HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-15, Page 3kOK,. 4" Juk, 1/0 ha* Tools mid the God. iPanY, and at yeare. in a the trade_ ;re prompt a, iired, also at retie er aired ou defy come 7:JR, r,deriet., raiiA ,,,th-Nvest kRKET, kid Of :the most Strgar iced Beet n, Spaced F.e bought kPEF? ecttred in parties to ..`ieverad there will Drth. AR , I [1TH kfirada tifies, Re - Goods in At be bas . Roberts' ro'e Hall, All kinds az, Revel. Iate, &c. wing Mae takatee, ri-paired. ver. All work ded to on aforttr. araerous for their ears, and nation, to trade in is prem- ed totpay RICE lelivered 1TH. eood dry ;ON roRy.. o Order, e, ling. - :lin their Nu bud - both as ,nnot be cte. Iva us a `er you as leaving !arta AER. Henry Nicinity reeneral 0-ity, we U give and. to Mariner. et, Gut - kept on p. teed or 'Ams. Yestern :ight at y to tralia, ter. in all rroonT Write tiers to .ention Ivey- • extra :urges It , first 673 Ssd and -"DON tides, ear : ettru• ketb APRIL .15, 181. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 3 Township Councils. STANLEY.-Parstiartt to adjournment the Council met on the 2nd inst. the members present. Moved by Ge Castle, seconded by Peter Douglas, th all gravel accounts be sent in and. pa at the December meeting of Council Carried. Moved by John TinTance, seconded by John McKinley, that the following be the sums apportioned for the improvement of the several lines in this township for the present year: London road, $40; 2nd and 3rd concek- talons, $110; 4th and 5,th concessiOns, $100 ; 6tti and 7th concessions, 90;$ 10th and 11th concessions, 0110 ; 12th and 13th concessions, i10;$Sauble line, $140 ; B. R. E., 90;$ B. R. W. *40 -Carried. Moved by Geo. Castle, seconded by John Torrance, that John McKinley and Peter Douglas be author- ized to let a job of moving fence and widening road on side line between Brownson and Goshen lines-Carriecl. The Council adjourned to meet on the 28th May at 10 o'clock a. ra. &rear -Council met at Tuck's Hotel, Cranbrook, onlMarch 26th, pursuant to adjournment. Thomas Clark applied for aid for himself and wife, stating they were very old and in indigent cir- cumstances. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Edward Bryans, that $5 be granted to Thomas Clark as charitY, and that the Clerk notify his son, Geo. Clark, that, when a petition- having been presented to the COUnoil last No- vember, praying for aid to his father and mother, he promised to support them along with his brother John, the -Council now regret that he has failed to do so and are under the necessity of extending aid to them -Carried. The Treaarirer's bond was read and fou-nd. satisfactory. A. McNair's account fo $5.10, recommended $2,10 be paid. Ap- plication of Hiram White to be allowed to perform statute labor in No- 1, °our cession i0, -instead of beat -No. 5. Ap'- plication granted. The auditors' re- port was laid before the Board. The accounts were examined and finallY audited by the Council. The auditors were granted a debenture of $10 each for their services. Widow Rolland was granted $8. for charity. The followin path!masters, fenceviewers and pound keepers were appointed. : Pathmaster -Elijah Jacklin, Demean. McTavish; Jos. Armstrong, James Murray, David Stewart, Samuel McGeorge, Andrea, Simpson, Wm. White, Andrew Cowani Atch.d. McDonald, John McDonald, Wm. Brown, 011.8A. Cousins, Hugh Mdi Kea, Wm. Hogg, Hector McQuarrie; Jos. Rayiaard, John McCartney, An-, drew Brerauer, Hagh McNeil, David Dunbar, J. Sample, Traeman Smith Wm. Bishop, Geo. Welsh, Robert Rose Robert Ross, R. Bennett, John Cardiff Hugh Lamont, Hugh McKinnon, John Lamont, John ()ober, Wm. Elliott,: Michael Keffer, Win. Stevenson, D.' Dobson, Michael Ziramers, John Hut - huger, Robt. Brown, Thomas Pierce, Wm. Bell, John K. Baker, John Slem- mon, Philip Botz, Adam Angus, Geo. Dark, Duncan McDonald, John Carne Ewan, Authouy Rayin.atin, Richard Cox.,! Adam Schaffer, Thos. Hislop, Frank Bradley, John Robertson, Peter bin - Glair, Valentine Stress, John McNeil, Luker Speirala, Thos. Harbottle,- Peter Watson, John Bachanan, James Doug-, las, Wm. Fulton, Sr., John McTaggart, Alex. McKay, David Campbell, Thos.1 Williamson, Thos. Johnston, Wm. Mc- Allister, Wm. Smith, J. Hewettrjames: Dudley. Fenceviewers - Alex. Ross, James Turnbull, Robert Brown, Mal- colm Lamont, , David Wilson, George; Welsh, Robt. Martin, Philip Botz, Peter, McDonald, Wm. Fulton, Hartwell Speiran, Geo. Avery, John White -field, James Oliver, Robert Brown. Pound - keepers - Thomas McE wen, Robt.. Gathers, John Robertson, Anthony Eg- ger, Hartwell Speiran, Thos. Turnbull, Wna. King, Win. Beirnes and Adam Schaffer. The following accounts were presented ond paid: Hart & Rawlin- sou, Harrison's Municipal Manual and postage 7.14;$ E. Garrow, lumber for bridge, $3; A. McNair, trip to Brussels and postage, $2 ; Robt. Brown, payment - in full for gravelling at lot 32, conces- sion 14 ; James Livingstone, salary as auditor, $10; Alex. Stewart, salary as auditor, $10; Wm. Bishop, account of salary as assessor, 60;$Thos.Strachan,' going to Goderiah on township business, $4. On motion, the Council adjourned to meet again at Robertson's Hotel, Ethel, on. Thursday, the 36th of May. next as Court of Revision. Hutexaa.