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The Huron Expositor, 1881-04-29, Page 7
1_tT---_ - . . ; I i _7� i . _. - - --- _ _._ - - _... _ - _. - it ! ! ! I .- ..I I I . - . i - i ° 1 '! i i I . I . ; t III E j . 4 �. d a { 1 � E I E , E I -� __ _ . _ j,. i j I i - {j , APRT , 1 881. ` ' j T E ` ; �;HURON.—EXPOSITOR.,�! ! ain. Work and Sleep. know' that lir. King's New Discovery 9SI 0111111111111111111111111111111M. m�'ABLI HtO Imo% wkll give you an immediate iehef we OENTRALE D.ROG STORE, Great American -Remedy for 1 So long as a brain -worker is able to it lox of hundreds of oases it has com- • ' I 1 I SIGN OF 110 g I sleep well,. to eat well, and to take a CO UfSS CO LD,` S?'SMA Z letsl�► cured, and that where all other ' EGET R, ONTARIO. a 0. fair proportion of outdoor exercise, it ie P 1 BR OC_H,IT.I•S, OSS OT' W 1!a not necessary, says the p'amily PFiyai- m"cin es had failed No other remedy -- SA . a n shah_ half as man permanent n T� i = : _, n �OIC,E, SO�tR,�NSS AND elan, td impose any special limits on res. Now, to give you satisfactory. • . y V �U N T E R r the actual Lumber of hours he devotes i ` ! ? '� t THROAT �9 Z�'I�''7"10�NS. J of that Dr. Kin s New Discovery ! . _3 Prepdtre from the fafaest Red S Glum. (Deli- (� 10 to his labors. But when what is known. P . , � � � oaot.s X�Za Balsamic Sow# Expectorant worn st@ sin to complicate mat- w cure you of asthma, bronchitis, bay I ;{ "'� ca C2 and lbok,. perror !o ariv mad tie offered for (� ters, when cares connected with family fe er, consumption, severe coughs and WA4C M M 0 m i o ° s°O"!V0 rucetree . ` arrangements, or with those numerous colds, hoarseness, or any throat or lung F' I d . . _ 0 1 -without foubt the most vatuabte tuLtfve c um fog personal details which we can seldom di ease, if you will call at E. Hickson & j i' _ '. T i Itred�atttatgurpoaes• a m H H' Co.'s dru store you can get trial bot- ! 7 i i 1 ■ 1 ,L� COHPL �`TL and Full Stock of Very ons In t h is m � ,+ a) escape, ilitervsne, or when the daily oc-g , y g In (rt t0 t je C2�i2zen8 O Seta- > C ` i Drags and'CIlemtoale constantly on � has heard � rep a ra- � a � �' m A tit m ompation of life is in itself a fertile tie free of cost, or a regular size ,bottle rrtJ f won-�,T N4 for V. 657-52-2 ;forth end Surr 'undi" Count � C , a hand and warranted of the Best Q silty 3 ut efL GRA 1 S "on> *e 0 0 gr� r0 source of anxiety, then we find one or r- and at Moderate Prices. s e�,arates, o � m M ` other of these safeguards broken down. ' i s � feats of the a�,a uai bts , ti m s ,f ray '8 Syrup Of Red Spruce �, ` - J Medical Wines and Liquors can be re- Spruce$ a _ t a, -, . .0- }"•tCD Probably the man Of business or the 3r 3n P 1 so t0 h k 11171• ,! lied on asbee quality,) A complete stock 'and the, p r+ m Successful lawyer fails s a e himself Pines i7 peatorant il cam-• �a auCllB y j , t Z I �o of Trusses, Shonlder Braces, Chest Pro. SYRUP tcrnic, anal m O @I. from his anxieties - at night, and `$ret Harte in one of his charmin 1 ( .•� teetdrs, &a., always oo hand. Also Vita- ,cases of balsamic 9 ■ '� s K•• ts free g g slumber becomes fistful or disturbed. sketches fella of a school mistress .who Co- tionerp, School Books, Fano Goode, &a. our RPAIRNG I_�1 LL BRANCtE m � m y properties m �� W A ease. are pre- p m o �y The nervous system, unsettled by the was accustomed to take long walks in 3 m o, 7r� The Central �Drng More, (winansoId 1 J,nirrame �{ served = WO m � 1�� ! a2 the Phys% R L This Syr- y �V' ►.