HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-13, Page 1gt
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WHOLE NUN133ER, 701.
FRIDAlir MAY 13, 1881.
MoLEAN BROS., P blieherg.
$1.50 a Ye;av,in A vance.
1\1- E 72'cr GI- 0 0 S
THESE GOODS are the Newest Styles of both
Cut and Finish. Thy look as well, Wear as
well, and oome Muth Cheaper than Ordered
Clothing. See our
SCOTCH TWEED adITS—$10, $12:,
and $14.
$10, and $12.
and $10.
UITS—$7, $8,
YOUTHS' SUITS—$5,, $6, and $7.
BOYS' SUITS—$4, $5, and $6.
We offer a Job Lot of COATS, PANTS and
VESTS at about half price. If you want Bar-
gains see them.
SI -1=1-1 46.c, WST
Campbell's Block, Seajorth.
1881 SEAFORTH. 1881
J' AS Just Received a Fall Stook of Spring
and Summer Goods, so Varied and Well
Assorted that any one can be stilted.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds
in Full Lines.
As these were all bought strictly for CASH
DOWN, they were consequently b ought; at
the Lowest Figures, and my customers will get
the Lowest Quotatki .t.
In Hats and Gentle Furnisbings I have donble
the stock of any former season. Also a Full
Ste of
Gentlemen contemplating Matrimony are p ar-
ticularly invited to inspect the Stock, as ev ery
proviraon is made rot their wants.
Remnants for Boys' Suits.
Ladies wanting Remuantts for Boys' Suits can
find them here chea.P.
Brick Bleak No. 1, Main Street, Seaforth.
JJNDER Power cif Sale conained in a se rtain
Registered Mortgage, which will be prod need
at time of sale, and ;is made by one SAMUE L W.
ROTHWELL and Wife, will be sold by Public
ROOM, in 1
THURSDAY MAVf 19, 1881
At Throe O'cloPk in the Afternoon, the following
Valuable Freehold Property, vi.;
Lot Ny. Eight, in tie Seventeenth Concession of
the said Township of Grey, containing 100 acres,
mole or less. Soil i clay loam ; about 70 acres
cleared, balance timbered with maple, beech, &e.
Two log honat.i> and frame barn (40z6). Roads
in vicinity are good. Distance from Brnsaels
about six anti a half miles.
Will be made knotan. at time of sale, or may be
ascertained on application to
Vendera' Solicitors, London, Ont.,
701-1 Auctioneers, London,- Ont.
Illegally caught pickerel have been
seivAd at Sharanonville.
—The next Dominion exhibition will
be held in Halifax next year.
—The Victoria County crops are
reported in a favorable condition.
—Since last July there has not been
a death in the Kingston Penitentiary.
—The Maple Leaf base ball club of
Guelph has been reorganized for 1881.
—Hay is so scarce at some points at
Restigouohe that the cattle are ataxy-,
—Sir John Macdonald will sail for
England ou the 21st inst if his health
will permit.
—A new elevator is to be built atI
Owen Sound, to accommodate the Chi)
cago trade.
— An old trapper has succeeded this
season m taking 250 musk rat skins in
the Rideau Canal.
— The graduating class at the Royal
Military College, Kingston, this year
will number fifteen.
—Mayor Steelman, of Guelph, declin-
ed the proffered salary of $50Q -and the
by-law was withdrawn.
—The Ontario car shops at London
have closed down to admit of the mak-
ing of extensive repairs.
—The Grand Junction Railway Corn..
pany have commenced the erection of a
new elevator at Belleville.
eeThe Scott Act is to be submitted
in Lincoln, the necessary signatures to
the petition has been received.
—Mr. John GibsOn, of Loudon town-
ship, has been offered $4,000 for eight
head of short horns -1500 apiece.
—An effort at general tree planting
is being made in various sister towns.
Why not Seaforthe devote a day to it ?
—20,000 salmon trout spawn have
been placed in Lake Gouchiching lately
and the same numbee in Lake Simcoe.
— The craven cotton mills, of Brant;
ford, have got fairly to work, having
made their first shipment a few days
—London East is talking of erecting
a town hall, lock-up, and other public
buildings on its recently acquired
School site.
—The summer meeting of the Fruit
Grower's Association of Ontario will be
held at Owen Sound, on the , 24th of
August, 1881.
