HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-15, Page 5. it t APRIL 1b, 1831. I ► 1'ti� I tl U 1tUlY L:1LkJV JL,1 �i. i '• i e rind of 11876. The deceased Wm. • ' Births. TWALL a 'n reaeivelclf h][aNEISH-rn Molesworth an th'e 7th fust. the i G N O W L E D G M E N o PAPER ,AND BORDERS ! Owe, of Blcldlph, h g wife of Mr. James McNeish o� a son. such injglies in a Queen's Birthday) HA$TIE-At Molesworth, on the 29th alt. the row in ;t Marys as to cause his deathI wife of Mr. M. Hastie of a daughter. Sia weeks afterwards. A verdict was; BELL --In Howick, on the 7th inet., the Wt' , of given for laintiff of $1,500 damages. Mr. James Bell of a son. . CLEGG-=In Gorrie, on the 1st dist., the a of 3[r. Wm. Clegg of a daughter' STOKES -In Goderich, on the 5th inst., the wife Perth Items. i . of Mr. Jacob Stokes of a son. I Dublinhas ties prospect of a resi-I ,KNIGHTS -At the Nile, on the 27th 'alt ,the wife of Mr. 0. Knights of a daughter. dent phy iaian. Dr. Burkhardt ie thea ROUTLEDGE-In west Wawanosh, on the 816t �� i - j ult., the wife of Mr. "T. Routigdge of a so • .-The town of Listowel still g open ill ARMS CRONG-In Hallett, on the 3rd snot,, the I wife of Mr. Charles Armstrong of a son, ,darkness. The gas dont work worth a �� cent. I —Mr. Ohn .Daw, of 'Mitchel has , McDONAGH-MAARTaIN aOnethelbth inst., a the sontraot or twenty wagons for th� residence of the bride's brother, by Ray. A. jgorthwes . I MoLean, Mr. J. A. McDonagh, to Maria, see- . --Elm . Spring Show at Newry last; Carl daughter o1 Mr. Isaac Martin, 1 4f week was well attended. Both visitor SPICER-MA.HON — At the residence of the and stock being present in large numj bride's mother, Exeter, on the 7th ins ., by :fele. ( Rev. Jr. R. Gundy, Mr. Ira H. Spicer, to a $., daughter of Mrs. Mahon, all of Exeter --The I oiler in Mr. Sills' Saw Mill, int TRUEMNER-MITCHELL-On the 2ndine ., at Bogan, burst the other day. Fortunately • the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. no other injury resulted. Loss, abouO W Butcher, Mies -Harriet Mitchell, eldest daughter of Mr. John Mitchell, to Mr. S uel 6600. j . Truemner, all of Stephen. --A London _don lawyer purchased the ( HOOFER-ATHINSON-On the 31st ult., at the lie -Tway hotel at Dublin, whi h wa residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mr. Albert Hooper, to Margaret' Bold by auction on the 2nd fust Tho Jane, second daughter of Mr. Richard A price paidwas $2,850. I son, all of Usborne. - --At the Closing of the se cion ofPARSONS-HEYWOOD--On the 6th inst., at ,Knox Co lege last week, Mr, Jame ` Crediton, by Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mr, onry B. A. Stratford t ok th Parsons, to Minnie, eldest daughter of Mr. Ballantyne, , , John Heywood, all of Usborne. Gillies' scholarship of $40. his i i very ore itable to Mr. Ball utyne ' Deaths. being his irst year in Theology. i LAKE -At Ethel, on the 6th inst., Wil, R., —Mr. Iver, of Hibbert, had a very third son of William and Elikabeth Lake, aged 3 years, 4 months and 21 days. Successful auction sale of farm E tock out McINTOSH-In Brueefield, on the 7th inst. Mr.' - the 6th ir St., preparatory to j oir ing the John McIntosh, aged 65 years. i general stampede to the No hwest; Cows wet sold at from $30 to $ Al' pair Of elves were sold at $40 50 i THE MARKETS. Sheep brought $15 to $18 per pair A; sEAFORTH, April 14, 18 1. heifer brought $41. Everything offer , 1, B,il wheat .....................: 1 05 to 108 ed for sale was disposed of at a better ! Spring Wheat, Fife, perbashel..., 1 08 to 1,14 price th&IL the proprietor expected. ,1 Spring Wheat,Red.Chaff,perbush,. 1 06 to 10 -Last eek s poor pennyless woman, ' Oats per bushel ........... : :. 0 38 to 042 Peaaperbashel...... .... 0 60 to 60 with two children got off the rain at , Barley per bushel........... . 0 60 to 0 70 Stratford station. Her distressed con -i. s Butter,No.l,Loose............. 0 18 to 0 1$ clition att acted the attention f tw Butter Tub .........................'� 0 16 to o 18 the prominent Odd e11ow9 Flour, " ' """"" 0 12 to �� 14 Or three f p G N'lour, per lUO�lbs............. 2 75 to 12 8i5 of the town who happened to be oundd I Hay, new................... 9 00 to 11 00 and lear ing she was friendless an ! Hides, per 100lb.... ............ 5 00 to 7 00 without one the made n arae Sheep skins each.. ..... -, 1 00 to 1 70 y y P P Sait(retail)peruarrel,..... ., 00 and the v Oman was sent to a otel t Salt(wholesale)perbarrel........ 90 rest till next day, when she could resume , Potatoes, per bushel, new....... 0 30 to 0 35 her journey. I 1 Apples, per bag...... ......... 9 30 to I0 40 —Mr. exby, a farmer of Northerry Tai ow, ar 1b.R... ....... o a6 to 5 o6 Illinois, hipped last week from St4 I Timothy Seed per bushel........ 2 76 to 25 Marys se en young horses for w ich b , Clover Seed per baehal........... 4 90 to 26 paid the total sum of $1,275. The . i - ' l j ` CLINTON, April 14, i L were all mere colts, three o therm I Pall Wheat,per bushel............ 1080 (1 10 rising the a years old, Mr. Se by in� I SpringWheat, perbushel......... 108 (0 1 •l0 tends to ] eep these young horse on hi i Oats,per bushol....... I.......... 087 A 0 40 own farm;. He also shipped at the Barley,per bushel ................ a 66 ® �0 Gil same time eight lambs for w ch het I Peae,per bushel ..........: o. 0 BA @y �0 70 g I Batter ............................ 