HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-20, Page 8*num expaoxtax. DISTRICT MATTERS. NOTE Tuis 1' FRESH AND NEW.—All kinds of Tens, Sugars and Groceries arriving daily at A. G. AULT's Store, Seaforth, and Good Bargains Will be given to. all who may favor him with a call. `these Goods were bought before the rise, and will bo sold cheap for cash. A'so a new stock of Crockery, China and Glassware. All kinds of Provisions, tech and good, snoh as Tlour, Shorts, Bran, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, Corn- meal, Pork, Hams, Sraeked Bacon, Seed Porn, Pot',a'toee, Syrups, Good `Maple Molasses, Cracked Wheat, ke. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. A. G. AuLT Seaforth. 702-1 Tar GOLDEN LoN.—Good Value in Black Silks at the Golden Lion ; Good Valve in S1aek Cashmeres at this Golden Lion ; Good Value in Dress Goods at the Golden Lion ; Good Value - ill Prints at the Golden Lion ; Good Valise in Table Linens at the Golden Lion ; Good Value in Table Napkins at the Golden Lion ; Good Value in Carpets at the Golden Lion ;; Goo.d Value in Laeo Curtains at the Golden Lion ; Good Value in Counterpanes at the Golden Lion;. Good Value in Gloves at the Golden Lion ; Good valise in Hosiery at the Golden Lion. R. JAMIESOx, flea' forth. 702 THE GROCERY STORE NEXT DOOR TO Teta POST Ox vrca.—Swede Turnip Seed, War- ranted fresh and true to name : Royal Norfolk, Marquis of Lorne, Fine Impr oved Westbury, Car- ter'a.Iro.perial, Skixv ng'8Improved, at 20 cents a pound, and a reduction to parties purchasing 10 pounds and over. D. D. Rose, Grocer, ilea - forth. 702 REV. F. G. WIDx ows, Ex -Monk, will conduct Divine Service land Preach i n Cardno'e Hall, Seaforth, on Sunday, May 29th, morning at 11, evening at 7 o'clock. Collection to defray expenses. 702-2 universal favorite with, all wh him. His sad and sudden dea terrible blow to his parents an particularly severely by his moth is a most amiable and tender ladye and is passionately fond childd,ren. She has, however, t solation—although it is but po solation at such times—of know her deceased son was loved and ed by all who knew him, and t Belt ! and her estimable husba family have tlae sincerest sym all who know them, and the more consoling hope that there joyous, happy meeting, afte a there will be no parting. 0 morning the pupils of the Hig assembled at the usual hour, a adopting the following res which speak for themselves, missed for the day : To 14fr. rand Mrs. N. Cosens. DAR FRIENDS—At a Meetin mad�ters and pupils of the Seafo School, held on Friday morn 13th, the following resolution imously carried : " Moved by ling,. seconded by James Dick the Principal be requested to co mittee to prepare a letter o enoe with the family of onir� la pupil, Asher Cosens, expres high esteem in which he was our' sympathy with the bereav Principal then named the nn as such committee, who pre following, which was nnanim provQd of by the whole school: us, in accordance with the ab lut'on and on behalf of the ma pupils, to tell you that our low, your son, was much belov of us. During his short at here he endeared himself to bo era and scholars by his genia tion, his correct conduct, hi duty and his manly charade feel that in him we had one ample we well might follow. his worth, then, we can the m ily sympathize with you and ily . m your sad bereavemen ask yon to believe how much miss him and how greatly he by ns all. We might add th respect to his memory the s journed after passing the abo tiobis, and after the princi Cla'kson, and Mr. Harstone h in tie highest terms of your so the sad blow the school had in his death. Signed on beh school by. ELL.& EDS+'. KATIE KIL ROBERT SP JAMES Die JOHN ODYN Cow PAsTuEE.—A few more cows can be given pasturage for ; the season in Beattie's grove, adjoining the . town. Apply to JA rias B�.�►TTts. 702 Loox out for insects on your currant and Gooseberry bushes, and use Hellebore. For sale at E. Hzcgsox & Co.'s Drug Store. 702 WANTED.- Harness Maker wanted immediately. Apply to E. J. HARDY, Zurich. 702 ENTRANCE ExAMthiTION.—All who in- tend to try the next. entrance examina- tion to the High School, should hand in their names before the 28th to • Mr. Dewar or Mr. Clarkson. STREET OBSTRUCTION:—MR. EDITOR, SIR.—We are all looking for light on a certain by-law, which prohibits ob- structions on certain streets. I notice that several of our merchants have erected steps or. placed planks before their doors. Now, I want to know if these gentlemen can do so according to the by-law ? If they can, I certainly shall put salt barrels before -my fron- tage. Yours truly, RATEPAYER. A TREAT FOR SHOW GOERS.