HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-29, Page 8-1 ,- . 1 . .: 4 � ; i ; . ; i � � - . , � I - SO - . � . ! I i I I � � f .� I I I s, - , I . I . :. � . I ! : I � I :. � I i � I I rl.- - . I �, I �_, � i � � . : ­ _. , — - I . - . I . I ; . ; I.. � . . -1 I _� I I I � I � . , I - " ; - I I I I ! � i a z ; - � I I I . , I � . . . i - . � - I I I , I � . I I ! J . � � . - . — ; 11 � I I I I - I. - . � � . � I ; � � ! � 1 7 � i - I . i � i J I I I I ! -I--- . - . - � - I I . � - - , -1 -- -- , '­­ .1 - _ - . I - -;.1-- 1. I ­ -�,: — � I - ,� - .- . I , - - - " - . . , ­­� - �, ­;��­ � - - - �� - �­�, � f zl�­ �­ �- 1. --- , 4-- - . I : � I � . i I - � � ­­ ­ — - 1. � -1 ;,�� - :_ - � ­_-� Z_, _­ �­� — -na����,-4--=�--r.s;�-:�;�-W-b,-,��ii--�-;7.0- =_­ . . . . . � �,_W;�� �_ - !-U-=�­­ r --l-, , . I � - — . . � - � I � I ­ . __. - I - - - __­_��a - �� — - . - - I I . . - : '' I I . ; ! I - - I I - - , -1 � __ �, - , I . . . :1 I : � I . : ­ I � . ;I i I I I � ; . I - � . I I I I .... I F, I . I - I I I I . I i I I �� � , , .0, - � . I � " , � v . � ,1 ! � I ! I I I I I � I - I I i � I '�i I . , . I � � I ­ i J� . I � � I . . I :t I ' I � x - "'; . I - I � -1 ! i I � I EXPOSITOR.' I . I AFRIL 29, 1881. .� - I I i i! I , TE't HURON, � ii � � I ;I I I � - 1 8 - i 1. i I. -M -1 I - momomm�� . I -� I : � I I I : . — I _­ I __ i — - - � I I . - ___� , : ; _. - - i — � - � ! . VS � I - 11 i . i � . . ! — __1 — I I it, but his family the gathering and produced immediate Samuel Wilson. The kub*ts of ex- I a -&- (3.- 0_� � �L I _- I di The annual general lasting d9noe of 18 years in : 11 . __ , . , - * Ot4 es.- I I amination were: Reading, axit metio,' :­ 77�� was ordered to be paid to Mr. Sta . , lja�', � . I � ,. relief. The Subject is now 811woll n I ­ - - furou txvoolotov his services asassesBot. The 3tree of Ilhe mE nibers of the hloolip';8I In- Were growing Up, and he hoped in the - any a h j oroglyv hic grammar, history. geography, dii �tation, i . - 11 I A , I . - I I I . . V i ute will behold in tl e reading room now country to do better for them than and has uttered m I � - I 11 - � I f iommittee -were ordered to av I'll t lat 1. - I an algebra and draI iing, and in ea -1h sub- - I . - , m . I ...- � goo elk','[ ues y evening next. W, Is hope to I he could P&isihly do,here. In behalf of remark regarding mormai . d - ..... . - drains cleaned out and put in goo . ich questions being given. LE; were WDOUGALL & 0 a i . I . I le. A reBolki'­ se4� a lar e attendance o! thoele interest- Wmself sud Mrs. MoNaught he thanked anything p�rtaining to th docti me. j Oct st , � I . 17 t i ea in the first q iarter's - . order as soon as pogsib ", and e vei-y person i I uld be h1is friends ; - Mr.—isnowallhigh,lirvate �nd either con ain I - � DISTRICT MATTERS. n - own i sho in the' most feelingr terms 1,ext - I tion was passed receiving the potiti�h ed,� . : d he stands ready to unite vith the . Studies or had r(ference to them, The 1 - �, I - _-_T of the hotel keepers asking for A reduo- * I in'the Inatit to. -Ur. 1 James for their magnificent presentB, an I � - � ' - . ,� . , . was the church who offer the beet in4ucem nts names of the h Ighest four only in each - I � � __ 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I V=q ha been ab ent in Windsor could truthfully say that tbiB I - � _T . . I _ p NOTICE To THE PUBLIC. - W nereas tion of licenses, and .deciding t O ad1t B t i 1 class are inserted as follows. Fifth . I . � I ��, . � . I , . � -in S�a- upon it at a subsequent meet' *_ class- � � . 11 UpUloua and imraliabi,p agenl,,' of the d4ringt1opresent wee a6tonding the p.-oudaSt occaRiOU of his life, and it. at his next illness. : I . 11 in � ! The high, 3st number of marks . I 11 � I I some unsori _ ' � I - - �� - I . � florth, are offering to ,,uP1'IV the Excel .-6ior Orous Council. Dr. Campbell g�v noti fu aeral of a deceased jaister.---I-Mr. Thos. m ould ever be his aim in the future to I in this class wait 331 -Alice, , . mers of Messrs. Scott Broth, . ontinued friendship and , BrucefieldL. I � � obtainable, t . . . ; �� � � to custo irs, we beg: to m. ting Li 4pBley is having a driving: park con- n ierit 'the c I Archibald 311, Wm. ,James Chesney D7*y Goods, Mffliwryp Car- '_ I , ilotify all. parties concerned that we do not �ell thathewould at the next . I )Od -opinion of those friends who had THE CHEESE FACTORY. Tie B I ce- I �� Inee a by-law amen - stmoted on his farm adjoinip 9 286,ltateLeath and257,Anni,aSproat ; I _ % the I I andwill. notguarwnteoanY org'Ang 80111 by s4id the Council introc ,ly to him. The proceed- field Cheese Factory will Comm 11ce I pets and Oil Cloths, to,whotherour name, b- - leUBing by-law, and reduci northern limits of the town. I This will, acted So kind I 1 209. Senior thi ma, highest marks ob- � . 66nnine instruments can 0. .d on 'them or 40t. ing the lic � . nee to the ow . ners of i:kgg closed at about two o'clock a. M., operations for the season onM0 ay I . I ,�, ' alybe hadat the bld the hotel license fee from 0150 to - $125. N agre toonvenie . � ;11� tainable 260 -Jas. Wallace 245, I I . I ,A_ : ( I . Rstablished MusicalInstr.ament Emporium, frIom rain ,I y singing I 'Auld Lang Syne" and giv- next. On that morni ng I the Wallace 233, W t - Archibal' � I Messrs. Scott Brothers. D.BELL&Co. Torogto, The Clerk was instructed to ad vert i ' g( od moving colts who wn o . for the Queen. it: is drawers will be on their egular ro ' ties, I 2311, Goo. r � Ont. %9-3 . for -tenders for lumber and gra� I to ITe tiem. ,rhere' good many Ono ... g three cheers ! . I ., t� � .e are a I iay that if the pleasure and patrons would do we I t_� have i heir Reinke 216. Junior third, Ihighest E4� 7M_A.':F 0 IEZ:T Mi. -_ . � I now. -Mr. illiam Weekes, r ot too much to E I I � SEEDS - V'�jJLSON�- & YOUNG have a delivered in same I quantities a 8 last ir towr - _ R marks obtainable 260 -James D.oig 212, '_ , . N1T:EI ' ' - * OUI a r I ther-ft -law i. of Mr. a Vard, died Ind success of this evening can be taken milk ready for them who they ca .io James Laidlaw 184, John Ches#ey 117. -- WUO- large stock of I fi, A � a and Garden Seeds, all new, year, when the Council adj - fo . �, I- ,rjE NUMBI I 1 '14 � omen of the success . 