HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-13, Page 7$81. Elitsa NEy f. r eters and the her Tea aril arms exit ii'preach age seYearemi be rded to her. underslee roue to >e of e KirsiDe Ofl Cum ;ion on ,a4 exp:. Fledge, of !ripe to a been Oyez ;for so mute -I ERS. ]ilrs.. Whitely t with her st ieks and the :es desiringto 'hitney $m;, hat dstet the ande for mi. AHI rnt --gib.--. S0N1 t -Class FACTURs KINE, lar achine .. ttacht e theCoo 7 e tree, ea Firth Prise Seaforth Airs Wilson, any M Machin% a exchange 111 and Maas .teteed. :'SON 'ORTH. kc. appoeitelie 6 gD°ILL, ELI LE pablie g ' MILL and he is cost regia k d for sale ' V LUMBER. led.. MIS iller, and hs H:OPPEN Work and. teed. rest grade& of t nondv:lie hi - 4E, Propria *NM 1RO i''To. $6,000,, f,400,0 1,400,0 Ic3foter' LNCE. aril, continuo Alt is alloWedtR' as and oitief on the 170 the Commigill IND, Manage ATG Ml - fD FACTO tank hit-lintel/01, mage ext in SeaforthilOg th a; eentintat id do well_ )Seep on h :l est . i `s„. 84714 tisfaationto mi iteonagesta0 Dyed. Custom 1)ALPFOat 7. Tina is t and Battier .The Reesarl rid Bar R rection- e-rn. Te to H. HA L6 960 MAY 13, 1881. A CritGasm on Glasgow The late Dr. Robertson, of! Glasgow, had, while in the parish of Mains, a droll old dhuroh attendant of the name of Walter Nicoll, whom he invited , to come and visit him after he had re- moved to Glasgow. Watty accordingly ventured on the, to him, terrible jour- ney, and was received by the Doctor eat kindness. The Doctor, be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps inthe stomach, and pains and aches of . all kinds, and is for sale by all 'druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 True to Her Trust. Too much cannot be said of the ever - faithful wife and mother, constantly grwatching and caring for her dear ones, among other places, showed him never neglecting a single duty in their ongh the Cathedral, and as they behalf. When they are assailed by dis- ease, and the system should have. a thorough cleansing, the" stomach and bowels regulated,, blood - purified; ma- larial poison exterminated, she must know that Electric Bitters are the. only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world, and only cost fifty cents; Bold by all druggists. 696-26-2. e were tensing awayfrom it the Doctor asked. Watts what he thought of it, and if it was not better than the . kirk at Mks. But Watty only shook his head and said— "Aweel, sirs. you see, she's bigger, but she has nae 1aft, and she's Bair lashed wr thee pillars 1" What Sept the House Down. There is no more common sight on 'the streets of Galveston than a moving house" Even two-storey frame houses, by the liberal use of ebbe-bodied mules and rollers, are moved from their' sites to vacant lots many blocks distant. This explains what Bill Pitz meant when, after the oys�nd sr lie started for er was over a. few nights ab hours, an ' ejaculating,holding found him on to a amp "Whippost up yer mules I" Bill ?" "What do you mean, "What do yer shuppose I mean ? Are you she intossicated yer can't shee ? I gists. 696-26-2. can't =eh street till house gets pasht..r Ii . A Great Chicago Enterprise. Do Not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying :to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters, we can vouch for as being as true and re- liable remedy, and one that will do as recommended.; They invariably cure Stomach and I Liver . Complaints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Urinary Diffi- culties. We know whereof we speak, And can readily say, give them a- trial. ,gold at fifty cents a bottle, by all drug - can I ? Whip up yer mules. The house that Pitz thought was moving was of brick, four stories high, and kept in place by a heavy mort- gage.—Galt'esta n News. "As the Pule Thinks, the Bell. Clinks." Jessy, of the Crown, in her Doric simplicity, was quite a character. In very early life she was courted by a young fellow of rather doubtful char- acter. Reverence for the minister being allin all in those simple days, Jessy consulted her pastor whether or not she should take her suitor, all her friends being against the match. This was rather delicate ground, and the minister could not of course take it upon him to say, but he asked so many searching questions regarding her wooer that Jessy saw what he meant, and declared she would never have him. This was on a Saturday. On the Monday fol- lowing she was back at the manse to tell the minister that the Sabbath bell, as she came to the kirk on the preced- ing day, had rung, "Tak him, Jeasy, tak' him, Jessy," so distinctly in her ears, that if a voice had spoken the words they could not have been plainer; she had, therefore, the clearest call of Providence to take her lover. So the thing was settled.