HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-20, Page 4.. .- �, !.-- � I ; -1
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the other Provinces. it therefore les- treat thep'n y?' temptuoutilly' or �
�i ! I I
,! I I I
. ' � . I I I 1�
hooves the people of this Province ti WectfullYf 1
The Orguinette-Boott"Brothers. � -Since th above *its 1 writt4ll,
statid shoulder to shoulder in defen J L 1 1 .
Farrilkig, Im-plements-0. C. Willson. . . have recqviedis dommunica#on clu ,
. To, Pig Breeders -W. S. Mundell. of their rights. It is not, or should n t . . iTee
. .
- I � i�an I � I
Farm for Sale or Rent -Thomas Mills. 7 be, a part qaeation,but men of both � same sub�l ect Ili'% 7 1 Lich Will bp , forind It
I ' :
� . L
Farmfor Sale' Thomas Mills. 11 parties, should Un,te in dt i- !another �oluinn. Our correspond 3 it
I parties -a', I . I I
. :
Court of Revision -John O'Sullivan. 1 manding,j�atice. There must not I t"eathelsamd-yiewof them6ttertiO
Divine Service -F. G. Widdows. L � I 1 �4 f
. I any 04sh Storing" or Shirking of, respon. we' do d. we c1ly endorse,all he saye,
Auction Sale -William X. Grieve. y . I I i
Seaforth Fruit Store-Riraim, Dagon. sibility such as was witnessed duriinE I s g a p is, 0 1 L the college quest c n.
� ... "I I
Turnip Seed -l -D. D. Rose. the late session . of the L Dominion Par� 1H* �rem L S 11.6 not one wbit stron6 er
Good Valne-The Golden Lion. * oirbui�stanooa demand, I 4�
liament,when the Dominion author[ i than th� , ,
' .
The Mastodou-Shelby, Pullman & Co. ties attempted to evade respousibilit3 I WIE� com � e&l. his letter to the care 'I
Seeds -W. S. Robertson.. .- I I :
. I I
and got rid of giving a decision on A perusal oui r 3�ders. � t ;
� . I
Teas and Sugarg-A. G. Ault. I I I . I I . : !
1 = ... L L I I
T. Hardy. I troubles mcqueation by making it a I I ;
HarneseL Maker Wanted -19. , � �
Cow Pasture -James Beattie. 0 . I I : 7 i I L .
Insects -E. Hickson & Co. subject I Of dispute between tbia Pro. . R. S BiiL A Chas resigned hi ,
. .
Splendid Chamce-A. Strong. i vince and Manitoba, as was attempte ti n a is; ice. ( '� allicellor of Orit 0. His
. : � . . � � . I :
Dry P-oods-Smith & West. by the Manitoba Boul!idaries Extensid re ., na ')n 1((] every peroi?n bv 4U r-
! - I .. . .
I t
--,Wm. Campbell. although this attempt W16 1 . (y ; often that a Judge! of
Clothing - Bill; But, p se.'as it is I :, I I �
I I I �
I . diffl. 6nle of o ��� Sun ri real in
made, it is likely to fail, "and the , E ior Courts 3 so
---------�. I I �. I
I culty cannot be got over by any each. b0norable.ar. I i icrative � a positiol I of 19
- qa , . . I . �, ,
Q -un T# 0 ill T* X 11 0 0 *1 f 0 to disgraceful - and ingenious quibbling. own free; wil I � Mr. Blake, Me ell 10e;
. - n .. � 1
(7� . � I � We arei glad to notice that the MAI] I* intendspi-erimill g the legal firm
i � � �
--- ...-- - tob&P�emier declines to assume r9- B�Iake, i ir x ( assels, and resuming ,e
. . . . � . I . ,
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MAY 20 1881. sponsi�ilitfes which rightfully refit upon I � )n at the C a ,
2 . practice 4 if , hi I E I .0feBsi( 11.
� � I :
- . . f I i . I
- - I—— - the Dominion. Government. In a r - eery Bart . " I, 3 reason be i assig as . for
1. T-bLe Oxtario Boundary J ce,nt speet on the B.ubject in the Mani- I i t Vice haticelloi Ship is
. retiring on. o t -
. . . 1, . I
toba - 1sture he said: "We simpW that the " , * wi 1 ilds
Question. fe 1poE An interfered I .
' I
. . ,
"take ,jho position of accepting the I In -
In alluding to this' quefftion last I � I freedom i a Ai ( on oral and )hilt
; � I . I 1
' "bound:Lry'in that direction whenever b th � - I I 'Or.. , he, 8 8 is Well .6nc w n,
week, we mentioned some: of the in- If � . . ropic gnes ii or - I..
. ! I
flnences agai-rist . which Ontario will "has b?en!l1nally determined, taking no) , being a v Aroagtem erance advol'ate
. ! .
have to canterld in her en-'eavor to so- llriaapoqsi�ility in its determination." and ultr I pr i itionisb, and a ,,ea,o us
- 11 I
- Mr. Nqrquay and his Governm6n haviii ell 'ri
t , ahln E , id 3abbaith' school worhor
curewha:tisher just due, But there f . . . � I !
- arrived, at conclusion, anil I I I -
are. still others. We mEty' close oar ; a very wise as well. lit 13 Eaddloy some, hcwe'Ivre,i.,
. � � . I
. - . I
11 -e fact it we like, but it will as a cop.temporary puts it, in this in * th 3�ut while t - 'LB may have had co aid. .
eyes to th stance lat any ra,te, "the cat will 110 .... a wei i lit i causing �,ibLis resig at . In,
, �
, that each and all , I I :1 .
still cantillue to exist . , I I .
. give the monkey leave to -use, her Pa w,- the main� and m6st p bable cf4us( is
of the smaller and less progressive I . I .. I i
. - for pluGkiug.the ftstnuts out of t1le that he coisk bred ' imself B�igl ted
Provinces are intensely jealous of On- . I - - . � I
� . fire. The[ Dominion Premier InII4 wl�Len Mr. Bi y, I I was ippointed I 01 a ri-
taxio, and will Strain every nerve to � I ' i I .
make tip his mind to fight � his ov it eellor, it eing vory cl rly the pb I
keep: her dowft as much as &ssible. In. - . � .
- quftrrel.,� --tind burn his own� fingers," thing to ronic 1,� Mr. . lake, ins! ead of
no Instance has this feeling been so � . i
- There ip no necessity, however, for th appointi - g Of ler , 0 D, who how 3i; ' or
. LII i Im � 0 �t
dearly Shown as in the imatter of the I I
-axy awa.rd. It is �ftot alone the Dominion Premier burning his fingen. well qualifie' i: otherr spects, has I'
bound His duly is plain and clear before -him, bad anyJ ud, I � ;ut ��
French Canadian element of Quebec , I!j -,jall -expe, 'ence. I
I � 1 ill,
and if he ceases shuffling, and- purau 3 this - as it :a tit , his. retirernent .as
that opposes the ratifyiug� of I � .. 1 . I .
the course I of ,duty so plainly mark04 dep ived I the coifiltry ;f the servico of
dary award, but the English speaking . .r I 1,
I . .
people of the -Province as well, while out, he' will -commaind � respect even an amiable and �honesf j a ge. 11 But he
. - I from those I who are now using the most r 11, probabli be
I I loss in this xe3] ect v
those of New Brunswick and Nova : .
i i . . f . ; . - .
strenuous efforts to 'prevent- his doill : y 1MI Blako'al unhalap6red
Scotia aro.equally determLined to. resist. ,. i . made up b � �[ I
� .
1 130. But if he deviate from this courkE,- efforts in th in erests (it 6,�iorali by and
I When we see Such utterances as the i I . i t
I following from a paper like the Mon- upon him must rest the responsibilft� 7 religion. M':. ake,we believe U11 ke
� , ] . . I .
of th'e unfortunate consequences whi( his brot4er lia la natn' r
treal Witness, which mostly always : , ,. f u al 1 Sta ite
I 1. ;
. - , i
. e
takes a juat and, fair view of public must a4m at inevitably ensue. politics. � � �r( not this the c Be I
� I
. I I
questions, we may not be.lon in doubt I I � . might ho i pe 10 Ebe him vei'y 80011 �ak-v
9 . . � ! I : I
as, to: the real sentiments of the mass of I UP � er. Canada College. ,1 a leading,,' place � 4 the i pdlit cal wf) d,
t I t
the people, in. the Province where such The Ontario Government, have h 6 as there is a: wh:is plenty of roym . r
� I I .
