HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-13, Page 6' 5 " • , _ t 1 6 TH1 H What. the Farmers Should. Know. Farming is of all professions the one which calls for the widest range of knowledge. Is it too much to say that it is of all professions the one for which there has been the least systematic cul- ture? The work of the farmer is turn- ing the gases of the air and the miner- als of the soil into blood, muscle, brain —into living force.- The transforma- tion over which he exercises superin- t•endence is of all the transformations that take place in this marvelous world the most marvelous. He is to be the master and director of nature herself. He is the one, to whom especially and pre-emmently the divine prophecy given to man in the Garden of Eden applies : "Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over every creeping thing that oreepeth . upon the earth.” This sceptre is not to be taken by the ignorant, nor by mere brute force ; it can only be wielded by intelligence. Let us see what the educated farmer in this nineteenth century ought to know in order to be up with the times in which he lives. 1. His work is to get out of the soil useless, inorganic, and even poisonous material, and transform it into shapes in which it will serve the human race. He must therefore know the nature of soils; of what they are composed; what soils are best adapted to what products; where he can get corn,where wheat, where ,fruits of the various kinds. He must know this, not merely by ob- servation on his own limited land, but also by the ability to make chemical analysis, in order that he may apply his knowledge in other localities and to other soils. He must know this in order to know how to select his farm and how to till it to good advantage. For this axiomatic' he never can get out of the soil whathas not first been put into it by nature or by himself. 2. He must know how to prepare this soil ; how to get out what he wants, and how to leave in what he does not want. He must therefore know how to drain it if it is wet, how to irrigate it if it is dry, how to till it when it needs deep and when shallow plowing, and when spade husbandry. lie must his farm and his grain and his trees, as yields bountifully. The only Jrobl know how to feed it ; for he must feed well as his cattle, his horses and him- heretofore has been where tb mar the product. pay. He must therefore kno carry it on with the least eX and the best result. To thie must know his market; the, market of the world. He roue wise judgment on the effectsiuj grain crop of a war in Europe; 'a in Ireland, a protective tariffla inimical legislation abroad, the of new grain fields across the bo he doesnot, when his crops at ered, he is at the mercy of sj or middle men, and sows that reap. Of all the men in the best newspaper money can and keep himself well aoquain the great world's movements.; In a sentence, the ideal firmer is chemist, a physiologist, a mamifcturer, li li how to aditure nd he is, the ave on his famine home, peniIg der. gatli ulatois h y may et-ld, the farmer is the one who should It ke the rchase, d with te a a merchant; all trades and oept teaching, preaching and are combined in his profession ; the perfection of his industri to be the broadest and best e men. Dried. Potatoesin:Ca. A Californian has made) a for pressing and drying potato they will keep for years, yet their flavor. No chemicals ar the operation of curing, every ing done by a simple machin of pressing 600 bushels of p twenty-four hours. The ma oily presses the potatoes, but on a tray in a concave form hollow side down. After the they are put into a drying where they remain for two they are ground into coarse sembling cracked rice. The first shipment of these potatoes to Liverpool, last ye a large profit. The average p tatoes in San Francisco is abo five cents a bushel. D brought in England forty-five a hundredweight, or at the r dollar and a half a bushel for tatoes. This