HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-15, Page 6Stock Management. Written for the Expositor. Cane farmer should keep a sharp: eye to his stock at this time of the ye° - They need more attention -snow• any other time. If you firs' jthan coming near the time -a your now, and unable to of calving, down to be sp1�= -�", aon't allow her tail es and her horn bored. - There _..o tench disease as hollow tail, or hollow horn. Every cow's horn is hol- low after the animal is two years old. The disease whin h your cow has got is Balled pregnant paralysis, caused by the weight of the womb bringing extra pressure upon the spinal ' column. Place her in -a box stall without floor, bed well, turn her once every day. Don't lift nor sling. Give good nour- ishing food and tonics. "Nue vomica" may be given, but only by the qualified veterinary surgeon. Complete recovery must not be expected until after p.rtu- rition. Upon no account allow the poor animal to be cut,and bored, and drugged by the ignorant empiric,reho, m nearly every case, attacks first the horn and then the tail. Having thu$ se- cured to his satisfaction the two! ex- tremities, he proceeds at once to se rch the intermediate space, pouring down the animal's throat some of the Most horrible mixtures imaginable. All cows coming near the time of calving should have a liberal supply of roots. They are cheaper than doctor's medicines. VETERINAItY. Stock Raising and Min -in Messrs. James McLaren, E. AL C. Pew, and S. J, Dawson, had an inter- view on the 5th inst. with Colonel en- nis, Deputy Minister of the In or, in relation to the leasing of 100,000 aores of land in the Northwest for grazing purposes. They secured 1 the lease, but have not yet selected th.4 dis- trict. The condition is -that the Gov- ernment can cancel the lease at any time on giving two years' notice. The applicants have the privilege of o oos- ing_ their land in any unsettled part of the Bow River district after three other claims have been satisfied. These are Mr. Wiser, M. P., Senator Cochrane and a son-in-law of Sir Hugh Allan's, . each of whom have secured 100,000 acres for similar purposes. Messrs. McLaren and Pew have also purchased 5,000 acres for settleneent, and the latter gentleman has taken an additional township in the Tertle Mountain district, which he intends to colonize. . Mr. Pew has two - other extensive schemes on foot, in connection with. which he left for New .York. He jhas succeeded in organizing a cometany with a capital of $2,000,000 to -work a gold mine at the Chaadiere, Qaebeo. The Canadian members are W. R,as- sels, of Toronto ; Mr. S. J. Dawon, and Mr. Pew. The New York director- ate is composed of Messrs. Breed. and Shepherd.. Operations have already comcnenceJ, a dam: being in Cour a of canstruetion ; also a flame, prepera ory to sluicing in the spring. They ca on - late on mining $700,000 worth of, old during the coming summer. H?u. R. W. Scott, 112r. Pew and Alr. Dawson own Pie Island, Lake Superior; which is reported very rich in sily r, a ton of ore assaying as high as 2500 ounces. Mr. Thompson, of Ottawa re- cently sold his. .,,hare in the mine for 150,000, and a company has been f o ganized with a. capital of $5,000,009 t develop it. The , Dusky and Beautiful Daughter of Cete-way-o 4r rives in New York. The arrival at New York on the 16th nit., on the stean chip Greece of till National Line, of a royal personage ain suite. belonging to a race but littl known among civilized nations, seen likely to create considerable interest The party consists of the Princes Amazalu, daughter of the famous Zulu King, Cetewayo (or Ketch wayo), now a British: captive ; a female attenday t who has a bright , little boy; a solemn and mysterious medicine man, w}io looks after the comfort and fatere do• lags of the Princess, and three fierce warriors, who in their