1881-05-27, Page 3
Dam , I3N1;�'813r 2, I consist• ng taming 1 aced ane Le balance lad able feats €€a, a large ±field mer It is oa a of Brueeo .s, money to ice on easy to the pro ioneer at spa tober,1881 =A'LL, praFrit€ 5L( kL ht the Teetaaa ed on bythe ng Corupaai ver eight yam, carry on the: ill receife p haranteed. and repaired, Work, ate., atm ones aapaiai eel that defyo, BLAm rG31 €©dam RY HILL. 1l arcllan-tr ides the fir [ers. William Rel ry he this da gla ,ts in truce o 'jug claims ndto- me gn or1 1}k 1881, fun pat; nrrt of their id by them, mu the fifteenth cif a 1881,I will,pat, 1 to pay acct n Henry 11111 eq e;ard only to been notified : day of Apriaa,p, ;A.TTIE, Trait,* CALLERy ALDER, r of Seafortialatist rdeal, is ramat ew and cornmeal* This is the olds' has been them* ;allthe, latest age cially for theme .large and finers* o one of the htii y furnished *Ai better positioa f a out all workieta 1tohire ines mash rig profit, and ea* call is cerdist/es is Block, Seafort GRIM, hanks his puma and others) for :he pant 7 yeart,e1 nd close attention ifidence and trek' a, enlarged his s now prepared )ASH PRI Ereeh Eggs,. SE1AEORT r., 25 tons of goo L. 1). WIL(}] TACE. FACT; ABEREI d, and make to IrL'rarringee.> y other artickeiss kntend their o : k good article bath hip.. their work mitt y establiehmeate, ;tended to. Gilt d' t we CSn satin to the public, h for overlaps [ERS & HAIIBBA SID -E .I ISf ICINB servieea of Mr. I known in this oer, and as a pan in the CoI in being able binds of .work, ie beatpOssible aggons, Sleighs, and Harrows n short riothie. e. f any other shop. afaction. gua JOHN w1 0. D 3RG Teaches 3lueie, al Science and auras taught to enabling comp tions; careful also the most r desired esired withu nt for practical n George Stree Seaforth. LINE L STEAMOI om: NEW Y(2 rtderry) and LO Fol, Londonderri' grope. Fares as f Bates issued to.. 4r friends. odation of A!oha d for elegance 'ESON, the Post Oflie e S WANT & S HOTEL, SE' r the purP006 rOm 8 to 7 y GSSAIAN & g8 MAY 27, 1831. THE UR N E POSITO ►r On the Death of A. C. With careless Words and idle jests, a That night weleft the Seaforth school, Ts o go sot bathe, treacherous, er fatal pool. so aloshadow of our coming grief In friendly warning held us back, As npthe sidewalk, two by two, And swift across the railway track wesped along with schoolboy haste, -Impatient for the fan to come, %little thought earhurried steps Would take our schoolmate to hisdoom. alai few minutes had elapsed Before we saw, with bitter grief, That Aaher Cosens mast be drowned,. We powerless all to give relief. No wordor cry of fear or pain, Only ahelpless, struggling gasp ; .end a silent prayer went up to God,. As he sank in the water's sullen clasp. Qat down so early in his youth; lila manhood hardly yet begun ; Thelave of schoolmates, teachers too, Had been by him so quickly won. Iiia manly, loyal Conduct showed Ms heart was true s hook kind so fit all. We think no boy To meet the sudden, awful call. May Heaven help his stricken mother To bear the loss we all sustain, And may we meet him in that land Where we will never part again. ]qj( itrrr,oP. Gaieties. Badinage—Butcher : "Why didn't yer put on a clean collar afore you left 'ome this mornin' ?" Sweep :; "'Cause yer mother haven't sent back my dress shirts from the wash this week." —Bridget (who has discovered t carpet sweeper)—"Luk at the music box, now, wid the long handle ! I wonder haw they plays on the insthru t ?" —Donald—What's this? Waiter— Broth, sir. Donald—Hoo ay ! Yis ! A pea's here and a barley's there, and the wan whnstlin to the ither "Where are yo 0 0 ?" --"Eugenie, Eugenie, will you still. insist on wearing the hair of another woman upon your head ?" "Alphonse, Alphonse, do you still insist upon wear- ing the skin of another calf upon your feet ?"et to heaven. In the counting -room of an Trish_g man the following notice is stuck up in a conspicuous place : "Persdns having no business in this office will get through with it as soon as possible and leave." —A woman in Eastern Pennsylvania became crazy on seeing her ,husband kiss another woman. The husband was a rascal. No true husband would ever kiss another woman when his wife was looking. —Illnatured Director : "Aye, aye, Meister Thomson, I mind the day when ye hadna a frill to your lark." "Mr. T.: "Aweel, aweel, Meister Davie, if it was nit frilled at the tae end it was at the taether 1" —A contemporary wishes to revise. one portion of the New Testament as follows : If a man smite yon on one cheek tarn untohim the other also, and then send in a good one from the shoul- der -while he is off guard. —The old lady kept a private bottle from which she refreshed herself from time to time, as she felt the need, though none of the family knew it. One evening her daughter, in rummag- ing through the pantry for doughnuts for her bean, spied. the bottle and had the curiosity to draw the cork and apply her nose to the aperture, at which mo- ment the old lady hove in sight and angrily demanded : "Well, are you any wiser than you were ? What do you sappose it is ?" "I don'tknow what it is, mamma," answered the shrinking maiden, "but it smells just like Char- lie's moustache 1" —A Highlandman took up his quar- ters in a hotel in Glasgow, and was shown into a bedroom lighted with gas. Donald being fearful of robbers, and wishing to sleep ander a strong light, that, as the Irishman would say, he re.ight-see while he was asleep, he al- lowed the gas to burn until the dawn. Next morning the landlady inquired. e in a last determined effort,he approach- ed the man on the wood box. Assum- ing an expression of the . most intense horror, he said "Pitiful heavens ! I am faint with fear and horror yet 1 Did yon know the train struck a man on that bridge and tore him to pieces?" • The man on the wood box leaned for- ward, shaded his mouth with ,his hand, and said, in a thrilling whisper that went hissing down the car : "" 'Sh 1 Don't give it away, but I am the man 1" It seemed to be about time to close the lodge. The Practical Church. A newspaper reporter met a citizen who asked him if he be- longed to the orthodox church. He replied he did not, he belonged to the Practical Church. The very pious man opened his eyes and stared for a mo- ment at him and said he had never heard of such a church. "Sorry for it," was the reply, "Why i" asked the very pions man. "Because," said the re- porter, "you can't get to heaven unless yon belong to the "Practical Church." "Explain," said the . very pious man, "what you mean." "Yon belong to the orthodox church ?" said the reporter. "I do." . "Go to meeting twice on Sunday?" "I do." "Attend all the prayer meetings ?" "All of them." and vote wbld eery other mercy make its de - t1 "thankful rson ove Bard two countrymen, ere obse a • naturalist in a say one to the fellow doing, a 4 naturalist.'• one whd ving fled ollecting nsect other;: "What' ' the Jan?" "Wh , . he' "What's that ? ' cattbbes gnats, t In a hair are; End of London the window re patent medicin heading : "Try "Pray ?" "Yes." "Never drink whiskey ?" "Never. I'm a regular teetotaler." "Never blacken your boots or shave on Sundays ?" "Wouldn t do such a thing for world." "Teach in the Sunday School ?" "Ever swear any ?" "Never swore an oath inmylife." "Sorry for it," replied the reporter, "you can't get to heaven."_ The very pious man was very much astonished and asked why the couldn't the be s ser's 8 a bill comm , wit one b cine will ever be take Atm Isiah g tlem e anent singing mas ter e. "I charge tw fitlea son • b only Y many as youlease Wilier the firs lesso other ; "let us begin second." Qu old gentleman, his health, replied quite feeble, and exe almost too much fa cold walk entiirely but now I caia onl round and bac agai An exceedin ly fa traye] by coach from and requiring more dinary passenger, se book two plaees a _When he wen to t day to take hi pia seat had been booke /1 111 "Do you ever tell hes?' asked the reporter. "Never," he replied with -great em- phasis. "What about the little deal you had with Mrs. Jones ? When you sold" her that stove for $15, which only cost you $6 at the auction, you told her you would