HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-13, Page 3it, of $I,: Let first. grail Pring runs.. goo4 land paid'. rms. etor. Orth. etor. 598 c and l�a vile} tre tai trade. ompt also t res, nil en com. niche 11Ae -west INETe ids of .e most auger :1 Beef Spiced Ought PER aced in rtiets to .'esveral ere wail th. M,s neeroue or their ire, aad. ;tion to :rads in s prem - 1 to;pay BICE slivered tTH. cod dry ON TORY. tR q Order, t, Bug. :ba their n brief- both as :nnot be. rte. - eve nfr ry yon having ears. eRER. UP. r. Henry F vicinity 6 general ,unty, wa to give :, and to mariner.. ire, Cut - kept on tanned or 'LIMS. pAN 3ie in ail harmony no write ,osers to ttention t approve develop u t extra: cheeps& reet, first &73 ILIO. EiniOn of ti in .Fein.- Ie of the V ikon to bre-en/bey feet, as I that lint t_c within € c•n their :1F under- and the ,ceeful on aeon, ancon. :its said eRK and [,rel DON Fry, Wan. <ae low as 0 penmen' ehor Line ,.and cone- Seaforth TED. SAP .FORTS, 1.4 buying' ee4 old. sEIARP • MAY 13, 1881. HE HJ .QN E1:POS%TQR, 3 o' them as bred strife between him an' His words caused a great fear to arise in my heart,: and yet I could not be- lieve that John had wronged his broth- , There might have been angry words, but I darednot think of sin. "•Hy poor boy," I pleaded, "in pity tell me how your brother died." ,.ay, be manful, an' speak out thy heart," urged Phil. John trembled sorely as we spoke, and murmured in the s me low voice, speaking rather to him if than to us : "God knows I loved t' lad ; I alms lov- ed him when he were a wee bit chap, an' had no thought of ill ever comin' between would ny life forhim;but h ron ed givenmy did, an' I were bitter against t' lad—ay, as bitter as death." The last words were spoken in a strange, hoarse whisper, and he shud- dered, like one. in deadly fear. Strive as I would I could not drive away that cruel, haunting suspicion. Had there ' been violence ? Was my bonnie, well -beloved lad his brother's murderer? The agony of that thought was more that} I could bear, and I de- termined to know the truth. "Barton Verity," I exclaimed, )'I in- sist upon your telling the meaning of this. If my boy be dead, how did he meet his death ? I cannot understand his brother's words." "I cannot tell t' lad's meaning, Mis- tress Carew," said Verity ; "but I can speak of t' young muster's death." Then, in his own way, he told us the particulars of the sad story. The day previously Stevens was ill, and wished ane to go home. When the Flying hoisted signals that she was bound for the port, John said that Stevens could go in the coble, if only Hal would take him and bring it back. So the two started, althouth Hal hesitated, and would fain have held back. John spoke Some taunting words, and so urged his brother to go against his will. The sun had. set, and it was already growing dusk, before the Coble Iwas seen to put off again from the Flying Jane. In the meantime the wind had risen, threaten- ing to blow a gale, sq that John gave orders to hoist sail and meet the lad. But even before they got well under way, the storm was upn them, and the fishing craft almost heeled over as the blast struck her. But in a moment she righted herself, and. went driving ahead toward the coble. In afew minutes they "n in the surf, but The only chance Crow him a rope e leeward side. toward the lad, bows with a to fling it to .at was growing rapidly dark, but thereq was still suffi- cient light. to see the Coble as it rushed by on the crest of a wave. All thought that Hal was saved ; but in a moment a fearful erg was heard, and John stag- gered from the bows, and fell prone upon the deck. When they looked out astern the little boat was driving rapid- ly away into the darkness. The sail- ing craft was put about, but nothing could be seen of my poor lost boy. The next day they found the coble floating keel upward. - John had not moved during the tell- ing of the story, only at times moaning piteously. Suddenly