HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-18, Page 8 , I I I 1_, , - . . . . : i - 40r, . . I . I - . . . . : I I I l 9 i . L . I IMMOMN i. - .., I -1 I __ -1 - _ I - -..-,---,-.----------.-----.-,---- ,-,- . . . , : : I . 9 is, no doubt-, true to the letter. Tb e pli ' . . I . Ittou txpooltov# suffering in Southern Dakota durink tb e pr. . I I , I past winter on account of the, ,intense to] I I - cold,haBbeen beyond description,blit ve . . I- - - , - __. in Northern Dakota and Manitoba the M ?; - DIST-RIOT MATTERS. mild and the 138 i - I winter has.been unusually ?- . - __ __,__._____________,__ 1! yc ; .. ligbt ; ____ anow fall vor . ki . I . 3 WINTE It FLUID Will Cure or prevent . . . . . - . w ' ! , CURLING. -A match between four ! Fieckles; Tan, Soreness .r -f the Face and Rougli- I _ . be Hands. A positive @uTe. Only 166 - Club r( . ness of i .. , rinkB of the Goderich Curling I 0 %nd 25 conts a bottle. MaLlUt'a4.ured and for sale - tl 1!, , anequalnumber of the Seaforth 7 byE-HICKStIN & CO- Our Farmers' Favorite a,11d I Feeder has not even its Equal, let alone beeu our- Club for the Gibbon's medal was play, 3d U, I pass,d. knaufsetured and for sale by us, either -on Saturday last. Two of the Seaforth , Ii , . in bulk or package - We have something worth . I . - looking at and buy ing, in Tobet soaps,Toilet I?re. rinks, went to Goderich wid two rirka y 1 . parAt,ion$, Pare D ye Stuffs, Handy Dyes, Combs, from Goderi.ch came here. The ' ce 8 - . I Brushes, Drugs and Chemicals, Smokers Sundries, was in fair condition but for some. i n. i . Poektilt AGrks, RXCr,sox & Oe. Sea,forth, . . exp; aWed reason the playing On Ontarin. 1 693. & e. E - . - L I I I : I .1 -_ both .1 I sides -was somewhat indifferent and not I I L WILSON &I Youxa ha,ve TOdXlCed the nearly'so good as 'these clubs usu lly 8 prim of all their Tea-,. a-ud now offer better value than. can be had from any Grange or Tea Pedler dd. §ealorth, however, played wol ' rat . 4 . in the county. All we ask now from parties who -and got beat by 22 shots.. The follow- E have been buying from either Orranges or - i PeMArs is to give us a trial, and if we cannot give in . a - is the ' ,aco . re: I - themi equally as good, or better values W40 Will GODERIOH- sEAr-OATH. t , I tal-le back the goods and pay them their money. Rink No. 1. . Mink No-. 1 .t . DG rot send your money OIA of town, if you Oau Captain MeGregor, . A. Young, I I : ao &a wen or better at home - , A large lot of new A. Dickson, M. R. Counter, I t . Teas,' -Just received and more now on the road. 698 T. J. Morehouse, R Commos' ... - . i T T. .W. Dan@y, skip -27. JT,lR-Lyons,skip-L19. ( W - , ILsox & Yo-aN G have a. fall Stock of Rink No. 2. Rink No. 2. I . Field and Garden Seeds, %U new, and bought Shoriff Gibbons, . A. Davidson, . ' h I from .the most Reliable Seedamen in the DOmin- A. MeD. Allan, . R. Fulton, , * . . . ion. i Righest prices paid for Clover and Timothy Colonel. ROBB, G. Plitton, . I . . . SeeC 093 . Mr. Hutchisonokip-W- Jas. Halt, sldp-- 20. i I W E Buly -our Crockery and Glassware Rink NOA. : Rink No. 8. I 1. direct from the Manufacturers for cash, and'SITE) W - E l"Ot' I J. G_ Wilson, . therejore in a positlen. to give Our customers H. Horton, I . . A. Wilson, - - I E . , WrLSON & YOUNG 693 B. Martin, I.D. D. Wilson, ; , i good ,%:t the lowest prices. C. A. Humber, Bkip-15. .T.A.Wilsou,sldp- 25 " I I I - . T4AS.---:-LArDTAW & FA-IRLEY are offer- Rink No. 4. - Rink No . 4. . I I ; I . I ing splendid value in Green, Black and Japan C. R. D f 'A. Campbell, z I i ,unsford . p . . i I Tea& Come and got 8 pounds of choice Tea for W. A.. Colborne, J. C. Laidl' aw ' I i I $1 worth 60 cents per pound. 693w2l J. Thompson, . 0. Offord, -` 1 " f SoRoLL, SAws.-Two first-class .second- ]EI. H. Smith, skip - 35. 1pi.'Verooe, skip 18. i - . . . - . , . eadla scroll saw -s -one. Dirigo, and one. I I hand tr ' Total ........... 104. 1 Total .... 82. t ! . Fleetwood -for sala cheap. Apply to -Pl- CA3E'?- Ma ority for Goderiob. 22. I I . . 1 1 1 . ­ I Bv,TAL_, Expositor Office, Seaf.orth. I . . ; . I . CRMXERY AND GLASSWARE. -We axe DR. McKAY's LECTUre.E.-Doctor Me- I aeffing off lines in this department at greatly re - Ray, the celebrated Chinese missionary, - I ducedprices. LAMLAIV&PA ny. 6603-2 delivered his promised lecture -in the '(' I SO"_. -Self _w_ ashing and'lal sav- Presbyterian Church in this town ' on I ing. Call and get & 10 cent bar and try it. ' Tuesday evening last. The church was - . . 1, . - LAMr.&w &-r,AmEy.. 693 2 . ' , . - I I . I I crowded to excess, there being scarcely I CouNciL Doixus.-At the meeting of an inch of sitting room vacant. The i I the town council On Monday evening meeting was opened by pyayer by Rev. I 11 I the . only business of in-portaince traus- Mr. McCoy, Of Egmondville, and Rev.. I . . oduction of Mr. Wil- Mr. McDonald introduced the speaker. . acted was the intr . . I I I . son's bv-law Providing for the continua- Ou the platform were exhibited various , - VI - Street across the radl Chinese images and other curiosities, I tioU of Jar 'a Way and on the wall -in view of the audience - - track, and a resolution instructing t e_ us I a an . Constable to see that the poundage by-la:W were ma,ps of Ch .i , andtbell dot I I . . is enforced. . The Council meet again Qn Formosa,the immediate scene of Mr.Mc- , I I . Monda,y evening next. : Kay's. labors, and portraits of several . . —_ - I Chinese celebrities. The lecturer ex - I .< I . . P ERso,,.qAL.-W.e_ notice with pleasure plained the nature of the several reli- . . - " . . a beliefs held by the Veople, the thei following remarks froria, the St. giou I . . Thomas Home Journal, eoncerning our, vaxio.:us forms of idol woxship, and gave - I , townsman. It says: ,,Mr. C.- a glowing account of the progress, I of young . L. Fa,pstlleft on Saturday for Seaforth, missionary work on the Islaink and where he* bias purchased the .jewelry dwelt lightly upon the perils and diffi-. ' L business of Messrs. Dunca,u & Duncan, c Ities which his co -laborers and him - of that place. During Mr. Papst's so- s lf had encountered, and concluded biB . journ in St. Thomas, he has succeeded. romarks by az eloquent and earnest: ap 6al to all not to be too much taken. . iia making himself very poptilax among p . up I our citizens. It was with regret that with the things of this life, but to pre- . his intimate frioPtds saw him ta,ke his palre for the next. In the course ,of his I -departure."' I I remarks be paid a feeling tribute to : the i I - . fidelity and sincerity of many of 'the Ou FOR DA . XOTA.