HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-20, Page 2, . _ . - -...- , - , • -,,-. : I i 1 1 1 . _ • . • -,, • 1 1 - •1 . • _ - , ,,,--.:•-,,,.---- _ _ ' 2 • , THE HURON EXPO i ITOR. MAY 20 1881. / --- 1' . EIS BROTH tilit'S KBET'Elt. eie a foul parting? Thou's 'Senile baCk 4: ms like one of the o happy ev n. ST6CIC FOR 8 RVICE. DLi CAN & DUNCAN'STHSiEsAFORTH A :AR OHANoth to tell o' my sin, an' to bhsh my . we spent at Staithe before all . s , s - L STORY OF TITP. YORKSHIRE FISHXRIES. •, p shame. Only be pitiful, a ' dunnot ' . • gs rrost oath . It Was , ind of yo THoulloweAtiut740e: RhEisEptarEmit,SL:t reCounnode:sriaoiratf,.. that - . SPLENDI:1 FARM FOR —•-•'- IN THREE CHAPTERS.—CHAPTER III. mock me, an' torment, me_ I've borne enough, an' mun scorn. it to ts' 01110 stus "I am lOng journey." ore' than re 'd, darlin I Tiernclothu ing coming :stpocaklionToatiahe eason, superior tdes8,aisna2Y.yneiarBseolida By Public _ •,..„, , 'Auctidn at the r 1 M11Eit pass over very MI1011 of my ;tory that- might have interested you. Ile news of Hars death was broken to, reenie as quickly as possible, lest soma bitter end. . "God forbid that I shoul your pain," said Hal. "You John, and.know not -what you s add e mad, y." to „n 11.14: wered, with "Uncle • :la y do nae "if only you Ou ' ' • • i', Baia he, thc good, and e glad to h ght your hat he en e al14eittue payable IS &I.A.1 rzettur#. t • ,n stock -getter. e time of servi jf necessary. erms—$1 per cow, th rivile e e, vi the p g ROBERT M69cM9I- , , - ill‘O/r1211 .1Pbjry.2P11. 33bat. 1 . - ' :1671 ButiMERrUCetihannplifteee;TAnidtri"1148 Z:4: , i• ,.:.tt, ahance word should reach her from the "Ay, I've been mad"—and y bey : • o see me quite my Id self befo e ARF S 11 • WINO ..,..,.. ., on village gossip. For a -long time we de- • shuddered as he spoke—"fair ad- *' ild • went. away, but, las, that ": n AUCTIONEI RS. -EE :1:1881 spired of her life, the blow was so- un- expected and crushing. When she had. recovered somewhat, Mr. Burton thought it wise to leave Staithes for a angeestif jealous thoughts ; b my tight mind now. I thou were dead, and thy death w soul. It were a weary load, ,jt ht e I'm then on iny weary in ii, ; t "Tay, „, • ":r be; fil..ed : gone :ant Teethe, ani the dee with tears. of my life not for !blue trus 'The sane orever." vier," I said 11 g il 4? . , P. MON • COMilbY :Foll rsRtalc:ice: e_ ,, lateen:led of Huron. 8 pkruonio ; 0 e:wuni:luttA•exci L uotioneer for the ee attended in all dteiyr sa titeeint daet4tthoe.E a- , : TUESD :loot 3Locio4teloieckPo, Y JUNE eMtl.ge,salairtivasdnilinetteonaineed-ait-rtizii!,‘2. , time, and go to York am:ong some ef US old friends. Teenie did not speak With John again. She would gladly hdone so., bat he could. not be en- breatecl to visit her; when 1 spoke of it, load." -. Poor Phirs face grew wan . . ly in the dim light. "Do no cruel words, my bairn. W have on thy soul? Thy brother isj • say e'eath li, ghaat- suCh re, 40 Is • I ' : : • : ' . • s oked es ometinaes„' 1not in digh her us so be sonie bonnits,h utterly ale she s 1 true that . Way he w r l''' id r r I • "God n "I think . is dead, return to : it t ' - - ; . LAND sale of land bred etock. keit. WE e moot, o e A 1 IAGBN.T.—Speei :d property, fin s. Cattle selected nclAuction Rome, bah, Ont. Term , OTIONEER AND 1 attention ?' 'ven to ing and th rough- or the Engli . h mar- Aches° 's new moderate. 615 _ , - . A LARGE LINE 0, THE . ; , FOLLOWINC I ; 4 COCOS, BOUGHT . suss state of tirnhered„ the theber ; ther orchard., - and threugh the r-ar gravel road, - eoritenient to -cultivation; tbe ea - e being considerable fi t.en...- '. aregood.buildMeee a lat -7a-6.411) the little Bayfield -.44,-,,,'"'"111,.. of the farm; --. lit thin three utilesof lire It is 08 'alli cheek, churches, 4:Le was in bitter anguish, and pleaded 4;0 be left alone. A great change had COMO over my boy from that woeful day—a change to rne even worse than death. His soul %med. haunted by, some terrible re- rnorse, and DO pleasant words had no shame. can oome to.Y.. were anger in thy heart aga but he'll forgive an' forget it. "Father, mother 1" cried no heed of his words. Leave! and he will then speak calml 'We both turned to. go, bu st ' • a, ns ." this , There t' lea i . 1 "take alohe, was ; . 1 is I ii: I `1. ! • ! ‘Stranget a. : been en to r, darh ut , mien, 'One tWice gat his I know th things he, • of the St. picked YarraoutIll • g; he may 'oat was f. . It : tithes '11) . et Ind, can never. happened, fisher at sea, Do not return." and no .IS ' I n .d cl:- a A . Filo -LA- ee , o c Bales Implem n eiv signed at ceesion 14 bills, n te ALEX: DFILOETTY, ER DELGETT .' 