he rose and caught hold of his father's hand and looked pleadingly iu his face. "I would ha given jmy life to save t' lad. His loss were his ain work. There's no mark of Cain on my brow , ye wun- nut think it—say ye wunnut ?" "Not if all the world said it, my bairn ; but nobody has sic a thought. Thou's mad wi' grief, and man go an' rest theeself. Yell happen be all right t' morn." I took him by the hand and led him from the room. When I kissed him at leaving he laid his head upon the pillow and sobbed aloud. His sorrow had struck me dumb : I could but leave him alone. The men had gone when I returned to Phil. What followed I must pass over in silence Hitherto I had re- strained my sorrow, but now it gave way without hindrance. There could not be any doubt about my darling's death ; he would never return to those who loved him so fondly and sorrowed for him so deeply ; never, until the sea gave up her dead. (To be Continued.) saw the latter plunge struggling bravely on. of saving Hal was to tl as he passed by on th Verity steered straight and John stood in th rope in his hand read his brother. The nig ently a t�sty looking old man, an old bachelor if ever there was one, turned in his seat and snarled : "Can't yon shut that child up ?" The light that gleamed from her eyes was dangerous, as she hugged the baby a little closer and fired back at him : "I can shut you up a good deal quicker." The howl of approbation went up all over the car, and he shut up. —There is a certain Galveston fam- ily that does not attend church as regu- larly as they should, but they send the oldest boy every Sunday to keep up ap- pearances. Last Sunday the head of the family said : "Go dress yourself, boy ; it's time for yon to go to church." "I would like to know," responded the boy, sulkily, "why I ain the only one in this family who has got to be religious." "Because you need it the most, you scoundre stern p martyr's —Mr. rather short tempered, and had a wife named Rebecca, whom for brevity's sake he addressed as Becky. He kept a diary, and among other entries this one was very frequent : 'Becky and I had a rippet, for which I desire to be humble." A gentleman who had been on a. visit to the minister went to Edin- burgh and told the story to a minister and his wife there, when the lady re- plied : "Weal, Mr. Mair must have been an excellent man. My husband and I have sometimes tippets too, but catch me if he's ever humble." - --that's why 1" thundered the rent, feeling for the young hair. Mair, a Scottish minister, was A Fiendish Joke. "I think," said a well known orches tral leader, "the best joke ever played, in this town was on an ambitious ama- teur pianist when Gottchalk was here. The amateur's father was the owner ori a large Ball, and he offered the use of it to Gottschalk for his benefit. There was to las a piece for eight pianos, and the amateur was to play one of the in- strnmenits. I was leader. I thought Gottschalk would'have a fit when t told him that the amateur Couldn't play three straight notes of the piece." "He is sure to throw ns all out," said I, "and rain the performance." "Gottschalk swore like a major, but 'twas no good. The bills were out, and he couldn't go back of his programme, even if the gift of the hall for the night was no consideration to him. At last I hit on an idea that fixed the whole business. The amateur came down to rehearsal, and we praised him up until he thought he was to be the star of the night. jAs soon as he left we took the hammers out of his piano and made . it as dump as an oyster. I guessed he would never know the difference, with seven ianos going at once." The uneful convention laughed. bilae," said hila thumb g "Yez had' 613 ricks wid av that ugly; ye who is bo D'uff's voice e.tent of hi': "Yez have traansitory j better slap°, the lady in o y served an's tepnp': h a thumb, pulse he', ma a moment t apd day wa vdhich fell rapidity on�`. f mily, whit drowsily off o evils whela