HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-20, Page 7a ths tetion 1, the Flex. rively been crop, re the seas hands PRea. Kamm* .1:1111,14, NOY. kvire prepy. M. en So. f Farm Tian r eetate Tieke `,t'sMaIj fi45 ON r of SESe yards. ()TEL* LY. INTOrkl. 4 ESSI IENT ietor. is &heart e else ba- be Bola URE. merried 1 gee my where.a Zurich. :N D, reason - AGES LOOK, rth. V31 ERY ES1 Relied Liv- tylish riga ries& and corn- ea always ne•or two ecl to. site O. C. forth. ORRZS. ale kinds Rifies,Re- Goods in hat he hot . Roberts' no's- Hale All kinds ne, Revoi &o. awing Ma- tes, Skates, repaired. livers Old All work nded to on, Seaforth. ILLS. K ari-oh Balt of viendia KIND I good stook g Laraber amber - where Yoll any other roprieter- Ts THER sa& riptiona pt. Terse deaths, znIal . ETT = MAY 20, 1881. mom mu em e II ea ei Mt 11 1 as Merchant of Venice. A friend states that he overheard the following conversation between two bootblacks on Vine street one morning about six weeks ago: "Say, Skinny, where was you last nig,ht ?" "Me ? 1 was up ter Houck's. Where was you 2" "I was down ter der Opera House to see 'The Merchant of Venice."' "Wot kind of a piece is it, Bill ? Wot's it about?" "Well, Skinny, it's first-class an' no mistake. Yer see, there's a cove in it named Bassanyo, and he's dead struck on er gal named Porsher, an' he wanted to marry her, but he ain't got scads to go housekeeping. So he goes to a friend of laiaai named Antonio, wat keeps boats to let, and tries to borrow the sugar off'n hina. Well, biz, d'ye see, hasn't been very brisk with Tony for a while back, and he hasn't got the ready cash ; but, as Bassanyo hey dun him many a good turn, he sez he'll get it for 'im. Well, he ups and. goes to an old pawn- broker named Sheelock, an' strikes him for the ducats. Well, d'ye see, this yer Sheelock doesn't like Tony for a cent, 'cause he called him tuff names, and camped him a time or two onct down to the market house. Howsumdever, he at last agreed. to let Tony hev the mimey, provided. he'd promise to give him a pound of flesh next• his heart, d'ye see, if he can't make it good when the dust is due, Tony says 'swipes,' and the bargain's made. Well, Bas- sein and, Porsher git spliced, an' go off on a bridal tower or suthin, and hev a happy old time all to themselves. Bimeby, the river freezes up or suthin', and the boat hiring business gets awful dull, and when his little note falls due, Tony hasn't got the wherewithal to liquidate. "Come an' see me," sez Sheelock. "Sorry for old man," sez Tony, "but yer had better come around this day a month. I'll be better heeled then.' Well, wot does the old duffer do but go offal get a warrant and jerks Tony inter gaol. Well, when Bassanyo hears this - he skirmishes around. like fun, an' by the day of ter trial he has enough of wealth to take ap ter note ten times over, but Sheelock won't hev it that way, and swears that he'll hev his!ponnd of flesh or bust up the hull city govern- ment. Just as things look mighty rocky for Tony, in comet Porsher disguised like a lawyer. She makes a big talk, an' to hear her go on you'd think she was dead agin Tony ; all of a suddent she wheeled around, an' sez she to Sheelock, sez she, 'Its all right fer yer pound of meat, ld man, but nixey on ter blood ;' when she said that, cull, Sheelock look- ed meaner nor pizen, as you could hev knocked him over with a club." A Cat's Long Journey. A gentleman in this city had present- ed to him a Maltese cat with four young musing kittens by a former friend living fourteen miles out in the country. This cat and her kittens were placed in a close covered basket in which they were wrapped, and the whole then covered with a thick rug. The basket and its contents were then brought