HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-15, Page 7s formers of cm. entaer - frratter MHO, Keo angss lei. tom. ecnrities. ar at all amerce. Deposits tor. NESS EY, rs and the it Tin. and LEs and he prince- earn, sad e will he 4d to her. iersignecl to keep of INDS 71. i u&to22 t an the [e of the to con- en girea so many RS. Whitney her at end the rising to y Bros. late tho: for col- I,NEY.. ES N, TUR- FS. livers, Re- ents, Goan ty ME Prize Fair, Howe, marine saes •gene Musa e the 688 roe cater oad, next th c. wri on`x fel- will tia- ate r !aril ring th, 4ayr tial .n;. 0on ad;. re - APRIL ; 1i, 1.881. The $e.bit of Thoroughness. A capital motto to be hung over the gitchen, door is this : "Thou deoireet Ira iu the inward parts ;" and the woman who, when she expected' com- pany -to tea, always went the first thing and washed the cellar stairs, had ten- dencies in the right direction. She did it, she said, to settle her mind, and there is no doubt whatever that it was .a source of deep and heartfelt satisfac- ton to her, as she sat in the parlor and °entertained her guests :with sprightly eonversation, or presided with ease and dignity at her daintily dressed table, to reflect that the bidden -and gracious virtnessymbolized by clean cellar stairs were here also. A habit of thorough- ness is _something which most people need to cultivate with assiduity, and in no profession is it more needed or does it count for mare than in ours, dear }housekeepers, who read this. There is an unmi_etakable air about a perfectly neat hobo which is felt by all those who come into it ; there is no use in trying to make it appear that neatness and order are charaoteristics of your home unIess, they are.: _ -There is reason to bink that some women are in this 'natter content to seem without caring to be, but it is a very transparent de- ceit-. "If there is to be any dirt in the hoose," said the best housekeeper I ever knew, "let -it be where I can see it; let it lie on the parlor tables and chairs rather than be allowed to remain ander the beds and in corners, where it will become rich soil for the development and growth of the germs of disease." • There is a great difference between a disorderly housekeeper and an untidy one; there are often cogent reasons why a woman can not possibly always have her house in the order she loves ; it way be the one severe trial of her life that she can not carry out her ideas in this respect, and she may be deserving of credit for accepting the situation with equanimity, especially if, as is fre- quently the case, she may also be obliged to endure the injustice of being rated a failure as a housekeeper, when in reality she is irreproachable so far as neatness is concerned. This is certain- ly of paramount importance ; it is a . truth sadly forced home sometimes that Iife and death wait upon the dis- charge of what appear to be simple and even unimportant matters.—Cor. N.Y. Post. Varieties. O Sunday 3rd inst. in all the Roman Catholic) Churches in Toronto, the altar, crucifixes, pictures, statues and stained windows were veiled in violet. This covering will be kept on until after Easter mass on Holy Sunday, when every' ornament is again uncovered and the churches dressed in their Easter decorations. —The second suit of Fisher vs. The Georgian Bay Transportation Company, better known as the Waubuno case, resulted in a disagreement of the jury, which stood nine for and three against the plaintiff, Mrs. Fisher, who has already spent $10,000 on the two suits, expresses her intention of at onoe enter- ing a third suit. As the expense to defendants has been very heavy, a com- promise is thought probable. —The story is, going the rounds that when Drs. Kidd. and Qain told Earl Beaconsfield that bronchial asthma was a dangerous ailment for a man moving on towards eighty he smiled and said he would live to denounce ,the Transvaal sarrender. Whether this is true or not, there is good authority for saying that the patient bears his pains and looks forward with stoical firmness: —A woman was arrested in St. Thomas the other day for stealing into private residences and carrying off valu- ables therefrom. Having succeeded in securing a gold watch and chain, she was in the act of concealing a watch and chain taken from a bed room in an- other house when discovered. Upon the usual search being