HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-29, Page 1CI dram three Etaking ray for or two have Y with d Mrs draw_. to say nese. go for is have lenders. ve that L" men - sits are stories L8° Ur. along Sur- onongh Mead of ld & hog F terms ver lies, with- rrouud actable. dd, and [ think, • mer Suaans t quer- ' much • The grain an - en- ie is alt uses the it Was ground ridges >at ap., ild indi_• >to the mai the ng upon ring it, It is the ranee of %vers of weather punt of Lr. John conCes- arrived [la. He 'Lich he lost $. or two hes trip sixteen >y snow .rs and of it. ruantity ion. He sill take d cattle, simmer, Ldgment Iatthew ,adbtrry, as cone is the He has charge, th, and sa. Hitt pleased ,y- with sever, be power of already rproated, weather hat the has not there is pretty tared at, ng wood But our :Gross a pretty ate, they Ip or he One day evewood. that or rownloe, ging and 1 which leful ap- i:i home s visit to ,at he is anadan lo ua at charge. , harm- t draw - d if the re not heeding 8 are as -mpbell'T -t, has a f which 1 Mr. T. ourteen. How ,weather a oanae- ring. -A a lot of of this ads and :Ram,ble€I nes:Seim LEssist in 'fie hands timbers and R. d called places, snd the wilding. Rielly in -chief, )-r a good heaving, aces and k., as not reet Side ors. As scee t�he first 8 cona- P in his sept art d every- no one ch credit fir. As a Ls a cots -- id gives Caber of Cry ways s toil to a jolly I deny. FOURTEENTH YEAR. WEOLE NUMBER, 699. StAFOQR H, FRIA. isimismimmiamino NEW DRESS GOODS OPENED THIS WEEK AT SMITH & WEST'S. THE ONTARIO HOUSE SEAPORT - We have just seeured the Finest Lot al Kammer Dress (foods Ever Offered in Seaforth. All Wool Cassimeres, All Wool DeBeiges, All Wool Serges, All Wool Buntings, Fancy Checks. NEWEST SHADES. CLOSEST PRICES. The McKillop Cheese Factory Controversy. To t1 . Editor of the Huron Expositor. SIR : In last week's, number "A Share - holde of Walton Cheese Factory" wrs -as if I slandered them in my last, bit he di not point out the slander in my letter, and I think he is .not a share- holds at all, for none of the thirty whom I am acquainted with.wonld be so not uthfnl as he is. He is like the Irish an whom I saw drunk a short time algo. He fought with half a dozen and then shook hands, and said he wished peace all around. "Sharehold- er" wishes to fight Mr. Hill, Mr. Morri- son, merchants and collectors, and then says, as he sobers off, he wishes to live at peace with all men. Why not tell the truth. Mr. Hill knew nothing about my last letter, nor this one either, and I didof say they ought not to build a factor. , nor as far as I know Mr. Hill said n thing against it. I only objected to Mr. McTaggart canvassing for milk two and a half miles beyond the Win- throp ;cheese factory, and on the route they have let, patrons will send milk eleven and a half miles to Walton where a halt mile would send it to Winthrop, all because'Mr. Hill would not engage Mr. IYcTaggart as cheese maker. Now they offer nine cents for every ten pounds of milk, and- pay one and .a half dollars a trip for drawing. Counting the average as the same as Winthrop got from Walton shareholders last sea- son, it will cost two cents- a gallon to draw ! on this route. Mr. McTaggart says the nearer the bone the sweeter the f r meat, intimating that near Winthrop a the milk is better than at Walton. He a ought to know. For "Shareholder's" th scion a int o co �e es fir 90 ho be On re, ab fitsiderable be danger. T -h r as can be j aping from th to the thatch , having got e, made the ng in the barn miles away, fire,, and retur house censu ult. The lo ckerline, s he e expense in en he is a out b 11 he meets ith o s turned ut s had ate a other hon , b as it should ie. be ng taken up f ed something h as all his seed W. Cockerline's h ar the subacri th ng good, 7insi rom a p va former resident the T tere sple Or Thi leas oun ave .00 c: 'ted near N+rth West fo lowing i h: ve had a st rmy wea w rk out. c Iiutry, at eft your a -o, and I j - weight si n:•ver enjoy q ite` a la ere are uare of t settlers, of and 'c ring h. wi 8ho dna .Lan eh • • inform I may say t W thr p only drew milk one and a half 'smiles south: of Winthrop the first year, and has never gone more than half ways to Seaforth yet, and Walton has a right to come?half ways to Winthrop. ''Share:- holder" boasts they can run a factory as