HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-01, Page 7L881. #ccidnt ENT 3nsinese tet prepared to Terty at the RATES. Weeented, r>:I){ ANENT' I tPANY.. ay advaneec4 IDLIAIMY Britain.. SN uteric. E OENOY, ON r Stook, Fixe nd is preper. :e terms. it Loan S. arse Of Fare, ship Tickets, Store, brain 646 1MERCE, ! •'T(. .000,.00 0. L00,000" 00, c.�'lf(tstet-. continues te .a allowed en rind eitiee in the United CommmeroialE Manager. IE RY . -1, RTU, $blislied Liv= it stylish rigs insinees. ne and sora- iorees always it one or two ruled to c;id. i•posite O Seaforth. FOI;BES..- I LL.. .DER. Forth, having -now running leommod.ione the oldest• - thoroughly e<t.est aapli- the aoeom• d increasing 'f the hand- ed galloriea t sition than work in the n a superior ;and on the cordially so- Beaforth. LOAN blic Auction LANG, near 9, 1881, , Y"5/ E r be given Ont ix per cent. roprietor- MILLS. TIE of his Iris;: good cativo- ge it prep-- nd in splen. steadily dor- eotion with n reasonable qty. croe Build TTIF •. ORT$. Out my regard- • era to aster- aewhere. I -ng cash, es- hr�a:ra for g Bad, the warranted Counter's t, Seaforth, PORTER.. APRIL 1, 1881. 'THE IfJ RON EXPOSITOR. SEIS 1 SEEDS I l FARIMA�RS AND GARDENERS' REQUIRING rti F11:1 CLASS SEEDS From the North-west. Lr:rLs's Lamm, Mardi .8,1::1.. DEAR ExeoslTOR, — According to promise I now' write you a few lines respeoting the work and weather of this country. Since I wrote" you my last letter, which was sometime in Septem- ber, the weather has changed consider- ably.: We have had a very pleasant winter for doing any kind of out -door work, such as cutting logs, wood or rails, or even running a saw mill, as Little Brothers have run their portable saw mill considerable during the months of January and .February, f the also intend running it th present month. SAW -LOG GING. Several of the settlers are cutting and banking saw logs on the Assiniboine Biver, which they intend rafting down. to Littles' saw -mill in the spring. RAILS.. The farmers are now busily engaged in cutting and drawing rails to fence. their crops next summer. LIME.. Some of our neighbors intend burning lime next snmmer. This will be a good paying business, as wood and stone can be gat very handy, and lime sells at 50 cents per bushel. There will be a great deal wanted for building this' coming season. BUILDING. Several frame buildings are to be erected during the spring and summer on homesteads. There is also talk of two frame school houses -going up in this neighborhood. NEW Mr. Denby, of Littleton, intends building a large and. commodious store in the spring, which he will fill with a well assorted stock of goods. This will be a great benefit to the farmers of this community, and will save them many a trip to Portage la Prairie. HUNTING. Three or four Indians from the As- 8iniboine River, passed through Little- ton afew days ago from the Tiger Hills with a sleigh load of deer, bear and moose, which they shot in the hills. very seem to b v e ry unman on s this year. GRIST MILL. The grist mill at Beaconsfield will be in running order sometime during the coming summer. PLEASANT EVENINGS. Several pleasant evenings were spent at social gatherings during the winter season. Singing, recitations and trip- ping the light fantastic toe, invariably filled up the programme. The people here appear to be very agreeable one with another, whieh makes all things pleasant at a social gathering. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Service is held at Holland P. O. and at Mt. Jas. Young's every alternate Sun- day afternoon by Mr. C. E. Dobb, .of the Tiger Hills. DEATH. Mr. John Anderson, who had a home- stead near here, went down to Portage la Prairie to work a while this winter, while there he took sick and died very suddenly. His brother Adam was imme- diately sent for,but before he got there John was dead. It is supposed inflam- maticu of the lungs was the cause of his death, Mr. Anderson was from Bruce County, Ont. WEATHER. We have beautiful weather here at present and au early spring is expected. Hoping you will insert these scra.pa in your valuable paper, I remain yours etc., JACOB DIEHL, JR., -Tolland P. Ci., Manitoba. • not tell you at once that it will regulate. the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female ph�ysioians, and nurses in the United. State . Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle) 692-52. . Rest, and Comfort to Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea equal for relieving pain, both and external. It cures pain in Back, or bowels,., sore throat, tism, toothache, lumbago and e of pain or ache. It will unost quicken the blood and heal, as hag power is wonderful. Household Panacea, being ledged as the great . pain reheyer, and of double the strength of ay other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy foru e when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and achesof all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 251 cents a bottle. 692-52 ; Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Bret Harte in one of his charming sketches tells of a school mistress who was accustomed to take long walks in the pine woods of Californiafor the benefit of the balsamic air. There is more in this treatment than most people will be inclined to credit. Wei see the pines and spruces have been brought in- to requisition in, the cause of medical progress. Gray's Syrup of Regi Spruce Gum—a thoroughly scientific prepara- tion—provides this treatment in a con- centrated form, and has, after $O years' test, proved itself the most satisfactory cure extant for coughs, colds, bung and throat affections. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. 684.26 • In the Forest Primeval. I was so pleased at finding myself in a primeval forest that I wanted to run about everywhere. But. I suffered for my inexperienced impulse ; now a thorn pierced my clothes and tore my akin : now a liaue, stretched across my path, would throw me down, gun in hand, damaging my hand and knees, and put- ting me in peril of my life from the gun ; again, a apider's web, which had widely spread its insidious snares, would cling to my face and beard, wwiile the spiders fell on my hands, neck and face, pro- ducinga singularly unpleasant sense- , tion. After a ramble of several hours I had to acknowledge that, after all my dreams, a primeval forest is notan earthly paradise.. It was long, never- theless, before I made up my mind to return on board with the birch I had killed, and which, being the first shot by min New Guinea, are among my most cherished treasures.—.N ew Guinea —D'.Alber•tis. - the .has nnI jnternal Ehe side, rheuma- ny kind surely its act - Brown's icknow- Stop That Cough. If you are suffering with a cough,cold, asthma, bi•onchitis, hay fever, Ounsump- tion, loss of voice, tickling in the throat,. or any affection of the throat and lnngs, use Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. This is the great remedy that is causing so much excitement by its wonderful cures, curing thousands of hopeless cases. Over one million bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery have been used within the last year, and have given tante.. ,perfect satisfaction in every dins We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure fol' throat and Kung affections, and can cheerfully recom- mend it to all. Cali and get a trial bot- tle free of cost, or a regular size 'for $1. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. j 657-52-3 Envied. Beauty. What is more handsome than a nice, bright, clear eomplexion, showing the beauties of perfect health ? • All can en- joy these advantages, by using Electric Bitters. Impure Blood, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Urinry Organs are speedily cured. For Nervousness and all attendant ailments, theyare a never -failing remedy, and pos- itively cure where all others fail. Try the Electric Bitters and be convinced of their wonderful merits, For sale by E. Hickson & Co. at 50c. l , bottle. 