—Our amusement seekers will be glad to learn that one of the largest—if' not the largest —show in the country, will visit ns on. �i4ednesday, June lat, as Shelby, Pull- man az. Hamilton's circus and menagerie will visit Seaforth on that date. It will comprise a large circus company of the very best artists ; a full and rare collection of wild animals, including a large herd of elephants ; a marine aquarium ;; a very extensive museum, and many other attractions. It will travel by rail, and give one of the larg- est and most gorgeous of street proves- sions. The proprietors have the repu- tation of always dealing fairly by the public, and keeping all their promises, and we do not doubt that their pre- sent show is everything that they claim for it. HIGH SCIOOL REPORT.—The official report of High -School attendance and grants for 1880, has just been issued by the Education Department. There are now 105 schools, or counting off 16 Col- legiate Institutes, there are 89 High Schools. Judged by the Government grants distributed to these in 1880, our school ranks 28th. In other words, there were only 27 High Schools en- titled to a higher grant, while 61 schools received less, among them many of the oldest schools in the Province, as Brock, Ville, Napanee, Dundas, Paris, Windsor and others. Had not the Galt Col- legiate Institute received its special grant of $750, irrespective of everything but its class, our school would have • stood several places above it. The re- port is, no doubt, only a crude standard of comparison, yet we are glad to see that our school takes no mean position, especially when we remember that it was in operation only two years at the time of the report. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. day evening last, the teacher James' Church Sunday Scho• the vestry of the church to d one of their number who w: leaving town, and to exhibit i • tical and useful way the eh which they held their departi teacher. After some routine the meeting was called -to or President, when the pastor church, Rev. P. J. Shea, cam: and delivered a. moat bean touching address, expressive good -will -and .friendship en towards the retiring Secretary - of 1St. James' Sunday School, Hayden. The address we dilate upon the many valuabl rendered by him towards the School ; the interest he too children ; the practical mann instruction, and his nnflinch mination to carry out, regal personal criticism, what he cc to be his thity. The many sac personally made to advance 1 este of the Sunday School, as everything else in connect: church affairs, were alluded t flattering terms. He thought be ungrateful on the part of t ers to allow him to depart witl token. of their appreciation of vices, and the gift which he to receive was. given in the h wherever his lot might be vas future, he would still reme point with pride to the days was associated with the St. Ja day School. The reverend g then paid him a well-meritec men by expressing the beli was shared in by all prese would be many a long day as capable and as willing co to take his place, and then by impressing on all the nee following his example, which worthy of emulation by all t had the good cause at heart. presented Mr. Hayden with a and costly gold -headed cane, was tastefully engraved his whom given, and the year in presentation took place. In r Mr. Hayden was visibly aff emotion at times being so str prevent his being distinctly h the conrse of his reply, he dw siderable length on the pro Sunday School had made sin. vent in Seaforth, and attribu no small degree, to the har good -will that had always exist the teachers. After the past church, none exercised a m manding influence over the and to their hearty co-operatio with a desire to do good, attributed this success. He done his duty, and the eulo upon him, he thought, was nn however, those more capable o had seen fit to place a higher v humble endeavors, and to would simply bow, as in knowing full well that none able to judge of men and th impartial observers. He the them most heartily for the m present they had made him, ed them that it would alwa pleasant memories of the ma days he had spent in Seaforth green in. his heart the frien generosity he bad on many a to be thankful for, but more ly the present, and this, last of good -will towards :shim cherished with a fondness se to his love for his native 1 teachers then, one by one, wi expressions of regret at pa hopes for his future prosperit good-bye, and the proceeding evening then terminated.