HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-27, Page 1d ties ryes; aait 4 - gag �s. Very . PDX. :I`; and )ay, r L $12 to ►'ranted ?er Pair: flora for 5. I, Nobby g, Hata. ra Pisces Go. 13, on. 5 cords; is ; No. ssiens 5 16, on and 8, he Rip - 0, H.R. Huron 5 cords; tloessi[ou j No. 20,. 5 and 6, it John. C appear tender job or finish - 1. The set again rhey, on at the Dourt of m., for mess. king the ►fternoof lartin, of lith, was ae child Bible, her ler stool -- tied. The ✓ in the :stunned.. seems to firat, and the glass on staple in gutter a rafter, and then ger post, is stand - o ground.. oubt but Is on the n1olished, rod stood chimney, e conduce :ere. We utting ur, Able mak- ; two ak-;.two rol it in OAS fight to the a no dam - earn that out again, , who has time, is ;tie rumor ganize the be hoped July. -A iixed, with is dubber FOURTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 703. SEAFOTH, F MAY 27, 1881 i McLEAN BROSq., Pub dshera. $1.50 a Year, in Advance, THE ONTARIO HOUSE sEAFORTH_ READYMADE CLOTHING ! SUMMER STOCK —OF— N W -G1 -CODs JUST oPENE D A.T SMITH & WEST'S. THESE GOODS are the Newest Styles of both 1 Gut and Finish. They look as well, Wear as well, and coma Muds Cheaper than Ordered Clothing. See our SCOTCH TWEED SUITS -$10, $12, and S14. CANADIAN TWEED SUITS - $8, $10, and $12. ENGLISH TWEED SUITS --47, $8, and $10. BLACK WORSTED SUITS $10 and $12. YOUTHS' SUITS -$5, $6, and $7. BOYS' SUITS -$4, $5, and $6. SPECIAL. ! SPECIAL ! ! We offer a Job Lot of COATS, PANTS and VESTS at about half price. If yon want Bar- gains argains see them. SHIT'H & W QST Campbell's Block, Seaforth. 1881 SEAFORTH. 1881 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. WM CAMPBELL IIAS Just Received a Full Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, so Varied and Well Assorted that any one can be suited. THE OvMAHONEY, • OB IRISH TWEEDS, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds in Full Lines. As these were all bought strictly for CASH DOWN they were consequently b ought at the Lowest Figures, and my customers will get the Lowest Quotation s . HATS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Is Hate and Gents' Furnishings I have double the stock of any former, season. Aleo a Full Stock of READYMADE CLOTHING ! Gentlemen contemplating Matrimony are par - tionlarly invited to inspect the Stock, as every provision is made for their wantt . Remnants for Boys' Suits. Ladles wanting Remnants for Boys' Snits can Ind them here cheap. WM. CAMPBELL Brick Block No.1, Main Street, S4,aforth. THE SEAFORTH FRUIT STORE AND R`ESTAU'FANT. AFORT H. on hand a MAIN STREET, SE TTIRAM DA.GON keeps constantly full supply of all kinds of SEASONABLE VEGETABLES Fresh and Good. Also the Choicest HOU SE PLANTS, Direct from the Gardeners . COOLING DRINKS Of all kinds on draft, and Confectionery and Niek-Nacko.. REMEMBER THF, PLACE Murphy's Block, first door north of Robertson's Hardware Stor e. 702 'UnAlll DAGAN. DR. A. PRO U DFOOT L. C. P. S., Q. & O. Licentiate College of Physicians and Surge one for Quebec and Ontario. LECTURER ON DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR AND THROAT, Bishop's College, Montreal ; Oculist and Aurist to the Montreal Dispensary; Oculist and Aurst to the Protestant Infant's Home ; WILL BE IN SEAFOBTH, at the Commercial Hotel, From TIonday,.June 13, till Wedn;esdn y, June 15, Where he may be consulted for all Diseases upon the Eye, Ear or Throat. 703-2 AUCTION SALE --oF— A VALUABLE RESIDENCE In try Town of Seaforth.. The Twenty -Fourth in Clinton. Clinton had a big day on Tuesday last. The old town was packed fall. The trains fre n" every " direction were crowded with people from the .neigh- boring towns and villages, and pleasure seekers from the surrounding country came pouring in during the entire fore- noon in vehicles. All the hotel and many private stables were crammed full, and horses could have been seen tied around under sheds and in almost every vacant lot about the place. Dur- ing the afternoon there mast have been between three and four thousand people on the driving park where the amuse- ments of the day were conducted. The weather, although warm was very fav- orable for a celebration of the kind, and everything seemed