well as merchants or collectors. I know of no!collectors running factories. Pro- bably' "Shareholder" will tell us what he mans, if he understands his own LADIES! Do Not Forget tories mlue our letter. I think they can run it better Goods before you make your Purchases . than :merchants, for no merchant ever thought of having a cheesemaker to give a thousand dollars security, as they are dping, and then buy milk at nine cent it at mak seen is m ton. The Brice was made before Walton was talked about. As well might he say all the Surrounding factories were making' cheaper on that account. The Walton shareholders do not - think themselves as able 'as merchants,` for they wanted SHITH 8& W ST ! a merchant from Seaforth for salesman, and came within one 'of it, and they! have a merchant for treasurer. Why, t not tell the truth again by their actions., Again, "Shareholder" says they are !I agreeing well. He surely must have a Ivery disturbed home, for a shareholder told me they had a big fight about the salesman, and another told me they disagreeing about where the fac is built. Now for the truth again.) re waiting to see how they- get , as Mr. Hill has offered to sell Straw Hats for Ladies. Straw .Hats for Gentlemen. Straw Hats for Boys and Girls . Straw Hats for Children. • 1 1 . :d b ge mor elv gle men, op this s res for ea o r village b acksmith want a sho a 0 a 0 a a fi e s s a gallon and the directors pay for ', c is expense. The shareholders will fi out of the cheesemaker on this ' y ity. "Shareholder" says Winthrop king cheaper on account of Wal ! f Why not tell the truth again. r Campbell's Block, Seaforth. SILL BOS_ c splendid work. nerally a so looked ways glac .d out w orld. I ave perience f t 0 thing ° been me not. The w bad as they are rtainly very csld e and dear i ars has ;beet . 0 usual, and cert r grain ra.sin ads, or rat fled, are Som: raring my (trip hen the wage alk for miles • d now and t: . ere I met qui .rth and l;iur ell and doi inking of co ould say bom eehow they li person wlllin nythingg there ad and at goo er month' wit nd the countr ay or t i T r r e ti f 1 rn1 ti h4 APR L 29, I881 ! —WITH SUPPLEMENT. MOLEAN BROS., Publishers:. $1.50 . a Year, in Advance. ay, in ignorance of ed, was ove pipe Bund th early and st short w notice: g at on use of he fire, a by a spark and settin roof. Th to go from arted, after Nile ; wh e the house e, he foun d, with ' the abov ells heavy on Mt. s been t consider- ing a st rt,. and just receive ome bene - is loss. The neigh - nee and with three -on tho `ground for aturda3 ere is a im, and MC w n, also t , was consumed_ I ns amodnt to some - ng the Country. letter his oou age of ory, we g extt This is cubscriptiop it is expect - ll be given, e grain for d wince; t a person could not a very healthy o I have found it. y a little' over a year gamed over 20 pounds o ing here and have tt� r-healtl. We have settlement here, and oming. Within ;a 11 ilea there are about om ful.y half are ere will be put in average of about 20 have two stores In alk of i a third ; a factory, and h. There s o get plenty now a'weekly mail, Wo behind time, and anxiou ly. We are to re sive the papers a d at is . `doing in the out r over a yea 's and have' in Inted and in e not.nearly be, although as a rule, mer for t*o ritten by a sty now lo- hoal Lake, make the acts : We , very little s 111 w a W a d pump er eery mut e or one v r now had e h ountry isappo enters a said to ' they a Phe sur 1 f were tory We alon OUR MILLINERY 0!PER I N G anytime to a company the last •three' Was a Grand Success, our Show Room b sing er.wded Every Day. The Stock in this De part - meat is very complete. We are Showing all the Latest Styles in HATS AND BONNETS, All the New Trimmings and a Beautiful A s sort- rneat of Flowers, Feather(' and Laces. Ladies should see our Mill nery"before pu rehas- ln. IN OUR DRESS DEPARTMENT I Ws are doing a Large Trade. Our 10 cent line of Fancy Dress Goode is nearly all sold out . Good Lines at 12f cents, 15 conts and 20 cents per yard. Colored Silks from 48 tante to 75 cents per yard —the Cheapest Goode in Town. ORR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT years, and we may buy if Walton does, not take all the milk. Yours, etc.,—' PATRON. always ahead, and the Immense Demand fox BLARNEY TWEED suits still keeps n p. From Manitoba. Mr. Thomas Hogg, who