—Co —Our readers will reoogni; the above recipient one well Seaforth, and vicinity. To t1 intimately acquainted with Mr. he will be greatly missed. F -men leave behind them a mo able record, or occupy a highe In tbe. esteem of their fellow knew is a is felt r, who earted f her con- oon- g that steem- t her- d and thy of et far 1 be which Friday School'. d after rations, re dis-' of the h High g,May, s unan- . Spar- n, that ame a cpndol- fellow- ng the 1 t and .'n The reigned red the •'ell w el reso- els and 001 fel- dby all ndanoe teach- disposi, love of and we Qac eB- nowing e ;heart- ur fam- and we: e shall s liked t out of ool ad- resoln- 1, Mr. spoken , and of stained f of the AS, )RAN,. • LING, ON, Hi ootipl tiet m none, 1 tore. plc er mot dur n: con do ore it 1' On Fri - of St. met in onor to s about a prac- eem in fellow - business r by the of the forward nl and of the rtained reasurer r. P. M. on to services Sunday in the of his g deter- ess of sidered 'fives he e inter - e11 as n- with in very would i teach - Out some is ser- e about e that in the er and hen she es' Snn- tleman compli- , which , that it fore one d be got minded sty of as well ose who e then ndsome which, ams, by • ch the ponding tied,his gg as to : rd. In' t kat con- ess the his 'ad - this, in ny: and among the e com- hildren, coupled *st be ad only assed rving ; dging on his se he ienoe, better gs than thanked iiifioent; d assur-' awaken happy r d keep whose occasion r icnlar- pression oald be ria only .The many y ng an d bid him of the in the nwwn in e most eyden, w young e credit - position citizens. G/ E LATE AaHER: CoBBNS. We had bar ly time last week before going to pre s, to notice the death by drowning of Mr. Asher Cosens, Son of N. Cosens, Esq., of Tuckersmith. The young man had been attending the High School in this town for several months, preparing himself for the forthcoming teacher's examination as he intended writing for a second class certificate. After school was dismissed on Thursday of last week, Mr. Cosens with a number of his fellow pupils went to the mill pond at Eg- mondville to have a bathe. The day was very warm and the water was still cold. Hewes not an- expert swimmer. He was only a very short time in the water when he suddenly disappeared and never rose alive again. Whether he took cramps or got beyond his depth, is not known, and the real reason of the accident will probably for ever remain a mystery. The body was in the water a consider- able time before it was found although search for it was immediately com- menced and diligently prosecuted. At • length it was found about the middle of the dam in very deep water, but, whether it had floated thither or wheth- er it was found at or near the spot where it sunk is not definitely known. Of course when found life was extinct. The melancholy tidings were at once conveyed to his home and his father just arrived on the scene a few minutes after the remains of his boy were taken from the water. It was indeed a sad sight for him, and his feelings can be more easily imagined than described. The body was at once conveyed home. The funeral took place on Saturday and was very largely attended.; The fellow pupils of the departed attended the funeral in a body, and headed by their teachers marched in procession in front of the hearse from Mr. Cosen's residence to Turner's cemetery where the inter- ment was made. On the following day the funeral sermon was .preached in Turners' church by the pastor, and was listened to by a very large and deeply affected congregation. Young Cosens was just 21 years of age. He had taught school for several years in what is known as the West End school house in Tackeramith. He resigned his situation there last January and. has since been attending the High School in this town. He was a genial,, affable, pleasing young man, and was a It • ad 0 B te e: • 1 0 6 a 11 • Hallett, left he = on Monday last for the old coup + • . He takes the trip for the benefit of •is health, whio has not been good for : •'me time, and a hope to see him ret • rn fully rector and as r gged as o yore. --Over 4, Per- s ns visited +lie steamship. Pa 'sign, at aebeo, on taturday, at tw my -five c nts admias On. This is the boat by Which Rev. 1r. McDonald nd Mr. hulas La" e cross the tlantic. This is its : mond trip.—Dr. Scott is ectingane:. new offlce.adjo 'ng his r' eidence on Goderioh stree Mr. hos. Hill, 1 Egmondville, 's busily t wor.,k ma ,tlfaottiring iron harrows f Dakota. 