'llop. Softie' nded Property, All orders left, alton P. 0., ill be promptly lind stamps furnished Walton. Licen Red Aucti 'attention given to Farm Steak and with the] under- or Lot 14, con- attended ta. Sale if required. ' I 689 AT . . THE LOW: . , I 8T POSSIBLE 1 ; . P ' a ICE S Ten on,the For on PoSsession,gi J. P. CHRY per cent1 day of further p 'the prom ' D 6 BRINE, the purchase rnOileyte laon- - - -Oale, and the bale:Jae:aim - - 'rtionlara MAY to the preetee_ zes or to the anetioneerat 8----.‘ en on the 1st October NALD McDOUGAV, le..—. !Auctioneer. i --linek 1 * TAL power to cha.se the gloom from his not to be. - John raised his b 'ed head. : e of hi II remaining. He must h e • & row. He grew sullen and morose, and strode across the room "Do net I .shed i • that fea, 1, storm. • • MONEY. I FOR, C.A-S1-10 #LAO 'if ' i 0 poke very rarely, and never in the ee,carelesa, glad hearted way of old. We strove to make him forget all that but like his leave Me, for I've 001310 to tin soul. 'Bide wi' me, an' hear My punishment is greater t • bear." •• .ilden : a my speak. I ca'n I id 1 I :.•• I: . Carew onld "Woul• k'll he could '.0bear it, not the joy ?" .nly eenie?" iof return ! I a meeting hi" . - As- ON Y TO Ay* i ii p -c• est, pa a le erate. 10 LEND --Money ed farms only, at yearly ; private funds; S. PORTER. to lend (in good 71 per cent. inter- charg • s mod- 681 BOIL lkI R MARERs. :ii3nRereaAehalaCtevTelyib lad passed; sorrow was vain Y • u MI- )eyond our power to soothe. Thincrs grew from bad to worse. I ianneetell you all the anguish that ofloWed ; but. John fell deeper and leeper into sin. When I pleaded with "0, John, my brother," sail he took him by the hand, -an• lead him to a seat. "Stand from me, lad. Do me. I'm no brother o' thi s I.• le al, rove t tench .but as to .1 !a ' Iv 'f; : 1 : a )1i1 mi: he a s d y do yoli 4 ec use tiav d h ?" said T ath,- and ask ?" ' I have hop: m„ and has enie m that aken ; "I h ,alive. * some s him t • e t p a itirONE 0 133- $1,0 0 lower hen!['ay COMM) ever, JAME: B 0 t AITHWAITE, LEND—$100,000 7 per cent. (private other agency. .and Iesuer of ondesborongh. at fii per cent. funds).; Costs Conveyancer, Marriage Licensee. 698-4 AND iVE ARE GIVING CUS , , f 0 ERS THE ' BENEFIT I OF THE . MAIN _,_ ! s lahtenfa:tiav ,'BoilSenr.bBacti lic;t:11 :yet Figi iiiwtio°0:8:- litoadbl Idarsorr Yon, e- eCoauTteaktihebyTtetlea.,,,..4 r iitpl dirri non: . ;1-Bes,10.1 3ext in °re s tet ra _ 013_i' 1 1 i. h;mmalv-I 4 I 1.0 1 es...:Dziriz si 1"1!, efroiftetuzv dm, he returned wild and angry words, ;itch as I thought have false hearted villain who s life. Hold thy man,,fie • t thy I will • 4ph!' e pa' liort s " *cried, "do think th t Air ONEY -1-w-k- T . e undersigned immediate has a large ;sum of 1 - f ir. ny° .uoRwp:80. le 0:ca e- i ii a raveniheiadr: e e er 1=4 co.uld never )een spoken by a son of mine. • His !tither was angered by his conduct, but Nte °ould not send him otit into the factitive Phil peace, speak.", "In pity, do not bring this others, implored Hal. " come between and Teen, I ••oe ) upon have let me . : • i .:5.d, n eve, b" We a a II y i t. ' reason eart to t throb • ,•ou. ink ng se, Teenie with exci I " :- mon mortgage per cent. agreed forth. yo on nter upon. 1 farm property et year ; J. H. BEL\ nvestment On first Seven and ' a half rinoipal ali May be SON, Soli:Ater, 1 688 ' ' • 4 - s8 on likiegsrtaaalt thaphortest pePtion. teekps :3 n 1 , 1.c., um, ite nsd.mSal adeee at uIdr oldo Iron W,, oonrk e 8 repiirmi 'dee, and at prices that deiyixii- 1 v orld a and a vagabond. 6ONEY oved him with a father's -deep affec- ion, and my heart yearned. over the • he you go away. - I would give up •• you, only let the past be - 0 • Iliad • life ter for '4- i .: II; I iT h t • no fea.t, b 1 reason ?" p but tell m e . h 1 ded ' Town:. Believe t he is '! 14, 4-T-'. lend any amen t A. on a G. McDOUG'iLL y at 6per cent. • d for i any nnniber ± is authori zed to on mortgage, for of years ; inter- . HOUS 1FtJRNISHING i I • 4 S. ' 6860 cHR , . STALi a BLAOIC, . 4 BOX 103, Gases* ad was our Only Bon, once BO good nad kind, so tender and true. So we )ore with him, because of the love we ever." . "Thou's not wronged me though I thought thou had. My rt. _ 1a, were. I xi ar e • ave "suite lit ; only say heard so, safe and we ; ' L' sae" stamme • est charge eernutiesi G. McDou L n all on ch y on the unpaid ged. Apph Co. L principal. No at the Store of A. 678 i ' . • 1 a Tice, MATTER CF iad for him, and for the sake of his )rother asleep in the deep seas. Frorn the night of Hal's death John ;ever went out with the fishers, bat ail !ed employment at Rwaiwick in the anfin works. We thought his conduct trauge, and strove in vain to learn the acme.