—Thomas Aird. - Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and comforting.—"By e thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the line properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. E o s has provided our breakfast tables ith a delicately flavored beverage, w ''ch may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"James Epps & Co., 1-iomceo- pathic t lhemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Mothers ! Mothers ! Mothers l Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so,' go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- pend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in. the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692.52. • Enterprising Druggists. The Laboratory for the manufacture of Electric Bitters is one of Chicago's greatest enterprises, giving employment to a large number of hands. The ex-. tensive sale already attained for this wonderful remedy is astonishing: Wherever once introduced and becomes known, it is almost impossible to sup- ply the demand,because of their true merit—curing where all others fail— and at a reasonable price (50c.)—Exch. • Sold by E. Hickson & Co. 662-26e Given Up by the Doctors. Where doctors have failed to cure,and have given their patients up to die, Electric bitters have often been_ used, and a- cure effected, greatly to to the astonishment of all. Diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and urinary organs are positively cured by Electric Bitters. They invariably cure consti- pation, headache and all billious at- tacks. Try them, and by convinced that they are the best medicine ever used. Sold by E. Hickson & Co. at 50c a bottle. 662-26c - Zopesa. I have secured the agency for this new compound for Dyspepsia and liver troubles. It comes to me under most favorable auspices, being very highly endorsed and recommended. Its won- derful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the dissolving juices, correcting the acids and carry- ing off impurities of the Stomach and regulating the Liver, can be tested by securing a sample bottle, which Belle at 10 cents, or large eight ounce bottle, 75 Messrs. E. Hickson & Co,, the live druggists of the town, are always up. to the times and ready to meet the demands of their many customers. They have just received a supply of that wonderful remedy that is astonishing the world by its Marvellous cures. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Phthisic, Croup, Whooping Cough, Tick- ling in the Chroat, Loss of Voice, Hoarse- ness. or any Affection of the Throat an Lungs. This remedy positively cures, as thousands can. testify. - If you do no believe it call at Messrs. E. Hickson Co.'s Drug Stare, and get a trial bottl free of cost, or a regular size bottle• fa Sl. As you value your life, give it trial and be convinced, as thousand: already have been. 657-52.4 • h H WIL P HOTEL, R DAY. P VGIIITON, ADF SE U FU1s ZALS SHO T T Lt CO . . INS !A AL k 7 ARS ;7 Ia les TRO.: ti give I pecial Ia $2. best': perfel t M am East S 625: .. MO y er 01 R POR eterm led 're Sto ' k j of Cos. IN W. T, prices b fore urge disco nt i ti to newly roar e ?ti1l.Asllii�g si� I oleo kee, K no d cheap. st in noiselee ,. oms der: ctI3 o] hjewel Steri EY In l ge or Brna able nates NOT SAND I PURL A PLY TO W. Or at th I Office of L H. BOX, ON Till? E. OUDS S FORTH. ay' Out my iture regard. Will pay 1 em to aster- uoha:Irg lsewhere. I a pa ing dash, es. les. unpleased chairs for s Spiting Bed, the 414 ;- warranted bsit 1�:. R. Counter's Mai • Street, Seaforth, t70 Io N f3. PORTER. the : con ghly Tion the 0 41 ms, I at reason- terest. RTGAGES IJINLOCK, ns•n,Beaforth. 681 MANITOBA THOMAS Will start 'another . W DNESDA Conndcting with. the on ailw y the sam day. setae or Cents is Mo TH MAS r to W ILL L IT Fal cents. J . b. X BEB 113, Seu.wrt tuuu 1 Bayfield. 