662-26a Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations o diges- tion an d nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa., Air. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us. many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitutiou may be gradually built up until strong enough to i esist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselo'es well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser vice Gazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"•Tames Epps & Co., _ homeen pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Ch'colate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 • Grand T Trains leave 8e fox foloars: Go NOW sT- pm :prong . . i ,2 Eapres 8 Nixed rain. . 9 Spred. , 15 GONG EA T— SF Express ....147; M'press Train....1.1• ixed Train -...4: Mixed .ij ain....10: nk Railway: and- Clinto ORT$. P, M. P. M, A.M. 0 P: M. ORTH. A. M. i p'M. PIM. A. M. Stations as OLINTo 1. 2:40 P.M. 9:16 P. M. 0:00 A.M.6:15 P.M I OLINTON 7:80AM' 2:45 P. Mel 4:15 P. M.I 0:00 A. M. •A TED. ILAOEK MIT$ S -- la -s ei sen oiBcrl. I MI LLIS,IKippen, anted at 0 ith. Apply' ce, a (food o THOMAS 694-2 'ONE j• MASONS "- gesso , 8 or ;.f G to THOMPSON:RIOQ �iPPREITICE _r " ' Stout Lad to ]ee THOMAS HILLS, "anted, for the ensuing d Stone M sons. Apply : ERS, Blak: P. 0. 694x4 TED — Wa ted, 'a Good the Blackarn thing Trade. ondville. 694. Zopesa. I have secured the agency for this new compound for Dyspepsia and liver troubles. It comes to me under most favorable auspices, being very highly endorsed and recommended. Its won- derful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the dissolving juices, correcting the acids and carry- ing off impurities of the Stomach and regulating the Liver, can he tested by securing a sample bottle, which sells at 10 cents, or large eight ounce bottle, 75 oents. J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth and Bayfield. 679-52a Chicago Ahead. All the world now looks up to Chicago as the great western metropolis of Amer- ica, being far ahead of all competing cities ; but none the less so, in its line, is Electric Bitters. From their real intrin- sic value they have advanced to the front, and are now far ahead- of all other remedies, positively curing where every- thing else fails. To try thein is to be convinced. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. , at 50c. per bottle. 662-26a A Q•ood Medicine. Mr. J. Wyatt, of Rockingham, N. C., has a little boy, five years old, who has been suffering with a skin disease, break lug out all over, ever since he was born. Me informs us, he saw these advertise- ment of Dr. J. C. Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the Danville Times, and bought a bot- tle of it. He administeredit to the boy,. and states there has been a wonderful improvement. The 'breaking out is rapidly disappearing, and the boy's ap- petit; is good for the first time.—Dan- ville, V a.,.Tirnes. Ayer's darsaparilla is sold by all druggist, , and is a positive remedy for impurities of the blood. 669 Mothers ! Mothers! Mothers 1! � ONEY WANTED term of 10 years, interest at 6per o�n Ott improved farm EPOSITOR OP1t�Is a Wanted to rorn $1,500 t Security, fi •. °perty. A E, Seaforth. orrow,'for a $2,000, with :t mortgage ply at THE ee} era j 1'd 6 NEY.: r, ONEY TO LEN --Money to lend on good improved fa only, at 74 Per cent. inter - payable yearly; rivate fnnd8 ; charges mod= JOHN S. PO TER. 681 It ONEY TO LOL —In large [or small sums 111• on frst•ch. eourity, at 8 percent. yearly Interest. Private funds, or on :the installment � plan. Apply to V1. "ILL, Seaforth. 628 OLiEY —The undeieigned has a large earn of money for mediate investment onl Bret , mortgages on farm property. Seven and a half': per cent. interest yearly; principal as may be agreed upon. J. H. BENSON, Solicitor, Sea - forth. 