- - I . . � I I
. :
for s6me time -under consideration �la 3 3 'such rneii asi B," *,.,, 1 Blakist- il .
views are promulgated, and expressions . ]- I r i� 1,
� J � for the improvement of Upper Can& I i .. ! � .
even stronger than this have appeared . I I . I 1.1
. I . I College, and we learn- that a resolutio: I I -, 2 1 1
i .
in'.1eading journals in th6 other Pro- has been cortle to on various poin. I � ., Rzv Dia. IVILD, itho sells &tip �al
t - I ' I
.. . I �
� , I herof Boild Street church, Tc1ro'n-
vinces a,nd journals, tdo, which are upon which action will at once be takei. " preac I
I I . � i i I I � I 11 I I
I ,
said to be- largely controlled by -Cabinet It is inteAded that the institution ShE'l to, seem ios to obtain for nh Of
1I I
. . ' � 1
Ministers of the Dominion. The Wit.� be brought within the scope of the A: t a roputa- lon, f eccentricity, ai Id, ia' a
providing for higher education, and w . .1 I I I i ' � �.
woos, & few days ago, in referring to Sir be inspected in the sa,ma way as Co . conacqu(nee, 1 1 sele3ig some very qqn-
. ; I I ��
; L
Francis Hincks, recent address in To- legiste Institutes and Grammar Schoo ous themes Vr his-'! ai4courseB, aft
. ' ' T I ,
I :.
I . , : ! I .
- J I
ronto, saiya; ... Reductions of salar�y will be made Ill makes Wan3 14 d and Osurd State -
I ; . �
I two instances and changes will ta � 9 I . ! * fl . : I .
' I ments in, hiM, s, 3 Imons. � -That there i is
-Oritario laughs at Nianitoba, for place. among the Staff of teacher . I � , , ; :
. I . i
wanting such troublesome, expensive Messrs. Wedd, Thomson and Brow, much C1 rist,arilty con�O -
I . ; � lected with C. is
and useless territory. But, although will retire, receiving a gratuity, and thei r Sort of thingl, c I Ahat the minister 0
. . i
shha Sees how foolish it is for a little places will be filled before the close f - will, thuE ZeE eca iite the , sacred deak, is
, -
Province to wa.lit such am addition the midsummer holidays. I I any better t1a, ri 1he should 'be, vie very
� .
elxe, sees nothing, absurd in -�& big Prcii� I ,
' The above is.from the Globe of MOIL- much &', bt. ,However. 'there is 1 ne
vince wanting to be twice as big as she � . ... . .
day. It Would be wisdom on the part I al'I 104 � "
, is. In the interests of Canada as a . . good he I sy l, omplish. His. loll W
nation, it would be better to aggra,n- of the Ontario Government not to 8,,.t i
: . may attr .ct 3o I i -e to his ' chure h who
dize any F rovince rather than Ontario. too precipitately in this matter, At. are not f . tb a �labit of, tittendin � g I L,6h
The Success of a confederation depends any rate, any scheme they may have . I I I I he
largely on,a certain eqiia.lity eixisting I places, . ,-�Wh , were' iti,not for
� �
The ovel�power- for the im rovement or reconatructio a , . I - I -
between the partners. P . I odd idea t1ey expect to hear, wo � d
ing ascendancy of one central Pro- of Upper Canada College, should be � 511, 1 I
. not be P�, Be itiat church at all, aiIl tit
vince among so few as we have in Can- submitted to Parliament for appioi; al .-- .1 I I
. ,T 11 :
ada cannot but be looked, OR as a source before it is acted upon. If we do t ot IS just p . SBI. 11 �bat from -the immol ise
of weakness." misinterpret the views of the Legis.'A.- mass okf-..- hal � ich is diE tributE d 6�me
. 1. i
This is clearly a mis-statement of , . . grainB Oil' w1e 'mayfa,11,1and may, be
ture, as mainifested by the. diBoussionEl. 4 4 I
- Outario's position. We do not "laugh - appropri t,ed I � those! wlio will profit
. . I I
at.Maniiobafor wanting Such trouble- of last and previous seasions . on 'flas bir t Inj so I t I t we; ar inch aed, to
question, A is notr improvement or 1. - he ) 1. �
SOME) territory."' On the contrary, if '19- think thi6t ever Dr. Wild's sells tional,
. construction that is desired, but uttir I 1. 11
Manibobawere honestly a,nd equit and if wA are . judge by the repntp we
ably I - . . � 1 I
. extinction, and in -view of the plsi'� I I
entitled to this territory, ,,not one voice and reiterated I See of th, im, w1i may also slay, to a degree
- Statements made . )y nonsensi -.&I Be II ' I
in Qataric, would be raised against her - Long, mayibe the 1XIMUS
members'in this direction, it would -o, 1 1 1
I a do object to- her � I of d-oing so food. B be that t�s it
acquiring it- But w . I 1 ut, I
I I I.
* . igh ble p 6 .
. claiming or being pat in ossession of a h -handed and an rinjustifiable p - may,the I )oc of IS Wiser in his gen aration
0 p . ceeding on� the part of the Government .: I :
territory which is rightfully ours, slid than sore e of h is ilk who have pi -ece:4ed
I . I
to carry out the programme as above him, Ai few Sundays agohe annoulaced
we are, well juatified in continuing to � ; I f �
. laid down, -of their own option, slid I ry po I tively k4e date at whi4h, the
urge these objections. OntaAo does not . . I ve y po ,, .1. . I
ask nor desire amy "aggrandizement," without the assent ,of the people's 1.4 I � W , orld is. �o i * i Ile to an end I ar ' d g �e
- - presentatives. The proposed chan:'ES . S
other than what is her due, and what 0 very el orw;e I I luotations. from c ip-
I � .
she can claim -under the Act' of Con- will, no doubit, effect ax improvemept ture to I love � I 4a position, but he, 'as
I �
I in the workind of the institution, bat. wise enoilgh 0 Rx the dot e' some !:fifty
federation. And it is too 0 i
. what use is there for it at any rap I. I . '
I years in, he fu re, sa I . not
day now to complain of inequality ex- i � I I hat! it V, ill [
Toronto now. has a very efficient Col. I I
isting in the proportioris of the Beveral .. make i no I . I or(n of to im
. . -
members of . . the CollfedAracy. These legiate Institute, supported largely 'by whether1is pl,- , iction I fulfiled or
Government mone , and why it shou I d I , I � ! 6, r, -
and Such like arguments might be in � y riot, an&' in 1, ,e even I I disapp��int
have a second is something :tha,t bas .. ; . I :
ce if Ontario -was seeking to enlarge 111,erii, h! Will )- out o bhe reic4� lof
pla never yet been very clearly shown. . E I � �
tauntBf ' '
her borders, contrary to the apirit of the ( , r fals � prophe6 y.. In this, way
the people of that city want.somethi I r
conEititution, bat when she only asks 9 he is 616: or 'off and wiher than ennor.
. i ! t
for what is her due, and what waB ell- better, if they desire an institution 13U " . LL Ev6n Dr Cumming, was 14ot endowed
trasted to 'her by- that constitution 9.8 Upper Gamada College, which 'a or - y with '80 I nanTh Wisdom. He, uiafo4un-
or mainly accessible to the. children : 3�6 U I �
which guides and governs, us all, it is in ately for hi a ,,did oti fix. the I'late
. - . I I
I iingly bad taste for the other the more wealthy, or, as we have heal d I I 1 1 1 c
excIeec * for this. refit iant far . Ough I a�ead
Stated, in which young men-," can I Pe . i I
Pro,Aflces: to object to her getting this. : - . and, 't Lereb i brought! luponi tim�-
Wone ca,a or do a,ttempt to question the made "gentlemen," -they ha,ve a perfeet il : �� �, , 3 7 ;
. � - . � self thel WOO IPS Mite . I
. i . ! i I . �t, auld i
. ' ; .
validity or justness of the amard which right to have it, but those who -use it lingers in obl:iJ ion a digap, ointqd: an*
I - . � � .
