HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-08, Page 22 HE HURON E POS1T94. MRS. FLINTS MARRIED E*- PERDIINCE. (CONCLUDED.) "Farewell," said Father Hill, and with a look of heavenly benignity went out from die house. His deep and ear- nest piety had got the better of his dog- mas, aud, so strange is huma,n nature, he was a little ashamed. of it. But on his departing steps the shed door open- ed, and Ma,b came in, her face all washed with tears. "That man'e got religion !" .she said, deeisively. "I never. heered a mortal creature pray. like that; seemed as though he see right into glory, and talked face to face with the Lord. If that's bein' pious, I wish I was as pious as fury myself.'" "He's a good man," sobbed Mrs. Flint; aone of the Lord's fainted, I make. no doubt; and, Mabel, I don't knew but what I have did wrong. ' I ain't noways heavenly-miuded like him; inabbe I had ought to have put up with everything." "No, you hadn't ; that ain't so ; but if it's goin' to make you easier, aunty, to 'make reflections,' as old Parson Roberts says, why, make 'em; only don't tell no lies to the church because you've got into a heavenly mood all to once. Folks that ain't just to them- selves don't never get justice else- wheres, now I tell you." Father Hill, despairing of ha.ving, im- pressed Mrs. Flint, had cast the matter into his master's hands, and from his study in Bassington sent a letter to Parson Roberts, 1 unniteg thus : "Ravin AND DEAR BROTHER.—I have had opportunity with Mrs. Flint, aud -find that she conceived her leaving the Deacon was a real duty at that time; that her recovery under Providence turned upon it ; that she did. not then foresee the cousequences that such a step V70111d iSSLIt _ill her final separation. She stands ready to reflect upon her- self as far as she can be convinced she ought to do so, but thinks the faultis not on her side as things now are. "I feel unable to direct or advise farther. The cause of religion, the cause of the Christian church, you are very sensible, ie of more consequence than the honor or peace of any indi- vidual. If such a settlement can be made as may secure religion from suf- fering, it must be an object to be de- sired. Sensible of the embarrassments you and the church labor under, and desirous to contribute my mite, I use this freedom. "This from your affectionate brother, i SAMUEL J. HILL. "To Rev'd, Mr. Roberts. "To be communicated if you think expedient. . But while the, nainisters were in this strait aboat their obstinate parishioner, the Lord had answered,Father Hill, un- known to himself; while he was yet speaking. tioved, arid indeed melted, by the love and sympathy that prayer showed, Mrs. Flint, no longer hindered by Mabel, prepared herself to write "proper refleotious" to the church; but in doing so was alao perpetually prompt- ed by Mabel not to traitorously deny her own cause or slip aside from the truth in a voluntary humility; and in due time the following confession was laid before that august body: "I, the subscriber, Sarepta Flint, a member of the church of Cluast iu Bas- sett, sensible th,at the Churoli are dis-• satisfied with me on account ot the separation that has taken place be- tween Deacon Flint and myself, and that they are aapLa.,^eim4 fsive that I have de21 not been inuo - t as to measures which have led to this uuhappy event, where- by religion is w unded and the peace of the church disturbed, take this -oppor- tunity to publicly acknowledge myself a poor,: imperfect creature, and to own that under my weak state of body and weakness of mind, with which I was attended at one time or another, I no doubt manifested op certain occasions an unsuitable temp& of mind, said and did things which under other circum- stancee I should not have said or done. I am far from justifying myself in all my conduct. Particular I would re- flect on myself for that expression in regard to swearing the peace against Deacon Flint. I ask the forgiveness of God and this church, and of all others who are aggrieved, and request the prayers of. my Christian brethren and sisters that I henoeforth conduct as a, true and faithful disciple of Christ, and adorn the soletim vocation by which I am called. , "SAREPTA FLINT. "P. S.—I stand ready also to return to my husband as soon as a suitable door opens for that purpose." Perlaaps somethieg in th,e self-re- specting yet honest humility of this dominant touched the heart of Bassett church, 'or perhaps only their self-love and pride Of place was soothed by it. Be that as it may, the confession was accepted, and Parson Roberts, with a valor and .persistence that did him honor, insisted that Deacon Flint shoald go with hire to inform his wife of her release from interdict, and also to open that "door" of reconciliation to whieh she had so pathetically alluded. The parson's wig was freSh buckled, the deacon's queue new wound and tied, and their Sabbath. day garments prim and speckless, as the next morn- ing they opened the door of the old house where Sarepta Flint had taken refuge from her oppressor. A scene they little expected met their eyes. On the low' bed, covered with its rough blue hornespun spread, lay