- In time we hoped that he rould conquer his love for Teenie, and my own blindness. Bnt I lo I did, an' I could not give he I'm not fit for sic an angel as ban is on my sonl; an' I mun his doom." With a bitter cry I sank in and buried my face in my could not bear to look at t agony of the man. Poor Phil to fall, a .j3.• ;•24 : 0 lapads. 0 el her so, But Caints ide by a seat awful Stagger- I • : : I • • • : - n• will JB 0 f o1d?" Ile • Eli • "oily, sh'al 1 s a..• patient she looked nes: in ild oinia; conue back; 00n3.0 back so my child, ee him." ; see, I vvith in . ray' face. very S0011. - • n—very.soo be . Ica rvelous "You Will o me ag patient, a quite cal •• ste:1- said it be • " hie 9- $100 of years annum principal giving six ing onetfo lave eoss 0FFic _JILL. 5 0 not ; cneY mth r au —1) exceeding o ne' b ittorin 00 T° LOAN Peal Estate twenty, commissions may be repaid notice, or may be paid at Mee ir te ent • 'nfeLoan: Squar3, on Seoiirity for any at 6 per cent. The whole at any time any sum not the close st eeasin effected gfrom prom Seaforth. of term per of the1 on exceed- of each the tl ;44: 700 Cairn -a -.. 1 ts. in Brussels Tapestr , ' ... iDatnumk Cretome, 14 : ; LI , ce,jec. E All Wool, Union f • There 1 N GOODS. are and Hemp. i . . Bargains= th 1 tertains in . line. VVILLI • i Of artying TIM .41 to ore hi , - the To on B Credit arahereb e all his -tore, L ZITO hereb - • HI' 114.- - : of Seatorth- filetehask , Siness there underthe firiatia- : of llill Brothers. -- -- re of the said William Boni% • noted ii ifithat he tlals dayameili. .tate a-nd effects na trust Me creditors having claims vile 4- requil ed to send tome 0sorh, orget the sad circumstances surround -1 ed. and seemed ready iit .with ; : ? to -Morrow? - S eak, dear: t 1 . for the first 'ey of 71111e, A. D. 1881, ug his brother's death, and return, "in . an effort he placed his hands an John's 00 : her 1" ' • MEDICAL. - ansis d s ei the 32 the Fee faBleek :tare and * fondant of their els ties (if held gain to his old life ; but we hoped sin One Sunday evening, about two sonths. after Halis death, an earnest shoulders and looked pleadin face. •- . "Thou's my lad, an' I wu lieve there's sic an awful cri .. y . dot e P in his , be- on thy• liteps • ^ • weze : al ee ie, co ee ' heard at t Vas waiting t ity, darling, q-day—at o c door, an. nter. I said, '9 --for he I e 8 • • euce s oast of ccoueheur, nth Ride rehrtelian Physician,S Seaforth , of GOderich Church. Ont. Officeurgeon andresl- Street, second door I 842 :In B - -. h,ed and Unbleached manufactitrers. . To Table els. Linen, Totvelling, ilVapki direct I importatiom &c. rant the take the ant the erne notice th aid monthof the tru state of t g 'nacre any) by them, -met t on and after the Fifteenthisflf June, A, D. I881,Iwill,ptra, t deed, proceed to pay arians, et* e eaid 'William Henry ralleepee item, having regard. :reacher was holding a service for the [shermen in Seaton Garth, just below-, sit cottage. Methodism had, only be. An to manic) itself felt in Staithes, and soul. I love/ye r ight well, : not bear to hear ye say sic wor lie, my bairn—say it's a lie I" "It's God's truth," said th 3 E,.' I It's !hoarse, 'de mi.. a , li. : I ; I &r e • *ii over oo H . . opened, and 11s ;arms. I his happy a r e was °la ould gla union, but3 - li, 1 T_T' L . ge Office a directly VERCOE n ete.,Ooroner d Residence, opo1sit3 , M . D ., C . for t on Jarvis Seaforth Piablie M .. Playekian, ur- S e County of Huron. street north, School. / of the Toted , 1881 700- hose elai time afore at Se -only tI* ' s I shallba.ve been notifiede Sid. ' forth, the 29th day -of April,A,a JOHN BEATTIE, Tzuskt, IR was one of its earliest and strongest, apporters. The window of the cottage as open, and from where I sat I could Lear and see distinctly all that passed trembling voice, an' I canno Then he told of his sin. Ev pierced. me like a eruel knff coble had passed him within 3 word . y it he dis- • I: yl: :I tz, • to • not and be a few at t tola. . ; The nigh 0 end of thisls ; days I retur ii growl d story to Staith g als T, w.f. lideOpll Azoonohenf, firet door if . 1:07En, 'loath University, peaforth,Ont. M. D:, C. Physician, Office of the Gaulle' M., .Graduate of Surgeon and and Residene e, o Church 496 CO TON GOODS. __ ___ D ___ T H E 1 the crowd. You might not have tance, but all the jealous hatr tia d of his : . : al isa ained with t. Burton 1 ... , ailed the sermon an eloquent one, but ; was preached by a man terribly in - soul rose in its strength, 9,nd li: lad go by without giving him et ei the jug 4 ez : f ie. to the, Christmas old place noir they a all ca ns, as Tee e e Dli. leg, lege o f Surgeon UTollINSON, , AI f lly 'P ntreal, lei ' 'it Grad Licentia Ed' b ns, in u ate of McGill Col- e of the Royal Col. h d I t Pi , en a 9 OUR° -fere • w kite . and Grey Cottons, Fr ite 1 and Grey -Double W id' th /S 41 ting arid Dr