HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-18, Page 8 ,
I 1_, ,
. . :
i - 40r, . . I . I -
. . . . : I
l 9 i .
L . I IMMOMN i. - .., I -1 I __ -1 -
_ I - -..-,---,-.----------.-----.-,---- ,-,- . . .
, : :
I . 9 is, no doubt-, true to the letter. Tb e pli
. I . Ittou txpooltov# suffering in Southern Dakota durink tb e pr.
. I I , I past winter on account of the, ,intense to]
I I - cold,haBbeen beyond description,blit ve
. .
I- -
, - __. in Northern Dakota and Manitoba the M
?; - DIST-RIOT MATTERS. mild and the 138
i - I winter has.been unusually
?- . - __ __,__._____________,__ 1! yc
; .. ligbt
; ____ anow fall vor . ki
. I .
3 WINTE It FLUID Will Cure or prevent . . . . . - . w
! , CURLING. -A match between four
! Fieckles; Tan, Soreness .r -f the Face and Rougli- I
_ . be Hands. A positive @uTe. Only 166 - Club r(
. ness of i .. , rinkB of the Goderich Curling
I 0 %nd 25 conts a bottle. MaLlUt'a4.ured and for sale - tl
1!, , anequalnumber of the Seaforth
7 byE-HICKStIN & CO- Our Farmers' Favorite a,11d
I Feeder has not even its Equal, let alone beeu our- Club for the Gibbon's medal was play, 3d U,
I pass,d. knaufsetured and for sale by us, either -on Saturday last. Two of the Seaforth , Ii
. in bulk or package - We have something worth .
I . -
looking at and buy ing, in Tobet soaps,Toilet I?re. rinks, went to Goderich wid two rirka y
1 .
parAt,ion$, Pare D ye Stuffs, Handy Dyes, Combs, from Goderi.ch came here. The ' ce 8
- .
I Brushes, Drugs and Chemicals, Smokers Sundries, was in fair condition but for some. i n. i
. Poektilt AGrks, RXCr,sox & Oe. Sea,forth, .
. exp; aWed reason the playing On
Ontarin. 1 693. & e. E - . - L I I I : I .1 -_ both .1
I sides -was somewhat indifferent and not I
L WILSON &I Youxa ha,ve TOdXlCed the nearly'so good as 'these clubs usu lly 8
prim of all their Tea-,. a-ud now offer better value
than. can be had from any Grange or Tea Pedler dd. §ealorth, however, played wol ' rat . 4
in the county. All we ask now from parties who -and got beat by 22 shots.. The follow- E
have been buying from either Orranges or - i
PeMArs is to give us a trial, and if we cannot give in . a - is the ' ,aco . re: I
- themi equally as good, or better values W40 Will GODERIOH- sEAr-OATH. t
I tal-le back the goods and pay them their money. Rink No. 1. . Mink No-. 1 .t
. DG rot send your money OIA of town, if you Oau Captain MeGregor, . A. Young, I I
: ao &a wen or better at home - , A large lot of new A. Dickson, M. R. Counter, I t
Teas,' -Just received and more now on the road. 698 T. J. Morehouse, R Commos' ... -
. i T T. .W. Dan@y, skip -27. JT,lR-Lyons,skip-L19. (
- , ILsox & Yo-aN G have a. fall Stock of Rink No. 2. Rink No. 2. I
Field and Garden Seeds, %U new, and bought Shoriff Gibbons, . A. Davidson, .
' h I
from .the most Reliable Seedamen in the DOmin- A. MeD. Allan, . R. Fulton, , * .
. ion. i Righest prices paid for Clover and Timothy Colonel. ROBB, G. Plitton, . I
. SeeC 093 . Mr. Hutchisonokip-W- Jas. Halt, sldp-- 20. i
I W E Buly -our Crockery and Glassware Rink NOA. : Rink No. 8. I
1. direct from the Manufacturers for cash, and'SITE) W - E l"Ot' I J. G_ Wilson, .
therejore in a positlen. to give Our customers H. Horton, I . . A. Wilson, - - I E
. , WrLSON & YOUNG 693 B. Martin, I.D. D. Wilson, ; , i
good ,%:t the lowest prices. C. A. Humber, Bkip-15. .T.A.Wilsou,sldp- 25 " I
I I - .
T4AS.---:-LArDTAW & FA-IRLEY are offer- Rink No. 4. - Rink No . 4.
. I I ; I
. I ing splendid value in Green, Black and Japan C. R. D f 'A. Campbell, z
I i ,unsford .
p . .
i I Tea& Come and got 8 pounds of choice Tea for W. A.. Colborne, J. C. Laidl' aw ' I i
$1 worth 60 cents per pound. 693w2l J. Thompson, . 0. Offord, -` 1 " f
SoRoLL, SAws.-Two first-class .second- ]EI. H. Smith, skip - 35. 1pi.'Verooe, skip 18. i
- . . . -
. ,
. eadla scroll saw -s -one. Dirigo, and one. I I
hand tr ' Total ........... 104. 1 Total .... 82. t
. Fleetwood -for sala cheap. Apply to -Pl- CA3E'?- Ma ority for Goderiob. 22. I I . . 1
1 1
. I Bv,TAL_, Expositor Office, Seaf.orth. I . . ; . I
aeffing off lines in this department at greatly re - Ray, the celebrated Chinese missionary, -
I ducedprices. LAMLAIV&PA ny. 6603-2 delivered his promised lecture -in the '('
I SO"_. -Self _w_ ashing and'lal sav- Presbyterian Church in this town ' on I
ing. Call and get & 10 cent bar and try it. ' Tuesday evening last. The church was
. . 1, . - LAMr.&w &-r,AmEy.. 693 2 . '
, .
I I . I I crowded to excess, there being scarcely I
CouNciL Doixus.-At the meeting of an inch of sitting room vacant. The i
I the town council On Monday evening meeting was opened by pyayer by Rev. I 11
I the . only business of in-portaince traus- Mr. McCoy, Of Egmondville, and Rev.. I
. . oduction of Mr. Wil- Mr. McDonald introduced the speaker.
. acted was the intr . . I I
I . son's bv-law Providing for the continua- Ou the platform were exhibited various ,
- VI - Street across the radl Chinese images and other curiosities, I
tioU of Jar 'a Way and on the wall -in view of the audience -
- track, and a resolution instructing t e_ us I a an
. Constable to see that the poundage by-la:W were ma,ps of Ch .i , andtbell dot I I
. . is enforced. . The Council meet again Qn Formosa,the immediate scene of Mr.Mc- ,
I I . Monda,y evening next. : Kay's. labors, and portraits of several .
. —_ - I Chinese celebrities. The lecturer ex -
I .< I
. . P ERso,,.qAL.-W.e_ notice with pleasure plained the nature of the several reli-
. . - " . . a beliefs held by the Veople, the
thei following remarks froria, the St. giou I
. .
Thomas Home Journal, eoncerning our, vaxio.:us forms of idol woxship, and gave -
I , townsman. It says: ,,Mr. C.- a glowing account of the progress, I of
young .
L. Fa,pstlleft on Saturday for Seaforth, missionary work on the Islaink and
where he* bias purchased the .jewelry dwelt lightly upon the perils and diffi-. '
L business of Messrs. Dunca,u & Duncan, c Ities which his co -laborers and him -
of that place. During Mr. Papst's so- s lf had encountered, and concluded biB
. journ in St. Thomas, he has succeeded. romarks by az eloquent and earnest: ap
6al to all not to be too much taken.