Ii r Dn i , getting madd it(i r. n e ter , of be thrying sir. 1• o, 'or r '11 nd' ye 'wan ide. Y 6 aw; of yours that''ull t ohei a oft e Duff family." Mr. ose as herealized the full hurt. • b n • ' ' ng yerself into •• -ja ,. s, P t, and yez had • t off b : for lunch," replied con •ilial ry tone, which to : av to the gentle - into : *act sympathy 'with if ra wit • an irresistible iin- e goo • his threat, and din e swe:t 'litude of the pot ✓ del br pken by bows t • '1. co jugal force and • o h t • e his as of the tiff he • um a bee hum sed Or . izin aver great ess tnk • dam, Too .ttilru ' a,I amain. While A a Reh : n,te well known alctress, was in I/o isvi le a short time a o, a S,'out erI ,.entleman, a pl nter o consider le+ ye • rs and fortun , al - 1 wed herd arms o dv'ercome his long s stained ale Sion to Matrimony, and approached t fa"rilady with prop silo f marr ago h: following cony res- ton is th po i ted by a 'vera ions IL,ouisville seri.) e t ih be ensued : become your e, esire time ton r - position ; sego dd, I ur consent to . two Ls "And just as I thought," said the leader, i hammering on the table wit his glass, "that amateur or his friend never discovered the trick." "No ?", "No;' sir ; he just sailed in, and pound- ed on that piano as if it was the Fors enemy he ever had. He was bound t show off among so many good pianist and hammered on his key -board ant the perspiration nearly blinded hi Now and then I looked at him appro ingly to give him , fresh courage; an every time that I did he gave the pian a lick that nearly made matchwood it. His friends all around threw bo quete-at him till he looked like a we ding arch, and when it was all over s fond parent fell on his neck in t e green -room and slipped a check for $2 0 into his hand. The old- man didn't know whether he was standing on h s head or on his heels, he was so tickle - and the way he set up the wine for t crowd"was a caution. "Didn't he do fine," said he to "amerag so many first-class professio als, tqo." "I never heard an amateur do so w in public," said I, and what's more meant it, eh ? Don't you think I w right ?"—San Francisco Chronicle. •• e 1 • • • • • "If I con sir, I shoal stand yo should des proposition "Name'' "You m ing on the least." "Umph i would."." yo Of tobacco cigars." ' I "What Y' in his ch arlor, an his lips t 'vhistle.' I' "Great' well," and "I mean "Come, speak 'c !promise. year or tw baeeo—d;4 "You li` "Them,' more to b me ; but,' tween die - the natur ,Good day; f Gaieties. A gentleman was pricing an old sofa in an auction roon. "This sofa once be- longed to Lafitte ; it is fall of historical reminiscences." "There is one now, pa, crawling right lup the back,". ob- served • the gentleman's little boy. "That's a fact ; "it's alive with histori- cal reminiscences," said the gentleman, punching in the corner with his cane. No sale. --Dugald : "Hev you hard apoot poor Tolima Maclean ? e was doon with ta conouesion of ta prain." Archie : "Poor fellah. Wass it a catching com- plaint, Tugal, and 'wass Tchon neffer 'noculated on ta arm akainst such con- tagious tiseases ?" Dugald : "It wass ta born fool you wass to spier sich a silly spier. It wass knocked on ta head he wass, and not on ta arm. Chwat'ignorance to think that a man's prains wags in his arm 1" • 1 • 11 Dnff and the Bee. The Dnff family, pater, mater a little ones, picnicked on -the beach gond Fort Point recently. "I do lb nathure," remarked Patrick Duff, w is a proud and frequent voter of t Seventh Ward, as he unhitched'. dray horse from the family carry-,: which bore the family arms, "Du 'Xpress." "The cares av political 1 • and ;general expressing require t man ghud relax- his moind midst grand reposh av tireless Nature's res ful bosom. I'll ring that sentim into me next warred club spathe, M Helen ; be me soul, I will. Lave ho av that could boiled ham, James H ry,,or I'll throw ye into the trackl tide." The lunch basket was safely depo ed in the shade of a