- . � li 11 I p : I
I ! .
ha . been mad . They do not Say or should maintain it. There is no v& id . � I 1. . I I
8 -e : '0 - . ,� R 11 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, . . I -
evell, iiiain[uato that Ontax not reason that we can see why -those w lo I i ' ' . - I i
.io, is . I T&NO i of tb a i leek. i � : ,
are willing to trust their Bons to tie I I L � I
� I
equitably and leg -ally entitled to what - I I A PL)T Dil,covERED. Thel B,brne
' �
she clalms, a,nd still they unreasoning- ordinary oduestional . iustitutions, a r d police hii,veffis0overe .,a lot to; sag-
ly and unreagailably attempt to keep who believ'e that they can there obtt i n, sina,te , e k 'nf, �'of Ital 7 I ,. i i .1
. . I - - SUNST tom, Is, NEW YOR.-A. 6
this from her lost she become too - pow- suchan edneationas will cultivate the, I I '
. . I liumber., )f dea�bia frolg sanstrokE oC-
erful and influential. Ontario has been gentlemanly .instiacts within theIrl," curred il I N, 34i ,York. � during t a l4ot
.� I
adent economical and at the sa,me should be compelled to pay for the wea,ther, of -1 as .week. , � .
Pr , � I i I I I
tillae, progressive. She has increased maintenance of a college to make , ARRE r CF �4 7 PROMINENT I F.E NI ,7,..-
. I . . . 1
1 1 i Mr. Joh� I Low ., a prominent F4 plan
� a ,
I more rapidly in weadth, intelligence, "gentlemen" of the SODS Of - those 'W I Loi .....
I . leader .111 av;,consider�blo Iroilerty
S,nilalltha,tgoestomake up a pros- .are afraid� to. trust their care and cull i-' owner ii� D bli. 1, has been &rref to �.
, ' 'I ;i
perous nation. and a contented people, vatioll to our Public aud-Higb SchoDls: UNW19joo E i I �ltmvo. A large I
- - 1, . � I I . 1. � . .1 ,my
- . I of Color ,d 6 )e ilesputli an &PDP,�3a,&nCe
than her Sisters in the Confederacy, and and Universities, but desire somethiiig� . n,� 1 u( , last Saba' riday, E rid. are
i : I i
on account of this thrift and prudence better a d more -11toney." We believe , ... a I i bing tb e orou �i g of
. . #1 I .. I
o must now have her rity of the membem tha h I !
&-ad progress all . that at ,least a majo I- ave b )I ted
g , � . . I e. i
wings clipped aind be restrained from view thi4 matter in much the sai I ne� I Tilra Ec TE � . LIGHT I NEW YORI�.—
� I
. :1 The fir coltrUtfor illurninating the
going further ahead of her compeers. light j thkt we do, and, consequently, it, � �
0 . ' I � Streets N ev� I York , with 1 the electric
This is the mode of reasoning adopted would be' well for the Government not ' light ha� b4 �61. ! made. -- he c ontrapt
by the Witness and those who Bpea�k to act pr cipitately, and not to take &� covers a ,I ileekillofBroalway dFifth
. and think as it doeg, and we are step tha � Avenu641 Th C'eilectric light wi4, be
* lb is not. duly sanctioned by. ; I �
somewhi ,t c bLe i per than 9 �ag. . .
aishamed, to confess that there are somel Parliament. If they art otherwise', the � - > I d I f
� I L . . y FEELE S R:BPEOTIN'a.--.A6nuin r,
I .1
I . 14
. traitors in our own camp, who owe adl may raise a, storm. aboul, their ears that Mormon i fmrr� Utah havd arrived. �- aJt
. � j : I
lint " , 4
. they are and ever will be to Ontario, will not be very easily allayed. 111o' Jalisco, ,ldejic) ending, 1o. fout a
who for purely pairtizan Slid selfish pur- Ontario Government have a laxge f�l- settlemeatinclise the United .S�a.tels
� � I
. I I i Go I vernMen, i a Ruld "ect them. I 1)3�
poses, reason in like manner. lowing in Parliament, but it is not BY. I . ej I y
-4--- "
. : i
. are ende4vo -11 � � to get a ant (if lalad
. .1 I
This boundary business is likely, to any means a slavish or servile foll -� fro .41 I
� . m the, Mwu . in Goveri Lment. !
I � . , .
come, very sho i ,
be rtly one of the burning ing. The supporters of the Goverrim. V ROYAL,' D, sp d 0AsuRi@. � -. Amo ig' � the
. . � 4
q.aeatic,lis of the day. When it does, **in the Ontario Legislature - are in - i incidents of h: 'last drav ing-roo . ,was
6 the chi,14 e, ' by Her ' aj sty
ontario will hav to stand alone. .She pendent, thoughtful men, who will Of y ,rig r . Option by ..
i to-the-laronEiii Burrdet -Coutt . 1 'he
will have to fight her own battle and I sustain the Government in doing rig] i b,11 ell, not beit!i' u ing
I Que , g accus ed to I
I have to face squarely and fairly and the Government cannot afford I O i her I advice d isi -� ga,rd6q, of peciall 7 o
wil � � I 1. . xd(@, of O! a
� I � 1 I � i
L - I
I � 11 1,
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-.11.1--i 7-1111;11.41111'1.1��-[ it 11 i .11 .-iiiii, -- I - -- . - - � 0.....- ... I . — - . � il i - --- I I , �- . -,-- - - I I , ; I I
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I I � I � I . V �
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I �
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; X i I I I . .
E HITROT I �gi, PosiTOR' 1� , I - I �
I . i ! � li - - . J � . .. I AY A4�01 1881. 1 --- �
. � I -- 1. .��� � - �
i - ,
I � . :i � � � i , . - 1. -. -----------_144 I - I I 1
---7------1- 1 � ' MT-M-000—OW111111111% 100 blit theilocterbs
matrimonial a Joalve the ancient ting his -house thoroughly re�piintea, vest was. immedia in flames. It ,j eautooe cause - t . aoil" I the s4
. I . t'l -O, the lire ,1133ft I � I . 43
, being %ble to S&V
I makes it a very fitle ap- sedr as the- matches come in I Ain , . -I I
anabone olentbriaogn� extremely Stiff which makes it ave had coll- . Ai.n Stra - of
;I I I A! I I . building el by light" - I
; ; pearance. I ! � teAt with the . I . I
&Ad Ic r I I i 61 receptio i i : powder, and the friction . - t showir . - - Ilk . � VOT' ' 'The GO=& M.
1& CLE , itic" Bicyc #A. -The Rev. Dr. -Mr. Sniaer,,�� GreA Weotera� Rail- of �-he two.caused an explosion. Mr. i. The , ,I in , progress at 016 &13*01t�.l�
� ime. I $,e9JbrfhoonX&3
7 1
� . . - .1 d was no o I tin I . a V not falt IdQ I . X01ro Nobel, � t it W�&g ]z
Edwa rd 3, of Chicago is Rol ent UBISS 110 way agent at .Ilintcn, has been pro- Xi I tl A " guishing ,,cf 31,200,."lln
, . upo which I here * . � re"tt . .
'18 a patw� . � � .
bicycle iider. He spins i.to the city moted to be age t at Gaelph. Rig anc- tht I Oames, -but in sot Linn e3l boo Abu r ,
. -
9 he Severely i asiarance. T . &e statute laba
. Clin i� Mr. � Sim ppon, of I ba, -i it his hands. - . . Old : gentlemai V ,hat �
ome in a s�, barb nearly every cessor at ! I , U -11"T Wt .
from his 1)und to 'Ibie so 0 b rusa, but Udet )at, iftna ,.when �c6mj
dav and attractB moch a tention. He Bothwell,! - ; -�--The Huron Ptesbytery met in ,X,I,Odic&l �trestr a Sly - I . - k.mae- , �. . tructed to trans'n
I ent'and with good : I .1116. - '- - .
, esday of 0 � ,kbe :
inionds n 3xt summea Itio ml%ke a bicycle -The 4ove' ment dredge is �ow at Ca�,an Church, -Exeter, on Tu in' is thou Ift C :
I � I � . 9 of will ra over. I , liv 4 patbinaster 'his i
. wee . ,- I ! tl'V � . I
� - �
I , Of 11 am citieft -, Zwn. Zf mr, iNmh 0 I
I : wing , - .
tour of E, 2gland. i:;; ; work in the -harbor at Port Albert. I k The follo ministers. -A I ion .