dress appear very formidable. The Princess is a stolid and determined woman, about thirty years of age. Her clothing oonsisito principally of skins of animals, a wodl- len jacket and feathers, while her arnks and neck are covered with beads arid savage jewelry, and on her legs a4e rings formed of cow's hair and braes, which were placed there when she was twelve years old. They have nevor been removed, and now fit ler very tightly. She has an interesting history. After the battle of ljluadi she was taken prisoner with the rest of the royal family, •except the King, who *soaped, and was not taken for nearby a week afterward. Then he was found en the banks of the River Uoologi. The royal prisoners were treated with coq- aiderable attention and somewhat care- lessly by many of the British offioer4.. .Desperate warriors, :captured at the same time, engaged in a plot to rise at &given signal, murder the British offil- oers and esoape. Amazulu, seeing at once that the attempt could ably result in disaster to the Zulus, and being " a kind-hearted woman, determined to re- -veal the plot and atop the massacre. Ae she was stealing along towards the offi- cers' tent, she was seen by lduna, chief of the conspirators, who caught and tried to hold her, but she stabbed him with her spear, and he fell dead. She had time to give au alarm and thus. saved the officers' live.3. To show their gratitude to her the officers presented her with a solid silver, ebany•handled, properly inscribed assegai, which she sow alwayicarries ..with her, and has, treat pleasure in showing to white peo- ple. Mr. G. A. Fari.ni, the gentleman who brought the Princess to this coun- try, said: "In fact. there was very little. ill -feeling personally between the Zulus and the English, except on the part of, English o' icer* The way the latter behaved is shown by what happened after she was engaged by me to go to England, Germany, and this -oountry, she was sent under escort to Durban, ` and from there to Capetown on her way r to England. Cetewayo was then a pr}souer at Capetown, and wished very meati to see his daughter, and the Princess was alsr anxious to see her father, as perhaps it would be for the last tinge." Mr. Farri.ni want t) see the Governor of Capetown to ask if they might have a single iaterview, even if in the presence of witaesses ; but the Governor sharply refused permission on the ground : that he wished ne more plots to be laid. In Paris the Princess was vary popu- lar. She was. largely .patronised by T: E RU tON POSITOR, ansesei edohpe- of 'eminence, who not 1, .,r at her receptions, bait jar in their private houses mach of her as a ouriosit3�. land she did not at first arocs interest. It was said that Q toric objected to her app public, as it might offend the Eugenie. The matter was b the attention of the public a and she was forbidden to appe Royal Aquarium. Finally she was allowed to appear, �1 and received large audiences months. When the compare on the steamer Greece, she vP would be in America in ten storms and head wind prove kept .count of the days, and ons said she was certain the cap lost his way, and was sailiii and around, but she seemed; h in the least whether or net found the road again. As she an open carriage up Broadway bye. her suite, to Bunnell's who comfortable quarters prepared for the whole party, ed at the great stores and ofli ings, and said she could not i �i the white people, that they we making work for themselves, Zulus danced and sang, ma meal out of corn meal and had a merry life_generally. (P cess exposed herself too mho weather on the voyage and; bad cold. When she arrived at the pins two Zulus already on exhibitio who had not been told of the rivals, were quietly walking a main hall. As the Princess suite entered the door, they one long, earnest look, then sle shields were thrown in the air, frantic