HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-15, Page 2ZZ HE HE BRAVJ 1 GIRL OF GLENBARR. - `'` Mary Morrison will wed wi' me, I'll wed. no other l" This. wasoung, Donald's decision. And the hand)onsa, stalwart young Highlander looked as though he intended to carry intoleffect those few words that he had spoken en to his father in Gallic. Donald Machan was his father's only, child; and, as his mother had died within a few days of his birth, brehad never known any other parent than his stern father. A hard man was the elder D nald, ruling those about him with an iron wilt,and intent. only upon. imp: ooing his mall farm to its utmost cape ility, so that he might leave it to his so as a goodly heritage. By its aid, young Donald might, in time,, be so raised above the humble surroundings of his father's early days, that he might . al- most pass as a laird. But that this scheme reight be ifully carried out, it was needful that hi son should be married to a girl who had i money or land, of her own, and wh world customs, inlading those of "first foot," the wassail bowl, and gnizards. Donald's. attendance at this Ho nay Fair necessitated his absence Glenbarr during e�everal days, and one of the few i portant events O twelve months th "t made a ; than the ordinary mon tony of their e day life. He had said go d -bye to Mary, pl ising to bring her `a Hogmanay frli: and hoping that h s gift to her w take the form of plain gold ring: On the last evening of the old 3e Bold Donald was sitting by the peat fi on the hearth, in front of which L his faithful collie, had stretched self in luxurious ease. On the o side, seated on a low stool, was Morrison, busily _e gaged in knittin g e e: 0 he he m as he in Y- bat it it not m r Yet these al could n �alsb€ lay o �t cupb�al and huddle he could not took posse. ssi away al:ep. j. tlnoug • thoi s�rsrom: • her own doing, e- ' old ! Donald, no gunilents and epee of lays that ghost . inning to alarm hi he Upper shelf of d- tlx: t is known as he bedclothe :hut out the n of his mi The wind w 1 -fitting door he slnniber-in flickers ing li latters'and j old dresse n always set carefully ; ry, and the • e dwelling -r in light. T ging the s • irling dowu't hed rocf the I luttering in tt lie, who had esu uvea past, lifted • p his e howl t at w: s long a ain di stern ld Do al ryes of his b x -bed t isbt, and 0: i d hi e-yute !" In! ain di pletives in Gee 'c ; L a • d old Donald, res le 11 at ease both in t in • himself t : t Lu th no good. at w u ere it the :w Year he brave girls: fe at hom •arr! * 'h art w nt r nged ary er al d t ry k'st a f rhit i th b s p ries, h tbfer a hi As L at fo soI a pi fr L- ee Ih an e an ho li heno t m rrni agin , f • ✓ , th w. • .G1 nb ✓ ` to find no da wa ly misty glens s tanne. familia the! rig "lila mural re brig e ter as bi S e of t at not ve confide pressed b the in the dep thou _htlt leer le ve Of co the ' lit le f'ri to t a du The wind was owiin outside, and the drifting stiow was clogging the . o r - ways. Old Donald broke the sil:n e that had been long reigning bet o u them by making come remark a.o t his son's absence t the cattee'ifai theme which had its full interest for o his servant. They spoke in Gallic for would not come to him empty-handed the English language was but little : s d and without a dowry. 1 by the natives, except when they e t A "tocherless lass" was not tO bei to a market town, end even there ma y d people could be met who had "got o .ihnglisli." - "My son seems bent upon making you his wife," at length said old Donal "but I don't like to give my consent unless I am quite sure that he is pi to be married to a brave girl." thought of ; and the future owner :f the small farm on the hillside in theBarr Glen must be mated with a maiden who was similarly circumstanced as regaxd- ed property. And such a girl was to be found s ith- in a mile or two. For, on the oposite side of the glen, on the other side o Barr river, where it tripped dow': rocky staircase to join the .great lantic, there lived a girl, named d Baillie, who was the only survivor of ; "are yon ready to the once large family of old ugh ; actions?" Baillie, and who would inherit his . "If it is anything farmstead, whish was a place called i Mr. Macbane, I am Clachanaigs, and was about as large as 1 the love that I bear to your son old Donald Macb:ue's farm at Glen- !! "It is nothing more than to barr. The two familiea had always i the old church at Seddell." been intimate and on. good terms.; and Old. Donald referijed to the Janet had. ever a sweet smile and