-In accordance converts,and lm%dWsp(Icialreferenze to: - with . previous announcement Wilcox's thefirstwhichhe claimed under biB . I . Da.kota party left here on Thursday, ministry. This genti lema,u when he . Earlyin the forenoon carriages- laden" - 6 embraced Christianity iwas, 23 -years. of . - eopleaud baggage, and wagons .a,ge and he soon became a devoted !fol- , wit h p I : bearincsfreightcameteamin intotown.. lower and co-lalborer of Mr. McKay, iand 0 0 . 9 I 'About eleven o'clock the streets and all for several years endured with him 1-tbe . . ; I I in the vicinity of the .sta,tion were hardships an * d perils, of MISSIOII iry _. i I ; Crowded with iatended Dakotaites and labor, and is now an active, zealous 1and I t . their friends. - At abouthalf-past eleven successf ul minister in the Isl nd. When . -at from the 6tation Mr. McKay went to Formosa there , as . the train moved. o . w 4 . and those assembled on the platform - not a Christian, Church or a Chris ian - I I I - gave their deparbin - a --friends 9, hearty resident on the island, - and now there - I cheer and mauy;were the words of en- axe twenty churches and a corresp6nd-' ­.. conragement given from . one to the ing number of professedly Christian I . other. The train which was ma,de up people. Mr. McKay .has undoubtedly . I here consisted Of BeV611 ca,rs loaded with done a great work in the island of For- , freight and two passenger coaches. _ mesa. His lecture was intensely inter - I I The freight consisted of horses, cattle, eating. He spoke for nearly two hours, . sheep, Swine,, poultry aad farm imple- a -ad WE) doubt if there was . one - ments and provisions, and in neal in the vast audience' who was not I 0 F3 - He is - I every ca,r was. one or - more Colley dogs. sorry when he 'wa .through. - . There were 64 passengers all told, four- a very pla,in, earnest and 'eloquqnt- , . teen of whom were ticketed to Maui- speaker, and it is quite evident that,his . toba and the remainder for various whole heart is in hie"work. He is et I - points in Dakota. We were promised quite a young man, and ip active, sbatp, I ; I a, list of the nam es of the passengers by and apparently possessed of great ,. CLe- I . I Mr, Wilcox, but at the last moment he termination. and ain iron. will. In h.p. I . informed us he uld not get one, so we pearance he resembles very much is . . are unable to * it'. Most O 91 If the Parr- brother, Mr. John 'C. McKay, of 1 is , ties were from Hullett and McKillOP town, but is consideral younger. In - I with a few from Tuckersmitli. Among one evening ibis impossible for him1to those on boa,rd We noticed. Messrs. Wm. CIO I 1we . I --justice to his vast subject, and' I I George, Patterson and John : Cowan would like very much if before he leaves. Lillicrop, of Hul ett,wilth their families, Canada he could Bpend at least another . aJ.so Mr. Alex'. .. cIntosh, Bon of Mr. evening in Seaforth. Should he again I . Wm. McIntosh (f the same township; visit our town, we -are sure he would . - Mr., Hiram Hani Lah and Mr. S. Smillie, have even, a, much larger audience than of McKillop, wiih their families; and the, t of Tuesday night. At the close of . Mr, George Few; -or, the Misses Fowler, his rema,rks, a collection was takeniup Mr. B. Wadker and M r. Wm. Grieve, in aid of the work to which Dr. MORI av of Tuckersmithl, They all seemed has devoted his life, which amountd.460 . chearfgl and hopleful, and we sincerely over $85. Dr. McKay was accompanied lit 7 trust that -their brig eat hopes may be by his wife, who is a Chinese lady.. At 0 ' . . . i . realised. Another paxty from Goder- the cloBe,of the meeting she was P n_ ich consisting of 30 passengers and four duoted to the platform -and introduced . . cars. of freight went down in the 'morn- , t3 the audience,.aud as,tbey passe -Out O ing, and will join the Seaforth party at I:La,ny had the pleasure of sha,king hands . Stratford, the whole rnal,king one train. with her. She is.very pleasant looking, . . Quite a number,went from Clinton on and we believe an accomplished lady, . Tuesday. . and is a great aid to the missionary , in I - 6 - I fiis work. *Dr. McKay intends leg i 9 D,16CO--UR1GI1_1kG JOURNEY. -We Men. Canada on his return to China, &bill l tioaed two - weeks ago that Mr. John - 'T, un.e next. I . out Beattie, of this town, had received a . __# . I I letter I from - his brother -in-law, Mr. El- LocALBAiErs.-A little Bon of Mr. . . ­ I .. . - Ii.ott Thynne, who had left here some t ohn Smith, aged about five years, tell I weeks previously for Bouthern Dakota. down stairs last week and fractur d ,'his I I He was then storm staid at Mason hip. The little patient has beeli a ­ Clwa. .Mr. Beattie has sincere. se"vere Sufferer, but hopes are entertain- , . colved another letter, dated March 10th, - ed of his recoveey.-Mr. S.,F. Johnson, fro,in which he has kindly permitted us of Winnipeg, &id his old friends here a to make the followilag extract. At the visit this week. Mr., Johnson likes I . time of writing is letter Mr. Thynne Viuuipeg- He says this winter -has . . was still at M ,son City. He says : . peen. very pleasant and business is good, . . "I have got tired Walking about, so I He looks as if the climate agreed With tliou-ht the beat thing would be to write LM. -On. Sunday night last Cardn.-o's .0 . I . .- . alett6r. The r%i I Iway, men axe making Hall was crowded to suffocation, on,the . I I . very slow progr ss in clea,ritig out the' 6ccasian of the preaching 'of the "ex. - road, althoug . a one time it was nea,r-. I )uk Widdows.-The Mechanics" . I .In. ly Cleared, but gnother storm Game and itute -were out $5 on Mrs. Owen Flint's . just filled the cuts fall, and so -me of the Entertainment last week. Mr. H. West enaines were go fixed thal they could tas again returned to Saafortli "from- . i I get neither one way nor another, and Manitoba. H's i stay here will, how. . of course were -useless for wa,nt of coal. , : ,ve.r, be sbort.-Cool Burgess had g, fair - The road is all coverad with Snow from honse on Friday evening last, &ndigave . 7- . 4, 6, 8, 10 to 2C feet deep. There is a tolerably good entertainment.-'"'. . abbut twice as much shovelling to do a re informed by - -one who was there. 0 . ainCe the I ow as t ere was before. thalt at his lecture in Listowel, last- , . - it, &U,.d til . pects are "Otbat it will week, the ex-monk Widdows had an . . - take two weeks at least and perhaps audience of only about 40. In thisi way three to Clem Out the road. That will ;the people of Listo;wel showed their mEdie four or five -weeks for us here at good sense. As a. show-maii,' the V, par week. I hear terrible accounts ex -monk is getting "played oult.31- ' to . of sufferiva frou, [the West. After such Mr. James Elder, veteri .1 0 1 . . inaryi sur- - a hard, wintqvr, -b ,pose who went out last geon, is having an Qffice erected ad 0 join- . _: . . . q.