. iia making himself very poptilax among p . up
I our citizens. It was with regret that with the things of this life, but to pre-
. his intimate frioPtds saw him ta,ke his palre for the next. In the course ,of his
I -departure."' I I remarks be paid a feeling tribute to : the
I - . fidelity and sincerity of many of 'the
Ou FOR DA . XOTA.-In accordance converts,and lm%dWsp(Icialreferenze to:
- with . previous announcement Wilcox's thefirstwhichhe claimed under biB
. Da.kota party left here on Thursday, ministry. This genti lema,u when he
. Earlyin the forenoon carriages- laden" - 6
embraced Christianity iwas, 23 -years. of
. - eopleaud baggage, and wagons .a,ge and he soon became a devoted !fol- ,
wit h p I :
bearincsfreightcameteamin intotown.. lower and co-lalborer of Mr. McKay, iand
0 0 . 9 I
'About eleven o'clock the streets and all for several years endured with him 1-tbe
. . ;
I I in the vicinity of the .sta,tion were hardships an * d perils, of MISSIOII iry
_. i I ;
Crowded with iatended Dakotaites and labor, and is now an active, zealous 1and I
. their friends. - At abouthalf-past eleven successf ul minister in the Isl nd. When
. -at from the 6tation Mr. McKay went to Formosa there , as
. the train moved. o . w
4 . and those assembled on the platform - not a Christian, Church or a Chris ian -
I I - gave their deparbin - a --friends 9, hearty resident on the island, - and now there
- I cheer and mauy;were the words of en- axe twenty churches and a corresp6nd-'
.. conragement given from . one to the ing number of professedly Christian
I . other. The train which was ma,de up people. Mr. McKay .has undoubtedly
. I here consisted Of BeV611 ca,rs loaded with done a great work in the island of For-
, freight and two passenger coaches. _ mesa. His lecture was intensely inter -
I The freight consisted of horses, cattle, eating. He spoke for nearly two hours,
. sheep, Swine,, poultry aad farm imple- a -ad WE) doubt if there was . one
- ments and provisions, and in neal in the vast audience' who was not
I 0 F3 - He is
- I every ca,r was. one or - more Colley dogs. sorry when he 'wa .through.
- . There were 64 passengers all told, four- a very pla,in, earnest and 'eloquqnt-
. teen of whom were ticketed to Maui- speaker, and it is quite evident that,his
. toba and the remainder for various whole heart is in hie"work. He is et
I - points in Dakota. We were promised quite a young man, and ip active, sbatp,
I ; I a, list of the nam es of the passengers by and apparently possessed of great ,. CLe-
I . I Mr, Wilcox, but at the last moment he termination. and ain iron. will. In h.p. I .
informed us he uld not get one, so we pearance he resembles very much is
are unable to * it'. Most O
91 If the Parr- brother, Mr. John 'C. McKay, of 1 is ,
ties were from Hullett and McKillOP town, but is consideral younger. In
- I with a few from Tuckersmitli. Among one evening ibis impossible for him1to
those on boa,rd We noticed. Messrs. Wm. CIO I 1we
. I --justice to his vast subject, and' I
I George, Patterson and John :
Cowan would like very much if before he leaves.
Lillicrop, of Hul ett,wilth their families, Canada he could Bpend at least another
aJ.so Mr. Alex'. .. cIntosh, Bon of Mr. evening in Seaforth. Should he again
I .
Wm. McIntosh (f the same township; visit our town, we -are sure he would
. - Mr., Hiram Hani Lah and Mr. S. Smillie, have even, a, much larger audience than
of McKillop, wiih their families; and the, t of Tuesday night. At the close of
. Mr, George Few; -or, the Misses Fowler, his rema,rks, a collection was takeniup
Mr. B. Wadker and M r. Wm. Grieve, in aid of the work to which Dr. MORI av
of Tuckersmithl, They all seemed has devoted his life, which amountd.460 .
chearfgl and hopleful, and we sincerely over $85. Dr. McKay was accompanied
lit 7
trust that -their brig eat hopes may be by his wife, who is a Chinese lady.. At
' . . .
i . realised. Another paxty from Goder- the cloBe,of the meeting she was P n_
ich consisting of 30 passengers and four duoted to the platform -and introduced
. cars. of freight went down in the 'morn- , t3 the audience,.aud as,tbey passe -Out
O ing, and will join the Seaforth party at I:La,ny had the pleasure of sha,king hands
. Stratford, the whole rnal,king one train. with her. She is.very pleasant looking,
. . Quite a number,went from Clinton on and we believe an accomplished lady,
. Tuesday. . and is a great aid to the missionary , in
- 6 - I fiis work. *Dr. McKay intends leg i 9
D,16CO--UR1GI1_1kG JOURNEY. -We Men. Canada on his return to China, &bill
l tioaed two - weeks ago that Mr. John - 'T, un.e next. I . out
Beattie, of this town, had received a . __# . I
letter I from - his brother -in-law, Mr. El- LocALBAiErs.-A little Bon of Mr.
. . I
.. . - Ii.ott Thynne, who had left here some t ohn Smith, aged about five years, tell
I weeks previously for Bouthern Dakota. down stairs last week and fractur d ,'his
I I He was then storm staid at Mason hip. The little patient has beeli a
Clwa. .Mr. Beattie has sincere. se"vere Sufferer, but hopes are entertain-
. colved another letter, dated March 10th, - ed of his recoveey.-Mr. S.,F. Johnson,
fro,in which he has kindly permitted us of Winnipeg, &id his old friends here a
to make the followilag extract. At the visit this week. Mr., Johnson likes I
. time of writing is letter Mr. Thynne Viuuipeg- He says this winter -has
. was still at M ,son City. He says : . peen. very pleasant and business is good,
. . "I have got tired Walking about, so I He looks as if the climate agreed With
tliou-ht the beat thing would be to write LM. -On. Sunday night last Cardn.-o's
.0 . I
. .- . alett6r. The r%i I Iway, men axe making Hall was crowded to suffocation, on,the
I I . very slow progr ss in clea,ritig out the' 6ccasian of the preaching 'of the "ex. -
road, althoug . a one time it was nea,r-. I )uk Widdows.-The Mechanics" . I
ly Cleared, but gnother storm Game and itute -were out $5 on Mrs. Owen Flint's
. just filled the cuts fall, and so -me of the Entertainment last week. Mr. H. West
enaines were go fixed thal they could tas again returned to Saafortli "from-
I get neither one way nor another, and Manitoba. H's i stay here will, how.
. of course were -useless for wa,nt of coal. , : ,ve.r, be sbort.-Cool Burgess had g, fair
- The road is all coverad with Snow from honse on Friday evening last, &ndigave
. 7-
. 4, 6, 8, 10 to 2C feet deep. There is a tolerably good entertainment.-'"'.
. abbut twice as much shovelling to do a re informed by - -one who was there.
0 .
ainCe the I ow as t ere was before. thalt at his lecture in Listowel, last-
, . - it, &U,.d til . pects are "Otbat it will week, the ex-monk Widdows had an
. . - take two weeks at least and perhaps audience of only about 40. In thisi way
three to Clem Out the road. That will ;the people of Listo;wel showed their
mEdie four or five -weeks for us here at good sense. As a. show-maii,' the
V, par week. I hear terrible accounts ex -monk is getting "played oult.31-
' to
. of sufferiva frou, [the West. After such Mr. James Elder, veteri .1
0 1 . . inaryi sur-
- a hard, wintqvr, -b ,pose who went out last geon, is having an Qffice erected ad
0 join-
. _:
. . q.-: rrr
l a much money to ing his private residefice.-The ornigra-
0 ' ,
. carry.them ovei the winter, will sell for iion from this section to the Northwest
I a trifle and leave the country disgusted. this season will be- immense. About,
, I like the appearance of the prairie in every fifth man you meet is preparing
tbettie paxts, but, I never saw in Canada to move, anct- we are sorry
. Such a miserable looking lot of f armers for one who goes to Manitoba five"go to.
. aud such poor teams, and alm told that Dakota. -Work has already commenced
eight out of ton of the farmers- have on A.G. McDougall & Co.'s building.
