HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-15, Page 1L881.
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t•etri min-
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[Ai, io 1116
Ut Uri:Ling a
:•at.) to the
1 WELS pro -
▪ ling satis-
_her to the
t evening
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
Was a Grand Success, our Show Room b3ing
CoeidedEvery Day. The Stack in this Depart-
ment is very cdmplete. We are Showing all the
• Latest Styles in
the New Trimmings and a Beautiful A s sort-
meat- of flowers, Fdathers and Laees.
Ladies should see onr Millinery before purehs s-
ws ars doing a Large Trade. Our 10 tent line of
Fatty Dross Goods is nearly all sold out.
Good• Lines at 12i cents, 15 cents and 20 cents
per yard.
Colored Silks from 48 cents to 75 cents per yard
—the Cheapest Goode in Town.
Is always ahead, and the Immense Demand for
BLARNEY TWEED Sjiits still keeps u p.
The Beat Tweeds in the World are the Blarney s
lad can be seen in this Town ONLY at om E s-
tk Complete Stook of Gsnts' Furnishings and
Fancy Goods on hand.
S .A. 0 Et MI .
At Prices you cannot obtain elsewhere.
The Temperance go,estion.
t MB. Editor—Sir: I wrote an arti le
I anent the doings of the Presbytery of
Huron on the ternPerance question so 11 e
Itirne age, wherein I found fault wi h
that body for desiring , to hinder peo • le
;from the Lord's table on account of
itheir 000upation in life, howevenhon st
and respectable they might be in eve
other respect. I assert again that t e
lioensed victuallers calling is as hon st
and legitimate and needful as any oth:r
business or calling in this country. 'e
want places of public accommodatioe•
where man and beast can feed and re t,
and every person knows that no m n
,will get a license except he is both co
petent and respectable. He has te p y
high license to the Government to all w
him to carry on his business. He h a
to keep good order and good aocom e °-
dation for the public. He pays tax :s
on all his real and personal proper y.
He is well watched by inspectors and
temperance spies, and the commissio
ars are all temperance men. You c n
see at a glance that the publicans e
pretty well sifted before they get a
license, and pretty well watched at 11
times afterwards. The revenue deriv d
from the whole business in liqu r
amounts to about seven million doll s
in the whole Dominion. It is quite
fair in its operation, the man that u:es
the article pays the duty. Our revere•d
friends are clamoring for prohibition to
make theircongregations moral and
ligious. They seem to think that o
be done by arbitrary Acts of Pari
ment. They don't care, although dir
taxation comes to -morrow. They
something like the Syndicate, they p
no local taxes whatever, although so
of them own large amounts of real a
personal property. They receive 1
salaries, ranging from $700 to $3,
They can spend it all in a reokl
manner if they like, and when they
they can leave their wives and childr
as a genteel legacy to be kept by t
1 8
church. If prohibition is ever adopt d,
iirect taxation will have to come. I
o -
would advise the tillers of the soil
note that fact. The question to be a
ed is, is it worth while to sacrifice sev
milliou dollars for the good that p
hibition will do? I think past expe
; mice proves Prohibition, Dunkin a
Scott Acts to be total failures. In t
State of Maine, where prohibition
been in operation for i 30 years, it
done no good to cheek drinking.
law is not respected nor enforced; t
sell liquor of all kinds openly for
crowd, together with tonic bitters
the genteel temperance man, with
, Neal Dow looking complacently on
the diminished revenue of the State.
I notice a reply to my last article
a man styling himself "Reviewer."
think there can be no mistake about
color of his cloth, although his ray
' and rant sounds a little like a third r
"temperance lecturer. He com,men
by expressing surprise at the attack
the clergy. He seems to think
olergy should be allowed to say and
what they like without comment.
goes on by saying I showed more h
". than argument. I showed , nothing
I the kiwi. I only stated a few sim
ftwets. The next point, he said I q
bled when I asked about the families
publieans. He knows very well t
the wives assist their husba-nds bot
the bar and the table, but he does
like for very shame to keep back d
women from the Lord's Table.
wants to vent his whole wrath on
landlords as "the only murderer."
1\.11 m 8 :E pi next point my friend takes pp isf
He says faith without work e is de
That is not always the case. The t
on the cross was saved by faith alo
rro) Large Reductions made in price of Goods The next point he touches he spe
eery foolishly. He has no faith in putt ug
the bottle to his neighbor's mo th.