---The Council met on the, 4th inst. All the members present. It was moved by J. HOWeeall and seconded by J. Lazhatia, that J. McMillan and J. Britton be appointed to make the best arrangements they 011.11 for the support, of Robert Rands, and indigent old man -Curia Moved by J. Britton, sec- onded by J. Howson, that the acconnt of the Toronto Gemeral Hospital of: *8.80, for maintenanCe and treatment of Ann Cronan, deceased, be paid -Car- ried. Moved by J. Howson, seconded, by J. La.shaoa, that Wan. Brigham be paid $4 for taking down his fence to prevent snow drifts on S. R. 25 and 26,. concession 11 -Carried. Moved by J. Mason, seoonded by J. Lasham, that. th-Clerk be instructed to write to: trauma Fowler, lot 1, concession 1, re-: queeting him to repair road opposite his lot, injured by obstruction of water-'; course by his &Overt -Carried. A by-; law was theu read and. passed appoint -I ing the following persons township offi- cers for the next current year, viz.: Pathmastera-Chris. Dale, Sr., Robert Irving, Wm. Holland, Robert Sly, John Shipley, Thos. McMichael, Josiah Ir- ving, Francis Retitle, Wm. Monk, Jas. Walkinshaw, John Brintuell, Bayley, John Kilty, Wra. Peskett, Gil- bert MoMichael, Wm. Rion, James St. John, John Reynolds, Jr., Short John Reynolds, Jas. Reynolds, Thos. Hill, Thos. Farquhar, Geo. Brown, James Suell, Geo. Bowes. Chris. Dale, Jr., W.ua. Leach, Sohn. 11. Medd, Thomas Quigley, Thos. I3rown, Thos. 13iel1ey, Thos. Fear, Geo. Crossraan, Wm. Mc-, Brien, Wm. Lawrie, Richard Anderson, Jas. Mann, Francis Crich, John Carter, Jelin Aliso, Robt. Carter, Angus Mc- Berrall, Wm, Weymouth, John Mason, ;las. MeCool, Geo. Snell, Jas. Cunning- ham, Robt. Smith, John Rapson, Ceo. Allen, -Wm. Best, Jas. Grasby, Gavin Hamilton, Thos. Moon, Jas. Caldwell, Robt. Scott, John Brunsdon, Richard Barkwell, Hugh Radford, Jr., John Mainaiug, Wm. Morris, John Govier, Richard Waite, Wm. Smith, Peter , Hettle, Alex, Watt, Sr., Walter Riddle, Nicholas Cuming, John Brown, Francis Little, John Claming, John Garrett enry Cottle, Jas. Shoobrook, Wm. Grainger, Robt. Robertson, Timothy Nolan, John McGavin, John Watt, Sr., Jas. Wells, John Young, Jas. H. Young, John Brigham, Jas. Fraser, Geo. Col- lison Jas. Parr, Thos. Robertson, Au- gust Col- lison, Robt. Bruce, Henry Far- row, Jas. Armstrong, Andrew MeDon- ald, Hezekiah Andrew, Robt. Miller, Jonathan McBrien, John Govier, Robt. Sprung, Eneas Elkin, Samuel Caldwell, Geo. Youngblut, Hugh Mc - Brien. Fenceviewers -- John Shipley, Daniel Shanahan, Angus McDermid, Geo. Watt, Wm. Armstrong, Henry Allen, James DitcOool, John Goyim, Sr., Andrew McDonald. Poundkeepers- L. Rands, Geo. Brownlee, Antho y Taylor, Dominick Reynolds, Robe t Scott, John Bell, Robert Roberto. The Council then aijourned to mejt again at Londesboro when called y the Clerk. USBORNE.- Council met on the 2nd f April, pursuant to adjournment. Mei 1- bers all present. Moved by J. Hall', seconded by H. Homey; that the Tre urer be empowered by by-law to inve t the funds belonging to the railway sin ing fund account in first mortgages, n real estate, in pursuance of an act pas ed in the forty-fourth year of Her jesty's reign, second session 4th Legi latnre-Carried. Moved by J. Hall seconded by H. Horney; that statue labor division No. 10, Southwest War be extended west on the side road b tween lots 15 and 16 to the front of -tile third concession, and that a by-law drafted accordingly -Carried. Mov by J. Halls, seconded by J. Hackie that By-law No. 3, for 1880, regulati the number of cloys -statute labor to performed by all parties on the assese- ment roll, be amended to read as fo lows: Assessments from $1 to $800;' days; $801 to $1600, 3 days; $1601 $2100, 4 days; $2101 to $3000, 5 -days Imo]. to $3500, 6 days; $3501 to $47 7 days; $4701 to $5300, 8 days; $53 to $6200, 9 days; $6201 to $7100, 11 days; $7101 to $8000, 11 days; $8 to $8900, 12 days; $8,901 to $9800, 11 days e $9801 to $10,700, 14 days -Ca ried. Moved by J. Hackney, seconde by II. Horney, that the list of pat masters appointed for 1881, as, no* r vised, be confirmed, and that a by -la be drafted accordingly -Carried. Move by J. Hackney, seconded -by H. Horne3 that the sum of $36 be paid to Mr Grace Griffith for nine weeks' board Wm. Smillie, being up to the 26t March, 1881 -Carried. Moved; by Halls, seconded by H. Horney, tha Joseph Hewitt receive $5 for relief Carried. Moved by J. Hackney, sec- onded by II. Homey, that Alex. Ca michael receive $5 ',for relief -Carrie Moved by H. Homey, seconded by Hackney, --that the sum of $5 be ex- pended for grading and gravelling, an that a bylaw be passed to that effect Carried. Tlie Court of Revision wa fixed for the 6th of June at 10 o'clock na., when the GO011 Oil adjourned. I I 1 I 1. f • School Reports. Report of pupils of section No. Hay, for March: Fifth class ---1st Hawkins, 2d Wm. Shirray, 3d C. Camp bell. Fourth claes--lst Joseph Cats:, 2d Jane Loadman, 3d W. Whiteford Fourth class senior -let G-avin Ross, 2 Robert Ross, 3d J. 4cMahon. Thir class junior-lst 0. Iligram, 2d Fier McCall, 3d A. Loadnian. Third. cla.s junior, division- second-lst Thoma Murray, 2d Grace Oke, 3d R. Aldwort Second class senior-lst K. Blackwel 2d George Golding, 3d John Case. Sec .ond class junior-lst S. Taylor, 2d Wrn -Chapman, 3d A. Eacrett. First' °los seuior-lst N. Shirray, 2d Thos. Laing 3d Jeesie Northcott. -The following is a statement of th standing of the pupils of School Sec tion No. 13, Stanley. For the fift class the examination papers were thos given at the entrance examination fo the High School in June, 1880: Fift elass-J. J. Keys 79, M. E. Macgrego 78, Isabella Keys 55, Geo. Stephens° 54. Fourth class -W. F. Keys 73, El len Keys 56, Mary E. Keys 55, Letiti Keys 51. Third class -Frances Sharp 73, Phcebe Keys 69, Geo. Macgregor 58 Thos. Dowson 59. Senior second. °las 1st Melinda Dowson, 2d Ed. Stephen son, 3d Geo. Clarke. Junior secon class-lst R. B. Keys; 2d Matilda Dow 8012, 3d Robt. McBride. First class 1st Minnie Errath, 2d Fred. Keys, 3 Emma Dowson. -The following is the report of th standing of pupils in the first and sec ond departments of Union School, Mor ris and Hullett, Section No. 1, for th month ending March 31st, based o proficiency and good conduct: Fourt olass-lat Elliott Richmond, 2d Jame Arm:our, 3d Agnes Laidlaw, 4th Mar Laidlaw, 5th Jane Laidlaw, 6th Amy S Scott. Third class-lst Mary Jan Marshall, 2d John Laidlaw and Samue Young,. 3d James Laidlaw; 4th Joh 0oviarn,'6th Maggie McElroy, 6th An Me Coulter, 7th Mary Ann Newcombe 8th. John Cunningham. Second clas --1st Mary White, 2d Maggie Kelly and Minnie Jervis, 3d Willie Scott an Edwin Jervis, 4th David Laidlaw, Henry Young, 6th Archie Laidlaw an James White, 7th Emily Thuell an Andrew McKay, 8th Charles G-arbutt Junior department. -Third class- ls MarY Kelly, 2d Mary Lynn, 3d Edit Coulter and Robert Brown, 4th Max Pratt and John Brown. Second this -1st John T. M30aughey and Jeanni Brown, 2d Euphemia Marshall an Annie Marshall, 3d Patrick Kelly, 4t John Kelly. Senior first class -1s Maggie Dick and Susan Newcombe, 2d Geo. Pratt, 3d Michael Kelly, 4th Liz- zie Young, 5th Thomas Wallace and Robert Thuell. Junior first class ---1st Annie M. White, 2d Nellie Lynn, 3 , Wm. J. Kelly, 4th Nettie McMinimy, 5th Russell Richmond and Geo. Pratt. -The following gives the correct re- etalt of a written examination of the senior classes of School Section No. 4, McKillop, for promotion. In the fifth forrn the subjects were arithmetic, granamar, geography, algebra, history, euclid, composition, reading and writ - lug; in the fourth forra, arithraetic, grammar, geography, history, spelling, c.,.onaposition, writing and reading; in the senior and junior third forms, the same as in the fourth, with the excep- tion of history and conaposition. The standing of the first and second cla.sees is based upon general proficiency, good conduct, and regular attendance -daring the quarter. The highest number of marks obtainable in the fifth form was , in the fourth, 481; in the senior third, 404; junior third, 307: Fifth form -John McIntosh 356, Francis Hogg 338, Annie Campbell 330, David French 275, Eliza Shannon 261, John Spooling 182. Fourth form -James Hogg 392, Alex. McIntosh 371, Win. McLebd 370, Harriet Campbell 335, flobere Hogg 320, James McIntosh 202. Seniorthird form -Wm. Hogg H 314, 4 1 A. 22 en 24 ,W Se 2d Re Fi T le tio en of be Fi 2n Fo .Sa cla A cla Fi Ar pu am ter . tea Du - Lo Mc Ja Eli ola bert Hbgg Henderso , Nellie T ock 187; rr 1t9. gg 25'i, Ro ,W. Go/ lla M Ken Tho pso Cam bel • ior scond Mary S. Mir Fr st James bt. MoGr st form- ompscin. The foll pupil et in , aft adoert • held at t ing arch,M hose Who 0 of marks i th class Robert •ah Reid, ass h 3 s lst an, 3rd s-ls1 A st class -2s 1 346, Bella Lockhart 278, 162, Matilda S[hannon oinpson 206, Agnes: Gov, ne Johnston 163, John nior third form -John ' Gordon 248, Jas. Nash u 234, 1Jos. Hogg 205, 185, R. Campbell 176, :173, H. Johnston 125, 118, T.i: Campbell 50. orm-lst Mary McLeod, ttie, -3d Lizzie McLeod, la. Junior second form Ott, 2d James Kerr, 3d Or, 4th Kate Beattie. ,Thoi. Scott, 2d Henry hnr Pgck, Ing is the standing of hool Section No. 3, Ston- ed by written examina- close of the quarter lst, 1881. The Inames tiained the highest num- each class are given: Ott- Robert Richardson, :id, 3d Thomas Wells. list Valentine Wild, 2d Maggie Reid._ Third aggie Wild, 24 4ames . Richardson. ' Second Si Peck, 2d Henry Peck. Rachel Richardson, 2d 3. Frederick Rothe.' The olloW'ng is the standing Of the ils of 3cho 1 Section No. 1, Tucker- th, fo the °nth" of March, as de- ined by t record kept by the her d iring tilit month: Fifth class es M rray 121, Willie Bell 117, lie F rd 111, Andrew Murray 93, can . Tood 87. Fourth class -Geo. ie 14 Frank Wood 131, James • thu 128, Mary A. Rodger 126, es A. Bell 1 6. Senior third class aggie Fai rn 126, Alice Bell 116, B 11 111, John Stewart 107, •gie Fitzg4 ld 106. Junior third s -M ggi rie 122, Daniel Bell 119, Alex4 Ma n 119, Edward Ingram 113, John' 131. Mitchell 110. , 'Senior flee nd class ane Prise 100;, Frank Fit'gerald 98, Watson Wood 94, Janet La g '90, Ro eit McLean 90. Junior Se ond ekes Annie Ford 121; Betsy Fai bairn 111 Mary J. Horton• 107, An ie Bell 97 ex. Buchanan 93 1 0 • 1 11 41 The folio g is a correct eport of t a e staridin r f the pupils rof Win- throp schpol, 1 Kiliop, for the month of oarch. T report is based upon goo. conduct, neral proficiency and dili•ence Ffti close - 1st Daniel Mc adzean, d Annie Govenlock, 3d Eli abethl Al a Lder, 4th Jessie Calder. Fo rth 4lass st Jane Cannon, 2d Ha ry S4 , 3d George E. M Tag - gar , 4th Wm. 1einhart. Senior third cla s-lsll Mary Morrison, 2d iram Bl: 'char 3d R lla Calder, 4th nuie Mc C regor. Ju iibr third °loge 1st Jos ph Kenny, aMaggie Cash, 3d Wm. ny, 4th S1 non Berwick. , $ cond ela s-lst Joljr. Hannah., 2d A. drew Cal er, 3d Xatill Calder, 4th obert Mc ean. F rs't class 1st Eliz beth Ke ny, 2d. S rnuel Carter, 8a* i ary So rag, Ch R crhard-Pollard. The following is the stand ng of the pupils of School Section. o. 2, Tu kersinith, for the month of arch, 1881 : FLfth cllass-Annie Melli 170, George II lat i64, James McMordi 130. ' Fo rth jlass --1Jemima Cooper 180, Eli a Mo teith. '48, Daniel McKinn,on 154 Maggie Mc4enzie 153, Eliza Mc - Mo die 1b2, wilie Plewes 127, Wm. Co.p 125, Hehry Monteith 115 Annie Tthry 91 Th 14 class-Magg e ,Day - ma 173, JonMcGregor 167 Alex. Mo , teith 144, fMary McKinn n. 140, Ma y Cotp 13 Jeanette McDOnald 129 Wm.lOoo e 117, Wm. Chapman 116 Jams M G egor 97. Secoud class -J ssie 4.1M L an 153, John MOKin- non 141, 1?av u 0. Doig 136, Sarah Mo 1 teith 32, T omas Workman 119, Job, Tor yi 112, aggie Workman 104, Th mas Oopj j6, Samuel Copia 63, Ale ander To ryi 11, Emma Yonng 53. The folldw ng report, 13E0E4 on punctuality, gpo conduct and profi- cie cy, sh ws the correct standing of the pupils in the Roxboro School -,1 Mo. Kil op, fog the month of March : yifth °la a-lst W. 0 bOry, 2d A. Dickson, 3d Ell n T. 1H s ;4tht Betsey Dodds. ,Senor fourth S-rst Maggie Walker, 2d , . Bron, 3d J. Hagill, 4th $4phia Ca , pbell J1, or fourth class--lst Jea, e Di Its° , oa J. Dickson, ' 3d J. Gri :ve, 4t i J. a 1 mance. Senior third clao:-1st I .:ie Hopi, 2d Annie Do, ds, 3r :Bl.he MoClure, 4th .W. 0 Wa ker. Tuthp third class-ls F. Bor ett, a Ss hi Dorrance, 3d . L. Bro n, 4th T1 J odds. Senior s iond olas -1st Alfr S. Brown, 2d Iizzie Nei ans a d A. L. ne Sparling. 3d obt. Roserton, 4th CI. Hollands. J nior second clasa- k Mary J. McOinhlo, 2d Ro ert Mo id ski, 3d Mary Mc- Mic aml, ibh 1Onzo Sparling. p nior firs class -e -1st Sehn Neilans. 