-: rrr l a much money to ing his private residefice.-The ornigra- 0 ' , . carry.them ovei the winter, will sell for iion from this section to the Northwest I a trifle and leave the country disgusted. this season will be- immense. About, , I like the appearance of the prairie in every fifth man you meet is preparing tbettie paxts, but, I never saw in Canada to move, anct- we are sorry . Such a miserable looking lot of f armers for one who goes to Manitoba five"go to. . aud such poor teams, and alm told that Dakota. -Work has already commenced eight out of ton of the farmers- have on A.G. McDougall & Co.'s building. , their fa,rms mortgaged very -heavily and Mr. D. Woods, who has the contract of . are paying interest )) at the rate of from the brick work, is busily engaged with . . 11.) to IM percent. There axe always a gang of workmen tearing down the . two sides to a, pi cture, and we, have front and reELr walls which'were destroy?. been so much aoc - ustomed to looking at ,ed by theheat, and as soon as this is - I nght side of the Dakota picture done they will commence building the the b lt . tha.t 9, glimpse at the dark aide will not now work. -The repairs on Hally & do any harm. What Mr. Thynne says Anderson's shop' are. now nearly' -com. i 11111 : . ! . . .1 - - . I .1 ­ __-1 - I : . ; , . . . , . 1 41' . . - I - i ; ,1 I . Ir C11LIMUBLUIN , ,Ar`UaLJLyKX-1 I ___ - I ._.. l:; - . i . :1 L .1 __ : - , ,:.I.. i.__.__ . i Im - - I __ I __ -1 I ­ . . . - — - ; . :;wa I- . — L - . . -e the 0. MCDOU'dALL A CO. I -_ I I I 1. , aken! rme, L sinc 11 - , a, ar - go aFtaff of speakera, with their van- t , , and we are in&' 0 -i I I . I . I *1 - W, i we hope to Bee I of f io'naa. De , i v.er- I A, . i shis e Am- by a very large numIx r mee . - _. si fir * b%ck into tb . e among 1 ihem mee g shares to the amount of se 1 res&ctea by all oi ia subjects. Prominent I I I I . -It I . gi , . Aair late om' coasea wits beloved and i . ;! ; ,, I - za- 11. pa elegant , ea friends stooa Wm. Isbiater, Master of theDivi- all, , drea dollars have beo n taken. A I i , . . now him, and t -he, bereailv ppoinited to 9AVertise t; . . r 1 lim 4: —N 4 hav, lqas ters b 3for a whok, i sio'n (-'-range, who gives th to com * tee was a . . . e I one , . . 1 ! . . f . a XV001vea a mm - and relatives in Amelica an England ite tenders for putting down a I 1 1 .: - aic Aidli %nlir It Syrdpathy Lpf the en- We fa ,mers in their purchase A h aple- or inV I I ;1 : I I J I . . * I . ; onr I N G nuW f 11 : . :1 e terths upo . I iN I Y - -1 I I . i advertink .in p etty ba ve the heartfe Skd committee cou un 4 ,, ,n the conduct of three tir community. Mr., Clutteh's age Was menti ,groceries and goods of allkinds test B lt well. r I ".rU $ DA . I 0 ' 'Bra 1 . . . u ,,h the Grange. Mr. Re be of Mes . Alex. McE wen, R. G,. I E . _. .. 169061 of Gi me ths. The cause th`r6 rt Cur- sisting .! . , A this town, -who Bhonl I 42fyeaxs and tw welt Hille , and D. Urquhart. -.Another " I .1 .: . I I . i ge . . ;i . I ; . the mselv 99, an cl- of death was an, . I I ., ' iow Inc 10 to behave'. r___i to be I paralysis. ! rie, o T cer in Division Grak I out meet g, was then called for Friday the I —OF I : I ; . 16 . .1 z - principally on the moderate (njoym I i ; 1 *1 L ' dl the —Cou. I al arrange- . - - 6 ro ,e night recent !- I ' at . i , , e . ily mounte . __ I' 8th . to make the i ., . 1 ie sk . —0 I ___ i . of Social intercourse and intpi change of I i 11 - .i . f Ot V ating rink and a I us : I tile well. . I - I -S, ! . 114 i Morris. ! the best system of husban ry to be ment forBinking . : . I i Z! . . . - I ... i -n- - , COXINGi-We underst4d that Mr. UR MMUNERY DEPARDANT . 10',jaielv)a for several hours bl6wir g 0 1 . : : I Rogerson, beneficial to the farnlerB. , J mes T I " - , . . I . I - obert ! _! ; : I I n i fq,,,,, horn, very much to ttIo ai: - . LocA.LiTES.. Mr. ood E ec 2L on McPherson, merchant ta#o.r of ,Dun- I I I I I; , _ ' !ad sawyer in. J. Ro, Ygerson's saw mill, mins followed with a a . I - J . . W . I . q 11 i . ' I , :: . a.0 of the whole neighborhood. If h( on, who was here on a visit & fe ii I .- . "I'll I : .lof any more anch antics, M e had his foot badly si nashed by having the i iiprovement from the 0, d system gann WMU H . . I'll : . . . -with 1 . . . all , -1 weeks ago, was so much pleased V -I . . I I ! . . . . - I .1 . . ( the 1 Carriage run o 7er it.—Mr. J. 0. in" a&icultural implements. D. '3teW I t — ;A I ot, I ish the na - I I I I . . I I mes. of' the offen L- I axrowleseape from being ards i on benevolent societieF ; A. M. the pearance of our vi Ilage, that he i I . . i . I — Mr. Ric ard .Donnie :Conery had a n here, 'I VVIEDKESDAY AND I FouRTEB 19: We. ieB1. I - ove, teache ,on educati n ; hos. III gemen a o move , - " 10i U 3r I . 3nnie, o h L the Sunshi'ne saw mill the 1 usg has ' ado a an I ! I . I I i , — N ) - DIF. Thomas D . . tl le rt in . and i1ntends carrying on 'he tailoring ; , I I ; . . W'HOT-JE I - Mrs. James Churchill, of Hislop, on legislation. Several c . - - om h- . ' f ! I I ' ..a. -0 I It ad, returned be e this WeE k . ol her day.— poud- busio less extensively. -o hear Mr. ' " . . i . .. - 0 - . . i - I ! . I I btr oliais at presenb paying her num lent votes being passed an res . I 1 . . : a i I . q in. a nceof fivey(ars in Am P eri _ 24 to, oneof tbemost pleaEantenter. McPherson Spoken of aslan excellent I TKUftSDAY NE . i - _.. .... r 3- erous friends a visit in this north . I I! . I I I XT, I - is at , N W Zealand. He h4 . . I enjoyed y to a workm au, and we have I .. .. -1g= 3: -EJ T . ame Ino, doubt he I : . . I the latter Conn. 5ry last, and : I stiict- . t4innients we ever I i I 4 - Z ; . . I . I .4 : . ed in I 'Will do well here. I i . . I : 1. . . i 0i . Bel . I - _. . I I . . - . . i I . ;A , i 010 a 4— .MARCH 2BRD'AND 24T . es it I ell. He L-ays thb clime; e IS . .— . I . I . f . McKulop. I I - . . .1 I I . - . I . St. -aelens[ I " R, I *`i fi ae4rf 19 in the world. l He intends re Staxiley. - . - I : % .. . : . . I . . f I w . . 11 OONTR"ICTORY STATEMENTS. - MR. i I : I : Ig h about three weeks, and Ile . 1A BIG SAVE. -On, Wedneiday next N]Rc.K TIE SociAL.—A g and neck tie i 1; i ] A 3 , I 8 F at , is rother Thomas 'in the np- . E )ITOR,-SIR,-'We have this year three I I a I - . I social was held unde r- the auspices of i I , . .198 . I 111auble . . . I I I , I A TD WILL BE FOUVD 4TO ': . e and 0 .a ose factoriesi lom ting fqir the milk too Niebolsou Brothers, on the 6 ian congregi , -,--1 SP ... 