•� 7s mental strain, brings about various de- the pine woods of California for the E 171;il nd,) direotlp oppotito the Central Ho- ; cianstegu- up care- : for m m �l R festa in nutrition; the appetite fails, benefit of the balsamic air. There is 1 ; Qf Watohae, C d: and Jewe>;ry. ; M ,b " a M Z ; their send f,dly pre- _* 1 1 � . i m i.• 662 LUTZ, Exeter. their con- pared at a Cm 5• K rd m 0 w 1 1 and then we meet with the sleepless- more in this treatment than most People I ; i C1 M '� I �� i psumpt' a o ro tens- ,,.� Hess, the dysp@pais, the irresolution, the will be inclined to credit. We see .the 1 rL'e atC]Le a S e 2a�t _ attents to SPRUCE p 6' a tura, 0 0 �.�, �, irritability, and the depression which pines and spruces have been brought in- p �* ' LUMBER OR SALE the pins contains .T m o a, ism 9 O are the chief miseries of the overworked. to requisition ; in the cause of medical I '' Z `a � � Tj � c000ds and a a r 9 e � m V m � td, i order them quantity Z K a ., m y I 1 O I t o d r i n I Of the rrtest `a *. P Z o zo � Z m • The: great thing in these cages is to get progress. . gray's Syrn� of Red Spruce I1 ' `Q f 1 tzj �; { O HEMLOCH First a tea made x i e k e d 0) o �• C' a t� rn a rest at any cost. By rest we do not Grim -a thoroughly scientific prepare- Cn _ Anality, 6 per M. I fr o m rite GUM . 1 a u vt in o 0m � W. ¢' , LAR E ;cc OCK OF C,OLD'. AND SILWER •- o PINP from $8. S p r u cls a ni Zete C o C �. g g g P qi , f p !_ { tops. so.ut on. µ IN m 0- � mean loin nothing, Gather chaff a iron- rovidea this treatment in a eon-cl) �� 0 of scene, of thought, grad occupation. If cezttrated form, and has, after 20 years f i I _ t )P I n. BILLS C`l7T TO ORDER, Its remark- bliie power n relieving a- 6 y o you tell a busy man that -he must do test, proved itself the most satisfactory W itches; C insj'Rin s, � Z � I ,,.. � tr, e P 0. nothing, he may endeavor to obey you, cure extant for coughs, colds, tun and � a' { certain fo�'�7ts Of �l'07 CI it2S a�2tl its m N - . o . g JB�!,000hES,:' ar R� 3 Z o All Le 8th, from ZO to_50 Feet, at the m p but he will soon find that he cannot, throat affections. Price 25 and 50 cants • ' o I j almosi Specific e, 'act 29? curb?,g ob- m y 0 y ti�! j for his brains keep on working in the et• bottle. 684.26 ver Plat d Ware, a US P b P : ! O CD h �T7 PONY MILL, Mo�iLLO1', stiqaate Itac%iqig Cot is nolo well m PD -� 0O, saFrla old groove,. and he is as much, or locks; p' icy Goods, 't'I.�I o �+ "� o k�aow�a to the public at l rue. 1-� b `' o b spell YI1or9, worried about his bus nese, Rest and Comfort to the , rSpec Glee, I 1 �-•1 i� � ^ i 'llit D The Subscriber has also a Sold bg all respectable chemic . Price, 25 and I �` = �;? � m O as if he were Still in the thick of it. Suffering. 2 i�/ c 1 50 cents ci bottle. m ° g m �--# L 70 LUMBER YARD The y Syrup of Red Crum consti- 1 '" o The great thing is to get a rest by sub- gown's, Household Panacea has no 'O ''H E A' P E R H A N EVER m i`, ° r: i tote ou Registered Trade life nd our torapper Q. �'� W E m I':N SEAFORT and abets are also registered- � , o Q; stitutng one kind of work by another, equal for relieving pain, both internal n e H I �- T y � ^ o and external. It cures cin in the side — ' W Where all hinds of Lumber can be ol,- �� �`41'SU i, U•, g, iO ha, for a time a nice comfortable ! ; P A Goode W re. ted as hepres ted. ` M 6 o !01 to sort of occupation to replace the old ba k, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- I • I j { ! m -. I 1 tained. 