[ED. NOTE.—We Omit a paragraph h re
as it makes a pointed personal refere ce
Ito a gentleman who has• no connec on
either directly or indirectly with he
W. p'orpOole either Removing the Stock or Clear- controversy, our correspondent being
ib -
will only last
mistaken in the identity of his op
eat.] The next point my oppon
touches upon is a serious one. He
DON'T LOSE THE OPPORTUNITY ments the inability Of clergymen to k
the drunken wolf of intemperanoe f
among their flocks. He would like
kill the wolf if he could. He confe
the Christian armour of the soldier
GOODS. the cross is of no useagainst this att.
monster. He wants Sir John A.
doneld to pass severe laws against
wolf and get him destroyed. Our fri
will still have the roaring lion th
going about. What will he do
him? Will he hand over to Sir J
A. Macdonald the roaring lion; if
Sir John will have his hands full.
next finds fault with your humble
vant for rejoicing at the repeal of the
pe -
To Get Bargains in
Clothing and Furnishing House,
The Choicest Things Out for
this Season.
ac -
t is
Dunkin Act throughout the country.
plead guilty to the charge. I glo
the repeal of every unjust and ase
law. But our friend gets a little h
ful at this point. Says he, "ae
magnet points to the Pole, so does
lic opinion point to prohibition."
Editor, the magnet has beeu point
a long time in that direction, but
never reached the Pole so far. I
afraid our friend will also point a long
time before he reaches prohibition
mentioned when I wrote before hat
the liquor business was lawful. lur
friend says the hangman's busines is
legitimate. He asks if "Layman' uld
like to sit at the Lord's Table with the
hangman. In reply, I beg to stet
would have no scruple whatever t. sit
with any man, black or white, whether
he be a king, a beggar or a hangs' an,
provided he believed in the Lord J :sus
Christ as his Saviour. Otir friend Inds
great fault with the publicans on ac-
count of their swearing habits. He
says it unfits them for the Lord's T ble.
Our friend must not judge too fast. We
are sometimes in the habit of he
more foolish and silly nonsense
the pulpit than we will hear at a
roorn. Our friend then finishes off
asking "what shall the harvest of
licensed victuallers be ?" Mr. Ed
history repeats itself. It is the
story of the Fiub1io
over gain.I[ltlhinli
ansssler the esti
will e aco p
jteas ful-ju g
te . Th
past favors
cola ns for
cnss$n, whe 4
Otat , men 0
ye 1or the p
n and the Pharisee
it is (pito eas
n. The Piebli
[,an1 the self-righte
Pharisee will be
ing You, Mr. Editor,
allowing space in y
, manly and free
r concerning Churo
ings, I have to say gii
ent. Yours truly,
Setr g Show.
ow held at Dubli
t week for ' the exh
ck and seed grain
1. ,There was a 1
ectators and the qua
grein shown was
in eome of the de
etiti n was light. ,
t of the successful d
T e Spring
hu sday of 1
out Entire S
irlr succes f
te dance o
the stoc
xce tiona ,
lenis the p0
llo ing i aIli
eti ors :
B ees.—Dler
reeu. T
ro skopf
go Sjrcat, T
s, Killop ;
R. Gardiner,
lquhdun's "Oldl
artetis r'Wellington." Can
ght. Robert Adams' "Y
Had o, ' 2d, James Colqu
noe of W les.' General Pei.
t, P. uii vintlii"Young Engle.
W. Ev a "Young Perfecti
dsters—A, Innis" "Sorrel , Cl
B. Dayid o 's Mazeppa."
lion Hick's "Barron Rio
d."i 1 prize by Prenderg
pecial bi Ni
1 od Sall o
hy." Ju
dville ;
es, MoKill
re -
• ur
111 -
Lam! aged.—lst, O'B ien
ro year old ball A.
arling bull—let, os.
ameron. Jed- .s—
ekeremith ; T E.
. Francis, Fu ar
Lord Redd°, ' 2d,
11 II
s f r
Conn 11,
ety W.
• ite 0 ts
tton. B1
ahamj 2d
hom s G
fat eas
hill, Se
M ;
ian draught,
"Prince Alb
nd Crawford
P. Harris' "Sir
. Moffatt, Mit ell;
e ; J. Cowa Eg-
er, Hibbert ;J T.E.
n wheat—ls ,Jno.
as Mutton. Any
d Wm. Gr ham.
nd, nd,
dge, 2d, Tho
0 s ---Thomas GT
nuell. Sinall
ren, 20, W. Hodge.