made, the follow- ing articles were found concealed upon her person : Two gold chains and one gold watoh, one gold ring and charm, ten yards of silk, some bugle trimming, several yards of plain silk trimming, some pieces of lace, a linen table cloth and several small trinkets. —Au aged lady from Massachusetts called at eventide a few days ago, at the house on lot No. 5, near Centre Road, IYIcOillivray.. On the knock at the door being replied to by the owner, she asked if William Thompson lived there. "Yes, ma'am.," "Is he in ?" "Yes, ma'am." She carried a nico, well - packed valise. "Do you know Eliza- beth ?" "Yes, ma'am." Thinking his daughter Eliza was referred to, he said, "She's- at the fire inside. Come in." "Well, I ash your sistez Eliza, from Maasachueetts, and we haven't seen each other for about•40 or 50 years." Daughter Eliza jumped up, the rest of the family surrounded, and out of : the many surprise parties su McGillivray during the season there were none at- tended with such an amount of real hearty, cordial greetings is this one. Such kissing and hugging, the old ones, especially, had not indulged in since they left the banks of the Clyde, nearly 50 years ago. —A few days ago a country youth entered the photograph gallery in Lncknow, and looking around, inquired if this was where they took pictures ? He was answered iu the affi motive. He wanted a likeness taken. r. Pat- tersen expressed his willing, ess to serve hint, and told him that in the other room he would find a looking glass, and that he could fix up while he was getting things ready. Upwards of five minutes elapsed, and the photo- grapher began to wonder whatas de- taining his customer so long, and get- ting impatient, went to see. The sight which met his gaze made it for the time a difficult matter to restrain his risibles. There stood the lad before the glass, in a, fixed and motionless atti- tude, waiting in all patignee for the word "enough." He seemed quite sur- prised when Mr. Patterson asked him if he was ready. In his simplicity he thought that the impressions were taken from the glass, and no d hubt he would have remained there fully an hour, if the photographer had not in- terrupted him. The thing was Ixplain- e:l to hien, and in- a few minutes he went away happy, taking with him his picture. This is the very eimplicitude of Simplicity. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and . conlfortieg.— "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations . n and nutrition, and byre di s- tioap- plication a care�ul of the tine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps hal; provided_ our breakfasttables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us jany heavy doctors' bills. - It is by the udicious use of such articles of diet that constitution may be gradually built u until strong enough to )resist every t ndency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tile maladies are floating around us roady to attack wherever there ia weak point., We may escape Many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with purc blood and a p openly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice. t,=azette. Sold only in packets is elled—"James Epps & Co. , H omoeo- pa Chic Chemists, Condon, Eng:" -Also 'makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afernoon use. 48252 m 8' a f A Wonderful Discovery. G 'For the speedy cure of consumption and all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn coughs, ueglectea colds, Bron- ch'tis, Hay Fever, Asthma, paiu in the sine and chest, dry, haoking cough, tick lin in the throat,hoarseness,soretbroat,. an lungs, and all chronic or lingering di eases of the the throat and lungs, Dr. Ki ..g's New Discovery has no equal and ha established for itself a world, wide reutation. Many • leading physicians recomniend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared -is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and the preiss have complimented it in the most gloing terms. . (=o to your druggist and ge a ti ial bottle free of cost, or a reg lar size for $1. For sale 'by E. Hilkson & Co., Seaforth. 