in a wagon the distance stated. The cat and. her kittens were kept in a room in their new home, and carefully watched, fed and petted for seven days she ap- pearing to be wonted and content. On the morning of the seveuth day she and her kittens were seen at their new home for the last time and were missed very soon after. The following day at noon she appeared at her old home with all her kittens. She did, not return by the road, the way she came, as she was seen by several persons going through the fields with a kitten in her mouth. Allowing thirty hours to have elapsed between the time she was last seen at her new home and. the time she was first seen at her old home she must have travelled a distance of one hundred and twelve miles, carrying a kitten one half the same distance. -Bang or Letter to Forest and Stream. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and comforting. -"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected. cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong euough' to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished. frame." -Civil Ser- vice tlazette. Sold only in packets labelled -"James Epps & Co., 11 omceo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence fOr afternoon use. 482-52 the bowels, and give rest to the motihe, and relief and health to the child, oPe sting like magic. It is perfectly s use in all cases, and pleasant to taste, and is the prescription of one the oldest and beat female physic1 s and nurses in the United States. o d everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 69215 Rest and Comfort to t . Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea ha equal for relieving pain, both into and external. It cures pain in the back, or bowels, sore throat, rhe liens., toothache, lumbago and any of pain or ache. It will most s el quicken the blood and -heal, as its ing power is wonderful. Bro'ns Household Panacea, being ack ledged as the great pain reliever, nd of double the strength of any o er elixir or liniment in the world, sh ld be in every family handy for use wi e wanted, as it really is the best remed i the world for cramps in the stom c and pains and aches of all kinds, an for sale by all druggists at 25 cen bottle. 692-52 le 11 A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of consump and all diseases that lead to it, suc stubborn coughs, ueglectea colds, B chitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in side and chest, dry, hacking cough, ri ling in the throat,hoarseness,sore th and lungs, and all chronic or linget• diseases of the the throat and lungs, King's New Discovery has no equal I has established for itself a world reputation. Many leading physic recommend and use it in t practice. The formula from which prepared is highly recommended by medical journals. The clergy and press have complimented it in the ri glowing terms. Go to your druggisOai. get a trial bottle free of cost, o regular size for $1. For sale by Hickson & Co., Seaforth. 657-52-5 • Gray's Syrup of Red Spru4 Gum. Nature, after all, is the great p clan. She hides- all the secrets of he1t in her broad, generous bosom, and needs but to go to her for his e need. The discovery of the great cci remedy, Gray's Syrup of Red Sp Gum, is an apt illustration of this, a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Vc and Hoarseness it stands unrivall while its low price and readiness of cess places it within the reach of Try it and be convinced. All chero keep it in 25 ancle 50 cent bottles. 