DREFORK111 — .. ,obbins, When it compl6tes its work there it W 3 present: Revsq� Messrs. Musgrove, - I ,-� :Wn -0 -Union "
AN AM i W "I . *sited Toront) the 0 day and VP 8, taken it"In
of Copen1agen, No York, has taken will return to Gbderieh and wiA��' clean T rnbull, McCoy, I Glenderin ilitti: L -
I Ing, Dr. "Viewed the ,� Con*
:ihat harbori I I U 6, Elliot Piesident the T � NO. 1, sna .annexed to scho
the temperance pl ge �or - the first outl I . , McDonald, Denby,, Scott �ftw% - I I I
I ' 'rey a JRaaiU1w arditg tja ,,,.,g.,0onsidered, and
. , G nd Bruj* Ra, lw � .
, � - T rem 1* I �
time in his life, at t, age! of 109. If -Mr. �ohn VcMihau, of tho� Lake P raon, and. MoIlIesin, Clerk 'of the probability of p i . Iffo. 4;F b -
I . ,etting toad ex.,600A he trusw� -Of union 11
� I
he kee'"p' i it he will tobab y grow up Shore Range Nbrtb,'! Ashfield has po- Pr ytery. After the transaction Of E a to Willgha*. The . tical ,� . I . -tion,of t: , g . also heard, i
. '
I M. tatoes, of this y6r's ; ' ' in J
,growth which are ge ral business the session adjou res. ,o -1 bein .
� -
respectE d, and beco a loading me . rned ... the missioill are thu *-ven by ,tL* � I lion I . - .. -I wbot SiAes it W
ber of km de I I now ready for use, and they Were gro an to n richthe second week in � I the � . b.
ty. I . . � eq. It BOB the ra ort of the Upt. 43WUM611 �o '
ISSUED AT LAST.�-!rhe revised N 3w in the Open air too. I i Ju . :- t ation coritauls n 1D be politponea untu next =1
I othi I 1 that
'.c � to �the public in , -Mr'. 'Fred. !RobeAson, formerly of � -Mr. W. L. For �nson, of Colborne Or encA .. ... �h--A 9 very am." VW.1noved and csr-rie(L I
TeStam 3i it was isBu I . -0 I . 0 * g, beya d their beiz- .. this
On Wedned � . Appended io Godeiich, who lleft for Australia last who took three. entire horses over! to -Y and, � I , evision for It
I 11
Eriglan �, ; I I. I Ilandl, cer ously receiv, _j J '6' " - -W
L ad �
e1nor �- t-z� I at C . e .H*tel -. inth-rop
� ,
the v )li m6 are the 3 gigeitions of the winter, has been app inted agent, for an IA aL several weeks �� ago, recently -;re- suavely and courteo, -1 - J I ,,.ribbon' f
Arne ic ill Revision, ommittee, which English steamsbi - I cOurteo, ly entert - L 1. he 318t fty"Of M-U.'YL" *UJ
p ompany at Fort tu, ed home, having disposed of his .. d gushingiv and i npressively 1 . ' I day, t L . I . .
the I Ill J ish Committee did not seeJitg Pirie, South Aulstral a. I : 7: 11 to -give due not
hO r ieflesh it good prices. Mr. Ferga.- 'Seed by U Stracted'. -
I 1; . I . thb very I olite President. - - A, -
. I
I I . I -
Ing. . I , S.ea,forth P�' pers som�,
way to 111opt, '� I -.& ewe belo � ging to Mr. W. Burke, sa 1, has done a good deal to improve eyond enjoy ing thei very ple � I . In the I 11d. ,ordered 1
,-1 The i Nihilists of of L,aeburn, to riship of Colborne, on Httron stock in Out own county, aud rip, the L I 11 Presented it �
L 10'a� ;: � , 7 I
Bo IN) To FiGiaT . t L depu tatioll re rated i 4we 'I ad, rriea t.
. in no 1 * -- Sa .
Russia i d 0 efiance in the fags, Tuesdp-v of last ,week gave birth � to two I no4 that entire horses are Successfully tapgible I _ the Pouriel .
. . - I I I y ;
- �
fth ( 2ar, by issu to tliisi lambs, and on the Friday following r .. tioned dk - �
lig in reply d here, he has had the enterprise -A *Vealt I ,the sbovietnell. .
- �
I f Mer % Morris had a � I
� .
III 11 L
0 - I ifesto a counter- two more were born to her. � to xtend their rep�ltation to the West- which 6 t oil � I . - _-- .
recen� Imperial ich they sba :)� I Wa . im in 'Would protect I � �i
proclarx a tion, in w te that -Mr. James erdqe, of the Bayfield er S" tes. I all S. (In One OccaeicaL L,eadburY- I
� , I . I . I I
they accept the wa forced upon,them Line,� Goderiob tov�nship, last week tL-Some of theti' Brussels 111billoys" ifibing to anu, 8 a na aber of bys i - fop Bt,n,NAU*-�On f3ul,414i
. I : : . e , tQ-1 i S1 : . - .
and tire confident di yictory. - loat &'valuable ix yepr old mare; a few an!Iuse themselves by marching through ,the pro -etOr Zb Uenged I one of -
' i . F1 I I blwkslnit,� sbop belonging to.
. I
TREAST RE EXHHU D. , Some IT sh hours after fo . Ing. He had refused th Streets after restectable people have them to g�lve , *M a Ifil - � - M .
;n .; �[e L , DT ,
. I . . . Tough usap rr 'y -bK'
. . . -W�19 of Leadb .. -
rs while d 9? ii, mr 0150 for it. T e foal is' livin � ' go E) to bed, and pt1hrig down signs, in presence ,'of the I -- I with I
labor I iing a drain 11 9- �i � dog; which he L 310 tol the ,groun, , -1
. L
Ennis, ill earthed !.largel iron-claBI �ed -Mr. J. M. JRob ts as e n ap- lor Mkingwindows,(tc. ThePost calls thoughtmoulO protect ' .1 11
L . n -s *98ter. ,The + ;;; , 1wnd no inswUr
chest, N rl ich, upo . 1 i examination, ,was pointed postm�ater at Dunigall!'non in u n the authorities to interfere, and . addre I . it --M
. I I oung man Seed now began � V-- to be but h, We, bi
�,h --n- I * , -to I
;. I , me Seem
; L
, . I IRS
found. to be full of d coins of ancignt room of Mr. RdIbert Clendenning, who saF : The idea of grown *men being al- - ize hold of 1he prop ietoi, and thm,j ' Tat VJ1 tbie worldly P00.
I , a _"- Sb6L I
I ' '
date. '.--Jyln*g upo �� t blie. poffA wa a has gone to Dakota. The post office 101v ed to Smash windows, and disturb � lim aboutge*oral timh A:: "I I L , , I
I J 11 .8.1 R y . Mau has it ils 8, good Aeal*
larges-wordengravO wlb e, will be removed to 0 ie building: Ilext to . d. annoy citizens at unseemly hours iim on his btio'k, then Toning him over. seeims to be the ,case 'With N
. I -
P. � I
"O'NBil," Mr. Roberts' store. I . . ISA Ilowil2g fun to go too far. � Ill the while; the cau i ie ,E lend look,fd Ig maun who .
. � I I . ' ! - J)ut he, jS S YOUX. I �
ALu-111cy FIND.-�.he tLer day a -'Mr. ohn io, t, of the Bayfield a Annie Mel-ndoo, sister of Mr. u with great: content, ... "I It ergy and W,e have me fear b
, P .0 I J I to the - u. - i
L eric townshipo�� has a JJ n McIudoo, of Wingliam, died very onishm an - .
man �n I �ew York' 6:igbt for 5 Copts concession, Go I ent and amns4 m,enl,, by.- I wim -p;Ai through. �
�� ;
W, curiosity in the all of 9, lamb. which � ders. The propri for as notL-aak. L ]n3vSR IT I zlvm. � : youn
an old t r ink cartei vo ay from Varldler- ap . I Said only at her hon;ie in the township tan , . g lad, Soi
builtlBre3idenceb3littl ash man. The travels on it ore logs; its i 'tations of 1 avan, county of:Darham, on Tues- d to be handled roug: fly �y the salme i I - , � neftrL
I I � . sides _
S -- `11- 1� . xe,
� I
trunk c)ntained a fi 500.. Idiamond bill of hind legs cross with joints. �t gois a of last week. he was an amiable, ,erson c -ince. Somej ,me : dogs have I Pollard, 11 i ' iMSelf a, feW 40 7
I . all I V 1.