shrieks and howls of they fell fiat before the .Pri make their obeisance, and th ' n at the others and embraced the a heartiness that seemed 1 'li . ely to crush them. They were recog. izod by the new -comers as old. comps • ions in the Zulu tongue, sang Zulti songs, danced Zulu dances and stain .ed on the floor, creating such a great! r. w that they frightened the cats, who sat up their backs and screeched, a • d the monkeys, who grinned and ehaltt:red as though they enjoyed it, For a ime it seemed as if the entire mnsen a had gone mad. Broadway, in front of the place, was.crowded to the edge of the sidewalk, the people evidently b:lieving that the Zulus had got into a 'q errel. The Princess was taken arcus d the museum to see some of the cut�i • sities. The bearded girl caught her at 'ention immediately. Mr. Farrini told her it was a bearded girl, but she wou d not believe it, and answered in tle Zulu language : "It is not a girl, but a' boy in girl's clothes." Being assures she was wrong, she suddenly, and edits out a moment's warning, sprang upo • the girl and nearly tore the dress frees her shoulder to satisfy herself, whe • Mr. Farrini pacified her and took her away thoroughly - frightened. She tool, the bearded girl for an evil spirit, an the girl, who, for a moment, was ` :cared nearly out of her senses, siin 1t and quietly said : "No more Zulu Prin eases for me, please; I am abundantly .atis- fied." nl vi al o had mt%de m h •o- ra ce in E pr ss ou ht to t orities rat tie hgwever, �ublc, many tart' d s told s e dans, b t ted. 5 e the 11 h airs h d . rob d t �o' ez�e h ev r rode followed u nseum, sad beef', :he look,. ':e buil dl • derstand e alway hile th e goo ilk, and e Prin-I to the! aught a um, the. there, ew ar- out the, nd her st " gave r and n with e;loome cess to rushed with or r- General News Items o An advertisement for a clerk in a Toronto paper elicited 180 applica ions. —A military cordon now surro uds St. Petersburgh, and 'nobody is.all. wed - to enter or leave the city. —The Mechanics' Institute Bots y in St. Marys consists of 4,469 volutes, of e which 2,110 are works of fiction. , d—Puslineh Lake, county of Wel Ing- e ton, has been set apart by the Go • ern- s went for the propagation of fish. —St. Thomas milk pedlars in s nu - facture the article oat of water nd chalk. This is no new invention. —Hon. D. A. McDonald and iss , Ida' McDonald are at Washing on, where they are the recipients of di tin- gaished attention. —The Board of Examiners for Dorm- - inion Land Surveyors will meet at Ottawa on the 9th of May for the ex- amination of oendidates. —The Queen's Plate is to ;be rain for next Dominion Day on the Woodine Park, Toronto, under the auspices of the Ontario Jockey Club. —Prince Ghika, Minister. of RRea- niatiia to Russia, and General Maidel, Commandant of the fortress, hs.ve died of cold caught at the burial of the Czar. —Thomas York, colored, died , at Niagara on the 5th inst., aged 111 yearn 10 mouths and 9 days. He was in full possession of all his faculties ' up to the time of his death. --Mr. John McGrath, Treasurer;of St. Patrick's Sooiety, Montreal, s d- denly left the city through financial e - barrassmnt. He is stated to be $7 0 in debt to the Society. -The syndicate has already order d $250,000 worth of cars and purchase a half million railway ties. The e - gineers and construction men have be n for the most part all engaged. 