EORITEACLAIsnitlY. , arnest, who had a message to tell, and ave it in sinaple burning words. that hand. The rope was in his he held it tight, and the wat: !I s sp, s but ept •• b al I 7 quite home4 at ong again, We spent pnd wished hristmas D Office— o lukvale,1 raiglookhart H Ont. spits', Edinburgh. i - 686-.52 Pillow Cotton. A l be rang. e of those Goods to choose fr I bought T Pionee gone thief Photographer of Efeaforth,latii sh the fiery ordeal, is nowt** eld'his hearers enthralled. Close at and stood the Fisherman's Rest 'pub- o' house, and from the sounds that vat) ringina through the Alin air it as evidentnthat a party of riotersheld )vel within. Their shouts and Iiiiarse the boat beyond his reach. moment and the :An was cord He paused and looked mos the stricken group. I cannot agony I suffered. His. father broken. No sohnd escaped la's' • ui • t "s e te ll heart. pallid rie • the ;fin • : 3nt 04 1: : 0 iii :e ing Burton's unhappy he ; from shorild,have but to , house. that glad John. T left vve.. told he conquer his j Only enie home fillet - one meeting— wonder so s he d love, a - - ... 18116:.k "6°6 hours fro Mrs. Vi"lai Seaforth - ' • 5 May's of Sergeons A. • Surgeon the Royal of M. to 6 new brick 1 D S .:::. •• Dentist, Graduate College of Dental Ontario. Office . M. Rooms in b Oak. Main Street • at a discount , ' . , and wa - sold at Mill PRINTS. . prices. - aga pre Ga refi ane mo tre ROM in full ises in ry in t hi ted and e s and sce Olen of 13: Having at and na 'last, iuble new and cornmeal', ' eott's Block. Thie is the 4111 section, and has been there* 'nipped with all the last aat at effects specially for theakes, Mr. Calder's large _and Me 1 now got into one of the 1 st completely furnisb.ed gala! ierriment mingled strangely the lips, but I could. see them nii:ne 1.4 day, hope be In t e Iv est, h is now in a better position 4* with eleran service - but as the preacher's pice rose in the power of the fervid fully, as though he were str vain for words. g ing. pal- i 17ett : pi, 41:1 ; one her wife aa we he ought to 4, able eet his brot o - ...... : • -1jD ,, % ' N of 0._ CART -Y• Member Dental Surgeons GHT, L. D. S., o theRoyal College of Canada. at a Pho ma y previo aphie , at the ii bine to tarn out all workiiiiiii ne entrusted to him. in a sap*" lowest living profikand sate Jathos that thrilled it, the unseemly Druids within the tavern - ceased., and 11 could hear with aistinctness his John saw the dread horro upon his face, and it smote hi still deeper pang. t at sat with til • ci ::, the Teenie a we summer haa of the were mar heard not x.t year Hal d. For t ng of Jo Stratford, Seafortla prepared Lt., a t t perform Office—Indian e has now opened Queen's Hotel, all dental bloek, Market St., out 4an Office in where he wM be operations with We have ' already - ut a large number ; - of pieces of Print this season, and sho lid 692 ---- e -possible el from A. C notice. A call is cordial:41 , I I ER, Scott's Block, Sege& 1 raids as he drew a fearful and yet af- )cting picture of the blackness and , • "Father,' he pleaded, '",1 speak to me. I've been an ill 1 abn, , mercy ' but I : , when Hal left ' 118 desolate. Phi e old ho I ease ands month. 11 Office open first Tueeday in every . 568-52 are now off- reduction on ing a huge first prices.' pile of R,emnants and Ends at a great E 9 G ,E M P 0 . . s 1 very was sor 1 1 uilt of slit, of the sinner's remorse, and f the terrible consequences on a man's • -do not slay me. with sic a ' look." earsorne ' I- :sr 1•v: • en by the lose of the lad he h he d 1 LEGAL. • . . rriE. Subse 1 . , er hereby tha-nlre his normal am soul of unconfessed, unacknow- Aged transgression. At that moment Lte door of the Fishermen's Rest was • Then Phil arose- frcim the hail _staggered and fallen face Was dark and wrathful, seat t0. __h Hi t stil i 0 I la: 1 • so meatidned ever g of well; inihis 183,6 and alth hiii nam :thoughts that we first n , scare yet I knew It was in t, heard of Mit ly 6 e G411B6 . tors e. 0; k Goderich 11.1i2ighlez.AiB,IT.:D.N.,dBer. PROUDFOOT,I Onta'• ' ; Barristers, Solid - o.—.T. T Garrow. r - 686 . . DUNCAN . . & DUNCAN 'IL liberal hopes bus i OnSt0.17013ZI: patron: by stria nese to m -nt (merchants and others) for* ge &trine the past 7 yeas, integrity and close attentlet their confidence and trail addenly open.ed, and a tall form stOp- ad forth, with. haggard face and wild, .eaming eyes. It was -my boy John, ho had been one of the mad party most pitiful in its intense John hung his head upon hi. bowed and. motionless. "An' this is t' bairn I have u 1 ved ering. breast, . an,' .0 . : .1. .. 1 • -ing A on he fisternaan boa Doer ra of St: d of one of Bank. idly worse, : ithes the 'hil . had se:n. Filey bo: had ie I feared ts n ;ME. Solicit bil. C. Cameron, eron. Q. C., Philip , jorrih:teg: Olt, M. G. Csm- 506 - f , the ise0 TI-i.E future.