HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-05-06, Page 5V took Dtiiy the iOug 4012 (lash, ud 4Cee88 Years er, foe ie Court af Ittai na the 26 ade er it of E8 inteetea Alknida- of Ther:,: —Matthe: Ira beeov. et • Churches', ,iseaseia at 's ill the [after case being re. 4e. . rug of the Clinta; et eva,14 C. cli, Nv 1 acres ea - oweee4 'Ds, to atri. the am years age, rably over eid is now g lad , oil itiands, tele tickers. a from the aod dole, caught. a Ere -ram the hioking ethe rough a. g to tee ek 011 the was ear. yug stork 1. ve means circulated '--ad s age, di :tkerline, it fortune to everyt een raised, d to Mx, iarticularly remember. busioess of sg Loodes. i or, in one away he one-fourth ne of the w ready .1ere being LI/ Opening low Duna which her I" had re.: am roug_bsi , shook tha i from her aid depart - ;tires new gleare vill 9 "couF;in'i ion. wiashlp of mfore gin.. Wino0ham by °hie and dis- i previous 41r. Wm, le Queen's ef By-law aotb these idned $1 O days in '-ale Henry d not want consent of 1 aged man I'S. AnglISt [d did not it seems, t into the- rein dam. D look for ag on the iis lifeless ii-rorts hole wried two ield by Dr. t a verdict ret in the 'Saturday, tindement. eeting by Mous ses- a adopted - Hp, in all tethed of a fitst and butesdis- fr. George rule for iolid body, the area if middle divida a- height. ;how that ire, paral-- pyramid, uts ot a• ise. This ing of a !rtainly of liscussiori !ef teach- ' Grassick entitled, ed in the nect him- , "'depart - the sands ai be so ibe, how- erpetuata 7 rOHOWIla lariat ViSit . the pre - and ap- s liberty' sorne- worthies ho great g intellect thus en - with the ssora and uded MAY 6, 1881. saying, in the colleotion of books within our reaeh, we can hold communion with the mightiest, minds that ever swayed a destiny or influenced a people. We can read of Pericles and Demosthenes, Napoleon ' and. Wellington, Nelson, Columbus and. many others. Let us then take a retrospective view of the blessings and luxuries which we now enjoy, think to whom we owe them, and honor them accordingly. Yes, let us honor our Miltoes, our Watts, our, Knoxes, - our Hamptlens, our Beaters! and our Wesleys. The election of officers then followed. Mee James McAndrew was appointed President, J: W. Hogarth Vice-Presi- 1 dent, and Mr. James Grassick Score- I tary-Treasurer. - A programme weal arranged for the next meeting, and the Iostitute adjourned to meet on the last Saturday in June. Emeemomimimmomm• Tie bb ert PERSONALS.—Mr. Nasmith has re- turned frop4 the Medical College in Toronto, and looks hale and hearty, though not qttite as portly as he was before be 184 for the city. • He intends studying with Dr. Irving, of Kirkton,t during the summer. —Messrs. Hay and Robinson, of sec- tions 5 and 7, are now attending the - Normal Sehool, Toronto, for the pur- pose of procuring their' professionali and class certificates, and making thern-1 selves better able to carry on the work which they have so very efficiently and skilfally done in the past, Messrs. Steele and Sampson take their places until they return at the beginning of the va- cation. 1111:111111101111111111MINIMIll Goderich. THE NEW BRIDGE.—At their meeting on Monday last, in Goderich, the Coun- ty Road Comraissioners decided to circa an iron bridge over the river Maitland in this town this season. Their action will, of course, be subject to the B..p pro v al of the County Council at its June meeting. The present bridge is so much decayed that it would be absolutely dangerous to let it stand another yeer. Should the reconamen- dation of the Commissioners be adopt- ed by the Colleen, this will be the first iron bridge erected in the county. These structures have been well tested in other places and have proven very satisfactory, aud they have been adopted by the Grandarunk and other railway companies, anti a better place to test them in this county could not be desired than that selected. They are considerably more expensive than a wooden etructure, but are much more endurable, and require fewer repairs. The decision of the Commissioners can- not, therefore, be regarded otherwise than judicious, and there are no reason- able grounds to doubt that their action will not be fully eialorsed by the Coun- r,lack Austrinn Oats, or Springl -Wheat, c ty Council at its first session. pend on getting from me clean seed and Boilable prices. Give me a call. Wen 11 asommelemmosnolf [FILM THE NEW ER1.] BRIEF NOTES. --Fall wheat looks fair to middling,, and may yet be a tolerable crop.e-Mitny farmers hereabouts, who ploweft up their fall wheat, now regret doing so. --Extensive preparations are being made here for the proper celebrae tioti of the 24th inst.—Mr. Jas. Broad - foot, of T nekeremith, left here by Great Western Railway last week for Kansas, on a visit to relatives and friends.—A gentleman of ' this phece, who recently received a letter from his son in Crystal City, Manitoba, states that oats are $1.50 a bushel there, and other artiobesj at a similar figure.—John Fox, Jr., o Nelsonville, Manitoba, writes home to his brother here, that it would kill him to experience another winter euch as the last, and he will return to Ontario.— which we will sell as low as any house , in On Thursday morning last the eldest trade, quality considered. L99 . son of Mr. S. Date, about 14 years of NOTICE.