HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-29, Page 10w
killed sever, of them, when the re n in
der lett.
--The plague iu Mesopotait it i
seems is caused by the Theeites, z Ia
hometan sect, bringiug the dead t o ie
of their friends to the 31iriue ViiAl
Meshed to be interred, in the :lie
that it secures for their souls a fa red
place in Heaven.
—The new Czar, Alexander III , tit
urated his pocket handkerchiefwi ih the
blood of his dying father, sayin • "I
will keep this as a sacred relic, so That
it forevermore may remind me o the
oath I have sworn in the inuerm•st o
my heart in this terrible and trying
—Among the fifteen hundred ppli-
cations reported from Mentor fb.• of
fices ranging from Minister to Ed Thud
to peanut -stand privileges at the j ite
House is a modest . one from a aid
who says. that - she is engaged nd
knows, what most women do not, t at
she cannot live on love after s e is
married, and would like a modest lli tle
-The dress of the Princess of les
at a recent drawing room was of a sy
purple velvet, a bouquet of Naple io-
lets and pansies Worn on the b d ce,
and scarfs of the tint of the Naple io-
let trirnmiug 'the dress, lighterie 1 by,
clouds of Irish lace. Another 1:: dy
wore a gown decorated around the t ain
for a quarter of a yard ino depth ita
thick fringe of primroses, the trail be-
ing of cream -colored satin.
—As most of our crimes are sa d
follow in their inventiveness tho e
England, ,.the latest novelties canuoo
too soon exposed. The latest dod re
imposing upon women is that of a n
who calls at the house when the
hand is away, says to the wife or 1.
of the house that some accident-, a s
den invitation to supper or the like
overtaken hint, and he desires a st i s
clothes to be sent by the messenger
Cultivate cheerfulness, if only
personal profit. You will do and --b
every duty and burden better by e
cheerful. -_ It will be your consul r
solitude, your passport and recom
dation in society. You will be
sought after, more trusted and est
ed for your steady cheerfulness.
bad and vicious may be boister
gay and vulgarly humorous, but se d
or never truly cheerful: Genuine c
fulness is an almost certain index
happy mind and a pure good heart
—The new Czar, when his .1 er
brother died and he became heir of he
Empire, at first refused to marry : g -
mar, the dead youth's betrothed. i' e
loved a certain beautiful young s-
sian Princess, and wished to make er
his wife.' The Princess, however, on
married Prince Paul Demidoff, : nd
shortly after died at Vienna. Not . til
he heard of her death did Alexa er
consent to become the husband of r n -
cess Dagmar. This marriage was 1 us
one of reason but the Czar has lea ed
to love his fair Danish wife, and e is
the kindest and best of husbands a d
—Miss Gladdis Hoivau comm t ed
suicide at Mapleton, I11., because he
could not lie abed mornings as lou : as
she wished. She was visiting er
brother's house, and seldom mad er
appearance until after breakfast- h d
been eaten by the rest of the . fa
Her brother remonstrated, and int•
ed her that she must get up befog: t e
breakfast hour. She got exceedily
wroth about the order, and after •o t-
ing all day returned to her fatly e •'s
house. That night when she retired
she ordered her sister out of the r ,
saying she Would show them how o g
she could lie in bed. Shy lockedt e
door, took the poison, and was fouu. in
the morning in the last struggle of
—A singular ceremony was rece ly
witnessed in Madockjee Shett's Wa i,
Bombay, when seven happy couples e -
.longing to the Parsee community fir re
united in the holy bonds of matrimo y.
,These aspirants to hymeneal bliss e
exceedingly young, as may be gather d
from the fact that the eldest was my
fifteen years, whilst the youngest b i e-
groou* was about fifteen months, d
the ybunlest bride a blushing beaut f
nine onths. Of course the iinma. u e
age of the two latter prevented t it
taking any active part in the ceremo y
beyond giving vent to their feeling . n
true infantile style, and the ma it 1
bond was tied whilst each child s
seated in its mother's lap. The so : ne,
as one csn.well imagine, created m i h
amusement amongst the spectators, d
we are told that the advocates of e r y
marriages were exceedingly rejoiced t
the strange spectacle.