• 54 during th RIG aving _greatly -enlarged ids " winter, he is now prepared EST CASH- PRI ithin. He stood. on the outskirts 'of Le crowd, his gaze fixed upon the :"eacher, his whole soul drinking in the ,ords which fell from his lips. clung to all these years 1 .Go -. I were proud o' my bonnie fip An' now, though hiti soul i with sin, I cannot—I cannot - iiiows , ter lad Stained ite him • • o a s o :- • 1 •ea o fe. to to bat F the keep John r some fishing, mond, and his bed. had, bee. t i he' had not last he w: hen I to een at t F fl ii WILLIAM 7 sionor T Appraise reaeonab iiiMILL, in . Aecounts °term& B. Convey R., Wroxeter.' and n , neer and Commis- Auctioneer and tee collected on 866 Are al -eolOrs. o showing a full line ukins, &c. Ao a slsui • Cv,stonzers get 1 O'' fll the White Goods,Pigi*e line of Lace benefit of cash, Stn'P es, and Plain Buntng, discounts.. Marseilles, in all Fotiny at t MAIN- quanti 0 Egg Ena • S ef Good Fresh Eggs,de num, I REET, SEAFORTE, No sound escaped from my boy, but I aild see that his frame was quivering ith emotion. The fshaft had. sped. words of hate. He's my Joh , hay ain bairn. 1'd -give up my life t save',ti lad from his doom. God fo.se - and 1) 0 i • 1 • 10 er, d be he sent entreated to t Filey • at to some o -bring hi. a - ° • ,,w for taknag .Solicitoij MEYER, Solicitor. Lffidavits for the Barrieter in Chancery. in the Province Bank Hamilton, and Attorney at Commissioner of M-anitoba . 1 ,t W, clea nted by t wheet st eabseriber,25 tons of goat . D. A WILSON = here was a look in his face I canhot ascribe—a bless him, my poor stricken ha a." Then John. fell at his fat feet !must :' d gee ie," my he bairn once 'His again • : Private fun d El tO of 101121 a tB6arrii teener Wingham. eneanitt.t1:8118ey DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S. • DV ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY weary, pleading, agonized errs ) I said. guilt li: ok, like that in the eyes of some poor mted animal standing at bay before Le hunters: Then I heard a lament- :le cry ring through the crowd, and .0 poor stricken soul turned and fled, know not where, but he carried the row in his heart. . a, That evening meeting for prayer as held in oar Cottage. It was just rer, and the party had left, when. the )or opened, and a form stood .on the and burst into a tit of passionth ing. - "Thou is ewer good -to cried, "but -that ma.kes my n blacker than ever. Now I n an' yell think of me as one d id. good-bye, and then forget me °rover." In vain I pleaded with him t4 he would not hear. "No, no, mother ra I must go y ain way an' hid in my ain.i3oul." - With a steady step he pass d the held 'out weep- 0,', he -seem gang, Say i stay •I y sin: acrosS1 il 0 iii 1., 6" pa" a • 3 : : 1, e I t :p : i • : I ' grity : o Verer, ' on an all into lwande and can ould I up fi c j nbt Wafi 9,nd, y Beni, hought. his ods er a rae hesitate despatches for I no bonnie eterni 1 from t' him m $ to me af if possib ovod shame head. y fold. hile . , : er ,to ,'to him con I c knowing Thou lass, for t' la this appettl, find the bring hi p d Ir. e 11 o I ; BE°N oonveyanoet, forthandBr iyuevaerslyt a. .t o n s e in the us. n.,BMN The ahov mutual con be paid 'ties. Nov. 27,1 toallicEiY" Keels. ncooei,‘ pa. lrm • e r 8 Notaries Int rts ON. • t. Benson S. torsin Chancery Public, $23,000 of iti si ohnteprefroore ntat. of Manitoba. has this day All aceounti who 1 ' JA 1 H. 'W3. adI eteaan Ofhltiaeasvelas Private Funds to Interest payable g Affidavits fo .w. e. MEYER. r ;been dissolved by due the firm to ill pay all Habil S H. BENSON. C. MEYER. • ' Millinery . . ' DepaIrtment is crdwded over -time in order to oeek in thia deartt pmen : , th,is season . ) Supply custckraers. , ( e acask, r. Wpy - • all hancls having , . Fresh, arrvvals or al•l Goods f ). to ivoile every HAVE 4Waliosee fieNs line. They nose to material For surpassed Repairing tr ial to quality HESS alwa Cu tte person and can and Style a by t p and be co and • & HABERER 1 s on hand, and make to ' ialleiglee, Carriages,: el, .and every otherartielein• I !ily superintend their own . f, arantee a good article bath iworkmanship. 1 1 'Finish their work email 0e large city establiehmenta. .m,ptly- attended to. Glee at •vinced that Wf5can tatisfyysig "se. ireshold—a,form I had thought the Et held for Oer in its hidden depths_ y own boy Hal. God, in His mercy, id saved him from the cruel sea, and room and his hold brother. ".1. may never loci. face again; say one word o' pi y 1 go." to Ills n thy before 0: : . ) • 1 • - . : toe ent e expeeted ednesday Garth. to New: Hal of his f: him- ab morning: . :ray had alrea er's sickne hour. Hal cam s n MCOli LAW, CH • L HEY °EBY & , AND C OLMEsTED. .. NVEYANCING DUNCAN &. DUNCAN'S . 