left Wroxeter for Manitoba a few weeks ago, writes r as follows : "On arriving at St. iface I at once made tracks for the ht shedsand had a hearty hand - de with John Donley, formerly of Golirie, who has been employed in these buildings for some time. The next morning (Saturday) I crossed over into Winnipeg and called on W. H. Paulin ansome more of my Wroxeter friends, wh� are all doing and looking well. I next saw my friends Yeo and Haddock, why are doing a rushing auction busi- news on Main street. I also fell in with Th mas Clutterham who was glad to —Thebe are no met me. My next step was to see the House of Refuge pl ee where poor Thomas Scott fell and 1puilding s capabl for this purpose secured the services of +. ore. a elf -breed, who pointed out as near —Twol farmers e could the place where the soldiers od when they fired, but the place is no as much as marked. It does not sp ak well for r his Orange brethren that they do not attempt to mark the spot in sone way. The new draw bridge over the Assiniboine isjust opposite the, pl: tit ve bac Bor fr•eil she. The Best Tweeds in the World are the Blarney 13 and can. be seen in this Town ONLY at OTI1 E -s- GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Complete Stock :of Gents' Furnishings and Fancy Goods on hand. .!i Or th t n e e n g In • re yther wet, which is �ly very unfavoralle t some seasons t e trails, as they ug fearf#1 with m . ; EWinni�apg last f ,as loaded, I had oalad above the -knees n o the waist. While number of old Sea- esidents, all looking ell. To any one ;1 to the, Northwest, I .alt for 'a season t before locating. turn 'his hand plenty Of work to re d. 11, to e t is • • The Prince, mbark at Liv 9th or 26th. —A case of ecently shipp reslau-, Gera —A farm Of ownship of ays ago fpr —Mr. me, is s'. elonging —Mr. annheit arm to h —Mr. uthbertf .D.pri —The 'Ventwor jority,�wi from. 9 Grp Ca 3d an 1 water mit. a through �' h — Mrs. in-law of Si suddenly of her resident D Pacific Sy 43rd trip time in a W York. — The forwarde jesty the next birtlid ed atQub: —Bur Williamson other night, of kid glpve ostrich feat —Six the ly been rem Toronto to tween the Legislatij'e —Mr. Mitchell far miles south sum of $12, farms in th —An! age P. Billipgto a longer ter tomary Wit days ago ag —Hamjilt this week. of 10 per be and. was 300 moiil —Mess', have rec James S n West W 1 100 acres 75 cleared, for $5;000. —Busiiie:s is so encouraging on the Credit Va!ll:y Railway at Ayr that they are under! an extra 1 lying one , —Mr.T himself n street Co is lying �e Yorkville doubtful. —Josef ! the late I whom th died at S was inter on Mond —The demic an on the rai said to h with the in that c —It is unknown about 25 in towns i and borin!, On the be —Andra township had his b stroyed b of the fit To to be ages, from $20 to $30 ard. I! like the work Tu. ads. 1, 11 ra 1,0 a, s ort y t• to t' e c Jab b n, ate is n L .� th on y• nary at Scott bh count bh aifew MAIN STREET, SEAFORTEL as at ce and there will, in a very short e, be an immense traffic over the spot where poor Scott fell. innipeg is a very pretty city and her prospects have been materially increas- ed by the Pacific Railway ,scherne, Ttvo hundred houses have been erected dnring the past month and over 400 more will go up in the next four weeks. Beard is from $4,50 to $5 per week and the prevailing price of liquors is 100 per glass. Just now it is quite fashionable to have a heavy cold, but the older sidents say that, taken the year land, the ciby is very healthy. Bnt ve us from Winnipeg mud it is most impossible to get it off your over othes or boots with a brush. It sticks ournamen like grease, and the muddy roads are as is expec greasy as any butcher shop floor. tournamen heir! flobks by ody of an inf raphed fty-fhltw ion !for onnty eek, a estm at ye day rs a rst t o. Ho e ha ician to the ail. telspl nat buiae 1 for adian a • Ca Qn s expected to amide, on May [ tree seeds :Was oronto firm to ares ryas sold in the by auction a few "arroll” of Biddulph e malried to a girl ' of London. $chwe tzer, Sr., of lleo, sod his 200 acre +ills for $14,000. $(rtson son of Rey. G. ing, has passed his 'ictoria College. t was defeate 04 d ` overbalanced and fell le in the ice. ugh Macdonald, dans ter.I John Macdonald, died very eart disease on' Friday, at George street, Toronto. ncan McIntyre, of I the dicate, has just made hie cross the Atlantic. 