rock, the yont Duffs disported bare legged in the snrf,l and Mr. and Mrs. Dnff wandeaed, free from care, o'er the green hills de. Presently Mrs. Dnff discovered a b m- ble bee in the deep recess of a i d flower she had plucked. Alas 1 ' he had 'never seen a bumble bee before. "Luk here, Patrick," she exd1 .i ed. "Yez never saw the loike av that ;in Kerry, Pat." Mr. Duff was too mach of a politic to commit himself as to his knowle or lack of it, without first consider the subject. Taking the flower f his wife's hand he eyed the bed e (sally and then assented : —Our American colored man, Uncle Billy, in discussir g the Civil - Rights bill, gave his opinion of it in this way : "We can smoke whenebber we please, stop at de hotels, Spit on de carpets, and make de white folks tend on de ole nigger You bet; day's fun comin'." But when he was asked if he under- stood the provisions of the bill, he ex- claimed, "Bless de Lord, am dere pro- visions in it j Den I'm heart and soul for it." - -"Deacon," said a widow, as she heaved a long drawn sigh, and softly raised two tear bejewelled eyes to his, "don't you sometimes have a yearuing for the sweet companionship of a kin- dred soul to share the joys and sorrows that walk, twin dike, with us through all the varied scenes of life i" "Well, widow," sighed the old deacon in reply, "I've kinder had; a yearning all the evenin', but I thought maybe it was them cold beans I eat for supper." —The baby didn't feel pretty good anyhow, poor little thing ; the car was cclld and the road was rough, and every- body wascross acid glum, and the baby had only one way to- express its emo- tions, so it cried. And how it did cry 1 Twenty-eight mike of it and no sign of a let up, and the tired - mother just smothering it with baby talk and rock- ing the little thing in her arms. Pres - • • .• e e 11 I 8 e • • h` 11, And as sunset, he ture. ISh Hov' if he nit ry n- :99 . - "Strati "this c+vas I was dri a big fol The freig they man excepts 'a tied,td th saw her thought i for the le her, back just laid along; lik passe)*l They rus began to stood rip pools.', tie valve,w ninety -fife mare wa At Sari lead. N train; wa fell tiara lastingly wounded passenge train,' b I sold t for $60, ilfl ed st di y " h on e el said. nt to my re en years long don't thi ai- ✓ at at o oe Cease th pt n the for pi ter started ed round the i at her, and plowed a prol Pias , Surely— e again stared. I e use 11 of back hetel ftom nged hy— sa h'found voi e to n • w, "ss, let's com- 1 a; reel to your ac ling a tit i1 Ont cut off . •• y to- ' I'd—it it would—do •'t." ea the alternativ •." IJa � 1184, there's n thing pia. I like you—yon d suit it it tousles to choos •''be - a a d marryin', gi e'' me rst last and a ways. THE SEAIORTH NS ij RANGE AGENCY.. elf iBs.' in • e face as a So k is hat and his e aw him again. 1 s W I al I ar dt °tag b Side ef1ct a.w8 vsitih ack a t all ed o ak n tl A ap board • he thin ings wh Howeve lowing editor, as folio said`' . •; drnokei s it's i1ot w] 'We°ve 1] set of p> — Lo> (lour die mil bre rano ar th So an he Ha er. he stage out her � �e railroad furniture s ouldn't hold it eeze everyt) error, whicl to car. Th .On . n the glas not er horse s on onldn't hatte held tem windlas . She er ears and ported ent -inch shel . The ega i to get xcited. on the platfor s and belts. The co doctor at II,nd began to sell eb pulled th throt- en,land tore a ong at hour. Son the st c{f the cowcatcher. wediad six miles thee Sx Mile House the M N_ w -Tf.:3oN -ST., NORTHa SEAFORTJI, GENE AL _7113E, Diarinia, Life and Accident Ins nee Agent, Co. vpyancer,o. Rieke on all kinds of property effected at lowest cur- rent rates. Lossea adjusted 'promptly' and satis- None but firet.claes reliable Com - resented. Exceptionally lqw rates on of farm propert . Only 60 cents to )0 for three yoare n the Gory District rtablished for ov0I 40 years.'The fol- mpaniee represen ed : fmotor ily. pantos ref all class°E $1 per $1 of Galt, e lowing Cc thern • epar- British American, of T rent°, Scottish Imperial, of G &spew, Scotland, Northern, of London, ngland, Gore District, of Galt,' ntario, Canada Fire and Marin , of Hamilton, Ont., BoyalCanadian, o' Mo treat, P. Q., Qneb o, o Quebec P. ., Allis oe, of Hamilton. ntarfo, .h Tray ere (Life -a d beoiaent), of Hartford, cam., Toro to Life, of T rondo, Ontario . • I AM ALSO AGENjT FOR THE CA LOA Money per cent STAT irtver, speed : ust as arted. 