HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-29, Page 9ti ii • S PPL INTENT- t. E tssi - FORTH FRIDAY, A RIL 29, 1881. Varieties. 1 tion Hon. James Patton has been at when - pointed Collector •of Cnstonl3 at Tol _Dr. ronto. the —Lord Dufferin is to be relieved froom The his post in Russia, and sent I to Coal, years etantinople. ( a pas or. After a short inter; -Lord Beaconsfield's will divides 11�is place was filled by the Rev. property between Mr. Ralph. Disraad li Parsons, the present •• inister. — he other day, as he Queen Belgi nps was driving er fbur po Brus-ale, a gentleman • ho was ing d we the avenue as throw his h rse and rendere• insensibl Quee ait once alighted and h suffer ar'placed- in her carriage,. was 1 until the disru • tion in he retired with . • annuity. urns succeeded im, and i ev. Dr. Topp ssumed emise of I)r. T•pp a co ago again left th ; charch • and Lord Rowton. --A strange cattle disease rh out in Ulster county, New many cattle are dying. —Dr. Win. Russell, the we 1 knoWo special correspondent of th Timels, sailed for New York a few day ago. i —The English_coasting steamer; James Harris has been sunk by cdl- lision and fourteen -persons dro nod. —The King of Abyssinia is d ad, ha ing fallen in a battle foug t wi h' Assaimeraks. His son Mio ael su;o coeds him. • f', —There were 9,105 deaths in Now York city the past three moat s, beiz g an increase of 2,303 over the do respond- ing period of last year. —Farming lands in the outhei•n States are reported to have 1 gely in- creased in value during the p st year, the average increase being li teen per cent. —At Davenport, Iowa, a r ft con- taining 800,000 feet of lukn er was broken np and carried away by the moving ice. Much other damage was done by the flood. —At Utica, New York, rebently, A . Stoddard beat his wife. Janes Var- derpool interfered and was s1i t. Van- derpool has since died, and toddard has been arrested. —The St. Louis and San Railway Company has solid acres of land to a Scotch land c �s broken ork, and ran ciao 138,000 ompan r, who are expected to settle a large num- ber of Sootchmen on it. —During a dense fog recently tl1e steamer Amazones from Brazil ran ashore near St. David's Head, oast of Wales; The crew were all ea ed, ex- cepting one man who died of fr ght. j —Fifty million dollars of old ore now stored in the Assay Office at New York, and owing to the insequ e char- acter of the biilding, six men re em- ployed watching it day and nig t. —Jay Gould's cheque for $ ,400,000 on the Fourth National Bank, of NeW York city, which was write ou is piece of letter paper, recently passd safely through the post and �vv s du 'y honored. —Mrs. Nutt, of Camden, A kansa while in a fit of insanity the bt er da , killed five of her children by t rowig them into a well. The eld st wels twelve years, and the young st was eleven months. 1 ' —President Grevy gives to recejD- tions, and only now and then a .dinne�• He is of simple -manner, and ill nc t consent to be an obliging celeb •ty, a-- cessible to those who like to bast of shaking hands with notabilities —While the Jubilee singes were performing "Uncle Tom's Ca in" at Griffin, Georgia, the actors were saluted with a shower of spoiled eggs by ruffians in the gallery. The performan e was closed,,and several of the egg t rowers arrested. —The virago from Leadv'ill , Col ►- radoi who calls herself Mrs. E gg, and who was arrested a few days a o on a charge of shooting James Close, of Ha - riston, with intent to kill, was tried at Guelph a few days ago beforJudge Chadwick and acquitted. —The presence and spread of typhus fever in New York city is view d with much alarm by prominent ph sicianv), especially as the streets are in s filthy a condition that even ordinary disease is now aggravated and nia 'gnant. Fears of an epidemic are exprels ed., —Dr. Stuart Robinson, bee) declining heallth, has resigned tl torate of the Second Presl Church at Louisville, Kentucky tion he had 09cupied for 22 yea is regarded as perhaps the m st inent clergyman of the Presl Church. --Mr. Vennor, the celebrate prophet, has been requestedt tenlI!lectures in Southern Indians thelmon.th of May. Similar i have likewise come in from . ton; Baltimore, Boston, Chi,ago an St. Louis. To all of these. dlernand Mr Vennor's one reply is, " i lecture ; what I have to com re 'the weather' will be found almanac for 1882, now in prep: -Knox Church, Toronto,f Dr Topp's, is about to be char improved to the extent of $6 0 organ is also to be int Knox Church stands on the si e first Presbyterian Church e Toronto in 1820, Rev. Jam s being the pastor and founde congregation. Twenty-eight artook gf the first comm.un o ruse cif ie pa ' vteria a posf s. proHca pro y terian veath��""Irr delive during equ es1�e ashin •1 • i 11 do net unite e in my ation" r rmerl ed an t0. A duce . of tl e ted Har s of t e embe s . Mf. atria continued over' the lcongreg . i • • groo 'medi d by herself ou the right a on the left l to a house w I ii,id was Sumnioned. —P ince $ism' rck was sixty years • lq on Apri 1. He is i healt and spirits, and seems t taken anew, lease of life.1 His family i;now with bim4-Conn bert h: ving returced fzom [Italy sumed, his work as his f ,ther'e deutial secretary. Count Willia marc ing a busy ment. —A don't man dec]ar shoule than high petitio knees voice : world in