, their fa,rms mortgaged very -heavily and Mr. D. Woods, who has the contract of
. are paying interest )) at the rate of from the brick work, is busily engaged with
. . 11.) to IM percent. There axe always a gang of workmen tearing down the
. two sides to a, pi cture, and we, have front and reELr walls which'were destroy?.
been so much aoc - ustomed to looking at ,ed by theheat, and as soon as this is
I nght side of the Dakota picture done they will commence building the
the b lt
. tha.t 9, glimpse at the dark aide will not now work. -The repairs on Hally &
do any harm. What Mr. Thynne says Anderson's shop' are. now nearly' -com.
i 11111 : . ! . . .1 - - . I .1 __-1 - I : . ;
, .
. . , . 1 41'
. . - I -
i ; ,1 I . Ir C11LIMUBLUIN , ,Ar`UaLJLyKX-1 I ___ - I ._.. l:;
- . i . :1 L .1
__ : - , ,:.I.. i.__.__
. i Im - - I __ I
__ -1 I
. . . -
— - ; . :;wa I-
. — L - . . -e the 0. MCDOU'dALL A CO. I -_ I
I I 1. , aken! rme, L sinc 11 -
, a, ar - go aFtaff of speakera, with their van- t , , and we are in&' 0 -i I I
. I
I *1 -
W, i we hope to Bee I of f io'naa. De , i v.er- I A, . i
shis e Am- by a very large numIx r mee . - _.
si fir * b%ck into tb . e among 1 ihem mee g shares to the amount of se 1
res&ctea by all oi ia subjects. Prominent I I I I
. -It I
. gi , . Aair late om' coasea wits beloved and i . ;!
,, I - za-
11. pa elegant , ea friends stooa Wm. Isbiater, Master of theDivi- all, , drea dollars have beo n taken. A I i , .
. now him, and t -he, bereailv ppoinited to 9AVertise t; . .
r 1 lim 4: —N 4 hav, lqas ters b 3for a whok, i sio'n (-'-range, who gives th to com * tee was a . .
. e I one , . . 1 ! . .
f . a XV001vea a mm - and relatives in Amelica an England ite tenders for putting down a I 1 1 .: -
aic Aidli %nlir It Syrdpathy Lpf the en- We fa ,mers in their purchase A h aple- or inV I I ;1
: I I J I
. . * I .
; onr I N G nuW f 11
: . :1
e terths upo . I iN I Y - -1 I
I . i advertink .in p etty ba ve the heartfe Skd committee cou un
4 ,, ,n the conduct of three tir community. Mr., Clutteh's age Was menti ,groceries and goods of allkinds test B lt well. r I ".rU $ DA
. I 0 ' 'Bra 1 .
. . u ,,h the Grange. Mr. Re be of Mes . Alex. McE wen, R. G,. I E . _.
169061 of Gi me ths. The cause th`r6 rt Cur- sisting .! .
, A this town, -who Bhonl I 42fyeaxs and tw welt Hille , and D. Urquhart. -.Another " I
.1 .: .
I I . i ge . . ;i .
I ; .
the mselv 99, an cl- of death was an, . I I .,
iow Inc 10 to behave'. r___i to be I paralysis. ! rie, o T cer in Division Grak I out meet g, was then called for Friday the I —OF I : I ;
. 16 . .1 z
- principally on the moderate (njoym I i ;
1 *1 L ' dl the —Cou. I al arrange- . - -
6 ro ,e night recent !- I ' at . i ,
e . ily mounte . __ I' 8th . to make the i .,
. 1
ie sk . —0 I ___ i . of Social intercourse and intpi change of I i 11 - .i .
f Ot V ating rink and a I us : I tile well. . I - I -S,
! . 114 i Morris. ! the best system of husban ry to be ment forBinking . : . I
i Z! . .
I ... i -n- - , COXINGi-We underst4d that Mr. UR MMUNERY DEPARDANT .
10',jaielv)a for several hours bl6wir g 0 1 . : :
I Rogerson, beneficial to the farnlerB. , J mes T I " -
. .
I . I - obert ! _! ; : I
I n i fq,,,,, horn, very much to ttIo ai: - . LocA.LiTES.. Mr. ood E ec 2L on McPherson, merchant ta#o.r of ,Dun- I I I I
I; , _ ' !ad sawyer in. J. Ro, Ygerson's saw mill, mins followed with a a . I - J
. . W . I .
q 11 i . ' I ,
. a.0 of the whole neighborhood. If h( on, who was here on a visit & fe ii I .- .
"I'll I : .lof any more anch antics, M e had his foot badly si nashed by having the i iiprovement from the 0, d system gann WMU H . .
I'll : . . . -with 1 . . .
all , -1 weeks ago, was so much pleased V -I . . I I !
. . . . -
I .1 .
. ( the 1 Carriage run o 7er it.—Mr. J. 0. in" a&icultural implements. D. '3teW I t —
;A I ot, I ish the na - I I I I .
I I mes. of' the offen L- I axrowleseape from being ards i on benevolent societieF ; A. M. the pearance of our vi Ilage, that he i I .
. i . I — Mr. Ric ard .Donnie :Conery had a n here, 'I VVIEDKESDAY AND I FouRTEB
19: We. ieB1. I - ove, teache ,on educati n ; hos. III gemen a o move ,
10i U 3r I . 3nnie, o h L the Sunshi'ne saw mill the 1 usg has ' ado a an I ! I . I I i , — N
) - DIF. Thomas D . . tl le rt in . and i1ntends carrying on 'he tailoring ; , I I ; . . W'HOT-JE I
- Mrs. James Churchill, of Hislop, on legislation. Several c . -
om h- . ' f ! I I
..a. -0 I It ad, returned be e this WeE k . ol her day.— poud- busio less extensively. -o hear Mr. ' " . . i . .. - 0 - .
. i - I
! . I I btr oliais at presenb paying her num lent votes being passed an res . I 1 . . :
a i I
. q in. a nceof fivey(ars in Am P eri _ 24 to, oneof tbemost pleaEantenter. McPherson Spoken of aslan excellent I TKUftSDAY NE . i - _..
.... r 3- erous friends a visit in this north . I I! . I I I XT, I -
is at , N W Zealand. He h4 . . I enjoyed y to a workm au, and we have I .. .. -1g= 3: -EJ T
. ame Ino, doubt he I : . . I
the latter Conn. 5ry last, and : I stiict- . t4innients we ever I i I 4 - Z ; .
. I . I .4 :
. ed in I 'Will do well here. I i . . I : 1. .
. i 0i . Bel . I - _. . I I
. . -
. .
i I . ;A
, i 010 a 4— .MARCH 2BRD'AND 24T .
es it I ell. He L-ays thb clime; e IS . .— . I
. I . f . McKulop. I I - . . .1
I I .
- . I . St. -aelens[ I " R, I *`i
fi ae4rf 19 in the world. l He intends re Staxiley. - . - I : % .. . :
. . I . . f I w .
I :
Ig h about three weeks, and Ile . 1A BIG SAVE. -On, Wedneiday next N]Rc.K TIE SociAL.—A g and neck tie i 1; i ] A
3 , I
8 F at , is rother Thomas 'in the np- . E )ITOR,-SIR,-'We have this year three I I a
. I social was held unde r- the auspices of i I , . .198
. I 111auble . . .
e and 0 .a ose factoriesi lom ting fqir the milk too Niebolsou Brothers, on the 6 ian congregi , -,--1 SP
... 1. If a Ihixg his farm l her cl e . ; . I i
. -
. z Me- Line, Stanley, will have an exioitsive the ladies of the Presbyt CONTAIN ALL THE . -
, , . I s
ff A).-7-,1'Th6 use of the Agricu tur 1 oi , the 4th and 5th concessions, in the ; ouse of Mr. i . . I , i
. '! . L
. . Clearing out sale. TheyhaVQ a-IOtOf tion,:St. Helens, I I .. I I - . .
. . .
mmer as .I so d to Kli6p, and the assertions made by one , -Monday evening. As i ;l; . i . .