1 Thie ite Star steamer, via New adian ladies' address filo be r presentation to Her Mal en, on the occasion of her y, is being extensively sign -i entered the store of J. D. ee Company, Guelph,the an carried off $150 worth , Silk handkerchiefs and ers 3 sant). volumes have recent- ved from the library at the mal 'School and divided be. Agricultural College ant ibraries. n MoRuer has bonght the on the Gravel Road two of Ayr, 150 acres, for the . This is one of the best t section. mare, belonging to Mr. J. , of Dundas, which serves' of usefulness than is cuss the equine race, died a fev d 36 years. n moulders were on strike A demand for an increas t. was made on the bosse efused, and between 200 an s quit work. Robert and Thomas Rigg, tly purchased' ' from N. one of the best farms iii ams, lot 14, cbncession ' , in ollin places to hear by rut 600 ma - 70 inmates in the at trathroy. The of holding as any in the township of eighty aheep from athecrir exhumedj7 the and had it photo- last Guelph had been e was cut fifty-four Deaf land !Dumb and the • e Taylor and giving his description it was discovered that Bingham was and he was arrested at the inst Miss Carr's parents, and pleade to the charge. —Last Sunday adorning St. A Church, Quebec, caught fire, an it could be extinguished the was injured to the extent of The organ, which Dost $2,300 i stroyed. This church is presid by Rev. Dr. Cook. —An old resident of Dresdf that in the spring of 1843 the did not start the plow until the'first of June of that year, and that see ng was not- well through with until the middle of the month, and • yet they had an abundant harvest. ! ned by with a fists for rom St. ae con- ith the meeting he -Me- he necessity of laying down_ ! ing. Th `re are many cars I while the mixed train on the loading an unloading. ! I Railway was shunting a car W. Handford, who made horses belonging. to Mr. C. orious while pastor of Bond horse dealer, it got );Dose and regationall church, Toronto, i great force. against some of y ill at his residence in throwing the horse down in His recovery is considered 1 breaking the legs of . one and Hamilton, the eldest son oft —Wm. Sheppard, Esq., of E er Hunter Hamilton, after is the possessor of a ewe which .1ity of Hamilton' was named, of weeks ago gave }girth to a is Cathiarines on Saturday and I very remarkable occurrence -abut the cid in the Burlington cemetery .� strange part is still to come, or was Taylor, ance of d guilty Idrew's before wilding 10,000. as de- ad over n says farmers —The contract has been si the Newfoundland Governmen" syndicate of New York capital the construction of the railway 1 Johns to Notre Dame Bay. TI tract is similar to that made R Northwest Syndicate. —At a soiree and literary lately held in Ayr, in aid 'of t chanics' Institute, Rev. P. MoF. Mc- Leod, of Toronto, James Young, Esq., M. P. P., and several others addressed the meeting. Over I $60 were realized for the benefit of the Institute. I — Mr. G. A. Chase, writing ; to the Galt Reformer,' criticizes shar general management of the Ga tral School, making special me the bad ventilatio over-orow class rooms, and the curet amount of work regiired of tea — A prize fight with gloves, ly . the It Con - tion of ding of sonable hers. or $120, took place in Ottawa the other night, between John S. ' Baines and Mike Rielly alias Kelly, of Buffalo. I Twelve rounds were fought, when Rie�lly was forced to give up, having beep badly punished. There were about 3'00 spec tators of the degrading affair p esent. —Last Saturday horning at indsay, Midland th some Quintal, n with cars, a heap, sadly in- phemia, a couple Amb—no .i juring others. er land above. While the apparatus was being fixed up at the top of the - cliff, the c w was contentedly chewing her cud a the base. She lid not appear to be hu by the escapade. —As an instance of the rapid in- perty in Mani - t a few days ago xty-six acres of land, a mile and a half from the city of Winnipeg, on the song side of the As- siniboine, to Mr. MCC] cash. He has also s lot 3t5, between the Red Rivers, to J. Robe t Elliott, for $38,000. —Mr. James Reid, who has been elected to -fill the vacancy for Cariboo, Brit: h Columbia, in the House of Com- moni, is a "Gatineaulpoy," whose father is still residing in that district. He was for alnumber