HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-06, Page 8uxt txpoottov DISTRIOT MATTERS. EGGS FOR HATCHING.—R. W. RUNCI- stAx, Jr., Seaforth, can now supply Eggs for setting of the following varieties : Plymouth Books, Black Spanish, White Leghorns, Dark Brahman, Light Brahman, Gamea, Golden Pol., ands,. and Spangled Hamborgs. All eggs warran- ted pure and as represented. Address Seaforth P.O., or enquire at the residenoo of Robert Rnn- eiman, north of the Public Scholl, Seaforth. 7002 WANTED. —Caretaker for the Presby- terian Church, Seaforth. Applioatiuns will be received by the undersigned up to"the 24th Inst. iuties to commence on lot June, 1831. Wm. BAr•LA•r Tran, J. FAzaL Y. 700 Boo WANED.—Wanted, at THE Es- rosrroit Office, Seaforth, a good reliable lad from 14 to 18 years of age, either as an apprentice to the business or to work by the week. Steady em- ployment and good wages. A LARGE Quantity of American Wat- erlSme, Fresh from the Mines, just to hand at Nur.: RoRR$Tsox &Co.'s. 7004 Iiv . LUCK.—We are glad to learn that isur townsman, Mr. M. P. Hayes, has fallen heir to a legacy of $25,000, by the death of an uncle in Cork, Ireland. We have pleasure in congratulating our friend on his good luck,and hope himself and his estimable wife will have length of days and good health vouchsafed them that they may fully enjoy their good fortune. • RETURNED.—Mr. Daniel Ross, son of Mr. D. Ross, of this town, returned home from Kansas on a visit to his friends on Saturday morning last, after an absence of over four years, giving them a pleasant surprise, as they knew nothing of his coming. Mr. Ross had the misfortune to get his leg broken last fall and not being able to work he gnlarly from the hydrants, and the dost is well kept down.—Mr. Peter Daly has retired from the butchering business, and is now engaged with Mr: D. D. Wilson.—We are glad to learn that Mr. Alonzo Leech is again cheesemaker in the Seaforth factory. Mr. Leech is one of the best cheesemakers in. Ontario, and the universal satisfaction which he gave the patrons last year will be a great aid to the factory this season.—Mr. Peter MdDonald and Miss McDonald, of Grey, and Mr. Robb, of Morris, left here on Thursday for Scotland. They go by way of Quebec to Glasgow. They expect to be gone until fall. We wish them a pleasant visit.—The many friends of MI. Lancelot Watson, late of Elora, and brother of Mr. W. N. Wat- son, of thio town, will regret to learn of the deep affliction which has fallen upon him. ,,On the 16th inst., his eldest daughter, a lady 21 years of age, died, and on the 25th inst. she was followed by the !eldest ,son, a promising young man of 24 years. And what makes the matter even more distressing is the fact that Mr: Watson was at the time ab- sent in the, Old Country, and: -the hill force of the blow fell upon Mrs. Watson who was nearly prostrated thereby. They will have the sincerest sympathy of all in their sad and severe trial.— Mr. W. 0. Edwards, who has been care- taker at the Presbyterian church, ha: resigned his position, and intends t• remove to Monroe county, near Roches ter, about the 1st of June.—We notic. by a recent issue of the Manitoba Offi cial Gazette, that Mr. James R. Ben son, barrister, of this town, has bee appointed a commissioner for takin affidavits for use in Manitoba Courts. NEARLY ANOTHER FIRE. -The wor .�- shop of Messrs. Pillman & Company' thought a trip home would do him good. carriage factory had a-' very narro He speaks well of Kansas. When he escape from destruction by fire on Fr left the trees were out in leaf and the day morning last. Mr. M. Pillma � peach trees in bloom. He says -the fall having some. matters 'to attend to wheat looks well, and a good crop is the -Shop, came to it at an unusual anticipated. He left all the friends early hour, and upon entertng the do well. Mr. Ross intends returning to he felt a strong smell of smoke. Kansas again. looked up in the loft, where is. stored • lot of wheels and other material, a A GooD SALE.—Messrs. Scott Broth- was not a little startled to see it frill ern, of thistown, disposed of a splendid piano to a professional gentleman in this town on Wednesday. Two or three Toronto dealers' had spent a day with this gentleman before the Messrs. Scott learned of their intent, but so soon asthey did, they did not permit the grass to grow under their feet until they were after him, and, placing their terms and the merits of their instru- ment before him, soon convinced .him that it was very greatly to his ad- vantage to buy from the home firm,and the purchase was made ' accordingly. There are not many, if any, who can .undersell our Seaforth dealers, and the merits of their wares are such as to commend them to all. P• ROPERTY SOLD.—In SOLD.