• eiodge. Judg
.forth; George Hell
h Mas orden, Logen
he litchel
Frid y lat.
ere we.s ate
ple on the
id to be the
any a imals
nay ;f Pert
b th in sta li
es mpetition n
very ke€n. eh
p ize winner:
1t "Due o
'‘Isabell 's Du
since J, near
Middlesex.," J
t n," J. Gard
• I
Sprs g Show w
Th day was fi
imm nse attend
roun . The eh
best ever held
. here were
f re lly superio
ns d bulls,
most of the cla
e foll wing is a li
• and
n e of
w was
in the
sh wn
nd the
es was
t ol the
d 'hams -6 en ries.-
111386 ,"J. T. ; 2d
e," J. Cole. Bull calved
, 1$ 9 — let _ "D ke of
Col'; 2d "Lord New-
earling B ll lat
Lett • 2d "North
, er. ,
swadd Cray," V.
Sar,' I. Goodwin.
Hoeszs.—A, 'ed
I porttfr;1-7 ntrie
do," Oh4t1 s Br
Spotland," Colq
red, Aged entr
J 0, lquho
pO8e-6 out in —is
Glory," J. Wa t; 2
Cilory," P. uinli
azoPPae" h De
arriag —3 e tries
nnis dc M La,
bred -2 en ri s—ls
Coates 4 2d t' aron
T. HicIs., emu
6d coltHlet Trine
q houn ; Rester
e -1st "Yei ng
arris.Ste pstak
t e grotind, al yinaBga
C oud," En • tit M
The prin Show
o the ijibbzf Agri
h Id at tafia
eathe bei g
f ir there w a
he eh w waa
'ijhere ere n
na12on the g
ere of the a
in Gen rad rpm)
The m st of these
the con try. Ther
fi e bulls shown, ee
c ass. The fol lowi
siiceesdu1 ck so petit
HOR8t8. : eavy
8 en riea. 1st
orton ; 2d `i I ld L
rooksCa • alio,
" rince of les,"
ad aid qa'age
e ps„" eth vida
"Bar le R thsola
ny breed er th
—1st" rin e Alber
2 "Yo ng pi Arc
8. D plorn for
g ound 3 en ries.
James Colqu • oun,
BUL 8.—Aled D
1 t "Is bel a s Du
'Fifth Por osa 0
oung Bulls -4 en
hief," B. oger
iddlethex,' Jam
est bnll any age
hief," B. 111 garth
JuDeSs. J seph
El ith 0 Cyr s Be
ydd, slio ne ;
eavy Dray h B,-
-let 1"Old - 1ord
oks ; 2c1 " Irideof
houn. C median
"P nee of
• n. Genertll Pur -
"Young Ethend's
"Young England's
in. Roadster or
1st"Sorrel loud,"
hlin ; 2d "Young
• idson. Th rotigh-
"Dr. But er, ' J.
Rothschild,1' John
Draught t o- ear -
Albert," A. ICol-
nd Carriage, Name
ir Ardhy," T P.
for best hare on
or breed, ‘Serrei
under the a spices
ultural Soci ty was
on Tpesday last.j The
ple: nt and th roads
a lar e turnout of ipeople.
tally • p to forme years.
t a ge number of ani-
ound but those r sent
t. he falling if was
and small horses.
eem to be out of
were sever 1 very
ecially th rung
g is a list of the
TB : I
raught, Inliporbed
'Welcome," 1 James
rd Haddo,' j Mee
Bred -1 nt y.—
James, Coljn14oan.
1 entry. — az-
n. Blood— e try,
'1d," T. T. Blicks.
ee years -2 n ries,
," Alex. Col ulioun;
y," Thos, . par -
best horse or the
"Prince of Vales,"
rhatta-3 entries,—
e," John /3 ; 2d
ief," John 1ent1ey.
ries.--elst "Fairview
h; 2d "tate of
s Colquho n . Jr.