688 ONEY—A. C-. McDOUGALL is authorized to itil lend money t 6,1 per cent. on mortgage, for; ny amount, and or any number of years ; inter est charged onl n the unpaid principal. No c ommir-sion Cha d. Apply at the Store o678 . G. McDougall & S • . STO K FOR SALE. ('iOLT.FOR 8 `?--' colt comb] a clbr oke to b Bion 5, Maxine $Toex FOR : Durham B Thoroughbred Thoroughbred alnimals and wil 86, Concession LAN. • For -sale, a bay gelding' ee. Sired by Lord Haddo, a. pply on Lot 84, winoes- AMES DORRANCE. 675 • : �lI —For ale, a Tbo'roughbred bout 6' months obi; also a am Heifer, in calf to a They are both splendid sold cheap. Apply on Lot. Killop. ROBERT MoMIL I 684 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains., Cores, and -all kinds of Skin. Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction'n every case or money refunded. Pnc 25c ' per box._ teor sale by E. TI'ickson Co. 657-52 The Essential of Health. One of the prime essentials of -health is the se- cretion of bile by the liver in due quantity and of a proper quality for the uses which nature bas ordained for this important secretion. Its gently stimulating and potent regulating action upon the biliary gland constitutes Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptib Cure a most. valuable specific for Liver Complaint. Among the consequences of its continued and systematic use aro the disappearance of such symptoms of chronic biliousness as constipation, napsea, pain in the vicinity of the organ affected, yellowness of the skin, fur upon the tongue, and headache. Nofiner remedy for dyspepsia exists, and its remedial value has been signally demonstrated in kidney com- plaints, scrofula, femaie weakness, erysipelas, salt rheum, and all disorders arising from impurity of the blood. The vigor with which it endows feeble physique, is shown in an increased activit of every vital fnnction, and its effect, though po tent, are followed by no hurtful reaction. Th bowels ars relaxed by it naturally and. easily, an it is not disagreeable to the taste, and the purity and wholesomeness of its botanic ingredients make it far safer as well as more efficient remed than preparations containg mercury, designed affect the liver beneficially, bat which sometime do more harm than good. Large doses of it not required, and it is, therefore, in reality fa oheaper than other cathartics. 'rice, $1. Sample bottle, 10 dents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman'e- Vegetable Discovery and Dyspepti&- Cure. Th wrappers bears a far -simile of . their signature. Sold by all medicine deaierse 691-52 London, Huron and Bruce. 0ING NORTH— Express. Mail. Express A.M. P.M. • A.M. London, depart; 7 40 2 20 6 25 Centralia 8 40 8 25 7 28 8 52,- 2 88 7 40 905! 862 763 9 11 3 57 ' 7 59 9 21 4 07 • 808 9 39 4 23 8 26 9 58 4 41 8 45' 10 06 4 60 8 52 Balgrave 10 24 5 06 9 09 Wingham, arrive 10 45 5 25 9 25 GOING Sour$— Mail. Express. Express A.M. P M P. M. Wingham,depart7 00 2 66 6 20 6 88 6 56 7 04 7 241 , 8 20 4 07 7 48 8 80 4 15 7 59� 8 2d Are you disturbed at night- and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If 'so, go at once and get a bottle of, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little s, sufferer immediately—de- pend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on -earth who has ever used it, who will TALLION riage and 'o aired by Young Pea in the how•nn s , s his honor Noti Whippoorwill he eho'wn. He is a b stands 16 hands iii. some pointe is far sold on reasons b' lire apply to R. & At ,Bill Road, Bi R e SALE For We, the Car - Stallion, " Whippoorwill," oak, which figured so well tiring a Ion hat of prizes to e h-ts sire n this respect, leo received prizes wherever 'ght bay, with blank points, h, is perfectly sound, and fn nperior to his sire. Will be erms. For further parties° . BROOK, Lit 