a [ Saddell Monastery. pleasant word for young Donald W en- ' "Oh, I can easily, do that, Mr. Mac ever they met, whether it were at he me, ! bane. You know that I hese ofte or at kirk or market ; and here see ed walked there in the, summer or spring to old Donald no possible reason by 1 It is not more than six miles as th- these two young people should not nuke crow flies." a match of it. 1 "Yes ; but the road is a - bad one There was no. discrepancy eitherl in ! and is made longer by the •' highs hill: years or in position ; and there was no ! and deep glens. Arid there is saw on obstacle in. their way ; for Donald Mac- , the ground." bane had sounded Hugh Baillie on the "But it may be clear to -morrow, or subject, and found the old man gni.te • the next day." agreeable to the match. ! C "If you want to win my "son by prov- They were "a fine stand-up coule," ing yourself to be a brave girl, yon mast as old Donald often told himself ; and ; not wait for a fair weather walk that there could not be a more approprjiatt ( could be taken by Janek Baillie, or proceeding than to merry them to each any other girl in the glen ; but' you other, and • look forward to the time i must do something oat of the common when the, two farmsteads of Glen arr E Way." and Clachanaigs should belong to one 1 "I am ready to de it for Donald's proprietor. Old Donald had dwelt so 's sake. Whatever Janet faille may do, mtrf on the idea, that he considered it I will try to do more.'' as good as settled. • "I shall require you to go to the old He was so much accustomed to lave ; church ,at- Saddeli this very night, and his own will carried out, that he did not 1 to_be back hereby breakfast time in the anticipate the disagreeable novelty of I morning." any opposition coming from, his son ; "I think Janet Baillie would not do especially when so favorable an arrange- i that ! but I will do it, or try to do it ; naent was made for him, and such a ices though, it is a wild night for such a walk girl as Jaie Baillie was (as he suppo` ed) and to such a`place.'i . ready to make him her bulb ,nd. . ; "That is not all," said the stern old And. now, to his surprise, when he ! man, though his voice trembled some, had spoken to his son on- the subject, what, as he made known to her his and had suggested to him that he might i resolve. "I must have full and certain go to Janet, and ask her-. to name he ' evidence that you have been to the old day for the wedding, young Donald had church ; and though II never knew you replied to him with these astoun 'ing l to tell me a falsehood, yet in this case, . words : ! I must have further ;proof than your "If Mary Morrison will wed wi'me, mere word. There i an old tomb in-: I'll wed no other." 1 side the church ; it is at the farther Now, this. Mary Morrison was the end from the door, ori the right-hand girl who lived at -the farm, and whose side, and stands under an : arch, It is 1 daily work was about the house andrts . the great Macdonald's� tomb ; and on it surroundings ; and all her earthly riches ;'there is a skull -the skull, they say, of were the wages that old Donald pli,id a murderer." , her. Therefore, it was utterly up et- ; "Yes, 1 have seen it," she said, with ting to him, that his son should ruin i a shudder. his prospects by throwing himself a y "Are you brave enotgh to make your on a mere farm servant, when he mi ht .: way' alone, and through the snow, to have the heiress of Clachanaigs for he ; that church, this very night ; send, in asking. proof that you have been there, to bring The old man could not understand me back from thence the skull ?" it ; he could not comprehend that hie ' "And_ what if I do?" son and heir should take up, as he ' "In that case, I will withdraw my phrased it, with a girl who was not ` opposition to your ma riage with my worth a. single soum the its "But,'' pleaded Mary, "I think the At- i I' am a brave girl, Mr. Meehane." anet "If you think so, ' said the . o,ld ma - prove a prove it by yo that a .girl may d. ready to ;do it f walk t ruins O thei the n th orris jnsed • n• ani:. Me of t uncert e clo: nd w that" ey, t ells he co tiro led a In rete o w ry br + ger,e ►n; e� efu11 y, tbl bode• ive, and Gley gh y hat' r: to 0 itont khory u: all" m.on ere di .