1 t with ns asures 64 i hes the ot is egg wa anish hen f Ga t, .an a• ys p has she ontin ese, r. e. All th anic ' Inst ,• • • THE HUR ghtforward, business way, th his xoellent �ooial • ue,li- for hi n hosts of friends and e sure, 'I r t his depar- than his at rre�peotdl em - t is about sevei ars and six ece he first Datown, and', whole of thime he has himself In anner highly iand we ate soo lose such zen. He was two years of the Mieoh' Institute, n the Boatd oirectors forable time, andspeak from when' we say that ,a more y and useful member never Board. Anything that had y to elevate t intellectual' condition, of h a fellow men Mr. Hayden a warm sup - le a • d those who ramembe� the ing of our Literary Society, many disadvantages under labored, ogether with the some wor atte ding. i a in- eetings, ill be r witness -to ng energ and perseverance ractrize his a orts. to make ss. His many ood !qualities d heart gained for him ' the admiration of ons towns - d we trust tha his future ill be attends edit that f success which indust and one can bring. He ! h ac- osition, in the at re Off Mr. T. f Sarnia, and a can assure man that ,he hes secured as t, courteous :'nd obliging ood behind a the town a espeed, Mr. me an Satur of his many n iv: P pl c rs hrne:t o to u s man as ever s nd the people of citizen in every eft far his new h amid the regrets BRiii*s.— We n and R. Lam oh drew, a ten d al drawing for t hich took place a . The' only ot county is Jose who has :dr -awn ▪ Jude Moms, me in regularly anal lnek i ejeems im this ' time. n, of P 'n6e Art been visiting f weeks, left for h left Goderich e season.; ,-Mr. nt off about 200 old country on ant in 'ch rne. Abo t B n ,e ea e to is fa tl • fi ti la te 0 at lo • • aNV 011 11 el 18 rinfs rv is o t yo Veal giDn plast the aind re ool nd Is er in 11 nt st his 119 e 89 Or • en en he 1 1 • it 99 1 OV • • ticib ev del: v St th 00 Oh I fri ea ae lag 0 ti lp • 11 • llar , prize at Toronto on er foxitunate gh Williams, a fifteen dol - of Goderich, in the list, to have de - wide in town meon Friday y the second Tuesday last. obert Sun - page of Xr. ening last our ,oitizena were nging of the fire bells. The were out -in shoat order, and thing in1readinesa, but upon at the station they learned that icee were not required. The at the ashery, and was ex - ed Without any seriops damage one1.—The Rev. Mr. Ross, of assisted I at the Oom7Luanion on Sunday last, and preached orning and evening. Although Man, Mr.1 Ross is an earliest preacher,' and pie people of' Church, Brussels, are to be lated on having s. Charles! Lawr him as their nald left for sday, and Mr. el ti yester- day and will be absent about anths.—Tae weaher has been d:pleasant for the past few days, etation is aboomitg."—The first storm Of the seaS011 paased over Saturdaylafternbon lad. The as pretty !high and thP water lid sheets for about at hour, id gooda—It is now 1 a well ed fact that the fall. waeat in ' ghborhood, (wet under the orable, circumstances, will not crop, and a gre t deal of it has wed up.—Mr. avid McCloy, :time Precento in Egmond- resbyterian Chu ch, has gone icrowd to Manloba. He in - trade as a car- e notice by edings of the ow in seseion hos. Greenway, n, is one of the has introduced meageares, and appeals in the 'iore long.—The rsary held in await and BOO - affair. The aud once r om was nt and happy. Addresees were egl by Rev. M Ban. Wright, of d. Prime we d'stributed to 8, each one being presented by of appropriate co On the wh ost pleasant and adrilts we r. Wine Searle Esq., of McHillopl has recent - another step ferward. Fo ears he has aeere residing in n, and hae been the olaief general o that city andithe ,west for th He has now (accepted a sans Messrs. J. 0.1Wianer et Com plernent makers, of Brantford removed to thilt city. He ha o tside basiness of that firm bot west. Mr. Searlett is business map, alid from on e of him, wet have -no hesita nd ab on o ends f his omotion end continue y. --Rea. Fat er Shea has ha fine aoung maples pla.nte the grounds of . St. jaine, which, when they grow np enhaice the appear - he ro erty.--Nearly all the led off from boards, wb eons picture and' fo e etre t. It or ur to*n fat bo rds and pe t ntil the prop epon of . John 11 ed tottuild on th orking at his tn. Winnipeg.— i inpeg, that Mr. 1 Ireful practical very frelquentl memberg. He Goverement be b; aayterian Ohm 11 II • ember th +� embers wh tute roo ere shoul et a a • • • fi ra to 0' a 01 ia N EXP SITOR Mr. Andrew C der has la mammoth e g Which aches the one w y and 84 'er and. weighs 4 ounces. layed by a ell bred nrchased from McMillan, 1 is the first waich her acaented her neW owner. es on laying such eggs as Idertt fortune is made He interested in the Me - tate would do well to re - 1 adjourned. meeting of oh takes place i the In - El this (Friday) evening. ffice and pleasant eet. We on his ng enjoy pleasant ake but sure his 110 doubt s would him in this direction, them a hint.