11, but ung m they mare and Darting Sailing all poen or New $60 to —ret rope e an donb ship Co • ADA PEtMANENT AND SAYINGS COMPAN '.- advanoed on Rett 'f Estate at 6 and 84 Per annum. ALSO AGENT FO i THE `LINE STEAMSHIP CO. Y, roar New York City every Thursday, to e in Europe. Tickets issued from here York, to snit pprchaeer. First Cabin, 110—return. Second Cabin, $40 to $76 - Steerage, $28. Parties going to En- onld try the STATE LINE, as ,it is edly one of the Beet and panSafest es sailing from New York St€am r W N. WATSON, M in Street, SEAPORTH, Ontario OFFI E -- In campbell'e Block, o posite t e M neion otel GR AT ATTC'TION SALE —0P— VA UABLE iPROPEFTY N THE VILL : GE OF KTPPEN, COUNTY OF HURON. MR, T. P. BRINE has' been instructed y Mr. NI Y SHAFFER to sell by Pabli Auc- tion, a hie Hotel, in the Village 'of Kippen, on SAT At 10 :,h ahead. of °pea draw an d. tip -72 killed as pretty rough then we distar fe. About a moi 'her present owner Orleans Picitui s. 'me it d ever- nd 199 on the ted the th after 4 1stTice' Parish. ak r ()kin }t _ • , fin 11 , he eek b h' bh $ e vc tof at ulpera Lt CeJta C ra Exeter Hennli Kippe Bre Clnto L•ndel $1nth. )gra ging fan Goij to &' `Ingh B nigra Blyth Lende: C1,into° Bruce "It is a purty birrid, Mary Helotij." g nevi Then he carefully picked the bee otof E ate the flower between his thumb and'fol e C ntr.• finger, and repeated slowly : Londe' "Yes, it is a very party barrio_ I I think it is a ." Before Mr. had explained what he was please think the bee was, he had dashed flower in his amazed .wife's face,ju excitedly in the air, landed hatless, with hair erect, and again repe: t d, iXe still slowly, but with popping, gl.: g . i'>llixe eyes, and in a voice husky with pal • a d anger : "It is a party bnrrid, but; I• ly mnrther, how hot its little fut is !" Patrick Duff, have you been hi tieg that whisky bottlein the lunch, b s- hot ?" exclaimed the indignant '; lefts. Duff. Patrick in dumb bewilderment .a: ed on bis swelling and inflamed t . n •. b and then at the wife of his boso•. .e fore he replied : • 'Hod yez run your needle t• o • gh that bnrrid.; Mary Helen, before ye , av' it to me ?" 1'Don't yez be too funny, Pat," said Mrs. Duff, .testily. "Shure I'm not funny at all, ary Helen, and yez need'nt look that ay at -me, nattier, or I'll break per aer- Off Zito , Irain� tate fol we' ped GotiNG a d xpr �xpr G 0 No xpr xpr lire Mire at,a certain wad misrepres a report of the aced in the lot t utters right seiijding a lette as kinly printed on represent me all 1 alang had officials.' Altho said!. What 1 s ng !bad a very ing;rparish.'" on Huron and B ri- 1 M. , spa t... .. 7 40 s . ... 840 8 62 9 05 9 11 1c ..... r, 9 21 9 39 b r4. i . 9 58 .10 06 e .......31024 n_, err ve .. .10 45 IITH— Mail. A. M. e•art.. . 7 00 • ti 7 .�. 7 3185 bore.. .... . 7 44 8 e14.1.. ....... $ 20 . 8 80 .•,.. .y.. 8 86 .... 8 52 lia...........902 n, arra e' 10 05 Express. Mail. P.M. 220 8 26 8 88 8 52 8 57 4 07 4 23 4 41 4 50 5 08 5 2� Expre P. l!1 2 6! 8 1€ 82 88 86 4 0 41 42 48 44 68 }nand Tr slodie Seafor Veen— BS. AB'enrolee's., se 55 P. M. Train.....a :15 A.M. Train.... SAO — .'3, eeionert. ss',..... ....7:50 A. M. es' Train..,. 1:10 P. M. Train.... 