✓ breed—" a' view
The nnua Spri •
uspices of t
ranc Ag icultu;
oa the grou ds o
illa,ge f Br seals
he dar wes ery
ce of 1 spelt tors
asben a a yspr
le, Dublin
herles Ey
g Stioty un
t HPrdn an
1 Societies
the latter
on Wedries
ne apd the
as the larg
ng show in B
d, Us -
as held
in the
y last.
a tend-
s that
✓ saels,
th re being not fewer than one theusand
pe ple on the ground. The show of
st ek, both as regards quality and
quantity, was very good' indeed and
wi.s much in advance of Ray Iformer
ye r. The following list gives theduc-
cessfulcompetitors in. the Several
al es:
OH8ES.—Imported %Heavy Dratght
entries.—lst Horton & McLaughlin,
nterprise ;" 2d R. Martin, "Lord
H rry ;" 3d H. Mason, "Scotcliman. "
Canadian Heavy draught -4 enriee.— -
Ist James Irvin, "Young Enterpri e ;"
2d J. J. Parish, "Young Enterprise ;"
3d Chas. McKenzie, "Lord Haddo."
General Purpose Horse -5 entries.—let
L. McNeil, "England's Glory ;" 2d
George Harris, "Young England's Won-
der ; ' 3d Bullard et Adams, "Lord
H ddo." Road and Carriage -4 en -
t es,—let James Rogers, "Sir Ta ton
C aohman ;" 2d D. McLean, "Reyal
G orge ;" 3d John Purdo, "Lively B b.'
B ood-1 entry.—E. Levens, "B ne-
s tter."
Buees.—Durhams—over two y ars
old -5 entries. -18t Thomas Meta ch -
lip, "Lord Lorne ;" 2d James Fergu on,
t. Elmo ;" 3d WM. Hastie, "Ref rm-
e ." Under 2 years old—f2 entri s.-
1 t Samuel Love, "Clearidon :" 2d lex.
orsyth, "Perfection." at
JUDGES.--HOTB88— ThOlnat3 Die 80II,
oKillop ; Thonaas Dustew, Bel Ore
a d Wm. Thompson, Elma. 1e—
% m. Sproat, Tuckersmith ; Robt.
re, East Wawanosh and Chas. Protor,
Morns. 1
Mr.. J. M. Keachie, of Burford, has
1 st 20 skeps of bees out of 25 this in-
ter with the frost.
—The World newspaper offiosi at To:
onto was on fire last Sunday trier ing.
he type and presses were saved.
— A horse belonging to Dr. Me
f Lucknow, broke through the ice into
he river, and was with difficulty res-
ued. •
—Preparations are being made for
he holding of a large military cam at
London in June, the largest ever eld
n Western Ontario.
— Mr. T. A. Brown, of Coning -cod,
has-been awarded the contract for sup-
plying over 100 cows for the India in-
dust ial farmein the Northwest,
Toronto bricklayer n am ed uI oses
lwas ery nearly killed the other orn-
, ing. A brick fell from the sesond
stor and struck him on the head.
ohn MeGuinn was found gull y at
St. atherines and sentenced to three
year in the penitentiary for It' ling
Joh Smith in Wellandport in F bru-
ary 1 st.
—1 here are at present 245 pupi s in
the Institution for the Deaf and D • rah
at )3 lleville, the largest number that
have attended since the opening of the
Itati talon.
essrs. Thomas and Robert 1 as -
ton, f Dumfries township, sold a Lum-
ber f sheep to a buyer at Paris sta-
tion ast week. They averaged about
$7.50 perhead.
—Iftidge Macdonald, of Guelph, for
twenty-six years Judge of the County
Cobr1t of the county of Wellington, died
on uesday evening from a second at-
tack of paralysis.
writer in the Canada Presby-
terian condemns the expensiveness of
modern entertaining, and calls upon
wealthy people to set the needed ex -
amp e of simplicity.
erchants at Pembina say that
near y all the trade in that town is re-
ceiv d frem Canadians, and that a large
pro rtioh of the money in circulation
is C nadian currency. •
Wiman, a former resident of
Tdrothto, makes the very munificent
and I generous propoaal of expending
fron $5,000 to $6,000 in establishing
pubic baths in the city.
— 'bus crossing the track at G-eorge-
tow , was struck by a backing train
and ompletely smashed to pieces. Two
ladi B who were in the 'bus aied the
driv r were badly injured.
he bankruptcy of Mr. Malson, M.
P. f r Brome, who offers forty cents on
the ollar on $12,000 liabilitiea, was
caused. by his heavy expenses in de-
feat'ng Mr. Fisher at the last eleetton.