year preparatio made for drying and shipp'n quantities. It is said that h three hundred thousand acre cultivated land on the wester the Coast Range, near San especially adapted to potat The fogs and mists from the o ply sufficient moisture, and 11 t cgs ex igation and for e needs ated ruia. tachie so t 'at reserfve used 'n ing be- capatho toes in ne not Sys them ith the ressuir arattis,1 n4eal s, th;ni esers4id brought e of 'o - wen y , they hillinlgs e of a en po- as be n, la g of re of elope ✓ nois growi ean s he re n' 0 p : • self. He must *know something of the nature and effect of manures and fer- tilizers. And inasmuch as the market is full of fertilizers that do not fertilize, he must know how to protect himself against frauds and quacks of all sorts, whose harvests are always gatherd from the ignorant. He must know, too, how to make the farm feed itself by change of crops and by a wise adaptation of sheep and cattle to the food wants of his farm. He must have sufficient knowledge to enable him to decide -what of the various patent processes that are continually offering themselves will pay, and what of them cost more than they come to. He need not and cannot know all this, but he must know how to learn it all. 3. He intuit be a mechanic. His suc- cess as a fancier will depend on his choice and use of tools; and that in turn will depend on his acquaintance with at least the fundamental princi- ples of mechanism. The machinery adapted to the prairie of Illinois is use- less on the hillsides of New Hamp- shire. He cannot act on general re- commendation of vendors, or even agri- cultural newspapers ; he must be able to judge of the adaptation of plow and harrow and cultivator to his own fields. He must be a practical mechanic as well. He cannot afford to send off to the city to a machinist, or even to the village for a blacksmith or a carpenter, for every break. The modern farmer is in some sense an engineer, and he must be able to repair as well as to run his engine. Whether his cows , give !good milk or poor, whether he sells his but- ter at fifty cents a pound or can sell it at no price, depends on hie outbuild- ings and his dairy room ; and this again depends on his knowledge of the prin- ciples of construction and ventilation. 4. Much of his labor is necessarily performed by horses and cattle. Much of his success depends on their condi- tion, and on that of his pigs, hens, sheep, d6c. He must therefore be some- thing of a veterinary surgeon. He ought to be acquainted with animal physiology ; to know the nature of the operations on which their health de- pends ; to know what are the laws of animal., hygiene, what conduces to health, what promotes disease. He ought to be familiar with those forms of vegetable and animal life, parasites, which are one of the most common causes of disease and disaster. He ought to have a good microscope and know how to use it. If he has the in- strument and the knowledge, he will have abundant opportunity to employ them both. 5. In any farming on a large scale, he must employ at times considerable help. He has to deal with men as well as with animal and vegetable life. He needs, therefore, to be acquainted with men ; to have skill in managing them ; to know how to make their industry so adapted to immediate and prospective needs that the losses will be reduced to the least possible fraction, and the re- turns will be the largest possible. In. other words, he must ruiderstand the labor problem in all its various aspects —tenant ifarming, hiring labor, working on share, co-operative farming, wise distributon of labor. His work in this respect requires much more practical sagacity and skilful administration than the management of a great fac- tory, where every branch of work be- comes a zoutine, and endless repetition. On the farm there is no routine ; there is endless variety. 