—In accordance with previous announcement, the property of Mr. David McNaught was sold on which are stored a large number of Tuesday by public auction by Mr. J. P and valuable vehicles, which, altho Brine. Mr. McNaught's residence, and they might not have been dextro; the blacksmith and wagon shops, and would certainly have been esterz the two lots on which they stand, were 1damaged. The Messrs. Pillman purchased by Mr. John Brigham for ! well 'congratulate themselves on $1500. The small dwelling house and narrow escape, and these congra_ the stable and driving house, with the tions will be shared in by all who k lot on which they stand, were pnrchas i them, as they are industrious, e • y 111111111119000.111111111 7 ; ladies :008112, m 1 . There h year, n • -efftc iyve .1::w of t • : tioulars h : sple di 90mplis in :•ould t ke e hops th nt year, ing orr.] list will n - tuber. 1 : •r '0 al d' of smoke,�and the flame just creeping p the rafters on the inside of the ro4f. He immediately procured water, a d the fire was extinguished without doff g any damage. - - It is supposed that a spark from the fire -place in the blas smith shop.or from a heated iron _h fallen in a crack between the partiti boards of the wall, and had smoulder there all night and just broke out Mr. Pillman came to the shop in 't 'morning. At any rate, it ie fortune for him that business called him ont early on that particular morning, as a few Minutes more the place wo have been in flames. The buildi are all of wood, and as there was wind blowing at the time have been very difficult to h the show room and paint sl= are close to the wood shop an brisk would saved! whicl FOR • • n, br lexan c ssion toba o has bee over nil good de f a spec ood deal ake a go pending 0. rothez,43, county. town, a prospect). Portage la an ba f- t re a t e n y be 'I r it A HE HURO EXPOSITOR. yont ng a ere n h say , of fact: close s ork our gre will th• me•• .lied 1 : 15; other per - al membership of Bks lost during tench for ;the care the I Librarian.: In which the above showing ail they do Institute is ao- tizens generally,` r interest ih it. • so:during the cur- t instead of here b rs,the membership up to doable that th er e. I 1 111 7 .. 013A. of Kin acke dnesd esid rs. prop tive mon des few d 1 a 1 • • ►, to point, will pr dent John $ leaving wilt Manitoba has hada cinity ala N and he has mainly ou Broad en .will local brother is ville. and we 1) his new leo there s shortly:. 5'• althoeg Ito is to Ma. to chrouicl bone a>id s"new will help to Uncle dam. ih �a, ly 1y tiff. it II a- a w It r - a only ayse ed by Mr. Geo. A. Houghton for $500, making $2,000 for the whole property, or $500 less than Mr. McNaught had previously sold it to Mr. Moore for. Mr. Moore, however, was unable to meet his engagements and had to give up the property, which accounts for its sale by auction. Messrs. Brigham and Houghton have each got a good bargain. IRON PUMPS. — The era of wooden pumps is about at an end.. This spring a great many people, especially farmers, are very prudently removing their wooden pumps from their wells and are replacing' them with iron ones, which, although probably not any more dur- able or ,easily worked, are certainly very mqc Ii more healthy, as they do Rot accumulate the insects and inl ori - *us matter in a well which the old style wooden pumps do. Mr. William Robertson, of Oakville, is extensively engaged in the manufacture of iron pumps, and the firm here have within the last year disposed of a large num- ber in this neighborhood. As they are an article that is in general use and for which there will ultimately be an al- most unlimited demand. We would like very much if we could prevail upon Mr. Robertso. i to remove his factory from Oakville to Seaforth. He has al- ready a large interest here, and we are care that this is so much better a loca- tion for his business than where he now is, that he would very soon do much more than make rip the cost of re- moval. An enterprise of this kind would be a very great benefit to Sea - forth. LOCAL BRIEFS.—The Lacrosse Club intend celebrating the Queen's Birth- day in right good style. Therewill be a lacrosse match between the Exeter and Seaforth clubs, and athletic sports and other amusements will also be fur- nished, and liberal prizes offered for competition.—Mr. John Henderson, of McKillop, has purchased- the residence on North Main street recently owned and occupied by • Mr. Lyall.—Most of the cheese factories in this neighbor- hood comriienced work on Monday last. There is not much grass yet, and milk deliveries will likely be small until there is better growth. —The residence and grounds connected therewith, on North Main. street, belonging to Mr. S. F. Johnson, can, we understand, be bought for $2;000. It is a remarkably ` cheap property at this figure. There are five or six acres of land, and there is no nicer building site in town.