1. If a Ihixg his farm l her cl e . ; . I i . - . z Me- Line, Stanley, will have an exioitsive the ladies of the Presbyt CONTAIN ALL THE . - , , . I s ff A).-7-,1'Th6 use of the Agricu tur 1 oi , the 4th and 5th concessions, in the ; ouse of Mr. i . . I , i . '! . L . . Clearing out sale. TheyhaVQ a-IOtOf tion,:St. Helens, I I .. I I - . . . . . mmer as .I so d to Kli6p, and the assertions made by one , -Monday evening. As i ;l; . i . . , C11140,for'the au I .iBarbour, on T! t: ; ; - I — al e! immediat y co tradicled by the ex celleut stock and implements,and Wm. , L, - - H iz . - - , I. the sum of $41.- . , B 'TEST FRENCH ENGLIS - . . LA 11 : Ili- ` _ le 1, &6 lub for on - uch occasion.s, there wa's a. I , L [ r "tr, or, in en erecting a . . t d ot h4r. I inten I -to sell my milk as I their fin.e young stallion will be sold oil usus, deal of amusement in the match- . . 91" ay . area . i . . tOrms tosuit purchasers. I 1! - 11 g ARE M`W 81US1 eaqri do 'my grain , . the best! purchaser. the older .:, ce on the Ot adjoining the. ties. Many of ; i 3: . U.,p N EW 4,aJO0 - OL even- ing ' I . . i : SU: tPRISE, PARTY. -On Tueiday - . si4! G ek's issue publish - of —AND 11 . 4 . .is r nce on Market street. -M r. 31,1111 you in n xt wt . ugli to get part- " - . TRADE. , I iog, t ae 8th inst., *a surprise )ark, with people being lucky one .. z 31 E; returned to town I We gures of last yet r's work L ter the . I . I I isited th( regidence ners With the bloom of youth on their 11 - , , : - I i - I 1. . - ils6n ha - I 1, : .1 e : FAR=- It Well: illecl'baskets v . i 11 . A I - I ; ar I . ori a ' AMERICAN'STYLES t g a.] ter I an absence of Bever a.1 ; : a t . . Stanley. 11 . 11 I I an ; ' . . ON THE 4TII Tia i LINE. OfMi . John Redmond, of The coun enance, and bein g older i,n L I . I ience they may have iwparted some I I i 1. I OUT lu 'GOODS Ma 1:) I is L-Iffr.ChaflesArnDld heinotod =p 5 expet, i n&VE .B! 11 t - l! A n of the fflends - I , ` -1 . . chiefly co sigted I NESS - It . - . . III a ry.)Pan of Paris, is at prese, t B D : . I p d ineighbors on the Babylon Line. usefutl lessons to those who boula not be I Ofl Choicest Goods in aU the Newoot De . I . GBEAT *isit this '; Colb : e. , . i 119M. l 1 -,EILT . -CAR'E Al I I - ' the expp .1 , m's ia-, )I Ir 11 !,in town, being on . . I i0ted to be so well poked in the I Ith' .1 I . - : ffie were given fall poBsesf don. . . 'I . - - l T ; ) .1 Alv, Mr.- Charles Clarkson.. Mr. HoRsE, .SOLD. Mr. John 'Gentles, of T u 0 plicacies of matrimony. But while . - 1z I . I . I ho . , and preparations ivere soon 11111 11 - . i I I . . . , . ! . t 4. R ewi painter, has left here ter Kincardine, has pur!-Ihaq edl from Mr. 4 were so successful, others, sorry :1 . I if I T7 4 . i I I Inado for. the great supper, of! whicli 80 som l - I . I .; . " I . - :j . . I 11 e C ,.a ',Mr. Frew is an excellei t th ' Ite and "No one : .. . E , f .s. . Joseph Fisher,lof C lborne, the heavy ok. It was rather amusinp, o see to say', were a oppos] j! OUR TRIMMED . ! -O'U - . 9- o ji % STOCK, FOB 1 i k nal i , and will, , lea e b is cb-aught imported at 'on which Mr. rbell could often: be i ard from th : - I -i - . . VARIETYi, CANI P= of the plucky young boys com- for I . !, . . . som I I i - i - - zi - I b in. im wherever he M16Y J, J. Fisher sold at I he late sale at esB maids and A 1, v bachelors.. i . . I 1-1 TOWIN. - . : h . their younglady friends t:) to&. hop , I - : ,- . . . I , regret to learn that Mis. Goderich. r, lo z we , Gent E; paid for him Piny i § )cab. M , . I 01 I . After tea was over the crov-dil ai aused The ravings of the inne man was a ATIS - - ll I . ; c h n W. (hiams it; confined I be . 4 . . a beo m t ti. e sum of 61 5m. e intends trav- laying ,I . I 0 , . ; ways by p i tend0d to by the -ladies of Ithe section in I . - .; . i I t1temselves in variour, . z f I I Ii me through ilhiestij althou h 6&g hila next 136aso in the Kincar- - : , WS .8110 W. -A , L L00 , I ; , . I I diffe#eut kinds of a, and by singnig their usual good style, at r * which Mr. ;! lr . ; . game I il . - . . .6 - I i I . : GOODS,.ALL AT 0 8 re ap hen4ed.- - dine district. i he chair and a- results a pre i , 3 a . , I =d several other amusement s. Anon- M. I ockert was called to t "Are Great Novelties, an4 shoulAbe, sen By -i I s -1 sc - . MoArs.Gouinlock; of this 'towa, HORSE PURC A E.D.-Mr. Wm. Dixon 11 J I i I I e. I a I I eat little chairmiku'a speechi- f! Every Lady. 1, 1'. - i joyal)le time having been spent, the gave! a n I 11 I , . :i . ; ,I al 8, pu -,based an extensive proper 61 the Millburn Hotel, has purchased j . . with his 9`ual off -hand way. I Mr. R. Look- . _J I . I c rowa dispersed, highly ph ased V : ; - - I I I I W i 17ori State, and 'intend goij ig from Mr. G. Askwifh, Manchester, the ; , WE SUOW A LAW ol I I I the Ovenifig's entertainment. ert a!nd Mr. Leask were alled and re- :, I I It ;;; 0 - w 611en manufacturing 1 bui i- imported -caxt a on, "British En- ,i . . . ! i,G.oODS IN THE tail. . . _. all, Sp aking --of -the ALSO RECEIVED 1, . t ", I . I . . : AND COLOR& 118; 1 0 dre. 1, This-, we 8upposei, w 11 sigT11 paying therefoi the sum of $900 i i i 7: 1 1 I I Bocia ble manner in which people are - q I : . ; J I I . . . I - . . t Clinton. .1 . . 0 I .oc B e their remo 'a a 'tievet contented I . ; I . it t. val from Se fordi. cl . Mr. Dixon i . drawn together at such gatherings. After 1- I X . - I Tor, OLD VETERAN.-Mr.J J. Fisher, f r . - ) i I I as of Prof. Taverner i t] ie uuless: he has a horsA al he generally I I t a of thanks was tendeXed to Mr. and 196w Feathers, Flowers, Ornaments, Real Laws - " . i . . I . I . I I . 4 e i I ' -1 18116R8 IN 4 , . i leteran horse importer and c wner, avO I .1 BLAMS, 11) L Hal on Wednesday ev, 1132r, b is a good one, and t lie one he has j ust . 11 F . D . rriVe d here'from the old con ntry- a few Mrs. Barbour for the use ,of their com- Silk Fringes, Law and Silk Ties. il 1. FASMONABLE I y are fai 1i, b t the audience 'was very purchased'is no ex to this rule. r 11 I I . . ; ception - l . . . . a . I d-. ous house the meeti g was closed i I with another handsome black m0 , j. !i ; .tig at of good: days ago 11.w . . III I 0 I d i there is not a bette tur I- -Vre hope he may hav:E) the be when all wen4ed'their.way I -:1 I ; Clydesdale stallion which seems to be by p: I . i I 41t 10-0glI6 the Mechanica'Instituie Iuck with him, as f - I I F,W MANTLES .AND DOLMAN,& ' WO Slaow A. Ltm i . 8 a od as any he has own an( I eir respect ; I . .' I z I . I . RCSIERT, T - . . i . E I ed ' that t'O t ive homes 1 satisfied that I I =a I eal. . - d spent a good tillie.-Com. A - k)n' i tit) much richer for this specul i- ii g.. they ha p I , ' . I — .