HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-04-01, Page 5r fit eras a hurt,1.. rr._ W> as pro, "every. Eitatng 1 colla_. tit, bu:t. j horse f about any iii- his pile Or over rid and as Par- ,' town_ argain_ a farm, tortes i a11o81i, €t, week reriy G]tf it Isar_ Mr_ lumber here to 9.8 :well 'as in a ntity of tderg it ows; of, rind o. Inaina;E assizes 11th. le, and. Walk- derick,; Thos �illia teneea.., issar lt. 'avated fraud. on the w eight had site , alt of L in 1879 ay last` s stook ee cows ugly as Mr. r of the ears of of the lis lab- rclips of the ement8' of dogs g their a hare) tge dog ter llam- a/ tin laminth dollar 'odd ix Doe his ,ale the . of the a. He t when forma asinesa usinesa is ooi- opsical For :core or Ieringa de and d Fant- He Lary of sI So- ne two . w days P., in'- ocioty n pllr- est and The kind- Presl- ey met follow - Bone, Esq.;- at sq.;at the of the e East to can - 6, Esti. renting eldest e 12th to the WIT IIP 'down. whey rg the as, set It re - iter he Raw a side_ Lound, ng the neck, r was e sent know. gloola was pathy ease rus- rs. G.,. `grass eith a street seem - Their r die- m of emy , the wring mans - look, a was 1, the r gal- e ire.. id at- name and a lug in arriv- tg the h the in an Alien: ,once; fitters 5rrny, 'a: and lopthe APRIL 1, 1881. in the Births.. DEVERAUE.—In McKillop, on the 21st March, the awe of Mr. Edward Devon= of a son. MuCLOY.—In Tuokeremith, on the 23rd March, the wife of Mr. John MoCloy, of a son. SMITH.TIn Seaforth, on the 25th March, the wife t of Mr. J. C. Smith, of a son. After some considerable parley, eDOHERY.—In Clinton, on the 16th March, the. lady relinquished her claim, and to pre- wife f Air. Wm. Doherty, of a daughter. vent a case in court humbly apologized, LAUT. n Stanley, on the 29th hich Mr. C gladly accepted, thanking of h r. James Lent, of a son. Marsh, the wife when relief came to the rescue person of one who had known him for a number of years as Mr. C., of Teeswater, and as one who was never suspected of being guilty of the crime of bigamhy% w his stars in having thus escaped the fate which threatened him. Marriages. 1C "unpleasant- WIL SON—FRY.—In Seafo> at the nisi- -The following little donee of Mr. John Latrimer, of a Wednesday, Hess" is narrated by the Exeter Times : Ma 30� by Rev. Jeffrey Hill, IL A., Mr. Joh of S One evening last week, Dr. Campbell, the phrenologist, delivered a lecture in the School house a mile and a quarter back of Devon. After the lecture, a ample of boys commenced feeling each ,other's "bumps." anal making some where they found none. A man named Jerry Heamen interfered to prevent the exhibition, when two young men named Dempsey, laid violent hands on the Peale maker, because one of the little boys was their brother. Heamen, how- ever, was proving himself more than enough for both of them, when a Miss Dempsey came to the rescue of her brothers, pulling a board off the fence and sailing in for, all she was worth. Heamen was badly beaten, there being several marks clean across his face, from which the blood poured freely. It is said that the "young lady" kicked him while he was down. A stranger present attempted to rescue Heamen, but numbers, assisted by the fence T. Wilkinson to Miss Marianne Fry, both forth. JAMIES1 N—LOWRIE.—At the residenee'of the brad 's father, Hallett, on the 23rd March, by Rev. jtr. Loughead, Mr. Win. Jamieson to Miss Eliz beth Lowrie,daughter of Mr. Wm. Lowrie, all o Hallett. EVANS COUGHLIN: In Brussels, by Rev. J. E. Rosa on March 23rd, Mr. James W. Evans, of (i ey, to Miss Lizzie Coughlin; of Elms. WALKER—COOK.—In Clinton, on the 18th Mart, by Rev. R. Thomas, r. Henry Walker to illuM s Sarah Cook, both of Clinton. EVANS In West Nissonri, on the March, at the residence of the bride's er, by Rev. Mr. Jones, Mr. Samuel Es - of Centralia, to Miss Phcebo, youngest iter of Mrs. George Evans: ESSER 23rd motY sexy,', daug SCOTT. Bart 55th SPENCEI--At Ethel, on the 30th March, James Spenbe, aged 67 -years. DEACON.