of year clerk in Mr. Pat- terson's store.at Chelsea. On account of ill=health Mr. Reid' removed to Brit- ish Columbia, where lie was very suc- cessful in his various callings. —The pupils attending Dundas High School hold weekly literary meetings have proved very interesting to tending. The entertainment con - of readings, music and short lee - or addresses on literary or acien- iubjects. Although the pupils of sigh School take; a leading part in meetings, outsiders willing to lend ping hand frequently take a part in ntertainment. woman of St. Thomas about two s ago married J. L. Patterson, of fo, and has just discovered that ormer husband, 'Sylvester J. Ab - from whom she had been separat- ✓ over seven years, during which d she had not heard from him, is esent living in Kansas. She has fined the public that -she again as- s the name of her former husband, will institute proceedings for a di - from him. The other morning Mrs. William c her, of Toronto, and sister of Mr. - a; iff Davidson, of Berlin, met with ry serious accident at the residence a e latter, who is hying at the point w Leath. Mrs. Fischer caught her k on the kitchen stairway, and was , I rather to Come, for in ten days after the ickness glassed 'as an epi- a first was dropped, the same ewe. gave ongst the Chinese employed ! birth to two more 'Jambs. The whole way in British Columbia„is ; four, we barn, are doing well. ve been caused i by contact —The farmers of Preston, Manitoba, igonous oak trees that grow I are build`ng a larga stockyard. It is ntry. j i said to be their intiention to aimed that a bek of coal of the cattle of the neighborho xtent has been discovered drove during the Isn'mer, u Iles northwest of Emerson, care' of a mounted herdsma 2, range 6, east; An engine giving milk will be taken ho apparatus; are to be placed the yard in the evening by tb at once. I ere; and returned in the morn: w Miller, a farmer in the they will join the outgoing dro f Smith, Peterboro county, —The other day a lad na ns and their Contents de- McDurham was ordered to fere on Sunday The origin Northern freight train at the; is unknown. Loss about Toronto,' and in jumping off t $400 ; no; naurance. the wheels of the i last car.' 1 —The vvie3 on the credit Valley foot was crushed tq: a jelly. between ngereoll and St. Thomas, the greatest pluck, and on struck fo ore pay the other day. They '' have beer getting $1 per day, they now want $1. went to 1 eep all der the . COWS e from ir own - g, when e. ed Peter tep off a station, 11 under is right showed the 1' te Bidclulph prisoner, 9 a fair maiden next' n M Donald's health still reca ous. :His ailment is the'24th_ ay a grand fir he held in Wa e one' of the held. naent of "' the iseaso 00 bushels of r 1 6, was Dorgan, per sc oone e 194h inst. Mika Whittier, of To-, xt iweek for ton , via San Fr noise° and Australia ' ;as ret should hild o o lives the to pit ced hen s r. —Siri Jo aid to the expree Huron an his form ing on N —The the char ;pastor of I have bee malicionsI field, Elgi unknown daughter worth of ly poison of litalm were two longing to Mr. Wilso —raptMajor 1 appeinted general at Allah, his maj his time, —It is and the in Biddn1 told Ca and the come to languag crease in prices of pr toba, we may state th Col.I't[ulligan sold si ossan, for $2,000 ►Id 129 acres, on Assiniboine and . Campbell and being carried into the temporary station h wanted to know what the crowd wan ed: He . They got it, too, and. then belongs to the St. Nicholas Ho e. —Professor Mace:nu is to lea e Belle- rk again. d after Monday he 25th inst,, ville on the lst Of May, hav ng been Bruce Railwa will resume party into the Northwest. He will start from Fort Polly, and stelse north until he reaches the Arctic Cir le, then turning southward he will p,oceed to Battleford, where in. all probability he will meet the Governor-General, and accompany him baek to civilization. —The Manitoba Agricultural and of 420 and $10 or Medals of eqpral value, on the best essay on the capabilitee of Manitoba and the Northwest "la erritory for the production of grains:. The cereals to be treated ef are all such as are considered by the competi'tors cap- able of successful cultivation in the Province and Northwest Territories. a by-law prohibiting the con rogation of young men and hoys at ' street cor- ners, loitering and Creating