- ing a good d I . I il . . . . Ie .1fireme - . - . ; A)II.i n a banquet will )e ! I i 8 . I 11 : .: 7 : ... I I , i . I 11 I I . . . Br e S. -I . j Fc R DAKOTA. -A large - party I rinci- , I - z . evening, and the boys antiyi- - .- : ! n I ,_ 11 . Id. th 14 Blooming Ilill. .. ii I . I z 13 from Goderich township let -here - , I ( : I ti) L k?lendid time. -Mr. David R t- MATRIMOXIA . Tkere were no fewer al , A. G. MOD OUG AL L & -00.19 L "i WE SR -OW A L&RIG ? , NG. -Mr. Sohn Sherritt I . : I "Ide ia 4 leaBed the hotel oce'upiE Dr Ian ve we ing I russ! Is on Wed- on Tuesday for 1),akotm., The party H USE Molvi - - . I L- I f : I ed in moving Mr. George z . . I AND - W was i engag i I i i wised between fifty ind sixty per- I q I SO 311 612 1 ye a by Mr. James eir, aid. nesday last. -he muriage of Miss E.. (30m] . . i --, : - I I ut Owing DIRECT IMPORTERS, SEAFORT-H. . I . I : L .i i i Ons iud only about fourteen were for Wre I Is house, b to the amount z, . _ . ,., . 14 , I I r . It, . ls no V (I l ting the samel Mr. Mt- F. Stretton took plade at her father's 0 ads of ic, 3 ou the' roads he )#,as u, nable, to I - :! . L I f ! lel . 3 ie a obliging, steady young man, r siAence, on Wedue day last, at 4 p.m. Mauloba. There were nine car lo J , 'L ,' WE STILL FURNI . - I I . 4i ! . I di I Will be . . . . I of fri Iight. - The Messrs. Fisl ler c f Col, I worl: the rollers, and, at I ength had to , WIT'a VIRST -, 16 . uVe stft e all the la as equally , I w no . doubt, make a P pu ar ir We evening. The town band and a '. I .of V1 I WNTB, AND j I born 3 took with I teax it to pieces and c -raw it OU Sleighs. sorry to learn that ,the ad,rocates ti I " happy .five fine stafflons I L 1! s a 1, r Mr. Weir has i retired frcm. n E ibor. of friends f scorted, the I I; I - i . N. ' r. Thoma 1 RVEP UP DUR 11 16 d I them. - I PUBLIC EXAMIXATIO - 8 tliat horrid state OfL existence callea . ti 'THE BEST U M- , ieB ` and has not yet determin- c( u 3le to the statioin, where they took I i . . . 1 tive , Sbil inglaw, of School S.E ction No. 10, ,,Si -ng Blessedness" c - d their d i h FU ' Ai O`Tiirim FiRri,.-Another dest . le arrie I Vq hl wili do. -Mr. Lav renbe tj a 9:$0 train for the West. I - ; I . ' t; . TOWN. I . .. uckersmitli, proposes hc Min a a public point. This Fridav e1venin- there will I ! u .hi - morning i T . - . I Y bad a valuable driving horse IlocAmTE,s -The readi on. Jare occurred, here* on Friday . . Ing room in c . . ; - . . exal iination on Tuesday, the 29th inst. be some -good readings an T . . I : . o' I i r I e r I inflammation on Th" rsd%y n 3c bio)i with the M&hauica' Institute, last eatroying sever frame stores on 11 . d recitations. -il I . , * . I terested in education please ! I i : Main street and the brick store of Mr. I The e in I given. and these will be interspersea 11D in . :% b ch was opened to the 'winter, will I - I ' WX C ONFIDPMV1.1 I ri " I .1 - _. b 3 closed after the I A of April. -Re- W. The now i I - 1: : I -8, -8 I I " h musical selections. On next F I . FOR THIS E ! , i ! : Qoates on' the corner. I b6ar this in -mind, .and let parents and wIt . -1 % il 11 Tuckers)daith. guardians turn: out an, mam, for by 80 do.yevening the debate has been ar. :i TRADE EVER I , , v val meetings are being held in the mar et building had a 'nar ow eseape I .1 I I I . . . . I TABIaSHED 11313, I - doing they will encourage the teacher 'In ranged to take -place between the I . ANOT M 1 OODCOLT SOLA. -Mr, Pei or Methodist church. -The regular month- and . as pretty badly scorchod. Brick meln. . I _. il - . rAcravi. ,of the Mill Road', Tacker- 11 - c atble f air will be lield on Thursday, , gtOrfis are to b,e erected in th a pl Ce of I his r-ying and onerous work. b0s, of this society and those of the I . pl I I I , 31 ts so 18 eavy aug stall- -ar Yed. The bulk I R BBIT HUNTING. - Considerable S'ciety of School Section- 1i - U 1 ch 31st. -Mr. W . Rands, of Mor. the Irame ones destro . I I 14) i . No. 1, Grey, . [i . I .I i'l . unj Honest Sandy," to Mr. 0, r a, sold his farm of E 5 acres, on the Gth 6f thle loss was covered by hisurance. I pleapure is being parti i ated in by the subject chosen is "Resolved that !11, - 19VERY MYER Sif ; I . I i - :1 . I i : I . 1, ; F . I P at. of 1 Lowell,. ,Indiana, for e c)ncession, to- Mr. Joseph Smith, forl i . i i . b ra of our youu&-... U, Who in- a'anexation. to the United States would .; ` : i . nu' 'I e :! : I I . - I j d . I B 1M ! dulg in rabbit hunting in a small bobeneficial for;Can4da." Theaffirm. 11 . . 1 , ! i 11 00j, He is a fine horse, and 3,200. Mr. Rands I ntends going with ' -1 . H:Lbbert. i ce _` " -1 . 1 $ , I i ,a;rswainp near this place. It is ative will be taken bjt the Walton Club., I . 1SIr 1 8 t has got a good bar ain. tlie crowd to Dakotw . . L CTURE.-On. Thursd 10bb. . ,9 I . __ , 1 5. 1 Fo . 'I KM'x.-Mr. Wm. X. Grieve, 7 Inst., Rev. Dr. McKay gave a; very in- Common to Bee a good Inarksman. car- The aides selected are as,follows: Wab. J , . . ! I E : . . I I ryin Jr four rabbits, %a was the Case on 1 . JET X 3 CA T_J o.. ic rsmitb, and son of Tao . r ton, Mr, D. Johnson, Leader, -assisted by. - ' ; as I wroxialter. . eres ing and instructive le(ture in. the x I . . .1 . . :; I Grieje, j sq., of McKillop, tart )d on. resbyteria,n' church, Cromarty. The I Moil hay when Mr. Wm. Davy and T'. Messrs. James McDonald-, K, McKenzie, .: i . . . KE TS. -Fall w eat $1.02 to $1.05, : ; -11 go, D hitb er l "r, I ! Ashford returned after being out but a a -6d John McMillan. Grey, Mr. D. 2 WEdheMay for Far akd-' & m ng 61.0 hulch was well filled, and Ne hive no . 11 I 0 ) 7 to 61.09, peas 60c to 64c, I 1 17 . . 1. ; ' h 3 ;, 'es 4 o visit friends. who re I ocat 9d .. oubt if he were to visit u in it I few lour.s. They brought with them Robinson, Lea -der, a tIpportea b y. Messrs. - , i MAIN SITUI >: 0 tP 35c, butter 19c eggs 4c, lard 121 , I I I " I m6aBR.r- - D. Perry, A. Hyslop' -and M. Black. - it I hit, 3etion. He expects to I e cone I . i I .. 3 ag 4 ra',)bitB and a huge grey owl, 41, - - t> Cents. I . r ould be crammed to its very uItmoat, I - 1, I a)(Int a month. We wish him a pleas- . . . . . rom tip to tip 5 feet 2 inches and i - 1i : - . I eo xeter are 8 t1I people were so well easea with Ing: . Th,is is a subject upon which a great -",I . I . SALT. -The p . . pounds. HT k . I pointed and impr ssiv Mau- and weighiug 7 ] deal- can be said on -..I S 3B _A : F RII N isit; i Bidering the adviel ility of sinking IS 4irect, oth sides and it I r I ANIT0113A.