657-52-5 lest and Comfort to the Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain,, both internal an( external. It cures pain in the side, bac , or bowels, sore throat, rheuwa- tis , toothache, lumbago, and .any kind of ain or ache. It will most surely qua ken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of jlouble the strength of any other , elixir or liniment in the world, should.. be i every family bandy for use when wan ed, as itreally is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and sins and aches of all kinds, and is for ale by all druggists at 25 cents a bott e. 692-52 Gay's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Bret Harte in one of his- charming sketches tells of a school mistress who Ft was accustomed to take long walks in the pine woods of California, for the benefit of the balsamic air, There is more in this treatment than moat people will be inclined to credit. We see the piney, and spruces have been brought in- to requisition in the cause of medical J proggess. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Guth,—a thoroughly scientific prepara- tion provides this treatment in a con- cent ated form, and has, after 20 years' I9 1 test, roved itself the most satisfactory cure extant for coughs, colds, lung and throe affections. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. 684.26 G Ti3)4 erever once introduced and becomes own, it is almost imposail,e to sup the demand, because of their true ri •tiring where all others fail--• d at a reasonable price (50c.) --Exch. Id by '. Hickson & Co. 662,26c 'They All Do It." i o be : utify and preserve the teeth give fragrant to he breat use eabe y," the ew tai et gem. Sam - pack : ge, 5 co ts. 649-52 - G and !I'r a rainele: ve Stator h owe. o NG WE T--- SE. WM. zpreae.... .2 17 P. bf. xpreee.... .. .8 65 P. M ixed T ... .915 A. M ized T sin ..... 5 49 P, M. O NO E.t T— t SE : ATS xpress : •. . . 7: 0 A. ki, xpreee rain 1: 0 P. M. ized Tr , 4: , 11i. ized Train... ,10: 0 A M k Railway: a ad C linton Stations as CLI ON. 2:40 I. M. 9:15 . M. 10:00 .3f. 6116 . M. CLINTpN: 7:80 4.M. 124:1545 �. M. 4:15 P M. 10:00 M. London, au oz a Nauru-- • ndon, depart.:{.. C ntralia eter neall R peefiel �1 ton L ndesb. o. 1 th.... .......••• lgrave • • . • .,, • . ngham arrive ... G Son H -- .• .•• vi••• gham depart .. algrave .... , . • . th.,,. o depbor aI ton oefield...., F .. i peed •a•. Heneall It•. ter. entralia. it edon. riveIt... 1 1 A. 4. res d Bruc • Mail. E press. P. M. A M. 2 20 26 8 25 28 8 88 40 8 62 58 8 57 59 4 07 08 4 28 26. 4 41 45 4 50 52 5 06 09: 5'25 26 Express. E rese. P. M P. M. 2 56 20 3 18 88 3 28 56 3 86 7 04. 3 54 7 24 4 07 748 416 769 420 806 4 82 8 25- 442 849 5 36 40 10 Mothers ! Mothers! Mothers! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain f dusting teeth ? `If so, go at once rad get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor ittle sufferer immediately—de- pend pon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who' will not te 1 you at once that it will regulate the b wets, and give rest to the mother, and r lief and health to the child, oper- ating ike magic.. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant. to the taste, nd is the prescription of one of the of est and best female physicians and n rses in the United States., Sold everyshere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. . True to Her Trust. • Too uch cannot be said of the ever- faithf 1 wife and mother, constantly watch ng and- caring for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf- When they are assailed by dis- ease, ` and the system • should have a thordngh cleansing, the stomach and bowels' regulated, blood purified" ma- larial poison exterminated, she must know that Electric Bitters are the only sure r-e#nedy. They are the best and purest medicine in •the world, and only coat fif y cents. Sold by all druggists. 696-26- o Not be*Deceived. In these times' of quack medicine ad- vertise ents d-vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratify' g to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really' does as reco mended. Electric Bitters, we can vo . ch for as being a true and re- liable r medy, and one that will do as reoom ended. They invariably cure Stour: h and Liver Complaints, Dis- eases o the Kidneys. and Urinary Diffi- culties. Ws know whereof we speak, and ca readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by all drug- gists. 