, C11140,for'the au I .iBarbour, on T! t: ; ; -
I — al e! immediat y co tradicled by the ex celleut stock and implements,and Wm. , L, - -
H iz
. -
I. the sum of $41.- . , B 'TEST FRENCH ENGLIS - .
. LA 11 : Ili-
le 1, &6 lub for on - uch occasion.s, there wa's a. I
, L
[ r "tr, or, in en erecting a .
. t d ot h4r. I inten I -to sell my milk as I their fin.e young stallion will be sold oil usus, deal of amusement in the match- . .
91" ay . area . i
. . tOrms tosuit purchasers. I 1! - 11 g ARE M`W 81US1
eaqri do 'my grain , . the best! purchaser. the older .:,
ce on the Ot adjoining the. ties. Many of ; i 3:
. U.,p N EW 4,aJO0 -
OL even- ing ' I .
. i : SU: tPRISE, PARTY. -On Tueiday -
. si4! G ek's issue publish - of —AND 11 . 4
.is r nce on Market street. -M r. 31,1111 you in n xt wt . ugli to get part- " - . TRADE.
, I iog, t ae 8th inst., *a surprise )ark, with people being lucky one .. z
31 E; returned to town I We gures of last yet r's work L ter the . I .
I I isited th( regidence ners With the bloom of youth on their 11 - , , : -
I i
- I
1. . -
ils6n ha - I
1, : .1 e : FAR=- It Well: illecl'baskets v . i 11 . A
I - I ;
ar I . ori a ' AMERICAN'STYLES t
g a.] ter I an absence of Bever a.1 ; :
a t . . Stanley. 11 . 11 I I
an ; ' . .
ON THE 4TII Tia i LINE. OfMi . John Redmond, of The coun enance, and bein g older i,n L
I . I ience they may have iwparted some I I i 1. I OUT lu 'GOODS Ma
1:) I is L-Iffr.ChaflesArnDld heinotod =p 5 expet, i n&VE .B!
11 t - l! A n of the fflends - I
, ` -1 . . chiefly co sigted I NESS -
It . - .
III a ry.)Pan of Paris, is at prese, t B D : . I p d ineighbors on the Babylon Line. usefutl lessons to those who boula not be I Ofl Choicest Goods in aU the Newoot De . I . GBEAT
*isit this '; Colb : e. , . i 119M. l 1 -,EILT . -CAR'E Al
I I - ' the expp .1 , m's ia-,
)I Ir 11 !,in town, being on . . I i0ted to be so well poked in the I Ith' .1 I
. - : ffie were given fall poBsesf don. . . 'I . - - l T ;
) .1 Alv, Mr.- Charles Clarkson.. Mr. HoRsE, .SOLD. Mr. John 'Gentles, of T u 0 plicacies of matrimony. But while . - 1z I
. I . I ho . , and preparations ivere soon 11111 11 - . i I I . .
. , . ! . t
4. R ewi painter, has left here ter Kincardine, has pur!-Ihaq edl from Mr. 4 were so successful, others, sorry :1 . I
if I T7 4
. i I I Inado for. the great supper, of! whicli 80 som l - I . I
.; . " I
. - :j . . I
e C ,.a ',Mr. Frew is an excellei t th ' Ite and "No one :
E , f .s. . Joseph Fisher,lof C lborne, the heavy ok. It was rather amusinp, o see to say', were a oppos] j! OUR TRIMMED . ! -O'U -
. 9- o ji % STOCK, FOB
1 i k nal i , and will, , lea e b is cb-aught imported at 'on which Mr. rbell could often: be i ard from th : -
I -i - . . VARIETYi, CANI
P= of the plucky young boys com- for I . !, . .
. som I I i - i
- - zi -
I b in. im wherever he M16Y J, J. Fisher sold at I he late sale at esB maids and A 1, v bachelors.. i . . I 1-1 TOWIN. -
: h . their younglady friends t:) to&. hop , I - : ,- . . . I
, regret to learn that Mis. Goderich. r, lo z
we , Gent E; paid for him Piny i §
)cab. M , . I
01 I . After tea was over the crov-dil ai aused The ravings of the inne man was a ATIS - - ll I . ;
c h n W. (hiams it; confined I be . 4 . . a
beo m t ti. e sum of 61 5m. e intends trav- laying ,I
. I 0 , . ; ways by p i tend0d to by the -ladies of Ithe section in I . - .; . i I
t1temselves in variour, . z
f I I Ii me through ilhiestij althou h 6&g hila next 136aso in the Kincar- - : , WS .8110 W. -A , L L00
; , . I I diffe#eut kinds of a, and by singnig their usual good style, at r * which Mr. ;! lr . ;
. game I il . - .
.6 - I i I . : GOODS,.ALL AT
0 8 re ap hen4ed.- - dine district. i he chair and
a- results a pre i , 3 a
. , I =d several other amusement s. Anon- M. I ockert was called to t "Are Great Novelties, an4 shoulAbe, sen By -i I
s -1 sc - .
MoArs.Gouinlock; of this 'towa, HORSE PURC A E.D.-Mr. Wm. Dixon 11 J I i I
e. I a I I eat little chairmiku'a speechi- f! Every Lady. 1, 1'. -
i joyal)le time having been spent, the gave! a n I 11
I , . :i . ; ,I
al 8, pu -,based an extensive proper 61 the Millburn Hotel, has purchased j . .
with his 9`ual off -hand way. I Mr. R. Look- . _J I . I
c rowa dispersed, highly ph ased V : ; - -
I I W i 17ori State, and 'intend goij ig from Mr. G. Askwifh, Manchester, the ; , WE SUOW A LAW
ol I I I the Ovenifig's entertainment. ert a!nd Mr. Leask were alled and re- :, I I
It ;;; 0 - w 611en manufacturing 1 bui i- imported -caxt a on, "British En- ,i . . . ! i,G.oODS IN THE
tail. . . _. all, Sp aking --of -the ALSO RECEIVED 1, . t
", I
. I . . : AND COLOR&
118; 1 0 dre. 1, This-, we 8upposei, w 11 sigT11 paying therefoi the sum of $900 i i i 7:
1 1 I I Bocia ble manner in which people are - q I :
. ; J I
I . .
. I - .
. t Clinton. .1 .
. 0 I
.oc B e their remo 'a a 'tievet contented I . ;
. it t. val from Se fordi. cl . Mr. Dixon i . drawn together at such gatherings. After 1- I X
. -
I Tor, OLD VETERAN.-Mr.J J. Fisher, f r
- ) i I I as of Prof. Taverner i t] ie uuless: he has a horsA al he generally I I t a of thanks was tendeXed to Mr. and 196w Feathers, Flowers, Ornaments, Real Laws - " . i
. . I . I
I I . 4 e i I ' -1 18116R8 IN 4
, . i leteran horse importer and c wner, avO I .1 BLAMS,
11) L Hal on Wednesday ev, 1132r, b is a good one, and t lie one he has j ust . 11
F . D . rriVe d here'from the old con ntry- a few Mrs. Barbour for the use ,of their com- Silk Fringes, Law and Silk Ties. il 1. FASMONABLE I
y are fai 1i, b t the audience 'was very purchased'is no ex to this rule. r 11 I I
. . ;
ception - l . . . . a
. I d-. ous house the meeti g was closed i
I with another handsome black m0 , j. !i ;
.tig at of good: days ago 11.w .
III I 0 I d i there is not a bette tur I- -Vre hope he may hav:E) the be when all wen4ed'their.way I -:1 I ;
Clydesdale stallion which seems to be by p: I . i I
41t 10-0glI6 the Mechanica'Instituie Iuck with him, as f - I I F,W MANTLES .AND DOLMAN,& ' WO Slaow A. Ltm
i . 8 a od as any he has own an( I eir respect ; I . .'