-Messrs.. ames Stark, ' I i 19 &T, ffotr-. -It is stated th t'tae cl)n 1 4 1 should elicit a good 'I, attendance, All . I i . I . a It lest well for salt _s)mewhere in the er :of speaiking. A Coll etio was .'I' , I . f wwah Was seen alcouplp of, weEks I he close, which amounted , W11 . Stark and Chailes t obson, left on a'e cordially invitea to be present. . I v Itage. , I I ake',u. up at t V a I . - . i . . ( ii ifte neighborhood of! the brick . 'Wednesday for Manitoba Theya'r6all The debate will tuk4 place in Beirne's I . -, . ! I I . ALmoST FATAL. few clays ago a to 650. I I I I i . . 9 ,,l O 4 1house on the Mill no a, was not I PrpcnAsED.-Mr. John S, ev ai t, who I thrE e able men,and if tOlqrably Buccess- Hall, Walton.. . ,I- I . , .. . y0ungladinthe embloy of Mr.Hood, . . - , I fulwill make their In A t West. z ,-a%- "A .M. o A. 'a 1 I a Olf iht all, but a vagral clog, which asimentio'ed last week as having I . . , I I hatifhevOgnt into a binof iv 13 1 "I I L - . I I - vi &§ told t muic on- ; b M, - i . I 'Mr y _h issoa 14 this i - Hullett.. 4: I T will be ver . . . _ I 8 110.w iatresembled a wolf. Theani- grain when the sp:)ut was open, he gon east of Toronto for th( p lrpose of I I ! . l, I . . - . - I . I . ! ! ,. I I & . - locality,- as they were FC tive workers A. PROLirIc Cow. -Mr. Win. Murphy, ' . I ivao eeIi by several persms, ul its . I I : ., . u oi.ild-be drawn, un!,1ei. In order to pur hasing a Clydesdale mare at Messrs. I .; I I . . 11 Bpeci, 8 ' still a debata,ble question. taBi the truth of thel tatement he step- B -6i Is, returned on Saturday with and members in theMethodiBt Episco- o Hullett, near HArlock, has a Cow - . . . Z: . .1 : 4 . I pai hurch. We wish them every sue- Which a, few days agli gave birth to three ! ARE, CL) - IL!.XOI' C AN,dE.- he Messrs. Brcck . : I p3d into a bin of wh3at in Sanderson & OF rfield Jeanie," a model of o asum- I . I .. . I . . are ainxI16 e: of their cess even beyond their most sanguine c iv,es, two females tana a male, aua . . us o dispo I If : - . you '19 Oibsou's Storehouse on Friday last, i1nat perfection. This mare tock the I I ;i . I C 5'r 81allion, 11 hip o' Will," . . . i exp tation . - Mr. Thomas Ash they axle all doing w6l-1 and likely to- ; hr a ford, t ; 90 when the spout was ,)Pen and of course first prize at'the Provincial Ex ' ition, I z" I I ! . I I I I . w van- I - l . l9r. - 1 fta . I 1 spent last summer t such ad Thomas leilan's. thor . ' z 01 , : Peacock. his.is onelof ihe began to sink.' He snouted as loudly as 0 trt wa, 1879, and the first -prize at the 1 . ta, and Ive ough- , : PILES 01F I lal & arri 'to, the 90 I i I I— lAst, C e animals i this b§sible and was heard, when nothing _Tn4strial Exhibition, Tdron '; ta in Dako I - returned . to I b4rhed bull has the cr: dit of being the i, - . 83C i . f the country, and a he conies p I . . . I I tako with him his b tter h to sire of this fine brood' . I i, I I aides, will b66 his head was a ve the grain. He sa , besides a great ar y firBt a e t e p asures I "Ir eir p airie I - HORBEs SoLD.-H, ;- . . l n I ftom t t best'stock on bot Of ... o a eell : . ll . b now no doubt of the truth of what rizes at local shows. She is I allowed 1 Bha f ': I . t r ­; . 12 . mak , viLluable horse for any person h was told, as such % practical demon- to be equalled by none west T)ronto i he . e, left on the Same tIIain for Far .0, i noted for good hors k ? . l I 9 es,, the farmag f . i - 1 urc ai i ng him. T,heir Ireason for I Dalota. 1 1 hiore knowing what class to raise. jag. ;", I or beauty, symmetry and a Aion The . t - - I BLAOK I a ration cannot be v ry easily doubted. f , i I ; I . I .1 wan in.- to sell him is tbat.th bave . sum of §1,000 was paid for berJ I Reid, near Harlock j recently sold to I i I I . . I I W, alt on.! . . , I I t 00 a 11 h6rses, and be can be a t vory I . I ; I Mr. Dunlop a two-year old colt for- .- i - i . I I i --- 1 I Brucefteld. 11 I . I I. . . _ I At Prices . 1. a : I I AND PURCHLBE.-Mr. Andrew Mor- $j46. This is-thel-one th t t - reasImi le. I i Ha-rlock. . I i ook so d I MARKETS. -Red w.. ter wheat $1.03 to 1, I I . . , I - . riso4 has purchased thE farm of Mr. r4sny. f , I irst i I - , 3 &PO7_ER:GoOD SALE. -The - ucVon - prizes at Ithe fall shows lad . . . I 6 .05, white 1.01 t , $1.03, oats 34c to T UAT FOOT BALL MATCH.- -M . E 1, . I . I I sal ; 11 I he farm of, Mr. John C. Ote(le, . 7 d'tor I John Walton, which is sibuated.on the y ar. Mr. Reid h4s- since bought a ; . . . . . I S r: In your last issue I notic(d that 1 - i - 71 1 35c, barley 60c to 75d. - - . gravel road, nearly oppo ite and very I heavy draught marO from Mrs. ,Tohu. I . I QeUthiconcessiotiof Tuck ,mi , I ; . . I - I STALLION SOLD. dr. Peter McGregor the reason. given by your inba a cor- ; con venienib to his own. The farm con- 1 -eid for the neat onm of -$1,9 I . ,. I . . : n T eil 1, aylast, was 6, spl ndid sic- . I - 0. Mr. ' : . . has sold o tesl ondent why their team was I . a were aboi . I sold One for $165 * % ess.: , t her it 500 1peo ple ne of his : splendid imported . eatell ' taii: a 43 acres and, -was 1purch-ased for George Watt has also , : U M-3 M : 1; . . I I . 0 4 1; I ; : a, mllions to Mr. W m. Ratt6bury, for in the foot ball match, was that they ! $2,335. There is on it S, good frame t; an American buye1r- I . - ; rQ8(itt,,and the sale realized 1early . . ; . . id not get n , - . I tie Bum of $2,500 cath. Mr. Rattenbury notice in time,a e that i balra and stable, and about F­ acres of O,U,u SAW . ; I . :1 . MILL.- 11 ` I I . 1, I 0. :I Calves, brought from $11 to .bt. Knox, saw. . I . ! I Veil, if I . . i . - 1, l hei best players were awa ; - i itends taking him to Iowa. . I Y. fall wheat. It is a choice lot, and being-. miller, near-Harlock,: says he.has more T40 Large - .,! I , ear olds from U4. to $P2, one 7 7 neaubUor I y TEA MEETIN G. -A very successf ul tea he3 - did not receive notice in dme, I' I V qLr old $32, 80 Conveniently situated I . - ows fxr In. ;33 to . I . r I 1 sting was held in! the Canada Meth- 'Will leave itto you whoBefault A was, i I ej y ' - to Mr. MOr- logsthia winter than he ;ever had be- 1 5 . ' I Kee year old colt,01301, a last 6 I ... rison'B homestead farm, will make a I fore An - .his yard. , He has employed - I i t. . oa,,ist church. iu- -this I village, on Thurs- as fliq captain of the Kinbur a te'a m was , r pl, 11 JA $59, sheep from 1.4,14 to -318 ' I val able addition. to his already fine four liands besides himself all the ztimo. . - ' . - . - I pe, -,. _. and all else in : ti)n. day evening of last v0eek. T,he attend- told when the Harlock team was*. com- , estate. Mr. Walton thinks bf remov'11-9 Ile has just received' Dy express, aneW I . , proper ance was large, and! everything I to 11inburn a week before, then I - A - FIEW DJ I passed! g . Yhborhood of Barrie, Where t s I :,. no adw conduct ed this sale ' . to the neig . costing over 'i ; I .!I:* . i . I - ga n by letter on Friday a ornh Lg I 11 1 $100, mak -no the -i p . ap I I oft most - agreeably. !Excellent practical I , anc . , t3 :.. I in i .l . . I , - . ng been, I ier in which he did be I I his friends reside Ziwirh six month87, one hiavi . I I I ddressos weie delij ered by Revds. Dr.; if 0 did not, give notice to the I ers . I I I . I - Was creditable to biB § ill and ' aY , , 1),kssEI) AwAy.