0 18 C4 0 20 paid the dotal Bum of $69. Thy were I Potatoes,new.................... 0 35 ® 0 40 common anadian sheep, cross d with j eyperton.....................l0 00 2 00 improved+ breeds. ; I Clover seed ..................... 4 50 ® 15 00 —About a year ago a Mr. SO'Wden, 4 Timothy Beed .................. 2 75 ® 8 00 wealthy gentleman from. Millbrook, irk Dressed Hogs per 100 Mg........ 7 80A 7 50 the oonuty of Durham, visited Mani: . toba and Ilocated twelve townships on , LIvERPOOL, April 14.— Spring wlheat the little! Sasketchewan, one hundred 9s 02d ; red winter, 9s 09d; white, 98 miles we8t of Winnipeg. On hi returl , 09d ; club, los Od ; oats, 6s 2d ; barley, to Ontari he interested som sixty 5s 3d ; peas, 6s lOd ; pork, 68s Od ; beef, persons iii and about Millbrookin hitt 75s Od ; cheese, 69s Od. scheme, and on Wed--nesday of last week the'party passed throng Strat! TORONTO, April. 14. Fall wheat, 1.07 ford on their way westward. They and to $1.10; spring, $1..12 to $1.20; oats, 42c their possessions filled a go d sized I Peau, 65c to 75c ; barley, 7c Ito train. Each of the settlers take 1 90c ; hay, per ton, $8 00 to $ (�0 ; up 320 &ores of land, and is rovidec� I butter, 17c to 25c ; potatoes per b, 9 with a yoke of oxen and all the imple 65c ; eggs, per doz., 13c to cz.; menta necessary, also with atoll dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $7.50 to wagon, with a canvas Dove�g,ntc hay per ton, $8 to $13.� 7' serve las a sleeping apartment on the . prairies till houses can be rected� SERVANT GIRL WANTED-Wanteli i e - There were only four horses on the distely, a good Servant Girl. Apply to RS. train. Mr, Sowden himself intendd C. CLARSSONI seatorth. - It97 erecting a grist mill. for, the use of thq w ITUATION WANTED -As Hostler, for hotel settlement, and has the machinery K7 or private stable ; middle aged man. i lood with him, also workmen to a ect th � i ref erences. Apply to W. C. CHARTERS, He Ball. building and fit up the machinery. I 1697x2 I is intended to start a brick yard as soon i ppRENTICE WANTED — Wanted i -m di- I as possible. A town has been aid Onto j A ately, an apprentice to learn Dressma i g. l half a mile square, and a free lot is tc I App ly to MISS OLDFIELD, Cardno's 1Qck, i be given to any one -starting � IIaiI3eag { Seaforth. 69 4 there, In fact everything will be done ' P OTATOES FOR BALE -For Sale, 250 b slels t0 render the settlement Inde enders r of Early Rose Potatoes, suitable for a ed; and prosperous. Another cu•ri us fa0 Apply on Lot 84, Concession 5, McKillop JAS. sbout.it yet remains to be told. There DORRAIVCE. 697 A was not a woman in the part 7. A4 i S EED BARLEY -The undersigned has 'f r ale ' the emigrants have. left their farms i I on hie farm. Lot 20 Concession 3 H. . S. T ckersmith quantity of 6 -rowed ed Barle snit- n a an w - q y Y chrg� of 'hair families, and inters I able for need; warranted. clean and free tro foal coming back to Ontario theme lues af- seeds. ROBERT H. CARNOCHAN. 6 7a4 ter they have done a season's ork o . I the prairie. T .B USINESS CHANCE -For Sale in the illage I of Bracefield, the estate of the late Jobn ' 117 cIntosh, comprising Store, Dwelling, &c. Will` I AA ; be sold #b with or without stock of neral ction Sales. ei er w t g I ; merchandise. For price, terms, &c., apply t the Monday, April 18, 1881, at t e Com; store inBrneefield. Rs. JOHN MOIIV OSH ,I mercial Hotel, Bayfield. H useholcl. I BrucefieJd. ° i 697-1, - Furnitn,re'and Hotel Fixtures. Sale t commence at 11 o'clock A. M. Mrs, J� TOWN LOTS FOFt SALE For Sale viz sp.endid Johnston, Proprietress. I building lots on the comer of Railway and J arvis streets, Sesforth. Conveniently and leas - I a ntly located; the best building sites in town. Local Notices. ' W ill besold cheap, eitherin one block orsep rate- - 1 ly. Terms liberal. Apply at Tar Exp smox IN ANTICIPATION of a Large hipmen Offiee, Seaforth.11 697 of Tea from Fugland, we have reduce the price of all Teas in stock 10 cents per pound. HILL NOTICE TO PAINTIZ48-Tenders will be re- Buos. 688 ceived,at the house -of R. H. Knox; t 10, Co neeseion 12, Hallett, until Tuesday, Ap i126, WILSON & YCU*ICx have reCei ed direct from the Refinery, Kontreal, one oar load of $o• for' painting the Presbyterian Manse, odes- - gar, and are now giving extra bars ins in b ore, with two moats riis No. 1 Lead; the do stat - grades of raw and refined sugars. 696' t or to furnish material, find himself, and state i ! h ow much per yard he will do the work for. For WE Buy our Crockery and lasSIN ! P artieuiars apply to R. H. RNbx, Harlon poet direct from the Manufacturers for cash, and �3 office. 697-2 therefore in a position to give our customers OCONTRACTORS=Tenders will be I slued 3 goods at the lowest prices. NlLsox YOUNG 69R I' T by the undersigned until Saturday, Ap+il 23, WILSON & YOUNG have a ful stock 4 lb 81, addressed to Seaforth post office,: for the Field and Garden Seeds, all now, end bougie) . re -erection and repairing o1 the building n the from the most Reliable Seedsmen in tie Domino corner of Main and Market streets ; plans and ion. Righest prices paid for Clover aa A Timoth.' specifications of the work can be seen to the Seed. e98 premises ; the lowest or any tender not ne essar- ily accepted. S. W. CADY. 16)7-2 WOOD Fox�SALI E.