—The enumerators have completed
the taking of the census of Winnipeg,
the population of which fells about 100
short of .10,000.
—It ii understood that Hon. Wm.
McDougall has been offered the Lieut. -
Governorship of British. Columbia, but
refused the sanie.
—Chief Justice Richie has been elec-
ted President of the Arts Association
of Cana.da, of which the Governor- I
General is patron.
—The Editor of the Millbrook Mes-
senger was assaulted one night recently
because he had been referring to loafers
in a fitting manner.
—Mr. Justin Grey, of British Colum-
bia, denies that he is going to retire
from the Bench on a pension, and prac-
tice law in California._
—Mr. John Noonan, of the township
of Minto, is the owner of a ewe which
lately brought forth four lambs, all of
which are living and quite strong.
—The Ontario Sault Ste. Mafia Rail -
was Company (Mr. Edgar's company)
has been organized, a quantity of stock
subscribed and a portion of it paid up.
—A'general dissatisfaction is, just
now prevalent among the employees or
the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway,
They have petitioned the general man-
—The first colored man to be admit;
ted to the bar in Canada is A. B.
Walker, who has just passed the ex
amination at Frederickton, New Banns-
—The Adair House and stables in
Ingersoll were burned on Thursday
morning of last week. Two horses
were burned.- Loss $7,000. Insurance
—A speculative citizen of McGilliv-
ray talks of opening up a saloon on the
banks of the Sauble, so that thirsty
Lambtonites may swim across and get
a drink.
—Westminster township Agricultural
Society has been in existence 52 years.
Its first exhibition was held in 1829.1
It was the second society established iri
—Mr. James Wells, of East Williams,
on the townline of Adelaide, has sold
his farm of a hundred acres to Mr.
Elliott, of the second line of Adelaide,
for $5,000.
—Rev. Dr. G. L. Mackay, missionary
to Formosa, is confined to his father's
house at Woodstock by sickness. His
medical advisers prescribe rest for sev-
eral weeks.
—The trouble among the striking
coal heavers and iron moulders in Ham-
ilton, has been settled. The bricklayers
and plasterers now offer the alternatives
of an advance or a strike.
—Articles of agreement have been
signed between Plaistod and Wise, for a
three and a half mile race on Toronto
bay in lapstreak skiffs on the 8th of
June. Stakes will be $300.
—The customs' officer at the Inter-
national Bridge the other evening
seized sixteen revolvers and. forty-two
watches that had been smuggled over
in an organ by au organ grinder.
—The Toronto and Nipissing Rail-
way Cqmpany are laying down a third
rail between the Toronto and Woodville
junction in order that the standard
gauge cars can be run over that part.
—They appear tel have got the tem-
perance question down to -a sensible
point iii Montreal. At a complimentary
dinner given to Sir Hugh Allan on
Thursday, all desiring wine had to
order and pay for it themselves.
—Mr. John Stewart, brother of Mr.
Peter Stewart, of East Williams, and
well known in the northwest portion of
Middleeex, has taken a contract from
the Canadian Pacific Railway Syndi-
cate for the building of a twenty -mile
ectien of tat
ill lately y
ake up to
Vested ove
pany, for t
ings at Eh r
Oeuts-on t e Id
1 —Messrs. D
C1aughterinig to
per day at
-mberst, Nft
he Englisl
—The lett o 1.
heir depa t
nited State
ears played
ownship of
—The se
n Rice La
eporter w
;erview the
vinced a r
—Mr. G'
ett, York, o
nnual cou s
tudeuts df
ill be abs
—Fish ha
ance this ,e
ts course in
heirwdeaivsyee 114i g
a 1 i g
—A nu bilrl
ounted P Fe
ettle in t
ing or stoelt
istrict. 1
—Sir Buh
uild a cobtot ¶ac
mploymeitj to
ives, if-thq t n
onus and r
wenty years
—It is me e
1, ,
ouse in the M s
London, hile b
ears to M.
ill be °pee d
bout theGto i]
eo. Lee, IM
t Mr. Ge� jSi
ion, McGilli
ceased wae a
eged fifty, e. d
—The Gotern
a,ndwich 1.1 s h
eeks pastribr
laimed tla t 0
'hitefish die. fr
art of alb e
—At theojei
' etropolite
hurch, Ott wa,
ere preach:d
. A. Phill.p
alance of tri b
i —Forestifi e
I eminence!u t
n Nova Sco ia a
ear. The b en
eriod has en
arge porti4n
—The Ha
eal property
00,000, wit
erty, incoin
f the city Se 3
5,000 for P3 0.