96.26-2.3 • - Zopesa. I ha • secured the agency for this new coloun trouble ,p d for Dyspepsia, and liver It comes to me under most favorab a auspices, being very highly endorse and recommended. Its won- derful nity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the dissolving juices, orrecting the acids and carry- ing off mparities of the Stomach and regulating the Liver, can be tested by securing a sample bottle, which sells at 10 cents!, or large eight ounce bottle, 75 cents. J. R0BERTS, Seaforth and Bavfiel 679-52a W. Up by the Doctors; Where doctors have failed to cure,and have given their patients up to die, Electria bitters have often been used, an' d a c re effectecl, greatly to to the astonis ment 9f all. Diseases of the stomac , liver, kidneys and urinary organs re positively cured by Electric Bitters. They invariably cure 'consti- pation, lea ache and all billious at- tacks. Try them, and he gonvinced that the are the best medicine ever used. 'old by E. Hickson & Co.at 50c a bottle: 662.26c AG-ratCh Chicago 0 g Enterprise. The aboratory for the manufacture of Elect is Bitters is one of Chicago's greatest enterprises, giving employment to a lar a number of hands. The ex- tensive ale already attained for this. wonderf it remedy is astonishing. e From the W 11- A. r pared .o offer, ei h Paper Good,IFrs: At th 1 DS OF e Lowe t Poeslble Vatiej we Tug ield and G 1lang l .Wert Ze Wet and .amu 'lover and Tion end ll Kinds Flower See r GROCERIES iAN PRO' We ha ea Fn 1 Stockof Pr ovis ons, and wool c our La a Stodk of N C onsist_ng of oynne, Pi Gunpowder, Congos,, U: All 'resp and 18b1. E DIS SO Stock of N SEES oaee of E&C Bulk or by the eliable KINDS, consisting of a Carrots, - rn Grass, arden and KERY, NS. - , Crockery, and 1 attention to A. SI, g 4 ening Epson, 00 . r • and Japans, And Better Vale than ever • e publicl Also EXTR COD VAI E Give s a Call and be co#vi rison's 's the right place 9 b South Side of Mai site Market M. MOfRIS H N, Season, offered to the SUGARS.,' that M. Mor- et, Oppo - t, FORTH. G. Is S S H6I naw prep: red to., COOPS U Weiighing fro 1,100 poun WILL BE T SEAFO ' TH, E 688 G. 1A..1 1 ' 'HE (}1v1EAT FEMALE R] Per• dicalPi is—Thtsi unfailirlQ in tho cure -of a dangerong diseas :e to wliic tion lean jest. 'I . model' at moves all btract one, and a relied one To ma: edladles, It will, iJ a short time, brin riod with egular t; . T etre p taken by emale • darin ; the of Pregr cy, as hey ar entre carriage, rat at a . y he tome all as a of N rvoueotland pains sirithe back and li a• be, fa ertion, Ps{lpitatio. of t e l.e. whites, ! se pill will eff - et ti c means _1ir ve fail d; .an., 1 remedy, d not c. ntain o , c n ora t • ' hurt n 1 o, yho c g� direction in the p amphl : tar n which sh ld be 0 refnll pr New Yor , c Sole; ' ropriet r. forposta eenclos:d to o ronto, 0 t., gen:ralg tits will ins e a bo tle o returnIII H. So d i S of Bleasdel>, J. S. R 'bergs, and TED TON Ler of RSES, upwards. HOTEL, AY. G HTON. Job Moser medicine is painful and le constitn-1 cess and re- cure may be liailysuited, • monthly pe onld not be ee months ing on Mise. re safe._ n Blight ex 'sterics, and en all other aartow P a]b 1, antimony, tion. Full oh package, Job Moses d 12i cent: yman, T Dominion, 60 pills b Hickson den. 634-5 • HIRON EDS1 SE O D ITOB. 11 RMERS AND G DEFERS REQUIRING FIRST -(CLASS SEE S SB1OULD PATRONIZE AN Exc- USIvE' SEED(} S'i Where Fresh bought direct porters. To d rr. 3eede are always kel fromthe beet -grow' this call et t on yrs an OBERTSON The only first class Seed Store in Sea{ where all the varieties of ' Field a zd Garden Are to be had ch ap for cash. The soma of the favo> ite Grains an d Seed viz.' RAINS : R S, rth eeds llowing{are in Stock, Lost Nation Wheat (Spring); New Zealand Oats, Barley, in all varieties. PEAS AND BEAIIIS Peas— .ng Pod,Dan.O'Rour e, " Iittle's Gem, &e. Beans— arty China Bed Eye, " I waif German Wax, G eat German Wax, 8 arlet Runner, B oad Windsor, &c. -T RNIpS Skirving Carter's Westbnr Sbamro. White S • a Purple T , Swede reperial, Swede, (Hall's), Swede, k,,Royal Norfolk, Gr. ede and White Glob MANGE WURTZ • • Stone, LS Carter's Mammo h Long R d, grows �o an im- mense size, .f excellen quality, Norbiton Giant, ed Globe, and Yello Glob:, Carter's Warden orange Gloe—thio v sty t • : es more prizes t'. an any o her. Long Red, Bed G obe, and ong Yello * EET : Early Blood Turnip, Flat Egyptian` Lo g Blood Red, W • ite Sugary&e. CA : BAG ES Large Yo MMarbleh. Winning onrtie