4 45 P. M. Train ...10:50 A.M. "AND DON'T Yo —THAT FORGET IT," 0KILLORAN & RYA N0 THE -OL EST FIRM IN SEAFORTH, They have always paid 100 cents on the dollar, and they expect their enetomere to " go and do do likewise." They do not pretend to sell Goode at Cot, or even below it ;. but they are prepared to Bell the VERY BEST URDAY, MAY 14, 881, clock P. M., Sheep, the followin Vain - able Reae Estate : FOJR VILLAGE LOTS= hich is erected a new and oomfort- Dwelling House, with all other onvenienoes a1ee two good Grain , situate at$ippen Station. ing bons s ate situated in the beet nvenien places in the village ; the arelarg an,d commodious, and are d for do ng a large general produce On each of able Fram neoessry Storehouse awe gat c The and in StorelIouee well adapt business. Kippen i Huroi and Railw y ; 1 and most f and a Thi condi willb TE be pa balance m vionsty on Anctionee arochial nted, as i. roceed- paper. the fol - to the It ran to have a very gh true, id was, drucken a prose rose village en the.London, Bruce B ne of the Great Western t is the c nt a of one of the richest rtile agr cal ural sections in Canada, good trade is bei g done in the place: Bntl ' • s gs an ' the Storehouses are in good ion, icing tie rly new, and a rare bargain giv[n. 3MS One ha 1 of the purchase money to d on he day o sale, and the terms for the de kno ort the day of sale, or pre. applioati,n to the Proprietot or the • H _INRY SHAFFER, Proprietor. BRI E, Atte.ioneer. 699-8 PACIFIC RAILW1 Y CO. J. P. GROCERIES, _CROCKERY, AND LIQUORS IN THE MARKET, AT A FAI#t LIVINGII PROFIT. The Very Finest BRAXDIES from our Resident Buyer) in France, and WIES from our Agents in Spain and Pgrtlugai. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. S GARS, TOBACCOS, &C., AT THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES. THEI CA ADIA oe. Express. A.M. 8 25 728 7 40 7 58 7 59 8 08 8 25 8 46 8 62 9 09 9 25 s. Ezprese. P. M. 6 20 6 38 6 66 7 04 7 24 7 48 7 69 8 08 8 26 8 49 10 10 unk ail ay. h and Clint° Stations as :17 P. M. :40P.M. E T GIVE 13ii A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. KILLOI3AN & RYAN, Seaforth. N. B.—We are also Agents for the Celebrated " Maeala" Sacramental Wigle. Warranted Pure. IG ATI), NTO MANITOBA AND THE A ADIA�NORTHWEST. SAL a OF LANDS. En Con pan, will sell land the low p me,te,a' wa of re acr of in hree t eh se, a ot&er im he la pri:e Mi To n it ontra la de re poses no nten in,: the th reon li �eralte nrth c ion a c flc innipe Montr LINTON. 2:40 P. M. 9:15 P.M. 0:00 A. M. 6:15 P. M. CLINTON. 7:30 A.M. 12:46 P. M. 4:15 P. M. - 10:00 A. M. HE NO RRIA E LIC I�IIED AT I1URON EXPOSITO EAFOIR, H, ONT WITN SEES !,RE • :, NsEs enrage the rapid settlement of the try, the • ari,adian Pacific Railway Com- be prep red, until further notice, to requir: fob• Agricultural purposes at ice of $ - 50 an acre, payable ey inetal- d will ier make an allowance by ate fro„ the price, of $1 25 for every eh lands renght ander native inn with - five ye • ref following the date of pur- ording to the nature and extentof the rovemeito nandethereon. de Ohne offered for sale will not com- ers', Coag or Wood lands, or treats for s and R • ilway purposes. ts at :penial rates will be made for uired fo • cattle raising and other _ pur- involvint r)nmediate onitivatibn., • ing Bettl:re and their effects, on reaoh- ompany s- !Railway, will be forwarded to their place of destination on very me. r vatic' ars will be furnished on appli- theOffia:e'of The Canad an Pa ailwa Company. at Montreal and . By o dee of the Board, . CH '• . DRINKWATER, Saoretary. al, April Seth,1881. 700-4 PU For F t ,On 11 • th g' mineti snd•B For' oderic n Mon th th chools Form he can he Sec It i4 ee intenti Cand Dates a tific&te LIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. E : XNATIONS,II1881. mt.-Class At the Normal Scheel, Toron- tm de C, no -profoesional, follow d by Be- ns for ret -Class Certificates nd grade First -0 sh. eeond a dl Third-Class—At the Town of , and C ton and,Seaforth MO Schools, y, July elth, at 2 P. M., concurrently Inte cidiate Examination for High of the title° to be previonJy given by and up° t9he same papers. idates c. ,he obtained on apelication to ndispens ble that Candidates notify the not la et then the 1st of June of their n to pre nt themselves for cutmination. dates for First and Seccind-Class Certifi- f succe ln teaching, and all are required to furnish certifi ,ates of moral eharaeter. Cand_dates fo : Second and Third -Claes must state weether t ey intend to write in Goderich or at some of the o her named High Schools. PETER ADAMSON, 700-2 Secrete Board of Examiners, Oroderich. STI L AHEAD. BRUSSE S LIME WORKS. 