jok —T issippi Comm to Her dred y houses negro'. blown injury known Some ed sev air by i cij ury. —T shot a faulty a Paso, with a permis session o about th betwee man Kremp shot H ly, and in a fe day. Fi •• 844-5 Rev. 185 arge le o thou hi H. M 11 the Prince's se¢ond son, is ame for himself as a wis. ember of the German great many people say what • Qan in their prayers. A S ent b hind a fence to pray d to t e Lord that if the fall on him it would be no e deserved.) At tha mo inld blew the fence ver He rose hastil fro cried out in frig) "Hech, Lord! it' an his ; a body canna ay a t it's ta'en in ear est." b e c1 •• • f th ies i allop from The the hit d th ithe seven good have wrole Her- d re- confi- Bis- mak- and arlia- they otch- ,_and fence more .nt a • the his ened wfu' thing recent hurricane iii the ossed the Mississi pi Ri .rhe, and proceeds easts lido, cutting a patch two res wide, laying waste f and bridges. A great nun: ahins full of oociipants own without a sic o the inmates. T to have killed fc e pie were picked u 1 hundred yards wind, but dace. young IYlexioans illed by America t landieight mils xas. The 1\Lexic m d 11texicans, havi i n frpm the Mayo the bodies. A d presence of arms ampbell, Hayle an atued' Krempkat. an dead. , The City Ma le and the McXicadd ac' id also shot Campbell. Hale minutes ; Carupbdll the e of the Nihilists II condo for their connection with the assassi ation, namely, Rouss Michael off, Kibbalscl;iitcI- , Jeli and So •hie Pieoffsky, were hen few da s ago in the Someuoff S St. Pet of ores ing to. It militar the bre. was rai second tempt Helfma yet re r h 0 d 0 tie stoi ur pe sand hrong. ed ma have ssina js fro; an C� ng obt r, took apute d Me a Hale 11 —In the ne •• port of, says: a king ; and the how. is trans his sta, has nol to sign made ti to sign salaries could d of fou -r by pals —A outskir sitting said' to could c 1 • rsburg. There was no b by the populace, probabl. e presence of a large bo . A horrid in ident ow king of Micha loffN rope ed again, and t e ripe bre ime, uecessitat-ng thir which was su cea ful. nn, the sixth icon emne• ains to be executed. nnouncing the ap ointm Collector of Cust ms a oronto, the World of Oa 'A Collector of Cu toms i he is au ornamental head work is done by men :who he actual busieess of the cted by au effi •ien depot of trusty clerk , he col veightier labor td p rform is name to the on hly re by the deput an clerk cheques for t e ayme A boy net ye i his:. • this much, an So ould core and ten if not i capao or blindness:" Miss- er at ardly hun- eats, her of wet e se of m is. •sons. vhirl- the terial been diffi- .1 nsul, ined pea - areae ;cans lice - shot shall' shall i ntal- died next .• nod zags koff, boff, ed a hare, each otv- y of rred, He tke a at - easy one, t,of the city like ,ie0e, know rfiice and :etor han sorts and t 'of eens man atd the ther 'she she here cept you m • t h hout �• ded her The uru- very con - will ' the eys, tare, • ulglar entered aholluse i s of Bu fale an found a i• p' with a sick c ild : "Sir, him in a whisp r, a soon : mpose herself o sjealc, is noth•ngg of value in t is h use 'e thatch ld'a life, at leas to e, bu may fend otherwise. Her , tak: earch everywhere, take nt, but speedily nd. wi implore you " he h keys, placed her • nger of pointed; to the door. moved quietly wa , then .aid in a low v ice : ''Is h "His life than s o• the e of this sleep." - " hen h for all the noise 11' make robbeei 'lowered, aying do n the and noiselessly taking hi: dep y not but absbintel else nothing • keys, you W: noise, him th lip, an burglar ed and sick 7' _ tinua c recov r • ew ITN & Goods 1 SEAFORTHI We beg to inform our Frie ds and Customers that our Dry Goods and Read made Clothi Business will be continued in g Seaforth dur'n g thepresent season under the Management of our g J. A. SMITH, Who has been in our employ for the past hree years. To meet the requirements of the season we a Large and Attractive Stock of Ne -vv Goods, open forour Inspection. y p LADIES WILL FIND NEW DRESS MATERIALS NEW BLACK CASHMERES NEW -BUNTINGS NEW HANDSOME PRINTS NEW FANCY MUSLINS NEW PARASOLS NEW KID GLOVES NEW SILK GLOVES NEW LACE GLOVES NEW FRINGES AND SATINS NEW CORDS AND TASSELS NEW COSTUME CLOTHS, &C. '1 We have forth : By 1i] renewed wi Smallest Po It is novo We do not as debts and ,bay the advantage REA succeeded in bui dings u neral advertising,y keel h New and Styli h Goo sible Profits. well known that our Custorners t l butter. The intel this gives us in qu COU Will be paid to a are not irnpertile them. Prices are We again re bought from us w this will copvin Prices from us, Opposite TEOTJS I who wish t tly ' pressed marked in P GENTL ]lave purchased which • are now EMEN! WILL FIND NEW -TWEE S NEW READ MADE CLOTH'ING NEW WHIT SHIRTS NEW RECA TA SHIRTS NEW UNDERCLOTHING AND A LARG LINE OF HARD, SOFT AN D !STRAW HATS. ISH Y a Large Trade in Sea- ing the Stock constantly l s, and by Selling at• the Y -STEM e desire rake i{ ent rE ting p] AT to sell for CASH ONLY. up losses incurred by bad ader will .a once recognize ices. 'FNTION ! look through oulr- Stock. Goods pon those who Ido not require ain Figures. REQUEST! uest our fri nds to th those pur based e them that they ai SMITH Carmichaels Hotel. 'carefully compare Goods sewhere.' We know that E getting 9 -ie Very Lowest -. ; iJt.�v.L�`U..l.