—In East Wawanosh, on the 22nd March, the infant daughter of Mr. Henry Dea- con, aged 17 days. HARLAt D.—fn Clinton, on the 19th March, Wm. Harland, Sr., aged 70 years and 7 months. board, proved too much, and he had to COOK. --In Clinton, on the 22nd. March, Mr. run. Heamen laid an information A Cook, aged 26 years and 6 months. LEVY.In Mitchell, on the 18th March John against the Dempseys, and on Friday Levy!, aged 58 years, 10 months and 23 days. last they proceeded to Hensail for trial before Squires ;Carlisle and Petty, but "the case was settled out of Court, by the defendants paying Heamen ten dollars and the costs of the proceed- ings. --Wingham has, for a long time been horribly pestered with prostitutes. The authorities have recently been making vigorous attempts to rid the town of this pestilence. A few days ago a woman named McPherson and her two daughters were summoned . before a Bench of Magistrates, the former charg- ed with keeping and the latter with being inmates of a house of ill -fame. They were all found guilty. The wo- man was given her liberty on condition that she would leave town, and with two or three children she was accom- panied to the station by the Chief of Police who saw herself and little ones safe on the train. One of the daughters was retained in the lock-up in default of payment of a fine. During the night a couple of young men from Blyth, nam- ed Heffernan and Holmes, removed a pane of glass from the lock-up and thus liberated the "darling" from her cage. Tn the morning they were followed up by the police, the bird was re -captured And "peached" on her liberators, and they were promptly arrested and on the girl's evidence were convicted of gaol breaking and were each fined $20 and costs, amounting in all to $56.76. The girl, in consideration of her having given evidence against her liberators, was permitted to . run at large once more. These young men will most likely think twice before they again put themselves to the trouble of removing a pane of glass and. hauling Miss Mc- Pherson through the aperture. Deaths. At Reneall, on the 29th March, Jane , wife of Mr. John Scott, Sr., in the ear of her age. Perth Items. Typhoid fever and diphtheria are prevalent about Donegal. —Mr. James Collins, North Easthope, got $120 for a three year old colt quite recently. —Messrs. Greensides & McDonald are starting the manufacture of a horse and cattle food in Mitchell. —A lecture was delivered in Mr. Kidd's hall, Dublin, the other night, on "Ireland and the Irish.'!' —Mr. Peter Brunner; of Ellice, sold a span of horses to an American buyer for $400. They weighed 2,800 lbs. —Mr. Henry Moore, of Elm -a killed a nine months' old pig! the other day, which weighed when dressed 326 lbs. —At the social tea -meeting at Widder Street Presbyterian Church, St. Marys, the handsome sum of $200 was realized. °Listowel glove factory is doing a good business. Over 60 different styles of gloves and mitts are being manufact- ured. —Miss Norah Clench, the youthful violinist of St. Marys, performed at St. Patrick's entertainment in, London on -- the 17th. —Miss Georgia Sutton, a young lady- graduate of the Hamilton Ladies' Col- lege, has been lecturing in Listowel on "Kismet." —The Mayor of Mitcheilhas prepared plans and specifications for a new 'waterworks building, two stories high, costing $3,200. —Mr. F. Gelz, who had been engag- ed in the shoemaking business in Shakespeare for about 30 years a.nd removed to Minnesota last spring,, died there a few weeks ago —Mr. John Levy, an old resident of Mitchell, died on the 18th inst., after a brief illness. The deceased was well known for his genial disposition, always having a joke and pleasant word for every one, —Mx. Samuel Kirk, who left Kirkton very mysteriously 23 years ago and of whom nothing had been heard since that time, returned