°ad,' and was in Park -
g horses and harness to
itoba with him. He iii
00 in horseflesh.
dell's I claim of $2,g 0
dit Valley Railway Ooti
ection of station buil
as been settled at 75
lklaery. ez B
uokey are noltv
out 40 head of cattle
ir slaughter house at
Scotia, for shipment to
rket: 1
the Feehely family took
f ern Biddulph for the
week. They for many
• minent part in the
d i 1ph. I I
nt has also appeared.
e Peterboro Review
ptly on hand to iii.
rpent, but the latter
Smith left for Wei+,
rday, to deliver his
istory lectures to tij.e
ell University. 1
et two weeks. 1
n caught in abn
on the Sauble, ale
and West Willie
lens may be seen n
ith their baskets fad.
en, who are ' taiug
from the Northwest
roe this spring, iw 11
ntry, at either ranc
aa ing in the nortlie n
Ilan has offered o
ory in Sorel, to , give
two hundred oPera-
ill give $20,000 I as, a
from taxation 'fior
od that the new el pea
nic Terpple builai
rented for a term
tney, o -Detroit,- a, ; cl
✓ dramatic purposes
g of Se tember.
way, nephew of r.
ivray, dropped , de.d
r's fend, 4th cones -
last Sabbath. D -
ian Territory soldi r,
s on the pension list.
ent fish hatchery tt
en cloded for thr e
to which time it lis
er 20,000 000 you
--../e farnie a
iving in Etas
t Woodst6c
n three-caed
ircus follOw r
red dollars.
nything and
apposed he le r
ow thegam is
—Sir Chia4e
rday eve 'i g 1 f
ay afternooll,lai
onday. W e
ation that; h s h
roved. Lady T
o Canada, an
er daughter h
or some Mine et.
—An unkL W man entered t
bed in the e r of Charebliss' saloo
elleville, ion rsday Morning of 1:
eek, and Ou throat tvith/a raz
death resnit *thin a 'few minut
he deceafied IIS supposed to be a G
m inattention on the
arge of the hatcherly.
ing services of the
ethodiSt Episcopal
ou Sunday, sermops
Bishop Carmen, R v.
nd Dr. Stone. T1I1e
2,000, Nvas subscribe
April'are not of hsual
ey haVe been raging -
d Pennsylvania t is
e of rain for so long a
severely felt over a
the North Arneric n
n assessors place t
e city at nearly $1
and total of real, p
personal of near
y put the populati
8 for 11881, agar
ed Robert Cuthbe
ord, visited the circ
Monday and invest
to with one of t
the tune of five hu
says he did not w
t his Imoney. It
ed something as
upper landed on S:
om the Parisian
in Montreal on Su
d reached Ottawa
rn with great grata
.alth is greatly i
pper did not retu
ill prolong her visit
• residein Irelan
t -
I -
r -
an clockni
s in his pee
hat Thos.
ork. HO a
ears of age.
named Thos. Mulle
ere letters certifyi
n had done certa
red to be about
—Six yoene
virc men are up at t
University; eeaminations now going
ey are all proceedi
. A., one of the
t king honor classics
;1 two of them, M
t. Catharines, and M
o classics of the sato
aining three, one
mulattb from Ch
e camera is an
It e ables pho
en in the street,
ithout the person
t Toronto.
o the dege4
iss Sheppa
he third ,y
Fitzgerald; o
ear ; and th
hem a hand
am, fest ye
—The det.
'graph s to be
anywhere els
persons phot
the fact, and
lively terror
cities who Ob
traits taken..
look like a b
xcellent sire
ured by this
—The Va I :
umber Of C
left Detroit t :
train. After c
laerstburg, the
Engineer lai
icoupled t( til
O'clock the fly • .
the depot, T
T,ohomas withI
arvel of spee
ies, and -it :
gars of the •
Paralleled tire
train left St. T
and reached V
The distance
I Stops were -ma
• 41
a hed be ng aware
alculated to inspir
that,elass of eel
to having their - p
ternally it is made
✓ small box. Seve
enes have been
ice. 1
ilt par y, including
a Southern °facia
her day on a spec
sing the river at A
ontaine engine, wi
at the throttle, w
train, and at 12.
pulled slowly out
rlun was made to
t a stop and Was
, The d stance is 1
s compassed, the man-
ed claim, in the u
f 98 minutes. T e
° as at 2.35 o'clo k,
t ria at 5.08 o'elo k.