2d. seph Bro •n, 3d Ge. III ickSon. Junioj first clas -1st Ben z Dorrance, 2d rge R. u cClu e, 3 4 v obert Aitolaeso USF AIRRIVED AT ;1 A. C. AU T'S, SEAFOR ! hina Tea .,5* V c Te sat ehr ie bes Co lot I t \ ts per po t Te Sets of elf. wil be $ tha Goo( SZIC goo( of tie Ge of t ne and Jap best in t ment k higl est 'mark First A. G. AU f very cheap. Stone n Sets. _411 kinds Nice Toilet Selts- A fresh sto k of tot, which has rjiven ction. A fres,' lot Kaoka. Also. ome in the market. A best Teas, at in Greeri, them -they Or t. A fre,sh aS ' of OrocerieY. paid in utter. sAFoR STOOK FO1 SALE 00LT FOR SALE -For ale, a bay gelding colt corning three. Si ed by Lord Haddo, - well broke to harness. Appy on Lot 81, oonces- don 5, MoKillop. JAMES ORRA.NCE. 675 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. SEED WHEAT -The undersigned has on hand Pat his farm, Lot 25, Concession 6, Northern ravel Road, McKillop, a quantity , of Wails LIMAN Seed Wheat, warranted pure and free from a 1 foul seeds. This wheat yielded over 20 ushele to the acre last year, when all other yarietiee in the neighborhood were a failure. Price, $1 50 per buehel. JAMES KERB. 694x4 LOST OR FOUND. - OGC LOST -Lost in Seaforth, in February last, a black and white Collie Dog, answer - ng to the name of "Baldy." He hid a white ing around the neck and wh te on his face; he as about two years old;!any person giving uch information as will lea te his recovery will e suLably rewarded. W LLIAM CHESNEY, r.,. Tu-keremith, Egmondville P. 0. 695 WANTED. ERVANT GIRL WANTED -Wanted imrne diately, a Servant Gill Apply to J. KIN AN, Seaforth.- 696 . 1 EiRVANT GIRL WANT11D-Wanted, a good General Servant. Apply personally or by otter to MRS. JOHN RANSFO,ItD, 01. uton.696-2 SOB MASDNS-Want d, fer the ensuing , Beeper', 8 or 10 Good Stone Masons. Apply o THCMPSON BROTHERS, Blake P 0. 694x4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. Fro LET -Six rooms over A •a- Store, Seaforth. Suit r private dwelling, with fro +pply to i. G. AULT, Propr G. Ault s Grocery le for dress makers t mid rear entrance. etor. 693 . • TOREHOUSE TO REN grain storehouse on the alleltay track in Seaforth, w "ru ke and Jiggers all compl mreediately. Apply to Scot ✓ to he proprietor, ROB boro. IvTORE TO RENT -To re pie diens store in W treeit, Seaforth, in the best own. The store is 69 feet cioni 30 feet in length in th bite and possession given o Apply to WHITNEY BLOT rer_t a good south aide of the th two sets of soales, te; posed sion given Brothets, Seaforth. RT sgorT, Rex - 677 ' t a larg4 and com- tney's block, Main business part of the long with a store rear. Rent reason - 5th January, 1881. ERS, 679 AUCTION ERS. P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in till partt el the County. All orders left at the El- PosTrOu Office will be promptlyattended to. 1 RANCIS RAFIAM, CTIONE ER AND LAND A ENT. -Special attention given to sale of .anded property', farming arid thorough- bred steck. Cattle selected lor the Engliah mar- ket. Office and Auction Roilrns, Acileson's new Block, Goderich, Ont. Term moderate 615 tkLEXANDERDELGETT , Liceneed Auction - lee r,MoKillop. Speaks, attention given to Baled of landed Property FarmStock and Imp emente. All orders le t with the under - e gn d at Walton P. 0., or Lot 14, con - easel n 14, will be prompt13 attended to. Sale ills notes and atanaps furnished if required. LEX. DELGETTY, Walton. 639 MONEY. ONEY TO LEND -Money to 103 on good improved farms only, at 7i per cent. inter - et, payable yearly; private funds • eh rgee mod ate. JOHN S.- PORTER. _ 631' ONEY TO LOAN -In large or s all sums rlanma on first. class security at 8 pare :lit. yearly intetest. Private :de, or on thai stailment . Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth.. 628 , iv( ONEY.-The undersigned has a la ge sum of 'A"- money for immediate investmen on first in ortgages on farm propertyl. Seven a a d a half per ccr v. interest yearly; rineipal a may be ON, Soli itor, Sea - 638 agreed upon. J. H. BEN forth. I 1 m ONEY-A. G. • McD0tJG41L is ant orized to " lend money at 6i per oe at. on me tgage, for any amtunt, and for any nuixibe r of yea s; inter- est charged only on the unia aid principal. No commieaion charged. Apply at the Store of A. Ce.11/cDougall & Op. 678 STOCK FOR- S RVIC TO PIG BREEDERS -Th undersi "L eep during the present season o concession 7. Stanley, nor Hills Thoreughbred Berkshire Boar; terms $ at the time of service with th ia pri ileg turning if neceesary. JOSEPH HUBS mad will Lot 8, reen, a ,payable of re. N. 674 TO PIG BREEDERS -The undersign -a- purchaeed from Mr. W. S. Mende brated Berkshire Boar, will k ep him during this season on Lot 10 Comiessio S., Tuck enunith. He is gu ranteed t bred, and leaves as good stoe as any a the county ; this splendid pig served sows last season. TERMS $1, payab Vane of service, with the priviI ge of ret necessary. ROBERT A. TAIT. d having his cele. ✓ eervioe 8, L. R. ore u gh- • imal in bout 100 et at the rning if 695x4 ; BREEDERS OF PIG -The un ersigned + will keep during the present °aeon at , h4 'premises in Egmoudville, a horough- bred large breed Berkshire boar, fOr the im- provement of stook. This is one of the best pigs in the cc unty, and f lumen a d other* ould do wiell to see him before taking their ,st ck else - Where. TERMS -$1, to be paid at the time of serviee, with the privilege of returning f mule- s ery. J. H. CARTER, proprietor. 