—Whereas, certain partie age, was severely bitten on the wrist the Town of Seaforth are advertising and Off for sale Organs and Pianos bearing our nam and thigh by a dog belonging to Mr. T: berehy give notice that said parties have n Newniarch. Had it not been that the therity whatever from us to sell our instrttm a boy was quickly rescued, he would cer- and:would advise all intending eurchasers to with Messns. WADE BROTHERS, of Seafortla tainly have eastained serious, if not are onr only authorize d agents in and o oe p °aunty of Huron. Jona; 'WESLEY, 8e r Vici0t1s, but Mr. Dominion Organ and Piano Company. 694 had it killed. On NaTICE TO THE PUBLIC. — Whe some unscrupulous and unreliable agents in forth are offering to supply the Excelsior, 0 to en. terriers of Messrs. Scott Brothers, we b notif all parties concerned that we do Int) and will not guarantee any organs sold by agents, whether our name be on them or Genuine instruments can only be had at th Established Musial Instrument Emporium, Messrs. Scott Brothers. D. BELL & 00. TO Ont.. 699-3 -- , IMPORTANT iNOTICE.—Parties goli erty. 'Sale to commence at 1 o'Olock P. M., sharp. Henry Shaffer, proprie- tor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Births. McLEAN—In Seaforth, on the 29th ult., th4 wife of Mr. M. Y. McLean of a son. McEareN—In Hay, on the 30th ult., the wfe of Mr. Duncan MoDwen, Jr., of a son. DIEHL—In Clinton, on the 28th ult., the w e of Mr. Geo. Diehl, of a daughter. -Marriages. EMERSON—HOLMES—At the Methodist Chi on the 8rd inst., hy Rev. D. G. Sutheela Mr. Robert W. Emerson, to Hattie T., fn daughter of Mr. E. Holmes, all of Clinton. DESMOND—BOYD—In Clinton, on the 4th in at the residence of the bride's mothet, Rev. D. G. Sutherland, Mr Napoleon mond, of Dresden, to Miss Catharine Bo d, Clinton. .HA.RBOTTLE—JOHNSTON—At the reside the bride, on the 20th ult., by Rev. D. Rae Mr. Wm. Harbottle, to Miss Johnston, daughter of the late John j ton, Esq , all of the township of Grey. EGKMIRE—HADDOCK—At the manse, brook, on the 27th ult., by Rev. D. IL Me Mr. Daniel Eckmire, to Miss Lizzie Hadd all of Ethel. Deaths. d, t.# by • s - of of 0- te 8- n- ae, ek, McLEAN—In Seaforth, • on Saturday merining, April 30, Jenny Smith; wife of M. Y. McIa ' and youngest daughter of John Smith; E late of St. George, Brant County, Ont., rase 89 years. HAYES—At Cork, Ireland, on the 12th Apijll in his 81st year, Michael Hayes, Esq., unil. of • Mral$1.13. Hayes, banker, Seaforth. GOWNLOCK—At Brooklyn, New York, p he 28th April, Mr. John Gonitalock, brot ei of Mrs. Graham, Egmondville, aged 66 year. WATSON.—At Mason City, Iowa, U. S., on he 16th April, Kate C., eldest daughter of Lai ce- lot Watson, Esq., late of Elora. —At the same place, on April 25th, George C., eldest son of Lancelot Watson,. Esq., a ed 24 years. C., 1 Local Notices. FOR ALL KINDS of Field, Garden Flower Seeds, at the lowest possible pricer, M. MORRISON. 698-8 THE Finest Jatian Tea Dust in market is to be had for 25 cents per poun LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY'S. -699-2 WILSON & YOUNG are sellieg Tea Sugar at a very small advance on Montreal at sale price. Galland see sample and judge youselveet. 699 SEED POIATOES.— White Elep 50 cents per pc,und ; Beauty of Hebron, at per bushel, and SnOW Flake at 50 ceut bushel. LAInnAw & FA/IltelY. 699-2 THE SEAFORTH SCHOTISCHE. Beautiful Piece of Music. comeosed especia the Pianoby Mrs. C. M. Dunlop, of Sento now on hand and for sale by all News De 697-4 a WOOL PICKINGS, HIDES AND SKIN I will pay the highest cash prices for any`qn of wool pickings, Rides, sheep and caif skins livered at my furniture store. No truck or tr cash for everything. Joan' S. rORTER. 654 To FAIIMERS.—A young lad abou years of age is anxious to obtain a, position. avi good farmer inthe neighborhood of Setif Wages not so much an object as to- secure c fortable home ,and learn the business. Appl 'Inn ExaoseTdat Office, Sealorth. 699 • THE UNDERSIGNED has for sale felt Storehonee, a 1st ge quantity of goodcIcan relable Field Sec ds. Far mers in want of ly Clinton. Seedsman, Seaforth. 696 To THE PATRONS OP THE LONDE WIrinutor AND LOGAN CHEESE FACTO have appointed John Beattie, Esq., of Se and James Kerr, Esq., of McKillop, Treasur re the above Factories. All the patrons ac will therefore be paid at the Factories after sale. Hoping we may have a very successfi1 son, I am, yours truly, W. Hier. 699 EGGS Fon HATCHING.—White horns and Plymouth Rocks. Having nothi choice birds and allowing no eontaaninat o Different breeds at any season, persons pure eggs from me may depend upon getting heris and good. Eggs $2.50 for 13, or 26 Circulars Free. Will have a few long dst Homers for Sale. C. J. THOMAS, Goderieh Canada. 6994 8 nd try he at nd • le - for nt, .50 per 16 for is tr8. tity de - de, • a 0 SEEDS. — WILSON di YOUNG hay large stock of field and Garden Seeds, all neW, bought from the most reliable seedsmen in Dominion. In selecting seeds we always bay best we can get, independent of price, consid poor seeds dear- at any price. We have ell best varieties of Tnrnips, Mengel& and Oa ots, the 13 ha th. m• at and ley, de- ea11- RO : I rth, for ts ery sea- eg- but of mg ure $A. nee nt., a and mg o the year lavithent the tilnej of 'pa ing OFFICE — the third weig each. from cla s t. She 7 to fro at m 30 to 31c -per s sold from $1, p were scarce, all I each, er do per ll fi freely at 710 to were pure aS lb. LITTLE thousand to-da3it at boxes far 150 p UTI five h 1,000 from To ON to $1.10; peas, 650 85c ; ba batter, 1 700 to 80 dressed h LJ Fee bo 90 a, ndr oxe arkets. ;THE Milne* giPOSITOA., . . live 0 to 86 sold ,Hogs 7-ic per 8, N. Y., May 3.