1 Mr. bash 6136 -- .. Hess is in braine i i ell lmown to the public,-hatisi a in Zurich for over_12 years. I HESS * HAMM stored him to those who j.loved him so all. With a great cry I Clasped hina -- . "Oh, my brother," sob • es "much of the -guilt is mine ;- •• on Hal d 'that S as ungered glad to see himi,ilbut for his eld "st his hem bern. Th Scott's i Baock; • 1 OFFICE, Main Street, Seaforth' T Department • Ass THE R 1GHT SIDE UP I bear burden." : 1 i ailori zg as alvq seam,. ill lave number of Orders nay arms ; my joy was too deep for mis. I only knew that -the lad. I ved and. had mourned dead, had could your "Nay,.nay, my. lad. Think o' One in t' hands.° God, an' i me as hat I b 11 : 1 -r11 ednelBday in ". Staithes. Will 1011: It ; rought be reme hea Q OLP:11'101 "1-) Canatiaa i. Seaforth.! d fOr the Conflolidated t e Canadian Bank of alit of Co mmerce ' 1 , i head. Every suit tUrned ' out guar eed to give satisfaction. The largest. j 0-AllvNIGTB:: - e - 7mr7IN— - as me back, a,nd would. never be ta,ken )lit me again. You may imagine wha,b a meeting - at was. The remembrance of it even 1W. stiiIi -me most deeply. Hal soon plained his -escape. An outward- nila vessel -had picked him up, but pr v may never wander from His €6 It was a bitter parting, but it to an end at last. I cannot r D:at words of heart broken mise • clung to his father's hand. heze had toiled together through stor calm, and between them there I. ing." - came' his as he two •• and as a ul• 8h t a sort ..I ::: ' ' i: e . man bitter ly 1 gale ••ild Element r flying ng aft coast. and a hou,sehol• sorrow than it noon the such as haol . As we If nothing co Waste pf tuMbled thunderint :hut • i oked d to none th my ow d rose to arely visit thron be seen b wate between t a 1 t e Farm and as d sold.' Money 0, rities , oderate onfident _ ,roney b t mor tie lende S. G. MeC4.1 T (p ivSte it feasonable I n ee ga e -r. e w ed senties, )5 and Villag 1 funds) loane rates o -I' . for. private with • r EY, M. A. Property botight on mortgage se- interest. Charges persons upon tb,e ut any exellee to p . HOLMESTED: . .est workmanship and loth,s and Tweeds in 'ill be sold at rock bo 1 blest trimmings used. Sea forth to damse . from, bought tom prices jor cash,. 1 • • DUNCAN stock - of heap- and- ' . ie l as a workman therefore ;entire shoe Buggies, ters, hand . Stinson-, first-elas 'mon feel satiefact ell kinds of Ca Land Rol and made rLedLI: ho is well Horse -sheer, to no man on in all feet in the nagee. Waggons, re, Plows -on . eli. ceK 8.01 known in this Vi and as a in the -County,- in being able te kinds of work, bestpossible. Sleighs, and Harrows kept lowed the boat to drift away as use- deep and abiding love which ri • 1- Nahs, .which gi amed faint • order short notice. 3s." He Was landed at Rottethna a, o or. shame could kill. With a :orrew heavy t . gh the ;drivinmi .t and. spra 1 (S1 ELLAN I OUS. . • Priees as low A cell solicit s those of any other shop. and satisfaction -guaranteed ilence he returned as quickly as pos- Die. heart he went oat into* the a and the old home in Seat n kness, Garth '11: 111•Tv after hes of billow broke tea I on; the 0 ttle long seet beach, l •; ori 5 to 4' rc-F" PER DAY worth $5 fr t home. ampes Sl e. Address STIN- I . no pay demand • 693 . ,SOHN WILLIAM When. we three were alono, I told al all that had occurred in his knew hini no more forever. * ''' * * * * - r 0 • 1 zdroatg hasti p the b ck. 1. The fi S ON & Co.; • oirtl nd, Maine. _ . 692x52 - Sell the Cheapest Groceries in Seaford?, . -The lairgest lines of eas and I& TT ab- nce--the return from the fishing, the Hal fain have * e lad 5 • (no he reaela' y remoted t Of the eir tes, boats b 72 $12 a d y at home easily Sugai•s; a f ll line o Cojjees, Spices &c, Sc, always in hand. S 1 C range conduct of John, the illness pf or Teenie, and their departure from would gone a o 'York to make his escape k o Teethe, but I knew o ce to n ' to y s a Il• in frant aniious w grOups : of the cott king es and no the cli • that line. : Is ma e Co., Augu:ta . I. ostly outfit f MO. a' ee. Address TRUE 692x52 Highest price paid . r Butter, Eggs,'&c. PIA.NO AND OR -GA: 0 ;aithes—and begged him, if he could, explain the cause of his brother's - :guisli.' Hal did not seem so ranch that an - shock might be fatal to he , a begged him to desist until so had been thought of that udden d so plan • • I: :i, :r •Jt and voiqes the .i !waters. The a* wlfilled of the stor with t • and the mai : 00HR0., e , niaii;. 