White Be Early Sea Searlet I Large Be. Large Be' k, Ozheart, Flat Du$1, ad, Red Dutch for pi tadt, probably thebe t in tion. C RROTS: gians-Frenala Seed, let, French Horn, termediate, Altringham, fine fluor. Surrey, garden or field. .0 LERY Sa.. dringhain, R al Solid, W.ite Solid, &c. ORN : Mammoth :agar Corn, Crosby's E : rly, Howell's E ergreen, Adams' E : rly, one of the earlier Tuscarora lerge, fine for nharke ight Row d Early, anadian ellow, , Largeto Flin Twe ve Rowed yellow, Indiana High Mixed, Seed Corn or Green Feed, American eeding Corn, &e. u M:LONS:! (Musk, Green Citron, Water, Black Spanish, Water, Mountain Sweet, Citron, for preserving. Lar Ma PKINS o Field, moth, &e. r SQ ASH Early " . te Bush Scalloped, Mammot . , &o. TO ATOES : General Grant, Trophy, Caria V otor, &o. OTHER 1 Pa Pa C 0 GRAS Tr Or R Kee M Ile Al 1, EGETABLES slay, snipe, , cumbers, trace, ions, &c. SEEDS othy, bard Grass, Top, tacky Blue, mmoth Clover, June,. ike, Le erne,, lite Dutch, White Dote, Ta es and Rape, Bu kwheat, EAUlet, ngarian, &c. LAND One car load of W or bulk. l BLASTER ite Land Plaster, in barrels W. S. R 68 BERT SEAFORTH, ONT. N SEAFORTH BOOT AND HOE STORIO TR AS SIGN OF - THE :PIG BOOT. OUR STOCK ! JUDG FOR YOURSELVES O, R -PRICES ! ANDS VE MONEY —Jo WILLIA BY PURCHASINIG OOTS&3sr D SHOES 0 FROM LOGAN, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT CTSTOM WORK AND 1?kPAIRING CARRIED ON AS FORMERLY, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. ELLIOTT GRIE ' E. WM. LOIGAN, Seaforth BOOTS AND 1SH ES. ROBERT WILLIS, HAVING commenced business on his own the Store in Strong's Blook, MAVEN IS' II( SEAEOItT, Next door to M. M rrison's now prepared to furnish all who 11 favor theft patronage with a first-class artiol in.B Shoes of- any known description. He w Only the Hest, and his practical nowle. long experience in the business enables im to such a Way as can not -tail to be bene Dial to GIVE HIM A RI. CUSTOM WOIILK of Every . ind F tended to. Remember the Stand and : he N ROBERT WIL account la ['BEET, Grocery, is him with cote and ill Keep tge of and �urehasein customers: L. �mptly At- e: eaforth. F O F. WALL PAPERS AND WfNdOW BLINDS SCOTT'S TRY UMSDEN & W1L SON, LOCK, - - - - SE FORTH, ONT. CHEAP 0i 0 - AT NS THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PiO O. GALLERY. • EXCELS OE, DOMINION, BELL & CO.'S, and other >inakes :applied at Bottom Figures. Ravin no tra%ening tr other expenses in connection with th s branch of my business, I can give my cut c inai. th e benefit, and enable them to procure an,Instr. ent at a reasonable price. A. CALDER, Over Wilson Yo . . g's Store, Seaforth, Ont. N. B.—The Manufacturers' Guarantee given with each Or an, anwill be endorsed by me. . WATCHMAKER PAPST 1 EAF. RTH, ONTARIO. uccessor to Ie srs. Duncan & Duncan, late E. llicason & Co. 'WATCH E AND I all their 1)reecho EPAIRING En S, CLOCKS, JEWELRY kept Constar Ely on hand. raving C. A SPECIALTY. V eatly Executed. L. PAPST, Seaforth AYER'S 0 THARTIO PILLS. FOR ALL THE PUR- POSES OF A FAM- ILY PHYSIC,—Cnr- ing Coati v e n es s, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysen• try, Foul Stomach and Breath, He a d- ache,Erysipelas,Piles, Rheumatism, Ern p- tions and Skin Disea- ses, Billi ousne s 8, isea-ses,Billionsnes8, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tula, ors and Sal 'tllheum,Worms, Gout, Nenr igia, a a Dinner Pill, and Purifying the blood, re the ost congenial purgative yet perfected. Their ffects abundantly show how much they xcelal other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to t ke, but powerful to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they stimnhite theinggish or disordered organs into action and they impart health and tone to the whole boing. They cute not only • the every day complaints of elverybody, but formidable and contageono diseases. Moat useful physicians, moat eminent cher ymen, and our •best citizens, cures performed, and of ed from there Pills. They et physic for children, be- es effectual. Being sugar to t..k¢; and being purely ntirely harmless. Prepared send certificates o great benefits der'� are the safet and b causemildas well coated they =.re eaFl yegetaij e, they are i by DR. J. C• AYER & Co., Lowell,Mass., Practi- cal and Ana 3-ticalCbereiste. So Id by all Drug- gists and Dealers in Medicine. 