Kingston man nanad Habon has
sus. Dr. Parker, his physician, 310,000
darnages sustained by the alleged un-
skil ul treatment, by reason of which
the elaintiff had to suffer amputatien of
—There are twins, girls, who live at
the Claaudiefe, near Ottawa, whose
ht has not materially changed
sine the time of their birth. In seven
yea s they have only gained a 'quarter
of 0. sound each.
is n
An exchange hopes that lot sugar
which the school children of
throy were regaled on Friday after-
, had no connection with the sick -
of 50 of them on the following
day morning.
Rev. Mr. Little, Presbyterian min -
at Princeton, Oxford county, hay -
ought the farm of Mr. Whitehead,
w bueily engaged fixing it up. He
oses fencing it all in with a new
ed wire fence.
There are 100 Jewish families in
•nto, and they have imported $250
h of unleavened bread from New
to assist in celebrating the Pass -
week, which commenced at mid -
t on Wednesday.
Last Saturday afternoon a norae
away on King street, Toronto, and
shed a plate -glass window in Ellis'
lry store, doing damage to the
unt of $300. The owner, who was
k, was thrown out against the
e curbing and severely injured.
The London blacksmith, Mnnro,
. con jutted his walking before St. An-
dre is Church in that city on Sunday,
as le has done every Sunday for six
weiks past, with the Bible pressed
olore to his breast. He quotes Sorip-
tur4 authority for his sighings, groan-
ing and measured pace. A constable
is kept at the gate and pr vents his in-
trusion w thin the church. Munrca is
harmless. He says the above conduct
has been enjoined upon himln dreams
and visio s.
—A collision occurred on the North-
ern Rail ay, in the vicinity of Barrie,
on Frida morning. One man, David
Thornton an engine fitter from Toron-
to, was !tiled, and severs/ of the em-
ployes WI e wounded. '
—Duri 0 g the present year about 180
immigra ft; arrived at Ottawa. They
were mos ly Germans, end were located
on the pper Ottavya, some getting
work on • e western, extension of the
Canada fentral Railway.
—A an named Forrester, erased
with drin , shot and bad y wounded his
wife at ergua on Pri ay last. The
couple hal been living separate for some
time on : toount of dis cements. For-
rester has been arrested.
—Extensive prepared ns are being
made at Halitax for the 1evelopmeut of
a large dad meat trade with England,
France aid Germany. It is proposed
to export to Liverpool London, Ant-
werp and other European ports.
—A so iety calling -, themselves the
Presbyterian Defence Aissociation, has
been formed. in Torouto.i The principal
object of the Society apears to be to
oppose the introduction of ymns and
instrume tal music in Chri tian wor-
ship. 1. 1
—Seve al persons belionging to school
section N . 4, Alnwiek, were fined fifty
cents eac and costs for neglecting to
send thei children to School according
to law. ne of the p ' ies refused. to
pay the fine and was s±it to jail for 15
days. 11
—Last Sunday morn, ng the little son
of Mr. J. Hoover, of jprmgfie1d, aged
eight years, was endea joring to get on
the cars vhilst in mot n. He slipped
and both legs were au off below th
knees. 10 died about two o'clock ini
the after oon.
—The oroner's jury in the Allendale.
railway coUisiou have eturned a ver -I
dict blanting both con uctors and both
firemen f r negligencoi, and expreesin
the belief that the N rthern Railwa
Compan ' should see that the ruleti ar
strictly efiforced. .
—Oa o ening a cattle car the othe
day at thle Great Weetern Railway -eta
tion, Lo
don, two fine animals wer
found lying dead on the floor. The
were the Property of Mr. R. Tooley, M
P. P., anli it is thoug14 they must heal
been tra pled to dee*.
—It a
been con
trona of t
ference o
on the 3r
view to
discovered a calf in her with two heads
two ears four eyes, two mouths an
two tong es.
—Rev. Dr. Dewart, editor of the
Ohristian Guardian, ie Buffering from
protractei nervous prostration, and the
greater p rt of the ' work done by hi
during t e winter hie been dictated
others. JIe hopes soon to secure
period of needed rest, and will proba.b1
cross the sea.
—A y ung couple, both under th
age of 17, appeared .before a Lindsa
clergyma a few days ago, and wer
united in the bonds of , wedlock. Whe
the clerg man remarked that they were
a very yo thful couple, the bridegroonic
braced up and replied that it was bet-
ter to begin life young.