• , • • -a soum being an : son ; and I will not on' y give my free extent of hill pasture that would be consent, but I will else _make over to sufficient to keep a cow or ten sheep. him the half of all that I have, so that He could not imagine how such a he may marry you in eomfort, and be - thing could, be. And yet, he had to fore May -day, it he cheeses to do so." taonfess to himself that such a thi g "That will be grand news for him would have to be for Le knew that is ; when he comeshome from the fair." lion followed his father in having a termined will of hist own and that when he had made that resolution i•e- garding Mary Morrison, he would west assuredly abide by it, and carry it into effect. . Yes, it wculd have to be, and all his dearly loved plans would be thwa: ed, unless he could devise some schen to get the girl out of the way. He had much talk with his son the subject; he pie dad the cause Janet Baillie, and sag the praises Clachanaigs ; but he found, as he hf expected, that all his talk and all his pleadings ledd to no ,farther result than making young Donald the more resolv- ed in his intention to wed rio other th Mary. Morrison. "We are plighted to each other," he said in. Gaelic ;- "and we are only wait- ing till next lilay, when her time of ser- vice will be over. We shall then be married, ; and, if you do not like us to live here and help you on the farm, we +hall turn our backs on Glenbarr, and go away to a home of, our own. We are strong and healthy, and we love one another ; .and, please ,God, we can earn our livelihood quite es well together es if we were apart. I have nothing to say against Janet Baillie. She is z good girl, and I hope will get a good man for her husband ; but she is not Mary Morrison." • Then old Donald said no more; but - he hardened his heart against his ser- vant, and he was determined, by fair means or foul, to prevent her from marrying his son. There was at least six months for him wherein to plot and plan, and something might occur, in that interval, to favor his wishes- Until next May, Mary Morrison would be his servant. and she could not leave her situation without his consent. The lin; evenings of winter had now come on, and the yeat) was hastening to Re close. The' range of hills that stretched their length to I3einu-an Trani'• were covered with snow, and it lay df eply down iu the hollows of the glen. In the last week of the year the younr er Donald had left Glenbare to go to a great cattle fair that was to be held in the northern part of the coun- try, which fair lasted over the two last days of the old year and the first day of the new year, which day went by the name of Hogmanay, and was celebrated with much rejoicing and ,many old- e- "Yes, if yon have performed our t e of of n of the bargain : but it will take a brae girl to do what I have set you." "And am I not a brave girl, Mr. Ma bane ?'• • g 0 r • i! • . mine -no, ithata ding plea inge, f term that n; and:she t w•oden bo. bed, round him, isions that • , and rove tled-s rill' nd w 1r -led eats o the 0 1 • t dam' and s; that •• ere nd ' hich • t so ell, theo:ken. er so anty O , gle. med e now ould 11 wi dow hole i the id dut for e peat a hes, sy ad, nd d, ell a he th SS e Id '8 eC * • 11 * * ary Morrison • ell knew ed over the I ills 4om ddell, yet it W . s diffi u1t at wild night: It as. :ver - fox the :now hatl round her mail : a kin of i ht ; and the hills nd ly visible for ome is -- his elped her to to certain ana•,r arks, and to ep hey 1n pat I ! e . d God proteb me," she • , ii her simple p ety, " `nd safe • ack wi h what the ms- • den me fetch. ank o mach from t • e thou ht rde er's'skull, that she co , ld am': it to herself. Bnt sibs here-lf to God's . rare, a d avel, on her way, Blown by and trudging beau' 1 throu` h sub ••, but upborn;., by tie at e was doing t is to win t e, st a was ar firm eliever in fol ;" but the had no fear f 11 t eir deeds wer of kin os: who ;were t emselves the helped those who did. sin; •ly and bravel , as Bhp do g, upborne b a tru; ve But, neither. g sen -coat - f t lissome brown 'e crossed r• or did; any fearsome r r•reature; waylay her on oaf . Not a soul did sh the time of night did sh e. Here and the : a few diet together and:. a sligh t .er• ered itself, loo . ed up a hey mild, wonder a g' eyes, atonishment at i er ap- T i :re " were bi: k -face. w•ose wool loo. :d dar st'' the pure snow, ho toss- ste. horns as she •lodded If .the faithful L • ath had to• to accompany her, she av felt so utterl. • esolate ow, on this last Jai : t of the the ness kind their was maid ed fai her gruag.o • er lode ee,nr :zpee t yloes helter er with s; thong ' aritioi. heep, frown a d the r ast the een per ould fro s she qld ye r. The • a t• passIfo' • eniuslila •f a th u tlanti ighty e wil She s de of ountain c•rdrngl 't •' id, this t .rrible! ,v o the dsist. • hen olio h's