6. Farming is a perpetual battle. Every Every harvest is the spoil won oh a hard-fought field. The farmer Must understand the tactics of his enemies, and mast know how to conquer them— weeds, insects, birds, various forms of disease, late rains, long droughts, early frosts. He must know how to pit one against the other ; how to make ' the birds kill the insects; how to fore4st ; how to adjust his crops so that neither driving rain, nor a scorching drought, nor an early frost will neutralize all his labor and leave him with absolutely empty granaries. He must avoid put- ting all his eggs in one basket, or all his baskets in a row, where one disaster will overwhelm them in a common crash. 7. He is not only manufactur, r, but merchant. His laboratory is riot an endowed institution. He must make it Sheep Washing in A Washington letter to tl Globe says : American wo and woollen manufacturers been at war on the question d The growers say it is a erne men and animals to requir and it is noticed that the shi very materially, even so fa Ohio, where the 'streams very cold up to shearing McKellar told how they wa Australia and New Zeali construct large dips in whic is warmed and kept up to ture of about 100 degrees Benches of battens are mad the suface of the vat upon sheep is held for washing. is thoroughly lathered, pounds of soap being use sheep. After lathering, t removed to another table spout, through which clear with the force created by pressure above. The water in iron pipes to a sort of tr the length of a sheep. The of this trough is split, the which can be regulated by any required width. Upon neath this spout the sheep turned till thoroughly wa they are released and run paddock of English grass, as white as the driven day's washed are moved up dock; to -morrow's wash place, and so on for six day washing and before the sh the sixth day after the sheep are takeu into a s sometimes thousands are time for shearing. As the the fleeces are graded, the and ends being separated into screw presses, wher baled for the London mark The Lord of Bur 1 1 t 0 1 y all Bos grow ve 1 vashi to b vasbi fall outh e usu sheeP i d. They te w4ter temper9- a)trenhi. just above hich the lie fleiece cant 100 fdr 10O shee is neati a er polirs, owerful ed clOwn gh, about ower edge olening of s4rewsI to table be- e geld nd ed, w o a 0] ith "fl o one e t fter ing. • The Lord of Burleigh the Marquis of Exeter, wh poor cottager. He was artist, indeed, but he was n ful artist delineated by the son. • Lord Exeter was a w had been unhappily mart vorced from his wife by Ac ment. He was a man wh aside all the trappings of r take himself to quiet ways ing about the country to pa guise he used to wander thr secluded districts, and wise among us know the r which such solitary wan He made friends 'of the pe and became on great terms with some of the humble readers will recollect that this kind -was the case w Byron and a Lord. Aberd was one poor. cottage w especiaily made welcome, for two or three years, h headquarters. It so happ the course of these wan. Exeter fell ill. In his fav he was nursed and well ca of those who attended th with the greatest kindness was a daughter of the h. girl of 15. The sick mar touched by this kindness a It is a curious fact that y aged man often falls in lo a young girl; and it is a curious fact that the you just as often, or as seldom, with the middle-aged man. till after the marriage that incongruity between May be r is made apparent. Lo; termined to make the yo bride, and enthrone her "Burleigh House by Sta Things, however, were not aged as set forth in the Exeter thought that his fu both too young and too u her great position. The was sent to a good school, an excellent training. All religiously preserved the rank. They were marrie came the great sensa.biona his declaring his rank, an her as the Lady of Burleig anclaoly conclusion of Te lad is, in the main, true e 0 r 11 • 3rcung giri thns married , ,had several cluldrer , and then she faded away. Perhaps it was, as the, poet says, "through the burden of. Et greatness to which she was not born" Perhaps it w Eta not oP1 the inequality of station, ut the inequality of age and tastes. uch is the true story of ` this romantic d fa iiious Marriage. t comets to me direct y through a rother of the , a i unbeneficed cl rgyman of the C rch of England, w o, though :'ent delle e at !the expenee of • his brot or - i4 le.w, ad reasons for afterward re- f 3ing • rom ton from he Exeter f il'. 