—Mr. P. Barnes, of Dalrymple, Viet
toria couoty, met with a very Berl
accident in his shingle mill lately. Th
eawdnet aught fire, and he was trying
to remov it with a pitchfork when the
fork cau ht in the driving belt andth
handle wjas driven through his °hes
boT ere ie no ho of his re
pears that the business in con
ith the post Office at Napier
county, ha a for some tim
ucted in such a loose au
anner as tol necessitate pa
at office tol call for the inter
the Inspection
Wm. Millman, of Yarmouth
11 inst., lost la cow very and/
n examining the cow with er
form, if pOssible, a correct
f the cause of her death, h
ne. .
—The anada Pacific Syndioatei will
common e work at an early date., The
have alre dy purchased half a miilioii
feet of lti ber at Minneapolis, and will
shortly eiigage one thousand spanacf
horses and drivers to proceed to the
Northwest. A large number of navvie
from Europe will, it is expected, arrive
out very bortly. 1
—An o d resident of Strathroy, Ellen
Young, d ed on Wednesday, the 30th I
March, ii the 82nd year of her ag
She was orn at Pollock Shaws, Sec)
land, 179, and came to this country iia
1842, an up to the time of her deat
has mad her home with her sister an
brother -i -law, Mr. John Thompso
She was member of the Presbyterian
church f r 66 years, and always' e
hibited ii her life the tree eharacter f
a Christi
--The ate cattle fair at Harriet°
was mote than usually suceessfui.
Farmers attended in crowds, and mad
ready anil good sales, We give a fe
of the saes: Two two year old atee
582.50; lwo small steers, 590; one a
and one eifer, 590; one bulland tw
cows, at our cents per lb. live weight ;
one bull, 560;, two one year old heifer4,
580.46; two head young cattle at la
per • lb.; two head, 590; Alex. Gordoh
was offerd 5ie per lb. live weight, but
refused; a team of horses for 5315; 0.
number f horses were sold ranging frorn
I '
$80 to $1 0.
—Last Saturday afternoon, at Cal -
donia, ite some employees in the ktu -
ting fact ry were standing looking a
the ice as it went over , the
the dam, they observed the body of
man going over with the ice. Theleod
was soon l brought to the shore. It 'WSS
thought to be the body of the ma
Sage, who disappeared so mysterieus
from Brantford last fall. A dolle.r .1).
and a 1opket were found on his pe
These aijticles, with some of the clothe44,
being saILt to Mrs. Sage at Branford,
they were at once recognized by the
mother is belonging to her missing son.
The boa was in such an advanced
state of ecomposition as to ' be un-
recognizable except by the clothes and
other articles. A verdict of, "found
dead" vels returned.. The body was re-
moved the friends to Brantford.
—Diphtheria is remarkably prevalent
in the township of Percy, Northumber-
land county. A family of six children
were all stricken, one of the number
died and another was at the point of
death. The disease proetrates from
one to fopr members of every family it
enters. '
—Kno 's Great Western excursion
train a ived at Winnipeg at seven
o'clock o Saturday night, With ten
passengercoaches and three baggage
cars. Alconsiderable number ,departed
at Eme son for Southern Manitoba.
The par y had a splendid ren from
—The Rev. J. Catnpbell, of Knox
church, Harriston, has again been call-
ed by the Presbyterian eongregation of
Pembina, Dakota, United States. There
is a strong probability that he l will ac-
cept the call, as this is the seclond time
he has been asked to take charge of
that congregation.
—Rev. James Herald, of IDundas,
who during the past winter has been in
charge of the Preebyterian Milssions at
Prince Arthur'a Land.nag and Fort
William; has, at the nnivers1 request
of the congregations, been appOinted to
these stations for a further Period of
one year from May lst.
—John Coutts,. for some time em-
ployed with John Richardson, of St.
George, a few days ago forged Mr.
Richardson's name to a note and drew
about $$00 from the Bank id Com-
merce at Brantford. Couttif and his
accomplice, named Roberts, leave gone
eastward for parts unknown. I
— Thet Legislature of Princ Edward
Island was prorogued on the th inst.,
the work of the session being epresent-
ed by thirty-two bills. Qn th last day
of the session a resolution was passed
instructing the Government 1 to take
judicial action for the recovery of the
Island's share of the fishery aWard.
—Last Sunday Be'. P.i Tocque
preachedto a large and attentive con-
gregation, composed of the intnates of
the Lunatic Asylum, Toronto. They
listened with deep attentien, after
which he administered the secrament
of the Lord's Supper to fifteenMembers
of the Oatirch of England, inmates of
the institutton.