118 miles, and fi e
The run was nade
in 153 m;
five stops
time fro
time of 2
a deputa
were rec
sweet co
end dryi
acres of
dried he
Ulna arri
more t
eWe hopemu
the secre
naise, au
cents an
10 cent
Carter's C
its men ffri
—Iti r
Lorne, 'ft
in the 1 tt
return to
resigui a 1
seemed to
--On S
broke t ir
f r time lo
which le
229 miles, in the su
5 minutes
ople of St
n to wait
ailway off
o station
ed in a m
ent to t
eele minutes are
t fin making the,
yes the running
rg to Victorla, a
eorge have ient
upon the Great
cials at Hamilton
m rovements, land
n er which gives
e people of the
l. D. Bald it,' of ,Brantilord,
e .
aring to i1ait 150 acre of
which h intends canning
Last y at he raised 20
eet corn, fqr which when
und a res ysale,and realized
ully 2,0c0.$
apanee c nsus enumerators
that there are no
ladiehat t�Wn who are
- twenty-five years of age.
e Napane adies will kindly
te to the 1 d es of other toWns
of perpet al youth.
rand Tr n strikers have
.15 per d as a colnpro-
one to o k ; they get 15
our for 6 ertime, instead of
s heretof re. The Sheldon
mpany has raised the pay of
m $1.20 tq $1.30 per day.
ported that the Marquis of
✓ his trip 1t9 the Northwest
r part of 1 the summer, will
nglandiith the Prindees,
is positio , as Governor of
he Princese has n ver
take very indly to Cana a.
uday nig t two miscre nts
y -six gas lamps, leaving nly
two or hre uubrok ii, at Napanee. A
number of ornament 1 trees were also
girdled. he night atchman fired on
thereffia s severe times, but 1hey
escaped. The dama e done to the cor-
porati n p operty wi amount to ear-
ly $2 . .
—Oxk F iday last t e schooner Glen-
iffer wa.s 1 ading tim 'er in the Welland
river close by the d bk, when a yOung
man u m d Thome 1 O'Brien belong-
ing to t. Co.therin i3 was caught be-
tween c pstain barland the tow- ost
and in ta tly killed. - The top of his
head as aken com letely off from the
ears u wa ds.
—A er sad accid
twelve mi es from K
day. au named
into a lvel to fix a
turnip at the prope
were tbo 'e feared
wrong. . young m
went to
both w re
—W il
and, t 1.111
working i
ate some
aged tWel
died inj ab
aged a ou
sions. 1 A
nt occurred about
cardine on Mon-
Brownscomb went
crib, but not re -
time, those who
something was
named Spin1dler
rownsco 's assistance, but
smothers by foul air.
two sons 'of Henry Fer, in -
r, of Wat rloo village, were
the wood on Friday, they
•ild parsui s. One of them,
e years, dropped down and
nt ten m /lutes ; the ot er,
fifteen, ent into con ul-
octor wasl on handein a few
s, nd he is li ely to recover.
Bi has pas tad in the. Local
tu e of- Man toba adding five
al electoral divisioias iu the
new te rit
of thel e
the forbe
settle.. en
to the
—C pt
Point, ca
schoon rs
Them s,
which e
the be ch
vessel he
"On the r
has disap
to inform
hard to
Bridger, o
—At th
a few day
promise o
Judge Mo
ofabout t
Dalton M
verdict fo
Her clod
ing facts
the exami
himself fr
on the gr
allow him
—It Wil
parts of t
that Dr.
tions itt 0
. Ain
owe their
man, and
those me
without 1
1st of Jul
• —The
ment et
and na
Can ad
dress i
the de
ry west, and one for the east
tended Province. Writs for
will be issued afterthe
ro laruation, but the one on the
h s been d laYed pending a
of the q estion disputed by
. The Bounfiary Bill thas also
extending th laws of Manitoba
e territory.
in A. Mclrrison, of Stoney
tain of bne of the little
tain c
that trade up and down the
sends the following note,
-ays he fo nd in a bottle on
while eng ged in loading his
other day., It bears no dote :
ver, when all hope of res ue
eared, I w le these few li es
y friends of 'my fate. ' is
ie thus. (Signed) Willi
Assize C =tat Ora.ngev'lle
ago a ase of breach 1 of
marriage was tried before
rison, in hich a Widow lady
irty-one y ars of age [meld a
f forty-fi e for failing to
'a contrac of marriage. Mr.