113 *a for many, ears onra of S fton, near Liverpool. The bri e's n nae as] the unpoetical one of Ba ah (win , may be verified b a erene It the Peera e. --,London So- off 11 a 11 f t f ell ean, ece To-• ad- eir the Ort 4iing j th • wher und alt 1 are shorn llies,flanki d throw they ar gh. of course married arnateui the youth oet Tenny wer.111 ed, and: di df Parlia used te la , and be wander In tine h va*ion y of th and nie rings giver ntry intimae ople. Ou nothing lt a Lor ep. her re he wa nd which eil that, i ade hi nings, Lor te cottag d for. On pick pee • atentio se, a yiiung was gr atly latten 'pion . iF middle - with 4uite till more girl will. 1 in love Et was not tae radical Dedem- Exeter dee girl hie n state at old town.,1 4ctly roan- yric. Lor e wife wa dhcated fo oung ady nd received his time he rat of his and then surprise o welcoming • The mel, yson's bal. Ugh. The 1111 • 11 t n t a f • • a t t • g 11 9 as iild , w dut tol re w F ther Goe to Bed. onia believe th t there was ibe,lhowever eiily in other hioh should carry its folly demand that oi the birth the father shou 11 the mother es 'of the hou ti4t there ar dei spread tha historic 99 000 Pg a nth s sti 1 ng on tre ear oh ent • itt he' to s st th m k, b t t k, :nd sic hi t ir can y w neit Iloul f t ad wer tur • e ric hia 'se o de one mee y. nt out tli om 11 er: ing mo on eat ats ds ts er ent Fite f ha n of 0 pa u SO ba he een e W eatm along , "a a dm n nt i atw Unit t into 11 Ibar iiroper 11 I ne re - BO of d take to his ttended to all held. Yet we few ous ms i this, attested 1 evidence during ne ly . Marco P lo found it ex - the Chin e in the t i ir- ry, and th game ous m practice a few years go odern Ba ties. This is also de cribed by lb use among the Caribs in dies. Wh n the chile is ther goes re8ont1y to .er e father tallies to his h:here be he is v sited as tho gh , and underloes a cours of h would o re of the g put plete of dermen. :low fast so lon: and not die is onderfnl. or six mon hs her birds n r fish lest he participat 1 in the nut i ral 6 animals on which he fed. For nstance, if he to have an alderma • ic tle, the ohil would be • eaf brains. T ie only expla I a- ystery is ,to be found in Purch wh3 re a .great fat icted going up stairs w'th her arms, he real ma ter , while the nominal ow er kiy gettin himself out of "Without e aggeratihg he hich a 1 sband recei es elves," *Aye Mr. Max. ul- se interest i g periods, tiot mother -i. law, sistersjin- relatives, ut rem every er- nnot be denied ffering, his orally remar ed er, and if a y.- ich it is po sl - sure to hes heaiF of og en ch • d o her femal rsee-,in fact, thej hbuse—it ie iis wife is S. frcin pain is g ith, jealona an: !oes vrongfor •• •1are hina,lae 1 his oots are ciciaking, if his mg, if the etre* has not b y 14d down, do s he not ca he rgoSy. i Costs t be Bri e maid. "It s n4 trifling e pense to be a 'de aid t a fashid able weddi g," s a W hirtton cot espondent of he artf i•r4 onn., Even ng Post. "L te- a I ady hearing nother ask er ; Eimgh er 4 she Was td Ibe an attend nt a c rtain wedding, romptly ans er- 'N o; I am tired o paying at least 4:100 fir t le dress she wears whene er e is a b 'demaid. he has bou:ht :sae fo that purp se seven t' e es, !Ind t sat 14 enough.' f course a ha • d - me 'tree nt is ala ys given b • a Itidenaid to the bride, which adds c in- dera ,1y 10 the cost o her attenda • ce he trieud. The st man' at solo e eddi i gel s forced to ay out a pod .iind snixl for bouque s for the bede- aids I know of or instance w ere a, youog g ntlewan, o could ill aff erd wa til that he w uld be expe ed to pre ent each of twelve bridem ids !With a ouquet of !rosebuds. Tl4ere Were to oomsmen at that wedd'ng, and o s ly x ushers, sb the unfortu ate best an, after be bad accepted. !the pbst, - as oolly told that he wouldbe equed td provide the round dozen of uq ets. V II IRON EX.posiToRi, E SEAFORTH •ri MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. 