68 15 a on As hie 14- er at, - ng nd 'de i; a he oat y ice As ice d, 0- 11. stns .26 Zopesa. Zopesa, from Brazil, is now cne into Canada. It is a mild purgat.ve, acting as a wonder upon and gi' ng strength and. energy to the Digesie Apparatus of the human stomach, recting and. increasing the acids. Jt s strongly anti -bilious and carries o surplus bile, tones up the Liver, a vs sound digestion and speedy healt. to the dyspeptic and the bilious. Asa J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth and Bayfield, for a 10 cent bottle and test Zopesa, he new compound. Large eight ounce ilot- ties 75 cents. 679.52b Spread the Good News. As a family medicine and tonic, t u ere is no remedy at present giving such ni- •versal satisfaction, and effecting so n.ny astonishing cures, as Electric Bitter. Our druggists report a lively demand for them, al times being unable to su ply the many calls. A]1 Billions Attack, Stomach, Liver and Kick ey Compla nts, Diabetes and Gravel, readily yiel4 to their curative qualities. Sold by j E. Hickson. & Co., at 50 cents per bottle. 662-26d Delicate Women. Cases of female weakness, delicate and _enfeeoled constitutions, and those suffer- ing from Stomach, Liver and Kidney Complaints, will find Electric Bitters a speedy and certain eure. The sick and prostrated should rejoice that su h a reliable remedy is placed within eir reach. Health and happiness will euiiely follow where Electric Bitters are uSed. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. Price only 50 cents. 622-26d Dying by T-nches. Very often we see a person suffering from some form of kidney complaint and is gradually dying by inches. This no longer need be so, for Electric Bit- ters will positively cure Bright's dis- ease, or any diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs. They are especially adapted to this class of diseases, acting directly on the stomach and liver at the SIMS time, and will speedily cure -where every other remedy has failed. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by all drug- gists. 696-26.3 Never Give Up. If you are sufferingwith low and de- pr6ssed spirits, loss oftappetite, general debility, disordered blood,- weak con- stitntione headache, or any disease of a billions nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life ; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease, and. henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by all druggists. 696-26.3 Mothers ! Mothers! Mothers 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately -de- pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate "They All Do It." To beautify and preserve the t and give fragrance to -the breath "Teaberry," the new toilet gem. ple package, 5 cents. 679-52 AN ADVICE. -It is stated that Aus Germany and Russia have ad.vised Prince of Bulgaria to persevere in task and endeavor to form a strong ernmen. -Street fighting is on the inereas Mitchell. -The Town Council of Mitchell granted a100 to their Mechanics' tute. • eth luso Etan" he his Qv - in as sti- M. 6 8 •0 3 59 08 5 45 52 09 25 London, Huron and Bruc Gouge NORTB- Express. Mail. A. M. P. M. London, depart 7 40 2 20 Centralia 8 40 3 25 Exeter 8 52 8 88 Hensall 9 05 8 52 Kippen 9 11 3 57 Bracefield 9 21 4 07 Clinton 9 89 4 23 Londesboro.. 9 58 4 41 Blyth 10 06 4 50 Belgrave 10 24 5 06 Wingham, arrive 10 45 5 26 GOING SOUTH- Mail. A. M. Wingham, depart7 00- Belgrave 7 18 Blyth 7 35 Londesboro 7 44 Clinton 8 02 Brumfield 8 20 Kippen . 8 30 Hensall 8 86 Exeter. 8 52 Centralia 9 02 London, arrive 10 05 Ex A. E 6 Express. Ex P. M P. 2 55 8 13 3 28 3 86 3 54 407 4 15 4 20 4 32 4 42 5 36 ress. M. 20 38 55 . 04 24 43 69 06 2.5 40 1 10 Grand Trunk Railway. Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton Stati follows: GOING WEST- SEAFORTH. Express 2-17 P. M. Express 8 55 P. M. Mixed Train......9:15 A. M. Mixed Train. ...... 