a couple of weeks ago,and was received with rejoicings by his family and friends. It was a genuine prodigal's return. Spring Shows. Turnberry, at Wingham, on Tuesday, April 12 South I3irron, at Brucefield, on Tuesday, Apri119. Hibbert,Iat Stafa, on Tuesday, April 12. West Huron, at Goderich, onWednosday, April 13. Morris Branch, at Blyth, on Friday, April 15. East Huron, at Brussels, Wednesday, April 13. -Mitchell, at Mitchell, on Friday, April 8. South P rth, at 8t, Marys, Wednesday, April 18. North P rth, at Stratford, on Thursday, April 14. Turnber y, at Wiegham, on Tuesday, April 12. Crediton : on Wednesday, April 20. Stephen and 'Osborne, at Exeter, on Thursday, Apr 121. Local Notices. IN ANTICIPATION of a Large Shipment of Tea from England, we have reduced the price of all T.,ns in stock 10 cents per pound. Hear. Bass. 688 ' WE i3uv our Crockery and Glassware direct frbm the Manufacturers for cash, and are thereforll in a position to give our customers goods at the. lowest prices. Winson & Yonne, 693 WILSON & YOUNG have a full stock of Field ad Garden Seeds, all new, end bought from th most Reliable Seedsmen in the Domin- ion. A ghest prices paid for Clover and Timothy Seed. 693 LAND SALT.—A large quantity of first- class Land Salt for sale cheap at the Big Mills, Seaforth. Much of this salt was made last sum- mer and fall, and is quite dry. A. W. OGILvm & Co. 684-13 NOTICE.—Whereas, certain parties in the Town of Seaforth are advertising and offering for sale Organs and Pianos bearing our name, we hereby give notice that said parties have no au- thority`whatever from us to sell our instruments, and would advise all intending purchasers to deal with MESSRS. WADE BROTHERS, of Seaforth, who only authorized agents in and for the of Huron. Jona WESLEY, secretary, n Organ and Piano Company. 694 are our County Domini WIL ON &• YOUNG have reduced the pr ice o all their Teas., and now offer better valve than c n be had from any Grange or Tea Pedler. in the ounty. All we ask now from parties who have eon buying from either Granges or Pedlar is to give us a trial, and if we cannot give them equally as- good, or better value, we will take beck the goods and pay them their money. Do rot send your money c,ut of town, if you can do as well or better at home. A large lot of new Teas jest received and more now on the road. 698 THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, March 31, 1881. Fall Wheat 1 04 to 1 06 Spring°Wheat,Fife,per bushel1 08 to 1 12 Spring Wheat,BedChaff,perbush. 1 05 to 1 08 0 41 0 60 0 70 0 20 0 18 0 14 2 85 Oats per bushel Peasperbuahel Barleyper bushel Butter,No.l,Loose Butter, Tab Es Flour, per 100 lbs Hay, new Hides, per 100 lb Sheep skins each 8alt(retail)per carrel, Salt(whole'ale)perbarrel........ 0 30 to Potatoes, per buehei, now 0 `30 to Apples, per bag.... to Oatmealrbrl 0 0 5 005 to Tallow, per lb Timothy Seed per bushel 2 25 to 088 to 0 60 to 0 60 to 018 to 016 to 014 to 275 to 9 00 to 11 00 600 to 700 100 t o Clover Seed per bushel 4 00 to CLINTON, March 31,1881. Fall Wheat,per bushel..... ... 1 05 0 1 08 Spring Wheat, perbushel. Oate,per bushel t Barley,per bushel Peis,per bushel Butter Potatoes,new ' Eggs Hay,p a r -ton.. Clover Seed Timothy Seel! Dressed Hogs per 100 lbs LIVERPOOL, March 30.— Spring wheat 9s 02d ; red winter, 98 09d ; white, 9s 08d ; club, 9s lid ; oats, 6s 2d ; barley, 5s 3d ; peas, 6s 10d.; pork, 68s oa; beef, 75s Od ; cheese, 69a Od. 1 76 1 00 0 90 0 35 0 40 5004 0 06 2 75 4 50 108® 110 0 85 @ 0 87 • 65 CO 080 060® 070 0 18 - 0 20 0 80 ® 0 85 0 13 (c} 0 14 1000®1200 4 60 ( 600 275® 800 7 80 @1 750 $81. We have mu lea that our Stock f r S ri thin ever shown i thie I>! making on 8elec. care and ingenuit , sear enableli s us to exhibit the NEW AND ASH 0 W e earnest) co nvinee the mo elsedehere. Auction Sales. Saturday, April 2, 1881, at the Com- mercial hotel, Sea -forth. General Goods. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Tuesday, April 12, 1881, at the Com- mercial Hotel, Zurich. Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. Sale to com- mence at 10 o'clock A. M. N. Diechert, proprietor ; E. Boseenberry, auctioneer. Tuesday, April 5th, 1881, on Lot 25, Concession 10, Morris. Farm Stock and Implements. Sale to commence at 1 o'clook, P. M. Wm. Little, pro- prietor ; Alex. Delgatty, auctioneer. Saturday, April 2, 1881, at the Rail- way Hotel, Dublin, Valuable Tavern Stand and Village Lots. Sale to com- mence at 12 o'clock, noon. McCaughey & Holmested, Vendor's Solicitors. Thursday, April 7, 1881. Farm Stock and Implements, on Lot 3, Con- cession 3, L. R. S., Tuckersmith. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock noon. Wm. Stoneman, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. sting deter Fame lime we vi Departments ai En lishend Am THS: RING AND SU & DUNC N., OF STAPLE AN ODDS, MILLINER NY CUSTO ON EXPOSITOR. VIER. sEaFo!3 FANCY &c. ERS AND FRI ire in announcing t'o our impel (51:113 anbto rrers and the pub) and Su comet is now complete, end for E :tent and Variety County.- - ions for the Spring and Su mei Trad ting thoroughly, which, coupled with est and cheapest aeaortment of H. .N S. c g nerally xceelds any - e, we have exercised the utmost our experience in t e bsitiese, ABLE GOODS EEREDTHE G Of E� TO zi�T T�czs Q "'Lite r Car eta], Eaeminotion of our Gods, and we feel confident incredulous buyer that Bargains can be had of us which cannot hied ct to be undersold r3. any Ito se, !and antic li not ccneiderit any trouble to Sho Goods whet] n iv; C rel Isle, aid 'a-il le kept vtel assorted di dean Novelties as they appear in the Market. N- 0 THE CRESS GOOD This is one fI t he n ft re to on)eel cS.l Bl Fa nay ]ScbsiiA eleuge Che led Burti gl;Col Chee : ed Dress G oii4, Co III KS V Bla•kii]iswe :r can t of be equal], siraiple shades, f 0 55 Fa SAT 1N Vlac new shades, and dee lc a et attractive Departments, k red Colored Carl merest, A all shades; Black and Colo ed and Black Lue tree, from s, &c. NM fully 20 Ter tent. cheaper the en inspection of our Stock, which ran ing in price from 60 Dents tie $ nes to $1 50. Seal and et Satins, Imrorted Dircct,';be FIRING 8— New!Dress Good . LACES A. Iso Frilling', T Cs F F� 11N T -}- dvcihns-et he me 10 Cent line, e q al to r tw see our took. Pr Welles e Co pr ETOWE Co tt(rns, Twill', ToRoNTo, March 30. -Fall wheat, $1.06 to $1.10; spring,$1.13 to $1.20; oats, 40o peas, 63c to 70c ; barley, 770 to 93c ; hay, per ton, $9 00 to $12 50 ; butter, 17c to 23c ; potatoes per bag, 62c to 70o eggs, per doz., 16c to 170.; - dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $7.75 to $8.00. IL • antiful New Goads. Blackir , I anguidoc, Vermicelli, (, e, Cuffs, &o. . This Dere, Tri nmed end 1 citi es . 7 bis D suit ed. !Styles stock is a1 new ; T IL. Tweleds in e pendi quant mane we guaran cut rim rem S y RI etc h Can sap Men'' and cys' Teen; llthel test and $1; ffen's ape, n A Ful Asaortme Fre DIL/NCAN t0 ((0 yards have been pure celebrated English Printers y re -puler 354 cent prix -t. If r second ;et of those Beanti el]ing, Ticking, Table Line p hat )e 0 BLIC we can rtained - ne to secure a largejr'ad , at the er you buy or not. I The several ring the season. Also all the DEPARTMtNT: ad Ladies'ill find many Styles`stric I R eel and pion ; Colored Beige Al cd French elainea, all shades 0 cents up ; ersey Cloth Dress G n they have r for{ Quality, 50. Cohere, er rowne l eached for several Excellence in Val i Silks in all the 'runes,'Drabe, Ste, e , n B ode, ly con - Wool ; rnting ; Serges, eeasonsi In e and Coloi mew and de- s, a, y and t talus; all prices ; Colored Satins, •l1 the in 25 centimnp ; Colored Fringes t M tehthe puri, Briten4 in White, Cteaml and Ecrue. esed from th P�}ints from 3 ou went the ul Bordered � t best sources, and •bi 6 cents per yard p. handsomest endue