—Your s of factory oheese: sold o 12-0, as to grade ; 500 airy sold at 8c tip 12c; Or itt 18 to 21c. ., May 3.—Two t ousand oxes of cheese sold to -day, mmisSioned, range being I 1 ' ay 5.-4'911 wheat, 51.07 41.12 to $1.16; oats, 44c 750 4, barley, 700 to r • ton, $900 to :1512 50 ; 240 4' . potatoes per bag, gs, per :doz., 12c o 13c.; er 100 lbs., $8.00 t is 11109V-204 t of Eat y Apply on L DOItRANC :FIC, ARTICLES 02, SAEE—For Sole, 25 bushels be Potatoes, suitable for seed; 4, Conceitsion 5, McKi1l0 . JAS. - 697 S'" d 0AN, AN I steely, a eafot h. *EN I tely# A pply. to Sealortria. VANTED. L WANTED—Wan ,d imme- ',rant Girl. Apply to J. DUN - 696 WANTED — Wanted immedi- prentice to learn Drtmaking. OLDFIELD, Cardn '13 Block, 69714 TO L or pri Apply FO T— tore, o A •ate LE OR TO LE • ome thTer A. G. Ault' trocery rth. Sellable for dre s nakers g, with front and rear entrance. LT, Proprietor. 693 Tw° Temp also ti and S HOU table ranee H LO hens atiug 11 sonable. ,aepl TO RENT—Te Rent, a com- lling house adoining the Old in the nicest part of he town; djoining the Domini° Curling 11 ; posseesien at once rent rea- o L. MURPHY, Seaforth.' 800 STOREIOU TO RENT.—To rent a good _ grain ro e use on the south side of the E/3 rally tr ek Seaforth, with two set of scales, Utica end jigger's oil complete ; Posses ion given im• mediat el . Apply to Scott Brothers, Seaforth or to the r etietor, LOBERT SCOTT, Rox- boro. I 677 S TO t8Oaetreale. TO OM able Apply E tO ENT—To rent a large end cora- °dims store in Whitney's bierMain , Seer h in the best businessp rt of the , Sealer The sto) is 61: feet ) long with a store 80 feet i length in the rear. Re t 'reason - d peas se on circa Lai 5C.2 Jan ary, 1881. toI I NEY B1a0THER3. 679 MO ' est, p era be. - iv( 0 EY T -"al' 5 GOO a , lowerthan t Comnii sicloe JAM S Bite 'EY T amp ye.b J 0 - Ov EN 6 y MONEY. END—Money to len on good (1 farms only, at 74 pore nt. inter- ily ; private funds; eh rges mod - PORTER. 631 END --S1 0,000 at 6. per cent. per cent. (private funde). Costs y other agency. Cot veyancer, e ed Ie suer of Marriag Licenses. RWAITE, Londesboro gh. 698-4 MO lEY.- -"2'. inoney f mortkges on per,qnt. inte agreedupon forth. j MO EY—A .LYI 11cnd,o any thnount, eat charged o commiesion G. MeDougall 1 e underaigrred has a large Bum of immediate investment on first rm property. Seveh and a half at yearly; principal as may be J. H. BENSON, Solicitor, Sea - 1 , 633 • G. MeDOUGALL is authorized to y at 64 pee cent. on radrtgage, for d for any number of years; y on the unpaid priacipal. No rged. Apply at the Store of A. Co. . 678 $100,00 of yeare not e annu ; No prin pal mo givin sit too fatal injuries. The vionsly regarded as - New -march at once, , Saturday he was before Mayor 'For- rester for keeping a deg . dangerous to the personal safety of persons walking , on the street, and. was fined one dollar.. In imposidg the. fine the Mayor referred to Mr: Newraarch's honorable conduct in regard to the injured party-; 'could. . behave seen his way . clear hewould have dismissed the case.—On Wednes- day, the youngest son of Mr. George Hoot was severely scalded about the head. A pot was being emptied out of a rear door, when he ran in and 1 acci- dentally received. he- contents in the faze. Miscailap'eous. The foundry and, Machine • shop of Messrs. E. Leonard; ..(.5c Co., of,Loodon., was completely c1e4troyed by fire .on Wedn.esday eveniog last. Lops over $40,000:. --The Sarnia hotel keeper's . have raised the blockade, eemoVed the pla- cards from their doois, and are willing once more to sapply man and beast .with mettle at all hours and drinks when they can get a chance to do so on the sly. joaeph Baker, a youug man well known in the city cf Toronto, and who had for a number of years been em- ployed on the Grand Trunk as conduc- tor, left a sheet tirre ago to fill a similar positiou on a ra tread in Missouri. About a week ago Daker fell off a train and: was lusts:tit y killed. On the strength of a receipt for dues from the - Canada Lodge of 0 dafellovvs iu Toronto, of which he was a member, found in deceased's pocket, the Oadfellows of St. Joseph., Misseur , at which place Baker was killed, enclosed his body in an elegant casket, and forwarded it to his friends- in T route. The funeral took place last we k. itt ring , we • an- nts, deal who the tax, eats Sea- gans •g to sell said not. old frora onto g to Europe this season should -go by the " State Line"Steamship Company. Vessels s iling from New York every ThurFday to all pints in Europe. The following are the rates: Frat cab- in,.$60 to $l10 for return ; Si cond cabi , $40 to $75, for return ; Steerage, $26. This tp1endid line has alarge fleet of Clyde built Tess la cora- ma &el » . competent officers, ensu g afety and comfort to passengers. Tickets iss e • from Sea orth or New York to suit purehaseral V. N. Wt sort, Agent, Main Street, Seaforth. 9 THE MARKETS. , . 