0 —The state of affairs in Peru is tru: deplorable, the unhappy country bei,. a prey to anarchy, disorder, and ma *acre. Many Chinese. have been kills and millions worth of property d stroyed. —Jack Roberts, one of a gang of notd desperadoes, the terror of Southerly Colorado, was captured a few days ago . A band of vigilantes paid -his capto s the reward that had been offered an then hung him. ' -=The Masons of Mitchell entertaitie Mr. F. Butcher to a sapper at th Royal Hotel,. on the eve of his dE parture for the Northwest. They als presented him with an address and Past Master's gold jewel. —Mr. D. C. Munro, teacher in Schoo Section No. 7, Downie, has been cone gelled by ill health to resign his charge He received some handsome present on taking farewell, and his retiremen is generally regretted. —The young men who had such "high time" at the charivari in Blan- shard, were hauled up by the victim Mr. W. Slack, and fined $5 each and, costs, amounting in all to $83, or 20 days in gaol. It wasn't mu h fun after' all. —A sensation has been created in the vicinity of Cato, Michigan, by the discovery that a person calling himself Henry Watson, who has worked in that vicinity and at Minden daring the past ' year, apparently abort 16 years old, is a woman who had ran away from her husband and assumed this disguise to, escape recognition. .Her maiden name was Mary Watson, and she formerly ved in Ann Arbor. Her mother found er in the disguise. She was 'noticed be more handy with housework than with swinging an axe, but the reason was never ausRected. —Mrs. Daniel Ide did t Coldwater, Mich] gan, on the 1st in t., aged 87 years,` Her . usband, who is 92 years old, survives her. They ad lived to - Other 68 ye: s. 0O- It i oo» • uted that t ere are 10,- 0 str t ar•1 .s in New ork utterly u care for • F d belonging i to nobody, a d last but • of least in significance is t e fact that here are 25,000 more wo- en than m • . t— = Ohio • o jewelry firm has put up a sig. 9 fe: t long and 5i wide, which ooiisu.•ed 4, 00 feet of lumber, $400 w rt • of,gol and $250 worth of metal or .�: rats ; as three months in course of o • s rueti , and cost $2'=500. (19.. Onler Mowat; and Miss Mow- at it elross : e Atlantic early in May:' T ey sal to j • i Mrs. acid iss Mowat, w •irae sp t the winter , n Italy and South: n F nce, which !is a great adhantage to he health of the former. Many f the villa es the Rns- o1 nd ;� asants refu to awe r i s n e wi i United Gr * churohe . e an n ,• . 4I sia all They Cat the Pro oath i o Id prie k de' e R II par throe:) ut Ameria. T ped 123 oun farm i • g lass States and fortn'_eht�ly at senge :v. He. who i:led C conte ' Nort Bradt • glh. the eie t rs the eai nce unfit t e 1 'sl: will a s. ut • —I :p ear nadia ite s of ve av e sti t th tion years on th the'b officio to it, to sei Bible A ritis] ago,to p o Ide For bu t::r 'mp Mates b: old flnd t a ' the i ange o: alto ltoge h::r. T by 75 a 159;. —A vi survivor ofi th sweg , ' Y. aged 9 . Bron indite y went t >eing a hem. i olefin4d n . A c bi i1Bt cora 1e to be sworn, before the s, and have d "ven away lamsThe Gob rnor of the lares they Must take the ssian churches, ons are be ng made eland for emigration to le steamer Austria ' ship-. men and wo ' en of the at Galway to tie United a " steamer iskl to call the same Rorfj for pas- A Varley, an evangelist nada a fewyear ago, will mpton, Etiglan4, against e says in his address to "The mann whlo denies f a divine law -giver is e." The Conservatives a candidate. that during th ' last few s have been trespassing States timber ;lands on Minnesota. i The State letermined tQ put a stop sent out a pose of men en timber, and if pos- trespassers., was intrbdueed in the use of Commois ' a few days that harm ess substitutes • ted fro the United nder dist native names, 7. portation of such as are health be prohibited e motion was (rejected ` j ro on,:who ` v ,s the only war of 1812, died at �n Saturday, April 2nd, on had charge of the res belonging to the 3 overn- ego,, and to pr�evelbt their red by the British threw he prix 3ho ted 3ixt ng en ordained a priest in epi3 opate dates back to e as appointed Coadjutor ilial ;of which See he be- op in 1834.' He was trans e Arcabishopric of Tiam in 1 year. Few men' enjoy an ar work for forty-six ' 1 is as