to pass off quietly and in good order, and the spectators appeared perfectly satisfied that they had got full value for their money and trouble. The first thing on the day's programme were the ATHLETIC SPORTS. These were spiritedly conducted throughout, and afforded ample amnse- seco and got i Nett Har T bay, whi note leg and deve prop unti she Clea som sple shor colt thor over the The chik a go trai tohi and a close t ud for third This finish first money, - ire Billy thir vinner .of the th a spleodi an scarcely cotter. Sh oltish and 1 its an OW before,' she advantage. e become Si equall the fit stock " fty ehestuut, horse. Hl makeianj e. i performa �`ahly broke, fit. Hai was, handsomest c nner of the hardy looks Step but ha and beingn est advaniag ment for the onlookers. The following ;led c wn to his w:or is a list of the 'successful competiters : spee , and is upon Boys' Foot Race -100 yards,5 en- promising yohngst tries -1st, P. Moorehouse ; 2nd, J. laste '. Stanbury ; 3rd D. McGregor. Men's ! SUM' ssle ace d th j. + ab between Billie , but the mare e race, giving, second and st purse is a tall long, easy stride o make her a is yet, however, rely put together unity to thoroughly 11 show herself to she; has good luck or seven years old, est of the noted aby" is a hand - and will make a Ste is somewhat y goer but for a ars good. He is for his age is in without exception t On the ground. third purse is 'a g sorrel. He has not beep much voims did not show When he buck - he made excellent e whole a tough, and will be a it 4 1 + 1 Foot Race -100 yards, 6 entries -1st, J. McNeil ; 2nd, A. Murdoch ; 3rd, R. Abraham. Old Men's Race -3 entries -1st, I. Jackson ; 2nd, J. Hunter ; 3rd, J. Ewings. Three -Legged Race -4 en- tries-lst, Elliott and Floody ; 2nd, Murdoch and Shiratt. Two hundred yard race -5 entries -1st, A. Murdoch ; 2nd, R. Abraham ; 3rd, G. Joyce. Special Race -100 yards, 4 entries - 1st, A. Murdoch ; 2nd, G. Joyce ;'`3rd, R. Abraham. Quarter Mile Race -4 entries -1st, G. Joyce ; 2nd, A. Mur- doch ; 3rd, R. Abraham. THE HORSE RACES. The principal attraction of the day 1 was the horse races. These commenced a ]ittle after one o'clock and were con- tinued with spirit until about seven. The races advertised all came off with the exception. of the running race, which did not fill. They were all even- ly contested and created among the vast crowd of spectators the most in- tense interest, which was maintained until the close. The first race was A LOCAL TROT, for horses owned in the county of Huron that had never competed for ; public money ; mile heats, best two in three. First horse $25, 2nd $10, 3rd $5. For this race the following horses were _entered and started : Robert Kerr's "Dan Martin," J. Miller's "Maitland May," W. S. Robertson's "Cariboo," John Kyle's "Seaforth Girl," John Sparrow's "Billy" and Geo. E. Hender- son's "Lottie." First Heat. -The horses got a good start, and before the first hall round "Seaforth Girl" came to the front, which position she kept until the hone stretch was reached, when "Cariboo," who' had kept a good third place, launched out, and with a good burst of speed came to the front and came in first by a good half length, with the girl second- and "Dan Martin" third. "Maitland May" and "Billy" were dis- tanced. This heat was trotted in 3.11. <ttie.. .:_. rdwarw Billy yal George ' by. ... ad.. .. 1'I Mi hors Pura $30 owi D. Rob 'Lit ter.' F; me the Dex bro. by unt ma and and thy+ wh: plan spir thr out sits: end ed third the 2:50. 11tid Hee his place thr hone I stretc heat Dexter big fron pas a Tin hes 1 THERE will be sold -by Public Auction, on Thursday, June 9th, on the premises, at I o'clock P. M, the late residence of George Dent, on James Street. Tho above is one of the most desirable residences in the town, and will be sold u above without reserve. One thou sand dollars of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. 708 1^' Also a number of Park Lots in Sparling'o Surrey. Second Heat.