0 OIANOS ANDf ORGANS. Tbe Very Latest and Most Important Announcemen t yet made is the fact that we have REDUCED THE PRICES In Pianos and Organs, S3 that all may have an opportnn ity of enjoying the pbeaeures and benefits of a Magni. Instrum ent. Through our latge and inereasing trade we are in a posi tion to supply PIANOS from the Best Canadian and A. Menem Factories, incluning STEINWAY, CHICKERINC, DECKER, WEBER, Alnd others toe numerous to meCetion, at prices sue terms that ceamot fail to give satisfaetion. The fabulous 'Woes charged for Pianos and Organs in this locality, previous our e1ppearance on the scene, have been swept away, and no only new prices but genuine (nullity in instruments have been in- troduced. We make a Specialty of the p' °MINION ORGANS AND PIANOS believing they are equal, if reA superior in quality, to any Lestranient in the market. fOld Instruments taken in gxchange. Pianos and Organ's to Rent. SEWING M We are Agents for the Raymon kept in stock and rednced in price 1second-hand Machines, which id Sewing Machines, wieie h are We have a number of good lib° sold cheap. 1 PHOTOGRAPHING ANO PICTURE FRAMING CARRIED ON E TENSItELY. HE SEAFORPI FLAX MILLS. Noe0TWnseI4THuent8tiANDion le G the _its fire and the total 1 hinsevbea:ns and a I genteuteatibty3.otfilmae ateegrale,tthel°2 Undersigned is dete e . ed to go into aka lriaX business this comine !lemon More extensively He is revered to. receive appliestiens from tide profitable Green Pe aonrtaiebos utesir500outtesr:. grow , eery beet terms. Mei desires to secure this Bea - either by the acre or the ton, Ind will give the Any quantity of ood aleati seed ort hand. tion as men as possi le. He will still sell h On reasonable terms. MONEY mill to s suitable pe sen JOHN !BEATTIE/. TO Any amount of in neito an. ou reasonable rates of intereet, on ood farm seeurity. OFFICE—Canadhe Bank of Commerce Build, INSURANCE AND IA AGENCY. ALONZ 0' STRONG TS AGENT for SeVeral Verse -Clan Stock, Fire -A- and Life Insaraace Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on ehe most f vorable terms. Also Agent for seeerel of t e best Loan So - Also Agent for ten Sale and'Pnrchase of Yam and Village Properte. improve Farrn,s for Sale. $50,000 to Loon at 4eveia per mat. Agent for the sale Id Ocean ISteamehip Tickets Street, Seaforth. 1 646 -1-" that he has leased and fitted up the comm. dims store betweea Murphy' Grocery and Reb- erteon's Hardware stores, w ere he will keep in their eeason fall lines of 1 OYSTERS, FRUITS, WADE BROTH' ERS, Seaforth. WHITNEIPri BLOCK.' PILLMA`N'S CARRIAGE WORKS, SEAFORTH. THEY ARE AGAII\ TO THE FORE. tSZ 00 REG to state to those in want of Buggiee that they have now n hand as _good end hand - NEW BUGGIES! NEW BUGGIESII And everything in that line ; also TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, lee, His took ite all New and Fresh, and he will do his ve beet to please his customers. Oysters served, en the pro see, hot or cold, Or supplied in bulk. , Give him call. Of various designs and styles as men be found in eny shop west of Toronto. They a re all made by themselyes, and they can consequently warrant them as to workmanship and materiel; REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. Promptly attended to and neatly and eubetentially executed, and ea tisfaction guaranteed. turning tha its to the inhabitants of Brussels and v mite, fo past patronage, and beg to state that h ving m e several improvements in their kiln a d mode f burning, they are n w in a bet- ter po • Lion tha ever before to Rupp v the pleb - lie wit first-cl et, Lime at 13 cents cash at the Thi being the seventh season of Lnr business kiln, o 15 cent delivered. des gs n mole, and having gl en Anglian- fied tiefacti n so far, the public can rely on receiv g goo treatment and first class article Re ember t e Spot—Brussels Lithe Werke. 