heel. 11 w •• of hills over whic : he had ed the backbone of he long Cantire, and was pwards a d feet above the ley 1 of the i, t hoarse thunder of whose r!ol rs ,she could hear ev n amid ,g is of the storm. I cross over the s uthern -aan-Tuire, the Wild Boar's the forests of w ich, ac- er country's lege , Diar- galian. Achilles, s ew the 1boar that was the oourge i t, and met his 'bw death the boars bristle ricked e `; mountain rose to the th but its summit ' f 2,170 concealed by the rifting ty vapors. - at, to cross the rive Barr, rice in the lonely Loch light stone bridge a anned ith alow parapet cn either snow to Ise step 1 f s ft of lrsor et waS n ow acid Here sh n ear to its Arniclee' • e stream, i.e, barely event lie>< to the tr The ri e shed n ong tl e of peat- ai lo gdaha st angel w ta n, fr m li:•rons saiiid w s uld take t mid . th h:ether ` to lips w•ose li ened bo ome the n St and bonnie C- , s "That will depend Upon your own 1, showing. I shall certainly consider yqu to be very brave, and deserving of my r son, if you will do as I propose, and go a to Saddell Church this night, and shop me, by breakfast • time : to -morrow, the skull that you have brought from there. In that case, your bravery shall have is reward." , "Then I will do it ! at least, I will try my best ; for'I know that - I bring Donald no dowry, except a pair of will- ing hands and a- lovieg heart ; and sI should be loth to wed him without his father's blessing. So I will do your bidding, Mr. Macbane, though it is a wild, fearsome night to go on such a strange errand." Mary Morrison put aside her knitting, wrapped a plaid about her head and shoulders. and, with a silent prayer or nt h., safe safe guidance on her perilous path, w. out into the wild winter' night. Lua the collie, would have g ne with 'her, and she would have been deeply thek- ful for his company and protection ; but old Donald called him back into t house, and barred the door. Then t: stern man listened to the howling wit and thought: "She will not retu_ rn. 1 On a nig " like this, the way is toe perilous f safety, and one false stepl may send' h to her death. - If it is : a wrong deed mine, it was wrong of her to win boy's love. If I do evil, do it th good may come. Once rid. of her dail presence, Donald Donald will forget his fang for her ; and my darling wish of marry ing him to Janet Baillie nay be carri d out." But although he tried to! reconcile li: s conduct to his conscience, Le could lac t do so. As he sat over the fire, an. placed more peats upon it, he endea orad to lull to rest his unquiet fancie. with such precious arguments as these She has gone of -her own free will. Sh. might have stayed here, if she ehoso She is well acquainted with the road and she can turn back' if !the storm i too strong, or the snow too steep for her If she persists in goingon, and come., to any, harm, it will be through he own folly. It is a madcap adventure It tr fo tr as if M y on fo -w h la an lic no th mi ai CO th di: Be wi • : tly fated care till enedlno nd if no less' d tin beau eou , wh iris -e in hi. la rageo ly h t had pi re d wit hi ' nn -a • -Tu h gli teni ver ute0 • igh enough in the om making a f below. at now in spate ; and it roared, and flung itself gh boulders in' a water, its furiou toiling spray con the stillness of t tell reeds ,of w "14 geese and wily eir' clanging flight. banks of snow - any morasses, wi hes and bog -cot feathery down wy breasts of "t1 a;Dona. No le iia herself was th ry Morrisou, as s storm of wind an is ked her way a and bracken. ldest 1• bhe be ary ly part r a fe ork wo appines;, u • 11 sk fair than Strin: nd devoted was s raina, beloved o her life to. bri tremity, the w i the wandering d her fair bre: ereupon this mo ,` while the on ayes murmured, ust part at last." e and devoted hoped that s her ` own fon rs, and that this them many d 1• • BROAD UN.D R FUNERALS Sp° COFFINS . k OT & B F0RTH, KERS, TENDED U ST NOTICE: ND SHRO S ON HAND. FOR HIR le orrent head - acting e dark ch the swans • 4 •vered their • n. to • ssian high- s fair brave e gal - snow, id the Dona, than Diar- him e she arrow t, and tain, okers "The rave aina, had lover ight's his of X, HURON EXPOSITO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SPI,IN PROPERTY FOR SALE -For Sale, on easy terms, that desirable residence on James Street owned by Mr,eorge Dent. Enquire of J. S. PORTER Seater b. 681 HOUSE AND LOT ', FOR SALE - For Sale Cheap, a house a • d one lot on the corner of John and Sperling Str ets; theee 's a stable on the lot: Apply to E. G 1 VE, Seaforth. 