669-52 4 " NIL DEPERANDUM." RECORD E LYMAN . BARB. FIRST P 4 -BAR At Montreal, Cincinnati. (0 Devenport, (lo and Superior Cheapest and AIopted and - II iced States m rk, "Lyra re 1. Buy no 1a s to WM. M rchants, Se or to- the D C ., Montreal? IZE AWARDED THE LYMAN" WIRE FENCING (Qneb io), 8 a), E ty ove Best use 0• and Ca Bar ther. OBE' forth, MIND c,) Hamilton, (Ontario), racuse, (New York), and hibiti0 Ls for Excellence all Competitors. The Fencing in . the World. 19 Railway Lines in the oda. See that our trade ., is stencilled onate c each end for prices and circu- TSON • & Co., Hardware ign of the. Circular Saw, N BABB WIRE FENCE 692-26 TRADE M. RK. .14 v N Before Taking 'y I After Taking, THE GREAT ENGLISH REAip;DY for Ner- vous Del ility and all Nervous Affections, in- cluding Spermatorrhea, Seminal weakne s, ect., results of , Self-abuse, indiscretion, &c., it G;AY'S SPECIFIC ,MEDICINE. This it the only rerr.edy which has ever been known to- per- manently cute Palpi ation and o; her affections of the Heart, Corsa ption in its ,earlier stages, Rush -lig of lllood t the .head, wind in the stomach, lndigestio , Loss of Memory, Want of energy, Basb1fnluess Desire for solitude, Indis- position to labor on account of weakn, se, Uni- versal Lasai ude, P in in the back, dimness of vision, Pre ature o d age, ect. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we send securely sealed on receipt of a thre cent stamp. The Specific is now Fold all all D uggistsat $1 per package, or 6 for $5, r will' a sent free by mail on receipt of Mo ey, by ddressing d89 - THE ; RAY EDICINE CO„ Toronto. In Ordinary o the C'itizfra qf Sea - forth and S rroundingsCountry. REPAIRING N ALL BRANCHES Of Watch , Clocks and Jewelry. LARCE STOCK F COLD .AND SILVER Watches, Chains, Rings, Brooches Rar Pings, Silver P ated Ware, Clocks, dewy 'Goods, And Sp tacles, OHEAPE THAN EVER: Goods War anted as Represented. M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth. NSURA CE AGENCY. Fire, Marine, Life and Accident INSURA OE AGENT. TTAVING been in the Inanrance Business for 1-1- the past fourteen y€ ars, I am prepared to effect insurances on an kinds of Property at the LOWEST P SSIBLE RATES None but first-clas Companies represented. I Alld ALSO GENT FOB THE CANADA ERMANENT LOAN AND SA INCS COMPANY. The Oldest in the On Beal Estate at Se en per cent, ion. Money advanced ALSO AG NT FOR THE rATE LINE ST AMMO COMPANY, Sailing between ow York and Britain. 'Y'VrAf. N. WATSON Main Street, SELFORTH, Ontario. IFFthiCe ItlEaZioinn *H0 tel" P.beirs 331°°14 °P13"141 0101111ING A JAME D SAW MILLS*. KYLE erall EW S W MILLI now in hell g order, and he is pre- pare to do USTO SA WiNG 0 the shortest noti e and most reasonable te ME. He has also on hand and for sale ALL KINDS OF SAWN LUMBER. Proreptbr Filled. FLOU ING MILL Is in chaxge of a Fir -Class Miller , and he is prepaard to do G !STING AND CHOPPING Oni the 'Shorteat Notice. Good Work and full Satisfaction guaranteed, of lumber sawn go to the Egniondville 691 TA BILE, Proprietor. ONEY TQ LEND. In Large or Small Surns, at reason. able rates of interest. N TES AND MORTGAGES r a the Office of I. H. RenS0u, Seaforth. 681 EAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH,D0011 AND BLIND FACTORY rilkE trubscriberbege leave to thank his; nannerou himetince commencing baldness Seaforth,and trusts hat he may be f &voted with a continuance of thts. same. Pa -ties intending t o btitta would do well to give him I. call,as he will eontintte to keep on hand a large stock of allkinds erf Dry Pine In.tmber, Sashes, Doors, Blinds aind Mouldings, Shingles, He eeleconfident of givingsatiefactiontothoss who ay favour him with theirpatronage,as nano Parkicular attention paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. J. S. PORTER 'SEAFORTH. I am, determined ta Clear Out m.? ..Entire Stock of Piwniture regafr less of Cost. epH08E IN WANT, it lain pay them to &seer- -A- Lein prices before purehasing elsewhere. a give a large discount to those paying cash, es. peeially to newly married touples. I ant still selling six highly finished ehairs for S2. I aleo keep KnowIten's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the market ; warranted i perfectly noiselees. Warierooms directly oppesite M. B. Counter"), kiam oth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, I Eget ide. 825 1.01:1N S. PORTER.