1 sole Prop 'tors and an° ta�crt�rers, 3 m � �p m Na 001 weary round of troubles. One of the tis n, toothache, lumbago and any kind C �ai 478 { THOMA9 DOWNESc, �imatr¢aL , m e g . ,� � U0 most important reme3ial aaen,ts in out- of !pain or ache. It will most surely• R. C IINTER, eaforth. R IVJ ,� a doorlife and exercise, which may be qu�cken the blood and heal, as its act- i � ! m I N � - 4 � � m �_ � a taken in any fo-rm most congenial to Ing power is wonderful Brown's m I o C'� m - = so r, t ;� AUL S GROCERY( M . P �. the individual -riding, walking, field Household Panacea, being acknow- 9 = � © n H sports, or what not. This is at once le ged as the great pain reliever, and I4 M li i o X - 2 �� . -1 H a,� M the most natural, and Often the most of I double the strength of any other [ ! sEA ORTH i D i J V 3P ! � m ! - �, 4• g 1_ M 9 4 effectual promoter"of sleep we can em- elixir or liniment in the world, .should i 1 'ti ! R �, ploy. Active bodily exertion is well be n.every family handy for use when QD` Z � � r known to be incompatible with the waisted, as it really is the best remedy in Is the 1 groper lace to Get What � 4 '-' � - _ j � ° p. t;� � � 5 4! 1 rr - so . maximum of intellectual work, and full the world for cramps in the stomach, 1 X'du? }dant . first -Class, tend > '1 ' , R w o �w, mi advantage should be taken of this fact. ane'i pains and aches of all kinds, and is I �1 z ° _ , � /� h 0 4 i © p. ti The only thing to' avoid . is excessive for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a '1; D�N' YO FORGET IT " ED ` '- BOOTS AND ! SHOES., o � p , 0> n O Mn fatigue. It is a remarkable fact that a bo tle. 692-52 co a ' ' � d n �' � very large number of distinguished. ...� m ` Z R 3 '� F. . g 0 literary and scientific men have suffer- [ m n rr1-4K $ y Almost Crazy. �. R O B E' R W I L L I S, a W; 0 - ed s@ver@Iy from megrim, and it would �-- M w � n, Z -ad 5 e M l Z How often do we see the hard work- U T S ►� T O x, E ! 171 >7 o HAVING comm Hoed F neiness on his own aaconiitr in r• %so q seem that some of them have succeeded ins father straining every nerve and o ar - #' in ridding themselves of the malady b muscle, and dein his utmost to an l 0 g Y Y c, n "- '< ca H the Store in tron ' i Block 1MAIN OTRIRET A � m � � g p- ` ' NE : ORB LEG. a• i ;.� g (/1 0 � 5 the adoption of some simple hygienic port his family. Imagine his feelings !' S.EAFOBTII, Next oor to Mi Morrison's Grocery, is', .. m measure. One, for instance, cored : If op Giant a dri k1 to - r " Q ! now prepared to nrnis all ,who will favor him with', I C 5 , y wh n returning home from a hard daya is please, I (n p Z I their patronage with a fir t -oiled article in Boots ani - C himself b following the rescri tion of Pu(.r ha4e some of A,ult's Fine Teas • sL J p g $ aC a 5 y b P P la or, to find his family prostrate with Now ' D m Shoes of any k own description. He .will Hee P m V m 0 Z a farrier, who advised him to drink IIp y do not all me a joks, ! Only the Best, and lizie p Now conscious of unpaid doctors' At An?t you'll ge ist-class Hooka. -n ' _ n• praptival knowledge of and m P 1a water, eat little -and take exercise, long- experience in t ebusiaess enables ,nim to purchase in � -• p " ' bile and debts On every hand. It i such s way as cannot fail to be