696 FORSALF,.-For s le a first class Planing Mill, nearly new and in good running order, situated in the flenri�'ng Town of Seaforth, Wlli be solid cheap. ,germs easy Enqulee of SECOND, COSSENS Sc C.O., Goderich, Ont. HOTEL TO. RENT To Rent, that well known Blink Betel, at Poltlook's Corners, Village of Bayfield, County of Hexon, at prevent ocenpied by Charles Stalker Possession first of May, nese. -Apply to the Tee nt, on the premises, or to EDWARD FEE, Exeentor, Zurich P.O. 690-8 rte_ TAVERN STAND F It SALE-1'or Sale, that wolf -known Tavern tend, known as the Clyde Ho tel, situate at B1uev le ',t.atien, on the ,South - ere Extension of the W ilington, C-lioy and; Bruce Railway ; will be sold el sap and on oasy terms ; apply to JAMES HEI'DEBSON, Bluevale post office, or poi -zonally on the premises 698.2 FARM FOR SA' E- or Sale, that valuable Farm, lent 9, east half, Lake Road, East, Stanley, C untyof Huron, eontairiug 101 acre, in good cultiv:,tion ; go d barns, lc g house, good orehard and well waters . Tetmact.ey, and made known ou application to ALEX. CAMPBELL, Proprietor, on the prey ises,.or JOHN ESSON, Bayfield. 690.8 pARM FOR SALE -Bang West hilt of Lot 35, Concession 1, Mc : • lop, containing i O acres, Is situated on the Ho ou Road, McKil.op, 1 miles week of Seaforth. ,This it; oy a of the best farm s in the county. It s all clearec ,well fenced and drained, also good buildings and splendid orchard. Terns easy. For teeth r particulars apply to the proprietor o the premises. T. -E. DENNIE. � 698 FAI1M Foli SALE- 'est half of li ld Road 'Reath, S anley, Cou containing 100 acres; fist -cines soi Inane barns, very u crier oreh fruit ; 80 acres of ;all wheat ; Jars cedar it rear of lot ; n •at school market ; on grate] ro: d. For to JOHN PE( K. Proprietor', on the p JOHN ESSON, Bayfield. -FEA•�-' OR SALE OR TO LE.Fo • Sale or to Lease ix the village bf Chiselhurst, a first- class Blacksmith stand. ,There is blacksmith shop and wood shop. a1sc a dwellin house And one acre of ]noel. Thin is a good o chard on the premises of all kinds of fruit. It will be -sold cheap or lea.eed for a numb r cf years. A full set of tool', will go !with the hop. Apply to WM. MOORE, Hensall. 696x4 Lot 6, Bay- ty of Huron, , brick house, ra and,good quantity of church, and •ms apply to emises, or to 69'3-16 FARM FOR SALE -snug Lot 2, Concession 11, Hibbert. containing 100 acre ,80 of which are cleared, underdraiuod, well fen ed and in a flrst-class stats of cultivation 1 the balance is timbered with hardwood ; there ip a frame house, frame barn and stable ; p eiety of got d water ana a young orehard ; it is 6 miles fi•o : Hensall, 10 from Sealer th, and 2e from Cronin ty. For fur- ther particulars apply to .the prop etor on the premises, or if by letter t1 Cromarty post office. THOMAS OLIVER, 691x12 HOUSE AND . LOT FOR SAL that (flesh able property on Nat formerly owned and occupied by th 3parling ; there is a frame house c rooms end . lichen, with pantry, woodshed ; a good cellar, also h water; tber: is one acre o land with rods ; th :re is a good yeang bear t is ons -of be most des allepror forth. App to JAMES SPARLI OHN S. \ LSH or A. 8 RONG? S - For Sale, Main Street, late James nt aining six edroom and rd and soft a frontage of ng orchard ; ,ties in Sea - G, Blyth, or aforth., 694 `ARM Ftt 8, Hu acres clear well fenced hardwood ; R SALE-Fo lett, containi d, free of stn the wood la • there are :t8 a Sale, Lot g 100 e • es, u lde diswell t res of fal 16 acres seeded to clover ; a good br ;itchen; an first -clues Lame bar oatbniloin s ; there are wo acres bean', g frn •t trees; is net in4 mile and half a re le of Scho the farm; or furthe he premises to MRS. 6 of Clinto runs throu apply on Seaforth. • • 3,Conce cion es, about 85 drained and mbered with wheat and ek house and s and other under young of Seaforth, 1; the river particelare CARTER, 692 b. f. 4 g p ARM FOR SALE.