1 SEAFORTH, May 5J 181. Fall Wheat 1 07 tb 1 10 Spri g Wheat,Fife, per he:whole— 1 06 :to 1 14 Spri g Wheat,RedChaffaterbusb. 1 06 rto 1 10 Oats er bushel 0 36 to 0 42 Peas orbushel ...... .. .......... 0 60 to u 60 Berl y per bushel • 0 60 Lo 0 70 Butter,No.l ,Loose...... ...... .. 013 to 016 Butter, Tab 0 14 to 0 14 Egga. 0'12 to 0 12 Flour, por 100 lbs 2 75 to .2 85 Ilay,Inew 9 00 to 11 00 Ilidee, per 100 lb.... . ...... 5 00 to 7 00 Sheep A kins ettoh 1 00 t,o 1 75 Salt(retail)per barrel, 1 00 Salt(wholesale)perbarrel.... 0 90 Potatoes, per bushel, new 0 30 ll 0 0 35 Apples, per bag. . 0 30 to 0-40 Oatmealr brl. . 5 00 to 5 50 Tallow, per lb. 0 05 o 0 06 Timothy Seed per bushel 2 50 o 3 '25 Clover Seed per briehel 4 50 o 5 00 • CLINTON, May, 881. Fal1Wheat,per bushel ...... ...... 1 08 110 Spring Wheat, perbushel 1 08 1 10 ()steeper bashel 0 87 IA 0 40 Barley ,p or bushel 0 65 I@ 0 80 Peas,per bushel 0 60 @ 0 70 Butter . ..... .• • . 0 18 0 20 Potatoee,new 0 35 0 42 Eggs 0 11 0 12 HaY,eertou . 10 00 12 00 Glover Seed 4 50 6 00 Tinfothy Seed2 75 a.5 8 00 Dret3sed Hogs per 100 lbs.. 7 30 (gt ig" 56 I • Livzseoora May 8.— Spring heat 8s 06d to 9s; red winter, 9s 00d to 9s 07d ; white, 8s lld to 9s 06d; a b, 98 05d to 98 10d; oats, 6s 2d ;; bar ey, 58 3d; peas, 68 10d. ; pork, 71s Od beef, 77s Od ; cheese, 708 Od. , I Auctilon Sales. Tuesday, June 21, 1881, at Turner's Hotel, Brucefield, a Splendid Farm. Sale to cominencb at 1 o'clock P. M. Donald alc1)oug41, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer Saterday, May 7, 1881, on the prem- ises, Goderich Street, Seaforth, House- hold Effects, &c. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. Graham Williamson, proprietor; J. P. l3rine, auctioneer. Wednesday, M. y 11, 1881, on Lot 19, L. R. W., Stan ey, Farm Stock, Im- plements, Hous held Furniture, &c. Sale to commeni3e at 1 o'clock P. M., sharp e Peter Row, proprietor; E. Bos- senhetry, auctioneer. Saturday, May 14, 1881, at Shaffer's Hotel Kippera Vraluable Village Prop - Live Stock Market0.., MONTREAL, May 3.—The offeriigs of cattle on the market t3 -day con si ted. of 140 head. There being no dem nd for shipment, sales were dull, and not one half of those offered found nyers. Prices for first class beef range .from 5c to 5ic ; second class from 4C o 4o; 00 TO LOAN on Security of Real Estate for, any term eeding tweety, at 6 pea cent. per ommiesions ; Tke whole of the may be repaid at any time on, he' notice, or any sum not exceed - ay be paid at the elo e of each otice, interest ceasing from the ent ; Loans effected promptly. etoria Square, Seaforth. WM. 700 IMP TANT NOTICES:. N °TICE- -14' by note st on, of Stan] JantastleC13 ing r Delco a TAB. HIJTC ilege, M lege 'of Phy Burg .on of Offic —Bluev 1 parties who are indebteld, either r book account, to Mr. Via. John - y, are required to Pet* 'with Mr. ont at once, as he purrpopes leav- WM. JOHNSTON. I 700x4 IN SON, ,Graduate ef tree', Licentiate of th 'nus, Edinburgh, and eiglockhart Hospital, e Ont. e ill Col. R•yal Col- ette House dinburgh. 686-52 Ni 6TICE The D Fete tbiel sear( n Pigt can be - LA 1DSBOI _ A 30T1ON .L4'. ton Dr salelat Renn oi, Blonc ay the rigb4 of D24.11131IoCIK 0 ay - t 5". 0 wil lead to per en or pc Apr il last, t oth trwise VI ST END CH KE,SE FACTORY— tors of the West nal Cheese lie in farmer s' pigs at 4he Factory he rate of 50 cents jer month. tight ea early as Ma 1.6th: R. PI esident. 699.4 - - -- LE—The DirectOrs f the Clin- g Park Association ill offer for 's Hobo, in the town of Clinton, - 16th Of May, at 5 o'c oek P. M., ounds liar booth p rosea. for elms Made 'known_ on day of sale. auctioneer. 700-1 PRING RACES. THE CLINTON DRIVING PARK. INCORPORATED A. D. 1877 The onith ATI1nu 1 Meeting of the Clinton Driv. ing Park As ()elation will be he14 on , TUEDAY, MAY 24TH, 1881 , Com molting at 1 o'clook sharp, when the follow - lowing prizee will be offered for competition: FIRSTI RACE -I -Puree' $40—Local Trot, for horse owned within 12 miles et the Town of Canto , that never started for public money; mile eats, two in three, in harness ; Aret horse $25, el $10, 8rd $4. SE fOND RACE--Matehed Race, Pu se aloe— Bete e n the follow ug colts, owned in t es County cf Hu on : let ent Nettie, sirod by leer Grit; 2nd attar, Hard are Billy, eked b Captain Brant ; 8rd entry, sung Clear Grit, it. ed by Old clear G'it e 4th atry, George, aired by Royal Georg ; th entry, Baby, sired by Sor el Cloud; 6,h ent , Maud A, sired by Sorrel Oli red. Half mile eats, three i five, in harness. het horse aa60,2.d30,3rd1 0. 1 TH RD RACE Ptarsea $150—Run .ng ; open to all. Mile beat , two ,in three.'rat horse $100, nd $85, 3rd 16. P01 R H RACE Puree $100—Co' , ty.I Trot; For h rs a owe: ed in the County of Huron three mom a jarevious t date of bill, that never beat 3 mi . utes. Mile heats, beat two • three, in harne s.First ho se, $60, 2nd $80, 3d $10. - RUE AND R GULATIONS — 1 Entrance fee 10 pei cent. of purse. 2. Four to enter and three to start. 3. Riders must app ar I in full jooke c stume. . Decision of Jet gets in all eases o be final. 5. All entries to be Tule in writi g ; such ent 7 to specify the agej name, color nd sex, wit the bona fide owner's name; such ntty te be e lose& in a sealed envelope, with ntiunce mon 37, addressed to the Secretary. 