eat 1 urd Eldorado prints to hi , Napkins, Table Oil Cloth, De FRY" I: new open, and we are sheeri ed Bate and Bonnete,Flower t ie still under the same mar IT the Latest Novelties in war than ever. G RTM ng cee of t e Largest and Phi s, Feathers, &o., ever shown o age)nent, and customers can depe French, English and Amorist' AND CLOTHING DEPARTM w 'Worsted and Tweed Coatings, ent4 up. Ordered Clothing nd Erglish, for Suitings • N a Tv eed, all wool, from 50 ect fit. It] 'teat 25reret nt. less les in Bard and Soft Felts ; , at half price. E i I Fsn;regula p! rices ; see our stock Seed our Me Is Felt Hate at 50 e• t of all sorts of Books and Teas to hand in the Grocerly �_jj DUNCAN, 111APCRT RS, SEA wes. A Larq Department. e ing the See our tyles in Ducks, ANT at S mold rd or Goc me eve Dake of of the getting de ; oar T, yles and Snit we the largest in nte, 75 cents, Stock of ORTH. Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL, March 29.—The 'arrivals of cattle on this market to -day amount- ed to 150 head, chiefly of good quality. The prices were somewhat higher than this day week. First-class beef brought from 4ac to 5c per lb.; second quality, 34c to 4,jc per lb.., and third class, 2-ic to 3c per /b. live weight. Calves were abundant but very poor, and brought only from $1.25 to $3 each. Sheep were scarce, and those offered were very- in different, selling from $4 to $6. Spring lambs sold at $2 to $4. Hogs, 7c per pound. • WOOL PICKINGS, HIDES AND SKINS.— I will pay the highest oath prieee for any quantity of wool pickings, Hides, sheep and calf skins de- livered at my furniture store. No truck or trade, . each for everything. Join S. PORTEN. 654 . 18e1 i MYOPE I4 F STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO -PIG BREEDERS—The undersigned having purchased from Mr. W. S. Mundell his cele- brated Berkshire Boar, will keep him for service during this season on Lot 10,Concession 8, L. B. S., Tuckeremith. He is guaranteed thorough- bred, and leaves as good stock as any animal in the county ; this splendid pig served about 100 sows last season. TERMS—$1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. ROBERT A. TAIT. 695x4 IMPORTANT NOTICES. 11/Y Dail ring Openip SHO I WILL 1,III I1\T ING WAS WILD SUC I i RLY SURPASSED ROOM WA 1881 ;ESS Y EXPECTATIONS. Day and many L adies, bearing c W FIGUR-ES, have called a C NTINUE THS k'o If there ha been Pri Trimme @gods Tishteas n I s will.rlliese Al k Ilklaterieli, wekeie e ANOTHER WEEK. nything heretofore neglect I harpy to say I have overcor G Gin S < f port of the ebarg, able to Trim Bats from th THO • SPRING, 188i. A. G. M6DOJG SPRING, 1881. REAL E . TATE FOR 'SALE, PROPERTY F e B SALE -For Sale, on cagy terms, that desirable residence on Ignites Street owned by r. George Dent. Enquire at T. S. PORTER, Se • forth. . _681 A 1.e ire & COI.'"" OB SALE. -17 r Sale a first clams Plana$ Mill, nearly .:w and in good running order, aituatied in the fi,nrishing Town of Seaford', W111 be sold sheep. Terms easy. Enquire a[ SECOBD,COS19EIs13 & CO.,Godericb,Ont. JUST RECEIVED, DIRECT EROM EUROPIEAN, C ETR, OUR BPRINQ STOCK OF B' NADIAN AND AMERICANN MARK APLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ANEMILLINERY I 1 i I c t ' to offer to our Customers Fine S oc bad etrah a rn l� We never T we hale tratl�fnlly it is the FPES CHE INEST, LARGEST,yet shown, and nit the Pa blip generally, and we can state RIGHTV4 UE IN VALUE ! RIGHT IN 't 3 FAI LY CR W DED' f ! My Imlmese Display of Lobely Goo et such ince and giver their orders. -SHOW EVER A Y EVE Y NE INVITED. - d in my > o Room, it is the gelling p of Lose re this wan ; y securing an able aesi tent, who , and, having a Lowest Price up, on the shortest noe staff of work ti eagles of AS DD, SEAPo TH. -113W SLYH I1110A--13-3- UNY la -Ya THE WALTON CHEESE FACTORY COMA PANT—A Meeting of the Shareholders of the Walton Union Cheese Factory Company will be', held at Walton, on MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1881,' at 2 o'clock P. M. As important business is to come before the meeting it is hoped that every Shareholder will attend. Shareholders will also please take notice that they will be required to pay the ten per cent. on their subscribed stook on that day, as money is now required by the Directors to carry out the objects of the Com- pany. ANDREW MORRISON, Secretary ; LEWIS McDONALD, Peesident. 