—For Sale, any quan tityofgood wood, either short or lc ng. Lolil DAVID MILLAR, Veterinary Surgeon rade- wood, $2 75, at the yard, or $3 25 d livered ate of Ontario Veterinary College, cant b eon - any part of the town. Apply to Ba wx> LL salted on all diseases of domesticated an' als ; �� 696-4 all kinds of Veterinary Medioines conaton ly on WOOL PICKINGS, HIDES AND SKINS.-- I hand ; all calls promptly attended ; eharg mod - I will pay the highest cash pricee fora y quantit E orate; Horses examined as to soundness ; Office,., of wool 0o pickings, Hz Hen •' s de S' t of the P e she King Street, door ear e and tree Heneall one g cal ' y , P skins dei- g , , Ii ar d. s e atm furn't t oro t s 1 Street,i second s ore a 1 H sen Y No ten k or trade, Ouse • Residence Queen , add , , 9 , c uhf C OI everything. th%n . J 6. - .>• max coos a nee. 7 4 ' $. P ItxE est of h Centennial Ho g o the Cerate 654 I I THE ?UNDERSIGNED has for s •le at hi' i _ �_ . _ - BUTTER HE AND WALT CHEESE Storehou8 Pala[ 8 quantity ON , an it f� of good od clean e8n � Y an reLableField Seeds. Farmers is wa T FACTORY—TO MILK DRAWEBB The n of Barley Blmekdustrian Oats, or Spring Wheat, can dei various Routes for drawing Milk for the', ming' pend on getting from me clean seed and at re _ seoson for the Walton Cheese and Batter F ctory sonable prices. Give mo a call. 17 REIIrI, I Will be let by Public Competition at the illage `Seedsman, Seaforth. 696 Of Walton, on Wednesday, the 20th of pril, 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M. The whey for the som-. Noi4CF —Whereas, certain parties i� ing season Will also be sold, either in bulk or in the To , tvrt of 8 I Seal th are Em e e ad all e m time advertising los d at th ea n ., o th da an rad off n e tame for solo Organs and Pianos bearing o r name, R e I and place. LEWIS .M DONALD, President; hereby give notice that said parties aave no at'- I ANDREW MORRISON, Secretary. 697-1 thority whatever from us to sell our i strument` , and would advise all intending l.urch 68M to de4a I IN THEARNA CHEESE MATTER OF THE V with ilit:ssxs, WADI.. BROTIIEzts, of S �aforth wil0 MANUFACTURING COMPANY (in Course are our only authorized agents in and for the of Winding IIs - All persons baving, laims County of Huron. JOHN `4E&LE , Secrots,r-r, against the above company are hereby notified I Dominion Oman and Piano Company- 694 , . to send particulars of the game, with their full HOW To DESK_\, —The elE menta df It Dames and addresses, to the undersigned on or Style, Aesthetically considered, is theadaptation 61 i before t)le 18th day of April next; and all parties coverings forthe human tpoin in snch manner ar t indebtod to the said Company en are toP ath their the garment will nccessariiy carry ou ,the natural claims on or before the said date to thender- g beautieslyin r tinder it and eahau signed. And notice is hereby given the after sm b cot Y a- ding further expression, with the 'd of colo'r, the said date the Liquidators will o proceed to farm and: general harmony. This an only ' distribute tiro Assets of the said CCo any dune by t master hand, and if you wbAl d like 0a mong st theP partiesres entitled thereto, ,avin g regard only to such claims as are the�i before test the ,o suit will an elcgttnt find comfoi•- them. Dated 16th March A. D.1881. J MES 'ably mai O suit will effect on your own form, call SIIAZV, Secretary Vama Cheese Manufacturing at OAK ALL Clothing Establishment, Scafort r, tura There yo can be pleased beyond a doubt. OOmpany, Varna P. 0. WILSON & .YOUNG have reduced We . price of all their Teas, and now offer better vale MARRIAGE LICENSES than can be had from any Grange or Tea Pad: )r in the county. All ive ask now from parties wl o .Is$UED AT have been buying from either Granges r them is ll give .0 a Trial, and r value, cannot gip re E THE H'U'RON EXPOSITOR OF ICE them egnally.ae good, or better value, pe take back the goods and pay them their, move . I . Do rot send your money cut Of townf if You can SEAFORTH, ONTARI do as well or better at home. A laroo lot of ngw Teas just received and more now on 1he road. 693 NIO WITNESSES REQUIRED. 1I 1,:1 I� I i . is � — I I - -! T E I , 'A IES A0F ND EDGE, (AND H SHA i G.4INSA Y THAT AT I I I I ii I ! 1 1 i '; I I I i I I D N A4 1 �& D N; ICA S, SEAFOR H, 1 i � i � i : z� I . . : .I ' 11 OU AN CHET #E B ST jASSORTKENT OF I I i i I: i i t I I N W PR NG AND SUMIIIIIER DRESS GO DS i 1 i 9 11 -1 � � I I I IM er O� rid i this Tow all th sw Shades !of Color and al I���II►su� r I • Prices ever loo Before, I I i i T j ' i` I I D S GOODS T 10 CENTS—Really Good. . P D GOODS T 16 O, NTS—Very New• i i S GOODS T :20 C NTS—The Most Stylish. I - ' I j P S GOODS T 25 C NTS—All Wool. DSR S GOODS T 30 C �VTSI i.--4ely Nobby. i DRESS) GOODS T 35 C �1:1' S- I Jersey Cloths. I� D 5-S GOODS T 40 C 'NTS—The Right. Thil g. I I ;. I I DRE P OODS I FOR LD AND Y NC I., 1 I I I I i AT PR: CES TO ITITi ALL, . I i ' . I I . Baal 021 ' Dress Goods,Del rtr� ent a! Specially. Seg We i I ur T Zvi t r I I e y Ce 1 e� Cooi I `j CIKNO1WLED MENT.' i I I i I{ . I All }rho � a in ted DUNCAN 0 DUNCAN'S Ir Imen a02st of PRINTS' eiciiib ting th roduct�jons oft e M st Celebrated En lash Print ere, a *nowle they have neyerseen such Fine Di playof I - I , .EALiEW A , D DE IRA�.BLE PAW NS - i ll this m"O ' impoations. Prints Brom 5 cents p4r,yardand upwards. Sep our 1 cei it Prin I fits Pah,terneo cel from. j I I � ' I 1 o E'VERYB�I D 1 I' I I �t: DUI;C & DU ; Everyb 'AN'S io�dy is served alik ,' name�y, wells ed. N'Ve do our u most i lease and dive satin �atron to every purchaser. 