679-52a t d t e r a "They All Do It." To beautify and preserve the teeth fragrance to the breath, use and give "Teaberry," the new toilet gem. , Sam- - pie package, 5 cents. 679-52 MEDICAL. JG. SCOTT, M. D. &c, Phy sician,Surgeon and • Acconchear, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street; second door east of Presbyterian Church. . 342 TTL. VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Physician, Sur - geon,etc.,Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north; directly opposite Seaforth Public School. WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate o f '' McGill University, Physician, Surgeon a n d Accoucheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residenc e, first door south of the Catholic Church 496 DR. HUTCHIN'SON, Graduate of McGill Col- lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege 'of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surgeon of Craigloekhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Office—Binevale, Ont. 686-52 ,, DERBYSHIRE. -L. D. S., e"�: gees • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate 11/16a -•A of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. •M. Rooms in. - Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street Seaforth, DAVID MILLAR, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu- ate of Ontario Veterinary College, can be con- sulted on all diseases of domesticated animals ; all kinds of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand ; all calls promptly attended ; chargesmod- crate ; Horses examined as to soundness ; Office, King Street, Hensall, one door east of the Hen- rall House; Residence, Queen Street, second door east of the, Centennial House. 697-4 `'�, 14. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., ,''4`- ;. P v• Member of the Royal College 1 ''ria si' of Dental Surgeons of Canada. Office—Indian block, Market- St., Stratford, Ont., has now opened out an Office in Seaforth at the Queen's Hotel, where he will be prepared to perfo'•m all dental operations with ease and skill. Office open first Tuesday in every month. ' 563.52 LEGAL. G.ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid - tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario.—J. T. Garrow. Win. Proadfoot. 686 AM1iRON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, `-' Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip , Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506. WILLIAM SMALL, � Con a an � Q Y er and Commis- " Monello Wrnmtar_ AnntinnAm: and C3 -ray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Nature, after alI,. is the great physi. cian. She hides all the secrets of health in her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her for his every need. The discovery of the great cough. remedy, Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum, is an apt illustration of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, toss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of. ac- cess 'hams it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50 cent bottles. 68.1.26 Rest and Comfort - to the Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache. It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wouderfui. Brown's Household. Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of do -utile the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world:, should Appraiser. d.eeounts and notes collected on reasonable terms. T. W. C. MEYER, Barrister and Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Commissioner for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba . Solicitor for the Bank of Har ton, Wingham. Private funds to loan at 6i to 6 per cent. 633 366 691 ORSIONS . B, ENWAY c • sign} Train on • F ' 11TH, 'eve the Great Western 4on eritrate Freight at dpy efere. Apply to ; OR E*WAY, Centralia, x retIe AEgent, xeter. i a SPECIFIC ICT,ES. LL � }OT'A^aOES li R..: I 17— I or Sale, 250 bushels Early R; se o e'toe=,suitable for seed; p ply c n Lot 64, Co ce anon 5,, c$illop. TAS. OREANCE. 697 STOCIt F(0 S NICE. 1 T'• e n ridereigned will ass on 114 Mcliillop, one inth op a Thoroughbred reed - e a limited number qo , p eyable on the 1st 4 t en paid, $1 50. No fl ^ LEVE. N.B.