full of life and energy 7 t as beeii orders, h 1811. H 826, she ishop of ame Bisl 1 ted tq tl t e sante e iscopate of hard earls. Ho s ever iver, for which he was n at Kingston. McHale, of, Tuam, has i is ninetieth year. He -seven years in holy I COTIle THE SAFQ�.tTH MUSICAL � NSTR EMP RIU SCOTT B UME • OTHER PROPRIETORS. NEW YO K PIANO I'ORTE S We have great pleaec 'we have been appointed iheeeMagnifieent Inetrn EBE re in anti riming tha Wholesale Agents fo ciente. ORGANS. o ANS THE EXaELSIR Leads at the TORONTO INDlJ BITION, September, T1IIAL EXH I L88: . I In competition with tiie'�Celebrat, •anada, the EXCELSI0I ORGANS d a Diploma for special I atnres no n any others, while ambo ping at th the points on which try other e eived an award. 14 d Makers of were award - contained Same time rhibitor re- UY THE EXCELSIOR. They are the Beat in the & ket. RCANS OF OTHER AK S SUPPLIED ' I Agents Wanted, on salary or DICAL. G, SCOTTY • Acoouoheur, d nce south side of asst of Presbyterian L. EROQE, • gee ,eto,0or 0 oe an Reside di eptly ppo,lit 8 ' M. H-ANOV r�T McGill D. iv Accenchenr, Seater first door south jf t ►. &c, Physician,sargeon and eatorth, Ont. Office and reei- oderich Street; eeccjnd door 7haroh. I 842 . D., C. M.. Physician, Sur- er for the County of Karon. , on Jarvis street; north, forth Public Sohool; 1l D., C.' M.,- Gradj$iate o f ity, Physician, Surgeon a n d ;Ont. Office and(Reeiden o e, e Catholic (Jharoh 49ti -r rnR. eurcat s lege, llfonfr al lege of P yeicid s, Sdrgeon olf Crai to Office—win;h,. N, Graduite of hfoGil1 Col- :.ieentiate of the Royal Col - dinbarfh, anal'1tte House hart Hospital, Eli b i gh. t. ' 636 52 OL R da Ch ne • McNA 1Gif ate of Onto t. Oflite and an's. alis p y. stook at argee reasonab ;s and certifiers. terinarySargaoti, !Gradu- terinary College, S4atorth, enee in rear of Killoran ly attended to, night or riflery medicines on hand orses examined asto sound - iven if required. 4G' of hours from. 8 `g Mrs. Whiffle y'a >! e Seatorth, ERBYSHIRE L. D. 8., argeon Dentist, Graduate Royal College of! Dental ne of Ontario. Office to 5 P. M. Rod?res in bri;:k block. Main ',Street. t"n'a Str tford, o nt., Se forth at the Q pre tired perto ease and sk111. 01�c mo nth. f i 0 e RTWRIGHT, L. D. 8., umber of the Royal College tal Surgeons of Canada. Indian block, Market St., w opened out an Office in s Hotel, whore he will be 11 dental operations with Ippon first Tuesday in every 563-52 sEGAL. ea ARROW ct Y tors, clic., G g Wni. Proudioot. d 0 0 ar CAMERON, E t3olioitors M. C. Cameron, eroii. u C V ILLIAM SD `", signer in B Apf raiser. Ace reasonable terms HW.O. MEY , Law, Solie. for taking a day , Solicitor forthe F Private funds to BENSON & M at Law, Soli° Con eyancers, N i fort and Brnsse Inv statonpe,at yea ly. J B.11. BEN80 - T e abovle fi mutual consent. be p id to Mr. itis,,. N v. 27, i876. • Seaforth, BR OT On 0m mission. HERS, r • 1 O THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL �PLEMENT EMPORIUM. • C. WILLSON, Has now on hand Pno RIETOR, hill Stiook of SEWING MACHINES 1 Consisting of the followin Jirds : g - Wanzer C., „ Wilson B., W tnzer F., Lo rise, And 5ther make always in stock. It : s now an aokn wledged fact that the Wanzer series of Sewing Maohineg are ahead cif any in t ' e market, the Wanzer C. being SQMETHING BEAUTIFUL Its pr noipal points of excellence being and roomy space under the arm, the a ity of all its parts ; the principal ones hardened steel; • DFOOT, Barristers,:Solici h, Ontario.—T. T. (marrow . I . 