Carthy, Q C.,, conducted the
ase. Th jiny returned a
plaintiff giving her $50.
was for $ 000.1 Some anus-.
ere elicite in the course of
ation. efendant excueed
m fultilli i g his engagemnt
und that is boys would ' ot
to do so.
be a si cere regret inj all
e Dominic) when it is learned
assie, Pri cipal of the Galt
Institute, has resigned that
Dr. Tassi lha a been so long
with E ucational Institu-
tario, th t the loss ofhis
nd assista e will be widely
ng the for most men in the
to -day, th re are many who
osition a d standing to the
received nder this gentle -
0; feel s e that not one of
will hear f his retirement
dings of ncere regret. His
does not ke place until the
ew article of postal agree-
een Camtert and the United
s gned by 'resident Garfield
ir Alex. Ca.. 'bell, provide in
1. That ins ffieiently prepaid
po ted in Ca kda for the United
a • d in the nited States for
ill be sent forward to the ad -
p epaid one full rate, leaving
ci nt postage to be collected. on
2. That the Canada Post
a charge double rates on
S ates print d matte e brought
nal a and pos in Canada for
tu'n in the United States in
o e ade the United States postal
h s latter pr Vision is made in
erjce of a p actice which ias
o tssnrne co siderable pro r -
T e Canada •ostal rate on er-
ass s of pri ted matter b ing
only about one-half that of the United
States rates,businesS films in the States
desiring to distribute large numbers of
printed circulars Would Bend them to
Canada by expres and have them
mailed in Canada for their destinations
in the United State S in order to take
advantage of lower rates of Canadian
postages. The new agreement I will
take effect immediately on its publica-
tion in the Canada Gazette.
—A company hap been projected in
Toronto for the Purpose of making,
bleaching and printing textile fabrics.
The intention is to commence business
with a thousand looms, which will give
employment to abont 1,200 hands. The
capital will be $1000;000, in 40,000
shares of $25 each. It is expected that
part of the stock wll be taken up in
England by those furnishing the ma-
chinery. The siteevill probably be in
the west end, sometvhere near the new
fort. Stock books ;will be open in a day
or two at the office of Mr. C. J. Camp-
—Mr. Blake will leave for his visit to
the maritime provinces in the latter
end of June. After spending a few
days in Quebec and Mattice, he will
open the ball at StL John, and continue
&series of twenty-two meetings through-
out New Brunswik, Prince Edward
Island and Nova Scotia,returning home
about the first of September. It is un-
derstood that some time during that
month he will visit Manitoba, accom-
panied by Mr. Mills. Meetings will be
held in every constituency of Ontario
throughout the summer, at which ad-
dresses will be delivered by leading
Members of the Reform party.
—A new immigration pamphlet will
shortly be published by the Depart-
ment of Agricultere. It will be ;of a
different nature from any hitherto pub-
lished, and will contain the experiences
of a large number of actual setlers,
which will, no doubt, have a hauch
ts of
greater influence upon the minds
tending settlers than the stateme
Government age ts or other lute
parties, which are always looked
with susicion. The new -painphlet,
which will be isseed in a few dayis, will
contain statements from people settled
on a wide area of country and W1.11 be
of great use to the intending emgrant,
nehelping him to come to a decieion as
to the best part cif the new woi-ld in
which to cast his lot.
—Principal Grant in his addr1eBB to
the Convocation ef Queen's University
referred to the higher education of wo-
men. Rib remarks upon the effect of
hard study upon health are worthy of
attention. Said principal Grant: But
what abont their health? is the i popu-
lar ory on the Sbject. Now Ii think
that I have heard that cry befre. I
never knew a student break down from
drinking, smoking, irregular habits,
idleness or secret sins, that hi S fond
parents did not attribute it all t4 over -
study. As with young men sci with
young womeu. Wise professors :to di-
rect their studies will not injure them ;
moderate, regular, even hard. study,
occasionally will not injure theM ; but
frivolity, dissipation, late hours, itiental
vacuity, candy, tight lacing, thi -soled
boots and other abomination will.