disturbance, to five ays' im- en- and credit. r -Under- aged in ugh .. ilia soul a very y, b gan chopping down re hie father w s work - hen it n heard o he tree anitoba, writes to the New Era sayr g : You and your numerous readers Will, no doubt, be sorry to hear of the isfortnne which befell Mr. Anthony ockerline, formerly of the township of ullett, County of Huron, in the burn g of his house on the morning of Wed- nesday, March 30. Nearly all the con- tents were burned ; they saved a sewing cently table, organ, three drawers out of 0, ter th ureau, four small boxes and their beds Herve .nd bed clothing ; they escaping with just what clothes they could get in their flight, Mr. Cockerline did not even get 6. pair of socks or an overcoat, as they' were in bed until the fire had gamed cister from made Marys —D onto, aroun Sand —T Benja about was ed to 0 eve shi akville, 1, dep th ieh ma fine birt (1.) laugh in Pont thr mil ed F he ha esa rt n WOr land g to g, a argest 11 11 day 1 blchester lecting . This less fa only Port ternoon trying whic all a sists tnre tific the thes a he the year Buff her bott, ed fc perio at pr infer sum and yore Fisc She of t of sho run, viz.: ReaChing London ain at 10:05 m., and leav- °auditions !charges affect ng Fore t Congregatio al ung lady of that village, ter of investigated and shown td be mored a painter by the name wersi, belonging' to Spring- coulnty, has left for parts takilig with hire, a neighbor's nd leaving his 'wife and 1000 ld debts behind. unknown person has recent - several degs in the vicinity ston. Among! the nuniber Dr. Clarke and.' the other! to , of the Queen's Hotel. n Win. Hill, son of the' late / , of St. Catharines; has heen ad, India, and has received ty five years in advance o umoured that James Carroll h last week, when the 1 tte 11 that he was a murd rer could prove it, They di no blows, but the stronges as made use of. an and Kallafleisch's vistock was totally destr ye 2 o'clock Friday moring or twelve hundred bush ls o —Ree mill at by fire a Some te wheat a and wer saved. thousand —The farm of Bruce o fire on u and five fire is un —At a true named Martha at that ti they had his wife under an afterw Brant 9r and imposed fines of from one dollars, and frona one to ten d prisonment on such young m boys who continue to ontrag decency in this regard. A good for which the Council deserves —James Smith, residing nea wood, Bruce County, was eng making sap-tro thoughtless bo a tree near wh ing, and forgot to Warn him was about to fall. The old m a crack, and looking up saw 'coming. He ran for his life, rowly escaped being killed. A. small limb struck him o not dangerous* hu named Genevi guilty, ilia, the Montreal, to girl of 15 years has been estab and Chicago, i of the former Chicago with wards communi who came to the apology from th lat th ou of er fri vo BO fri be 25 be ti r refuses to courts is t your marri On the hone en, left Hal ova Scotian g across de ge from be done on at no time erator hens ere the forw feet wide; an surrounded ns, stuffed w th sawdust. Two colore women who hall for e years bee employed about Hotel, MI Ayr, without anyl sus - ion of their dishonesty, were last turday accidentally discovered to petty thefts for ,an. unkiaown length of 'e. Mr. Hilhorn employed a con - le to searchtheir premises, when a e quantity f table and, bed linen a other articles, which were identi- fied by Mrs. IHilborn, were found. Their case was tried before the local magistrates, a Last Frid fr ably -arrived e into the of OS SO bo Pi 5 10 ated with their pastor, city and demandsd an landlord. ThiS the reatened. Moral:—Se- e lines before setting moon. ookfield, with a II gang fax in the Allan steam - d meat on her next alifax. All the work he trip to Balti ore, af ill be lost. T e re - will be iname ately rd hatch, 45 feeklong, 7 feet high. It will y double board parti- la d they were sent to ait trial. y night a couple of estminster bridge toll use at London, and asked for a 'piece paper and a !pencil. Mr. Argyle, the eper, who had been counting tlae ra- ms of the as,31 at a table, turned round comply with the strangers' request, d while he did so one of the indivi- ards the table upon y lay, and was in the it when Mr. Argyle hap- nd noticing the move, Tiger -with his walking ey was hastily dropped, dy departure made. ay in Toronto a child from , a