111 i � r I � boughtfrom. &he most reliable scedsmon in th two weeks. . o" T I lay last at the idvariced age 01 1 anyway 0 an i: Senior second -E. Reinke, A. Itoss, M. . I . Dminton. 1. selecting seeds we always buy t c I - I I 1 ul_"'. f th - i ij I I he 8 J! ye Mr. Weekes was - one �f Mr. MoNaught in the Northwest, Hul.lett. i I -1 .1 Doig, E. Loathe rland. Junior sbcond- : 1. - � b,st we r , - . 0 � ; -dito Sir t � � I .^*a get, independent of price, considering -The celebri & �d A I I th fortune will not deal hard with him. THAT LOST SHOVEL. -Mr. --dito �) I - We can now offer to our onstomerg gad - r r)Or F, I 0 ' I F .� 17W:DRESS1 ,C M-PL-IMICNTARY. e rliest ;ettlers ,in th's t � M. Sproat, J. Ross, J. NicholsoI John at any price. Wo have all the . � his new h r ect- I %* I . - NL � - ,4eds dear _ t," recei 8 ma y Par a ` Ome -In reply to Mr. Hawthorne, public generally, the Very Chotcest,xiewft I , Varieties of Turnips, M&ngolds and Carmtis, lion, "Old Clear Gri � and f vorailil 14e intended leaving for . � best c untr , said was well; I . Archibald. 9 - L V Alch we will Bell as low as any house in the complimentary notices from t (I stoo�, k c 1vith his fa ily on. Thursday, but on ing that lost shovel, rst,' 0 . and Cheapest Lot of Ladios), Migg"I at 1. . L - h own. He had only een i,ll A out Mi I have to Bay Children s Fancy and Plain Straw and Braid L . i .., 699 alm. st era account of the great floods in the West, that 1 understand that I am the pe: *son B 3IIII. I ; . I Arade, quality considered. and sporting journals, we might , eek be ore .his Idea . T11he � fun -1 � : - I - . � . � te Log- . G -a FOR HATC " 'ok pla 3a on Thursday morning. -Tho nd having received information that whom be. accuses of t kinc, it; 2nd,I oie,'the . . . - EG Hwo.-Wbi say in all parts of the world. A. corre- t , �- - - " hi OUR NEw Li NDLORD.-Mr. B � . - 0,1- hi to I I horns and Plymouth Rocks. Having nothing ut spondent of the New York Sporting drand 9 runk Railway'people are tryinj -ilio-railways are washed out in Several deny the accusation, an I, efy hi OPEN I . k I new landlord o the Commercial, has � � choice birds,fLud allowing no contamination of i eB and traffic Buspended, be has de- prove it; 3rd, I can P ov that the � � � . ing Times, writing from Syracusae, Nes him a"bit of � 6 bluff game apon , our towr I)la,c assumed posses don, and is having the HATS AND BONNETS � - '� . I Morent breeds at any season, persons purcha departure for � 7 ens p re the following good "send off." He :' se' dided upon delaying his shovel was not left in th F ldoe w lere . eggs from me maycepend upon getting h . I al0thorit �Les in the matter of the propo ( premises thoroughly renovated and put � I . - I I The first stall contaft ed Flora 0 no, A week. . They , will go by train to Mr. Hawthorne says it waa, and ffiat - idition. for the r;lception I . I goo&. Eggs $2.50 for 13, or 26 f or $1 says: street, but it * in first-class co. - 21 . - I I's sa, I Vinnipeg and hope to get a boat there he is entirely mistaken throughou i in n"culaxsFree. Winhave a few long distance �ening up of Jarvis � F., a six year old bay -mare, wilt 9, �o, 44ely to: succeed. Wei may we . of travellers. lie is a "jolly gOOd fol- In t4e Very LATEST STYLES, both TRnUM Iromers for Sale. 0. J. TuomAs, Goderich, Oat., I he got ai ba ut A i ua- low" and SMITH & W. Canada. 699-4 Dord of- 2.3AI which s ! 4Y W, the memorable words of 4 deceased wbich will take them to within abo hisconjectures and unmarilyin * a perf act gentleman and will, and'.UNTAINT D. Also 1 4 elloJAO t fall. Ae is 15.31 hands, 8 sired � has tho (ighteen miles of their destination# Mr. tiong.-WM. MCMICHIRL. ' -I 4I � I . . To THE PATRONS OF THE LOND,19 lag � � � OtateSm an, "What in I ! we have no doubt, do a goo usiness. I . WINTMIOP AND LOGAN CHF,EsE FACTOUMS: I by Clear Grit, and is, therefo I a h4lf Grand ' runk ever done for Seaforth" ) IoNaught will take with him a number - I . . - I — . . . i -Cox. . � I I I rth, She is Mr6. Eeek's .1 I and pigs, ' . I ; bister to Amber. I t�at we should show it ... ny. specia of horses, thoroughbred catt e b Varna. � ! XPTANATI ON WANTEDi-About the F64thers, Flowers, R � kave appointed John Beattie, Esq., of' Seat ,� � , . . ��ty of other articles for use I I AN E ,, ghon,#_, and ac I � � I i and,JameH Kerr, Esq., of McKfflop, Treasurers; for pet. Then came the bpst known horse oonsideiation?-There will e a meet ..alBo a vari THE CHEESE FACTORY. -Mr. *bert 20th November, 1880, Mr. *. Cook, I '. I the above Factories. All the patrons wcodutg of the lot, Amber, wh is enter a in 6he ii I �g of the Hook and Ladder 6ompan5 on a prairie farm, including a house, McCartney, the energet c �ropriet r Of hotel keeper, af Brucefield, Posted a ,Newest De8igm in Orwmon.k. THEONTARIG. will therefore be paid, -at the Factories after e ery 0 . . c I I - . I ea- ion -race. Heis1by nplete, ready to be put together I . I i men's Hall )u next Monda), dor I m king � � We. Hoping we may have % very su- - - - great Rochester Btall . ii� the Fire �.his destination. His our cheese factory, is , 18 rY number of' bills to Mr. George Parke, of - r : aly, W. HILL. 699 : I I at when he reaches I � xon,1 am, yours ti 1 Clear Grit, dam by Royal Reve n ,19, nine ia�eningl at half -past 3vea: o'clock preparation and is getting tOrY this village, announcing a Shooting 3 .his f I . - To FARm-mRs.-A young lad &boutJ 13 years old, 15.1 hands, is a bi if ht bay, ,Ohich a : full attendanc )of p�embers i$ , amily will rasid� in Rapid City, and in order for a good Be 9.so, . 's business. match to be bed on the 3rd of 'Decem- � . . - I 1_t� . � . years of age is anxious to obtain a poaltion. with a and one.of the biggest little horses on- 4,oeired. -At the recen i meeting -of th j e intends practising his profession as a He has agreed to make th( cheese and ber. The bills were not recei�ed until - ; . ' S �8 _I�S_:F�D 1� � . good farmer in the neighborhood of Seafokth. the turf. Though not technio$ally a ]�pigcopal Methodist 3onforence, thl . reterinary surgeo.h in the city, and at draw the milk for the coming seasc! for the 26th inst., I laving thus taI five 0UR SHOWROOM - I � * Wages not so much an object as to secure a com' half sister to Amber, Flora IF. will ev. Mr. Vollick, pastor of !the church � ihe Same time cultivating his land, 2J cents per pound, &,1411 the patrd s at months and fo days to come a dis- I : I I -_ I fortable home and loam the business. Apply at 0 1 1 . . 