111 • Ay o be noon hon hon reat ellec hem hon Want an el laree oln riche hu 1, 11 axi uart Editor B Work. un man wrote that he wan ed orate an editor, and this was he ageMent he received: '`C nst raw up a leviathan with a h ok etteet down ? C4nst thou hook up dea from the depths of thy itt- anL clean a) 4 scale and try i at ve mmut s notice ? C nst rit editorials . s they may be d tc measnre ? ! Canst thou w 'te torial to fit ina three -qua ter n of the paper, vhich shall have inches of fin sentiment our frond the begin ing, nine in hes or inthe raidd e, an outburs of and preesept nine and th ee- r inches long a the close?" SC4%4T BROTHERS P.OPRIETORS. N E 11 ti AULT' CROCEOY, SE FQ TH e Proper Place to Get Wiat ou Want Fir4t-Class, wad NT Y U ORGET 111." 11 T TOR1! Ti.TNE : " CORK LEG." If yon vant a diink to' please, P ralutee some 1 Anl,'s Fine Testa ; N w py do nt call, hoe a joke, A Atil is you'll get 6/1St-class Kaoka. i Il I A iitti4 voice does sweetly mutter, Gi to A. G. Ault's fo putter ; Y u're lways sure to gait there, C stal Glass, and Cr/ bakery Ware. _,1! k epe Canned is ruits. Sardines an Sal motn, omat4oee, Peaches, 'int no gamntont; Stare , Blue and Sole, Dried Hops in p ith 1 Sugar from &maim', I Broome won't suitiion, 'tis your fault, F r no buying them tom A. G. Ault ; H s Scrubbing Brush0 and his Pails, -• T please the public ter fails. F ortr,Barley, OatmEal, Bice and Feed, A Rican supplyi what e'rer you need ; 11 ir Oil to mak year !heads look slick, AI pie Molasses good find thick. I c per T.clost I think it oI 7 fair, T say Ault uses all folk's square ; 1 .call on him, thong yon're a stranger 1 A Tory, a G-rit, or a f' Eger. I I ' sTh e lines are Xespeelfully dedicated to the tro s of A. G. AULT, 0 roeer and Provision arch nt, Alain Street, 80 forth. 1 I We ha e have hese Ma Leads a r • r YOR k WEBER PIANOFORTES. e great pleasure in announcing that lOri appointed Wholesale Agent s for Meant Instruments. 1ANS. ORGANS. THE EXCELSIOR the TORONTO INDUSTRIAL EXII I- $ITION, September, 1880. In co petition with the Celebrated Makers of Canada, the EXCELSIOR ORGANS were award- ed a DI Ionia for speciellealares not contained In any o hes, while embodying at the same tint e all the ploi4e On which any other exhibitor re - ceived ai alvard. I • BUY THE EXdELSIOR. 11 I This), are the Beet in the Market. NSIOF OTHER MAKES SUPPLIED RCA Agerlits lnt,ed,on salary or commission. SC TT BR 1 i 1, J eatorth, - OTHERS, • -r MAY.. 13,1.881. SEAFORTH BOOT AND IM SEAFORTH 44 GRIC UiTURAL ii1ENT EMPORIUM. 0. . WILLSON, PROPRIETOR, Hes now on hand a full Stock of 11111......"111110111.1111% SHOE SHOP, 1 CHANGE OF BITIN o SIGN OF tHE MO BOOT. o A. Po TT 1\T 0 1=1 Po i\T i—s SE ING MACHINES I Consisting of the following kinds • Waner C., W nzer F., 33 Wilson B., Louise, And o her 4nakeH always in stook. It is now an aoknofaloded fact that the Wanzer seriee of Sewin Ma hines are ahead of any in the market, the Wcnze C. being SOv1THING BEAUTIFUL 1 Its prinolp and roomy ity of all i harde ed A On b bar, with_ Is 1points of excellence being the large opium under the arm, the adjustabil- s parte; the principal ones being of teel ; -A- S FOR1 ONE MONTH. OT.Ti•TP T 0 S E I i 0 E E __ FIIST•NCLASS CUS TEEL FEED th si es of the needle; a triangular needle th oil cup; nickle plated balance wheel, eon pulley; Positive take up ; XlIREMELY LICHT RUNNING, With little or no noie. Thews are Emma of the lead g features in thie popular machine. AC A and • om WORK try MR. E. GRIEVE. Ask Our'rices and Be Convinced; WM. LOGAN, Seaforth. IMM••=1111•11,.. elOne Oils and Needles ALWAYS ON HAND. ng Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notioe. ICOLTURAL IMPLEMENTS 8 • k of Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, hers, Sawing Machines, Root Cutters, hinery belonging to the brsiness: Call o. nd See Our Goods! 