-Mrs. rrison, wife Uroken by one of the dogs getting lOoBe . I We Purpose either Ue I I . I ris . z . . . rI1 I ' 18th and coming in contact with it by . . it all i . 1. I ode t,,h, Messrs. - whqse fault, was it, not the arlock ex , 0i etioneer.1 I Williams, of G Thom 9 of Matthew Mor on, E q., of the I which ing 1 1 j :!- I :; tea 'a; and t , I a n, of Brucefield, mud lamieson, of if their players wer( I ­: " z away, 1 Cancession. of Grey, diea on. Wednes- A was cracked half thro i h and:cut . 1. . , . I )11 iITkl nyl .-We regret to I arn, of 'Jhe Bayfield. The chuIrch choir l wh se fault was that? An I far ffier, if ' I ug i . v . . I gave a; , c . 1 dw r of last week after an illness of nine -most in two . 11 deLtli -;Of' Mr. WVm. Foriyt , youtif test _N ariety of well eld3fluted and pleasing' i eir players had been them th( corre- ... . a. C1 the dog a] I . :, . .,I . 11 . , h on of, the lungs was the I I . I . ; o,ngesti Ax OVERSIGHT. -MR. Eb- ITOR,-Sill, : i 8a I bf 1' dei. Forsyth , EBq., Which t k musical selections daring the evening'! I . SpOndent says the result inighi have I ! . . . caliBeofherdeatb. She leaves &family -When w orking in ,the Woods on my - . 1 . ­ . i Pil 661) his father's residence o?i S In- been different; and that the final match I , , W11 - I., 1 . . end the entertainment upon the whole Of five sons and three . ughters the I farm a few days , I had in 'Use a .. . da,F '!! '. I ning last. Thi , Vas I . Ago . I= I . be played on. Friday, 11th i -1113t. . IWIVNIT . ,, . . I soneof themopt successful held in Was to * el ,eat daughter- being . Robert new shovel. I left he shovel where 1, 'I - J ; , i;:1 : . I . I nob ht.,: all unexpected. r. ForE yt`h the village. - I ThE l final match was playE d, ar d Kin- i 4 , I . _ . : I I . - .] . Ferguson, of Walton., She was a i had- been using it. I When I returned I :: .Was a Jetim 'of consumption. Hehadj i burii h ad their full team I ai A yi 3t they -we man who was held ffi, the highest TO 04. ; ­ beer &. 1111 it five years, and ad . Zurich. for it again I discov4ea that it W" I - I I . 11 ngfor &hot - r i did not retrieve their lost honors as the I - i ; , I m I I I esteem by all who knew her, for her 1 Wne. The person Who borrowed (?)it, -: , '. - beet c0ifin'ed to bed for the past wo FINE HEiRsFn. - Messrs. Ress & ga e resulted in A tie, -go 1 4 ' . I I .,oals being many chn stian and social virtues. She ! 9 I I how, : mouth $, He was but 25 years 'of - I .ever, was not so skilful 4n removibagl , I I ZW AND F13 . .i . : . :Of ' ge, Haberer, carriage inakerg, have just '.WOIL on either side, althougli it could be ha I long been a conaiste*t member of . . : . I I I ; . I i z and I a most exemplaxy i and k nd- ( ),bapleted a very I 3autiful hearse for isasilyseen;tliat the Harlockboys were I' his tracks as he was in removing the ;. i I I 1 . F . . . tbe Methodist Church. he was buried i shovel I ,: *17 . . - h8%] te Y04 -Dg Man. Of . Kinil ' I , , and I would 'be much obliged to . i'! . ; I iloehler & IE[oltzm i, undertakers. The ,,the better, as the ball was tie principal I . I , y of ] . in the Brussels cemetery and the respect , him if he would retttrti it las soon as i , , on -a -M , , . i . 4 . :, M ; ail. e r.1 Forsyth has now li,ut bwO b6arse will cost 66 ), and![ cei tainly re: - t of the time near the nbui n goal. - hich ishe was- held iE the neighbor ;18 I " .1 *1 ral . . 'par .. : in w ible as I require to usel it. 1; . t, . 2 . ., I lei , on.and a daughter. He -1 oss ­PZTXR, ! . . . as 11' 6ts, great credit on the carriage --,,HARLOCJ(. I by the large '! . i i! i he , was amply attestec 1, .. : . . I ,&WTHORWE._, I , . I . ibe li si, erely tried, and he will, have 1 1 I . I . a - . . . akers. . . attendatuce at her funeral. I A:.NoTirER -Goob ] .U,LL. -4 Mr. john, l. I XAM STA I ,, r I - y . I . . _ , ' . I V - - 1 113 1 AN ExciaANGE. - - Mr. Win. Klopp, nEsE F cTORT. - The J McMillan, Reeve oA liullett, recent - .! th pir orest sympathy of man frie c I Hensall. . ... in t] lis i: is last Bad bereavement. - ar . SHIPPED. -Mr. Jam Tirz NEW CA - . I , ly I . sl i . . . li ness maker, ha traded his stand 1 es WI As, f Hay. I : i . ' . . . I I ipped from this station, a few days t . I I . ar 50 Cqmpany for the establilshment of t , Itrurrehh-4-nsed from. . M-- ,. James Brown, of I __ " Sale _ 81) . 0__V ­ on acre farm I I - . auct 'ith Mr. E. J. Hex for . es, Co nty of Waterloo, a .' ; A. G OD ALE.-At the , - holi d ''the farm of Mr. -Fof4ytb, on 4 the 14th conce sion of Hay.'" Mr.. ,ago,acarloadof the finesi horseswe W ItonCbeeseFactoryhas been duly Vorth Dumfri : - _M.A=. . , i; . 7 . r . . t I , : .. orkanized, and the charter of incorpor. very superior thorough b d Durham tho M 1 Road, on Thursday 'of last Hardy is an active ellow, and we have 1a,ve seen for some time. ro I..: A , . ' ' .- NO . , _; bull calf, eleven -a r - . 11 t . I I . '' ` I W e i, I ore was usuall' IERSONNAL.-Mr. J. I I Ilia, Of this atton has been - lied for. The fol- = .the old This . i I Upp - . a an un y large iio doubt he will BU ceed well in his new - . m v . e , an pure I ' : : e the board a0a a I - . I ma is ro . . . . . . 'U'ARGE1. .11M bf eople, and the saltJ wag one of enterprise. . villige, has resigned:his Bailiff 3hip of 10 , a gen emen compps I CrOWO . I I i . ' I ... -will be 1. , i ked stock on bo .. I a, anA he I th3 m0t spirited held in the Wilk hip DEPAnTED.-ThO grim monster again I "the Division Courts of Exet r an of Direcuors, viz.: LoiiI a MdDonala, i Ile - I : f - - . ' . ; , . I i avin her 8 short- ) itiol h I , to:- sd ne ;time. All the &111,; a an d made its appearan'de in onr vicinity on , , Cre diton and intends le , altou; Andrew Morr4on McKillop ; 1 i valuable addi, 1 - to the thoroug I ; ; . I ' . . i ; I . . - . McDonald Grey-, q bn Rtaff-ord 1, . . Mr. me- i _ ; . goo pri -,ea. esday,, the ]a . r Dakota. 0 . o brea stock of the t I us i ip 1. -, , a ar d .11E _ spose o rea ize -u 3 ., ime carry ly ! J . - - . i:; I I . ! . it . . 11 I Millop, and 'Johri ewitt, Grey., 1 Alillan has been very' successf al hi, her- . ­ I Coll a 0ouaht from $100 to $11. ; COM- JDg away old Mrs. :)insmore. Deceas- - OFF FOR MANIT01IX.