-"Seaforth Girl," again took the lead, but "Dan Martin" soon overhauled her and took filst place, which he kept without making a skip until the close of the heat. "Cariboo" acted badly in this heat until near the end, when he settled down to work and came in a good second, with ''Lottie" third, and the leading mare in the previous heat distanced. Time 3.07. Third Heat. -"Dan Martin" set off with the lead this time, and kept his position throughout the heat, "Cariboo" following him up well, with "Lottie" a good third. On the second round the three horses kept close, crowding each other nicely, and it was a matter for speculation whether "Dan" or "Cari- boo" would get first place, when the latter struck himself, went up, and lost time, being passed by "Lottie," who kept her position to the end of the heat, making a splendid second. This ended the race, giving "Dan Martin" first money, "Cariboo" second, and "Lottie" ..third. This wasa good race through- out, the last heat, which was trotted in 3.03, being really exciting. SUMMARY. Dan Martin 3.1.1. -let Maitland May Dist. Cariboo 1.2 3. -2nd Seaforth Girl 2.Dist. Billy Dist. Lottie 3.3.2. -3rd COLT RACE. This race was a private purse of $100 and created considerable interest. Five colts started. Four of them were three years and under, and the fourth four. The following are the entries : ``Nettie," sire, "Old Clear Grit ;" "Hardware Billy," sire, "Captain. Brant," a colt from "Old Clear Grit ;" "Royal George," sire, "Old Royal George ;" "Baby," sire, "Sorrel Cloud ;" "Maud. A." sire, "Sorrel Cloud." The race was best three in five, half mile. heats ; first horse $60, second $30, third $10. First Heat. =- "Baby" led off, and kept his position with apparent ease till the end of the heat, with "Nettie" a good second. Second Heat. -"Baby" again started off on the lead, but was soon over- hauled by "Nettie," who took first place, and kept her position to the end of the heat with apparent ease and without making a break. In this heat "Baby" made several bad. breaks and got _ away behind, "Hardware Billy" taking second place, which he kept to the end. This half mile was made in 1.44. Third Heat. -This time "Nettie" took the lead, and never lost her position, making an easy first ; "Baby" again acted badly and got away behind, but made a splendid strike on the home stretch, and came in .a good second, with "Maud" third. Time 1.54. Fourth Heat. -Nettie again took the lead and made an easy first, -with Baby 1 • • COUNTY le Heats; best s that never , ), $100 ; first third $10. IF, ghorses'enet van's "11'targhi• rtson's "Carib le Bonner ;'i fi st Heat. -'Iib sting beat. ad, followed h r, who came t up, when be :nner. These the 'home st a splendid s • owing in first ouner, who g lout the ,h ear home Time; 2:,8 nd- Heat.; 1 and; exci orses lept cy �exter lied. 0 without mak the heat, bu Bonner, $it lace, in whi me store pf y h • ugho iva acte spurt near the t, but sdon Ile Abd by Bonner, cod length I ►e 2:52. Ourth Heat - t, end althou li togs -h�,,er it was Dektei had the but WOvery s4o wise kept the fi• mut trouble to- t an finished up ner Second and arquis of ¢Lor ariboo........ 'We Bonner.. Dater.... . is race end ver successful present disper horeea:. vl r Svl 0 11 e. d a e Y. -1st • -3rd .;.. 5-5.4.5. • -2nd .. 3.4.8,8. ROT. in 5. Open to at three 'minutes. horse $60`; second r this race the fol-' d and started : T. of Lorne ;" W. S. a ;" N. Nicholson'sl Rattenbury's "Des- was a close and ittle Bonner took f the distance by the front but soon as iu turxi passed ositions were kept :tcl, when Dexter rt, passing, Bonner with Lorne second; had done so well t, broke up badly an d only made third th r the tion sidE electric to pass t of the + above descri If instead Oar' e feet in n ing it ha ee from th ✓ wo feet d e and we fro at the e ne tion'woul wh le disc pr ably; ha ro . Anoth ju ction of t gro ud on th an properl gro nd won bui ding. and A operly sis s of three ,ab ve the bi `fro that t th rough an th t part wit pa t is genE ba ly not on re lly pjrotec m tter can l: in a few sty ab ut the bo tin ing the m nner I 1 lig tning r wi h the gi wo se than i in Mr. Mai re embles a importance excuse for en for the loss b ve y large, lig tning rocs . m Iter for d.scu ed fact. Yours, &c., H. IL.IVERCOE. I• - + isch: rge as 4o • th:. ground, c ons.., doing ed. •f the rod o t grout, bean cont; ho se along ep and ter hol: with c d o' it, the • h: ve been arg : of lit e b :en con ✓ r lead e t on th other side connecter d, I