I z I . I . RCSIERT, T -
. . i . E I ed ' that t'O t ive homes 1 satisfied that I I =a
I eal. . - d spent a good tillie.-Com. A -
k)n' i tit) much richer for this specul i- ii g.. they ha p I
, ' . I — .- ing a good d I . I il .
. .
. Ie .1fireme - . - . ;
A)II.i n a banquet will )e ! I i 8 . I 11 : .: 7 :
... I I , i . I 11 I
I . .
. Br e S. -I . j Fc R DAKOTA. -A large - party I rinci- , I - z
. evening, and the boys antiyi- - .- : ! n I ,_ 11 .
Id. th 14 Blooming Ilill. .. ii I
. I z
13 from Goderich township let -here - , I ( : I
ti) L k?lendid time. -Mr. David R t- MATRIMOXIA . Tkere were no fewer al , A. G. MOD OUG AL L & -00.19 L "i WE SR -OW A L&RIG
? , NG. -Mr. Sohn Sherritt I . :
"Ide ia 4 leaBed the hotel oce'upiE Dr Ian ve we ing I russ! Is on Wed- on Tuesday for 1),akotm., The party H USE Molvi - - . I L-
I f : I ed in moving Mr. George z . . I AND -
W was i engag i
I i i wised between fifty ind sixty per- I q I
SO 311 612 1 ye a by Mr. James eir, aid. nesday last. -he muriage of Miss E.. (30m] . . i --, : -
L .i i
i Ons iud only about fourteen were for Wre I Is house, b to the amount z, .
. ,., . 14 , I I r .
It, .
ls no V (I l ting the samel Mr. Mt- F. Stretton took plade at her father's 0 ads of ic, 3 ou the' roads he )#,as u, nable, to I - :! . L
I f ! lel .
3 ie a obliging, steady young man, r siAence, on Wedue day last, at 4 p.m. Mauloba. There were nine car lo J , 'L ,' WE STILL FURNI
. - I
I . 4i
! . I di I Will be . . . .
I of fri Iight. - The Messrs. Fisl ler c f Col, I worl: the rollers, and, at I ength had to , WIT'a VIRST -,
16 . uVe stft e all the la as equally , I
w no . doubt, make a P pu ar ir We evening. The town band and a '. I .of V1 I WNTB, AND j
I born 3 took with I teax it to pieces and c -raw it OU Sleighs. sorry to learn that ,the ad,rocates ti I
" happy .five fine stafflons I L 1!
s a 1, r Mr. Weir has i retired frcm. n E ibor. of friends f scorted, the I I;
I - i . N. ' r. Thoma 1 RVEP UP DUR 11
16 d I them. - I PUBLIC EXAMIXATIO - 8 tliat horrid state OfL existence callea . ti 'THE BEST U M-
, ieB ` and has not yet determin- c( u 3le to the statioin, where they took I i .
. . 1 tive , Sbil inglaw, of School S.E ction No. 10, ,,Si -ng Blessedness" c - d their
d i h FU ' Ai O`Tiirim FiRri,.-Another dest . le arrie I
Vq hl wili do. -Mr. Lav renbe tj a 9:$0 train for the West. I - ; I . ' t; . TOWN.
I . .. uckersmitli, proposes hc Min a a public point. This Fridav e1venin- there will I !
u .hi - morning i T . - . I
Y bad a valuable driving horse IlocAmTE,s -The readi on. Jare occurred, here* on Friday .
. Ing room in c . . ; - . .
exal iination on Tuesday, the 29th inst. be some -good readings an T . .
: . o' I i r
I e r I inflammation on Th" rsd%y n 3c bio)i with the M&hauica' Institute, last eatroying sever frame stores on 11 . d recitations. -il I .
, *
. I terested in education please !
I i : Main street and the brick store of Mr. I The e in I given. and these will be interspersea
11D in . :% b ch was opened to the 'winter, will I - I ' WX C ONFIDPMV1.1
I ri " I
.1 - _. b 3 closed after the I A of April. -Re- W. The now i I - 1: : I -8, -8
I I " h musical selections. On next F I . FOR THIS E
! , i ! : Qoates on' the corner. I b6ar this in -mind, .and let parents and wIt . -1
% il 11 Tuckers)daith. guardians turn: out an, mam, for by 80 do.yevening the debate has been ar. :i TRADE EVER I
, , v val meetings are being held in the mar et building had a 'nar ow eseape I .1 I
I I . . . . I TABIaSHED 11313,
I - doing they will encourage the teacher 'In ranged to take -place between the I .
ANOT M 1 OODCOLT SOLA. -Mr, Pei or Methodist church. -The regular month- and . as pretty badly scorchod. Brick meln. . I
_. il - .
rAcravi. ,of the Mill Road', Tacker- 11 - c atble f air will be lield on Thursday, , gtOrfis are to b,e erected in th a pl Ce of I his r-ying and onerous work. b0s, of this society and those of the I . pl I I
I ,
31 ts so 18 eavy aug stall- -ar Yed. The bulk I R BBIT HUNTING. - Considerable S'ciety of School Section- 1i -
U 1 ch 31st. -Mr. W . Rands, of Mor. the Irame ones destro . I I 14) i . No. 1, Grey, .
[i . I .I i'l . unj Honest Sandy," to Mr. 0, r a, sold his farm of E 5 acres, on the Gth 6f thle loss was covered by hisurance. I pleapure is being parti i ated in by the subject chosen is "Resolved that !11, - 19VERY MYER Sif
; I . I i - :1 .
I i : I . 1,
F . I P at. of 1 Lowell,. ,Indiana, for e c)ncession, to- Mr. Joseph Smith, forl i . i i . b ra of our youu&-... U, Who in- a'anexation. to the United States would .; `
: i . nu' 'I e :! :
I I .
- I j d . I
B 1M ! dulg in rabbit hunting in a small bobeneficial for;Can4da." Theaffirm. 11 . .
1 , !
i 11 00j, He is a fine horse, and 3,200. Mr. Rands I ntends going with ' -1 . H:Lbbert. i ce _` " -1
. 1 $ , I i ,a;rswainp near this place. It is ative will be taken bjt the Walton Club., I .
1SIr 1 8 t has got a good bar ain. tlie crowd to Dakotw . . L CTURE.-On. Thursd 10bb. .
,9 I
__ , 1 5. 1
Fo . 'I KM'x.-Mr. Wm. X. Grieve, 7 Inst., Rev. Dr. McKay gave a; very in- Common to Bee a good Inarksman. car- The aides selected are as,follows: Wab. J ,
. . ! I E
: . . I I ryin Jr four rabbits, %a was the Case on 1 . JET X 3 CA T_J
o.. ic rsmitb, and son of Tao . r ton, Mr, D. Johnson, Leader, -assisted by. - '
; as I wroxialter. . eres ing and instructive le(ture in. the x I . .
.1 . . :; I
Grieje, j sq., of McKillop, tart )d on. resbyteria,n' church, Cromarty. The I Moil hay when Mr. Wm. Davy and T'. Messrs. James McDonald-, K, McKenzie, .: i
. . KE TS. -Fall w eat $1.02 to $1.05, : ; -11
go, D hitb er l "r, I ! Ashford returned after being out but a a -6d John McMillan. Grey, Mr. D. 2
WEdheMay for Far akd-' & m ng 61.0 hulch was well filled, and Ne hive no . 11
I 0 ) 7 to 61.09, peas 60c to 64c, I 1 17 .
. 1. ;
h 3 ;, 'es 4 o visit friends. who re I ocat 9d .. oubt if he were to visit u in it I few lour.s. They brought with them Robinson, Lea -der, a tIpportea b y. Messrs. - , i MAIN SITUI
>: 0 tP 35c, butter 19c eggs 4c, lard 121 , I I
I " I m6aBR.r- - D. Perry, A. Hyslop' -and M. Black. -
it I hit, 3etion. He expects to I e cone I . i I .. 3 ag 4 ra',)bitB and a huge grey owl, 41, - -
t> Cents. I . r ould be crammed to its very uItmoat, I - 1, I
a)(Int a month. We wish him a pleas- . . . . . rom tip to tip 5 feet 2 inches and i - 1i :
. I eo xeter are 8 t1I people were so well easea with Ing: . Th,is is a subject upon which a great -",I .