—Messrs. ompany have this week wo very handsome and altered phtetons. ,Rev. Mr. Brumfield, wag the pur- one, and Mr. Wm. Mnr- ondon Road, Stanley, of e would again remind f the sports and amuse- eld on the Fair grounds on Queen's Birthday, uspices of the Lacrosse (a forenoon there be a other athletic sports of , for which libetal prizes a, and in the afternoon ere will be an interesting lacrosse atch bet pen the clubs of Exeter aced at th cents f on, and er the a trl Society ;of St. Thomas' Church, . Hanover has removed his sidence to hie handsome an ngratulate our genial frieia tinge, and hope he may 1 he comforts of his ,new and ome. He ow requires to ne 4re ad anoe step to e t same his fair frien 111 AI • • II • • 1 allied by a few mendation and le, the eveting one, and both e gleamed. that onr old t, son of Samuel 114 it ea 0 jo tho at 1 aae sec 11 1/16 1' III • a tl wa gor Snt leo Of at he 11 digchargeth intru ted toi him wit his employees. Hi mild he gi lnatian sposed of rnfortable aser of th ck, Of the e other.— readers ents to be this to der the ot races a rions kind be giv The admission hes been ivory reasonable figure_ of either the fore or after - 25 cents for the whole azaar held yesterday un - spices of the Ladies' as a veryl successful affair. There as &great rray of articles fancy and eful, and arly the whole stock was speed of. he place was well patron - ed during e day and .evening, and e fancy thet a liberal addition will be ade to the Oands of the society. Walton. THE NEW FACTORY.—We are inform - by the Secretary that the new eese facto twill be opened and. the st batch Monde trona are requested -to have their ilk in the 6ans and the cans on the ands in tit= on Monday morning for e drawerte who will then make their QUEEN'S /OIRTHDAY.—A meeting Was ld-on the fth of May for the purpose b ation of the Queen's Birthday in this village on the 24th of May. , A. commit- tee of five was appointed to take up subscriptioas for the occasion, and. in this way to ascertain whether a sum 1 gel (mon& tO give liberal prizes could sabt3cribed or not. At a meeting on riday eveelitg last it was found that e committee were very successful in -muting a arge number of signers to e lists, eeen in the short space of one . An now it is determined to illan, Wt J. Carter, G. lel. Morrison d J. R Hamilton, Co mittee of t. D. Johnston er. n .cheese fact nd ready for us e people of the 1— the business men of Kinbnrn maylong oontiiiue to so flourish. We are also i#i• formed that a telegraph office is to be leased1 estabhehod helve at an early date, acid with 'the conveniences that ginburn will t eia be able to offer, there is n doub bat that it will claim its share 'o ;the patronage of the farming oommi nity of Huron, and of the public gen orally. 1 Dashwood. Queer's BIRTHDAY.—The anniversa'r of the birth of our sovereign lady th Queers ie to bejcelebrated in this villag: in right loyal style. The programme`i: a lengthy one,' and consists of raciii :, jumping, kc. There is also to be a 00 • - test known . as ' a "tug of war" betwee ten men of the township of Hay again: t ten men of the township 'of Stephe • , which is expected to excite consld$ - able interest. Mr. Fred Cook is to b captain of the Hay "tuggers," and, h s opponent for Stephen is to be Mr. Chri topher ;Kibler;. • s F Br'assels. MkBxers. Fall wheat $1.06 to $1. spring $1.08 to $1.10, peas 65o to 7;1 oats 406 to 424, barley 65c to 70c, flo $5, hay $8 t ' $10, potatoes 350, batt:r 12o to 14c, eg s 12c. - B Mfrs.— .. J. Porter, contraatoif + f the alt well, ]las reached a depth ? +�f 375 eet through lime rock in 100 hot drilling. Var stone Brothers ship.►=d 500 barrels of flour to Quebec.—A go • d day's sports May be looked for on • 24th. The odmmittee have made eve arrangement. A quoit match for pr y+ fessinals and amateurs will be heidr • rnceneld. Foe ,THE EST.—On Wednesday •f last week Mr. Hugh Gilmour, Mr. Ja Aikenhead, Jr., and Mr. Ralph Edi lish,' of, Stanley; Mr. E. Sterling, of Bayfield, and,`Mr. Dan. Ross, of Tub ersmith, started for a trip throng • Manitoba. They went by the Gr t Western Railway from Brucefield. KZcxze.—Cne day last week t r. John Heathen, wishing to know if tar. Callloun's stallion was in the sta • e, opened the' door of his stall, and as e did so the ho se kicked him so severe y that he could not be taken home for BOMB time. : e is Likely to be all rig : t soon. -New ' a. with their lo at least prov than they di , cheese will be made in it laext, the 23rd inst., and Main street bave public view by ich are covered le eoulce e the oungster rove tile spree would be a goo ers to parches it the to r ere th y are, o ietors f the lot o ee ve anageme Secreta? ell feel old of the addition. - We a e please to be able to 'inform the g neral pu lic that the contractor, Mr. J H. Whi Marsh, has made a complete j b of it, and has given the committee perfect sa ' faction, as well as all the as also a ded extras to the extent of a out $3 such as painting, dm., and ow the ilding presents a finished aran 0,, and every person who in- s ts th job is ready to speak o ds of raise in behalf of the contrac- t r. T s contract was completed it in th rty days from the time he rs put 1 ot upon the ground. Rinburn- eitiess MEN.