-Qui o a itumber I - - . - necessary ' .a 4 Ewlaq S; -i I . I I - , - - Zd IM)i Ci `uadlian cows from $28 11 71 years of ige, and was much -leftl this station on Wednesd ay for Maui Tte amount of stock h a , bb as a breeaer Of horses'and -we al X 'A I k . . I . - - . . : , 24! d was Itoba. Among others we inotii-ed Mr. b4n Subscribed, and the most liberal * lad that he is no74 turninghms atten- : - . ­ . . tM O y(%,r old heifers from $18 Tespected by all who know her. The I . . . . .1 I I . . I I . - C ' ion. to cattle also, ,we are sure that '. . - an.. ot Nor things in pro orti I I - d in the Bayfield, 411 Tames Dick, of Hay, and Mr. P trOnage on the part ol the surround- 1 t 111 I I q . .. rhe 6mains were iute . Mrs., . . . . . I.; . p 01 .e I een romise . . equally successful in. that I . . M "I W . 1 ! I- , #Ami I * " I a in farmers has b d The ' tie will be I h . elded by that veteran emetery. ! I I.James Fitzgerald, of Tucke.-amith. , . , . -- . . I ction of the new fact y will be pro- i direction., 1 _. - . I a is i . & i. 1. . i auc io i aer, Mr; J. P. Brine, and a r N GOOD DB:Nn.:xD.-HoiLses are in er, I : I - 1i . - I . 131-advale , I gool demand here. Notasi leva-cant coieded with at once, anioit is expected I Moim GOOD STOCK. - Mr. WM,. , "' . i m 1 4 . I ' I i: ith him, he exacted the llastben I ; j, : UEU 11 ' u z I . - ny- to': have it ready for oper' tions this sea- -' Granger and Mr. 1 obt. Sccftk of Hul- . ; ' C11 om each bidder, an GRANGERs' EvE,N ING al. ,house is to be found a ords a 4 I . ,; . ald-be got fr i . , I - a I - I I . . . I . . The factory will I be located at 1 Wt., near Londesboib, .have each pur- I I T tb4 . The annu that , dil.it 'I uch a good humored and lvin picnic and social of le Bluevale Grange ,thi g like a comfortable dwelling, and son. , - - 1,; I) B . I . . I 01-A-M&T I I . 1W Walton, but the site ha4 not yet been- chased a fine thor'oughbred Durhani nin$l, . , seemei pame off in Farro, v's Hall, last Thurs- , e underatand that several more good I 4 iy that the people even . z ,) . . . I ! he d of Mr. Miller, of t I I . to likElto have the increasincr bi a dr %wr Oay evening, in giand style. During , ho Bes would at once be r tod. Here disfinitely decided upon.' 1 bull from the r ,I I t-3 . . . .­ I ! - good animals, , I ng 9 I I . the afternoon the young people ef that lis z ' opportunity for some ento 113111g !THE LITERARY SOCIET .-At the last Vickering. Theyaroboth cloth.1 an! fro0i . Item.. I . I ,n I - , i , . I . . . . ; , son or pers vest eting of of the L te ty i .&a both en I have already good I i 01311.1. 8 Ou duty tc, kociety could be. seen arriving from the ipe ns to prof in mi gentlem I . I I, ,iRy.-It i r painful . I . . ; I . a nimoce the deatt;h of MrV, bountry iuL pairs with baskets laden with i thE ir money. there was a splendid au dience, and a , herds, these anima. will be valuable . MAIN ST)M I IT 0 on. 1 Mcquisi . i c . - I 11 I oPd son of the late Wbi. C -1 the prod ) ! . i VV In - C lut . and interest'ng discussi tions to the L.. Nlr- Grsnger re- te 1 SO lut- actions of heir husbandry un- El)"T AG ATioN.-The a c ueStion v rY lively ' . I ; . E t O'u' dingly gratiJ ftllett fr Iiii )1arkham. to j I., f Huntingfield Hall; Suffolk il they made the tables creak. Six is E till the absorbing topic i I midst It is exceo 11 l -11 ying that the ! iboved to H about O . I I ; , . from ev y I fohit of ivter en by the ars ago. He vas largely engaged - I Ei laol, who died on MarZ i0th, , clock ca n4 is discussed from ev est tak p ople in these ', t wo ye . . I I me, and t4o timo to eat, drink a I . letings is increaging and indeed -we 1 '. stock in the East and brought up ' I Cdtten came to CfLnada in the - ear, lind make merry ar4 rejoice at seeing . vie ' The meeting annou ced to be 11116 1 . The:Chmce I ., ere with him i helid in Hodgins' Hall on t a 151 h inst. do not kiow of any way, in which the , sev4ral first-olass ani- - . . .. EIe visited England Jin 187 , re- the fruits of their dabors prospering in f . - . .. . . I . " e(I in May, 1873, and -4as sine( re-, Oeir hands. ellectual feast next wah well attended, and th cozi imittee ople could spend one e* ingeachweek Inals, and his roe atpurchase shows :___ I I ; The pe . I 1 . he tis I 2 I M . John W. Walker, appointed at the previous meeting to more 1 . Bid0d I the thirdl concessioh, of TUC ierl dame off, pleasantly and profitably. T determination to con#nue on in the , I 011 I I . . and M ' &wussedwas"Nii hich tends most I I We are gla&to have enter- 4 . I .lic s ithi' .R.S. Therem4ins er(in-:1 11'ast Master, was Ialled to,thechair, ! sol cit shares had the ple ure of in- subject . - .. : , i te rie& in McTaggart's c6mfO on, andtheorderfor t1le evening's enter- for ningthose present that ahkres to t0happiness Single or blarried Blessed- prising men of Mr. Gra-uger,astamp I . - . . ry, I - i . au JUID 'CIP i S q, are 13th, and .ere followed tainment handed h iv ;- siating of a th( amount of nearly..01,200 had been ness," and We are sorry ,;o say, and we 0 j 9ttling, in Hullett. I ­ I ,_ - IL , . - I I : . . . I I . . I 1 !7 ; I I I- j : I i ; i , . I I I i . . ! . I // I I i z . I I I . 11 . I i I I I . . . I I I I I q . ; I : : : f . . , l I : I T . i . i I I . . ! I - . - . . I i : . ; . I - . . i I . i I . - : I i , . : . I I I . : ! . I i I . I . ., 1 t I . i I i 71 r . . , . : I . t ' I . i I I : I I . .1 : : . I I . - i I - . : . - I ;. i ; I I ; - ; - ; I ; ; ! : I I : . ; . : : . I . I : I . I i . I . I 11 : l I . I i I I : 'I i . , J ; l, I : I I F I I I i . . I I r ; I I ..; . 1 1 1 . : - I . I I . . . I I , : . I I - I , ! . I . I : I . : i A . . . I - ; I I I . . . I I I I I . I I . . I i . I I . . : I I I ., ; I 1 4 : . . . .. I . i I I I I ; I . 4 , I I . ; - ; , . I - I I i : ! 1, - . I .1 i : I ; J I ; .. . I I . I : i I - I 1, I ., I I : I I I - . i I . . t . I ti# hnk ; A I , P, .11 i in I 0i 4 r . M, F111; I , 'I !, i - I 1, b al e' , i, 1, ! "' ., , j.181 , .,. . Ir , , O 4 , i9dt "I L - 13 - jt l L i ,,, t, i 0 1 11 I i-16 i 4 1 1 P t1li I I l. l 11 0 , I ."I I :1 . ! I . i 9 I I I . ! . . I -_ ; .1 7 . . - . I , - !i : : I I I I I il - " . . - : I . I . , .: I ,!: ; I . I . I I . - l I . ;: : ; . I . ' I 1. I I .- I I . ! . i . . :1 ; l ; : ,_ . - i . i I .1 I I . i I . . 7 . . : : I .11 . ; . i I . : - i - . . ! - - I . .V , I . I - . I . I : I I : . : J 1. I . I . i i I ; I . I . . ; . . . - I .-,.-,-...i---"ij.!.-,--,-.-, --., __ __­____­__. .-_____-_1 _..__--_____L__1 I-- - --- -- ----I---.-i - --.-, -.--, ---- ;, - .1-11 . . . I - -11 - -11 ­_ ­­ a___ ­ ---