—Mr. James Stewart, for many years assistant at the Commercial Hotel, was enter- tained by his friends at a complimentary supper on last Friday evening, and was presented with an address and a mas- sive gold ring. Ile leaves Seaforth to assume the proprietorship of one of the leading hotels iu Listowel, and we can assure the people of that town that they will fiu3 hien an affable and com- petent landlord. ---The weather still con- tinues cold and dry, and the farmers are almost discouraged. Unless we have some moisture soon the fall wheat and hay will be very poor crops.—We understand that it is the intention of the Rev. Mr. McDonald to leave for the Old. Country in about two weeks. It has not yet been decided who will sup- ply his pulpit during his absense.—The liquor license question will likely be decided by the Town Council` at their meeting on Monday evening next.— Main street is now being watered re- prising young men, and have built n goad business here, which is not profitable to themselves, but is like a beilefit to the town. OUR MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.—Thi nual meeting'of the members o: Seaforth Mechanics' Institute was in the Institute rooms on Tuesday ing last. There was a fair attenc of members. The Librarian's R was read and adopted. The Treesl report not being complete, its consul tion had to be postponed until Fi the 20th inst., when an adjot meeting will be held to dispose The following officers and Dir were elected for the ensuing yea P. Hayes, President ; Thomas Vice -President ; Wm. Moore, Sec and Librarian ; John J. Darwin,; �a; taut Secretary ; F. Holmested, Tr' urer. Directors.—Revds. A. D. Donald and Jaffrey Hill, and e: Dr. Vercoe, D. D. Wilson, Wm. B tyne, S. G. McCaughey, R. Lu f and M. Y. McLean. ;. There is an lent staff of officers, under guidance we sincerely hope the WO will enter upon a renewed prosperity and usefulness. Fro] Librarions' report, which is alwa and interesting, and this time cularly so, we glean the fol ,particulars : The attendance Institute during the last year, bet the afternoons and evenings, ha larger than in any.former year number of books issued fror Library during the past year wa, being an increase of 327 over the of last year, while the books so were of a higher class, only a litt one half being works of 'diction.; Membership was twelve less. las' than ` the year previous, -whiff Librarian accounts for by meml moving from town and neglige renewing subscriptions. Sevens members were admitted duri year. One hundred and sevent new volumes have been added library during the year. This ri includes many valuable works. graphy, history, voyages, tray science and art, also eleven 'vo of the latest edition of the cyclopEedia Britanica. Ther three evening classes forme ing. the season — one in write arithmetic with 15 pupils t month and 9 the second an e class with 26 pupils, and a class, which is now in progre 28 pupils. The revenue fror classes amounted to $135.40. tables iu the reading room are trated papers ; 4`dailies, 5 we€ semi-weekly ; 10 monthly m and 8 reviews. There are not library 1663 volumes, dividod a biography, 124 ; fiction, 445 ; 243'; miscellaneous, 223 ; po drama, 44 ; periodicols, 151 ; and art, 268 ; voyages and tra works of reference 26. The monthly issue of books during was 530. The books taken e read were divided among th classes as follows : biograp fiction, 3216 ; history, 434;' igneous, 576 ; poetry and dra periodicals, 712 ; science and voyages and travels, 581, being of 3216 works of fiction, and 315( books. The members for the pa were divided as follows : -Life m 5 ; mechanics, 21 ; - -country 'ilf • e I r 0 t • 1 e t e 1 • 4 • • Mr. Hugh McKin- Messrs. Donald and o i, of the 110th con- ith, left 'for Mani - y. Mr. McKinnon of Manitobai for e has acquired a rty there, and being urn, he has malde, a yr and expects soon to more. He has been his this this • Jo onths visiting ter friends in C. Steele, of ng for Manitoba on e Wednesday next. will be his objective ountry suits him he ome a permanent resi- a'rie Province.—Mr. of Hallett, inytends a ily and effects for eek., Mr. Broadbent located in the vi- il,le for several ears, s well there the it is isentations the Mr. ng this ventur . He his lson- here, 11 in that very in es when stating d:parture of on" 'best Dakota, wher °they ichthe coon Cy of s st rt g tour rairi the be e P ben his ext oth lson one 18 is re s n a nd as b he U n - the eld in- ce ort re' ra- ay, ed it. • rs. M. dd, ary xis- as - u c- ars. en - den cel- ose sti- of the full arti- ing the • in been The the 366, 88110 sued over The year the s re- in new the seven • the • ition bio - and rimes E n - were dur- and. first ntion awing with these n the illns- ies; 1 azines n the flows istory, y and ciente s, 139; verage e year to be arious , 340 ; miscel- , 142 ; 365 ; issue other it year mbers, mbers, e. r I' k fa m ! near wher •ill go direct to N e a good citizen w 1 do equally w e !understand others going exodus still