1 , F �BIGI UN i - I - On IDCAN DUNCAN'S wowBnttone i GLOVES -in all sizes and all shades from 50 'cents per p 1• I ;BIG RUN I i 'i j i I On $ilkiIFRIN E8 in Bla i d Colored.` P gsmentry Trimmings,Black Satin ,Color[ atins. :See Ou Ladi 191 TIES and Net TIES. I -� k i - 1 BIG N IL E OVER 600 PATTERNS, FROM', 5 CENTS PER ROLL UPWARDS. . i I I ; . WINDOW BLIND$ AN! D FIXTURES.. I f o CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES o I 0, �- PAPST, - - - SEAF(DRTH: —,– 1 I THE OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE TC T�3� T'�ON'T_ � I 3 i . arm � s m an - .�' me Come: d See n�, Large � c� ge Stock of Cheese frac tory Milk Cans, Milk Pails and Dishes, :, And Everything Belonging to the 011 e�se and Butter Business. MY- IMPERIAL MEASURES CANNOTBE-BEAT I I 1 1 Fdr Correctness and Quality. 'All First -Class Goods, and s01$ at Lowest Prices. I am not afraid of . the Grangers in competition of Quality and Price. A General Stock of Building Ra�rdware Always on Haid. 1 JO; HN IDD,I Main Street, Seaforth. I; I 'URE DRUGS AND !CHEMICALS, HORSE AN CATTLE MEDICINES { PATENT MEDICINES, I ' DYE STU FS, AND t . , I i DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES; I I I . I I BALL ASSORTME_�VT ALWAYS ON HAND. I I a I_ I �HYSiCIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,- AND I FAMILY RECIPES RECEI IE OUR 'CAREFUL ATTENTION. • t. 11 ORSE AND C AITTL`E MEDICINES I ] $hall Receive our Prompt Care, nd be Comiounded with the Purest Drugs. I 4 I. . I E. HICKSON & Co., Seaforti_1 t. '1 ; THOMA Ki DD, SEAFORTH. I' i i _ I i foil Show for this Month one1.-oj the ;Largest, •Most Corriplete, and Best Selected Stocks of Genuine :D'ry'- Goods, Millinery, ncy d i Goods, .Readynwde Clothing, Gents; _ urni�shingg, Boots and hoes, I Groceries and Liquors Evllr Exhibioe# in Western anItirio. l s 1 . i, TED D` Y RECEIPTS O IMPS . GOODS !, i 1,I if or the last five Weelis have been very large, ' nd my arra gementefor buying in [the Forel wer- k is ar such as are not enjoyed by every home. since I have a Special European Boyer, rma- th the Novelties eat in the market e, whr'keepe me supplied lregularly through the season w all btain ble'in the Britieb 31arlets, customers will find in my several departments everyt ng re - I aired i a bouse, this be ng the Only Genera IR Store in th� Town where every` article in th trade j c n bee ured. i I ! 1 THE FANCY DRESS GOO DEPARTMEN ■ I I I .It a my constant aim to keep We departrent rap to ,aj high state of exeeUcnee, and as a rule I m sn ceasful. Tlis season I show the following- lines : tlOLORED CASHMERES -In these I have Jhe leaing prices, viz., 88 cents; 50 cents, sJO 70 cents. !BLACK CASHMERES -I carry th finest angesEof these Gocde, both Frerch and English makes, at every price. Fancy Mohair Me n love y sbades ; French Delaines, black ancr colored ; � Colored Lustres I claim I have ex= alae, anging in price from 12} cents to 50 cants ; in 841 Brown and Navy Blue I have sorhe vory oe qui t All Wool Plaids. BLACK AND ICOLORED SILKS., I ask tk6 attention of CustcmerR do mY18toek o1 BNick silks, which for Suitability of Make, Excell nce of Vaii,P. at Bcsuty of Sba� de, oilnnot be exd;elled, and ranging inprice from cents to I, 2 5o • Special care bas been taken is the`ealsction of m Colored bilks this season, and y cus- p se y,,wbo hal a already seen them, that: no such valjae has been before offered in the hones, omme sinE in price at 75 cents. j IN BI LACK ANS`` COLORED SATINS —i I have no beFitation in Faying that I have tb Largest Stbok and the Best Valne Procurable in all t hades. See my 76 cent Black Satin, and m Colored from 60 cents a yard up. it M PRINT STOCK, N E EDS NO ADVERTISiN . I1 i,pcaIs frr itself, end it is Frfficient 1'9 say That I have received within the last few w 1650 pieces ; See my 8 cent, 10 cent, 12l cent, 14 qcnt, 15 eentland16 eentlines. Five per cent. discount Rowe for oash on these Goods. om beautiful things in White *uslin lbrrabroideries. .Edgings an In- sertions to ma�ch—Excdlent Value. . THE MILLINERY DEPARTMEN T. 2 is Department I can Eefely sry bas always been e;oncceps, andI feel confident thatth pres- ent this seas ri sipit hasibeen during the last ten:, under tie able • It will b g , 'PLOexception wlln eat, it mar €cn cr+ cf MiFr BigkiLF,and I can con dentlyaddibat no Effort on her part will besp ed to ilvete purchaser entire satisfaction, she kn wingwell that the better the customer is suite athe greater the sneceba of the department. They Stock will be large and the assortment complete, $ t3lej ecmpribing the Latest Doveltiep of Britisbi French and American Goods, selected with the g neat et care and warranted to pleabe. P ices fxtre ely low and discount for cash. I direct Ispecis I attention to the following leading lin s : extr value at 6o cents • Beautiful Large Silk Zanilla fancy -Ccmrcencin at 2fi cents , (� PAR SOLS g i handle, at 76 cents; Extra value in hi h priced p in Silk Parasols; Satin, lace tr' ed, som $1 50 to $5 50 -no such Goode sh wn in Sesfc rth. UNS ADE$ -Everything in Sunshades, commencing w th the eelebratcd Rough and Ready at 15 Sunshade it Cgnads • The New Pores ine as to as 60 beet 25 cent nn P r the , have secured erste - I v ■ en is • Feather Hato from 50 cents up • Sailors, eve style and price- " e end aesa ' cnhixs -in Linen c de Uls ors and C , toil adzes Beqd a rr P ort en 5'm 1DIIS ERS -A fine cab m q : esper than the material can be bongbt for. i EAT ERS -My Stock of Ostrich and Fanep Feathers will be faliy rap to that high stand id to Bich it has heretofore been celebrate, end, I bell e, will ba superior to anything have H et offered. OVE TIES -I have an unusnally large a}id attractive stock of Shapes, Flowers, Oma nents, aces, and everything in Rich Noveltia in Millinery Goods. f CLOT IN AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS. READYMAD N j 6' I i the. 'town, war- hree houses in to .h A much :urger stock of Readymade Ciot Ing than is kept by any t , anted both for fit., dntability and style; Dress Shirts n White, Oxford, FrenehsndEnglgh Cam- D- n Canadian London, Paris and Scarfs in Londe P les •Ties rad Sca f leading s , and Cuffs in all the d ::are n g . irics; Co] III- old in the H use of t ck ever h 'frac complete ase rtm eat • T e largests o d erchre '1k Hank , .II hap e • Sr P - d a particularly r desirable being 11 this nglfe ,Ami riean and Canadian Felt Hats hose Goo are t 1y , g season' manufacture, and at prices Which are undoubte y right. I A MONSTER STOOK .OF B OTS AND SHOES. I Me `Q, Wom en's. Boys',IMisces' and Chi] rev's Shoes, in all sizes and kinds, suitable or the S om in 'season, - -which for quality and price invite comm. . Is GROOERIE AND LIQUORS I or a visa , fully arEOlted. 9�9- Let isnot be, forgotten that I slwaya keep the best TEAS at th Qwest figures. _ I . T OMAIS $,IDI), SEAFORT! . I I _ . i i 'I i I 1 - { I I I . :. i I/ f 4 3 IL i - -_ __ ,I ` , . - ."¢: . 45 Z W ", ) > ` , Q t : : F . i O ; I 0 o77 p p A ; I I . -'3• --- - - - —�-_ ' . _ , . 1; 8 � p H _ �- z7 m I t-, 0 et d 0 �' 9 ov I ID a ; g � 0' >; . Cr 'e a r I_ . t x I " f� C �! W ,/ '3 o . 0 : Cl i s I rr o - to m_ i me a'A 9 N Wit; W '. Z ?,, ,+ ' rY►j -I ." p C. ii; ' m o m P. } Z O ts CD- p � oil ` � _! is ira M i.Z '4 I a m m o s-- ' w N. W R E FOVQ 0 P I�- Z is � m 0 m tr ' �. 1 tL cT 0 y X g-! Iwo o 13 d N Q I� s 4 M m iP n 0 O H - `° ® o I a •- — m i . P ` R8 W ��Xp � td g Ir t ttj -4 i .. � V 4 ,., O � I ic .� 5\,,,d Pt , 3 >`-- o n - m " o `d � }s p ::� � t�� Ma: _m� 1 o - Y . IT W; g ti I . a I �'m m 13 cr- ' Or h� r" 15 � y , G M P �� " R 0 � t � p , sv d O O -S i - • g. - m we i h o B a I— M FA I K .� . - aq 'n 3 Z "IV p M Q ITS a ; 0� W — 8-Pi >y & ". ,'ys p CD n 11 m m int '. ., . i. j .,, �.... :o 4 m F_ N r 9 z M 0 m M I- d f `� xi o /!� M 0LM 1.6 sil o "' s5 .1 n 0) I wta � .0- I 'd m P a o ..Ell e ,)p i Nr K zI la a c w LZ M to 11.o a i %± U 8- N tr - THE PURE BRED CLYDESDALE ' STALLION, I `` COUNT CARELESS." i ... 44L!. . THE roperty of Peter Modregor, of Bruce- fiei ,will stand for the im.revenient of stock this -fe�son as fo;Iows : On Monday, April 25, he will lea`�e him own stable and proceed to Clinton, -.: at Rutt+nbury'a Hotel, fnr the night; Tuesday, will ret#n to Brneefield by the 2nd concession of Staley; Wednesday, along the 2nd cones - cions oil Stanley and Hey to Hensall, remaining until Vida morn' ids will return home morning. Fr y g Jb d h along the London Boa , who e e 'viii remair, until the following Monday 141 ruing. . For f�irther particulars see ruts bills. THE lure Bred Clydesdale dolt, Count Care. lee , is a bright bay, foalgd May, I ',and was bx d by the Marquis of Londonderry, at Seaha Harbor, near $nnderIiand; Count Care - 11 less, br�411, t bay (1421) was got !by the urlebratecl horse,at Care 31,(-912); Sirs of What 0are 1, Prince: Wades 678; Connt0 relessisoutof'the celebra ed prize mare Count {448) ,by Loch- fergns °Champion - for furt er pedigree see Clydesdale Stud Book. ConnCareloss gained : the following premiums in 1879 r Drat for the County of Dunbarton, and 8tst at the Royal -- AgriculT,ural Society's Show, iheld at Biiburnt . onj; and in 18M he was agpin first at the ' County I of Dumbarton, first at Paisley for the Conntyof Renlrew, and at Cialyle Rolm E4 - fish :So'! -ety'e Meeting he was third; he took I second rite of the Ontario I revincfal Exhibi- tion, held at Hamilton in 1880,1and second at the Wastem Fair, London, in the tame year. 697 MOIRTGAGE SALE i.1 Of that Magnificent Hotel Pr�perty known as• THEUEEN'S HO�"EL Q IN TH� TOWN OF sEAFORTH, IN THE I COUNTY OF B ON. --� ii �J' ND R and by virtue of the power of sale c ntairied in a certain r(gistered mortgage dst ed # e 16th day of Dettembeir, A. D-1876, and me de y one Thomas Stephen and wile to the Ve ndops, will be sold by Publia.Auction by James _ Ho w s , Esq., . Auctioneer, o4 tho pfamises in the sal -Town of Seaforth, on; i ' TH DftSDA >f, APRIL 28, 1881, At 1:30 o'clock P. M., the ifoilowing freehold property, namely: Lot number 1 as marked on . _ a planv)f part of the said Towriof t3eaforth,made for George Sperling and. Rejistered, And :also that portion of Lot number 2�s marked on the said p.4n, described as folio s, commencing :at the soutth-westerly corner of 4aid Lot umber 2, thence :easterly along Goderi4h Street 67 links,. thence I mortherly 167 links, ::thence