4 TH-uEXPOSITOR Offl0e, Seaforth. 699 e doubtless do her share tows, . here, was re-appointe to this charp � Nhich is located within convenient dis- to &coo, his i � rd teaching .1 ' a meeting have agreI - . tance of ten mi [es, This is ,,quick de- 1 I l . . the America�s what the Cana * i Quee Is Hote ;&nee. Me y the very best of good for- offer. The factory for t e oming, ear aP Clear Or another year. -Th n . _ itha vengeance. Who is to ' I spatch" wi ,Ia the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is IVI;y SIKED ,POTATOEs.-White Elephant, � ,. k M., � i _6 � . ' I I . Grit strain can' do- on the t tt.ng turf." &I opert 7 in this tow, wag sold ol � �� une go with hi I ection f the fd . We have just aeoured the 60 cents per bushel; Beauty of Hebron, at $1.60 ro .� � I i I will be under the dir Ow- blame for the d elay 2 I Complete. , � ", � - perbushol, and Snow Flake at 50 cents per One would scaxcely think by tl e Imodest T- hursd y to Mr. JameEi H. Benson fo - I . ..... ..-,- ing officers: Messrs. John Torr!" nee, . - I - � i . I Summer Dress Goo& E � - I I � bushel r nd unpretentious bearin' of o#r;towns- the sum of 07,975. -Mrs. Wm. Akin3 .Blyth. � I - -- SeRforth. . . oClymont, 1 eas i - . . . LAIDLAW & FAiRuKY. 699-2 1 a 9 I Salesman ; Jamras M 13russels. .I NEW SAT10S. I W. HILL will meet the Patrons of the man, Mr. Wbiteley, that he isl the sole 16ft hera for Emerscn, Manitoba, on THE CEMETERY'. -A committee has urer'; James McAndrew and X Imes � I Winthrop Factgry on Satarday, next, April 80th, proprietor of a horse So noted. ,I ay morning last. A large numbe � een appointed- to select a suitable Site Shaw, auditors. The f Ning DMSION COURT. -The regular sitting � I I . - . . I at 5 P. M. at the Factory building. W. HILL.t 699 . I � a Btatio! i forthe cemetery.' Be hasty. the I nag- of the fourth Division Court.,will be hold 7 NEW SILKS. , I - - I . her f riends assembled at th - gentlemen compose I . I . � I . I - ME� 'wish her ban ' pro- here on SaturZ ay next. I � TKF_ Finest Japan Te& Dust in the ENTERTAINING THE PIRE I . -:On t6 biaber g9od-bye and , IMPROVED. -Mr. Alex. Orr, the ing Committw for the year: EBBrs. . I I . . . 11 ONAL.- Ar. A. J. McColl, form- NEW -REAL LAOES. All W001 Cw 'a . I PERS � i I inarketistobehad-for 25 cents per pound at Monday evening last Mr. John ea ie ; etor of the livery stables, is getting George Anderson, W i. Keys, E Arard I I � � pyage. - I I . n a ' LA LAW& FATnLEV& 699-2 � - : orly of this pla-,e, but now of the firm of . I entertained the members. of %he Fir ! KiB bus hamdBomely painted and Robinson, �Danial Stich ley� and �avid � SI LK AND I—ACE T IES. I � . �l � 1 1 . Blaine, Blansl ard & McColl, of Win- All Wool DVJ y oyster - ; I ; ; Brigade 'at a complimentat �: COMP.L11KtNTARY SUPPER. 4 The COJ - decorated. � Robertson' They are all, good I . I ; " on, � I I � : T1 esidence of Mr. D. ' , I .11 . I t nipeg, -Manit69%, is in town 1 visiting . ; I .. � Aven �Mr. Davii. . : Avc oN.-The r Three of our young and patro * ; supper at _--Deagon's reStaura� it. This O.,limeutary supper 6 1 ENTERPRISING.- us -may be sure'that tinder i I McNaught will be sold by auction on friends." I � tertainment was furnisheQ by Mr. M'cNang, t on Tuesday eve 'ing last, On , men have jointly a bicycle- their 811 wiii'll I . I All Wool Se17 h 0 . purchased. per�iSion ever thing 6 be . 7- � Ing . I -vi - TL T-jT-j A S' - Tuesday, May 3rd, at the Commer6al Ion _ CONTRAC T. -At the meet' ' of -UM :B IERI ca AZ2 � Beattie aB a mark Qf . appreci Ltion on" the eve 'of his departure from Seafort.1 � They are determined not tO be behind conducted properly. I � - Hot& -I, Seaforth. See posters. . I I i , I ; the Council, held last Monday night, i � . I � ': I his paxt of the servipee, -render 34 by the to, take up his,ieBidonc 0 in Rapid Cit; I �' the age in now devialopnicii�s- I —6. t � , � � All Wool Bw, I I I ; I - firemen on the recent occ&s" ri of � the �[orthwest Territory, was one of tb a DIED. -Mrs. Ww. Dodds, who has S Cloderica. I i i the tenders of S. Hopkins for gravel � z I I � I I - LECTU.Bi-,-We are requested -to 'an- I J. were acce' ted, at 46c for screened and In SILK, ZENILLA, ALPACCA, COTTON, PDJE. - � . ed burning of his flax barn. M: -. Deagon. I nost � 131: cce8sful and pl 3asant , affairs i If- been afflicted - for SOME) [years Past, A REmAina LE FLIG T. -r -Mr. C P . I nounce, that a lecture will be deliver . I . ; . . 39c for rinser iied. The Council from � PADOUR and PLAIN.' Fauc,y C&Ck : " , . gave a sumptuous spread, and after all the k1n I ever held iii Segfo�th. Tb 8 � breathed her last on Monday morn"g- Thomas, of the Huro P ultry Yards, � � I - : in St James' Church, Seaforth, I on , ce month, � . present had partaken this datowill ly meet on a � . abundan tl y of the gotten up by t1 te go � Her remains were taken to' Clinto I I I � day evening next, May 5th,!, by upper, hial host of I n, on . I E I . I I Goderich, has a Homin, P I I I Thurs* )I goon ,xhich instead of ever two weeks. . bivalves and other eteetras, a c )uple of - Sharp'E Hotel,was in ieepi ith th a. I Wedn.esday and interred ffil the come- he purchased from a breeder i2 St. I It Mr. John R. Jones, late Anglican L I �_ I I I - EWEST SHADE - I T ME TiNG.-The annual meet- I hours were very pleasantly, 8),ent in Epreads.fov which Mi. Sharp and ht s 1 tery ttlere. , I � s Catharines. A few ays aftei Mr. . CRICKE T PARA E�OLS - ;III iminister. Subject,- 11 Catholicity and I ig of the Bri issels Cricket �� Club was i I r%L%;p . N social converse, Bond arid S6ujLinient. (' � � I ill I I xcelleit lady have become so just Y i ALx-9sT A FiRE.-Ou Saturday last, Thomas brought the bird home, it it roke . . I � . Infidelity; or, Why I Became a Roman � held in the Co incil. chambers, on Wed- ; L, I I i The host delivered .