beneficial to'customere.', .., � c M n Ct Another was cared by drinking every must be enough to drive one crazy. All � A litfl6 voice doe gweetlymatter, I M _ z m P day a large quantity of water, and ex- thi' unhappiness could be avoided by Yon reIwB sen a to a tGt there, a PSI e. n f --r & changing a highly nutritious regimen C et' 1: y g �a 1 V E 1U: A i T R 1 A L. (p a p usi ig Electric Bitters, which expel ,IGlase, a d Crock�ry ware. _ � , -,*,. - ., t. 9- W for a much lighter dietary. A third of I A Al ; m P rr R y g evetry disease from the system, bringing *-� CUSTOM W RS of Every Kind Promptly At.: =r a" m W 0' rid of his old enemy by the same means o and happiness to thousands. Sold Hp kee s Caere ,Fruits, Sarain sad fsl- tended to. Rome bar the Stand and the Nemo:1101 <0, n ... joy PP . I iron p ` and by taking exercise every day before at fifty cents a bottle, by all druggists. Tomat s, Peach s, Ste, no gammon; X ! W �; m dinner. There can be n0 doubt that in 696!-26-4 Starch, lueand onps, Dried Hop' lupe er, iii I _ OBERT WILLIS, Seaforth. m 0 many cases great benefit would be de- —. . with Sugar from Jamaica. I i o m b H W rived from a thorough change of locality - Worth of Praise. ; E i - m � g Worthy If Brooina wont nit you, tie o fault a m b or climate. Long sea voyages are not For not , nying th m from A. a Ault ' ' � Q' m p s a rule we do not recommend a ' E SON OF' 1881. ; �m M unfrequently attended with excellent P - His Ben bbing Br sties and his Palle, i , +a O" 0 1 W results, the attacks being absent for tenit medicines, but when we know of To plea the pub is never fails. l ' I ! i - one that reap is a public benefactor, i I J months at a time. Unfortunately these y P ' Flour, arley, 0 treat, Rice and F d, ; , are remedies not within the reach of all, and does positively cure,. then we con- _ Atilt cal supply w a te'er you need ; ' F•& M&MIRi8 _ __ aidepr it our .duty to impart the infor- ' Hair Oil to make ot�r heads looks ck, i E anal Rights. ma tion to 'all. Electric Bitters are Maple hi olasses g od and thick. S E <E D + - truly a most valuable d' I •r medicine, and S S E D Y _ BANKING HOt�SE. The rights of husband and wire are To alese thinki aYilpfar, T H E O L D E S Ab'L S H E D H U S E strictly joint, both as to all the proper- will surely cure Biliousness, Fever and To say ?alt uses ]l folk's square; ! - ty held between them, and all the pro- Agpe, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney ' A pall n him, t ongh you're a etra• _ er, ---- i I i ] $E iQFORTH Complaints, even where all other reme- A Tory, Grit, o a !Changer. - . ceeda and emoluments; and should be • ! I die:§ fail. We know whereof we speak, MOD T F F;�Q1•rr_ made so at law, excepting the reserve P These lin; a are r sp'octfnlly dedioaied to. e I 1 1 1 tion to the wife of same rights in ser- hand can freely recommend them to all. patrons of k. G. AU ,Grocer and owls qn M. O�R= 0W • 1 ; �, ,' etch. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by erchant, ,sin Stre , Seaforth. ! { - ICF—I'n the Premises former- tain Galea, and to balance off some Hat- a111rnggsta. 696-26-4 - ural physical inequalities of the wife, ? F lX,r'll2erS Tome and S e ' Large Stock of C stele tae- ly occupied by the Bank ov, Cont- end the extra burdens that come to ; av' g pnrahased a,La Envied Beauty. 