29, Concession eld P. O. 698x4 ,DICAL. . G. SCOTT, M V • Acconohenr d en ee sof th aid o east of Presbyte is 11 :. &c, Physieian,8urgeon and eaforth, Ont, Office and real - e oderich Stieet, second door Church. • 842 TT L. VERC( 11 • 'geon, eta, Moe and Res' irectly opposit E . D., C. M.. Physician,; Snr- 3o ner for the County of Enron. oe, on Jarvis street north, aforth Public School. • x7 M, 'RANO hicGi11 n coonchenr, 8e rat door Bout r M. D., O. -M..1 Graduate of reity, Physician, Surgeon and h,Ont. Office land Residence; he Catholio Church 496 DE. BIITC I SON, Graduate`of McGill Col- lege, Ido t 1, Licentiate o1 the Royal Col- ege of Pbaio : + , Edinburgh, and late House Surgeon of C a gockhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Office—Winch: „, Ont. 688.52 McNA.0 0 : T Veterinary SrfrgeOn, Grade 1-" • ate of On rio Veterinary C liege, Seaforth, ;Ont. Office' an • Residence in res of Killoran & Ryan's. Calle rompt]y .attends to, night or [day A, stock of veterinary med eines on hand barges reason ble Horses exami+ed sato sound- ess and aertifi•ate s given if req,ired. 4G7 Exeter Hensall Kippen. Brncefiel.d Clinton Londesboro. Blyth Belgrave 7 18 3 13 Blyth 7 85 8 28 Londesboro... ...-:'7 44 9 86 Clinton - -- - Bracefield Kippen Hensel' Exeter. ......... 8 52 4 32 Centralia 9 02 4 42 8 4g London, arn'e10 05 6 36 10 1 hours from 8 Mrs. Whitney 8eaforth, DERBYSHI Surgeon De he Royal ( o eons of 0 . to 5 P. ew brick bloo E .•L. D. 8., fiat, Graduate lege of Dental tario. Qffioe Rooms in . Main Street. tratford, Ont Seaforth at th rep axed te pe ase and sl. onth. GARROW . tors, &c. Wm. Proudfoo CARTWRIG Member of t Dental Snrge e -Indian blo snow opened en's Hotel, w all dental oe open first Abu Whe out ort T, L. D. S., e Royal College! ns of Canada. k, Market St. nt an .Office I ore he will orations wit neaday in ev 568-52 arristers, Soliai, .—J. T. (farrow 68& CAMERON, Solicitors M.'0.Oamero eron. T & CAME ' ON, Barristers, Chancery, &o , Goderloh, Ont. C., Philip Ho t, M. G. Cam. ' 506 WILLIAM `` rr eionerin Appraiser. Ao reasonablete L, Conveyan . er and Commie Wroxeter. Auctioneer an is and notes oolleoted o 868 HW.C. • Law, S for taking affi Solicitor for Private fund s R, Barrister and Attorney a or in Chancery. Commission is in the Province of Manitob Bank of Hamilton, Wingha oanat EI{ to 6f per cent. 688 ER, Barristers and Attorne ore in Chancery and lnsolvene ries Public, eta. Onion—S . $23,000 of Private Funds t ight percent. Interest,payab e 68 H -w. 0._MEYER. as this day been dissolved b All accounts due the firm t noon who will pay all Iiabi JAMES H. BENSON-. H. W. . MEYER. BENSON & at Law, So Conveyancers, f orth and Brus Investatonoe, yearly. JAS. H. BEN The above mutual' cense be paid to M sties. Nov. 27, 18 LAW, CH Scott's Bl QOLICITO Canada a 'in Seaforth. Farm and and sold. Money (pri aurities, at r moderate. Money inv best mortgag the lender. S. G. MoCAII EY & Hff LMESTE RY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, I Main Street, Seafortl}e or the Conaclirdated' Bank j he Canadian Oink of Commer4e �` II and Village;Troperty boug t funds) loaned on mortgage nable Pates of ntereet..Charg I for Private arsons. upon t e unities, withocit any expanse �e Y, M. A. E. HOLMESTE� 8 OULD PATRONIZE . C USIVE SEED STORE re Frbsh h din et el. ''o I het only 414 re, 9m z. 