1 374 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE:. .1-1- °TICE TO DEBTORS -ill parties ' to me, either by Note or Book Ade p ease pay the same at once, as I have 0 my bueiness with a view to leaving arties wishing to settle with me Wil a my old stand from 9 to 12 A. M. an t 4 P. M. for one rnont . All son s Wed by that date willbe p teed in ot f r cella:Mon. Parties havin left the ii th me for custom work, or ork to be will please call for them a 011110 an THOMAS COVENTRY. P. S. -I hope niy old customers will give ney Emcee Mare Logan, their ()man ed patron hs purchased the stock at prioes that a le hira to sell at or below rolesala indebted ant, will disposed eaforth. find me from 1 unts not er hands ✓ orders epaired, oblige. that all "AND DON'T Y T 0 K I L U FORGET -IT," LORAN & RYAN() E OLDEST FIRM IN SEAFORTH, They have always paid 100 cents on the dollar, ind t ey expect their customers to " go and do tdooselillkietwhiesev.1 RTyhBeyEdsoTnot retend to sell Goods t Cob, or even below it; but they RTO prepared GF4OCERIE CROCKERY, AND LIQUORS IN TE MARKET, AT A, FAIR LIVING PROFIT. ery Finest 131 AYDIES from our 1?e8ident Buyerin France, and WINES from o-tyr Agentts in Spain and Portugal. " FINE.TEAS A SPECIALTY. SUGARS, TOBACCOS, &C., , The ATT OIVE US A HE VERY LOWIST FIGURES. CALL AND SE FOR YOURSELVES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To the Farmers of Huron. T. MEILL1S, OF KIPPEN, AGA* READY FOR BUSINESS. 'fil ARMER8, if you want good Scotch Diamond 71": HarroWs, with 72 teeth; the beet harrow in the market, end in yonr orders at once to T. Mollie, Kipp an, for he has a good supply on baud, and ie still making more to supply the demand. If you want your old harrows and plow repaired ! now is the t me to fetch them along- Another iv supply of onroe's (Seaforth) Plows on hand. Thistle Plows, Sod Plows, General Purpose Plows and garden Plow. Plow Castings et all kinds a1way3 on baud. Ifforse-Shoeing and General lackstnithing done with neat- ness and de- etch. T. Mel -lis still holds hbehigh reputation Ii this line of business, and his large increase of lirade during the past year gives' kiln more confidence than ever, sliming that he la the right man in the right place. A large Stock of Barn and Gate Hinges always on hand. Farm and Garden Lon Gates made to order. All 'cus- tom work done en short noticeand at starvation prices. A call solicited from all. Bon will al- ways find me ready for business. Remember the Sign: THOMAS MELLIS, Kippen. KIPPEN CARRIAGE WORKS %Vowels, Carriages and Buggies. "L',DGAR & iVrFILLIS, of Kippen , are now mann • ./-:‘ factoring Carriages and Wagons on a larger scale than eller, in order to supply the ever in- creasing de and. Pardee wanting Carriages, la Waggons, aggies, or anything in our line ef trade will 6. a it to their interest to give Edgar & Mellis & trial. Old Waggons and Buggies turned in si e out and made into new ones. d Buggiee Re -Painted on shortno- ing of all kinds entrusted to our eive °tit hest attention- Ali work s good mat erial and good 'workman - iv. EDGAR & MELLIS, Iippen. Waggons a KILLORAN & RYAN, Seaforth. ."ew- EePal etal rill r sdho inpe wa I. oz N. 130 -We are also Agents or the Celebrated " Marsala " Sacramental Wine. Warranted Pare. 1 689-12 'TUE SEAFORTH UNDER THE CLOCK, IN CARDNO'S BLOCK. ItlailRANCE AND LAND AGENCY. 11-1 CENTRAL GROO RY, SAFORT:H 'AL A t value, LE Three p cheaper box of TEJ GE Coneign inept ef New Betimes Tea ere. There G ocda were bought at Aneti d we offer them to the public 11 S THAN REGULAR - uncle of Fresh Nd w ban ever; 9 perm d 2 pounds. arriv d and evened Out for Inspection of Cue - n in the New York Market, much below their A Nuizber of First -Class improved Farms for Sale. WHOLESALE PRICES. $30,000 to Loan at tgereia per cent. ZO STRONG 18 AGEN for Several First -Class Stock, Fire and Life msara.nce Companies, and is prepar- e kto k on the most favorable terms. fAl A t or several of the best Loan So- detiesse' AlAgert for the Sale and Purchase of Fann and Villa-ge roperty. 1111Lereert. Season's Teas for li, act ally worth 50 cents per pound. 'Snare t h of White Sugar for $1. 