-F'o pale the west half of Lot 7, on the 6th Cone scion of • ekersy)aith, . R. S., containing 50 ao es of cho ee land ; on o place is a frame bars y nearly i ew, a young axing orchard; geed we and pulp ; 18 acres of 11 wheat sown, about 8 a res of bu h; is within miles from the town 0 Sealert on a good avel road. This is one of the bestprpertiesin Ole wnship, and will be sold 'cheap. For further rticualrs apply to the propriet r, on the emises, or if by letter. to Seaforth P.'0. GEO. ttNK. 674x4 -t f ab dr th fr al: go eel ai to P. OOD FARM FOR SAL - For ale Lot 14, ut 65 acres of which a E 'cleared, well under- ined, fenced, end nearly all free fr ra stumps ; bush is all the choide t of hard ood ; good me building?, an orchard and plen y of water; o 20 acres of fall wheat. Is within a mile of a d gravel road leading t Seafort and Brae- , and is convenient to e larches s hoole, post ce and stores. For tort er periti niters apply he proprietor on the pronises o to Walton ARM FOR SALE -The north ha of Lot 26, -a• Lot 27, and the east half of Lo 28, Comes - 13i0 13 4, L. R. S., Tuckersinith ; 200 a res for sale in one parcel, or Vivo of le.0 °ores a d 60 acres an orchard ; the land is in agood st te of culti- vat 'on, es well watered, and •s well 'fit cited as to rota Ft, &C. Any person wan ing a goo I farm, in a goo locality, will do well t leek at his one be - for inning elsewhere. For particular and terms apply to JAMES LAWREN E & BR TITER on T the premiseee or to MESSRS. McC lieeTe'v HOLMESTED, Barristers, 'Worth. 672 APRIL 15, 1881. , 1881. SPRINdr, 1881. OUGALL 84, CO. EUROPE" CANADIAN AND MO:RICAN MARK - STOCK 7. STAPLE AND PANCV RY GOOD$ ArsD MILLINERY W never had such.a Fine Stock to offer !to our dude fru thfully it is the FINEST, I.,ARGFeST, ers and the Public generally, and we can state HEAPEST we have yet shown, and PRACTICAL ILER MAKERS. HE Subscribers leaVe bought the Tools arid Boiler 13n sin ees lately carried on by the God. ving had eh. experience of over eight yeansin t at shop, are now prepared to carry on thetraele I all its blanches. a, Any work entrusted to ne will receive prompt tention. Eirst-claso work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilere made and repaired, elite oke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea- 8 ulitebwieSraalttesP.anit made and old ones repaired Die t e shoi test notice, and at prices that defy conn 6$16e52 Box 103, '.Goderich,- UHRAH FOR MANITOBA 1.11 nal ties going to Manitoba or the Nortle-Weei . would do well te call at CH ROBB'S MEAT MARKET!. R G -HT 4i\T VALUE ! here they can be supplied with all kinds Ali MAIN -ST., SEAPORTS, RIGH -71 _ilv QIALITY ! red Meats of the 33 est Quality, and at the meet sonable prices, such as Clear Bacon) Sugar RIGHT DESIGN! Pi k Rats, Lard, ete. These meats C113 be bought ured Pork Hanle, Sugar Cured Spiced Beer 1/11P, Sugar Cured Brealtfast Spice4 30 PER CENT. CHEAPER F om Mr.-ROBB than they can be procured in THE DRESS 900D anitoba, and Collftquently it win pay partiee Wake their prevehases before startinge Several h ve already applied for supplies, but there will be abundance knell. St Ca ers, W ill show Goods entirely different m what can te no other hoese in the trade can sh w as many a , keeping all kinds hem the cheap 12. THE eiLK ANE5 SATIN DEPARTMENT. be had generally elsew here, and we feerlessly ad as great a variety o 1 DRESS GOODS as we cent Dress oods to the higher an d filer qualities. All of the Best, tettlitieti and in mo of the Popular Shades and Prioee. TI1E MILLINERY IMPARTMENT. 'he Millinery Div rtment this season elements, S' and Lace Ties and Re 1 Laces. ntains the Novelties in French illowers and Feath- EWEST DES7 S inLadies' Hats nil Bonnetin in both Trimmed and Untlrimmed. This Department ie under the Manage cnt of 3'1813 MURDOCK, who has given such entire sat' faction tosour ons omers ever since tin departme t was added to our businese. that limi ur Trimmed Feeneh Pattern Bonnets and Hats ImportedI Direct iTQM Frence, are Novelties every Lady ahotild pee. They are the C oicest Go s of theit kind in Cana da, and as only a ed quantity arel in etock,nve solicit an arty call. his Department is Complete en all ILK PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, THE ST4Pk., the Nevi Varieties of German, English and American lso Zenilla makes, in great variety. e show an Immense Stock of NEW RINTS. ,We can offer 300 New Patterns, at from 7 cents to 18 cents per yard. rey and White Cottons and Sheetings, undas and Scotch Shir tings, Damsel( Tablings, Table Napk s, Towels and Towelling, Hessian Tick ngs, Due s, Brown and B Blare's. - p ROPERTY FOR SALE For Sale Cheap, the Gor on ; there are two and half act s of land, wit a comfortable frame h use and st ble, also a ert is beautifully situate d on the ank of the Mai land River, and fa *it • • two iles and a half f Seat rth, on a good &vet roe., ; it is ad- mit bly adapted for a retire farmer or ny person will e so cheap, as the pr prietor w nts to get mor land. Apply on the pr rliees or '1 by letter rt0 INKBLOT FOR SA.LE R TO RE 'Ur- Being tho West half of Lot 10, concessi n 2, town- ship of McEntee, containin 50 I acres, nearly ail clear d and in