I —In these days of double heads,
Siamese twins and other strange freaks
of nature, Mr. W. J. Baker, of West-
minster also produces his curiosity. It
consists of a pig with eight legs, three
ears, two tails but only one heed. Per-
haps another head woeldn't increase
the attraction any, but the pig is worth
rearing anyway.
— Mayor MeMurrich and ten mem-
bers of the oonamon council of Toronto
visited New York last week on a tour
of inspeetion of public buildings in that
city, with the view of selecting the
most approved style for the erection of
the new Parliamentary buildings.
Flags wSre displayed on the CAy Hall in
honor of their visit.
—Mr. W. H. Ellis, engineer of the
Grand Trunk Railway, svho was seri-
ously injured last fall by being thrown
from hie buggy owing to a idefective
roadway, and. who instituted BO action
for damages therefore against the town-
ship of Otonabee, has made a settle -
Ment with the township for $800, there -
'ley avoiding litigation.
—Margaret Hogg was arraigned. at
Harriston on Saturday on a eharge of
shooting. with intent, at one James
Close. The case from , the evidence
seems to be a serious one. Nothing but
mere chance saved the of eClose.
She seems to be a desperate character,
eking her boast of haying ehot and
lled many with pistolal
—Durieg the temporary absence of a
Quebec tradesman from his shop the
other day, a customer dropped. in and
left with lais little boy the sum of $40
in bank bills, the amount of an old debt.
When the tradesman returned his son
handed him the money, but ; thinking
the boy was playing April fool on him
he threw the roll into the stove.
—The three members of the family
of Mr. David Kennedy, the Scottish
vocalistwell known throughout Canada,
whet perished in the burning of the
opera house at Nice are: Jantes Ken-
nedy, 25 years of age; Kate Kennedy,
19, and Lizzie Kennedy, 17. They were
studying at Nice under Signor Lamer -
ti, and were in the theatre at the time
of the explosion. They all gave prom-
ise of becoming able artistes.' It had
been arranged that these three with
their father would make the tour of
C a —n a md ra n e xt Hunter l a l 1 h.
as resigned/the posi-
tion as Principal of the BrantfOrd Blind
Institute, and accepted. the position of
Inspect& of Insurance for Ontario, vice
Dr. O'Riley, resigned. Mr. A H. Dy-
mond, ex -M. P. for North York, has proved
been offered and accepted the vacancy the mytitery, as it is not known that any
created by Mr. Hunter's removal. On of the Metal exists in this part of North
Friday oriatt of the pupils of tlae Insti- America.. Circumstances indicate that
tute cel brated Mr. Hunter's retirement they whet have been laid. there a httn-
from the Principalship by an offensive dred years ago.
demonstration in the shape of a bon- —Some short time ago a child. WWI
fire. On Monday six pupils were ex- left at the door of a most respectable
pelled by the Principal, ,but they re- citizen f St.Thomas,and for pm -dental
fused to leave the city until informed of reasona it was deemed uiaadvisable to
the reason for their expulsion, Borne of give pu licity to the affair at the time.
them stating that they had nothing to Chief o Police Fewings, with his usual.
adroitness, quietly went to work to find
do with the bonfire.
—The DoMinion line steamship, out the heartless mother. He succeed -
Texas, from Liverpool, which arrived ed in unearthing her at the Tecumseh
at Halifax Monday morning has the House, ornonn,wanaddefrou. ndshheereonnafmease to
rnity of the child, and mid she
th to it in the lying-in. hospital
on ; that its father was a far -
he townslaip of Yarmouth, an -
and worth about twenty
a dollars; that the reason she
child where she did was to pro-
ood hotel° for it. The Chief
her to St. Thomas, and she has
e child away again, and tried
vit against its male progenitor.
for varioue parties in Ontario, and over
one hundred head of thoroughbred
polled Anus, Hereford, and short horn
animals, 4a1e and female, including a
Duke bull and Barrington and Leaving -
ton heif r, and seventy-five Oxford.
Down sh ep for Senator Coohreaae's
stock 1 arth at Compton.
—One 4t the Montreal census enum-
erators c ELM not get it bato his head
that a la4y whom he questioned could
have been born in Constantinople. He
had never heard of Constantinople, and
comprotsed the matter by giving
Europe the lady's birthplace, she
in Tinley, and.' that Turkey is in
having to
him that Constantinople is
—Dr. Wild, the eccentric preacher of
Bond street Congregational Church,
Toronto, Preached a sermon last Sun-
day night on the fate of Russia. He
said thateeventually all the kingdoms
ofthe earth would be merged in two,
Rns ia a d England, and the conflict
bet en he two would be that be-
tween god and evil; England, as
typicalio good, triumphing. ,Ilefourids
his prop eoy upon Ezekiel 38th and
39th cha ters.
—The troes usually found in Mani-
toba are he oak, poplar, ash, elm, ash -
leaved rapie, white birch, and bass-
wood. ¶Ihese all grow to a good size.
In plactesitamarack, balsam and spruce
are met lvith, sometimes in large num-
bers. The bushes are hawthorn, hazel,
choke e erry, red. cherry, wild rose,
gooseberity, buffalo berry, high bush
cranberr, , currant, raspberry and sev-
eral kinds of willow. The black rasp-
berry an4I bramble are not found in
•a -Mr. Anthony Bowes, of Vaughan
tOWTIShil:i, York county, has had the
misfortune to lose seven head of splen-
did horses out of a stable of fifteen ,in
the spece of four days, by sonae mys-
terious,' disease. He had four veterin-
aries to llook at them, and consequently
had fon different dieeases, according
to their our different opinions. The
real die se appeared to be a kind of
diphthe ia or black throat. Mr. Bowes
is noted for having some of the best
horsesd the township.
—ister Claire Henriette, of the
Sacred -eart Convent at Manhattan-
ville, o died suddenly the other day,
was in t e world Cotintess de Kersaint,
of Bri t ny, France. She took the
veil at Quiniper, in her native land, in
1818, u3 was sent over to this contin-
ent. e established and was Super-
ior of a 4onvent of the Sacred Heart at
Sb. Jacci. es, P. Q. She was moved
thence t Buffalo, then back to Canada,
Sandwieli being the scene of her labors.
In the end she died as above, in the 83d
year of her age.
—The rich gold specimens found in
the vieinity of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,
aid whieb are creating such an excite-
ment, tote from the remains of quartz
taken from a shaft sunk in 1845, before
the diacevery of gold in California. The
yellow l stuff produced was then sup-
posed tObe copper. The naine Wee net
worked for any length of time, and
about ten years ago the shaft, 100 feet
deep, *as filled up. A. company has
been ferthed to open the mine again,
t may result from As develop -
meritb ntwhr
ains to be seen.
—Mr. James Corrigan, of Lambton
county, et with a serious loss. He
was sto ping all night at a hotel in
Columb aville, Michigan, on his way
home om the lumber woods. The
hotelto k fire during the night, and
when t e alarm was sounded. Mr. Cor-
rigan, i his haste to save a valuable
team of ihorses, which were in the hotel
stable, forgot to take with him his
pocketbook, which he had placed under
his pillow.. Unfortunately the fire had
advanced so far that his team, as well
as his p rse, was lost. Total loss be-
tween 00 and 5600.
—Mr. I. Cockshutt, of Brantford, has
done a handsome and generous act in
assigning his mortgage of $10,000 upon
the Young Men's Christian Association
of that ity, to the trustees, to be held
for the iaefit of the Orphans' Home,
making provision, also, that these par -
tions of the building used for Associa-
tion purposes shall be secure against
forecloe, res for default or arrears of
any kind; and. that the rate of interest
to be paid henceforth on the mortgage
is red u from seven to six per cent. per
annum., Arrears of interest to the
araount of $700 on the mortgage were
cal:well .
—Th re were some interesting relics
of a by- one age dug up in Port Hope a
few day ago. The men came across
what naed to be the remains of an
Indian ave, the bones crumbling to
-dust as on as the air reached them.
In the mmediate vicinity of the re-
mains ere found several arrow heads,
a, piece of Anil bone with a hole in it
as if it had been a neck ornament, a
copper e or hatchet, and about a pail-
ful of eavy material, which has since
o be antimony. The latter is
largest consignment of thoroughbred be Mariy
cattle ever imported into Canada. It the rna
consists of sixty pure bred pelle.d An- gave bi
gus, Hereford, and shorthorn bulls and at Lon
desdale stallions for tbe Coch- mer in
left the
vide a
taken t
an afli
two Cl
raise R
the foo
are R.
nche Coinpany, who ere about
a stock farm of 10,00Q head at
of the RockyMountains. There
three Guernsey cows, 1 imported
by Hon;J. J. C. Abbott ; eight Clydes-
dale stallions for Beatty and Holder-
ness, Toronto; fifty Oxford Down sheep