6:40 P. M. Goma EAST- SEAFORTH. Express ..........7:50 A. M. Express Train.....1:10 P. M. Mixed Train......4:45 P. M. Mixed Train... .10:50 A. M. CLINT 2.40 P • [' 9:15 P 10:00 A. 6:15 P Crate 7:30 12:45 4:15 P 10:00 Mr MI. M. M M. M. TO THE PATRONS OF THE LONDE WINTHROP AND LOGAN CHEESE FACTO have appointed John Beattie, Esq., of S and James Kerr, Esq., of Me1cillop, Trees the above Factories: All the patrons will therefore be paid at the Factories after sale. Hoping we may have a very success son, am, yours truly, W.11-rr T, 699 SEM 33 FIRST RT1-1 SIGN l`aT TE H RON' EXPOITog.. BOOT AND SH E SHOP. OF THEJIG B CENTRAL DRUG STORE, ExP,TER, 016ARIO. FOR ONE MONTH. o SET TD T LASS CUStOM WORK BY MR. E. GRIEVE. rices and Be Con need. Ask. Our W1V. LOGAIN, Seaforth. BOOT$ AND SHOES. ROBERT WILLIS, HAVING commenced Iusinese on his own acconnt in the Store in Strong' Block, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIII, Next oor to M. Morrison's Grociery, is t now prepared to furnis all who will favor hi i with their patronage with a fir t-olase article in Boot stood ShtOes of any known escriptiOn. He will teep Only the Best, and I1s practitial knowledge of and lel experience In the brie ess enables him to purchase in sue a Way as (tan not ft41 to bo beneficial to oustensers. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. CIUST0111 IWORIK of Every Kind Promptly At- tend4d to. Remember the Stand and the Name : MITIMMENSIMP RetBRT W LIS, SeafOrbh. • LL P0I PAPER AND WINDOW BLINDS KY !-UMSDEN SCOTT, S BLOCK, - 1 ILS -N, SEAVORTHI OT\TT. WALL PAPER AND BORIDERS I W OVER 600 PATTERNS, FROM 5 CENTS PER ROLL UPWARDS. D OW BLINDS AND F(XTURF4S. , CHIL R.ile IM 8 CA RIAdESiO I E'APST, ' - ono • Pr TI1E Farmer And Eve M For C _o OLD ESTABLISHEO HOUSE TQ TIEJ FELT 7, Come and See my Large),,fl tock of Cheese .Facory _Milk Cans, Milk Pa,ils rend Dishes, Y thing Belonging to the Cheese and Butter Business. iTINERIAL MEASURES CANNOT BE BEAT ee nes And Quality. All First-Clase Goods, an 4 sOld at Loweet am Frites. I not afraid of i the Grangers in competition ofl Quality and Prscer I • , • A G vleral Stodk of Building llardwafre Alwrilys on Hand. JOHN KIDD, Main Street, SeafOrth. , ITA time, E ING tlhe PioW staana ALL REP4 HURON FOUNdR, SEAFORTH. Atten Cutterti, furni ' Iron; shop Spec natio • to oni La d B d b pa d Mr. an Engine into the Fitting Sh� p to dri Grinding and Polishing ,Mao hi nery, 111 be up every work_ng day. IRS ON ENGINES MILL hort notice. On hand and made to and , lorse Po • ollers,Gang Plows, Grate Bars, &c, !loiw Castings rties wanting the sa.n1e. P 1 ow Points 4 sjeciaty, mad rr nted hard an tough. also Fit, Olriid and Polio fitte with Grinding tones and Ern ery Wheel f4r such work. Bo e*s, Grist and 1�uring Mills o Saw Mille i.ni other Machi idiots for Mille, &o. All Alteratio, n s on Mills r Engines att on all lands of Machinery. -1 1 e Lathes, Planes and Drills, independent of a ies wanting1VOrk done can have it at any D 0 HER MACHINERY to J S. R Ir. J. S. Run iman has gone aw ay for n until his r tarn. s, Grain Crasher Straw ade to order from p tterns l from Genuine Pio Point lPow Castings cheap as the !ill also take Cont (Astor ery. Will make 131 s and tided to.. Will also m e val- Seaforth. he winter, the lidoinees will be carrie on by A COMPLETE and 'LA' Drugs and Chemic hand and warravted of and -at Moderate Prices. Fall Stock of Is constantly on he Best Quality Medical Wines and Liquors can be re- lied on asbest quality. A. complete stook of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Chest Pro- tectors, &c., always on iand. Also Sta- tionery, Sohool Books, ancy Goods, &o. • The Central Drug St re, (Winan's old, stand,) directly opposit .the Central Ho- tel. 662 1.1111m, Exeter. LUMBER FFR SALE HEMLOCK, Eiret Quelity, $6 per M. PINE front $8. BILLS CUT Tq ORDER, 1 All Length, from 10 toT50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, McKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD Where all tained. 