a splendid tate of et ltivation ; well atered, 7 awes tinder fall whe t and 15 acres plowed; good farm hotese a d stable, good well and bearing orci ard, cony nient to Rom n Catholic Cline ch an school ; ithin half a mil of Huron gravel road 4 Miles o Seaforth and of Dublin ; this is one f the ttiest 5 acre 1 ems in the township. For term , &c., ap- ply o the premises, to P. NNELLY Seaforth Office choic atonal fall w M FOR SALE -South half of L ession 6, Morris, cent inhale 10 clay loam land ; 85 cleared, 7 6, and balance good h •dweed ; eat and 15 acres of fa I -plowing 11 underd enced and well watered; a good bearin of elm ce fruit ; there is a frame bank b 40x60, table below, and otlicroutbuildinge; fr nd w s well 2(11)1 ncl 16 ow Post 675 t 26, Cop - 1 acres ;of clear !of ; 50 acres mined and orchard pply- odsbed, and hard RI d soft water situated as to.markets, being on rassels, on the Geeat Western from Seaforth, on the Grand Te ossession at once, For further p o R. BROADFOOT, on the prem OOPER, Land Agent, Brussels. ehouse the farm Railway, ink Rail- ses, or to -191 AR 'E FARM FOR SAL an east half of Lot 4, Co ing 225 acres ; 190 a rainet , and nearly clear fro nce is heavily timbered witl nd ba, swcod ; there are 50 nd 00 uality reek r lass g lums riving house and stable is ew ; o house is a large tw story frt e, with itchen and wood shed attach d, and go id stone c liars nder the whole building; an is filled etween studding with lime gravel rom hot - t m to t p ; there is a good school, p st office, •• is ituated 10 miles from Seaforth 12 from ad from the place to all the a e mar - good part of the pinchaite m mey can n mortgage long enoogh to ma e it out ce. For particulars apply to IHONfeS ON, on the premises, r to Hal ck post 688 Si the St are Noted or Our leap hey are Ch, aper Thanking you for th,an Ever. past favors we solieit an early call when buying. E TAILORING ce the purchase of t e Estate of HALL & ANDERSON, we have made Laige Additions to ok, of tho Neweet an Most Fashionable oods in Me Mark et, IMPORTED DIRECT. UR STO9K CON Engii French, Scoteh an be relie 1 on as the most fas ISTS OF THE I3EST Canadian Tweede. These oo de have been, seleceed with care, and may enable shades and, c rrect fa ries. SCOTCH ,SUITINGS. In ScOtch Suitinge we have a Large Stock Sel et Styles. at reasonably low figures. WEEDS. CiitiNADIAN TWEEDS C NADIA!41 In lir Canadian Depar ent will be found which d fy competition. For S le, Lot 8 cession 1 , milieu, Ar ved this week, the L 6 hildre s. The Magnitude es clear (1, under - stumps ; the bal- appreciated. beech, aple, elm cres in f 11 wheat acres in grass ; the 1 nd is of the best being a rich clay lea ; this hum lays a ; ns through the barn y rd ; this is a first - orchard, with apple , pears, peaches, A La nd cherries, just beginning to iear; the The Late nk barn 58x60, and a nearly ew; the x60, an is also 11, DS g avel r r main The We to merit HATS A test Goods in the Am the Stook and the n11 ran es of Coarse, MediUm and Find Goods, D CAPS. erican d English Markets in Men's, Youths' and ariety f the Styles must he seett to be fully GENTS' FURNISHINGS. rge Assoetment of hite and Colored S e, collar attae lied and detached, fro at Styles in Neck Ties, Collars and Cliffs. Cutting Manag ment of r, 75 cents lip. will be und r the Anderson HUGH ROBB, Seaforth. LOCK AND GUNSMITH ge op wh ANUFACTURER and Importer of all kende vers, Fishing Teckle and Sporting needs in. eral, ishes to inform the public that he has e ed a General Repair Shep in Mr. Roberts' uggist) old steno, opposite Cardno's Hall,' re he intends to caery en businese Allkitul of tepamog done in Locks, Keys, thine Revol- ver , Parasels, Umbrellas. Table Plate, Gel ding Done. The Repairirg of Bewing,Ma- an Lawn Mowers sharpened and repakede Ele tro Plating done in Gold mad Silver. ma Je etre, made just as good as new. All work , ertt ustecl to hien will be proenptlyattended to on the hortest notice. Subscriber hereby'thateks his nuraerOus elastomers (merchants and others) for theft libe al patronage durine the past 7 years and hop s by strict integrity and close attention to inesneess to merit their confidence and trade in : the enture. Having great?, enlarged his prem. ises during the winter, he Is now prepatedtolpay T E HIGHEST GASH PRICE For ny quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at th Egg Einporium, IN STREET, SEAPORTS." Wanted by the enbscriber, 25 tons of good dry clean wheat straw. It. D. WILSON THg ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. Tr AVE always on handeand make to Order regent*, Sleighs, Curriages,Bug. gles Cutters, and every othenarticlein their y pereonally superintend their own bust - nese, and can guarantee a good article berthas For Style and Finish their work ellIIII0t be surpo sed by the lane city establishments. Rep iring promptly attended to. Give me a trial nd be convinced that we can satisfyyou as to qua ty aod peke. Mr. eas is well known ter the public, having been Imainess in Zurich for over 12 years. 