0 a : RD Co., liort•ford, s agents' name in ne samplek, Ct. type,10 cents by 10 cents ; Il. S. 695-52 . - ' - MA13. C• m- -•-•-i- its branch a specialty ; a -musis from, son.t !DUNLOP Teaches:Musie hi •t• ; Musics.' Science -and 4 vanced pupils taught M d, thus tonished at John's conduct ELS -W6 had pected, but said that he must speak tallith alone, for he had much to y to hina. Even while he - spoke a 3p was heard, and John reeled 'into mig adopted with safety. The nekt wrote to Mr. Burton, telling i we had received tidings of a begged hini on no account t Teenie until I had spoken wit her t be day I that 1; but nforna and : t 1 : - 1 1 • : • ..Ltch 110 the increased fain ouses day a an grew towahd in fury heavy sea w break clo n Seaton G Uld e: rth, 'evening th !Every no leap u 'under th threate . • t• ducted commodion s ,.. nmsH " Ont e-Quietes , Hot:le • • pplied. *octd iopt in an CHANGE HOTEL, Ox, Proprietor. Comfortable the Provni' co.' the Table stabling in cenneetion. . Goderieh, This is one of and Best Con- The Rooms are and Bar liberally 635-52 DUN° . . N & DU CAN write their own giver: to Toting ed vecal traini 6 ing the voice gi charge. Uee o moderate. Re door east of Mai. enabling tempo's!! compositions; careful s eginners ; 'also the mostappiet ! for strengtheningand d en when desired without !instrument forpractiee; • f 4.,,,, :idenee on George Street, 4r:-. Street, Seaforth. 673 ' e room. What a woeful change had . prepared lier for the good ne s' Mr. iln o over helm the . The bi • HE GRE 1. T F MALE ' Are doi, g a larger , usin,ess, in Boots and hoes th,is season. Having I en wrought in. my bonnie lad. All e beauty of his youth had crone for ily Burton was overjoyed to hear f return, and urged us_ to Come qi'uickly Hal's w; clot(. , v; seerne upon to be ii , and dra when Mg one r closer an broke fu u d Periodi • al ffailing in tho Pills—This REMEDY.—Job invaluabl cure of all Moses e medicine is those peinful and I urchased fr sell amp. the b Give t Markets, at close prices, they ark enabled . AN HOR . LINE er, burned up the heae of the- zray passions raging witlain. • . i Re walked slowly toward ,, us as i ough in utter weariness, and spoke in dreary voice,his head bowed _ deepest shame. G"There's no escaping from the hand od. I've 001216 to hear my doom. trse me quickly and let nae go." P.hiI and I were struck dumb by the 3 words ; we knew that we were in 3presence of a, great sorrow, if -not of andput an end to poor Teenie Jug. It was Onnirog when we ar -York. It was arranged that r. ton, who had met us at th shonld go at once with me to Teenie au,d that Hal should follow sill afterward. Teeuie met us at : fler face had regained some of i brightness, but still bore mark tense suffering.. We sat down nd a long conversation together, i w suffer- d at coach, ortlY' door. s :old of in- -had Joh' u room ' •Bur- • c: to c • s s H Ill r. s : : • e o 4 . t fi • 1. 1 :n:: t -piing he with re stilyt by ousel. y Gaiit usehe ) : et cot 4, to the atten1ed1to;-i I Ifeached raY frill age' wall, fi d• and foa seek safety i wrapped., in fishermen When1I h 1 to' try ad d effecti3. the v11 view. Th over the fro ling ; • blankets, a save t the littl: we knew 14 'flight. I' • an to Mr. Bu seen hi SO returned: to some o I ge a will waves *or line of ' •I ti naives redied i!:f riod taken of -oa al pins eration, w m re ngerous • n is subjea allot!' On. Te will, in a a with re by Fe PregraneY age, bu eases o in the palp *tee, these ans have edy, do net! 'leases . ; It xi:fa rom,riedladies,it Ortitime, krity. saee R° they h any !N sick atio pll i feil e to which the moderates . one, and a Speedy is bring on These pills daring.; the first are sure other time rvons and and limbs, fatigue of the heart, will effect a drire d ; and, alt ntain iron, female oonstitu- all -excess and re- cure may be pecnliailyeuited. the monthly pe- should not be three months to bring on Nis- they are safe. In Spinal Affections, on slight ex- hysterics, and when all other ough a powerful alemel,antimony, THE •-•-• r_ro Call • 1 PUBLIC and Inspect th A Goods-. m A call. . I . E CORDIALLY INVITED . • . ney carry by tar the Largest St ck of awn 117NITED ST Every Se GLASGOW ( ' Direct. TIOKETS fo now, -and all pa . any other firet-c Prepaid Pass wishing to brin The Passenge Steamers are UtRurpassed fen. Apply to 5m93 TES MAIL STEAMERS El day from NEW YORK sali Londonderryrand LOBO , Liverpool:, ' Londonderry, WO a of Europe. Farts as10,11 se line. ge Certificate issued -LOW,* out theirtnends. I etecorinuodationof Anehorlahill for eleganceand:00* S. ADICIeSPNo..817117.80111611111 me. Hal answered. - "Hush,John, )' endeavdred to bring her into a mind for the disclosure Thad me of t: ;le . and Oar own house was cot half hid or anything di ections in w ich should hrixtful /he p la carefully to the c ampitlet aro pres netitution. Pan d each package, rved. Job Moses s rts of GO ods, ade.9ambi and se l Cheaper. than the Cheapest for Cash,. oRE H RSES WANTED r lad. Who se you. I ve you 710 greeting What greeting - are we, that we should have octae hOlne again, for me ?” can I give you after - • "You are pleased to see m Teenie," I said, "are you'not v "Oh, Mrs. Carew,"' she repli cannot tell hovv glad my hear • i oo ake. ( :ain , "you . . It • a 0 s :. : : E. .. . f ....