cont mind so much utl it is aggra sev:r th e do i't itoba, th to err err FRoi r in a lette Dakota favors the inter was a w feathered in . Coiclq Ace from 1Iklei.rto social•vieit a that tc loo circumstance othersfrise con take !rather returrIing by AT lWO xK. bnsilyi engage stone (',Presby south of this aratigns for brick lonle by 72; feed a and jud ing fication en for the erect'on o only 1 bq or dit io , bn 1 • KOT wh•ch a f • ith sw sa man rao as a to the rescue of his ao-' compile with a torch in one hand an8 a stick i the other, and with a fierce howl o araoteristic of the fiercest denizen of the forest bade him let that man alone ' As the bark of th log upon which one of the young gam lers was sitting when Ili. Horney ar ived upon the sone took a sudden n tion to -a part of his pants, we would a vise the young ulprit to divest hims if of that patio lar part of his attire as soon as possiile, as quite a number ar pre- pared tc id :ntify he cloth and it ight be the riea's of b -nging him to in tice. Boys, hi: taffy business is getting rathertali, and we think you had better let i down for a few months. Hnelll. us. Quit a number continue t ' is sta 'on for Dakota and ba.I� s ENu RATARs. — Mr: 'Wm. f this place, and Mr. C. f Hay, census enumerators vision, have completed I their , R.—The weatber still con-. mol and backward here, bhtet fa e of this, we are pleaSed to e f rmers remark that the fall is oing pretty well, and is likely ie a mac better crop than was at d a shot tine ago. o MENTB. We notice that Mr. is n, of the a firm of Jackson rel ism ng some nice improve- inconnec ion with his residence 11 • • ey. i1. Nicholas orton he sent home from i:nd intimate retard to the Eai • to • it represents. rdent admirer N - - r. Robby S 'Aerie," paid ew days ago, and i�i up gaily. 0 w ich ' he cou Del, he was coinpe c rcuitous route y of Belle-ville ! very le and Nick hof the Burns us a was at oing to Id not led to home EXOD to leaVE Manito CENS Carlish Eacretl for thio 'duties. a Mr. John Kyddis now in tearing down the old teri. n church, a little ill: the he do fro It • •• denonni locality PRrzl pretty,l Jwato n g their; l' n local fa took fir who ev I of th - c him priz quit',' thor, u� be able heh°s and res been' plea in the. late. fai Cderi Bb Weste t ,1 Street,i been f donia, visite a favors the f re nati'�on from; exp,e and solaci wit OAT i i0h nit esi Mahone, f bu fad s. IY pr' ze f ex ibit ire arm for uite nti nine hbI} �td ` lras rer, HE elf lu • u r f e 0 8 • • go, and makiin erection of tl ew church is t an imposing (height, and speci- e gill not yteriau do this prep - e. new o be 40 WEA' tinnes in the hear tb wheat to pro anticip bar S. Jac Broths ments on Kii C. Cha wise iI street. Sin merch gaged along and B quire timbe cion t men c the w PE has for so here Dako a kee the w very termi with ,ouch, intleu Tuck the plans p e `workmen eI ` the same, it to the Presl t an ornamen s. -The goose hangs is Village and vicinity irs� Steacy & Kerslake, Stood at the front in siness at the various Cr. Dinnit , taxtdirmist, or best tease of birds oda Mr. John Glenn, , who has distinguished a number of years as a , has new in his pgsaession d cattle with which he will stain the reputation which ria ber c�f promisin young • 8 won as a cattle breeder Mr. James Horton has a very important artBat with his imported horses. K TO SEE US.—M irine rly', merchant o treal House, but me time residing or State; paid us e. flying 'w days ago, appears to be so 'mpress!ed with the land of t he has ohanged the great ppellation of the republic Sa to My Sammie. He him elf with suck iuency cant in contrasting the rope cities of Unle Sam of J hp. Bull as ln`iost to the atter. He speaks very f th stilabrity of the 'Ameri- e, pan says he has greatly d in nerve and health goner - Bard to say in the heat h si em that had` he been n u ley he would have ag G etus--We claim to id t the most original co my of Huron in - the Thomas Car who, al - ever served an hours' any branch of me- on—which wor both in or—which ould do most skilled workman. o almost instinctively to branch of Mechanism, ith ease work of the 110. tore. He is t present • in framing`` a large e premises of his father, t, of which appears to be . J. T. Grange vho has n Cale- th el ed theltliBeie • MOW Glee OW, SCOt1 AN jIVERSARY after *on last depe dent Ord (the emission the arhaiversarY) arra then marched in proc esion to St. anis' church where they *ere addresse with much feeling binson, who took for hapter of Job from d verses, i elusive. elt at cons derable princi- he good enjoin - needy g and N lson streets.— W. rters is al o painting and ther- nproving his residence on King PI o --Mr. J. J. Fraser, timber t, of this place, is busiy en - t present shipping his timber t e line of the London, Huron u e, and 1t is thought it will re - b ut thr a .weeks to load the . We m at come to the oonclu- - Mr. Fraser and his gangs of a not hay remained idle during er. ' - 4l AL.