I . SALT. -The p . . pounds. HT
k . I pointed and impr ssiv Mau- and weighiug 7 ] deal- can be said on -..I S 3B _A : F
RII N isit; i Bidering the adviel ility of sinking IS 4irect, oth sides and it I
r I ANIT0113A.-Messrs.. ames Stark, ' I i
19 &T, ffotr-. -It is stated th t'tae cl)n 1 4 1 should elicit a good 'I, attendance, All .
I i
. I . a It lest well for salt _s)mewhere in the er :of speaiking. A Coll etio was .'I' , I .
f wwah Was seen alcouplp of, weEks I he close, which amounted , W11 . Stark and Chailes t obson, left on a'e cordially invitea to be present. . I
v Itage. , I I ake',u. up at t V a I . -
. i .
. ( ii ifte neighborhood of! the brick . 'Wednesday for Manitoba Theya'r6all The debate will tuk4 place in Beirne's I .
-, . ! I I .
ALmoST FATAL. few clays ago a to 650. I I I I i . .
9 ,,l O 4 1house on the Mill no a, was not I PrpcnAsED.-Mr. John S, ev ai t, who I thrE e able men,and if tOlqrably Buccess- Hall, Walton.. . ,I- I .
, ..
. y0ungladinthe embloy of Mr.Hood, . . -
I fulwill make their In A t West. z ,-a%- "A .M. o A. 'a 1
a Olf iht all, but a vagral clog, which asimentio'ed last week as having I . . ,
I I hatifhevOgnt into a binof iv 13 1 "I I
L - . I I -
vi &§ told t muic on- ; b M, - i
I 'Mr
y _h issoa 14 this i - Hullett.. 4: I
T will be ver . . . _
8 110.w iatresembled a wolf. Theani- grain when the sp:)ut was open, he gon east of Toronto for th( p lrpose of I I ! . l, I
. . - . - I . I .
! ! ,. I I
& . - locality,- as they were FC tive workers A. PROLirIc Cow. -Mr. Win. Murphy, ' .
I ivao eeIi by several persms, ul its . I I
: ., . u oi.ild-be drawn, un!,1ei. In order to pur hasing a Clydesdale mare at Messrs. I .; I I
. 11
Bpeci, 8 ' still a debata,ble question. taBi the truth of thel tatement he step- B -6i Is, returned on Saturday with and members in theMethodiBt Episco- o Hullett, near HArlock, has a Cow - .
. . Z:
. .1 : 4 .
I pai hurch. We wish them every sue- Which a, few days agli gave birth to three ! ARE, CL)
- IL!.XOI' C AN,dE.- he Messrs. Brcck . :
I p3d into a bin of wh3at in Sanderson & OF rfield Jeanie," a model of o asum- I . I
. I .
are ainxI16 e: of their cess even beyond their most sanguine c iv,es, two females tana a male, aua . .
us o dispo I If :
- . you '19 Oibsou's Storehouse on Friday last, i1nat perfection. This mare tock the I I ;i . I
C 5'r 81allion, 11 hip o' Will," . . . i exp tation . - Mr. Thomas Ash they axle all doing w6l-1 and likely to- ;
hr a ford, t ;
90 when the spout was ,)Pen and of course first prize at'the Provincial Ex ' ition, I z" I
! . I I I I . w van- I - l . l9r. - 1
fta . I 1 spent last summer t such ad Thomas leilan's. thor . ' z
01 , : Peacock. his.is onelof ihe began to sink.' He snouted as loudly as 0 trt wa, 1879, and the first -prize at the 1 . ta, and Ive ough- , : PILES 01F I
lal & arri 'to, the 90 I i I
I— lAst, C e animals i this b§sible and was heard, when nothing _Tn4strial Exhibition, Tdron '; ta in Dako I - returned . to I b4rhed bull has the cr: dit of being the i,
83C i . f the country, and a he conies p I . . . I I tako with him his b tter h to sire of this fine brood' . I i,
I I aides, will b66 his head was a ve the grain. He sa , besides a great ar y firBt a e t e p asures I "Ir eir p airie I - HORBEs SoLD.-H, ;- . . l n I
ftom t t best'stock on bot Of ... o a eell : .
ll . b now no doubt of the truth of what rizes at local shows. She is I allowed 1 Bha f ': I
. t r ; . 12
mak , viLluable horse for any person h was told, as such % practical demon- to be equalled by none west T)ronto i he . e, left on the Same tIIain for Far .0, i noted for good hors k ?
. l I 9 es,, the farmag f . i -
1 urc ai i ng him. T,heir Ireason for I Dalota. 1 1 hiore knowing what class to raise. jag. ;",
I or beauty, symmetry and a Aion The . t - - I BLAOK I
a ration cannot be v ry easily doubted. f , i I ;
I .1
wan in.- to sell him is tbat.th bave . sum of §1,000 was paid for berJ I Reid, near Harlock j recently sold to I i I I
. . I
I W, alt on.! .
, I I
t 00 a 11 h6rses, and be can be a t vory I . I ; I Mr. Dunlop a two-year old colt for- .- i - i .
I I i ---
1 I Brucefteld. 11 I . I I.
. . _ I At Prices . 1. a :
I I AND PURCHLBE.-Mr. Andrew Mor- $j46. This is-thel-one th t t -
reasImi le. I i Ha-rlock. . I i ook so d
I MARKETS. -Red w.. ter wheat $1.03 to 1, I I . . ,
I -
. riso4 has purchased thE farm of Mr. r4sny. f ,
I irst i I - , 3
&PO7_ER:GoOD SALE. -The - ucVon - prizes at Ithe fall shows lad . . .
I 6 .05, white 1.01 t , $1.03, oats 34c to T UAT FOOT BALL MATCH.- -M . E 1, . I .
sal ; 11 I he farm of, Mr. John C. Ote(le, . 7 d'tor I John Walton, which is sibuated.on the y ar. Mr. Reid h4s- since bought a ; . .
. . . I S r: In your last issue I notic(d that 1 - i -
1 35c, barley 60c to 75d. - - . gravel road, nearly oppo ite and very I heavy draught marO from Mrs. ,Tohu. I . I
QeUthiconcessiotiof Tuck ,mi , I ; .
. I - I
STALLION SOLD. dr. Peter McGregor the reason. given by your inba a cor- ; con venienib to his own. The farm con- 1 -eid for the neat onm of -$1,9 I . ,. I . . :
n T eil 1, aylast, was 6, spl ndid sic- . I - 0. Mr. ' :
. . has sold o tesl ondent why their team was I
. a were aboi . I sold One for $165 * %
ess.: , t her it 500 1peo ple ne of his : splendid imported . eatell ' taii: a 43 acres and, -was 1purch-ased for George Watt has also , : U M-3 M : 1;
. . I
I . 0 4 1; I ;
: a, mllions to Mr. W m. Ratt6bury, for in the foot ball match, was that they ! $2,335. There is on it S, good frame t; an American buye1r- I . - ;
rQ8(itt,,and the sale realized 1early . . ; .
. id not get n , -
. I
tie Bum of $2,500 cath. Mr. Rattenbury notice in time,a e that i balra and stable, and about F acres of O,U,u SAW . ; I .
:1 . MILL.- 11 ` I I .
1, I 0. :I Calves, brought from $11 to .bt. Knox, saw. .