I , 'aa a;Mag ng h
belonginj to Mrs. . an er 1 , wh *�Ch around quite Smart. � b � tiful and acco plished young lady, Inore sense .an men. I i � I
. . 1 �4 ILamiping JoIlt �of 'U W ' 'OU11
. o - � 11 � I . _ ag � -
was lost ieveral y : ago. The I ro- -Last week Mi3rs. Charles and �4 well known i, Wingliam, where -Mr. Xam, I � . Dison. Of Clinton, .' r . de arM So aeV-tr-6
I . . I 2dj,njura I
perty wa; restored 1; tho owner. GeorgeBurnSLL ug 0#6 hundred a,nd fifty Fib e spent the most f last 3ummor on a , Nho has recell it retu 'i I A] I . -
I I -, d 1from an -eux- , I . ChUrIeS 11
I .
attem - post 401 a t e feet I deep in the Short visit to her brother.1 Her sudden death tenaed tour ... � 0annotuse it.—Mis
A D c �TARIDLY A " ,--kn . . . f irough I 4 a and xw. ]ISS been and'er laf-dical treat.
attributel to the 'Fenians-waBmadei Space of 1 day an*4 a half, On � 0 8 p on springing In. 0 1 a, gives . � . - � I _ . .
� . i L
lit t.-' blow,,up the Con- farm - h9glected cold. .. � L f '
. bf . Roll X the two pl Lees ; e i ,efers Ma . -0
Qn Monday nig It. MbMillan, lo0o, con a . 4. f I
, ' L 4DI �W Duncula A11,13callum ;
I Mr. . . i. I I I . �
i Ill '. . . 1
tral piclice Static, at Liverpool, by cession 12, McKAlopf. I .- rley,has given out the --- : y because the N better, . .not far from here, -was bnra
means of a tube co��46ining either dypa- -Mrs, Hannah, of Morris, w1ho was cc I tract for the eiroction of a hotel in jhere is a larger and easily ob- t -1Wiapd,- ab�ut : 3 4a�cloek on'
I �
unpowder 1 A loud explosion taken to: Goderich g4ol a few weeks ago, B i grave to Mr P Th . . :
I i . �i 4 omson., of Bras- Ainable sup; lyv of w4p
mite or 1v - d - ill Do, morning- Most i0f the 1-azi
took pl e and a n dinber' of windows being a dangerous lufDatic, has been re- BE li i, at the sum 82,300. It is to be Ota, and lavi and ord ar are better ob.
I � . I � I ' avea, but,still the loss WM- 11
were br a ion, but no'0lody, was hurt. . moved to the aeIylu a oronto. We cc I ipleted by the �st of August. Six Served. He - found � provisions o -, . .
. 2
1 1 � e
NOT PLEASANT. -Ain ,unsuccesaful at- regret t6i learn th he. is not 1� uch, if te ers were recei d ' there not being a pretty much bhe 1� . I � te.9 ,wable- � . . . .
T 0 Barnis ce as here, btit I —
, I
tempt Was made ciC the 12th iDst. to any, improved It. : 19 t deal of differe. ice in any of them. rents are enarm I
: y ,: 9 � ously, ighl� Good -water TL u I
. . . I 1ne- ly. �
. I .
taketh3lifoof thib'!Czarof Russiaby -mr.'Alex. 1)unc. n, who cartied on T, I contract could not have fallen in -to hard to obi,�;ain, the vater generally in I �
. I � a � -GOVE.-INIT. J16
1 - the I npregnated , wifil . of this vW
means of poison. I, Scullion in the Im- cabinet making businesa iri Brus- lbx( r hands, as Er.' Thompson is an use being Strongly A ST1L,;r.,T0F,Y .
' I 'ttle Aorth
I a h �
.peria,� kitchen str w:ed a ququitity of Sels, and who has b�en a resi4ent of e' 11 rienced contraq.tot, a good work- alkali,whiell has an 3xceodingly � lais, manj. � � . - 1-2th
�! intended for 'place forli several years, has re- -n an, and what is pJrobably better still, tive tei. 1. ; I �. ! . his cid-ST InAll on the .
arseniclover a sala the that . I Laew y. Th, I e in . = �
. the . .
- , ition,, bu whi I t .
Emperorl ell, movedto List'bwel,j where he ,has ob- ,a t lioroughly iiquaro man. Northwest c ) not apl 3 �1:inudred ana thirty gallons�
, -- .
8 conga ,- . o dr,e&4 their . I e for,
. I i This is a rare � occurrone I
fortun�a ly, did no �Lrid its way to the tained a, good situation. �, --A large number, of the friends of winters so in uch as ai living in On- . .
� - , p OP14 4
1 f of the year. q
table. i i � -The Exet4 Game Club bu've re- Mr. lamiss Houe�, blacksmith, of tario. Sprixg whea Wag[ further I , Son I
� I I . NVA]EX 13
EUR 1EAN CROP PROSPECTS. - The solved to prosebute �11. and sundry who E t1lel, who is about leaving that vil- vanced- in t`4 a West t an it is hero. He I C-0 'ScEv-P.—We' are 1.
� � Ile . A-ndxe 9
I I . . U rs.. ' - . w
conditi i I of the E ; crop is viola,�e the gar6e lw vs. They h1ave had It ge, assembled at big residence a few thinks that I -ea= that �
I .. , pean wheat . . I .. person i arf i in ordinarily ' ' I � :
� general v satisfact � , - although back- a, gentle -man from -the township,!of Hay, ev nings ago, and after enjoying a very comfortable. .0ircum .. F� .
for ,g. - ancos here� they ,,ld" -Who bus bee'n for 0
ward i ' .. ects of near Z 4rich, hauled up and hned a sant time, Miss, Carter read an ap- axe .as well 11 . . , IlIuffering from a -severe attael
many part . P:ea I r IS m : an states tQit
� i The prosp ri g on of p-Opriate address b ressive of regret persons in 0 * arlo w ula 1 only live . TeIry prevalent diseue, in -flaw
the Fr ell crops very, favorable. shooting wood6och and part id :! t . ." I -
i �
e OP - I , " � thloy do t' --now'slowly ,recovering. - I
The weather is now and all that Beas I - a I account of Mr. H ey's removal, and plainly as .ere,land pat up . I - Aaeorgp �s
Aiue . ith the same inonvenie e, I IMPORTANT. Mr. *
canbe IgBired. T r t i -T-he William ierce farm n con- Containing the best "w1shes, for his fa- wi C they
. � . � I � . I i
N � th cesgibn.6, E. D., A lifield, Wag L'sold by re welfare. After the address, an could save rijLuch moi . 1 &S village is now to be seii
droopir 1 -1 in Germa y, and in the or . L� . Money- i Ope'rs , , .) i -
the'wea, her is tion -last week, find was P�;chased antly bound Bible and a, Metho"t -Mr. Joni*than M, rien, of Hallett 411illy � �ftng ion. horses- gM
geno �� ally Cold, keeping I aue . � , . I I I . - 3.ough a larg.
; Ithou III operation a . --
the cro i 3 backwar( ; laxe by Mr. William Lo7E ghead for the sum h y: nin book were prios Brited. . . underwent ai very Sh i xingbolle, aud� &W I . 7
I 9, � . I a to his i
. ; of �3,500. The form contained 1,56 A - -The village of WInitechurch, in the fewdays ago. at the. hinds' of Dr, Y - 11 of the cases resigne I
in a he 61hy condit U and,& good result � I bvq, . �
r -have been pronounced _ hope'
is ant" I ip he - Austrian and - acres. It must be �ither very cheap or tON Me 0 &at Wawanosh, seems to of Londeabo 0, � Dr. Sloan, of Blyth. I I - 811con
Hun'gw.,i an crop pro 3�pects are very g . od, very poor. I I b 3 goling a 43 rapidly this season. They removid from one of his fingen I curable he invariably p
and th4 rains have . roved those of -On the 3ril inst., Mr. D. French de- � e hotel is now ope I ned and doinga the- bone nej� t the ka, ickle without am- I -Jqeti�d in- stantaneous care. :
p I � ,
all end, on the hake od busineBB, a Ila . e number of village putating the: fi I we evidences iof the virtue of �
Russia, The Egyl tan crops are favor- livered at Gr � d I . ;; t . riger. About six weelm -
re, Stephen; one ton of peach trees, I I t� -have been sposed of this ago, as Mr.. McBrien and I his son were . - eides, )
able, al ftiough the, E ry hot weather ,has isho I . I springi - . i ,raerit axound Ing 011 All
. I at aH, surprised to Biee so Mani
+. rn , .
slightly interfered ]Cho Englis principally for !Mesi IS. John I:0naides, n arly'all of I ell will have residences liftin turn )8 his ! gave him a
h w eat I ' : 9 ' on I .