6. All entries to b made with the Secretary on or bef re Tuesday May 24th, at IA o'elook A. M. 7. Re es, to comm nee at 1 o'clock sharp. MAi AGING 0I MBOTTEE — Metiers. D. B. Henn :dy, D. Dickinson, C. Doherty, John AVery and J hn, Mason. JU 4,ES—Dr. ntton, Clo.ndeboye John Dna. mage, Wingham ; ' 'bed Marks, Brueefield. 0 nAr5tseTi:is'aTionlit—OGGell rag: d a, Mace,25a Ee nx tt.st e; r *Carriages, 25 T e Clinton Dri ing Tra ek is in aplIdid condi- ion, and is conei ered one of the. best half -Mile t n• iaTiric : 1hil 5: ro ,Giciarntri : , yetohaipviteeaowDsdes aoeeGtr ansergt,i ion.:virm:h etat a 2. t. h I May for ei gle fare. I The C inton B as Band will heir( attendance. ol es will be gi yen. o and from Clinton ou the, il Grand Trunk Railways thletic Sports in Clinton really good day'e sport 1 ay e relied on, In 1 lia. evening G:adid Concert will be given in he ew. Town Ball, Twilen the Cantata of the a3 • alters, under the direction of Professor , GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. PETER MeLAREN, President. WM SIIIEPPABB, Sooretary-Treasnier. 700 , H IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION, • , EWARD— The above ewardwill i R be paid for such in ormation as detection and eonvi tion of the ns who, on the night of tb( 23rd of -e the windows of naY hotel and aged my property. JAMES IR - 700x1 N TICE—T L lshirr He. lett, are whb took th th el issue c, taker, to bri GE)BGE - - - e parties that took the four sham the orchord of Mr. Gedrge Addison, llknown to him and he can prove ; if not returned in ten Jays from As raper preceeclings WiLl then be be parties to justice immediately. ISON, 700 11 2 6— ]5 01, C on DA Haw to R proc Road nigh Bay .2, 2nd Mon to V DA Cole Glue will Wil proceed by 1 smith to his- ow the follow' (lath and we enced on regularly do UNTAINEER," LL stand far the improvement of stook this season as follows: MONDAY, April ill leave hi 3 own stable, Mill Road, Tuck - liar, and in we'll to Seafortb, at Foster's Bo- or noon; thence to Andrew endersonae. eseion 5, Mdliillop, for the night. TUE& —Will proceed by way of Roxboro to Peter horn's, for noon; thence up the town line nburn, for the night. WEDNESDAY—Will ed to Alma, for noon; thence up the Huron to Clinton, at B,attenbury's Hotel, for the . THURSDAY Will preceed down the eld Road to Malcolm MeEwen's, Concession tanley, for 000 ; thence crossing over the oncession ts the Bayfield Road ; thence to t Pleasant ; thence by way of Turner's Mills rna at Jos in's Hotel, for the night. P51- —Will proce d eldwn the Parr Line to Frank • an's, for eon ; thence by way of Hills •to Rippe at Shaffer's Hotel, where he emain until a turday noon. SATURDAY— he 2n4 Concession of Tacker - stable, where he -will remain g Monday morning. ther permitting, this route will Monday, April 25, and contin- ' g the seaeon. Hullett, di TIceou bb tram tlj bis 1110 is s payable t o retnani CHAELI. BREEDERS— The undersigned on his team , Lot 9, Concession 3, g the doming season, ibat superior Bull 'Bonet Sandy." He is stock= both sides, i 9 years old stack -getter. Terms $1 per cow, 1 time of service, with tbe privilege if neclessary. ROB RT Man - 699 Cit‘N ILL S VY the the Beata) go by the 4 noon ; and 2nal Conee TERMS 700 a aa THE fo 'Jowl parry, PAU thiet th • D etor th h s 4call U4d Ag annl Ftrinu• p gee, al th eMtladnnpit 700 ETA IAN d for Rear xcepti MOM th to 2 to i S. an fo Steer er frd RATED STA LION, SCOTCHIVIAN • ! res at his dw stable, on , Tucker split , hroughout g Saturdays, wen he will ion to James 8 roat's, for nce be will et rn by the own stable. Tee. BOADFOOT, r prietore. unti 11 be eo ued NOTE. r. Manning'8 ock Doctor ncyclopedia b s eceived the the World P bi shiiag Com- b, which speaks for' se 1: N TO TT1 PUBLIC—We understan a succesia that Dr. Main ing's Stoe ve Steck Encydope 'a is remain ced other publishers o ISMS othe s on Farming and Sock, and t,ha f r the same claim they 858 selling Dr ork. Before you orde rny work o 'lock be sure it contaliud over 1,00 gravinge, that it is reoximended b 'nil breeders and sto k Imen in the that it is written by Dr. J. Russel en't be deceived by cheaply got u 'tations. Respectfully yours, RLD UBLISHING Co., Guelph, bsyhir Jun t r (738); P de Junior was by Pride of Scot- ian (602); Pride of Scotland was sold to go to We Zealand for £1,510; Pride of Scotland was elre by Clansman (HA) : Clansman by Prince of Wel s (670) ; Mountaineer's dam was Kate, her sire Lofty (460), her grand Fire Hercules (878) ; Ca» pbell's great grand sire, Rob Roy (714); Tal- mo die grand dam Isle, her eire Louden Tam; Mo •ntaireer's dam was exhibited 14 times and was fiever defeat d; he was exhibited at Dum- arie and took 'rm., prize as the hest Cl.,deedale ira and foal b her side, which' was Mountain- eer •f X10 az d tilyer Medal ; Mountaineer was ner exhibited n Scotland after Mountaineer's gro 'd sire, Prid of iteotland; be Was owned by Mr lames Bins ,er, who showed him all through ace }and and n e'er was defeated; he took first pri at the Hi :.land Society's Shove, Inverness, an gold edal or the beat Clydesdale horse, and wa, old to go to New Zealand for 1,600;1it wil be eeen by ijha above that Monutaineer has des ended froI the best breed of Clydesdale horaes in Scot' nd. I hereby certify that thie Pc'wee is corr et. Signed; SAMUEL IRVING. ountaineer s of 'a bay color, with immense bo e, hair and rcngth, and weigbe 1,800 pounds. Be is 8 years o d this spring, stands 164 hands hi1h, has good ction and symmetry and shows th points of a lydesdale horse. F r terms a d other paatieulars see route bill Certi Ountaineer amnel Irvi Scotland; cat e of Pedsgree, as foaled in 1878, and was bred g, Carco, Sanquhar, .Dumfries - Mountaineer -was aired by Pride WI LIAM 'WR T E CANAD 1GRA ANAD SA To. Encoura J- Country, t pony will be p C. E. MASON, Proprietor N, Groom. 