I . ! I Veil, if I . . i
. -
1, l hei best players were awa ; -
i itends taking him to Iowa. . I Y. fall wheat. It is a choice lot, and being-. miller, near-Harlock,: says he.has more T40 Large -
.,! I , ear olds from U4. to $P2, one 7 7 neaubUor
I y TEA MEETIN G. -A very successf ul tea he3 - did not receive notice in dme, I' I V
qLr old $32, 80 Conveniently situated I .
- ows fxr In. ;33 to . I
. r I 1 sting was held in! the Canada Meth- 'Will leave itto you whoBefault A was, i I
ej y ' - to Mr. MOr- logsthia winter than he ;ever had be- 1
5 . ' I Kee year old colt,01301, a last 6 I ... rison'B homestead farm, will make a I fore An - .his yard. , He has employed - I i
t. . oa,,ist church. iu- -this I village, on Thurs- as fliq captain of the Kinbur a te'a m was , r
pl, 11 JA $59, sheep from 1.4,14 to -318 ' I val able addition. to his already fine four liands besides himself all the ztimo. . -
' . - .
- I
pe, -,. _. and all else in : ti)n. day evening of last v0eek. T,he attend- told when the Harlock team was*. com- , estate. Mr. Walton thinks bf remov'11-9 Ile has just received' Dy express, aneW
I . , proper ance was large, and! everything I to 11inburn a week before, then I - A - FIEW DJ
I passed! g . Yhborhood of Barrie, Where t
:,. no adw conduct ed this sale ' . to the neig . costing over 'i ; I
.!I:* . i . I - ga n by letter on Friday a ornh Lg I 11 1 $100, mak -no the -i p
. ap I
I oft most -
agreeably. !Excellent practical I , anc . , t3 :..
I in i .l
. .
I , - . ng been,
I ier in which he did be I I his friends reside Ziwirh six month87, one hiavi . I
I I ddressos weie delij ered by Revds. Dr.; if 0 did not, give notice to the I ers . I I I
. I
- Was creditable to biB § ill and ' aY , , 1),kssEI) AwAy.-Mrs. rrison, wife Uroken by one of the dogs getting lOoBe . I We Purpose either Ue
I I .
ris . z .
rI1 I ' 18th and coming in contact with it by . . it all i
. 1. I ode t,,h, Messrs. - whqse fault, was it, not the arlock
ex , 0i etioneer.1 I Williams, of G Thom 9 of Matthew Mor on, E q., of the
I which ing
1 1 j :!- I :; tea 'a; and t
, I a n, of Brucefield, mud lamieson, of if their players wer( I :
" z away, 1 Cancession. of Grey, diea on. Wednes- A was cracked half thro i h and:cut . 1. .
, .
I )11 iITkl nyl .-We regret to I arn, of 'Jhe Bayfield. The chuIrch choir l wh se fault was that? An I far ffier, if ' I ug i . v
I gave a; , c . 1 dw r of last week after an illness of nine -most in two . 11
deLtli -;Of' Mr. WVm. Foriyt , youtif test _N ariety of well eld3fluted and pleasing' i eir players had been them th( corre- ... . a. C1 the dog a] I . :, . .,I
. 11 . , h on of, the lungs was the I I .
I . ; o,ngesti Ax OVERSIGHT. -MR. Eb- ITOR,-Sill, : i
8a I bf 1' dei. Forsyth , EBq., Which t k musical selections daring the evening'! I . SpOndent says the result inighi have I !
. . caliBeofherdeatb. She leaves &family -When w orking in ,the Woods on my - . 1 .
. i
Pil 661) his father's residence o?i S In- been different; and that the final match I , , W11 -
I., 1 . . end the entertainment upon the whole Of five sons and three . ughters the I farm a few days , I had in 'Use a ..
. da,F '!! '. I ning last. Thi , Vas I . Ago . I= I
. be played on. Friday, 11th i -1113t. . IWIVNIT .
,, .
. I soneof themopt successful held in Was to * el ,eat daughter- being . Robert new shovel. I left he shovel where 1, 'I - J ;
i;:1 : . I . I
nob ht.,: all unexpected. r. ForE yt`h the village. - I ThE l final match was playE d, ar d Kin- i 4 , I
. _ . :
. - .] . Ferguson, of Walton., She was a i had- been using it. I When I returned I ::
.Was a Jetim 'of consumption. Hehadj i burii h ad their full team I ai A yi 3t they -we man who was held ffi, the highest TO 04.
beer &. 1111 it five years, and ad . Zurich. for it again I discov4ea that it W" I - I
. 11 ngfor &hot - r i did not retrieve their lost honors as the I - i ; , I
m I I I esteem by all who knew her, for her 1 Wne. The person Who borrowed (?)it, -: , '. -
beet c0ifin'ed to bed for the past wo FINE HEiRsFn. - Messrs. Ress & ga e resulted in A tie, -go 1 4 '
. I I .,oals being many chn stian and social virtues. She ! 9 I
I how, :
mouth $, He was but 25 years 'of - I .ever, was not so skilful 4n removibagl , I I ZW AND F13
. .i . : . :Of ' ge, Haberer, carriage inakerg, have just '.WOIL on either side, althougli it could be ha I long been a conaiste*t member of . . :
. I
I I ;
. I i z
and I a most exemplaxy i and k nd- ( ),bapleted a very I 3autiful hearse for isasilyseen;tliat the Harlockboys were I' his tracks as he was in removing the ;. i I I
1 . F . . . tbe Methodist Church. he was buried i shovel I ,: *17
. . -
h8%] te Y04 -Dg Man. Of . Kinil ' I , , and I would 'be much obliged to . i'! . ;
I iloehler & IE[oltzm i, undertakers. The ,,the better, as the ball was tie principal
. I , y of ] . in the Brussels cemetery and the respect , him if he would retttrti it las soon as i , , on -a -M
, , . i . 4 . :, M ;
ail. e r.1 Forsyth has now li,ut bwO b6arse will cost 66 ), and![ cei tainly re: - t of the time near the nbui n goal. - hich ishe was- held iE the neighbor ;18 I " .1 *1 ral
. . 'par
.. : in w ible as I require to usel it. 1; .
t, . 2 . ., I
lei , on.and a daughter. He -1 oss PZTXR, ! .
. . as 11' 6ts, great credit on the carriage --,,HARLOCJ(. I by the large '! . i
i! i he , was amply attestec 1, .. :
. . I ,&WTHORWE._, I , . I .
ibe li si, erely tried, and he will, have 1 1 I . I . a
- . . . akers. . . attendatuce at her funeral. I A:.NoTirER -Goob ] .U,LL. -4 Mr. john, l. I XAM STA
I ,, r
I -
y . I . . _ ,
' . I V
- -
1 113 1 AN ExciaANGE. - - Mr. Win. Klopp, nEsE F cTORT. - The J McMillan, Reeve oA liullett, recent - .!
th pir orest sympathy of man frie c I Hensall. .
in t] lis i: is last Bad bereavement. - ar . SHIPPED. -Mr. Jam Tirz NEW CA - . I , ly I . sl i
. . . li ness maker, ha traded his stand 1 es WI As, f Hay. I : i
. ' . .
. I I ipped from this station, a few days t . I I
. ar 50 Cqmpany for the establilshment of t , Itrurrehh-4-nsed from. . M-- ,. James Brown, of
I __
" Sale _ 81) . 0__V
on acre farm I I
. auct 'ith Mr. E. J. Hex for . es, Co nty of Waterloo, a .'
; A. G OD ALE.-At the , -
holi d ''the farm of Mr. -Fof4ytb, on 4 the 14th conce sion of Hay.'" Mr.. ,ago,acarloadof the finesi horseswe W ItonCbeeseFactoryhas been duly Vorth Dumfri : - _M.A=.