� an exc�ll 3nt ad- %med. v was ue-ait, of t1le- while Mr. JOB. Carter was Passing down , ut of its loft, and with its.mate 1i aade S 11� - Catholic." Lecture to commence at 8 . 0! 0 neBday evenii ig last. The following . I - I dress in which he heartily th r ked the 4ery be 4t, and in abunds nee. Th I ' Queen street and'when directly in front its escape. It continued its fligh� intil E. In: POMPADOUR SILKj PLAIN SnX u4 - i LOS I O'clock. - ir officerB were elected: PreBident, E. -.0 �- ES� ----I—, fo , I at h ot ` "' �z �.1se Irl , ��i` 11 '' Of , I �ilg 1111,3 P n y .. I FE ti __�_ I r I 8 , e4� t, 6i I tt� I I I T, h iAl 17F! 13 1 �voi 0 � 1� o � o , UU0 MM M 4 �, I I 'MA I � 1 171", , 't I members of the brioade for tl e� willing ,I nothin At tine o'cl k : of Clegg's hardware Store, he discovered it reached St. Catharines, wfiich it did - � ! COLORED SILK.' � . � 0 g wanting. I . . . . , I Wade; Vice- esident, E. C. K. Davies; � LEAVE OF Aiasm.;CE.-At a meetin' of and prompt -service they had rendered q wsl called, and about Sixty 901- the roof of Hawkshaw's Hotel to be on : - 9 .. I . the same day it escaped. The dift ce- r' G. E. Cooper. ; f I - the congregation of the Presbytorian- to himself personally on the'occasion re- filemen took their pla,,es at the tabli�, ' Secretary-TreE su er, ! � I � - ri, " I I I fird. He at once called assistance, and between St. Catharines and Godr�ch , . - � n held on Monday ferred to and to the people of the town smong 7h6m'were me ny of the leadir g soon had the flames wader cQntrol Committee of Management- J1. Camp- ; LADMS ! Do Not Forget tA church of this tow . . - by an air line, ip about 30 miles - he . ) - , : . - . i �Goods before -you make Y40 sions, indals- ' bell A. Veal a d C. R. Cooper.. : I evenjig IaBt it was una,nimonsily resglv- generally on several occa So �nerchants, manufactirerst agricultur- SERVE, D HIM IGHT.-Mt. W. .Jack a I . i r, I ; �a R - day, also, Wa and di ), ree- . � - - i I � - threw out a few useful suggestions and 's and. mechanics ofthe iown and v�- Bon, hat and cap, vendor, came to Blyth . - � . ed to grant the pastor, Rev. A. D. Me - I I � I I ! able, anathe-bird"had.nevor hao] any JUSt Arrived To- Day,. I .9 I_ �Aa. A m , _ 2 -I- I- 4. IC .� , I * - " I Jamestown. I � ]Donald, leave of �, absence for three admoululonts or 1, i. g V. 11. Ong t ose pretign rorn U - I on uesday lasu for the-purposo U And what is even more re- I gu Ll 0. L. 0 - i � . I training, . i i � Straw� Hats f -or Lad months. Mr. McDonald has not - been Janvs A. Cline, on behalf df �he Bri- Oide thei� town we not.ced Mr. Thom2 .8 ing the above I articles.; .Constable markable that it should find its wa AcCIDENT. Ar. Wm. McAllister, . : 1 poll"Be8v ��. , I I I y — . i i - enjoying good health for sometime, and gade, in a neat speech thanked 'Mr. I 0 of Wingham; , Talbo i,: Kruse,with his usual promptitude, C01- home, although it had been co eyed whose father :)wus a saw mill in the - 4 . , ; . I - n 'he had inerchant, � I me Pl"e; . township of grey, five miles east of S,traw Hats .for Ge?j his congregation desire to afford him a Beattie for ther complime ,; I M'. � lared his man and brought'him before from St. Catharines to ,0 in a NEW OIL OL-OTHS. . I 0 i . oderic I Sj� e�,' I I - I I brief season for relaxation with the thus paid the firemen by this ai1tertain- �ohn H4noah, Deput 7 Reevel .of Tuck- one of our J. P�'s to answer to the ft� must 1 have here, met with a serious accident on I � I , 4 . cage in an express car. I . , . i hope that the -rest will restore him to maut, aud, referred briefly to e 4e other H i . . NEW TOWELLINGS. strateflats fior Boy. ersmitl il - Mr � Thoma E. � 'e charge of selling wit lumber his . . , . &ys, Rea hout 1 a transient found its way purely by ilustinci. Its Friday last. hile edging � , � .4 z � illop; Mr. R bert,., Go I trading license. He was fihed one dol- , mate.whicheBeapedwithi neverjeach- ri - I kiS, usual Strength and vigour. We be- appropriate topic-,. The even ng was f Me] U : venlO014 i ght hand came in ,contact with the � . - � 1 7 4- 4. leasantl Q ent b al and all � 17;11, � Messrs 0- or A a"A He"'Ju 1 .4 I- A it, wn" n�n 4-.rNnlr nnf. %x Z � " .4 + saw Several of the fingers we're com- NEW TAB:�'INGS. � Strai Hats fo 1-i , qe- 07z` hove R is Mr. inc-Donald s inten on o v -.7 r .7 k' _T � 0 %, IF I . 6 MI. MLI UVO 0, GbLA W k, ed St. Catharines, and s suppd. v u . I -1 � present on separating were fully'�pre- hekso Q and Messrs. hos, Hill, David 11'all amou]3�ted to some tely severed from the hand and the � ' . 11 I - I I . - I take a trip to the old country and that . , license, which i , have perished by the way, &B ii had Ple . . I NEW PRINTS. - I_ � . � he will leave about the middle of MtLy. pared to affirm that the h � a genuine �proat and iRobert Fult n,JEgmond- t . badly injured. The f 4 - I , I i � $25. No doubt hels under� the impre8 evidently been cut by the glass 61 the remaining ones i � � � . � I I I i I � .__ . . I 'good fellow" which nobody can deny. Iville, and others whow names do 00t: Sion that there ra no hats � or caps for window through which it e II Palm was frig itfolly lacerated. . . . . il � 1 1 i BI � . . I GUAVEL WALxs.-It has been suggest- I Ow occur to6s. Up)n th �emovalipf sale in this town, or proba,bly business 11 was, consequently by VARIETIES.- -.Spring work is fairly I . I aw . I weakeued I _� Tbos. L i I ta ken by M r. I - I ed to Us that in view of the great ,and LOCAL BR-iErs.-Mr. Goven- is not brisk enou& t I I . under way; a great demand for rain,- A,- G. McDOUGALL & Co., . S-E131113P1_3: 45C he clo bh, the chair w as o�suit ;him in Clin lossIof blood. i _ ' conti g up so jock has purchased between f ve and the ',vice -chair I)Y ton, so he has to come to I our Stirring i 0 — , a very slight fall this morning (Mon- : - : . � I ; - nuous expense of -keepin . Strq�g, Mayor, ano] . I � - . , � � i i I � I � I Zuxic - : I � I inany plank sid.6walks in town, it would six hundred beef cattle, which he Will Mr. D. D. � Wilson, Beeve 'of 1 Seafort h. business locality� I ) day). -Wild flpwers are to be seen in . - ,i . -I ' � be well for the)Town Council to sub- ship to the old country early in May. hort and Suitable sp eclies were made � a 7 LLER&BY SOCIETY. I. Our Lit rary the woods peeping up here and there. I . : I , � � � - I atitute gravel !or wood on many str�ets. Mr. Govenlock will accom nv; big Dy the chairman an vice-� hairma I now and again . Cox*pbell's Block I I I . 