belie` those in it +laced light parts, the ilding, the to ,he gro ex h da ra11 roi s li e ea andI tom ire ave d i oun� sele tin' lrai f th ter; y li nd force a por- n the other the injuries dug two or and there nued 20 or 30 trench one mating in a rcoal or old ;round con- moed and the ing would aeyed by the ng from the house to the )f `the building with damp e,, render the b olately safe. g rod con- A inted part art leading in , and the inection of The last i, and pro - ,he country erty. The ed by twist- Jellsive CO pnap gro n negle to in ten `n fe or rol sily rem di of ordinary fence wire of the da, and con - long a trench in the above described. A perfec lyi connected may be! sometime th u hit was not sc ca Such a rod with no Outlet. The subjec must be m1"r g into atich details, htniug in Canada is that overly placed' rotecti s f not now a sion, it s lin establish- + L • Yilliam on noon and is at -Mr. Ge rge reigned the Pre Mn treal. anada elly h f rting a tephen :ideucy removed te Boarding house. h as definitely 1 the Bank of The first lo emotive df the Cana - din Pacific Rai road are running bee tw�een Emory a + d Yale. The sewing machine agents want increase in heir coinrhissions, and jy are uniting to that enc. -John Bo • man, butcher, Ails', ig, killed a c if six wee ifs old that ssed 200 .bs. -A ten er ent, di end will be ;lared by the : ssignee f the Con- idated. Bank, t Mont e 1, on the 7th )s. The temper: rice vig la ce commit - of •Mont{eal ave' en ag:d 35 men to tchl bar r}oo s on S n + aye to see they do not (sell iquor. l -Messrs. Ja .. es Car book -Sellers of Toront order for 60,00 i copies edition of the N w -Test -Mr. Gordon Brown, o the Globe, was a passenger to Euro e +n,the steam- er Parisian, the same v s -el by which Sit John Macdo ald too assage. -A Winnipe, comps y test well 600 f_et dee wlkether salt, co:1 or coed nd in •ayi fg quailiti lies was another Cr g contest.- The dr 1togetherthrough aid kept his po- de +g a skip, until the so] was closely crowd, r Lorne ie a good e + order they crossed te king the heat in w n + er led off and kept the heat until the reached. In this ally, but made a d and came to the his feet - and was • ho came in first by h Dexter second. Thi was - the last he horses kept well ent from the first Ge. Bonner led off passed by Dexter, ` position without + e ehd of the heat ` + a good first, Bon- e third. ARV. s ...... -3rd. 4.4. --Drawn. 8.21,3 --2nd.—lsb. lfe proceedings of a !and most of those quietly for their LiOhtning a to Editor of ;71. 1=luron Expositor. ur fast issue is an ent from lightning . Jaines Martin, of ich the house was land a child burned dered insensible for :use also had light- s st{pposed to be pro - a seems conclusive rods ;are no real pl: nation is needed: Toa i D 4R -SIR : I acc ant of an at t e house of M Tub ersmith, b sono what damage on �t e d BOmal ime.neck Tnh,eir nin rods up an tect d. 4Idrst sight pr f hat light prootedtion,and a The ouse con ing, ith a Rite bite , ower the hon e ; together ori + ry capita poi + t d rod pro c bu' 1 • ' g and o • e kit - n part h to_ :ther,'an h d in hem wi h t e t side of th t k note ing indica -- ni :, vas to le ho :e, whe e gr nd, not b ab t the od gr • : d. Bat o bu d ug thef li co e from the ightning Rods. CC b !I' be v4en the ro an that of he thtt had torn u split r rafter to to t ground wh'cl,l the c it nisi: +er lef no 1 fart a exa ineti the od ; bn rev :: led the fac so t e three Feet op o:ite its 10 e sir:d hole had bee st wall of the re . i+ the cellar, a • e 1 in the dell th . ther hbleS e in a the giro nd P • tins of the of p: s d. The act th : t he main poi w : y way of ;the w to the well v: - poor c nneci ound taus' do ro em in 'Sha tis se Sin aro ch: th on r of ere eo + the main build ecting from th in body of th a tuilding of th e, and had a above the main the end of the ods• were united ,le rod connect nd on the North n. On inspection passage of light the side of the 0d reached th grass disturbe it entered th her side of the in had evidently; alo g a tin gu tter- main building at the end o • shingles, the and then turnin board against aning, and stun, - ✓ trace. Thus d,been all against br examination he rod was only roend, and that a considerably ched io the thick ' of