0 K S E WA NTE rge tock of 9116rce, and','.' under the Com,*erdal her in juxtaposition with them, y 4` ! for Milk Can , 2 i� Fails and Dishes ! I E i hotel, Main Street. The wife has just as good a right to What is more handsome than a nice, ` i carry the keys to the cash drawer as briPub, clear complexion, showing the 1 And Everythi)ig Belonging., tot the Cheese and Butte B'dainess. .A: �t uGx O FIEL ND GAPDE SEES ; her husband. Site has just as good a beapaties of per -feet health? All can en- ' , right to put all the cash in der pocket joyltbese advantages by using Electr G i MY IMPERIAL ME S RES CANNOT B BEAT OTfS AND'BILLS DISGOU LED. as he has to put it all in his; and she Bit era. Impure Blood, and all diseases .. l ! q o the Well-Hnown H use of ' has just as good a right to put her hand of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Ys nowirepared to buy any number of For Correctness and Quality. All First- Ices Goods, anti sold at LowestPricos. I not afraid of • in his pocket, (if he has got it all), as Uri�afy Organs are speedily cured. For - ;1 j the Grangers i competition of Quality and Price. nglish and F'orAign Exe ansa he has to put his hand in her pocket; Nervousness and all attendant ailments, 1 1 k B B Purchased and Sold.; GTO N A. BRUC & C . General Stoc of zldirc aHware Alwa 8 on hnd. and She has lust as good a right to they�'are a ne�t:r failing remedy, and pos OOD SO:JIl�D 'HOR Eb, g y know "what he has done with it" as- he itit,ely cure where all others fail. Try u � ' has to know "what she has done with the Electric Bitters andbe convinced of i I JOHN Main Street, S6aforth. ARME;RS'' A it. their wonderful merits. For sale by E. 1 Is prep red to offer, either in Bulk or by he I, ' .. ! �t `S LE �OEB Weighing from 1,1)0 pounds and upwards. ap r; Good, Fresh and $eliable Hidkaon & Co. at 50c. a bottle. 662-26a! { { Pnrchasec at 8easanabie Rates Epps's Cocoa_ I . Grateful and comforting. -"By Chicago Ahead. a WALL PAPE A NI D BORDERS] •' L B� AT, SHARP'S'H TES,; SEC OF ALL' KINDS I Money Lenton Collateral Securities. thorough knowledge of the natural laws 11 the world now looks up to Chicago 1 I I which erri the operations Of di es- SEAPORT , EVERY D Y. P g as the great western metropolis of Amer- .i; I I ! tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- Ica,1 being far ahead of all competing { plication of the fine properties of well cities; but none the less so, in its line, is ? At the Lowest Possible Price, consisting c a OVER 6 0 PATTERNS, F OM15 CENTS PER ROLL UPWARDS. I rafts Issued,. payable at par at all selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided Branches of theBankof Commerce. A. HO UG 'r0 Variety of , i+ I . pP P Electric Bitters. From their real intrin- #` 1 our breakfast tables with a delicately sic aloe they have advanced to the 'I 1 IL flavored beverage, which may save us fron and are now far ahead of all other '. ON E ,'�Q LE S e Turnip, I � { - 11TTEIiEST Allowed on Beos to Ma heavy doctors' bills: It iB by the remedies, t P i jn.diciaus use of such articles of diet that positively curing where every- ; ' thin else fails, To try them is to be ! 1' _ ! F •e and Gardena''WINDOW B L I N D AND F I X T (�� R E S . a constitution mai• be gradAally built conitinced, For sale by E, Hickson & 1 1 j Carrots, E ; T Money td Loan on Mortgages. I; up until strong enough to resist every Co.,Iat 50c, per battle. 