westerly to the nov th-west corner of said, Lot number 2 57 links, thence southerly to the! place of begianing Lf v desirable lin° e. T a e 167property is ' situ. veryP P ty si s on he corner of Main anGo is derich Stzeets 'having frontage on Mai ha r g g n S' rest of about 109 feet, an running along God�rich Street about 1b7 fe t. It ocenpies :a ee'tral position, and Comm d a a first elses Comigarcial custom. The baitdin i e 96x67 feet, 8 storigs -high, with slate and it mansardioof;and s lendid stone base- ment aijid cellarage. This icon of the finest Hotels In the County. The , use contains all the latost conveniences and improvements suit- " able to a first-class hotel. Tlrere is also on the �1 d rams table is f the bolsi a o f s rem s s an rear o i : go P � - size 4080 feet. . Terngs and conditions will ire mase knOwn at 1 time of sale, or may be ascertained on -applies- tion to HARRIS, IkAHEE & Co., -Vendors' Soliditors, London, tint. MR. JIMEt3 HOWSO , ' ; Auctioneer, Clinton, bnt, 697-2 zUICH SAS MILS — -I- ,f HENRY'tyOOK t G rebus: and re Zurich Saw ' fit d tire. tiuno W AY` 11`i and ha splendid, 4I 1, having fir a lj► a supplyol aple w e 1- Logs, now used o f h g, s P I LU iVf II BSER OF iN Y KI ND On Iha shortest notice and heap. A good. _stock of P&NE. always on hand.I Shingles, and Fencing a -Ad Draining Lulab#r kept constantly on hand, alelo Stock Lumber. e Remember the Zurich �aw Mill, where soil can b served as well as cheap u any othax plaee . n the County. i 697-4 HENRY I COOK, Proprietor ; . • I 1 - '. j I�- I I ' __.. _. _ .. . . } i OnUN Sikes; AN do D La I 11 CAN'S Tassels' and Cord, *e Stock of,Real Laces in Black Black and Colored, Pfsamentry d White, All the New Styles slid Ornament eo i logs an ices in! St k1 I , - I ' i i 131- i 1 RUN 'I,I DON f FORGET IT ! 1 i17I 1 i i On 'QNC �4 DUN40 "S 411 ve and H osis i Department I T Ask DUN at DUN 'S for New Ribbons. to see Good' Usefr�I and Ch P Embroideries from 8 bents per y d rap. j CI [o UNC Por,theLargs Stan( Beet 8 of Corsets in Town. i I f You ont E 'Stylish Suit of Clai �. I i f f You Want a Good I'iltbig Suit i I of Mthes# . • F I f You � a' nt a Cheap szgit of Clothe,, I : i I .. i i UN 3 I I AN & DUNCAIV. S IS THE $ OTS. i WJ I Gat tee e I, i I ��I a our Clothing to be a Good Fit and the Latest Styles. 0.11110 o1 the Town. Lar e'. ' _tocks; of CO CH TWf DS ever sh Stock is I wn in 1�"See o' BLA and New. West of ngland Tieeds N h r WB E . InCOATING our Itook Canadian arge weds from 40 cents per y up. ' ine Pants argo of Worsteds. II i' I I i :_ 4— N'S HADD HAT'S i i i i New Styles. I . I1 ' a f EN'S SOT HATS i 'All Styles. Bi YS' AN YOUTH 'FELTS—Very dobby. • I We,only as an lfL�speation�of i� t - �k. O our at Stoc Men's Felts from 5 0 cents and 'took 18 e and many! lines war � 1� y. 0 bong] � ;low riegnl r rices.' upwards. I I I ._ ' I i I 1. B IGT AND SHOES, I A FULL STOCK. i 1 u c N I I N _( D G AN IMPORTERS, u it S ARO E RT H F I c S1' ' FOVHLAX ILLS. , F THE PEOPLE OF SEAIFORT �T I Lv c WIT useq e TA t loss late fie and the . ustained by the estrnation I AND Viol ITY. if his, order p igne a i d a l dete ge quantity of material, ined to go into the ! [the Flax I , ,IRA 1V1 D i •� G O inein es th ami Y1. season more extensively ive] Lan ev He iprepared or. t I it m re a 'ca�tione o nerve lr X. t O an • Ou ace to th � 'that he h�s ]eased and ec le of P P tted rap th oaf r $ O comm trties ther dee, y th o stirs e to or a grow this prof, able crop, ;the ton and will give the + dl er + a store between Murphys Grocery , Hardware stores here he ken s Ha , d Ro keep a ry b et xi ab to rat 6 s. scree. H e ee r s to sec n this sea ie -I' th " -lines of ' season lull Any 'e arta qua in t tidy d" of to Pod clean see4 on hand. dcrw make a liaa-" MISTERS, TERS FRUITS r f on ad He som filet a 1 B pose, ell h should PP e. ` mill to a salt bl0Person , I I CONFE TIO ER) a res onab o arms,.' 1,7OHN BE "LTTE. A � everything in that lin ; also TO ACCO M EY ` , TO LO/�iI'd. CIGARS, Fr PIPES, dce, His $tock is Ah, and he will do his ve best t , Nsw ai lease 1 Any %tee df amo int no refit, i m on b reasonable ey to Loan o Lr ood farm seeun y. en tmers. !ysters served on the promises, h t r cold, OFI�IICE=Canadii L Bank of Com orce Build s&lied in bulk. Give him a call. age, $eaforth. I JOHN BEgTTIE. I , RAM��AOON IL E OVER 600 PATTERNS, FROM', 5 CENTS PER ROLL UPWARDS. . i I I ; . WINDOW BLIND$ AN! D FIXTURES.. I f o CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES o I 0, �- PAPST, - - - SEAF(DRTH: —,– 1 I THE OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE TC T�3� T'�ON'T_ � I 3 i . arm � s m an - .�' me Come: d See n�, Large � c� ge Stock of Cheese frac tory Milk Cans, Milk Pails and Dishes, :, And Everything Belonging to the 011 e�se and Butter Business. MY- IMPERIAL MEASURES CANNOTBE-BEAT I I 1 1 Fdr Correctness and Quality. 'All First -Class Goods, and s01$ at Lowest Prices. I am not afraid of . the Grangers in competition of Quality and Price. A General Stock of Building Ra�rdware Always on Haid. 1 JO; HN IDD,I Main Street, Seaforth. I; I 'URE DRUGS AND !CHEMICALS, HORSE AN CATTLE MEDICINES { PATENT MEDICINES, I ' DYE STU FS, AND t . , I i DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES; I I I . I I BALL ASSORTME_�VT ALWAYS ON HAND. I I a I_ I �HYSiCIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,- AND I FAMILY RECIPES RECEI IE OUR 'CAREFUL ATTENTION. • t. 11 ORSE AND C AITTL`E MEDICINES I ] $hall Receive our Prompt Care, nd be Comiounded with the Purest Drugs. I 4 I. . I E. HICKSON & Co., Seaforti_1 t. '1 ; THOMA Ki DD, SEAFORTH. I' i i _ I i foil Show for this Month one1.