700-1 PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. ION TO MATsilTOBA AND THE N N 0 RT H 1;lf EST. E OF LANDS. e the rapid settlehaent of the e Canadian Pacific. Railway Com- epared, until further notice, to sol! lands rcqu red for Agricu:tural purposes at t -he low price of $2 50 an pre, payable.by instal - Drente, and 'wilI further make an allowance by way ef rebate fr m this price. of $1 25 for every 80 18 of such la de brought under cultivation with- in three to five years following the date of pur- chase, accerdi g to the nature and extent of the otaer impr ove ents made thereon. , GROCERY NEXT DOOR TO tHE POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. IN altEENS, JAPS AND BLACKS, FAIR YOUNG HYSON TE GOOD YOUNG HYSON T 01-1010E YOUNG HYSON EXTRA CHOICE, 50 OE VERY FINE, 60 CENTS P THE BEST IMPORTED, 6 VERY FINE JAPAN TEA DyS-T, 30 CENTS PER POUN 30 OE' NTS PER POUND. A, 35 CENTS PER POUND EA, 40 CENTS PER POUN S PER POUND. R POUND. CENTS PER POUND. PPJSEI caazo-cravp copEim The lands t •ne offer ed for sale will not com- prise Mineral, foal or Wood lands, or tracts for To wnl sites an Railway purposes. Contracts a spe cial rates will be made for la as required for cattle raieing and, other par - poles not invol ing immediate cultivation. - Intending s :Were and their effcets, on reach - in g the Comp ey's Bailway, will be forwarded tlereon to t eir place of destination on very 1 i be ra lr m pga. Further rt culars will be furnislied on appli- cation at the Oeces of The Canadian Pa- n 114 Bailer y Company. at Montreal and Wining. By order of the Board, 1 018. DRINKWATER, Secretary. Montreal, April 30bh, 1881. 700-4 11B1.1C SCHOOL TEACHERS., „.. ATI0NS,11881. At 95 cents, 80 cents, 35 cents, 0 cente, and 45 cents per pound. t wH ITE SUGARS -9 and 94 pluidstfor $1.1 LICHT AND YELLOW SLGARS—'° 11,12 and 13 potmds for $1.. FIELD AND GARDEN SEDS—A Full Stock. D. D. ROSE, SEAFOR 11. IDENTICAl WITH LIFE. NORMAN'S ELECTRO pURATIVE APPLIANCES ! , For Omen all Diseases to iiwhich Human Nature is sub- ject, comalrising in part: MAGNETO ELE TRIO WAIST BELTS, CHEST PROTEOIIrORS, LUN g INVIGORATORS, SPINALBANDS,! THROAT PROT °TORS, NECKLETS, WR TLETS, KNEE CAPS, A KLETS, CORSETS, LEG BANDS, BACK BELTS, HAD BANDS, INSOLES, CHIL IREN'S TEETHLETS, SCIATICA AND t?HEUMATIO APPLI— ANCES, ARM BANDS, , GENTS' AND LA IES' VESTS, &C. Inspection Invited, and 14t8 given on application to E. PIICICIC)1\1- e.0 CD-, Ch niists and Druggist Seaforth. Fot First -CI to, on Monday with grade C, emanations fo A and B First - For Second Goderich, and on Monday, J with the Int heels and u Forms of t e notice to be previa the cendia.ates can be obtained -on the Secretary. It ia indis :neible that Candid& Secretary not ater than theist ot 'Intention to p esent themselves for Candidates or Fitst an& Second c %tee are req' ed to forward the tafieeete of sue it he teadring, and to furnish c ificates of moral cha Candidates for Second, and Thi state whethe they intend to writo at seme of th other named High S , PETER 700-k Sec tary Board of Ezami se—At the Normal School, Toren - July 18th, at 2 P. M. commencing non-profossfonal, fol owed by Ex - First -C -ass Certifica s and grade lass. na Third-Class—At the Town of link/nand Seaforth High Schools, ly llth, at 2 P. M.,I concurrently rmediate Examinati n for High ,on the same papers. sly given by ppileation to es notify the mac of their lamination. Class Certifi- necessary tar - are required cter. &Class must Goderich or hoole. AMSON, ers, Goderieh. 5118 fr T 13:A*33 HOFFMAN BROTHERS', SEAFORTH A L6T OF MEN'S AND BOYS' ST*AW HAT ALSO ANOTHER LOT OF LAD4ES!, GIRL AN CHILDREN'S HATS AND ONKT$ Direct From New York, including the Very Latest Shaes, such as the APPLEDORE, 'CLYDE, KENLOCK, I DAVENPORT, JEANILFEANE, I GAZELLE, RECKLESS, I AND ZANII4A All the above Shapes we have* Straw, Tape end Fancy Lace Braids. FINE RANGE 0 OUST OPENED, FOR F DRESS! MUSLINS,- THE SUMMER TRADE. Is fact °Ur Stocks of Dress Goods, Prints, H meet in Fatty rba Starle Geode are larger t is all tele, I ell abt La eel, Jr ere beet heac qua] c oak A. New Lot of Black and Colo Drees Tritomings, Opened this Week, Chere hands, Shirtings, Duelon Denims, and every Depart - an ever and at astonishingly low prices. OurStock ers fol cash, and wiA. be I sold , at a small advance on cd Cords, Tassels and Gip dies, for Hat and than ever. A CALL IS MOST RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. We will be TO oFt happy to show mato ere through our Stock w ether they bay or not.: REMEMBER THE OILY CHEAP CAH STORE: CARD1409S1 BL,OCIL. - HOFF*All BROTT-TERS, Seafoith. 