let her have it at the figure you bought it at, that pit was well worth $25 of anybody's money, and that it had only been in use a few times, whereas you know it had been used two winters, and could have been bought bran new for $22." "Oh, but that was a business trans- action. You know we business men must stretch a little or we wouldn't get along." "Sir," said the reporter, looking stern- ly into the eyes of the very pious man, "when the devil gets the business man, what will become of the man himself ?" Didn't you circulate a damaging report about your neighbor Dewdsley, which caused great grief to his family ?" "But I heard it from very respectable authority." "Your very respectable authority might be mistaken, sir. Besides, the Book forbids you taking up an evil re- port against your neighbors. You tell me you wouldn't black your boots on any account on Sunday, but you have no scruple of conscience to blacken your neighbor's character on the same sacred dal . What did you drop into collect tion on Sunday last ?" "O, well—I—" "Out with it, sir, tell the truth for once and shame the devil." "Five cents." "And you pretend to those who don't know that you are a liberal supporter of the church, and take every opportunity of exhorting the brethren to give liberr ally, for God loveth a cheerful giver and you're the meanest, stingiest mar' in church,' the man that makes th cant." .peaconsfi.ad a LordBeaconsfiel the Hi: oted hear, eF gi a pecially wit eat favorit fe was a de nd was ofte deet for the ladies as a s als ays tl was of h aonth was ld no acI nch success tGreer. It h e past few can lady, wh voted admire wrote him a him that sec him if he wo autograph. acame one of `the p itten to a lady ( esired autograph taining the most g 'Compliments. Tb; ng made fol' it, es, ne of the most h old frames tha gain, it appears great favorite old in one of the ady who Ny:I s St nese with his presencE between the and nurses. a 'walk with cause they' they could •riot be because they insif making' Lord B some more hairy 1 whether he had enjoyed a good night's longest prayers and the loudest profes rest. "1 could not sleep a moment for • sions. "Sir, I tell yon to your teeth your abomination kass smell." "You should have stopped it, sir, or called the servant to do it." "And did I not blew't out, but it was a great Ileal more worse than before ?" —Mr. and Mrs. Jones were starting for church. "Wait, dear,' said the lady, "I've forgotten something ; won't yon go upstairs and get my goats off the bureau ?" "Your goats," replied Jones ; "what new tangled thing's that ?" "I'll show you," remarked the wife, and she sailed up stairs and down again with a pair of kids on her hands. "There they are," said she. "Why, I call those things kids," said the surprised hus- band. "Oh, do you ?" snapped the wife. "Well, so did I once, but they are so old. now, I'mashamed to call them any- thing but goats." Then they went to church. The next day Jones' wife had half a dozen pairs of new gloves in a handsome lacquered box of the latest design. that unless you. bring your professio and practice into greater harmony,yon')�1 never get to heaven. I would advise you to join the practical church." The reporter turned suddenly on his heel and left the very pious man to chew the cud of reflection. y e. op at the East as exhibited in nding a Certain the very dubiou —no other medic n called on an er to inquire hi$ guinea0 for the ne guinea for a fterward." ' "Oh then," said the t once with th hen as "I an Oise of ai me ; las ound th walk e lred afte gettin iy,' kind i �t year e squart all wa gentleman; had acon it Franc oom than an o t his servant pay for the office the neat he found one inside and one 0 0 EAS SED ! d the Ladies. in private life, and adios, Was ever a Lordship all is hevalier dews dam s, tosayt at his e - had wo him as ything e se, in is been t ldi wit in I fat a yo ug Am : i- 1 er some time a e- s lordsh u p'a gens, or two apk tell ng he case, and as. 