116fore purchasing elsewhere. Wil;LLSON, - SEAFORTH. it BOOTS AND SHOES. ROBERT WIALIS / T.TAVING *oilmen:0d business on his own aceount in -1-A- the Store in Strengs Blook, ITIPILIX STREET, SEAIFORTM, Next door to M. Morr BOWS Grocery, ie now prepared to farnith all who'ill favor him with their patronage with h firet-olass &Mlo Itt Boots and. Shoes of any knOwn description, tie will Keep Only the Bet, and his practical knowledge of and long experience in thbbusinees enables hlM. to purchase in ,,, such a way as an nt fail to be beneficial to customeils. . i 1 G IV 111MA TRIAL. CUSTOM WIIILK of Every Kind Promptly At- tended to. member the Stand and the Name . . ROBERT WILLIS, Seaforth. MR$ E. WH1TNE; IsIBLA-FORT11-1 nitsmEs 110 state to her custonierselatil -1-' *Olio that. she ilea disposed of herteui Stave Boni ess to her sns, OHAETAis..-e •1111 GEO GE WULTNEY, who have had theiebt pal eharge of the business for severalyeukw she hopes the same liberal patronage Witt, extendedto tthem that lias been accordeleii: self for so ny years. WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW BLINDS LUMS SCOTT'S BLOCK, ADDRES SMIITH.—" Good morning Jones JOES—" I am going down to furniture, you see mine is getting pHs*. Our baby wants a new orad county." TRY N & WILSON, IN comers ion with the above Mena/let beg to tate that they will walnut* on hand, at the Old Stand, a lull stock of ST9VS OF ALL KIN% —AND-- Tiwairelof Every Description. ore atto prepared to do Ow* Work of Every Descriptioneggli Short4t Notie, and Cheap, Hexing aIrrough practical knowledge 0116 business in 11 its braoches, they hope time the large patronage which has beeeilm, to Me old and well-known house for kr* year. WHITNEY BROTHgRt N433, --A11 parties indebted to Mre.W1114 will please settle their indebtedness with* onc, as the old basinesg settle can d until the firi accounts wi leaton. 665 new firm open new boots eel* must be (doge& Perth* deelttio so at the store of Vfhitney t of October- After that Wilk be put into other hands fors : MRS. E. WIT661, SEWIsIG MACHINES( SEAFORTH, ONT. 0 THE ELECTOR. wherie are you going to ?' M. ROBERTSON'S Fur '1.titre Warerooms, to get some new 'eyed out and I want to et some first rate furniture at very low e, and they say that he hs the very best and .ahespest in the ADID.RESS.-7o the Fre and Independent M. MARTSsetgesrtoasntatetohlt he has removed to the remises lately oceupied by Mr. John Kid re e, ath as a Hard he is now prepared to fprnish everything in the Furniture line at re:ark-ably low prieee. Intending purehasere will find it reatIy to their advantage to call and examine his stock -before purehasirig elsewhere. Repairing p omptly attended to. Farniture made to order on very short notice. Pictitre framing a specialty. All work guaranteed e Farm produce, feathers, wood and lumber taken ln corthenge. HIS UNDE TAKING DEPARTMENT 18, 10 formerly, under his own sup rvisinn, and will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stook of Caskets, Coffins, Shro' iads &e., will be found complete, and at the very lowest rate. Funerals attended in the co try. A Hearse for hire. Remember the place. M. ROBERTSON SEA.FORTH. reopk ot HUrOil : THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. '1414.17ING put an Engine into the Fitting Shop to drive Lathes,.Planes and Drig, independent of -2-1- the Plow Grinding and Polishing Machinery, par ties wanting work done Can have it at any time, as rite= will be up every wo king day. ALL REPAIRS OH EtlitiESI MIL -LSI AND OTHER MACHINERY Attended to on short notice. Onh ‘Cuttars, Land Rollers,Gaiag Plows, furinehed by parties wanting the ea Iron ;;1 end vrerranted hard end tonglj shop IIs fitted with Grinding Stones Engies, Boilers, GHIA and Flourin Specifications for Mille, &c. All A, mations on all kinds of Machinery. 