1881 THE CENTRAL G 1E381 OCERY 8EAFORTH THE GROCE Y DEPARTTIIIENT: 11 Laige Ship:outs et Tram, Sugars, ore Fenn p at ) e lee cornet be beat ; 9 p oun ds c,f Bright Yellew Refined Sugaria r $ every .4 ado ge Feld warionted to give the ean Full Stock in Pickles, Sauces, Canned Meats, PROVikSIONS—Flour, Oat atn, ich,eat Flour, Hal Tobaccos, and Geniral 'Groceries, which we pounds of Standar d Granulated Steger for $1; 11 • Teas from 35 cents up to rer eents per pound, and. Chaser satisfaction or cath refunped—Ns Humbug. aimed Fruits, &c. REAL ESTATE FOR SAVE. PROPERTY FOR Ber,7,--Fee Bale, -on esq -2- terrain that desirable residence on Ariel Street owned by lir. geerge DOA. Enquire * j. S. PORTER, Senora'. 663. IJOOSE MO LOT FOR SALE —Por Salt Cheri , a house and one lot on the corner al John and Sparhng Streets; her s a 'stable on the /ot. Apply to E. GRIEVE, eatorth. -696 OR SALE.—For Sale -a firat Hill, nearly new and in good Bituated in the flourishing Toile W111 be sold cheap. Terms eaSy. SECORD, OOSSENS & CO., Goderich, tines Planing running order' of Seaforth,, Enquire of Ont. Sale.six splendid ef Railwayand and pleas- sites in town. seParste- HE ZXPOSITOZ 1 697 --- -- 'TOWN LOTS FOR SALE—Fot[ -'- building lots on the corner J aryls streets, Seaforth. Convemently antly located; the beat building Will be sold' cheap, either in one boekor ly. Terms Liberal. Apply at Office, Seaforth. Il ARM FOR SALE—Being West 1-: Coneeesion 1, McKillop, con Is situated on the ittiTOD iloa4, miles -west of Seaforth. :this is, farms in the county. It is all cleared, and drained. also good buildings nehard. Ternm easy. For further applyto the proprietor orr. the premises. DENNIE. half of Lot 65, "ng 50 acres. MeKiliop, il one of the best well fenced and epiendid particuiars T. E. 693 .ALL FOR $1,000—A. Strong, Seeder th, ha B toe tale in the pn rhey, near Seaforth, a Parklett acri.s of the very best land, witdh hoarse and been, also other nee,estiaxy and a good orchard; a splendid 'taco gardener or retired farmer, and $1,000 on easy terms of payment. STRONG, Seaforth, Land Agent, Village of _Sur- conta-ning 10 a good frame outbuildings fora market the whole for Apply to A. 698x4 FARAI FOR SALE.—West hal field Read North, Stax0ey, co ntaining 100 acres; first-elaes fr erne brume, very etrpeiior &chard fruit; 30 acre s of fall wheat; ljarge ce dar ir rear of lot.; near schbol, m arket ; on greed road. Poi JOHN PECK, Proprietor, on the JOHN ESSON, Ba,yrield. Tal OR SALE OR TO LEA.aE. -1- Leasedie the village of ChitiOhlirst, class Blecksmitb. stand. Theretie shop dud wood thop, also a dwe one acre at land. There is a good premises of all kinds of fruit. cheap or leased for a number A full set of tcols will go -with the to WM. Ma/ORE, Bensall. 6944 of Lot 6, Baye onnty of Huron, soil, brickhouse, and good quantity of cleareh, and terms apply to premises, or to 692-16 er Sale or to a first- a blatkemith ling house and orchard on the It will be sold cf years. elaop. Apply .A11311 FOR-SALE—Being Let e6, Concession 11, Hibbert. containing 100 ecres,80 of winch er e c'etired, underdrairred, well fenced and in a fir st-class state of cultivation; the balance is ti nibered With hardwood ; there is a frame house, Ir cane bazar and stable; plenty cif good -water ana a young ache] d ; it is 6 miles, from Hensall, 10 fr om Seafoith, and 24 from Creanarty. For fur- th er partitulars apply to the proprietor on the pr ernises In- if by letter ta Cromarty -post office. THCIMAS' OLIVER. 691'12 TT 0:08E AND LOT FOR SALE — For Sale, -1--k• that elesitable property on North Main Street, for merly Owned and occupied Ity the late fames Sp arling ; there is a frame hotse containing six ro ems oea kitchen, with pantry, bedroom and wo odshea ; a good cellar, also hard and soft w a ter; Deere le one acre of land with a frontageeaf ?a rode; there is a good yeurg, bearing orchard; It is one Of the most desbableprorerties in Sete- fo rt h. Apply to JAMES SPA:MING, Blyth, or JOHN S. WALSH or A. STRONG, Seaforth. 696 F ARm irOlt SALE—For Salei Lot 3,Conctitsion 8, gullett, containing iqo acres, about -85 ac es cleared, free of stuMps, tundereliained and w ell fene,ad ; the wood land is *ell timbered with h ardwood; there ere 68 acres df fall -wheat and 1 acres stedcd to clover ; a gotild brick house and k it cher', and first-class frame! barns and other o ntbnildings ; there are two acres under young b earing fault trees; is -within 4!m11es Seaforth, 6 of Clinton, ard bell a mile ea School ; the river r tins thre ugh the farm. For further particulars apply or( the premises to M.RS. C. CARTER, 692 Seaforth. VARM FOR SALE.—For salt the west half of Lot 7). en the 6th Concessio Tuckersmith, H. R. S., containing 50 acres of choice land; on the place is a frame barn nearly new, a young bearing oi chard ; good 'wen and pump; 18 acresof fall -wheat sown, about 8 acres df bush; is within 44 mike •from the town of Shaforth on a good g revel road. This is ene of thebastpropertiesinthe t ownship and will be sold cheap. For nuther p artienalas appy to the proprietor, on the p remises -a or if by letter to Setiforth P. 0. GEO. MONK. 674x44 Corn Meal, Granulated Wheat, Buck- s, Bacon, Potatoes, &e. CROCKERY AND GL This Department is nnuenally well ass or in sets i ; Largo Assortment of China Tea Decorated from 52 Red upwards; DUMPY o/ Glassw re i s immerse ; Call and eee it; 1 special attpnti en to our stock of Cigna. SSWARE DEPARTMENT. fed; We sell Plain and Lecorated China by the dozen eta, from $5 to 520; Granite Tea Sets, Plain and ; Bedroom Sete, from $2 50 np to $12 n Our Stock "e have a large stock Of. Bar" Goods, and wonld call THE SEED Full,' Steck in Clovers, Co mrecn Red, Ls Grass, Millet, White and Goiden, Orchard den Seeds by the paper or in lnik ; Steel P Hebron and White Elephant; Top Onions), DEPARTMFNT. ge Late, Alsike and Wh4e Dutch ; Timothy,Hmigarian rasa, Tares, Carrots, Mengel and Turnip aeede ; Gar - tat oes in Early Rose, Late Rose,'Snew Flake, Beanty of latch Set Onions end English Potato Onions. 