'ng favor h r with is 13y ret rn of .ost ettiest etters ever f cours with the t the foo ) 'and con- aceful th tlks for er t letter s now av- matter of con se, ndsome velvet nd. money can uy. 11 at his lordship as ith children. Ii! is society tapers b a ayiug in the s me rim Orly a ve .r ago, that there ,ailed quite a riot child • n and their par ntsi Then would...not go on for theirroper guardians be: Ranted to go with him, and ot into bed. at ight ted on sitting up and consfield tell _t em les. M MIL FI J Isp S EDS At t e Lb west i . Having pu?rohasea a Large Stook of S ID AN CARD N SEED N OF 18$1. S, S RR EDS SON From the Well -Known lTonse of HN BRUC E & Co. spared to ffer, either ' Bal} or by th e Paper, ood, Fresh an [Reliable The Smart Traveller. On the way to Terre Haute, aman with the air and appearance of a per- son who knew it all, approached the fat. passengerand said, in the shocked' tones of a man of fine feelings : "Wasn't it dreadful 7." 'r "I should say it was," the fat passen- ger replied, even more impressively. There was an awkward silence of sev- eral minutes between them, and the traveller went back to his seat with a discouraged expression. Presently he came forward and approached the tall, thin passenger. "Sir," he said, "Did you know they were taking up a collection for his family ?" "1 should. pause to hesitate," said the tall, thin passenger. 'I headed the Iist with a ten dollar note myself." The smart traveller's countenance dropped, but he spoke still hopefully. "Ah, you heard of the sad circum- stance, then ?" "Heard of it 1" exclaimed the tall, thin passenger. "I was mixed up in it all the way through." Tike smart traveller aighed and once more resumed his seat. His face brightened up after a while, and he "came to the front once more, laying his hand softly on ,the arm of the sad pas- senger. "Sir," he said, "did you know : the train ran over a man at the last sta- tion ?" "Ho was my only brother," said the sad passenger in a hushed whisper. And then he bent his head forward and covered his face with his hands. The smart traveller looked really dis- tressed, but he rallied by and bye, and, Geerail $Tears items. F ALL KINDS, ossibte Price, consisting of a Variety of Swede Turnip, Field nd Gare •pa Carrots, Mcnuy b Wurtzel, Millet and Huns4rian Crass, Clover and Timo%y, And 411 Kinds Garden and Plower Sees ROCE IES, C AN�PROVI W have a FIil1'Stock of Gr Previsions, a d would call only Large Stack of lj NES Lady Beaeons field, almost till her last hour, spared per husband all ares connected with daily existence. I was her practice' to w de throdgh mases of the papers and ephemeral literature of the day in order to extract all that might interest him. It may truly be said that in each event of life she strove to find soiethin to gratify him. —The iftiet anniversary o the wedding day, ' Judge and Mrs. ilton, of Ha a was celebirated with great eclat t their residence on Wednesday 14 lait week. The 4udge was born in . S ' mford, near N'agara Falls, in 4306.` i • 1837 he wa ipointed Judge fq 'the old Gore Di comprising some five or sig co n 1853 he resigned the Judgeshi ook charge of t le legal business Great Wektern ilway. Other c followed afterw ds. A j pleasin ture in the celebil ation was the p tation of photbg phs (225 iti num early friends of 1, e aged Couple. —At the ann al meeting of th per Canada Bib ; Society held i ronto last' week the President, H W. Allan speak g of the revised Amusing Trifles. A youngster was sent by his paren to take a letter to the post office an pay the postage on it; -The boy return- ed highly elated, and said : "Father, 1 seed a lot of men putting letters in a little place, and when no one was look- ing, I slipped yours in for nothing." Pointing to the letter X, "What's that ?" asked a village schoolmaster of a lad whose father seems to have beep born before the age of school boards and compulsory attendances. "Daddy's name." "No, it is not, sir—it's X " "No, sir, it ain't," said the boy ; "•'t daddy's name ; I've seen. him write often." At another school, in reprq ing a youth for the exercise of his fist a schoolmaster said : "My lad, fight with our heads here." The youl