636 HESS & HABERER. THE RIGHT SIDE UP. HAY NG secured the eervices of Mr. Heine, S Innen who is well known in this Vicinity workna n second to no roan in the County, we there° e reel confident in being able to give entire atisfaotion all kin& of work and to slide all kinds of feet in the best possiblemannere terk, L Rollers, Plows and HIIITOWE3 kept on hand a d made to order on short notice. Price as low as thoee of any other shop. A call solicited and satisfaction guatanteed or no pay emended. 693 Jogs- WILLIAMS. MA 1T11 WED Cone ecti Railway Exeter o, Or lie NV PIA its b a special -musk fro write the ITOBA EXCURSIONS. MAS GREENWAY 1 start another Excursion Train en ,ESDAY, APRIL. 20TH, g with the one over. the Great Western he same day. Corieentrate Freight at Centralia Mondaer before. Apply to LL WHITE, Express Agent, 0 AND ORGAN . M. DUNLOP Teaches Music all anchee ; Musical Science and Harmony y ; advanced pupils taught to write sound, thus enabling composers to r own -compositions; careful attention giveie to y beginners ; also the most approv- ed vocal raining for strergthening and dewier ing the v ice (even when deshed without extra charge. se of instrument for practice ; cluages moderate Residence on George Street, first door east 1 Main Street, Beaforth. 478 ANCHOR LINE. TTNITE GLASGO Direct. STATES ISIAIL STEAMERS Sail Saturday from NEW YORK and (via Londonderry) and LONDON TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glea- n ow, and a parts -of Etteope. Fares as low se any other rst-class line. Prepaid passage Certificates issued to persons wishing tee bring out their friends. The Pass' nger accommodation of Anchor Line fort. Appl to Se DICKSON, 593 I At the Post Office, Seaforth MORE HORSES WANTED. GROS MAN & SHARP WILL be iat SHARP'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, every Sa terday, for the purpose of buying Heavy Draught Iforsee from .8 to 7 years old. .688 " GROSSMAN & SHARP R. N. BRETT, heir patronage. vita t he Patronage of the Public, and ass le all that nothing on eur Part b e wanting° WhNoosnlileeeoabBleuFta NdhoDRINevtaeoryilsDB0eefastElevrsetiluDkL:EkNoecn..:127:Ite lad G-. Mcp 114ALL & Co., Seaforth. lac moderate. Trial Solicited. All orders by rani/ or otherwise roraptlyfilled. PRIL the Council the members Castle, seem - all gravel ace at the Decem, Carried, No' seconded by a following be t -the iniprove this township London road, VW; 6th 10th and llth and 13th. co seconded by j iiteffiniey an widening roa Brownson an The Connell 28th May at 1 Crambrook, on for aid for h they were ver seconded. by be granted. to snd that the Clark, that; been presente vember, pray ana mother, them along wl Council now te de so and a extending aid Treasurer's bo satisfactory. $5.10, recorani plication of Hi to perform sta cession 14), ins lieation gra port was laid .accounts were : audited by the . for their servic granted 08 for - keepers were -Elijah Jac 'i .Sitareeen, WM. drew Bremne - Robert Ross, I Hugh Lamont, 1, Lamont, joh ',Michael Role `i Dobson, Mich ',linger, Rcbt. ' mon, Philip Pi 'Dark, Duncan : ,teron, Anthony 'Adam Scleaffei Bradley, John •cheir, Valentine Watson, John 1 :Williamson, Tf ';Janaes Tut/that :James Oliver, 1' ger, llartwell S. Schaffer. • The ;presented and : and postage, IV. in full for grave auditor, 010 ; NI salary as s.ssess4 going to Goderif 04. On raotio4 to meet again Ethel, on Thuri next AS Court 01 Itli inst. All tl wee moved by j by J. Lasham, t Britton be appa of Robert Rao% - -Carried. Mol onded bY J. Rol of the Toront 1113.80, for main by J. Lasham, t paid $4 for takii prevent snow di concession 11-1 the Clerk be t -Francis Fowler;, questing him to i Course by hie oil 't DINV wat then re lug the followini cers for -the ne Irving, Wm. Ho Shipley, Thos. i Ting, Franeie Re Bayley, &dm iii tert McMichael, John, John Rai Snell, Geo. Bolj Wm, Leach, jos' Quigley, Thos. Thos. Fear, Geo Brien, Wm. LaNi Jas. Mann., Fran 4ohn Allen, Roil Allen, Wm. Bee: Barkwell, Hug nettle Alex. W1 Little, John C Henry Cottle, ' Grainger, Robb; Nolan, John Me Jas. Wells, Jahn sl • •