an evidently dying figure. A more solemn vocation th.an life had called Deacon Flint's wife, and she waa about to obey. Mind - well and Sam Pratt upheld her as she gasped for breath, and the two childrea dung together , sobbing at her feet, while Mabel, with. Joe -Pratt's arm about her, and her face streaming with tears she; did not feel, stood by the bed- side gazing. at her friend. Her face blazed as the deacon and Parson Rob- erts_ entered; but roused by the click of the latch; Mrs. Flint opened her eyes and looked at the youthful pair with a gentle snailei they had been the one bright outlook of her latter life, and to them she gave her last smile; for as her eyes turned toward her husband a cold, terror filled them, the lids fell, her head drooped on Mindwell's shoulder, and with eue long shuddering sigh she escaped forever.' The forgiveness of the church and the eondescension of her husband canae too late; she was already safe where the wicked cease from troubling, and th a Divine Consoler dries all mortal tears. Deacon Flint stood like a stone. Did. remorse trouble him? Was regret busy • at his heart ? Or did he feel a bitter and deep chagrin at the loss of income? Mabel' s tears ceased ; she from Joe's arm, and went r where Deacon ylint stood. proper pleased how?" she said i voice of concentrated conte rage. "You've goti her turned it church,- and into heaven. YO wo never see her againi—no, never ot all eternity; but you've killed r good as if you took Sae to h can take that hum to sleep on.' . "Hush !" said Parson Bober wi all the dignity a little mau coul gvo his voice and manner. "W e Lord giveth quietaess, who t ail make trouble ? ' But even as he spoke, Joe P t, h face full of black wrath, set his nd the deacon's collar, and walk ql El summarily into thel road. Ma le h spoken truth; never again did t 8 his wife' S face, not even, in t fa peace of death. Whether ever a th far world of souls they met agai pe haps, doubtful ; meat likely n t. Mr Flint's maimed experience was this world a hundred years ago, d i the next "they neither marry ar given in marriage." • , The Horse That Ra Dr. Hamilton Pierson, on time President of Camberlaud leg tells the following anecdote of itiu -eracy : Once, when in the South t, h stopped at a place where ther very many gamblers. As he ca the road he saw that they all his horse. He dismounted, ga, animal to the hostler, to be fe cared for. He had scarcely fi. washing his face and hands wjb big burly fellow, with his hand4 ful of bank bills, who had got his natn from the hotel register, came r a in up to him, saying : "Mr. Pierson, will you let you rs "What do you mean 2" mike the minister. "Why, we want to get up a rac I have bet %%200 cau beat mut this town." The minister answered "No!' Nery sharply. The next morning, as he was leasiing town, he had to stop at the lack - smith's to get his horse's shoe filed. When the workman had finishe 4ho job, he looked the preacher smi n,gly in the face and said: "This is the horse you wouldn't' let them race yesterday, ain't he 2" . "Yes," answered the minister. "W•ell," answered the man, run him anyway, arid he wo money, too," John's IdeAs of Married if • The real secret of the enjoyment of olub life lies in 'the fact that it iiii fe from all criticism. The man wears is hat or takes it off ; talks or his silent ; reads or falls asleep before the fire; smokes or plays billiards if inclina i n chair, or leans back on its two leg d r prompts him ; tsits bolt upright inji one puts his own two legs on anothert d there is no one to call him to acc ' t. If I were a mother I would try to e h my children good habits; but if I e a wife, I would leave my' husba ,'s habits alone. His home should be f e r in its atmosphere than any club. e should read, or talk, or smoke, or play, - or steep, or write letters, or sit on e legs or four—in Short, he should d as he pleased, and I would take him for if I could not be satisfied. better arid for worse --and be canton 11 When I was married` my gra d mother, who was a wise woman, gave me a bit of advice which I have i e e forgotten. I wish I had lived up i more consistently. "John," she id "you think yort have got a perfect t ure for a wife, I suppose." "Inde do," said I (and I think so still). " 11 John," said she, "I have livedlo seri in life than you have, and I assure you it's a mistake. I believe she is a t e s- ure, but she is not a perfect trea u e. You will soon begin to find out 1 ttle imperfections. You will think it Will be very easy for her to correct t en. You will be tempted to point them at to l her. Now take my advice, j n, and don't attempt to make your fe over. You remember what a tim e had two years ago, when your fat er pudertook to raise this house and p ut a new roof on it while we were livingn it. l And we all resolved that if it e e to do over again, we would camp ou the fields if necessary till the work done. Building a house is nothing building a woman, John. I believe u have got a good wife; don't try to re ke her better by criticism. If you do u will be all your lite at it, and you •111 only made her uncomfortable and y ur- self too."