__ the 9 se was house, g for waters' waters,- now -it ohm hie in oraer :within' . . 1 At th was on tile t . at observed 'escape It moment tha broken roo th was Hal X fo ro vri re B1 w York, postage to, Ont.,. 1 insure rn mai wide'', J. - .. _ SOI e aottle 1 Proprietor. e cased neral . Bo - f .i, $1 to NorthrOp agents for icontainirig n Seaforth erts, and B ..----',-. - 00 and 124 dents & Lyman To - the Dominion, over 50 pills by by Hickson & Lumsden. 634-52 • - - ..-_-:_, ..,_ —.., DUNCAN . - - ,.- & COUNC . ) NI IMPORTERS I I . -11 - . . i SEAF II . . , , - - - FrTH a I GROSS WILL be .at v v - every Sa Heav Draught Y 6 ' - - • -; AN & SHARP kfARP'S IfOTEL, SEAFOrrn; rday,for the ptspooeof VS ,f5 onus from 8 to 7 ears ol I' 1 GROSSMAN & SHABP . a a th nc ex bo al le si 80 st idii PC to a as 6 138, St th be eV St( th a. in. o' .th. th rny Ha MAY 201 188L fie had gone before me to hadarli°beelesufroloseatile biym-Pethusalnil ire had nevqr learned to s forweraouvioadioge to 40 lo aitzvah is min, xi 0wept:Ly- his aid Wive after wave alzhea cv 4zonli the broken rafters, But•t dear life to those yet ran, stzuggled higher and h.g. Nadi of the wa,ters. For a: moinent wekfl6lJ thItttiaglia:biamtefaet baer:g.edwwsaura,vbgeerraoak`ou To atteMpt his reSette frail support into share his fate, A. dread wild shout "A rope, mail V lwadit'shlso,s: Poitia jotiycet: p• rnoyw boyse o, con jballto ; myy artkbusestble ikll a reti brother, Then my heart with a deadly fear. out to his death among waves, and I -shouldlose b; -tiaillatahu:ehimgpitt:3:3oethnlil iatob:.wloBr Butt already fastened a rope a foreisTpl:enrfat, , mother," into ttheeri3s, .a come back -again I've I 1 • rougher erhla than t L inercai:. to 2 tried to take t Godbless Ye lads." He gave me one fondii plunged boldly into thesee I cannot pieture to yon "t1 ixsase and agony of the' blot a wora was spoken ja •swimmerfought his Ws tance WaS VIM.% blatit 1Vdt struggle—the waves boffin ing about him. At length clinging to the cottage Is!: cautions movement, iott his brother,. A great ehl3t3 as the two were seen4 I; clasping the timbers of t. Presently Johnmade the thsigne sindtthearsealllialw4asrrlight the mad of escape was Op startea on his way to! I moment seemed an ao there, clasping -the rope •* =mining strength. The had almost exhausted 1 fearea yet- that the waive hita down into their hi • Still he moved on, han cautiously, surely. Whe the shore,:eager hands ••out to help him, and en -0 est fishermen dashed d • path, plunged into the Bii him ashore. It was not a moment 1-t1 other huge nes came rot bJtoWhnitabwiliekiteaviecines bl:f13ole already unfastfanea the t•-' the rafter and tied it at body. With a loud cry.' sb.crtionireb,lhineifirnunings,hiTmelfhsea, • that moment chills lit There was a wib. to,a. thunder, as the na •swept to 118, its foam When we looked fottl troublea surface of the 3i • with the wreck of Se . whole line of twenty-fo - perished in that one se my boy through the foa it We.S Only his corpse AI feet. He was ernellyt, the waters hua battered' soul; sin, and sorrow wild, to him again. .1 must 1 followed in silene,e. Iefterit113. ant13:yttr hoa nevera1p0life.i gTehtlihe aye Ia r s' l el liTeenie side edr1 e 1 111 churchyard, My boy lbYit;terbust wrhec'pelttaneeallindg a • atonement 7—Charitiere 1 1 A PluckY The boy marched )stt counter . my little ms, chant, -complacently— from such a •gloriou 'what 'will you have to '"rlhi,oprlyou eatsers,ir, may wo It naight have been t eyes that did it, for ti accustomed to wee gentleman, and TomM yet o and small of his • were a fevr wisps of h thant's temples, and the li t t le t atreinlimn, gtf plleda.vefat cravat a slight bru hands travelled -do pocket.poab- soounithaewwot-sort work to: .11 li 14,04, 3 rtYwi :ap btp I able to perform? Wb y standing = over the °molter." please, gyreoswiIng'evaenryl ni I can't look over the "Why, your toes. couldn't keep you 'we' • 11eht keep stook and ho, nian pin e pain eounter. n was too couldn't see the littl we4T, tahollutbghetwIayshroolan scope," he said ve reckon if I get close what von look like." neca'tispa3ae reiolindrthaer. small for my age." respon4ed be man. fthr""feetavtwith a laot. caleIgYhot u hasn't anybody but &nitlinhtgeafiiasalli11121:46:111inv-sheteoriinrYtititatsilltign haven't had any --b The voice again came in the blue eye 41 reckon I can 'fast, my poor little fe ••