— r. R. G. Hilien, who n a re-ident of this village •.: time, as sold his property a d into ds 'shortly leaving for a Mr. illei has always taken • interest in all that tendered to are of the village, and while o• ch reg etthag that he has de- • d to le ve us, we unite heartily s many friepds in wishi g him • rosperi y and happines in his l :d home.—Mrs. G. Ing am, of esmith, eft_here Weanesdey iiig to visi her son in Man-toba.— drew Gi christ, who resides near nd,is here at present here Mr. John Gilchrist. SERVICES.—On Sabbath the Members of the In - r of Oddfel;lows of this. d at their handsome Re.nnie's brick block,. f tpeir gathering being 410.111.1 to say that Corey will be able and willing to pater to the wants of the public in first rate style. Das wood. Scnooe REPORT.—The following is pupils the report of the standing of the p p in the senior division of the Dishwood pp e he month of April : obtainable 596 -1st 7. Fourth olass,rnarks it Mary Ansi Snell, 290. Senior third class, marks obtain- able 430 -1st Maria Graybiel, 280. Junior third class, marks obtainable 420 =-1st Angeline Bear, 225. blit echo: 1, for ifth class}'mark Benjamin Bean 4 obtainable 480-1 H'!ullett. THAT LOST SHOVEL. G Mr. ditor— Sir : In answer t some asserti ns made e by Mr. W 1 McMichael in last we issue, in which he states I thr 3w some unmanly accusations and insinuations ntion to egarding will see nded on st place, e shovel ow, Mr. you for the space taken up in your valuable a n s e faverably cani china, ally,' and of hia still ving been ead king towards him, I will call his atti all.of the articles published " the lost shovel," and he whether or not his ideas are fo facts. And as ] said in the'fi I still positively assert, that ti was taken and returned. Editor, I' return my thanks t by t his t the Mr. length upon th3 fo ples of their s they were oapable ed t perform t and destitute bret ern again as ing ed Bru cell Tho Ord stat me SI gerrin in the pros° of thou b. h eh wo ordai an Ines bu or ge tirip yon Rev. Mr. R s the xxxi th to the 22 al d to h ,iseta to any xlec tea cate n t reat:r pa &MI al CE 370,1 r e8 wee w th • efield, wh lit addre peon, o r appear , and is bership. ndatiou end f doing an thoee cumstances. The enibled in the even - d in carriages to re Ithey received an ex - s from the Rev. Mr. Union Church. The creasing rapid y in its paper, and for the future I trouble you anyl more on the and I am now 81 firmer ,.belie ever in the powe of the press P. HAWTHORNE, Gillett. OUR Sonooe. correct report o pupils of our report is based ency and good c 1st Elizabeth Govenlook, 3d Jessie Calder. Cannon, 2d class, senior— Mary Morris° D*ree.—Th world wags on still, but few events wo th Chronicling are taking placie at Hari* arid neighborhood. SEEDING.—The ifarmers ara all busy with their spring Work, and the weather bei g favorab they are making rapid Part. Nor are characteriz tie atiduce yeting itnify py at the pros becoming p rtakers of a delicate re- past did not notice him until1he arriv- ed pon the scene, when they instantly tbo ilig t, 100IT which Mr. Horney gave r nd one of the chlprits, low ades, soon is pursuer, of the hu- chr eel tb r his dis- hy his he is a ind, is an and a per - in t and any inthr op. The following is a the standing of the chool for April. The upon diligence, profici- will not subject, er than me other party took the lady's horae out 'for her while he was lookin arohnd. Nothing datuited, he seized th firet'conveyance that came within bi each and. triutnphantly drove up to th hq door, when he was politely i .°kTiltereedeonf tSheteiemeiiseitea,k—e'M r. T. A. Va ridger, timber contractor in the e arnileon, has commenced. to ship ti er!on the Louden, Huron and Brn e ailway between Clinton and Win bath. Mr. VanBridger has made o r nterprising little town his hea narters while in that capacity for the aet six months, and during that ti e 1 0,1by his affable manners, has made a ' °et of friends. He ishipped the bulk f he whole amount from Blyth. • TARTING WORK.—The milk drawers di on their routes on Monday last. Bea WORE.—On Thursday. of last eek Mr. Alex. Ingram, near Hensall, arrowed 14 acres and rolled nine in 11 hews. Who can beat it ? ALL W.et.A.T.—The most of the fall w. eat in this vichaity looks very sickly ; itIneeds raM the Worst way, as there ,has been none of any account since the '7th of February. ' 'ALARMIN6.