662 26a n Large &r Sm lll�'26ms at ens el �2iia'tzel I h -' I I tendency to disease. hundreds of sub- abbe rate o f intere8t. � � ! � I tle maladies are floating around ug << ' g They All Do It. iII t and .Hungarl6 FrrasS o CHILD EN',S CARRIAGES o--- --- Wil_ �= - -&� •-�', 8 ready , to attack wherever there ` is a wean point. Ave may escape To beautify and preserve the teeth l ' I I 1 I, { C ou r and Timothy,I I � �a-ru>s esu and Proprietor., many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves and;give fragrance to the breath, use; OTES'AND! MORTG GE well fortified with pure blood and a ? "Te4berry," the new toilet gem. Sam- ' ' I g 9 properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- ple package, 5 cents. 679-52 I 1 - And All .Kinds of Garden and (`''„ _W_ PAPS7cy . I - I- SE-t��0'PP' rr= 4 vice Gazette. Sold arty in packets ___- __ __ _ _ - 3UR SASED. lower Seeds. B R OAD O O T & BOX , Iabellecl-".Tames Eppa & Co., ttomoeo- i Local Notices. �' APPLY fro W. C. GOIIINL CB,' i y; ��' v d m pathic (=hamlets, London, Eng." -Also ; ,'r o q q " �' ' o 11 as ,.� ty0 Ui = SEAFORTH makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for WooD Fox SALE. -For Sale, an Han- /, ° a m m t- , V afternoon use. 482-52 t lty of good wood, either. short or long,, Long r at the OiOop of J. H Beu'sod, Seafor 01 1, ) ,m. 4 o 0 d � � a a o a p �m ��f � yW� = - wood, $2 75, at the yard, or $3 25 delivered in r. E �t1. -- m a 'ate S„l d W a UNDER i A K E R SLAJ , �1 Ia' . any part Of thO town. Apply to BROWNELL & 1 ' ice; jice% �, A is i P ,.,- m, :" o Mothers Mothers Mothers An ,L 6ss4 : LEGAL. GROCERIES, CROCKERY �� 1, m W t0o __A o 9,tjo)Fl o Z y f / / •.. q E t ++ u e s. d4' a O m 0 5 C0.1 Are you disturbed 'at night and WILSON & YOIING have a fall stock of ARROW 4 PROII )FOOT, Barristers, Solio -, P If �`;; 1 r _ ; a.. m a°+ a 2i a t. c� H ; 0 m _ N ROV SIONS. „ d.. o broken of your"rest by a sick child Buff- Field and Garden Seeds, all new, and bought tore, &c. Goderic Ontario. -J. T, arrow!•. . ( ,2 , m q' m ,, -.5 P' SDr m !1m.Prondfoot. _.. . `: Y m o m m 0 [-� :� m cap FUNERALS ATTENDED tJ?17 'l'tl. ering and crying with the excruciating from the most Reliable Seedsmen in the Domin- 686j t +il . 0 - '- W i 5�' � c n � � '° � tr.;, - A w n ;, .a �• .: b 0 `� ^ v SHORTEST NOTICE. ion. Highest prices paid for Clover and Timothy . ;�,iS1Ft} ':',, !' _ W o ,� p ° o m ,O n a J Gil o •� pair of Gutting teeth? If so, o at , , g Seed. 698 AMERON, BOLT CAMERON Ba ristere once and et a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's � � ' We have F ll Stook of Groceries, Crockery, and '`�� -• �., � W � d 1 A m • ,,,Z � � ,4 R x .4 LA. g Wool PICKINGS, HIDES AND SBINa.-- 1 iloliaitore in Lha eezyia., Goderiah Ol,t. Provisio d, a d would call special attention to . = ` a,d v,•..,.• ,, mor, �,� m mFq W I ti. Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the ' . C. Cameron, Q, O., hilip Holt, M. . Canp- our Lang S ck of '' ".iii '� a 4 +l,o - a a q I m ` I will pay rho highest cash prices for any quantitye on. 506' m a {, o .. q dm a Opoor little sufferer immediately—de- of wool pickings, Hides, sheep and calf skins de_ P S g . m � a - �, a Q m C O F F 1 N S .AND SHROUDS pend upon it ; there is no mistake livered at my furniture store. No -rusk or trade, ILLIAM MALL, onvey»ncer and ommie- %j? , w A o A m o A m o q _ j o Q C1C about it. There is not a mother on cash for everything. Jo$N S. PORTER. 