reflected for a moment, and repli that butting was not considered fair his last school. —A very slight stretch of imagiii tion is required to depict the amai meat of that inquisitive old gentlema Of a botanical turn of mind, who quired of the gardener in one of 1 public places of promenade : "Pray, good man, can yon inform me if tJ particular plant belongs to the butes' family ?" when he . received reply : "No, sir ; it don't ; it belong the corporation !" The same rem l: applies to that ambitious young la who was talking vary earnestly ab her favorite authors, when one of company inquired if she liked La With an indignant toss of the he she answered that she cared very li about what she ate, compared w knowledge. Doubtless the person put the question felt more amused the answer than the parish priest who, observing an Irish girl at play a Sunday, accosted her with : "G morning, daughter of the Evil On when she meekly replied : "0 morning, father." A certain Dean of Ely was once a dinner, when, just as the cloth was moved, the subject of discourse hapJ ed to be that of extraordinary mortall icy among lawyers. "We have lost, 13E941 a gentleman, "not lege than seven eiriiii ent barristers in as many mon' > ." The Dean, who was very„deaf, rose,st at the conclusion of these remarks aid gav the company grace,: "For his 8 t h a- e - n, ue 15 r - or to rk Int 0 1 b. d, tle th ho by • of the Bible to daR, said i he world looked' fo iest of the live looked sy enable tl meaning must all believ under a deep'' d who had given lish Bile, so d at l fang his in ier bo iscov e issued' at an . ristian people ward to it with f titicipation. Whi. h ple:,sure to every m� em to understand bett of Go 1 s Holy Word, y that the work t of gratitude tc s the grand ole onderfully fret e same time it ge as to make it in this ery other, supe for to 1 He said, al o the y, exploration, nd. re- ly Land was le ding to affording the m sses in - exp eatery of the ustoms cointry of which th Bible he w rk of Bible dist ibution iy he, "heir mbet earnes efforts strong appeal to all fog encouragement or th r 1 on error, ar beautifu respect, every ot work of od search ii the good /lean ts, i formati and of t spoke. was wori and he Tilade a assistai e and Bible S . ciety. re- en - 1 Cc$nsiating of Gnnpowde hloynne, Ping , Congos, -Ono ll Freh and d.Bebter V labile. Also XTRA GOOD VAL Give no a qall and be co son's is thee right plane to lne than ever ap- trict, ties. and f the anges fea- esen .er) of Up- To - •n.` G. dition early f the lclings e they as to er the �t they d ' was those i Eng - from such 1 . MIS ELLANEOUS. $5 toi $120 SON 3c Cq,, Porti; 41 72 A WEEK $12 a clay at ho exp / mn,do. Costly outfit CreQ. Addre aine. name in new type, 10 lints' samples 10 cen lard, Ct. I CHANGE HOTEL, OX, Proprietor. Th et Comfortable and he Province, The the Table and Ba stabling iri connect' PER DIY at home. worth f ree. Addr nd, Maine & Co.. Augusta, 50 CHIOM0S, mail; 40 A CA1ID Co., North BRITI H El the Quie ducted comrnod supplied Sample ss STIN 692152 e easily sTRUE 692x52 outh Si' e of Ma to Mark . MOR F BAN OFFIC ly occ Tierce _Hotel Out. WM. est, M otels i ons an Goo '(SEE G EAT EMALE REMEDY. i Peri dice' ills—This1nvaluable nnfailin: in th cure of all 'those p dangero a diaeaees to which the fema tion iss+bJect. s t moderates all exc moves al obtrnations,and. a speedy c relied onl. To ma"riedladies,it is pec It will, rp $ sho t time, bring On the riod with regul: tit, . These pills sh taken b1 1 emal" daring the first t+ of Pregr nay, as they are sure to bri carriage hot at +y othertinne they a all case's sof ervons and Spinal pains in the ba k and limbs,1atiguc; o ertion, palpitat•on of the heart, by whites, these pi is will effect a care w means It►sve t iled ; and, although remedy,Ido not contain iron, calome or anything h ful to the constit directidns in th amphletaround ea which should b arefnlly preserved. New York, 8o1 roprietor. 