4'79 IN SEAFORTH kinds of Luriiber can be ob- ThOMS DOWNE-5-. The Great American 1?emedy for COUG_H-S, COL.OS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFrECTIONS. Prepared from the finest B.ed Spruce Gum. (Deli- cious 'inal,01%) Balsamic, Soothing, Expectorant and Tionic. Superior to any medicine offered for all the above complaints. 41 scientiflccombination of the; gltlit which exudes from the Bed Spruce tree -ifitlaut doubt the most valuable native Gum fol Medic!. Lai purposes. Every one has • r• tfh 81,4476°77- GRAY'S fects Of the andl the SYRUP PinesScaPelAsc iofe Lung Dis- ease. In Trance the p Lysi- RED clans egu- tarty 'end pat Leh.t,s to their p • tinne- su:ptt SPRUCE woodS: and or;ihe: toi a tea made from. the GU In this r CP fl ra- ption the all= never s eparates, and at / its an t i -spas- modic, ex- p ectorant, tonic, and b al s anti° properties are p r e- s er v ed. This Syr- up, car e- fuuy pr e- a pred at a low tela- pera ture, contains a arge quantity of the fine,st picked CUM. ill, S P It c e - 0 ) sap tete tops. • solution, Its remarkable power in r elieving certain, forms of Bronchitis, and its almost speciiic effect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well known to the public at large. Sold by all. respectable ch-emists. Price, 25 and 50 ce • a bottle. • The words "Syrup of Red Spruce Gum" consti- hite o tr Registered Trade Mark, and our wrapper andlobels are also registcred. HERBY,- TVATSO_AT c6 CO., wholesale Druggists, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers •111•111.. SU 0-- SST' The publ is growing quit of medicine dea a bottle of Pal they are " sold good, if not bet price. The obje substitutes are the Pain-Kille STITUTES c are cautioned against a custoiti which common of late among a certain class ers. and which i4 this : When asked for -Killer, they 'suddenly discover that ut," "but haveanother article just as er." which they will supply at the same t of this deception is transparent. These made up to sell on. the great rePutation of r; and being compounded of the vilest and cheapest drugs, are bought by the dealer at about half what he pays for the genuine Pain -Killer, which enables him therefore to realize a few cents more profit per bottle upon the imitation article than he can on the genuine. FOR C SUMMER HOLERA MOREL'S, CRAMPS, ND ALL SIGN OE THE • CIRCULAR SAW HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, 0 TJ - 11‘1,1103VHS NT SIMIOV mosszaaou e_p_qoutLat omaio_itql_xeeo ciaggiquoaO Svaoirxedias etTi play m z m NIVELLS 1131.LV3110 V a NV.L.S x 2 2 1<0 m 3 m -1 1 rn 1 z 11 0 c1 03 03 to m m r 11 z 0 0 OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS UNEQUALLED. IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. The PAIN-Ktet. R is put up in oz. and 5 oz. bottles. retailing of 25 and 5o cents resspectively,-large bottles are therefore cheapeet„ SOLD BY ALI- MEDICINE DEALER& kr.wsmil WATCHMAKER L. PAPST I 11313M3r ONV SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. Successor to McKim. Duncan & Duncan, late E. Hickson & Co. WATCH ES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY In all their isttches, kept constantly on hand. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. En sving Neatly Executed. C. L. PAPST, Seaforth RECORD OF THE LYMAN BARB. FIRST P • IZES AWARDED THE LYIVI A N " 4-BAIII3 WIRE FENCING At Motreal, (Quebec,) Hamilton, (Ontario), Cincinnati. (Ohio), Sracuse, (New York), and Davenport, (lewa), Exhibitions, for Excellence and Superiority over all Competitors. The Cheapest and Best Fencing in the World. Adopted and in use op 19 Railway Lines in the United States and CaOada. See that our trade mark, " Lyman Barb," is stencilled on each reel. Buy no other. Send for prices and circu- lars to WM. ROBERTSON & Co., Hardware Merchants, Seaforth, Sign of the Circular Saw, or to the DOMINION BARB WERE FENCE Co.,Montreal. e see e2a 692-26 d oZt1 c: OS o 71; .0 Ss, r•o C3 :c • 4. 