-e finger with his . - I
crop..is backward in consequence of W. S. Wilson 4,nd John Reith.'i These er cted on them d rig the season, mad slight a at I on th Tfhemseivea ,.of the oppartunil
. i J � J llitiving valuable animals Of i
westerl winds, an, .. bf the continuance gentlemen are going into peach �,'growing t] I lly look prosperous. There fork, whichhe took 11 � D notice of st first$ I � '
. i I I i ,which, if allowed to purmue f.
of cold nights. .ilvbrything depends very extensively. i It a. said to be good -openings for a shoe- but becomirl 3, painful he consultea Dr. I I .
� ! - I � renders them utterly valuelesi
upon the weather iring the next few -On Wednesday afternoon:,of last ni ker and a maker. I Appleton, of. Clinton, who attended to �
. . L I Tnz FIT= OF TH.0 8r, .
� ! �- I'm 180X�
p lentertained '�f a week about seventy men raised two Mr. Jan Ah I
ks, but hopes Vag 11 .
we � leg F ick, a pro it for about 1 ar weel ,,a and said it
" 1, I 1 L - i, I . �sociable time.was Spent in i
better liarveat th ,# I last year. -4us- frame barns, one 30 x 50 feet,: for Mr. y opng man, son of i Mr. Adam Fralick, doing well, I ut not bbing satisfied., Mr.. I ;
t .: L I
A 1� rge Wm. Cantelon: C Tille Hallon. wvanesday ev-0
tralia a d Iridia Wi 11 Barely expo ) of the 11th concession, of Ithe 12th couces,sion of Grey, was McBrien C. aulted Dr. Young, *ho I i -
. I in the capaoity �of a -hop-',
qnaritities of wheat and less Amer* an Goderich township, and the other 36 x p�lbstrated with a sovere attack of in- Said the bou was deid and wonia have i I I
� . I I . . urganumber lof sm-A-ing yov*�
will obable be re tirl in consequf ace 56, for Mr. W.� Hicks, of the 12th line f a mmation Of the Jungs, and notwith- to be taken i out. H consulted . I
pr . L ed i I . I L sembled, L . for -so : - ''
er pros c a in ermany ).lad in the same towtish.p.1 I B if 6nding all that modical skill could do, Dr. Appletoo, who sa... . . � �L .. .
: � - . I .
P. I .. - :
Russia Etnct of the increasing imp taL . -Some dftys' - &. Wm. 0 apman, the disease resulted ally In about a tially dead and could Save I 'The I .had been feasting 'upon -the-
� ago . The � L
tions 0- flour from America. On the of Newbridge, �owni ihip of How ick, met Week after. The ��. ng man was great- result of thoi operatft ; proved that it Of aWticipatiob, Mr, Robby 0
. . �
I cip ed, with a very painful accident. While I n the eighb�rhood, and- was dea en are , a;s � e 0 t � e I - , I as a matter of -course, �calle
whole.... wer prices aouy be anti . . I respected, i ,,,, I � I
e LEI ... a front, a -aa, tbrough the acti
unless ater in th ason a fallur pf engaged at the: shi� rend's as funeral was llaor ly attended. He was coMP16i Bly sevei � , -and this bone I mentality of bis sweet,welodi
. . I
I 1.
the cro A should o r. , mill, the block moved.slightly,bringIg as interred in the' Brussels cemetery. appeared po -ous like an old one yon
I . - , Iroung . seenred, piominenee for,,quite I
. ,
I his ha d in contact -with the slaw, out- 3 Was about 18 y�ars of age. might pick j.p. Dr.'. stated that Vho , I
. . n I I ha4 nover tripped the to�
r m - . L ting two'of the fingers through the bone .-They have ai very easy minded in a few day 3 the in, Mmationwouia I 0 this occai ,
. -.he Irish . -jand Bill. and another near 0 ! 6.3ap for engineer! at the Wingbarn haveextend intodehand andhsve J 16 I 3ion. AL11 preseut.
ly .- I thililm � � t 'we feel Mud .
In h's speech on �he Irish Land Pill -A. few eveni e, as ni�ht was -waterworks, whose7 name is Johnston. neMdsitated its amputation. He i prominently 'hat -
I Lings sine � - --,- I I in Making special mention d
in the V nglish. Hot I qe of Commond, on rapidly � closing in, a ma passed Orli the occasion of a ::recent fire, there he can save Ithe fing - � I . � � � -
' - , I . I i I Mang a 601-iStIS I shall not do- oo -except in the i
bme gave due n tice throng,,h� Stapleton, near Clinto , selling ble rig no water forthcoming, the, chief will grow tGisupply �e � . . �
Tuesd a 5, Mr. GladE i � ... I place of the
L -
that tb e Ministry I ad staked its e:!dat. what he L claim4d were "Fine ets- of the brigade went, to the engineer's bone. IL , I ,young gentleman from 0
. .
I � . . I I � -whose graceftl movements ' .
ence upi In the Bill lb�asaingin its. U teg- six for a quarter." Next mor 'rig the rb idence, and, rousing him up out of - I 1111111111111111111111111 , L �
L -, - . 7 . i
.. i . .: -a
I . I � :fIpleno a -as he gliaed about
I ,-
rity, ir d that notl bg less would be anathemas wete b)th loud at long, bed, enquired if hel: had not heard the XcHiiop. . � . --- � 'to the i3trains; :
. ` � - �eep , I �
c The Pe( ' were warned hat .1 T IS I f ing t . �
8,ccel ItE .. T . when it wa, dicovered� flat the 6 e, alarm and wh �' h I had not turned . GOOD CoLi.—Mr. 'V I'M. 4ugfflif on the : ,our -waltzes. '-The �
i . L J favori �
I 8 t . . %
it wou bewisdor 'on their pa�t to fish bought ere suckers pare and o.�� the water. The engineer, between boundary ,vvrio t, he qffie�' d-av refusea - "" I
� Vr I . . - � rolling -all '� the firat grp-y
co, I .
"I I ;
3 Bill bot ,e iyan wi -out simpl. - �� oyawns,rephed that he had heard 3120fora ,, rising two! years A I dawn W ; visible In t1i
I pass )h th e 0 ays : Several 'i! : - ,
amer d] I Lent, %nd t lo Opposition , ere -Tb Exete� T Ines Is Ite, alarm and got up'and looked out Of � very good oher, but 11 .-r. Hugill. did not � I , hori=zon, . ; oil all repaired t6
L � . ' �
- I
told I ha; they "wei playing with edge young men who went from th, 3 neigh- his window, but not seeing any signs of care to brealk the tear , as they are well i spective ::: � ..