0 9 M6MUOP. !' Society met again on Friday even' g to .-The ancie�t frog � . I I I � I :­__ - - -M This has been done in London, Strat- stock to the home markets. I o'hope nd in respu4se to toasts 1 by Mess - RAIN vs. WHEAT FAIL'RE. - This give the tnal entertain,ment of WE sea. puts in a claim for notice with his � I i I�U% . - - . U - ­_ - . : . A s with he will ma,ke, his pile out of t IS Von- . � ng long a -The Maitland . SEE OAK HALA_ a . . . - I - kao )rbino topic among son. As the evening as fine an . ford, Goderich and, other town I .P.Hayes,�Geo.Ja(kso Thos.Ki I I all pipi d loud. I e . Beemstobetheallabsi I - - � '. I 8-1 � S�EAFORR very satisfactory results. Our gravel, ture.-On Saturday night 1�s; about ohn �eattie, Ja B 4ttie, our farmers, and if we ate not favor- beI aware that it was the last* of a has a full an ly of water at present � s8 � � I . . – half -past ten o'cloAsom rew ' .. oen and runs ... and night, week in and . it is Said, is not suitable for Sidewalks ays John Hanni Thos.lHill, ed with agood fall of ihe needful soon BerioB of gatherings w ich have' I e scai!n )s th I Th , ,I b � I . I I I I . I ' but gra,vel which is admirably suited a stone through Mr. JGhn 1 Jutyre's Goven..ock,, ThOB. 211, 14,,A Camer I I t successful thr Out, the hall week out wit iout ever leaving its bed. TWEED SUITS, Made to Order, from $U to ' � the wheat in this section will prove M09 9 . . $16. SPRING AND It I � � . for the purpose could be procured from shop window. -We notice in tie God- n4d o hers. ! The.. njusic4l *Ipart rather a slim yield . 'Waa, unu8u&U re being to the .-The word 1 hat perplexes the peda- I I ; I � . I I y full, the � . I . I � ench Signal the following: I Mr. B. J. I by, Messrs Henry Town, - - , . gogue's brain ).t present is holosteric. . . Fort Burwell for about 020 per car or 6ndu(t L ANOTHZR PAIR OF COLTS 1SOLD.-John nei�hborhood of three hundred pi�f sent - � less. The first cost would probably be Wade, of Wade Brothers, SoE f8rth, was q � � I -, I � Joe 14, W.� 0. Reid, John: KLflillor n e-Bident Who can reduce its learned length into : 1 to I . . Cook, of the North Bound'�ry, recently The chair was occupied by Pr , SEE OAK HALL %J 'CLOTH - � el : meeWig to � greater than for a plank walk, but .one in town on Thursday, put a 9 in a ,.E-. �iaya, ThoB. Kidd, Tho'_ Dow,a,y Bold a very finepairof col4s toMeBBrs. Smillie, who called ffie� short Saxon — . . � a � gravel walk would outwear ten plank piano for Mr. Chas. A. Hum) r.!' We 'd th 31 Quaitette Club composed � of Souter & Forbes for a very ha]2dgomo order at eight o'clock. The d''ence � ___ - i I . I . aud' I : . . I I - walRB. At any rate, the matter is well always like to hear of our 103eaf 3 h busi- esBri,!Joslin, J. S. Roberts! 11. Cat i- figure. The colts were sired by 111toung was then treated to a e�Kcelleut pro- Stanley. B14UE AND BLACK BERGE SUITS,Warrant4 - W-, Mi. C A, M I XI i I . - I p ine and James So 11 I gramme, consisting ol rew I i Past Colors, from $15 to $18. , i liess men extending their OP(r ions.- I ott, wi� ih llings,�Smgs THRoraH SEEDING. -Mr. Hugh Gil- � worthy the consideration of our august ron,1A. . . I . .i . Lord Haddow " � and out of Mr. Cook's . 9 � � town fathers. � Mr. Hector Cowan. second son of John rgan 'aCCO pan out. 'The B'D9419 famous brood mare. I dialogues and iuBtrumentsl musi�, At mour, ard coucession, finished seeding � � HAJ3 Juot ReceI a Full I . . � I ' I I i 1 . -Cowan, Esq., of McKillop, I aB been ,w I . - 1 last the 23rd inst.; not so .and Summer Goods, ari I as a . ood, but that by the �; Club w is -Pr6iossor Sa er, of ,Clin. the 1 ' . n Saturday I Atsorted ttLat any one tan be I A BIG ROW.—Wo understand that a dangerously ill with inflammation of I leudid. We have never At- MUSICAL. closoof the programme a vote of 0 : 1 'SEE OAK HALUS . � �eally s� I I ,ton, has been carrying o a a musical thanks WaB unanimou ly gliven & the bad for a late �pring_ � I . . . � �`, � very disgraceful proceeding took place the lungs, but we ate glad to learn. he .$ended an itff%ir of the kind where t)le . � � I I . class in the school house on the 14th ladies of Zurich and icinity, f6r the T FA ite a numb . 9 � im . : i HE �_LL A,T.:-Qa er � . 0 M -AH -01 ' at the Alrqa Hotel, about three miles is now recovering. He resides at Wat- usic SBb'e tter, and very rarely wh� re P*NTR, Made to Order, at $8 50 Per POW THF, I . I . concession wit4 marked Success, so willingness and abil with whie4 they of the farmen in the neighborhood are i . I I . West of this town, on Saturday night. ford, but b as come home to re it or 9 few t wa !anything like so g6od. The uch so that thr class are anxious for have taken part at eac. i meeting. " This � o � � . I m I I heat, it being il ..OR IRISti About 12 o'clock, after the propriator weekB.-�-Mr.D un lop watered I I 'natireet : piowing dow theirfal1w 1! mUBi0 1! 'part was, indeed, &� treat ,in' deserved,las tho Buc- in many PISCEs entirely killed out. I and his family had retired for the night. . ; him to continue for at least another notice was well SEE OAK HALUS , n Friday' and Saturday, h om I the iitaelf, nd the company were � much I n- not Yet do- cesB of the Society has i)eexi due chiefly. I some evil-diBposied persons came along lydrants. This - timel li Ition I I i4ad: quarter, but the question ' � FOR THE NoRTHWEST.-Messrs.. James � I Scotch and Cauai y I 1P ca� - "Idebted 1�'o the gentlemen who I f urn . - and with sticks and -clubB broke 'And ' I cided. The Professor havi lig so many to the efforts of the la.dies. pro gh Gilmou,r of the I in Fun Li I made living on Main street mu h more �t. Oil ,,the toast of the 6venixg, 110 ar , STR&W HATS, Newest Shapes and Colora far smashed the windows of the hotel. The . I . , classes to a,ttend to in other parts of moters of the society have, also 1-muc 2nd. and 3rd concessions, respectively, AB tbeso were &11 boughtiat . I -pleasant, as the dust was previously iGuest,'J Ibeiing propo, a ry. nt the county that he is und3cided about reason to thank the Councillors of ay inte I Men land Boys, from 25 cents to *1 7i. DO W�14, they w.ere cous( . � proprietor got up, but the BoOnEArOls very bad. -The fine weather and, the . nciden ,qrred. A nuraber of Mr, I nd Shortly making a tour of Mani- I . the Lowest Figures, aud my , tI ocr � i the matter. . for kranting them the use lof the,iiOwn- t, with the in- � I fled, and he fired a couple of slaots from , I I toba and tiie Northwes I .the Low*4 Quotations. D - ­ . slight shower of -rain on M n ay I and Ili cNa ight's I ore intimate friends bad , GONE HoxE.