51 00 s� tor postage me sed to Northrop & routo,IOnt., g eral_agents for the will inre a the containing over return mail. old in Iteafo$th by Bless ddww1111,1. S. I oberte, aid B. Lural Goderic s is one of Best 'Co ooms a 8 libera y n. 636-2 OQKERY, IONS. TH MAS KI DD, SEAFORTH. GREAT S LE F READYMADE CLOTHING. Sol M y Immense Stock of Readynade` Cloth- tlMust be y ng, comprising. over Brier. Crookery, and recial, attention to T;A..S aey, Young Hyson , 1 red, and Japans, 150 ME 45 Y01 100 PA LINEN I'S SUITS IN WORSTEDS, SERCES -AND TWEEDS. THS' AlN BOYS'SUITS. S. D RS OF TWEED AND WORSTED PANTS. ND A PACCA DUSTERS, ALL STYLES AND PRICES. These Goode ar not what Trimmed, and for orlmnanshi the two Leading Cl thing Man Selected and Cheape Stook eve MEN'S TWE BOYS ND y EXTR VAL w Season, efore offered to the IN SUGARS, v. reed that M. Mor- ay from. Sheet, Oppo- t St eet, ISON, - - SEAFORTH. P/14 ING HOUSE. EAFO -In, the pied by t and and Main St? EXAMINE 'rentises former - Bank of Com - the Commercial et. GE Y is generally offered in this line, bet purchased anare cut in the Immenst e Stook fromoll p cannot be surpassed. Ha ig p afactnrers in the Dominion, I offer to the Public the Largest, Boat shown in Seaforth. D SU ITS—Fro"' $6 to $21. OUTHS'•TWE D SUITS-7mm $5 to $11. E IN PANTS --See my line at $1.90, worth $2.75. TS' FURNISHINGS. ST CK OF WHITE AND REGATTA SHIRTS G l d White Shirts for $1 10, worth 51 35. Regatta Shirts for $1 05, worth $1 25. Collars, Cuffs, FELT H A TS. I can safely s ed in this County W ool Felt a Extra Value a annot be beate NOTES AND BIL $ DISCOUNTED. English and Fo ign Exchange Purchase p,nd Sold. Job Mos edicine e Inial a oonstit+- FAR ERS'L'E NOTES i Pe_chased at R e sonable Rates. Money ent on C l,lateral Securities. Drafts slued, pa Brand es of the 1NTE EST A11e oney to Loa anager an Me at par at all nk of Commerce. wed on Deposits on Mortgages. oprietor. 70 cents, 9 in Ainerica in any city Scarfs and Ties, in Endless Variety. THE SE,AFO IN t1RANdE A 3 TH E N CY. N_r A'jsI\T -ST., NO1TH, S ,EERAL F1BE, Marine, Life I+snrance Agent, Conveyan on all rods of proper effected rent r tea. Losses adj sted pro factor ly. None bat Ifireaclass panie: represented. *oentionall an cla'.see of farm pro erty,, On $1 pe $100 for three y ars in the of Ga t, established fo over 40 y lowin. Companies rep rented : B.Toronto American, Ivan , rof S':ottish lmperial,•of Glasgo Scotland, orthern, of Lon, on, Englan ' , Gore District, of Galt, Ontari', Canada Fire and arine, of :: milton, Ont., Royal Canadian, o Montreal, P. Q , nebec, of Quebec P. Q., lllianee, of Hamill on. Ontari Travellers (Life a d Accide + t), o• f Hartford, Conn., Toronto Life, of 71 ronto, Ontario. and Accident er, &0. Kiska t lowest car- Letiy and satie- reliable Com - low rates on 50 Bents to ;Gore District a>e. The fol - I AM ALSO AGENT F0 THE CANADA ER, NENT LOAN AND SAYINGS OMPANY. Money advanced on Real Esta'e at 6 and 8 per cent. Per annum. ALSO AG NT FOB ” HE STATE LINE TEAM ` IP CO. 'Y Sailing from New To , alloints in Europe. or 4lew York, to st $60 to $110—return. —r •turn- Steerage rop( should try t nn oubtedly one of t ship Companies sail' FELT HATS. FELT HATS. ld the Most Complete Stock of Wool and American Fnr Felts ever offer - Fur Felts at $1. 90, $2 13, $2 50 and $8, which for Style and Quality hi the Province. • RUBBER COATS. Nearly 100 First -Class weed Waterpreof Coats;fr $3 50 to $10, the best value in the market. Call and .E4a/mine my Stock and you will nd Goods and iPrices are right. No Trouble to Shaw Goods. E TABLISHED 1807. In Or fort REPA Fin LAB H NTE TOMMIE AND JEWELER ?nary to and Surr RING IN Watches, C Watch THOMAS KIDD Seaforth. Corner of GROCER TEAS BROCHE,S °cis rid Jewa 47.1 STOCK 0 GOLD AND SILVER h,ains, Rings, ar Rings, ncy Goods, THAN EVER Brooches Silver P And Spe AP E Goods Ws NEX DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE,SEAFORTH TEAS. TEAS. IN CfREENS, JA.PA. NS AND BLA01‘, Main Street, the Mansion k City ev Tickets 't pureha Second 26. Part e STATE g from N EAFORT ry Thursday, to sued from here r. first Cabin; s going to En - 1 LINE, as it ie 11 Safest Steam - York. , Ontario. Block, opposite CANADIAN PACIFIC AILWAY CO. D THE