—An illurainous body has b en observed. by several persons in 't is neighborhood. It appears to rise f th d and if ursued it • Wholosa and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Millinery, Car- pets and Oil Cloths, We can offer to our Customers and the public generally, the VeryiChoicest, Newest and Cheapest Lot uf Ladies', Mines' and Claildren's Taney and Plain Straw and Braid HATS AND BONNETS r ' Vei ill retreat and become extinct, but it - Will reappear in a few minutes again. '101 presence is alarming to a few of our 4tizens who trur a great deal in LIThe world to an end shall came, nduct : Fifth class— In the year Eighteen Hundred and Eighty -One." Alexander, 2d Annie And it happens that these two lines Dan. McFadeean, 4th Were added to het prophecy after she Fourth class-Lalst Jane Was departed. m. Reinharq Third 1 • st Bella Calder, 2d ; Wroxeter. 3d Eliza Burns, 4th ! ' FISHING.—Severtal of our fishers are Mary Burns. hird class, janior—let i3aaking large hauls of suckers every Joseph Kenny, 2d Maggie Cash, 3d bight Just now, with the net, below the Jennie G-ovenlleck, 4th WM. Kenny. h,riage. Second class-11st John Hannah, 2d '''' ' Beennee—sBoating has fairly opened ion the river. So far no upsets have 4th Andrew Calder. First class—lst ;been made, but if ' some of our younger Maggie Carter' 2d Samuel Carter, 3d. dads do not take a little more care, they Richard Pother , 4th Elizabeth Kenny. i will be getting a cold dip. 1 TORoNTO, GREY AND BRUCE RAILWAY. russels. i —A meeting is to be held in Toronto Fon 'THE BA. D.—The Reeve has had 1 on May 5th by the heads of municipali- erected, at h's own expense, on the : , ties voting bonuses to tha Toronto, HEAT PR SPECTS. —The fail wheat is sectio loelts exceedingly well, will cora are favorable with that of other par of the county. FLAMMATI er.--1-Mrs. Fred. Ramsey ring from a severe attack n, but is, we are glad to thelway to recovery. oer.-e-We would suggest POStmaster that he put e ere behind Boston in nd that will never do. has been ,suff of haflammati learn, no'w Oil SUGGEST ur worth sign, as respect, ECOVERED our Bostonia is able to be round attendin wa ts of his numerous TILL ICEROUND.—At last reports the lee on the lake was still one unbroken sheet, consequently, the weather when the wind is iii the west is Ilene of the EPARTED. With regret we.chronicle th death of of Credi- coiatested th thee last elec OFF FOR Cesselman gan, where Well, Sam, OF HEROISM. — SiX t to the ',ngar bush orney one night last e intention of gorging propensiti 8, After lo ing fire a d getting down to have a sociable game to up tha ilelthe remain es ctiVely to wor plen eh the fire. a fir where no fir set ut for the b d ha Market Square pretty design, ment to the Sq THE QUEEN' of May is to be style this year. out, and shout people of the s enjoy a fine pleasure in to THE SALT the salt well b day morning, forward as fast as possible. We wish this enterprising gentleman every suc- cess in the unilertak.ing. Gr ey.- —We are glad to see that store keeper and j. P. to the ustomers ng two set to procure r. Homey , should be, sh, but the f his prox- ect of soon a band stand of a very Grey and Bruce Railway Company for which is a great orna- I the widening of the gauge, to elect a are. third person to act as custodian of the BIRTIIDAY.—The 24th celebrated here in graud A prize list of $200 is the weather be fine the rrounding country may day's amusement and n. ELL. — The drilling in ing sunk by the Reeve ers, commenced Thurs which will be pushe in no fel vth ing as his com a vi tim to, the grasp of e a forbidden specimen le Wm. Shaw, I be remembered ICHIGIN.—Mr. Samuel C. about removing to Michi- e has secured Eua interest mill of Hopkins & Co. e wish you success. BOY PRINKS.—The small boy now w lloweth i the creek and invites his ccmpanion to take a bath with him. Ob, man! ts nice in here ; come in debentures voted by the municipah The Hon. A. Mackenzie was appoi by the Local Gov.ernrnent, and Sir Howland by the Company. On sideration of the $4,000 bonus vote Wroxeter, we are to have a statio I, the eorth end of Gibson street, an switch is to be run from the state tshtreeectso.rner of Gibson and Howick ; Morris. Locees.—Mr. Chas. Jackson, of the • 1st line of Morris, has left his fathers 11 farm and gone to work with au old I neighbor in Wawanosh. Young people EDUCATION —The following is the! do not at all times now e stapding of th pupils of School Section1 parental advice, but experience that iS No.12, Grey, f r the months of Marc bought and paid for is apt to be remora- . and April, based upon written examin bered.—Mr. J. rough & Bros., have . tione, general proficiency and good COILlii started. to work at Mr. Ed. Bosm n's duct during the said mouths : Fiftlri. brick house.—The men are busy putting class—A. M.1 Hislop 235, Sarah in the grain in the fields, while the women are engaged in tilling the soil in the gardens for minor crops. LOCALITES.—Mr. Wm. Laidlaw, of Morris, started for St. Clair county, Michigan, on Wednesday last, where he res. ted W. on - by at a to In the Very LATEST STYLES, both TRIMMED k th value of Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, and th4 Newest .Designs in Ornaments. OUR SHOW ROOM In the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is Very Complete. 