11tooliii: making IrIlaind abattlearcundt boring townshipof Blanshard to -..Da- A.- , , he went back to bed L- &gain and: matched. 11 - '. . plamda be es through t1a4
S .. a Of 'the pale lie*
� �, and if tl Bill were de5e ited kota have written to say that they are *enttosleep. Thatengineer should be SF,]F,D,IlqG.--4'- farmers in this local. i recount t I � 1. I I
stof p 1r. . . . I I The I
I i I eventa -of the �ov�
"a Cotiervative )-overnmeht w uld sick of the country and wish themselves PE risioried upon a I 01afher medal. ��� finished a(m ty"'girin ,
" I 11 . I . ity haveno )aing, which on . consign- - x selves to a �08.11
-hav 0 Q P&BB a lar I � Who 1er back in xpressions i of the yterfiEtris of Wingham are account of , I . rea ! I
01;Ie. "all 'a". The Preab a dry W(Aher has been got - I ir hing s'lurnbe,r, ludispeusa�
Mr. ('N"la latone's wa ing iwill be heede(I kind come iraom the r part of the coun- havi-rig' a very diOurbed time of it in in good ::X .. Tha fall whes I t1ookB resuacitatI ,
rema [n a to be see . )lit i ond try almost daily. t is not alvi ays gold &I �� hill, fully I low �.of both naind I
I I � seems be3 � ,out their new chorch building. The extremely one-third! of it i after such ari ioceasion, and. -��,..,--�-
I �
doub; �; aat sbouldii the , present Irigh that glitters. . d�l congregation titve decided to erect having bee - I I � wed under, and what . I =any did!,.� not awake until thli
. I
LanZ I 411 be -defeat 3d, inj the HoILIE 0 Of -Mr ' Thompson Morrison , of the all, ew edifice on a ii site selected near is left, as I as can I i a judged at Prod- - 4 attained his Ineridlua glory i
* i � . I
Lord i- - an impossil ity in the House of 9th concessi6n of McKillop, is erecting A a town hall, while a cori�siderable eat, will be ,considert i bly below .an aw � , J ;
Com: no: is, as the '. finisterial m rid his neighbor, : . mostly co,mposed of country erage I 11 I told that 4n hmat :
aj ity anew frame barn, a rbhority,: yield. I I .ear whose;
, . � adventures 14ad, been fe-
me Mr. Scarlett, has al o erected a large ; 3mbers, will not "Sent to this, and i �, zzz .. � w an'd
no i f i r from 60, 3 Xclusive of I - . -
is BAoii - -Mr. Thomas S ttei I � .1 ins I. ificaut viou
. I A I - . ins - pro , a I
Rule -a-that the n, )leg will here ter now addition to on of his bar as. Mr. of Split Qff and i tend erecting a new and his Son ; , w] left this '. I I
' I I I i nquest' not awalke.
ug I . , ilia .
: �
Summers, �f the e line, has let il� the site and ship � , I A
on the old 1.
have tc accept one! 3till less accepi able ore! I ,,tion of & e - c urchoftheirow I a, few Weeks age on a proapea - easy ShIl - beis jintil the rob#
, ': '
to th Bn I. Reform i I L the:' land 1MV9 3 is contract fori the omfort f� . I Vaeiaing': 9 the dayh-ght ,
. . I rming a new con rogation. We hope tour to the I . orthwea; returned on Fit- in,4' . :.
i .. - I
-do x tgive a olving 6" , 9, �
not crily demanded in Ireland, b- it in able brick residen -'e. Busine'ss s I eems ttL�� -may both 11 , cisper, and that the day last. !T, hey Very 41ovi, ion the fou ' - r
EnglEtrid and Scoti ,nd, find it is a ( ueB- to be booming on the ninth. spirit 6f rivalry w .ell will be . engoll- ing account of that untry, butTon thi being ato ' ., he ope . A. I
. , : L_ I need
tion whether an eal � to the P Opile ' .Mr. F. McCowen'8 new s!lenc� di ired between the L.wo congregations o her Mind kelpresent ", as a landflow'- i after tolb ictijai his 8 - I L L'
would ot result in a Still. more Radical onthe 2nd conces . . 11 have an ins ., g and eneficial '-M r
k I Ion b ley, is L pi idg with mad and w , and s6a NJ, emerged Z,ut into the open ai
House - eing returr Ed. It is for those- now almost c6rap,lted, the carpenter rpsult. But it wot L be much better if Satter had his lower lextremities prett r greatly myst�Aed t
- - . a � o,oliserve,
d to the pres� Sider work having !bee done b Me . while travellin theri i
Oppose, ' 2t Bill. to con c � y sers - t Ley could heal pi�r differences and well satura�ed g� ,I posed, tb� Hilin setting in th(
. . I inch . . I
whethei it is bette, to "bear the ills McCartney, thom son & cott, of r main a united b . he will not 'hed to repeat �
. fl� � 8 I In : ---------
I I the, ( 1 i t,ve than to those they I now Clinton. On th ole the i building -The first p '13onger Steamer to trip for som 3 1 1
dlnot�of , I ! � � . time. . . : A�actioll
: . I i , SaIes,
. I presents a fille,appEarance, an wehope ti uch at Goderich ll.�E; season was the AN UNEX-1 ECTED T hip,Mr. I � . I.. - I .
. I :
= : 11 M the gentlemanly proprietor I y enjoy �, uebec, of a eltiby Line, com- . son hforriw, i has i , been a I � �' Ino : - � :: :: ; , I X -a y. 26, 1881, I �
. . , . 11 lal
I .", - itob � . 137 �� I
� .
. � Huroll I Notes. many years of ease and comfo , ' it� n auded by t t J. S. Moore. She away to Emerson, 3v, ,ani . st, to I . �� .,, Seaforth,
, I ,� I ' Irarm, � i
MI.. 1). McEwela, of: Stanley, town- -The semi-annr ri -rived off t arf. or about half-p&A to a bTotherl of hie w, io was � ottanal of ,Iuat.ea in. Tuiekers '
I ial meeti of the a� -- , I t I unf * -to cominelle alt 3 1*lock P:
ship, w as offered 4$ 0 for a four q Huron sli,ven a. m., on ,ednesday, he Uth enough to l< 'Be an S,r � y the "I 1, * I 0
i year Loyal Orange Lodge of -South i ' 11 X Giievell.
, I
old colt last week. � - will be held in the Orange - Hall, Chn- I .ay, but owing to We dense fog which tal discharg a of 'a gur: . It appears tut ,1 proprietor ; J-. P.;
� -
I 'rb I : ' . 3? r -evailed, it was fc Ur hours before she Mr. Morrison and [ t. ther I man . tioneer. �i
I - ( pasturage c f the Brussels ow ton, on Tuesda V 14th June,' at 1 � I . weft Tues"' j
I 7, .une 21, 3-8a, ;8
� - I -0. I
I �uid reach the-po being guided -'by i engaged in ilemoving
. ,$�
. . grou-, id for, this seawn has been - It aged i� o'clock P. m. Asi arrangements will c I I grain in a 1 l
. to Mr. I Teil McLaughliO� for �20.25. then be made f Ae whistle of a t 0 1 at the end of the I from a storehouse witich was bo* ill spiel,
, or t e comin- 10th cole- . . Ing � , f3ale
. 9 - I er, and fins I danger of being SW p
-I rhe Goderich if ell- bration, a till tte of elegates : y , iseted by a yawr to'comm.ence at I- o,e
piare , "Lucy' t away 'by the Donald. I-
. I !!! I'll . R
teree . fo: - the sumn1ii )r 1 meeting of the is requested from parts of r1he coun- r ,wed by a Piou e - 6 men. She was flood, and ii I seems ,:, aey;also had a g= � 'mA - ctio I I proprb
, - . BrM*A- �
I . . alavily lad . with them, and wl de it nue., �. I , I aeor., I I
Chicigo jockey club, which takes place ty. Mr. W. F. Johnston, W. C. M.1 . ell witl 'general morchan- I . was being ,
i I I sit , . , ay , e
� I
in July, :N j I will preside. I .1 .Be for the Northi�est, and had some handed to A Er. Morn 4on the lock cxu&t L � I t I q
. . I - 'Hot *Zr . - �
I . side of the b , - I -, pq - - ell uable W -i
I J I i 61 '' .
. i ; le to zommie,w,-e .S
intendF visitin" i d countr7 in proved a very serious one oc . � I -Aging tl in tbkI �
I r ) passengers and 1150 tone of freight on on the �� , � by I Val
-Mr. Greorge.% A kwi h of Aul urn, -An, accident which mig,�t have) i I t, causing it *
g thel )ard. About3i()I�Etssengers were add- discha-rge, contents � I r -
� 01 I , rred on . Lar
i d will bril ig 1 out some �nore Wednesday of last week at r 7 I at Goderich, ril6iit of whom were arm of Mr, Momisoll, -which shatter4a � R. Henry Shelf
, e
JunE & i � � r ito-r ��8133a. Bl�ine, anctiorleer.
hora 3s'with him. I - " I - bridge leading from Goderich ;ownship . igrauts. The stbamer drew Some 12 it so badl� I illat sinj I uta�bn Was neces- I : -. � I
'I ) . - I [ --- i -.---
. I � .