July, to ma , and two ba - tions, and thu .et s sena th e hole bat acancies or t injured. B idea tat infect the X, ] cI es .. , ended from the roti where other large rge had been dit- sabpve quoted sho ion of the disoharg ifod and through th ;ti the • cellar. Th en of • the rod with stick resistance to • IS + th lie fe e8, 't ke 1 rth h dirt at e len pu la n ip elly& Son, , ave booked of the revised ment. q fo vicinity. liontrea The b of ti th te th th 5: IS tter ha prizes t be ben Eleven car Englis ma vicinit The Ci y o th 20,000 bus th round rip. -Ottaw ha st-class men, c ming su me -A gen lem di closed, as a Tietoria Coll There are also e 'ch to be add ent fund.' -The Clana taken plac whole mill 1-A you Sinith's Fa gate -1 ock t and ch $5,000 given a oads of New Thema is sinking a to ascertain oil can be les in that efEie merchants the Exhibi- to supplement y next Sep- t cattle for hipped from mburg last ovenlock, of Owen o nd reached els of wh at? She was f the as n to make a rowi g who ho no th m hos ranged ge, Cob wo othe d to th a lett st ivee OW ng to in th s g la the The captain of a barge sdreams, and g: Healy climbing ow thei Rid lock. -The eet Roo S whose fact ry i at Far c inery. Over 50 men e and 500 acr s are so palsy will Ikel be in early in Se te ei ber. --While Mr Sy nea Victoria a enu in hat h d set re, and rlin s perannu te number embers f th: Civil Ser eate club of 100 are several bt will make es during the ame' is not g, at ifts o nera endow - entailed upon the grands ed. He left $2,000 to the pital and $2,600 to th -Fresh butt& is 50c ns of deceas- general hos- e Unitarian a pound, and potatoes and oate $1.50 per bushel at Battleford, N. W. T. ot er produce in proportion. — A public mekting at Ayr to con- sider the_ advisability f building a house for the schoed teac er has voted against it. -A great fire swept th business part of the village of Floreno on Tuesday morning. $20,000 wort of property was destroyed. - Over forty young in n from New- ington, Dundas county,tave gone to the South Woods, in Ne York State, to peel tan bark. -The fall wheat threu ships of Woolwich and well, indeed seine fields p did appearance. -On the morning of Mrs. Peter Anger, of Po birth to three boys. Th triplets are doing well. -Jacques Po mer, and a vete prairie, Quebec, n Com any at o lige to shut trikel having ning depart - working of the the canal at d fell from the ard the lady's ,e cued her by of the gate - gar Companya ekages of ma- re ilow employ - n. The corn- anning order h the town- aterloo looks esent a splen - he 19th inst., t Rowan, gave mother and port, a well-to-do far - an of 18 2, died at Le- on Frid y, at the ad- vanced age of 9 years. -A new Wrse disease, somewhat similar te the epizootic, has made its appearance around Belleville. Many horses are affected by it. It of the most of Parkhill tent of $25,000 e. eyes is preva- lent in London. Sever 1 of the city school teachers are una le to pursue their avocation§ owing t it. -It has been, decided to dispose of the furniture at' Rideau Hall and re- place it with new furnit re of a more modern and fashionable tyle. -Miss Lucy Allen, fo merly organist at the Roman Catholic hurch Inger- soll, has left for Strat -Under the provision the late Samuel L. St. testaaat Orphans' Home ines will receive a gift of -G. R. Taylor, fisher Point, brought 'Ave tons on the evening of the 17 alternate biocide but in -It is stated that one enterprising cattle buye by the depression in tra -An epidemic of sore head aaall the other on hi injuring him around the with great difficulty that quieted. Mr. Johnston i as could be hoped for. -There is a regular b try arnoag Clifford hens. D. McEach- ern, merchant, of that place, sold the other day to a Walkerton firm 1,220 eggs, being one week's gather - trustees of the Galt Collegiate have secured the services of face, and also body. It was the horse was doing as well om of halms - dozen o ing. -Th Institut Pickering College, as the successor to Dr. Tassie in the Printipalship of that institution. -A by-law to raise by way -of loan $7,000 from the township of Coiling - wood, to be expended in making and improving a harbor at Thornbury, sc as voted on and carried, a few days ago, by about 125 majority. -Some