-It is our gad duty to Bhip Han. , I ey are :SEE OAK HALL -:107 . � I %�i - any of I a most , 1 1�ely I i - I I'! - . a revolver at them, but whetkor I � � tention of taking up land if th Wednesday nightB, have lia I revio procured present for M S. I � . - � I I - . B the death of our Id and very I . - the shots took effect or not he does Dot beneficial effect on vegetation, and, the . =S GrE�en� Suited. ! NATS A NO OENTT F 'McNa Iffit nd himself, to be present d I i OBITUAR I . ' L � highly esteemed friend, . Grimold- ' Y. --It again becomes our I � I �� . S"PIFF AND ROFT FELT HATS, at $1, K*MW ; � - know, as the night _waa dark. Such grassis getting nice and green.L,Mr. .�n tbX o:c'�sion. That � to: Mr. A[ c- I by, of the 12th couceBBio . Deceased TKE COLT.—MR. Ei,ITOR ' re- . - haRma'And �Geuw FaTnu , .1 I ` - the death of � Styles, Imported Direct. --- rowdyism as this is disgraceful,and Graham Williamson intends removing !Nlauglt�lwasl a massive gold watch. 'ia; �ti��p� ne of - painful 'duty o c rome e . the stock of au,y lormer -go I , I � was 78 years of 'age . and had been con- gard. to the notice in your f S banley, ; - shod,ld not be tolerated in a respectable . with his family to Dakota ��out � the ' hain %od Wket, and MrB� Mc'Naugl Is I anothero a residents, in the � Ste& of , � - ic . ntire colt w k to : - I fined to big bed, since earl� in. the fall. the'e hich i sold last wee I � I community. It is, a pity the guilty ones first of May. He will settle 1 iii Grand �Presentlwa§ A handsome silver but or I person of Mrs. J. Ketchen, who died on r . . __� ` , 1� . I I He had long beI consistent member Mr.'Robsori, I would � ikel to add that . . I . YMADE < could not be discovered so they would Forks, where he intends Btartifig iu� the . Friday, the 2 d inst. Deceasel had ' OAK HALL READ, � �-.-.coaler ' d ki�ife, with the following i n- I of the Wesleyan Metho'dist borly, and the said colt weighed oA the HeuBall .1 . I - : , be fittingly punished. We wish ,him �scriptil , . 1 1 been stifferin or some time from a di8 L . Gentlemen contlemPlating � blacksmithing business. 37 neatly engraven ,:on ' the ffir- I bore his Bickue's with Christian forti- scales the day he was Shipp 1,430 ease of -the he rt, but had recovered so D, � tip,uurly invited W impect , f S ,� ! r - " I - I . ucce 81-, a ; ZIFIES ALL COMPETITIONIn Clothing, H&W 0 i the greatest measure o m to Mrs, David 41c. I that he is ) 0 C t- 1 or: 'Ireee;ted 8 n(t t, ea1ra old QUICX WORIC.-In order to test 'the 11 tude and ,died with fall 4aith in the 1bB., anc Nvlc y - far as ta be a )1e to go about her work. � and Caps, and Furnishings. Compare PzkW provifton �s made for thwir w� tle are still roaming the publi streets Na,ught�lby� her friends in Seafort . -the just. �,he fu' 24th day of lVilaynext. Other- � . , ' I - " - efficiency of the newly organized VoBe contrary to_ the town by-Ia. @.-Mr. The p,osentE were accompanied.by the resurrection of neral till the But She suddenly took, worse and in a- I and see if they don!t. Remoants or ..A - I _1 I i took place on Friday last a1and wag well wise your Btatements as to t 6 0.01t � I If Company, the Chief of the Brigade on John Lyons has been awarded [the con- iif i few days WaE a corpBe' She with her ; I . - vin . g a, I ; were c b gi 3 * 1 ollow lr� ad rose, 1 i . orrect. Please ob * 0 . I I � . Monday evening last, unknown to �any I i attended. mily came into the : tract for the erection of Mr."Caldy's now !i I : 9 husband an' -J a rAwU4-m Wanting Uomuants I I . I , TO Da � ... Yo 8I okc., find tbft here cheap. . I member of the corps, rang the : fira` building on the corner -of � 1, &iu: and , vi,d *�.Naught, Esq.! . ALMOST A FiRE.-The h6use of Rich- this' a place in your next ' township about ten years ago, aiia A. G. McDOUGALL & C& . In two minutes and fifteen'sec- I DE,& R� � Siu, -Ija behalf oi your frjoi i as �e 14t4 concession, IEI. LovE, SR. I during that time she made for herself , 11=11IIIIII alarm. 1' I , I ard Robinson, on t1 . Market streetB.-Mr. McNau VS sale 1 q . �". � 11 I cling is Ogres- . � � - onds from the time the first alarm was ',"in Sea forth N 7e beg to express our jolkep, 1 had a narrow escape from poing burned &ZEWNG.-Spring seeding is ,- � of household effects, &c., on Tuesday I! I a vast number of friends by her plea- I Brick 131mk N,O. 1, Main Stre given the ho *Be were taken from Abe last was very successful. There was a 11regret 4 your proposed removal fr -. Im , On Friday last. In the fall he ba,nked sing very rapidly. The land -is 4i firBt- Sant and . ladylike ways; Was an active t* the ground, a distance of over fifteen -_ I I ' I —_ I wn. , 1. I ouareone of our ol.&Bt his kitchen with straw and as it is class condition for 41lin J, and 00wing, ___ I market, one hundred feet unreeled,;.and large attendance, and good pr es 'were. 