ANADIA NOR SALE OF L TO Encourage t o rapid Country, the 0 nadian Pa pony will be prepa ed, until or Aglica 0 an acre, the' mak his price, eught nn sell lands required the low price of $2 merits, and will f way ef rebate from acre of such land s b in three to five yea chase, according taithe natur other imp ovement13 mad e the The lands thus limed for priee Mineral, Coal r Wood Toarn sites and Rai la ds required. for attle ram po es not involving immediat in the Company' Railway, th reon to their lace of d liberal terms. Further porta:mil rs will be cation at the Office of The eine Railway L" wawa Whanipeg. By or er of the CRS DRINK Montreal, April Oth, 1881. TEAS. FAIR YOUNG HYSON TEA, 30 CENTS PEft POUND. GOOD YOUNG HYSON TEA, 35 CENTS PER POUND. CHOICE YO NG HYSON TEA, 40 CENTS PER POUND. EXTR CHO OE, 50 CENTS PER POUND. VERY FINE, 60 CENTS PER POUND. THE BEST 10ORTED, 65 CENTS PER P UND. VERY PINE JAPAN TEA DUST, 30 CENTS PER POUND. ANITOBfk DS. ettlement of the urther notice, to uml purposes at an allowance by $1 25 for every r cultivation with - the date of pnr- and extent of the ale will not cam- nds, or tracts for cial rates I will be made for 'g and other par - effects, art reach - ill be forwarded stination on very Ca• ntaditen . at Montreal and T• ER, Secretary. 700.4 CANADIAN BANK 0 HEAD 0 -aid up Capi 1 President, SEAF Oiled as Bepres anted. Aa 25 cents, 80 cents, 35 cents, 40 cents, and 45 cents per pound. 111 W ITE S GARS -9 and 94 pounds tor $1. LI HT A D YELLOW SUGARS -10, 11, 12 and 13 potmde for St FlILD AND GARDEN SEEDS:4—A Full Stock. 13. D. ROSE, SEAFORT11. "AND t!ON'T YOU FOROET .1311117 LLORAN & RYJpkN THE OLDEST FIRM IN SE 0 The Seaforth B xeceive deposits, Drafts on all th Canada, on ere on. RTH comMERCE. McMaster. swab. of t s Bank continues to n which ' terest is allowed on Britain, ooereldiont and on the Unit,ed of the Commercial ELAND, Manager. They have always paid 100 cents on the dollar, and they expect their stainers to " go and', do do likewiBe. They do not pretend to Hell Goods at Coat, or even below it ; but they are prepaked to Bell the VERY BES GRaCERIS, CROCKERY, AND LIQUORS IN THE MARKET. AT A FAIR LIVING PROFIT. STIL BRUSSE To THE Snbscrib turning tha and vicinity for that having mad kiln and mode o ter position than ever befor lin with firsteclar s Lime at kiln or 15 cents delivered. \ This being th dealings in Bm fled satisfactio A S LI E WORKS. w Sows. rs take t opportunity of re. set patro age, and beg to state several i provements in their burning, hey are now in beta to supply the pub.' 8 cents cash at the aeon of our business eying given lingual, e public can rely on sela Lime Works. ; TOWN & SONS. The Very Finest BRANDIES front bur Resident B yer in France, ond ortugal. WI.ZitES from our Agentsi in Spain, and aeventh eels, and so far, t receiving good reatment from ne. Remember th Spot—B 699 FINE tEAS SPECIALTY. SUGARS, Ts4BACCOS, 8L0., AT THE VERY LOWEST FIGU ES. ' GtVE II§ A OALL AND iFIEE FOR Y URSELVES. 1 KILL9RAN & R AN, Seaforth. N. B.--..Wle are also ants tor the Celebrated " ide nude " BaersznentM Wise. Warrent4 Piz% J. S. PO TER ISEAFORTH. Entire ck of less of 0 st: THOSE IN ANT, it give a large di pecially to new y m• arried I am etill se best and che East Side. Mammoth Jew SEAFO THE subscri customers f him duce corn trusts het he of the same. Partiesinte large etock 6i Dry Pi Blinds Lath, & Hefeelseo who may11170 but firat-clae° Particular 201 -- JOHN WRO Bills Disco on 658-52 $5 Port ing six b. ep Eno pest in ectly op lry Store, Clear Out 'my' ill pay them to *sees - those pitying cub, es. TlayPftulesfehed for lton'a Spring ed, the e market ; warranted JOHN S. POBTEB. • TH PL NING MILL, R AND LIND FACTORY erbegs lea r the liber farming b ay be fav e to thank hianamarou lpstronage extended to Mesa in SeaforthAnd ed with a continual., e wiff omit nue to keep on hand dent of gi him wit t te• ndon OHN their patronsgeissu,S aid to Custom Platthill WIL TERI RS, iiroN, ONTARIO. M Estate t Lowest Rates. ed. Drill ts land. 'Money Lent I kill WILLIANO Oe. tilt fres. d, Maine. 1,1413