695.2 t1j H ted H 'eenog Sums n3 put] 2aitooto 0 Cl, 0 SD rn f 0 0 1 UALIT Y ! DIGHT IN DESIGN THE DRESS GOODS DS DEPARTMENT. Will show Goods entirely different fromw state no-bt her house in the trade can show as can, keeping al kinds from the cheap 12ii cent sl t can be had generally e�isew here, and we fearlessly any and ae great a variety o f DRESS GOODS- as we rose Goodi to the higher an d finer gnalitieat THE, SILK AND SATIN DEP All of the RTMENT. est Qualities ands in most of the Popul4r• Shades an Prices. D PARTMENT. MILLINER THE The Millin ere, Ornaments y Department !this season contains all th4 Novelties Silk and Late {Ties and Real La s. NEWEST (DESIGNS in French Flowers and iF'eath- dies' Hats and bonnets, in both Ted and Untrimmed. This Department is under the Management of MISS satisfaction to our customers ever since this department MURDOCK, I who has given such entire as added to our business. Our Trimmed French Pattern Bonnets and Hats,. I4uported Direst from F ranee, aro Novelties that every Lad should see. They are the Choicest Goods! of their kin in Cans de, and as only a limited quantity are in stock, we solicit an early call. E AND HOSqRY D THE C�LOV T EW A D RYCOODS, hich he oilers at d Exam Ines Goods. 694-4 RIVALS 0 SPING STOCK. E MaR AY, HEN Is Just Op ening Out the est; of hit Spring Stook of WARE ` BOONS: 01 CLAS � SHOES, AD APS, ROCERIES, CROCKI HATS AND HATS rices that cannot be snips GEOR This Dep � +. int is Complete in all the New V 'sties of G makes, at pop • sr prices. SILK PARASOLS and UMBREI.T,AS, also Zeniths !makes, in gr LL THE STAPLE D I We show an Immense Stock of NEW PRINTS. +e cents to 18 cents per yard. Grey and White Cottons and Sheettngs, Dundee and Napkins, Towels and Towelling, HeeeionTiokinge, Duok! PARTM E 1T. rman, English and American at variety. PARTMENT. eed. All Kinds of FARM PBOD1JCE Taken. Call E MURRAY, Re lsall. THE .E EXCEL Hem i; gno give my c silnent N. B. al �►T PLE'S POPU AR PHOTO. GAL offer L00 N ew Patterns, at from 7 can I Scotch Shir tinge, Damask Tab lire Denys. , Brown and e, Table We are Noted for Our C/Leap Staple G ods; this Siring they are Cheaper than E er. THE LERY. OMINION, BELL & CO.'S, en, other makes supplied at Boti ravelling or other expenses i IIconneetion with this branch of y b s the benefit, and enable th .i to Procure an Instrument at a sena A.'CALDER, 0 ilsorL & Young's Store nfaotnrerra',Gaanntee glv n w th each Organ, and will be Thanking you for past favors we solic t. an early when buying. • A. G. MoDOUGALL & Co., Seaforth. FARM FOB SA1 E --For Sale, Lot 23, Coneese sion 7, Hay, containing 100 acres; good buildings, good wa er end good orchard ; terms, $2,000 down, and " ood terms for the balance a# 6 per cent. interest. Apply to JOSEPH RIFE, 892x4 Hills Green. TAVERN STAND FOR SALE -For Sale, that well-known Tavern Stand, known as the Clyde Hotel, situate at Blterale station, on the South- er, Extension of the Wellington, Grey and Bruen Railway; willbe sold cheap and on easy tens apply to JAMES /TE DERSON, Bluev`aie post office, or personally In the premises. 