second storey uld doubtless have been ot been for the brave who happened to be bserving the e,hild. des - held up his hands and hock bringing him to his ild was unharnaed, and the grateful mother. se name is Lawr, and a train on the Northern hearing explanations ex - oh land finding that train-- als moved to ich the mon t of removin ned to turn, ade at the str ne. The me d a very spe —The other eidentally fel indow, and w lied had it pree'pitated head. foremoet to the bot- passing, who, tom„ breaking both her arms and in- cending, bravel inning her head. It is believed that caught it, the she twill recover, but the accident has knees. The c greatly shocked an/ already heavily Was handed t he man, wh ho is driver ailway, after affli cha und got ted. family. John Burns, of Nissouri, has been tl ged by Samuel Hurst with fraud, r peculiar ells), mstances. Hurst nto gaol, and after he was there a fortnight Burns, a neighbor, visited hini and said his fowls and pigs were starving, and offeredl to buy them for $3 to save their livee. Hurst believing him, closed the bargain. When his term was up, howeVer, lie found that some flour were in the e loss is at least ten or t oilers, partly covered b arn and out -buildings on il J. Adie, Paisley B county, which is ren d, were totally destroye day evening I with all ncluding ten head of cattle ill W as elve in - the d by by heir horses. Total loss surance on barn $800, i Mutual, The origin o e late Assizes in St. Th wails found against a ylon, for having, on the last, at Brantford, m . Carr, representing hi e as Henry Bingham. een married -Some little iscoyered that he was bout the the man 23rd self After time, ving assumed name, and s ortly s, letters having reached enquiring for a man named the back, t. e shape of ve irard, has our of Queen' ch rge of abd 10 time was appreaching raised his hat to the mother a, continued. hia journey 13 tewards the st tion. —We learn hat David Gohlie, Esq., f the Gree eld Mills, near Ayr, is t is season co pletely renewing the in- terior econona of his extensive mill: Burns had imposed upon him by false Millstones wil be to a great extent Its - representations, as all the tinae the arded and their place supplied by which literally cut the er instead of grinding it he process has, we be- firet-elass ticket from Rock Island, II- heve, been proved very far supenor to anything yet ried _in the history of milling, the fl ur turned out by it being_ of singular exeellence and in great de- mand over all other brand& We hope the new plan cess to the proprietor. —Between three and four o'clock Monday morving a fire broke out in a frame building on George street, Brant- ford, occupied by A. Aird as a livery stable. The headway wh firemen not h minutes after named McDo building, and ;hard says he Mable about 1 !An inquest wi ;of the Bank 0 1 and the wind !the back part I tel were badl i the livery sta ut he is woman pleaded Bench, of age. Quite a traffic ish d between Montreal ich the pr, curesses ity supply the dens of young women for im- Moral purpose . The public Will wateh with deep inte est to learn the penalty peculiar 1 slides,. Zing on es, when ng dshoworne ot have action of deal of p to the breakfast. Th fowls and pigs were fed by Hurst's nixed rollers. neighbors. grain into flow —A well dressed American, holding a as hitherto. linois, to Montreal, fell off the midnight express going east last Friday morning, a mile east of St. Marys, and was killed. The body was diseovered at daylight next morning and brought to the station. On' the' body was found a hundred dollars cash and an , express receipt for one thousand dollars in gold. The bodly was afterwards identified as that of Mr. Jules Marien. Deceased was returning to his family in Montreal, aft4r an absence of 23 years in Cali- forhia, when the unfortunate accident beta him. He wag 76 years of age. -e-Mr. Andrew Saunders, a, son of Mr. DaYid Saunders, of IStarawak, near Owen Sotind, met with an accident recently, which nearly terminated his life. While driYing a load lumber, it upset and fell on top of him, leaving only a por- tion of his legs Iv4ible. A. gentleman visaing accidenta y noticed his legs, and set to work at once to recover the bodly, believing tiliat life was extinct. Further assista ce arriving, the load wee removed, and 'it was fohnd that Saiinders was