'loose Muscatel Raisins selling at $1 60 per Agent fote sale of Ocean Steamship Tickets. A L RGE STTCK OF FRE$H CANNED GOODS In Pear4, Peaches, Pine Aple, Plums, Tomatoes, seipen, Lobsters, Sardines, &c. Pickles and Sluices i abundance. Our round Spices are pate re and unadulrated and ur Extracts are the best in the market. We Toast atil grind our own Coffees. HE CROCKERY tEPARTMENT. We hold a heavy stock in t his Department, and we Elie diming special inducements. A White Granite Tea Set of 44 p.ieces for $2. China Tea Sets frm $5 up to $20. Our Glassware Stock is immense -call and see it. , . • 1 , THE SEED D PARTMENT. Garden!Seeds as usual, by the packet or in bulk 01 over and Timothy Seed for Sale. Turnip, Mengel Wurtzel, and other Seeds will be kept fur side by is as formerly, and trust, from our past experience in this department; to still merit the confidence of the public. 1 Highest Market Price Paid for Clover and Timothy Seed, and PotatoeS, Eggs and Slitter. Free Delivery. , t . iLAIDLAW & FAII9JEY Main Street) Seaforth. 1 , ). i GRQCERY STORE NE>tT THE POST OFFICE. A GOOD ARTICLE ATA rAIR PRICE. 1 4 EXTRA VALUE IN SUTTARS, TEAS, COFFEES. NEW LAYER RAISINS, NEW LONDON LAYERS, • T RAISINS, ISINS, - ISMS EY FIGS, CASES AND BARRELS, N'S BEST EXTRACTS, - CTS, NEW BLACK BASK NEW VALENCIA R NEW SEEDLESS R BOXES NEWTURK NEW CURRANTS 1 BURNET'S AND LY COMPOUND EXTR AND LIMA BEANS, FRESH ORANGE, L CANNED TOMATO FRESH ALMONDS FRESH FILBERTS A CALL SOLICITED, A.ND CO PRICES I Fier, Mr. • MGN AND G4ITRON PEELS, S, ORN, GREEN PEARS, ND WALNUTS, ND BRAZIL NUTS. PARISON OF GOODS AND VITED. D. D. ROSE, SEAFORTH. wigeli elan! 1 twee. 690 The Grocery next door to the Post (Ake°. . N Tin MATTER OF THE VARNA. MANUFACTURING COMPANY ( si Winding Up - All pers us havin a ainst the above - company are here'b t send particulars of the a me, with n mete and addressee, to thel undersign b fore the 17th day of April ext; and a i debted to the said Company are to, c aime on or before the said ,date to th s goal. And notice is hereby given t t e Ei aid date the Liquidatiers will jar dietribia e the Assets of the said amongst the parties entitled theret regard only to such claims as are th tbent Dated 16th March, A.. D. ISK. SHAW, Secretary Varna Cheese Man Company:Varna P..0. BEEBE Conroe claims notified heir full .a on or 1 parties ay their under - at after (seed to onapany , having n before JAMES acturing 694-4 MISCELLAN 5 _ • All Lithographed Chro o Cards, no two " alike, 10 cents ; Agents, big outfit, 0 cents; G OBE CARD Co., lsiorthford, Ct. 695.52 gg A WEEK in your ow town. Trma and " ft5 outfit free. Addr se H. HAL JETT & • Por land, Maine. 9252 • 01-1"1.0?d0S, name in ne type, 10c nts, by u tea 1; 40 Agents' samp es, 10 cent 9;5U.25. Co., Northford, Ct. .5 a ER DAY at honie. araples ity $15 t, 0 2k.F W' worth $5 lice. Addre s STIN- SteN & Co., Portland, Maine. 92x52 ack , cd,7 A WEEK. $12 a day at ho e easily q made. Costly outfit free. Addres TRUE the & Co., i Augusta: Maine. -1-111ITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, C 7dze5r2ich, 091' -ID Ont. WM. COX, Proprietor. This s one of the Qiaieteet, Most Comforteble and B et gone nee ducted Hotels in the Provincb. The ..msli are cOmModione and the Table and Bar i ibereely eupplied, Good stabling in Connectioia. 635-52 ash H.' C.A.P3D. TA S. CAMPBELL, Provinaill Loud -1-i• • and Civil Engineer. Orders by m ly attended to. 7 D. S. CAMPBELL, or toyer prompt chell. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.--" Good morning Jones, where are you JONES.-" I ani going down to M. ROBERTS furniture, yon see mine is getting played ontand prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say county." oing ta ?" N'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new want to get some first rate furniture at very low that he has the very best and cheaperit in the ADD.RESS.-lo the Free and Independent People ot Huron: M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has remoqd to tbe premises lately occupied by Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware Marc, and that he is now prepared tof furnish everything hi the Furniture line at remarkably low prices. Intending parehasers wililfind It greatly to their advantage to call and examine his stock before purchasing elciewhere. R pairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. Picture framing a s ecialty. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, feather, wood and lumber taken in otobange. i! HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is as formerly, under his own supervision, and will be cenduoted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, &c, will be found complete, and at the very lowest rate, Funerals attended in the country. A Hearse for hire. Remember the place. OFFICE H- Over M. Morrison's Store, Main Street, Seshirth. 845 • THE ZURICH SADDLERY, HARNESS, ----AND- FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT ! HER10117 WELL, Proprietor. A GOOD 8tock of Harness of all kinds always -L-jk- on hand, together with everything else be- longing to the basiness, which will be sold cheaper than ever. -FURNITURE, FURNITURE. Specially Ow prices given to newly married scruples requiring farnittue. Call and see my Stock and.p4ces before purchasing elsewhere, .613 you will savelmoney by doing so. 898 HERMON WELL, Zurich. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Paid up Oapitai, - . $0,000,000. Hest, - - - 1,400,000. President, Hon. W. McMaster. SEO.FORTH BRANCH. The Seatoi h Branch of this Bank continues to receive depc its, on which interest is allowed on the most fav rable terms. Drafts on 11 the principaltowns and cities tin Canada, on Ireat Britain, and on the United States, bougl t and sold Oftice,:-Fitit door South of the Cominerdal Hotel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, manager. 1 F 0 R [i3 E S' LIVERY SALE - SAL STABLES, MAI- -ST., SEA:FORTH A BTIIIIII FORBES, the old established Liv- erynian, keeps the best and most stylish rigs and the besti driving horses in the business. Neat and 'obby .Cutters, handsome and com- fortable RD s, and fast and aafe horses always On hand. A very Ilan some family sleigh for ononitwo horses. Day and n ht calls promptly attended to. Good drivi, g horses bought and sold. REMEMB R THE PLACE - 'Opposite O. C. WflIson!sAg icultnral Ware.rooms, Seaforth. 689 ARTHUR FORBES. THE OLD FAVORITE GALLERY. ANDREW CALDER, THE Pioneer Photographer of Seaforth, haying -a- gone through the fiery ordesleis new running again in full blast, in his new and oomMOdione premises in ijcott's Block This is the oldest Gallery itt tho section, and has been thoroughly refitted and okuipped with all the latest appli- ances and scenic effects specially for the mom- modation of Mr. Calder's large and ineteasing trade. Havi4g now got into one a, the hand- somest and ost completely furnished galleries in the west, he is now in a better position than at any previo s time to turn out all work in the Photographic% line entrusted to him itta onperior roomier, at tie lowest living profit, and on the shortest pose ble notice. A call is cordially so - a 692 A. CALDER, Scott's Block,Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH FLAX MILLS. JOHN. BEATTIE IS STILL iDesixons of disposin.g of his Fax M. R BERTSON SEAFORTH. . Mills on reasonable terms to a good active business man, who is likely to Manage it prop- erly. Ile sufficient Flax sown and in wan. T. HE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. • ing the sesigoi,.t„het_benefits conneclion with did order; to keep the Mill running steadilydnr- pTtirochas eLnOAN. which be Ns•O'illi4PEvYiEj -L-a• AVING put an Engine into the Fitting Shop t drive I,athes, Planes and the Plow Grinding and Polishing Machin ree, parties wanting work d tim e, as steam will be up every working day. 1 ALL REPAIRS ON [ENGINES, MI LS AND OTHER Any amounp o ; y R, Ott MOODS e Drills, independent of rates of irtImedian Bank of Commerce Build ,st, on good farm seourity one can have it at anyOFFIC. • Inge, Seaforth. BEATTIE. MACHINERY • JOHN ILLIAMS & Attended to on - in short eotice. On hand end ade o order, Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Btxaw JON W C tate) a, Land Bollers,Gang Plows, Grate Bare, &q. Plow Castings made to order from patterns H f urnished by parties wanting the same. Plow Poi ta a specialty, made from Genuine Plow Point Iron; and wirranted hard and tough. Will also Fi , -Grind and Polish Plow Castings cheep, as the ISANICERS, s hop is fitted with. Grinding Stones and Emery Wlkeels far such work. Will also take Contraetsfor Engines, Boilers, Grist and Flouring Mills, Saw Id lie and other Machinery. Will make Plans and Sp ecifieations for Mills, &c. All Alterations QI2itiiis or inginee attended to. Will also make val- ' J. S. EffTNCIMAN, Seaforth. P. S. -As Mr. J. S. Bunciman has gone away ror the winter, the business will be carded ou by Mr. B. Bunelman until his return. nations on all kinds of Machinery. WRO TER) - ONTARIO, Bills Discou on B 653-52 ted. Drafts Issued. MoneyLsui al Eetate,at _Lowest Bates. JOHN WILL1AMS & Co. :A IL74,S