4 NEW iklifINS. NEW SILKS NEW REAL LAOES. SILK AND LACE TIES. In SILK, ZENILLA , ALPACCA, COTTON, PDX. IDARASOLS In POM14_DOUR SILK, PLAIN SILK and COLOBED SILK. • Just Arrived To -Day, as having ephen at Smith 238. Fourth class—Martha Smith 179, Annie Sillers 172, Maggi Hislop 154, Arch, Sillers 147, Margar A. McAllister 124. Senior third clas —Isabella 3. Askin 412 Elizabeth. Harris 405, R chel Stewart ..321, Mar i intends settling on a farm with his A. Stewart 311. Junior third class -le family. Mr. Laidlaw is an old and let Mary Mc adzean, 2d Eliza L. Wile much respected resident of this town- liamson, 3d T. B. Morrison, 4th D ship, and. we, Unite with his many Ballantyne. enior second class—ls) friends in. wishing' him success. Mr. J. Watson, 2 j. Clark, 3d D. Sillerst, D. Eghin, who has been confined t his 4th 0. Harris. Junior second class-+ room with illneSs for the past fo r or let J. Hislop, d Sarah Williamson, 34 flve months, still continues in a pre - Maggie J. M rrison, 4th Ellie J. Mc- carious condition, and his :recov ry is Gavin. Seco Billets, 2d Is Shaw, 4th J Snaith. Firs S. Harris, 3d HEN WA a hen to h ob will ca her work if FEVERED g tion of port says h sevene elieve rep TED.—Bob wants to borrow tch out a setting of duck any of his neighbors oblige e her at the post office and for her and board her for it ie done satisfa torily. ptoe of ex - advent on stor. Re- ith a voice the Methodist ton is on the er the expected t of their new p is a big man unders. But then who can d first class—let Charlie doubtful.—The fall wheat in this own - d if rains total et is belle 'Sillers, 3d W. a. ship is looking very miserable, a ne Johnston and Kitty ,we are not favored with warm class—let J. Hodgins, 2s1 pretty soon, thia -crop will be a . Clark, 4th J. McGavin. SCHOOL RE port, based o and good co standing of t school for th Class—lst B Clare, 3d Ag Class-1.st G. Maggie Walk fotirth1 class J. Dorrance, James Scott Mary Dorr al Bella Dic son, 3d J. L. Brown, 4th T. Dodds. Senior second class—lst S. Brown, 2d Adeline Sparling, 3d N. Aitcheson, 4th R. Robertson. Ju second class -1 -1st Mary j. McClure, W. McClure Dodds. Se fleet class— McClure, 3 trions pupil for April is W. C. Dor- CONTEMP TED REMOVAL. We learn at Mr. Casselmart contemplates lesing up his SSW mill for the present na then s lling out sometime in June. . Cease man has turned farmer, ence the tiontemplated disposal. This Will be a pod chance for those wishing mill prope ty to purchase. NEW R SLIIENT.-2,1r. Corey Bliss, formerly o Parkhill, has purchased an hotel propaty at the Grana Bend, and 's busily se gaged in fitting it out as a nmmer r:sort for pleasure seekers. eady th air is full of talk of street ars to the lak , pleasure boats, swings, Alth ug we do not, look for all hese won ere, still we do ilot hesitate Mc-Will op. ORT.—The following r duct, shows the corre e pupils of the Roxbo tee, Dodds, 2d Flora es Black. Senior four h Brown, 2d T. Dodds, 8d r, 4th J. Hngill. Jimier lst Jeanie Dickson, 2d Senior third 'class—let ce, 2d A. Cnthill, Clure, 'Ath A. Sperling. Y. failure. In any event the harv now sure to be late. Taokersmith. A NOBBY FENCE.—Mr. Nathaniel Cousins, of tb,e 2nd. concessiOn, Tucker - 0 Bridal, has just erected a new fence h containing eighty rods of Lyman's four 0- barb fencing wire in front of his farm. Samuel Cooper was the contractor. This wire makes a very neat and tasty fence and reflects great credit on the builder for the excellent manner in which it was constructed. This ire is now becoming quite general as sub- stitute for the old rail and, board the report of School Section Ttickersmith., for the month of the names of the best five in eac being given in order of merit : Sixth class—Wm. Ford, Aggie Murray, Dun- can Wood. Fifih class—George Logie, Mary A. Roger, James McArthur, Francis Wood, Robt. Wood. Fourth class --Maggie Fairbairn, Jessie Lang, John Stewart, Alice Bell, Eliza Bell. Senior third class—Maggie ' Eurrie, John McLean, Daniel Bell, Katie Ford, Thomas Murray. Junior third class— Jane Price, Ji+et Lang, Wilson Wood, Robert McLean, Louis Clark. Second class—Annie Ford, Mary J. Horton, Betsy Fairbairn, Annie Bell, Eliza Wood. Or 2d 3d R. Dorrance, 4th C. ior first elass—lst J'. own, 3d G. Dickson. Juriior R. Aitcheson. The illns- Blyth. DIED.— iss Mary MeGowan, daugh- ter of Mr. Geo. McGowan, of East Wawanosh, died on Friday evening, 29th ult. er remains were folloWed to Blyth c nietery the following Sem- day by a la ge concourse of sorroWing friends. CLOSING P OF STORES.—The mer- chants of B, yth have signed a petition generally tali close up their respective places of b siness on and after the 116th day of May at seven o'clock sharp, and to continue se until October. 1st. Fann- ers and others will take due notic of this, and g t to town earlier to do t eir business. his is a splendid move and slaould be eartily encouraged. AcciDEN .