1 We invite inspection of our Lay and re member that we sell th LAIDLAW & FA FREE DELIVERY. FARN FIOR SALE -1 be north half of Lot 26, Lot e7, and the ertat half .of Lot 28, Conces- sion 4, Ie R. S., Tuckersmith 'if 200 acres tor sale in one parcel, or two of 150 acres and 50 acres res pectively ; first -elms 1 uildings, good fences, an a orehurd ; the land is in a good state of cnIfir- va t ion, is well watered, and is Well situated as to ro ads, &a. Any person wanting a good farm, in a go od locality, will do well to lOok at this one be- fore buying elsewhere. For particulars midterms ap r ly to JAMES LAWItENCA & BROTHER on the preMlises, or to MESSRS. AloCAUGalitlY 11 OL1dESTED, Barristers,Seatorth. -672 CORNEULOT FOB SALE On TO RENT—Being the !West half of Lot 10, aoncession 2, town- ship of McKillop, containing 50 acres, nearly all cleared and in a splendid state a cultivation ; well watered, 7 acres 'ander fall wheat and 15 acres plowed; good ISZTa luause and _stable good 'well. and bearing orchard, convenient to:-.; Roin-an Catholic Chui eh and Ochooi ; within half a mile of lluron gravel road, 4 miles of S.eafortla. and $ of /Dublin; this is one of the prettiest BO acre farms in the township. 'or terms, &a. ap- ply on the premises, to P. arENNELLY, Seaiorth P. 0,05 to A. D. RENNELBY, Lucknow Poet - Office. • 675 e Assortment 4f Goods. Note the fact best Goods that the Market contains. RLEY, Maii Street, Seaf rt,h. Under the Oriole, Carel:Wein ok.. 'WARM FOR BALE—Sonth half of Lot 26, Con- ceettion 6, Morris e,oratiOning 100 acres of choice clay loam land; 85 Cleared, 70 Kiefer of - stamper -and balance good hardwood; 20 acres; of fall wbeet and 1 acres of fall plowing; 50 acrefit• n der grass ; life wholeis well mead and well watered; a good f 'choice a nit ; there is a fraMe tables below and other outbu nd wooti ea, and hard ea d a well situated as to markets* rem Brussels on the Great' aiii 16 fhom Seaforth, on the Grand ray; polasession at once, Foifurther pply to B. BROADFOOT, on L R. COOPER, Land Agent, Brussels. underdrained And bearing orehard bank barn 40x60, diaags; framehense oftwater ; theta= being only 2 miles Western Railway, Trunk Bali - particulars the premises, or -to 791 Sale, Lot -8 18, Hullett, cleared, uoder- stumps ; the bal. beech, maple elm Scree in fall 'lest is of the best this farm lays a never tailing spring this is a first- are 6 acres of a pears, peaches, to bear; the there is a is nearly new; the IWO, and is also story frame, with and. good stone and is filledl gravel from bot- school, post alike' hell a mile ; the Seaforth, 12 from ; there is a good all the above MST- money can to make it out apply to THOMAS or to Harlock post 688 r A1IGE FARM TOR fiAL6—Fer "a' slid east hall of Lot 4, Concession !ontairting 225 acres ; 190 acres irained„ and nearly clear front ince is heavily timbered wit3 raid ba.eswc od ; there are 50 aid 60 acres in grass; the land panty, being a rich clay loan; ittle rolling, but not billy ; a !reek rims through tbe barn ylird; s 1 a SP grain or dairy tom ; there soling *rehead, with apples, ?lures and cheiries, just begibning enildiega are large and comainodious; arge bank barn 58x60, and hiving house and stable is aew, ; the bailee is a large twit) aitchen and wood shed attached, eellars tender the whole brilding, betwteit etudding with limm ilkna tom to top; there is a, good store andblackendth shop wilhin farm is eitneted, 10 miles frort Clinton, and 6 from Londesboro grav.lia ad from the place tel kets. 4 good part of the anneease remain on inoitgsge long enciugh of the pkiee. For particularl ATKINSON, on the premises Ace. , — T P. '-' • °Minty ?arts, 4 amiaelt AUCTIONEPS. - - - `1311INE, Licenced - of Auron. Ss tile Ccnnty. All o °Ake will be prom - Auctioneer ior the es attended in all ders left at the Exe tlyisttended to. VRANCIS GRAHAM, A -12 LAND AGENT.--Specia kale of landed property, fa bred sttick. Cattle' selected f tar ket. Office and Auction Bowles, Block, laoderich, Ont. Terms 1 CTIONEER AND attention given to ng and thorough- the Engliah mar- Aoheson's new -i moderate 615.. A LEXANDERDELGETTY, -cA- edr,MeKillop. sales of Impleertents. signed cession bills, nOtes ALEX•DELGETTY, Special Landed Property, All orders left at Walton P. 0., 14, 'will be promptly and stamps furnished Walton. Licensed Auctiona attention given tei Farm Stock and with the under- or Lob 14, cons attended to,. Sale if required. 639 . STOCK FOR SERVICE. B 'Ma, iteep mile and Durham Foie leegeb7o4 TOR SERVICE-- on Lot 9,7, Conces a half from Win Brill, and will rece 1111$1. c &10 ni i 13 gPfejr not.co G t sp. Ytr lot Te, :Mike r. m2 , Ws lsteers , lie undersigned 'wit ion 11,14cRillop, ono p a Thoroughbra ve a lilrated mambo 111EPe:osTYPE:74;,0$03.1 B5 0-t 898 121 -11,..14111111: t 11 1 1