686 A STEEL & CAMERON, Barristers, anoery,' &o., Goderibh, Ont. Philip Holt, M. C. Cam - 506 6 - On bo h sides of the needle';f. a triangn bar, w th oil cup; niokle plated balan Conveyancer and Commis- with 3oee pul ley ; Positive take up ; Wrcueter. Auctioneer and' and notes collected on 366 IS E arrister and Attorney a t Chancery. Commissions r he Province of M ultoba of Hamilton, Wingham . With 1 the or no noise. ' These are so e of the t fi4 to 6i per cent. X633 leading features iri this popular machine. the Iarge jastabil- being of ED ar needle e wheel, TREMELY LIGHT RU NINC , Barristers and Attorney n Chancery and Insolvency Public, etc. Offices—Seal �/ "a 3,000 of Private Frinds to percent. Interest,payable 68 H.W. 0. hlWtE2t. his day been dissolved by accounts due the firm to 3 who will pay all Habil- • Sewi 11 JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER.' M�CAUCH LAW, CHANC Scott's Block, 0 CITO iS f &nada and t in Se forth. Fa m and Keown ands- Money (prilvate fn omit as, at reaso mode ate. bliMo ey invested o est ortgage seoariti the 1 nder. S.G.MoCAJ REY,M & HOLMESTED ND CONVEYANCING FICE, Street, Seaforth. Consolidated 13a z of adieu Bank of Commerce illage Property bgright loaned on mortgage: se. tes of interest. Charge$ rivate persona npop:the ,without any &penes to . F. HOLMES ED Bine Oils and ALWAYS ON HAND. edles g Machines Repai ed on the Shortest Notice AGRI ULTURAL IMPLEM :NTS ! A full Stock of Horse Powei.s, Stra otters, Grain ' ..hers, Sawing Ma es, Boot Cutters, and all : ahinery belonging toll the bcsin; ss. 0. and See Ocr Goods ! Before purchasing e LSON, - - sewhe SE 4RTH. TIE SPRINGANDSUMMER STOCK E- G NOW COMPLETE' HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH ST RE MAIN S'REET, SEAFORTH. WE SHOW ONE .OF THE LARGEST STOOKS OF ER ' GOODS IN TOWN, A nd for Style and Quality we Cannot be Beat, ase Buy and Sell for 'Cash Only. I- CALL IS MOSTESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Agents for E. RUTTERICIK & CA I{DNO' S BLOCK. } o.'s Reliable Patterns for all sorts of Garman ts. HOIj'FMAN BROTHERS, Seaforth. PIANOS ANP�ORGANS. The Very Weld and Most Impertant Announceman t yet made the -fact t"at we have REDUCED THE PRICES In Pia os an'cl Organs, So that all may have an opportunity of enjoying the pleaeures and benefits of a Mimics Instrument,. Through our large and increasing trade we are in a positian to supply pumps from the Best Canadian and Amtrioan Factories, inolading • STEINWAY, CHICKERINd DECKER, WEBER And others too flamer° s. to men ion, at prices and terms that cannot fail to give satisfact.on. The fabulous prices charged for Pianos and Organs in tails locality, previous to our appearance on the scene have bee swept away, and not only low prices but genuine q silty in i struments have been in - DOMINION 0 GAN AND PIANOS, Believing they are eqn I, if -not superior in quality, to any Instrument in the marke Old Instruments t ken in:Exchange. Pianos and rgans to Rent. SEWING We are Agents for the kept in Stock and reduced second-hand Machines, w PHOTOCRAPHI NG OAERIED aymond Sewing Machines, which are n price. We have a number of good will be sold cheap. AND FrICTURE ROAM ON EXTENSIVELY. WADE BRpTHERS, Seaforth. PILLMAN'S CARRIApE WORKS, eEAFO THEY ARE AG/511N TO THE F & 00. BE4 to State to those in want of Buggi is that they have now on hand as good NIVel BUGGIES NEW BUGGIE Of various designs and styles 813 can be foand by themeelvesomed they can consequentl. in any shop west of Toronto. They are warrant thein as tO workmanship and ma t e REPAIRING OF LL KINDS. PrOmptly attended to and neatly and suhstantia executed, and satisfaction gnaran IRMS4 1\1. C31 - We Sr° also prepared to take orders for TrIttrhingVehlelea of all kinds, and can guars nte class jeb at reasonable prices, And bo convinced that we can do better for you t han most other firms in the Trade. RE. d hand. made rial. a first- N.B.