—Glristian Union. I' • • Taming a Snake. I went to the natives and tried to as- certain the cause of their conduct, nd they made me understand why t y had fled. I then returned to see snake myself, which, in fact, I did, a4. though two-thirds of its length We bidden in a hole in the earth. His s' e was such that I concluded he could t be poisonous, and I at once grasped han by the tail. While dragging him tut ot his lair with my two hands I was pre- pared to flatten his neck close to i s head with one foot the moment emerged, so that he should not h the power of turning or moving. plan succeeded perfectly, and while t, snake's head was imprisoned under .1 foot I grasped his body with my ham. and, as though I had vanquished a t rible mthister, turned toward the nati e with an air of triumph. They, strn Ik from a safe distance. I must- confe with terror, had looked on at the see t that the snake offered little resistan el, although it wreathed. and twisted its A round my arm, squeezing it so tightly 6 to stop the circulation and make e y hand black. I remained, however, ti possession of its neck, and soon secu a it Erroiy to a long thick stick I h (.1. brought with me. I then gave the re tile to my men to carry home. Th s serpent was thirteen feet long, where a the one Waterton caught single -hand 4 was but ten feet, though it might ha'e been equally powerful. This snake was kept alive and became quite tame, and when the natives saw D'Albertis kiss its head and let it coil round his legs they howled with amazement and a miration. Six weeks after the captur he writes: "My snake continues to db well ;1 it has twice cast its skin, is the sun outside the house, and when I well- behaved and tame, and does not at tempt to escape, even when I put it irif 1, ye go to bring it in, it comes to me of i a S OW ev Ia kn BO rny tr in for th ser tet it, it moa add. love im 11 accord. xi, when I rn.workin , wher °times it Mao With e friend en the na Ling th c afraid e to let .• I fly at f ent for nearly *pother t 11 at laat b ilns their loss ng, "for Jo me,. a w togethe VI. yb till* one wo d think you, were He bk w i.,i 4. I te i you he did say ; th Vie MB, and if yo deny it you aris th la:t clause of Proverbs iiv, 5. .tMrd do i 't believe that your Supe ntenden ev r RoMan xvi., 16'd you either. He' go'too Much sense." ' I '1 tell you he did, and I I. ThesS. v., 2 fin !" screamed the fast. 'You aze nothing but Proverbs ix. 13, and y ill find yo rself come rip with in i P this xix., 20. . Oh! you lunregen- er. thing, how I would like to Ma thew xxvi. 67 you !" , aid better not try it," :retorted the other. "If you did yon'd 'the .first clad so of Acts v., 10, quicker than a can.lo Could so rch a feather. You cap t hurnbug me with any long stories a t abundant grace in your c1ld Sa,b- ba ISOhool, for there's where they m e Yori I. Ceriithians Xiv., 3, and I kn it. ii The be t thing you o n do is to ' home and the last clause of M hew vi., 17." , this time both young ladies were 'rt clause of4Luke vi:, 11, l and it area as thouh the secular cou- larY would be called. in. • h i Oa mill* !" proclain4ed the h, you last word in attliew 1 ou nasty scribe and pharisEie!" he other. "Oh! you genera - v pers and scorpions. Ohs! )ou w vii., 5 !" w th these purely Christian ex - s conveyed in the approved they both arose and went Brooklyn Eagle. , i• • , i:enious Frenchman has do- me for facilitating the study ra )hy by , children, It consists rge planisphere tpap of the globe, 'allied by numerous objects ra- ting animals, plants, flags, cos- towus and ilandscapes. These of painted cardboard, stand lip - hen the irxiai1 inscription aecoro- them is folded back, and each s, rnoreovcr, a : number carte - to one on the map. Placing his proper poition, the child domes farniljar with the sub,. 10.strated ; if i1t be a- plant, he d place whi h produces it, and s; If a town, he knows its popti. position, etc. The new game ived the approval of the Paris of Geography. 1 , oni ad' un eao tre "1 ra ed. oul sift "I ak: e ease as n pII-1 Imo id 1 ape ' It Tver ittempti to bite, s or tease it: While I o ten' hold it: On my it ,remains for, hours; aises its head, and licks ts forked tongue.! 'Itis a nd conapa.nlioin to me. ves bother me it is:useful tu tc flight, pr they are f it ; it is quite Sufficient My snake loose to make 11 seed.' He "kept his ix mon hs, ,a.rid lat- e BiiI136 peOIE18 w th th esca ed„ and he as of 1ear friends, ed tbem. and they had iassod a long ,a—.1:/beT is. ashion ble Femal ht-- flnging S.ripture at Each ther. e i.ve no hav ng a delightful out - ug of th spirt ?" asked a ,young teacher ii on of the Brook yu ay schoolB of i,uot1icr 'young lai.ly er, as bo two ;met on Fulton L : yesterdty b't it iortect1y splendid ? Mr. our uperinteudeut, tow Me esday t at au awful lo of precidu had bee it delicio "—New-Guin ' IS FOR SAIIE OR TO LET. To LET -Six rooms over L. G. Ault's GrOoery ' Store, Seafortli. Suitable for dress makers or private dwelling,itb front and rear e'ntranoe. f Apply to A. G. AUL, Proprietor. 