time on Sund y a miscreant horribly mutilated a co Mr. F. J. Chadwick grazing on a field near wounds were inflicted several ribs being broke -Nothing having been urer Hazard, of Sheffiel ously disappeared from days ago, the discovery concealed in a lumber rise to greater fear that he has met with foul play. -The shingle mill bel Rogerson, on the secon Iunisfil, was burned on the llth inst., while the absent at supper. About belonging to hile she was Arkell. The with an axe, heard. of Trees- , who mysteri- Napanee some f a bloody shirt ile has given nging to Wm. concession of the evening of workmen were 40 000 shingles and a quantity of bo ts, besides the surance. Pope have returned to t Eastern Townships. The cares of office are said to have very lightly touched the honorable Minister 6f Agriculture, who looks as if he were returning from ord, where she instead of going to his farm and rural sition. recreation. of the will of -The other day several young men ohn, the Pro- returning from a sheep washing stopped of St. Cathar- at the Methodist church, on the fifth $1,000. concession of the township of Westrnin- an at Stoney ater, and showered volleys of stones of fish ashore against the front of the buildings, inst., not in breaking the windows and damaging 1. ne mass. the doora.- Intoxication is the only ex- -Frank Philip Gaes on, of Berlin, cuse given. / Deputy Sheriff, has, een appointed -The Marine and Fisheries Depart - Sheriff pro tem for Waterloo county, in ment at Ottawa have received informa- room of Sheriff Davidslon, lately de- , tion that a large shipment of pickerel ceased. ' ova from the Detroit and Ramis dis- tion of Vice -Chancellor Ottawa and Rideau Rivers, has perish - filled by the appointme ed at Toronto through the negligence Ferguson, Esga, Q. C., of the Express Company. This is the the position. second loss of fish eggs from the same --Hamiltot, Brantford, Guelph, St. Mayor of the , town, c Catharines, Port Hope and South Sim - golden wedding by a coe Orangemen go to Toronto to cele - union on the 10th inst. brate the 12th, and it is expected that -Several exchanges lodges from Buffalo, Rochester' 'and oyed. No M- ope and Mrs. eir home in the by the resigna- lake has been t of Thomas of Toronto, to vitt, aged resi- areas of the ebrated their and family re- omplain that, farmers allow eir orchards. dents of Waterloo, and contrary to law, many black knot to exist in t The disease is contagi4s, and is ap-. parently rapidly sprpadi g. -Archibald Stewart, f McGillivray, bought ten steers from °Kay & Son, of East Willianis. The average weight I was 1,305 lbs. They were stall fed, and brought a very band ome price. -Mr. R. J. Smith, o McGillivray, age the improving and beautifying of has a cow that gave 25 pbunds of milk farmers' homes, which amount the So- ciety has supplemented with $50. This is praiseworthy to both Mr. Chisholm and the Society, and , others would do well to follow their example. -John O'Mara, an aged school teach- er of Queen's county, N. B., was burn- ed to death on Sunday night in a fire which consumed his dwelling. He lived alone, and how the accident hap- pened cannot be explained. O'Mara f Oshawa, ar- was master of four or five languages, Saturday last and was a good mathematical scholar, plendid cattle, and for years was looked up to as an ndred pounds authority on every branch of science each, for ship- and literature. ard, who was purchased the Galt Reformer, the pa- incardine, was per which he published years ago be - of last week in fore commencing his parliamentary ca - .Grand Valley. reer. There is abundance of room for improvement in the Reformer, and. Mr. Young has both the means and the ability to make it a credit to its signifi- cant name. We cordially welcome him back to a position among Ontario jour - y. Labor is so nalists, and wish him the best success. 