699 TOWN & SONS. OFFICE 13111 rriRalsozcii\TG. We are also prepared to take orders for Trimming Vehiceee of all kinds, class job at reasonable pricen CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL And be convinced that we can do better for you than most other firms in the Trade. 697 .THE zu SADDLERY, ARNESS, M DEAGON RICH and can Ectlarallbee Ilrat- er if d (mired. HE1?.1i0A1 W.E.4,L, Proprietor. A. GOOD Stec* of Harness of all kinds always on hand, together w'th everything else be- longing to the business which will be sold cheaper than ever. FURNITURE, rURNITURE. Specially low pricee gi en to newly married couples requiring lumina . Call and see my Stock and prices before p chasing elsewhere, sr you will olive money by do ng so. 898 HERMON WELL, Zuriek. WALL PAPER AND BORDERS! HN WILLIAMS 400.' BANKERS, &Cie Discont[ted. Drafts Limed. Money Lent on Rcial Estate at Lowest tee. JOHN yiTILL MS & Co. 658-5 OVER 600 PATTERNS, FROM 5 CENTS PER ROLL UPWARDS. INDOW BLIND AND FIXTURES. SALE,S7AB L ES, SEAFORTH. eryrnan, keeps the best and moat stylish rige and the beet driving holes in the businese. Neat and Nobby Cutte s, handsome and com- fortable Robes, and fast and safe horses always ow hand. A very han4 some f a 3, sleigh for one or two Day and night calls pr mptly attended to. Good driving horses ght and sold. REMEMBER THE P ACE — Opposite O. 0. 689 ARTHUR FORBES,. CHARLES DUNBAR, LOCK AND GUNSMITH THE OLD ESTA LISHED HOU§E Farmers, Come and See Large Stock of Cheese Fac- tory Milk Cans, Milk Pails and Dishes, Air ANITFACTIMEB a d Importer of all kinds -13-1- of English and erioan Gnne,Riftes,Re- volvers, Fishing Tack' and Sporting Goods in general, wishes to info .the public that be has opened General Reps Shop in Mr. Roberta' (Druggist) old stand, opposite Cardno's where he intends to carey on business. Allkinds of Repairing done in Locks, Keye, Guns, Revd - vers, Parssole , 'Umbrellas. Table Plate, ie. Grinding Done. The 'Repairing of Sewing Ma - chime a Specialty. Sclemors, Knives, Skates, and Lawn Mowers harpened and repaired. Eleotro Plating done 'n Gold and Silver. 014 Jewelry made just a good as new. All work entrusted to him will e promptlyattended to on the shortest notke. OLD FAVOOTE GALLERY. ANDREW CALDER, -I- gone through thtefiery ordeal, is new running again in full blast, i this new and commodious premises in Scott's Iock. This is the oldest Gallery in this sectio , and has been thoroughly refitted and equippe 'with all the latest modation of Mr. C lder's large and increasing trade. Having now t into one of the hand- somest and Most co pletely furnish° d galleries in the west, he is no in a better position than at any Previous tim to tarn out all 'work in the man r, at the low at living pr ofit,and on the short poseiblo no ice. A call is cordially so- licited om ell - 692 A. CALD R, Scott's Block, Seaforth. And Everything Belonging td the Cheese arid Butter Business. MY !MPERIAl_iVIEAS RES CANriVOT BE BEAT General Stock of Bwilding Ilairdwacre Always on Hand.' JOHN. kIDD, Main Street, Seaforth. ZURIH SAliy MILLS. uKVINEIr 3.1:141 refitted the Zurich Saw -1-1. Mill and having s large supply of splendid Logs, le now prepar to furnish LUMBER F ANY KIND 1 On the shortest no ice and cheap. A good do* Of PINE away on hand. shingles and iencing and Draining Lumber kept amstantia on hand, also Stock Lumber. Remember the can be served se -sr place in the Conn 6.97-4 11 S. CAMPB ly attended W. 79 Zurich Saw Mill, where Yon ell and ae cheap as any other HENRY coos, Proprietor. uhProvtoeild Logi ammo, Meer. Ordsrsby,lastiprome D- 13. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.