-oj the ;Largest, •Most Corriplete, and Best Selected Stocks of Genuine :D'ry'- Goods, Millinery, ncy d i Goods, .Readynwde Clothing, Gents; _ urni�shingg, Boots and hoes, I Groceries and Liquors Evllr Exhibioe# in Western anItirio. l s 1 . i, TED D` Y RECEIPTS O IMPS . GOODS !, i 1,I if or the last five Weelis have been very large, ' nd my arra gementefor buying in [the Forel wer- k is ar such as are not enjoyed by every home. since I have a Special European Boyer, rma- th the Novelties eat in the market e, whr'keepe me supplied lregularly through the season w all btain ble'in the Britieb 31arlets, customers will find in my several departments everyt ng re - I aired i a bouse, this be ng the Only Genera IR Store in th� Town where every` article in th trade j c n bee ured. i I ! 1 THE FANCY DRESS GOO DEPARTMEN ■ I I I .It a my constant aim to keep We departrent rap to ,aj high state of exeeUcnee, and as a rule I m sn ceasful. Tlis season I show the following- lines : tlOLORED CASHMERES -In these I have Jhe leaing prices, viz., 88 cents; 50 cents, sJO 70 cents. !BLACK CASHMERES -I carry th finest angesEof these Gocde, both Frerch and English makes, at every price. Fancy Mohair Me n love y sbades ; French Delaines, black ancr colored ; � Colored Lustres I claim I have ex= alae, anging in price from 12} cents to 50 cants ; in 841 Brown and Navy Blue I have sorhe vory oe qui t All Wool Plaids. BLACK AND ICOLORED SILKS., I ask tk6 attention of CustcmerR do mY18toek o1 BNick silks, which for Suitability of Make, Excell nce of Vaii,P. at Bcsuty of Sba� de, oilnnot be exd;elled, and ranging inprice from cents to I, 2 5o • Special care bas been taken is the`ealsction of m Colored bilks this season, and y cus- p se y,,wbo hal a already seen them, that: no such valjae has been before offered in the hones, omme sinE in price at 75 cents. j IN BI LACK ANS`` COLORED SATINS —i I have no beFitation in Faying that I have tb Largest Stbok and the Best Valne Procurable in all t hades. See my 76 cent Black Satin, and m Colored from 60 cents a yard up. it M PRINT STOCK, N E EDS NO ADVERTISiN . I1 i,pcaIs frr itself, end it is Frfficient 1'9 say That I have received within the last few w 1650 pieces ; See my 8 cent, 10 cent, 12l cent, 14 qcnt, 15 eentland16 eentlines. Five per cent. discount Rowe for oash on these Goods. om beautiful things in White *uslin lbrrabroideries. .Edgings an In- sertions to ma�ch—Excdlent Value. . THE MILLINERY DEPARTMEN T. 2 is Department I can Eefely sry bas always been e;oncceps, andI feel confident thatth pres- ent this seas ri sipit hasibeen during the last ten:, under tie able • It will b g , 'PLOexception wlln eat, it mar €cn cr+ cf MiFr BigkiLF,and I can con dentlyaddibat no Effort on her part will besp ed to ilvete purchaser entire satisfaction, she kn wingwell that the better the customer is suite athe greater the sneceba of the department. They Stock will be large and the assortment complete, $ t3lej ecmpribing the Latest Doveltiep of Britisbi French and American Goods, selected with the g neat et care and warranted to pleabe. P ices fxtre ely low and discount for cash. I direct Ispecis I attention to the following leading lin s : extr value at 6o cents • Beautiful Large Silk Zanilla fancy -Ccmrcencin at 2fi cents , (� PAR SOLS g i handle, at 76 cents; Extra value in hi h priced p in Silk Parasols; Satin, lace tr' ed, som $1 50 to $5 50 -no such Goode sh wn in Sesfc rth. UNS ADE$ -Everything in Sunshades, commencing w th the eelebratcd Rough and Ready at 15 Sunshade it Cgnads • The New Pores ine as to as 60 beet 25 cent nn P r the , have secured erste - I v ■ en is • Feather Hato from 50 cents up • Sailors, eve style and price- " e end aesa ' cnhixs -in Linen c de Uls ors and C , toil adzes Beqd a rr P ort en 5'm 1DIIS ERS -A fine cab m q : esper than the material can be bongbt for. i EAT ERS -My Stock of Ostrich and Fanep Feathers will be faliy rap to that high stand id to Bich it has heretofore been celebrate, end, I bell e, will ba superior to anything have H et offered. OVE TIES -I have an unusnally large a}id attractive stock of Shapes, Flowers, Oma nents, aces, and everything in Rich Noveltia in Millinery Goods. f CLOT IN AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS. READYMAD N j 6' I i the. 'town, war- hree houses in to .h A much :urger stock of Readymade Ciot Ing than is kept by any t , anted both for fit., dntability and style; Dress Shirts n White, Oxford, FrenehsndEnglgh Cam- D- n Canadian London, Paris and Scarfs in Londe P les •Ties rad Sca f leading s , and Cuffs in all the d ::are n g . irics; Co] III- old in the H use of t ck ever h 'frac complete ase rtm eat • T e largests o d erchre '1k Hank , .II hap e • Sr P - d a particularly r desirable being 11 this nglfe ,Ami riean and Canadian Felt Hats hose Goo are t 1y , g season' manufacture, and at prices Which are undoubte y right. I A MONSTER STOOK .OF B OTS AND SHOES. I Me `Q, Wom en's. Boys',IMisces' and Chi] rev's Shoes, in all sizes and kinds, suitable or the S om in 'season, - -which for quality and price invite comm. . Is GROOERIE AND LIQUORS I or a visa , fully arEOlted. 