'PRE GRE l Periodi a unfailing in t dangerous die tion is enbie • t moves all ob relied on. T It will, in a riod with re taken by Fe i1a of Pregranc , carriage, bn ' alt all cases .f pains in the ertion, pal a la whites, the tap means hay. `f remedy, do of or anythin:; h directions which shon dF New York, for postage e ronto, Ont will inenr return m Bleasdell, Seeds are always kept on hand, from the beet growers and im- o this call at ROBERT ON'S, first-class Seed Store $n Seaforth, w + ere all the varieties o d Garden Seeds to? be;ha cheap for cash. The following are e c t the f vorite Grains and Se:c.s in Stock, Loi 1!ie Ba GRAINS s t Nation Wheat (Spri v Zealand Oats, ley, in all varieties. PEA AND BE Peal Beal " ,. „ NS : -Long Pod. Dan O'Ro ke, 'JW Little's Gem, &e. s—EarlyChina Red E e, Dwarf German Wax Great German Wax, Scarlet 'Runner. Broad Windsor, &a. TURNIPS kirving's Purple Top, Swl Carter's Imperial, Swede,. estbnry (Hall's). Swede, Shamrock, Royal Norfolk, w and White G White Swede MANG EL WURT C4ttlr's Ma oth Long ilea, gr Me se Jae, o excellent quail Norbit G ant,lRed0lobe, and Y Carter's Wa den Orange Globe—th rlto e p izes than any other. Long B d, ed Globe, and Long EMALE REMEDY.—Job Mo es 1118—This invaluable medicine is caro of all those pcinfnl a d es to which t e female oonati a- t moderates 11 excess and e- ione, and a s eedy euremay riadla dies, it i peculiailygni t t time, bring o the monthl97 ity. These p lis should not e during the ret three months they are sure to bring on la- ny other time they are safe. In rvone and Spinal Affectio and limbs, fatigue on slight on of the heart, hysterics, e will effect Cure when all o led ; and, alf;hough a powe ontain iron, alomel, antim nl to the onstitntion. pamphletarolnnd each pse carefully preserved. Jeb Mo Proprietor. *1.00 and 121 0 sed to Nort eral agents ottle Dont BEETS : Early Blood Turnip Flab Egyptian,' Long Blood Red, White Sugar, &a. CABBAGE de, Trey Stone, obe. ELS : nvs to an im- llow Globe, variety take$ yellow. Large rk, Oxbeart, Fla Dutch, R M • rb] sad, Red Dutch f r pickling, W inni }getadt, probably lhebeetin cur ivation. ' CARROTS: ite Belgian. French S E : rly Scarlet, French Ho, S arlet-Intermediate, rge Red Altringham, a flavor. L rge Red Surrey, garde or field. ,.1, CELERY Sandringham, Red Solid, White Solid, &o, CORN : • ammoth Sugar Corn, osby's Early, 1 owell's Evergreen, A• anis' Early, one of the earliest, ns carers, large, fine for market, Eight Rowed Early, Canadian Yellow, ite Flint, L rge Twelve Rowed Yellow, I diana High Mixed, S ed Corn for Green Feed, A'rnerican Feeding Corn,&a. MELONS: Musk, A reen Citrons, Water, Black Spanish, Water, Mountain Sweet, Citron, for preserving. PUMPKINS : • Large Field, Maminoth, &c. SQUASH Early White Bush Sc Iloped, Mammoth, &o. TOMATO S: General Grant, Zrohy, Caria Victor, &o. OLD ooUNTRYbps TO HAND FIRS T FIRST OTHER VEGE ABLES Parsley, Parsnips, Cnenmbers, Lettuce, Onions, &c. GRASS SEE Timothy, Orchard Gra Red Top, Kentucky Bli Mammoth C Rod June, Alaike, Lucerne, White Datel White Dutol Tares and R Buckwheat, Millet, Hgngarian, • DS: 8. oer, 1 pe, SHIPMEN HIPMENTO T O I"' 014OUNTRY GO DS o TO IIAN A' o 4 LI 014. �L,TJ�T I I F OL� 00 NTRY GOODS TO r1AND. First Shipment or 0 Contry Goods to hand. h First Shipment of 0' d Co;;wntry Goods to hand. .S First Shipment of Old Co "try Goods to hand, � First Shipment • o f OldCountry Goods to hand. z First Shi -meant .of Old Cciuntry Goods to hand.. First Slii ment of Old Gauntry Goods to hand. First 'Shipment of Old •C un`ttry First Shipment of Old First Shipm: t of Old First Ship ld First Shipm First Shipm First Shipm First Sha First Shipm First Shipm nt of nt of nt of nt of C lentry C entry Cpuntry Goods to hand. Goods to hand. Goods to hand. Goods to hand. ld Cuntr Goods to hand. ld Countr Goods to haid. }td1ovntryGcods to hand. ment . ment of ld ountry Goods to Band. nt of ld ountry Goods to ha' . At of Old ountry Goods to ha FIRST SHIPMENT OF OLD COUNTRY GOOD A CALL IS MOST R ESIFrECTFULLY a-A.WI S0 TO HAND. OLICITED. EAFfDIR. T1I_ AND PLASTER : ne car load of White Land. Plaster, in barrels op & Lyman, for the Dom • on, fng over 60 pp - by old in Seafoith by Hickso & oberte, and i. Lumsden. 684-68 S. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTH, OWT. JUST T HAND, BEAUTIFUL IASSOBTMENT EASTR'CARDS 1 N W DE IGN8 IN B I RT yDA - CARDS. C. WI PAP. T, Bookseller, Seafort4a. E , GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL —At— ; Ilighest Award, Dominion Exhibition, Toronto Exhibition, Ottawa, 1879. 