Besides, that terrible bugbear G eek is
not required for a degree now.
—The extensive cheese imorter,
Mr. George Morton, of Kingston is at
present in Ottawa. He has haI sev-
eral interviews with the Go ernor-
General and members of the Cabinet
pertaining to matters in connection
with his Northwest colonization seheme.
His intention is to form a company
with a paid up capital of $400,000 to
fence in 274farm of 160 acres ech, to
break in 40 acres on each farm, build a
good house and stock each far with
30 milk cows, all of these farm to be
served by a narrowguage railway two
feet wide, with a tation at every man's
door, the railway to be 33i miles in
length with 58 stations; also to collect
the milk twice dolly for six mouths or
longer, to raise all the calves instead of
deaconing them, eel practised in, dairy
districts in Amerca, and build an im-
mense cheese ari4 butter factqry for
manufacturing header, Stilton and
Grwyene cheese from 6,700 i cows,
which could be sold or rented at the
option of the settler. This scherne will
be of great advantage to poor men hav-
ing families, who can milk stock, thus
having the necessary outlay for labor.
It will doubtless cause a stir in the
cheese producing districts of America
and Great Britain. Connected with
this scheme 700,000 acres of raache for
feeding steers are required, and ere ex-
pected to be leasd- from the Govern-
—The Hamilton Times tells a sad
tale of the young son of a cab driver of
that city, one Thomas Applegat,which
came to the ears of the police on Satur-
day morning. It is alleged that the
lad had been kept for years in the cel-
lar almost in a state of nudity, and
chained to the wall like a wild beast.
The place was searched by the chief
and two pohcem n on Saturday, -but at
first without any apparent SUCC43$8, save
that in the ce11a a stout chain was
found suspended by one end from a
beam. Searching the rooms upstairs,
the officers opened the door of a bed
room which Mrs. Applegait was par-
ticularly desiroue should not be enter-
ed. The chief loOked under the bed,
whioh stood in a dark corner ef the
room, and whilsk searching there came
upon a human fot, and on touching it
a low moan was heard. The bedding
was immediately removed and the
boards lifted out, and beneath the bed
was found a poor, pale boy, apparently
idiotic, covered with filth and dirt, and.
without an article of clothing on save a
shirt and a pair of trousers, both so
ragged as absolutely not to cover his
nakedness. The unfortunate creature
cowered and shrunk like a whipped
dog, and seemed in mortal terror in the
presence of a human being. Ms face
was deathly pale and his mind evident-
ly very weak. While the officer § were
the search, Mr. Applegate came
in, and furiously demanded that they
should leave the house. Mrs. Apple-
gattalso interfered, and both insisted
that the son should not be taken away.
A cb, however, was brought, and the
boy removed to the police station,where
helie being kindly cared for. On his
weyjthither the poor creature mani-
feted the utmost delight, pointing to
th peaple passing and the houses and
tr ef, new objects to him. A warrant
w slissued for Mr. and Mrs. Applegate,
wlici were arrested.
-A. large mad dog ran through
Spriing Hill, Piotott county, Nova
Stia, on Wednesday afternoon. He
at acked all whom he met, men, wo-
. 1
men and children, the victims being
se en children, three men and one wo-
mdtrl. He tore a large piece out of one
rn.A's leg, and flew at another's throat.
A Woman was passing with a child, and
the brute flew and bit the chiM. The
frig, which it threw in the gutter, and0
toned. woman kicked the animal,
and it went off. It next met a little
acally worried it there, its attention
bei g only distracted by the approach
of ,o hers, when it left its prey to at-
tao them. Then the infuriated brute
tore out of town, with some three hun-
dred people in pursuit. A fast horse
soW came up to him, and. the rider
fividhed his mad career with a bullet.
Thcise bitten are all prostrated, and it
is feared some of them will lose their
;iAnother member of the Ontario
Legislative Assembly has passed away
inita e person of John Rosevear, the
wij known and somewhat eccentric
reiiresentative for East Durham. Dur-
ing ithe recess of 1880 Mr. Rosevear
had1 been ill for a considerable time,and
wli n he came back at the beginning of
lait session to resume his legislative
dutes, his health was still in a pre-
carilous condition. His disease cul-
mnated, on Friday last, in his death,
atithe age of 65. Mr. Rosevear was
firt, elected to the Assembly at the
general election of 1875, and was re-
tu.blied after a contest in 1879. He
waii Conservative in his views and as-
s6hiations, but often manifested a good
deal of independence iu speaking and
votng. He seldoria addressed the
Honse, but when he didl his quaint ac-
cent and native wit made his speeches
entrtaining. He was popular on both
sides of the Chamber and will be much
mie ed.