'lour to i I !) member�of the PreBbyteria*a church, beet, and coming in contact with some HE )"r ' i I bspark - - - , had to th hydrant at Kidd's oor �! .04t prominent and! enterpris ag now quite dry, a must have soine f armers are almost throu4b sow stone and. building material, they, both � . IN T - attac 9 - realized. -Mr. Thos. Bell and r. Tal- 'an d rf � i . I and a teacher in the Sunday School. - � � l I fallen from the c mne � ' I ner, ready for work. As soon as Ahe bot, of Wingham, were in; own oia- 1citiz`a B,1 and we do feel that your -18- and ignited ing and all are well I on, FaR, wheat Her remains ere followed to her last received painful bruises. Wo AM � I , �moval ill be a public loss to the to vn the straw and was in a flame when it pu in aws it should a'.wa B e, 0 11ka . bow$ nozzle was attached, which was less Wednesday. They attended, t a '11 " ,! I � I resting place y a large number of Bor- pleased to learn, however, that no WILLIAM HE than three minutes from the time the W& R.hil�pin. "and it S 'Interests. We sincerely ho )e, was noticed by Mrs. Robinson at the summer fallowed aid well. ma red -frien s. Her Sunday f3chool Were brokenIand trust they will swil . alled, on Tuesday night. -Mr. I . e- barn. , The flames were extinguished, � and sown early looks � air to -day, nd' a rowing or the Towu of Seato. . . alarm was given, the roll was c tends giving a prize of $5 for! the best �howevo I that what will in this . class followe ession be able to resume their work. , I I it p. Tha Sown i , ,� I andl3meuanswered to their 11,wm68; headsof Black Astrachan:, at ith ,spect, b o loss, will be to your gain. but not without considerab,le diffictilty. prospectof a good Cro th open grave Sang the ap- i PF.Rzso.vAL.-Mr. H. R M= Of ths, � caming " _. , 11 . � late on stubble or on] and not suln -,ient- and over th : zon Bushaess illere I three more were' immediately on the the straw attached, exhib�lt62 B�t � he IlAs a Ell h , xpresBion of � our rest, 3ot This will serve as a warhing to those prop iate hy: n-I'There's a land that �lace, who has carried on the biwk- . .� -of Hal ground, and these with three who were I , or your publi' and private parties who are in the habit of bank- ly prepared looks ,scaly, AS fate haug- riate hy amithitig business here for Some UM . � 1 - I show in this, town -next f 1 17tr ',i and a to m: Q . ereaved hus- .81'. all. -S, me T I is fairer thau day." The b i 0,-editomofthe o.. . - I ieavy . - absent from town make up the fall ;'char&A I e beg you to1 accept t is ing their houses with straw to remove ing! in the balance. till some ' �THE *** farmers in ' this neighborhood 'are ,� � I : band and f%milybave the sincerest �ast, has disposed of his business tO are bmeby notified , comipany. This is a most gratifying . chain Vhe gift in itself, is;iDsigu A- it early in the spring. I I warm rains and growing 1 eatheT iaight . Ur. James Beverley, of this village *na to me ag bit estate azd � plowing up their fall wheat' land land I I , Sympathy of their many friends and . I I . I ' evidence of the officienGy and prompti- 344 to a iddling to DsJWW * trediWw. All treditotoo sowing it with other ain. The last Oant, a trust that You �. will : iot CONSECRATED OM A FAILuRE.—Ill a ruBh much 'of it yet up intends Shortly moving . i - I gr , Pon i a intrinsic " � I crop. Withall it is - &n'g arous f I Us to acquaintauce3.-New Era. I � �, f� Itim ars'hereby re -quit. ed to 4 tude of the HoBe Company, and should few days of favorable weather, however, look i . I value, but that certain quarter of this township there - . I - Though weregret losing Mr.,Muir fore the latstday �of,Jan% X I � . satisfy our citizens that in case of have made a marked impr I ovoment,: in YOU v ill take it as it is . veui viz.: an ,exists a peculiar religious sect who term trifle so muchaswed withsuchapreci- . it masrs of .the usture an,4 amA Heneall. I thevillage,we unite with his IMMY I . emergency they will not be wanting, the appearance of the I . esteem for � you as a themselves Latter-day Saints or r I friends in wishing him success in thO altd the i ecurities (if any)), i , crop, and i i expre ej, n of our i I Mor- Ong G -op. A slight s ower of r4i fell SALT DER�ICK.—We notice Messrs. take noVI$g4e that,on s;na %ft but will be found ready and willing to " t��ili'l I citize i And ii friend. We'also' ask you mons, and who'profess to I )aave iDfalli- Tulesday morning wh'Leh Oid sor�e good, I far West. tile said mouth of June A. now generally bAlieved that t6r ! MeEwen Br thers are busily engaged � . . 'a -7 , ad. 1 i e hicb, don- rs- ble faith in the curative, powers -_ I I : in constructing the salt derrick. They theeoWe of the'sald Will - be at least a full half crop, of the I I VALUABLE HORSE SAVED.—We ISAM �d, pi—oe respond to the call of duty. to ac(ept tb� s Butter Cooler for � 1 but more is still waut ant to t1m trust Zee � . Bidering the area sown, is no so ba( .- McNaught, ind we wishI at the Beinc aforesaid oil when applied to a dying i I __ - - - ' I i intend prosecuting the work with all that Mr. John: Stewart,of Tuokermnitbf *�mong Uls 4reditors. hayin I h. i I - TowN CouNcm--At the meeting of time, .0 � xpi ess to her, through you, bur I Tixcker I ear losing a few &YO . � LAessrB. R. L. Sharp and Jol n' Beattie patient by one of the elders, but in any 1 1 dame very u a . -of who&O'Claims I shall - . the Town Counc4l, held on MlondaY 1 high p eq. ation of her as a lady, and PERSONAL.—We n Etice that IV �r. j. possible,!'speeI[`- I . i � L o, through sudden sic'6ess, the valu- the t3mo aforDsald- . have Settled satisfactorily with the In- i� L . other case will produce 'no effect. A IXpROVEX�NTS jg Dstio . evening, the Grand Trunk Railway 0 Sam() L&ndsborough, son �f Robert 1 lands- . a ft"M � d gt Seaforth, the 29 ?� surance .Companies r uufl gp(d regret at her removal certain individuA residing in th I f able mare which he i:mporte I I and have been Paid 1�1 Ou 0 1 h, is making some al- I . f laeot place chanan, of Zuric a 1881. , ;1 ," Company were represented by their their claims in full , for from o naidst. We feel, ..howei er, neighborhood,'having been harraBsed by borough, P,Bq., took a promi I - the old country, and for whizh 'he Psi . 700-4 JOHN . ' . solicitor- and engineer, who protested 10138eg 7 at their 1�- that it our energy, integrity, 1 -nd I I with them, but'had in the various classes of the hon(r list, terations and improvements in connee �, I . � I late fires- —The handsome Rtti(3188 p�re- 1, I this sect to unite block here, and is fitting Pver $1,000. This would have provealk —;,-I!