- -M ptain- Greg , � � McGregor 11aa to Tarria. - As M,, -. Wm. Turner was " et of water. . . Sary. I 3 . t- t � I
I . Birtb:B.
-The following , additional. particu- Accm-miT, -A .g man about 18 Or -: � I
boug t the Park Ho 'use in Goderich driving over the br' dge with ai load of . 1 youn . 11 ARMSTit
S I 1- �
and � vill conduct it as a summer hotel stories it broke through and horses and I by tb Enterprise respect- 19years of Age, all � �! - -. 1,06=18h, Ashl
!- .
I . .� ire are given � ad opted Son of * -, ,� v 031 the 29th- ult., tb,3 MAD Of �
� I '- - ,
the E nE i iing season. driver were precipitated to the! bottom. I ig the burning of i the barns of Mr. Richar d T1 ompson, bf the to wn line ih 1 1 13trong . I a.davghter� .
I . i - , �
I -
-Rudolphus Ell � land, of Morrisf had One of the horses was hilled,�l but Mr. eorge Preston on the 9th concession between M cKillop (I � Hallett m4,t I --- BEL11-KII %tagie bi P-rayie, ou
I . � .1 the,. � 0 - � . ws. L. 1301, It
the mblortune of having two ows Turner fortunately escaped. - , Howick. The 11 rs't fire was thought with a m i . . I
. I I . . I .oat painfil and distressi* -
. I I ;_ . .1 ... f 11610n.
killedby the train a few d -An accident of a very str4uge na- t )be extinguishe , and Mr. Preston's accident on Monday . "- - -C: .
ayS ago - i evenmg I . * Re - SeVorth, on the 17t -h i
Loss of t i . f ther was left to watch the building was in the stable I . 01 XT- ini CO.=* of a gon.
mated at I -0 �� ture occurred in W gharn a few days I I an� i was alillig Odt I-RWJ14-. -
. I I � , `niton on the vq
, .
I � ai new meEco. v; hile"the family nt to dinner. Dar- the hoofs of one of � ho � , a it.
B ago. Mr. Kirklan , head miller at fit ., w ti 0 M-T.J. , f I
-BiusBels hai . yen I ;
. - � . , oea :
Dr. i kie, late of iclifford, has opened Johnston's Mill, Was Buffering during h ig this time the f 170 again broke out, animal suddenly ti ew back its 100 "', � ; ton , OV ,4jaaia , Great W ,trn i
- I . ,
- � � .
- C : - .
an ffiee there ana'c6mmenced #e d, before the d, man could give striking thel young 1 ", ,on the ey 311 r�,,
, 1 0 the winter with Sol e throat, sq, he -went a n 0 1 ; �s t�e 33ayru-ja -,Goncesf
� I . - L I I '� inst., ib
r . . . - tovms
prac if 2 of his prof . sion. - . to his &ctor's for s:)mething to relieve w arning the buildii ig was hopelessly ell- cutting the lid and il I flicting suchoth, r - P. oil ole �t
; ,, -yi of proe WM, !QraLig of ---a son�
I a ,,. on L
-1 ,, Val. Gramm has pure I Bed him, who aave him some chlorate of V Oped. Heat or! eeded to let injuries as �t is fean f I wfli complete y f AIRD-T-t 11,�vlek,,Dn the 12M it
. _ I . 1 ; �-,�
the Kn plitel prope i ty, in the villa le of potash, with instruptioriB to k p it in I ose some coltS at c! calves that were destroy its sight. What makes the Xv, A*blsou T,a1r,1 �01 a -auu,#
31 S 0 1101 APMl-11�, H,0.1e1i;, on I the 7th
0 nt&i: I ing 97 acres, from his pocket and use it at inter afs when i the building, an�l . Oucc;60.ed in liber- case all the. more -mel %richoly is thait-t#e I`- of xt, i nugh llowaraof,a Bon,
. . `1-i �
. �
Cle 10190i�rotohersl()r 61,150. - necessary. He put it in his'vest pock- � rig the former, b! it the fire burned 130 young mail anly had the sight of 0Ae - 13AN- 1)EUSON,44n, Umuck, on til!p
. I � i I I
I pidly that he was compelled to de- eye the oth eir having �1 -wife0h,64
- An. McDona.d, of Cranbroo , in et, and after using � t for some time he - � been injured and . i , iw., Smdersou M
I � GILRM "'
. �
. -- "
the t owi iship of Gr 3 y, is dangerous .y ill. left off the vest an� - hung it up in the 3t, though not un�lil he had been bad- the'sight de troyed v i hen he was . I ." S'�XXn H -o -wick on the
-.- 'wife -ot mr. W- =2 -'0n,01 I
� is .1-4-11 ." - � . M. G"
with onsumption'i &II4. her fri ands house with some of the po,w der in it. burned about th : fa,ce and hands. I a small boy by being out with a pe -�� ]UTACHB11--:� � I
- - � � - . beny, 3on tb
I . I e 11
. � he Lgain put I- � i XriL Wma A=dheU Jr
cherisl no hopes fq her I recovery. - On the momin cy ref )rred to - 3veral neighbors � rendered all. the ' knife, so thi 6t now b wiu be t0fany - I �
, ; 1111CR I J R;�o a ) �1
. � 4 � Ni � V111
r. Knox, sa*r2iller, of Hdlett, on the -vest, a "d f lighting a cigaX a isistance possible,i, but could fiot save blind, Mr. Thomp. n hap, noa ` L -P; .1 . . n L e, �on t
, , -
I 0 1 0�
near Harlock, has i3but down for this and puttinf , ' a ' ilding i ,-, I . � e Wr- Xur&eh MtF,v
�T- anfew a iy of tbe contents 'and the bui the at the idea .
, tCh6S- ill 2iS POCk-' . 9 able � rtly - � t I I I -- Mei%-Xin -the Mfb
I . t �
Beason and is puttipig in a new bed un- et, took'a walk do n the g& -den. In 'A as Speedily in ruiilfj. Five calves and occurred, -h : - , 01 Mr 1A1ejt.'Wt -j6 � .
. � � , �, �of a I
. findi 1 him ;;; hell� � XC �� . , � 46n. ,
. � I
. . . . -
in ith: 86 most all the aggealtural machinery less on U - .- XOIMIO?j'� on the I
i �
der thE engine and'ftairing the boiler a few inutes som4thing went! off wi oor ass....," 1 � to the �- � vue i
� I Z
for ex season's WO''k He is also get- sfizz-z-iz,andthe whole fron� of his W ere 001IBumed. 6 reason can be as- - honse, .. L ; 1,t 'Once Log I y ; i mr? oeoxlj6 uckay ot a -
- , I rocurea mem p �
I . �
. I : 1 . . � I � I .
r - - . . i . I I ,a- ; I I - � L �
1� i I . i I
� � � . . ". - : . i 1 1 . I T - . d
. �, I I- - i ! ; I �, J? ,� I I
. I : - I J
I - i i � � I 1, I .��
. I I .
i . I - ; .
I i .1 - I , � �-. . � ;
!I I I � . I ! I i � - i Z
. i i � I � - I
� . . I I i � . � 4 1
, ; I T � �� -, i ; I
i I . ,
. � � . . . ; . . 1, ,..- � I , : , � ,
ii .1 i . . � . I I I I . L � L �
. - .! . I �
I , I , , I A I � i t
; I I .i I - I : � I . .
. il I � I . � . : . - 1, ; I I
L � . L 'I
i : . I . - I
: I I I L � . 11:
I i: I i . I L I L .. . 11 -- i 1� � I I
1� J i I . � 11 I .. I �,L L L
i; i L I ! � i I - L
1; i - I i � . i .
� 17 1 . � I I I -- : -- - I � i ; -
- I . . . . i i L i ,
L ; ! . 1. �
il I � - � I - o . � I .
i� . I I ! -
:� � I ! ! I I I - I . .
�, I ! I' : .
- I , I . A . . i I ,- 11 I i :
. �
I : � t, �. I . i -
� - . I L I .
I :T
, I
i I
4.-i 1
,I, t�e_ vlia-s
0 1 �Ugh Ing 'I-
� 'r - i
� � Os ill
I h ; ev
; ton i
t �-
i 4
I :) I 0
1 t P 6 b i
� 0 1 * 1i mt,
I i �
6 4-
4 I I
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