—We notice that peas our business alien are getic, and trade is more ile- ac head of our list we might ;Allege clothier, Imr. Macdon- , though always jolly and atill more so at present, a omen that his business is i in lig condition. Next on the of the street follows our ever atitg and hosTitable land - Brownlee, wh se well -kept good accomnaodations are for the weary traveller, not tom give him a call. Cross - a street, we come to the post general store kept by Mr. be more effecti ely set before than by saying, hat through - ea the street opposite his nildings '0 crowded wit conveyances f all des riptions. Passing along rapid- , as our time is limited, tee cross Main reet, an at a short distance out of tendence of which is under the care f Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray's past eee as a cheesemaker will vouch for i, sum ss 4 this department. Then raoin our steps, we dna. the corner osite Mr. Stanley's baildings men- d by r. Williams, wile !carries on jointl a store, carriage shop and claim' h's shop, and is the proprietor ess which the inhabitants of and .vicinity value highly. lasing 'Victoria street, on the posits Mr. Brownlee's hotel, r. Wilson's blacksmith's shop, Ir holding a pi•-nic on the 24th, on t banks of the i4 aitland, on lot 4, co= sion 3. Entrance between W. Rial ereeted for t ose wishing to "trip it light fattasti ," also Avvings, hall pl wishing to h ve a good time she :come along, liot forgetting their batik° Albert ,Nott, of Hullett, and nger, of Kinburn, left for Algoma. They ha and on the Canadian si about 15 miles abo Charles: Gr Tu sdaa las all alma up of he river Br ce Mines, and go to settle upon. Mr, Granger takes with -him a span: horses, some is a good co well. They We wish th 11 '8 s. r. t. of cows and a lot of farnai. g They were all up at ; he st summer. They say it ntry, is well settled, d e all contented and doi go by boat from Goderi h. m all prosperity. Baum RAI 60x80 feet, Mr. Janaes ley, on 'Nes St Wiley. ING.—A. Dew frame oa as raised on the far oyce, Goshen Line, St ay of last week. As us ds had gathered and ad - , instead of approving d guffaws of laughter, re - r brute, they would have themselves more humane Stnewsexs.--Chief Davidson has a force of me repairing the sidewalks. Those portio s in the neighborhood of the Queen's nd the Dinsley House are now really excellent. Moonstruck promenaders cannow bestow all their attention in itterested quarters without any danger of being tripped up by broken boar s. It would now be in order for M ears. Elliott & Talbot to see that thei trap door in the sidewalk be sunk to a proper level. • DISTITRBER13.—MT. Editor—Sir WO are again theeatened here with the old annoyances of young men going home from meeting, making the nighthideous with their yells and cries. This time it is young men, farmers' sons, going home from the Grange meetings, yell- ing and shouting and throwing stones at houses as they pass. We are gener- ally quiet here, but when these m , or boys, come around, as they do we kly, strangers passing would think t a very rowdy place. Hoping they will take the hint and conduct theme Ives in a decent manner in the future and that 'they can attend their m hags without disturbing the whole neig bor- HAY PREsitsnce.—Mr. Wm. Ba of Exeter, hes been -at this place last few day with a hay presser has been doi g some big work. THE CROP .—The crops are lo well in this,. inoinity at present, to the recent welcome showers. rain had been a few days' long a very poor hence, and the fall coming the ipring grain would hay would be a total failure. As it is, is not oneont of ten who has not t under Horne ifall wheat. 8th inst., at this . brother's residen Hay, Mr. john McDonald departe life after a very brief illness, an remains we e followed to their las dnesday. Deceased highly cted young man a sociable co panion to the young who, no do bt, will miss him from ,midst. HYMENIAL.—Mr. Louis Aldw0 h, of 4th inst., was "joined in the holy bonds of matximony" to Miss Elizabeth, young- est daughter of Mr. James McDonald, of Hay. The Rev. N. Smith, of Nip- pon, was the officiating clergyman. At night, at the residence of the bride's fathea the guests spent a very pleasant evening, and at the "peep ol day" might ige ie, all being snugly ensconsed under the pa ental roof ere the "old folks" got round n the morning. den, the and king wing the r in had heat here ned this his rest - the as a olks, their • have been each laddie intent upon seen wending home with his bonnie las reaching home and • Tuckersmith, who went on a pr pect- ing tour to Dakota a few weeks a o, has returned. He was so much taken up with the country there