still, alive, and, an arm broken. The marvel is that he was net! smothered in the mad, as he was by insurance., altogether unrecognizable when taken tween $1,500 and. $2,000 ; no mum - out of it. He is deing well. ance. The c se of the fire is un- -+A frightful accident occurred on I known, but it is supposed to have been -Oa Satur ay afternoon a accident happ ned at the Hu near Ottawa. A bow was gr the bank at th head of the sli she Blipped in and was carn them, ti.nd lan ed on the shel at the foot. he cow did much more t an easy standi on the 'rock the base of which was ut twenty-five at this poi t, nd how to get out of ite p ion was a Ties problem 7: dyed by the e trouble the ow was raised ia ill prove an entire suc- ortlay and. enterprising fire had considerable n discovered, and the ving water for some ten he alarm Was given, the estroyed. A young mein ald was burned in the Iso six horses, three bug- nd some harness. Mr. ut McDonald ont of the o'clock Sunday night. 1 be held on the remains. dows, and outbuildings British North America, ws of Zion Church, and of the Commercial damaged. The loos on le is about $400, covered Mr. Aird's loss is be- Thhrsday night laSt week at Hall, by brought about which, two livee have been, lost and a !under the infi third- endangered. A man named Le- out of the sta duo and his wife, residing on Wright —Senator street, put their three children to bed, stock_man of an locking the door, left -for an anc- going into sto tio sale. They had not been absent mere than o e hour when a- lamp in a roona on the lower flat exploded, and ill enveloped i flainee. The brigade ar- rived pronap ly, and after a desperate strhggle one of the, firemen made his wa into th room where the children sle t and p seed their bodies through th upstair windosv. Two of them were lifeless off 4in some cent visit to t breeding pnr Ranche Comp River district, Home would days for Que large number the flesh of one being torn, cattle and ho laceE ; the third is living Northwest, --About two weeke ago a young con- would include ple from th country, newly married, Angus cattle, and several "cobb ' or "took in" oronto on their wedding ! "hackney" st llions and mares. Some tour, and w le there the brightness of of these, sired, by the celebrated Den - their honey oon wait clouded in this mark, were p rchased at the sale of the heir arrival they duly re-! by McDonald, who was once of liquor when put le by Mr. Aird. ochrane, the celebrated he Province of Quebec, is k raising exten.sively in says that during his re - e old country he pur- quantity of stock for oses for the Coclarane at the foot of the Rocky he cattle steamship Oxen eave England in a few ec, having on board a of thoroughbred Oheep, s for the ranche in. the oivn stock farm at for other parties. These Shropshire sheep, .Polled wide : On Yorkshire est gistered thenaselves at one of the city M. P. for hotels as man arid wife, but during the! chased a Clyd evening the landlord took it into hisi of first prize t head. to suspect that they were not marea. Hon. married, and in the morning he under- chased two " obb" mares at the, same took to question them on this rather sale. Senate Cochrane speaka very delicate subject. The couple, of course, highly of the animals, and sayS their assured mine host that they were man introduction to Cana,da will Make a and wife, but unfortnnatedy they were new era in. s ck breeding. The ‘i`cobb" unable to produce their marriage certi- is a high step ing, showy animal, with flesh and bone, thiek like nick as a race hortie, and like a peacock. I When tir Canadian breed8 they lendid animal to export te of the late John Torro, iverpool. He also pur- sdale stallion and a 'air se year old Clydesdale J. J. C. Abbott else pur- fictite, for the reason that the clergye min had deferred making it out untili thsy should return—not having the ,necessary printed form by him, it iS said. The absence of the certificate confirmed the le.ndlord in his snspi della, and—their protestations notwiths ste.nding—he_stimmarily ejected them(i without even owing them to tak injured couple after abundance of a cart horse, s. with a style crossed with will make a s to English and other ,Europeaii mar- kets,where they command prices tanging up to $2,500. He has arranged for the importation of a large cons ent of thoroughbred bulls at an early y.