13.—As Mr. J. S. Ranciman Mr. Rai:Oman until his return. nd and made to order, Horse Powers, Grain Crushe re, Straw rate Bars, &a. Plow Cestinge made to ordei from patterns e. Plow Pointe a speoislty, made from Genuine Plo w Point Will also Fit, Grind and Polish Plow Cas tinge cheap , as the nd Emery Wheele for each work. Will ale o take Cont riots for Mills, Saw Mills and other Machinery. Will Make P1 ens and teratione on Mills or Engine, attended to. Will also raske val- J. S. RUXCIMAN, Seaforth. has gone aw ay for the Winter, the business will be carried ou by 0 PI 4.."=" 1\T 8 TIfIE PEOPLE'S POPULAR HOTO. GALLERY. • VXkEL8I0B, DOMINION, BE wring no travelling or oth give ny customers the benefit, and A. C N. B.—The Manufacturers' L & CO.'S, and other makes sn pplie d at Bottom Figures. rr expenses in connection With this branch of my busines, I can nable them to procure au Inetrument at a reation able price. DER, Over Wilson & Young's Store, Seaforth, Ont. arantee given with each Organ, and will be endorsed by vie. 11 R. N. BRETII .1 g SEAFORTH, e and Retail Dealer in LATKEB Ind HOZ FINDINGS of Every Dsorlpl1on. e but the Very Best Stook kept., Terms te. A Trial Solicited. AU rdert by m4 or o endure promptly filled. BU'LTT. LE CREDIT FONCIER I rr11181 new Company, formed fOr tate purpose of 1- investing French Capital 1n Canada, Is now prepaied to advance money on the most favorable terms on good landed sesnritieg. M P. HATES, Agent for County of Huron, SeatOrth. 69 JAMS WATS() Dea er itt ailktnds of FirtClass FAN1111.1e; AND MANUFAO ING SEWING MACHINEL Knitting Machines Lawn if Sad Irons, Sewing iliadtile airs, ;Needles, Oil, Attach c, & '. I um the 0 LY Agent in this parte)! tbe0vii for the Celebrated WHITE ; SEWING MACHU/ wattle has 4kcceeed in taking the Fird for two year :in succession at the Beata over all its a mpetitors. Also AgenI Osborne A, for the Wheeler & wiameak- ilson, Warmer C, and -any a enstomer Tay want. All Kinds of Sewing Mae Repaired. Seoond-liaird Machines taken in exalisipt part payment for New Machines, and ¥ahe sold on easy monthly payments. Satisfaction Guaranteed, JAMIES WATS01 MA.:N STREET, SEAORTH. OFFICE—n Campbell's Block, oppeeikii Mansion Ho l. KO ! OR EGMONDViii ETYIEYS FLO11111 C AND SAW MIU JAiMESKYLIi Bes to info his friends and the publit entity that his EW' SAW MIL Is now in full working orde, and he ley pared to do CLUS SAWIii Or the sho est notice and most rust te e. Hebiaaisoonliandand for sale ALL KINDS OF SAWN LU )31118 Promptly Filled. HIS FLOURING Is in charge of a First -Class Millar, aril prepared to -do 9RISTING AND CHOPPM On the Shortest Notice: Good Work aar Satisfaction guaranteed. emembe, when you wants grist gretteill b lof lumber sawn go to the Egmondville 69k JAMES KYLE, • TBE CANADIAN BANK OF COM OFFICE, TORONlit HE Paid up est, 'apiutl, - so ▪ 1,404, reside t, Hon. Wm. .3fet S ,AFORTH BRACH. The Seafo h Branch of this Bente° $celve de its, on which interest is te most fa orable terms. Drafts on 11 the principal towns and C nada, on Great Britain, and on S steer, bo ht and sold. Omce—Flrst door South of the'LJo Htel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, IWO SEAFORTH PLANING 3f114 SASH, DOR AND BLIND Mei Esabsc iberbegs leave to thanthis enetomer for thehberalpatronage bm since o mmencing business in trju.tshat1i may be favored with acad. o the samei, Partiesintendingto build would dams ; a call,ahe will continue to keep on 1irge stook f *Minds el ry Pi Lumbe, Sashes, BiivL an4 Moldings, ig Lath, cc. f - Hefeeleco fidtt of givingsatisfie viiho mayfa °whip withthelwaa bat first-elisworkieenareemployed. Partienla atteition paid to Cushion 1 JOI1N H. BROAD RITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, Oat. WM. COX, Proprietor. This e Qnlete4 Most Comfortable "and -110 eted Ito le in the Province. The mmodiou and the Table and Bar sppliedCpod stabling in connection.