that h pnr- chased a lot of land, and now i tends to sell his f am and effects -here b pub- ta at once. We are, in a way, scary for this, of kand we , but ii- more al, tes. do not like we hope th profitable t inst., as the idea of losing hi change will be eve him than he anticip MCI`r)OU Wholeisale CALL & nd Retail Dealers in Dry Good Millinery, Car- ets a d Oil Cloths, after the ha ot 14th the timbers together, sides were oho la were Mr. Ralph Elliott and Mr. Matthew returning o• me from Clinton, very Bates being captains. When all was serious a4ident happened t Mrs. ready Mr. m. Deeds, the framer and 1 Wiltse. The seat board, bei g too commander in -chief, gave the worde t° short, slipped off the edge of the wagon raise, gad t e race commenced, but it box and caught Mrs. Wiltse's 1 with was not lo g before the cheers of both their Weight on it with sue force M . Elliott' nearly tors. I t where up going to al aid a,bant it tha ctured didn't put est to and left thr s, of of the Work Sr., of . On Saturday, th WO public and Ohildre men proved them to be ink Mr. Bates should aisings, as he got very d he was so much pnt he started for home, the rafters on his e of the purloin posts r. Deeds and his men more. At the conclu the company partook per which had been re. Boyce, and after sp ime in a social matte he Put de, alf ion re- nd- as to brea the bone. They had a mile to o to reach home fro the accide t happened. Medi: was at one aummoned and th adjusted. On Monday the fr limb was laced in a plaster keep it , by Dr. Willie. Clinton. ACCIDEN last week Mr. Appleton Elcoat Tuckerem'th, met with an which mig t have been fatal, h been for the presence of mind tivity of a friend. He was load of hay to Mr. Joseph and when turning off the Londo near Mrs, Finklee's, his load upset, throwing him headfirst tow groutd. he party in questi pening to ee the load as it quickly ra to the spot and ea Elcoat by the head and shoulde ing him ghtly on his back, an ing the f 1. Had it not been Mr. Elcoa would proba,bly hay his neck, tit was pretty badly as it WaS. He had only just r from a, se 'otts Mileage on the 17 h inst., at Kyle's Ho the mem •ers present. Moved Mundell, Monded by Mr. El. 'e, that vert on es Stod- can now o morally, t heapeet 's Fancy In the and try LA.T TEI Fead ers, 71 west D 0 In th Compl ie. SO 1 0 UR B pring wh rosper me sid omm r read w of arald no net ptnhbeli la Id ff II 1 1 • a Pi 00 bl of a bus burn ain co der o nds st the early and late pound of whose anvil pared iby 1 Road, d it not UNCIL DOINGS.—At the he "assembled wisdom the Reeve and Clerk to petitioa the sMinist rks to have the d " now at Port Huron, for two or three days t nd bar at the entran arbor. A committee e Reeve and ,Conne leave and Stanbury wa h instructions to have , and also to have the soon as possible. The municipal officers wer same as last year. d that the sum of 10 be paid by the poundkeeper as a last of er e of dge Faint re - of con- llors aP- tans aew hall peal- flx- gents cams the and ttlar the ed. be ds the meeting of n, hap - this place, wayed, instructed ght Mr. Public W s, turn- break - to Bayfield or this, move the a broken Hayfield siding of covered pointed wi oil met prepared a 1. All Town Hal by Mr. erected as aries of th ed at 'the also resolv • NEW NE NEW SILK P OUR an A. for each v streets an poundage owners of The next held on th STREET coatis no and en an a receiaed is needles llama I in TiCtingh Wen now hung prese Offt. _was muc woad. no what his MORE stor Mai dar gest the a are str ness. to on can oil for th at the pu went des seveaal ti certain o rant pig taken from lodged in the pound, t in addition to the re ees be collected. from uch swine when reclaim eeting of Council 1st of June at 10 o'cloc WATERING.—Our wa going its regular ro es to keep the dust MENT.—The Royal Ho new coat of paint, wh'ch, it to say, is a great im is now one of the best m. out his sign "America • ering own has rove - has Ex - e," and none too soonj as it needed. If Mr. McGuire only let the public know ours are, he would be other act much needed IGET.—As all the pri now closed at 7 p. t is left in almost co We would respectfull Town Fathers that per- cipal ., our plete sag- ing no longer utilize mere ants t purpose, the streets be lit up lic expense. .—One day:last week a dog 'ng up Joe.ephine street with a and pane lookers, clad • TWE the follo VanEgin James W concessio dart, bu lowing su The Cle Freamtrioveked the town ina jobs der at Tuesday Tenders on jobs 1 8 inches laid on a 1, on the posite lo the side to Hens side line between lots 35 and 36, con ing accounts be paid nd, putting in a cros g dead horses, $5. The fol - s were granted in charity : k was 'instructed notify eating, Sr., to have is fence rom off the road alio ance on line of Hibbert. Th follow - f gravelling will be le by ten - the 31st day of M y, 1881. 