0 : II: -019 H2c331 "000 : c::d -73:0tc-71 0 • •w, •- • se-sersisses--" e ,eessi pie 0 • •••-• 03 0 • 0 , ) 81, z o tzs col? '0'M) 0I .5: 4414 t° psts::19,ss. fad re,2 "c1:• 1 1:u);o r°15-41,017ocj1:41-"st 0 frk t7iii 0 g :71 17) ss's e3 tel 0 wee s" t•,-, Do '0 •-r re .4,, as .• se o • c o Ld0 0 cc E-4 CERT1E1 THE CELEBRATED STALLION, CANADIAN SOOTOI-INIAN I WILL Stand for Mazes at his own stable, on the Mill Road, Tnleersmith, throughout the season, excepting Seturdays, when he will go by the 4th Concession to J'aMeti Sproat 's, for noon; and 'rm thence he will return by the 2nd Concession to his own stable. TERMS -$12 to insure. 700 3. 4 S. BROADFOOT, Proprietors. >10010Vd AYER'S 0A11-1ARTIo PILLS. FOR ALL THE PUR- POSES OF A FAM- ILY PHYIC,--Cur- ing Costly cues 8, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dyson - try, Foul Stomach and Breath, He a d- ahe,Erysipelas,Piles, Rheumatism, Erup- tions and Skin Dises- sos,Bullioa s n.e s s, LiverComplaint,, ropey, Tetter,,Tun or s an d SaltRheurn,Worms, tee out, Neuralgia, as Dinner Pill, and Purifying It e blood, are the in et congenial purgative yet 0 p rfected. Their el ects abundantly show howl 151 ads they excel all ther Pills. They are safe a. id pleasant to tak , but powerful to cure. They purge out the f ul humors of the blood; ey etinardate the sl ggidt or ndieseorndearnedd torgans i to action; ard the impart it e wbole being. T ey cure not only the every d y complaiets of ev rybody, but formidable and ntageous diseases Most useful phyeicians, ost eminent clergy nen o and our best citizens, nd certificates of cures performed, and of reat benefits deriv from these Pills. They e the safest and bc t physic for children, be. c use mild as well s ( flee real. Being sugar o ated tney are eau o take; and being purely • getable, they are entirely harmless. Prepared DR. J. C. AYER 4t. Co., Lowell, Mass., Practi- o II and A nalytical Chemists. Sold by all Drug- sts and Dealers in Medicine. 669-52 4 tr KS "NIL DESPERANDUM.". RADE MARK. 9 III 1. After Taking. HE GREAT EN4IIiISH REMEDY for Ner- vous Debility anl all Nervous Affections, in - el udin g Sperm taorrh a, Semitic's weakne• s, ect., sults of Self-a1nise, indiscretion, &c., i- G".A.I'S SPECIFIC pILDICINE. This i. the • ly remedy which hes ever been known to per- anently cue cut e Palpitation and other affections ID the Heart, Corsu ption in its earlier stages, li usbIng of blood t the head, wind in the 0 omach, indigestion, Loss of Memory, Want of • ergy, Bashfulness Desire for eolittle, Indis- p anion, to labor on account of weakna, Uni- s -real Lasitude, Pa's) in the back, direness of ss sion, Premature c d age, ect. Full particulars ; t our pamphlet, w b eh vs e Fend securely sealed i receipt of a thre cent stamp. The Specific now sold by all Dr ggiets at $1 per package, ler 6 for 85, or will e eent free by mail on r ceipt of Money, by ddressing dE9 THE GRAY *EDICINE CO, Toronto. E CREDIT FONCIER HIS new Companyformed for theparpose of Jay eeting French Cspitai in Canada, is now p e pat e d to advance money on the most favorable t rms on good landed sestrities. M P. HAYES, Aeent for County of turon, Seaforth. 699 °H.1.21011131S of °pa° tIT cox.rirn -1 rn 03 Tr! 0 rn 50 All Lithographed hro0 Cards, Jan two alike, 10 cents ; Agejlts, big outfit, 10 cents GLOBE 0 • Co.,Nortthford Ct. 696.52 • • -1 = 1-77•.; • : la