- Sag A " • EK in your own town. 1-11-7 $5 outfit free. Address H. CO., Portiaui, Maine. y 1% 1881. A Criticism. OD- G Cathedral. The late Dr. Robertson bad, while in the parish droll old ohuroh attendant of Walter Nicoll, whom comeand visit him after moved to Gasgow. Wat verttured oa the, to him, liey, and Was received by with great kldnesa. among other plaets, through the Cathedral, were coming away from a asked Watty what he thou if it was not better than Mains. But Watty only paid "Aweel4 sir, bigger, but she has nae 1 Bair fashed thae pillars "WatKcpt the Ho There is no niore• nom 'the streets of Galveston t house. Even two-storey f by the liberal use of eble. and rollers, are moved fro to vacant lots many block This explains what Bi alter the oyster sup a few nighte ago and h home, Gilkooly found hi to a lamp post and ejaen up yer mules 1" "What do you mean, Bi "Wat do yer shuppose you sho intossicated yer e can't erosh street till hous cam Witip up yer mul The house that Pitz moving wa e of brick, four and kept in place by a gage.--GaZeeston Hews. :As theri rile Thin Clinks." jessy, of the Crown, simplicity, was quite a very early life she was e young fellow of rather do actor. Reverence for the Olin all iit those simpl consulted her pastor whe should take her Buitor, a being against the mate rather delicate ground, an could not of course take i say, but he asked so 123 questions regarding her Jessy saw what he meant she would never have hi on a Saturday. Ou the lowing she was back at tell the minister that the as she came to the kirk o :mg day, had rung, "Ta tak' him, Jassy,, soais ears, that if a voice ha words thy could not hav she had, therefore, the el Providence to take her 1 thing was settled.—Tito Epps's Coe Grateful and comfor thorough knowledge of th whieh govern the opera tion ttjr1 nlaition, and b plieati In of the fine proe seleete I coboa, Mr. Epps our br akfast tables with flavoreil beverage, which many heavy doctors' bils. judicious use of such artiel a constitution nitay be gr up until strong enough t tendency to disease. Hui tle maladies are &main ready to attack wit is a weak point. We many a fatal shaft by kee well fortified with pure properly nourished frame vice Gazette. Sold on] labelled --"James Epps & pathie Chemists, London makers of Epps'eChoai* afternoon use, 482-2 Mothers ! Mothers 1 Are you disturbed broken of your test by a f. ering and crying with thl pain of cutting teeth? once and get a bottle of Boothing Syrup. It poor little sufferer im pend upon it; there i about it. There is not earth who ha,s ever iise not tell you at onee that the bowels, and give rest and relief mad health to t athag like magic. It isp use in all cases, An.d. taste, and is the prescrip the oldest and best fern and nurses in the United everywhere at 25 cents a ButTeasing a Messrs. E. Hickson druggists of the town, ar the times and ready to ea of their many custome just received a supply el remedy that is astoeiehi its marvellous -cures. Discovery- for Copsumpti Colds, Asthma, Bronchi Plithisie„ Croup, Whoopj ling in the throat, Lees ne,ss, or any Affection of Lungs. This remedy as thousands can testify believe it call at Messrs1 Co.s Drug Store, and g free of cost, or a regale, $1. As veu value your trial anti' be convince already have been. 65 4 Gray's Syrup of (rum. Nature, after ali, is t elan. She hides all the in her broad, generous needs but to go to h( need. The discovery o remedy, Gray's Syrup Gum, is an apt illustrat a cure fa Coughs, Cold and Hoarseness it et- whle its low price and cess places it within tt Try it and be eanvinee keep it in 25 and 50 te Rest and Comf Suffert Brown's Household equal for relieving ps an:d. external. It chree babit, or bowels, sore tism, toothache, lumba of -.pain or ahe. It Timken the blood apd mg power is won( Household Panacea, ledged les the great pi of double the strengt elixir or liniment in