—Also ing , or sale. 698x4 UZ, B L FOR S1 RVC keep on Lot 27, o mile and a halm rout ' unlearn Bull, and Will of eciw3. Terms $i. pe February, 1882, and if sea and price. WM: 4 4 g o{ d stock steers iio • Iis 0 CATTLE 1 BREE ' `Fi The undersigned will keep on his f: ere, of 2, Concession- 8, Huilett, during the co •ing aeasen, that superior Tbgrcnghbred Bull Son•st Sandy." He is front ;he best atbek en sot • shies, is 2 years old and is a sure 3tdck-getter.rTTbrmS--$1 per cow, payable at thle timeaf ter ices, still the privilege of returning if neeeteery. BO ERT699 CH I: AUC'I BRINE , Lice ounty of Hato pars of the rarity. pOH TOB Officwill be 1 ANCIS RA LAND AEN sae fot landed nropert br di stock. de;ttlecel ke . i Office and Arnett Bl ek, Goderibli, Ont. EXANDEIRDEL eer, Mc Top. r ' sae of La ed Pr ements. A11 or• Bis be d at l c se on 14, w•1 be pr b'1 , d 'a X. Dnotes EL( TTYst, I•� Qnet oneer for th ales 4 ttended in al left at the Ex ttended to. or er's ptlYa : tlCI ei l etl riri d fort oma 0129 u BENSON & MEYER, Banisters and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and I Lase] verity Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Beal forth and Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to I nvest at once, at Eight percent . Inters s t,payable yearly. Com miseioner for taking Affidavits for use in t he Courts of Manitoba. JAB. H. BENSON. . H.W. O. MEYEb The above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876, JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER, MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. O1,ICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of inSeaforth. ? Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce - Farm ane Town and Village Property bought and sold. - Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se - moderate. cnrities,4at reasonable rates of interest. Charges . -Money invested, for private persons upon the best mortgage securities, without any expense to the lender. .1 S. G. MaC UGAFY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED, p Afi ONEER AN ention given tc and thorough e English mar Acheson's new berate. 615 ne pe Ira •u •, . a a T ,inensed Audio is att ty, Fa left w i ., or tlyatt firnis ton. ntion given t in Stock an th f the under Lot 14, dor ended to. Sal ed if require 639 Z 0 Z 0 2 m C) 0 h§ I co m rn L FOR SAL LET—S \ rooms •v r Store, cq(aforth. ur 1.rivatede�lling vi poly to A. . AULT Ill 8 • igabl lb frent d oprieto LET. . Anit's Groce or dress .make • d rear entrano • 693 S WO HOU S TO fortable wellin emperance all, in so the ho yh e adjoi nd Skating lMirk ; p oaable. .j ply to.L. t ENT— ; o Bcnt, a co otise joining the 0 nicest 'are of the to g the II minion Curl ession once ; rent re 1 RPHy Seaforth. 800 TOREHO gm TO Re NT.— grain s crehoua �a • the sb r : ilway .tra in Sea or h, with t ticks and i gersal c mpletd; i •mediate] Apply tGiscott o -tri the oprrst rj, RUBE O 0. o rent a go th side of t wo sets of seal possession giv others, Seafortl• . SCOTT, s 7 STI SINTaDV alas ` TIllaivaS WILLIAM ROBERTSON & Co,, MQ 0 0 T aE CELE CANAIIAN a et m set0 ea • cs K td4 07 et - Sal 0 21, 0 Cs' m a fai m CIRCULAR SAW i 1 C C 2 m m In V m r. save-HfloI CENTRAL .DRUG ;STORE, ENFTER, ONTARIO. �s 1 C, m C3 A COMPLETE and 'u 11 Stook of Drugs and Chemicals c nstantly on hand and warranted of the est Quality and at Moderate Price's. Medical Wines and 'Lignoes can be re- lied on asliest quality.' A omplete stook of Trusses, Shouldet Brace , Chest Pro- tectors, &e., always on hand. Also Sta- tionery, Sohool Books, Fanny Goods, &o. I The Central Drug Store, l (Winan's old stand,) directly opposite the Central Ho- tel. 662 C. LUTZ Exeter. LUMBER Fo SALE HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from eS8 BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to:50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, McKILLOP, The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARI) IN SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Lumber can be ob- tained. 