—Buggies and Light Waggons made to older if desired. CHANGE 00 BilSINESS. r11111 SA.POIV111-1 POTTIVIDIR.7-„ SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. Having purchased the Seaforth Fo4ndry from John Nopper, we will continue ko keep on hand, at the old stand Ma n Street, Seaforth. a fall assortment of Plows!, Gang Plows, Scuillers, Land Ro ers arid all other Implements in our line: Coltman Crestings, and School, Churc , Garden and iLawn Chairs a specialty. Repaifing promptly and neatly done and satisf tion guaranteed. Give us atrial. ALERTS OHN R. NOPPER.} H ving disposed of my business, I either by note or book account, to call a May, es after that date 1 will place ever Court fo collection. NOPPER BROTHERS. SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. ust call on all those indebted to me, d settle the same before the First of hing in the hands of the Clerk of the JOHN NOPPER. NEW ARRIVALS 0 CI- DRYG eh d Eta ORO - Is Al 8PRING STOOK. t Opening Out the ODS CROCETES, CROCKE ALND HATS offers at pricee that e Goods. cannot be surpass GEOR est of his Spring Stock of Y, SSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, N CAPS, All inds of FARM PRODUCE Taken: Call APRIL 15-, 1881. E3ANKIN HOUSEx OFFICE—In ti‘e premises fortne, ly occupied by Ith,e Bank of -Con.. Hotel, _Main Stireet. NOTES AND BOS DISCOUNTED,. English and Pcimign Exchange Purchased and Solci. FARMERS'5ALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Rates. Drafts Issued, payaNe at par at all ,Branches Of the Batik of Commerce. INTEREST Allowed on Deposita Money to Loan on Mortgages,. Manager awl Proprietor. CHANGE OF BUSINESS MRS. E. WHITNEY, rItsinEs to state to her onstomersand the public that she has disposed of her Tin and Sto Business to her sons, CHAELE8 and GE RGE WHITNEY, who have had the wind. pal harge of the business for several yeara, and she hopes the same liberal patronage will be self or so many years. IN connection with the above the undersigned eg to state that they will continue to keep on hand, st the Old Stand, a full stock of OVES OF ALL. KINDS Ti ware- of Every _Description. We a algo prepared to do Customs ork of _Every Description ortthe rtest 14Totice, and Cheap. Ifa lonsin tinne to th years, ng a, thorough practical knowledge of the ss in ail its branches they hope to OM. he large patronage which has been given old and well-known house for so many HITNEY BROTHERS. N. .—All parties indebted to Mrs. Whitney will please settle their indebtedness vrith her at once, as the new firm •open new books and the old buSiness inust be closed, Parties deairing to settle tan do eo at the store of Whitney Bras: until the &at of October- After that date the secon ts will be put into other hands for col- lection 665 MRS. E. WHITNEY. SE !NG. MACHINES! JAMES WATSON, Dealer in all kinds of First -Class 'Pi SEWING MACHINES. Knitting Machines, Lawn Mowers; Sa Irons, Sewing "'aching Re - pat s, Needles, Oils, Attachments, 4 for the Celebrated WHI E SEWING MACHINE Wlaiela IISs succeeded in taking the First Prize for two years in succession at the Seaforth Fair, over all its competitors. Also 4ent for- the Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Osborne , Wilson, Wanner 0, and anyMachine a mato may want. All Kinds of Sewing Machines Setsand hand Machines taken in exchange es part payMent for New Machines, And Maehinee sold on 4sy monthly payments. tIiatiataction Guaranteed. JAMES WATSON MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. OFFICE—In Campbell's Blook, oppoalte the Mansion Hotel. -618 THE IMPORTED STALLIONS, WILL stand for the improvement of stock T 7 this Beason as follows: Mokday night, at Hensall; Tnesday noon, at Hugh Love's, Town Line Hay and Stanley; Tuesday night, at W. Baker's, Be!,rne; Wednesday, noon at Dashwootia night av Crediton, remaining until noon the next Crediton; :Friday, noon at Robert Th.ovapson's Hotel, Bidalulph, night at Centralia ; SitardsTy noon at Central Hotel, Exeter, night at his own -stable, whore hewill remain till noon the fol- lowing Monday. Health and weather permitting, this route will be commented on Monday, April 25, and