654 sioner in, . R., Wroxeter. Anetio eer and �-��- �-t �7 A CJ ?. - M o m c � ; a o W eA 4 , m O ALG7AY8 ON HAND, z: earth who has ever -used it, 'who will Tim UNDERSIGNED has for sale at his iA praiser. Accounts and notes colla ted on IV V V -L �J .A S. m•• y, :,off o El a o� m o J 'a H• IT5Storelionse a Iar a ireasonable to e. 8661 + -.' r- k'd S q o P'Rs #' p - HEARSE F 'O R HIRE IF not tell -you at once that it will regulate � g quantity of good clean and j � :��/'' 'j % � a.x m o P; .o csZ- rel,ableField Seeds. Farmers in want of Barley, i ! /i/�/ rK � d m n q m b � x - ! W. C. arrieter and Att me �' �� W m m o m ,a o the bowels, and give rest to the mother m q , ° m � q i;u Black Austrian Oats, or •Spring wheat, can de- " y t f}i :�,.,. W►•, m _ ,q m C, C - , and relief and health to the child, oper- pend on getting from me clean seed and at res i Law, Solicitor i Chancery, Comm ssion�r C omistt' g o Moyune, Ping Suey, Young Hyson r ! ? �+- �s m >~ o • ,. © " or CL ! _; , t) j. o q@.. mi„ o , R I I eclabia rices. - Give me a call. �Vni. REalll i r taking affidavits i tizo Province of M nitob Gunp wd �r, Congos, Uncolored, and Japans, /%.- a+ ..i N v o � , g o 5 m _ p ? TEp� '4, 'sting like magic. It is perfectly safe to p g " ,;,Y p•., - o� o.a„ � a � � . YTM i/f v Seedsman, Seafor#h. 696 elicitor for he Bja of Hamilton, W ngha � ob'a °1 �� q $m+, `� jl DEQ Iptj p use in all Gass, and pleasant to the Private funds,ito loan t 6J to Q per cent. 683 8 _/• /E;E� taste, and is the prescription of one of NoTlczi.-Whereas, certain parties in _ , I • the oldest and -best female physicians the Town of Seaforth are advertising and offering ENSON & MEYER Barristers and ttorn y - for sale Organs and Pianos bearingour na a we. at Law Solicitors ll �sh and Neta /JeQ%$Qn� f � O• R, ' 4 'n + ChanaeryandIn elven I ; ,' andres in the United States. Sold hereby glue notice that said parties have no an- C nveyanaers,Iotarie Pablo, eta Offio a-8 a� ! everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52, thority whatever from us to sell our instruments, t rthandBrnstels. $28 000 oo Private nude o auclwouldadvisea-ll intendingpurchaseratodeal i vostatonoe,lptEigh peroent.Iuterast b WALL PAPERS ISD WIND W t with iliEsslts, W ADE BE�OTFiERS of Seaforth' who s9 y, p13 68 6 O BLINDS 1��1 Zo esa. art And Bet er alae than ever before offered to the P are our only authorized agents in and for the E sg• H. BENE9oN. public. wlllDemaiitds8..toftppllmu,and W cudomers without I have 6@CIIr@d ill@ agency for this COT1nty Of $niOn, JOHN WESLEY Secret - g•w. tl. EiEYEB_.I p (' ordering it, It con a Svc colored plates,aao engrav! cry, The above filrm has his day been dissolved gygy ,bout 2e0 page., and fu i descriptions, prices anddirections for new compound fof Dyspepsia and liver Dominion Organ and Piano Company. ' 694 l/P Y• mutual ooneesit. All aceoants due the firm to tenting I 50 vgtleties t+f vegccrania and FlowerSecds Pl troubles. It comes to me under most WtLsoN & YOUNG have reduced the bo Paid to Mrd Benso who will pay all liabill- fiosec, etc, Indaluable'to ell. Send far �t. Address' Pr ice of all their and now offer better value it es. ,EXTRA OD VALUE IM .SUCANS. D.M. FO Y&CO.,Datroiu,ilkv favorable auspiGos, being very highly JAMES H. BENSON. L U M S D E N & W I L S O N endorsed and recommended. ;Its WOW- th an can bo had from any Grange or Ten Pedlar �' Nov. 27, 1$ 6. JAM C. . B R. l i c in the county. All we ask now from parties who r y-=- derful affinity to the Digestive