- -_ —_ -- ­_ against the Council Passing t!ie by-law sented to Mr. and 'If � I by so amiable and e forl the second year, tit the E a, t 3r ax- tiou with hi serious loss to Mr. Stewart, sud, ____ -_ ­ 0 Mrs. D%vid Mo. ,:i onte ri� e, a d all ed not fully made up his mind to coincia Person f�rom Ails& very . providing for the o ening of Jarvis Naught were -purchased at I . :4 aminations at the Oil tari I ultural � up a bakery or a . � y avertod by 0 P thia Jew iry . L i wise Q unsellor and helpmeet, thex 3 is with their ideaB regarding religious I Craig. we understand, was onl A V C T I 0 , street across the Company's property. was unfortunate enough to be- College. ,eatment ,d . Store of Mr. M. R. Count6r � of big i,�i in sto el for, you &Dd yours a brij ht, matters, QUIR bustling the prompt and skilful tr ��.. I . . . i 600D WORK. —There are few men in T Timic.—Our usually I. Mr. Miller, vet' on, C,f this '�he Council, however, very wisely town.—L. Meyer,Esq.,of this iown,_ -ho ,I III useful future in he come a victim to a very bad gathering Bents just now a , erin&ry surge . - . prosp r, us an 1 . . . - . bE at Mr. John and Stirring village pre L � � . �� . ; .. this county who car a . . - 'HOV'SIEHI �� passed the by-law in accordance with is a passionate admirer of the eautifulin ,� great 6 utry to which you are going. in the throat, which was assuming a ' I ppearance. The Place � ; I 8 re" e 1 tly ,: I . e -een, as a move I � I i , - ing community in this neighbor- : mr, lq&,�, WILLIAMS01. oice given. Permission was art as well as in nature, h c n I We t us also, that whether proapefity very critical condition. Just at this Sh rritt, of Hill's G- r of rather quiet or dull , � . tes. Last weEk he raisbd and farm L —On Friday evening last, as ;! buildiio grant d Rev. Mr.. Hill and Mr. G. A. received direct from Germany a num- :L or ad ' ert3j. y awaits y u, vou .... 11 juncture it seemed to be the, most - ood being so busily engaged with their Chas. Ridout, of Chnton, was returning A U, , I I I . . I ed a barn for Mr. JWm. &.en, of b . . i �uctiouf o�a the pre Houg ton to ta,p the waterworks. Pipe ber of beautiful and artist cally exe ! both 3obasi. nally remem o- proper tiMeL for the "oil" to be brought mOv f SeatortU, ion 13ATURD_ so as 0 - den par-:, - ,1 ; the'7th concession. Th barn is 56x3R Spring workthat they can not spare to that town, from .Zarich, his hOOO - tolloww.g artieles, viz.; 0 secure water for gar cuted stereoscopic views. i` journ ir� Se , orth, and so long at least into a So, without further i I 9. - . 'suddenly jumped to one side Aove,: 1, cooking stave, I z - bey are as �i� ctual :service, was co . pleted time to do ... a y ra j as any q1 as I �his j` remain here, you maylook neighbor feet, and the entire vi ork in Poses. The bydELw for licensing bowl,- I natural as life. Mr. Meyer has at delay a "saint" and a . Of the I I I � e regret . i AcCI.DENT. to report a : ad, throwing him out of the bq0s centre table, I JjAll -r�k, u ." conta�in- 11 for a 1 art erB to� come I ER11 don . The al accident that befel Mr. R. P. to . I zherry kdeboI I exten ing alloys came p f6r consideration. I residence quite an art gallery , � and cordial welcome on victi;� applied to the eld in two days, and was w I A motion WaB submitted to fix the fee ing many of the fluest works of the best :!! YOT* 1-1341rn' to the old town, wbother and visit the supposed dying man', and, building was moved 40 feet in 0 min- Paillf breaking one of his right rib&, and I&- : inon fu�bles, I ba-ressu, I b , your I 2 . utes. Mr. Allen intends havingi a Stone Bell, of Tuckersmitli, and Mr. John i flicting a severe cut on his head. I to1u.QUWJ:1 p - �� . . c " I t8, amongst us be short or lo g. , � �� . . � � I—' I . irst bed, $15 for the sec- &rtiE;ts.—'We are pleased to ilearn that 111 � if possible, be permitted to administer z Vimpi a at $25 for the f � and BlackweI of Hay, on Tuesday, the 26th p —_ , ic A end, end $10 for the third; an amend- J�' Signeil In behalf of the donors by foundation placed under his b4ri I I quaI of blame I the drawing class now in progress 1111- �i the oil. The poor invalid being ready . inst. It appears they were engaged in Sul , i I &king comfortable and commodious � WILSoN & YOUNG are sel[ling Tes . inent was made fixing the fee at 450 for der the tuition of Mr. Grey,j is getting 11 THos. IDD 1 M. Y. McLzAN, to grasp at a straw, readily consented, In I doing some carpenter work at the resi- . eal vhol-e . � saales, pair of sma.11 WAI � I - . ,I . See stabling for his Stock, I $ugar at a yery small advance on Montt � d1uAI iof other the first,, $25 for the second and $10 for �� Ch irmain. retary. .for icies - along splendidly. There are 28 pupils. " I 1 � . dence 4ale price. Calland w sample and i0P =1 � ri first having to promise that he would SCHOOL, RzPORT.-----T`he ollowing is the .of MI. Wrn. Reith, of, Hay,and. tion. .. wfflpositivrely�b I each subsequent one. The motion for Mr. Grey is proving himself an e'ffi. ,'�' On i *ngl,to respond, Mr. McNaught . unite with them. if they brought him- gaged in their work' the scaf- yourselves. 699 , AB the troprietor !us � I - 9 . —_ the lower fee was carried on a division, cient and popular instr' . 4, and report of the result of a written. exam- while elai "oon=i1ceat -I eawk p, z uctor! and ,the i'� was ree ved �vnth hearty And prolc ag- through. The "oil". was applie h they were standing � ApPLES._A� lot of good, Winter Ar � . F and the by-law was filled up and finally various members of the class 11 are m�,ak i ed chi wr 3. He expreBsedL ination of the pupild of schoolisection fold upon w �ic i L Ole Cheap at I �G AHA9 W_M- , I his deep re- after it having proved an utter re, 7 for � a I t "' 4 - �, h i� I �. 6 1 KC - I I I I t I 0. ,is I I �11', I 9 4� 4 t�, tal Mr. suddenly gave way, precipitating -them � HILL Bnos. M J. P. IaU M.,Aimodonee - - f In I Tuckersmi ught by pies m accordingly. The sum of $80 ing satisfacto eir gret 16t�Jeaving- Seaforth after a resi- - on M. D. was Summoned' who toed NO- 11 I � - : ry- progress 7ith th I , � JP&BBOCT , i � I I . I I L � - � 11 i - : I I- L � . I I I I !� I I � � . I � � I � I - : I ; - . I � I . I . - I � I I I ; 7 i L � � I w I . -_ A - I � il I I i i - .. L . ' L I I : �' I ! : . . . . 11 ;4 1 � � L ' ' i I . I . I I I I I - . - i - i i : � � . !I i . - � I � i . � I � - . i . p t ! ; I I 11 I I" , ! . - I !� � . I : � I . . � : I I I I I ! � . I . . � I ii I , I I a � - I . ! I I L I I 1 . - I I I I I I ! il I . I i � . . � , I I � ; , I ;-, � , 1 7 i