698 HOTEL TO REN1P-To Rent, that well known Brick Hotel, at Pollock's Centers, Village of Bayfield, County of guron, at present occupied by Charlet, Stalker/ Possess on first of May, next: Apply to the Tenant, on the premises, or to EDWARD FEE, Executor, Zurich P.O. 690-8 STOREHNISE Tc RENT. -To rent a good grain storehous on the aouth side of the railway Leek in Sea orth, with two sets of scales, truckrand jiggers al complete; poescesion given immediately. Apply tro, Sucootttlirethrsecros,TSAafonrothx: or to the propriet boro. 677 R TORE TO RENT -1 -To rent a large and com- modious store in Whitney's block, Main Street, Senior, h, in the hest burliness part of the town. The stet 018 61: feet lor g with a store room 30 feet 113 leAgal in the rear. Rent reason- able and posaession lii on 5th January, 1881. Apply to WHITNEY lelateTHERS. Tjo 1 FOR DAKOTA -HOUSE FOR SALE -L-L. OR RENT -That desirable residence on God- erich Street; 8 room; 2 lots, with stable, hard and soft water, young orchard commencing to bear, e.bent 400 currant, goosebe Ty and raspberry bushes,&c. Will be sold cheap, ar tented on ka- son able terms, as th subscriber is leaving forlthe North-West about •e first of April. JAMES HATT. 8 CORNERLOT FOR the West half o L ship of MaKillop, con oleared and in a upl well watered, 7 tierce acres plowed; good l good well and beari Roman Catholie Chu a mile of Huron gray and 3 of Dublin; thie acre fames in tee tow ply on the premises, t P. O., or to A. D. K Office. gathered int 1 the fo d. s ?" too sWeet for any It ine f riperi nte never , and he t yet r at's just the ot quite Psal dent, Mr. D nown a more thinksthe m hed its hei„0 hat -Mr. G- er, "and he y, in., if ever a ma e ay nearly. d was ripe and, read , and it is quite so.", t what Mr. Devine t said, he came to our;holm ranee - t I I • Thur thing , 1. vino, 1 says , refreehing 1 nifelstlati n tI ." ace inl Bj AS y, *d, having ROD1iLlIB i., 6d, he ent to tel us hd,w especi 1 vel 'on had 'ecu Voriphsafed ti. littl hn White,' f them never 1 that' "In ou only 6 and it t me g. her. i1li. res, ace says he y in-Brookly gin% belie there is s atement, es vl., 21 bef again." 'Why, yeti li 20 P1 exolai d the other. 1 To hea • a ho repeated al long, Sun ard of Eiuch a nothil," s SundSch ears old, re ok -him all the Mittthe :it," said th me Collosia nd you will re 1 ever c , le bunch of 80 erse ay mor thing." iffedl th 4.1.6ra, eat d! day. v. Oes firat, s iii„; 9 i aye to I n believ alatiau 11 SI Z th ap eta I firs ix., , sho ion at A TOS et • IS bhe — vise f g f a coo res num bjeo *ght any ne spon each quick ect i • now 8 118 tion • as 1' odd th 8 Chi? ea Sit del/ '11 be at G ch go the o/ the b new lot ants p an,d Ja be4t in he mit of h hest for Firs 6 GOOD S 1 JUST ARRIVED AT 'ULT$ SEAFORD'. ea -Sets v id Plain ry chep. Stone lets. 411 kinds Very .Ni1e Toil t Sets cheap. 411 fres4 stock of Tea Dust, w.hichi as given Ltisfactiol A frresh lot brated KaCka. lso some offee iht1,f an k et. A the best _has, at Fifty pound, in Green, Black It—try them—they are the market. 4 fresh assort - i` inds of G)oceries. rhe t price jjaid "n cash ss Butter. G. 44,UL tiAFORTH. 694 ALE 0E10 RENT- 13eing Lot 10, toncession 2, town- aining 60 acres, nearly all did Mete of cultivation; under fill heat and 15 arm lieu% and stable ng orchard, convenient to eh and school ; within half 1 road, 4 miles of Setiforth a ono of tae prettiest 5 <ship. For terms, &c., ap- P. KENNELLY, Seaforth 7NELLY, Lucknow Post 675 I STOCK 1.4',R SERVICE. _... - rr0 PIG BREEDERS -The undersigned will ' keep during the peesent season on Lot 3, cone.ession 7, Stanley, near Hills Green, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar; te:nis $1, payable at the time of service with the pi •ilege of re- turning if necessary. JOSEPH EUDSON. 674 1 PI4 BREEDERS -The underaignedhaving • -I- purchaeed from Mr. W. S. Mundell his cele- brated Berkshire Boar, will keep him for service during. this season on Lot 10,Conoession 3, L. R. S., Tuckeremith. Ho is guaranteed thorough- bred, and leaves as gool stock ae any animal in the county ; this vie did pig served about 100 sows last season. TE MS -$1, payable at the time of service, with thla ptivil go of returning if necessary. ROBERT . TAIT. 695x4 To BREEDERS 01 PIGS -Te undersigned -L. will keep durin tbe pre:ent season at his premises in E mondville, a thorough- bred large breod Ber -bshisiries ohno:cr f, tohre bteliseb piimge- ere and otiers would do taking their stock dec- o bo paid its the time of e °trete!. ing if provemeut of stook. -in the county, and far well to ties him befor -where. YIERMS-$1, service,. with the privile J. Et: CARTER, proprietor eery. neces- 675 VARMERS BREED TO THE BEST -R. J. sn the thoroughb = ed Bei kith 're pig, Mar - "A: Turner,Bracefieldrill keep or service this easo quis, hied by Meseta. John Snell's Sons, Edmon- ton; 2 his pig's she wa importci Royal May- breeze,beed by gr. Rua el Swanwi k, of Cirencea ter, England; his dam was Lady°aides XIV., - got by SirD. Cardiff; his grand d m was Lady Leonidag V., got by Lord Liverpo II; Roy al May. breeze won 2nd prize at the Do 4, inion Exhibi- tion in 18'79; Lord Liverpool won rt at the Pro- vincial Fair in 1874, and was Bold or $700; 'Ir ' D. Cardiff won 1st at t e Royal ah w in England: . : 11 It will thus be seen tha Marquis is from the l very best and purest br d stock o both sides; he is 6 months old. Terms -$1 'ash, payable I at the time of service, with the pr vilege of re- t turning if necessary. R.J. TURN R. 675 ' 1881. SPRtNG, AND SUMMER. APR/L SI 188-1. OHRYS,T,AL & BLAOK) INAAOTIOAL MAKEAS. DUN AN & DuN , S THE Subeeribcre ha.ve bloughtthe Tooli3 nivie CAN*EtFORTH. BOILER Boiler Beeees lately carried on b,y the "1M1 Foundry and Manufacturing Company, eed having bad an experience of over eight yeers IMPORTERS Ok STAPLE AND FANCY DRY t t = .trsda ha -shop are now repined to early on the in . GOODS MILLINERY, &c. all its blanches TO OLR MANY We have nitnch pleaeure in min b t oOr Stock for Spring and Seim Ming ever show in thi 3 County, I In making nr Selections for t a e and ingen ity, searching thereat n blee us to ex ibit the best and oh co 08 AND FASHIONABL 0 11\T Any 'work entrue ed to no will receive ineeve attention. Firstee ass workguaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also USTOMERS AND FRIENDS. r Isonable . Smoke Statesacker and Sheet Iron Work, ncing to our numerous customers•an er is now cora plete, and for Extent an y.7 Now Salt Pans niade and old Ones repaired on the public generally the she) test notice, and at prim that defy cone- " -Vatiety exceeds any- petition. CHRYSTAL BLACK, 0 Spring and. SIIIXITher Trade, we have exercised the utmost hly, which, coupled with our experionlee in the business, 686-52 Jox 103 e d s- , -cr erten. apeet assortment of GOODS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC TCYNATINT o We earnest y invite a Careful Ex mination of our Goods, and we feel confident that we can vince the re et incredulous ha) el that Bargains can be had of na which cannot be obtained where. Being deter ined not to be inadqsold hy any house, and anxious to secure a large trade, at the a e time we will not conaider it any rouble to Stabw Goods whether pan buy ix not. The several • artreents sr now Complete, and ill be kept wrall assorted during the season. Also all the • lisle and Am, rican Novelties As th y appear in t e Market. • fi BI ca air Fa HE D.RES IGOO This is one 1 the most attra.t,iveJ Department • to, ourselv B. Black and Co ore Cashmeres, n iy Mohair M lenges, all shades; tillack and Col e ked Buntin ; Colored arid Black Lustres, fro (Asked Dress G ode, Cords, 8m. ' i [SILKS- ought fully 20 per 4nt. cheaper t _... k Silks we as an inspection of oUr Stook, whi ot, be equal' d, ranging in peice- rem 50 cents le shades, fe m 55 cents to $1 5j1. Seal and 1 ted Direct, DEPARTMENT. ,and Ladiee will find many Styles strictly con - I Wool and Union; Colored Beiges,All Wool; red French Detainee all ishades in Bunting; 10 cents up ; Jersey dloth Dress Goods, Sages, an they have reaabed for iseveral seasons. In , h for Quality, Exe.ellence i# Value and Color I to $2 50. Colored Silks in 0.11 the new and de - other Browns, Prunes, Drabs, Steels, Navy and OR MANITOBA. d.Oolav,o,eintotboacoarnthate Nortnainreee patties gvoiontigidto HUGH ROBB'S MEAT MARKET , MAIN -Stir., SEAFORTR, - Where they can be supplied with all kinds of Cared 11 ea t f of the Pest Quality, &nil at the most reasonable prices, such as Clear Bacon, Sugat Cured Pork Hamei Sugar Cured Spiced e,ef Hams, Sugar Cu red Breakfast EaC013, Slgeed Fork Rells, Lard, &c' These ineati eau beboeght 30 PER ONT. CHEAPER it From Mr. ROBB tb n they can be procured in Manitoba, and eons quently it will pay partit*to Make their purchases before Whiting. Several have siren dy a ppli E d for supplies, but thero will be abundance loran, , EUM311 'ROBE, Seafortit. ARLES DUNBAR, LOCK_ AND GUNSMITH . Skit RTH, best value, a/II pricee ; Colbred Satins, ell the , ATI N S Black Satins3 IMP° ogpenerehradLawGiselineesratrIlinekikamlir sthheoppuinbliAcutb. ant ohbee hurts, shades, a nd prices low. - I (Druggist) 'old stanr, opposite Cardian's Itall, , j\jAMJFACTUREB and Importer of all kinds of English and American Guns,Rifies,Ile- Ne .Dress GEosods iv R I N GE -Beautiful New a ods. Black tram 25 cents up, Colored Fringes to Match the + i wheee he intends to entry on buairtees. AII kiods , volvers, Fiehing Tackle and Sporting Goes in Maltese, I anguidoc, krermicelli, Gttipare. Britone in White, Cream and Ecrne. a Also Frillings, Ti Oollare, Gaffs, &c. a ve been rare) esed from the best sourcen, and exhibiting the RINTS prod ctions of th most celebrated En Over 20,063 yards ctnt prir t. If A ou want tbe handsomest and newest styles in li ah Printers. Prints from 5 cents per yard up. See oar 10 ent line, equal to any reguler 12i t lime Beantiful Bordered and Eldorad4 prints to hand. pri ha, see our sto k. Our second ot a I ' iti w EL -Towelling, Ticking, Table Linen, Napkins, Table Oil Cloth, Denims, Ducks, Cottins, Twills, • his Depart TriMmed and Un cities. This Dep suite.f Styles co stocik is all mew ; sple mak i. IN 1:?.#"17- r.flz).A.R.,irt,./IENT' - I ent is now open, a d we are showing cne Of the Largest and Finest Stocks of rimmed Hats and 43onuete,Iloters, Feathers, &c., ever shOvrn outside of the tment is still under the same management, and. customers can depend on getting prising the atet4 Novelties in French, English and American Goods; our rice° lower tha eve. I TAILOiRING AND CL.OiHING DEPhRTMENT. Twteds in S ctrli and Erglish;fcr Suilings ; New Worsted and Tweed Coatings, fine styles and d gin -lily ; Cant da lecttd all wcol, from 50; colts up. In Ordered Clothing every Suit we e guarantee a perfect fit. 1 1 ' en 's and Was' Feltif ate at i 25 er cost. lree t Ian regular prices; see our Ott)* the largest in , Tow all the In est etylt s in ri ard a d Soft Felts; See our Men's Felt Eats at 50 cents, 75 cents, ; Men's Cap% new, at half pride. IMPORTANT NOTI ES. and THE WALTON CHEESE FACTORY COM- I A PANY—A Meeting of the Shareholders of the Walton Union Cheese Factory Con pany will be held at Walton, on MONDAY, APPIL11, 1E81, at 2 o'clock P. M. As iraportant hairiness is to come before the meeting it is hoped that every D Shareholder will attend.' Shareholders will also , please take notice that they will be required to pay the ten per cent. on their subecribed stock . on that day, as money is now required by the 1 Directors to carry out the objects of the Com- pany. ANDREW MORRISON, Secretary; . LEWIS MeDONALD, Peesident. 695-2 OTICE TO DEBTORS—All pal ties indebted -LI to me, either by Note or Book Account, will -of nia business with a view to leaving Sea orth. - please pay the same at once, as I have dierosed 'Partien vriahinr to settle with me will firtd me at my old stand from 9 to 12 A. M and from 1 , to 4 P. M 'for one menith. All Accounts not ; settled by that date will be pieced in otheoliands for collection. Parties having, left their orders ! with me for custom work, or work to be repaired, , will please call for them at once and oblige. , THOMAS COVENTRY. P. S. -I hope that all I mY old custornere will give my successor, Mr..! Dian William Logan, thei• continued patronage. He has purchased the stock at prices that will en- able him to sell at or below wholesale figures. 690 01 A ssor:vent of all so-ts of Boots and Sh,oe-s. Lairge Stock' of resh Teas to / and in -the Grocery Department. NCAN & DUNC N, IMPORTERS, SEAFORTH. 1 MY OPMNG IT MlYr SHO Ceceirg TN THE MATTER OF THE VARb A CHEESE -A- " MANUFACTURING i COMPANY (in Course' of Winding 17p -Ali persons having claims against the above company are hereby notified to send particulars of the same, tei -h their full names and addrestes, to the undersigned on or 1 before the t7th day of April next ; and all parties price indebted to the said Coinipany are to pay their T clainie on et before the said date to the under- win r signed. And notice is hereby given that after meter the said date the Liquidators will proceed to distribute the Assets of the sail Company amongst the parties entitled the eto, having regard only to such elairos as are then before them. Dated 161h March, A. D. 18t.-1. JAMES HAW, Secretary Varna Cheese Manufacturing ompany, Ve.rna P. 0. 694-4 AUCTIONEERS. P. BRINE, Licenced A.uotion er for the " • County of Huron. ales attended in all parts of the County. All rders lef at the Ex- POUTOR Office will be pro ptlyattended to. RANCIS GRAHAM, AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT. -Special attent-pn given to s le of landed property, fa -ming an thorough- bred stock. Cattle selected for the E gliala mar- k b. Office and Auction Rooms, Acheson's new ock, Goderieh, Ont. Termis moderate 615 1. si ce bi A 1* LEXANDERDELGETT , Licenta d Auction- eer, McKillop. Specie attention given to les of Landed Property, Farm Stock and 1 plements. All orders le t with the under- ned at Walton P. O. or Lot 14, con- sion 14, will be prompti attended to. Sale s, notes and • etamps fuenialied I' required. EX. DELGETTy, Walton. 639 . H TALLION FOR SALE -For Sale, the Car- t.-' riage and Road Stallion, " Whinpoorwill," sir d by Young Peacock, which figured so well in • e show ring, securing along list c f prizes' to bi honor. Not unlike his sire in th a respect, WLippoorwill has also reeeited prize; wherever shown. He is a bright bay, with black points, tends 16 hands high, is perfectly sound, and in some points is fax supetior to his sire. Will be eon on easonable terme. For further partial- 1art apply to R. & G. BROCK, Lot 29, Concessien 4, Mill Road, Br ucefield P. 0. 693x4 STOCK FOR SALE OLT FOR SALE -For s colt coming three. Sir 11 broke to hulloes. Appl n 5, MeKillop. JAMES D le, a bay gelding d b y Lo 'd Haddo, on Lot .34, *minces - R RANCE. 675 SPECIFIC A_RT CLES. REED WHEAT -The tinder igned has on hand at his farm, Lot 26, Conoession 6, Northern Gravel Road, McKillop, a qtrntity of WHITE 11USSIAN. Seed Wheat, warren ed pure and free from. all foul seeds. This wheat yieldtd over 20 bushels to the acre last year, when all other varieties in the neighborhood were 3. failure. Price, Si 50 per bushel. JAMES KER.% 6944 LOST OR FOIJND. 0 LOST -Lost in Seafeeth, in February Ituat, a black and white Callie Dog answer - g to the name of "Baldy." He had a white zillng around the neck and white on his face; he was about two years old; ally person giving such information as will lead telhis recqvery will he saitably rewarded. WILLIAM CHESNEY, Tarkeismith, Egmandville P. 0. , 695 AIhLY Su 1 RO6 1881 AS A GRAND SUCCESS ASSED MY EXPECTATIONS. P, one ninny adi LOW FIGURES, ILL C NTIATU FO there has been rimmed Goods season I am ve MISS HIG ails, we are now 1 ANOTHER r. uothieg liezetaf appy to sayI h av INS of part of th ble to Trim Hats WA 5 FAIRLY ORiOWDED s, healing of My Innioenae Display of Lostely Goods at snail aye called since and. given their orders. ' THE SHOW EVERY DAY EEK.. EVERYONE INVITED. re neglected my Show Room, it is the getting up of Low overeinne this want by securing an We assistant, who charge, and, having a large staff of woekers, and piles of rem the Lowest Price up, on the shortest; notice. HOMAS KIDD, SE4FORTII. SMI JON fun& priees count AD M. Kidd, at re exand to ord feathe Is, as tion. rate. AD RESS T ELECTORS. .--" Good mo fling donee, where e yon. goin to 2" I , S.-" I am goi down to M. R BERTSON' Furniture Wareroome, to, get some new Lr, you see min is getting played ut and I w nt to get some first rate furniture at very low .' Our baby waiste a new cradle, and hey sat thtt he has the very best and cheapest in the ESS. -2o the Free and Independent People of Huron: i OBERTSON begs a a Hardware stet' arkably low prices. e his stock before r an Very short no si weed and hunts o state that he ha removed le e, and that he is ow prepare Intending parch sere will iln purchasting elsew ere. Repair ice. Picture fram ng a apecili r taken in oXeban e. the premises lately occupied by Mr. John to fro -nigh everything in the Furniture line d it greatly to their advantage to call and ing promptly attended to. Furniture made Ity. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, HIS U DERTA ING EPARTNI,ENT otmerly, under his own euperviaion; nd will be conducted with the greatest dare and atten - is stock of Casket , Coffins, Shrouds &a., will b found complete, and at the very lowest rinerals attended n the country. A Efeerse for ire. Remember the place. RO ERTSON, SEAFORTII. T E HUR HA time, ALL REPAIRS 0 ING put an Engl he Plow Grindin s -steam will be up A tten ed to 032 PhOlt rot C titt e, 8, 'La n d Rollers, Ga f nrnis e:d by paxties wan Iron; nd -warranted bard shop a -fitted with GrIndi E nsireao Boilers. Grist a Sp eci cations for & nations on all kinds of Mac • P. Mr. R. • ,S. -As Mr. J.. 8. R unciman until his N F UNpRY SEAFORTH, e into the Fitting and Polishing very working day ENGINES, ice . On hand and g Plows, Grate B ing the same. F1 and tough. Will g Stones aerd Em d Flouring , . All Alt lion inery. neiman has gone etuna. hop to drite Lathes, Planes and Drillso independent!of achinery, parties wanting work done can have it at any 1 1 1 made to o der, Hoise Powers, Grain rushers, Straw I MILL AND OTHER MACHINERY I re, &c. P ow Castings made to order., from patterns 1 w Pointe a specialty, made from Genu ne Plow Point i leo Fit, Gr iadand Polish Plow Casting cheap, as the ry Wheels 'for such -work. TV ill also ta -e Contracts for a -w Mills apd other Machinery. Will make Piers and I on Mille or Engines attended to. Will. also make val. ' RUNCIIVIAN, Se4forth. way for tfie winter, the linsinese will be carried on by TH VXCE -" Ha give nay II A 0 Cl- N S. AT ,PEOPIL 'S POP LAR PHOTO. GALLERY. 10R, D OMINI N, BELL .& CO.' ing no travelling or other expenses e ti storners the ben fit, and enable the A CALDER, 0 N. 13.1-ashe Mani:dean I I rs' Guaranthe give , and other makes supplied at Bottom., Figures. in connection with this branch of my business, I can to procure at. Instrument at a reasonable( price. er Wilson & Yon.ng's Store, Seaforth, Ont. with etie Organ, and will be cridorseF1 by me. o Repairir g done in Locks, Feys, Guns, Revol- vers, Parasols, Uralbrellas. Table Plate, ite. Grinding Done. Th Bepairirg 01Eewing chines a Specialty. Seh3f-Or13, Knives, Skates, 'and Lawn Mowers 1 sharpened and repaired. !Electro Platieg donein Gold and, Silver. Old ,Zewelry made just ars good as new. Aliwork;atm sued to him will be promptly attended to on h shortest notice. .ClIARLiS DUNBAR, Seaforth. G EMPORIUM. tHE. Subscriber hereby thanks his. numerous I cuftmers (mertbants and nthers) for their liberal patronage durint the past 7 yeare,s14 Opes by strict integrity and close attention to business to 'merit their confidence .and trade is he future. Having greatl., enlarged his preen. iseis during the winter, he is now prepared toipay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE d For any quantity of Gond Fresh Eggs, deliverad sit the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, 8EAF011111, 1 Wanted by the subscriber, 25 tons of geed dry clean wheat straw. D. D. WILSON HE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY, HESS & HABERER TIT AVE always on- hand, and make to Orate., -ILL, Wagon*, Sleigh*, Cur -Haw -4,882g - Sits, Cutter*, and every ether artielein thOr line. 1 They personally superintend their own busi- ness, and can gnarantee a good article bolt as t.cl 'material and workmanship. :For Style and Finish their work -cannot be marpassed by .the largeleityestablialiments. 'Repairing promptlyi attended to. Give TIE I and be convinced that wetan satisfy yon as to quality and price. Idt. Hess is well knoWia to the public, having been in business in. -Zurich for over12 years. 636 ; HESS & HABERER. THE RIGHT SIDE UP. tTOIIN WILLIAMS, KINEURN. FAATING secured the trervicee of Mr. Henry, . Stinson, who is well known in this Vicinity' as a first-class Horse-ishoer, and AS a general workman second to iao , man in the County, we thlarefore feel -confident in being able to givo . en ire satisfactionin all kinds of work, and to she all kinds of feet in the best poseibleinanner. uggfes, Carriages. Waggons, Sleighs, Vet- te s, Lsnd Rollers, Plows and Harpers kept on ha d and made to order on short notice. rices as low as those' of any other shop. Call solicited and satiefaction _guaranteed or 'no pay demanded. 693 Jona,/ wuzlima. MITSIC. Pi,ANO AND ORGAIV MIES. C. M. DUNLOP Teaches Music in all -4-T-1-1 its branches ; Musical Science and Harmony a eisecialty, ; advanced pupils taught to waits music from sound, tbus enabling compoeers to write their own compositions; careful attention given to young beginners, ; also the mostapprove ad Vocal training for etaergthening and develop- ing ;the voice given where desired without extra charge. Use of instrument for practice; chsenes moderate. Residence an George Street, trat door east of Main Street, Seafortha 673 ANO1-1_OR LINE. UVIITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Ball Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Dirkt. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glatt- now,;and all parts of Europe. Fares as low as any other first-class line. I Prepaid Passage Certificates issued to persons wishing to bring ont their friends= Th* Passenger accommodation of .Anchor Line Steaneers are unsurpassed for elegance.and cern. tort. l'Apply to S. DICKSON, Az the Post Office ,Seaforth ---- ' :a- -----7 7 -- MANITOBA EXCWISIO-NS. i THOMAS GREENWAY , Wi ,ill Etat another EXAMS/011 Train on : WEIMESDAYI APRIL 6TH, Conneelting with the one over the Great Western Railwa the same day. Concentrate Freight at t iExeter r Centralia Monday before. Apply to THOMAS GREENWAY, Contrails, Or to "%ILL J. WRITE, ExpressAgent, 691 Exeter. MOFE HORSES WANTED. GR SSMAN & SHARP ipsiTIL be at SHARP'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, e cry Saturday, for the purpose fa buying Heavy rani/lit Horses frOin to 7 years old. 688 GEOSSAIAN & .SHARP N -EI R E T T, SEAFORTH, Wholes e and Retail Dealer in LEATHER and SHO• FINDINGS of Every Description. None ut the Very Best Stock kept To= moderate A Trial Solicited. All orders by Ina or othe ire promptlyfilled. 40e N. BRETT • 1 ile,aewo little oat al 1r do -slab just ocong 0 1:thliariWI:fie w0M4 ' And it frequentiy4 :nunde movotiL of, asthiea. r: TiathedevI:Tligtildwooeewsrn::;a: With the brightest In -darn e thew With the swill fie '10:Axtell th:Xis,treest lixoc 4Withlaellitalle, selnrePeitititi: It's, ad washtel of: With the sweetest '1fye afaiete Wittid;: Auswerod lissrie 0", 40,13-ixtmkaa:pee acme: Ain't we mane to: That whiniver on Wspinlifrinilly, A-splittin' yex linal wAni'day-elhebor pbburtein:ykweshir hti` :00efhleit.snillawnateiu::: Vi'hin one little w.1 warm l" "Now, Pj,g€73"13aid. "Larrie'e courtie Virid hia anieatettit So now ra =sat Tor, if rm to say- shnout ; But if Fin fo soy teat. Now, Larrie, for shi By a-toeeing a hand 41de 'darlin% the pig And that ii4ILE the et 44111s.be1, whyl claimed her gra grand -daughter "have you got she answered al thrl." member .dat 1e opinyun on a 'Ai motif. No pera of mules in a stable door." —Parental af when children, be laving your an Irishnasn to are the only chi struck me when —Dougal (ern ry ta pottle ant! oupport, 8.138 I "t), gus {producing, ant I have prod that I hey left i —An Englisil an Irish friend,: door and askeZ live here?" 441 dead? When lived till to -mor 4 -tiled have been —A. teacher, 1, tion speech to they would. con their behaviour able, and that ti bad habits, whe back part of the said, "The Barna his better half, pointed me. 1. Jewel of a wort out only a bit -0 "Then, nay love sole yourself wil very adhesive, long as you live —'Deacon," gently stroked 11 iznaltebe tabby 0' lap for that pat] spring, with its: sunshine anditi &wakens nattm everything that! during the Ioi everything .up ground into lig hardly, wi4Iow,1 con, "you knowi wife last fall" The Oar, SOMO forty y4 troduced a, prep Colurabia," whi tug to the Ail markable resulti from falling off, new crop to gv have been obtait lent and. enainer the writer's kno with good result lived in England essentially thest rub the scalp fo) minutes, apply more minutes, whole efficacy ol the ten minutes before it was apj been water, tb tome soothing with all this ru good. it Will be applications for encouraging the pend upon eithe the scalp, of ' whioh are to be the hair and th curing the clean healthy conditit naturally dry brushing with 11 Of a finetoothed lutes, and unless of the scalp., the prisinely moist. enrI and crimp heated irons tau injured, and no so long as the With others, an ness in oompar tory, and in suc any treatment the hair has fa. veva illness or canse, Rotate ge scalp may prO growth. One ol potations of thii of tincture of ea druggists) to a using it upon th bing on going to When the be. patient that WI with dandruff, poo it as s. reir "No," most pol4 barbers 1180 tither a eoluti Mono, or mixed.