1880 1881. WINTER. 1881. JOHN K,I D D, SEAFORTH, BEGS to call the -Special Attention of his many Customers and the public general yto his varied assortment of STOVE 1 STOVES 1 a CHANGE O ' BL SINESS. '11 POT' ID/3."1". TTS E S i&FOR From the = EST Manufacturer in the i)eminion, viz.: WM. B UC.�,�, OF �ANTFOR: �. These STOPS peewees Many Advantages Which can ly be Appreciated by an I.:pection of them. WE WAR 'h ANT EVERY STOVE And Defy petition in Price or Quality. a JO u1\- IK i) MA s STREET, SEAFOBTH. 668 HO ! F FLOWN JA R EGMONDVILLE.- z,E'S AND SAW MILLS. ES K:Y L E Begs to info _' 'bis friends and the $ublic gee- erally that his NEW SAW 'M1LL1 Is now in 11 'working order, and he is p1e- pared to-do L V S OM 117ATVIN Oil: the oho t,4et notice and most reasonable terms. He . tie also on hand and for sale ALL KI DS OF SAWN LUMBER, :?fills Promptly Filled. LOURING_ MI.I4 SEAFORTH, Ont., 'April . 3r . , 1880. Having' purchased the Seaforth Fo "dry from John Nopper, we ' continue to keep on and, at the' bid stand, M ' Street, Seaforth. a full, assortment of Plows, Gang Plows, ScnfB.ers, Land Ro era and all other Implements in our line. Colum Crestings, and School, Churc Garden and Lawn Chairs a specialty. p Re p airr9 g promptly and neatly done a i satisfaction guarantee. Give !us a trial. eLYBED $. NOPPEB. ; NOPPER TROT E.RS., JOHN W. NOPPER. ? SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3r i, 1880. Haying disposed of my business, I est call on all those indebted to me, � , either y note or book account, to Call nd settle the same before th' First of May, a after that date I will place everything in the hands of the Clerk of the y JOHN N PPER. Court 10 collection. ESTABLISHED 1867.' 13./COUiNITERI WATCHMAKER AND •' In Or inary to the Citizens ford and Swrrounding Cel REPAI f_;>�f �s Fine INC IN ALL BRA Watches, Cloaks and Jewel . Watches a Spe tatty. LARC6 STOCK OF COLD AND SILYE Watches; Chains, Rin rooches, Ear Rings, Clocks, Fancy Good,s, And Spectacles, 8 OH APER THAN EVE Al Goode Warranted se Repres nte,d. N ,,G -p JUST ARRIVED AT AULT'S SEAORTH. HIS Is in charge GRISTI On the Sho Renumber bill of lumb 691 o1 a First -Class Miller, and 114 is prepared to do G AND CHOPPING test Notice. Good Work and %nil wb.en you want a grist ground or a eawn go to the Egraondville ES WANTED HOUGHTON Is now prepared -to buy any number of Weighing 1rom 1,100 pounds and upward*. WILL RE AT SHARP'S' HOTEL, SEAFORTH, EVERT DAY.' G. A. 12(0113311111Tri.. MONEY TO 1..,,EMpi. In Larg0 or Small SumS, at Ile(40n- alb e rates of interest. China Tea Sets, very che p. Stone Tea Sets and Pled Sets. All kinds of dell. Very 1.7i,ce Toget Bets— will be sold cheap. A fresilt stock of that Good Tea Dust, which has given of the Celebrated Kaoka. Also some of the best Coffee in the market. A new lot of the best Teas at. Fifty Cents per pound, in Green, Black and Japan—try hent—t y are the best in the ntairke . fresh assort- ment of all kinds of Groceries. The highest market i;rice pa in cash for First -Class *utter. NOTE MP - AND MORTGA0E8 Y TO W. C. GOITINLOCX, Or at the 63 of I. H. Benson, Seaforth. 881 SEAFORTH PLANING MIL*, SASH, ISOOR AND BLIND FACTIOD T4Estil? oriberbegsleave to thank hien oat trustshat e may be favored with a coati 1111 him a call, s he will continue to keep on hand a large stoc odalikinds et Dry Fyne Lumber, Sashes, Moors, Lath eic. but first- e assworksaen are employed. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOO. UN 6ERTAKERS, &C. FUNE ALS ATTENDED UN THR IIORTEST NOTICE., COF INS AND SHROUDS A-LWAYS ON HAND. JOHN WILLIAMS &OD. BANKERS, &c., WR XETER, ONTARIO. Bills D cOunted. Drafts Issued. Money Lent nlietsi Estate at Lowest Rates. 110a RIT SH EXCHANGE HOTEL, tdellih, the Qu test, Most Comfortable and test Con- ducted etels in the Province. The B4:0411g 41. cOmni Outs sud the Table sud Bar liberally 1.1