0 .4 -The ontreal, ivi his three MB, d /66,000 other's eat tephsnson, of syn Satur- ut and bad y e recent me t-, of tcae ol er iCe n the st ea of promo - quantity of Govern ent House at. r. Harrison Stephens, of ed his rpoperty betwe nnUm, and the residen,ce street, latter going ito . W. Stephens at his . The real es ate is all 11 Cleveland will also be present. The committee in charge expect 20,000 Orangemen to visit the city, and en- gage in celebrating the "Battle of the Boyne." -It is stated that Mr. Kenneth Chis- holm, M. P. P., has offered to the County of Peel Agricultural Society the sum of $100 as a special prize to encour- at a milking for three m cession,- at six O'clock, a each evening of the sam thirty. -There are two pate4 lime kilns in operation at Stoney ountain, Mani- toba, and have burned heir first kilns of lime, which has prov d to be of extra quality. Two oar loads have been Bent into Winnipeg. -Mr. E. B. Morgan, rived in Montreal on with thirty car loads of weighing from fifteen h to two thoneand pounds ment to England. -A man named Ste formerly a resident of K drowned on Wednesday the Assiniboine river at The boat he was in capsized. He leaves a wife and two children. -The pleaterere' and bricklayers' laborers of Toronto, whe were on strike, completely gained thei point, and are all at work at $1.50 a d scarce in the city that a standstill or have onl required employed on t -The promoters of Reeky Mountain Rail stated, decided to cross ka,tchewan at Rapid the old Canadian Pacifi to Shoal Lake, in the e dicate taking the soothe rnings in sue- d was milked days at six- -The other day as cotton ' mins, Dunda through a key- ole, one the other side. The in Miss Finnegan in the e ed she may lose the sig -The corner stone of any jobs are at half the men -The mail coming Lake and Nelsonville he Souris and Saturdays, brings in em. ay have, it is, sand letters, and goin the Little Sas- mail matter must be in addition to letters t ity, and follow Railway route numbers of newepap season a large quantity ent of the Syn- use of the settlers. T rn route. more parcels, packages a, girl named than a stage going out east from Rock to Emerson on bout two thou - westwards the uch larger, as ere are immense rs, and at this of seeds for the ere are besides and passengers orking at the can carry, and greater mail accommo- , was peeping dation is absolutely required. of the other - -The teachers of Waterloo held a k through from special meeting on Saturday, the 21st, trument caught in Berlin, in response to a circular sent e, and it is fear- by the Secretary of the Ontario Teach - the new Roman eration of certain questions anent the Catholic Cathedral in London was laid superannuation -fund. After some dis- on Sunday last with imposing cere- cussion, the following resolution was mony in presence o an immense proposed and carried y a majority of throng. Archbishop ynch, of To- two to one : "Resol ed, that in the route, Bishop Crinnon of Hamilton, opinion of this Association the super - the Bishop of Kings n, and. a large annuation fund, as at present existing, number of the clergy f London dio- be abolithed on equitable conditions, cese took part in the ceremony and and that no teachers' r tiring provident assisted in the services. The building fund be instituted." will cost $100 000 and is expected to -A very romantic affair took place take three or four year in building. at the Falls of Niagara a few days ago. -A few days ago, at Uxbridge, a A fine looking roan known as Dr. man named Harry Jo ston, in the em- Harry Darling, of tlanta, Georgia, ploy of Mr. A.M. Cannon, was in the recently registered at Rosli's Hotel, and act of putting a collar I on one of Mr. after remaining a fevi days spending Cannon's horses, when the horse became his money freely, visited the table Rock , 1 entangled in the halte , and making a House and museum, where he was t lunge forward, knocked the manger. ,The ho most endeavors to e and in doing so got in on top of Johhston, t and inflicting two ugl She said she would and she was on Monday. Tuesda went across the river and we g the and are now spendi and lots of money at , he Fal - series of burgl ries we tell " Sarnia, on T tirade last eek, nearly ev ry pro denc on one street b ing vi ' ease. idal's house Was enter pookets rifted of $40.1 An u attempt, wag made tt, enter Pardee's house. The town over the raid. -A man named John T died at North Troia Verm days ago, made a Oonfessi death -bed that he aid Jo ,t brother-in-law, wer the i who, set fire to the 1 ge wool Stanbridge, Quebec, hich El; two years ago. is conf fort that they wer hired fire tfeSome drovers vs re brin the dropped. down and died ha stion. It was left on th an a da,y or two after a the po bo w na did. This the pair e married; oneymoon s. e commit - night of inent resi- d. Sen- d, and his successful _a excited cker, who n on his ROBB, his cendiaries en mill burned sion sets o set the ing cattle one of from ex - n seeing after dis- carcass skinuedI it, and ing of the hide Sold the Iineat to a it_ rding house keeper at PO tuamville, ere the Canada 'Souther ' Railway vies board. 