11 m z z RATED STALLION, SCOTCNMAN ]'IL LMand for rT the Mill Ro the se aeon, except go by the 4th Conce noon ; and from t 2nd Con cession to TERM 8—$12 to i 700 J. & S. • ares i d, Tue g Bat sion to ence h s own sure. ROAD t his own stable, on ;ersmith, throughout Irdays, when he will James Sproat's, for will return by the table. OOT, Proprietors. Z T OGRE TENT modio s store S+re et, Seal Ith, in t.wn. The s ore is r • om ,30 feet ' n let,g a • le land pee meets ply to WH TNIY o rent Whit best ha ti feet lo large and co n•y's block, M iness part of t •e g with: a st, e Klin the r'ar. Rent real t en on 6 h Jane ry,1: LOT " 8; • 67 —J 0 r MISQ HE GREA OEM eriodie=1 Pial: a ; faring in he Ion dngOrOtL c.i=saelst Confeaubjese 14 ANE i4E REM his ine of all t Which t bring hose g the re Bar and imbarf the hes nd, iron, the let aro lly pre etor. Nort gents Ontain Sento tio ek ailed dant 1011 e caret IeFee lesbd bottl So d R be 1 DY.—teb Mo • medicin oee painful female ponsti ll excess and eedy cure may peetaibily Bait the monthly llseshoald not rat three mon he o bring on s• they are safe. In igne on alight e. t, hysterics, nd re when all o d • loath pack rved. Job Mo 0 and 12* ce p Lyman, g oeer 60 'pills th by Hickso rid 0 C pppea vi •a P A C, p c. p' ct- C. i; 0 0 S m 0••�'I f. p W tY 0 2 U' I K d rn ‘11 sni--1 la CD • ,Cy m ro mare A> 'C rCr. G 1-3 14 m', td es A 2 0 a 14 at • ru co co Ps rn )954 n re rog iq 0 sr cs •perjdruoo eouej OM 10 Imo er{3 0 co oo 1.4 at co ro En - CD es 0 td Lxi E▪ D Ti4,1 ,[14 kr1 "93 ti tii 213 lloolaVd The sat American Remedy for COU ICOLDS, ASTHMA, 'Par E; HOARSENESS AND THROAT 1,A__FFECTI6IVS. Prepared fr 7/1. the finest Red Sprtkce Gunt (Deli- cious Flavor. Bulsamic, Soothi Expectorant and Tonic. upe to any med" ojfered for maleidtheleinaaboive:70841,ki. ints. A. scienti combination. of the Gum. ilk tic 'exudes trent!. the Spruce tree has heard of the won - facts of the Pines in cases of Lung Dis- ease. tihrieFpriaineysie- clans regu- larly send patients to the pine to drink a tea made from the Spruce tops. Its re? caegzaois'tti OR or t onic, and prrrol es eaprmtriesiec_ fully pr e - pared at a PRucy para lure, i ofoyiniefit letes1n.: quantity s7 . o':itt.ic ttill'o: ilef.tde ' i ia-L4:3(4o7 113) 1( -no71:::h?:ii tis -1. ,e (1.11)et. (11iitqs eeific eftet in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs tS now well - known to the publie at large. sold by ail respectable chemists. Tiice, 25 and 50 cents a bottle. The words " Syrup of Rea Spruce Gum" consti- tute our Reyiste.--ed Trade Mark, and our wrapper KERRY, WA TSOAT cr; 00., Who/esa/e Druggists, Sole Proprietors and -}falraraeturera, ItontreaL SUBSTITUTESI ralar The public are cautioned against a custthia which is growing quite comtpon of late among a certain class of medicine dealers. and which is this : When asked for a bottle of Painelil ler, they suddenly discover that they are sold out". "but have :mother article just as good, if not better." -1110). they will sim )ly at the same price. The object of this deception is transparent. These n to sell on the great reputation of substitutes are made t ,the : berntt compounded. of the vilest and cheapest drugs, ere :bought by the dealer at about half what he pays fon the genuine Pain -Killer, which enables him therefore' to i-calize a few cents more profit per bottle upon the imitation article than he can on the FOR CHOL SUMMER OR RA MOT:BUS, CRAMPS, .ken ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. The PAIN -KILLER is. t up in oz. and 5 oz. bottles, retailing at 25 and 5o cents respectiv lyee-large bottles are therefore cheapest. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. aa9a-V • 2 GLOBE- 16 : ^ 20'T roi Flo,: ... oli.o 4 14 ,o ao 0 It CZ ::: I: :::: 8-7:: : C..: ta W.... : : r_3Crst °: F"';571: to -1 el 40 Qese.s"'-174.-Q1-1°2° ° ;54' ,- C4f3' CL IAA EASON OF 1881. EDS, SE Having purchased a Large Stoek of I D AND CAODEN EEDS From the Well-HntAn Hon o Is pr SE pared to offer, either in Bu k ox by the Paper, Good, Fresh and Bel able DS OF ALL INDS, At t e Lowest Possible Price, co slating of a Variety of C. L. ps APST I ographed Chrome Garde, no two cents ; Age ate, big outfit, 10 gents ; D Co., Northfotd, Ct. 64-62 Itc `a313M3r ONd Successor to :17.- OF PTELIDuncan & Duncan, late E. Hickson & Co. AND JEWELRY - In all their branches, kept eenstartly erp hand. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR ! „ FOR RESTORING - el. GRAY HAIR TO ing years, sickness, care, dieappoint- ment, and heredi- tary predispositeon 0,11 tura the hair gray, and either of them incline it tp shed preireturely. Ayer's Hair 'Vigor, by long and cetera - Sive use, has prov- en that t i tops at felling °let of the heir imme- diately ; often ret ews the gr wth ; and always surely restorer! it s color, when faded or gray. It stimu1ates the re -entree °igen to healthy -activ- ity, and preserves bcth the • hair and its beauty. Ers pliable A nd streng thened ; le t hair regrows with lively eepiese:on ; falling et ir is checked and sta Wife to ; flee heir thickees ; and failed or gray ha ra re suree their original color. Its oper- ation i sure and harmless. It cures dandruff, heals a. humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and se —Tinder which conditions, diseases of the scalp TO imecasible. As a, dressing ior ladies' hair, t e Vigor is praised foe its grateful and ill agreea le perfume, and valued for the soft lustre and riehn4 es af tone it imparts. Prepared by cal Rod Azials tics 1 Chemists,. Sold by all Drug- gists trird Dealers in Medicine- 669-52-3 Swede Turnip Field and Garden airrots, Millet and Hunga) 0-rass, Clover and Timothy, And All _Kinds of Garden and - Flower Seeds. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AND PROVISI NS. We have a Full Stock of Groeerie , Crockery, and Prov sions, and would call spec' 1 attention to our arge Stock of Consrating of Moynne, Ping Stray Young Hyson All Fresh and Ne Season, And Better Value than e erbefere offered to he public. Also 111 TRADE MARK. E ngraNing Neatly Executed. RECORD OF THE LYMAN BARB. eneen • FIRST PRIZES AWARDEI THE 4 -BARB WIRE FENCING At Montreal, (Qnebee,) Hamilton, (Ontario), Cincinnati. .(Ohio), Syracuse, (New Meek), and Davenport, (lows), Exhibitions, for Excellenee and Superiority ver all Competitors. The Cheapest and B et Fencing in th World. Adopted and in ns on 19 Railway Lin s in the United States an Canada. See that nr trade mark, " Lyman arb " is stencilled on each reel. Buy to othe . Send for prices a; d circa- ,' Merchants, Seafor h, Sign of the Circalar Saw, ' or to the DOMINION BARB WiltE FENCE , e; TRADE MARK. eeess ss sem zo) Gi e us Call and be convirced that M. Mor- risonis is the right place to buy from. South Side of Main treet, Oppo- site Market Street, TH GREAT ENGR-LII% REA fmtr Y T fa i do r Nii eg: Befor Taking von a Debility and all NI:cons Affections, in- resul ,-4 of Self-abuse, ilndiscretion &c., is GlIA -S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Tliis i the only !ernedy which has ever been known to per - man ntly cure Palpitation and other affections of th Heart, CorstunptIon in its ,earl'er stages, Bus lng of blood to the head, wind in the stomi ch, lndigoititn, Los of Memory, Want of posit on to labor on easel t Of weakneee, Uni- vert' 1 Lassitude, Pain in ihe back, direness Of Nig n, Premature old age eet. Full partieulare je o' t pamphlet, which we se- d securely sealed on r ceipt 01. e. three cent etemp. The Specific is ne 'sold by all Druggists at $1 pee package, or (9 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on rece t of Money, by addressting 689 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. 35 to $2n PER DAY at home. Samples V worth $6 free. Address STIN- SONII Co., Portland, Maine- 692x52 7 501 CAR A WEEK. $12 sp tlay at home easily made. Costly outfit feee. Address TRUE , Augusta. Maine. 692x52 CHROMOS, name in new type,10 cents, by mesil; 40 Agents' samples, 10 cents ; U. S. Co., Northford, CL 695-52 BANKING EilOUSE. SEAFORTH. OFFICE—In the pre ises former- ly occupied by the ank of COM,- merce, and under the Commercial otel, Main Street. i NO!'ES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and Foreigp. Exchange Purchased and Sold. FARM ERS'SALE NOTES Purchased at Reas ble Rates. Money Lent on collateral Securities. Drafts Issued, payable at par at all Branches of the Bank of Commerce. INTEREST Allovvetil on Deport -Its Money to Loan on Manager and .14iroprte. tor. ESTABLISH D 1867. NTE In Ordinary to the itizens of Sea - forth mad Surrou ing Country. Fl!PAIRING IN A L BRANCHES Of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Pine TV atehes Speeialty, LtkRCE STOCK OF AND SILVER Brooches, Ear Rings, Silver Plated grare, Clocks, Fancy Goods, And Spectacles, HE AP ER THAN EVER All Goods Warranted as Represented. M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth.