HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-01, Page 8• fuvon xpoottov DISTRICT MATTERS. IttiLLINERY OPENING.-TheMillinery ----- anti Mantle Show Rooms of HoFFILAN BROTHERS, eaOrtli vrillbo opened ou and after Friday the Elth of April, 1831, for the spring and Summer trade. The stock is very- large, and all the latest styles and ahapes in Hats and Bonnets will be shown; also the latest things in Trimmings, he All are cordially invited. 69.5 BOY WANTED. -Wanted immediately, a, stout steady boy, who is a fair scholar. Steady work and good wages. Apply at Thn Office, Seaforth. BRAN, Shorts and other Feed at he Big Mills, for a few days. A. W. OGIAV E Co_ 395-1 EASTER CARDS. -Received to -day, the latest designs at LCiasnEN &WiLson's. 695 1 1` CRICSET.-The annual meeting of the friendships then formed continued through life. Shortly after arriving in Goderich Mr. Anderson took up land in Goderich township, and with his family settled upon it. The country was then a vast wilderness, but Mr. and Mrs. Anderson continued. to reside on their Goderich . township home until they saw it and. the surrounding country a beautiful agricultural district. About ten ears ago they removed to Marine THE il:MN Forpos ITORi being about eo his brother of. tend ente4ini mentary supper otel, this F:i frnembers lof t other frie cordially i a good "se parting co -Plate g leave tol for Dakota, Helve, n the Fore ters' order in Cbancil, ng him at a compli- Jerome is to be held. at Bowden'B seems th day evening. All 1 the peay in e order in town and!that hr ds of Mr. oDougall, are this pl.ai itea to attend to give it is ," and tender him their we ' lations and good wishes. t indoors are likely to be- e'veaino e among our Seafort'Ahaps essrs. A. G. McDone followi ave thein in theAi.o,ina6-aerwei g about removie.g ruined id and Jamie the ol 0 ra 8488 he City, Michigan, where thy resided for come all t about three years. when Mr. Anderson merchant. died, shortly after which the subject of & Co. are our sketch came to reside with Mr. store, Mr Porter at Egmondville, and lived with also talki him until her death. She leaves two sons and three daughters, all of whom are married. Her eldest daughter, Mrs. Love, died about -five years ago. Mrs. Anderson was most highly esteemed by those who knew her beat. She was a truly christian woman who never per- . • Crescent Cricket Club was held at the nutted an opportunity for doing Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Tues- 1 good or for aiding a deserv- day evening, March 29, when the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, F. Holmested ; Vice Presidents, J. H. Benson and W. O. Reid; Secretary, Geo. W. Brent ; Treasurer, J. S. Roberts. General Conamittee-H. Cameron. R. J. Girslle- stone, T. Coleman, G. E. Caldwell, J. S. Roberte and Geo. W. Brent. = A SUG-GESTION.-MR. EDITOR, -SIR, - The great loss of life at Nice, from a fire breaking out in a theatre, is but the last of a series of similar events. It leads rcie to ask what would be the result if a fire broke out during some crowded attendance at Cardno's Hall. Is that Barrow,vtinding means of exit sufficient? Would it not be probable that a terrible catastrophe would occur here ? Should not a better means of exit be provided, and the stage and scenery rendered non -inflammable by as strong solution of ing person or worthy cause to pass unimproved, and her memory will long be affectionately cherished b• many even outside of her immediat family circle. • ANOTHER STALLION SOLD. -Mr. C Dale, Sr., has disposed of his imported stallion "Glenlee" to Mr. John WilIiE and Mr. Jonathan Carter for the sum of $1,000. It will be remembered that "Glenlee" is the mate of "Wellington,' the horse now owned by Mr. Carter, and the pair were imported by Messrs Love and Browdsome years ago. Mr Dale purchased him at the Live Stoc Sale in Clinton, and has made threE very successful seasons with him. H has left as good stock as any horse ii the country. During the coming seaso he will travel through the townships o Stephen, Hay, and the southern portiot of Stanley, on the same route he travel led when the property of the importer His stock on alum or some similar device ? ours, this route speak for the &C. -CITIZEN. 1 selves, and haVe given such good. satis4 A. CORRECTION. -MR. EDITOR, -SIR, -fact -ion that there is a general deman In my answer to contradictory state- for him beak again, and it certainl neents in your last issue there was an speaks well for the "little horse" th error in the notice regarding Seaforth such is thencase. In the mean ti 'factory, arising from the fact that they he will be kept by Mr. Willis on -h ed at a co cert in Exeterlon did not publish their average of milk to farm on the London Road, near Exete sling last, and her perform- ; be more make cheese or price for 10 lbs., of Mr. Dale assures ns that he was ve ted the rdost flattering en- Or milk in THE EXPOSITOR, but only the loath to part with him, and that we em the audience. Each ee. ! i t best r average price of cheese sold. I have he himself "as young as he used to was rapturous y encored. Miss since been shown their figures and wish money would scarcely buy the animal etined to make her mark in to correct. Their average for milk to - • world. _ per pound of cheese was 10.46 instead DOING WELL. -We LW5L to lear i t • 'namely agreed fapork blir the ucl °Y.() only qheation of dd. the 4nd of a bbiler to get. It t 4 he Steam Efeating.bona- amdon have "burst up' and r plant is now for sale. In t are two boilers, dne of Which s pposed would answer le& our rks. A special meeting of the ancil was held. on Monda.y to consider the propriety of ng one of these boilers, and the g resolutions show the deter - n arrived at : Moved by Wm. Campb 11 and seconded bYJohn Ward, that the Mayor be authorized to pro- ceed to London to inspect the boiler re- ferred o, and obtain the assistance of a pract•cal engineer or boiler maker, and if e shall find it a suitable one for the ns of the waterwork8, to purchase it if it an be got for $450. Moved in amend ent by James Beattie, and Isec7vd d by Noble Cluff, that the fire 'and a r committee be authorized to leek or tenders for a forty or forty-five- bor:e sower boiler, with attachments, Ian on plete, 'et up at the waterworks. 4tie m 'time was carried on a division by t • e casting vote of the Mayor. . fronts and substituting pla,4e glaze, an .41'.doan Dance, we are Once Messrs. D will not be far behans,_ase. Davidson, of the Cor nniercial hotel le t 'Ale for Lexington, Ke.atucky, this week to attend a dreat.hrarse sale there. in- tends pair h F.'#tng a blood. stallion if he can get 1 all thing to suit him., -The drawing 6Ias Seafor44 M: this eve ng ly patronize ment terms teacher potent, likely s who ea ore ate Mr. BAC en ' bo attend this Festival ; in church very p The c Was 51 speech music 11 as arc 14ar Was day will be in lio all thr gh, lamb -1 ke. daught has b receivi turned compli there h made t has be run well. - town, safe Frida ev ances_ elic comiu p f lection wa Foster d -the m Sic& 1 THE qI carte @a Gibbs a m it T r 0 ri in o ed as b his 30 B under the auspices of the attics' Institute will open We hope it will be largo. There i8 no accoraplish- radically aseful, and as xceedingly -low, Id the Grey, is thorough' corn - an oppdrtnnity will not afforded again, so that all old and young, !should elass.-The Maple 1 Sugar the Epieeopal Methodist esday evening last was a t and Buccessful affair. was well filled. , The e n abundance for all, t e re interesting and t e od.-Two weeks froth to- ood Friday. -March canae , continued pretty lionish nd wenti out anything but o iss Jennie Ewing, eldest 1 George Ewing, Esq., who Toronto f -Ideal in Miss pianist. - r several Mon s tructions, has re - Ewing is !an It is said that n very little maple sugar ring so far. The Weather for a ' ransient season. cold that the sap ',did not CATTLE BUYING.-Mr.1 John Reith, iss Mag ie Foster, of this our e terprising cattle bnyer, ie dealing xtensively this season than ever in this line of buainess, with the sults. If we had a few more en in our midst, our little village ent Lin his the ing to strc blo dir ha kn pleasing indeed, to notice such pi asant relations between pastor and peopl and to see as in histinstance that the z alms and self sa rificing labors of a astor are appreoi ted by his people. It is en- couraging o him and oredita le to them. e therefore sincerely trust that Mr. Musgrove may I long be spared to go out a d in among his flock .t Winthrop nd that his labors will be abundantl blessed. 1 a i Clinton. i THE CLI TON RecEs.-Weunderstand that the C inton Driving Park Associar tion will h ve races on their park on! the 24th o May, and also on Dominion Day. A plendid programme is 1 course of reps,ration, and liberal purses! rei will be o red for co petition. It isi expected t ere will be tie beat celebra- tion on th24th that h ever been held in ClintonFull particulars will be in de known hi tie tithe. Grand Bend. COMER. -Mr. Jaynes Todd, an icing Scotchman, ef the Bauble • ear Drysdales, has just pitched • oving tent a day's march nearer •B nd." N AGRATION.-On Tuesday morn - f • week the saw Mill, belonging Ir. Robert Fulton, was totally de - ye by fire. If the wind had been mg from any other quarter than et west, the whole village would O een levelled. Cane& of fire an- , E ovEre-Richard Totte, an old and expert fisherman, has gait his profee- sio , •ailed up stakes, and struck for a more congenial climate. We have learne• that he furled his sails in the neigh II hood of Port Blake, where, we un er tand, be only intends to remain EW rp y 1 , of 10.63, and the average price paid was that the excellent agriCultural wok BONS MEDAL. -The Seaforth ,,,.. 7.74 instead of 7.65 for 10 lbs. of milk , entitled "The Illustrated Stock Doct r e had andther tassel for the aa previously published. Please insert and live Stock Encyclopedia," to whi h dal, and although they did this correction and oblige, you truly, we made special reference two weeks not wi hey came pretty near doing Wm. lithe. ago, is meeting with the most hearty so. 0 esday last two rin s played • approval of the farmers of this section, with a lik frriamber frOm the jWinghm FOR Itlasinoes...-The following young and large numbers of them are sup- club it the forenoon, and with the men left this town on Thursday, for Winnipeg, Manitoba, viz.: Messrs. Henry and Robert Dalziel, Mr. Win. scribing for it. The agent in this Bele- tion, Mr. Donald Thompson, is meeting with unexpected success, and any whore Bailey and Ur. John T. Wilkinson. The he has not yet called upon may be sure latter gentleman has been salesman for to have a visit from him -shortly. We Messrs. Laidlaw & Fairley for several can assure them that they will fled years, and goes to the Prairie City to him a most affable, courteous and take a situation as. commercial travel- reliable gentleman, and any arrange - ler for a wholesale house. Mr. Bailey ments they make with him will be will work at his trade as a painter and carried. out to the letter. Respecting the Messrs. Dalziel go to join, their the success of the work elsewhere brother, who has been a citizen of Win- Guelph Mercury bf lasy week says t nipeg for some time. They are all the publishers visited `the Agricult r steady, well doing young men, and we College, and while there satisfied . Goderich Club in the afternoon on the ice of the 1latter. the match with the Wilghtim players, Seaforth came ad by 22, and in the match With 'eh tie home am beattihetri by out ah Gode 5 point •In justice to Seaforth, owever, it must he said that they labored u 'der considerable disadvantage in t eie match withiG-oderich. In the rat Li.1 place hey were playing on stSange ce be while heir opponents were under t eir at own v-na and fig tree, and in the &wend ral place they were conaiderably fati ne sincerely wish them every suooess. officers as to the merits of0 work, L bind while heirtopponents were f sh. a blase after their match with Wingh m Th 's lots of room for young men of on this recommendation, although they the Seaforth pla,yera been i as good 4 the afternbon when playing oderich as they were in the n in the contest with Wing am, ie little doubt but they would ;apt everything befoise them and 'ow be the holders of the medal, pa'ing the to matches i the they did themselves a M - it is, the' Goderich Cl b is the honor of hOlding the this year. iThe followin are 1WINGHAM. their stamp in the Northwest, and we saw oely part of the young men attend. - have no doubt but they will all do well. ing there, sold some 30 copies of the • book to the students, The offieers TnE MILK QUESTION, -MR. EDITOR,- speak of the work as a meritorious One, 'BIR, -In your last issue I noticed a and every farmer and all interested in a statementfrom Mr. Wm. Hill to farming should have a copy. the effect that patrons of his Winthrop • 1 factory received last year more for their Local, BRIEFS. -Mr. , S. F. Joheson Illilk than did the patrons of the Sea- left here on his return} to Winnipeg on forth factory. This statement I am not Tuesday. -The Seaforth Draught rilay- going contradict, as I had nothing to do ers go to Guelph to -day to play a friend - with, nor do I know anything about the ly match with the draught club of llhat aaanagement of the Seaforth factory town. -The new addition being erect - last year. - The patiOns have, however, ed to the rear of Markey's block lboks seen fit to appoint me salesman and. very ranch like a violation of the Fire manager for this year, and I will gum- 1 Limits By -law. -The 'residents of the antee that those who favor the Sea- 1 town in the vicinity tof the old drill 'forth factory with their patronage th-is,.1 shed are daily very much annoyed hy a year will receive as muoh for their 1 number of truant playing boys corkere- asilk as they will get from Mr. Hill's , gating in the shed and indulging in aaro- factory or any other factory in the I fane and filthy language. If Mr. Dun- eonnty of Huron, and what is more' lop would make a raid on theta he they will receive the cash for their might probably secure a few captives. milk promptly as the saleare made, -Mr. Thomas Joh-Liston, one of the and will not be 1 asked to take either I pioneer business men cif Seaforth, sees in orders or store pay. Yours, &O., W. S. 1 town on Saturday last. Mr. John- RosEareen , Manager and Salesman of 4 ston has been a resident of Toronto for Seaforth Factor. FROM NELSONTILLE.-Frona a letter recently received from Mrs. J. H. Pearen, no w of Nelsonville, Manitoba, and formerly of Reagan., in this county, -we take the following extract, which will be read with pleasure by the many friends of the Pearen family in the southern part of the county. She says: "I don't know what we would do with- out your valenable paper. I assure yon it has been a great source of pleasure to us since we came here. We like the country very much, and look forward to making a comfortable home for lig and ours. We have 440 acres of land, 20 acres of poplar, 100 of oak, and the rest good prairie with a fine spring creek running 1 through it. It is ad- mirably adapted for stook raising, and if we only get the railroad through, which they say is to be commenced tine spring, I think we may well feel hopeful for the future. We have quite a stirring village within three miles of our farm, of which I may tell yea more at Borne future date." several years, being in the produo and. commission business,t, and looks Oa if the world were going smoothly with He intends starting fqr the old co on a business and pleasure trip in days. -We tunderstaud that Mr. intends establishing billiard and ing alley rooms in hie block adjq Hill Brothers' stores, the buildin which are now in coarse of ere•cti Dr. O'Remus, whose form wa several years a familiar object o streets of Seaforth,: has lately heard of. He has started in oppo to Moses Oates and Vennor, a dealing out weather predictions citizens of Stratford --The mil display at Mr. Thomas 'Kidd's o day and Saturday last was very tive. The many articles being somely got up and tastefnlly played. The department, especia Saturday was thronged with ad lady visitors, both from town and try. -Several thoroughbred hors to be sold by public auction a Commercial hotel to -morrow, Sati -We hear various complaints boys cutting- and destroying trees. Boys should know bette to destroy what has cost the ow deal of care and labor, and what tined to -be of such benefit and ment to the town, and those who should be taught better. Mr. has his eye on three or four bad and if he catches them mutilatin trees, or hears of them doing so, have them sent to` Goderich g two or three months, so that th better take warning in time. A of beautiful maples in the front John McIntyre's residence wer pletely destroyed by being bark a jack-knife a few days ago. -Mr Dickson, who left here with a horses a few weeks ago, has re from Dakota. He had a pretty time getting out on account o blockades, but only lost one horse way. He says the roads are clear and good time is ma trains. He left Fargo on Sa morning and arrived inOlin day night. He says thecox arrived at their destination in and most of them are now loc their homesteads. -Mr. John Dougall, who has been a res resident of this town for several and an influential and active m of the Canadian Order a For THE LATE MRS. ANDERSOli• - Mrs. Mary Anderson, who died last week at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J. S. Porter was one of the pioneer settlers of the County of Huron. She was a a daughter of Captain McGarvey, of Stranraer, Wigtonshire, Sootland. 'With her husband she left her native country and emigrated to Canada about 61 years ago. They resided in Toronto about two years. On leaving Toronto they came to Goderich. -.The passage from Toronto to Gpderich was made in a sailing vessel. They were aocompani- ed from Toronto by Mr. Alex. Broad - foot, the Messrs. Carnochan, and. Adam Black. These gentlemen with their families were on their road out from Scotland to settle on their homesteads in Tuckersrnith. The voyage from To- ronto to Goderich was a very rough and tedious one, lasting over five weeks. On the passage they lost most of their goods and ran out of provisions. The Messrs. Carnochan, however, had with them a good supply of oat cake, hams, &c. This they generously shared with the other passengers, and thus kept them from suffering for food, and the deceased. lady frequently mentioned this ' voyage, and ever spoke with the deepest feeling of the kindness she received from the Tuokersmith pioneers, and the him. latry few ady owl- ning for ctn ' for the !08nAim] d is the inery. ttPracri-- and- dis- ly on iring noun - a are the day. bout hade than rs a des- orna- o not plop boys, hade e will 1 for y had ouple f Mr. oom- with Thos. lot n eodf rough 1snow tahlel herdbayy o Mafeotny- party don e clitee ears,' mben sters trim with foreno there have s would but in same justice entitle medal. the si sEAr Rink A. You Geo. 0 R. Com J. R. L - Rink J. G. Alex. D. D. J. A. T Maj fez. Si6AS0BTH VB. 01. 1 rd,, 04, 08, skip -21 o; 2 lso • d 01, senF skip -32 11 11 GOD -DR E. Mar H. S T. N. Rink T. H A. Dick M. Hut T Maj 0 At Gods? breth Brot MOS prec even the high man say kno won that but, ne they shall nip of twe iJ 63 t4or Seaforth 22. Clk)DERICH VS. or I: , suby, skip -32 b.2. wiNG 1 ink No.1C.. Fle:SC:,114ti J. Dinsloy, S. W. T. Bray, ski --11 1 Rink 0. 2. T. M. Gregory, Geo MoKenzie, TO. Walki!nshair r Geo. McKay, p Total, 31 BELFORTH. szAFORI'S Rink No G . 1; A:31°01;13r' d; R. COmon, J. R. L ons,ek1P-20 such would soon bid fair to become a strong rival its namesake in Indiana. Varna. TEMPERANCE MFETING t -Mr. Editor - Sir : On Tuesday evening, the 22nd inat., the nineteenth anniversary of the Varna Temperance Lodge, was tele- br tel in their hall, when a very large blage • of lathes and gentlemen addressed by the Revds. Messre. ash and Danby, who delivered rful and effective apeeches, which highly appreciated. by the audi- and the result of I which was that 5 w re induced to sign the temperance pled e. During the progress of the meetng a young man without any visi- ble eans of .support, was t observed t ki g notes of the proceedings. Es - p ially when the parties were signing t e pledge, he seemed to be extremely a xious to obtain_ the names of those agning. It was at first supposed. that these notes were intended for the local , but the following morning ex - ed the mystery. This young man bservecl hobbling his way up to ar of oar village hotel, and hand- over his notes to the landlord. is the first instance we have on d of the proceedings of a temper - meeting being reported for the secalbeneflt-0f a tavern keeper. Verily ve in a progressive age. It is to be d this young man will find more rable employment for the future.- Rink No.2. J. G. Wilson, " Alex. NI/ilson, D. D. Wilson, son,skip-19 J. A.. W son, e p-28 as em were m6c pdwe were erjce, , 51 T tel......4O t or ▪ Goderich 6. conclusion of th mat the ich Club entertained heir v sting en in right royal styl at urry1 e :' hotel. The spree L was qf the ptuous kind and as di 1r 8p - by the hungry c rlers. The as most pleasantly spen and •rth men speak in terms cf the •raise of the kind and coir eons in which they wereltreate , and t next to theixselve8 they one po sessio they he mel&i th a in Club f r this ear, eather permittin , McKill . John Thonap- on of McKillbp, r. Robert Me- 1 Druhara bnll paying tilaerefo' bull was raise s from eicellen ANOTHE 13uee.-1,1 son, of th 3rd concess has purchased from Millan a thoroughbre calf, ten months old, the sum f $100. Thi by Mr. M Millan and stock on loth sides and is a particularly fine animal. He was sired y "Sir Roger," al bull owned by Mr. George Sproat, of Tackersmit , and. lat erly by Mr. Samuel Scarlett, of McKillop. This is one of the few c Ives left behind bp this fine animal. es al Was the ing Thi rpco One • fruits of their entiiiprise and industry. The deceased, though naturally of a retiring disposition, will be very much missed. The needy have lost a kind and generous benefactor, her own circle a sincere and faithful friend, and the congregation of Kippen an attached and faithful menaber. She died as she lived in the enjoyment of the ;blessed hope of a life with Christ in glory. The bereaved husband has the heart -felt sympathy of the whole commenity.- Com. _ ACCIDENT. -Some days ago a little son of Mr. Wm. Hudson, of the 6th concession, about 4 years age, net with a most painful accident. Tie little fellow accompaniea an elder brother to the barn, aud while the brother was en- gaged cutting hay, with a machine, the lad placed his hand in the cpgs, and the two first fingers of his right hand were frightfully mangled. At last ac- counts the little sufferer was doing well, and it is hoped that amputation will not be necessary. 1 Londes oro. HEARD FROM. -The people w o less Londesbero and. vicinity for D kotts, 0, couple on weeks ago have bee heard from. They like t e country well. They had a good pas age and. reached their destination ahead of the train which left Seaforthby the Grand Trunk on the previou day, THE CHEESE FACT RY.-A well 4 - tended meeting of the surrounding fa mers was held here o Saturday nig last to make arrange e ents for rying on of the chase facto season, Mr. Wm. H 11, of Sea now proprietor of thi factory. factory jrrrangements were ma it is expected the fact ry will d busineas daring th: coming Mr. Calander has agiin been as maker. 11 A the ed t tha add WOr up stea, thi hav G-ra wet sten ligb the it out dep the stro bec alw enc of con vidi priv inte se itscr cost for none in w oner see he Goderich lth and boned that the envied trophe a resting pl ce within th oorporatior for the suc onths. S mote it be. ER BOILER. A short ti and Water Committee e town Co incil to the onld be necessary to pro al boiler fqr use at the The boiler now in use ii speed in pr sequently ni al. The C e 1 1 op 011 4 a view to and is oo ght mate units tie ding eiag epOr eff re ate o t noi de o nil 0 hi ha Dashwoea. CKNESS.-There is at present in village and its immediate vicinity eat number of persons afflicted with dread disease -the measles. Al- thoUgh it is generally confined to the juveniles, there are a great many grown perons at present suffering from its ts, in some cases whol% families eiig prostrated, and among these is ur esteemed female teaoher, who has been nnable.to attend to her duties for the past two weeks. USINESS.-No doubt there are a. t many readers of the EXPOSITOR are utterly ignorant of the size and tentions of this village, or even of where it is situated, and as there has been no correspondent here, I will en- deavor to set them right. Dashwood is sitzated on the boundary between the seven n n ntered into a contract to ke1 ti rank wates tank suppli el. e xr i he engine and boiler arellia on- *th use, and it is feared that this , boiler will not stand wear, and that conseq ent liable at f repair and t rid solely upon necessity for ger boiler, ,s ih temporaril any time to at it is not ate to the one boils , henne an additio al aid that show a one disabled there will ys be one to la e Case of OM* a` It is expected that the eareine lie,works horn the 'Grand Tru raet and other sources, such as pro g Water for tel use, will s on the ad ly et ffe Blyth. THE SALT WORKS. The salt still idle. The lost ubing ha been captured. ILL.el-Miss Ella M Kinnon, of D. Bi McKinnon, sq., has the past week aftlic ed very with inflammation o the lu now shs vvs signs of i proveme is to be hoped that s e will so to be around again. A N w CEsiErEes.-1-1 Blyth present time considering the of having a cemetery outside of the corporation, nd a me been called by the Re ve for pose of taking the m tterintc oration. No doubt re e ains in of any tie of sufficie tly reas pacity, that the sit t of th burial loco in this vi lage is r unsuit ble. 11 treet Ipurposes at least pi tin ditional cost of th idtiboiler, SQ that we will have th ad maint,ena efficienc additional without additioria ice. -The nese st oiler is now, -w 1 gre wh pr to nships of Hay and Ste phen , aul a half miles west ot lExeter, and bo sts of two general stores, two hotels, carriage shops, two blacksmith ps, two saw mills, one grist mill, a, e store, harness shop, tin shop, lor and carpenter ehop, furniture ms, a jewelry and sewing machine establishment, &c.; also a daily mail fr m Parkhill, 16 miles distant. There good opening here for a doctor, re being none nearer than Zurich, miles distant. • Winthrop. A SMART YOUNG LADY. -Miss Lydia cCallum of this place has just com- pl ted a quilt containing four thousand p4eces. The whole of this work was d ne by her in theshortspace of two w eks. Where is the next yoring lady deft with her needle. PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS. -At a ngregational meeting of the Members Cavan Presbyterian Chnrchi held on uesday evening last, and after some tw sh sh tai Ho SCHOOL EXAMINATI ation of School No. place on Friday, Ma number of visitors w which shows the in welfare of the school by t and p rents. Num rous q more han ordinary Severity to the pupils but they were reaail and correctlY, which shoWed li that t ey had been rained y an able and e ergetic teacher. At t e cloee of the e amination Bev ral spe ches were delivered by the examiners nd others in whlch they all expressed hemselves as hi hly satisfied with the manner in whic Mr. Gray has con acted the scam° . In the evening a entertain- ment was held to probure pri es for the pupils. It consietedl of rea ings, reci- tations, dialogues, and m • sic. The sohoql room was cicisely p ked by an appreciative audiende and the enter- tainent proved a brilliant BUCCOBB, as a good many of the readings Sac, were of a comical character th y created nt. The is th Bi ck. he car - nett orth, is Satila e, and a gold season. engaged well is not yet daughter been for sever ly gs. e t, and it n be aisle Stanley. CENSUS ENUMEItA.TORS. - 1Yr. Wm. Gaahana, Reeve, and Mr. Briggs, of Varna. have been appointed cersus en- APRIL 1, 1881, Tovheercioeinelie oizi the occasion, 12sh'e tion No. , and Mr. S. Walker anoan half Of RMarns.aRsan t;hwitah haabenaa7tinifule gwolaatebhr44. be company presented lier. gs of Mrs. Rands were totally could only give vent to her emotion in tears, and Mr. Rands could not express his gratitude in words. After lir. Rands had made his guests heartily welcome,' an excellent super -was served by the ladies of the house, ' after which songs were sung by the he ten '- -f!-- annahl,MCrasa;taCrin. 8SnitrietthiorT, esJ8.r8S`milit. h ; analli R. Broadfoot. At the close the l*pagi t'l anthem was sung by Messrs. Vanatone V -, and Webster, of Brussels, accompunas by the guests singing the chorus in t i' hearty good. style. At the concluaion of which the pleasant party broke up,aiot 1‘ s4i however, until all had reiterated their Bainnr trheerrieshstitnah aatbleMriamanialyMni:isighEt have their s _, their brightest hopes realized in their r-si future home, and that wherever their - li future lot would be cast they Bhouta ea- Is. joy gems' and prosperity. Mr. Roast 1: we believe, intends going to Dakot, Ethel. umerators for Stanley, and Mr. George OBITUARY. -Mr. James Spenee, Parke for Bayfield. They are all good prominent and well known resident of t• men. this plae, died on Wednesday evening A GOOD SA -LB. -The auction sale of last, at the age of 67 years. Mr. Spence fartn stook at Nicholson Brthers, on ; was in attendance at the last pleating of the Bauble Line, on Wednesday of last the Maitland Presbytery, 'which was week was a splendid success. There held in :NS/Ingham. While from .home was an immense crowd of pe0ple preS- he caught a severe cold, which te_rmin.- ent, and nearly everything went high. ated in inflammation of the luugs, and. All the stock wa S in splendid Condition. The sale realized the handsonie sum of $2,100. BULLS. - Mr. John Tougn of the Brownson Line, receiatly sold. amouster bull for exportation to the Old A Country, which weighed 2PO poands. He was sold for 4i cents per pound. Mr. Tough has purchased from Mr. Mc- Taggart of Clinton, another very superior young s,nimal for which he paid $135. Brussels. s at the propriety he lireits ting has the phr- contiid- the mind ning Ia- present ally very N. -Th exa11in- 6, Howck, tOok h 256h1 A large re in attendance, erest ta en iiithe e trus ees estioni3 of were !put answered which proved fatal as above stated on Wednesday evening. He Was a native I-1 of Forfatshire, Scotland, and cattle to this country about 30 years ago. Re first settled. in Quebec, and afterwards removed to Hollin. He came to Ethel something over 12 years ago, and W88 appointed postrna,ster, and carried on a general mercantile business. At the formation of the Presbyterian congrea- tion here, over which the Rev. ATT'.M0- Rae has pastoral charge, he was1misaan fi mously chosen as an elder, and ;which .F4' position he certainly adorned, and the ANCHOR LINE Mail Steamers, every congregation and pastor will keenly feel Saturday from New York for GlAsgoW and L071- his los. At the meeting of Pre bytery don direct. This line of Stemier* are unexe ell - above talluded to, he was appoi tea a. representative to the General Assembly. He was a good. Christian man in the fullest; sense of the term, and was gen- ed for Oomfort and Speed. C. R. CCKAPER, Ag ent, Brussels. 695-1 FIRM BOUGHT. -Mr. John N. Knech- tel, of Brussels, has bought the farm erous nd kind to a faultNone ever of M. & C. Clemens, being lot 11, con- appled to him, either .for counsel. or a. cession 13, Grey, for $4,000. advice, that did not leave him feeling RIGHT, --The Council on Monday last better than they came. He will be instructed the fire committee to pur- ranch missed. in Ethel and vcinity. chase rubber coats and proper caps for He leaVes a family of three daughters the branch men and engineers of the and one son, all of whom are married. fire company. NEW ENTERPRISEh .-Mr. J. Wynn as will likely continue the busitess in t His Km is township clerk of Grey, and let the contract for the emotion of a, Ethel. Mrs. Thomson, wife of Rev. two storey franae building on Flora Mr. Thomson, of Brucefield, is the. handle factory. An engine ,and boiler street, near his wagon shop, for •an axe funeral will take place on Saturday, at youngest daughter of Mr. Spence. The will supply the motive pwer. The 2 o'clok. He will . be buried in the building is to be completed by May 18t. Brutisls cemetery. Geo. Colvin has the contract. , 1 PRESENTATION. -On We (Well - YE FOTIRTSENTII VITIOL131 NITIEBER,I o R & ARB CLF) -1I PILES OF DRESS —AND— BLCK OASH At Prices yet tam -et ol3talu e siness was disposed of a most pleas - t incident occurred. Mr. 1 Andrew venlock was called to the chair, and a ter a few remarks he called upon Mrs. J R. Govenlock iand Mrs. 'William Grreive. These ladies being on hand, t e pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Mus - g ove, was called to the front. Mrs. ovenlock then read an address on be- half of the congreationi expressive of Their esteem for their pastor and his excellent wife, and their senae of his faithfulness, kindness and zeal in his inisterial duties.; Mrs. Greive pre - s nted the pastor With a handsome and v Llnable gold. watch.] The secret had been well kept by the people as Mr. usgrove was taken completely by Bur - rise. Notwithstanding this, however, e replied in his usual ready and affable anner. He thanked his people for t Leir kindness, and expressed 1 his glad- ess that his humble servicee in their i1iterests had been appreeiated by them, nd concluded by giving the people s itable advice. The affair was a most leasant one and all seemed happy and leased, feeling, no doubt, that they had done a jut andiproper act. It is muc choi local selec ng a ceiv d hearty applause. About 10 o'clo k the programme was finished. and the rowd dispersed, all perfect' sat- isfie with the fun of the evning. Tuckersmith m laughter and naerri which was compos&d of singers rendered some very c ions during the even h F t rs' Lumley. ing last, the members of t e ores e lodge presented their brother, J. F. Waddell, with a very nice photograph album on his leaving Brussels to take up his abode in Kingston. The firemen andtheir friends entertainea him at an oyster supper, at the TecuMseh Homes, on the eame evening. Mr. Waddell leaves next Monday, and carries with him the best wishes of his many friends. in this ueig or oo oo s very poor y. bAs a geueral thine it was soWed iate. ICippen. Early sowing is best either for fall or REMARKABLY NARROW ESCAPE. -The 1 spring wheat. New Era learns that on Wed.nesday 1 FARM SOLD. -Mr. Thomas{ Pollard. night last, two trains on the London, has nold. his farm of 100 acres to 11`. Huron and Bruce Railway had a re- Cale for the sum of $6,509.. rnarkably narrow escape 1 from what i Cale gets possession after harvest. Mr. might have been a serious accident at Pollard is going to live retired., Kippen station. The up and down SitEEP DISEASE. -Mr. Geo.: Smalls. trains are timed. to cross there, and as 1 combo lost a fine ewe with a disease the engineer of the up train was coming called the “grub" It is very prevalent up to back into the siding, he observed. i in England. and Scotland. A few drops the down train coming at a terrific : of tiarpentine poured in its nese would speed. Seeing that a collision was ira- have saved it perhaps if done in time. minent, he reversed his engine, opened ' RA.RE Butp,-Master John Bell, of wide, and backed into the aiding almost Beleville, shot a duck on the Aux like lightning, but still not, fast enough Belisle on Saturday last. It nausthave to get clear of the approaching train, I emigrated frona Alaska, as it was white, and. the two engines ljust struck, green, red and brack. Mr. Win. Dinnin, smashing the cowcatchers to splinters, I taxidermist, ic going to stuff it and put and throwing the truck Of the down it along wi h his collectioi in his train partly off the tracki The speed 1 aviary. at which the up train backed into the A GENEROUS ACT. - Mr. Phillip switch was such that it struck a flat i Greetwood has been very ill for sortie car, and the passengers, for a second time and not able to leave the time, were tumbled head, over heels. hots. Some twenty-five or thirty of The engineer of the train , going south , the young men in the neighborhood gave as his excuse for running as he j turned out with lance tooth and chain - did, that he mistook the headlight of pion saws and out up about 40 cords - the up train in the blinding snow, for of stovewood for him. Then after the the white light of the semphore. Had inner man was satisfied they, turned 111 it not been for the presence of mind of to the Montreal House wherts they had the engineer of the up tain, a most a seal "fandango," which they kept up serious calamity would have happened, ; till the small hours. as the other was running !very fast, and. 1 elect oice d re- • PG SOLD. -Mr. W. S. dis sed of his thorOughbre enti e pig to Mr. Robert A. 3rd concession, L. BI. S. T good hog and is a general f bre ders. OD WORK. -.A: few da Wr4 Sinclair and Mr. cho ped, split and piled wocjd in nine hours. Th done on the farm of Mr. Th on he Mill Road. Thes be qual to a sawing naachi is the kind of stuff young C made of. THAT WOLF. -That wol SIENEBS.-There is a good deal of '1 sickness around Lumley. The weather is so ,ohangeable, colds are the order of the day. THE WEATHER. -If boreas keeps blowing for a fevamore days the roads -will be very passable, as the snow is pretty nearly gone. Tut FALL WHEAT. -The fall wheat undell has 1. Berkshire Tait,4f the isis a very vorite with s ag Mr. olin 1unro ix cords -of work as Ma8 MILO me must e ; bit this na,dins are has not yet been captured although he haS been seen by several, and has beenlamsted by half the sports in the township. He must be a cunning rascal' If a me of the boys could capture hin they might haye a nice robe to hail qve1 their ters next winter when e their girl ou. Wh ky man. HE FIRST or T- E SEAS N. n is still CU tai lu h y want to will be the _ur old bonni d to rds keeping hap the ill Read. His son ber of about sixty, arried at his resi- g on hie farml on the deuce and took fore able possession Friday last, the 5th of thereof. Mr. and Mrs. Rands were taken considerably la surprise, but they yielded up with he best possible grace and amiability, eeing that the invading party seeme peaceably dis- posed. As soon as the greetings of the evening were over a d the invaders had become comfort bly settled, the ane arber, real object of the visit as naade known. tt,1 Sr., a Mr. Rands and famil being about to ird, , Scot- remove from Morris, their friends con eglent of ceived the happy idea of presenting ar of her himself and his estimah:ile wife with an friend John Gamer do his share tow reisutation of thd conamenced plowi Mill Road on Fri March. We expe t in few days to hear of his coname cing seeding. John says he is bound the Mill Ro il will never get behind o long as he ives on it and he expects o live o it mtil he es. OBITUARY. -Di at He d y morning, 29th inst., b loved wife of Mr John n tive of Tarriff, berde lana, and for ian years (the two trains would have certainly SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. -the publics Grey. examination of the pupils of School sec- ' tionNo. 3, Grey, held on the 25th inst., ; wage, grand success in every particular. The walls of the school room were handsomely decorated with; evergreen] boaghs, wreaths and mottoes, and peer- ing above the former -was a $ea of up- tarried faces of 77 pupils, surrounded by, viiors, amounting to upwards of a, htindred. The teacher, Mr. Slemmou, wa# ably assisted by Messrs. MoSay„ Leihman, Knight, McNaughton and, teacher Hingston. The excellent order -maintained by the pupils, the prompt.' ndee and intelligence with which qties-i tiotis were answered and problema sqlVed and explained, reflect much credit not only on the pupils., but tibia on. their teacher, Mr. Slemmon, who, se a disciplinarian and teacher, is apparl ently giving the best satisfaction. After 12 o'clock the pupils and eWton3 par+ trli of a repeat sufficiently adequate te satiate the most fastidious andepicureat taste, and of sufficient amount to IWO killed a score of ostriches, After the chee of the examination, the pupil)) g ne an entertainment censisting of dialogues, readings and einging, Baia *etre ably assisted by MI. Sence, et t el ; Mr. Morris, of B tissels, and r. Taylor, of Grey. The reading of , rave John Maynard," bY a girl of ipe years of age, was the most striking feature of the whole affair, as she ren- ered it in a most able and pathetin 1 anner. Speeches were delivered by t 0 above named teachers, the tru.steas f the section, Mr. Broadfoot, of Merritt, nd the worthy Reeve of Grey, after nich the company disprsed, oaten- inly well satisfied with the day's pre al edings. been telescoped. As it was, the passen- gers were pretty badly shaken up, but were thankful it was no worse. A delay of three hours was the result of accident. the Morris. A HEAVY Loss. -A report is in cir- culation to the effect that Mr. Alfred Brown, a one time prominent resident of Morris, but now residing ,in Southern Dakota, has lost by the i excessive cold during the past winter one hundred sheep and half as many cattle. BRIES.-Mr.` Edward Ward, who left this place for Algoma, has returned and looks splendid.-MOst of the young folks who left for the latribering districts last fall are back, and t?y speak highly of the way in which th y were treated. -Mr. John Robb intends starting for Auld Scotia ere long. May he have a safe and pleasant voyae, an enjoyable visit and a safereturn. 1 SURPRISE AND PRESEN ATION.-011 the evening of Friday last neighbors of Mr. Wm 6th concession of Mor he friends and Rands, of the is, to the num- 1 ukesmth, e th Tues - e. Mrs. Scat was well ar4d favorably address, expressive of own in this neighborho d, andthough and esteem, and. me r many years in delicate hes, th, yet eubstantial character ntinued to discharge hei nsua house- take with them to th Id duties till a few mon he ag , when remembrancers from e and her haeband retird. to th vil- Morris and of the day eof Hensall, to spend tlhe retIoninder Syne." The address life in the quiet enjoyment of the J. S. Stewart, teacher their good. will entoes of a more hich they might ir new home as their friends in of "Auld Lang was read by Mr. in School Sec- ---Mr. Thomas Gorrell has disposd. 411his sixty acres on the Base Line, in, the township of Hallett, te his brother lin, for $3,700. The land is first clans. is the intention of Mr. Gomell and his brother Frank, to go to he wed. The Large Seductions made In ann. only last A FEW DAYS L We purpose either Removing Ing it tall. Ont this NWT LOSE THE 0 To Get Basin NEW AND FIRST -CL SMITH- & Matz en:ma) s 1881 SPR1 WE ARE NOW BUSY EV UP NEW 'GOOD 1' TRADE, OUR GOODS POR THI NESS HAVE BEEN GREAT CAREAND P VERY BEST MARKE 01113 STOC, FOR VA VARITY, CANNOT TOWN, WE saow LARGE OODB, ALL AT 11 WE SHOW A. LARGE GOODS IN TI1E AND COLORS. StiXii IN BLACKS, O YASHIONADLE SH WE SHOW A LARGE ROOMY, 51E134 WE SKOW A LAROE AND itIENTIP FUR WE STILL FUNIS watt rnisr IKENTS, AND A EEP UP OUR It THE REST CLO OWN. WE CONFIDENTLY FOR THIS BE TRADE EVER D TABLISHED BU EVERY BUYER