Organs have • been buying from either Granges or i —r-, ---- - ZURICH ' SAW MILLS. and the Liver, increasing the dlsBolvin Pedlars is to give us a trial, and if we cannot s all and be eonvireed, that M. Mor- _ I g th am equally as good or boner value, we will CCAU HEY &IOLMf TED! Given SCOTT'S BLOC, T SEFORT ONT. juices, correcting the acids and carry- neon's is the right place to buy from. take back the goods and pay them their money. ± AW CHAI`10ERY AND'CONVEY CING; �"� ;E N Y 'a O a 'K ung Off impurities Of ill@ Stomach and Do rot send your money out of town, if yon, San ! 0' DICE' ! ! regulating the Liver, Call be tested by do as well or .better at home. A large lot of new ' r y ! I s .• Teas just received and more now on the road. 693 Cott s Blo,�k,. M iii tieet, Se ortl}. 502Gth i e o f ffaZn'' Stftct� Opp HAVING rebuilt {and refitted the Zurich Bow securing a sample bottl@, which sells at , C - E g T Mi+1, and having in a large supply splendid 10 cents, or lax nee bottle, 75 HOW To DESIGN. — The elements of i OLIdITOR for t e Conolidated auk qi s to Market Street, ! Loge, ianow prepared t.o furnish cents, J, R Seaforth and Style, Aesthetically considered, is the adaptation of Canada annd the Canadian Bank of Commerce ! iii' ' ' coverings for the human Iorm in such manner that i Seaforth. _ I LU MB'S RF ANY K1N D I3&yfielel, 679-528 the garment will necessarily carry out the natural„ Farm and T wn and S'il1 N - i'AF f beauties lying under it, and enhance them by ad and sold. also, Property bought 1110 SO S . ORTH. THE PEOPLES PO UI—AR PHOTO. GALLERY. On the shortest nq�iceand cheap, Agood stock T`aets that We Know. ung lnrthex expression, with the aid of color, ; Money (privldo land ) loaded on mor go a�. ! — { � of PINE alwayd�on hand. form and general harmony, This can only -be' a rities, at reasonable r 'tee olxnterest. res CAR gCELSIOB, DODIITION, BELL &CO.'S; and o her makes supplied at B from Figures. - „and .E, If you age suffering with a severs done by a master hand, and if you would. like to 1 : oderate. ! g _ •C' Having no travellin or other expenses in connection with this brans ' 6m� " °ming and Draining Lumber . • t g h of my business, I can . kept coastantlyon)axnd, also Stock Lumber. cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, con- teat the improvement an elegant and eomfor Money invef ted for nva t 1 ive m enstcmers the benefit and enable therm to rocpre au Instrument at a reaeo ble rice. B. D BELL Provincial Land Surveyor B 9 , P p Remember thenrieh ;3aw Mill, wlidre yon sumption, tickling in the throat, Or any -ably made suit will effect on your own form, call est mortgagoseonriti p' wi hunt ran ez p use do y y • and 'v 1 Engineer. Orders * mail prompt can be served as w4lII and as cheap as any other at OAK Hell Clothing Establishment Seaforth. a lender. i ly attend I A. CALDER, Oyer Wil'on & Young's stoke aforth Ont. affection of the throat or lungs, we place in the Connt. There You can be pleased beyond a doubt. 0,. G. McCAII(,HEY, N. A,- ', HOL ST0. 79 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. N. B. -she htsnnfactnrers'Gnaranis give>h with a ch Organ, and will be endoze dby me. $97-4 HENB3'i COOS, Proprietor. I i .1 �' I I J i I - • I; L I . j i I I I - j I " I I j ! a �N. I i ! 1 � V- ',- I, - :, • i II ,- , .r Y I - . il I I 1` p - : 1 — I _ ? - : I . ! ! e !s , i s - m - , { - _ , _ 1 . . i 4 , 4 1- 1 • ; i i 1 3 l I . 4