—While Miss Hicks, Si.ster of Mrs. 0. . Martin, along with her brother, w re driving eo their home in Brussels ednesday evening last, the tug belonging to one of the horses, be- came loose. The boy got out of the buggy to asten it, when the horses,. startled at the approach of the evening train from London, ran away, throWing out the la y occupant. Beyond a few rough brui es, she was not dangernusly hurt. As t is, she had a very narrow escape. A Mtn .—A certain dry goods clerk in B yth, who is generally called "Sam," w s sent out by a lady custom- er to the; sheds of the Commercial Hotel for her horse. While he WaS Out, g is o. 1, class NEW OIL CLOTHS. NEW TOWELLINGS. NEW TABL1NGS. NEW PRINTS. SEE pAK HALL'S TWEED SUITS, Made to Order, from $12 to SEE OAK HALL'S BLUE AND BLACK SERGE SUITS, Warranted • Fas4 Colors, from $15 to 318. SEE 'OAK HALL'S PANTS, Made to Order, at $8 50 Per Pair; SEE 0A,K HALL'S STRAW HATS, Newest'Shapes and Colors for Men and Boys, from 25 cents to $1 74. Cranbrook. SICRNESS.—Airs. Peter McDonald, of this place, is yery sick. If there -is no change for the better soon, the general opinion is that she will not stand it CIDER MAIIING.—It is not often that cider is made at this Beason of t e year, but Mr. Cameron has made so e last week. Bring yonr apples alo g and Mr. Cameron will squeeze the ci er out of them. SEEDING.—The farmers in this vicinity are getting along nicely with their spring work. A good many will be through this week. The fall wheat is not looking very well. Many farmers say that they don't expect more than half a crop. NEW FENCK.—The Presbyterians of this place are preparing to build a fine 'picket fence in frent of the church and manse. This was very much needed as the old fence was in a dilapidated con- dition. Some other congregationsshotild take notice of this and go and do like - NEW DWELLING HOU8E.—Mr. A. Mc - wise. Nair, merchant and post maste of this place is building a new house, which will add much to the appear ce of SEE OAK HALL'S STIFF AND SOFT FELT HATS, at $1, &NI Styles, Imported Direct. OIAK HALL DEFIES ALL COMPET1TIONin Clothing, natal and Caps, and Furniehings. Compare Prises and see if they don't. the villa.ge. The masons are busy at work and are getting along well. Mr. James Sinclair has the contract, and it is needless to say that the work will be well done, as James has proved himself one elf the best of masons. Iffalt on. MEETING.—A meeting will be held this (Friday), evening for the purpose of arranging matters for the celebration Elf the ,Queen's Birthday on the 24th. Come one, come all and show your loyalty by lending a helping hand. LITERARY.—The members of the Walton Literary Society met in Beirne's hall on Friday evening, the 22nd of April, when the subject "Resolved. that man. learns more from observatiall than from reading" was ably dismissed in the preeence 9f a large audience. Mr. L. McDonald was elected ehairmssa and Messrs. Pattison and a 11. Morrison ,were chosen to assist the chairnaan in determining the victors. The affirmative was diecussed by 31r. A. Morrison, as leader, supported by Meesrs. D. Johnston and D. Knight. The negative was taken by Mr. J. Mo - Donald, ae leader, assisted by Mesa% J. Bulger and K. McKenzie. At the, conelusion the chairman announced the decision in favor of those who ear ported the affirmative. Readings was given last Fridaiy evening by Misase Scott and Madigan and Messrs. Bulges Reid and Johnston. After this tbe chairman, Mr. James McDonald, de• closed until next fe11.—Com. WHOLE N THE ONTAR REA MADE M ER THESE GOODS the N -a- Vut land Thcy welt, and tome Muth Oh Clotlhhag, -See our scpTqK TWEED CANADIA.N TWEE ENO -LISA TWEED BL OK WORSTED YOUTHS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS -44, SPECIAL ! We offer a Job Lot VESTS at about half price gains see them. Campbell's Bloc) 1881 SEAF01 SPRING AND CLOTf- TTAS Riot Received a Fla J --s- and &minter Goods, Assorted that any one tan bo THE O'MAHC -ou IRISH Scotch and Cana in Pull 1.4 As theee were alIboright DOWN, they were cow the Lowest Figures, and the Lowest Quotations. HATS AND CENTS' I In Hats said Genta' Furni the stock of any former to Stock of . READYMADE Gentlemen zontemplating provision1s rnade for their Remnants for Ladies Wanting Remnanii; find them here cheap, WAIL Brick Bleak MAUI Stre MORTGAb: IN MI TOWNSHIP 4 'UNDER Power of Sale Registered Mortgage, wiz at time of sale, and is made I BOTHWELL and 'Wife, will Auction at MANVILLE & B ROOMS, in THE CITY OF TIII:RSDAY1 MAI At Three o'clock in the Aftei , ; Valuable Freehold Pr LOt No. Eight, in the SeYeni the said Townsh'..p of Grey, c more or lese. Soil is elay 101 cleared, balance timbered lei Two log houses and -frame b in -vicinity are good. Dia about six and a half miles. - TERMS AND C HARRIS, MAGI Vendors' Soli4 Or to MESSES. ),12fN-vria.13 791-1 Auctitr