eontin- ned regularly during the season. For ternie and other particulars see !nate WILLIS & CARTER, Proprietors. WILL COmmence his Rotite on Monday, April 25, end continue the following route daring the season health and weather permitting Monday, rtOon at Kyle's Hotel, Trickersmith, night at James Davey's, Chieelhurst; Tiles -day, noon at A. Bishop's, Usborne, night at Central Hotel, Exeter, remaining ;until Wednesdaynoon ; Wednesday n*ht at Remain; Thursday, noon at Bracefiel, ght at Alma Hotel, Huron Road; Ptiday, noon at his own stable, where he will re- main until die following Monday morning. For termei le,, see route bills. 696-4 J. H. CARTER, P,roprietOr. trushA ospinitaithemointtowaf; hiasaite edr 18430 rwi e ei a as znholofeadt;diohprbeistage:hjdii to tea, alway4 wore= who, whene kitchen door is tb iThe Habit of I reflaignitioneototi eartuessymaolized tri awe:: t'hoerc:Illsetiva'te wAithi trannnOeSayin7:ilf:0:13:3svatiallloaknieibilisiiett13'tagamirp:i-' neat house which is who nome into it ; ti it count for pore ti housekeepers, who re sua order are thane honie -unless they are to think that some Ne matter content to see to be, but it; 16 a vele mit. "If there as to I house," said the bei let it lie 011 the parlor rather than. be allower the bads and in came sinbecaogroneewrtihehasotihlefogrei There is a great diffei disorderly housekeepe one ; there are ofte why a woman can ROI have her house in the, it way be theme sever that she can not carry this respect. and she of eredit for accepth with equanimity„ espes quently the case, sh obEged to endure the rated a failure ae in reality she is irrepre neatness is concerned.: ly of paramount impd truth sadly forced that life and death wee chargeof what appear , -even unimportant mat Post. Vame On Sunday 3rd hist Catholic Churches in crucifixes, pictures, sta windows were veiled i covering will be kept Easter raRR13 on Holy every ornament is aged the churches dressed —The second suit of better known as the resulted in a disagreena which stood nine for a the plaintiff. Mrs, already spent $10,000 o expresses herdritention defendants has he -en ve promise is theught pro was a dangerous ailtne and said he would live t Transvaal surrender. true or not, there is goo saying that the patient and looke forward with a --A woman was a -Thomas the -other day f private residences and c securing a gold watch a week!. the act -of con and chain taken from a other houee when discs the usual eearch being Ea ing articles were fonnd her person. ; Two gold --An aged lady from gold wa oh, one gold rin ten yard of silk, sOnie several yards of plain some pieoee of lace, a. li and several small trinke called at .eventide a few honse on lot No. 5, near MeGillivaay. On the Ite being replied to by the se, if William Thompsou e packed valise. 14Do yo a daughter Eliza was refer ..“Well, I am your siatei Massachusetts, and we . each other for about 40 Daughter Eliza jumped the family surrounded, a -many surprise perties -..durieg the season there tended with &Leh an a ' hearty, cordial greetings eSsupeeheilislysi,ahgaatindnhontgginincig !they left the banks of the- -A feW•days ago c entered. the photograph -Lucknovv, and looking ar i if this was where they He was answered. in th Ile wanted &likeness tak terson expressed hie *ether Toone he would fin SS, and -that he could fi -as getting things ready. e minutes -elapsed, an pher began to wonder is, rised when Mr. Patten adning his customer so ing impatient, Went to s 1-_,avhieh met- his gaze ma *isibles. There stood th he glass, ila a fixed_ and m utlee waiting in all pati iivord feeraough." He seem i-iakett from the gimes, and our, if the photographer : iserrupted him. The thing ---: tae4to ahwitnay, *huttpi3", --taak i file: 'dame. This is the vere ssvhich govern the operatt ion and nutrition, and by lication of the fine prop