—The wife of a north of Engl d
member of Parliament, who was in tl e
ladies' gallery several times during tl
Irish coercion debates, writes that tl e
passions excited were scarcely less
lent among those helpless, silent lis
ers, cramped andcrowded in that
rosy cage like wild: birds just cane
with their fine plumage all crushed
torn, their - bright colors all fac
Many a lovely Irish face, whose ow rr
had entered. all bright and sparkl n i,
full of life and joy at the auticipa:i n
of triumph for the Irish ca(lse, bec ,u e
overshadowed by degrees as the de a e
went on, until in more than one
stance a deadly pallor and a showe ..f
gig tears had succeeded to the exp es-
sion of hope and trust the counten u ►e
had worn. Ono lady, whose agita i(it
had increased with each intent, b rat
i;. to a terrible paroxysm of.grief as t + e
e risk mehers disappeared at t u e
Speaker's tirnmons, and the imag` :f
_ that pale mace . and tightly cliffs .:d
li tnds, as he bunt oven tl e ga �iy
1 (lecor:etedl,r n ff upon her la -i nd rock'd
1 erseif to : tr 1 frer,`thc-i laxly w •iter, l
I annted her ever sine
t : Wm. \ ard had a uarr: escape
}' t le Boriihclin saw mi 1, a f w
1 a was shrpening tl e s w
g s ddenly , commenced slot kin
f i g Lite in the pants nd t
ver. One
t et with t
t seems
e caped i
The late Prince -Pierre Bon p rt
had a great disregard for lux lif . In
Albania, while on a sporting e. pedi
Lion, being attacked by uiueteet Al
Iranians. he got his back to a tree iic
lays at; .
wheu t
, tate
rowing hi 1
Of his hands ame in co
$aw and wa badly cti
11:ost miraculous ''how 1 l
Stant: death. The ac -
used by a leak in the stea..
– dent was c
town, wife of the Re
f Joseph Br•wn, of Beilevilli, was char
eid at the P•lice Court aew 1days a
t>itb =ell beating a little in h
e•• ploy na.. ed Annie Veinal Lyne,
:ars of ag
t1 lady
gs and ba
e, and th
Mored. ; 5
the result
t e extrein
rows bei
-Says a
nk an's Jour
Map' who
sgipport of
boys and f o
o cupy her
s e said t6
hich ba4
o; sacrific
i ' quiet, a�
c me dow
t sk.' She
c iildren.
d skiuthe
b rds are
breath of t
the window
coal or iron
Mays to a ;•o
v,fell up in h
afire i.of mine,
direr,, stitch
p ,low sha
t e Scott.
city of
pople ha
c scion, chic
a local pap
tin attradt:c
t e city, au
t e streets.
o ief feat%
t nsparerio
fi eworks 0
d'spfay, the
h ailed the
m -
for -
•re -
. The.child when
as found to Ilav
eking bruises on her
,lk. She had also
side of her head
eph markswere c
1 blows, and ver
The case resilte
g ued M.
c it -respondent of e W.
a4 1 "I knew a gi ted we
✓ to books to aid in ti
rine children ` ;1' ith 11
girls she had en ugh
ne, one would th nk b
o with a quiet dignit
t the least censciousne
n it, 'I rise when. the hon. e
y the time he childre
I' have fiinish° riiy dail
wrote familiar sci rice f r
bioklof si ting do n to
early : ino •nin w en tri
csittering and th swf
e view day s torsi g iu
qo write about s ,rata f
! j Yet it helped to end th
school, and kept the girls
sir music. Ai a quain -
themother of f ur chi
144 tucks into a pair ( 1
s ithe otheii day. T ke your
of the • oting e
e knissn in th
ant -Scott Ac
great demonstrat`.on, pr.