9�9- Let isnot be, forgotten that I slwaya keep the best TEAS at th Qwest figures. _ I . T OMAIS $,IDI), SEAFORT! . I I _ . i i 'I i I 1 - { I I I . :. i I/ f 4 3 IL i - -_ __ ,I ` , . - ."¢: . 45 Z W ", ) > ` , Q t : : F . i O ; I 0 o77 p p A ; I I . -'3• --- - - - —�-_ ' . _ , . 1; 8 � p H _ �- z7 m I t-, 0 et d 0 �' 9 ov I ID a ; g � 0' >; . Cr 'e a r I_ . t x I " f� C �! W ,/ '3 o . 0 : Cl i s I rr o - to m_ i me a'A 9 N Wit; W '. Z ?,, ,+ ' rY►j -I ." p C. ii; ' m o m P. } Z O ts CD- p � oil ` � _! is ira M i.Z '4 I a m m o s-- ' w N. W R E FOVQ 0 P I�- Z is � m 0 m tr ' �. 1 tL cT 0 y X g-! Iwo o 13 d N Q I� s 4 M m iP n 0 O H - `° ® o I a •- — m i . P ` R8 W ��Xp � td g Ir t ttj -4 i .. � V 4 ,., O � I ic .� 5\,,,d Pt , 3 >`-- o n - m " o `d � }s p ::� � t�� Ma: _m� 1 o - Y . IT W; g ti I . a I �'m m 13 cr- ' Or h� r" 15 � y , G M P �� " R 0 � t � p , sv d O O -S i - • g. - m we i h o B a I— M FA I K .� . - aq 'n 3 Z "IV p M Q ITS a ; 0� W — 8-Pi >y & ". ,'ys p CD n 11 m m int '. ., . i. j .,, �.... :o 4 m F_ N r 9 z M 0 m M I- d f `� xi o /!� M 0LM 1.6 sil o "' s5 .1 n 0) I wta � .0- I 'd m P a o ..Ell e ,)p i Nr K zI la a c w LZ M to 11.o a i %± U 8- N tr - THE PURE BRED CLYDESDALE ' STALLION, I `` COUNT CARELESS." i ... 44L!. . THE roperty of Peter Modregor, of Bruce- fiei ,will stand for the im.revenient of stock this -fe�son as fo;Iows : On Monday, April 25, he will lea`�e him own stable and proceed to Clinton, -.: at Rutt+nbury'a Hotel, fnr the night; Tuesday, will ret#n to Brneefield by the 2nd concession of Staley; Wednesday, along the 2nd cones - cions oil Stanley and Hey to Hensall, remaining until Vida morn' ids will return home morning. Fr y g Jb d h along the London Boa , who e e 'viii remair, until the following Monday 141 ruing. . For f�irther particulars see ruts bills. THE lure Bred Clydesdale dolt, Count Care. lee , is a bright bay, foalgd May, I ',and was bx d by the Marquis of Londonderry, at Seaha Harbor, near $nnderIiand; Count Care - 11 less, br�411, t bay (1421) was got !by the urlebratecl horse,at Care 31,(-912); Sirs of What 0are 1, Prince: Wades 678; Connt0 relessisoutof'the celebra ed prize mare Count {448) ,by Loch- fergns °Champion - for furt er pedigree see Clydesdale Stud Book. ConnCareloss gained : the following premiums in 1879 r Drat for the County of Dunbarton, and 8tst at the Royal -- AgriculT,ural Society's Show, iheld at Biiburnt . onj; and in 18M he was agpin first at the ' County I of Dumbarton, first at Paisley for the Conntyof Renlrew, and at Cialyle Rolm E4 - fish :So'! -ety'e Meeting he was third; he took I second rite of the Ontario I revincfal Exhibi- tion, held at Hamilton in 1880,1and second at the Wastem Fair, London, in the tame year. 697 MOIRTGAGE SALE i.1 Of that Magnificent Hotel Pr�perty known as• THEUEEN'S HO�"EL Q IN TH� TOWN OF sEAFORTH, IN THE I COUNTY OF B ON. --� ii �J' ND R and by virtue of the power of sale c ntairied in a certain r(gistered mortgage dst ed # e 16th day of Dettembeir, A. D-1876, and me de y one Thomas Stephen and wile to the Ve ndops, will be sold by Publia.Auction by James _ Ho w s , Esq., . Auctioneer, o4 tho pfamises in the sal -Town of Seaforth, on; i ' TH DftSDA >f, APRIL 28, 1881, At 1:30 o'clock P. M., the ifoilowing freehold property, namely: Lot number 1 as marked on . _ a planv)f part of the said Towriof t3eaforth,made for George Sperling and. Rejistered, And :also that portion of Lot number 2�s marked on the said p.4n, described as folio s, commencing :at the soutth-westerly corner of 4aid Lot umber 2, thence :easterly along Goderi4h Street 67 links,. thence I mortherly 167 links, ::thence westerly to the nov th-west corner of said, Lot number 2 57 links, thence southerly to the! place of begianing Lf v desirable lin° e. T a e 167property is ' situ. veryP P ty si s on he corner of Main anGo is derich Stzeets 'having frontage on Mai ha r g g n S' rest of about 109 feet, an running along God�rich Street about 1b7 fe t. It ocenpies :a ee'tral position, and Comm d a a first elses Comigarcial custom. The baitdin i e 96x67 feet, 8 storigs -high, with slate and it mansardioof;and s lendid stone base- ment aijid cellarage. This icon of the finest Hotels In the County. The , use contains all the latost conveniences and improvements suit- " able to a first-class hotel. Tlrere is also on the �1 d rams table is f the bolsi a o f s rem s s an rear o i : go P � - size 4080 feet. . Terngs and conditions will ire mase knOwn at 1 time of sale, or may be ascertained on -applies- tion to HARRIS, IkAHEE & Co., -Vendors' Soliditors, London, tint. MR. JIMEt3 HOWSO , ' ; Auctioneer, Clinton, bnt, 697-2 zUICH SAS MILS — -I- ,f HENRY'tyOOK t G rebus: and re Zurich Saw ' fit d tire. tiuno W AY` 11`i and ha splendid, 4I 1, having fir a lj► a supplyol aple w e 1- Logs, now used o f h g, s P I LU iVf II BSER OF iN Y KI ND On Iha shortest notice and heap. A good. _stock of P&NE. always on hand.I Shingles, and Fencing a -Ad Draining Lulab#r kept constantly on hand, alelo Stock Lumber. e Remember the Zurich �aw Mill, where soil can b served as well as cheap u any othax plaee . n the County. i 697-4 HENRY I COOK, Proprietor ; . • I 1 - '. j I�- I I ' __.. _. _ .. . . } i