11 be received up to he hour k p. m. of that day. Gravel t by the rod to 7 feet 'de and eep. Jobs by the co d to be the Council may dir ct : No. 2nd concession, L. S., op- ine from concession. 4, north, between lots 10 and 11, con - opposite ide line saion 2, concessi n, H. R. S., opposite ots 2 and rods; N . 8, on the 12th concession, H. the aide ne between lots 5 and 6, con - from Se forth to Egmoiadville, '50 cords; n the Mill Road near eland's, 01 Mc EE D SUIT 6. EE 0 er to our Customers smiths Very Choicest, Newest Lot of Ladies', Misses' au! d Plain Straw and Braid T STYLES, both =MUD! . Also -ers, Ribbons, iznd 441 signs in Ornantgents. OW ROOM SATINS. E AL LAO aS. N D LACE 41ES. i -a440 ,ALPAC01, COTTON, PO* BILK, PLAIN *Ex mil ruic rived ToDay's OIL OLOT TOWELLI TABU N GS P14 I NTS. dITGALL GS. AK HAL.4...'S Made to Order, irom ante 01 SERGE SUITSOTarranfsall AND BT st Colors, EE PANT S, Made OEE STRAW HATS SEE sum' AND . Styles, Imp 1 AK HALL'S AK HALL'S 1 Newest Shapes and Colors 1st 13, from 25 cents to $1'75. AK HALL'S. FT FELT HATS, tlit $1, No rted Direct. 0 HALL DBMS ALL and see if t OMPETITIONin d Furnishings. Compare Priass ey don't. OTTGALL ,84 CO. near Walk the Ro No. 4, on aims 3 and the ppen S., 10 eanl,asc ng a r the ntilTheethnle thho on rt oyf;FiCt 01 2 e Re thuBiav last Cdleort othe hrrahvee then. part thi into until whic exte The e is that if the hous it and roba rtoords IntOgge her. case if th and hat bee in b muc im 11 15, o and the R pen No. 12, repai conc Spro and jobs.. ed. b Con at Frid g high °Will- 15 cords 11 • near Brucefield, 15 oor e Kippen Road, con COILICet38i0118 7 said f, iaceseiots 9 and 10, H.R. No. 18, en the Huron th to Harpnrhey, 15 corda; ridge between lots -5 and 0, ies tendering to appear rity at the time of tender- erforrnance of the job or rs for all jObs to be finis -li- d September, I881. Tao' adjourned to meet agam ox's Hotel, Ilarpurhey, ea 7th day of May, at the ansae mon of ordirgary business. he ho se of Mr. James Martin et k by htning. Qne of the child -- as k cked down insensible, her es and, hair singed, and her shotd- nd si grazed and blackened. The me ers of the family in the at t e time were also stunnea• main body of the fluid seems ao take the lightning rod first, mei it burst one of the glees bles d followed the iron staple: he r f, going down a tin glitter it ca. e in contact With a rafter, it livered to pieces, and then ded own to the corner potteg st w ch the little girl was stand- roro. hich it reached the ground. ot the smallest doubt bit had. not been rods on. the tad have been demolisholg ly lives lost, as the rod WO feet of the kitchen chinmel/g d have formed the condue- ad t e rod not been there. Wu to av a as much as possible mair- cute angles and joining 'two Ma It is quite evident in thie rods had gone straight toga) re would have been no tisna' 'We are glad to learn tle#t is able to be about agalpg r. Martin himself, who law health for a long tircie oved of late. 94 • aflo t tha the boys will reorganize the long silen band. It is to be kora the will before the 1st of Jrily.-4. base all c ub has been orgamized, with Mr. . T rne President. It is dubber! FOURTEENTH aiV/CODS NUMB E ONTARIO W Gin. -Cut and Thxy look well, 'and tome Myra. Cheaper Clothing. See Our SO9TCH TWEED SUE and 114. :CANADIAN TWEED 1 ENGLI-SH TWEED al, and 110. BLEWK WORSTED SM 312. YOUTHS' SUITS -45, $1 SPECIAL. ! SPI We coffer a job Lot nf TESTS at about half priee. gains see them. , Campbell's Block, IS 1881 SEAM 'CLOTH I WM. CAMI Assort -ed that any onecan be str THE cvNIAHON IRISH! I scotch land Canada) in Full Lim As these Wore all bought stris the Lowest Figures, and ray er the Lowest quotation s HATS A140 GENTS' N. 11.ats and 'Gents' Fornbibt ., the etOek of any former *see Stock of ; tiaras* invited to inspect th.c provisren is Wade for their wan! Reninants for Bi Ladies '1,7314411g BeIntrtalte fe3 WIC Brick Block No.1, Main Street; THE SEAF01 RUIT AND RESTAU MAIN STREET, a "Waxy DAGON keeps tons 'La' full -supply f 0.11 kinds of SEASONABLE- IfEti Fresh and Good. Also the Ch .riLAIV"Vfi, Direct from. t COOLING D. Of all kinds on draft, and REMEMBER THE PLACEi Brat door north of Robertson'S 192 USK* Licentiate College of Physi for 44aebec and EYE, EAR AN. Bishop's College, Montreal ; to the Trot4stant Infant's Heri WILL BE IN SE the Commercial vzont :Monday, June 13 t Aisne 151 Where he may be _Die' eases upon the Eye, Ear or AUcTION -:"—VALUABLE R In the Town o THERE -will be sold by P At 1 o'clock P. Id., the. late re Zent, on Jones Street. The be sold as above iritbxsat reser of the Tgurebase mow Also ntnnber of Park