hetaffair is shaded to b
s follows - The celebie
a great many people t
great many citizens ;t
he: prooessiont was tai
of ;the how, ai11 wbi1
Chine a la to ns an
ined to make a rorgeou
eii�fen wb
rdly owliz- havri, hid
niers iij
ases over ;
the v
brats chi
left ail
a bbs'
was di
in Mir
he result
t was mad
,ton, the
1t elated Iovf
owd of ;str
jcorated ! th
wagons. A`te
brief speeches
aildah of ' t
rooms, and tli,
cgmmenced it being safe tci say tha
never on any occasion did l amiltoi
contain son* y drunken men nd wit
nss so many disgraceful sprees as li
diff on that niOit. This is -borne on
by the staters ut of tl>e Spectator th
the police cell were full of aruriks th
night.. Wino' whiskeyand (beer flowec
like water, an a stranger takin a tou.
thtrough the ci y that night !w r Id hav
thbught that n Old time Base analiar
orgie was in p ogress. iSuelitis he wa
in which the anti;-Sccitt vIct y wa.
ade con
et arabs
id h
and 1
✓ the processi
were made fr m
e anti -Scott co
n the real cel
ri a
--Quite a ensatiou .was !created
Charletou . _ace, Ottawa, recently
Some weeks o .a cutter giving hi
name, as W. ; Harrison' arrived' at Al
rnente and: a, aged with Mr. Idaydon
Having a di:a reement !with` the latter
he went to rleton Place , and hire
with a Mr Galvin. ' Aceom auyin
hien was his ife, a very pretty youn.
girl of set a teen. They secured
ho; e in one o the: best ;boarding house:
of that littl: crown t he doing his wor
as .a cutter n• she as a tailoress in th
Galvin estab'iment. iA few days ago
a Imam arr d in town from St.
Clair, Michi :a, , and stated at he
was in searc i ::f his daughter, ho lead
eloped with :. married rlian. After
making sev r:1 enquiries he
cextained th the said Mrs
was his, mi:s ng daughter.
. ni antime H: iso" had got win
a ir, and :l<i ®ped out of tot'
th followini day the father '
G,vin's est:`bl•shment and took
of is daugli e who insisted
go ug home.
su posed hu.b
ne er live
in ruing the f
ho e iu Mic
The man Ha
ch ldren still
.. - -P,....-E...._I_____.-----1:7'=-:--T-:l:', ---a-.--''
Successor to Mpars. Dunean & Duncan, Rae E.
In all their branches, kept constantly on hand.
Eng a vtog Neatly Executed.
IC. L. ,PAPST, Sbaforth
virtu- 8. Perhaps
reputation. or m
pablie about foil
„comfidence in its
other medicine. -
fectual cures of
that cart be made
dangerous diSeas
extent, and Oven
their painful eiTec
rem ed be Lairen
have it.in their cl
relief of its m4 -re
even lite is saved
not p it by y
by its vs rly uSo
Pep ritica,1 and .ikts
Druggists and De
For Diseaaes of the
Throat 1 and Lungs
such as Cough s„
Colds, Whooping
Asthma and Con-
stant/Ai . The few
compositions -which
have wOn the confi-
and beaorne house-
hold words, among
not only one bat
many nations, must
have extraordinary
to one over [muted so wide a
intairaed it so long, as AYER'S
. It has been known to the
years, by a long continued
cures, that have won for it a
irtnes, never equalled by any
It still makes the naost ef
Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
by ruedical skill. Indeed, the
bas really r hbed these
si that is well f mooed, if the
sanson. Every sillily should
set for the read ahd prompt
i neglect it, and the wise will
u for the protection it affords
snd dtn attacks. Prepared by
ytical Chemists. Sold by all
ers ir; Medicine. 669-52-1
Cn the
i of the
n. oar Al
ent oto
�n nut
'.lie wept bitterly for her
nd, and said she would
'thont him. T e next
her left for his distant
han with,his sera• child.
•ison has a wife a. d five
ving in Mic.aigs,n. TO
e unfortunate' 4irl re-
• orted, and wept most
kvas leaving on the traliu.