-.-1Real estate at Winnipeg is "boom -
in." On Main street prices range from
603 afoot in the best situations to $50
and $25 a foot near the railway cross -
in. Some citizens stand aghast, and
talk about "mad speculation"—but as
the posed and talked ei, few years ago,
wt n the properties now selling for
$6 a foot were selling for from $20 to
$64—and. there is new no more reason
tolanticipata the ruin of daring buyers
than there was then, but they- won't
make much more profit ila buying and
selling this $600 a foot land, and are
novk turning attention to the residence
stets. There property can now be
bon ht for from $10 to $20 a foot. If
th future business of the city sustains
th thigh prices on Main street there
m et be an "approximation" of values
els where. In two or three years it is
in eitable that good building sites in
fir -rate residential localities, such as
th4 illudson Bay Company's Reserve,
wi1 be worth from $25 to $75 a foot.
Perth Items.
Rev. Mr. Fletcher • Presbyterian
minister in Blanshard, is seriously ill
at present.
—The Lutherian congregation of
Li towel have decide'd to build a place
of ivorship this coming summer. ,
The License Commissioners of
So th Perth have decided that blinds
shall be removed from bar -room win-
dows at unlawful hours.
--1Mr. Trout, Granton school teacher,
wag married a shor; tirne ao. It is
prolposed to have hiswife fined for fish
ing' for trout out of sason.
-1-Listowel having purchased a town
bell it will be placed on the town hall,
and will be used as a fire alarm as well
as for town purposes generally.
--The plum trees around Sebring -
vile have been nearly all frozen, and
many persons are of the opinion that
the buds on the apple frees are dam-
aged. Time will tell,
--r-The bee men of lleet asthope re-
port great losses of Ithei tock. It is
scarcely known what iii e cause, as
mot of the swarms survived the severe
' wi!Iter, but died off during the past few
WO .
A case of malarial fever in the
town of Stratford should be an incen-
tive to the board of health and the con -
stales to Bummon befere the Police
Magistrate every one whose premises
are foul.
-7-Councillor Box, of St. Marys, had
a severe attack of hiccoughs, which
lasted a week, but was finally stopped
by the application of the most severe
reniedies. He is still wak, but is in a
fair way for a rapid recovery.
--We understand that Mr. Charles
Kieg is to succeed his father at Se-
bringville as station agent. Mr. King
is thoroughly acquaiatewith the busi-
nest: and will make an excellent offi-
cial. The appointment would be high-
ly pproved of by all our business men.
- 1-Many are still affected with the
Western fever. Numbers of people are
aniiously waiting the summer months
an , the opening of navigation to take
ste s in the western direction. Should
thi state of things continue, it seems
as 4oguergsh. this district is to be left to
- I-Mr. Blackwell, of Granton, has a
eoW which four weeke ago had a calf.
Thet was all right. After ruminating
on fthe matter for two weeks she had
anther calf. Dr. Fowler, of New
York, says this is possible, and Mr.
Blackwell can corroborate the state-
ment of Dr. Fowler. If the cow con-
tinn es to carry on this way all summer,
Mr. Blackwell will be under the neces-
sity of enlarging his stabling accomo-
dation. He anxiously awaits further
developments from the cow. Query:
Are these calves twins ?
—The St. Marys people, are kicking
bp quite a commotion in opposition to
the by-law passed by their "fathers" a
Short time since, ordering the removal
of all verandae on the Main street.
They filed a petition asking the Council
to re -consider the by-law, bat as the
rules of the Council do not ,permit its
re -consideration at that session, we are
unable to state the reult.
—Some householders have disregard-
ed the warnings given by the chairman
of the board of health iu Stratford, and
the chief of police with reference to the
removal of garbage and cleaning of
back yards. The chief has a good.
deal apatienc, but other people have
not, and he will be urged to bring those
who persist in 'violating the law before
the police magistrate to receive their de-
1 .