1 The story of th Biddul :h murder in all its details is b ought again by what amounts to a onfessio of Jim F ehley, who is said to have tated that h was a witness of .the trim , although ta ng no part in it himself. Acting on in ormation imparted to the of this fa t, the authoritiee have c used the ar est of the two eehley rothers in Wchigan, and steps renew ping taken fo their extradition Perth The BUM require arys is $3,105. -Fall wheat was badly w i Logan. Large areas p owed. down. -Mrs. Christoph rson, wi 1 be Rev. H. Claris opherso -Several Stratf rd hot w re lately fined $2 and cos i g open later thaia the law -About $12,000 as paid o Moiaday and TUB day of f r horses and cattle shipped -Since the intro notion ietowel the mere ants ha i to a laudable rive ry with i. ornamenting th front -The lumber yard 111 ith Bennoch's mi 1, Ellice t e most extensive in the r: stilt of last winter s operat -Rev. H. Norris (Method claarge of the Pres yterian -An impudent tramp, faked money at a itchell, cut down t ee which was st to be raised this ses in St. I It priva aditegauattif o ths. -Mayor Flagg, of Mi eek visits Topeka, Kansas om the Grand Lodge of rs of Canada, to Attend t o the Right WorthltY Grand -When in Sebrihgville a 0, Mrs. Nicholaa Shell allarton, was attempting t g ound by the horse startin h r left arm broken, near th -The other day John S ute, was feeding a bull in o his brother, 'Wm. Sch ownie, when the nimal t ew him to the door of he stable, hence he managed to escape with a s rained arm and some ot er bruises -The Stratford town C d'scovered that they have alk, also, that the s,verag o wal of at least ,•five mil s a year, hich at an average cost o $1.75 per riod would amount to $2,500. ast Niesouri, brought a number of fat c ttle to St. Marys*. to be shipped to ngland. The day; was the hottest of t e season, and twO of the 1 ter killed e being ow of the has be - 1 keepers s for keep - allows on n Mitchell last week om there. s smile. f gas in e entered ach other, indows of onnection is one of ownship- being the been ap- to take Church at ader of the 0. Was te- ahouse in 1 oleander he door, in muttering hell, this s delegate ood Temp- e meeting Lodge of , few days nbergeri of get into a n on the and had - wrist. the stable eitzer, of ooked and ncil have ow under les of side - life of a me so overpowered by th ey died shortly after arri hey were worth about $90 -On Thursday Morning r. James Colquboun, groom of the stallion "Prin t his arm brokeu! by bei ainst the wall of the stab nding to the horse. The f last week g jammed while at- rm was set houn was horse will er manage - 6 4 g a b c nveyed to his home. Th ent. -Travelling on the train om Stratford, a few ev istowel lawyer. The cl o e of the most gertial men a d is very fond o1 flowers o which he was taking h lawyer thought it no harm t ate some of them. He the oing north flings ago, an and a rgyman is the world -a variety onae. The o appropri- dozed off kept both es open all the time, hut aid nothing bout the flowers. :The lavy yer wore a ii ther nobby cap, Which a tracted the arson's attention, and in t e twinkling f an eye it was I transferred to the im. When ached home 1 sleep. The parson had Johnston into equally free -in his expenditure. Finally used his ut- his gaze rested upon one of Mr. Davis' tricate himself, handsome assistants, Miss Annie the manger and Murphy, formerly of St. Catharines. piing over him He asked her if she would like to be cuts, one on his married and have him for a husband. e lawyer awoke 1.1e had re nd. diicovered that his h Missing. He raised a tremendous row and threatened all sorts of things ; but on opening his bag in the morning he dame to the conclosion ttati:he pawn bad the best of the joke all.