Very last
fused to
bitterly as s
rIT1J ,j -
I c lcz rlete9•n-•Ned to Clear Out �n?)
retire St )ie of;.Ficrnitccre `i•c'gctr;l
.cIss of C4i;1.
rp OSE IN. W9.i T, it will pay t •
twin prices )f• ore purchasing e
giV a largo clip( O Jit to those pay
pec' 11y to newly arried couples.
I ra still selling aix highly finishe
$2. I also keep 1 nowlton's' Spri,
bee and cheapest; lin the market ;
per ctly noise's s
arerodma di le tly opposite M.
Ma moth Jewe1J!y Store, Main Stre
Los Side.
6` 5 JOHN S.
ear to asoer.'
sewhere. 1.
ngj cash, epi
chairs for
g• I3ed, the
. Counter's
t, Seaforth,
R'' S
s -RED
so all Kinds of *TU R.N I P and o
and Garden Seeds,
Nov:..• Iwai d, the Very Best Varieties
T/" 1 OE fol' Eltl'� r and ..l t ' 1111
a• re 14 the County.
♦ � . S. RoBE.i+.4J .l. Scb
her Fielcl
i i
' ::-"1::Iii' eiTo Edi BiAc aTtli tP:iEl el —e TT '0hEir silaiEnnyThl uppa:he I. e—pm: le:dbf /lel Viiinlell:i d:
: dangerous disease}, to which the female constitu-
'• tion issubject. It moderates all excess and re-
moves all &Junctions, and a speedy curemay be
I relied on. To mar ripdladies, it is peculiailyanited.
1 , It will, iin,a silent time, bring on the monthlY Pe-
. ' riod with ugular-itk . These pills should not be
°f S E t) taken by Females armg the first three months
of Pregraney, as t ey are sure to bring on Mis-
carriage, but a t an3 other tame they are Bale. In
rp• all cases of Ne eons and Spinal Affections,
paina in the back a d Umbel, fatigur„ on slight ex-
ertion, palpitatwn of the &art, hysterics, and
whites, these pills ill effect a eure when all other
dmeans nave falle • and., although a powerful
remedy, do not Cortiain iron, calomel, antimony,
-or anything hiirtft.1 to the constitution. Irtill
directions in thep mphlet around each package,
1 which should be ca efttlly preserv d. Job Moses
' New York, Sole PrJprietor. $1 0 and 124 cent;
fOr postage enclose to Northrop Lyman To-
, ronto, Ont., gene 1 agents for he Dominion,
' will insure a ott e containing ver 50 pills by
i return mail. 001
in. Seaforth y Hickson i
Before Taking k:::" ,..,..;,..t's Mier Taking' .
vous Debility nd all Nervous IA ffectrons, in-
cluding Sperinato Thea, Seminal weakne- 8, act.,
result!: of Self- ;base, iniiiscre ion, &c., h.
GllAY'S srEcin , MEDICINE_ This i.. the
only remedy which has elm. been known to per-
manently care Palpitation and _et her 1 affections
of the Heart, onSumption in its , earlier stages,
Rushing al bl od to the head, 1 whad in the
stomach. lndi est'on, Loss of Meniory, Want of
energy, Bahl lne -s, Desire for solitude, Indis-
position to labor n account of weakru-se, Uni-
versal Lassitude, obi in the back, dimneso of
vision, Prem afar old age, ect. Full particulars
in onr pamphlet, bich we send securely sealed
on receipt of a 1 ee cent stamp. The Specific
is now f old by ail ruggists at $1 per package,
At Montreal, (Quebec,) }Tamil on, (Ontario),
Cincinnati. (0 io), Syracuse, (New .Yorkl,3 and
Davenport, (lo a) Exhibitions, 1 or Excellence
and Supetior ty over all Competitors. The
Cheapest and 33 at Fencing in the ,, World.
Adopted and in us 01119 RailwaY Lines in the
United Stateslan Canada. See that our trade
mark, " Lym 'at, arb," is stencilled on etch
reel. Buy no ther. Send for priees and circu-
Merchants, Seafor h, Sign of the ' Circular Saw,
Co., Montreal. 692-26