. , i; . 7
. r . . t I , :
.. orkanized, and the charter of incorpor. very superior thorough b d Durham
tho M 1 Road, on Thursday 'of last Hardy is an active ellow, and we have 1a,ve seen for some time. ro I..: A
, . ' ' .- NO
, _; bull calf, eleven -a r - . 11 t
. I I
. '' ` I
W e i, I ore was usuall' IERSONNAL.-Mr. J. I I Ilia, Of this atton has been - lied for. The fol- = .the old This
. i I Upp - . a
an un y large iio doubt he will BU ceed well in his new - . m v . e , an pure I '
: : e the board a0a a I -
. I ma is ro .
. . . . . 'U'ARGE1. .11M
bf eople, and the saltJ wag one of enterprise. . villige, has resigned:his Bailiff 3hip of 10 , a gen emen compps I
CrOWO . I I i . ' I ... -will be 1.
, i ked stock on bo .. I a, anA he I
th3 m0t spirited held in the Wilk hip DEPAnTED.-ThO grim monster again I "the Division Courts of Exet r an of Direcuors, viz.: LoiiI a MdDonala, i Ile - I : f - - .
' . ;
. I i avin her 8 short- ) itiol h I
to:- sd ne ;time. All the &111,; a an d made its appearan'de in onr vicinity on , , Cre diton and intends le , altou; Andrew Morr4on McKillop ; 1 i valuable addi, 1 - to the thoroug I ; ; . I
. . i ; I
. .
- . McDonald Grey-, q bn Rtaff-ord 1, . . Mr. me- i _ ;
. goo pri -,ea. esday,, the ]a . r Dakota. 0 . o brea stock of the t I us i ip 1. -, , a
ar d .11E _ spose o rea ize -u 3 ., ime carry ly ! J . - - . i:;
. ! . it .
. 11
I Millop, and 'Johri ewitt, Grey., 1 Alillan has been very' successf al hi, her- . I
Coll a 0ouaht from $100 to $11. ; COM- JDg away old Mrs. :)insmore. Deceas- - OFF FOR MANIT01IX.-Qui o a itumber I - -
. - necessary ' .a 4 Ewlaq S;
-i I . I I - , - - Zd
IM)i Ci `uadlian cows from $28 11 71 years of ige, and was much -leftl this station on Wednesd ay for Maui Tte amount of stock h a , bb as a breeaer Of horses'and -we al X 'A
I k
. I .
. . : , 24! d was Itoba. Among others we inotii-ed Mr. b4n Subscribed, and the most liberal * lad that he is no74 turninghms atten- : - . . .
tM O y(%,r old heifers from $18 Tespected by all who know her. The I . . . . .1 I
I . .
. - C ' ion. to cattle also, ,we are sure that '. .
an.. ot Nor things in pro orti I I - d in the Bayfield, 411 Tames Dick, of Hay, and Mr. P trOnage on the part ol the surround- 1 t 111 I I q .
.. rhe 6mains were iute . Mrs., . . . . . I.;
. p 01 .e I een romise . . equally successful in. that I . .
M "I W . 1 ! I- , #Ami I
* "
I a in farmers has b d The ' tie will be I
h . elded by that veteran emetery. ! I I.James Fitzgerald, of Tucke.-amith. , . , . -- . .
I ction of the new fact y will be pro- i direction., 1 _. -
I a is i . & i. 1. . i
auc io i aer, Mr; J. P. Brine, and a r N GOOD DB:Nn.:xD.-HoiLses are in er, I : I - 1i . -
I . 131-advale , I gool demand here. Notasi leva-cant coieded with at once, anioit is expected I Moim GOOD STOCK. - Mr. WM,. , "' . i m
1 4 . I
' I i: ith him, he exacted the llastben I ; j, :
UEU 11 ' u z
- ny- to': have it ready for oper' tions this sea- -' Granger and Mr. 1 obt. Sccftk of Hul- . ;
' C11 om each bidder, an GRANGERs' EvE,N ING al. ,house is to be found a ords a 4 I . ,; .
ald-be got fr i . , I - a
I -
I I . . . I . . The factory will I be located at 1 Wt., near Londesboib, .have each pur- I I T
tb4 . The annu that ,
dil.it 'I uch a good humored and lvin picnic and social of le Bluevale Grange ,thi g like a comfortable dwelling, and son. ,
- -
1,; I) B . I . . I 01-A-M&T
. 1W Walton, but the site ha4 not yet been- chased a fine thor'oughbred Durhani
nin$l, . , seemei pame off in Farro, v's Hall, last Thurs- , e underatand that several more good I 4
iy that the people even . z
,) . . . I ! he d of Mr. Miller, of t
I I .
to likElto have the increasincr bi a dr %wr Oay evening, in giand style. During , ho Bes would at once be r tod. Here disfinitely decided upon.' 1 bull from the r ,I
I t-3 . . . . I ! - good animals, , I ng 9
I I . the afternoon the young people ef that lis z ' opportunity for some ento 113111g !THE LITERARY SOCIET .-At the last Vickering. Theyaroboth cloth.1 an!
fro0i . Item.. I . I ,n I - , i ,
I . . . . ;
, son or pers vest eting of of the L te ty i .&a both en I have already good I i
01311.1. 8 Ou duty tc, kociety could be. seen arriving from the ipe ns to prof in mi gentlem I . I
I, ,iRy.-It i r painful . I . . ;
I .
a nimoce the deatt;h of MrV, bountry iuL pairs with baskets laden with i thE ir money. there was a splendid au dience, and a , herds, these anima. will be valuable . MAIN ST)M
I IT 0 on. 1 Mcquisi . i
. -
11 I oPd son of the late Wbi. C -1 the prod ) ! . i
VV In - C lut . and interest'ng discussi tions to the L.. Nlr- Grsnger re-
te 1 SO lut- actions of heir husbandry un- El)"T AG ATioN.-The a c ueStion v rY lively '
. I ;
. E t O'u' dingly gratiJ ftllett fr Iiii )1arkham.
to j I., f Huntingfield Hall; Suffolk il they made the tables creak. Six is E till the absorbing topic i I midst It is exceo 11 l -11
ying that the ! iboved to H about
O . I
I ; , . from ev y I fohit of ivter en by the ars ago. He vas largely engaged - I
Ei laol, who died on MarZ i0th, , clock ca n4 is discussed from ev est tak p ople in these ', t wo ye . . I
I me, and t4o timo to eat, drink a I . letings is increaging and indeed -we 1 '. stock in the East and brought up ' I
Cdtten came to CfLnada in the - ear, lind make merry ar4 rejoice at seeing . vie ' The meeting annou ced to be 11116 1 . The:Chmce
I ., ere with him
i helid in Hodgins' Hall on t a 151 h inst. do not kiow of any way, in which the , sev4ral first-olass ani- - .
. .. EIe visited England Jin 187 , re- the fruits of their dabors prospering in f . -
. ..
. . I . "
e(I in May, 1873, and -4as sine( re-, Oeir hands. ellectual feast next wah well attended, and th cozi imittee ople could spend one e* ingeachweek Inals, and his roe atpurchase shows :___
I I ; The pe . I
1 . he tis I
M . John W. Walker, appointed at the previous meeting to more 1 .
Bid0d I the thirdl concessioh, of TUC ierl dame off, pleasantly and profitably. T determination to con#nue on in the , I
011 I I . . and M ' &wussedwas"Nii hich tends most I I We are gla&to have enter- 4 . I .lic
s ithi' .R.S. Therem4ins er(in-:1 11'ast Master, was Ialled to,thechair, ! sol cit shares had the ple ure of in- subject . - .. :
te rie& in McTaggart's c6mfO on, andtheorderfor t1le evening's enter- for ningthose present that ahkres to t0happiness Single or blarried Blessed- prising men of Mr. Gra-uger,astamp I .
. . ry, I - i . au JUID 'CIP
i S q, are 13th, and .ere followed tainment handed h iv ;- siating of a th( amount of nearly..01,200 had been ness," and We are sorry ,;o say, and we 0 j 9ttling, in Hullett. I I ,_ -
IL ,
. - I I :
. .
I I . . I 1 !7 ;
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; i , . I I I
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