69$=9' TAILORING D E PA RT M E T. OAK HALL_ Since t1r the Stook, of as figures. �einass, b can le price. . orth, Ont. dos•4d b7 me. nrahase of the Estate of RALLY & AN e Newest and Most Fashionable Goode i+:BSON, wk have made Large Li the Mark et, IMPORTED DIREC' OUR STOCK CONSISTS FARM FOR SAT Farm, Lot 9, • Stanley, County of in good cultivation orchard and well w known on applies Proprietor, on the Bayfield. E—For Sale, that valuate* teat half, Lake Road, Ea* axon, containing 101 acres., good barns,•log house, good; tend. Termseasy, and mads on to ALEX. CAMPBELL, premises, or JOHN ESSON, 690-8 FARM FOB SALE Concession 1, Is situated on the miles west of Seaf. farms in the county. and drained, also orchard. Terms e applyto the proprie PENNIE. - Being West half of Lot 85, eRillop, containing :60 acres. Huron Road, McKillop, fI •tin This is one of the best It is all eleared,.well fenced. ood buildings and splendid - sy. For further particulars or on the premises. T. E 698 tions to OF THE BEST `ARM FOR SAL -West half of Lot 6, Bay-, St ld )toad Noi h, Stanley, County of Huron,, containing 100 acre: ; first-class soil, brickhouse, frame barns, ver • superior orchard and good fruit ; 30 acres of ,all wheat; large qusntity of cedar it rear of 1 t ; near school, church, and m a,ltet ; on grafi :1 road. For terms apply to. ,TOHN PECK, Pro.rietor, on the premises, or to, JOHN ESSON, Bay. eld. 692-16 F ARM FOB SA 11, Hibbert. co Sr e cleared, nude first-class state o timbered with hard frame barn and eta a young orchard ;- i from -Seater th, and they particnlers a pr emises, or if by 1 THOMAS OLIVE - Being Lot 26, -Concession taining 100 acres,80 of wIhic'hi rained, well fenced and in a cultivation ; the balance is ood ; there is a frame house, - le ; plenty of good -water arta is $ miles from Hensail, IS 24 from Cromarty. For fir- • ly to the proprietor on the , tter to Cromarty post office. '691x12 TOWN PROPER erty lately o known as Park Lot consisting of 9 ac frame house and o on Jarvis Street, a Johnson. A good at present occupi Choice Building L C oleman's Survey ; SON BROTHERS, IES FOR SAT,F-The prop- brir. Samuel Johnson, No. 4, on Main Street, North, es of choice land, with good tbuildinge. A. Frame Cottage u ied byMr.. present Dec P ame House on John Street. d by Mr. Alex. Scott. Two is on William Street, in Dr. well fenced. Apply to JOHN- En iieh, French, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Thee bee have been selected with ear, and may be relied on }a the most fashionable shades and correct �a SCOTCH S In Soo ch Suitings we have a Large Stock and CA ADIAN TWEEDS. 7 In our Canadian Department will be which defy competition. ITINGS. Select Styles., at reasonably low ?ANACIAN TWEEDS. find full ranges of °oars°, Medium , and HATS ANOr CAPS. Arrived this week, the Latest Goods in 0 hildren's. The Magnitade of the Stock an GENTS' FfURiNISHINGS. -E4 OUSE AND L that eleehable formerly owned an Sperling ; there is rooms end kitohe -woodshed ; a goo water ; there is on it is one of tbe me forth. Apply to J JOHN S. WALSH ARM FOR SAL which are cleared, in a first elate sta timbered w.th bar house, frame barn miles from Bret school within two oion at any time. (2,00D FARM F SAVE— For Sale, Lot 14, " Concession 14, McKillop, containing 92 acres, about 65 acres of hich are cleared, well tinder - drained, fenoed, a d nearly all free from stumps; the bush is all th choicest of hardwood ; good frame buildings, a orchard and plenty of water; also 20 acres of fa wheat. Is within a mlle of a good gravehroad leading to Seaforth and Bras- sels, and is converfient to churches, schools, post office and stores. 1For further particulaes apply to the propetetor n the premiees or to Walton P. O. ALEX. DealkiETTY, Proprietor. 591-4 VARII FOR S . .—For sale the west half of -11: Lot 7, on the th doncession of Tackersmith, H. R. S., containi g 50 acres of choice land ; on the place is a f ee barn nearly new, a young bearing orchard; ood well and pump; 1.8.earesof fall wheat sown, at 8 acres of bush; is within 44 miles from th town of Seaforth on a good graeel road. This one oftliebestpropertiesinthe township, and- will be sold cheap. For further p articualrs apply to the proprietor, on the premises, or if by letter to Seaforth P. O.