—While raising the plate of a new
barn of Mr. Miller's 6th concession of
Logen, the other day, a serious acci
dent happened,. The stick of timber
fell, and knoeked four men to the
ground, all of whom Were more or less
injured; but Louie Wolfe and Andrew
Lobstein fared the, worse, and they
have ever since been under medical
treatment. Fortunately no bones were
bodrr—okeern*he members of the Canadian
f Foresters in Listowel gave an
entertainment on Thursday evening of
last week, on the occasion of taking
possession of their new lodge room, in
Lee's Block, Main Street. The hall
has been tastefully finished and trnish-
ed, and is a credit to the meinhers of
the Association. It is lighted with gas,
and has sitting accommodation for up-
wards of one hundred members. It is
the intention of the lodge to lave it
formally dedicated in a few wees.
—Mr. Sohn • Whyte, Sr., of MitcheW
came very near losing his life between
Saturday night and. Sunday morning.
He retired to bed in his Usual health,
but in the monaing found himself lying
upon the floor in a very weak state, and
with one of hisieyes bedly bruisd. He
has no exact keowledge of what hap-
pened, but it ile supposed he took a
paralytic fit through the night, and in
his agony rolled on to the floor,. which
many believe te have been the Means of
saving his life, as the shock would help
to put the blood in circulation.
—On Wednesday of last Week a
special train containing abeut 150 or
200 Swedes passed through Stratford on
their way to N rthsrn Wisconsie, Min-
nesota and Da ota. They were i a fine
healthy lookin-g crowd, both men and
women glow" g with ruddy :health.
They were ask d why they did not set-
tle in Canada, where the climate was
very similar tl that of Sweden. and
Norway and s4tere they could get land
for nothing. hey said these . things
had never ben explained them, and
the United tates Government and
Northern Paciilic Railway are Offering
great ittduceirents in the shape of
wages and 1ams.
—On Thine ay of last week Mr.
Wm. Keane, tilte London Free- Press
agent for Stratford, went into the iioat
office and -purchased a postage
stamp at the bookstore counter. He
ad in his hand a purse containing 135. He laid it on the counter. He
forgot it for a moment, and when he
came back to leok for it, it was gone.
Later, the puree without the money
Was dropped tato the receptacle for
drop letters. The loss is a heavy one to
Mr. Keane, whip says that he ;has a
trong suspicion of who the guilty party
B. We trust hat Mr. Keane will be
tabled to rec ver his lost treasure, and
e but re-echo the sentiments of a vast
laumber of peo le when we say that a
more contemp ible robbery has never
been heard of n that town or i neigh..
Asgust. gly disgraceful affair is
eported from lihe township of . Ehna.
lot of townsbip roughs, the first and
oremost of which was one Wm. John
. hair, took it into their heads td hold a
evival at the house of Anna Jacobs, of
he same townhip, on Friday etvening.
They proceeded to the house in ques-
tion and opened the meeting by a
prayer, mingled with profanity. It
would not have been quite so bad if
they hadi chosen to desist from their
mockery of reHgion at this stage. But
they did not choose to do Bo, and kept
the show up, varying the monotony by
irreverent language, praying, dancing
end singing in turns, litevolves were
next produced. The inmates of the
house, not knowing how soon the
solemn mockery would be tuniedthato a
reality, and half frightened to death,
succeeded in eScapingto the house of a
neighbor, who; -upon coming over, soon
last the rowdies to flight. The scoun-
drels have since been fined some sixty
dollars by a Stratford Magistrate.
—Since the burning of Messrs.Poehl-
man & Kalbfleisch's flour mill, at Tav-
stock, a few days ago, an agitation lass
heen going on for the . building of an -
ether to replace it, and a couple of pub-
ic meetings have been held about the
matter. At the last one Mr. George
Malcolm made an offer to the gentle-
men who are most actively promoting
he project to sell them hie mill for
12,000, or to leave the price i to be fixed
by two valuators. A large 0juantity of
wheat had to be imported into Tavis-
tock, he said, te keep two Mills going,
end it would be better for one to do a
good business than for two tilbe out an
existence. The offer was not accepted
at the time, though the opinion is
owing that it would be the wisest
ourse to purs e. It has been decided
o organize a tock company with
apital of $25, part of 'which has
heady been subscrbed. It may he
entioned in this connection that there
aranee on the :mill which
d $6;.000 on the stok.
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