- GEO. FARM FOR S E—For Sale, Lot 6,Conc,e.sion 3, Hullett, ontaining 100 acres, about 86 acres cleared, free of stumps, underdrained and well fenced ; the wood land is well timbered with . 13 hardwood ; the are S8 acres of fall wheat and 16 acres seed/ d t clover ; a good brick house and kitchen, and fir t-clees frame barns and other outbnildings ; ere are two acres under young bes rin g fruit tree s • is within 4 miles of Seaforth, 6 of Clinton, and hell a mile of School; the river runs through the farm. For further particulars apply on the emises to MRS. C. CARTER, Seafortb. 692 eAmeri an and English Markets in Men's, 'Youths' and the V ety of the Styles mast, be seen be fully The Late st Styles in Neck Tiee, Collars and Coifs. A Large Assortment of White and Colored Shirts,lcollar attic hodiand detached, The Cutting DepartmeInt will be under 1.he Management of K. Anderson. ' We Invite the Patronage of the Publi to merit theft patronage. , and merit() all that nothing on our part A G. }VIcDOUGALL Co., V ARM FOR S I.V.--The north half of Lot 20. -a- Lot 27, and the east half of Lot 28, Comae - in one parcel, o two ef 1E0 acres and 50 acres - respectively ; st-class buildings, good fences, and orchard ; th land is in a good state of culti- vation, is well w tered, and hi well situated as to roads, &o. Ally person wanting a good lama, In* gOod locality; ' do well to look a this one b4, - fore buying else here. For particularnendtexina apply to JAMES LAWRENCE & BROTHER on . the premise% o to MESSRS. McGAUGIEEY ft South half of Lot 26, Con - V ARM FOR -15: cession 6, orris, containing 100 acres of choice day boa land ; 85 cleared, 70 clear of stumps, an& b ce good hardwood ; 20 acres -Of fall wheat and 1 acres of fall plowing ; 50 acres under grecs; tli wholeie well emderdrained and fenced and well lemtered; a good bearing orchard . stables below, a other outbuildings; framehoutee .. of choice frnit jittleere ig a frame bank barn 40x60, and woodsbed, sod hard ar.d soft water ; theta= is well sittusted as to markets, being only 2 maps from Brussels, on the Great Western Railway, , and 16 from Sea orth, on the Grand Trunk Rail - apply to . ADFOOT,, on the premises, or to . C. R. COOPER, Land Agent, Brtiseels. 791, e wanting -La and east lut.f of Lot 4, Concession 18, Thallett, containing 226 acres ; 190 acres cleared, under - drained, and niearly clear from stumps ; the bal- ance is heavily timbered withebeech, maple, elm an& basswood ; there are 50 acres in fall wheat - and 60 acres i grass ; the land is of the best, quality, being a rich clay loam ; this farm lay! s. creek runs thro gh the barn yard; this is a close grain or iry farm ; there are 6 scree young orchar , with apples, pears, plums and che , just beginning to hear;. buildings are I and commodious; there large bank barn 58x60, and is nearly now; driving house end stable is 40x60, and IN • new ; the hotase is a large two gory frame, with kitchen and wined shed attached, and good stone. cellars under the whole building, and is filled:. between studding with lime and gravel from hot-. gore and blackeznith shop avithin half a, mile ; ha farm is situated 10 milea from Seaforish, 12 rs gravel road front the place to all' the above mar-, kets. A good part of the purchase money eau. remain on moregage long enough to make it out of the place. For particulars apply to THOMAS ATKINSON, on the premises, or to Harlock post, °Moe. 682 LOST OR FOUND.. T100 LOST -1 -Lost in &earth, in lebrusurg last, a black and white Collie Dog, amino!. tug to the :name of "Baldy." Ile lad a wbrea sing around tile neck and white on hie fent; he was about tvio years old ; any person lasing sueb information as will lead te his reenvori will be suitably itwarded. WILLIAM Cr • Turkersmith, Egmondville P. O. MISCELLANE017 S. 1.11 rat °graphed -Chrome Cards, nO tws v alike, 1 cents ; Agents, outfit, 10 cents;